Winner of river barge design contest revealed
Winner of river barge design contest revealed
® 3 de abril de 2016 WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXVII • NÚMERO 40 Children’s Shelter proposes new campaign to keep children in homes By Christina Acosta There are thousands of children in Bexar County in critical need of foster homes. Last year, The Children’s Shelter was unable to place 2,700 children in a foster care program due to a lack of licensed foster care families. In fact, 68 percent of those children, who need a temporary home due to abuse, abandonment or neglect, were between the ages of five and older, according to the local shelter. In addition, there were at least 17 children spending a minimum of two nights at the Child Protec- tive Services office. In an effort to change this unfortunate issue, The Children’s Shelter launched its “#2700” foster care campaign on Thursday. The two month recruitment campaign will work to increase the number of foster families in the San Antonio community willing to help end the issue. At hand to make the announcement was President and CEO of The Children’s Shelter Annette Rodriguez, Bexar County 150th District Court Judge Renee Yanta, District 7 Councilman Cris Medina, Richard De Jesus (Children’s Shelter foster care parent) and Criminal District Attorney Nico LaHood. “We are hoping to inspire some families and have them open our hearts, open their homes, so that we do not have to say no to 2,700 children. We are really excited to be launching this campaign,” expressed Rodriguez. The shelter plans to double or even triple their capacity by raising awareness, open forum information sessions and even create a partnership with all city districts to emphasize the importance of fostering. So far this year, there are over 50 foster families who can provide care for over 90 children. “There are kids who need parents and even siblings. They need a warm bed they could sleep in; they need role models, a nurtur- Foster parent Richard De Jesus proposes the importance and the rewarding experience of fostering a child as a new campaign emerges to reduce the number of 2,700 children without foster homes. (Photo, Christina Acosta) ing and healing home where they munity steps up. We are asking Rodriguez. can be safe, grow and prosper, but the community to please consider See Children’s Shelter on page 3-A we can only do that if the com- it and make a difference,” added Winner of river barge design contest revealed By Lucy Almanza A new and innovative barge will make its way to the River Walk just in time for the city’s tricentennial celebration in 2018. After months of anticipation, the river barge design by Houstonbased METALAB was announced as the winner of the San Antonio International River Barge Design Competition on Friday. The City of San Antonio and the San Antonio chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA San Antonio) selected the winning proposal of an electric barge that will be able to accommodate barge tours, dining cruises, river parades and provide a transportaThe design by Houston firm METALAB won the San Antonio International River Barge Design tion option for residents to commute on the San Antonio River. Competition on Friday. (Photo, METALAB design rendering) The new river barges, if approved by City Council in late April, will replace the current river barges that have become one of the city’s most popular attractions since 1968. “The San Antonio River Walk is one of our city’s most distinguishing features,” Mayor Ivy R. Taylor said. “As San Antonio prepares to celebrate its 300th anniversary in 2018, city leaders wanted to re-imagine the river barge experience. METALAB’s winning design is bold, innovative and reflects the character of our progressive and growing city.” METALAB’S versatile design, inspired by papel picado patterns and a San Antonio color palette, will feature a single-level deck that allows for greater wheelchair accessibility with adjacent companion seating and railings that pitch slightly outward to enhance passenger comfort, which will increase capacity and legroom. The durability of materials will require minimal ongoing maintenance. During the first phase of the design competition, there were 12 proposals submitted from across the nation. The panel of 11 jurors selected the top three proposals based on design innovation, functionality, operational considerations, constructability and sensitivity to San Antonio’s culture. The three finalists each received $7,500 to further develop their design concepts in the second phase of the competition made possible with support from the San Antonio River Authority. The top three finalists showcased their proposals at a public See River barge on page 3-A Sheriff and Ecumenical Center launch ‘Chaplain for Justice’ program By Christina Acosta Law enforcement is an essential community element, but even they have personal obstacles— thanks to a new program, they will be given resources to address those emerging issues. Bexar County Sheriff Susan Pamerleau and The Ecumenical Center for Education. Counseling. Health (ECECH). recently announced a new, one-of-a-kind accredited chaplaincy-training program developed and administered by The ECECH, named “Chaplains for Justice.” The program, open to all chaplains within the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office and the San Antonio Police Department, will gear towards training participants on how to counsel first responders through difficult situations including grief, tragedy and PTSD. Many people don’t realize that chaplains who support law enforcement are volunteers. They come from various backgrounds and step in to assist with traumas officers experience in the line of duty. Until now, there has been no standardized training to ensure all chaplains have the tools they need to support law enforcement or first responders dealing with these situations. “Law enforcement officers have the highest rates of stressrelated diseases, cardiovascular diseases, the highest rate of divorce and suicides,” Sheriff Pamerleau told La Prensa. “If you don’t pay attention to individuals who have emotional and spiritual needs, they resort to their anger and domestic violence, drinking and substance abuse. There is a lot of stress they deal with.” The idea to create the innovative program started in June 2013 when one of the detention deputies committed suicide and it became noticed that there were no resources offered to law enforcement. It then jumpstarted in December of the same year when chaplain Gary Hicks started recruiting individuals who met the requirements and be a part of the volunteer chaplain program. Today, the program carries 14 chaplains who volunteer their time to provide a ministry for the deputies at the Sheriff’s Office. The chaplains come from various backgrounds and step in to assist with traumas officers experience in the line of duty. Until now, there has been no standardized training to ensure all chaplains have the tools they need to support law enforcement and first responders. In order to keep these officers in line for duty, this course provides a path to certification in chaplaincy and pastoral counseling. Participants will have to complete a 14-week course that requires meeting once a week in a didactic classroom, as well as homework to complete coursework. The course will require over 400 contact hours in class teaching chaplains the foundation for what they need to be accepted in providing emotional and spiritual support for deputies. Ultimately, the program, with the participation of law enforcement and chaplains, will bring the community together, provide efficient resources beneficial to both parties and encourage others that safety is important. “The positive outlook this program will give consistency and making sure that we have armed each and every one of our chaplains for justice trainees in a way that they know when to refer to a mental health professional or a counselor or a faith community,” said Mary Beth Fisk, CEO of The ECECH. The program will go on every Monday until June 27 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at The ECECH locat- ed at 8310 Ewing Halsell Drive. “They are in the front line with officers at roll call and are coordinating with the individuals. They create relationships along the way so that they are equipped to not help only those going through a difficult time, but to also build a relationship to get them to the right place. That is the beauty of the department,” concluded Fisk. For more information or to learn more about this training program, please call (210) 616-0885. Bexar County Sheriff Susan Pamerleau recently announced the launch of a new, one-of-a-kind accredited chaplaincy training program developed and administered by The Ecumenical Center for Education. Counseling. Health. (Photo, Robbin Cresswell/BCSO) LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2-A 3 de abril de 2016 La Pasión de Cristo se Protecting children, preventing abuse and working to end neglect celebró en San Antonio Por Roberto J. Pérez El Viernes Santo cientos de fieles se concentraron en Milan Park en la representación de la Pasión de Cristo, escenificada desde el juicio ante Pilato, el camino al Gólgota y la Crucifi xión frente a la Catedral de San Fernando, como se ha venido representando cada año y que atrae también a feligreses de todo el estado de Texas y aun de ciudades fronterizas en ambos lados. El grupo de actores de la cate dral dio vida a los personajes históricos del drama de La Pasión según está aceptado en los Evangelios Sinópticos, representando a Jesús, las mujeres de Jerusalén y a Poncio Pilato, titular de la prefectura romana quien tenía las funciones de gobernador de Jerusalén. El Juicio de Jesús se inició a las 10 de la mañana en un escenario instalado en Milam Park, a lo cual siguió el Viacrucis (Vía Dolorosa) cuando un actor cargó la cruz de madera desde el parque hasta la catedral donde la escenifico la Crucifixión. Para esta práctica religiosa con espíritu ecuménico fueron invitados pastores de diversas denominaciones cristianas, entre ellos By U.S. Representative estaban los reverendos Krikor Lloyd Doggett G. Chain, Prasanna Mese, Leslie April is National Child Abuse Hollon, Pastor de Trinity Baptist Church; el Arzobispo de San Prevention Month, a time when Antonio, Gustavo García-Siller; we acknowledge the importance Reverendo TonyVilano, rector of stopping child abuse and de la Catedral, y Dr. Ronald neglect. As a grandfather of four, who W. Scates, de First Presbiterian bring such tremendous joy to Church. Honduras, Portugal, Costa our family, I find it difficult to Rica, Brasil, Colombia, Líbano, understand how a child could be Francia, Jerusalén, y México. subjected to neglect and abuse, En algunos países La Pasión especially from a family memse representa en cierta manera ber. But far too many children cruda, más allá de ser una práctica continue to suffer and die at the devota no aprobada por algunas hands of those who should be confesiones cristianas, pero que caring for them. Thanking those on the front se lleva a cabo por ser una coslines-- While experiencing high tumbre. rates of abuse—almost 5,000 reported cases last year, Bexar County has a number of committed professionals who have undertaken the challenge. I have personally seen the good work of the San Antonio Children’s Shelter with Annette Rodriguez and Anais Biera Miracle. We have explored answers at the Congress on Children organized by Dr. Kathy Fletcher of Voices for San Antonio’s Children. And each April we see reminders about children posted across the community by Kim Abernethy and ChildSafe. Volunteers with the Court Appointed Special Advocates of Central Texas (CASA) regularly provide invaluable assistance for the abused, working with local judges like Judge Peter Sakai, a national leader on this issue. While continuing support for these important local initiatives is essential, that is not enough to fully address the challenge. Though praising San Antonio Children’s Shelter, the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, led by Marlo Nash, Catholic Charities, and others for their excellent work, a federal court in Corpus Christi recently held the entire Texas foster care system unconstitutional. It concluded that the state has endangered children with unreasonably high caseloads, dangerous foster group homes, inadequate investigations into abuse and neglect and a lack of placement options. Despite the important leadership and commitment of State Senator Carlos Uresti and our local delegation, the Texas Legislature has failed abused children. Federal leadership has also been lacking. More state and federal resources are long overdue to reinforce our local efforts to prevent abuse rather than acting only after children have suffered abuse. When abuse has occurred, more effort must be made to prevent reoccurrence and additional harm. Currently, such follow-up services are not made available to 40 percent of children with substantiated cases of abuse or neglect. Doing more to protect children-- The Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities, established by legislation that I previously authored, just released its final report, “Within our Reach: A National Strategy to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities.” The Commission focused attention on the need for prevention and more investment for vulnerable children, shared best local practices from around the country and offered some modest recommendations for im- provement. The report illustrates how much more work remains in making children safer. One initiative that drew unanimous commission endorsement is the Home Visiting Program, which helps young men and women become the parents they want to be. Locally Audrey Rost from Catholic Charities and Gladys Gonzalez, executive director of the Guadalupe Community Center, lead effective efforts. As I prepare legislation to reauthorize funding for such programs, I remain mindful of the commitment of their team and the difference that they are making in strengthening families. The commission estimates that this year 1,500 to 3,000 children across America will die from maltreatment. My new legislation