May - Lincoln Junior High School
May - Lincoln Junior High School
Title Page Number Staff Page 3 Co-Editor Page 4 Co-Assistant Editor Page 5 Ask The President Column 6 The Month May 7 8th Grade 1st Hour Wills 8 8th Grade 1st Hour Wills Continued 9 8th Grade 2nd Hour Wills 10 8th Grade 2nd Hour Wills Continued 11 8th Grade 2nd Hour Wills Continued 12 8th Grade 3rd Hour Wills 13 8th Grade 3rd Hour Wills Continued 14 8th Grade 3rd Hour Wills Continued 15 8th Grade 3rd Hour Wills Continued 16 8th Grade 4th Hour Wills 17 8th Grade 4th Hour Wills Continued 18 8th Grade 4th Hour Wills Continued 19 8th Grade 5th Hour Wills 20 8th Grade 5th Hour Wills Continued 21 8th Grade 5th Hour Wills Cont’d. and Mrs. Podbelsek’s 8th Grade Student Wills 22 8th Grade Ms. Osborn’s Wills 23 Contest 24 Famous Birhtdays 25 May Holidays 26 Mind Benders 27 Fruit Pizza 28 8th Grade Funny Stories 29 Mazes 30 LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Ryan Carrissa Breann a cCra M Zac Craw ley Richmo nd K Waller y o aml R e yl w Dean Karrah Olivia Hu dspeth Dahm n a g Re Victoria Parrott Allison B one Ryan Crawley LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Co-Editor’s Page Hello LJHS! As you may or may not know, this will be the last edition of Circuit Rider for the rest of the year! (Sad day!) But don't be sad, be glad. (Took me forever to think of that.) This Circuit Rider will probably be the best of the year! Do you know why? The answer is because the 8th grade wills are in this Edition!!!!!!!!! If you are a 6th or a 7th grader, you have a chance to be given something from one of your amazing 8th graders. Don’t forget to look at some of the other pages like May Holidays or May Birthdays. There are many things you can do on this Circuit Rider like the Maze page. During the summer if you are bored and don't have something to do you can still look at the May edition of Circuit Rider. You can also look at any of the previous editions by going to ( This will be my final report. P.S. If you jump out of a plane while eating worms, you will be popular. Your Co-Editor, Ryan Crawley Oh! Hello there! I didn’t see you come in. I was just finishing “A Tale of Cities.” It’s a good thing I came prepared with this Circuit Rider. Sadly, it is the last one. Fortunately, it is the best one. You win some, you lose some. My heart cries out to you wonderful readers. “Why must this end,” my heart says. I have collected the best of our reporters and page creators. Try the Mindbenders, see who has a birthday this month, or just read our fabulous wills. P.S All good things must come to an end. Except for pudding. The best Co-Editor, Zac McCray Dear LJHS, This school year is almost over, which means the 8th graders are graduating and going to high school! Good luck to the 8th graders over at the high school! And good luck to everyone who is coming back to LJHS! You guys are going to like this edition! We’ve got our 8th grade wills and testimonies, Ask the President Column, and much, much more! Hope everyone likes our Circuit Riders this year, I know I had a lot of fun being able to make this for everyone! Life is like drawing without an eraser, it is what you make it. -Carrissa Richmond :) Dear LJHS, Good afternoon everybody. We are all here for one main reason…… wait a minute, this isn't Graduation. This is THE LAST EDITION OF CIRCUIT RIDER ( May Edition if you didn't know). We have a very special Edition because we have the 8th Grade Wills, the Ask President Column, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!!! Good Luck to all upcoming 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders. To all upcoming 8th Graders, I hope you join Circuit Rider and write newsworthy editions as well as we did (In your Dreams). Ducks quacks don't echo. No one knows why. -Kyle Ramlow Q. From Mrs. Cusey– Are you ready for the most important speech? A. Yes, I am ready for the most important speech. Q. From John Smith– What was the WORST part of 8th Grade? A. The worst part of 8th Grade was walking up and down the stairs. Q. From K233– What was the BEST part of 8th Grade? A. The best part of 8th Grade was Circuit Rider Q. From Tony Hopper– Do you have Body Guards? A. Yes, they are secret. There names are Ryan Crawley and Zac McCray. Q. From Happy Camper– What is your full name in a Parallel Universe? A. Wolmar Naed Elyk Q. From Mumbo Jumbo– Can LIGHT defeat DARKNESS? A. YES! Every time! LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 The COLOR of the Month is——————-Indigo The WORD of the Month is——————–Fantastic The FOOD of the Month is——————–Pancakes The DAY of the Month is——————— National Tap Dance Day (May 25) The ANIMAL of the Month is————–— Flamingo The VEGETABLE of the Month is———— Corn The LETTER of the Month is—————–Y The SUPERHERO of the Month is———– The Hulk The NAME of the Month is——————– Peggy The PHRASE of the Month is————–— Hey, Psssst…….. Carrissa, Hey. The NUMBER of the Month is——–——--75,971,979,607,917 The FRUIT of the month is—————— Apple Ryan Crawley I, Hasina Dukes, being of sound mind and body, do I, Trevor Beavers, of no mind and full body hereby will the following items: my awesome beard to Nolan Hullinger for good looks. I will my sweet hairstyle to Quentin Bone. I will my good grades to Austin Gray. I will my good math skills to Mr. Jones. I, Koby Bottrell, will my Track captain spot to Tate Sloan. I will my dodgeball skill to Titus Cannon. I will my experience of never breaking a bone to Alex Linares. I will my technology smarts to Mrs. Workman. I will all of my time I spent at the Junior High to the incoming sixth graders. I, Cody Burrell, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: to Mrs. Schick, all the detentions you wrote on me. To Evan Miller, I give you my soccer skills. TO Damian the ability to not hide in the back in dodgeball. To Mr. Jones, all my homework. To Mrs. Lee, my Charlee Bone books. To Mrs. Schick, all my good grades. To Kodia, I wish luck in 7th and 8th grade. TO Mrs. Workman, I leave my photo story. To any poor 7th grader, I leave my lockers. TO Mr. Workman I leave my hair. But, the memories are coming with me. Good-bye, have fun next year! hereby bequeath my height to Justin Ruff, because you really need to shrink! I give my amazing class schedule to Katlynn Tutter. My wonderful P.E. clothes go to Alyssa Barger! Haha, have fun with that Lyss. I will my sense of humor to Emma Cline. To Erika D’Zenkunskus, my teachers! To Mr. Lanning, I give my wonderful smile. I will my running ability to Coach Oz! To Drew Bacon, I will you my amazing dodgeball skills. TO Lexi Clark, I leave my amazing advice giving! And lastly, I leave my amazing looks to Alex Linares! I, Tyler Ferguson., being of sound mind, and body, do hereby bequeath my sweaty gym clothes to Seth Turley. I will my dodgeball skills which are better than his, to Quentin Bone; I will my 7th grade floor locker, to Max Landers. To the 6th graders I leave all my jokes. I will every one of the teachers my undone homework. I, Nate Gleason, leave my squeaky shoes to Mr. Jones. I leave my good math skills to Mrs. Jones and my high honors awards to Mr. Froebe. I also leave my cubs hat and bears jacket to Mr. Lanning. I even leave my books to Ryan Boyd and my P.E. clothes to Mr. Qualters. I leave my junk bike to Vinve Henderson. Lastly, I leave my great grades to Mrs. Hepler and my awesome drawing skills to Mrs. McAfee. I, Jakob Coulter, leave my personality to Cameron Kirk. I also leave my sense of humor to Mark Rahn. I leave my anger control to Ashtin Grigg. I leave my good looks to Mr. Varnado. I leave my attitude to Mrs. Schick. I, Cooper Hake, will my speed to Nolan Hullinger; my baseball skills to Drew Bacon. I give Tate Sloan my mad hops. I also give my p.e. locker to Bryson Kirby. I give Ben Grunder my strength. I give my stinky p.e. clothes to Justin Ruff. I give my height to Emma Cline so she can grow some more! I, Tiffany