Children`s Shelter opens an early Christmas present


Children`s Shelter opens an early Christmas present
27 de diciembre de 2015
Ginobili and Bonner stop by the Children’s Hospital
By Jose Arredondo
Four-time NBA champion
Manu Ginobili and two-time
NBA champion Matt Bonner
stopped by the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio (CHOSA)
Days before Christmas, the
San Antonio Spurs gave back to
the community by spending time
with the children who are sick or
have a serious illness.
The players signed miniature
basketballs and handed them to
Ginobili and Bonner understand how big their impact is
during this time of year.
“Christmas is approaching
and we have the opportunity to
give them a smile to get them
to enjoy a moment when they
are going through some tough
times,” Ginobili said.
“It means a lot to us to have
the opportunity to come here and
spread some holiday cheer for
some kids who need and parents
who need it too and who are going through some tough times. It
really tugs [at] your heart,” Bonner said. “I’m proud to be a Spur
and have an opportunity to make
a difference in the community.”
Although Bonner plays the
game he loves, events like these
have given him a perspective on
what truly is important in life.
“This is a prime example of
having respect of a life, not getting caught up. I play basketball,
it is a sport, but there is more
important things like health and
Ginobili and Bonner are both
fathers so when asked if this
event tugs at their heart a little
more, the Argentinean answered
the only way a parent could.
“You see a lot of the kids
they are the same age as ours
[children]. I can’t imagine what
some of their parents are going
through,” said Ginobili. “So we
relate to them a lot, sometimes
we worry when they have a
flu or a little temperature. So
having go through some tough
times it is not easy. It is good to
see people are okay and want to
spend time with you and have a
good time.”
The San Antonio Spurs participate in many events thorough
out the year that give back to
community, however, Manu
admitted that he has a special
connection with this one.
“I’ve done it many times, and
for me it is sort of special. I
have a special connection with
the hospital,” Ginobili said. “I
have a lot of good memories of
coming here and spending time Manu Ginobili (left), four-year-old Joseph Villalobos (center), Matt Bonner (right) and the Spurs Coyote in the background take
a photo at the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. (Photo, Jose Arredondo)
with the parents and kids.”
Texas boy meets German bone
marrow donor who saved his life
By Lucy Almanza
This will be a Christmas that
11-year-old Colton Harvell will
always remember.
Now a leukemia survivor,
Colton was appointed honorary Deputy Sheriff for the Day
by Sheriff Susan Pamerleau
on Monday during a special
ceremony at the Bexar County
Sheriff’s Office for being a brave
and courageous fighter.
However, the real surprise
happened when Colton was introduced to Alex Hartman, the
bone marrow donor who saved
his life two years ago, making
his wish of meeting him a reality.
“Thank you.” Those were
the first words that Colton said
when he came face to face with
his hero. The 34-year-old firefighter traveled halfway around
the world from Sindelfingen,
Germany with his family just to
meet Colton.
“Colton, I am very pleased to
finally be able to meet you. And
it’s really amazing that you’re
doing so well and it’s just wonderful that you’re so healthy and
you’ve overcome this period in
your life,” Hartman said with the
help of a translator just before
Colton gave him a warm hug.
It was an emotional ceremony
as both families came together
and greeted each other for the
first time, especially for Jonna
Bartlett, Colton’s grandmother.
“It’s amazing. I mean he saved
his life and without him, Colton
wouldn’t be here today. You
have two people who are from
two different countries, neither
one of them had ever met, yet
had so much love for each other.
If the whole world could be like
that, it would be wonderful,” said
Dr. Troy Quigg, Colton’s
physician, celebrated the joyous moment and expressed the
importance of bone marrow
“This is a special day for this
time of year. We have witnessed
how becoming a donor can save
a life,” said Dr. Quigg, who is
also a registered donor since
2011. More than 350,000 people
have received bone marrow
and core blood transplants for
lifesaving cures of a variety of
diseases, especially leukemia, he
mentioned. “We need everybody
that is healthy and willing to get
on the registry so that they can
potentially save someone’s life
one day, like Colton’s.”
Colton was diagnosed with
leukemia in November of 2012.
When chemotherapy did not
help, doctors knew that his best
See Donor on page 2-A
Children’s Shelter opens
an early Christmas
present attraction
By Christina Acosta
This holiday season, many kids
at the Children’s Shelter will have
something to be cheerful about
with a big present.
Young kids lined up on the red
carpet as the facility unveiled a
multipurpose media theatre for
children and youth residing at The
Children’s Shelter emergency
shelter. The media theatre is complete with 31 custom-made raised
theatre seats, basketball arcade
game, air hockey table, two flat
screen TVs and gaming area.
Corey Basso, group vice president for Marketing and Advertising for H-E-B, commissioned
a host of community leaders to
transform a worn library at The
Children’s Shelter into an entertainment center for kids of all
ages. For Basso, to refurbish and
bringing a movie theatre to the
shelter is convenient and allows
everybody until the age of 16 to
enjoy without hassles.
“I asked them [The Children’s
Shelter] if there was any big
project they were looking for me
to do this year. What they needed
was something for the teens to
do so we came up with a movie
theatre,” said Basso to La Prensa.
“It’s also hard for kids at shelters
to get out to movies because of the
number of staff you need to bring
to cover the kids…so we decided
we wanted to bring the movies to
the kids in a safe environment.”
Once the doors opened to the
theater, children smiled, jumped
and danced as they anticipated
See Children’s Shelter
on page 2-A
H-E-B advertising executive Corey Basso brings a fully customized media theatre as an early
Colton Harvell, 11, was thankful to finally meet his hero, Alex Hartman, the bone marrow donor Christmas present to The Children’s Shelter that will fully bring holiday cheer to youngsters.
who saved his life after two years of the transplant. (Photo, Lucy Almanza)
(Photo, Christina Acosta)
Office of EastPoint launches
Branding Strategy
Special to La Prensa
The City of San Antonio Office
of EastPoint is launching a strategic
branding plan to aid the community
with visible pride and unity.
The first phase includes street
pole banners installed throughout
the Promise Zone area on the City’s
east side.
“These neighborhood banners are
intended to create a greater sense of
community and solidarity. Special
thanks to all community residents
who provided input for the design.
This initiative is just the beginning
of many noticeable improvements
throughout the eastside. Together
we will make the Eastside a better
place to live, work and play,” said
District 2 City Councilman Alan E.
Warrick, II.
Each banner has a unique element that depicts the unique
architectural styles that form the
character of each neighborhood.
The images emphasize the essence
of the each community’s story,
including prominent community
meeting places, pieces of public art,
or renderings of historical homes or
“To date, we’ve installed 60
banners that encompass most of
the EastPoint neighborhoods,”
said Mike Etienne, director of the
Office of EastPoint and Promise
Zone. “Our goal was to embrace
the neighborhood and showcase its
character visually, using neighborhood architectural attractions as
In June, Promise Zone initiative
leaders met with east side residents
to begin branding discussions. The
communication strategy will be ongoing and robust in order to ensure
that there is broad involvement in
EastPoint to increase interest and
engagement. Over the next six
months EastPoint will introduce the
branding strategy focused on utilizing creative tools for community
engagement including innovative
visual-art, storytelling, socialnetworking technology, exhibits,
music, performance, festivals and
community gatherings.
The Office of EastPoint & Promise Zone was created in 2014 with
a mission to facilitate revitalization of the San Antonio’s east side
through collaboration and innovation. The office is responsible for
coordinating City activities and
implementation of the $54 million
Choice Neighborhood Initiatives
(CNI) managed by the San Antonio
Housing Authority, Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) initiative
managed by the United Way of San
Antonio and Bexar County and the
national Promise Zone initiative.
For more information, visit www.
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27 de diciembre de 2015
Donación anual de
gorros para invierno
Por Roberto Pérez
En previsión de los días de
frío invernal, que seguramente
tendremos en San Antonio, Mi­
llie Durán, co-fundadora de La
Prensa, entregó una dotación de
gorritos de estambre a Haven for
Hope para ser distribuidos entre
las familias y personas sin hogar
registradas en esta institución de
servicio social.
Durante los meses previos a las
festividades de Navidad y fin de
año, Millie Durán dedica parte de
su tiempo a tejer personalmente
estos prácticos gorros que darán
protección a quien los use a la
intemperie durante los meses de
invierno. También pueden usarse
para dar confort en la noche,
especialmente, a las personas sin
hogar que pasan las noches en el
refugio de Haven for Hope.
Haven for Hope es una ins­
titución caritativa de servicio
público que brinda alojamiento
a personas sin hogar o mujeres
con hijos que se han quedado sin
hogar a causa del infortunio o por
la violencia familiar.
(continued from page 1-A)
“We’ve partnered with Be The
chance for a cure was to have a and now I can’t describe these
bone marrow transplant. Howev- feelings. It’s just an emotional, Match since 1991 and we’ve
er, no match was found through special feeling finally meeting already registered over 250,000
individuals in 60 counties in
the National Marrow Donor Pro- him,” said Bartlett.
Hartman feels the same way Central and South Texas. We’ve
gram in the U.S. and he had to be
placed on the international list. and said, “It’s indescribable. It’s had over 1,000 matches for paHartman had been on the list such a heartwarming thing, I’m tients around the world,” said
for a mere three months, when he so happy that with such a small Yvonne Ybarra, cellular therapy
got the call that he had a match. step I was able to help someone center director with the GenCure
Colton had his successful trans- and make such a difference in Marrow Donor Program. “And
to share this special moment
plant in April of 2013, but could his life.”
GenCure, Be The Match, with Colton is truly an incredible
not thank his donor right away.
In keeping with international Methodist Children’s Hospital, thing. It keeps us motivated.”
Colton, who is now healthy
bone marrow donation protocol, in partnership with the Sarah
Colton had to wait two years Cannon Cancer Network, the and two and a half years leubefore he could contact Hartman. Hispanic American Police Com- kemia free, hopes to be in law Tino Durán, Publisher de La Prensa, entrega a Janeiro Jackson, Development Coordinator de
Colton’s family then contacted mand Officers Association and enforcement when he grows up Haven for Hope, una dotación de gorros de estambre tejidos por Millie Durán para las personas
him through Facebook.
the Bexar County Sheriff’s Of- and Hartman looks forward to inscritas en el refugio Haven for Hope. (Foto, R.J.Pérez)
a relationship with
“When he replied ‘yes, I am fice all came together
to make
1 9/29/15
PM Page 1
him and his family.
the donor’ we felt such a relief this special meeting happen.
(continued from page 1-A)
Nuestra familia los invita
a gozar nuestro sabor casero.
Children’s Shelter...
for the first movie to come up
on the big screen. What would
a red carpet premier be without
a screening of a popular “Star
Wars” movie?
To make the early present possible during Christmas, generous
sponsors included the Will Smith
Foundation, Family Leisure and
Time Warner Media. For Susan
Moulton, founder and president
of the Will Smith Foundation,
this early Christmas present for
the kids was more than donating
all movie theatre chairs; it was
an ode to her son whom she lost
eight years ago to a car accident.
“At the Will Smith Foundation,
the mission statement provides
positive life experiences for
children. When I found out that
they wanted to build a movie
theatre for the older kids to have
something to do, I thought it
would be very worthwhile for us
to get involved. We have a slogan
because of Will we say ‘Will Do,’
because when somebody asks for
something especially kids, we
will do it,” stated Moulton.
As the kids munched on popcorn and were glued to the screen,
one could see that the new movie
theatre will provide the young
kids with an experience that will
step them away from their past
to enjoy their present. For years
to come, the new entertainment
center will provide children with
a place where they can express
joy, laughter and even memories
with other kids.
Annette Rodriguez, president
and CEO of Children’s Shelter,
expressed that this early Christmas present will be useful enough
to bring happiness for many years
to come.
“It means a great deal…We
want the children when they are
ready to leave the shelter feel like
they were in a place where they
felt loved and where they were
cared for,” said Rodriguez. “A
place where they were able to
create some good experiences and
create good memories.”
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27 de diciembre de 2015
LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... La casa que quema
el periodis­
mo libre en
México es,
en ocasiones,
casi un hecho
heroico. Unos
Jorge Ramos
80 periodistas
han sido asesinados en una década
y muchos más son reprimidos.
Este es el caso de los autores del
valiente libro “La Casa Blanca de
Peña Nieto”.
Los mexicanos siempre habíamos sospechado que nuestros
presidentes y ex presidentes se
aprovechaban de sus puestos y de
sus contactos para beneficiarse.
Veíamos las casas, los viajes y
los lujos, pero nunca les pudimos
probar nada. Hasta ahora.
La extraordinaria investigación
del nuevo libro no deja dudas
sobre el conflicto de interés, la
corrupción y la censura en México.
Los autores concluyen, con datos y documentos, que el presidente
de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, y
su esposa, Angélica Rivera, obtuvieron una casa valorada en millo­
nes de dólares de un contratista
del gobierno. Y las filiales de ese
contratista Grupo Higa ganaron
más de 8,000 millones de pesos
(unos 660 millones de dólares),
según la investigación, cuando
Peña Nieto fue gobernador del
Estado de México. Actualmente
tienen contratos por millones más
con el gobierno federal incluyendo
unos para el hangar presidencial,
la carretera Guadalajara Colima y
un gigantesco acueducto.
¿Dónde está el conflicto de
interés? Aquí: El contratista se
encargó de construir la casa sin
pedir pago alguno durante casi
dos años y medio, establece el
reportaje. De ese modo, el empresario le financió a Angélica Rivera
una lujosa residencia sin adelanto
económico, sin enganches ni contrato. ¿Qué ciudadano tiene tales
beneficios?”Además, la venta
de la casa fue por un valor muy
inferior: 54 millones de pesos (o
4.5 millones de dólares del 2012)
al avalúo independiente hecho por
los periodistas.
El investigador del gobierno,
Virgilio Andrade, no vio nada raro
en su pesquisa oficial. Las relaciones no están prohibidas, dijo. Se
tiene que probar la materialización
de los beneficios.”
¿Qué más beneficio que pagar
menos por una casa, no hacer
ningún pago durante más de dos
años y recibir un financiamiento
privilegiado? Eso en cualquier
parte del mundo se llama corrupción. Bueno, quizás en México no.
¿Le dieron una casa al presidente y a su esposa a cambio de
contratos gubernamentales? le
pregunté a los periodistas Daniel
Lizárraga y Sebastián Barragán,
dos de los escritores del libro
(junto a Rafael Cabrera e Irving
Huerta). Sí, ese es el corazón del
reportaje, me dijo Lizárraga. Si
eso no es un tráfico de influencias
¿ante qué estamos?”
Este no es un problema de percepción, como sugirió el presidente Peña Nieto. Estoy consciente
y reconozco que estos acontecimientos dieron lugar a interpretaciones que lastimaron e incluso
indignaron a muchos mexicanos,
dijo antes de disculparse. Pero la
culpa no es de los mexicanos que
creyeron que había algo podrido.
La culpa es del presidente y de su
Lo más indignante de todo, para
muchos mexicanos, es que los periodistas que hicieron la denuncia
perdieron su trabajo. La mayor
parte del equipo de Carmen Aristegui, quien firme y honorablemente
ha sido la cara pública y la voz en
esta denuncia, fue despedida, con
una excusa, de la radiodifusora
donde laboraban. Pero para ellos
está claro que se trató de un caso
de censura.