now pending before Congress, the “Family Stability and Kinship Care Act,” seeks to prevent that maltreatment and reduce those troubling numbers. It would open funding for preventative services that could help keep children safely at home—it would support more services like counseling, parenting training and interventions during family crises. At the state level, much more action is needed including adequate staffing to lower the number of families for which each Child and Protective Services caseworker is responsible. With more state and federal leadership, we can avoid lurching from one tragedy to another. With additional reinforcements and a unified effort by our friends, neighbors and child protection specialists, together, we can significantly reduce child abuse. El equipo de actores de la Catedral de San Fernando es el encargado de representar La Pasión de Cristo, que cada año inicia su recorrido en Milam Park. . (Foto, R. J. Pérez) 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A Local home earns first Build San Antonio Green certification for other necessities, such as medical costs, food costs or other bills,” stated Morris A. Stribling, DPM, chairman of the SAHA Board of Commissioners. “The City of San Antonio is committed to sustainability and owning a Build San Antonio Green home means you will enjoy lower utility bills and lessen the impact on the environment,” said District 6 City Councilman Ray Lopez. “According to CPS Energy’s figures, an entry-level Build San Antonio Green home is 40 percent more efficient than the average San Antonio home.” The proposed East Meadows will be SAHA’s first LEED ND, Leadership in Energy Efficient Design, Neighborhood Development community. The units will be Build San Antonio Green Level 2 and will have 1 LEED Certified Building. Each unit will also be Energy Star for Homes Certified and will be verified by a third party contractor to determine energy efficiency. Since 2010, SAHA has been consulting with BSAG on the development of multi-family units to ensure all units built are Energy Star Rater certified. Through this successful partnership, SAHA developed its Sustainability Policy and has been able to find a balance between energy-efficient, costeffective and low-maintenance products. To date, SAHA has over 744,064 square feet of multi-family units that are BSAG-certified. Tu Voz En Dos Idiomas Children’s Shelter... On Friday, a ribbon cutting ceremony took place to unveil the first San Antonio energy-efficient home that earned the Build San Antonio Green (BSAG) Energy Retrofit Level 2 Public Housing single-family home standard certification. (Courtesy photo) Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) unveiled its first energy-efficient home earning the first Build San Antonio Green (BSAG) Energy Retrofit Level 2 Public Housing singlefamily home standard certification. A ribbon cutting ceremony took place on Friday at 10145 Galesburg Rd. “Sustainable or green building design and construction allows the opportunity to use our resources more efficiently, while creating healthier and more energy-efficient homes,” said David Nisivoccia, San Antonio Housing Authority interim president and CEO. “Success comes in the form of leaving a lighter footprint on the environment through conservation of resources, while balancing energy-efficient, cost-effective, low-maintenance products for construction needs.” The 1,164-square foot, threebedroom, two-bath single family house was built in 1983. In 2015, funding for the rehab was secured and SAHA made River barge... open house on March 28, where community members viewed the designs and provided feedback. Each of them received a cash prize, however, METALAB’s winning design will be the only one recommended to City Council to see its design constructed and on the San Antonio River in 2018. The second place design came from Luna Architecture + Design a decision to rehab the home to BSAG Level 2 Energy Retrofit standards. SAHA wanted to ensure the house was rehabbed properly with attention and care to the home for the health of the family to occupy it. The home was upgraded to be more energyefficient, earning the first Build San Antonio Green (BSAG) Energy Retrofit in San Antonio. “SAHA is dedicated to the well-being of residents and the family who will occupy this house will find the house comfortable and will utilize the savings on low utility costs (continued from page 1-A) from San Antonio with Lay Pittman & Associates from Neptune Beach, FL. Third place was Sadi Brewton + Jonathan Davies from Austin. “METALAB’s design is modular, modern and offers the possibility for barge uses we couldn’t have imagined before,” said District 1 City Councilman Roberto C. Treviño. “This not only presents a great option for tourists, but is an opportunity for residents and the local entrepreneurial community to propose new and imaginative ways to use the river barges.” If approved, the City will issue two Requests for Proposal (RFP) for procurement and construction of the barge fleet as well as for the new fleet’s operation and programming in May 2016, followed by a test barge in early 2017. Pet of the week Brock is a good boy and at 10 1/2-years-old he’s one of our most eligible seniors! He’s a Labrador Retriever/Chinese Shar-Pei mix with a beautiful and friendly coat that you won’t want to stop petting. Brock knows the “sit” command and he’s a fan of treats. Don’t count this guy out just because of his age! He’s got plenty of love to give to his new forever family. Drop by the San Antonio Humane Society and visit Brock soon! Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society: Connecting Friends for Life. Adoption fees for Cats: Less than 5 Months - $65 Over 5 months of age - $30 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, dewormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit, or call (210) 226-7461. De Jesus, who has fostered 60 kids for the past six years, explained to others families that they will not go through this alone. In fact, the shelter will be there every step of the way offering resources, training and support to keep families in order for the rewarding experience. “They have been so gracious to give us every little need to sustain this endeavor… This is not an easy job because it comes with a lot of pain, tears and a lot of sleepless nights…We need the community to wake up that includes Bexar County and the state of Texas and it starts with our children,” De Jesus continued. “At many times, there had to be 3 a.m. talks with the case worker with the emergency number of my child that is losing control. The shelter will be there to teach you how to put on a diaper, support you and hold your hand all along the way because this is something you do as a support group.” Although fostering may seem difficult, De Jesus added that he would not have it any other way because he loves his children. For him, it was important to take action and help his foster kids rather than avoid the issue. Ultimately, The Children’s Shelter proposes to put an end to closing the doors to young children by starting to reach out to those interested in opening the door of love as a foster family. The Children’s Shelter is ready to use the tactics in front of them to tackle the number of children (continued from page 1-A) without a stable foster home. If you are interested in fostering a child, The Children’s Shelter is located at 2939 W. Woodlawn Ave. For more information, please call (210) 212-2500 or visit Keep in mind, that in order to foster a child, you must be trained and educated to obtain a license. 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 de abril de 2016 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A Comentarios... Sophie y la gran expulsión Esta es la pesadilla de Sophie Cruz: que un día cualquiera se aparezcan agentes del Jorge Ramos servicio de inmigración en su casa de dos cuartos en Los Ángeles, se lleven a sus papás y los deporten. Sophie tiene 6 años y nació en California de padres indocumentados originarios de Oaxaca, México. A pesar de su edad, Sophie comprende perfectamente la diferencia entre ella y sus padres. Por eso, cuando el papa Francisco visitó Washington en septiembre, ella rompió el estricto cordón de seguridad, se acercó al papamóvil y logró darle una carta al pontífice argentino. El papa tomó la carta en que ella le pedía que protegiera a sus papás de una deportación y le dio un beso en la mejilla. Así, Sophie se hizo famosa. Su sonrisa te desbarata. Suele vestirse con trajes de colores con motivos indígenas y tiene una memoria prodigiosa. Hace unos cuantos días, cuando la conocí, Sophie recitó un largo poema “No te rindas”, del poeta uruguayo Mario Benedetti y después me presentó un dibujo que contenía esa frase. Ese fue mi regalo de cumpleaños: una niña de 6 años dándome una verdadera lección de liderazgo y de valentía. A mis 58, tengo todavía mucho que aprender. (Aquí está mi video con Sophie: ). El plan de Donald Trump, si llega a la presidencia, es deportar en dos años a los papás de Sophie y a 11 millones más. Sophie y su hermana menor, a pesar de ser ciudadanas estadounidenses, se tendrían que ir a México también. No podrían quedarse solas. (Hay 4 millones y medio de niños, nacidos en Estados Unidos, que tienen al menos a una madre o un padre indocumentado). Aquí estamos hablando de la gran expulsión. Deportar a 11 millones de personas en dos años ocasionaría una multitud de violaciones a los derechos humanos y cambiaría radicalmente la imagen de Estados Unidos en el mundo. Además, sería costosísimo. Las mayores deportaciones masivas en la historia de Estados Unidos costarían 300 mil millones de dólares, según un estudio de la organización American Action Forum. El número de agentes para detener indocumentados aumentaría de 4,884 a 90,582. Habría que comprar muchas camas en los centros de detención: de 34,000 que hay ahora a 348,831. Y el gobierno tendría que contratar muchos abogados; en lugar de los 1,430 que existen hoy, necesitarían 32,445. Las deportaciones masivas serían, en pocas palabras, un desastre económico. En dos años se perderían 10.3 millones de puestos de trabajo y se reduciría el crecimiento económico anual en un billón de dólares. Este es el horror que está proponiendo Donald Trump: deportar a más de 15,000 personas cada día durante 24 meses seguidos. Las cifras así, a secas, son espeluznantes. Pero no dicen nada a menos que conozcas a alguien que puede ser deportado. Y yo conozco a muchas personas que podrían ser deportadas, incluyendo a los papás de Sophie. La gran expulsión está basada en dos grandes mentiras: una, que hay una invasión en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos. Y dos, que los inmigrantes son los culpables de los problemas económicos y de seguridad del país. La invasión de Estados Unidos es un mito. El número de indocumentados — alrededor de 11 millones se ha mantenido estable en los últimos siete años. No hay ninguna invasión y la frontera está más segura y con más agentes que nunca. También es falso que los indocumentados estén afectando la seguridad y los bolsillos de los estadounidenses. Los inmigrantes sin papeles pagan impuestos, crean trabajos y hacen las labores que los estadounidenses no quieren; contribuyen mucho más a la economía que lo que toman de ella. Y no hay ninguna conexión entre indocumentados y grupos terroristas. Ninguno de los 19 terroristas del 11 de septiembre entró ilegalmente por México. Además, contrariamente a lo que dicen muchos medios de comunicación en inglés, los inmigrantes suelen cometer menos actos criminales que los nacidos en Estados Unidos (y para comprobarlo véase los datos del American Immigration Council). Estamos frente a dos teorías sobre el futuro de Estados Unidos: la de Donald Trump promoviendo el odio, la división y la gran expulsión y la de Sophie Cruz, que quiere mantener junta a su familia y proteger a otros inmigrantes como sus padres. Y yo le creo más a Sophie. (¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). Just a Thought: Viva Fiesta 2016 With just 11 days to go before we begin the 125th celebration of Fiesta, I can’t help but remSteve Walker inisce about the past Fiestas I have been fortunate to be an active part of over the last 30 years. As a past president of the San Antonio Junior Chamber of Commerce (aka Jaycees), I was able to ride in one of the many floats in the Battle of Flowers Parade, as well as the River Parade in 1982 and 1983 during my one year term as president, followed by one year as chairman of the board. I also marched in numerous other years as a Jaycee board member. One of the big events of Fiesta for the Jaycees was “La Semana Alegre” held in the HemisFair area for nearly 20 years. I actively participated in seven of those events from 1977-1983. During that time, we hosted many big name bands to perform nightly, along with providing games and other activities during our Fiesta participation. The money we raised was used to fund our nonprofit events such as the Orphan’s Christmas Shopping Tour. We would escort kids from the local orphanages on a shopping spree on Christmas for items such as clothes and shoes for school. We were never short of escorts as the firefighters and San Antonio police officers participated along with us during the holidays. They got as much out of it as we did hosting the event. In the late 90s and forward to 2007 as a Balcones Heights City Councilman or Mayor Pro Tem, I was also able to ride in those same two parades on a float representing the city. For the past eight years, I have been actively covering Fiesta events by shooting photos for my photo blog Walker Report and also for La Prensa. I begin my coverage with the opening ceremony in the Alamo Plaza, move on to events like the Taste of New Orleans, the River Parade, the Battle of Flowers and various events each year. Sometimes I cover different events especially when new ones are added to the schedule as other groups no longer participate. One event I am especially partial to covering since I can’t cover them all is the St. Gregory’s Catholic Church Festival. As a graduate of St. Gregory’s in 1960 from eighth grade, I admit I favor that particular event. Every year, I walk by my eighth grade classroom