Dooley, being of sound mind, kind of, and body, do hereby bequeath some advice to all 7th graders. Don’t get on the bad side of any teachers. Also, I leave my clumsiness to Alissa Hill. I leave my bad luck to Anthony Withers. Just remember the teachers aren’t usually mean, unless you do something stupid. I, Lynzie Harvey, in a sound body of mind, do hereby bequeath my gym clothes to Kjersti McCray; my good grades to Corina Zurkammer; my locker to Katie Newby; my gym locker to Melissa Harvey; and my good reading skills to my Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Workman, and my funniness to Brianna Brown. I, Kegin Houghton, being of somewhat sound mind and body, herby bequeath the following items: my hair, I leave to V. Your head is just too shiny. My dodge ball skill, I leave to Tate Sloan and Titus Cannon. I leave my discus skill to Anthony Baker AKA Jim. I leave my 5’7” height to Mr. Jones. To all 7th graders, I leave my knowledge of history facts. To the 8th grade teachers, I leave this: the ability to deal with the 2012-2013 8th grade class, because I know all of them, and you’re going to need it. I, Randy Overbey, will all my late work to Seth Turley. To Jason Beverman, I leave my ability to pass with straight D’s. To Cameron Nikles, I leave my smelly gym clothes because I don’t want them. To Mr. Jones, I leave my locker full of papers. To T.J. Moore, I leave my gym locker that smells like dirty socks. To Mrs. Workman, I leave all my grades because I don’t want to remember them. I, Alexis Polen, being of unsound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following items: my gym clothes to Keaton Polen; my funniness to Breanne Brown; my locker on the 7th grade floor to Kjersti McCray: my several face shots in dodge ball to Autumn Doolin. I give all of my detentions to Mr. Workman and mine and Lynzie Harvey’s hilariousness to Mr. Backes. I give all of my lockers to upcoming 6th and 7th graders. Best of luck to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teacher. I, Kalli Rogers, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all of my books and the extra two flights of stairs to Connor Aeilts. I will my height to lil’ Emma Cline. I will my locker on the 8th grade floor to Katlynn Tutter. I will my P.E. locker and my smelly gym clothes to Erika Dzekunskas. I will my basketball uniform to Grave Bossingham. I will my dancing skills to Tate Sloan and Conner Aeilts. I give my good grades to Lexi Clark. I will my ability to pay attention in class to Drew Bacon; you’ll need it buddy. And lastly, I will my volleyball skills to Jaiden Aeilts. I, Ryan Rutschke, give my hockey skills to Ryan Rholfs. I give my side burns to Nolan Hullinger, Bryson my hops, Tate Sloan my tallness. I give Justin Ruff my rebound skills. I give my abs to Nolan Hullinger. I give Will Morris my running skills. I, Hayden Slater, being of sound and mind and body, hereby bequeath my things to the following: I leave Bennett all my books and 8th grade locker. I leave my P.E. locker to Keaton Pole (who probably can’t reach it!). I leave my genius abilities in Math to Mr. Jones. I leave my hockey skills to Kaleb Grant. (Just because his brother told me to!). I can proudly say I’m not going to miss LJHS. I, Bailee Snyder, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: I give my love, my locker, and a little bit of my singing voice to Kjersti McCray. Though she doesn’t really need by bad voice; I give my gym clothes to Alissa Hill, Love You! Hope you have fun once you get to 8th grade! I give some of my height to Meslissa Harvey. You’ll get use to being short. I give all my wonderful/great memories I had with my eighth grade teachers to them. To Mrs. Coffeey I give you my photography ability so that way you can pass it on to the new photo club members! Also, to Mr. Jones I give you my attention; always stay focused! And, last but not least I give every 6th, 7th grader, teacher, and every employee at LJHS, I give you all a memory I had at LJHS. With that said I say Goodbye, I will miss some of you but I’m headed to bigger and better things. I, Ryan Thomas, will my goaling in hockey to Tate Sloan. To Ben Grunder, I will him my loudness. I will Mr. Jones my shoulders. I will Bryson Kirby my Kevin Durant Skills. I will Nolan Hullinger my defensive skills. The phrase LET’S GOOOO!! I will it to Coach Aeilts. I will my great volleyball skills to Katlynn Tutter, Bryson Kirby will get my participation and hard work in P.E. I will Titus Cannon my hops. HAHA!! I will my post moves and post ups to Drew Bacon. I will Justin Woods my great grades. I will Mrs. Cusey, and Mrs. Bonaparte some Carmex. HAHA!! I will Coach Qualters my score. I, Taylor Thrasher, will: 1. My great personality to Hunter Jesse; 2. my messy locker to Alex Hess; my p.e. grade to Tabby Manus; my amazing looks to Buddha; my YMCMB items to anybody awesome enough to look almost as good as I do in them; my books to Rita; my money (like 2 bucks I think) to Buddha so he can get some pants that fit and don’t sag; my style to favorite kid...I think his name is Ethan, but I call him Carlos; my notes between Abbey and I to anyone that need to laugh; my pictures to Buddha; my monster sticker to the 7th grader that always asks for it; my phone to Buddha so he can talk to girls; my p.e. clothes to anyone small enough to fit in them and has the last name Thrasher; my memories to anyone . I, Jake Woods, will my smarts to Bryson Kirby because he will need them. I will my power ring skills to Will Morris, then he will know how awesome it is. I will my funniness to Connor Aeilts because he needs to be happy. I will my lunch food to Alex Linares because he is always hungry. I will my books of knowledge to Justin Woods because she needs more work to do. I will my awesome grades to Drew Bacon. To Titus Cannon I will my tallness so he can grow big and tall like me. Finally, I will my dodge ball skills to Tate Sloan in hopes that he hits a lot of people in the face just as I did. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Haley Barton, will my amazing talent in band to Madelyn Allen. My in-ability to serve a volleyball goes to Fiona PetersonQuinn. To Mr. Jones, I leave both my height and my confused brain. My millions of un-finished stories, I l will to Mrs. Lee. To Mrs. Davison, I leave Toby, the monster in my locker. My creepiness goes to Belle Smith, in hopes that she will find it useful. To Mrs. Larson, I give the memory of the best student ever. I, Regan Dahm, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my items to the following. I leave Mrs. Workman my youth, Will Morris my awesomeness, Emma Cline my height, Katlynn Tutter my awesome P.E. skills, Alex Linares my lunch money so he can have more food, Coach V. my amazing jokes and comebacks (he needs them), my fly dance moves to Justin Ruff, and finally I leave my books and my lockers to Jaiden Aeilts. I, Anajelica Gesner, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my height to Hailey Dinger. To the following I give to Carrie Benjamin my teachers; to Taylor Albertson I give you all of my in schools and detentions; to Dylan Benedict I will give you all my bad grades; to I, Emma Burton, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my desk to Tim Evans I will give you all of my homework. To Mr. whoever wants it. My school books will go Workman, I will give all of my attitude. To Mykal Tuebner I will give you my swagger. To Tabitha Manus I will give to a seventh grader. To Mrs. Davison, I you my big mouth. To Grace Bossingham I give you my will her my beliefs of meaning the world a ability to make friends. To Kyle Freeze I give you the best better place and keeping the environment of luck. To Katelyn Newby I give you my dinged up healthy and clean. I give my old drawings locker. to the recycle bin. I give the waste basket my broken pencils that would never I, Katrina Goodfellow, being of blonde mind