¿Hubo censura directa de Los
Pinos en este caso? Yo creo que
sí, me dijo Lizárraga. Yo creo
que no querían que se supiera de
la existencia de la casa”. ¿Los
han podido callar? No, me dijo
Barragán. Seguimos trabajando
y es probable que haya un relanzamiento del equipo (de Carmen
Aristegui). Pero sí te puedo asegu-
rar que en breve sacaremos nueva
La historia es implacable. Cuan­
do Peña Nieto deje la presidencia
será recordado por la ventajosa
manera en que llegó a Los Pinos,
por los estudiantes desaparecidos
de Ayotzinapa, por la escapatoria
del Chapo y por una casa que le
quemó la reputación.
México es un país que, en ge­
neral, odia a sus ex presidentes.
Tenemos razones de sobra. Y
la venganza llega cuando dejan
el poder. Peña Nieto entenderá
demasiado tarde que no hay nada
más triste y solitario que un ex
presidente joven quien constantemente se está recordado en la calle,
en las redes sociales, en los lugares
públicos de que lo descubrieron en
la trampa. Vendió su reputación
por una casa y eso no se puede
pintar de blanco.
(Posdata: ¿Por qué sigues escribiendo sobre esto?” me preguntan. Bueno, porque es lo único que
podemos hacer desde el extranjero
para apoyar a los periodistas que
todos los días se la juegan en
México. Aquí está la entrevista de
televisión con los autores del libro:
(¿Tiene algún comentario o
pregunta para Jorge Ramos?
Envíe un correo electrónico a Por
favor incluya su nombre, ciudad
y país).
Just a Thought: Early speaker at MLK celebration
Since this is
my last “Just a
Thought” column for 2015,
I want to wish
the readers of
La Prensa, a
Steve Walker p r o s p e r o u s
and blessed
new year. I look forward to beginning my fourth year writing
this column, which follows two
previous successful years writing, “Ask the Judge.”
To start off 2016, we can look
ahead to the 29th Annual MLK
Mar. on Jan. 29 that begins at
10 a.m. at MLK Academy in
the 3500 block of MLK Drive.
The two-hour march finishes
at Pittman-Sullivan Park, 1101
Iowa where speakers, choirs and
other groups will perform for the
crowd expected to exceed 200
thousand strong this year.
In 1981, when I served as the
President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, (Jaycees), I
was offered the honor to speak
at what was later to be the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Under Dr. King’s statue of
New Braunfels Avenue, over 500
people gathered to commemorate the groundbreaking event
with me as guest speaker. The
following year, the National Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
was approved and in 1986, City
Council under Mayor Henry Cisneros, approved San Antonio’s
Mar. that began Jan. 19, 1987.
I am honored to have marched
for the past 18 consecutive years
in the crowd that over the years
have consistently drawn over
100,000 participants. Now it
tops 200,000 participants. I have
marched as a City Councilman,
American Federation of Teachers Union President representing
Harlandale I.S.D. and Judge.
For the past eight years I have
covered the march in photos,
posting them on my blog, the
Walker Report. I have taken
photos of Grand Marshalls to
include Martin Luther King III,
Congressman John Lewis, Dr.
Joseph Lowry and other civil
rights activists who marched
with Dr. King in the 50s and 60s.
I was invited to speak at the
first gathering because the San
Antonio Jaycees chapter was the
first predominately white local
organization to actively support
the movement to nationalize Dr.
King’s birthday. As president I
represented the chapter that, at
the time, was the fifth largest
Jaycee Chapter that sponsored
non-profit events like Orphan’s
Shopping Tour, & La Semana
Alegre during Fiesta, in the
I was invited to address the
crowd by Eastside leaders Reverend R.A. Callies and Reverend
Clifton Byrd who organized the
maiden event. I recall being
somewhat nervous addressing an
all-black crowd as the only white
person at the gathering.
I expressed my concerns to
Reverend Callies who comforted
me by saying I would be fine.
He encouraged me to share my
heart and all would go well.
Fortunately for me I took his
advice and it worked out. Once
I overcame my jitters I addressed
the crowd and received a warm
It should be noted it was my
first time speaking to more than
50 people at one time unless you
count my college days as a cheerleader in a filled to capacity gym
yelling at the crowd, “two bits,
four bits, six bits a dollar, all for
the Rams, stand up and holler!”
As a former speech teacher
I instructed hundreds of high
school and middle school students over the years. Having
encouraged them to get up in
front of a crowd, it was my turn
to face off.
Performing in plays in high
school and college was one thing
reciting lines of a character, but
using my own narrative to a
crowd of five hundred people
staring at me and listening to
what I had to say about Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was
something else.
It obviously worked out for
me, as within that year I became
a news reporter for a number of
TV stations around Texas and
a stint as a local newspaper reporter to eventually include this
column for La Prensa!
I look forward to 2016 with La
Prensa and my nineteenth time
to walk the two and half miles
of the MLK March.
Anyway, as always, what I
write is “Just a Thought.”
Steve Walker is a Vietnam
Veteran, former Journalist and
Justice of the Peace.
established by Harman. At the
core of team spirit was something more than sports.
The final sale totaled $18 million dollars with both the city
and county putting in $9 million
while SS&E contributed $3 million to Morgan’s Wonderland.
Anyone who has been to the
unique theme park knows why
it was a special place.
I am like the countless of others in the city who has a special
needs member in my family and
in a world not readily equipped
for children in a wheelchair,
Morgan’s Wonderland is different. It was a place where my
nephew was simply a kid first
and his disabilities were an
While “Soccer for a Cause”
goes on, it will do so without
the continued financial support
of the incoming United Soccer
League (USL) team—a franchise that has only weeks to be
comprise a team, coaching staff
and logo.
As the goal is to expand to
the an estimated 18,500 seats
required for the MLS, I am
saddened that something as
ambitious and altruistic as the
Scorpions is so easily cast aside
to make room for a typical professional team structure simply
founded on profit.
Since their inception, I was
fortunate to cover the Scorpions
as a writer and photographer.
There was something particularly endearing about seeing
special need children attend the
games and even occasionally see
Morgan herself for the coin toss.
That was a legacy forged by
Hartman and all the individuals
that made the San Antonio Scorpions and “Soccer for a Cause”
a reality.
Unfortunately, that is not
a tradition that SS&E or any
incoming USL team was ever,
or will ever, be a part of. While
“MLS in SA” chants get louder,
there must be a lamentation for
what could have been for the
Scorpions and special needs
families across the city.
‘Cause’ for concern
By Kristian Jaime
When Gordon Hartman, San
Antonio Scorpions and “Soccer
for a Cause” founder, spoke
about the future of the team, the
writing was on the wall for the
Since plans by Bexar County
were announced to lease the
field to Spurs Sports and Entertainment (SS&E) for 20 years,
the future looked dim for the
former North American Soccer
League (NASL) champions. Yet
in the shuffle of big announcements, something was lost in
translation and congratulatory
“I believe it is time to pass
the baton to Spurs Sports &
Entertainment,” said Hartman
from the Toyota Field turf last
Tuesday. “The potential of this
city, the potential to have a
second major league franchise,
we are ready for it. S.A. is MLS
Imagining San Antonio with
a Major League Soccer (MLS)
team is exciting to be sure, but
it comes at the expense of a
groundbreaking business model
Calendario de la comunidad
counting down the holiday season and the suspense is building...
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“Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and “What Christmas Means
to Me.” Tickets can be purchased at
or at the door. All seating is general admission and tickets go on
sale one hour before. Sunday, Dec. 27 at 5:30 p.m. at the Josephine
Theatrical Company, 339 W. Josephine St.
Moscow Ballet’s company of almost 40 dancers is the only internationally touring ballet group to perform to critical acclaim in over 75
North American cities annually. All ages feel the spirit of the season
at Great Russian Nutcracker performances through the beauty of
romantic hand-sewn costumes, nine shimmering backdrops with
authentic splashes of Russian history and fanciful effects such as;
life-sized Matrushka (Nesting) Dolls; a 3-headed Rat King and a
Troika Sleigh ride through the magical Snow Forest (with falling
snow) escorted by Father Christmas and Snow Maiden. Call Ticketmaster 800-745-3000 or go to
for ticket prices, show times, and more. Sunday, Dec. 27 through
Monday, Dec. 28 at Majestic Theatre, 224 E. Houston St.
invites Downton Abbey fans to arrive in period attire for this advance
screening of the first episode of the show’s final season. Will Carson
and Mrs. Hughes make it down the aisle? Will Branson find happiness in America? Will Mary snap up the affections of the “snappy
chariot” driver? All of those questions could be answered if you
RSVP at, it is a requirement. Tuesday, Dec. 29 from 7 to
8:30 p.m. at Santikos Palladium, 17703 IH-10 W.
SHAKEY GRAVES— Alejandro Rose-Garcia is professionally
known as Shakey Graves, and with his new record, And the War
Came, he extends the ground – emotionally and sonically – broken
by his 2011 self-released debut album, Roll the Bones, which brought
him national acclaim and, three years later, still ranks near the top
of Bandcamp’s digital best-seller charts. Roll the Bones established
the powerful, mesmerizing Shakey Graves sound of Rose-Garcia
accompanying himself on guitar and a handmade kick drum built
out of an old suitcase. Paste included him in a “Best of What’s Next”
feature, praising his “gnarly composite of blues and folk,” while The
New York Times observed that Shakey Graves “makes the one-man
band approach look effortless.” An experienced actor, Rose-Garcia
started making music as part of New York City’s “anti-folk” scene.
Visit for more details. Tuesday, Dec. 29 and
Wed. Dec. 30 at 9 p.m. at Gruene Hall, 1281 Gruene Rd.
CELEBRATE SAN ANTONIO— Celebrate San Antonio is the
city’s official New Year’s Eve Celebration and Fireworks Extravaganza. This free downtown festival features three stages of live music
performances, carnival games and rides, delicious festival food
(gorditas, mini-tacos, barbeque and funnel cakes) and a fireworks
show at midnight. Visit for more details. Thursday, Dec. 3 through Jan.1 from 6:30
p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at Hemisfair Park, 434 S. Alamo St.
at Hotel Havana in bidding farewell to the past and welcoming the
coming year together with an elegant feast, musical merriment and
the company of friends. From 8 p.m.-1 a.m. enjoy the jazz funk soul
of Davis and Devin while dining on a special New Year’s Eve menu
of pan Latin dishes prepared by executive chef JC Bernal with drink
specials on the Havana Margarita, Shiner products and select wines.
Tickets are $100 per person which includes tax and gratuity as well
as food and two signature cocktails with a complimentary champagne
toast at midnight. Thursday, Dec. 31 through Jan. 1 from 8 a.m. until
1 a.m. at Ocho Hotel Havana, 1015 Navarro St.
Wine Dive is hosting a New Year’s Eve Masquerade Party to ring in
the New Year. A three-course pre-fixed dinner menu will be available
throughout the night with an optional wine pairing. The MAX’s Wine
Dive seasonal dinner menu will be available all night as well, with
the option of ordering the pre-fix menu items a la carte. Outlier will
perform live throughout the night from and a free champagne toast
for restaurant guests will be passed around at midnight. Thursday,
Dec. 31 at 6 p.m. at Max’s Wine and Dive, 340 E. Basse Rd.
CRAFT BEER TASTING— The demand for craft beer is rapidly
growing, and we at Conroy’s Irish Pub want to share the happiness
with you. Guests can sample ten tasty craft brews while enjoying light
snacks. Whether you’re hoping to gain some craft beer knowledge
or looking for your new favorite beer, you’re guaranteed to have a
good time sipping, savoring and mingling. Plus, you can’t say no
to free beer, right? Don’t forget to enter our complimentary raffle,
too! We give away lots of awesome boozy prizes throughout the
tasting. Friday, Jan. 1 at 7 p.m. at Conroy’s Irish Pub, 9091 Fair
Oaks Pkwy Ste. 201.
MEDITATION AT THE PEARL— Meditation calms the mind
& body, reduces stress and promotes health and wellness. In this
special interest group meditation is approached from a health &
wellness, research-based perspective, and skills are used for the
purposes of relaxation, health promotion and self-growth. Mindfulness concepts help you increase awareness, develop more control
over thoughts and emotions, and improve skills that will help you
adjust your perspective, even after you leave the group. Come join
the Pearl to find out what brings you at peace. Saturday, Jan. 2 from
10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Pearl outdoor Riverwalk Amphitheater,
303 Pearl Pkwy.
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United States of America.
27 de diciembre de 2015
American Diabetes Association releases
2016 Standards of Medical Care
Special to La Prensa
New obesity management
recommendations for the treatment of type 2 diabetes were
published as a part of the
American Diabetes Association’s 2016 Standards of
Medical Care in Diabetes in
Diabetes Care.
The annually updated guidelines provide health care providers with all components of
diabetes care, general treatment goals and tools to evaluate quality care. Among its
updates, the Standards of Care
outline a tiered approach to
obesity management, including lifestyle intervention,
pharmacotherapy and bariatric
The 2016 Standards of Care
also tailor diabetes treatment
to improve care among vulnerable populations. Clinicians
are given guidance on treating
ethnic, cultural, gender, socioeconomic differences and disparities. There is also guidance
regarding food insecurity,
cognitive dysfunction, mental
illness and patients with HIV
who also have diabetes.
“Diabetes management requires individualized,
patient-centered and
culturally appropriate
strategies. Clinical
practice guidelines are
important for improving population health,
but for the best outcomes, diabetes care
has to be individualized for each patient,” said
Jane Chiang, MD, senior vice
president, medical and community affairs, American
Diabetes Association. “The
new obesity management and
vulnerable population sections are two examples where
individualized care is so important. These interventions
can help reduce the risk of
long-term complications and
improve diabetes outcomes.”
Among other updates, the
scope for treating different
populations with diabetes has
expanded. New recommendations address diabetes selfmanagement education and
support, psychosocial issues
and treatment for youth with
prescribing aspirin therapy to
women age 50 and older who
have at least one additional
major risk factor, such as
family history of premature
type 2 diabetes. An in-depth
section on older adults provides a framework for treatment based on cognitive impairment, coexisting chronic
illnesses and functional status.
For women of child-bearing
years, there are new recommendations on pregestational
diabetes, gestational diabetes
and diabetes management in
The Association updated its
atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease recommendations.
Clinicians should consider
atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia, or albuminuria and are not at increased
risk of bleeding. To manage
lipids, adding ezetimibe to
moderate-intensity statin may
provide additional cardiovascular benefits for select people
with diabetes.
The Association recognizes
the important role of technology in managing diabetes. A
new recommendation states
that people who use continues glucose monitoring and
insulin pumps should have
continuous access after they
turn 65 years of age.
People at risk for
developing type 2
diabetes should consider the use of new
technology, such as
Internet-based social
networks, distance
learning and mobile
applications to effectively modify behaviors to
prevent diabetes.
“The Association’s Standards of Medical Care in
Diabetes are a living document
that is revised and updated
annually to address the needs
of patients and their providers
and to shape diabetes care and
policy both nationally and internationally,” said William H.
Herman, MD, MPH, Professor
of Medicine and Epidemiology
at the University of Michigan
and chair of the Association’s
Professional Practice Committee. “People with diabetes,
their families, and their health
care providers are constantly
challenged to achieve diabetes
treatment goals.
It is an increased challenge
for health care providers to
address socioeconomic disparities, cultural differences
and needs dictated by factors
as diverse as cognitive impairment, cardiovascular disease,
HIV infection and food insecurity when effectively treating diabetes. In addition, they
must continually integrate
new scientific knowledge into
a comprehensive framework
for diabetes management. The
Standards of Care cohesively
outline goals for effective
diabetes treatment in one
place and as a result make
diabetes management more
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27 de diciembre de 2015
Las maravillas curativas de la sábila
Por José I. Franco
Me encuentro feliz porque las
fiestas de Año Nuevo las voy a
pasar en buen estado físico (pri­
meramente con la bendición de
Dios), ya que recientemente logré
por fin curarme de un continuo
dolor en mi tobillo izquierdo, el
cual desde hace tres meses he
venido padeciendo.
