Community Organizations
Community Organizations
Community Organizations ACTIVITIES My child is different Workshop designed to support and equip parents of children with aggressive behaviour inherent to a neurological disorder (diagnosed or not). Workshop for children (self-esteem and social skills) To promote the child’s integration, assertiveness, and adjustment to the rules of being in a group. Based on a CHU Sainte-Justine program. Introduction to English workshop for children between the ages of 3 and 5 Introduction to the basics of English through songs, stories, and vocabulary games. Parental coaching A series of four workshops to help guide you in disciplining your children. I care about my relationship as a couple Does life as a couple sometimes seem like an extreme sport? Do you ever feel that you are no longer a team, but rather adversaries? The following themes will be tackled in these workshops: self-awareness in a relationship, communication, sexuality, and problem-solving. Two-hour meeting each week. Spanish conversation Activity for beginners and those interested in improving their Spanish conversation skills. Knitting activity Activity for beginners and those interested in improving their knitting skills, in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Love from the male and female perspective for a harmonious relationship (lecture) Our psychological and sexual differences: attraction or rejection? Making love: four important stages. Are we really made for each other? (lecture) Of the six types of lovers, which is yours? What is your sexual, mental, and spiritual compatibility? In a new relationship, loving the other begins with loving yourself. Contact us for information regarding the dates and times of activities. INFORMATION 72, rue Victoria 819-791-4142, ext. 221 SECOURS-AMITIÉ ESTRIE services Secours-Amitié Estrie is a free, confidential, and anonymous telephone help line for people in the Estrie region. Our help line is available to anyone that wants to talk about a difficult situation, from 5:30 a.m. to 3 a.m., 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The person calling can speak confidently and freely. Become a volunteer listener! Listeners commit to offering callers active, non-directive listening. Respect, human warmth, confidentiality, authenticity, empathy, and non-judgment are the vehicles we embrace at Secours-Amitié Estrie. To become part of our volunteer team of listeners, you must be at least 20 years old, meet the profile we are seeking, and be available for one four-hour shift per week. Community life SERVICES • Relationship counselling: Individual, couple, and family consultations offered by qualified professionals. • Papillon facteur: Letter-writing program for elementary school students so that they can express themselves by writing about various topics affecting them. • Daycare: Drop-in daycare offered to parents of children up to age five. • Maison Oxygène Estrie: A temporary shelter, with support, for men and their children experiencing family, social, financial, psychological, or personal problems. • The Maison de la famille de Sherbrooke also offers a reception, information, and referral service, as well as workshops and family activities. Community Organizations LA MAISON DE LA FAMILLE DE SHERBROOKE Basic training in active listening, personalized coaching, and the opportunity to participate in other training to enrich the experience. Information session this fall. Reserve your spot now. INFORMATION 819-823-5400 (office number) InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 81 Community Organizations Community life Community Organizations CENTRE D’AIDE AUX AÎNÉS VICTIMES DE MALTRAITANCE CENTRE DES FEMMES LA PAROLIÈRE 1993-2013 With seniors for 20 years! DIRA-Estrie’s mission is to prevent and stop elder abuse. SERVICES Group activities • Discussions -- Aimed at raising awareness and providing information on the various aspects of elder abuse. -- Target population: General population, especially seniors. -- Offered by request to heads of group homes, seniors’ residences, day centres, associations, groups, etc. -- Training sessions -- On detecting cases of abuse, appropriate reactions, available resources, etc. -- Target audience: Stakeholders working with the elderly (care attendants, health and social services staff, students, etc.). -- Offered by request to educational and health care institutions. Individual assistance -- Reception, information, assistance, and referrals. -- Offered to people age 55 and up living in the Eastern Townships, who are, or believe themselves to be, victims of abuse and who wish to end the abuse by denouncing it. All services are free and confidential. INFORMATION 300, rue du Conseil, Office 337 819-346-0679 SERVICES Assistance and support services every afternoon with no appointment required, individual help, workshops, creativity workshops, lectures, and discussions. Speak freely A qualified volunteer will welcome one or more women in a specially reserved area. A listening ear giving you the opportunity to express yourself in an atmosphere of respect. No appointment required. Schedule: Monday to Friday, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Cost: Free Individual assistance For any woman interested in investing in personal growth, we offer support and assistance when going through a difficult situation or overcoming a challenge. Schedule: Monday to Friday, by appointment Cost: Based on your income Workshops Workshops on various topics are offered to women who would like to explore a particular aspect of their lives and grow based on their interests and need to develop. Examples of themes: Communication, self-esteem, emotions, emotional relationships, understanding oneself. Schedule: To be determined. Mandatory registration Cost: Varies depending on the length of the workshop Other activities Discussion groups and activities, lectures, social activities. INFORMATION 217, rue Belvédère Nord 819-569-0140 HANDI-APTE SERVICES • Reference bank of qualified workers who can be hired to provide homecare to physically disabled people (personal hygiene, meal preparation, laundry, cleaning, assistance eating, getting up, going to bed, etc.). • Specialized caregiving. • Occasional assistance: Errands, outings, medical appointments, volunteer drivers. 82 OTHER SERVICES Entre-Nous coffee meetings, group activities, Internet café, L’Autonome newspaper INFORMATION 928, rue du Fédéral 819-562-8877 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Community Organizations INFORMATION 189, rue Laurier, Office 103 819-562-3311 FEMMES EN TÊTE (women as leaders) directory Would you like to get involved in your community’s decision-making by joining the board of a government, paragovernment, private, or community organization or some other committee? Do you have a position to fill in a decision-making body in the Estrie region? By publicizing your needs in the Femmes en tête directory, you can find women for your board. INFORMATION P.O. Box 21043, Marché Prospect 819-580-1967 RAYON DE SOLEIL DE L’ESTRIE SOLUTIONS BUDGET PLUS ACTIVITIES Rayon de Soleil de l’Estrie will resume its activities in September: • September 10, at the Sainte-Famille point of service • September 11, at the Rock Forest point of service • September 15, at the Sainte-Marie point of service • September 16, at the Notre-Dame point of service SERVICES • Individual budget consultation • Information sessions • Training activities (based on demand) Schedule: Open year-round, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. INFORMATION 235, rue Morris 819-565-5487 LES PETITS FRÈRES Are you interested in volunteering? MISSION The organization strives to prevent the isolation of older people who live alone by welcoming and supporting them and providing a sense of family that will last a lifetime. There are several opportunities: Regular home visits or in seniors’ homes (twinning program), occasional visits, hospital visits, and transportation-accompaniment during our activities (lunches and traditional celebrations), assisting with cooking, and end-of-life accompaniment. Several training sessions are offered. INFORMATION 79, Wellington Nord, Office 202 819-563-0535 Community Organizations SERVICES • Information and referral service; training upon request • Le RUTA vous informe newsletter (4-5 issues per year) • Annual lunch and discussion • Support for members and other disabled users making complaints regarding different modes of transportation • Advocacy for disabled people regarding adapted, regular, public, and intercity transit, as well as adapted taxis • Presentations to various municipal and provincial bodies Schedule: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. PEPINES, PROMOTION DES ESTRIENNES POUR INITIER UNE NOUVELLE ÉQUITÉ SOCIALE Community life REGROUPEMENT DES USAGERS DU TRANSPORT ADAPTÉ DE SHERBROOKE MÉTROPOLITAIN Please note that security checks will be carried out by the organization. INFORMATION Nathalie Langlois, Volunteer Coordinator Les Petits Frères de Sherbrooke 1181, rue Bowen Sud 819-821-4411 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 83 Community Organizations CENTRE D’ACTION BÉNÉVOLE DE SHERBROOKE Community life Community Organizations The Centre d’action bénévole de Sherbrooke (CABS) is a volunteer development, consultation, and support centre for the Sherbrooke community. Celebrating 15 years of promoting volunteerism! Thank you to our partners and collaborators for their contributions to this great achievement! SERVICES FOR THE PUBLIC Check out and the directories of Sherbrooke community organizations and municipal and government services. New this year: a directory of services for seniors and a directory of public services. SERVICES FOR VOLUNTEERS The, Web site gives you access to a simple tool that allows you to consult all of the volunteer opportunities in Sherbrooke. Whether you’re a volunteer, recipient of volunteer services, or stakeholder in your community, this site gives you access to a list of more than 200 community, municipal, and government organizations active in the Sherbrooke community. SERVICES FOR ORGANIZATIONS Consult the training schedule at Director training sessions • CA 101 (Board of Directors 101) • AGA 101 (lunch lecture) (Annual General Meeting 101) • Règlements généraux (General by-laws) (lunch lecture) • Les Rendez-vous des administrateurs (the roles of board members) • Le Rendez-vous de la permanence (the roles of staff) These training sessions enable board members to better understand and carry out their roles, while meeting participants’ needs to discuss with colleagues, their availability, and the need for organizations to share. Human resources management training sessions A series of five workshops on the essential elements of developing and consolidating a volunteer program reflecting the current context of volunteer resource management. • The volunteer management profession today: roles, realities, challenges, and opportunities • Volunteer recruitment • Selection and the 10 steps of volunteer screening • Supervising volunteers • Responding to problem situations with volunteers Training sessions by request Training sessions are available upon request for organizations who would like to form their own group for training by one of our trainers. The Centre d’action bénévole de Sherbrooke can adapt these training sessions to your needs and present them at your organization’s site. INFORMATION 1255, rue Daniel, Office 220 819-823-6598 TABLE DE CONCERTATION JEUNESSE DE SHERBROOKE The TCJS aims to improve the quality of life for young people ages 10 to 35 in Sherbrooke. All non-profit organizations (community, governmental, and paragovernmental bodies) that ask to join are accepted. Each year, workshops, training sessions, and networking activities are organized to foster joint efforts by local stakeholders, centred on the challenges and realities of youth. New this year: The TCJS is participating in the “Force mobilisatrice de la concertation” project aimed at mobilizing the youth round tables from Asbestos, Lac-Mégantic, Magog, and the Borough of Brompton, in collaboration with the Forum jeunesse Estrie and the CRÉ. The goal is to increase youth community involvement and support joint endeavours across the region. The project will involve the organization of a large youth forum. 