and reminisce about attending the school and experience flashbacks of holding out the palms of my hands to allow Mother Mary John to take a whack with a ruler for my misdeeds and misbehavior! Invariably, I meet a student or two at the festival event at the church whose classroom also served as my eighth grade class. With the River Parade yet to come along with the Battle of Flowers, I might see some of you out there in the streets with my camera and press pass. If so, be sure to say hello and enjoy the rest of Fiesta. This year’s grand marshal for the Battle of Flowers Parade is none other than international singer and motivational speaker Dr. Patsy Torres, who I have written about for La Prensa twice in the past. I have personally known her for over 20 years. We both received our master’s degrees decades apart from the University of the Incarnate Word. She also recently earned her doctorate from Incarnate Word in 2011. Anyway, as always, what I write is “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace. Nulo en políticas internacionales Por Humberto Caspa A la política internacional la entendemos principalmente a través de dos perspectivas internacionales. Por una parte, la Realista y por la otra la Liberal. Los países poderosos, como Estados Unidos, tienden a favorecer la perspectiva Realista, mientras que los países en desarrollo, especialmente los más débiles, se inclinan por el Liberalismo. El líder de Estados Unidos, por ser más importante del mundo, tiene que entender meticulosamente estas dos perspectivas. Sus decisiones no solo determinarían el destino del país, sino también del mundo. Un error puede tener consecuencias mayúsculas, incluyendo una Tercera Guerra Mundial o una catástrofe humana: el fin del mundo. En una en la entrevista concedida a Anderson Cooper de la cadena CNN a principios de esta semana, Donald Trump hizo notar que no tiene idea sobre la política internacional. Sus conocimientos sobre el realismo, por ejemplo, son escasos. Uno de los pilares de esta perspectiva sugiere que, si tomamos en cuenta a los Estados como sujetos de análisis, encontramos que “vivimos en un Estado de Naturaleza”. Es decir, los países son racionales, esencialmente egoístas y conflictivos. Por eso hay guerras en todas partes del mundo. El conflicto Israel-Palestina lo explica esta teoría; lo mismo la ansiedad rusa de incrementar su poder en Europa y el Medio Oriente. Donald Trump sugirió que los países como Japón y Corea del Sur deberían crear sus propias bombas atómicas para que se puedan defender de la amenaza Corea del Sur. Esta política, desde un punto del Realismo y del Liberalismo, implica acercar al mundo a los umbrales de una Tercera Guerra Mundial. En este sentido, Corea del Sur o Japón o Corea del Norte o cualquier país con capacidad atómica tendría la opción de empezar una guerra nuclear. Las potencias mundiales (Estados Unidos, Europa, Rusia y China) simplemente seguirían los pasos de países chicos y de menos experiencia. Por otra parte, en el mismo fórum del lunes, Trump dijo que la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) es una organización caduca. “No tiene sentido inyectarle tanto dinero”, manifestó. “Nosotros no nos beneficiamos en nada”. Así, Trump hizo notar que no tiene conocimiento de los elementos que conllevaron a la creación de esta organización internacional. No sabe ni “j” de la importancia de su funcionamiento en un mundo. De no haber sido por la OTAN, el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin hubiese ordenado el bombardeo inmediato de Turquía en octubre del año pasado. Después de firmar un pacto de alianza entre Putin y Bashar al-Assad, el presidente ruso decidió ayudar a su homólogo sirio por medio de bombardeos a territorio rebelde. Uno de los aviones rusos incursionó en el espacio de Turquía, entonces fue cuando la Fuerza Aérea turca lo detectó y lo derribó inmediatamente, causando el malestar de los rusos. Putin se tragó su sed de venganza debido a que Turquía toma parte de la OTAN. Asimismo, de no haber sido por la OTAN, las fuerzas armadas rusas hubiesen empezado a invadir en territorio ucraniano, incluyendo en los ex satélites de la ex Unión Soviética. Ahora recién podemos explicar por qué Putin habla maravillas de Trump. La llegada del magnate de bienes raíces a la Casa Blanca implicaría el dominio de Putin en Europa y el Medio Oriente. Donald Trump es un tipo que no tiene aptitudes políticas para dirigir al país más importante del mundo. Puede ser un empresario con talento, pero su entendimiento del mundo es tan pobre como sus conocimientos de la política interna de Estados Unidos. Sus decisiones causarían calamidades humanas. Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad CIA POP-UP BAKERY CAFÉ — The Culinary Institute of America at San Antonio’s pop-up café at Pearl has returned. The café that’s open through April 14 has a continuously revolving menu, but offers items like cakes, tarts, scones, empanadas, cookies, bagels, salads and aguas frescas every weekday. The pop-up venture serves as a capstone course for CIA baking and pastry arts majors, and the café allows them to learn the daily operations of running a bakery before they graduate in April. Stop by and support the graduates before it is too late. The café will open until April 14 between 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at CIA Bakery Café, 312 Pearl Parkway Ste. 2102 STRAIGHT FROM MEXICO CITY — Straight from Mexico City questions the cultural context of our time and the history of painting itself with a critical construction of identity set forth in a pictorial practice. Organized by guest curator Octavio Avendaño Trujillo, the works of guest artists Eugenia Martínez, Kanako Namura, Manuel Solano and Rafael Uriegas are selected from Galería Karen Huber’s roster. Come join us for the opening reception at the Ruiz-Healy art to examine at an unforgettable exhibition. The exhibition will go until April 23 at Ruiz-Healy Art, 201A E. Olmos Dr. “BROADWAY NIGHTS” EVERY MONDAY AT THE ST. ANTHONY — Give your regards to Broadway and “Put On a Happy Face” as the glitz and glamour of the “Great White Way” light up The St. Anthony’s famous Peacock Alley every Monday night. With Broadway show tunes filling the air thanks to the beautiful ivories of the hotel’s beloved Hamburg Steinway and the golden voices of some of San Antonio’s finest musical performers, Woodlawn Theater’s “Broadway Nights” comes to life for you. Paired with happy hour specials, complimentary hors d’oeuvres and the opportunity to showcase your own golden pipes, Broadway Nights at The St. Anthony are the perfect way to start your week. Every Monday until April 25 from 5:45 until 7:45 p.m. at the St. Anthony, 300 E. Travis St. CINDERELLA— “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella,” is the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical from the creators of “The Sound of Music” and “South Pacific” that is delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love — the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more — plus some surprising new twists! Be transported back to your childhood as you rediscover a fresh new take on the beloved tale. For more information about tickets and show times, visit www. The musical debuts on Tuesday, April 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Majestic Theatre, 224 E. Houston St. RUN & WALK FOR AIDS— This year, organizers have set a goal to raise $100,000 to help SAAF continue providing its many services to the community, including free STD testing, prevention education and specialty care. The route begins and ends at the Blue Star Arts Complex and runs along the Mission Reach of the San Antonio River. There will be food booths, music and complimentary refreshments for attendees to enjoy before and after. Early registration for the event is now open. The fees are $35 for 5K runners and $30 for 2mile walkers. All registrations include an event T-shirt — even the “Snooze Crew” option, perfect for supporters who’d prefer to sleep in. Sunday, April 3 from 7 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at Blue Star Arts Complex, 116 Blue Star BARRIO WRITERS YOUTH WRITERS WORKSHOP— The Guadalupe teams up The San Antonio Public Library to offer Barrio Writers: Youth Writers Workshop, modeled after the nonprofit organization that empowers teens through creative writing, higher education, and cultural arts. This free eight-week writing workshop will be offered in two locations, the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center and the San Antonio Central Library. Each workshop will be led by a local, active writer in the community that will focus on social justice, empowerment and making change. Wednesday, April 6 from 5 to 7:30 pm at the San Antonio Central Library, 600 Soledad St. NATIONAL BEER DAY AT SOUTHERLEIGH—The restaurant and brewery will be open regular hours from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and in honor of National Beer Day, it will be serving its four-beer flight for $5 (regularly priced $12-16) and its eight-beer flight for only $8 (regularly priced at $20-30). This includes Southerleigh favorites such as the Gold Export Lager and the Pale Moon Rising American Pale Ale. It is also the day Southerleigh’s Executive Chef Jeff Balfour along with Brewmaster Les Locke will be hosting an exclusive James Beard Dinner at the James Beard House. The dinner will showcase some favorites from the menu including the Snapper Throats, and also feature a selection of Southerleigh beers. Thursday, April 7 at 11 a.m. at Southerleigh, 136 E. Grayson St. BALLET ALIVE!— Ballet Alive! showcases this art’s fluidity of emotions in motion. San Antonio audiences will be transported to new heights on a journey through five unique pieces. Willy Shives, Ballet San Antonio’s artistic director, is set to premiere two of his ballets at the Tobin Center—Solace and A Tropical Fiesta. Audiences will not want to miss out on this exciting debut of different performances including Confetti, The Whistling, Solace, A Tropical Fiesta and Tribute. For more information, visit for tickets, show times and more. The ballet debuts on Friday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Cir. BEHIND THE LENS: HENRY DILTZ AND PATTIE BOYD— “Behind The Lens” is a live show presented by the artists themselves as they share their amazing stories and iconic images with audiences nationwide. “Behind The Lens” with Pattie Boyd and Henry Diltz sold-out its first five-city tour in September 2015, exhibiting to cheering crowds and standing ovations. Due to this overwhelming success, Morrison Hotel Gallery is bringing “Behind The Lens” with Pattie Boyd and Henry Diltz back on the road with a bigger, 13-city tour in March and April of 2016. For more information, visit www. for tickets and more. Saturday, April 9 at 4 p.m. at Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Cir. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Sr. CEO NINA DURAN Publisher LUCY ALMANZA Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Director KARINA VELA Classifieds MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 6-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO EMPLOYMENT: bread & cookies. Good son at 2200 W. Martin. working environment. (04/27/16) Need a baker spe- Please call (210) 226cializing in Mexican 2979 or apply in per- Drivers CDL-A: Tex- as-Size Bonuses! Tex- Haul US/Canada. 855as-Size Benefits Pack- 645-7789 age! Great Pay and (04/13/16) Steady Miles! Long S o l i c i t o l i n i e r o s , meseras, lava-platos y tortillera aplicar en persona de 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. 1438 Division Ave (04/20/16) Drivers CDL-A: Steady Year-Round Miles! Sign-On, Monthly & Annual Bonuses! Great Benefits Package! Long Haul U.S./Canada. 855-645-7789 (04/03/16) 3 de abril de 2016 solicita tortillero, linieros, cajera, cocinero y ayudante general aplicar en 223 Palo Alto sueldo negociable (04/24/16) ¿Estas cansada de vivir cheque a cheque? Busco personas que Panadería/Taquería quieran ganar $100 extra por semana llamar a Betty (210) 478-1724 (04/10/16) Solicito yarderos, mecánicos, de México. Rento departamento. Compro madera (210) 362-0875. (04/13/16) NOW HIRING! Experienced with Mexican food, Line Cooks, Dishwashers, Cashiers and Bussers MUST APPLY! Please apply in person at Panchito’s 1705 S. Zarzamora, 78207 (04/03/16) ALAMO COLLEGES PROPOSAL INVITATION The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown. ________________________________ Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for Purchase of Marketing/Advertising Campaign Services with Media Buying Service CSP 16A-014 Deadline: 4/8/2016 For more information, contact Terry Loomis at 210/485-0056. _________________________________ Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for Purchase of Computer Hardware, Technology Supplies, and Accessories Retail Supplier Services for The Technology Store at San Antonio College CSP 16A-018 Deadline: 4/12/2016 For more information, contact Jeremy Taub at 210/485-0131. _________________________________ Proposals to be delivered as follows: By U.S. Mail: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693 San Antonio, TX 78212 By hand delivery or courier service: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101 San Antonio, TX 78212 Proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s website Looking for experience line cooks and waitress, for Mexican Restaurant $8- $10 the hour (210) 386-5516 (04/20/16) SERVICOS: $7.50 SERVICIO A DOMICILIO, REFRIGERADORAS, LAVADORAS, SECADORAS Y ESTUFAS. UN AÑO GARANTÍA. LLAME A (210) 2915431. (03/30/16) Empresa en desarrollo busca 2 personas ambos sexos que quieran ganar $400 extra llamar solo interesados (210) 264-1340 Busco trabajo para (04/24/16) cuidar una persona mayor o limpieza de HOMES: casa (210) 719-2224 (04/6/16) CASH for HOUSES FAST. Any condi- Reparación de lavations, any area, we doras, secadoras y rebuy all types of real es- frigeradores estimado tate, 25 yrs. exp., close gratis, trabajo rápido a quick (210) 300-4000 domicilio, garantizado también los compro y (04/27/17) vendo (210) 324-9821 (04/17/16) RENT: CASA CUSTOM Rento espacio equi- BRICK HACE TRApado con mucho estac- BAJOS DE PIEDRA ionamiento para hacer Y L A D R I L L O , snacks, vasos, fruta, REPARACIÓN DE raspas, nieves (210) F L O W E R B E D S , 810-8594 LOTS CLEARING, (04/06/16) REPARACIONES, JARDINERÍA Y Se renta cuarto priva- CHIMENEAS (210) do con biles incluidos 463-7211. (210) 449-0544 (03/30/15) (04/10/16) Mecánica automotriz: SALE/VENTAS/ Arreglamos transmisVenta para niños @ iones automáticas, traKendall County Fair- bajos eléctricos con grounds abril 7 de 9 computadora. ¿Aua.m.