Durante el lapso que sufrí dolor, el cual fue creado por tener un
tendón hinchado, estuve tentando
visitar a una clínica especializada
en lesiones de articulaciones del
pie. Sin embargo, por no tenerle
paciencia a los tratamientos que
medicamente se me puedan dar,
opté por mi cuenta en hacerme
un medicamento casero, el cual
preparé en agua hervida, y que
estuvo compuesto por pencas de
sábila o Aloe Vera como también
se le conoce. Añadí sal de mar
y unas rebanadas de jengibre
Ya estando en su punto el
“coctel medicinal”, dejé que se
enfriara a la mitad de temperatura
y en un recipiente nuevo de hule
eché el contenido líquido, no sin
antes sacar unas tres pencas cocidas para usarlas posteriormente
para darle masaje a mi media
naranja (esposa).
La idea de meter el pie dañado
en el recipiente me llegó a la
mente de pura casualidad.
Lo hice posteriormente con el
pie derecho para compensar el
tratamiento, ya que, de acuerdo
a los expertos en medicamentos
caseros, la sábila cura otras enfermedades del pie, huesos, nervios,
músculos, vasos sanguíneos y
desinflama tendones, revitaliza la
piel rasgada, hongos, entre otros
malestares corporales.
Fueron dos tratamientos seguidos con los que pude sentir inmediato alivio. El talón izquierdo
no lo podía ni tan siquiera tocar
con suavidad, era una dolencia
intensa que durante las horas de
trabajo aumentaba.
El dolor en mi talón proveniente por hinchazón de algún
nervio o hueso pequeño desapareció como por arte de magia y se
lo debo a la maravillosa planta de
sábila, la cual ya anteriormente
he usado para curar heridas en
perros con piel sarnosa y hasta
Por haberme curado, sino para
siempre pero sí momentáneamente, decidí visitar alguno de
los portales especializados en dar
consejos en el uso y beneficios
de plantas. Por ejemplo, consulté
el sitio,
cuya sede está en la ciudad vasca
de San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa
(España) y está enfocado en
ofrecer servicios a agricultores
y consumidores, especialmente
a quienes ejercen la agricultura
De acuerdo a información
de Eco Agricultor, la planta de
Aloe Vera (sábila) es una planta
perenne perteneciente a la familia
de liliáceas.
Se recomienda cultivarla en
casa, por ser sencillo. Se pueden
cultivar de una a varias plantas
utilizando macetas de barro sin
esmalte y que tenga buen drenaje.
Necesita sol directo y se desa­
rrolla muy bien en temperaturas
de entre 18 y 25 grados Celsius.
Cuando ya la planta está desa­
rrollada, para su uso, se pueden
cortar pencas enteras sin dejar
el resto de la hoja en la planta;
sino se utiliza toda la penca se
puede refrigerar y darle uso posteriormente.
Las propiedades medicinales
de la sábila son su contenido en
vitamina A, aceites, ácidos grasos. Tiene también efecto depurativo, favorece la regeneración de
tejidos internos. Elimina hongos
y virus. Tiene efecto analgésico,
protege el sistema inmunitario,
posee acción antiinflamatoria.
Además de poseer multitud de
propiedades beneficiosas para
nuestra salud, el Aloe Vera es
capaz de absorber elementos
tóxicos derivados de materiales
de PVC, pintura, esmaltes, etc.
Usos medicinales del Aloe
Aplicando la gel localmente
es capaz de evitar y favorecer
la desaparición de las ampollas.
Uso local del Aloe Vera sobre varices y venas varicosas.
Combate irritaciones cutáneas,
la pulpa del Aloe alivia el escozor y picos provocados por las
picaduras de insectos, medusas
o incluso ortigas.
Para los casos de conjuntivitis:
Se utiliza para colitis ulcerosa,
colon irritable e incluso enfermedad de Crohn.
Por su efecto cicatrizante es
muy efectivo para eliminar o
difuminar cicatrices y otras
marcas en la piel como, por ejemplo estrías. Para pie y piernas
Favorece la buena salud de las
encías, combate el sarro e incluso
puede eliminar algunas manchas
en los dientes y blanquearlos.
Simplemente debemos masticar
un trozo de la gel durante unos
minutos varias veces por semana.
Gracias a su poder analgésico
y antiinflamatorio es eficaz para
combatir: tendinitis, lumbago,
esguinces, torceduras, golpes,
Se puede usar para protección de los rayos del sol. Tanto
aplicando regularmente sobre la
piel como ingiriéndola, la pulpa
de aloe es muy efectiva para
combatir el eccema.
La sábila evita el acné, en
caso de padecerlo ayuda a su
Hyatt Regency San Antonio is
recognized by Make-A-Wish
Central and South Texas
Special to La Prensa
Hyatt Regency San Antonio was recently awarded the
Trooper Award for Outstanding
Mission Support by Make-AWish in the Central
and South Texas
region. For the past
two years, Hyatt
Regency San Antonio has had the
privilege to work
alongside Make-AWish assisting with
granting wishes to
children with life
threatening medial
The Trooper Award, created
in the likeness of a local wish
kid named Travis whose wish
was to be a Texas State Trooper,
is a Central and South Texas
original, and the award itself is
made in Travis’ likeness. The
Trooper award signifies extraordinary philanthropy and is given
to honor those whose dedication
and commitment make the mission of Make-A-Wish possible.
Throughout these past years,
Hyatt Regency San Antonio has
been able to welcome and accommodate numerous children
and their families to the hotel as
part of their granted wish. Ripton
Melhado, General Manager of
Hyatt Regency San Antonio said,
“The award is a source of great
pride to our hotel, and shows our
dedication to caring for people so
they can be their best so that we
in turn can provide the highest
level of care and service to our
guests, and overall our community.” Hyatt Regency San Antonio looks forward to continued
relationship with Make-A-Wish
and fulfilling many more wishes
to children.
About Make-A-Wish
Make-A-Wish grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich
the human experience with hope,
strength and joy. According to
a 2011 U.S. study of wish impact, most health professionals
surveyed believe a wish-cometrue can have positive impacts
on the health of children. Kids
say wishes give them renewed
strength to fight their illness,
and their parents say these ex-
periences help strengthen the
entire family. With the help of
generous donors and more than
250 volunteers, Make-A-Wish
Central and South Texas has
granted more than 4,000 wishes
to children in 40 counties since
suburban, airport, convention
and resort destinations around
the world. Hyatt Regency convention hotels feature spacious
meeting and conference facilities
designed to provide a productive
environment allowing guests
to convene and
connect. Hyatt
Regency hotels
in resort locations
cater to couples
seeking a getaway, families
enjoying a vacation together and
corporate groups
seeking a functional and relaxed
1984. During the last year, vol- atmosphere in which to conduct
unteers and donors made it pos- business and meetings.
sible for 238 kids to experience
the magic of a wish.
About Hyatt Regency San
Situated in the heart of downtown, Hyatt Regency San Antonio offers luxurious accommodations and a full range of modern
services and amenities for your
comfort and convenience. The
AAA Four Diamond property is
uniquely placed on the famous
San Antonio River Walk with
a premier view of the historic
Alamo, connecting two of the
city’s top destinations through
the hotel’s 16-story atrium lobby.
Guest can enjoy unsurpassed
Hyatt service and amenities from
swimming in the heated rooftop
pool to indulging in the pampering services of the DASA spa or
exercising in the
24-hour Stayfit gym. The
onsite restaurant and bar, Q
Kitchen | Bar, offers an innovative River Walk restaurant
experience serving a variety of
flavorsome fare, that reflects
the diverse food culture of the
city where you can enjoy over
100 beers and microbrews from
across Texas. For more information and reservations, visit www. or
call 210-222-1234.
About Hyatt Regency
Hyatt Regency offers a full
range of services and facilities tailored to serve the needs
of meeting planners, business
travelers and leisure guests.
Properties range in size from
180 to over 2,000 rooms and are
conveniently located in urban,
#SAVestidoRojo #LatinasGoRed
La pulpa de la sábila se puede
usar para limpiar heridas abiertas. Cuando se aplica después
de afeitado o depilación ayuda
a que la piel se recupere antes
y además evita que aparezcan
rojeces y granitos.
La pulpa de sábila se puede
usar también como gomina para
fijar un peinado.
La pulpa ingerida tiene un
ligero efecto laxante.
Alivia irritación por el uso de
Para artritis y reuma se puede
ingerir o aplicar localmente.
Elimina los hongos, como por
ejemplo el pie de atleta.
¡Tenemos todos los ingredientes que
necesitas para tus tamales!
• Paleta de puerco
• Pierna de puerco
• Carnitas de puerco
• Cabeza de puerco
• Carne molida de puerco
• Masa preparada
Para recetas y consejos visita
©2015 HEB, 15-5948
27 de diciembre de 2015
27 de diciembre de 2015
Week In
The rise and fall
of the Cowboys
Woodson to retire
In what could be the final home game for
the Raiders in Oakland, will definitely be
the final home game for superstar safety
Charles Woodson. Woodson, who turned
39 in October, announced Monday that he
will retire at the end of this season. The
Raiders host San Diego on Thursday in
their final home game of the season. The
Raiders, who are 6-8, close the season at
Kansas City on Jan. 3.
This season has been tough for
Dallas Cowboys fans to swallow
coming from a promising 2014. But
in the offseason, trouble was already
brewing and it was the beginning of
the end.
It was a tough decision by the
Cowboys to put a franchise tag on
wide receiver Dez Bryant instead
of running back DeMarco Murray.
So with that decision being made,
DeMarco didn’t accept any offers
to sign back with Dallas so they
lost their star running back and kept
Bryant only for him to take a giant
chunk of the Cowboys’ salary cap
and get injured early in the season.
Murray joined fierce division rival
the Philadelphia Eagles. Not showing any promise with his new team,
it proved how great of an offensive
line the Cowboys have to block for
Injuries have spread across this
team like the black plague. Superstar
quarterback Tony Romo was injured
early on in the season breaking
his collarbone yet again. Former
Cowboys quarterback Brandon
Wheedon took the starting position
and lost that job after a week. Now
he plays for the Houston Texans and
led them to a comeback against the
Colts a secure a playoff spot.
Matt Cassell is still currently the
quarterback for the Cowboys. He is
part of the quarterbacks roundabout
that can always win a starting job but
is never able to permanently stay.
When Romo made a surprise
comeback to try and lead is team to a
win against the Miami Dolphins, he
was just as bad as his backup counterpart throwing three interceptions
that game and reinjuring his collarbone finishing his season for him.
After only winning two games
since the end of September, it’s time
owner Jerry Jones needs to realize
he doesn’t know a thing about how
to make this team great again. That
means taking a step back to let an
actual professional general manager
run the roster and team. Jones’ first
priority is being in the spotlight at all
times and ‘relevant’ instead of winning. This once powerhouse team
is now a circus, and their loyal fans
deserve better.
It’s never a good thing as a fan to
admit, but it’s time they botch their
final games and get a really high
draft pick and trade away Romo
and finish the nightmare that was
the “Romo Era.” It’s time to look
at players to draft like Heisman
winner running back Derrik Henry
from Alabama or quarterbacks like
Baker Mayfield from Oklahoma or
Deshaun Watson from Clemson.
Jerry Jones, it’s time to listen to
the fans that sit through every nightmare of a loss and fire yourself from
the general manager’s position, darn
it, even try to get Jimmy Johnson
back to do that job. Fans need to
see another era like the big three of
Aikman, Smith, and Irvin, or even
another Tom Landry, and Roger
Staubach era. They need a breath
of fresh era or else your winning
days and dream of another Super
Bowl is over.
Clemson’s Dabo Swinney is The Associated Press “College Football Coach of
the Year” after leading the Tigers to an
unbeaten regular season and the longest
run as the top team in the country in school
history. Swinney received 35 of 60 votes
from the AP Top 25 media panel. Iowa’s
Kirk Ferentz was second with 10. Michigan
State’s Mark Dantonio and Houston’s Tom
Herman each received five votes.
Spurs stay elite in the West
By Kristian Jaime
By Jessica Duran
Swinney lands Coach of the Year
24-5 is a Spurs season record
that would get much more attention nationally if there was not
a certian Golden State team that
was not 26-1.
Frankly, San Antonio would
not have it any other way. What
is astonishing is not that they
are still perfect at home at 16-0.
It is not even that, after beating
the Indiana Pacers 106-92, they
were riding a six game winning
streak. It is that San Antonio’s
success in the 2015-16 season
was expected.
In a conference that has become synonymous with stiff
competition, being considered
elite is especially gratifying.
Yet such a moniker is earned
by keeping pace with Golden
State—a team that was not about
to fall into a post championship
Consider Dec. 26 a battle of
the titans. It will be the first
time the two face off and the
stingy defense of San Antonio
will try to check prolific Warrior
scoring. Just how effective are
Golden State’s shooters?
Point guard Steph Curry is
currently averaging 31 points
per game; and that is when the
entire league knows he is their
principle scorer. Even the average offensive output per game
is video game numbers—116
points to be exact.
But before the NBA drools
over its de facto champion,
Golden State also allows a whopping 102-point average per
game. Analyst of any stripe will
see that much of the success for
the Warriors has come because
they can survive on offense
While that may be an effective strategy against developing
teams, it will prove woefully
insufficient when San Antonio
ranks twelfth in average points
scored at 102 and first in the
league with the fewest point allowed with 88.
With forward Kawhi Leonard
being named “Western Conference Player of the Week” from
Dec. 14-20, it is easy to forget
how balanced the Spurs really
are. With four players averaging double digits and a bench
full of high percentage shooters,
San Antonio could easily trade
basket for basket.
But that is not the Spurs way.
For coach Pop, the only complete game is one where players
were as adept at defense as they
were on offense.
Enter LaMarcus Aldridge with
Spurs small forward Kawhi Leonard is just one of the reasons why the silver and black are 16-0
at home and 24-5 overall. (Photo, Franco)
his eight rebounds per game;
Leonard with his two steals per
game and the ageless wonder,
Tim Duncan, with 1.4 blocks
per game. Much can be, and has
been, said about coach Pop’s
ingeniousness when it comes
to tweaking the championship
Consider that something Golden State has yet to understand—
the folly of youth and all.
Yet the Warriors and the
Spurs will face off five times
this season, more than enough
opportunity to see who really
rules the West.
The road ahead for Warriors
head coach Steve Kerr, a disciple
of the Gregg Popovich school
of coaching, is far from easy
as well. They still have a pair
of games each with Cleveland,
Oklahoma City and the Los An-
geles Clippers.
For now, San Antonio will
stay in the familiar position in
the wings, quietly amassing
another record season.
Maturity has its benefits, like
knowing that hype always gives
way to the true talent. As the
NBA campaign enters All-Star
Game season and beyond, the
league will see who deserves to
play in April.