84 Information Prisca Gilbert, Coordinator 819-846-2757 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Community Organizations SERVICES • Transportation-accompaniment (for health-related appointments and essential errands) • Twinning (weekly social visits) • Services for natural caregivers (listening and counselling, support in taking various steps, information and referrals, training, support groups, coffee chats, lunch get-togethers, seminars, social activities); • Services for volunteers (selection process, training, support, social activities, talks). SERVICE DE MÉDIATION DE QUARTIER DE SHERBROOKE SERVICES Listening, advice, and if need be, mediation—a process in which a neutral third party helps resolve a conflict between two parties. ACTIVITY Citizen mediation Mediation maximizes discussion, encourages the expression of emotions, and fosters harmonious relations between people. A dynamic team of trained volunteers will guide you through the process. Activities are free. INFORMATION To make a request or for information, please leave a message at 819-565-8435 (24 hrs./day, 7 days/week). A mediator will return your call within 48 hours. VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT • Looking for volunteers for social visits (twinning), one hour per week. • Looking for volunteers for transportation-accompaniment, minimum of a half day per week. Urgent need for volunteers in Sherbrooke’s North Ward. • People ages 18 and up Annual membership is $30 for people who use the transportation-accompaniment and twinning services. INFORMATION 2634, rue Galt Ouest 819-562-2494 ASSOCIATION DES PERSONNES HANDICAPÉES VISUELLES DE L’ESTRIE SERVICES • Coffee & information meeting, every two weeks, from September to June • Newspaper publication • Listening, referral, and technical assistance service • Documentation centre Community life CLIENTELE • People 65 and over with reduced independence who want to stay in their homes as long as possible • Natural caregivers Community Organizations LE RÉSEAU D’AMIS DE SHERBROOKE ACTIVITIES First coffee & information meeting: Monday, September 8 Annual General Meeting: Tuesday, September 9 INFORMATION 819-566-4848 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 85 Community Organizations Community life Community Organizations PARENTS-SECOURS DE SHERBROOKE INC 86 LA GRANDE TABLE SERVICES Parents-Secours (Block Parent) is a safety program for children, seniors, and others. The red and white Parents-Secours sign in the window of a home tells children, seniors, and others that help is at hand if they are lost, frightened, or in distress. In addition to its safety network, Parents-Secours offers community education programs to increase the personal safety of children, teens, and seniors. Working together with educators and police, Parents-Secours helps make your community safer. You can help too! ACTIVITY Become a Block Parent today! When you are “available” (which means you are home and able to answer the door to someone requiring assistance), simply display the sign in a window visible from the street. When a child or senior who is being bothered by a stranger or a bully, or who is sick, hurt, or lost, sees the sign, he or she will know that a “SAFE ADULT” is there to offer help. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at 819-821-5990. INFORMATION P.O. Box 34010, Saint-Esprit Station J1K 3C5 SERVICES • Meals served to low-income families in the dining room (Monday to Friday, 4:30 to 6:45 p.m.), at a cost of $2 per family • Frozen meals for CEGEP and university student parents. • Hot meals for students at Quatre-Vents and Jean-XXIII and boxed lunches in several of the city’s schools. • Support-accompaniment service • Work projects through Emploi-Québec programs • Employment assistance • Various workshops and activities (sugar shack outing, hot dog supper, Christmas dinner, etc.) ACTIVITIES For eligible low-income families and individuals • Corn on the cob, August 19, 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Reservation required. In case of rain, postponed until the following day. $2 per family or single person. • Christmas Brunch with activities, games, and gift giving for children. Sittings at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Free transportation. Reservation required before December 12, 819-821-5505. A $5 deposit, which will be returned to you the day of the brunch, is required at the time of registration. • Sale of Christmas ornaments, cost of $5, November 22 and 23, in Sherbrooke grocery stores. INFORMATION 1255, rue Daniel 819-821-5505 MAISON DES GRANDS-PARENTS DE SHERBROOKE SERVICES Two-hour workshops where seniors can get involved. The workshops take place at the Maison des Grands-Parents de Sherbrooke or in elementary and secondary schools. • Healthy cooking • Carpentry • Hands-on workshops • Dances from near and far • Letter-writing workshops with children • Drama workshops with adolescents • Reading and homework help with youth Cost: $10 (annual membership card) for grandparents and free for adolescents and children INFORMATION 1265, Belvédère Sud 819-820-9803 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Community Organizations GRANDS FRÈRES GRANDES SŒURS DE L’ESTRIE Mentor at school The young participants demonstrate signs of being at risk of quitting school or are not working to their full potential. Volunteers meet with the children for 90 minutes per week at noon hour at the child’s school, where they participate in various activities and enjoy spending time together. SEEKING VOLUNTEERS! We are always looking for volunteers of both genders for our various programs. If you or someone you know is interested in getting involved with helping children, our staff will be pleased to answer all your questions. These group mentoring programs are for boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 14 and cover the following themes: • Active lifestyle • Nutrition • Personal well-being The goal of these programs is to help youth appreciate the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. The programs run for eight sessions of 90 minutes each. For more information, contact the Grands Frères Grandes Sœurs de l’Estrie, 819-822-3243. INFORMATION 1265, rue Belvédère Sud 819-822-3243 ASSOCIATION COOPÉRATIVE D’ÉCONOMIE FAMILIALE DE L’ESTRIE CONSUMER ASSISTANCE SERVICE We can help you if: • A contract you signed has not been respected • You have a problem with a telecommunications provider • You need help reaching a payment agreement (hydro-electricity, telecommunications, or other) • You have a problem with a merchant • You have been the victim of false advertising or questionable business practices • You have been swindled and you are wondering if you have any recourse FREE SERVICES • Advice to direct you towards the appropriate steps and relevant resources • Information about consumer legislation (warranties, recourse, etc.) • Help preparing a formal notice • Mediation with a merchant to reach a payment agreement • Assistance in taking action in small claims court INFORMATION WORKSHOPS • Consumer traps • Credit • Housing, energy, and telecommunications • Consumer protection • Responsible consumption • Choosing a seniors’ home, knowing your rights • Insurance • Purchasing a car without regretting it Community life Traditional pairing Designed for children ages 7 to 14 from single-parent families or who are in need of the presence of a significant adult role model. The volunteer meets with the child for three to four hours a week, for a minimum of one year. Community Organizations SERVICES Our services seek to promote the child’s development and enhance his or her well-being by pairing him or her with an adult or couple who will pass on family and social values and act as a role model, mentor, and friend. NEW WORKSHOPS • Itinerant sales, door-to-door sales, and telephone solicitation • Renovations and services (traps and precautions to take) • My house, my patrimony (house-related financial products) • Getting ready to sell my house • Upon request – free workshops adapted to your needs INFORMATION 187, rue Laurier, Office 202 819-563-8144 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 87 Community Organizations MARRAINE TENDRESSE DE L’ESTRIE Community Organizations SERVICES Marraine Tendresse offers a free service for new mothers who may be experiencing exhaustion or worries by providing a listening ear and assistance in balancing all aspects of your new reality .If our service interests you, contact us. VOLUNTEERS Join us and contribute to happy motherhood by listening and providing support to a new mother. If you wish to donate a few hours a week to support or help a mother rest by caring for a baby or children, join our team of volunteers. You’ll receive support in your rewarding role as a “godmother”. INFORMATION 1255, rue Daniel, Office 128 819-562-0406 JEVI CENTRE DE PRÉVENTION DU SUICIDE – ESTRIE SERVICES • Promotion of well-being and prevention of suicide among the population of the Estrie region • Our services are provided free of charge to suicidal individuals, their loved ones, and people who are grieving following a suicide • One number is all you need to obtain help: 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553) The 12th World Suicide Prevention Day will be held September 10. This day is an opportunity to recognize and thank those who make a difference in suicide prevention. Together we can eliminate suicide in our communities. Date and time: September 10 (time to be determined), at the Carrefour de l’Estrie Cost: Free Community life RÉSEAU D’APPUI AUX FAMILLES MONOPARENTALES ET RECOMPOSÉES DE L’ESTRIE (RAME) 88 SERVICES • Living environment, reception, a listening ear, referral, and support • Workshops for parents and their children • Discussions over coffee (every second week, from September 10 to December 10) broaching various topics related to personal and family realities. • Seminars • Geste-pères service: fathers’ coffee time, potluck supper for fathers • Web portal to promote the role of fathers: • Recreational activities, summer camps, potluck meals • Sac à dos service (educational daycare at home) • Le Petit Royaume daycare (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $7 per day, $3.50 per half day). Free for activity participants ACTIVITY Corn on the cob Family activity for RAME members with games and outdoor activities, DJ with music and dancing, as well as corn and hot dogs. This is a great opportunity to meet people and have an enjoyable time with families. Date and time: September 6, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (rain or shine) Cost: Free INFORMATION 1050, Jardins-Fleuris 819-822-3451 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Community Organizations PROMOTION HANDICAP