Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Update
Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Update
S U M M E R 2 0 1 4 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Update 一年半前、気持会はサンマテオの土地購入を発表し、資金調達キャン When we announced the acquisition of our Kimochi San Mateo site and embarked on the KSM Capital Campaign 18 months ago, we faced a $2.5 million fundraising challenge ($2.0 million for construction, $500,000 for equipment and furnishings). But we kept an eye to the end goal: a home in San Mateo County to support Peninsula seniors and their families and caregivers, a new kitchen for home-delivered meals, a family caregiver support program, and day services for seniors -- all in the Kimochi tradition of care. ペーンを開始しました。わたしたちは、ペニンシュラ地区のシニアとそ の家族、世話人をサポートするためサンマテオ群にホームを建て、食事 を宅配するためのキッチンと、家族の世話人をサポートするプログラム とシニアへのデイサービスを提供する、つまり気持会の伝統であるケア を提供するために、2億5千万ドルの資金調達(2億ドルの建築費、内部 造作や家具に5千万ドル)に邁進しています。 キャンペーンを始めて以来、多くの方々に援助をいただき心温まる思 Since that kick-off, it has been gratifying that so many of you have rolled up your sleeves to help. With collective support from friends and families, community and corporations, we have gotten closer to raising the necessary dollars to start construction. As of midsummer, the KSM Capital Campaign has reached the $1.66 million mark under the leadership of Capital Campaign Honorary Chair, Steve Okamoto, CoChairs, Sandy Mori and John Noguchi, and Kimochi senior management, Steve Nakajo, Executive Director, and Anna Sawamura Higaki, Program Director. いです。友人や家族、 コミュニティーや企業からもまとまった助成を得 て、おかげさまで工事開始に必要な資金の調達にあと一歩というところ まで来ています。 「気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーン」は、キャン ペーンの名誉委員長スティーブ・オカモト、共同委員長ジョン・ノグチと サンディー・モリ、気持会シニアマネジャーのスティーブ・ナカジョウ、代 表ディレクターのアナ・サワムラ・ヒガキのリーダーシップに支えられて、 これまでに1億6千6百万ドルを集めることができました。 この春には、 トモエ・タカハシ夫人から多大なる助成を得ました。 タカハ This spring, with enormous gratitude, Kimochi San Mateo accepted a major gift from Mrs. Tomoye Takahashi. Mrs. Takahashi said she gave “because I could help, and I hope this inspires others to continue to give generously, too.” She was シ夫人は、 「これを契機に、多くの方が触発され助成してくださるように なればいいですね。」 と仰っています。多くの方が気持会のミッションに 賛同し、サンマテオホームの現実に向けて寄付してくださっているのを 続き3ページ continued on page 3 1 A Message from the Executive Director 2014年夏、事務局長から Summer is here and brings a wonderful, new energy to our Japantown community. School is out, tourists abound, and I enjoy old friends coming back to visit with me -- to talk about family, life, and for many, their retirement plans and life after work. These “Baby Boomers” are who I now think about as we plan for Kimochi’s future. I am also a Baby Boomer and find myself seriously contemplating life as an aging Sansei. Steve Nakajo MSW, Executive Director I also see many new faces -- young students of all ages, from grade school to college graduates, who are looking for a connection to Kimochi. They are genuinely interested in hearing my story and Kimochi’s vision for developing a meaningful, inter-generational approach to support families as they face the aging of their parents and grandparents. They are our future and their involvement in our programs and services is essential. Without them, our mission and philosophy loses meaning. But summer always brings them to visit and volunteer, and it is wonderful that our services continue to be valued and respected. Kimochi, Inc. 2014 Board of Directors Thank you all for helping and supporting us! Paul Chin, Chairperson Steve Nakajo Executive Director Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Mark Moriguchi Treasurer Rod Henmi Mari Kawaguchi Ellen Kiyomizu Eric Kobuchi Benh Nakajo Peter Namkung John Noguchi Kyle Oura 夏になり、 わたしたち日本町コミュニティーにも活気が生まれています。学校は夏休みで、街りには観光客が ふえました。 わたしも、 訪ねてきてくれた旧友と、 家族や暮らし、 また皆さんと同じように退職後の計画などを話 したりしています。気持会の将来を考えると、 わたしはベビーブーム世代のことを思います。 わたしもその世代 で、高齢化していく日系三世として、 こらからの人生を真剣に考えてしまいます。 街には新顔も見かけます。 こどもから新しく社会人となった若者まで、年齢はさまざまですが、 みな一様に気 持会に興味を示しています。高齢化した親や祖父母を持つ家族をサポートし、 それを世代間で担っていく気 持ち会の方針や活動に、高い関心を示してくれています。 わたしたちの将来は彼らにかかっていますから、彼 らに気持会のさまざまなプログラムやサービスに関わってもらいたいと思います。彼らなしに気持ち会の将来 はありません。夏が来るたびに、新しい世代が気持会を訪ね、 ボランティアとして関わることで、我われの活動 の大切さやその意義が継承されていくのをうれしく思います。 気持会へのみなさまのご助力にお礼申し上げます。 Dennis Sato Michi Yukawa Jane Yura 2 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Update ‘Moving Forward Together’ 最新情報気持会サンマテオ・資金調達キャンペーン「一緒に前進しよう」 continued from page 1 • 1ページの続き 知って喜んでおられました。 タカハシ夫人と亡夫のヘンリ・タカハシさん delighted to hear that so many believed in Kimochi’s mission as well and have given generously to see our San Mateo home come to fruition. は、日系コミュニティー、特に気持会を長年にわたり支援してくださいま した。気持会が最初の運営事務所を、1999年に1715ブキャナンストリ Mrs. Takahashi and her late husband, Henri Takahashi, have been long-time supporters of the community and Kimochi, in particular. They were guardian angels when Kimochi first built the administration building, in 1999, at 1715 Buchanan Street. The Takahashi’s generous gift helped us establish our home-base of operations, a site which was purchased from Masateru Tatsuno, owner of the Nichi Bei Bussan department store in the Buchanan Mall. ートに建設したときも、 タカハシご夫妻の大きな援助により、 ブキャナン モールの日米物産デパート店のオーナー、マサテル・タツノさんから土 地を購入し、そこに気持会のホームベースを設立できました。 このたび、気持会サンマテオ慈善食事会「一緒に前進しよう」では、 タカ ハシ夫人に特別感謝状を贈ることにしています。慈善食事会は、9月6日 にサンマテオ・カレッジ(1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard) で開かれます。 進行役はジャン・ヤネヒロさんとKNTV局のマイク・イノウエさん、 コレッ Kimochi will present a special recognition to Mrs. Takahashi at our Kimochi San Mateo benefit, “Moving Forward Together.” The benefit dinner event will take place at the College of San Mateo, 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard in San Mateo on September 6th, 2014. The evening will feature Jan Yanehiro and KNTV’s Mike Inouye as emcees, musical entertainment by Colette Ikemi and a live and silent auction. All proceeds will go toward getting us further to our Capital Campaign goal. ト・イケミさんが音楽のエンターテイメントは担当し、 ライブオークショ ンとサイレントオークションも行われます。収益金は全て資金調達キャ ンペーンに充てられます。 その折りに、 「気持ち会サンマテオ寄付者ウォール」のお披露目をしま す。そこでは、 これまで資金調達に貢献いただいた2千5百ドル以上の 寄付者を紹介します。 タカハシ夫人をはじめ、気持会役員で「メアリー・ That evening, we will also unveil the KSM Donor Wall and イシアキ10万ドルチャレンジ助成金」を提供してくださったメアリー・イ recognize the generous $2,500 or larger gifts that contributed シアキさん、故ショージ・ホリコシさん(気持会の元取締委員長)を偲ん to reaching $1.66 million to date. Among them are, of course, で寄付されたホリコシ一家、その他大勢の方を顕彰します。いまでも募 Mrs. Takahashi, gifts from Board Member, Mary Ishisaki, inclusive of her $100,000 Challenge Grant, the Horikoshi 金者の_パーセント近くが、このペニンシュラ/サンマテオ地区の在住 family for their recent gift in memory of their uncle, Shoji 者です。 