and body, sharpen. Finally, I give my love to all the do hereby bequeath my boring classes to all the 7th graders. To Mr. Jones, I will my height and hearing. I gladly teachers in this school. I, Will Craine, will my long hair to Mr. Lanning. To Darian, I leave my humor, spot in class, and my coolness. To Mrs. Workman, I leave my terrible writing. To Mrs. Davison, I leave my Spidey Senses. To Mr. Jones, I leave my ability to do math without work. And, finally to Seth, you get my assassins creed skills. I, Marcus Cunningham, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my great shoes to Titus Cannon. I give my sense of humor to Mr. Jones. I give my height to Graham Hill. I give my hair to Mr. Lanning, and I give my questions to Nolan because he talks too much. leave my fantastic athletic skills to Lacy Leamon in dodge ball and all the other gym activities we have to do. I leave my rotten lock to the next unlucky sap that gets it. Lastly, I leave my charming personality to Max Landers, maybe it will help him get a girlfriend. I, Jordan Hobbs, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my nerd glasses to Emily Newhouse. I also give my power balance bracelet to Ben Grunder, and my live strong bracelet to Alex Linares. My pike duffel bag and amazing dodge ball skills go to Justin Ruff. My amazingly smelling Phiten goes to Ryann Rohlfs. Last, but not least, to my favorite teacher Mrs. Workman, “TDub” I will my pencils to her, in memory of all the ones I have borrowed from her and not returned. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Chance Koeppen, being completely with no sound mind and body, do hereby leave my random items to the following: My good grades and locker to Brody Koeppen. I leave my height to Mr. Jones. I leave my hair to Mr. Workman; My smelly P.E. shirt to John Murphy. I leave my textbooks to anyone that did not pass. I leave my memories for I will forget them to anyone who shares them with me. P.S. There were some fun times. I, Kaitlyn Lambert, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my sweaty gym clothes to Bryson Kirby. To Ms. Dahn, I leave my language skills. To Grace Bossingham, my ball handling skills. To Lexi Clark, my setting skills. To Alyssa Barger, my dodge ball skills. To Mr. Lanning, all of our great memories. To Emma Cline, my height. To Jaiden Aeilts my serving ability! I, Ashlee Mammen, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my duct tape to Ashlyn Boyer, my shoes to Lindsey Myers, and my decent grades to Austin Gray. I leave my memories here to anyone who wants them. I leave my locker to Bryce Johnson. Ryan Boyd can have Heather Curry’s shoe laces. I give Mykal Tuebner my height. Hunter Jesse can have my pencils. I give Mrs. Schick my sharpies. Lastly, I give Mrs. Sparrow my ability to remember names. I, Melissa McCray, hereby leave my belonging to the following with my passing. To Mr. Jones, I leave my height, (because everybody knows how much you need it.) I would like to leave my P.E. shirts to Kjersti McCray, (they will come in good use if you forget yours.) I wish to leave all of my good books to Mrs. Lee (enjoy!). I leave all of my recent grades to the upcoming 8th grade students. And, finally, I would like to leave all my good laughs and memories to Mr. Backes because they came from there. They are unforgettable. I, Anna Menge, being of unsound mind and body do hereby bequeath my insanity to anyone willing to accept it. I leave my decent grades to the teachers who gave them to me. I also leave my seat at lunch to Ashley Raymond. I leave my lack of athletic ability to Autumn Doolin. To any girl who gets it, I leave my gym locker. I, Holly Marie Nelson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my patience and courage to my brother, Gabriel Nelson. My evil locker lock to Tanner Morecraft. My skate boards (that I never use) to Marcus Peterson. My gratitude to Mr. Jones and Mrs. Workman. My VERY grossed out memories in health to Mrs. Sparrow. My written songs to Libby Burris. And, finally, all of my very awkward questions and my very confused mind about boys to Mr. Backes. I, Jade Peacock, I leave my awesome seat at lunch to one of the poor seventh graders that had to sit by my table this year. I also leave all of the paper in the bottom of my locker to “Favorite Kid”, of which I don’t know the name of. Lastly, I leave my awesome homeroom seat to, yet again, Darian Hardwick. I, Kyle Ramlow, will the following to my fellow classmates. I will my brain to Drew Bacon. I will my height to Tate Sloan. I will my wrestling skills to Trent Whitham. I will my hockey skills to Titus Cannon. I will my dodgeball skills to Christian Devore. I will my loud mouth skills to Will Morris. I will Mrs. Poelker my leadership. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I I, Braden Tanner, being of sound mind and body, do herby bequeath my “Buff Guy” title to Jarrett Poole, Trent Whitham, and Evan Zastrow. I I, Zak Reeves, not being of sound mind and give my love of music and sports to Justin Woods, body, do hereby bequeath to my sister Tifanee Graham Hill, and Justin. I give all of my books, Reeves a huge slap in the face. To Mrs. Work- papers, lockers, and gym clothes to Austin Deniman, I leave a time of taking her starbursts. To son, Trent Whitham, and to Jarrett Poole. I give Mr. Workman I leave all the hair from my hair my ability to knock someone off their feet in a sincut. gle tackle/block to Seth Smith and Will Morris. I give my love of cradles in wrestling to Evan ZasI, Dakota Roher, will my shortness to Andrew trow. I give my height to anyone who desires it. Yount for all the cheap shots in dodge ball. To Mr. Jones I leave all of my smart comments. To I, Linzy Turner, being of sound mind and body, the locker room I leave the rotting smell of that to hereby bequeath my DC’s to Katelyn O’ Conchocolate milk I threw. To all the dorky 7th nell. My Benedict can have my ability to stay out graders I leave my funny jokes. To Mrs. Work- of trouble. Ashlyn Boyer gets my Columbia. man I leave all of my late papers to you. To Lindsey Myers can have my phone. Austin Gray Mrs. Lee I will you all of my talking to the fol- can have my dodge ball skills. Hunter Jessee can lowing Jakota, Mat, Tiny , and Christian. I will have my cuteness. Selena can have my luck food my gym locker to the shortest 7th grader here. because I always eat hers. Lastly, I would like to give Bobbie Parish my clothes. I, Alyssa Summers, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my books to Hunter I, Chelsey Werth, being of sound mind, and Jessee because we all know he loves school. :) body, do hereby bequeath my sweaty gym clothes I give every homework assignment and test to my brother Tyler. To all the teachers who have back to my teachers. I give my P.E. locker and to deal with my brother and his friends I wish crappy locker that’s on the seventh grade floor them luck. To Ethan Towers I give my 8th grade to Lindsey Myers just because I can to that! I locker. To all the 7th graders I wish them luck in give all my good grades to Katelyn O'Connell 8th. To all the teachers I give you my school because she’s gonna’ need them! books. To Mrs. Lee I give all the books I have to her. I, Allen Taft, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my learning to Mrs. Davi- I, Jacob White, give my height to Tate Sloan son. My height to Mr. Jones so people look up and Titus Cannon, I give Adrian Perez my amazing to him. Also my ability to stay out of trouble to dodge ball skills, an I give Austin Gray my hockey Kyle. Finally, I give my good grade on the Con- skills. stitution Test to Grace. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Allison Baker, will Kaelin Butterfield the ability to grow taller. To Danielle D’ Andrea I will you my favorite coloring book. To all incoming volleyball players I give you the ability to never give up at practice and games. To Rylee Mills I will you my spot in Algebra. To my neighbor, Tate Sloan, I will you my locker and all my books. To Mrs. Workman I will you my ability to write a paper. To all of the 7th graders I will all of the great and weird times I had in 8th. I, Rebecca Brooks, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my curly hair to Erika Dzukunskas. I will my volleyball skills to Lexi Clark. I will my giggles to Gracie Bossingham I will my humor to Jaiden Aeilts. I will my good looks to Ryann Rolfs. I will my height and strength to Emma Cline. I will my heart to Selena Quezada, my favorite cousin. I also will my height to Tate Sloan. I will my schedule to Drew Bacon. Last, but not least, I will my super long pinkies and all my love to Alyssa I, Kena Bere, being of sound mind and body, do Barger. <3 hereby bequeath my drumming abilities to Nolan Hullinger to be the leader of the drummers next year. To Katlynn Tutter I will my ability to be an awesome Parker Ecc. I will my aiming ability to Emma Bergman so she’ll kick butt in dodge ball next year as an eighth grader. To Danielle D’Andrea I will my books and basketball position. To all sixth graders in 5th hour P.E., I will my ability to play fairly in dodge ball, because you guys need it. I will my blind man to Kelsey Lee because I need to have someone take care of him. To Sammy Johnson, I will my swag because she definitely needs some. I will my jokes to Emma Cline, because I know how much she’ll miss them when I’m gone. I, Darria Campbell, with small body and great hair, hereby leave my ability to hide under desks during earthquakes to Mrs. Workman so she doesn't die this time. I leave my knowledge of the English language to Nolan Hullinger because he is from Normandy. I leave my ability to be honest and not cheat at dodge ball to the 6th graders in my P.E. because they need it. I leave my totally rad Spiderman book bag to who ever wants it. Finally, I leave my ability to be myself to everyone. Don't let society judge who you are, just live life, have fun, and just be you! Have a great summer! I, Allison Bone, will all the up coming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders all the fun times I had my years and LJHS. I will Quentin Bone all the A’s I had on homework at basketball games! I, also, will all the members of the cheer squad to cheer loud! :) And smile! And lastly I will Katlynn Tutter Everything! (my locker, my books, my classes, my seats in classes, etc.) you will always be like my little sister! ( Next year you will be my 8th grader! =D) I, Colton Clark, being of intelligent mind and great body, hereby bequeath my hair to Danielle D’Andrea. My ah-mazing abs go to Erika Dzekunskas (spelled right?). My glasses shall be given to Austin Gray (ha). To my sis, Lexi, I will you my ability to make all the teachers love my— so that someday they will all love you. To Connor Aeilts I leave my smarts, so you can make it through 8th grade! To everyone else, good luck finishing Junior High! LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Ryan Crawley, being of sound mind and body, do hereby, henceforth bequeath my final will to the following group of students: To Mr. Max Landers, I leave my awesome dodge ball skills. In any hope that you may be as good as me. To Mr. Gram Hill I leave my supreme trumpet skills. Adding that you will never be as good as me. To Miss Kendal Frizzel, I leave my great ability to take photos. To Mrs. Tracey, I leave my great attitude, hope that when a day seems terrible, you can make it shine. Finally, to Mrs. Larson I give my leadership and my awesome conversations. I, Holly Davis, will my awesome and mighty strength to Emma Cline. To my little 6th grader (Erika Dzekunskas). I will you all the bad luck for eighth grade because you’ll need it! Oh, and to have all my good looks. To Katlynn Tutter, I give you me volleyball number, and my lucky headband that you already lost! Ahem, cough, cough, To Alyssa Barger, I will young spot as cheer captain, and wish the best of luck next year!:) To Drew Bacon, I will you all my amazing and talented cookie skills. To Tate Sloan, I will you my signature “walk”, hoping you’ll use it well. I will to Danielle D’Andrea my gorgeous smile:) Lastly, to Mr. Jones, I leave to you as my last name Davis, not ’Nelson.’ I, Abby Everson, hereby will the following items: I will my dodgeball abilities to Damien Baker, because you really need them. I will my amazing memories here to the school itself, hoping it will create memories for others. To all the 7th graders, I will the teachers. Have fun in 8th grade:) I will my sweaty gym clothes to Autumn in Mrs. Poelker's class. I will my height to all the short 7th graders that need it. I will my locker and books to Quentin Bone, because you had my old locker this year, and we might as well do the same for next year! I will my dancing ability to Jaiden Aeilts, Chasity Moore, and Josalyn Owens. Good luck on poms next year! Finally, I will everything else to my sister, who will be a 6th grader next year. I, Madison Frederick, being of creative mind and body, do hereby bequeath my belongings to the following: To Samantha Johnson, I leave my textbooks. To Ashley Raymond, I leave my adorable bookmark that has a dog on it. To Jaimee Lachney, I leave my P.E. locker. To Kjersti McCray, I leave my ability to laugh out loud like we always do whenever we text each other. To Stephanie Parrott, I leave one of my dog notebooks that I never used. To all my past teachers, I leave a recording of my voice saying, “Have a nice day!” I, KJ Fry, will my ears to Drew Bacon, so he doesn’t ask so many questions. My shooting skills to Nolan Hullinger, so he doesn’t have as much air balls. I leave my ugly socks to Danielle D’andrea. I will my smelly basketball shoes to my rookie, Will Morris. Have fun with those! Finally, I will my “mustache” to Bryson Kirby. Can’t forget Mr. Jones! I leave Mr. Jones the ability to look down on people, because he is too short. I, Olivia Hudspeth, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my amazingness in cheerleading to Alyssa Barger, because she is amazing and I hope you do great in cheerleading! I will my smile to Ryan Rolfs to complete the look with the sideburns she is getting from Ryan Rutscke’s will! I will my loudness to my little cousin, Emma Cline, because you are just too quiet. I will my hair to Danielle D’Andrea because she loves it so much. I also will my wonderful lunch spot to Connor Aeilts. I always end up getting the one with no seat; you have it. Last, but not least, I will my good grades to all future 8th graders, because you will need them to survive one more year! Good luck to all! LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Alex Irwin, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my school to all the new 6th graders next year. My band locker to Graham Hill. I leave all of Mrs. Larson’s stories and jokes to the incoming 6th graders. I give my teachers to them, too. I also give my questions to Mrs. Larson. I, Lanae Laubenstein, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my somewhat “tallness” to Emma Cline. I also leave my squeaky desk in history to Erika Dzekunskas. To Katlynn Tutter, I will you my dance skills, the pom squad will need you. I will my smelly P.E. clothes to Alyssa Barger because I know you’ll love them! To Brock Laubenstein, I give you my straight A’s. I will all of my apologies to Lindsey Myers; I don’t like drama. Lastly, I wish all of the 7th graders luck in 8th grade; it goes by way too fast. I, Garrett Maupin, being of sound mind and body will the following: My drumming skills to Nolan Hullinger because you’re good, but can get way better than me as long as you add some good fills. My height to Tate Sloan, so he can dominate the basketball court. My bad high jumping to Ben Grunder, because I don’t want you to be better than me. And last, I leave my dodge ball “skills” to