ESTRIE SERVICES • Training to improve our understanding of people with disabilities • Adapted assistance program (Programme Secours) • Handling of accessibility-related complaints • Efforts to increase accessibility for people with disabilities • Actions to ensure the respect of acquired rights • Promotion of meaningful involvement in the community • Efforts to counter discrimination • Accès-Cible newsletter • List of accessible and/or adapted housing • Information on architectural accessibility standards, etc. There are many issues to be addressed, but the goal remains the same–to ensure that disability no longer equates difference and rejection but becomes synonymous with full-fledged membership in the community. Community Organizations SERVICES • Classes, clubs, lectures, and computer workshops • Financial security educational and advocacy activities for young women • Action research on literacy and essential skills (LES) programs • Job search assistance • Variety of intercultural activities and training sessions Hands-on computer classes and workshops Contact us for the list and schedule of workshops, lectures, and computer classes that we offer. Actions interculturelles is currently seeking women between the ages of 18 and 25 to educate and mobilize the Sherbrooke population regarding the financial security of young women. Participants will take concrete steps to address the obstacles encountered in the work force and improve professional career guidance services. Our team is currently working on action-research that will improve the integration of immigrants through literacy and essential skills (LES) programs that are better adapted to their needs. These are the LES programs offered: • Numeracy • Computer use • French: -- Writing -- Reading -- Oral communication If you are or you know a Francophone immigrant residing in the Estrie region, who is or is not taking the LES courses, contact us. Participants only have to fill out five short questionnaires. Claire Holt, 819-822-4180. Looking for a job? We can help you with your search by giving you the tools and means needed. We organize different types of training and activities with the goal of building connections between the various communities and the host community. MISSION To contribute in various ways to improving the living conditions of people with disabilities. INFORMATION 187, rue Laurier, Office 105 819-565-7708 estrie aide iNFORMATION Estrie-Aide Work Experience Coordinator 345, rue Wellington Sud 819-346-9714 Community life ACTIONS INTERCULTURELLES DE DÉVELOPPEMENT ET D’ÉDUCATION (AIDE) INFORMATION 465, rue Lawford 819-822-4180 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 89 In the Boroughs Borough of Brompton In the Boroughs Chevaliers de Colomb, conseil 6849 Activity Schedule Room rental for activities: after funerals, baptism celebrations or evenings. To be determined Bingo To be determined Darts Friday, 7:30 p.m., beginning September 5 Brotherhood breakfasts September 14 Car rally (cost: to be determined) End of September, beginning of October Karaoke night Location 95, rue Saint-Joseph To be determined Guignolée November 30 Borough of Brompton Information: André Cartier, 819-846-6849 (hall), 819-846-3237 (home),, Community life Cercle de fermières Activity Schedule Crafts and heritage sharing Various workshops that leave room for creativity, skill, and originality, through the enjoyment of sharing knowledge To be determined Monthly meetings 133, rue Laval, Room 118 Second Monday of each month, 7 p.m. Keep an eye out in 2015 75th anniversary of Cercle’s annual exhibition: April 11 and 12 133, rue Laval, Room 200 Membership: $26 per year, includes l’Actuelle magazine Information: Josée Lemire, President, 819-846-4457 LOISIRS DE NOTRE-DAME DES MÈRES Activity Schedule Location Room rental: family evenings, courses, various special events To be determined 731, chemin de Notre-Dame-des-Mères Information: Nicole Houle, 819-846-3767 (evening), 819-846-2754 (day) 90 Location InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 In the Boroughs Borough of Fleurimont Activity and Cost Schedule Location • Meetings • Seminars • Crafts • Workshops • Exercises • Themed celebrations • Variety of activities Membership: $15 Third Monday of each month Beginning September 15, 7:15 p.m. Centre culturel et communautaire du Cœur-Immaculé 987, rue du Conseil Information: Micheline Bolduc, President, 819-566-1257 CERCLE DE FERMIÈRES DE MARGUERITE D’YOUVILLE • Crochet • Sewing • Knitting Activity and Cost Schedule Monthly meeting Second Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m., beginning September 10 • Fantasy and youth classes • Decoration • Embroidery and more Workshops take place each Wednesday, 1 to 4 p.m. Location Centre culturel et communautaire du Cœur-Immaculé 987, rue du Conseil In the Boroughs FEMMES DE CHEZ NOUS Membership: $26 per year, includes l’Actuelle magazine Borough of Lennoxville TOWNSHIPPERS’ ASSOCIATION LITERACY IN ACTION Hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Purchase books and CDs by regional authors and musicians, calendars, and much more! Find out how we serve the English-speaking population of the Eastern Townships. Hours Monday to Thursday, 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. Services Offered • Confidential and free tutoring • Literacy and essential skills programs and activities • Training for volunteers wishing to provide literacy support • Individual computer courses • Reading and learning material loans INFORMATION 7, rue Conley 819-346-7009 INFORMATION 257, rue Queen, Office 100 819-566-5717, 1-866-566-5717,, Community life Information: Jeanne-Mance Devost, President, 819-563-9475 AFEAS LENNOXVILLE (Association féminine d’éducation et d’action sociale) If you are interested in being part of our developing society, we invite you to join us! INFORMATION Julienne Lajoie, President, 819-346-6607 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 91 In the Boroughs Borough of Lennoxville (continued) BOUTIQUE ENCORE LENNOXVILLE AND DISTRICT WOMEN’S CENTRE In the Boroughs Hours • Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Centre is a safe meeting place where women can develop their knowledge base and find useful tips. We also offer intervention services for English-speaking women. Services Offered Are you looking for deals and a great way to reinvest in your community? Come visit Boutique Encore! Lennoxville and District Women’s Centre has created a non-profit business that offers quality, lightly used clothing at affordable prices. Shopping at the Boutique Encore is an environmentally friendly decision! Would you like to get involved? We’re always looking for volunteers. Leave your contact information at the Boutique or the Lennoxville and District Women’s Centre. Are you cleaning out your closet? Donate your clothes to a good cause! We accept clothing donations onsite during business hours, as well as at the Lennoxville and District Women’s Centre. Receipts are issued for all cash donations. All our courses, services, and activities are offered in English. Community life INFORMATION 178, rue Queen 819-564-6626 Special events Open House This activity takes place in September. This is the perfect time to come and meet us and/or renew your membership to the Centre. Annual vigil At the beginning of December, we honour the 14 victims of the 1989 massacre at the École Polytechnique de Montréal and all other women who are victims of violence. Bare Necessities project This fall, in partnership with United Way, there will be a collection of food and jackets. Let’s give our support to community members in need. LENNOXVILLE PLAY GROUP Offered by the Lennoxville and District Women’s Centre, this activity is aimed at easing the isolation faced by new parents. We offer a social group for parents and their children, with activities organized by parent participants. Mandatory registration. INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION 10, rue Samuel-Gratham (Amédée-Beaudoin Community Centre) Terry Moore, 819-564-6626, 92 ACTIVITIES Prenatal classes Sewing classes Scrapbooking Just-Paint-It Ladies Bridge Lennoxville Playgroup (for mothers and their children ages 5 and under) TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Hours Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Fridays by appointment only. Closed from July 7 to August 18. INFORMATION 257, rue Queen 819-564-6626 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 In the Boroughs Borough of Mont-Bellevue AFEAS DE MARIE-MÉDIATRICE Activity Schedule Wednesday, September 10, 7 p.m. Monthly meetings: “Femmes d’ici” activity, with guest speaker Second Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. Flea market Table rental: Raymonde Lafrenais, 819-569-4869 Saturday, November 1, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Marie-Médiatrice church basement 3025, rue Galt Ouest (place Dion) Information: Thérèse Morin, President, 819-562-5295 AFÉAS SAINT-ESPRIT Activity Schedule Activities begin • Community supper • Review of Rimouski regional convention • Monthly meeting Location In the Boroughs Activities begin Location Tuesday, September 16, exceptionally at 6 p.m. Third Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. Handicrafts (weaving, knitting, needlepoint, or craft help) Tuesday, 1:30 to 4 p.m., September to June Special Activity Craft show/sale, bake sale, and flea market *Tables for rent as of mid-September (contact Claire Coache) Saturday, October 25, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Several prizes to be won: 1st prize: Bedspread for a double bed 2nd prize: Three dish towels 3rd prize: Two shopping bags All woven by our members Saint-Esprit church basement 2290, rue Galt Ouest (enter by Saint-Esprit street) Information: Claire Coache, President, 819-565-9283, Béatrice Dubé, Vice-President, 819-569-5647 LE REGROUPEMENT DU PARC DU MONT-BELLEVUE For more information on activities available and the nature trails, go to Community life Monthly meetings For information or comments, write to us: LES JARDINS BIO-ÉCOLOGIQUES DE SHERBROOKE (JARDINS COMMUNAUTAIRES MARCEL-TALBOT) Harvest celebration (for members) Saturday, August 23, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Deadline for fall clean-up Sunday, October 12 Closing of the garden Sunday, November 9 Marcel-Talbot community gardens, rue Thibault Thanks to all our members and volunteers. See you next summer! Information: Marina Starman, 819-346-5706, InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 93 In the Boroughs Borough of Mont-Bellevue (continued) FAMILLE PLUS Activities for parents and their children Fun Mondays Games, stories, crafts; a different theme each week. For children ages 5 and under accompanied by a parent. • Monday, 9 to 11 a.m. • No reservations required Programs offered Tuesdays from 9 to 11 a.m., based on registrations Community life In the Boroughs C.