- 6 p.m., abril 8 tomóvil no prende? 9 a.m.- 5p.m., abril ¡Llámenos! (210) 7219 50% de descuento 9978. venta 9 a.m.- 3p.m. (04/03/16) Juguetes, ropa, zapatos, bicicletas. Pintura, tile mosaico, (04/6/16) cerámica, plomería, cercas de madera, Vendo lavadoras ca- alambre, textura, pacidad grande $100 shower reparación, secadora capacidad sheetrock, carpintería, grande $95 refrigera- pongo puertas y ventador de 2 puertas $125, nas reparación. Habla Freezer $100. Todo en con Jesús Villa. Llame excelente condiciones a (210) 254-4502. y garantizado, puedo (04/10/16) entregar a domicilio (210) 324-9821. (04/17/16) Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of jesus, in Screen top soil, sandie the past I have asked loan, base gravel etc. for many favours, this time I ask for a special (210) 414-6387 (04/27/16) one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart Vendo perritos chihua- of Jesus and place huas, 6 semanas, $80 it within your own (712) 204-2753 y una broken heart where lavadora G3 your Father sees it. (04/03/16) Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no matter how imposible E.C.B ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Me gustaría conocer a un hombre que sea detallista que crea en Dios, que le guste vivir una vida sana sin problemas familiares ni económicos, que sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso, cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o viudo, que quiera una relación sana y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero nací en México. Me gusta leer, viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa, me gusta caminar. Me gustaría que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré esperando tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu foto y número de teléfono. Te espero con mucho amor. D-243 ----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto, cuerpo normal, un poco blanco, trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta divertirme sanamente, vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que viven en mi país. Busco una mujer seria, trabajadora, noble y con deseos de amar y ser amada. Interesada mandar su número para empezar a conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras. Te espero. C-244 ----------------------------- Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de buen carácter, de mente moral y espiritual de EUA, en busca de una damita que sea seria, de carácter humilde, hogareña, sin vicios, que sea de estatura y peso regular. Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas familiares, que sea honesta. Para una amistad seria, no importa origen ni estado migratorio. Con fines matrimoniales. C-245 ----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un gran caballero que sea fiel, amable, detallista, romántico, trabajador, sin problemas económicos ni familiares. Soy divorciada. Me gusta una vida sana, no tomo, no fumo, no tengo vicios, me considero que soy muy romántica y quiero una relación seria para fines serios y estable. Quiero que nos conozcamos y si se llega a un compromiso está bien. Espero tu llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo una hija y un hijo grandes, viven aparte. D-247 ----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso, cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de buen carácter, humilde de corazón, estabilidad económica, que sea muy romántico. Me considero ser una dama romántica, fiel, soy divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero una relación estable para fines serios, sin problemas familiares. Hay que conocernos y te aseguro no te arrepentirás. Espero tu llamada, dirección y foto. Te espero con mucho amor. D-248 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero. Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos azules y calvo. Me gustan los libros, música, películas y ejercicio. He aprendido español. Estoy buscando una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60 años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses similares. C-249 ----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’. Peso 195. Tengo 62 años, soy viuda y busco un amigo con quien compartir un buen rato. Soy hogareña, me gusta la cocina, me gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy alegre. Si hay alguien de 62 a 68 años que quiera ser amigo o algo más, estoy libre y en Texas. Llámame. D-246 ----------------------------Señor retirado. En mis sesenta años, joven bien parecido, bien vestido. Busco una muchacha o señora joven, de los 30 a 60 años de edad, que no tenga compromisos, sea cristiana y que no sea mentirosa, que sea trabajadora, limpia y romántica. Seria con otra gente, pero alegre conmigo. C-250 ----------------------------Soy un hombre católico, divorciado, de buen corazón. Soy de San Antonio, vivo en un rancho. Estoy de buena salud, gracias a nuestro Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s, pero no los muestro. Me gusta la música norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San Antonio cada año al Conjunto Festival. Busco una mujer sincera, hogareña, que le guste el rancho, los animales, caballos. Que no sepa mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una relación seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel blanca, ojos claros o de color, no más de 5’7 y 135 -140 libras. Yo tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras. ¡También tengo una Harley Davison! Me gustaría que toque el acordeón o que quiera aprender. También que no fume, pero en todo Cristo es el primero, porque sin él no tenemos nada! Llámame para platicar y si no se puede podemos ser amigos, porque todos necesitamos una linda amistad. ¡Bendiciones! C-251 ----------------------------Hello to whoever reads this serious message. I need a man that has a clean pure heart and is not ashamed to be a child of God like me. I am hoping to meet the man that has a strong foundation to stand on with faith and believes in God and has a relationship with Jesus. A friend that I can have a conversation with that has to do with all goodness and will say to me that everything will be alright. I ask to please speak clear English. Age 55-60, ht. 5’10 -5’12, weight average. Hope to hear from someone that is a Christian Brother. God Bless and God be with you. D-253 ----------------------------Hola, soy viudo mexicano-americano, militar retirado de 82 años, de 5’4” de altura, 139 lbs. (delgado). Me gusta el baile, ir de paseo a pueblos cercanos, ir a las pulgas, parques, salir a comer y más. Sin vicios, educado. Busco señora/amiga que tenga tiempo para salir de casa. Prefiero señora sola de 55 a 65 años, de 4’5”, de no más de 135 libras. (delgada). Me gustaría conocerla y hablar socialmente con usted. Vivo en San Antonio. Disculpe mi español, si gusta, llámeme para hablar. C-254 ----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 57 años. Soy alto, buena onda, pelo negro, no gordo, guapo, muy decente, muy cariñoso, me gusta el cine. Busco una dama de 45 a 55 años sin niños, por favor. Que sea cariñosa y romántica y se valore. Quiero lo mejor para ti. Señora de México, físico mediano o regular, buen cuerpo. Que sea confiable, para una relación seria. Amén. Sin bromas. C-225 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-A Breves mareos: una amenaza para la salud Por José I. Franco Bueno, estoy de regreso a esta sección dedicada a la salud en la que en breve comentará algo sobre mi testimonio durante la primera visita a la sala de emergencia (Southwest General Hospital/SGH), donde me dieron excelente trato y en forma expedita los resultados sobre lo que me llevó a registrarme para que se me atendiera de emergencia. En la columna previa señalé que por primera ocasión en mis 60 años de existencia acudía a una sala de emergencia médica. Mi explicación fue que durante ese día por la madrugada había sentido un breve mareo, tras haberme preparado un té de manzanilla y poner en su lugar vasijas y otros utensilios, lo que me llevó unos 15 minutos. Por la tarde el breve mareo volvió a pegarme de la misma forma: sentí debilidad en las piernas y síntoma de vomitar. A lo que –sin pensarlo más– pedí a mi esposa que me llevase a la sala de emergencia. Rumbo al hospital se me pasaron los síntomas, pero comencé a sentir presión pectoral y fatiga. Luego de haber aportado mis datos personales y, obviamente, la presentación de la tarjeta con el nombre de la compañía de póliza del seguro médico personal, entonces de inmediato se me aplicaron los primeros exámenes. La calma me llegó cuando el enfermero me dijo que nada malo estaba pasando con el corazón, que estuviera tranquilo para los demás exámenes que de rigor se hacen cuando uno entra a la sala de emergencia. Me sacaron pruebas de sangre y a los pocos minutos se me volvió a tomar la alta presión, saliendo bien. Llegó el doctor de turno para preguntarme porqué había decidido visitar la sala de emergencia. Le expliqué sobre los breves mareos y él me respondió lo siguiente: “Señor Franco, lo que padece usted es vértigo. Por lo pronto se le va a dar medicamento y no deje de beber bastante agua y otras bebidas que ayudan a hidratar el cuerpo. Dese tiempo para visitar a un especialista en el oído, para que le ayuden a controlar su enfermedad”. En la edición que publiqué sobre mi visita a la sala de emergencia tuve bastantes lectores que me dijeron sentirse de la misma forma. Yo les respondí que lo que debían de hacer inmediatamente era que visitaran a sus doctores para que ellos les dieran un reporte con mayor información. “Mi estimado Franco, fíjate que yo padezco algunos malestares similares a los que describes en tu nota. No sé qué hacer, trabajo bastante duro y cuando llego a casa, me doy un baño, ceno y descanso, pero los dolores de piernas, brazos y debilidad no desaparecen”, comentó el lector. Por lo pronto yo les he dicho que si de continuar padecien do dichos síntomas o signos de mareos breves es por que padecen de vértigo, para que no se asusten y crean que el corazón les está fallando. Les he explicado que desde que se me diagnosticó que padezco de vértigo, otros males tares han desaparecido y hasta me he sobrepasado en el estilo de alimentarme. Yo creía que por padecer de “ansiedad”, el mal alimentarme era lo que aumentaba dicha enfermedad, la cual se me diagnosticó hace diez años, tras haberle informado a mi doctor sobre mi estado de abstinencia por las bebidas de contenido alcohólico. Ya reduje el medicamento que tomo para el control de la ansiedad, ya que ello me ayuda a recuperar horas de dormir. El mareo me ha venido dañando desde hace 30 años, porque he dedicado mi cuerpo a dormir menos de las acostumbradas ocho horas. Si las duermo, no son continuas. En fin, ahora para controlar el vértigo he tomado bastante líquidos, duermo las ocho horas, descanso lo más que pueda para que no me vuelvan los mareos. Sin embargo, la pasada semana, porque realicé algunas tareas que no debía hacer, el cansancio y mareos volvieron a contra atacarme. Me bastó un descanso de 12 horas para recuperarme y retomar, cuando menos, mis actividades en un 75 por ciento. De acuerdo a la información que se me dio al abandonar la sala de emergencia, pude leer que la palabra “vértigo” describe variables sensaciones, que van desde el mareo hasta los desmayos. Los síntomas que una persona diagnosticada con vértigo puede sufrir son: inseguridad para conducir automóviles, síntomas de vómito (pero sin vomitar), visión borrosa, dificultad para concentrarse y escribir, fatiga, debilidad de extremidades, inestabilidad corporal, náuseas, sensaciones de que el entorno gira a nuestro alrededor. El remedio momentáneo es buen descanso, tomar bastante líquido y ver menos segmentos televisivos o en la pantalla grande con bastante acción y volumen alto. Hasta la próxima D.M. Sepa su riesgo de tener prediabetes NAPSM. Aunque mucha gente sabe lo que es la diabetes tipo 2, otras personas no saben qué es la prediabetes. La prediabetes es una condición médica grave que afecta a 86 millones de estadouni denses, eso constituye más de una de cada tres personas. Esta condición frecuentemente causa la diabetes tipo 2. El problema Casi el 90 por ciento de las personas con prediabetes no saben que la tienen. La gente con prediabetes tiene un nivel de azúcar en la sangre más alto de lo normal, pero no lo suficientemente alto para conside rarlo diabetes tipo 2. Si tiene prediabetes, usted tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar otros problemas graves de salud tales como la diabetes tipo 2, enfermedad del corazón y sufrir ataques cerebrales. Si no se trata, los estudios estiman que del 15 al 30 por ciento de la gente con prediabetes tendrá diabetes tipo 2 dentro de un período de cinco años. Las buenas noticias Afortunadamente, la prediabetes generalmente se puede revertir perdiendo peso, cambiando la dieta y aumentando la actividad física. La clave es descubrir temprano si usted está en riesgo. Es por eso que la Asociación Americana de la Diabetes, la Asociación Médica Americana y los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades se han asociado con el Ad Council (Concilio de Publicidad) para lanzar una campaña de anuncios de servicio público para concientizar sobre la prediabetes y ayudar a quienes la tienen. Aprenda los factores de riesgo Existe toda una serie de factores de riesgo que aumentan la posibilidadde contraer prediabetes. Estos incluyen la raza y etnicidad (afroamericanos, hispanos y latinoamericanos, indígenas de EE.UU., habitantes de las islas del Pacífico y algunos asiáticoamericanos están en mayor riesgo); tener sobrepeso; no realizar actividad física; tener uno de los padres, hermano o hermana con diabetes tipo 2; tener alta presión sanguínea y ser mayor de 40 años. Sepa cuál es su estado Averigüe si tiene prediabetes tomando una breve prueba online enwww.PodriaTenerPrediabetes. org. Si envía un mensaje de texto a RISK TEST marcando 97779 podrá tomar la prueba usando su dispositivo móvil o portátil (tableta o teléfono celular). Tome medidas para revertir la condición Usted puede tomar medidas para reducir su riesgo controlando su peso, manteniéndose activo, comiendo alimentos saludables y dejando de fumar. Aquí le damos consejos útiles: 1. Perder tan solo como del 5 al 7 por ciento de su peso puede retrasar e incluso revertir la prediabetes. Para una persona que pesa 200 libras, eso es solo de 10 a 15 libras. 