adults to quit smoking
adults to quit smoking
® WEEKEND EDITION 18 de octubre de 2015 WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXVII • NÚMERO 16 Hillary Clinton busca voto latino en S.A. con apoyo de Julián Castro Por Lucy Almanza La aspirante demócrata a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, Hillary Rodham Clinton, visitó la ciudad del Álamo este jueves en busca de atraer el voto latino. El Secretario de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano Julián Castro, quien ha sido señalado como posible aspirante a la vicepresi dencia, estuvo presente y anun ció oficialmente su respaldo a la campaña de la ex primera dama durante el evento. “La diferencia con los candi datos republicanos es que ella respeta a la comunidad latina”, destacó Castro, quien despertó los gritos y aplausos de las dece nas de personas que se reunieron en el histórico Sunset Station como parte de la iniciativa “La tinos for Hillary,” diseñada para promover la campaña en la co munidad latina. En el evento, Clinton también fue acompañada por el con gresista Joaquín Castro y pudo disfrutar de bailes folclóricos y música de Selena, así como ver a sus fieles seguidores levantando pancartas con mensajes como “La Hillary”, “Estoy contigo” y “Latinos por H”. Antes de su llegada al mitin en el Sunset Station, la candidata de 67 años, tuvo una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con Javier Palomarez, presidente y CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Estados Unidos. Al ser cuestionada sobre la posibilidad de pensar en el ex alcalde de San Antonio como vi cepresidente, Clinton respondió: “Estoy muy emocionada de tener su apoyo hoy, tanto él como su hermano están entre los mejores lideres jóvenes en América. Voy a seguirlo muy de cerca en todo porque él es así de bueno”. Hoy en día, el voto latino es fundamental en la elección presi dencial. De acuerdo a Palomarez, cada 30 segundos, un latino se convierte en un votante elegible en Estados Unidos, aproxima damente 58 mil nuevos votantes cada mes, por lo que la ex secre taria de Estado invita a que todos los jóvenes votantes salgan a votar en la próxima elección para que sus voces se hagan escuchar. “Voy a continuar a tener con versaciones y escuchar las prio ridades de la comunidad hispana, como la creación de mejores empleos, aumentar los salarios, mejorar la educación y el cui dado de salud”, comentó Clinton. La candidata recordó los meses que vivió en San Antonio hace 43 años, por lo que recon oce las múltiples contribuciones que la comunidad hispana ha logrado en el país y dijo que los latinos “son nuestros vecinos, nuestros amigos y nuestras fa milias”. Clinton prometió impulsar la reforma migratoria integral de inmediato si llega a la Casa Blanca. “La inmigración es buena para Estados Unidos. La inmigración construyó a nuestro país. Me atrevo a decir que la gran mayo ría de los estadounidenses tiene un padre inmigrante, un abuelo o bisabuelo inmigrante como yo. Una reforma migratoria integral en la que podamos sacar a la gente de la sombras será bueno para nuestra economía para au mentar los salarios y crear más oportunidades”, señaló Clinton. La candidata destacó que los inmigrantes indocumentados contribuyen con 12 mil millones de dólares al año al fondo de la seguridad social; sin embargo, no pueden ser beneficiados. “Una reforma migratoria in tegral podría mejorar el mer cado laboral y los trabajadores indocumentados dejarían de ser explotados y su contribución ascendería a más de 20 mil mil lones de dólares”, declaró Clinton La candidata demócrata a la presidencia Hillary Clinton visitó San Antonio el 15 de octubre como Vea Hillary Clinton parte de su plan de campaña de atraer el voto latino. (Foto, Kristian Jaime) en la pág. 4-A UIW unveils Fine Arts Complex By Natalie Bobadilla The University of the Incarnate Word celebrated the official grand opening of their new Fine Arts Complex with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning. The 55,000-square-foot facil ity is composed of a new music building, a renovated art building and a revamped auditorium that dates back to 1928. “There’s nothing that makes me more pleased than to have this iconic corner on Broadway and Hildebrand have the finest facilities for music and art for a university our size,” UIW Presi dent Dr. Louis Agnese said during the ceremony. “There’s no faculty that deserves it more and most importantly, there are no students that deserve it more.” The three-story music building features a 100 seat recital hall, as well as choir and band rehearsal halls. The building also offers a recording studio, a music therapy suite with clinical sessions avail able to the community, a piano lab, an iMac lab, modular prac tice rooms, a percussion studio, teaching studios for private les sons, two general classrooms, an instrument storage facility and a listening library. William Gokelman, chair of UIW’s Department of Music who has worked for the university for more than two decades, said the music building was a long time coming. “The students remember what it’s like to have a marimba les son in the hallway with 50 other people crowded on top of each other,” Gokelman said. “One time, I came in to work and there was a cello lesson going on in the stairwell, I fully expected there to be a private lesson going on in the restroom one day because there just was no space.” With the new music building, Gokelman expects the programs in the music department to grow. “Walking into a choir room that is actually a choir room and not a classroom is a beautiful thing,” he added. The former Fine Arts Audi torium has been transformed App encourages young adults to quit smoking By Christina Acosta If are interested in kicking the smoking habit, there is a new app that will allow you to think before you take another puff. This week, the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio (UTHSCSA) has launched Quitxt, an app for people from the ages of 18-29 to quit smoking. The app is free and culturally relevant towards text messaging and online support service that targets young Latinos in San Antonio and across