Horikoshi, who was also a Kimochi board president, and many more. To date, nearly 40% of the donors are from the 「気持会資金調達キャンペーン」に協力いただいた皆さまに深く感謝 します。 これまで寄付いただいた方のリストは以下の通りです。資金調 Peninsula/San Mateo County. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to the KSM 達は進んでいますが、建設工事を始めるには、まだ8千4百万ドルを集 Capital Campaign – the following lists those who have める必要があります。サンマテオ群に暮らすシニアの皆さんのために generously given between January 1 - July 31, 2014. While も、目標達成に向け引き続き皆さまのご助成をお願い申し上げます。 we have made great progress, there is much hard work ahead before construction can begin. We hope you will join the 気持会サンマテオ慈善食事会「一緒に前進しよう」の招待状は近日中 many who have already given -- the beneficiaries of your gift に郵送する予定です。ご質問、詳細については、アナ・サワムラ・ヒガキ are the San Mateo County seniors. ( 、ユーンスン・チョイ (Ychoi@kimochiWe look forward to your joining us for our Kimochi San Mateo、または電話(415) 931-2294でお問い合わせください。 benefit, “Moving Forward Together” and we greatly appreciate your support to reach our goal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Anna Sawamura Higaki at or YoonSun Choi at or by phone at (415) 931-2294. 3 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions to the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign between January 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014. Gerald Adams J-Sei, Inc. Alice Nakahata Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Anonymous (San Mateo Capital Campaign) Richard B. & Abby Jue Hiroshi & Joyce Nakai Paul J. Tabacco Duane & Susan Kanaya Benh Nakajo Calvin T. Aoyama Akie Karahashi Helen Nakajo Charles Okita & Norma Takahashi Atlas & Janet Arakawa Stephen Katayama Steve & Etsie Nakajo Ricky & Candace Takahashi Madeline Arita Fred & Deanna Kawahara Ken & Karen Nakamura Tomoye Takahashi Vincent Asai Lewis S. Kawahara Bobby Nakata Miyoko N. Takegami Asian Firefighters Association of SF Kyoko Keenon Jane Gorai & Don Ng Rodney M. Takemoto Sherman Chan Karen Kimura Nihonmachi Little Friends Janet Lee Tse Rose Chew Dan & Doreen Nishimi Christine Tso Paul & Cynthia Chin Kinokuniya Bookstores of America Patricia Nishimoto Andrew Urushima Cooper, White & Cooper LLP Kevin & Karen Kitagawa Craig & Kimiyo Nishimura Theodore & Aileen Uyemoto Jack M. & Jun Dairiki Glenn Kiyomura John T. Noguchi June Uyenoyama Calvin & Linda Dare Eric Kobuchi Nellie Noguchi Nicholas & Grace Wada Ramona Kelly Davies Karen Kwong Steve Okamoto Darrow & Lisa Wehara Edmund G. & Jane Q. Dea Yasuko Landa Alice Okazaki Lesley & Gloria Wilmer Grant Din Alson Lee Timothy Ome John Wong Warren Eijima Ken Hanada & Millie Leong Thelma Ong Jeffrey Y. Woo Peter & Phyllis Endow Teresa Chiu & Jeffrey Livingston Gregory Yee & Karen Ono Minoru & Suzanne Yamada Rod Henmi & Lisa Findley Darlene & Bill Lock Diane Endo & Dean Osaki Paul Yamagishi Heather J. Fong Kyoko Lok Oshima Studio, Inc. Ted & Jennifer Yamagishi Bruce Furukawa Lily Lum Kyle & Cindy Oura Michael J. Yamaguchi Garden Court Hotel Fiona Ma PAAWBAC Philip Yamahiro Susan Go Mario Ballard and Associates Howard & Naomi Patridge Rachael Yamashiro Reiko Golobic Greg Matoba Peninsula Health Care District Asa Yonemura Peter & Christina Harada Karyl M. Matsumoto Edmund & Nanci Pieret Craig Yonemura Marc Hershman Carl & Peggy Mayeda Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey San Mateo Japanese American Community Center Todd Yonemura Kazuo Hirai Judy Hisaka Barbara Mendes Dennis & Susie Sato Ben Yoshikawa Richard & Sherri Hong Dennis Miyahira Joel & Christine Sato Lesley Young Haruye Betty Hoshi Linda Miyatake Donald & Marian Seiki Mel Young Roberta Hugh Chris Mochizuki Hiroshi Shimizu Randall & Beverly Young Frank Ikenaga Frank Eiichi Morimoto Kathleen T. Shimizu Dan Liu & Patricia Yuen Ken & Karen Imatani Kay Morimoto Jane Muramoto Yung Mary Ishisaki Hiromi Motojima State Farm Insurance San Mateo El Camino Ann Yasuko Ito Don & Lillian Munakata Nobuko Suruki Naomi Sachi Ishida & Ryan Iwasa Ittsei & Kiriye Nakagawa June Suzuki Seiichi Yoshida Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Committee Steve Okamoto, Honorary Chair Craig Ichiuji Eiichi Morimoto Tats Ogawa Donna Okubo Sandy Mori, Co-chair Paul Inouye June-ko Nakagawa Ann Ohsawa June Uyenoyama John Noguchi, Co-chair David Ishida Peter Namkung Diana Okamoto Ted Yamagishi Ellen Kiyomizu 4 Ways of Giving to Kimochi San Mateo There are many ways that you can support Kimochi San Mateo. Here are some of the current giving options: 気持会サンマテオへのサポート方法は沢山あります。 ごく最近の寄付の選択方法は以下のとうりです。 • 名称権利 • 設備用品等への寄贈 • 創立者の壁 • Naming Opportunities • Equipment Donations • Founders Wall City Officials visit Kimochi Kimochi recently welcomed City Officials to the Kimochi Nutrition program and Kimochi Home. They had a chance to not only meet residents and participants of Kimochi programs and services, but also meet the many hard working volunteers and staff. 2 1 3 Clockwise from left: 1. City Assessor Carmen Chu preparing drinks for Nutrition Program participants 2.Steve Nakajo, City Assessor Carmen Chu, Volunteer Kyle Chan and Board President Paul Chin 3.Steve Nakajo and Assemblymember Phil Ting with Kimochi Home residents 4.Steve Nakajo and Supervisor Scott Wiener enjoying lunch with nutrition program participants 5.Consul General of Japan, Masato Watanabe with staff and volunteers 4 5 5 Kimochi Volunteer Program ボランティア・プログラム 気持会では、 いろいろなプログラムやサービス、資金調達などの活 Volunteers are a much needed and relied upon resource within Kimochi’s Programs & Services and Fundraisers. It is with the assistance of volunteers that Kimochi is successful in providing a continuum of care for seniors. From as little as one hour to a few hours a day, your volunteer support makes a huge difference. There are many areas in which you can volunteer: 動に協力いただくボランティアを求めています。 そのサポートがあっ てこそ気持会の活動が続けられ、 シニアの皆さんのお世話ができ ます。 たとえ一日に1時間から数時間でもかまいません、皆さんのサ ポートが必要です。 食事のお世話 Nutrition Program 月曜日から金曜日、 その必要に応じて活動の時間帯は変わります。 Times vary depending on need, Monday through Friday. 食事の用意:キッチンスタッフのアシスタントとして、 ホームで提供 Food Preparation: Assist kitchen staff in the food preparation of meals including both congregate and home-delivered meals する食事と、宅配用の食事の準備をしていただきます。 Congregate Meals: On-site assistance in serving meals, bussing and re-setting of dining room for as many as 400 seniors daily ニングルームのセッティングなどがあります。 配膳:毎日400人前後のシニアへの配膳、食器の片付け、 またダイ 宅配:毎日平均して120人分の食事を在宅のシニアに届けます。配 Home Delivered Meals: We deliver an average of 120 meals daily to home-bound seniors and we have many delivery routes that involve walking or driving. Volunteers can walk and deliver, or accompany and assist the Home Delivered Meal Driver in providing much needed meals 5 days a week アの皆さんには、徒歩やあるいはドライバーのアシスタントとして配 Kimochi Home 年間を通して活動してくださる方を求めています。