É.S.A.M.E. Alphabet primer for little ones Petite Pomme talks about emotions YAPP Meetings with parents and children ages 3 to 5; self-esteem and communication are the basis of our activities. • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for siblings Pre-reading, pre-writing workshop. For children ages 2 to 5 accompanied by a parent. Series of meetings for parents of children ages 5 and under. Themes discussed: development, behaviour, safety, health, parents’ needs, feelings. Series of meetings for parents of children ages 5 and under. Themes discussed: development, behaviour, safety, health, parents’ needs, feelings. • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for siblings • Mandatory registration (4 meetings) • Daycare available for siblings • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for children ages 5 and under • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for children ages 5 and under Petits Mots Cœur Pre-reading and pre-writing themed workshops where the parent accompanies his/her child ages 2 to 5. Parole-o-tout-petits Series of six meetings for parents and children aimed at stimulating language development in children ages 2 to 5. The goal is to equip the parent so he/she can develop strategies to promote language development in his/her child through games and moments in everyday life. • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for siblings Introduction to music Fun workshops that revolve around music. Six 1½ hour meetings. For parents and their children ages 2 to 5. • Mandatory registration • Daycare available for siblings • Tuesday, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Children’s games Stimulation workshop for children ages 0 to 5 accompanied by their parent. These workshops focus on fun activities that can be easily integrated into your daily routine. They suggest using simple everyday objects that can be easily found around the house. Other activities Workshops divided by age group, 0 to 60 months • Once a month • Usually on Thursdays Family activities • Mandatory registration *Minimum fee may apply • Thursday, 9 to 11 a.m. • Reservations mandatory by phone on Activities for parents. Monday between 9 a.m. and noon. Coffee get-togethers, workshop/seminars, handmade • Babies under 18 months may stay with their Mornings for parents creations, workshops led by an educational psychologist, parents presentations by partner organizations. • Daycare available for children 18 months to 5 years Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, for children ages 18 months • Reservations mandatory by phone on Daycare to 5 years. Monday between 9 a.m. and noon. An annual $10 membership fee is required to participate in the activities. Location: 991, rue Kingston Information: 819-822-0835,, Various possibilities: Community lunches, coffee and pastries, Christmas party, bowling, seasonal outings – apple picking, sugar shack, sliding, etc. 94 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 In the Boroughs Borough of Mont-Bellevue (continued) FAMILLE ESPOIR Famille Espoir is a meeting place for families from the Ascot neighbourhood and anyone who is interested in socializing. Our goal is to create a sense of individual and family well-being. Here is a brief summary of the activities taking place at Famille Espoir. • Parents, children, and seniors welcome! • Soup is served at lunch. Then you can listen to a speaker or participate in an activity • Every second Tuesday, noon to 3 p.m. Beginning September 25, apple-picking Family coffee chats • Parents, children, and seniors welcome! • A place to talk, do crafts, or knit over a coffee! • Thursday, 9 to 11 a.m., beginning October 2 Bulk purchase group • Savings and practical recipes. • Every second Thursday, 1 to 3 p.m. • Mandatory membership fee of $5 • Beginning October 2 French communication workshops • Monday to Thursday, 9 to 11:30 a.m. • Mandatory registration Intercultural evenings • Discussions led by a facilitator about the different realities experienced by cultural communities from the neighbourhood. • Reserve your spot! Movie night • Have fun, meet new people, and discuss the movie watched. Workshop for parents • Coming soon! Contact us for details Pyjama story time • Family activity! • Tuesday, October 7, as of 6:15 p.m. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Baby diversity • Activity for mothers and their babies ages 2 to 18 months. • October 8 to November 19 Youth activities Educational break for parents of children ages 6 months to 5 years A place for me Help with homework Youth Saturdays Young Musicians of the World Minimal cost. Treat yourself to a break! Call us for more information. Mandatory registration Activities for youth ages 9 to 13 Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m. • Tuesday to Thursday, 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. • Mandatory registration For children in elementary school. • Watercolour workshops, sports, Internet access, and special activities with a dynamic team of leaders! • Beginning Saturday, October 4 • Free For children ages 4 to 13. Free activity for elementary and high school students. Cost: The $5 annual membership fee gives you many benefits. Most activities are free or require a small fee. Community life Lunch meetings In the Boroughs Activities for parents and other adults For more information, contact us at 819-791-1578 INFORMATION 1520, rue Dunant 819-569-7923,, InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 95 In the Boroughs Borough of Mont-Bellevue (continued) In the Boroughs CORPORATION ASCOT EN SANTÉ Activity Voisinage en fête (neighbourhood celebration) This block party brings together more than 1000 people every year achieving its goals of creating neighbourly ties, enhancing the neighbourhood’s wealth of multiculturalism, and highlighting the return to school. Performances, inflatable games, booths featuring the neighbourhood’s organizations, corn on the cob, hot-dogs, petting zoo, and mini-train rides are offered. Come celebrate with your neighbours! Pyjama story time Free for children ages 5 and under and their families. Free snacks and door prizes. Neighbourhood meeting This is an opportunity to know what’s happening in the neighbourhood and express your opinion. Please confirm your attendance as snacks are offered. Information: Johanne Audet, Liaison Officer, 819-342-0996, ascotensante@csrs Schedule Location Sunday, September 7 Parc Belvédère 500, rue Thibault To be determined To be determined To be determined Borough of Mont-Bellevue office 600, rue Thibault Borough of Jacques-Cartier AFEAS DE SAINT-CHARLES-GARNIER Activity Community life Training offered to members, exchanges and discussions on the year’s theme. Speaker or guest specializing in the topic under discussion. Schedule – As of April Location Third Tuesday of each month, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Saint-Charles-Garnier church 3710, rue Charles-Hamel Theme for the year: CITY LIFE Component 1 – My city: powers and duties Component 2 – Municipal elected officials: what do they do? Component 3 – Community involvement Community project: INFORMED CITIZENS (buying local goods and services, our right to choose) OPERATION LEND A HAND: November 25 to December 6 INVISIBLE WORK DAY: Parents, citizens, April 7, 2015 Special Activity: Christmas show (3710, rue Charles-Hamel), November 29 and 30 Information: Suzanne Berger, 819-569-4735,, Cost: $35 per year, includes the provincial Femmes d’ici magazine. Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville AFEAS Activity and Cost Monthly meetings for women ages 16 and up Cost: $35 per year, includes Femmes d’ici magazine (fundraising method) Dance evening, country and line dancing Cost: $10 (fundraising method) Schedule Location Second Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. September to June Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 202) Saturday, October 25, 7:30 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine On the program: Operation “Lend a Hand” Information: Marguerite Larrivée, 819-864-4848 96 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 In the Boroughs Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) Activity and Cost Schedule Location Monthly meetings for women ages 14 and up Second Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste Cost: $25 per year, includes l’Actuelle magazine September to June 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 216) Activity Schedule Hairpin lace Knitting – casting on Sewing The workshop-courses are held on Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 216 Fléché (sash weaving) of the Centre communautaire Optimiste, beginning in September Frivolity (lace) using shuttles Rag dolls Bobbin lace Troubleshooting sessions are possible for all techniques taught, Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Information: Denise Lainesse, President, 819-846-0902 In the Boroughs CERCLE DE FERMIÈRES BEAULocation (ROCK FOREST) CERCLE DE FERMIÈRES ROCK FOREST Activity and Cost Monthly meetings for women ages 14 and up Cost: $25 per year, includes l’Actuelle magazine Schedule Location Second Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. September to June Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 215) Information: Annie Mercier, 819-846-3910, TISSAGE ET CRÉATION DEAUVILLOIS Activity and Cost Weekly get together for adults Cost: $30 annual membership Schedule Loction Upon reservation, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 8 a.m. to noon September to June Centre récréatif communautaire de Deauville 200, rue Jules-Richard Community life Classes offered: Hairpin lace, embroidery, hardanger embroidery, sewing and knitting Register any time at the weaving room. Information: Angella Laroche, 819-864-4486, Marielle Doyon, 819-864-7442 FONDATION DES ŒUVRES CHARITABLES SAINT-ROCH Thrift shop Please note that we do not accept televisions, furniture, beds, and other similar furniture. Hours: Thursday, 1 to 8 p.m., and Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m. Location: 6630, rue Émery-Fontaine Please leave your clean, used clothing in a box on the thrift shop’s back porch. Food bank Information: 819-864-1790 (voicemail) InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 97 In the Boroughs Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) In the Boroughs CERCLE DE FERMIÈRES SAINT-ÉLIE-D’ORFORD Activity and Cost Schedule Location Monthly meetings for women ages 14 and up Cost: $25 per year, includes l’Actuelle magazine Second Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m. September to June Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N (Écho-Élan room) Craft workshops Cost: $2 for members, $5 for non-members Third Tuesday of each month, 7 to 9 p.m. Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N (Room 113, on lower level) Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N (Room 113, on lower level) Date to be determined in November Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N (Room 113, on lower level) Saturday, November 22, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, November 23, 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N (Gérald-Gosselin room A) November 28, 29, and 30 Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N April 11 and 12 Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N Craft get-togethers: Follow-up, help, and group projects Youth crafting For youth ages 8 to 14 Friendship bracelet (Brazilian) Christmas show and sale Christmas exhibition Community life Spring exhibition Possibility for members to weave anytime (12 looms). The supervisor is on site Tuesdays. Information: Francine Turcotte, 819-820-1132 CLUB OPTIMISTE DE ROCK FOREST Activity and Cost Friend of Youth Membership: $70 per person or $110 per couple Launch of the sales of lottery tickets to win a trip Magic of Christmas on ice The art of expressing oneself Snow Skate Opti-génies Schedule Location Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 6:45 p.m. September to June Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin St-Roch Nord (Room 118) In September Contact Optimiste members to get your tickets Friday, November 21, 7 p.m. Dates to be confirmed Centre récréatif de Rock Forest 5265, rue Gaspé A letter from the Optimist Club will be distributed in schools. Watch your child’s school bag for details! For members: Area breakfasts, supper discussions, district meetings, conferences. A wide range of interesting activities. Information: Mario Roy, 819-829-9373,, You can find us on Facebook: Club Optimiste Rock Forest 98 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 In the Boroughs Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) JOURNAL L’INFO DE SAINT-ÉLIE-D’ORFORD Preservation of the quality of Lake Magog’s body of water. Information: Joanne Sarrasin, President,, Annual General Meeting: Saturday, August 16, 9:30 a.m. to noon Location: Camp Dominique-Savio, 545, chemin du Lac, Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley Month Distribution date September September 5 October October 2 November November 6 December December 4 The deadline for articles is the 15th of the month prior to distribution There will be no paper in January Information: Josée Dostie, 819-820-9663 ASSOCIATION DE LA RIVIÈRE MAGOG (ARMI) Protection of and improvements to the Magog River For more information, visit our Web site: In the Boroughs ASSOCIATION POUR LA PRÉSERVATION DU LAC MAGOG (APLM) Activity and Cost Monthly meetings Schedule Third Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m. Mass at the cemetery Sunday, August 31, 10 a.m. Guignolée Sunday, November 30, 8 a.m. Brotherhood brunch Sunday, December 7, 9 a.m. Distribution of the Christmas baskets Friday, December 19, 8 a.m. Location Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N Saint-Élie cemetary Route 220 In the Borough St. Michel cathedral basement 130, rue de la Cathédrale Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N Community life CHEVALIERS DE COLOMB DE SAINT-ÉLIE, CONSEIL 8053 Information: Fernand Bolduc, 819-563-8901 CLUB DU VITRAIL DEAUVILLOIS Activity and Cost Regular workshops for adults Cost: $55 for registration Schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. September to May, beginning September 20 Beginner classes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: $55 for registration September 22 to December 10 and $20 for the class Classes in basic techniques: Cutting, copper foiling, lead caming, soldering, cleaning, staining, etc. Information: Martine Lévesque, 819-864-4167, Gaétane Lessard, 819-569-1065 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Location Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 107) Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 107) 99 In the Boroughs Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) CHEVALIERS DE COLOMB DE ROCK FOREST, CONSEIL 7518 Activity Schedule Tuesday, September 9 and November 11, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, September 13, 5:30 p.m. Friday, September 26, October 31, November 28, December 19, 7:30 p.m. Meetings Grand Knight’s dinner In the Boroughs Youth Organizations Friendly evenings Mass for deceased brothers Brunch in cooperation with the 47e Groupe scout de Rock Forest Guignolée with the 2449 de Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville cadet corps Saturday, November 1, Sunday, November 2, and Sunday November 9 Sunday, October 26, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Brotherhood brunch Location Centre communautaire Optimiste, 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 202) Restaurant Jack-O, 5156, boul. Bourque Centre communautaire Optimiste, 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine (Room 108) La Résurrection du Christ church, 4 p.m., Notre-Dame-de-Liesse church, 9 a.m., and Saint-Roch church, 8:30 a.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Sunday, December 7, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Sunday, December 14, 9 a.m. St. Michel cathedral basement 130, rue de la Cathédrale Information: Pierre-Denis Bernard, 819-864-6650 Youth Organizations – The Scouting Movement Borough of Brompton Community life Groupe Scout Geyser de Brompton Scout Office: 352, rue Laval, room 1, Scouting offers the chance to experience life, projects, and challenges and to take action in a spirit of group involvement. It’s also about respecting nature and much more. For girls and boys ages 7 to 17 who want to enjoy experiences that are both fun and educational. Category Clientele Boys and girls Beavers “La colonie des pattes courtes” 7 and 8 Cubs “La meute Volcano” 9 to 11 Scouts “La troupe Metshu” 12 to 14 Venturers “Le poste Amik” 14 to 17 Information: Nathalie Gosselin, President, 819-570-3928, UPCOMING ACTIVITIES End of August: 2014-2015 registration September 27: 2015 Scout calendar sales October: Annual General Meeting November: Bottle drive 100 Registration: August 26 and 27, 6:30 to 8 p.m. However, we welcome young people throughout the year! Cost: $50 (registration) and $160 (activities), for a total of $210 per year. $10 discount per child for two or more children in a family. Schedule Group Leader Friday, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. Mélanie Boisvert 819-993-4400 Mélanie Côté 819-846-1910 Guillaume Déry-Saint-Cyr 819-846-6676 Jimmy Rondeau 819-846-0199 Adult leaders needed! We are always looking for people interested in contributing to the development of our young people. Free training is provided by the Scout movement. We also need people to serve on our management committee and other committees. InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations – The Scouting Movement Borough of Fleurimont Mixed groups Age Beavers 7 and 8 Cubs 9 to 11 Scouts 12 to 14 Venturers 15 to 17 Rovers 18 to 25 Adult volunteers 18 and up Borough of Lennoxville GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA SHERBROOKE DISTRICT With 103 years of experience, the First Lennoxville Guides is the oldest Girl Guides of Canada unit in Quebec! This organizations encourages girls to become confident, resourceful, courageous, and make a difference in the world. What do Girl Guides get involved in? • camping; • science and technology; • ecology and environmental awareness; • arts; • community and anti-bullying projects; • games, dances, songs. Activities take place Monday evenings, beginning September 8, 6:15 to 8 p.m. REGISTRATION Online at or in person beginning Monday, September 8, 6:15 to 8 p.m. INFORMATION 6, rue Church (basement) Alana Noël, 819-823-6806, 1st LENNOXVILLE SCOUTS For more than 100 years, Scouts Canada has been helping build a better world. The organization offers non-competitive programs that encourage sharing and a sense of belonging, arouse curiosity and provide a chance to experience adventures, while building self-esteem and independence through outdoor activities. Location: United Church, 6, rue Church Dates: September to June INFORMATION Melissa Warburton, 819-562-4969, Our fundraising efforts, including the annual Scout popcorn campaign and bottle drive, help reduce the costs of our activities, camps, and programs. Join the adventure! Categories (mixed) Age Schedule Beavers 5 to 7 Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Cubs 8 to 10 Wednesday, 6:30 to 8 p.m. 11 to 14 1st Saturday of every month and 1st Wednesday night of every month Scouts InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations Do you enjoy playing, being active, learning, sharing, and being part of it all? Children ages 7 and up from across the Borough are welcome to join our great group! Scouting in the Borough of Fleurimont is for YOU! Registration: Wednesday, September 3, 7 to 9 p.m., Centre Julien-Ducharme For adults who would like to enjoy great experiences with our young people: No experience necessary, free training is provided in facilitation, various techniques, leadership, and management. And everything that you need will be provided! INFORMATION Étienne Boisvert,, Claudette Parent, 819-566-0487 Community life 10e GROUPE SCOUT EST-CALADE 101 Youth Organizations – The Scouting Movement Borough of Mont-Bellevue 39e GROUPE SCOUT MONT ET RIVIÈRES Youth Organizations Want to meet new friends? Experience new adventures? Show off your skills and accomplishments? Develop your independence and help your community? With the Scouts, you will find everything you are looking for! 7 and 8 Beavers “Colonie du Mont- Bellevue” Wednesday, 6:30 to 8 p.m. 9 to 11 Cubs “Aventuriers - Entre Chiens et Loups” Monday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 12 to 14 Scouts “Grizzly” Tuesday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 15 to 17 Venturers “Wakinyam” Monday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 18 to 25 Rovers “Atoutamis” To be determined Information and Registration: Sarah Gagnon, 819-542-2768, If you are interested in helping youth, and sharing and expanding your knowledge, we are looking for leaders and managers. Free training is provided. Registrations for 2014-2015 will be held September 3 and 4, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the Parc Lucien-Blanchard service building (755, rue Cabana). Community life Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville 47e GROUPE SCOUT DE ROCK FOREST Dates: September to June Location: Centre communautaire Optimiste, 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Cost: Based on age group Registration: Thursday, September 4, 6 to 9 p.m. Mixed groups Would you like an enriching experience, to learn new things, and share your passion with young people? Or just volunteer some time, and join a dynamic and active team? Contact us to become a group leader or manager! Age* Day Time Beavers 7 and 8 Thursday 7 to 8:30 p.m. Cubs 9 to 11 Wednesday Thursday 7 to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Scouts 12 to 14 Thursday 7 to 9 p.m. Venturers 15 to 17 To be determined 7 to 9 p.m. *Minimum age required as of September 30. Information: Marie-Josée Lafond, Annual Scout calendar campaign Scouts from the Borough will be contacting you in October for their annual calendar sales. They’re counting on your generosity! Scouts also collect cans and bottles for fundraising. You just have to contact us! 102 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations – The Scouting Movement Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) 48e GROUPE SCOUT LES RASSEMBLEURS DE SAINT-ÉLIE-D’ORFORD Mixed groups Age* Schedule Beavers 7 and 8 Wednesday, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Cubs 9 to 11 Wednesday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Scouts 12 to 14 Wednesday, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Venturers 15 to 17 Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. * Minimum age required as of September 30. Information: Christian Hamel, 819-864-1059, Gino Gélinas, 819-791-6268,, or via Facebook (Scouts St-Élie 48e Groupe) Youth Organizations Seeking volunteers! Would you like to enjoy new experiences as part of a dynamic team? Join us as a leader or manager! Dates: September to June Location: Centre communautaire Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Cost: To be determined, may be paid in instalments Registration: September 3 and 4, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Youth Organizations - Youth Centres Borough of Brompton A place to experience activities, occasions, and situations that will help you become an active, critically minded, and responsible citizen in your community. Curious? Come see us! Our team is waiting for you! Clientele: Young people between the ages of 12 and 17 ACTIVITIES • discussions • pool, ping-pong, board games • sports: soccer, volleyball, baseball, etc. • art