South Texas to quit smoking. Funding from the Cancer Pre vention and Research Institute of Texas and the endorsement of the San Antonio Scorpions soccer team, SA2020, and other busi nesses and health groups have joined forces to bring the app to the community. Amelie Rodriguez, Dr.P.H., study leader and director of the Institute for Health Promotion Research in the School of Medi cine at the UTHSCSA, explained See Quit smoking on page 4-A See Fine Arts Complex on page 4-A (Left to right) Congregational Coordinator of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Teresa Maya, Donors Robert and Betty Kelso, UIW President Dr. Louis Agnese, Board of Trustees Emeritus Barbara Condos, artist Cakky Brawley and UIW Board of Trustees Chairman Charles D. Lutz Dr. Ramirez introducing Quitxt to the south Texas community to end smoking among young adults. III cut the ribbon to UIW’s Fine Arts Complex. (Photo, Natalie Bobadilla) (Photo, Christina Acosta) 2-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... 2055 y la ola asiática Con tantos ataques a los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos durante la actual campaña por la Jorge Ramos presidencia, lo menos que quie ren oír muchos estadounidenses es que su país va a cambiar aún más. Pero esa es la noticia. Agárrense. Sí, Estados Unidos va en camino de convertirse en uno de los países más diversos y multiculturales del mundo. Y eso ha ocurrido debido a la entrada de muchísimos inmi grantes. Aquí están las cifras: En los úl timos 50 años ha aumentado a 45 millones el número de extranjeros viviendo en Estados Unidos, y en los próximos 50 años esa cifra aumentará a 78 millones, según un visionario estudio del Pew Research Center. Es decir, el porcentaje de inmigrantes viviendo en Estados Unidos pasará del 15 por ciento actual a casi un 18 por ciento del total de la población. Lo que esto significa es que en este país habrá caras nuevas, acentos distintos, muchas combinaciones de culturas, y comida, música y arte de todo el orbe. Estados Unidos, la principal potencia económica y militar está a punto de convertirse en una especie de resumen plan etario. Si en medio siglo llegaran extraterrestres y quisieran un tour muy rápido de cómo es el mundo, bastaría una visita a Los Ángeles, Miami y Nueva York. El gran cambio vendrá aproxima damente en el año 2055. En ese año, más o menos, los blancos (no hispanos) dejarán de ser mayoría en Estados Unidos. Todos blancos, afroamericanos, hispanos y asiáticos — seremos minoría. Otro gran cambio que vendrá en el 2055 es que en Estados Unidos habrá más inmigrantes de países asiáticos: China, India, Filipinas, Corea y Vietnam, entre otros, que de naciones de América Latina. De hecho, ese cambio ya lo estamos viendo hoy. En el 2013 entraron más inmigrantes de China (147,000) y de la India (129,000) que de México (125,000), según el diario The Wall Street Journal. La ola latina está dando paso a la ola asiática. Eso va a implicar enormes dosis de tolerancia y negociación. De la misma forma en que hoy Donald Trump está atacando a los inmi grantes latinoamericanos, no me extrañaría que en el 2055 surgiera un candidato presidencial que se pusiera a atacar a los inmigrantes asiáticos para ganar votos. Desde luego no se podría cons truir una muralla con China como propone Trump con México, pero podrían resurgir terribles ejemplos de la historia. No podemos olvidar que en 1882 Estados Unidos creó una ley para evitar la entrada de inmigrantes chinos a California y el oeste del país. Los científicos sociales de Pew nos han permitido ver el futuro. Su trabajo ha sido extraordinario. Lo que nos están diciendo es que el crecimiento poblacional de Estados Unidos dependerá cada vez más de los inmigrantes. Esto es un duro golpe para quienes quieren limitar el número de extranjeros en este país. La realidad es que en los próxi mos 50 años van a entrar a Estados Unidos un millón y medio de perso nas, en promedio, cada año. Por eso es urgente que tengamos un nuevo sistema migratorio que pueda pro cesar legalmente a los inmigrantes que ya están aquí y los millones que están por llegar. Estados Unidos es un imán para inmigrantes y eso no va a cambiar. Es absolutamente absurdo pensar en deportaciones masivas. Trump quiere deportar a 11 millones en dos años — cuando el país requiere de manos y mentes inmigrantes para seguir creciendo económicamente. Las ideas de Trump van en contra del rumbo de la historia. El 2055 promete ser un año de grandes cambios. Acabo de hacer la cuenta y, si me va muy bien, tendría 97 años de edad. Así que lo más probable es que no me va a tocar verlo ni a mí ni, qué pena, a muchos de ustedes. No hay excusas. Ya nos lo advirti eron. Estados Unidos es un país de inmigrantes y millones más están a punto de llegar. La ola asiática está comenzando. De lo que se trata es de estar pre parados para darles la bienvenida. (¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). Just a Thought: “National Make a Difference Day” Oct. 24 we celebrate “Na tional Make a Difference Day,” a world wide commu nity service effort. Steve Walker USA Wee kend Maga zine, together with Points of Light, a charity that mobilizes and enables people to make a significant differ ence in people’s lives, organized the celebration. For more than two decades, the day has been the largest national day of community service. On the fourth Saturday of October, millions of volunteers around the world unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others. It was designed specifically to celebrate the power of people to contribute to changing the world in a positive way. I was surprised to learn recently that there was actually a “National Make a Difference Day.” When I reflect on my own life, speculating if I made a difference in this world, I wonder if I succeeded. I think back on my former student’s lives, having taught in the public school system for 26 years, and I pause. Back then, those students would share their dreams to make a dif ference, of wanting to be a doctor, nurse, policeman, or firefighter-- to be able to literally save lives and “make a difference.” How many La Prensa readers