Spurs siguen imbatibles en casa
vistiendo la playera número 2 con
los Spurs) se convirtió en el jugador número 14 de la franquicia
Silver & Black que gana dicha
Con 29 partidos jugados de los
82 que se juegan en la temporada
La marca personal de Kawhi fue
regular de la campaña 2015-16
lograda durante los partidos que
NBA, el pentacampeón Spurs ante
jugó durante la semana del lunes
el visitante Pacers de Indiana llegó
14 al domingo 20 de diciembre en
a 16 victorias consecutivas, con
los que anotó 22.7 puntos, 6.3 relo que impuso su propia marca
botes, 2.7 asistencias, 2.00 robos,
de franquicia en sus 43 años de
con promedio de enceste de .564
(22 encestes en 39 intentos). Y
en tiros triples sumó promedio de
.538 con 7 encestes en 13 intentos.
Para el escolta argentino Manu
Ginóbili la buena secuencia ganadora de los Spurs se base en el
enfoque que todos sus compañeros le han dedicado en el plan de
juego defensivo y ofensivo.
“Nuestras victorias se han logrado por el intenso plan de juego
en la defensiva y ofensiva. Con
la participación de todos se ha
logrado un buen comienzo de
temporada. Apenas estamos comenzando, por lo que no debemos
de bajar de ritmo, sino continuar
haciéndolo de la misma forma con
el factor de participación entre
estelares y suplentes”, expresó
Ginóbili, quien no descartó que en
los próximos partidos jueguen con
mayor agresividad y repartiéndose
el balón sobre la duela, ya sea en
partidos locales como de gira.
Partido sábado
Los Spurs este sábado 26 de
diciembre serán anfitriones de los
Nuggets de Denver en partido a jugarse en el horario de las 7:30 p.m.
Luego despedirán 2015 en el
renovado estadio AT&T Center
ante los visitantes Timberwolves
de Minnesota el lunes 28 (7:30
p.m.) y contra Suns de Phoenix
(7:30 p.m.) el miércoles 30.
Descansarán el jueves 31 para
La defensiva y ofensiva de los Spurs los ha llevado a ganar 16 partidos consecutivos en el AT&T Center. En la acción aparecen los recibir el nuevo año y a los Rockaleros Kawhi Leonard y LaMarcus Aldridge junto con el capitán y poste Tim Duncan (21) defendiendo el aro contra el alero Lavoy ets de Houston el sábado 2 de
enero en el horario de las 7:30 p.m.
Allen de los Pacers de Indiana, que perdieron con marcador de 106-92. (Foto, Franco)
Por José I. Franco
afiliación en la NBA.
Spurs, que tienen marca de 24
victorias por 5 derrotas, siguen
firmes como líderes de la división
suroeste donde le siguen los
Mavericks de Dallas, Grizzlies de
Memphis, Rockets de Houston y
Pelicans de Nueva Orleans.
A nivel Conferencia del Oeste,
los Spurs, comandados por el
timonel en jefe Gregg Popovich,
se encuentran como los sublíderes
por debajo del campeón Warriors
de Golden State, que tienen marca
de 28-1.
Los Spurs no han sido reconocidos por los influyentes medios
que cubren la fuente, ya que se
han enfocado a darle mayor publicidad a Warriors y Cavaliers
(subcampeón de la NBA) del autonombrado King James, el alero
LeBron James.
Sin embargo, San Antonio en
estos días festivos fue reconocido
por los medios nacionales, ya
que el alero californiano Kawhi
Leonard, por su marca de 21.0
puntos por partido, se ganó la elección como “Western Conference
Player of the Week” (Jugador de
la Semana en la Conferencia del
Leonard por primera vez en
su carrera de cinco temporadas
en la NBA (las cuales ha jugado
La Prensa de San Antonio
27 de diciembre de 2015
Team Mazda retains Weather Tech Bobcats de cierre ganó a Tigers
Championship driver lineup for 2016
Por José I. Franco
Special to La Prensa
While some things will change
for the Mazda Prototype team in the
2016 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, the full-season
driver lineup will remain the same.
Behind the wheel of the two Soul
Red Mazda Prototypes will be factory drivers Joanthan Bomarito,
Tristan Nunez, Tom Long and Joel
Miller. Additional drivers for the
four endurance races, including
the Rolex 24 at Daytona, will be
revealed in the near future.
“We couldn’t be happier that
each of our Mazda Prototype drivers
will return to the team for 2016,”
said John Doonan, director of motorsports Mazda North American
Operations. “In addition to being
top-notch drivers, we couldn’t ask
for a better group of gentlemen to
represent the Mazda brand in the
premiere level of our Mazda Road
to 24 sports car program. Each of
them has a never-ending positive attitude that doesn’t wave. We expect
more success on the race track this
year, and we believe we have four
racers who can bring those results
to Mazda.”
The Mazda Prototype team is
the top step of the Mazda Road to
24 (#MRT24), a ladder-system of
scholarships in sports car racing.
The Mazda scholarship program
allows drivers move up from grassroots racing into a number of pro
racing categories. Each of the four
Prototype drivers had come through
a variety of Mazda racing categories
to reach the top level of sports car
About drivers: Jonathan Bomarito
(Twitter.@JBomarito) the 33-yearold native of Louisville, Tennessee
returned to the Mazda fold in 2015
after nearly winning the GTLM
drivers title in 2014 with the SRT
the versatile racer has six career
victories in the top categories of
American road racing. He has a
long history with Mazda, most
prominently winning the GT class
at the Rolex 24 at Daytona in 2010
in a rotary powered Mazda RX-8.
This is his second season behind
the wheel of the Mazda Prototype.
Behind the wheel of the two Soul Red Mazda Prototypes will be
factory drivers Jonathan Bomarito, Tristan Nunez, Tom Long
and Joel Miller. (Courtesy photo)
Tom Long (Twitter.@TomLongRacing) In January, Long become
the first Mazda driver and the first
with diesel power to lead overall in
the 53-race history of the Rolex 24
at Daytona. Long, a noted driver
coach, finished seventh in the Prototype class driver points last year
and enter his third season in the
top IMSA sports car category. The
33-year-old resident of Charlotte,
N.C., is a former Pro Miata (now
Battery Tender Mazda MX-5 Cup)
champion, and has been the lead
development driver for the brandnew Mazda MX-5 Global Cup car
that will make its professional racing
debut in 2016.
Joel Miller (Twitter.@JoelMilleracing) The native of Hesperia,
California, paired with Long to finish seventh in the Prototype driver
standings in 2015. Miller is a rare
professional driver who is also a
mechanical engineer, receiving
his degree from the University of
California, Riverside. Miller, 20,
is the featured presenter of the
Mazda STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
program called Racing Accelerates
Creative Education (R.A.C.E.).
The racing-themed educational
presentation has reached more than
16,000 high school students across
the United States since 2014, and is
a part of the Mazda Drive for Good,
a national program that gives back
to local communities and charities.
Miller moved to sports cars after an
open-wheel career, and is the official
driver coach/mentor for the Mazda
Road to Indy open wheel driver
development program.
Tristan Nunez (Twitter.@
TristanNunez) Nunez has been a
Mazda driver since his professional
career began in 2012. The resident
of Boca Raton, Florida turned 20
years old in the off-season, and still
retains records as the youngest race
winner and series champion in the
U.S. professional road racing history. Nunez won the championship
in the 2012 Cooper Tires Prototype
Lites powered by Mazda series,
and the open wheel Walter Hays
Trophy at Silverstone in England the
same year. Nunez created his own
distracted driving program, the Dnt
txt n drV Foundation, and has made
many presentations across the country to young students, emphasizing
the dangers of distracted driving.
Historical numbers for Mazda:
Mazda became the first (and still
only) Asian manufacturer to win
overall at the 24 Hours of Le Mans
in 1991. The winning rotary powered Mazda 787B prototype carried
the number 55, which will return
to Mazda Prototype racing in 2016
– which also marks the 25-year anniversary of the groundbreaking Le
Mans victory. Bomarito and Nunez
will be teammates in the 55 car, with
team strategist and chief engineer
Marcus Shen. Miller and Long will
pilot the No. 70 Mazda Prototype,
which is also an historic number for
the automaker.
The No.70 twice won the Rolex
24 at Daytona in the GT category in
2008 and 2010. Zach LaGrone is the
strategist and lead engineer for the
team. (Source: Mazda Motorsports).
Con la pizarra en contra por 2
carreras a 1, el trabuco Bobcats
–en el cierre del séptimo episodio– anotó cinco carreras para
tomar delantera ante su rival de
la serie de playoff ante Tigers en
la liga dominical de invierno Colt
45 Baseball League.
Por Tigers estaba dominando
el lanzador abridor Ozzie Barba,
quien fue removido por el timonel
Tony Ramírez, que a su vez le
dejó la responsabilidad al relevista Ray Hernández, quien que
no pudo detener la artillería rival
aceptando las cinco carreras que
puso el marcador 6-2.
Bobcats en las entradas 8 y 9
fabricaron un par de carreras para
una pizarra total de 9 a 2, tomando
ventaja en la serie a ganar 2 de 3
El pitcher abridor de Bobcats
JP Granado fue relevado en el
sexto episodio por Jonathan Cisneros, quien tras aceptar jonrón de
Travis Torres, que puso el score
2-2, no concedió más libertades
ganado el partido.
Este domingo Tigers y Bobcats
se juegan su suerte en el segundo
partido que comenzará en el
horario de las 10 a.m.
En otro resultado los “Pistoleros” de Colt 45 con picheo del
abridor Adrián García en nueve
episodios apalearon 11-3 al rival
Westsiders y su lanzador estelar
Miguel García.
Westsiders tienen una segunda
oportunidad hoy para emparejar
los cartones, de no ser así quedarán eliminado del playoff.
Colt 45 y Westsiders comen-
Jonathan Cisneros realizó relevo de oro por Bobcats, que ganaron
el primer partido a Tigers en el playoff con pizarra de 9 a 2 carreras. (Fotos, Franco)
zarán su partido en el nuevo
horario de la 1 p.m.
En la liga invernal del béisbol
categoría veteranos, temporada
dedicada al beisbolista profesional Jesús “Chivo” Lechler, se
registraron los siguientes resultados:
Colt 45 derrotó a Broncos de
Reynosa 11-2, con victoria para
Chris Lee en la lomita y derrota
para Luis Alfonso Velázquez,
quien fue relevado por Jaime
Garza y Gilberto Rodríguez Sr.
“Faltó bateo, no me han llegado los refuerzos, pero de todos
modos pudimos celebrar nuestra posada navideña con fiesta
para jugadores, sus familias y
seguidores de Broncos”, dijo
Roberto Garza manager y dueño
de Broncos.
Cachorros de Nava y O’s empataron 3-3 carreras en partido
que fue suspendido por límite de
Por Cachorros pudo haber
ganado el abridor Noe Pech, que
fue relevado por Pedro Torres,
quien aceptó el empate. “Tuvimos
un gran partido”, dijo Alejandro
Becerra, dueño de Cachorros.
Red Sox apaleó 11-2 a Warriors
del manager y jugador Jay Jay
Bailey, con victoria para Calixto
Moreno, que batió al rival José
Luis (Liga Mexicana) Gómez,
con salvamento para Jay Mora.
El receptor JP Reza se destacó
bateando extra base, seguido por
Ramón Chicochea con 2 de 3,
y el campo corto José Espinoza
con 4 de 5.
“Llegamos a tres partidos ganados consecutivamente. Yo
pude pegar imparable cuando
entré a batear por José Martínez”,
dijo el manager y jugador Pedro
Este sábado 26 de diciembre
juegan a las 9 a.m. Mineros vs.
Red Sox. 11:45 a.m. Warriors vs.
2:30 p.m. Colt 45 vs. O’s.
Descansa Broncos de Reynosa
Miguel Flores vs. Mario Briones
By Swanson Communications
Undefeated prospect Miguel
Flores (18-0, 9 KOs) will put his
record on the line against Mexico’s
Mario “Maca” Briones (27-4-2, 20
KOs) in a 10-round featherweight
battle on Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays
on FS1 and Boxeo de Campeones
on FOX Deportes, Tuesday, Jan. 12
from the Dancehall in San Antonio.
Televised coverage begins at 11
p.m. CT for the first FS1 and FOX
Deportes presentations of PBC action in 2016.
“It’s an amazing feeling to be in
this main event and it has motivated
even more than ever to have his opportunity,” said Flores. “I am always
in shape and ready to get into the
ring. I promise a great show in San
Antonio and I can’t wait to fight in
front of the great boxing fans there.”
“I am thankful for this opportunity and I hope that my opponent
is taking me very seriously,” said
Briones. “This is going to be the
hardest fight he’s ever been in. I’ve
trained to go the distance, but we
will be looking for a big knockout
on Jan. 12.” Tickets for the live
event, which is promoted by Leija
Battah Promotions, are priced at
$100, $70, $38 and $20 and $650 for
VIP tables, $260 for balcony tables
and $200 for stage tables, before
taxes and fees and are on sale now.
To purchase tickets call Leija
Battah Promotions at (210) 97933-02, visit www.leijabattahpromo.
Los Bobcats tuvieron el apoyo de aficionados que esperan celebrar su coronación en el legendario
estadio Colt 45 donde ya probaron las mieles de campeonato ganado en Tex-Mex Independent
com/tickets or buy online at http:// Baseball League.
An undefeated fighter from Michoacan, Mexico, but fighting out
of Houston, Flores has not lost
since turning pro in 2009 at just
17-years-old. The 23-year-old has
had a big 2015 beginning in May
with a victory over German Meraz
and followed up by wins against
Juan Ruiz, Carlos Padilla and Alfred
Fighting out of Villa de Puertecitos, Mexico, Briones will make his
U.S. debut after having fought in
five other countries throughout his
pro career. The 29-year-old owns
knockout victories over Ramon
Jay Jay Bailey, mánager y juMass and Jesus Ceja and most regador del equipo Warriors, se
cently stopped Edgar Gonzalez in JP Reza, valioso receptor y bateador del club Red Sox, captado en juega el clásico sabatino contra
los momentos de pegar doblete contra el picheo del rival Warriors. Cachorros de Nava.
Michael Bradley wins the 2015 Player of the Year
By Ruben Bozzalla
Michael Bradley, a midfielder
for the US National Team, has
won the 2015 Player of the Year
Award, presented by Fútbol de
Primera for the last 25 years
and chosen by journalists from
across the nation from all platforms (including José Franco,
Sports Editor of La Prensa de
San Antonio, who has participated since the first election).
This is the first time Michael
Bradley (28) wins the most
prestigious honor given to an
US National Team member.
Bradley received a total of 174
points, while Clint Dempsey (32)
finished second with 145 points
and Jozy Altidore (26) placed
third with 70 points.
A player receives three points
for each first-place vote, two
points for each second-place
vote, and one point for each
third-place vote. In order to be
eligible for the Player of the
Year Award, a player must have
played in a minimum of three
(3) games for the U.S. National
Team during the calendar year.
Michael Bradley has eighteen
caps this year and he has consistently been one of the best players on the U.S. National Team
since his debut in 2006. This
is the fourth time he has been a
finalist for the Fútbol de Primera Player of the Year Award.
Bradley, who has 109 caps with
the National Team, scored three
goals this year. He started his
professional career in 2004 with
the MLS’ Metro Stars.
In 2006 he moved to The
Netherlands to play with the
Heerenveen. In 2008 he played
with German’s team Borussia
Monchengladbach and in 2011
he was loaned to England to
play with Aston Villa. Then he
moved to Italy where he played
with Chievo (2011-2012) and
with Roma (2012-2014). He is
currently playing with MLS’
Toronto FC since last year.
Clint Dempsey has ten caps
this year with the U.S. National
Team in which he scored nine
goald. He has consistently been
one of the best players on the
U.S. National Team since his
debut in 2004, with 48 goals in
120 games. Dempsey is playing
since 2013 with MLS team Seattle Sounders.