時間帯は月曜か Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday year round, between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ら金曜日の午前9時から午後3時です。 達には徒歩や運転など、 さまざまな方法が多くあります。 ボランティ 達のサポートをしていただきます。 気持ちホーム エスコート:毎日の散歩や外出のお供をしていただきます。 Escorts: Escort our seniors on daily walks or on an outing 受付:電話の応対や、 シニアや来客への対応。 Receptionists: Answer phones and greet our seniors and guests プログラム:ビンゴや、 さまざまなゲーム、 アート&クラフト、書道な Activities: Assist seniors in group activities from Bingo, Games, Arts & Crafts, and Calligraphy to name a few. ど、 シニアがグループで活動する際のアシスタントをしていただきま す。 Projects: Available on case by case basis from handyman jobs ホームの修理や庭の手入れ (fix and repair), to gardening (planting, weeding, pruning), to 修繕や庭の手入れなど:必要に応じて、 (植えつけ、除草、剪定など)、 そのほか事務処理などのお手伝いを office assistance (clerical, etc.) していただきます。 Fundraisers 資金集め Schedule based on date of event, year round opportunities 年間を通して、資金集めのためのイベントを行っています。 Fundraisers are an integral piece of our Programs and Services. Without them, we could not provide the level of programs and 資金の調達は、気持会ならではのさまざまなプログラムやサービス services that we are known for. Whether selling our famous を維持するのに欠かせません。人気がある 「テリバーガー」 の販売、 Teri-burgers or being part of a committee like Sansei Live!, your 「三世ライブ!」など数々のイベントでは、実行委員会のメンバーと services are key to a successful fundraiser. Plus, it is a great way して皆さんが参加してくださることで資金調達が可能となります。何 to meet other volunteers and work together! よりもボランティア同士が出会い、協力し、 ともに活動できるのが大 きな魅力です。 ぜひご参加ください。 Steve Okamoto pictured with his wife Diana. 6 Kimochi Volunteer Spotlight 持会ボランティアスポットライト 4月20日にカブキ・ホテルであった 「第27回桜祭りシニア感謝ブ Long time volunteer, Mrs. Eiko Shintake, was honored at the 27th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival Senior Appreciation Brunch held on April 20, 2014 at the Hotel Kabuki. ランチ会」で、気持会で長年ボランティアをされたエイコ・シンタ ケさんが表彰されました。シンタケさんは、数人の議員から、 さら Mrs. Shintake received certifications of commendation from several elected officials, highlighted by a special certificate from Consul General Watanabe for her volunteer efforts and commitment to the Japanese community. She and her husband, Sadao, are long time San Franciscans and Mrs. Shintake has been volunteering for Kimochi for more than 10 years. にはサンフランシスコ日本総領事館の渡邉正人総領事から日 系コミュニティーへの貢献を称える 特別表彰状を受け取られました。エ イコさんと夫のサダオさんは長年サ ンフランシスコで暮らしており、エイ コさんの気持会でのボランティア歴 は10年をこえます。週に2回、毎回バ スを2回乗り換えて、朝の8時前には Despite an hour-long commute by 気持会に着き、400食をこえるシニ bus that includes two transfers, Mrs. Shintake faithfully comes to アの食 事の準 備をお手 伝いいただ Kimochi before 8:00 a.m. at least いています。彼女は「おしゃもじ」係と two times a week to help staff して、目分量で適格にご飯を盛るエ prepare more than 400 meals a day for our seniors. She is our キスパートです。今年83歳になる彼 Shamoji (Japanese rice paddle) and Mrs. Eiko Shintake receives special certificate from Consul General Watanabe 女は、 「 多くの方に気持ちのこもった エイコ・シンタケさん、サンフランシスコ総領事渡邉氏から特別表彰 portioning expert. At 83 years of おいしいランチを提供する役割を担 age, she says she is grateful to be given the opportunity to contribute something good and meaningful for other people えてうれしい」 と話しています。 -- a delicious lunch made with “kimochi.” シニア感謝ブランチ会では、カレン・コレマツさんが司会を務め Serving as Mistress of Ceremonies for the Appreciation Brunch was Karen Korematsu, Executive Director and CoFounder of the Fred T. Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights Education. Tanako Hagiwara was featured as the guest speaker. Ms. Hagiwara is a world class senior swimmer who has competed in more than 140 meets. Entertainment was provided by Azama Honryu Seifu Ichisen-kai USA Kinuko Mototake Okinawan Dance Academy. てくださいました。彼女はフレッド・T・コレマツ市民権教育研究 所の共同創立者で代表取締役です。ゲストスピーカーは、水泳 で140以上の大会で競技経験のある国際的な水泳選手タナ コ・ハギワラさんでした。 また、米国安座間本流清風一扇会の本 竹絹子琉舞研究所が踊りを披露してくださいました。 シンタケさんの 献 身 的 なサ ービスと、その「 気 持ち」に感 謝 Thank you, Shintake-san, for your dedication, service, and “kimochi.” します。 To inquire about volunteer opportunities, please call us at (415) 931-2294 or email us at and we will be happy to assist in working out a schedule with you. 詳しくお知りになりたい方は、電話でもメイルでもご連絡ください。電話:(415) 931-2294 メイル 7 Easy Tips to Keep our Seniors Summer Ready! シニア世代が夏を過ごすためのヒント From Kimochi Nutritionist, Natalia Covacha 気持会栄養士 ナタリア・コバーチャ Hello, Summer! Beach weather and vacation season are here and this is the perfect time to remind and educate ourselves on how we can keep our family, especially our elderly, hydrated, healthy, and happy during warm weather months. 夏です。心地よい気候と休暇のシーズンがきました。 ここで、暑 い時期を家族や特にシニアが健康で過ごせるように、 しっかりと 水分を補給する方法を考えてみましょう。 まずお水です! H2O is the way to go! Keep hydrated. 水分の補給を忘れずに。熱気から身を守るのには身体が十分 It is imperative to keep your body hydrated to beat the heat. Try to drink at least 5-7 glasses of water a day. Water intake is highly recommended – but some seniors may also prefer a glass of cold flavored waters, teas, and juices which counts toward the glasses-a-day goal. A little variety makes everyone happy. に潤っていることです。毎日グラスで、少なくとも5-7杯のお水を 飲みましょう。 まずお水を飲むのがよいですが、シニアには冷え たフレーバー入りの水、お茶やジュースを好む方もいるでしょ う。水分が取れるのでかまいません。ちょっとしたバリエーショ ンで、みんなが水分の補給ができればよいと思います。 Limit intake of caffeinated drinks and alcohol. カフェインやアルコールの摂取量を抑えましょう。 Avoid or limit your intake of caffeinated drinks such as soda, coffee drinks, and cocktails. Minimize your alcoholic consumption. Fresh fruit drinks such as lemonades and iced tea are advisable as good alternatives. Try Smoothies and light yogurt as well for energy. フルーツドリンク、例えばレモネードやアイスティーなどをお勧め Take advantage of summer’s bounty: fruit. します。スムージーやライトヨーグルトはエネルギー補給にもな 炭酸飲料やコーヒーなど、カフェイン入りドリンクやカクテルの 摂取は、できるだけ避けるか摂取量を控えめにしましょう。アル コール分の摂取を最小限に抑えてください。 そのかわり、新鮮な ります。 Eat or snack on seasonal fruits such as watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberry, figs, blueberries, mangoes, and oranges. These fruits can replenish one’s Vitamin C daily intake. Vegetables like celery, carrots, cucumbers, which you can now buy in To Go and bite-size packages from your local grocery stores and markets, are ideal for on-the-go snacking. Healthy snacking is beneficial to our elderly to provide needed vitamins and nutrients. Daily consumption is highly recommended. 夏の恵み、 フルーツを楽しみましょう。 季節のフルーツのスイカ、メロン、イチゴ、イチジク、ブルーベリ ー、マンゴー、オレンジなどを食べましょう。 フルーツは一日のビ タミンC摂取を補います。最近では、セロリ、ニンジン、キュウリな ど野菜は、近所でも一口サイズにカットして売っています。持ち 運びに便利なスナックとして最適です。ヘルシースナックはビタ ミンや栄養素をたくさん含んでいますから、シニアには高齢者に は大切です。ぜひ毎日摂取しましょう。 And spend your summer with your family and friends. Be safe and have a fun filled summer! 夏は家族や友人と過ごすのが一番です。安全で楽しい夏をお過 ごしください。 