have, at one time, had those thoughts and never expressed them to anybody? Now that we know there is a dedicated day to acknowledge those desires we have, we can celebrate along with millions around the world to make those differences a reality. Recently one of my former ninth graders at McCollum High School, Joseph Medina, was elected to the Northside School Board. I ran into him at an event just before he was elected. We reminisced and he told me I was one of his favorite teachers who made a difference in his life. I was thrilled to say the least. San Antonio also is the home of numerous Latino Scholars who make a difference every day in peo ple’s lives. Dr. Manny Berriozabal, UTSA math instructor is the founder of the San Antonio Prefreshmen Engineering Program established in 1979. It has been extremely suc cessful. His wife Maria, is a former SA Councilwoman who has made a difference in her own right. I have written on her more than once in my column. Doctor Ellen Riojas Clark, a pro fessor of bicultural, bilingual studies at UTSA since 1973, developed summer institutes on Latino Lit erature that have been very popular over the years with the Latino com munity. That makes a difference in numerous student’s lives. Dr. Henry Flores, a political science professor at St. Mary’s University, graduate of Central Catholic and a Vietnam veteran like myself, is also known for his exper tise in voting and civil rights. He is frequently sought out by the media for his observations on various local races in the election cycle. I have had the pleasure of visiting and sharing a cup of coffee with him on a number of occasions. Although Oct. 24 is officially “National Make a Difference Day,” it doesn’t preclude the reader from making every day, a day to make a difference in somebody’s life. Anyway, as always, what I write is “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Judge and Journalist. from going into effect on Oct. 1 as planned. In the order, Judge Sulak stated that, if the injunction was not granted, “the minor children represented in this lawsuit, plus thousands of other Texas children receiving pediatric services under the Texas Medicaid program, will probably be deprived of those criti cal services.” Make no mistake, if these cuts are allowed to continue our most vulnerable children will face dire consequences. Children’s lives may hang in the balance. For my part, I will continue to lead opposition efforts at the state level and will be working closely with Congressman Joaquin Castro and my federal counterparts to be sure that the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is fully aware of the devastating ef fect that these cuts will have on Texas—CMS also has the ability to stop these cuts. This fight is not over and it is crucial that we do not lose mo mentum as the lawsuit works its way through the courts. Making your voice heard will make all the difference. Already, nearly 3,000 people have signed Miranda’s Petition. You can join the fight by signing your name to the peti tion, which can be accessed on my Facebook page at www.facebook. com/TMFTx. I pray that justice will be done and I hope that hard-hearted, shortsighted legislators will see the evil in these cuts and take actions to reverse them. But, mostly, I pray that God grant me the wisdom and the strength to live up to my duty as an elected representative. I will do my best to humbly live up to the Holy Pontiff’s charge to all elected officials- to protect those who are most vulnerable. Principles and Political Society Last month, I was deeply honored to be in attendance as His Holi ness Pope Trey Martinez Francis cele Fischer brated his first public Mass in the United States at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. On the following day, His Holi ness Pope Francis became the first pontiff in history to speak to a joint meeting of Congress, and his message to elected officials deeply resonated with me. His Holiness spoke a simple, unalterable truth. In his words, “a political society endures when it seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy common needs by stimulating the growth of all its members, espe cially those in situations of greater vulnerability or risk. Legislative activity is always based on care for the people. To this you have been invited, called and convened by those who elected you.” This powerful statement is the bedrock principle of my life. It is my job to protect my constituents and all Texans regardless of their gender, wealth, ethnicity, or social class. And, I should take special care to protect the least among us. For much of the past decade, the leaders of Texas have failed at taking care of the least fortunate among us. Nowhere is this more obvious than our current budget, which seeks to cut funding to disabled children by 350 million dollars, jeopardizing not only the quality of life of disabled children but their health as well. On Friday, Sept. 25, State Dis trict Judge Tim Sulak issued a tem porary injunction blocking the cuts Secuestro de la Cámara Baja del Congreso Por Humberto Caspa Después de la renuncia de John Boehner como jefe de la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso son pocos los republicanos que se animan a reemplazarlo. Kevin McCarthy, jefe de su partido político, dijo que no está intere sado. Paul Ryan, excandidato a la vicepresidencia, está conside rando no aceptar por cuestiones “familiares”. ¿Qué es lo que sucede? Ningún representante republicano de re nombre y con años de servicio en la Cámara Baja está dispuesto a tomar parte de un puesto político que, después del presidente, es el más importante del sistema político norteamericano. Se necesita el apoyo de 218 votos de un total de 435 represen tantes para elegir al máximo líder de la Cámara de Representantes del Congreso. En este momento, los representantes republica nos gozan de una mayoría con 247 miembros, mientras que los demócratas tienen 188 represen tantes. Es decir, el Líder de la Cá mara Baja forzosamente tiene que provenir del Partido Republicano. Sin embargo, la elección de esta persona (Speaker of the House of