He started his professional
career in 2004 with the MLS
New England Revolution. Then
he played with Fulham FC and
Tottenham Hotspur both teams
of the England Premier League.
He is currently playing with
MLS’ Seattle Sounders since
2013. This is the seventh time
Dempsey has been a finalist for
the Fútbol de Primera Player
of the Year, winning the award
three times.
Jozy Altidore has thirteen caps
this year in which he scored six
goals. He has consistently been
one of the best players on the
U.S, National Team since his
debut in 2007, with 31 goals in
89 games. Altidores started his
professional soccer career in
2006 at the age of 16 with the
MLS’ New York Red Bulls. In
2008, he went on to play for Villarreal (Spain). Then he played
with Jerez (Spain), Hull City
(England), Bursaspor (Turkey)
and AZ Alkmaar (Holland).
In 2013 he moved to England
to play with Premier League’s
Sunderland (2013-2015).
He is currently playing with
MLS’ Toronto FC. This is the
third time he has been a finalist
for the Fútbol de Primera Player
of the Year Award.
Created by Fútbol de Primera,
the Player of the Year Award
has honored 15 different players
in its 25 years history: Michael
Bradley (2015), Tim Howard
(2014), Jozy Altidore (2013),
Clint Dempsey (2012, 2011 and
2006), Landon Donovan (2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2004, 2003,
and 2002), Kasey Keller (2005,
1999), Earnie Stewart (2001),
Claudio Reyna (2000), Cobi
Jones (1998), Eddie Pope (1997),
Eric Wynalda (1996, 1992),
Alexi Lalas (1995), Marcelo
Balboa (1994), Thomas Dooley
(1993) and Hugo Perez (1991).
Fútbol de Primera is the home
of the most important exclusive soccer radio rights in the
Having broadcasted exclusively the 2002, 2006, 2010 and
the 2014, FIFA World Cups.
FDP RADIO was the only incumbent media company in the
U.S. able to retain its radio rights
to include the 2018 and 2022
FIFA World Cups. Also FDP
RADIO is the exclusive home
of the Mexican National Team
since 2002, Concacaf’s World
Cup Qualifying matches, Concacaf Gold Cups and Conmebol
Copa America 2015 and Copa
America Centenario.
Additionally Fútbol de Primera’s Daily Show and Sunday
Show, on the air since 1989 and
hosted by Emmy award-winning
broadcaster Andres Cantor, are
the longest-running, nationallysyndicated Spanish-language
radio programs in the country
with more than 100 affiliates.
Fútbol de Primera’s Player of
the Year award was sponsored
by Honda Motor Company Inc.
for almost two decades. For
more information about Fútbol
de Primera and the Player of the
Year visit:
27 de diciembre de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio
Temporada en honor de Isidoro Gómez, Brayan y Lupe Guerrero
Por José I. Franco
Con la participación de los
equipos Bravos, Diablos, Piratas
y Rieleros en el estadio Coach
Arthur Bain se inauguró la tercera
edición del Torneo Liga Dominical Potranco.
Los directivos del torneo, Juan
Sánchez y Servando Hernández,
convocaron a los beisbolistas
Isidoro (Lolo) Gómez, nativo de
San Luis Potosí, y a Brayan y
Lupe Guerrero (padre e hijo que
por tres temporadas han vestido
el uniforme de Piratas), nativos de
Sabinas, Coahuila, para que como
padrinos de la liga encabezaran la
ceremonia de apertura.
Lupe estuvo en la receptoría (su
normal posición). Gómez (beisbolista categoría veteranos con
Rieleros) como bateador y Brayan
Guerrero lanzando la primera
bola. El primer strike lo cantó el
ampáyer Juan Sánchez.
El maestro de ceremonia fue
el comentarista Felipe (Capi)
Bravos, campeones de playoff,
derrotaron a los Diablos, que
fueron el campeón invicto de
temporada en el segundo torneo.
El lanzador Iván Vaquera se
agenció la victoria.
Piratas derrotaron 10-8 a Rieleros con picheo combinado de
Bravos con su trofeo de campeón del playoff.
los lanzadores Justin Torres y
Dominik González.
Bryan Guerrero, apodado
“MVP”, bateó de 4-3 con 3 carreras anotadas.
En la premiación recibieron
trofeos los equipos Diablos de
Jesús Ramírez, Bravos de Francisco Navarro y sus coaches Mario
Cárdenas y Juan García. Su tercera
base José Espinoza el MVP del
playoff, Iván Vaquera como el
picher campeón del playoff por sus
cuatro victorias consecutivas con
las que eliminó a Piratas y Diablos.
“Cerramos temporada ganando
y comenzamos nueva temporada de la misma forma ante el
mismo rival (de playoff) Diablos.
Tenemos equipo para defender
el banderín”, afirmó el timonel
Gómez, Lupe y Brayan agradecieron la emotiva distinción,
la cual fue para reconocerles su
trayectoria en el béisbol. Gómez,
a la edad de 13 años, comenzó a
jugar en su natal estado y en San
Antonio se destacó con Rieleros
y Atléticos.
Lupe se inició jugando a la
edad de seis años y Brayan, que
cursa estudios en Brackenridge
High School, continúa ganando
partido con el equipo Eagles de
Brackenridge en el béisbol de
preparatoria y en el circuito Select
Baseball League, un novato con
mucho futuro.
“Es un orgullo que nos hayan
elegido para ser los padrinos de
este torneo, continuaremos colaborando en todo lo que se pueda con
el béisbol”, dijo Lupe Guerrero.
Juan Sánchez con los padrinos Brayan, Lupe (Guerrero) y Lolo Gómez, quienes le desearon éxito a los equipos participantes en el
Torneo Liga Dominical Potranco III, que estará jugando sus partidos en el estadio Coach Arthur Bain, ubicado en la esquina de
Basse Road y McCullough Ave. (Fotos, Franco)
Juan Sánchez presentó placa de campeón picher a Iván Vaquera,
que lo dedicó a su esposa Adriana Muñoz y su padre Santos
José Espinoza recibió placa de honor como el MVP del playoff.
Jesús Ramírez, (quinto a la izquierda) con algunos jugadores y el coordinador Juan Sánchez, posó
frente al trofeo de subcampeón de playoff. En fecha próxima Sánchez presentará el trofeo de equipo
campeón de temporada, el cual ganó de forma invicta.
Piratas con su trofeo del tercer lugar en el playoff.
La Prensa de San Antonio
27 de diciembre de 2015
Pope tells Roman Curia to “return to the essentials”
Vatican News
Pope Francis has urged the Roman Curia to “return to the essentials” and follow a path of gratitude,
conversion, renewal, penance and
reconciliation as indicated by the
Year of Mercy.
The Pope was addressing members of the Curia gathered in the
Vatican Clementine Hall for the
annual Christmas Greetings.
According to the report by Linda
Recalling briefly this same occasion last year during which he
made a long list of curial diseases
that adversely affect and infect the
Church, Pope Francis said that some
of those “diseases became evident in
the course of the past year, causing
no small pain to the entire body and
harming many souls.”
Reiterating his determination to
move forward with ecclesial reform
– which is necessary, he said, to
allow us to “advance on the path of
goodness” - he recited another long
list: a “catalogue of needed virtues”
– a practical aid – he explained - for
those who serve in the Curia and
would like to make their consecration or service to the Church more
The first of the 12 virtues listed
by Pope Francis is that of a “Missionary and pastoral spirit” which
is what – he said - makes the Curia
fertile and fruitful, and is what is
needed by priests in their daily effort
to follow the Good Shepherd who
cares for the flock and gives his life
to save the lives of others.
He goes on to name “Suitability
and sagacity” which are also needed
for staying away from “recommendations” and payoffs and for putting
oneself into God’s hands.
Then come “Spirituality and
humanity,” “Example and fidelity”
which he said – reminds the Curia
of its calling to set an example - an
example of avoiding scandals which
harm souls and impair the credibility of our witness.
“Rationality and gentleness”, “Innocuousness and determination”,
(Courtesy photo)
“Charity and truth,” “Honesty and
maturity,” “Respectfulness and
humility,” “Diligence and attentiveness,” “Intrepidness and alertness”
followed en suite, each of them
accompanied by gentle words of
wisdom and explanation.
And finally: “Trustworthiness
and sobriety” – the last – the Pope
said - but not the least of the virtues
on this list. Sobriety gives us the
ability to renounce what is superfluous and to resist the dominant
consumerist mentality, to be simple,
balanced and temperate, to see the
world through God’s eyes.
“And so – Pope Francis concluded - may mercy guide our steps,
inspire our reforms and enlighten
our decisions. May it be the basis
of all our efforts. Quoting from a
prayer first pronounced by Cardinal John Dearden he reminded his
brothers that “we are prophets of a
future that does not belong to us,”
Please find below the full text
of the Pope’s address to the Curia:
Dear brothers and sisters,
I am pleased to offer heartfelt
good wishes for a blessed Christ-
mas and a happy New Year to you
and your co-workers, to the Papal
Representatives, and in particular
to those who in the past year have
completed their service and retired.
Let us also remember all those
who have gone home to God. My
thoughts and my gratitude go to you
and to the members of your families.
In our meeting in 2013, I wanted
to stress two important and inseparable aspects of the work of
the Curia: professionalism and
service, and I offered Saint Joseph
as a model to be imitated. Then,
last year, as a preparation for the
sacrament of Reconciliation, we
spoke of certain temptations or
“maladies” – the “catalogue of curial diseases” – which could affect
any Christian, curia, community,
congregation, parish or ecclesial
movement. Diseases which call
for prevention, vigilance, care and
sadly, in some cases, painful and
prolonged interventions.
Some of these diseases became
evident in the course of the past
year, causing no small pain to the
entire body and harming many
It seems necessary to state what
has been – and ever shall be – the
object of sincere reflection and
decisive provisions. The reform
will move forward with determination, clarity and firm resolve, since
Ecclesia semper reformanda.
Nonetheless, diseases and even
scandals cannot obscure the efficiency of the services rendered to
the Pope and to the entire Church by
the Roman Curia, with great effort,
responsibility, commitment and
dedication, and this is a real source
of consolation. Saint Ignatius taught
that “it is typical of the evil spirit to
instill remorse, sadness and difficulties, and to cause needless worry so
as to prevent us from going forward;
instead, it is typical of the good spirit
to instill courage and energy, consolations and tears, inspirations and
serenity, and to lessen and remove
every difficulty so as to make us
advance on the path of goodness.”
It would be a grave injustice not
to express heartfelt gratitude and
needed encouragement to all those
good and honest men and women in
the Curia who work with dedication,
devotion, fidelity and professionalism, offering to the Church and the
Successor of Peter the assurance of
their solidarity and obedience, as
well as their constant prayers.
Moreover, cases of resistance,
difficulties and failures on the part
of individuals and ministers are so
many lessons and opportunities for
growth and never for discouragement. They are opportunities for
returning to the essentials, which
means being ever more conscious
of ourselves, of God and our neighbours, of the sensus Ecclesiae and
the sensus fidei.
It is about this return to essentials
that I wish to speak today, just a
few days after the Church’s inauguration of the pilgrimage of the
Holy Year of Mercy, a Year which
represents for her and for all of us
a pressing summons to gratitude,
conversion, renewal, penance and
Christmas is truly the feast of
God’s infinite mercy, as Saint Augustine of Hippo tells us: “Could
there have been any greater mercy
shown to us unhappy men than
that which led the Creator of the
heavens to come down among us,
and the Creator of the earth to take
on our mortal body? That same
mercy led the Lord of the world to
assume the nature of a servant, so
that, being himself bread, he would
suffer hunger; being himself satiety, he would thirst; being himself
power, he would know weakness;
being himself salvation, he would
experience our woundedness, and
being himself life, he would die. All
this he did to assuage our hunger,
alleviate our longing, strengthen our
weaknesses, wipe out our sins and
enkindle our charity”.
Consequently, in the context of
this Year of Mercy and our own
preparation for the coming celebration of Christmas, I would like to
present a practical aid for fruitfully
experiencing this season of grace.
It is by no means an exhaustive
catalogue of needed virtues for
those who serve in the Curia and
for all those who would like to make
their consecration or service to the
Church more fruitful.
“Siento impulsos agresivos”
Por Carlos Rey
En este mensaje tratamos el caso
de un hombre que “descargó su
conciencia” de manera anónima en
nuestro sitio
y nos autorizó a que lo citáramos,
como sigue:
“Cuando era niño, mi mamá
me maltrataba mucho. Me crié
sin mi papá, puesto que él nos
dejó cuando tenía tres años.... He
estado trabajando duro en (ese
aspecto), tratando de olvidar por
completo los malos momentos
que viví cuando era niño... pero
se me hace muy difícil a veces
controlar y manejar lo que pienso
y siento. Siento impulsos agresivos
que me hacen sentir que puedo
hacerles daño a las personas sin
ninguna razón específica, y me
hace sentir triste eso puesto que
jamás quisiera agredir o maltratar
a nadie.... Necesito su ayuda para
lograr eliminar por completo estos
sentimientos y pensamientos que
tanto me hacen sentir mal”.
Este es el consejo que le dio mi
“Estimado amigo:
“Lamentamos mucho que haya
vivido una niñez tan difícil. A pesar
de todo lo que sufrió, al parecer
usted ha llegado a ser un hombre
honorable con sueños de llevar una
vida diferente y de formar un hogar
“Cuando piense en las cosas
que le sucedieron, en lugar de
concentrarse en el horror, trate de
enfocarse en cómo esas situaciones
traumáticas han contribuido a lo
que usted ha llegado a ser. Trate
de agregarle una cualidad positiva
a cada memoria negativa y tenga
presente la manera positiva en que
lo formó la adversidad. Es probable que usted sea independiente,
decidido, autosuficiente y motivado
precisamente porque quiere... una
vida diferente de la que tuvo (en
su niñez)....
“Su enojo bien pudiera disminuir
a medida que comience a pensar
de un modo diferente acerca de
su pasado. Sin embargo, también
debe buscar formas positivas de
desahogar ese enojo en lugar de
solo desear que desaparezca. Una
buena manera es anotar las cosas
que sucedieron y cómo hicieron que
se sintiera cuando era niño. Escriba
descripciones completas de cómo
esas memorias hacen que se sienta
hoy día. No deje de escribir hasta
que sienta cierto alivio, y vuelva a
hacerlo la próxima vez que sienta
aflorar ese enojo.
“Luego anote enseñanzas de
la Palabra de Dios que pueden
ayudarlo cuando surgen esos sentimientos negativos. Una de esas
enseñanzas, escrita por el apóstol
Santiago, es: “Todos deben estar
listos para escuchar, y ser lentos
para hablar y para enojarse; pues
la ira humana no produce la vida
justa que Dios quiere”. Memorice
ese pasaje y otros, y recítelos varias
veces cada día. Pídale a Dios que
lo ayude a desahogar ese enojo de
formas positivas para que no sienta
el impulso de manifestar un enojo
“Adopte la costumbre de alejarse de cualquier situación en la
que sienta un enojo destructivo....
Si usted se aparta de las personas
cuando siente ese enojo, jamás
agredirá o maltratará a nadie”.
“Dame entendimiento para
seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero
meditar en tus
Salmo 119:27
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11:00 A.M. English Service
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Active Youth and
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(210) 226-3596
Sunday Worship
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Cleo Edmunds, Pastor
San Fernando Cathedral
Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm
Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol
5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass)
Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised);
10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English);
5:00 pm (Bilingual)
Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm
115 Main Plaza
Downtown • 227-1297
27 de diciembre de 2015
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ken heart where your
Father sees it. Then in
his merciful eyes it will
become your favour
not mine. Amen.