Adrian Perez, because you got the arm but not the speed or ability (like I have any). Good luck to you Jr. Highers next year. (You’re going to need it) I, Zac McCray, do hereby bequeath my skills (or lack thereof) in math to Nolan Hullinger. To Mr. Jones, I will my ability to remember names. To Mrs. Workman I will my ability to show emotion. To Mrs. Poelker, I bequeath mine and Kyle’s ability to hide in your classroom. In the event that I die young, bury me in satin and lay me down on a bed of roses. I, Victoria Parrott, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath to the following: my locker to Stephanie Parrott. I also leave my text books to Stephanie Parrott. To Stephanie Parrott I also leave my math, science, language and history notes. My gym locker and my gym clothes are left to Stephanie Parrott. I also leave all of the great memories that I had at Lincoln Jr. High to all of the new 6th graders coming in. I, Carrissa Richmond, being of not-so sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following: I leave all of my random homework assignments that I find everywhere back to my teachers. I grant my amazing times in Mrs. Workman’s class to all of next year’s 3rd hour. To Trent Whitham, I will my amazing clarinet playing skills. To Andrew Cunningham, I will all of my Jolly Ranchers, because I now know that he likes them. To Seth Turley, I will my stinky P.E. clothes, because, honestly, I don’t want them, and I give you my ability to stay awake in class. To all of the soon-to-be 8th graders, I will my amazing 8th grade experience and hope yours is amazing too! To Megan Snodgrass, I will my smartness, you’ll need it! To Graham Hill, I will my tallness, so you can stop being so short! To Mrs. Larson, the great memories I had the last two years in band, for making them the best! LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Tanna Snodgrass, being (somewhat) of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my items and junk to the following: I will my locker to my sister, Megan. I also will her my smelly gym clothes. My agenda, which is filled with silly doodles, will be willed to anyone who wants it. Lastly, I will my ability to get work done to all the lazy 7th graders here. I, Jordan Wood, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following to those lucky to receive them. To Mrs. Workman, I will my memories of the shock pen, and the one and only, whiteboard Jesus! And to all incoming 8th graders, her study hall. Lexi Clark and Emma Bergman shall receive my “amazing” ability to throw a volleyball straight up in the air. (haha) :) All the laughs from lunch, especially the time I said there was nothing to damage in Becca’s head and she was making that face, I will to Alyssa Barger!!:) I also will what little height I have to Emma I, Rachel Stein, being of sound mind and Cline… you need it more! And to Danielle D’Andrea, my body, do hereby bequeath my swag (and softball and basketball talent. To all LJHS softball players what little of it I have) to Kelsey Lee in hope this year, I will “my grandma!” And finally, all students a that she finds it useful someday. I will my load of memories like those I have made here at LJHS! tolerance to all the girls. You’ll need it due to all the boys’ immaturity. I will my beastli- I, Alyssa Zimmer, being of sound mind and body, do ness to Ashlyn Boyer because, man, does hereby bequeath my earthly possessions to the following: she need it! And finally, I give my old teach- my silly songs to Lydia Spellmen and Alana Cosbey and also ers all the new students… Good luck! my hockey skills and aggressiveness. My lunch seat will go to Alana and my dodge ball skills to Lydia. All my hugs and squeaky desks to Annalise McDonald (enjoy them!) :) My scholastic bowl captain spot to Xaiver (Graham Hill) and Kylee Foster. (Please share!) And also to Graham some height so maybe you’ll actually win in one of our fights. (:P) I will my Judge’s Choice awards to Mrs. Hepler and helping us for putting up with drama in the drama club. I will my large locker library to Mrs. Lee (one of the best teachers ever!) :) My good taste in music to Mrs. Davison. My writing will go to Mrs. Workman and Miss Dahn. Trent Whitham can have my gym clothes, Carrie Benjamin my text books, and to a lucky 7th grader you may have my broken locker. My band cubby will go to my grandmother Libby Burris I, Breanna Waller, being of sound mind (even though she plays the clarinet.) My saxophone skills and body, do hereby bequeath my locker to will be given away on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Last but Brittany Trent. To Carrie Benjamin, I give most definitely not least, my fun times and bad jokes to my P.E. clothes. I will my cheerleading uni- Mrs. Larson for two great years. (P.S. I will be keeping form to Megan Snodgrass. To Kerstin OsPenelope.) borne, I will my volleyball jersey. And last but not least, I leave my ability to take pictures to Photo Club to Allena Benninger. I, Jaylee Swinford, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my blonde hair to Ryann Rholfs. I will my height to Justin Ruff, because he is too tall. To Tate Sloan, I will my muscles, so he can beat up the taller kids. (; I will my books to Katlynn Tutter, and my locker to Kaelin Butterfield. TO Ashlyn Boyer, I will my P.E. clothes. To Alexis Agee, coming into 6th grade, I will my text books. My Junior High memories will stay with me forever. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Mrs. Workman’s 4th hour 8th grade Wills! I, Garrett Aeilts, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath my math homework to Jaiden Aeilts. I will my awesome dunking skills Nolan Hullinger and all of my math skills to Mr. Jones. To my dad I will the three P.E. shirts he bought me. To Connor Aeilts, I will my tallness. I will Bryson Kirby my P.E. locker. I will my hair to Mr. Workman and to Mrs. Davison I leave my singing ability. I will my jump shot to Tate Sloan, Titus Cannon, and Drew Bacon. Lastly, I will all my teachers my words of wisdom. I, Jaci Buckles, of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my gravity issues to Marcus Peterson. To my dear friend Johnathan Murphy, my stinky P.E. clothes :). To Alissa Hill I give you my IPhone, since you always get your taken away. Just because I love you. I give my P.E. locker to Brittany Trent, and all my bad luck to Anthony Withers. I, Heather Curry, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my neon green shoes to Ryan Boyd. I also, leave my annoying desk in 5th hour to Rylee Mills. To Ashlyn Boyer, I leave my P.E. locker. To Kelsey Lee I leave my books. I leave my locker to Brittany Trent. My fun times in Study hall to Mrs. Workman. I, Dakin Ellegood, being of sound mind and body, will my height to Mr. Jones because he could use a couple of inches. I will my locker to Alyssa Barger just because I think she should get something. I will my hops to Drew Bacon because he is taller than me and still can’t jump higher than me. I, Ronica Fialkowski, being sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my stuff the following: To Mrs. Lee, all the times I’ve mouthed off, and didn’t listen. To Mr. Jones, my hearing. To Mrs. Workman, my youth. To Mrs. Davison all the times I “forgot” to do my homework. To Mrs. O’Hara, all the times I’ve mouthed off. To Dylan Benedict, all the times that we got in trouble for hugging in school. And last, and very least, Marcus Peterson can have my locker and books I, Kelsey Goodman, being of sound mind and body, do hear by bequeath my lunch to Kyle Freese; my chain to Mykal Tuebner ; My glasses to Jacob Huskins ; my memories to anybody. who wants them; my locker to Hailey Randsell. I give Dylan Benidect my I, James Daniels, will my broken pen- last name. cils to Mr. Backes. To Mr. Q I will all I, Tristen Karrick, being of sound my late work. To Mrs. Lee I will a good mind and body, leave my stupidity to book. To the 7th graders I will you our Mackenzie; my “smartness” to Kjersti old teachers. McCray; my meanness to Mrs. Moreland. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Mrs. Workman’s 4th Hour Wills Continued I, Thad Henson, hereby leave my ability to destroy in MW3 to Isaiah. I leave my tallness to Joel. I leave my F’s to an A student. I leave my A’s to an F student. I leave Jordan Barns my basketball skills. To Mrs. Workman I leave my ability to turn in my homework on time. I, Abby Mattingly, being of sound mind, and body do hereby bequeath my books to Cameron Kirk. I leave my lockers to Tabby Manus. I also leave my P.E. clothes to her. I leave my Laziness to Mr. Workman. I, Christian McDormand– Dozier, here by I, Logan Keysear, being of sound mind and body, leave my gym clothes and my locker to Will Morhereby bequeath my good grades to Austin Denn- ris. I will also leave my height to Mr. Jones and my hair to Mr. Workman. Last, but not least, I sion. I also bequeath my fantastic, awesome leave my awesome looks and jokes to Justin Ruff. hockey skills to Trent Witham so that he will actuGood luck to you new 6th, 7th and 8th graders. ally score a goal some time in the future. I bequeath my height to Titus Cannon in the hopes he P.S. You’ll need it. actually gets taller. I bequeath my crooked glasses to anybody who will take them off my face so I can I, Madeline Phillis, leave my clumsiness and get better ones. To Will Morris I bequeath my lucky locker to Danielle D’ Andrea. My height goes to Brandon D’ Andrea. To Grace Bossingham I give dodge ball shots, because we all know you need my dance skills, my inability to understand peoem :)! Lastly, to Josh Lenaris I bequeath my bad ple or things, and the coordination to throw a P.E. combination memory so you will be the last discus. To Mr. Jones I leave all our class room one out of the locker room. discussions. My smelly P.E. clothes get left to I, Kenzie Landers, being of sound mind and Katlynn Tutter. To Megan Snodgrass I leave to body, do hereby bequeath my locker to my brother her the best of luck at hurdles next year. My P.E. Max in the hopes that he’ll let me leave my piclocker goes to Brittany Trent. To all 7th graders I tures in there. I give my blue feather pen to Angive you another set of stairs to climb everyday. naliece McDonald. I will some class to the 6th Good Luck! graders; you need it. I will my books to my brother Mason and I wish him and Mathew Yount, luck. I I, Stormy Schaub, will my locker to Hanna will Andrew Yount my muscle so Annaliece can Boyer. My P.E. locker to the soon to be 8th continue to beat you up ;). Finally, I will my love of grader who gets it. My ability to stay out of troufood and Pepsi to Sara Leesman so that she can ble to Kyle Freese, because he will need it. My get some meat on her bones. Thank you and Good ability to actually do my homework to Dylan Bye. Benedict: do your homework! My detentions to Mr. Workman. All the P.E. arguments to Coach I, Page Lowe, will leave my soon to be 6th grade Rogers; sorry you had to hear them. All my pensister my dirty gym clothes (even if I have washed cils to the 7th grade boys who will never have them). I also leave Mr. Backes my love, and sense any! of humor. I will leave my cousin, Cameron, all the teachers and, last but not least, I leave Mr. Workman my hair. I will also leave Mr. Jones my hearing. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Mrs. Workman’s 4th Hour Wills Continued I, Breanna (Bree) Shutt, being of a very unsound mind and body, do hereby give these to the following: I will proudly give Braiden Tisdale the ability to get his work done and act normal. I would give my unread books sitting at home to Mrs. Lee; I think she might enjoy having them. Next I would love to will Mrs. Coffey my frustration for the Net books. To Tim Evans I would will my good grades to he can pass(=. To Sammy Johnson I will my basketball #22, or Kelsey Lee could take over( ; I would love to will Mr. Jones with the ability to remember names. To Rylee Mills I will my ability to be awesome! To the lunch ladies I will hair nets. Lastly I will Mr. Froebe with all the blue jolly ranchers he could ever want, that way there are always some left in Mr. Backes’s office. I, Austin Swarts, of likely insane mind and small body, will my academic knowledge to Janet Poole. I will my knowledge of wrestling to Even Zastro. I, Alexa Uhlry, being sound of mind and body, do hereby bequeath my knowledge of math to my brother, Camden Uhlry. I give my hair to Mr. Workman. (= To my friend Zoey Lowe, I leave my tallness. I, Cale Bryson West, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my dirty old P.E. shirts, and my old broken drumsticks, and my lead for mechanical pencils to the following: Nolan Hullinger. I, Taylor Whiteman, being of no sound, mind and body, do hereby bequeath the following things: my middle row P.E. locker to Honna Doolin, my P.E. hairbrush to Danielle D’ Andrea! (; my squeaky history seat to Sydney Dea, along with my P.E. shorts! I also leave my amazing hockey skills to Lacey Leamon (= That shall be all! LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Mrs. Workman’s Fifth Hour Wills! I, Cameron Anderson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my old smelly 7th grade locker to Tate Sloan, my basketball skills to Titus Cannon even though I need them more, my smelly P.E. clothes to Noah Morgan, finally, my effort to pass to Mrs. Workman because without her 8th grade would’ve been really hard. I, Christian Anderson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my belongings and abilities to the following: I give everything in my locker to my sister, Sydney Anderson. I give my P.E. locker to Jacob Huskins. I give my height to Tate Sloan, your going to need it. I give my ability to be a good kid in study hall to Bryson Kirby. I give my strength to Ben Grunder. Lastly, I give my locker to Nolan Hullinger. I, Ashley Baker, being of unsound mind body, do hereby bequeath my many detentions and in schools to Mr. Workman, Mr. Froebe, and my “brother,” Tyler Werth. I give my many good times at the lunch tables to Megan Siddens. To Mr. Workman I give my long hair. To Mr. Froebe, I give you the many times that I was sent to your office. To all my teachers, all my missing and late assignments. To Mr. Jones, I give you a bag of Miracle Grow to get taller and my love for math. To Coach Rogers and Coach Aeilts, you can split my many nondresses and refusals to play. Last, but not of course least, Mr. Backes, I give you the many times and memories I was in your office, throughout the good, the bad, and the ugly. Good luck to all the teachers that are going to have to deal with students like me! I, Mathew Barbour, leave my sweaty gym clothes to Tanner Morecraft; my awesome dodge ball skills which are better than his, to Bryson Maxy; my dominant hokey skills to Noah Morgan. Lastly, I leave my “fun” learning skills to sixth and seventh graders. I, Karter Browne, being sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my abilities or things to the following: I will my shoe size to Mr. Tate Sloan. I also give my NBA 2K12 skills to Bryson Kirby (he needs it –sincerely lob city). To Nolan Hullinger I give my basketball skills to you. To Tate, Titus Cannon, and Drew Bacon I give all my P.E. clothes and all of my locks and lockers to you guys (find a way to split it, you 3 stooges). I give Mr. (Big Muscle.) Jones the right to pick on Nolan and Bryson. Finally, to Mr. Lanning, while you are still teaching, I will you the ability to see the Chicago Cubs go and win a World Series. I, Jake Burris, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my belongings to the following: I give my locker to Kelsey Lee. I give my broken math book to Libby Burris. I give my dodge ball skills to Caleb Grant. I give my hair to Mr. Workman cause he will need it. I also give my dodge ball skills to Nolan Gallagher. I, Karrah Dean, give Alyssa Barger skills! Love you! I give Erika D. my good grades! (: I give Emma Cline my tallness!