Representatives) no es tan fácil como lo pintan. El hecho de que los republicanos tienen una mayo ría no quiere decir que cualquiera de los representantes puede ser elegido para tomar esta posición política dentro del Congreso. Al igual que la sociedad, existe una variedad de grupos de interés (caucuses) dentro de la Cámara de Representantes, quienes inciden específicamente en el nombra miento del máximo líder y, algu nas veces, en los proyectos de ley que se gestan en el Congreso. Es tos grupos de interés se forma en base a inclinaciones étnicas, como el Hispanic caucus, Black caucus, Asian caucus; o pueden también tener inclinaciones ideológicas, como Blue Dog Coalition, New Democrat Coalition, Republican Study Committee, Liberty caucus y Freedom caucus, entre otros. Este último, el Freedom caucus, está compuesto por 40 miembros y prácticamente controla las elec ciones del líder principal de la Cámara de Representantes. Todos sus miembros son productos de distritos electorales dominados por el Tea Party. Fue este grupo el que presionó la renuncia de John Boehner, y fueron también ellos quienes se opusieron a la candidatura de Kevin McCarthy. Y posiblemente es esta gente quienes no miran con buenos ojos la llegada de Paul Ryan a la jefatura de la Cámara de Repre sentantes. En este sentido, la Cámara de Representantes y, por ende, el Congreso, está secuestrada por un grupo cohesivo radical que “no muerde ni deja morder” “no hace nada ni deja hacer algo”. Durante la Administración Obama, esta gente también se opuso a todos sus proyecto ejecutivos, incluy endo a una reforma migratoria integral. En las elecciones de noviem bre del próximo año no solo se elige al presidente, sino también a una variedad de representantes a nivel local y nacional. Entre estos políticos, nosotros elegimos a nuestros representantes. Por eso es importante educarse con relación a la agenda de cada uno de los políticos. No vaya a ser que, por falta de información, estemos apoyando a uno de los miembros del Freedom Caucus. Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. 18 de octubre de 2015 COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad 55TH ANNUAL GREEK FUNSTIVAL – St. Sophia’s 55th annual Greek FUNstival is right around the corner OPA! There will be delicious Greek food made from old family recipes, folk dancing with authentic costumes, and much more! You can shop in the Agora (marketplace), take pictures in the photo booth, or even relax with a cup of Greek coffee and a piece of baklava. This is a party Greek style - and we’re excited to celebrate our 55th year with you. A three dollar ticket will get you into this event filled with shops, prizes, entertainment, and a presentation of the church. There will be lots of fun for all ages (children under 12 are free), please share this public event invite with your friends - we hope to see you there. Pre-sale tickets via Groupon will be available via Groupon. Sunday, Oct. 18 from noon to 6 p.m. at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church, 2504 N. St. Mary’s St. FEARESTA HAUNTED HOUSE – Run to FEARESTA... if you dare. Nightmare on Grayson, SA’s Favorite Hal loween Tradition, is now FEARESTA Haunted House! Located near the AT&T Center, this event is home to an awesome haunted attraction, a Ouija Board museum, a frightfully fun Festival with food, entertainment, souvenirs and much more. Visit for more details. Pricing for tickets ranges from 15 to 30 dollars. Sunday, Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Fearesta Haunted House, 3363 E. Commerce St. FREE CONCERT SERIES AT LA VILLITA — Stop by and enjoy a free concert at La Villita’s historic Arneson River Theatre presented by the San Antonio Current and Coors Light. Food trucks will offer a variety of delicacies available for purchase. As part of Downtown Tuesday, parking at City-operated parking garages, parking lots and parking meters is free after 5 p.m. Call (210) 207-8614 for details. There will be free admission. Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 7 to 10 p.m. at La Villita Historic Arts Village, 418 Villita St. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP — Are you interested in working for the City of San Antonio? Join us at our upcoming Employment Workshops for inside tips on how to improve your job search, applica tion, resume, and interviewing skills. All of the resources provided will help you learn the inside tips to improve your city. Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Callaghan Service Center, 110 S. Callaghan Rd. LIONEL RICHIE - The former Commodores member and two time Grammy Award winner Lionel Richie will perform at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts. Richie has sold over 20 million records worldwide. His second album, Can’t Slow Down, went diamond. For ticket information you can visit Thursday, Oct.22 at 8 p.m. at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Cir. THIRD ANNUAL SAC-TACULAR — Stop by to cel ebrate a free block party style event open to SAC and the community for fun and games. Activities include depart mental showcases, Olympic-style boxing, large outdoor movie Marvel’s “ANT-MAN,” live music, Michael Jack son impersonator, food booths/trucks, planetarium shows, animal show, game zone, bungee run, gladiator joust, sumo wrestling and more! For more information, visit the website or contact the San Antonio College Public Relations Department at (210) 486-0880. Friday, Oct. 23 from 5 to 9 p.m. at San Antonio College, 1300 San Pedro Ave. LUMINARIA 2015 —All manner of creative endeavors – art, music, poetry, performance, and light shows – explode across San Antonio. Luminaria is San Antonio’s annual celebration of art and artists, showcasing all art forms in an outdoor setting and inside various downtown venues. Admission is free, so bring family and friends to enjoy the celebration. For more information, visit Luminariasa. org. Friday, Oct. 23 and Saturday, Oct. 24 from 7 p.m. to midnight along Jones Ave. and the San Antonio Museum of Art, 200 W. Jones Ave. DIA DE LOS MUERTOS LIVE AT FITZGERALD’S — Arizona up and coming stars Relapse & Redemption will