Say this prayer for 3
days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no
matter how imposible
Sobador/Masajista S.D.
para toda clase de J.B.F
lastimaduras. (210)
Prayer to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus
(12/27/15) O most holy heart of
Jesus, fountain of every
Cuido personas may- blessing, I adore you, I
ores o limpio casas. love you, and with liveInformes (210) 719- ly sorrow for my sins
I offer you this poor
(12/27/15) heart of mine. Make
me humble, patient,
pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant,
Miraculous Prayer Good Jesus, that I may
Dear Heart of jesus, in live in you and for you.
the past I have asked Protect me in the midst
for many favours, this of danger. Comfort me
time I ask for a special in my afflictions. Give
one (mention favour). me health of body, asTake it dear Heart sistance in my temporal
of Jesus and place it needs, your blessing
within your own bro- on all that I do, and the
grace of a holy death.
giving for a Quick
Saint Expedite you lay
in rest I come to you
and ask that this wish
be granted (Request)
Saint Expedite now
what I ask of you
Saint Expedite now
what I want of you, this
very second
Don’t wait another day,
Grant me what I ask
for I know your power
I know you because
of your work I know
you can help me. Do
this for me and I will
spread Your name with
love and honor so that
it will be invoked again
and again. Expedite the
wish with speed, love,
honor and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a los
corazones de los fieles
con la luz del Espíritu
Santo, concédenos el
don del mismo Espíritu
seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar.
Thank You-M.M.C
La sombra de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo,
llena los corazones de
tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor,
tu Espíritu y todo será
creado. Y renuevas la
faz de la tierra.
Oremos. Oh Dios,
que ha enseñado a los
corazones de los fieles
con la luz del Espíritu
Santo, concédenos el
don del mismo Espíritu
seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar de
El Espíritu Santo
Ven, Espíritu Santo, su consuelo. Por Cristo
llena los corazones de nuestro Señor. Amen.
tus fieles y enciende M.M.C.
en ellos el fuego de tu
amor. Envía, Señor, Para los casos más
tu Espíritu y todo será
vengo con la fe
creado. Y renuevas la
de mi alma, a buscar
tu sagrado consuelo
en mi difícil situación,
no me desampares de
las puertas que se me
deben de abrir en mi
camino, sea tu Brazo
Poderoso el que las
abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres
peticiones difíciles).
Súplica que te hace un
corazón afligido por
los duros golpes del
cruel destino que lo han
vencido siempre en la
lucha humana, ya que
sin tu poder divino no
intercede en mi favor
sucumbiré por falta de
ayuda. Brazo poderoso,
asísteme, ampárame y
condúceme a la gloria
celestial. Gracias dulce
Jesús (rezar quince
días empezando viernes). Publicar antes
de los ocho. Confío
en Dios Padre y en su
misericordia divina,
por eso pido a Él que
ilumine mi camino y
me otorgue la gracia
que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme.
Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el
cuarto día.
Saint Expedite
Prayer of Urgent
Needs in Thanks-
¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante
cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su
carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara
es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283
Hola, tengo 48 años, soy blanca,
pelo y ojos cafés, pelo corto,
estatura mediana. Soy divorciada
sin compromisos. Ando buscando
un caballero de 50 a 60 años que
sea cristiano, que no tenga vicios,
trabajador, para conocernos como
amistad. Me gusta salir a los parques,
viajar, salir juntos. Si no es cristiano,
que sea una buena persona, que
sea nacido aquí en San Antonio.
Hablarme o escribirme, por favor.
----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5.6. Peso
195. Tengo 62 años. Soy viuda y no
busco una cara ni un color ni una
nacionalidad, busco un amigo con
quien compartir un buen rato. Soy
muy alegre. Si hay alguien de 64 a
68 años que quiera ser mi amigo y
disfrutar lo que nos queda de vida.
Estoy libre y en Texas. Llámame,
no te arrepentirás. Solo busco un
----------------------------Hola, soy mujer de 46 años y me
gustaría conocer a un hombre que
sea detallista que crea en Dios,
que le guste vivir una vida sana sin
problemas familiares ni económicos,
que sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso,
cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o
viudo, que quiera una relación
sana y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero
nací en México. Me gusta leer,
viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa, me
gusta caminar. Me gustaría que nos
entendiéramos. Yo estaré esperando
tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme. Te
espero. Manda tu foto y número
de teléfono. Te espero con mucho
----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto,
cuerpo normal, un poco blanco,
trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta
divertirme sanamente, vivo solo.
Tengo dos hijos que viven en
mi país. Busco una mujer seria,
trabajadora, noble y con deseos
de amar y ser amada. Interesada
mandar su número para empezar a
conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras.
Te espero.
----------------------------Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de
buen carácter, de mente moral y
espiritual de EUA, en busca de una
damita que sea seria, de carácter
humilde, hogareña, sin vicios, que
sea de estatura y peso regular.
Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas
familiares, que sea honesta. Para
una amistad seria, no importa origen
ni estado migratorio. Con fines
----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un
gran caballero que sea fiel, amable,
detallista, romántico, trabajador, sin
problemas económicos ni familiares.
Soy divorciada. Me gusta una vida
sana, no tomo, no fumo, no tengo
vicios, me considero que soy muy
romántica y quiero una relación seria
para fines serios y estable. Quiero
que nos conozcamos y si se llega a
un compromiso está bien. Espero tu
llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo una
hija y un hijo grandes, viven aparte.
----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que
sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso,
cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de
buen carácter, humilde de corazón,
estabilidad económica, que sea
muy romántico. Me considero
ser una dama romántica, fiel, soy
divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me
gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero
una relación estable para fines
serios, sin problemas familiares.
Hay que conocernos y te aseguro no
te arrepentirás. Espero tu llamada,
dirección y foto. Te espero con
mucho amor.
----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero.
Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos
azules y calvo. Me gustan los libros,
música, películas y ejercicio. He
aprendido español. Estoy buscando
una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60
años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses
----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’.
Peso 195. Tengo 62 años, soy
viuda y busco un amigo con
quien compartir un buen rato. Soy
hogareña, me gusta la cocina, me
gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy alegre.
Si hay alguien de 62 a 68 años que
quiera ser amigo o algo más, estoy
libre y en Texas. Llámame.
----------------------------Señor retirado. En mis sesenta años,
joven bien parecido, bien vestido.
Busco una muchacha o señora
joven, de los 30 a 60 años de edad,
que no tenga compromisos, sea
cristiana y que no sea mentirosa, que
sea trabajadora, limpia y romántica.
Seria con otra gente, pero alegre
----------------------------Soy un hombre católico, divorciado, de buen corazón. Soy de San
Antonio, vivo en un rancho. Estoy
de buena salud, gracias a nuestro
Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s, pero no
los muestro. Me gusta la música
norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San
Antonio cada año al Conjunto
Festival. Busco una mujer sincera,
hogareña, que le guste el rancho,
los animales, caballos. Que no sepa
mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una
relación seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel
blanca, ojos claros o de color, no
más de 5’7 y 135 -140 libras. Yo
tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras. ¡También tengo una Harley Davison!
Me gustaría que toque el acordeón
o que quiera aprender. También que
no fume, pero en todo Cristo es el
primero, porque sin él no tenemos
nada! Llámame para platicar y si
no se puede podemos ser amigos,
porque todos necesitamos una linda
amistad. ¡Bendiciones!
----------------------------Hello to whoever reads this serious
message. I need a man that has a
clean pure heart and is not ashamed
to be a child of God like me. I am
hoping to meet the man that has a
strong foundation to stand on with
faith and believes in God and has
a relationship with Jesus. A friend
that I can have a conversation with
that has to do with all goodness and
will say to me that everything will
be alright. I ask to please speak clear
English. Age 55-60, ht. 5’10 -5’12,
weight average. Hope to hear from
someone that is a Christian Brother.
God Bless and God be with you.
La Prensa de San Antonio
diferente a todas...
Igual a ti
Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500
Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio
Llegando a casi
todo el sur de texas
Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde,
Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi
27 de diciembre de 2015
27 de diciembre de 2015
H-E-B Feast of Sharing llevó la Navidad al Centro de Convenciones
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
Con una multitud de invitados
de todos los sectores de la ciudad,
estimada en 15 mil almas, la
empresa H-E-B celebró el sábado
19 de diciembre su acostumbrada cena de Navidad “Feast of
Sharing”, como una muestra de
agradecimiento a su innumera­
ble clientela y reafirmación de
solidaridad con la comunidad de
San Antonio.
Como en años anteriores, el
Centro de Convenciones Henry
B. González abrió sus puertas
a toda persona o familia que
quisiera asistir a esta fiesta que
se celebra también en todas los
supermercados H-E-B en Texas
y en varias ciudades del norte de
Un exquisito platillo de jamón
con los aderezos tradicionales de
la cocina americana fue servido
por cientos de voluntarios que
atendieron las mesas ocupadas
por familias con niños, adultos,
ciudadanos de la tercera edad
y, principalmente, personas sin
hogar que disfrutaron de un buen
alimento con música en vivo
en un ambiente familiar en el
espíritu de Navidad.
Traductora de lenguaje de señales.
Niños voluntarios atendiendo a los invitados.
Isis Rosario “The Voice”.
27 de diciembre de 2015
San Juanita y Servando Hernández recibieron sacramento del matrimonio
Por José I. Franco
Los estimados esposos San
Juanita y Servando Hernández,
que hace 25 años unieron sus vidas mediante el matrimonio civil,
asistieron a la iglesia San Martín
de Porres donde recibieron el sa­
cramento del matrimonio median­
te ceremonia concelebrada por el
pastor Gilbert Obin.
Les acompañó su hija Samantha, sus hijos Sergio y Servando
Jr., este fue acompañado por su
esposa Serena y sus hijos Samuel y
Steve. También estuvieron presentes los padres del “novio”, señores
Alicia y Anastasio Hernández.
“Ahora que San Juanita y Servando han recibido el sacramento
del matrimonio les pido a familiares y amistades que recen
por ellos, para que sigan unidos y
felices”, dijo el Padre Obin.
La corte de honor fue integrada por los padrinos de honor
Reynaldo Martínez y Samantha
De Biblia y Rosario: Mauro
Rendón Sr. y Claudia Rendón, su
hijo Mauro Jr. y su hija Mia.
De velación: Isabella Flores,
Victoria Flores y Norma Flores.
Arras: Sandra y Rogelio Díaz.
Flores para la Virgen: señorita
Jacqueline Díaz.
Anillos; Edgar López y María
Guadalupe Cantera de López,
acompañados por su hija e hijo:
Andrea Lizbeth y Lyvan López.
“Doy gracias a mi Dios por darnos la vida y el tiempo de seguir
unidos. Gracias por acompañarnos
hoy y por sus bendiciones”, dijo el
señor Servando Hernández.
La recepción y baile les fue ofre-
cida en el Salón Potranco Rodeo,
donde, en memoria de los padres
de San Juanita (Santa y Miguel
Cárdenas) se pidió un minuto de
Amenizó con éxito la popular
Sonora Galaxy de Houston.
El señor Hernández convivio y
recibió felicitaciones de jugadores
y directivos del club Rieleros con
el que viste la franela beisbolera.
Servando es nativo de la ciudad
de Nueva Rosita, Coahuila. Su
esposa vio la primera luz en Lare­
do, Texas. Ambos se conocieron
durante el mes del amor (febrero)
durante concurrido concierto y
baile en Randy’s Ballroom, donde
disfrutaron de su canciones favoritas cantadas por el famoso
conjunto musical Bronco de Lupe
Esparza. El 20 de diciembre de
1990 se unieron en matrimonio
San Juanita y Servando Hernández renovaron sus votos matrimoniales y recibieron el sacramento del matrimonio.
(Fotos, José I. Franco)
Los esposos Hernández recibieron bendiciones de su corte de
honor y del sacerdote oficiante Gilbert Obin.
Servando y San Juanita con su apreciable familia: Serena, Samuel,
Steve, Servando Jr. Sergio y Samantha Hernández.
©2015 HEB, 15-5949
27 de diciembre de 2015
Gran Posada en la Basílica de Little Flower
Texto y fotos por
Roberto J. Pérez
La sociedad de la Herencia
Hispana presentó el miércoles 6
de diciembre La Gran Posada,
acto que representa el peregrinar
en Belén de la Virgen María
en busca de una posada para el
nacimiento de Jesús.
En el marco religioso de la
Natividad, La Gran Posada tuvo
los elementos culturales que se
acostumbran en México y otros
países hispanos con villancicos
y una procesión con luminarias
acompañando a la Sagrada Familia en su peregrinaje a Belén.
Al terminar el servicio religioso
fue servida una merienda con galletas y chocolate en el salón de
actos de la escuela de la basílica.
Bajo la dirección de Cristina
Ortega, la Gran Posada tiene 16
años de tradición en el templo
referido, sede de la Orden de los
El coro de Herencia Hispana: Itzel, Karime, Natalie y Tlali con el tenor Héctor Hernández.
Rachel Rivas, solista.
Michelle Galindo, solista.
El grupo coral de damas Voces de San Antonio también participó.
Megan Hernández, en la personificación de la Virgen María.
©2015 HEB, 15-5949
27 de diciembre de 2015
Seasonal menu stirs at Boiler House
Chef Jeff White’s seasonal menu delivers sweet and savory dishes that will prepare any guest for cold weather. (Photos, Kristian Jaime)
By Christina Acosta
Price Range: $$$
This season, Boiler House
Texas Grill & Wine Garden is
in full swing with a menu that
will please the palettes of any
guests coming in.
Located at the historic Pearl,
the Boiler House decided it
was time to create a seasonal
menu that will lead to less
confusion among customers
on what or what not to share.
The new menu will also keep
the proper protein that will
leave an individual filled at
the table.
“We have listened to our
guests and their feedback
from the last three years, and
so we have gone into more
traditional appetizers, salads,
small bites plus a heavier en-
trée section. With really high
end meats, we are not sparing
any expense on the proteins
like chicken, but on Cervena
Venison. It is really all high
end ingredients and of course
make it affordable and approachable in a traditional restaurant style,” Executive Chef
Jeff White told La Prensa.
La Prensa recently visited
the restaurant to join Chef
White and his team for an exclusive tasting and preview of
what the restaurant will have
to offer this season. To begin
with, the chef composed a list
of options that will keep you
warm from the cold weather.
The first dish that was sampled was an appetizer spread
of avocado, smoked bacon,
tomato and red onion. With
toasted bread in hand, the avocado was a creative, creamy
base adding a citrus and a
heartier taste of pork.
If an individual is interested
in a hearty meal, the Broadleaf
Cervena Venison Chop is the
top dish to gnaw this season.
With blackberry demi, seasonal mushrooms and black
garlic cream, the venison is
filled with sophistication as
you easily tear the meat from
the bone.
It will add an extra flair of
flavor once you dip it into the
black garlic cream. Do not
forget to try the house spinach
gnudi on the side, as you bite
into it, you will get a gooey
taste of spinach dough.
For a traditional American
dish, Chef White recommends
the BH Foie Gras Kobe Burger
with seared foie gras, whiskey
onions, Cambazola cheese, tomato marmalade, truffle aioli
and malted candied bacon.
It is recommended to get the
burger well done to pair the
smoky flavor with bacon.