activities • movie nights • Internet access, “ Wii” games • fundraising • outdoor activities and special outings Adult involvement • Board of directors • Youth committee • Organizing activities and projects SCHEDULE Tuesday and Thursday, 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, 6 to 9 p.m. The schedule may change on occasion. Visit our Facebook page. Our hours are extended during the summer. Community life La Place des jeunes l’Intervalle INFORMATION 352-2, rue Laval (2nd floor) 819-846-6008 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 103 Youth Organizations - Youth Centres Borough of Fleurimont LA maison jeunes-est 393, rue King Est Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1B4 Telephone: 819-821-1999 Fax: 819-821-5966 Shelter for youth A 24-hour service, 7 days a week, for youth ages 12 to 17. •Housing for crisis situations: a safe environment and an alternative to homelessness. •A break for families so they can develop strategies to reduce tension at home. Youth Organizations •A trial period on your own towards getting an apartment and taking charge of your life. Maison Jeunes-Est is an accessible living environment and gathering place for young people. Activities are organized and developed with and for teenagers. Youth leaders are present to listen, explain, and encourage youth. Come and enjoy the activities offered: Apple-picking, backto-school party, special Halloween activity, Christmas gala, and many more! • A hotline to receive help to prevent or get through difficult situations Projects for school success • The newly created Access 5 program promotes access to education by offering psychosocial, material, educational, and financial help. • The Int erface project encourages socio-professional integration through several activities. Youth centre • Theme-based activities, prevention workshops, and cooperative projects. • Cultural and recreational activities, sports, artistic projects, and community involvement. • Intervention and special projects linked to various issues faced by youth. Schedule: Tuesday to Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 6 to 10 p.m. 6 to 11 p.m. 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 11 p.m. Community life Add us on Facebook: Inters Maison Jeunes-Est 104 LA MAIZE DE FLEURIMONT Clientele: Community organization offering a structured 393, rue King Est environment for youth ages 12 to 18. Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1B4 Telephone: 819-‐821-‐1999 SCHEDULE Wednesday and Thursday, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Fax: 819-‐821-‐5966 Friday and Saturday, 6 to 10:30 p.m. What’s available? Board games, computers, pool table, foosball, art supplies, sports equipment, outings, etc. INFORMATION 1735, chemin Galvin Alexandre-Sacha Simoneau, Coordinator 819-569-4700,, InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations - Youth Centres Borough of Lennoxville LENNOXVILLE youth center INFORMATION 168-B, rue Queen Resource person: Kohl Kelso 819-821-4805, Youth Organizations SCHEDULE Youth activities: Tuesday to Friday, 6 to 10 p.m. Office: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Borough of Mont-Bellevue LES JEUNES DU COIN D’ASCOT (LE FLASH) Feel like using your free time well, being with friends, and having new experiences? Join us to achieve your goals by getting involved in your neighbourhood, travelling, playing sports, cooking, participating in lots of projects that interest you, and much more! Youth have access to a pool table, a foosball table, two computers, and a lounge with cable television. INFORMATION Parc Belvédère, 494, rue Thibault Stéphan Cyr, Coordinator 819-821-4592, LE SPOT JEUNESSE Spot Jeunesse is THE place for youth in centre-south Sherbrooke! Schedule Tuesday to Thursday, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 6 to 10:30 p.m. The hours may vary depending on the activity Daily activities • Sports • Foosball • Pool • Internet, music • Canteen • Movies and Wii • Youth creative space: Le Graff INFORMATION Parc Alfred-Élie-Dufresne 525, rue Galt Ouest Sébastien Laberge, Coordinator 819-821-1988, Services • Prevention, awareness • Homework and employment assistance • Referrals • Learning about life in society • Defend and promote of the rights of young people InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Community life SCHEDULE Monday to Thursday: 5:30 to 9 p.m. Friday: 5:30 to 10 p.m. Committees • Canteen • Youth committee • Board of directors 105 Youth Organizations - Youth Centres Borough of Jacques-Cartier MAISON DE JEUNES AZIMUT NORD Community life Youth Organizations Over the course of 21 years, Azimut Nord has developed an expertise with youth from the borough. Through contact with significant adults, youth who spend time at the youth centre get the chance to become active, discerning, and responsible citizens. 106 Hours Wednesday and Thursday, 6 to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 6 to 10 p.m. INFORMATION Entrance to Parc Jacques-Cartier 100, rue Marchant 819-823-5138 Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville CENTRE REGROUPEMENT JEUNESSE ROCK FOREST INC. SCHEDULE Tuesday to Thursday: 6 to 9 p.m. Friday: 6 to 10 p.m. Sunday: 6 to 9 p.m. Friday super entertainment nights Are you between the ages of 8 and 13? Do you feel like having fun on a Friday night every second week? Look no further! Disco Fridays are for you! ACTIVITIES • Play Sports • Participate in discussions • Receive help • Find out about your rights • Get involved in your community • Meet significant adults • Take part in workshops and learn about various themes On the program: • Theme nights (ex: Hawaiian, the 80s, black and white) • Games: basketball, foosball, pool, Wii, and Xbox Kinect • Contests: musical chairs, cowboy, lip-synch, karaoke, etc) • Many prizes to be won! Cost: $5 Schedule: Beginning September 12, then every other Friday from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Our hall is available for rent. For more information, contact Robert Bouthillier, at 819-822-0369. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES • Dances • Improv nights • Music nights • Movie nights • Cooking workshops • Funded outings (La Ronde, Valcartier Vacation Village, Go-Karting, etc.) InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations - Youth Centres Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) PLACE DES JEUNES MA-VILLA, SAINT-ÉLIE sector ACTIVITIES Lots of sports activities available: skating, hockey, soccer, basketball, football, biking, foosball, ping-pong, as well as fun-filled games (board games, improv). There are two activity leaders onsite ready to welcome you and provide a friendly ear, if you feel the need. PLACE DES JEUNES DU DEAUVILLE sector SCHEDULE Tuesday, 6 to 9 p.m. Location: 244, rue Jules-Richard, Parc Jules-Richard ACTIVITIES Lots of sports activities available: skating, sports, skateboarding, biking, as well as recreational activities (board games, improv). There is an activity leader onsite ready to welcome you and provide a friendly ear, if you feel the need. So drop by! INFORMATION 1010, rue Germaine-Guèvremont Robert Bouthillier, 819-822-0369 (day), 819-822-0454 (evening), Youth Organizations SCHEDULE Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 6 to 9 p.m. Location: 166, rue des Colibris, Alphonse-Desjardins room, Parc de Ma-Villa Borough of Brompton JEUNESSE ACTIVE DE BROMPTON (JAB) Financial assistance for projects developed for and by youth between the ages of 12 and 17 By whom? An issue table made up of various community stakeholders: churches, schools, police, CLSC, Borough, Maison des jeunes, Scouts, Optimist Club, donors, etc. When? The project approval committee meets three times per year. Administrative structure? The board of directors meets six times a year. There are also meetings for members: one for information and consultation, and the annual general meeting. NEW! JAB is coordinating the “Force mobilisatrice de la concertation” project aimed at mobilizing the youth round tables from Asbestos, Lac- Mégantic, Magog, and Sherbrooke, in collaboration with the Forum jeunesse Estrie and CRÉ. The goal is to increase youth community involvement and support joint endeavours across the region. The project will involve the organization of a large youth forum. Community life Youth Organizations - Other Youth Organizations Information Benoît Dionne,, Prisca Gilbert, 133, rue Laval 819-846-2757 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 107 Youth Organizations - Other Youth Organizations Borough of Fleurimont LOCAL DES JEUNES DES JARDINS-FLEURIS Youth Organizations The PLACE for youth ages 6 to 11 and 12 to 15! Organization that offers youth ages 6 to 15 a place to go where skilled activity leaders listen to them without judgment and provide support in their day-to-day lives. It’s a happening place Activity for youth ages 6 to 15. Come have fun with the activity leaders in the backyard, every day of the week after school and in the early evening. Certain activities are offered on the weekends. The schedule is posted on the door. Getting a move on days Activity for youth ages 12 to 15. Come see the activity leaders from the teen centre to organize sports and physical activities that interest you. Activities take place every second Saturday, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Stop by to register! INFORMATION 800, rue des Pompons, Apt. 1 819-569-7515 Group dinners Activity for youth ages 12 to 15. Come cook with other youth your age and the dynamic activity leaders. Every Thursday, 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Stop by to register! Youth Organizations - Other Youth Services Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Community life CORPS DE CADETS 2449 ROCK FOREST–SAINT-ÉLIE–DEAUVILLE 108 Paramilitary activities for boys and girls ages 12 to 18 When: September to June, every Friday, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Beginning September 5 Where: Centre communautaire Optimiste, 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Cost: Free (uniform provided by the cadets program) Note: Free summer camps, possibility of 2 to 6 weeks with training allowance Annual review When: During the month of May Where: Centre communautaire Optimiste, 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Cost: Free A military marching parade, brass band, and precision drilling demonstration are just some of the activities. INFORMATION Captain Claude Binette, 819-346-6120, Serge LeBlanc, 819-574-5927, Élisabeth Lavigne, 819-864-0157,, Pride, loyalty and perseverance The Army Cadet program offers challenges, friendship, and adventure. It aims to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote a sense of responsibility, and ensure physical fitness. Sponsored by the federal government, the Cadet program is the largest youth organization in Canada. Training and optional activities may include, among others: adventure camping, marching, precision shooting, biathlon, military music, climbing, as well as map and compass work in the woods. InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Youth Organizations - Other Youth Services ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADET CORPS 197 FRONTENAC 197 Frontenac will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2014. FREE registration begins in September and continues throughout the year. Date and time: Every Friday, 6:30 p.m., September to mid-June, At Manège William (315, rue William) Cost: Free registration for youth ages 12 to 18 (uniform included) The