8 Kimochi Nutrition Program Menu 気持会ニユートリシヨンプログラムメニユー 9 Ways of Giving to Kimochi, Inc. Help ensure Kimochi’s ability to sustain the Japanese tradition of care and support for seniors will be available for future generations. Your support will help to make sure Kimochi’s programs and services will be available and accessible to all seniors. Kimochi, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization. Contributions to Kimochi, Inc. are tax deductible (Tax I.D. # 23-7117402). There are many ways you can give to Kimochi, Inc. PLANNED GIVING CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES (Endowments, Wills, Trusts, Stocks, Property) We offer businesses tremendous public relations opportunities and high visibility at our special events. Through the Planned Giving program, you may be able to increase income, reduce taxes including estate taxes, and provide for the future of your heirs. • Become our corporate partner through financial support of a fundraising event VEHICLE • Underwrite one of our many special events (accepting operational and non-operational vehicles) • Support employee gifts with matching corporate contributions Donate your used car, truck, recreational vehicle, boat, jet ski or motorcycle. Kimochi will assist in all transaction paperwork (non-liability and title) and will make arrangements to pick-up your vehicle at your convenience. • Contribute in-kind gifts • Provide speaking opportunities at company meetings E-WASTE RECYCLING IN-KIND Get rid of your old electronic waste (TVs, computers, appliances, fax machines, and more) and support Kimochi at the same time! eWaste4good offers free pickup of your working and non-working electronic items. This is an environmentally safe, easy and convenient way to recycle old electronics. Visit to see a list of acceptable items and to schedule a pickup. Make sure you designate Kimochi, Inc. as your organization of choice to receive funds. Donate fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, paper products, gift items, and healthcare equipment and supplies to one or more of Kimochi’s programs. Need for items vary, so please inquire. EMPLOYER GIFT PROGRAMS Designate your annual workplace campaign gift to Kimochi, Inc. or participate in your workplace’s gift match program. UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Way’s Donor Choice Program earmarks your United Way gift to an agency of your choice. Designate your gift to Kimochi, Inc. on the United Way Campaign donation form. For additional information about giving to Kimochi, please contact Executive Director Steve Nakajo at (415) 931-2294 or or Associate Director Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or 10 寄付の仕方いろいろ 気 持 会 が日本 の 伝 統 的なシニアケアを継 続できるように、そして次 世 代にも継 承できるよう、皆 様 のご 支 援を お願いしています。全てのシニアが 気 持ホームの 各 種プログラムとサービスを利 用できるよう皆 様 のご 協 力が 必 要です。気 持 会は5 0 1 ( C ( ) 3 )の 非 課 税を受けられる非 営 利 団 体です。気 持 会 への 寄 付は免 税となります。 ( T a x I D # 2 3 - 7 1 1 7 4 0 2 )様々な方 法で気 持 会に寄 付することが 可 能です。 遺産の計画寄付 (寄贈、遺言、信託、株式、不動産) 計 画 寄 付プログラムによって、ご自身の収 入 増 加 、不 動 産税を含む税金額の減少、相続人の安定した将来を可 能にします。 乗用車 (運転可能かどうか問わず) 中 古 車 、トラック、トレーラー 、ボート、ジェットスキー やバイクを寄 付してください。気 持 会 が 必 要な書 類 手 続きを代 行し、ご都 合の良い時に乗 用車を取りに伺い ます。 現物寄付 新鮮な果物、野菜、花、紙製品、贈答品、ヘルスケア機器 と消耗品を気持プログラムに寄付できます。必要な物か どうかお問い合わせください。 職場でのギフトブログラム 職場で年間キャンペーンギフトとして気持会のために寄 付を集める、あるいは会社のギフトマッチプログラムに参 加して寄付できます。 UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA 企業での寄付機会 大変貴重なPRのチャンスになります。気持会のイベント で企業アピールができます。 • 気 持 会の企 業パートナーとして、ファンドレイジングイ ベントを金銭的に支援する。 • 職員の寄 付 活 動をサポートし、集まった金 額と同額を 企業も寄付する。 •現物での寄付 •企業ミーティングで講演会を提供 電化製品廃棄物リサイクル 不 要 になったなった 電 化 製 品 廃 棄 物( T V, P C ,ファ ックス機 など )を処 分 、同 時 に気 持 会 をサポートでき ます。e W a s t e 4 g o o d は 、要らなくなった 電 化 製 品( 使 用 可 能 、不 可 能 を 問 わず )を 無 料 でピックアップ してくれます。これ は 不 要 になった 電 化 製 品 をリサイ クル する 環 境 にやさしくて 便 利 な 方 法 で す。w w w . e Wa s t e 4 g o o d . c o mのホームページでは受け付けて いる電 化 製 品を一 覧 でき、ピックアップ 予 約 ができま す。基 金 受 付のグループに気 持 会を指 定してください。 気持会への寄付に関するお問い合わせは、事務局長スティー United Wayのドナーチョイスプログラムでは、United ブ・ナカジョウまで(415)931-2294、snakajo@kimochiWa y への寄 付を指 定したグループに割り当てることが (415)931できます。United Wayのキャンペーン寄付申込書で気 inc.orgあるいは、副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ 2294、sishii@kimochi-inc.orgまでご連絡ください。 持会をご指定ください。 11 Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between September 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of with a donation gift to Kimochi. Roy Abbey Ayako & Peter Yee Hats Aizawa David Ishida Bessie Wong Kodis Isamu Sam Nao Wally Chan Lucky Fung Linda Choun Darcy Mackay June Eijima Ken & Yoshiko Ho Hiroshi Fukuda Yasuko Fukuda, M.D. Noboru Hanyu Fusaye Kato Masayuki Hattori Yukiko Hattori Mitsuko Toyama Jitsuo Higashi Eiko Aoki Carla Asuka Mark & Yumi Berman Cici Cheung Jose & Rosa Ebalo Amy Edgerby Krisztina Emodi Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Barney & Joyce Hata Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma Eddie & Etsuko Kanenaga Kenji Kunoshita Susan Lasell James McKinley Elaine Migliore Lolita Morada Leslie Morishita Emily M. Murase Thitram Nguyen Edward Nishimoto Jerry & Eleanor Osumi William Pigeon Sheila & Brian Shaw Yoko Sumida Vicky Tran Rena Waks James & Bernadette Weslow Minoru & Suzanne Yamada John & Chitose Yasumoto Frank & Terri Masamori Tyler Masamori Ronald Kobata Terry Lee Bonnie Manning Will & Myrna Tsukamoto Kiyo Matsuki Alfred & Atsuko Matsuki Benh Nakajo Michiko Horio Janet Ninomiya Fred Y. Matsumoto Donald & Kay Ito Isabel Huie All American Trophy Supply George Matsumoto Teri Matsumoto Shigeko Ichimoto Marion Dietzen Minoru Matsumoto Michiko Matsumoto George Ikenaga Mary Ikenaga Hedy Matsuno Frank Matsuno Leona Nakagawa Robert & Mary Oka Aiko Inouye Jill Niizawa Lynn Niizawa Shizuko Okino Kelvin & Margaret Mitani Russell & Linda Takei Akiko Ishii Steven & Linda Sekino Omori Carolyn Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Ben Ishisaki Charlie Toyooka Shigeo Mitsuda Bill Fukumitsu Toshio Mitsuda Nancy K. Nakai Steve & Etsie Nakajo Margo Jung Keiko Akashi Nancy K. Nakai Hitoshi & Mariko Takeshita Sumako Helen Takeshita Toshiko & Harold Miyake Ruth Posey Atsuko Jurenes Noriko Takikawa Akemi Yoshimoto Martha Miyamoto Glenn Miyamoto Setsuko Kagehiro Michael S. Kagehiro Aya Mizono Jill K. Mizono Minoru Katsuyama Setsuko Katsuyama George Mizono Shelley Yamane James Kawanishi Kazuko Kawanishi John Mizono Flo Acohido Benkyodo Co. Arthur & Ruby Chen Donald Chew Lisa Clay William Elliott Eric Fujii Lisa & Jon Fujiwara Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Bill Fukumitsu June Furuichi Shirley Furuichi Alyce Furuya Wally & Mildred Hamada David Hayashi Norman Hersch Wayne & Chris Hiroshima Ronald Hiura