2. Establezca metas realistas. Comience con un cambio en su dieta y siga cambiando gradualmente. 3. Realice al menos 2½ horas de actividad aeróbica ligera por semana. Esto es tan simple como caminar a paso ligero por 30 minutos cinco días a la semana. Solo 10 minutos al día también ayuda. 4. Encuentre maneras simples de estar más activo durante el día. Use las escaleras en vez del ascensor. Estacione el carro más lejos de la entrada de la tienda cuando va de compras. 5. Trate de reducir el consumo de alimentos con grasas saturadas o trans, además de las grasas parcial o totalmente hidrogenadas. Lea las etiquetas para elegir comidas sanas. Recuerde, bajo Usted puede estar en riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2 sin saberlo. Una simple prueba online puede ayudarle a saber. (Foto, cortesía) en calorías no significa bajo en sabor. Puede asar, tostar, hornear, a la parrilla y cocinar al vapor en vez de freír. 6. Si fuma, hable con su médico sobre tratamientos o programas paradejar de fumar. Ayuda gratuita además de da- tos, hechos y estadísticas Visite para más consejos einformación sobre los programas de prevención de diabetes reconocidos por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Beginning at Age 50, men and women at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years. Make sure you stay healthy for your Valentine. Schedule your colonoscopy today! 210.504.5053 Other Services: Appendectomy Biopsy Breast Cancer Breast Reduction Colectomy Colonoscopy Endoscopy Fistula Removal Gallbladder Removal Genetic Testing Consultation Hemorrhoidectomy Hernia Repair Port Placement Skin Tag Removal Wound Debridement Dr. Maria Palafox is dedicated to serving surgery patients on San Antonio’s South Side. If you have any general surgical need, call her today. Dr. Palafox graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and went on to pursue both her medical degree and a post-residency fellowship in critical care. She is a highly skilled professional trained in the most advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques, has extensive breast surgery experience, and is adroit with the latest advances in genetic testing. Dr. Palafox habla español con elocuencia. 8019 S. New Braunfels Ave, Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78235 8-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Jon Jones back at gym after arrest This Week In Sports After spending time in jail for violating his probation, UFC 197 contestant Jon Jones is back at the gym constantly training. “Won’t let nothing disturb my peace. Right back to work,” Jones confirmed. He wants to let the world know that he hasn’t been derailed in his quest to become world champion again. 3 de abril de 2016 Kobe Bryant turns down European opportunities The Los Angeles Lakers’ five-time NBA champion was offered a contract by European club FC Barcelona and a chance to extend his basketball career overseas, however, Bryant politely turned the offer down due to plans of retirement for his 20 year NBA career. Bryant opts for a post-basketball career as a businessman. Los Spurs con buenos resultados en plena recta final Por José I. Franco Para el timonel en jefe Gregg Popovich y los jugadores que integran el plantel del 2016, las marcas (récords) que los Spurs han logrado imponer en la 43 temporadas de militancia en la NBA estarán siendo buenas o de gran impacto cuando logren superar a sus adversarios en las series del playoff de la Conferencia Oeste, en las que tendrán que ganar 12 partidos para disputar lo que puede ser su séptima gran final (NBA). Spurs, pentacampeón de la NBA, actualmente se encuentra sembrado en el segundo escaño del oeste con marca de 63 partidos ganados por 12 derrotas, lo que le da un promedio de juego de .838 por debajo del súper líder y actual campeón Warriors de Golden State, que tiene récord de 66 triunfos por 7 descalabros y promedio de juego de .904. En el tercer escaño se encuentra el Thunder de Oklahoma City con 52-22. En el cuarto lugar aparecen los Clippers de Los Ángeles con marca de 46-27. En el quinto puesto se ubican los Grizzlies de Memphis con 41 victorias por 33 derrotas. El sexto lugar lo ocupa Trail Blazers de Portland con 39-36, seguido por Jazz de Utah que tiene 37-37. En el octavo sitio están los Rockets de Houston, que bien se pueden subir al séptimo lugar ya que tienen 36 partidos ganados por 38 derrotas. Todo depende que Jazz continúe sumando vic- torias y no dejar que Houston lo rebase. En caso de que la tabla gene ral del oeste quede intacta, los Spurs en cuartos de final tendrán de rival a los Rockets, que bien pueden hacer la hazaña ante los capitaneados por el alero titular Tim Duncan y el guardia francés Tony Parker. Los Spurs en casa (AT&T Center) han tenido la mejor de sus temporadas ganando 38 partidos consecutivos en lo que va del rol regular de la temporada 2015-16 NBA. Este sábado 2 de abril San Antonio será anfitrión del trabuco canadiense Raptors de Toronto (7:30 p.m. con transmisión local por FOX Southwest Canal 26). El miércoles 9 de diciembre, Raptors en su estadio Air Cana da Centre derrotaron a Spurs con pizarra de 97 a 94 puntos. En la alineación de Raptors viene el ex Spur Cory Joseph (guardia), quien en el 2011 NBA Draft fue elegido por los Spurs, que le dieron la oportunidad de jugar como suplente por cuatro temporadas logrando en la campaña de 2014 hacerse merecedor de su primer anillo de campeón, así como el honor de haber llevado ante sus paisanos el precioso trofeo Larry O’Brien, que –con permiso de la gerencia general–, fue paseado por diversos países por jugadores de los Spurs nativos de Australia, Italia, Francia, Brasil, Canadá y en ciudades de la unión americana. Joseph, de 24 años de edad, durante el mercado de agentes libres, en julio 9 de 2015, firmó contrato por 4 años (con salario de $30 millones de dólares) con El alero estelar angelino Kawhi Leonard (balón en manos), en su retorno a la cancha en 22:10 minutos de acción, logró encestar 16 unidades contra la defensiva del visitante Pelicans de Nueva Orleans. (Foto, Franco) los Raptors de Toronto, de donde es nativo, club al que ha logrado apoyar con su estilo de juego. Raptors llegará a San Antonio como campeones de la división Atlántico donde se coronaron con marca de 49 victorias por 24 derrotas. En la Conferencia del Este es sublíder por debajo de los Cavaliers de Cleveland, que tienen ya su clasificación al playoff con marca de 52-21. “Toronto es un gran rival, por lo que nos tenemos que lanzar con todo y poderles ganar en casa. Las marcas de partidos ganados que hemos obtenido como equipo aún siguen siendo partidos normales. Han sido buenos los descansos que se nos han dado, pero no podemos quedarnos sin hacer nada, nuestro sistema de entrenamiento es el mismo, para así conservar nuestro plan de juego”, apuntó el guardia argentino Manu Ginóbili. En el partido que Spurs le ganó al visitante Pelicans de Nueva Orleans, con pizarra de 10092, el entrenador en jefe Gregg Popovich dio de alta al alero estelar Kawhi Leonard, que no jugo en tres partidos por estarse recuperando de lesión muscular en el muslo derecho. Leonard, que tuvo acción en 22:10 minutos, durante la prime ra mitad encestó 16 unidades, con 1 triple en 5 intentos, 6 rebotes ofensivos y repartió 4 asistencias, con 3 robos de balón. “Él (Leonard) jugó como si no le hubiera pasado nada. Luego de verlo como se desempeñó sobre la cancha ante Nueva Orleans, decidimos darle confianza y que hiciera su acostumbrado estilo de juego. Ante Pelicans lo tuvimos que limitar en minutos sobre la duela, para asegurarnos que todo estaba bien y normal. Es probable que entre en acción el sábado ante Toronto, se le darán minutos de juego de acuerdo a como se vaya desarrollando el partido”, apuntó Popovich. Spurs celebrate Fan Appreciation Night on April 12 Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Spurs will pay homage to their faithful supporters with Fan Appreciation Night during the team’s final home game of the regular season against the Oklahoma City Thunder on Tuesday, April 12 at 7 p.m. The night will include hundreds of giveaways from the Spurs and their partners, as well as unique entertainment throughout the game beginning with a special National Anthem performance from KISS legend and Rock & Brews founding partner Gene Simmons and his daughter Sophie TweedSimmons. Visit fans for more information and to purchase tickets. “The Spurs appreciate their fans by making us feel like part of the team and embrace us as their Spurs family,” said Bonnie Keammerer, Spurs season ticket member for eight seasons. “I thoroughly enjoy the Spurs fever throughout our city and the atmosphere it creates at the AT&T Center. It’s a good feeling to know we are appreciated as fans and are valued members of a world class organization.” Every fan in attendance will receive a Spurs car flag courtesy of BBVA Compass, the official bank of the NBA. “The Spurs have had yet another exciting season, and this is a special way for us to reward the Alamo City’s most passionate and loyal fans,” said BBVA Compass San Antonio CEO Andrea Smith. “We all celebrate this team and its ability to deliver big, bright moments.” Fans will also have multiple opportunities throughout the game to receive additional prizes such as electronics, gift cards, coupons and free food, from Anheuser Busch, AT&T, CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System, Dairy Queen, Express Lube, Great Clips, H-E-B, Ideal Feet, Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino Hotel, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Raising Cane’s, Ricos Products, Sea Island, Smile Kings Dental & Orthodontics, Sprite, Taco Cabana, Texas Lottery, Tissot, Valero Texas Open and Whataburger, as tokens of appreciation for the loyal support. Included among the special giveaways items during the game are an iPhone from AT&T, an iPad Mini from CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Health System, a Tissot Quickster San Antonio Spurs watch in a Tony Parkersigned box and a dental basket with free teeth whitening from Smile Kings Dental & Orthodontics. Fans can also win experiences like tickets to the Valero Texas Open, tickets to see Carrie Underwood on April 18 and passes and a meet-and-greet for the 2016 Bud Light River City Rockfest – featuring Disturbed and The Scorpions – on May 29. The Spurs family of teams will be giving away several items, including a San Antonio FC jersey, a San Antonio Stars opening night meet-and-greet, tickets to San Antonio Rampage, Stars and SAFC games, basketballs signed by the entire Spurs team, as well as Spurs-signed jerseys. The Spurs Fan Shop will offer a 10 percent discount and free shipping on all merchandise online at SpursFanShop. com from Saturday, April 10 to Tuesday, April 12. To access the discount, enter the promo code “SpursThankYou” at checkout. A limited edition Spurs Fan Appreciation Night shirt will also be available at the Spurs Fan Shop online and at the AT&T Center for just $19.99. Fans unable to attend the game can join the celebration by tuning in to the game broadcast on TNT and participating All fans in attendance will receive a Spurs car flag from BBVA Compass. There will also be giveaways including concert tickets, signed memorabilia and hundreds of prizes from Spurs partners. (Photo, Franco) in special social media giveaways. Follow the @Spurs on Twitter or Instagram or like the team’s Facebook page and use the hashtag #SpursFAN for a chance to win several prizes. Fans are encouraged to come early and stay late, as Austinbased Top 40 cover band Electric Circus will entertain AT&T Center guests in the Bud Light Courtyard, just outside of Rock & Brews, before and after the game. “WARM UP,” the official Spurs pregame party at the Bud Light Courtyard, will start two hours before tipoff at the AT&T Center and allows fans to skip the lines so they can enjoy live music, food trucks, interactive games and Bud Light Spurs Hour drink specials. Following the final buzzer, fans can also enjoy live music and drink specials at the Bud Light “OVERTIME.” Tickets are available for purchase online at or, or via the Official Spurs Mobile App. Tickets may also be purchased at the AT&T Center Box Office, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or on weekend Spurs gamedays starting at noon. 