(; I give Grace Bossingham my volleyball skills! I give Katlynn Tutter my sense of humor! Lastly, I give Jaiden Aeilts my kindness! I, David Dugan, hereby bequeath my rapping skills to Titus Cannon, my long jump skills to Tate Sloan, my game playing skills to Drew Bacon, and my homework skills to Mrs. Lee. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Mrs. Workman’s Fifth Hour Wills! Continued I, Samantha Fletcher, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my locker to Honna Doolin. I leave my P.E. locker to the 7th grader that gets it. I leave my good memories to Mr. Backes. I leave my squeaky desk to the 7th graders. I also leave all the boring videos to the 7th graders. I, Koltyn Grant, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my height to Mr. Jones, so people will look up to him. I will my dodge ball skills to my brother, Kaleb Grant, because he’s not really good, sorry. I will my hair to Mr. Workman. I will my locker skills to, again, my brother so he can actually make a goal for once in his life. I, Michael Ferratier, hereby bequeath all my late homework to Q. All my detentions goes to Mr. Workman. My P.E. locker goes to Hunter Jessee. My height to little Dylan. The rest of the stuff I didn’t will goes to little Nicky. I, Alissa Harvey, being of slightly sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my ratty gym clothes to my little sister, Melissa Harvey, enjoy! I give my random useless facts to Mrs. Workman. I give all her wasted time telling me to articulate to Mrs. Larson. I give my patience to Mrs. Conner because she is going to need it; sorry it’s in short supply. I give my lost pencils to Kjersti McCray. I give my flute talent to all the flutes in band. I give Alissa Hill the patience to not kill everyone when they spell our names wrong. I give Ms. Dahn the ability to handle all these 7th grader, good luck! And, with that, I bid Lincoln Junior High a goodbye! I, Reilly Gallagher, being of no mind and all body, do hereby bequeath my stanky P.E. clothes to my annoying brother, Nolan Gallagher. I give my black sparkly shirt to Mrs. Sparrow, because it reminds me of her. I leave my ability to fall asleep behind books in every class to Megan Snodgrass and Danielle D’andrea. You’re welcome. I also give my sparkly belt to Ms. Danielle. To, Nolan, again, I give my ability to actually hit someone in dodge ball. I give my number on the volleyball team to Emma Bergman. I leave my trust to Connor Aeilts because I have decided to forgive him. I also leave my high jump skills to Quinten Bone, and Alex Linares.! And last, but not least, the pop tarts I ate before practice to Megan Snodgrass. Good luck next year ladies and gents! I, Ashley Gaston, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my smelly locker to anyone who will take it. I bequeath my suckish locker to the 7th grader who has it next. I also bequeath oh so many detentions to Boitomelo Schalts. I bequeath my heavy books to Mrs. Lee. I may also bequeath some of my hair to Mr. Workman. I also leave all my luck to many 6th and 7th graders next year. I, Aron Hopp, will the following to my fellow peers. I leave my smarts to Drew Bacon. My Athleticism to Titus Cannon. My Abdominals be left to Nolan Hullinger. I leave my captain spot in Track to Will Morris and in basketball to Bryson Kirby. Last, but not least, I will my dunking ability to Tate Sloan. I, Hannah Koeppen, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my 8th grade P.E. locker to Hanna Boyer. I leave my discipline records to Katlynn Newby. I leave my hair to Mrs. Workman. I also leave my books to Vince Henderson. I leave my “ok” grades to Katlynn Tutter. Finally, I leave my desk to Eric D., and my out of school suspensions to Tim Evans! Have fun with that. Hope you 7th graders have a good 8th grade year, especially Eric and Katlynn Tutter. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 I, Ethan Kubat, will my captain spot on the track team to Will Morris. I will my height to Mr. Jones. I will my hops to Drew Bacon; he’s going to need it for anything that has to do with jumping. I will my speed to Titus Cannon. I will my BPA free water bottle to Mrs. Davison. I, Taylor Rich, being of sound mind and body, will my craziness to Kelsey Lee. To Mr. Jones, I give him my shortness, even though he doesn’t need it. Just kidding. To Mrs. Lee, I give you another student that will help you every homeroom. To Madison Fulk, I leave you all of the good times we’ve had at basketball games. To the 6th and 7th graders on the 20112012 girls basketball team, I give you courage, strength, and luck. I bequeath all teachers and staff of LJHS the good memories we’ve all had together. Last, but definitely not least, I will I, Courtney Miller, of great mind and Mr. Backes all of the bad, funny, and crazy times we’ve had in terrible body, hereby bequeath my algebra his office. book to any unfortunate oncoming algebra student. I will my memory to bring my band instrument to Miss Ashley Raymond. My crab soccer skills go to Erin Gowin. Also, I will my awesome schedule to Carrie Benjamin. I would be happy to will my height to Laura Hurley. I will my P.E. clothes and locker to Fiona PetersonQuinn. Last, but certainly not least, I will this entire school to all of the unfortunate souls who have to stay here! I, Desiree Theobald, being sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my unintelligence to all who don't want to be smart. To Ms. Dahn, I leave my chocolate addictions. I leave my extreme craziness to Miranda Lynn Harris (Use wisely). To Mrs. Hepler I leave my ability to draw well. I leave my annoying locker to any 7th grader who is unfortunate enough to get it next year! And to all who need it, I leave my ability to understand things, or maybe I should take that with me? I, Tyrice Woods, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby bequeath my P.E. locker to anyone who is willing to take it and I leave all my school books to Noah Dunham. And, finally, I I, Jazzmin Morecraft, being sound mind give my jumping ability to Hayden Karrick, who thinks he can and body, do bequeath my good grades to jump. my teachers in hopes that they will pass them on. My ability to play an instrument to Taylor so she may be able to succeed in band. My athletic ability to Britt Trent in hopes that she finds them useful. My dancing skills to Chasity Moore so she will dance her tail off at games. My ability to sit still and pay attention to my brother so he will succeed in school. Lastly, my happiness to everybody so that the school will stay in high spirit. I, Terri Skeens, being sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my pink Nike shoes to my teacher Mrs. Podbelsek. I will leave my ability to get down to the bus on time to Mark. My ability to come to school everyday to Mariah and Larry. I, Megan Godbey, being sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my A’s on my report card to Ataya A. Altman. The determination to stay out of trouble to Mariah Compton. I leave my memories to anyone that wants them. I will leave my gym clothes to Cameron Nichols and I leave my teachers my brat cousin. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Ms. Osborn’s 8th Grade Wills I, Quentin Fishel, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my good friendship to all of the 7th graders. I also want to leave something special to Tabatha Manus; it is my ability to not run into walls and to not trip. Last of all, I want to leave my airsoft battle skills to Garrett Huffman. I, Alycia-Kay Boyer, will my 8th grade locker and sticky lock to Jordan Barnes. I leave my P.E. locker and lock to Megan Snodgrass. I will Mr. Jones my moodiness. I will Miss Osborn, and all her honestness, niceness, and candy, to whoever she has in class next year. I will Mrs. Cook to Tyler Seuffer, along with her meanness. I, William Brewer, will my fond memories of writing with Miss Osborn to all those who will have her class in the future. I also will my ability to be a Mr. smarty pants to Tyler Seuffer. Finally, I leave all of my unfinished homework to Mrs. Cook. I, Seth Gleason, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my fluffiness to Tyler Seuffer, my ability to unlock lockers to Adrian Perez; and to Drew Bacon, I leave my good looks. To any unlucky, upcoming 8th graders, I leave my P.E. locker with all of its stink; and I leave the technology to make a Miss Osborn app to anyone who has the knowledge to put that together. To Larry Harl, I leave my speed to get done with the mile. I, Rylei Hobbs, leave my quietness to Garrett Huffman. To Tabby Manus, I leave my good math skills. I give all of my blond moments to Christian Williams; and to Bobbie Parrish, I leave my messy locker. I, Davion Mann, being of sound mind and body bequeath my Jordans and running skills to EJ Jackson. I give my dancing skills and moves to Cameron Nichols. To Vince Henderson, I leave my jokes and nice dress clothes. I give my detentions to Mr. Workman. Finally, I leave my 65 pound wrestling skills to Bradon Tisdale; and my stinky gym clothes to Ataya Altman. I, Jon Riddle, will my throwing skills in track to Will Morris. I also leave all the fun times I had at LJHS to him also. Finally, I leave my Thai speaking skills to Miss Osborn and Mrs. Maupin. I, Stephanie Deeb, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my locker to Nichole Gail. To Mariah Compton, I leave my P.E. lock and locker. To Alexis Bakken, I leave my good grades; and finally, I leave my desk to Allie Compton who will need it for next year. To the teachers, I leave all of my books for the people in 6th and 7th grades. I, Cory Martinie, leave Miss Oz to Christian. I leave Mrs. Cook nightmares. I leave Tyler his dinosaur. I leave Mr. Workman a headache. Finally, I leave Christian a Miss Osborn app. I, Steven Houghton, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my locker and holey desk to Tim Evans. I give Marcus Peterson, my P.E. locker and everything I leave in there. I will leave my respect for Miss Osborn to Adrian Perez. I will leave Tyler Seuffer my ability to get yelled at by teachers. Finally, I give my 41 detentions and 30 In Schools suspensions to whoever wants them. LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 ATTENTION LJHS STUDENTS!!!!!!! For the last edition of Circuit Rider you will have one last chance to win the prize of ultimate supremacy. Only 1 lucky winner will have to honor to claim a prize. But before we say the prize, we must state the contest. To win the prize you must draw an amazing picture of Iron Man. NO PRINTING IRON MAN PICTURES!!!! The lucky winner will get the prize and the picture will be published later on in May. The deadline for a picture is May 18. Ryan Crawley LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Famous Birthdays of May!!!! :) 1st– Tim McGraw 16th– Megan Fox 2nd– David Beckham 17th– Bob Saget 3rd– James Brown 18th– George Strait 4th– Mike Dirnt 19th– Malcolm X 5th– Chris Brown 20th– Jimmy Stewart 5th– Adele 21st– Ashlie Brillault 6th– George Clooney 22nd– Ginnifer Goodwin 7th– Gary Cooper 23rd– Rosemary Clooney 8th– Harry S. Truman 24th– Rosanna Cash 9th– James L. Brooks 25th– Mike Myers 10th– Kenan Thompson 26th– John Wayne 11th– Holly Valance 27th– Chris Colfer 12th– Tony Hawk 28th– Glen Rice 13th– Robert Pattinson 29th– John F. Kennedy 14th– Miranda Cosgrove 30th– Mel Blanc 15th– Madeleine Albright 31st– Joe Namath LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 May 1– Mother Goose Day May 16– Wear Purple For Peace Day May 1– Save The Rhino Day May 16– Love A Tree Day May 1- May Day May 17– Pack Rat Day May 2– Brothers and Sisters Day May 18– International Museum Day May 3– Lumpy Rug Day May 18– Visit Your Relatives Day May 4– National Candied Orange Peel Day May 19– Frog Jumping Jubilee Day May 5– Cinco de Mayo May 20– Be A Millionaire Day May 5– National Hoagie Day May 21– National Memo Day May 6– Beverage Day May 21– National Waitress/Waiter Day May 7– International Tuba Day May 22– Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day May 8– No Socks Day May 23– Lucky Penny Day May 8– Have A Coke Day May 24– National Escargot Day May 9– Lost Sock Memorial Day May 25– National Tap Dance Day May 10– Clean Up Your Room Day May 26– Grey Day May 11– Eat What You Want Day May 27– Body Paint Art Festival Day May 11– Twilight Zone Day May 28– Memorial Day May 12– Limerick Day May 28– National Hamburger Day May 13– Mother’s Day May 29– End Of The Middle Ages Day May 13– Leprechaun Day May 30– My Bucket’s Got A Hole In It Day May 14– National Dance Like A Chicken Day May 31– National Macaroon Day LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Hey LJHS! If you can solve these tricky Mind Benders, write down your answers on a sheet of paper and bring it to Mrs. Workman for a prize! 1. Scruffy Sam has put on his T-shirt. Unfortunately, it is inside out back to front. Normally, the washing label is on the inside of the left sleeve. Where is it now? 2. You are travelling to the North Pole by sled, but your huskies are too enthusiastic and you overshoot the Pole slightly. Will east be on your left or right? 3. In the box below, which of the statements is false? A. The number of false statements in this box is one. B. The number of false statements in this box is two. C. The number of false statements in this box is three. D. The number of false statements in this box is four. 4. A man walks into an art gallery and concentrates on one picture in particular. The museum curator notices this and asks the man why he is so interested in that one painting. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the painting? LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Springtime Fruit Pizza Ingredients 1 flour tortilla 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 tablespoons soft cream cheese 1/2 cup chopped fresh fruit, (such as strawberries, blueberries, grapes, peaches), well drained Step 1 Heat your oven to 350 degrees. Place tortilla on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes or until crispy. While waiting, mix cinnamon and sugar together. Step 2 Place hot tortilla on cutting board. Spread cream cheese on tortilla and sprinkle with sugar-cinnamon mixture. Arrange fruit on top. Cut into 4 wedges. Serve warm. By: Victoria Parrott One homework assignment we had in history class to get to know each other, we had to write different facts. One of the questions was “what’s your favorite phrase?” An anonymous student wrote “Your Mom.” Mrs. O'Hara didn’t understand what it meant, so she had another anonymous student ask her a question. That student asked “What are we doing today?” and Mrs. O'Hara answered “Your mom.” In Math, two anonymous students, a.k.a. Carrissa R. and Ryan C. were discussing what they were going to name their children. CR said she was going to name her child I Don’t Know Yet. And when someone asked the child what their name was, they would reply with I Don’t Know Yet, and the person would be very, very, very confused. One day in Mrs. Workman’s 8th grade language class, we were reading a play about Anne Frank. As we were reading the story, one of the characters said that they always thought Anne was constipated. The whole class started laughing. One day in 5th hour P.E. we were all standing by the door. On the door, it said, “No pop aloud in the gym.” Carrissa R. thought it said, “No poop in the gym.” So she asked another student why it said no poop, and everyone who heard it thought it was funny because it said pop, not poop. Ryan Crawley and Carrissa Richmond:) LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012 Ryan Crawley LJHS Circuit Rider May 2012