Raymond Hom Mary Ann & Keith Ichikawa Mr. & Mrs. Ikeda Richard & Rose Ikeda Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma Michael & Vickie Ina Ron Ishida Mary Ishisaki Hisako Kimura Keija Kimura Norm Kobayashi Aline Christiansen Yuri Kochiyama Steve & Etsie Nakajo Po San Hong All American Trophy Supply Nobuko Kumai Gary Ervin Ellen Hiromura Mr & Mrs John Kobayashi Tom Kumai Leatrice Saito Judy Sit Ethel Webb Teresa Yoshimura Nancy Hoo Carmen B. Mendieta Motoko Kumamoto Emyko Sakakura Shoji Horikoshi Lawrence Birch Frances Escobar Mary Ishisaki William Kidd Mitsuko Lee Yoshiko Lohuis Shigeko Mamiya Scott Y. Mamiya 12 Judy Ishizu Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Eleonora Karanauskas Dan & Julie Kataoka Sharon & Gary Kato Kiki Kawabata Frank Kawasaki Caryn & Darrick Kaya Alan & Silvia Kitashima Gordon Kunisaki Rod & Julie Kunisaki George & Sachi Kuwatani Melissa Kuyama Gary & Nancy Lee Chien Lin Lynn A. Maeyama Mark & Missy Maeyama David Maruyama H. Masaoka Agnes & Robert Masuda Roger N. and Janice A. Matsui Stanley Matsumoto Robert Matsumura Phyllis & Kinya Matsuno Jean Matsuura Toshio Mitsuda Jill K. Mizono Gary & Lorin Mizuiri Dale Minami & Sandra Mori Arrice Mori Benh Nakajo Steve & Etsie Nakajo Kaz Nakamoto Catherine & Lee Nakamura Dianne Fukami & Gerry Nakano Peter & Lynne Nakaso Gail & Paul Nakayama Ken & Carol Neishi Alecia & Thomas O’Donnell Steven & Linda Sekino Omori Kay Onishi Eric & Tiffany Osada Oto Bailey Burdick Fukumoto & Mishima, Inc. Joy Perdue George & Mildred Pon Joni Pon Robert & Alicia Sakai Rick & Peggy Sakuda Aiko & Craig Sano Helen & Kenneth Sato Brian & Judy Schindler Sim Seiki Clifford Shidawara James Shidawara Tami Shidawara-Vasquez Kevin Shin Dan & Jan Smith Robert S. Stein Jay & Diane Stewart Nancy Sugimoto Tak & Gladys Taketa Jim & Jan Tamura Ted & Susan Tanisawa Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Carole & Herbert Teramae Diane A. Tokugawa Paula Tokugawa Yae Tondo Charlie Toyooka Gerald Tsukahira Lew Tsukahira Himeo Tsumori Kimi Tsutsui Debbie & Darryl Uyeda Geri & Dennis Uyeda Marchell & Dean Uyeda Jansen & Lean Wong Lettie & Percy Wong James Yamada Akiko Yamagishi Donald I. Yamagishi Mary Yanagi Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi George Yin Yuri Yokota Doug Yoshimura Kim & Fello Young Frank Morino Barbara Morino Florence S. Nagamoto Julia Tomiko Nagamoto Chiyoko Nagase Gene T. Nagase Winslow Nakagawa Frank Matsuno Sumi L. Niizawa Akio Inouye Tsuneo Inouye Fusako Kimoto Rena Kumai Katie Makishima Shirley Shigeko Murakami Elsie Mutobe Terry Narasaki Judy Niizawa Betty Nishi Nana Nishida Nogata Family Gary & S. Carol Ono Elaine Sato Mary Suyenaga Daisy Tsujimoto Pat Wong Helen Yawata Mary Young Takara & Kaoru Noda Tom & Marilyn Swartz May Ochi Somao Ochi Mitsuo David Ogawa Denise Anderson Madeline Crisafi Eleyne Fia Paula Goff Neil Nakagawa Cheryl Ng Hubert & Lana Pun Dina Sit Terry Yamamoto Keith Young Ronald Ong Lowell & Donna Kimura Eiko Ono Hiroko Ono Gloria Oyama Byron J. Oyama Ryo Saito Shirley Higuchi Yasuko Sako Tom Kawakami Dora Sato Jeff & Sandy Aoki Edward Arikawa Buddhist Church of SF Julia Chew Jane Haruye Gentile Tom & Gaylene Hoshiyama Michael S. Kagehiro Beck & Ben Kageyama Jessie Koga George & Sachi Kuwatani Sai & Sue La Ina & Jon Lockwood Shirley Masuda Helen M. Matoi Roland & June Minami Tosh Mitsuda Robert Mizono Jim Morinaga Fred & Leslie Yee Murata Susan & George Nakagawa Benh Nakajo Harry T. & Anna Nomura Somao Ochi Ricky & Glenda Okamura Phyllis & Ned Rendell Mary P. Saito Joyce A. Satow Hiko Shimamoto Tomita Famila Jim & Sharon Wada James & Doris Yee Eugene & Careen Yokoyama Ryo Sato Ruth Berlin Mary Shintaku Bob Masaru Shintaku Gin So Sharon So Mabel Soo Lydia Tanji Yukiko Sorrell Harriet Friedman Leila Van Gelder Shingyoku Nishizawa Dii Lewis & Joyce Oishi Elin Ouye Marshall Sumida Yuki Murakami Steve & Etsie Nakajo Masako Suzuki Ray Hayame Kato/Lang Families Shelley Kennedy Sai & Sue La Stephen & Jeanie Low Mark & Marjorie Medress Toshio Mitsuda Benh Nakajo Steve & Etsie Nakajo Scott & Sandy Nakamura Somao Ochi Ricky & Glenda Okamura Dennis & Susie Sato Dora Sato David T. Shida Donald Tachiki Tomita & Kyotow Family Dennis & Marsha Tsujimoto Gary & Rui Wong Frank Yamasaki Isamu Yoneyama Nancy Yoneyama Charlotte Y. Takahashi All American Trophy Supply Nobukazu Takahashi Julie Takahashi Nora Takeoka Rodger Fujinaga Laura Takeuchi Stephen Higashi Harvey & Gay Kaplan Lawrence & Karen Nunotani Kern Tak & Pat Yamamoto Nora Takioka Nellie Noguchi Lawrence Tan Eng Ng Frank Tanaka Hiroko Arai Amey Ashizawa Byron & Jan Der Louise Fong Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Randall & Denise Go Yukiko Hattori Ron & Cynthia Hiura Ken & Yoshiko Ho Judy Y. Hruska Kazue K. Ihara Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma John Ishizuka Tadao Kajiko Arthur S. Kitagawa Kikue Kiyasu Lucille Kong Morris & Jane Kosakura Donald Lam Jeanne Lowe 13 Scott Y. Mamiya Sachiko Matsumura Toshio Mitsuda Yoichi & Grace Mitsutome Benh Nakajo Steve & Etsie Nakajo Lawrence H. Nakamura Scott & Sandy Nakamura Tokie Nerio Alice Ninomiya Mary Jo Obayashi Alice M. Ochi Mickie Ochi Somao Ochi Kay Onishi Misao Otsuki Joyce Runde Hisaji Q. Sakai Walter & Harumi Serata Misako Sumida Lorraine Suzuki Edith Tanaka Marilyn & Roger Tanaka Will & Myrna Tsukamoto Hiroko Uratsu Patricia Kay Wada Amy Wakamatsu Rachael Yamashiro Seiichi Yoshida George Teragawa All American Trophy Supply Steve & Etsie Nakajo Jane Tochiura Helen Okamoto Kiku & Ryuji Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Ryuji & Kiku Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Helen Tsudaka Tashiko Tsudaka Don Uyeda Somao Ochi Masuyo Wada Patricia Kay Wada Hatsuno Yamamoto Jill K. Mizono George Yamasaki Masae Murai Takeshi Yamashita Thomas & Karen Morioka Carl Yano Glory N. Yoshizaki Marcella Yano Nancy Livingston George Yoshida Steve & Etsie Nakajo Toki Yoshioka Ko Miyamoto Donations in Honor Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between September 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014. Names in bold identify those who have been honored with a donation gift to Kimochi. Willi & Minako Beusch Barbara Goto Suyehiro Eva Chang Samuel Chang Richard Hirayama Harry T. & Anna Nomura Joe & Fumi Kawasaki Willi & Minako Beusch May Matsunaga Matthew & Joan Lichty Steve Nakajo Hatsumi Ishii Brendan O’Leary Brian & Kristi Ogawa Donna Cervelli Hiroko Ono Pat Orr Owen Wong Lowell & Donna Kimura Jack & Sumi Tanabe Michael K. Beusch