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 9-A Softball celebrates anniversary Broncos y Colt 45 triunfantes of first National Championship Por Sendero Deportivo By Brian Magloyoan In 1986, St. Mary’s Softball captured the university’s firstever National Championship. To commemorate the 30th anniversary, throughout Homecoming Week, will take a look back at the team’s historic run, culminating on Saturday when the team will be honored in a pregame ceremony. Coached by the NAIA Coach of the Year and current Rattler’s men’s basketball head coach Jim Zeleznak, the ’86 team finished with a regular season record of 25-10 earning the fifth seed in the NAIA National Tournament. There, the hometown Rattlers rallied to win five-consecutive elimination games enroute to claiming the National Champi- onship. The 1986 team would feature four players that would combine for six All-American selections as well as eight future St. Mary’s Athletics Hall of Famers. Assistant Coach Amos Miller, Yvette Buentello, Adrian Jonietz, Donna Eckert, Kelly Smith, Mary Kalinec, Milyse Lamkin and Leticia Morales would later go on to the Rattler Hall of Fame. St. Mary’s Miles named D2 Baseball Hero of the Week Special to La Prensa The fans have voted, and they have chosen St. Mary’s junior pitcher Ty Miles as the Hero Sports D2 Baseball Hero of the Week. Miles won the fan voting with over 60 percent of the vote, following in the footsteps of St. Mary’s Softball’s Sydney Wellman, who won the softball fan vote two weeks ago. A little more than a week ago, Miles (Jr., Seguin, Texas) – graduate of Seguin High School –pitched a gem against No. 13-ranked Lubbock Christian, dealing the Chaps their first shutout of the season. He went 8 1/3 innings, allowing only six hits with nine strikeouts. It marked his third victory of the season. The performance also netted Miles the Heartland Conference Pitcher of the Week and NCBWA South Central Region Pitcher of the Week honors. terizo, que en el quinto episodio marcó racimo de 8 carreras. Broncos ganaron con pizarra de 12-3. Su campo corto, Óscar Márquez, impulsó 2 anotaciones. El bateador designado Gonzalo Castro pegó cuadrangular solitario. “Broncos jugaron en equipo, estuvieron acertados en la ofensiva y defensiva. Lo mismo se va a hacer en el segundo partido. Seguimos firmes en ganar el campeonato del playoff”, comentó el timonel Roberto Garza. Asimismo, el manager y jugador de O’s, Omar Ramírez, reconoció que les falló el bateo. “Velázquez lanzó buen partido, le doy crédito a Broncos, vamos a regresar más fuertes y con mejor comunicación entre nosotros los directivos”, apuntó Ramírez. Broncos y O’s se enfrentan a las 12 p.m. y Colt 45 vs. Red Sox a las 3 p.m. en el estadio Colt 45 Baseball Field. Las acciones en el béisbol sabatino, categoría Veteranos, se pusieron al rojo vivo durante la primera jornada del playoff. El equipo Colt 45 doblegó a su duro rival Red Sox con pizarra de 2-1 carreras, que fueron producidas por César Juárez. La victoria se la agenció el abridor lanzador Leonard Gates, que fue relevado por Israel González. La derrota fue para Calixto Moreno. “Dejamos 13 corredores en base. Calixto Moreno hizo buen trabajo, pero nos faltó ofensiva. Esperamos remontar el vuelo en el segundo partido”, afirmó Pedro Espinoza, manager y jugador de Red Sox. Por su parte, Broncos de Reynosa, con el lanzador derecho Luis Alfonso Velázquez y relevo de Jaime Garza, propinaron paliza a O’s, que con su lanzador estelar Moisés Cervantes y su relevista Ri- Gonzalo (Chalo) Castro, ex jugador profesional, bateó cuadrangucardo Cabello no lograron detener lar solitario por Broncos de Reynosa ante O’s en el primer partido el destructivo bateo del rival fron- de la serie del playoff que es a ganar 2 de 3 partidos. (Foto, Franco) San Antonio FC concluyó partidos de pretemporada con éxito Por José I. Franco Darren Powell, entrenador técnico del plantel San Antonio FC (SAFC), en el estadio Toyota Field se mostró satisfecho por el éxito logrado durante siete partidos de pretemporada jugados a estadio cerrado con acceso único para los medios informativos. De esos siete SAFC ganó 6 y logró un empate de 0-0 ante el equipo colegial de St. Edward’s University. SAFC cerró así su agenda de partidos amistosos, jugando doble partido el 24 de marzo en el primer cotejo ante University of The Incarnate Word (UIW), el cual ganó con blanqueada de 3 a 0 goles. Posteriormente, con una alinea ción más formal, ante Tigers de Trinity University, dirigidos por el director técnico Paul McGinlay, Powell alineó bajo la cabaña al arquero Josh Ford y al mediocampista Carlos Álvarez con el gafete de capitán. Durante el movido partido, la gerencia general, encabezada por Tim Holt, decidió comenzar el proceso del alumbrado y de la pantalla central, lo cual hizo más de acorde el encuentro entre futbolistas profesionales y colegiales. San Antonio FC se fue al descanso en los primeros 45 minutos de juego con marcador de 2-0 goles. A su retorno a la grama, los Tigers comenzaron a contra atacar, pero la defensiva y el arquero Ford estuvieron perfectos en sus respectivas posiciones. SAFC volviendo a la carga contra el espigado arquero colegial aus- traliano Todd Whittaker marcó su tercer tanto, poniendo el marcador 3-0. En el minuto 80, el timonel McGinlay celebró la primera ano tación que ubicó la pizarra 3-1. Al minuto 84 con 44 segundos, Tigers respondieron anotando el segundo gol, recortando el marcador 3 a 2. En los minutos restantes Po well se empleó a fondo indicándole a sus jugadores que se repartieran responsabilidades sobre la cancha, dándoles confianza en la combinación del esférico, lo cual les dio tiempo suficiente para evitar que los desesperados rivales buscaran adjudicarse la posesión del balón, ya fuese quitándoselo al rival o realizando jugadas cerradas que les permitiera recibir el beneficio de falta personal. No sucedió a pesar de que se registró un breve intento de intercambio de palabras por empujones. Se escuchó el último silbatazo y ambos cuadros se felicitaron mutuamente. SAFC ganó su sexto partido amistoso con pizarra de 3-2. “Durante la pretemporada en cada partido se les dio minutos de juego a cada jugador (los ya fichados y los que están en calidad de invitados). Todavía queda mucho por hacer, seguiremos trabajando duro, cada día dedicado al entrenamiento y a la revisión de videos para corregir fallas en las jugadas ejecutadas (de los partidos jugados de pretemporada), para continuar con lo que será nuestro plan de juego en cuando arranque la temporada. Todos mostraron disciplina, buena defensiva y ofensiva”, afirmó Powell. SAFC bajo el timón de Po well y su equipo de asistentes de entrenador, formado por Andy Thomson, Nick Evans y Juan Lamadrid, espera llegar con una alineación saludable, a su debut en la liga United Soccer League (USL), donde marcarán su debut el próximo sábado 9 de abril (7 p.m.) contra el visitante Swope Park Rangers. El miércoles 30 de marzo el equipo se hizo presente en la cancha del AT&T Center donde durante intermedio del partido Spurs vs. Pelicans de Nueva Orleans, donde fueron presentados ante una audiencia de más de 18 mil espectadores. Dicha promoción resultó un éxito ya que la empresa propieta ria Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) se ha venido valiendo de la ventaja que tiene para realizar el marketing de la primera temporada de SAFC, que jugará en la USL, con el propósito de que a futuro se le proporcione a San Antonio una franquicia del fútbol en el circuito Major League Soccer (MLS). Asimismo, en boletín informativo SAFC dio a conocer su asociación con la radiodifusora deportiva Ticket 760 AM, que estará produciendo un segmento radial denominado “Soccer Sa turday”, a cargo del comentarista Geoff Sheen, quien transmitirá en vivo la ceremonia de apertura y su programa alusivo al debut de SAFC en USL. “SAFC se embarca en una temporada histórica. El futuro de este club y San Antonio será brillante, estoy impaciente porque se llegue el día de apertura”, dijo Sheen. Para reservados y boletos de admisión, el público se puede comunicar al teléfono (210) 4445657 y online en SanAntonioFC. com. Carlos Álvarez, mediocampista de SAFC contra Tigers de Trinity University, estuvo activo pasando Acción en un tiro de esquina ejecutado por SAFC contra la portería de los Tigers de Trinity el balón a sus compañeros en lo que fue el séptimo partido de pretemporada jugado en el estadio University, que fue resguardada por el arquero australiano Todd Whittaker. SAFC ganó el partido Toyota Field. (Fotos, Franco) con marcador de 3-2. Durante intermedio del partido Spurs vs. Pelicans de Nueva Orleans, en la cancha del AT&T Center se presentaron jugadores del equipo San Antonio FC. La mascota The Coyote les dio la En la pantalla central de la cancha (AT&T Center) se televisó la presencia de jugadores del equipo bienvenida y posó con ellos para promoción en los diversos medios que SS&E utiliza para mantener San Antonio FC. Durante la presentación de SAFC se invitó a fanáticos para que, con tiempo, informada a la Familia de Los Spurs. obtengan sus boletos de admisión y reservados de temporada, que tienen precios accesibles. 10-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 de abril de 2016 3! CANJEA TU CHEQUE O TARJETA DE DEVOLUCIÓN DE IMPUESTOS POR TAN SÓLO O por una cuota adicional ¡puedes canjear un cheque o tarjeta de hasta $9,500! $ Para cheques o transacciones de débito que excedan $3,000, el cargo por cobro es del 1% del valor nominal del cheque o transacción de débito; para cheques o transacciones de débito que excedan $5,000, el cargo es del 2% del valor nominal del cheque o transacción de débito. Sujeto a aprobación. En caso que la devolución de impuestos sea emitida a través de una tarjeta prepagada, el cargo de cobro puede ser adicional a las tasas impuestas por la institución financiera emitiendo su tarjeta. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del emisor, incluyendo límites de retiro. El ingreso de un número de identificación personal (PIN) será requerido para la transacción. No disponible en todas las tiendas. © 2016 HEB, 16-0638 3 de abril de 2016 Ballet Faisán con atractivos atuendos y coreografía en El Mercado Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez El Ballet Folklórico Faisán en su primera presentación en el escenario de Farmers Market, de Market Square, para iniciar una temporada más de actuaciones en los teatros y escenarios más concurridos de San Antonio. El ballet siempre presenta una variedad con temas de la música mexicana en festivales en los que siempre están acompañados de vistosos trajes regionales, que es una de las características que define a este grupo. Además de la presentación de jóvenes y damas profesionales, Faisán no descuida la atención que merecen las nuevas generaciones y sus conciertos dan la oportunidad a niños y adolescentes, que hacen de la música una actividad ideal acompañada de sus estudios primarios. 2 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 de abril de 2016 El ex alero de los Spurs, Bruce Bowen, captado encestando el segundo balón playero. Bruce Bowen, ex delantero de los Spurs y ahora comentarista en la cadena deportiva ESPN, con éxito retornó a la cancha del renovado estadio AT&T Center donde en el tiempo pedido, durante el primer periodo del partido Spurs vs. Warriors, participó en la promoción H-E-B Beach Ball Mania. Durante 45 segundos, Bowen se dio a la tarea de atrapar balones playeros, encestándolos en los carritos de mercancía, lo cual al final le dio como premio la cantidad de $15,000. Dicha suma monetaria de inmediato la donó a la agencia sin fines de lucro Mission Road Ministries, que sirve a un grupo de 825 menores y adultos con discapacidad en el desarrollo de su capacidad intelectual. La cantidad donada fue aportada por Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) y la cadena de Alentado por espectadores, Bruce Bowen se apresuró a encestar el balón que le dio la cantidad de $15,000, la cual de inmediato fue donada a la organización Mission Road Ministries. supermercados H-E-B. (Fotos, Franco) En la pantalla central se transmitió la fabulosa donación de SS&E Durante el partido Spurs vs. Heat se celebró la Military Apprecia- La bandera viviente en la ceremonia del Himno Nacional del pary H-E-B a la agencia Mission Road Ministries, siendo el público tion Night (Noche en honor de las Fuerzas Armadas), patrocinada tido Spurs vs. Heat fue sostenida orgullosamente por elementos testigo de la generosidad de ambas empresas. por USAA, el oficial Judd Latimer cantó el Himno Nacional. del Air Force Personnel Center. En la promoción “USAA Starting 5”, presentada durante intermedio de la noche en honor de las Las porras Spurs Silver Dancers y “Team Energy”, al final del partido Spurs vs. Heat de Miami, Fuerzas Armadas, tres fans participaron quedando empatados y repartiéndose el premio. celebraron la 35 victoria de San Antonio, dándole las gracias a los espectadores por su asistencia. Los esposos Elvia y Gilberto Rodríguez Sr., fundadores de Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League y propietarios del club Tecolotes, en la ceremonia de apertura Verano 2016 tras ser declarados padrinos de temporada Verano 2016. La pareja fue acompañada por directivos y jugadores de los clubes Indios de Nava, campeón temporada invernal 2015-16, y Tecolotes, campeón de temporada Verano 2015. En el estadio Capitol Park, los esposos Elvia y Gilberto Rodríguez otorgaron los nombramientos de presidente a Eddy Rodríguez, manager y jugador del equipo High Sox, y a Gabriel Cárdenas, jugador y manejador del club Juggernauts, a quien se le entregó placa se honor en reconocimiento por su excelente disciplina deportiva. Cárdenas fue nombrado vicepresidente. Eddy Rodríguez recibió felicitaciones de su esposa Leah y su hijo Aaron Noah, por igual Cárdenas fue felicitado por su esposa Jennifer y su hijo Gabriel Jr. 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 Juegos mecánicos en Milam Park al inicio de la temporada de primavera. Personal de VIA en Marcha César Chávez. Participación universitaria. Un paseo dominical en River Walk. Disfrutando del Spring Break recorriendo el centro de la ciudad. Margo Uriegas, invitada especial a la develación del poster Piñatas en El Barrio del grupo de artistas de AUEDA. Hasta el año anterior, Uriegas fue presidenta de esta entidad. Contingente de niños en el Puente de Ave. Guadalupe. NRP Group. (Fotos, R.J. Pérez) State Farm siempre toma parte de festejos populares. Siempre hay novedades de artesanías en Market Square. Una feliz pareja celebró su matrimonio en el escenario de Tejano Music Fan Fair durante el reciente festival en El Mercado. 