be rocking Fitzgerald’s. We are hosting a once in a lifetime event Dia De Los Muertos Live at Fitzgerald’s! Come painted accordingly for the day of the dead, or get your face painted at the show. Bands that will be performing include Relapse & Redemption, My Madness, Highwire, Trisha Lynn, and The Yard will have a separate acoustic set. Visit for more details. Paper tickets will be available soon from the bands. Purchase your ticket online, and print from home at: Prices of the tickets range from $5 to $15. Saturday, Oct.24 at 7 p.m. at Fitzgerald’s Bar & Live Music, 437 McCarty Rd. Ste. 101 A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Publisher/CEO TINO DURAN JR. VP of Operations KRISTIAN JAIME LUCY ALMANZA Co-Editors ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers NATALIE BOBADILLA CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Director MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, ac cording to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 18 de octubre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A Alumnos se afilian al Interact Tip Top Café popularity in San Antonio started 77 years ago Club East Central HS Por Roberto J. Pérez El presidente del Distrito No.5840 de Rotary International tomó la protesta de un entu siasta grupo de estudiantes de East Central High School, como nuevos miembros del Interact Club de este plantel, club que se dedica a una labor de asistencia comunitaria. La ceremonia de juramento de inducción de los estudiantes se realizó en la escuela referida el martes 13 de octubre con asis tencia del director de la escuela Shane McKay, miembros y re presentantes de Rotary Club San Antonio South, Rosie Ramírez y Linda Cuellar. El club San Antonio South pertenece al Distrito No. 5842 de la organización rotaria. De esta forma los estudian tes admitidos forman parte del movimiento juvenil Rotary In ternacional, que compagina los estudios académicos con trabajo voluntario en obras de beneficio para la comunidad, en diferentes formas, desde convenciones es tudiantiles o trabajo para Habitat for Humanity. Durante el acto los directivos de Interact Club East Central recibieron un diploma de recono cimiento por el cumplimiento de sus funciones del 2015 (que se extenderán hasta el 2016). Esta directiva estudiantil está inte grada por Britnee Galindo (presi denta), Victoria Reid (historiado ra), Sabrina Sacriste (tesorera), Marissa Muñoz (secretaria) y Alexis Alarcón, (vicepresidente). Rotary Club es una orga nización internacional de servi cio (no lucrativa) en pro de los derechos humanitarios y tiene el propósito de reunir dirigentes empresarios y profesionistas unidos en la premisa de proveer servicios humanitarios y pro mover altos principios éticos en la sociedad, con principios de buena voluntad en todo el mundo. Es una organización secular abierta sin obstáculos de raza, color, credo, religión o preferen cias políticas. Fue fundada por Paul P. Harris el 23 de febrero de 1905 en la ciudad de Chicago. Y lo que hoy es una organización mundial empezó con un reducido grupo de empresarios que rota ban sus reuniones mensuales en las oficinas de cada uno, de allí nació el nombre de Rotary. Actualmente tiene clubes afi liados en 200 países con una membresía un millón 200 mil socios. Home-style cooking and hospitality make it an Alamo city dining destination of choice DeWese’s Tip Top Café start ed in 1938 by serving the best in food, hospitality and home-style cooking like your abuelita used to make. That’s been the landmark restaurant’s catch phrase for seven-plus decades. A lot of that success has come from being a part of the commu nity and making customers feel like family when they come in and sit at their favorite table or one of those nostal gic booths. “Setting the table for Mayors and mechanics, they’re all family to us”, says third generation owner Linda DeWese, whose grandfather Pappy DeWese started the diner. Monday, Oct. 19, through Monday, Oct. 26, both Tip Top Café locations – the original at 2814 Fredericksburg Road (78201) and second location at 13835 Nacogdoches Road (78217) – are helping raise mon ey for the Survivors Scholarship Fund for children of slain police and firefighters through a part nership with the 100 Club of San Antonio. For the next eight days, every one is encouraged to visit and dine in on the award-winning chicken fried steak that has put the vener able eatery on the culinary map earning kudos in Texas High ways magazine and being fea tured on the Food Network. In partnership with the 100 Club of San Antonio, 15 percent of all chicken fried steak sales during this campaign will benefit the nonprofit organization that’s been around since 1973. The Tip Top Café’s masterfulness with the iconic Texas dish was not lost on the City of San Antonio, which issued a City Proclama tion in honor of the iconic diners and their community enrichment efforts on behalf of the 100 Club of San Antonio. Tip Top Café patrons who dine on Monday, Oct. 26, will do so on Texas Chicken Fried Steak Day, an actual state holiday. The new second location also offers fully loaded nachos as well as regional dishes such as Steak Tampiqueña. Eating for a good cause never tasted better. Learn more about the 100 Club of San Antonio by visiting www.100clubsa. org and broaden your menu choices by visiting www. for hours of opera tion, daily specials and read about our family tradition. If one had to pick three items that have made Tip Top Café famous it would have to be its golden piled high onion rings, made-from-scratch daily pies, and by City Proclamation Chicken Fried Steak. All are welcomed at the Tip Top Café. En el Tip Top sabor casero sigue siendo el rey. No se lo pierda. Lou Miller, Gobernador del Distrito 5840 Rotary International, y directivos de Interact Club en East Central High School, quienes recibieron un reconocimiento por su labor comunitaria. En la extrema derecha se encuentra Linda Cuellar, asistente del Gobernador. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) Remembering beloved musician Julio Riojas June 13, 1964 – Oct. 14, 2015 Special to La Prensa Julio Riojas was called to the Father’s House on Oct. 14, 2015, donde fue recibido con los sonidos de guitarras, trompetas, violines y voces de un gran mariachi angelical. He was born in San Antonio, TX and was 51 years old. He graduated from Sidney Lanier High School, and thereaf ter attended St. Phillip’s College and received a Certified Nurse’s Assistant (CNA) Certificate. Julio learned to play the violin at the age of 12. His career began with the Mariachi Infantil, which later became Mariachi Juvenil at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in San AH OR Antonio, Texas. Julio was employed by the San Antonio Independent School District as a music instructor, and participated as a violinist for Mariachi Campanas de América. He later decided to form his own group, Mariachi Uno: Los Zan cuiditos Locos. Julio was a very talented man who used his talent with the vio lin to make people happy, be it at funerals, weddings and other special events. He made people smile! He performed at events for Henry B. Gonzales, senators, rep resentatives and Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. He was a choir member at San Fernando Cathedral, St. Alfonso Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus and even entertained guests at The White House in Washington, D.C. In addition to his passion for music, he had an impeccable passion for the well-being of the elderly at Retama Nursing Center, where he was employed as an Activities Director. Julio is loved and will be missed by his parents, Maria and Alfonso Riojas; children, Justin Riojas Guerrero and Mariana Lynn Riojas; grandson, Victor Sosa Jr.; his siblings Doris Seledón, Joe Rangel (Lydia), Ralph Riojas (Debbie), Diana Perez (Rudy), TipTopCafe_LaPrensaNewspaper_Final:Layout 1 2:45 PM Page 1 DEWESE’S TIP TOP CAFÉ SERVING SAN ANTONIO “THE BEST” SINCE 1938 Nuestra familia los invita a gozar nuestro sabor casero. Edward Riojas, Mary Helen Saucedo (Vincent), Gloria Miller (Ray) and Martin Riojas; numer ous nieces and nephews; aunt, Margarita Leija; uncle, Jesus Leija; numerous cousins and many friends and fans. Visitation will be held at Cas tillo Mission Funeral Home on Sunday Oct. 18 from noon until 9 p.m., with a Rosary to be recited at 7 p.m. Funeral Procession departs at 12:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 19, for a 1 p.m. Mass of Christina Burial at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Interment will follow at San Fernando Cemetery II. Cas tillo Mission Funeral Home will lead the services. AH RE Mejorando Hogares. Mejorando Vidas. ¡Prepare su hogar para hacerlo mas cálido y comodo para el invierno con Casa Verde! Se tarda menos de 20 minutos para poder ahorrar hasta $350 al año en su cobro de energía. ¡Sin costo para usted! OR RE SERVING • • • • Award-winning Chicken Fried Steak Piled High Golden Onion Rings Made-From-Scratch-Daily Pies Grilled Tilapia WEEKLY SPECIALS Usted puede recibir hasta 5000 $ en MEJORAS PARA SU HOGAR 4 PM - 9 PM Dine In Only Steak Tampiqueña (Nacogdoches Location Only) DeWese’s Tip Top Café Tip Top Café 2814 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, Texas 78201 13835 Nacogdoches Road San Antonio, Texas 78217 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 11 AM TO 9 PM Now Accepting Credit Cards Llame al 353-CASA (2272) casa verde es un programa de cps energy 9/29/15 Visit 4-A Fine Arts Complex... into a 500-seat concert hall with state-of-the-art acoustics. The mezzanine has been converted to a lecture hall for fine arts classes. Gokelman said the new concert hall is not only beneficial to stu dents, but it also fills a niche in the community. “This is now a mid-size concert hall that the city of San Antonio did not have,” Gokelman said. The concert hall already has four clients, including Youth Orchestra of San Antonio and the San Antonio International Piano Competition. Miguel Cortinas, chair of the Department of Art at UIW, said the art building renovations and expansion were highly needed. When he began working at UIW 15 years ago, there were seven graduating art students; in recent years, that number has more than tripled. “The timeliness of this renova tion is important,” Cortinas said. “Having the new facilities is going to make that growth much easier to address.” Quit smoking... that the purpose for the app was to stop young kids from smoking at a young age. “It is a little bit higher here, so we really thought we needed to be doing something because this is a group that is going to continue up taking to prevent critical diseases such as cancer and other health problems so we really want them to tackle that,” explained Dr. Ramirez. Over time, the rate among young kids smoking in South Tex as has increased while the rate of adults smoking has decreased— something to critically analyze. According to UTHSCSA, tobacco kills about 3,000 people in South Texas annually. Smoking rates are high among Mexican Americans along the border and across South Texas, and few accessible regional pro grams target the issue. According to research completed by the UTHSCSA, the rates for young adults are anywhere between 23 and up to 26 percent. If the smoker does not stop LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO The renovated art building, dedicated as the Kelso Art Center in honor of generous donors Betty and Robert Kelso, features sepa rate studios for drawing, painting, printmaking, photography and art history. Additionally, the center has three galleries: the Kelso Art Gallery, Semmes Gallery and a To Find UIW unveils Fine Arts Complex in its entirety visit and other fun and helpful infor mation to keep going,” added Dr. Ramirez. “So, of the support mes sages will allow them to learn how to get motivated and how they can build a team to support them to quit and to find other alternatives to smoking.” Now that Quitxt has been in troduced in South Texas, Dr. Ramirez hopes that in the future, the app will continue to expand. Creating an app as a resource to quit smoking could not only be a model to help those smoking, but to also help those with other addictions. “We would like to advance because this is a form of