Marcella Yano Darlene Masamori May Moy Grant Tomioka Misako Sumida Pat Okamoto David Higaki K.R. Higaki Shig & Chiyo Takao Rosalyn Tonai Sue Pon Arthur & Yoshiko Yoshihara Sandra Schuster Tomomi Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Donations Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between September 1, 2013 and July 31, 2014. Hisashi Abe Megan Fujisaka Lynda Hung Won Ae Kim Cecilia Ajemian Koichi Fukuda June Ikeda Todd A. Kimoto Keiko Akashi Yoneichi Fukui Raymond Ikeda Karen Kimura Yoshihiro Aoyama Chiyoko Fukumoto Frank Ikenaga Thomas Kitaguchi Tom & Akiko Arikawa GE United Way Campaign John Ino Aiko Kitano Seiso & Hideko Arita April Gee Howard Inouye Kikue Kiyasu Asian Pacific Fund Don S. Gee Charles Ishii Sachiko Kjerbo AT&T Employee Giving Gail Horita Gee Mas & Barbara Ishikawa Yvonne Ko Ann Azama Google Inc. Mary Ishisaki Jessie Koga Bank of America Naomi Gould Takako Ishizaki Mariko Kometani Benkyodo Co. Thomas & Terri Guh Sachie Iwate Toru Konishi John Bitner Kristine Hachiya Japantown Foundation SF Atsushi Kurotori California Pacific Medical Center/ Matthew Hada Lawrence Joe Jose Lacrosby Sutter Health Mutsumi Mitzi Hada Margo Jung Winnie Lam Terrence L. Chan Gordon & Amy Hamachi Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Yasuko Landa William & Gayle Chan Tomio & Kimi Hamai Eveyree Sharon Kain Bette Landis Young L. Chang Noboru Hanyu Kaiser Permanente Community David & Gwen Lang Kevin D. Chin Kimie Hatano Giving Mary Law Christ United Presbyterian Church Pat Hattori Hope Kamimoto Hisako S. Lee Gabrielle Chua Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Toshiko Kamishita Jeffrey Lee Myung K Chung Tsuneko Hellerstein Chieko Kaneki Miyoko Lee Community Health Charities Ann Y. Higaki Christina Kangbjorman Soon Lee Kiyoko Cuddy Kazuo Hirai Harvey & Gay Kaplan Levi Strauss & Co. Ronald Dere Yoshiko Hironaka Miki Kasai Levi Strauss Foundation Joan Dickert Don Hirose Brent Kato Wei Liao Warren Doo Wayne & Chris Hiroshima George Kawase Local Independent Charities of Kiyoko K. Dorsey Lloyd & Naomi Hiura Yoko M. Kawata America Richard Eijima Michiko Hom Kyoko Keenon Wayne D. & Carole T. Lowe Franklin Templeton Investments William Hoo Sylvia Kihara Frank & Yoko Lum George and Linda Fujimoto Chidori Hoy Chun Kim Taka MacDonald 14 Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Sachio Mae Thomas Okazaki Randy & Linda Shigio John Tsukahara Atsuko Malbourne Harusue Ogawa Estate of Tashiko Shimizu John & Marjorie Tsukamoto Scott Y. Mamiya Janice Ogi Jeanette Shinsako Keiko Tsukano Frederick Martin J. June Ohara Richard Shintaku Kikuye Tsuyuki Jeff & Kathy Maruyama Kazumatsu Ohno Eddie & Margie Shiozaki Yukie Uchiyama Gary & Irene Masada George Omi Zane Shironitta Tad & Mitsuko Umemoto Michiko Masuda Daniel. W. & Diane M. Omori- Hom Hajime Sujishi Umeya Rice Cake Company Josephine & Sumi Matsuda Yoko Ono Lennon Mo Jung Sun Union Bank Jayne M. Matsui William & Louise Osada Michiko and Jiro Taguchi United Airlines Daphne Matsumoto Yuko Osaka Tom & Aiko Takahara United Way California Capital Region Robert Matsumura Aiko Oshita Kay Teru Takahashi United Way, Inc. May Matsunaga Chieko Ostigaard Irene Takasuka United Way Silicon Valley Maximum Mobility, Inc. Mr. Atsuyuki Ota & Nancy Ota J. Takata United Way Special Distribution Acct. METTA FUND S. John Ota George T. & Rosalind Takeda Keith & Pam Uyeda Kazuko & Masami Miyamoto Kimihiro Outa Rodney M. Takemoto Sachiye Uyemoto Ko Miyamoto Nancy Ozaki Atsuko D. Takeshita Visa Givingstation Sumiko Miyata Takako Pang Elizabeth Takeshita Ching Ying Wang Chiyoko Mizutani Kimiko Pastoral Sumako Helen Takeshita Aileen Watanabe, M.D. Ronald Morimoto Peet’s Coffee & Tea Jimmie H. Takeuchi Yuzo Watanabe Michael Morris People Making A Difference Campaign Jack & Sumi Tanabe Wells Fargo Community Support John & Susan Muranishi Pota Perimenis Brenda & Trent Tanaka Campaign Mutsu & Aki Murashige PG&E Corporation Setsuko Tanaka Gustav Williges Teru Murata PG&E Corporation Foundation Shigeko S. Tanaka Harry Wong Chiyeko Nagareda Portland Grant Wilson Tang Kiyoko Wong Shigeru Nakabe Ruth Posey Hiroyuki Taniguchi Tiger Wong Toshiko Nakabe PWC Neal Taniguchi Winnie Wong Earl & Cynthia Nakahara Keiko & John Quan Michiko Tashiro Penny Wortham Donald T. Nakahata Kelvin Quan Steven & Kathy Terusaki Matsuko Yamagishi Nancy K. Nakai Fumiko Saito Tae Teruya Raymond Yamagishi Marcia Nakamura Mieko Saito Tides Foundation Masu Yamaguchi Kin Cheong Ng Warren Saito Larry Toji Karen Yamamoto Norma Esherick Nishida Kiyoshi Sakakura Yoshimi Tokugawa Joyce Yamasaki David Tetsuo Nishimoto San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Tokiko Tom Claire M. Yamashita Gary G. & Hiromi Nomura George Sasaki James & Jean Tominaga Tomiko Yamauchi Kyoto Nonaka Noriko Sato Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Jason Yasumoto Sachiko Norbury Sam & Jean Sato Mitsuko Toyama Shizuko Yoka Roger Noss Joyce A. Satow Travelers George Yoshida Edward T. Ochi Sam & Yuki Seiki Truist Lori Yoshida Edward & Lois Oda Kikuyo Sekino Hideko Tsuchiya Chiyo Yoshihara Toshiko Okawachi Walter & Harumi Serata Stan & Kiko Tsujisaka Stacey I. & Jane S. Zones Setsuko Okazaki Fumio Shibata Wayne Tsujisaka Help support Kimochi’s programs and services in our continuum of care for seniors and their families. You can donate online at or call (415) 931-2294. 15 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers! The continuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from January 2013 – July 2014: Naomi Acdan Antonio Aguilar Johanna Albar Erina Alejo Tim Kosuke Ando Masaaki Aoyama Mieko Arai Shizuko Arai Akiko Arikawa Haruyo Balistreri Yayoi Baker Beth Bakersketan Majessa Barksdale Annie Baumgartaer Nina Bazan Anita Beckley Dave Bernardo Kate Blessing Mitzi Brain Bob Branconi Lizzy Breaux Nick Breaux Mike Brennan Meagan Brown Taeko Byrne Lauren Burkhart Fumiko Butler Hazel Butterfield Dan Callahan Piergiovanni Calvani Kim Carlson Jeff Carpenter Pierce Cavanaugh Angie Chan Elise Chan Jenny Chan Sydney Chan Tracey Chan Tracy Chan Brian Chang Helen Chang Chuan-Wen Chen Edwin Chen Jessica Chen Valerie Chen Matthew Cheney Stephanie Cheung Arlyn Chew Jim Chew Jordan Chin Paul Chin Elsie Ching Matthew Ching Claudia Chiu Jon Cho Monica Cho Jeremy ChristopherAdrian Helen Chun Arthur Chyan James Clark David Clary Devin Clary Susan Connell Andrea Conway Kristy Corbit Claire Covacha Julia Custodio Lionell Daggs Moto Daijo Jack Dairiki Keiko Dam Ally Dameshghi Mark De Leon Paul Der