cadet program is for youth just like YOU, looking to: • Experience new adventures and take part in thrilling nautical activities • Sports, games, rope work, swimming, camps, etc. • Have the opportunity to play a musical instrument (we will lend you one free) • Face challenges, develop new skills, and make new friends NAVY LEAGUE CADET CORPS ABÉNAKIS 110 Take on new challenges! Date and time: Every Friday, 6:30 p.m., September to mid-June, 380, rue Dufferin (rear entrance to Plymouth-Trinity United Church) Cost: Registration (throughout the year): $100 per year, uniform included (value of $400) INFORMATION 819-563-2790 or 819-347-6142 Community life INFORMATION 819-572-7110 or 819-347-6142 Youth Organizations Organizations for Seniors THE NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA QUEBEC DIVISION – SHERBROOKE BRANCH Organizations for Seniors Borough of Brompton SERVICE D’ENTRAIDE BÉNÉVOLE DE BROMPTON A SERVICE FOR EVERYONE! POPOTE ROULANTE DE BROMPTON (MEALS ON WHEELS) Service offered to anyone in need of care or assistance. We also help seniors who are becoming dependent or who live on their own to remain in their homes as long as possible. Services Offered Schedule Location Transportation and accompaniment: hospital, dental, medical appointments, etc. Reserve 3 days in advance 35, rue du Curé-LaRocque Home visits by volunteers Meals on wheels Cost: $4.75 per meal. (Call before 9 a.m. for same-day meal) Reservations required Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday (delivered between 11:15 a.m. and noon) Meals delivered by volunteers Information: Lyne Bergeron Lacharité, 819-846-3513 (please leave a message) or InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 109 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Brompton CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR L’ÉCHO For seniors interested in group activities, outings, and meeting new people. Activities Schedule Monday, 1 to 4 p.m. September 10 to December 10 Organizations for Seniors Cards Cards and entertainment by Mario Fontaine, 819-345-8080 Wednesday, 1 to 4 p.m. Special activities Corn Roast Cost: Free/member, $5/non-member Location 133, rue Laval (large room) Date Location August 19 (to be confirmed) Chevaliers de Colomb (95, rue Saint-Joseph) Keep an eye out Keep an eye out New activities Activity dates subject to change Information: Reina 819-846-0348, Nicole 819-846-0153, Mario 819-345-8080 Borough of Fleurimont CLUB DES AÎNÉS FLEURI-EST Community life Activities Regular activities • Shuffleboard • Baseball beanbag toss • Indoor petanque • Darts Schedule Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m. REGULAR ACTIVITIES – September 4 to December 11 Bingo Every 3rd Thursday of the month Noon to 4 p.m. Thursday, September 4 Thursday, October 9 Thursday, November 6 Special activities Corn Roast Thanksgiving lunch Halloween lunch Dance Dance lessons and afternoon dance Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m. September 9 to December 16 Information: Léandre Mathieu, President, 819-566-8049 110 Location InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Centre Julien-Ducharme 1671, chemin Duplessis Organizations for Seniors Borough of Fleurimont (continued) CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR DES SAGES DE MARIE-REINE-DU-MONDE Activities Schedule Regular activities Cards Location Special activities Dinner, annual general meeting, and dance Thursday, September 18 • Dinner and annual general meeting, 5 to 7 p.m. • Dancing begins, 7:30 p.m. Christmas dinner Parc Bureau pavilion, Sylvio-Couture room 925, rue Walsh December 6, 6 p.m. Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. (based on the availability of the room) Activity leaders: France and Léandre Mathieu Dance Information: Pierrette Fernet, President, 819-569-8314 CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR AMITIÉ SAINT-SACREMENT Activities Schedule Location Organizations for Seniors Wednesday, 1 to 4 p.m., As of September 10 Regular activities Beginning September 11 Thursday, 12:30 to 4 p.m. • Cards • Bridge • Dominos and others Opening lunch Parc Bureau pavilion 925, rue Walsh October 16 Community lunches November 13 March 12 Christmas lunch December 11 Closing December 18 Information: Ginette Rousseau, President, 819-569-7687 or 819-432-6620 (cell) Community life Special activities CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR LES BRAVES AMIS DE L’ASSOMPTION Activities Schedule Location Regular activities • Cards • 500 and Spades • Shuffleboard • Dominos and others Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., As of September 2 Special activities Opening lunch September 30 Christmas lunch December 9 Sainte-Famille church basement 610, rue Papineau Information: Yvette Rousseau, President, 819-569-6883 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 111 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Fleurimont (continued) CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR LA DÉTENTE DU CŒUR-IMMACULÉ-DE-MARIE Activity Schedule Location Regular activities Organizations for Seniors • Baseball beanbag toss • Cards • Scrabble and other games Special activities Opening lunch October 8 Community lunches November 5 March 18 Club’s 40th anniversary December 10 Christmas dinner and closing December 17 Centre culturel et communautaire du Cœur-Immaculé 987, rue du Conseil (3rd floor) (elevator available) Information: Ginette Rousseau, President, 819-569-7687 CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR PLEIN AIR QUATRE-SAISONS Activity Schedule Location Wednesday, 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, 7:30 to 11 p.m. September 13 to December 10 Cœur-Immaculé-de-Marie school gym 330, 15e Avenue Sud Special activities Closing celebration for summer activities Monday, September 1 (Labour day) Parc Victoria Ti-Blanc Richard dance floor Season launch and beginning of activities Saturday, September 13 Halloween party Saturday, November 1 Regular activities Dancing and dance classes Disco: Hélène and Gilles Denis Community life Beginning September 10 Wednesday, 12:30 to 4 p.m. Christmas lunch and closing of fall activities Sunday, December 14, 11:30 a.m. Information: Jean Dupuis, President, 819-569-6051, Richard Vachon, Vice-President, 819-566-7628 112 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Cœur-Immaculé school gym 330, 15e Avenue Sud Centre Julien-Ducharme 1671, chemin Duplessis Organizations for Seniors Borough of Fleurimont (continued) CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR LA GAIETÉ SAINTE-FAMILLE Activity Schedule Location Regular activities Special activities Opening lunch October 4 Community lunches February 6 April 10 Christmas lunch Closing Centre culturel et communautaire du Cœur-Immaculé 987, rue du Conseil (3rd floor) (elevator available) December 19 Information: Jeanne d’Arc Desrochers, President, 819-565-1320 Borough of Lennoxville Organizations for Seniors Beginning September 12 Friday, 12:30 to 4 p.m. Cards Beanbags and others Lennoxville & District Community Aid • Blood pressure clinic • Documentation and information VOLUNTEERS Our volunteers are people of all ages who have a few hours to spare to help those in their community. One hour a week can make a huge difference in the lives of seniors. Join our dynamic team and help us brighten the days of our seniors! Borough of Mont-Bellevue CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR MARIE-MÉDIATRICE Activities Schedule General meeting and dancing activities begin Thursday, September 18, 7 p.m. Weekly get-togethers: Cards, pool, indoor petanque, and more Dinner and dancing Monte Carlo Whist card tournament Thursday, 1:30 to 7 p.m., Beginning September 25 Dates to be confirmed Community life SERVICES • Meals on Wheels • Escort-transport • Friendly visits • Caregiver support • OPALS activity group: Adapted physical fitness session followed by an information session and friendly discussion (weekly meetings). • Prevention programs: To prevent falls, abuse, isolation, etc. • Foot care clinic Location Marie-Médiatrice church basement 3025, rue Galt Ouest, (Place Dion) Thursday, November 13, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, 7 p.m. Weekly dance practices Every second Saturday, 7 p.m. New Horizons school gymnasium 2365, rue Galt Ouest, Door 4 Information: André Bourgeois, President, 819-845-7771, Gaston Poirier, Vice-President and Secretary, 819-569-2817 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 113 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Mont-Bellevue CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR LES CŒURS JOYEUX DE L’IMMACULÉE-CONCEPTION Activities Schedule Organizations for Seniors Activities begin Monday, September 8 Weekly get-togethers: Cards, darts Monday, 1 to 4 p.m. Opening lunch Monday, October 20 Apple time Monday, November 17 “Celebrating St. Catherine” Monday, November 24 Christmas lunch Monday, December 15 CLUB LES COPAINS DE L’ÂGE D’OR DU PRÉCIEUX-SANG Activities Schedule Activities begin Bingo Community life L’Immaculée-Conception church basement 320-A, rue de Mère-Teresa Cost: Membership card, $5 Information: Marcelle Morin, President, 819-562-1165, Claudette Beaudoin, Secretary-Treasurer, 819-346-1755 Location Thursday, September 4 Weekly get-togethers: Card games, darts, baseball beanbag toss, dominoes, cribbage Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m. First Thursday of the month, 10 to 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch Opening lunch Thursday, October 2 Light lunch Thursday, November 6 Christmas lunch Thursday, December 4 Holiday break begins Thursday, December 18 Précieux-Sang church hall 785, rue Thibault Information: Françoise Lévesque, President, 819-569-3714 CENTRE D’Activités RÉCRÉATIVES DES AÎNÉS ET AUTRES GÉNÉRATIONS DE SHERBROOKE (CARAGS) Petanque, beanbag toss, darts, cribbage, dominoes, bingo, tournaments, etc. Regular activities resume September 15 Fête de la rentrée Saturday, September 20, 10 a.m., everyone welcome! Saturday activity Date Time Cost 10 a.m. (four parts with player substitutions) $6 1 p.m. (three parts with no player substitutions) $5 Petanque (split into three-player teams) Every Saturday (see the activity program) Registration 30 minutes before the activity begins Tony-Pinard tournament September 27 Registration 30 minutes before the activity begins 10 a.m. $8 Twice monthly (see the activity program) 7 p.m. - Bingo 114 Location InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Mont-Bellevue Sunday activity Date Time Cost Cribbage Every two weeks (see the activity program) 1:30 p.m. $6 Dominoes Every two weeks (see the activity program) 1 p.m. $2 Date Time Cost Petanque, afternoon Every day Registration from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. 1 p.m. Variable Petanque, evening Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Registration from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. 