technol ogy that is widely used. We are currently recruiting on Facebook and other social media outlets to get people to come online,” said Dr. Ramirez. “We feel we could use this time we also think to use this type of approach for other health issues as well.” If you or someone you know would like to quit smoking, text “iquit” to 57682. Hillary Clinton... y añadió: “Yo no voy a separar familias con deportaciones”, lo que generó aplausos del público. La candidata también reiteró algunas de sus promesas de cam paña como conseguir la igualdad salarial para las mujeres y au mentar el apoyo a los negocios pequeños. Además de los gemelos Castro, 18 de octubre de 2015 (continued from page 1-A) (continued from page 1-A) early, it can lead to long-term effects that include lung cancer and also cardiovascular diseases. In order to reach out to a younger audience, Quitxt is a program that carries many resources and tools to encourage young adults from lighting up a cigarette with the touch of their screen. “When you join, you will be receiving interactive text mes sages that lead to your mobile web pages. You will also be getting automated support, edu cational content, tips, and even pre-recorded music messages if you prefer to receive your tips via music,” explained Dr. Ramirez. Once the user signs up, a person will receive four months of text messages with support added content designed to help them keep going with their goals. At anybody’s fingertips, smoking will soon be seen as a bad cloud of smoke anyone can surpass. “There will also be and some videos of people who have given up their tobacco habits and what specific things they did to quit ESCUCHANDO TODA VOZ. CELEBRANDO TODA CULTURA. APROVECHANDO CADA MOMENTO. Nos enorgullece anunciar que este año el prestigioso premio nacional de excelencia y diversidad en educación superior (HEED– Higher Education Excellence in Diversity) fue otorgado a Alamo Colleges. Después de todo, nuestro compromiso con la diversidad empezó en 1898. Nuestro cinco colegios son considerados Instituciones de Servicios a Hispanos, y uno de ellos también es un colegio denominado Históricamente Negro. También continuamos promoviendo igualdad en los logros educativos de nuestros 90,000+ estudiantes e igualdad en oportunidades profesionales para nuestros 5,357 empleados. Para nosotros este premio no sólo es un logro. Es nuestra misión. Atrévete a soñar. Prepárate para ser un líder. (viene de la página 1-A) Clinton también cuenta con el apoyo de otros latinos prominen tes, como la actriz Salma Hayek, la activista Dolores Huerta y el cantante Marc Anthony. 2015 Sponsored by Movie r o o d Out :45 pm 8 t a Starts ACTIVITIES INCLUDE Departmental Showcase Olympic-Style Boxing Outdoor Movie “Marvel’s ANT-MAN” Live Music by Piñata Protest Michael Jackson Impersonator Food Booths/Trucks Planetarium Shows Animal Show Game Zone Bungee Run Gladiator Joust Sumo Wrestling 18 de octubre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A Para personas con Medicare ¿Se toma su médico el tiempo para escucharlo? Los nuestros sí. PERO ESA NO ES LA ÚNICA DIFERENCIA. Diferencia #2: Servicios que ofrecemos Ya sea que estemos manteniéndolo saludable o ayudándole a sentirse mejor, usted encontrará una lista detallada de los servicios que ofrecemos en nuestras nueve ubicaciones. Estos incluyen tratamiento de las enfermedades más crónicas y graves, y educación del paciente, así como exámenes físicos de bienestar para hombres y mujeres. Diferencia #13: Coordinador de cuidados Nuestros coordinadores de cuidados son enfermeras y enfermeros licenciados, listos para ayudarle. Ellos pueden responder a sus preguntas entre citas, hacer seguimiento de tratamientos, aconsejar sobre medicamentos recetados e incluso darle referencias de recursos más económicos. Ellos son como una extensión de su médico. Pero para muchos de nuestros pacientes, ellos son más como un amigo en quién confiar, quienes celebran sus éxitos y le animan a medida que mejora su salud. (Los coordinadores de cuidados no están disponibles en todos los planes). Diferencia #8: Mantenemos un nivel óptimo En Partners in Primary Care escuchamos a nuestros pacientes. Cada mes encuestamos a nuestros pacientes para averiguar cómo es nuestro desempeño, qué estamos haciendo bien, en dónde nos estamos quedando cortos y cualquier otra cosa relacionada con nuestro servicio. Usamos esta información para seguir mejorando el cuidado que brindamos. Diferencia #4: La relación correcta para su salud Siempre hemos creído que la relación correcta para su salud empieza con usted sintiéndose lo más acogido y cómodo posible cuando está enfermo, lesionado o sencillamente manteniendo su salud. Le tratamos como si fuera de la familia. Diferencia #19: Nueve ubicaciones convenientes Estamos cerca: en nueve ubicaciones en la zona metropolitana de San Antonio. Nunca estamos lejos. Bandera Road | 7913 Bandera Road Castle Hills | 2211 NW Military Hwy. Floresville | 260 US Highway 181 N Greco | 4360 Greco Dr. Judson | 12413 Judson Rd. New Braunfels | 1860 S. Seguin Ave. NIX 809 | 414 Navarro St. Schertz | 5000 Baptist Health Dr. Thousand Oaks | 2235 Thousand Oaks Sabemos que cambiar de médicos no es una decisión fácil. Es por eso que le invitamos a tomarse un café con nosotros para conocernos. Aceptamos muchos planes de Medicare incluidos Aetna Medicare, Amerigroup, Coventry, Humana, Medicare tradicional, Tricare, y muchos planes de suplemento de Medicare. Llame hoy mismo para conocer nuestro equipo médico. 1-888-300-6879 De lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. Antes conocido como Alamo City Medical Group y Allied Institute of Medicine. 