Ver Hideko Devine Kenneth Dinou George Dombrovski Elizabeth Driskill Matt Driskill Anamaria Dunn Bo Duong Sebastian Duong Ethan Ehwan Masayuki Endo Norma Esherick Matt Estonina Anastashia Evans Rebecca Feng Watsunya Ferreira Chiu-San Fok Samantha Freitag Mark Frey Ami Fujii Yoshiko Fujimoto Satoru Fujimura Setsuko Fukuhara Tori Fukumitsu Kazuko Fukumoto Jean Fukunaga Ryoko Fukuoka Akimi Funatori Rachel Fung Gen Furukawa Eiko Furuya Maya Futamura Sachie Iso Minako Ito Yuri Ito Saniya Izbeir Armeka Jackson Jr. Naomi Jabami Diana Jang Daun Jeon Donald Jew Emma Jordan Masa Jow Atsuko Jurenes Yoko Kamimura Rie Kan Akie Karahashi Leyland Kato Teruko Kauhi Mari Kawaguchi Kona Kawai Tom Kawakami Yuriko Keenan Midori Kennedy Blair Kerr Ai Kikuchi Bridget Kim Chong Kim Shina Kim Kaori Kimura Shinji Kimura Ellen Kiyomizu Mitsuko Knight Edward Kobayashi Masami Kobayashi Sakiko Kobayashi Yukie Kobayashi Eric Kobuchi Bryan Kodama Keiko Koide Kenny Kong Ophelia Kong Megumi Konishi Sora Konishi-Gray Akio Kudo Sarah Kuramoto Sumiko Kusumoto Brandon Kwong Anto Labedz Anamaria LagunaDunn Bascia Lassus Amy Lau Julisa Lau Alfred Lee Regine Gabis Brenden Glapion Kendel Glapion Kiki Goforth Megumi Gojo Julian Golder Yael Goodman Anqi Gou Atsuko Gramlich Terri Guh CM Guiran Darius Halliday Chris Hamano Amy Hanamoto Julia Hansa Jane Hara Heather Harada Margaret Harada Ryan Harada Ayako Harashima Bobby Haruno Kaori Hasegawa Hatsue Hashimoto Isao Hashimoto Pat Hattori Megan Healy Michelle Heckert Rod Henmi Linda Hershinson Yoshimi Higashi Noah Hinto Masa Hirayama Teresa Ho Yurika Hom Chuck Hong Ken Hosoda Andrew Hua Mable Huang Gloria Hwang Shigeko Ichikawa Kay Ihara Alice Iiyama John Ikeda Shizuko Ikeda Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Bobby Inada Yoshiki Inagawa Hashimoto Isao Sandy Ishii Katsura Ishikawa Tomoko Ishikawa Mary Ishisaki 16 Chiyeko Lee Jennifer Lee Michelle Lee Stephanie Lee Mabel Lee-Villa Jasmin Lei Alisha Leong Allen Leong Yvonne Leong Wendy Leung Liana Lew Sebastian Lewis Karina Li Kingston Li Yi-Chang Li Kyle Lim Sioe Eng Lim Raymond Liu Yuting Liu Yoshiko Lohuis Nikki Lopez Kristen Lostica Tiffany Louie Drake Lowe Nathaniel Lowe Ririko Lu Nicholas Luas Calvin Luc Allyson Lui Santoyo Lupe Miyoko McDevitt Junko McRorie Yoshiko Magdamo Kaoru Makiguchi Roma Marcias Isiah Margate Pat Marjavi Jessica Martinez Leonardo Martinez Jim Masamori Michiko Masuda Haj Matsukata Ryoko Mizuno Matsukata Sachiko Matsumoto Kiyo Matsunuma Christelle Medino Ellise Medino Yusuke Mehara Mitsuyo Mitani Janice Mitsuda Tosh Mitsuda Glenn Miyamoto Nobuko Miyazawa Dominique Mohler Gwen Mohler Mami Mori Alice Moriguchi Mark Moriguchi Naoko Morikawa Tom Morimoto Gail & Pierre Morin Adrianne Morita Shizue Mortensen Stephanie Mortero Tsutaye Murakami Kurtis Murakawa Haruko MurataInouye Jack Murphy Sumiko Nagai Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito Leona Nakagawa Yuri Nakagawa Benh Nakajo Cole Nakanishi Mami Nakanishi Aoi Nakata Kimiko Nakatani Thomas Namara Peter Namkung Chut Hamas Nannapravet Yaeko Naritomi Alyssa Ng Natsumi Ng Steven Ng Henry Nguy Anh Nguyen Diana Nguyen Huong Nguyen Johnson Nguyen Mao Nhiu Carl Nicita Fumi Nihei Masayuki Nihei Marline Nishimura Kasumi Nishiyama Naoko Nobuoka John Noguchi Michael O’Connell Haru Oda Janelle Odakura Joy Oganeku Zachary Ogata Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers! The continuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from January 2013 – July 2014: Kumi Ogawa Masako Ogawa Satoe Ogawa June Ohara Ayaka Ohsedo George Ohwa Lois Ohwa Ryoko Okamoto Yoko Okamoto Nao Okumura Mitsuko Omachi Kay Onishi Nick Ono Ryo Ono Louise Osada William Osada Misao Otsuki Kyle Oura Mars Pasache Kimiko Paul Felicia Peng Lynne Penner Yuko Penner Maria Pestana Minako Phyper Andrew Poli Austin Poli Janet Pong Shannon Preto Tanako Rayfield Sarah Reale Thomas Reeder Kenneth Roberts Michiko Saito Kota Sakai Mako Sakamoto Etsuko Sakimura II Angelo Santos S. Sasajima Kim Sasaki Misaki Sasaki Yuki Sasano Dennis Sato Shun Sato Yutaro Segawa Dahye Seo Masa Shigekawa Greg Shimada Aya Shimizu Hiroshi Shimizu Teruko Shimogaito Kim Shina Mayo Shino Terue Shinohara Eiko Shintake Obo Shirendev Setsuko Sho Jaqee Shyu Elizabeth Skelton Kohki Soejima Ted Solomon Kenji Sommers Ayano Sonoda Megas Spencer Peter Stevens Cairo Stewart Kawana Stewart Frank Strom Shiro Suenaga Yoko Sugawara Max Sugaya Misako Sumida Synthia Sun Donna Szeto Toshiko Takahashi Susan Takamoto Fumiko Takashi Ken Takeda Wilmer Tam Taeko Tamura Cherry Tan Rosanna Tan Fumi Tanaka Kiyomi Tanaka Shigeko Tanaka Vi Tanaka Juan Tandes Jerry Jr. Tang Michi Tashiro Tony Tat Noriko Terada Tamami Terada Michael Teraoka Lana To Emi Tokita Everet Tom Theresa Tom Thomas Tomioka Michelle Tomsik Austen Tong Annette Toy Ben Treseler Steven Truong Taeah Truong Carrie Tsai David Tsai Kristina Tseng Hideko Tsuchiya 17 Kishiko Tsujisaka John Tsukamoto Etsuko Tsukano Masa Tsuneyama Val Tsuramoto Wen Tung Michiko Ueda Yusuke Uehara Mitsuko Umemoto Kyle Valpoon Victoria Velasquez Diana Victi Jo Wa Caiti Waldman Xiu Wan James Wang Nicholas Wang Tony Wang Jane Watanabe Brandon Wong Gemma Wong Gil Wong Jason Wong Kai Wong Kenny Wong Kyle Wong Marissa Wong Mary Wong Mitchell Wong Nicholas Wong Ray Wong Robbie Wong Ryan Wong William Wong Leslie Woosley Judi Yabumoto Suzanne Yamada Sharon Yamagishi-Fong Masu Yamaguchi Peco Yamaguchi Fred Yamamoto Peter Yamamoto Jaime Yamamura Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Tomoko Yamazaki Christopher Yang Jay Yao Natalie Yao Ye, Ye Brandon Yee Dennis Yee Gloria Yee Merlynn Yee Monica Yee Jackie Yep Natalie Yescas Ritsuko Yip Akane Yokoo Joy Yokoyama Mitzi M. Yorichi Shari Yoshida Glory Yoshizaki Sara Young Julia Yuk Katy Yukawa Michi Yukawa Jane Yura Carrie Zhang Ming Zhao Vincent Zhu Staying Active and Young at Heart Kimochi programs and services always stress ‘to live a genki life.’ Something that is important as many of us have embarked on the “Golden Years.” Getting together with friends and even making new friends, having a tanoshii (fun) time together = staying young at heart. Here are some photos of recent outings of the Senior Center Activities. All these smiling faces tell you that you’re never too old to have fun and that there is so much to discover together! For more information about the many Senior Center Activities please visit our website at 18 Kimochi, Inc. Staff Directory KIMOCHI ADMINISTRATION 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI SENIOR CENTER 1840 Sutter Street # 101, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2287 fax (415) 931-2299 Steve Nakajo, Executive Director Steve Ishii, Associate Director Anna Sawamura Higaki, Program Director YoonSun Choi, Assistant to Program Director Rod Valdepenas, Controller Dorothy Gin, Payroll Manager Sakura Suzuki, Administrative Manager Wesley Nihei, Fundraising Coordinator Aki Akiyama, Receptionist Riyo Kunisawa, Receptionist Maya Futamura, Senior Center Coordinator Natalia Covacha, Nutritionist Kazumi Sumi, Head Cook Grace Yip, Assistant Cook William Chu, Assistant Cook Dave Sugaya, Home Delivery Driver Yan Bin Jiang, Dishwasher Richard Eng, Dishwasher Ryan Kobayashi, Transportation Coordinator Jacqueline Arauz, Paratransit Driver Carlos Osorio, Paratransit Driver SAN MATEO PROGRAM 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI HOME 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 Liz Bissell, San Mateo Program Specialist tel (415) 922-9972 fax (415) 922-6821 Direct Line: (650) 346-0849 Linda Ishii, Kimochi Home Coordinator Debbie Hsieh, Kimochi Home Day Care Specialist CLUB NIKKEI Tsoodol Altantuya, Program Assistant 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Sumiyo Brennan, Program Assistant tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 Hiromi Cardoza, Program Assistant Grace Hulleza, Club Nikkei Coordinator Dorcas Hautea, Program Assistant Rich Tokeshi, Club Nikkei Driver Mercedes Hernandez, Program Assistant Yukie Kimoto, Program Assistant SOCIAL SERVICES Yukie Takano, Program Assistant 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Michiko Turks, Program Assistant tel (415) 931-2275 fax (415) 931-2299 Guadalupe Gutierrez, Janitor Fumiko DiDomizio, Senior Case Manager Sango Harumi, Case Manager KIMOCHI LOUNGE Chieko Yokoe, Transitional Care Specialist 1581 Webster Street # 202, San Francisco, CA 94115 Danielle Chung, Social Worker tel (415) 563-5626 fax (415) 931-2299 Yumi Berman, Case Manager Basil Lee, Information and Referral Worker Please visit our website at for more information about our various programs, services and upcoming events! 19 Kimochi, Inc. Service Directory Continuing Generations of Caring Since 1971, Kimochi, Inc. has developed and promoted an intergenerational philosophy of care for seniors and families from San Francisco’s Japantown. Our current continuum of care includes the following programs and services: Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 Administration The Administrative building is owned and operated by the agency and houses the administrative staff. We have approximately 200 volunteers assisting us each year in our programs. Social Services Program Our staff is bilingual in English, Japanese, and Korean and provides language translation, information and referral, counseling, family caregiver support, case management, homecare registry assistance, and transitional care support for patients being discharged from the hospital. The program annually assists 600 seniors and families providing 5,000 hours of services. Club Nikkei This membership based program is designed to outreach and provide healthy, independent seniors with a range of social activities and excursions to enjoy. Staff provides members with an activity calendar and transportation is included. Home Safety Service Staff schedules and conducts home safety assessments for San Francisco homeowners to help them identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge, located within Japan Center, is the agency’s original site. Seniors come to “the lounge” to catch up on community news and socialize. The site also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. In 2007, a new senior information and resource section was added to have important health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving resources available for seniors and families. In July 2009, we opened the lounge for seniors and families on Saturdays. This site is annually visited by 5,000 seniors, families, and visitors from throughout California and other countries. Please visit our website at for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or 20 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals is served daily. The program annually serves 65,000 congregate and 30,000 home-delivered meals. Home Delivery Program Seniors who are physically unable to travel to the senior center due to a disability or illness, can receive our Japanese style hot lunches at home. Each recipient is required to complete an eligibility assessment on a quarterly basis. The program annually serves 130 homebound and frail seniors 29,000 lunches. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, day trips, and overnight trips. The program annually serves 300 seniors and offers 700 hours of exciting activities. Transportation Safe and reliable door-to-door transportation services are provided to help seniors maintain a connection with their community and friends. Transportation can also be requested for medical trips and grocery shopping. The program annually assists 150 seniors receive 10,000 rides. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors in need of supervision and support with a schedule of social and recreational activities in a safe and secure setting. The program annually assists 40 seniors receive 21,000 hours of services and activities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour non-medical care to ambulatory seniors. We have the capacity to house 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. 21 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 Upcoming Events Throughout the year Kimochi holds various events that support our many programs. Listed here are events that are upcoming. September 13 (Saturday) 4th Annual Kimochi “Show & Shine” Car Show College of San Mateo – Main Parking Lot September 19 (Friday) Kimochi Golf Tournament Richmond County Club 1 Markovich Lane, Richmond, CA Saturday, September 6, 2014 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm October 18 (Saturday) College of San Mateo Sansei Live! Bayview Dining Room Kabuki Hotel • San Francisco Japantown 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo, CA December 13 (Saturday) Kimochi’s Silver Bells Arts & Craft Faire Save the Date Saturday, September 6 ©2014 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed by NDD Creative 22 The Event Center at St Mary’s, 1111 Gough St., S.F For more information visit our website at
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