4 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 de abril de 2016 Local baker incorporates Latin roots into ‘Spring Baking Championship’ By Christina Acosta It is rare to find a local baker on TV representing San Antonio — until one day, when a culinary queen decided it was time to show off our delectable culture. San Antonio chef and owner of Delice Chocolatier and Patisserie, Susana Mijares, will compete against seven of the country’s best bakers for a $50,000 grand prize on the second season of Food Network’s “Spring Baking Championship.” On the show, Mijares is prepared to rain down the sugary competition with sweets, treats and other baked goods. Originally from Mexico, Mijares embarked on a culinary career spending 12 years operating her bakery in her homeland. La Prensa recently spoke to Mijares about her career as the culinary queen who is ready to savor any sweet tooth. Mijares explained that her passion to be in the kitchen started when she was a young girl and her mother and grandmother put her in the kitchen to prepare for big crowds. “My mom was a day baker, and she would allow me to help her bake on celebrations, desserts, which opened the door for opportunity in something that I am passionate about,” Mijares told La Prensa. “I feel very blessed to do what I love most because it is not a job. Once I got the skills and I graduated high school, I went to study in France at Le Cordon Blue where I studied cooking and baking, but I always preferred baking.” When she returned from France to Mexico, Mijares got married and bought a chocolate shop from a Belgian woman, who taught Mijares her Belgian Susana Mijares, chef and owner of Delice Chocolatier and Patisserie, will be a contestant on Food Network’s “Spring Baking Championship” premiering on Sunday, April 10 at 8 p.m. CT. (Courtesy photo) chocolate making techniques. Together, they started working as a team as her husband supported her passion. Over time, Mijares became well rounded and brought her international experience to her baking by blending flavors and technique. That is when her husband decided to take matters into his own hands and decided to answer an open invitation to the baking show. He sent his wife’s resume and portfolio, in which Mijares got chosen to be a contestant on the show. The rest for Mijares has been a surreal adventure to the baking scene. Once she put on her apron, she decided it was time for the audience to know where her true roots came from in her food. “My recipes are a mixture of all the cultures I have lived through. I tried to incorporate something from Paris, the things that I learned, obviously from my roots in Mexico and here from San Antonio because there is some rich culture in food here. We have a lot of restaurants and bakeries. They take a lot of pride on the Mexican desserts including tres leches and dulce de leche,” explained Mijares. Ultimately, Mijares did not only become a participant of the show for representation of the Latin culture, but to also make families come together as her family did when she was younger. She is doing this for the community to come together and learn an outer message to listen to the heart. “I’m really proud of my La- tino heritage and that it represents for family, friends and even customers to come together. I also believe I am here to encourage others to work hard on what you believe and to accomplish it,” concluded Mijares. The second season of “Spring Baking Championship” premieres on Sunday, April 10 at 8 p.m. CT on Food Network. ` 3 de abril de 2016 Selena’s legacy lives on 21 years after her death By Lucy Almanza On Thursday, March 31, the music world commemorated the 21st death anniversary of the Queen of Tex-Mex, Selena Quintanilla Perez. Selena’s life was tragically cut short when she was murdered by Yolanda Saldivar, president of her fan club, at the age of 23. Although, it has been over two decades since her death, Selena’s legacy continues to live on through her music and is still remembered fondly by her fans today. It was impossible not to love her – her voice, style and charisma inspired millions around the world. On Thursday, her older sister Suzette Quintanilla and former Los Dinos drummer, posted a heartfelt message to Selena and her fans on her Facebook page. Her message said, “Can’t believe I’ve survived this long without’s insane!! I miss you more than you can ever imagine.... For those who wonder what goes on inside my heart…it’s the same as what I felt on day one. Thank you to all who continue to remember her and love her...” Fans have been mirroring her singing, dance moves, style and even wearing her signature red lipstick for years. In her successful short lived trajectory, Selena made significant fashion and music contributions, paving the way for Latin music’s crossover artists today. The Texas native was a top selling Latin artist of the 90s, and she was the first female Tejano singer It has been over two decades since the death of Selena; however, her music and style continues to inspire millions today. (Courtesy photo) to have an album be certified Gold with 1990’s “Ven Conmigo.” “Amor Prohibido” was released in 1994 and the record’s title track won a Grammy and went gold. She became the first Latin artist to have an album debut at number one on the Billboard 200 with 1995’s “Dreaming of You.” Today, she is one of the most celebrated Mexican American entertainers of all time, having sold over 60 million albums worldwide. Her life was also the inspiration for the movie “Selena,” directed by Gregory Nava and starring Jennifer Lopez in the lead role. Selena spoke exclusively with La Prensa de San Antonio in November of 1993. La Prensa celebrates her life and legacy by remembering five of her quotes, previously published in La Prensa’s “Tribute to Selena” special edition on April 16, 1995, where the Texan singer talked about her life, music, dance moves and love for her fans. LP: When did you know that singing was what you wanted to do? Selena: “I didn’t even start taking this seriously until I was older, when I was about 15, when I was actually winning the awards. It wasn’t something that I really strived for. I’m not saying it wasn’t something I didn’t want or didn’t wish for. But I’ve always been the type of person to say come what may.” LP: Who does your choreography? Selena: “Me, myself and I. I’m sure you’re going to ask me do you practice, but none of it’s routine. Come what may. Everybody follows each other, but nothing’s planned. We don’t say these four measures we’re going to do this and these for measures we’re going to do that. Whatever I do, they follow. Or if they were doing something, I’ll follow. I think it’s worked for us so far. It’s basically spontaneity on stage.” LP: How did you get your sound? Selena: “I think that’s the thing. I never took lessons. It’s in the blood. I’m glad we’re doing this interview, because I’m able to tell my side of the story. I think that a lot of people think that because a person is a musician that everyone has to take lessons, and study many years, and I got hands on practice because of my dad. I started singing in clubs when I was 7 or 8 years old, and you learn. You get experience from that… Everything I’ve learned is because of what I’ve done on the road.” LP: How did you fall in love? Selena: “Chris is a very private person and I am, too. And we wanted to keep it to ourselves, because I was already becoming popular and sure enough all these rumors started flying. I think that was the hardest time. I have enjoyed my career my entire life. But I have to say that the most devastating thing to me and my family was that, one, nobody ever talked bad about me or my family or my band, and then to be bombarded by all these ugly rumors. You name it. It was said. It bothered me and I would cry all night…but it made me a stronger person. Now I know that you can’t please everybody and people are always going to talk, no matter what you do. You know what counts? I’m happy. We’re together and let people talk. I know the truth so let them talk.” LP: Your relationship with your fans? Selena: I think that’s what a lot of artists miss out on. You can’t forget who bought your records and who put you there. Same thing with your fans. Just because they want your picture and everything, that’s not much to ask for. It’s flattering…I think that the contact is very important because you don’t want to give people the impression that you’re better than they are. Because I firmly believe that I’m normal like everybody else.” There is no denying that her legacy as a singer, performer and style icon will continue to live on. The feverish and frenzied life Aficionados, ya viene of ‘Baroness von Bülop’ Tejano Conjunto Festival Por Roberto J. Pérez Después de cuatro días de música, baile, sabrosa comida tex-mex y otras amenidades en Market Square con el reciente Fan Fair, ahora los aficionados a la música tejana se aprestan a disfrutar de festejo Tejano Conjunto Festival, programado del 11 al 15 de mayo en Rosedale Park. Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center ha preparado este festival anual con varios eventos en el Teatro Guadalupe y los dos conciertos en el Rosedale Park el viernes y sábado 13 y 14 de mayo, donde los asistentes disfrutarán la actuación de 25 grupos locales y de otras partes del país. La ceremonia de apertura de estos conciertos está fijada para las 5.30 p.m. para dar curso al programa musical en el que habrán de presentarse el grupo Acero, Santiago Garsa, Los Clavos y Home Town Boys, Los García Bros y Jaime y Los Chamacos. Al día siguiente de 6 de la tarde hasta las 12 de la noche la fiesta continúa y entre otros se presentan Flaco Jiménez y Los Texmaniacs. El festival se inicia en el Teatro Guadalupe el miércoles 11 con el Senior Dancing con entrada libre para bailar de 10 a 12 de la noche con el grupo de Bene Medina y el Conjunto Águila. Al día siguiente en el mismo teatro la celebración continúa con San Antonio Premier of Conjunto Blues, concierto y baile de 6 de la tarde a 9.30 p.m. con boletos de 10 y 15 dólares. Rick Frederick, artist and McNay employee, is ready to set the stage for “An evening with Baroness von Bülop” on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the McNay Art Museum. (Courtesy photo) By Christina Acosta The McNay Art Museum is well known for its unique exhibits and the latest one-woman show is no exception. This week, the museum brings art to the stage with “An Evening with Baroness von Bülop.” It is an honest take that a life of privilege is not always glamorous. In fact, exposure of the royal life was put into perspective in 1939 when Cecil Beaton published the memoir “My Royal Past.” As told by fictional character “Baroness von Bülop,” it tells the tale of a socialite in minor German nobility. Due to a series of unfortunate events, the Baroness has much for which to be unthankful for. To begin with, she is the daughter of a minor prince who marries a stage actress, sealing her place at the bottom ring within royal families. “The memoir is on so many levels really hysterical. She’s awkward, she’s not the prettiest young thing, but she has a lot of wit and a really sharp tongue to defend her. She’s finally taken under the protection of her gorgeous, beautiful aunt and is made part of her household,” says Jody Blake, curator of the McNay’s Tobin Collection of Theatre Arts. Once it got published, Beaton’s friends assumed fictional royal identities dressing and cross-dressing to spoof the fading aristocracy. The Baroness remembers love, life and loss in the era of World War II. “She is the confidential secretary and go-between for her aunt in terms of arranging all of her clandestine rendezvous with young men with good looking legs and things of that sort,” Blake continued. Seventy years later, Rick Frederick, a McNay employee and artist in his own right, will play the “The Baroness von Bülop” in this one“woman” show on Thursday night. The exhibit includes photographs of many of Beaton’s friends dressing and cross-dressing as aristocrats in the 1890s with largescale black and white photographs from the McNay’s Tobin Collection, which will be on display through June 5. Described as haughty and humorous, it is a performance not to be missed because according to Blake, it is completely original. It was created by an employee that wanted to show his passion for art on stage and created for a different kind of audience. “I don’t think many people realize how many artists from different fields have day jobs working at art museums, but at the same time are creating an art piece for the gallery,” Blake coyly added. “In Rick’s case, it was directing and acting for theatre. So when we were first planning this exhibition, Rick said to me, ‘Oh my, a one-woman show, wouldn’t it be wonderful?’ and I said, ‘Oh, it would be wonderful, would you do that?’ Then, he created a one performance product.” If you are interested in a hilarious presentation, stop by to watch “An evening with Baroness von Bülop” on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the McNay Art Museum’s Chiego Lecture Hall located at 6000 North New Braunfels Ave. For more information, visit www. Katy Silva, Development & Marketing Manager de Guadalupe Cultural Art Center muestra el poster oficial de Tejano Conjunto Festival a celebrarse del 11 al 15 mayo. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) 6 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Expect ‘Playstation 4.5’ as early as October By Trey Hilburn III Playstation 4 is not only the highest selling console on the market, it is also the most graphically powerful and fanboy friendly. Well, it seems that those elements were not enough for Sony. A rumor began circulating that Sony could be introducing “Playstation 4.5” as early as October. This new console will have more horsepower under the hood and ultimately be able to handle 4k resolution; the current Playstation 4 is able to 1080p. The announcement of Playstation VR is likely the reason for the rushed “Playstation 4.5 release.” Virtual reality consumes a lot of resources while being run in order to make it look and feel organic, as well as polished. Earlier this year, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer made a vague announcement that announced a possibility of upgrades coming to Xbox One. These upgrades would be installed much like PC gamers currently install extra memory or graphics cards. This model would make for an affordable and ultimately more optional way of upgrading a system. Considering Playstation 4 was released only a couple of years ago, it seems a little rushed and “Playstation 4.5” may offer gamers a more powerful system, capable of 4k resolution. (Courtesy photo) confusing to already be introducing a completely new console with a completely new price tag to match. Rumors are circulating that are saying Playstation 4 and “Playstation 4.5” games will be backwards compatible on each individual system. The confusing part – where does the line get drawn for game developers? Will Playstation 4 owners end up in the cold after paying $400 only a couple of years ago? For gamers that do not own a 4k compatible TV, the option of buying a console that they can’t use is a pointless one. For those doing the math and those that do not have a 4k capable TV, you would need to dish out the money for the TV, between $800-$2,500 (for a good one), the price for the “Playstation 4.5” (no price has been released, but let’s say at least $400), and then add to that the price of a Playstation VR. In my opinion, it feels like it would be a move that will alienate more fans than anything else. Sony seems to forget that their sales lead over Xbox One had a lot to do with their system being $100 less than Xbox One, at launch. There are no exact details as to what the pricing will be on the “Playstation 4.5.” For those looking to adopt virtual reality, it seems that this will be the most affordable option at hand. More details are likely to be announced at this year’s E3. However, in the meantime, start saving those pennies and get ready to get in line. Spanish singer Raphael to perform at two concerts in Mexico City EFE - Spanish singer Raphael will perform at two concerts in May at Mexico City’s Auditorio Nacional, where he will be accompanied by a symphonic orchestra, the venue’s management said. The singer will present his symphonic show, which covers the biggest hits from his more than 50 years in the music business. The concerts will take place on May 14 and May 15, shortly after the singer turns 73. Raphael, who has released more than 50 albums over his long career, will perform such hits Singer Raphael performs at a concert in Madrid. (EFE/File) as “Yo sigo siendo aquel,” “Enamorado de la vida,” “Que tal te va sin mi,” “Ahora” and “Payaso” for his fans in Mexico City. The singer said during a visit to Mexico last month that he had no plans to retire and if he ever did call it quits, “no one will hear about it.” 3 de abril de 2016 A pedalear este domingo en la décima Síclovía Por La Prensa Este domingo 3 de abril, de 11:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., YMCA of Greater San Antonio celebrará la décima edición de su evento bianual Síclovía. La ruta de Síclovía de este domingo iniciará en la parte sur de Broadway (Maverick Park) y seguirá hasta cruzar a Travis St. para luego conectarse con N. Flores, continuar por el Bulevar César Chávez, cruzar hasta S. St. Mary’s, hasta finalizar en Roosevelt Park. YMCA explica que Síclovía no es una carrera y permite que el tráfico circule en ciertas porciones de la ruta. Y dado que este año la ruta cruzará el downtown las calles accesibles en el centro serán: Pecan, Houston, Navarro, St. Mary’s, Commerce, Market/ Dolorosa. Además que si viene desde la IH-35 la mejor alternativa para moverse en el downtown será Dolorosa/Market. Y si usa la U.S. 281, Houston o Commerce. Todos las tipos de bicicletas, patines, patinetas, triciclos (usuarios sin olvidar el casco) están invitados a participar. Para quienes no tienen bicicleta propia, pueden rentar una en los puntos de B-Cycle Stations (hay 3 a lo largo de Travis St.), uno en Houston St, otro frente al City Hall, otro cerca del H-E-B downtown, 3 en S. St. Mary’s y uno en Roosevelt Park. Para rentar la bicicleta deberá pagar con tarjeta de crédito ($10) por un pase de 24 horas, pero después de paseo de 30 minutos deberá reenganchar la bicicleta en un punto de BCycle, pues si se pasa de los 30 minutos se le cobrará una cuota. También puede alquilar bicicletas en tiendas de bicicletas como Bike World (The Pearl o las de su preferencia). Asimismo, las personas que deseen solo caminar, correr, pasear su perro (con una correa corta) también pasarán un buen Desde Maverick Park (Broadway) hasta Roosevelt Park (South St. Mary’s) es el recorrido de Síclovía 2016 este domingo 3 de abril, que promete diversión sana con muchas actividades para toda la familia. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) momento. El evento de inauguración se llevará a cabo en las afueras del City Hall a las 10:40 a.m. y asistirán a él la concejal Shirley Gonzales (D5) y el concejal Roberto Treviño (D1). Pero el evento arrancará oficialmente a las 11:00 a.m. en el Maverick Park (1000 Broadway). Actividades Recorrer en bicicleta la ruta es la principal actividad de Síclovía, pero también encontrará más actividades que realizar en las Reclovías. En la Reclovía ubicada en el parqueo de KLRN (501 Broadway SATX 78209) se ofrecerán las actividades para niños. También habrá una Reclovía en Maverick Park, Travis Park, Ace Mart, H-E-B South Flores Market y Roosevelt Park. En todos estos lugares se ofrecerá agua a los participantes, actividades de ejercicios, demostraciones de comida sana, puestos de venta. En algunos de ellos estarán las tiendas de bicicletas, organizaciones de animales, entre otras. En Roosevelt Park se ofrecerán actividades de zumba, yoga, hip hop, folk dance, International dance y más. Dado que se pronostica que el clima para el domingo 3 de abril será soleado y cálido se le recomiendo a los asistentes traer su propia agua, a pesar que en el evento podrán obtenerla gratis. También puede bajar la app de Síclovía para iPhone, la cual le ofrecerá detalles del evento. A través de sus anteriores ediciones, Síclovía ha logrado la asistencia de más de 465 mil personas. 3 de abril de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7 Mexican singer faces backlash Peter Frampton to rock out the Tobin for violent music video Special to La Prensa EFE - Anger over the music video for the song “Fuiste mia” (You were mine), in which singer Gerardo Ortiz kills his girlfriend and her lover after discovering them together, has prompted some Mexican officials and organizations to demand that his upcoming concerts be canceled. The attorney general of the western state of Jalisco, Eduardo Almaguer, said that the mayor of the town of Tepatitlan, where Ortiz is scheduled to perform in April, had been urged to cancel the show. “The videos he’s making and the lyrics of his songs are a clear justification of crime,” Almaguer told Milenio Television. In the video, Ortiz finds his girlfriend with another man and kills the lover by shooting him in the head. Then, he locks the girl in the trunk of his luxury automobile and, at the end of the video, douses the vehicle with gasoline and sets it ablaze with a match, apparently with the girl still inside. When the police arrive, Ortiz is not at the home, and thus apparently he gets away with the crime. The video, released in January and with 20 million views on YouTube so far, has sparked widespread rejection. “Singer Gerardo Ortiz’s video clearly invites violence against women, in addition to minimizing and normalizing this social scourge,” Government Secretary Miguel Osorio Chang, Mexico’s No. 2 official, said Tuesday in a statement. Moreover, Osorio instructed the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women to push for measures that will help end the use of stereotypes in the media, particularly those that foment violence against women. The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts presents Peter Frampton on Monday, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the HEB Performance Hall. Holding the notable distinction of having one of the best-selling live rock albums in history, Peter Frampton remains one of the most celebrated artists and guitarists in rock history. Tickets for Peter Frampton at the Tobin Center can be purchased online at, via phone (210)223-8624 and at the Tobin Center Box Office (100 Auditorium Circle, 78205). Tickets are $39.50, $49.50, $64.50 and select Gold Circle seating is available for $94.50. Peter Frampton Singer, songwriter and guitarist Peter Frampton was a musical prodigy, teaching himself to play the guitar at age 7. Within the next few years, he mastered complex jazz, blues and rock riffs. At 16, Frampton was the lead singer and guitarist for British band the Herd. At 18, he cofounded one of the first super groups, seminal rock act Humble Pie. In 1971, despite positive response for the albums “Town And Country” (1969) and “Rock On” (1970), Frampton decided to strike out on his own. His session work includes collaborations with such legendary artists as George Harrison, Harry Nilsson, David Bowie, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ringo Starr, John Entwistle and many others. Frampton contributed to George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass” and Nilsson’s “Son of Schmilsson,” before launching his solo career with the debut album “Wind Of Change” (1972). He toured extensively over the next few years, promoting the albums “Frampton’s Camel” (1973), “Somethin’s Happening” (1974) and “Frampton” (1975). The popularity of these albums coupled with Frampton’s captivating live performances culminated in the 1976 live double recording “Frampton Comes Alive!,” which sold more than 10 million copies. The LP held the notable distinc- tion of being the best-selling live rock album in history, while the singles “Baby I Love Your Way,” “Do You Feel Like I Do?” and “Show Me the Way” dominated the American charts. Considered the crowning achievement of Frampton’s career, the album influenced both Billboard” and Rolling Stone magazines to name him Artist of the Year. With the successful release of his 1994 self-titled album followed by “Frampton Comes Alive II” (1995), he re-embraced his old fans while also attracting a new generation of rock enthusiasts. In 2001, the 25th anniversary recording of the legendary “Frampton Comes Alive!” celebrated 16 million albums sold. Since then, he has released a number of albums including “Hummingbird in a Box” (2014) which was inspired by the Cincinnati Ballet and most recently, he stripped his most famous tunes down, and released “Acoustic Classics” (February 2016), featuring newly recorded versions of “Do You Feel Like I Do” and “Show Me The Way” and more. Mexican regional singer Gerardo Ortiz. (EFE/File) One of the most celebrated artists and guitarists in rock history, Peter Frampton, will perform at the Tobin Center of the Performing Arts on May 23 at 7:30 p.m. (Courtesy photo) Barry Manilow kicks off music instrument drive for SAISD Special to La Prensa Legendary singer-songwriter Barry Manilow hopes others will once again follow his philanthropic lead as he brings his “Manilow Music Project” to the students at San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD). The pop icon plans to donate a Yamaha piano to launch a local music instrument drive. Anyone who donates a new or gently-used musical instrument one week prior to show date will receive two free tickets – valid for pre-selected seat locations on a first come first serve basis – for Manilow’s April 13 show at the AT&T Center. The Manilow Music Project has conducted music instrument drives all over the country to assist local schools with their music programs. “I’m thrilled to once again bring the gift of music to these kids,” added Manilow. The AT&T Center Box Office will be the base for the instrument drive in San Antonio, from April 6-13. The instrument drop-off location at the AT&T Center is open during regular operating hours, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or on weekend Spurs game days starting at noon. “We thank the ‘Manilow Music Project’ for this generous gift and their support of education,” said Pedro Martinez, superintendent of SAISD. “We also appreciate the community for its role in providing our students with this wonderful opportunity, as music and the arts play an important role in enhancing learning.” The “Manilow Music Project” is part of The Manilow Fund for Health and Hope. It was formed as a grassroots organization to assist local charities and programs. Its primary focus is to provide musical instruments to high schools and middle schools and to provide music scholarships at universities throughout the US, Canada, and the UK. More information on the “Manilow Music Project” can be found at www. Tickets for Manilow’s “One Last Time!” concert are available online at or, in person at the AT&T Center Box Office, or charge by phone at 800-745-3000. With worldwide record sales exceeding 80 million, Barry Manilow’s unparalleled career encompasses virtually every arena of entertainment, including performing, writing, composing, arranging and producing. A Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee, Manilow has produced, arranged, and released more than 40 albums during the course of his career. He has also written and produced songs for Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Dionne Warwick and many more. He has been honored with a Grammy, two Emmys, a Tony Award, an Oscar nomination and a topselling autobiography. The public can trade a new or gently used musical instrument for free tickets to Barry Manilow’s concert on April 13. (Courtesy photo) 8 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Sofia Coppola to write, direct remake of “The Beguiled” EFE - Film director Sofia Coppola will write and direct a “remake” of “The Beguiled,” the 1971 film starring Clint Eastwood, Variety magazine reported. According to the information from Variety, Coppola is in negotiations to include actresses Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning and Kirsten Dunst in the cast of her new film. Dunst is a regular collaborator with the director, having already worked with her in “The Virgin Suicides” (1999) and “Marie Antoinette” (2006), while Fanning also worked with Coppola in the 2010 feature film “Somewhere.” The original version of “The Beguiled,” based on the samenamed novel by Thomas Cullinan, focused on the story of an injured Confederate soldier (Eastwood) during the Civil War who was taken in and protected in a girl’s boarding school. Film director Sofia Coppola. (EFE/File) Coppola began her directing career in 1999 with “The Virgin Suicides” and continued with the films “Lost in Translation” (2003), “Marie Antoinette” (2006), “Somewhere” (2010) and “The Bling Ring” (2013). The latest work as a director by the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola was the Christmas special “A Very Murray Christmas” (2015), starring actor Bill Murray and produced by the online content platform Netflix. 3 de abril de 2016
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