With house chicharones and
hot sauce on the side, you will
taste a different kind of American dish that will leave you
with a spice in your mouth.
For dessert, Mister Ed’s
Candy bar is the winner. Although not a peanut butter
mixed with chocolate lover,
Chef White created a dessert
that is better than a Reese’s
peanut butter cup.
The dish is made with two
layers of chocolate with a
layer of peanut butter fluffed
into the middle with a dust of
candy pecan on the top. As
you nibble on the dessert, both
the chocolate and peanut butter will not be overpowering,
but lightly mixing together,
compliments to the chef.
When creating the new seasonal dish, Chef White did
revamp his menu into a restaurant without failing to
steer absolutely clear from
the ingredients that made the
menu fascinating. To be quite
honest, the ingredients that
make the seasonal menu will
leave the customer with satisfaction to come back for more
comfort food.
If you are interested in experiencing the Pearl through
your palette, visit the Boiler
House located at 312 Pearl
Pkwy. For more information
about the restaurant, visit for
hours and menu options.
27 de diciembre de 2015
Demián Bichir es “El Mexicano” entre “Los Odiosos Ocho”
Por Adda Montalvo
“The Hateful Eight” (Los
Odiosos Ocho), la nueva película de Quentin Tarantino, se estrenó justamente como regalito
navideño, con gran presencia
del color rojo como acostumbra el director de otras como
“Inglorious Basterds” (imagine
por qué).
Y esta de vaqueros incluye a
un personaje hispano, a Bob “El
Mexicano”, interpretado por el
actor mexicano Demián Bichir,
quien estuvo nominado a un Oscar por su papel de inmigrante
indocumentado en la película
“A Better Life”.
De acuerdo a las notas de
producción, la historia de “Los
Odiosos Ocho” está ambientada
seis, ocho o doce años después
de la Guerra Civil estadounidense.
“Una diligencia atraviesa el
paisaje invernal de Wyoming.
Los pasajeros, el cazador de
recompensas John Ruth (Kurt
Russell) y su fugitiva, Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason
Leigh), avanzan hacia el pueblo
de Red Rock, donde Ruth, conocido en esas tierras como “El
Verdugo”, llevará a Domergue
ante la justicia.
En el camino encuentran a
dos extraños: el mayor Marquis
Warren (Samuel L. Jackson), un
ex soldado negro de la Unión
que se convirtió en un infame
cazador de recompensas, y
Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins), un renegado sureño que
afirma ser el nuevo sheriff del
Ante la gran tormenta de
nieve, Ruth, Domergue, Warren y Mannix buscan refugio
en Minnie’s Haberdashery, un
apeadero para diligencias en un
paso de montaña. Cuando llegan
a lo de Minnie, no los recibe
la dueña del lugar, sino que se
encuentran con caras desconocidas. Bob (Demian Bichir), que
está a cargo del lugar mientras
Minnie visita a su madre, está
refugiado junto con Oswaldo
Mobray (Tim Roth), el verdugo
de Red Rock, el vaquero Joe
Gage (Michael Madsen) y el
general de la Confederación
Sanford Smithers (Bruce Dern).
Cuando la tormenta llega al
apeadero del paso de montaña,
nuestros ocho viajeros se darán
cuenta de que tal vez no lleguen
a Red Rock después de todo...”.
Suena a enredo con toda
esta multitud. “Pero imagínate
lo que puede suceder en una
pequeña cabaña en medio de
la nieve donde se juntan diferentes elementos y emociones,
y después los metes a una olla
de presión y esperas a que
explote. Y eso es lo que pasa
en esta película de Tarantino”,
cuenta Bichir en una entrevista
Y entre eso ocho complicados
está su personaje Bob.
“Bob ‘The Mexican’ es
un personaje renacentista en
muchos sentidos. Sabe hacer
muchas cosas, sabe de caballos,
sabe de carretas, puede cocinar,
sabe tocar el piano, es un artista,
y tiene sorpresas porque nadie
es lo que parece”, añade.
Se pone las botas
Y aunque todo el mercadeo
de la película la define como un
western (una de vaqueros) pues
hasta cuenta con una banda sonora original de Ennio Morrricone, el compositor italiano
experto en temas de películas
de vaqueros (como “El Bueno,
El Malo y El Feo”), Demián
Bichir no está tan seguro que
la película encaje solamente en
ese género.
“Tú no puedes decir si es un
western, una película de acción
o una película con tintes políticos, es una película de Tarantino… si existieran las tiendas
de video todavía… no sé si hay,
debería haber una sección sola
de Tarantino, porque es un cine
muy peculiar, es un cine único”.
A lo que el actor mexicano
se refiere es el cine de Quentin Tarantino (“Pulp Fiction”,
“Reservoir Dogs”, “Kill Bill
Vol. 1”, “Kill Bill Vol. 2”,
“Django Unchained”, “Inglorious Basterds”, entre otros trabajos) es un cine muy peculiar,
muy de su autor.
No solo rescata características
de las película B (bajo presupuesto) de los años 70’s, mezcla
cultura y música pop, sangre,
por ejemplo. En esta ocasión
también anuncia pomposamente
que “The Hateful Eight” es un
regreso a las películas roadshow
(populares de los años 50 a
60’s) que eran tan largas que
había que hacer hasta dos pausas para verlas (con programa
en mano, muy teatral).
Además, que está filmada en
un formato de 70 mm (milímetros, Ultra Panavisión), es decir
una imagen colosal.
De acuerdo a la revista Fotogramas (especializada en cine)
“para la versión roadshow el
director ha preparado una versión de tres horas y dos minutos
más una obertura y un interludio
extras, mientras que para la
edición comercial tendremos
seis minutos menos, además
sin pausas”.
Pero en cuanto a trabajar con
Tarantino, Bichir dice estar
muy satisfecho puesto que es
un director que le hace salir de
su zona de confort.
“Como es un director que ha
actuado sabe muy bien cómo
es el actor. Es un hombre generoso, muy amoroso, conozco a
pocos directores que quieran
tanto a sus actores, es un hombre libre, es un genio en muchos
sentidos; sus guiones son impecables y sus puestas en escena
son formidables, su manejo de
cámara es único y uno no podría
correr riesgo como actor si no
te encuentras con un director de
esta naturaleza”.
Pero agrega que cuando el
sueño de trabajar con grandes
directores y actores se hace
realidad “te tienes que olvidar
quienes son, porque si tienes
eso muy presente entonces te
quedas en tu habitación muerto
de miedo”.
Demián Bichir (nacido en
Ciudad de México) trae la actuación desde sus raíces. Sus
padres son actores, y sus hermanos también.
Tiene en su hoja de trabajo el
haber participado en diversas
series de televisión y películas
de cine en México, y en las
últimas décadas en participar
en grandes producciones de cine
americano como “Che” (2008),
“Hidalgo” (2010), “A Better
Life” (2011), “Machete Kills”
at 155 E. Commerce St., will
be hosting a NYE Bash on the
river, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m.
(kitchen closes at 1 a.m.), with
drink specials and the Tom Cat
String Band playing all night! No
cover charge.
San Antonio’s MAX’s Wine
Dive, located at 340 E.Basse
Rd., and is hosting a New Year’s
Eve Masquerade Party to ring in
the New Year. A three-course
pre-fixed dinner menu will be
available throughout the night for
$49 per person, with an optional
wine pairing for an additional $21.
Courses will feature Wild Greens,
Rojo Lobster Bisque; or Quail
and Bacon Tart, Seared Dayboat
Scallop; Ham Cured Pork Chop,
Seared Cod or Braised Veal Short
Rib. Outlier will perform live
throughout the night from 9:30
p.m. to 12:30 a.m. A free champagne toast for restaurant guests
will be passed around at midnight.
Reservations can be made by calling (210) 444-9547.
Southerleigh Fine Food
and Brewery, located at 136
E.Grayson St, will offer a fivecourse prix fixe menu for $75
per person, including Fried Shallot, Chilled Gulf Oyster, and
Barbecue Mignonette; Spicy
Shrimp Bisque; Local Green
Salad with Smoked Duck; choice
of Slow Roasted 44 Farms BoneIn Ribeye, Pan Seared Gulf Red
Snapper, or Braised Local Lamb
Shank; and for dessert, a choice
of Pecan Slab Pie or Butternut
Squash Pot de Crème. Reservations can be made by calling (210)
La Frite Belgian Bistro, lo-
cated at 728 S. Alamo St., will
offer a menu at $75 per person,
with optional wine pairing choices
at $100 per person (seating until
10 p.m.), featuring a Champagne
Toast, choice of Shrimp Bisque,
Arugula and Besaola Salad, Scallops Capecchio; choice of Lamb
Chops with Truffled Gratin, Prime
Beef Tenderloin with Potatoes
Au Gratin, Red Snapper, Seared
Pheasant Airliner or Venison
Back Strap; and choice of Grapefruit and Pistachio Tart, Buche de
Noel or Crepe Suzette. Call (210)
224-7555 for reservations.
In addition to the restaurants,
Sternewirth at Hotel Emma,
located at 136 E.Grayson St, will
kick off the New Year with music
from local favorite DJ Steven
Moya, light hors d’oeuvres, party
favors, and a champagne toast.
Tanks at the bar will be available
for reservation for $1,000 for a
maximum of 8 people per tank,
including two cover charges. The
tank reservations will also include
a bottle of Veintitres Barrel Select
Milagro Reposado and a bottle of
champagne. Tickets are priced at
$100 per person and only available to those with room packages
at Hotel Emma.
Additionally, guests at Hotel
Emma are invited to the New
Year’s Eve Party at The Elephant Cellar to enjoy an evening of music by local legend Doc
Watkins and his 16-piece orchestra, along with an open bar, heavy
hors d’oeuvres, food stations and
a dessert bar, champagne toast,
and party favors at midnight. The
evening, priced at $250 per person
and only available to room pack-
Encarnando a Bob “The Mexican” en “The Hateful Eight” (la más reciente película de Quentin Tarantino), el actor mexicano Demián Bichir vuelve a tener presencia en el cine americano. (Foto, cortesía)
(2013), entre otras, y series de
televisión como “Capadocia”
de HBO.
Y fue justamente su trabajo en
“Machete Kills” con el director
texano Robert Rodríguez lo que
le ayudó a lograr su papel en
“The Hateful Eight”. “Él constantemente mencionaba que yo
le parecía un actor totalmente
Tarantino. Y le dije ‘sería bueno
que le cuentes a Quentin’, cuéntale lo que piensas de mí. ‘Por
supuesto, ya se lo dije y le he
dicho que te tiene que conocer’”,
dijo Rodríguez.
Un par de semanas después,
en una cena, Bichir recuerda que
Tarantino se le acercó. “He visto
todo lo que has hecho y estoy es-
cribiendo esta nueva versión del
guion y me gustaría mandártela
cuando esté listo”. Y yo todavía
le dije “por supuesto que sí, me
encantaría leerlo, he sido un
admirador de su cine por años
y cuando tú quieras estaré listo
para audicionar, y me dijo: ‘si te
gusta el guion es tuyo’”. Así, Bob
“The Mexican” consiguió actor.
Plan the perfect party this New Year’s Eve in S.A.
By Lucy Almanza
Ring in 2016 with some of the
year’s best parties and dinners at
the River Walk and free things to
do, like watching a New Year’s
Eve fireworks display from the
top of the 750-foot tall Tower of
the Americas at midnight.
You’ll find these celebrations
and more with our essential guide
to New Year’s Eve in San Antonio.
Boiler House Texas Grill &
Wine Garden, located at 312
Pearl Pkwy, will offer a special
four-course menu from 6 to 11
p.m. for $75 per person, with
optional wine pairing choices at
$35 or $55 per person. Courses
will feature a Ricotta Gnudi; Wild
Mushroom Tart, Lobster French
Toast, or Foie Gras Torchon;
Trout Meuniere, Pork Shank, or
Texas Akaushi Prime Rib; and
for dessert, a Mexican Chocolate
Torte. Reservations can be made
by calling (210) 354-4644.
Boudro’s, located at 421 E.
Commerce St., is open 11 a.m.midnight with its regular menu
and a three-course special for
$85 per person with wine pairings. Special includes Seared
Diver Sea Scallops with Brown
Butter Cannellini Bean Puree,
Grilled Beef Tenderloin “Rossini” with Yukon Gold Potato
Mashers, Seared Foie Gras and
Granny Smith Apple Tart Tatin
with Madagascar Vanilla Bean
Ice Cream. Reservations can be
made by calling (210) 224-8484.
The Esquire Tavern, located
San Antonio will host a variety of New Year’s Eve parties and dining options for the entire family.
(Photo, David Rangel of Rangelography)
ages, is a black-tie affair beginning at 9 p.m.
Room packages for the
Sternewirth party begin at $675
plus tax and Elephant Cellar room
packages begin at $975 plus tax.
For reservations for either celebration and for room packages,
please visit www.thehotelemma.
com or call (844) 296-3662.
Celebrate San Antonio is
the city’s official New Year’s
Eve extravaganza, taking place
on South Alamo Street between
Market and Cesar Chavez streets
on Dec. 31 beginning at 6 p.m.
Known as the largest free New
Year’s Eve festival in the state of
Texas, the event continues to draw
over a quarter of a million excited
revelers downtown for live music,
food, carnival games and rides
and a spectacular fireworks display you cannot miss!
SeaWorld, located at 10500
SeaWorld Drive, will be celebrating New Year’s Eve with
fireworks during the park’s “New
Year’s Eve Twilight Party.” This
event will include a spectacular fireworks extravaganza at 8
p.m. at Ski Lake, so guests with
children can enjoy a great day at
the park and be home and off the
streets at an early and safe hour.
There will also be live music prior
to the fireworks show.
Guests interested in reserved
seating for the fireworks show can
attend the park’s “New Year’s Eve
Fireworks Celebration Picnic” at
Penguin Plaza. This includes an
exclusive all-you-care-to-eat buffet and reserved seats lakeside as
SeaWorld lights up the sky with
a fabulous fireworks display.
Package cost is $44.99 plus tax
for adults and $39.99 plus tax for
children ages 3-9. Park admission
is required, but not included. A
complimentary SeaWorld blanket is included with each adult
purchase. Adults and children
of all ages require a reservation,
which must be completed online
at or
by calling (800) 700-7786.
27 de diciembre de 2015
Artistas para el Rodeo San HITN Partners to promote good
nutrition among U.S. Hispanics
Antonio confirmados
Por La Prensa
Desde el ritmo urbano de
Pitbull, pasando por el country
de Brad Paisley, las estrellas de
los ochenta Pat Benatar y Neil
Giraldo, San Antonio Stock &
Rodeo tiene ya todos sus artistas
La Feria Ganadera Rodeo de
San Antonio se llevará a cabo
del 11 al 28 de febrero de 2016.
Recientemente, la organización confirmó los últimos
dos artistas: la cantante country
Martina McBride, cuatro veces
ganadora de un Country Music
Award por Vocalista del Año,
se presentará el viernes 12 de
febrero a las 7:30 p.m.
El más reciente álbum de
McBride titulado “Everlasting”
hizo historia en las listas country
como el primer álbum de una
vocalista al debutar como No. 1
en la lista Top Country Albums.
El último artista en confirmar,
y que también cerrará los conciertos del Rodeo, será Chris
Staplenton se dio a conocer
este año con el lanzamiento de
su álbum debut “Traveller”. El
cantante se presentará el sábado
27 de febrero a las 7:30 p.m. Él
es el primer artista en ganar el
Country Music Award Álbum
del Año, Vocalista Masculino
del Año y Nuevo Artista del Año
en el misma entrega de premios.