7 p.m. Variable Darts, afternoon Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. $2 Darts, evening Friday 7 p.m. $5 Baseball beanbag toss, afternoon Friday 1 p.m. $2 Weekday activity Organizations for Seniors CENTRE D’Activities RÉCRÉATIVES DES AÎNÉS ET AUTRES GÉNÉRATIONS DE SHERBROOKE (CARAGS) (continued) Membership for Sherbrooke residents is $20 ($30 for non-residents) Non-members pay $2 more per activity. Detailed program available at the CARAGS. Borough of Jacques-Cartier Activity Bridge Beginner bridge lessons Swiss bridge Beginner dance Intermediate dance Annual General Meeting Schedule – As of September Location Tuesday and Friday, noon Wednesday, noon October 19 and November 16 Thursday, 1 to 2:30 p.m. – Room 103, and 7 to 9 p.m. – Room 105-106 Armand-Nadeau pavilion 220, rue Marchant (Parc Jacques-Cartier) Community life CLUB PLEIN AIR ÂGE D’OR DU PARC JACQUES-CARTIER Thursday, 3 to 4 p.m. – Room 103, and 7 to 9 p.m. – Room 103 October 26 Information: 819-348-9684 (bridge) or 819-843-1425 (dancing) InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 115 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Jacques-Cartier (continued) CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR PERPÉTUEL-SECOURS Activity Schedule – As of September Organizations for Seniors Duplicate bridge and others Bridge lessons Monday, Noon to 5 p.m Wednesday Beginner: 1 to 2:30 p.m. Intermediate: 2:30 to 4 p.m. Monastère 861, rue de l’Ontario Tuesday, Noon to 5 p.m. Résidence du Monastère rue de l’Ontario Bridge Information: 819-565-7083 CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR DE SAINT-CHARLES-GARNIER Activity Baseball beanbag toss Cards Dinners Community life Location Basement of Armand-Nadeau pavilion Parc Jacques-Cartier, 200, rue Marchant Schedule – As of September Location Friday, 1 to 4 p.m. Borough of Jacques Cartier’s Centre communautaire et culturel, Rooms 120 and 121 2050-B, boul. de Portland Monday, 1 to 4 p.m. Saint-Charles-Garnier church hall 3710, rue Charles-Hamel Friday, December 12 Monday, December 15 Borough of Jacques Cartier’s Centre communautaire et culturel, Rooms 120 and 121 2050-B, boul. de Portland Information: 819-562-5887 CLUB D’ÂGE D’OR DE SAINT-BONIFACE Activity Darts Schedule – As of September Tuesday, 1 p.m. Cards, pool, baseball beanbag toss, dance lessons, shuffleboard, scrabble, etc. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dinner 3rd Thursday of each month Dance Sunday, 7 to 10 p.m. Dance lessons Bridge Shuffleboard Location Saint-Boniface church basement 75, rue Morris Borough of Jacques Cartier's Centre communautaire et culturel, Bernard-Bonneau-room 2050-B boul. de Portland Borough of Jacques Cartier's Centre communautaire et culturel, Rooms 120 and 121 2050-B boul. de Portland Wednesday, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, 1:30 to 4 p.m. Borough of Jacques Cartier's Centre communautaire et culturel, Room 003 2050-B boul. de Portland General information: 819-820-8426 Information – bridge: 819-564-1486 or 819-346-1828 116 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Schedule Location Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., October 9 to April 16 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 113 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Thursday, September 18, 11:30 a.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Saturday, October 4, 4 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Bingo First Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m. Beginning October 2 Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Monthly breakfast First Thursday of the month, 8:30 a.m. Beginning October 2 Restaurant Eggsfruits 4200, rue King Ouest Bowling (tenpin) Registration: Clémence and Alcide, 819-564-3163 Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., beginning September 2 Friday, 9:30 a.m., beginning September 5 Salon de quilles Memphré 85, rue Pomerleau, Magog Bowling (duckpin) Wednesday, 1 p.m., beginning September 3 Salon de quilles de l’Estrie Promenades King 2299, rue King Oues t Dinner and evening of fun Saturday, November 22, 6 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 113 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Christmas lunch Sunday, December 14, 10 a.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Weekly get-togethers, lunch followed by games (shuffleboard, indoor petanque, baseball beanbag toss, cards, Scrabble) Cost: $20 membership, includes discount booklet and the Virage magazine Getting reacquainted Membership cards sold Opening evening Information: Nicole Bergeron-Cyr, President, 819-864-6870, Richard Poirier, Vice-President, 819-864-0915,, CLUB LES PAYSANS SAINT-ÉLIE-D’ORFORD Activity and Cost Schedule Location Weekly get-together (500, canasta, shuffleboard) Cost: $20 membership, includes discount booklet and the Virage magazine. Activities: $2 for members, $3 for non-members Wednesday, 1 to 5 p.m., Beginning Wednesday, September 3 Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Shuffleboard To be determined based on the number of registrations Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Card tournaments Cost: $2 for members; $3 for non-members First Sunday of each month, 1:30 to 4 p.m., Beginning September 7 Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Darts Cost: $2 per week To be determined based on the number of registrations Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Community life Activity and Cost Organizations for Seniors CLUB FADOQ DE ROCK FOREST Continued on next page InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 117 Organizations for Seniors Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville (continued) CLUB LES PAYSANS SAINT-ÉLIE-D’ORFORD (continued) Organizations for Seniors Activity and Cost Schedule Location The schedule will be determined based on the number of registrations. Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Dancing, including a dance lesson Cost: $7 per session Lyse Bolduc, 819-569-6201 Saturday, 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., From the beginning of October Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Dance lessons Cost: $7.50 per session Lyse Bolduc, 819-569-6201 Sunday, 1 p.m., From the beginning of October Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Dance lessons Cost: $7.50 per session Lyse Bolduc, 819-569-6201 Monday, 1:30 p.m. Dates to be determined Centre Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Introduction to computers Duration: To be determined Cost: To be determined Registration mandatory: 819-565-7690 Information: Jean-Claude Grégoire, President, 819-569-7896 Community life LOISIRS FORESTOIS 50 ANS ET PLUS Activity and Cost Schedule Location Weekly get-togethers (dominoes, baseball beanbag toss, pool) Cost: $7 membership, $2 for activities Wednesday, 1 to 4 p.m., Beginning September 17 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Tuesday, 1 p.m., beginning September 16 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Tuesday, 1 to 2:30 p.m., Beginning September 16 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Wednesday, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Beginning September 17 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Every 3rd, 4th, and 5th (as the case may be) Saturday of each month, 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., Beginning September 20 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Bowling (duckpin) Jocelyne Ménard, 819-346-3201 Friday, 1 p.m., beginning in December Salon de quilles de l’Estrie Promenades King 2299, rue King Ouest Dinner and dancing Cost: To be determined First Sunday of each month, 5:30 p.m., Beginning October 5 Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine New Year’s Eve Celebration and dancing Wednesday, December 31, 6 p.m. Centre communautaire Optimiste, Room 100 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Cribbage, 500, pool Line dance lessons Lyse Bolduc, 819-569-6201 Dance lessons, beginner and intermediate level Lyse Bolduc, 819-569-6201 Dance night Information: Suzanne Fournier, President, 819-864-7929 (Leave a message) 118 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 Organizations for Seniors Autres services pour les aînés ACTIVITY CENTRE FOR PEOPLE OVER 50 Discover a living environment promoting health, well-being, and fulfillment for people aged 50 and over. Sercovie offers a varied and accessible sports and sociocultural program that enables individuals to remain active and engaged. We now have improved facilities with five new rooms that can host more than 75 activities, plus an expanded kitchen and cafeteria that can seat 120 people. FALL 2014 SESSION Registration begins September 3, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Physical activity classes Energy cardio, getting back in shape, Regular or light physical activity Movement and expression Line dancing, Zumba, Pilates, yoga, tai-chi, Qi gong, etc. Outdoors Walking club, Nordic walking, mountain hiking, Mont cardio Language classes English, Spanish Adapted activities Diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiac readaptation, back and knee health Activities for ages 65 and up Falls prevention program, aînés en action Aquatic activities Aqua fitness, aqua jogging, swimming Art and handicrafts Watercolour, art fusion, imitation stained glass, knitting, jewellery making Community activities Library, bingo, Afternoon dancing, scrabble, skip-bo, duck-pin bowling, “les Mélodies d’Antan” choir, and “les Mains Agiles” group. *New*New*New* Community life Organizations for Seniors 300, rue du Conseil (entrance on rue Murray) 819 -565-‐1066 - Physical fitness evaluation and prescription of exercises to do at home. - Aidants en mouvement sessions for natural caregivers (activity funded by APPUI Estrie). Volunteering at Sercovie is an enriching and rewarding experience. We are always in need of volunteers. Come join a dynamic team! Visit our Web site: or follow us on Facebook! InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014 119 At Résidences Soleil it's an OPEN HOUSE year round, daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and meet our accommodation advisors and discover how affordable our residences can be. Les Résidences Soleil, a family business in tune with your needs for 25 years! Our services, for your health, your safety, and your recreation! Better than a hotel! 11 150, rue des Quatre-Saisons, Sherbrooke, J1E 3X3 and 245, rue Frontenac, Sherbrooke, J1H 1K1 Distinctive, affordable, family-oriented residences for independent and semi-independent seniors Respite/Rest Les Résidences Soleil Manoir Sherbrooke and du Musée Trial period Family dining room • Library • Pool tables Indoor pool, whirlpool, sauna and fitness room Active social life and many organized outings Security and surveillance 24 hrs. a day Receptionist 24 hrs. a day Lots of freedom • Residents' committee Convenience store Hairdresser and beauty salon Excellent choice of varied, all-you-can-eat menus Health care staff 24 hrs. a day • Several games rooms And much more! Convalescence • • • • • • • • • • • The Maison de la famille de Sherbrooke, through its four key services, has a mission to promote the psychosocial well-being of couples and families with a view to improving their quality of life. Daycare Relationship counselling Individual, couple, and family consultations offered by Drop-in daycare offered to parents of children up to qualified professionals. This service also offers various the age of five. workshops affecting the well-being of families. Maison Oxygène Estrie Papillon facteur A temporary shelter, with support, for men and their Letter-writing program for elementary school students children experiencing family, social, financial, psychothat helps children express themselves to volunteers by logical, or personal problems. writing about various topics affecting them. We also offer: Reception, information, and referral services. Family and group activities. 72, rue Victoria, Sherbrooke, Qc J1H 3H7 Tel.: 819 791-4142 • Fax: 819 791-4146 InfoSherbrookois | Autumn 2014
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