Además estará nominado a cuatro premios Grammy.
Los boletos para los concier-
The Hispanic Information and
Telecommunications Network
(HITN), a Pay TV network that
broadcasts educational content
for U.S. Hispanic audiences, announced a series of agreements
with renowned Mexican chef
Alfredo Oropeza and Spain’s Canal Cocina to add dozens of foodrelated titles to its programming.
The agreements are part of
HITN’s efforts to contribute to the
well-being of US Hispanics; in
this case, by showing them easy,
healthful and delicious ways to
enjoy their favorite foods. HITN
will air the new content weekdays
starting this week.
“We are proud to partner with
Canal Cocina and Chef Oropeza,
true icons of the international
food scene, to allow our audiences to explore the exciting
range of Ibero-American culinary
traditions while keeping the focus
on a healthful lifestyle,” HITN
General Manager Eric Turpin
The partnerships will strengthen HITN’s programming with
dozens of hours of content from
“al natural,” a campaign developed by Chef Oropeza and a team
Chris Staplenton, uno de los mayores ganadores de los Country Music of experts in nutrition, Ayurvedic
Awards 2015, será el encargado de cerrar los shows del Rodeo de San medicine, fitness and urban garAntonio 2016. (Foto, cortesía San Antonio Stock Shown & Rodeo)
dening to offer fresh, simple and
tos del Rodeo de San Antonio o llamando al 1-877-63-RODEO fun ideas for enjoying a more balanced life. In addition, HITN will
ya están a la venta en www. (76336).,,
La lista completa de artistas a
el SA Rodeo App y el AT&T presentarse en el Rodeo de San
Center Southwest Ticket Office Antonio 2016 es la siguiente.
feature favorite episodes of “Chef
Oropeza en casa,” a cooking show
hosted by the acclaimed chef that
teaches viewers to cook healthful
and delicious food at home.
Also as part of the new agreements, HITN will present popular
programming from Canal Cocina,
a leading Spanish cooking network. Titles will include classics
such as Al Grano, where affable
chef Iñigo Pérez prepares countless dishes that showcase the
versatility of cooking with rice,
and BAJO EN CALORÍAS, featuring nutritionist Araceli Conty,
who encourages viewers to eat
their favorite foods as long as
they keep track of portion size and
nutritional profiles so they don’t
consume excessive calories.
Alfredo Oropeza is one of
Mexico’s best-known chefs. He
is a familiar face on television in
that country, where he hosts his
own show. Trained at some of the
world’s leading culinary schools,
he has a chain of restaurants, Al
Natural that caters to people with
special dietary needs. For the
last six years he has published
a nationally distributed monthly
magazine, and he is the author of
four best sellers devoted to the
topic of healthful eating.
Canal Cocina is Spain’s only
television network dedicated exclusively to the world of gastronomy. Produced entirely by AMC
Networks International – Iberia,
Canal Cocina is the destination
for viewers who enjoy eating well
and keeping up with the latest
food trends.
About HITN
Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network, Inc.
(HITN) was established in 1983
as one of the first U.S. Latinocontrolled, commercial, Spanishlanguage, media companies delivering educational programming
to more than 40 million homes
nationwide on Satellite and Cable
focusing on Health, Financial
Literacy, and Education, with a
mission to advance the educational, socioeconomic and cultural
aspirations of Latinos. HITN offers Hispanics of all backgrounds
throughout the United States
and Puerto Rico unprecedented
educational and entertainment
based programming through our
multi-platform information and
telecommunications network
– on TV, online and in the community. Every day HITN utilizes
its resources, people, relationships and influence to provide a
valuable dialogue that makes a
positive impact on the Hispanic
community. HITN is available in
over 40 million households across
the United States through Direct
TV, DISH Network, AT&T Uverse TV, Verizon FiOS TV,
Charter Communications and
Cablevision and in designated
markets on Time Warner Cable.
For more information please visit
The network’s programming is incorporating dozens of titles in the food and cooking genre to help
audiences develop an appreciation of healthful and delicious cuisine. (Courtesy photo)
Star Wars beats Jurassic World’s
opening weekend box-office record
EFE - “Star Wars: The Force
Awakens,” the seventh installment of the sci-fi saga created
by George Lucas, has broken
the global box office opening
weekend record held by “Jurassic World,” Variety reported.
The J.J. Abrams-directed
movie wrapped up the weekend
with an estimated $247 million
in the United States against projections of $238 million.
The jump in domestic ticket
sales, along with global rev-
enue, has pushed the film’s
overall haul to $528 million,
slightly more than the $524.9
million Jurassic World earned.
These figures, however, do
not include ticket sales from
China, where “Jurassic World”
earned $90 million during its
opening weekend and the latest
installment of the “Star Wars”
franchise is yet to be screened.
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the first movie in the franchise to be produced by Disney
Studios, has also smashed opening records in the United States,
Britain and Germany.
The current installment reunites actors from the original
trilogy, including Mark Hamill,
Carrie Fisher and Harrison
Ford, and introduces new actors, including Daisy Ridley,
John Boyega, Adam Driver
and Oscar Isaac, into the “Star
Wars” universe in a plot set
some 30 years after the events
of “Return of the Jedi.”
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” the seventh installment of the sci-fi saga created by George
Lucas, has broken the global box office opening weekend record held by “Jurassic World,” Variety
reported. (EFE/File)
27 de diciembre de 2015
Julieta Venegas comes
to the Aztec Theatre
By Alyssa Bunting
On Thursday, Feb. 24, celebrated Mexican singer/songwriter Julieta Venegas will be
gracing San Antonio with her
presence by performing at the
Aztec Theatre.
Venegas will be kicking off
her “Algo Sucede” 2016 tour
here in the Alamo City. San
Antonio is the first of only three
Texas dates and 10 in total.
Venegas has been an internationally recognized influential
artist since the 90s with a music
style and attitude similar to PJ
Harvey, but became most popular in 2006 with her album “Limon y Sal”. Her talents extend
beyond singing and song writing
as she also plays the acoustic
guitar, keyboard and accordion. After a yearlong hiatus,
she released her latest album,
“Algo Sucede” in August which
reached the top of the chart on
sales for “Latin Pop Album”
in just a matter of two weeks
in the United stated according
to Billboard Magazine. “Algo
Sucede” just recently received
a 2016 Grammy nomination for
“Best Latin Pop Album” which
will air Monday, Feb. 15.
Tickets are on sale now and
can be purchased through the
Aztec Theatre or online at www.
Julieta Venegas comes to San Antonio Feb. 24, 2016. (Photo courtesy)
Jennifer Lawrence learns Spanish from
Venezuela’s Edgar Ramirez in ‘Joy’
EFE - Venezuelan actor Edgar Ramirez, one of the Latinos
most successfully gaining fame
in Hollywood and a co-star, together with Jennifer Lawrence,
Robert De Niro and Bradley
Cooper, in the upcoming biopic
“Joy,” told EFE in an interview
that he was the one who taught
the Oscar-winning actress to
speak Spanish in the David O.
Russell movie.
The actor plays wannabe
singer Tony Miranne who is
the ex of the leading character,
a self-made woman who builds
a business empire based on her
inventiveness and sales skills,
and despite having all the cards
stacked against her.
The film, based on the true
life story of entrepreneur Joy
Mangano, could be a favorite in
the upcoming Oscars, though the
director of “Silver Linings Playbook” and “American Hustle”
got the worst reviews for these
recent films than for his previous productions.
Ramirez, who debuted in
American movies with “The
Bourne Ultimatum,” and who
made a big hit in “Che” and for
playing “Carlos the Jackal,”
told EFE that he’s interested in
the character he plays in “Joy”
because it’s all about a man who
“goes against the macho rules
imposed by society.”
Ramirez said his character is
an example of “true love,” since
the ex-husband, a would-be
singer who never quite made it,
shelves his dreams in order to
aid the mother of his children.
“I think one of the most beautiful things about love is helping
the person you love become
the best she can be,” he said.
And his ex-wife does just that,
becoming a huge success in the
business world.
The actor noted the message
Venezuelan actor Edgar Ramírez. (EFE/File)
of gender equality in the film
and said that “the world is a lot
more difficult for women.”
Beyond that, Ramirez defended feminism and said “it
also benefits men, because it
frees them from many stigmas.”
“More and more men stay
home to raise the kids these
days, without feeling that their
virility is being questioned,”
he said.
Changing the subject, the
actor acknowledged that he is
looking into some projects in
Spain that he isn’s ready to make
public yet.
Born in San Cristobal, Venezuela, 38 years ago, his father
was in the military, a profession
that required many trips abroad
and the consequent need to
learn different languages, which
eventually helped the actor work
outside his country of origin,
where he won popularity in 2004
thanks to his roles in a number
of telenovelas.
Disney prepara “El libro de la selva” para el próximo año
Por La Prensa
La historia de Mogli, el niño
que crece en la selva, volverá
en 2016 con la nueva versión
de acción en vivo y aventura
facturada de nuevo por Disney.
Con un elenco de voces premiadas, “The Jungle Book” está
prevista a estrenarse el 15 de
abril del próximo año.
La nueva versión estará dirigida por Jon Favreau (que
dirigió “Iron Man”).
La película estará basada en
la historia original del escritor inglés Rudyard Kipling e
inspirada en la clásica versión
de Disney.
La épica aventura de Mowgli
(voz de Neel Sethi), un niño que
ha sido criado por una familia de
lobos, se desarrolla cuando él
descubre que ya no es aceptado
en la jungla y Shere Khan (Idris
Elba), un tigre sin miedo, que
promete que eliminará todo lo
que le parezca una amenaza.
Urgido por abandonar el único
hogar que conoce, Mowgli se
embarca en un cautivante viaje
de autodescubrimiento guiado
por su mentor, una pantera de
nombre Bagheera (Ben Kingsley), y el oso de espíritu libre
Baloo (Bill Murray).
A lo largo del camino, Mowgli
se topa con diversas criaturas
de la selva que no exactamente
tienen las mejores intenciones.
Entre estas está Kaa (voz de
Scarlett Johansson), un pitón realidad y apuestas emocionales. son muy distintos al del film ani- director”, expresó hace algunos
cuya seductora voz y mirada Los argumentos y la mitología mado. Navegar por esas aguas es meses el director de la película,
hipnotizan al hombre-cachorro. detrás de las historias de Kipling uno de los retos más duros como Jon Favreau.
También King Louie (voz de
Christopher Walken), quien
trata de presionar a Mowgli para
que revele el secreto de la elusiva y mortal flor roja: el fuego.
El elenco de voces también
incluirá a Lupita Nyong’o, como
la protectora madre lobo Raksha, y la de Giancarlo Esposito,
como el líder de la manada de
lobos, Akela.
“La gente espera acción de
esta aventura. El filme original
se siente muy juvenil. Y los recuerdos musicales que tene-mos
de esa película no encajan tonalmente con una película que es
foto-real, donde hay peligro en
La historia de Mowgli volverá en una película de acción en vivo y efecto especiales. (Foto, cortesía)
27 de diciembre de 2015
AMIGOS and United Airlines announce 11th Annual Latin America Photo Contest winner
United Airlines and Amigos
de las Américas (AMIGOS) announced the winner of the 2015
Latin America Photo Contest. Maria
Fernanda Antillón Medina, 26, of
Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, took
the prize-winning photo entitled
“Florencia y su cálido hogar” in
Patacancha, Peru, in September. She
will receive two round-trip coach
travel certificates to a United destination of her choice in the United
States or Central America.
Antillón, an architect whose
passions also include adventure
traveling and drawing, visited the
rural community of Patacancha near
Ollantaytambo, an Inca archaeological site close to The Sacred Valley of
the Incas, where she met Florencia,
pictured in the photo. Florencia
invited Antillón and her friend
into her home to show them her
handmade textiles and offer them a
meal and tea.
“The silence was so perfect and
profound, the only thing I could
hear was the water boiling and the
clink of the pots,” said Antillón.
“The light was coming in through
the window shining on Florencia’s
face, adding a touch of mysticism
to the atmosphere, which is when I
decided to take the photo.”
“Maria Fernanda’s photo captures the magical essence of Latin
America,” said Maria Cristina
Osorio, United’s director of communications – Latin America. “We
congratulate her and the other
photographers who participated in
the AMIGOS Latin America photo
contest. United is very pleased to
support AMIGOS and to connect
cultures throughout the Americas.”
Antillón plans to use her United
ticket to travel to national parks,
where she hopes to find inspiration
in nature that she can transfer to her
architectural work.
Honorable mentions went to Johana Cortez-Hernandez, a 19-yearold student from East Palo Alto
California attending Connecticut
College, and Molly Miller-Petrie,
a 28-year-old research analyst from
Seattle, Washington. Cortez-Her-
Maria Fernanda Antillón Medina, 26, of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, took the prize-winning photo entitled “Florencia y su cálido hogar” in Patacancha, Peru, in
September. (Courtesy photo)
nandez took her photo of a Mayan
woman making tortillas in Yucatan,
Mexico, last summer during her
work as an AMIGOS Project Supervisor. Molly Miller-Petrie, an
AMIGOS volunteer in 2006, took
her photo of the Mombacho volcano
in Caterina, Nicaragua, while visiting her host family in October 2015.
To view the winning photo and
runners-up, visit
and the AMIGOS Facebook page
Photos submitted for the contest
had to be original and taken in
countries currently served by both
United and AMIGOS: Colombia,
Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua,
and Panama. A team of judges from
the AMIGOS program and United
selected the winners.
From its mainland U.S. hubs,
United operates more than 1,000
nonstop flights a week to 63 cities
in 28 countries in Latin America and
the Caribbean, including service to
26 Mexican cities (more than any
other airline from the U.S.), 10 cities in Central America, eight cities
in South America, and 19 cities in
the Caribbean.
AMIGOS is an international nonprofit organization with headquarters in Houston, Texas. AMIGOS
works to create a world where
each young person becomes a
life-long catalyst for social change
through experiences rooted in cultural immersion and leadership
development across the Americas.
AMIGOS provides powerful experiences that sets our youth on the
path to be leaders in a global community and lead projects that have
a meaningful local impact. Only
AMIGOS offers the full cultural
immersion that will both challenge
our youth and leave them with lifelong memories. Through 50 years
of programming, more than 27,000
AMIGOS volunteers have gained
greater social awareness, stronger
leadership skills, and increased
passion to be agents of change. We
are proud of our alumni network of
change-makers and global citizens.
In 2015, AMIGOS is operating
in the following countries of the
Americas: Colombia, Costa Rica,
the Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay and the United States.
For more information, visit www.
About United
United Airlines and United Express operate an average of nearly
5,000 flights a day to 352 airports
across six continents. In 2014,
United and United Express operated
nearly two million flights carrying
138 million customers. United is
proud to have the world’s most comprehensive route network, including
U.S. mainland hubs in Chicago,
Denver, Houston, Los Angeles,
New York/Newark, San Francisco
and Washington, D.C. United operates more than 700 mainline
aircraft, and this year, the airline
anticipates taking delivery of 34
new Boeing aircraft, including the
787-9 and the 737-900ER. United
is also welcoming 49 new Embraer
E175 aircraft to United Express. The
airline is a founding member of Star
Alliance, which provides service to
192 countries via 28 member airlines. Approximately 84,000 United
employees reside in every U.S. state
and in countries around the world.
For more information, visit united.
com, follow @United on Twitter or
connect on Facebook. The common
stock of United’s parent, United
Continental Holdings, Inc., is traded
on the NYSE under the symbol UAL.