6-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 18 de octubre de 2015 Fuerza de voluntad cura drogadicción y alcoholismo Por José I. Franco Vaya que me dio gusto enterar me que dos de mis conocidos, por su fuerza de voluntad y amor a sus seres queridos les regresó su estado de sobriedad. Aunque ustedes, mis tres lec tores, no lo crean, en este testi monio les diré francamente que tras habérseme informado sobre las recaídas que tuvieron dos de mis conocidos, uno que por curiosidad se tiró al vicio del consumo de heroína y el otro inhalando cocaína, dejando atrás unos buenos años que dedicaron a la sobriedad, sus retornos al estado sobrio me tomaron por sorpresa. Ambos estuvieron consumien do drogas fuertes, las cuales nunca se puede determinar en qué momento pueden causar daño físico y mental, así como repentina muerte. Su recuperación, de acuerdo a sus familiares, fue gracias a la fuerza de voluntad por retomar sus vidas y seguir viendo la luz día con día. No he logrado tener contacto con ambos, porque no se ha dado la oportunidad, ya que ellos retornen al grupo al que pertenecemos, entonces serán ellos quienes den sus respectivos testimonios. Por lo tanto, me encuentro con Alzheimer’s disease — the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death — is destroying our families, our finances and our future. But you can do something to stop it. Register for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s and lead the way to a world without Alzheimer’s. ® tento que ambos estén con bien y que se han incorporado al seno familiar. Su fuerza de voluntad viene a ser una buena nota para los que somos creyentes de que con amor a la familia, y en uno mismo, las adicciones se pueden curar. Prueba de ello fue que el pasado martes (13 de octubre), en cuanto entré a mi oficina, la asistente ejecutiva me entregó un mensaje en el que un lector deseaba hablar por teléfono con migo para rectificar un dato sobre pagos que se tienen que hacer cuando una persona se jubila de la fuerza laboral y por su edad de 65 años comienza a recibir beneficios médicos del sistema START A TEAM. DATE | LOCATION | TIME | 800.272.3900 Medicare. El individuo se presentó con el nombre de Fernando, una per sona mayor, quien de inmediato se identificó como lector de La Prensa. Don Fernando, tras haberme orientado sobre el asun to de pagos al Tío Sam por recibir los beneficios del Medicare, que en verdad son excelentes y de gran ayuda al presupuesto fami liar, me dijo ser ferviente creyen te (sin mencionar religión). Él, con orgullo, dijo ser nativo de la Ciudad de México y con 45 años de residencia en esta gran nación, apegado a las leyes y tradiciones, y quien se desem peñó ejemplarmente dentro de la fuerza laboral, donde dejó es tablecido un plan económico que hoy se encuentra disfrutando al lado de la compañera de su vida. “Soy uno de sus tres lectores y por ello me decidí hablarle y darle mi punto de vista sobre los pagos que todavía uno tiene que hacer al gobierno federal, los cuales salen de nuestras respec tivas pensiones. Nada es gratis, todo beneficio tiene un costo, aunque pequeño pero se tiene que pagar”, así se expresó don Fernando. En cuanto al problema de las adicciones, él me dijo sentirse todavía impactado porque varios de sus conocidos (en su nativa Ciudad de México) se entregaron al alcoholismo, destruyéndose y a la vez dañando a sus familias. “Yo soy creyente, por lo que mi opinión es que todos los que se dicen ser alcohólicos, ellos sí tienen fuerza de voluntad y aman a su familia, se pueden curar. Si el individuo lo decide, él se puede curar de adicciones y alcoholismo. Claro que sí puede lograrlo”, enfatizó don Fernando. Por mis 16 años de sobriedad, puedo asegurar que las palabras de don Fernando son ciertas, todo está en uno mismo. Como lo he dicho en varias ocasiones, lo que me sigue ayudando en mi estado de sobriedad es el amor a mi familia y de quienes me ro dean. No me opongo al consumo de drogas o bebidas alcohólicas. Las personas son libres en sus decisiones; sin embargo, para evitar tragedias, se tiene que ser prudente y ver de qué forma se puede evitar ponerse frente al volante en estado inconveniente. Gracias al Creador Divino existen personas como don Fer nando, en quien de ahora en adelante podre tener un conocido más que con sus experiencias en la vida, me siga motivando para seguir adelante en esta trinchera informativa. Hasta la próxima D.M. 18 de octubre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 7-A Concientización sobre el cáncer de mama un bulto en las mamas o debajo factores de riesgo conocidos y sin Por CDC del brazo. antecedentes de la enfermedad en Centros para el Control de EnSi usted tiene algún síntoma o sus familias. fermedades signo preocupante, consulte a su Aunque la pruebas de detección médico de inmediato. no pueden prevenir el cáncer de Con la excepción del cáncer de Reducir el riesgo mama, pueden ayudar a detectarlo piel, el cáncer de mama (seno) Entre los principales factores temprano, cuando lo es más fácil es el cáncer diagnosticado con que influyen en su riesgo de tener de tratar. Consulte con su médico más frecuencia entre las mujeres cáncer de mama están ser mujer, acerca de las pruebas más adecua estadounidenses. tener mayor edad (la mayoría de das para usted y cuándo debe Hacerse una mamografía de for los cánceres de mama se detectan hacérselas. ma habitual puede reducir el riesgo en mujeres de 50 años o más) y Antecedentes de morir de cáncer de mama. tener cambios en ciertos genes Tener antecedentes familiares Si usted tiene entre 50 y 74 años del cáncer de mama (BRCA1 y de cáncer de mama y de ovario de edad, asegúrese de que le hagan BRCA2). afecta su riesgo de desarrollar estas una mamografía cada dos años. Si La mayoría de las mujeres que enfermedades. Aprenda sobre los tiene entre 40 y 49 años de edad, tienen cáncer de mama lo tiene sin cánceres de mama y de ovarios he consulte con su médico sobre cuándo y con qué frecuencia se debe hacer una mamografía. ¿Le preocupa el costo de la mamografía? Los CDC ofrecen mamografías gratuitas o a muy bajo costo y educación sobre el cáncer de mama. Síntomas Hay diferentes síntomas de cáncer de mama. Algunas perso nas no tienen síntomas. Algunos síntomas del cáncer de mama son cualquier cambio en el tamaño o la forma de las mamas, dolor en cualquier parte de las mamas, se El cáncer de mama se da con más frecuencia en mujeres de 50 creción del pezón que no sea leche años o más, aunque con menos frecuencia también se encuentra (incluso de sangre) y aparición de en mujeres mejores de 45. (Foto, cortesía CDC) Learn about: Resources for caregivers of loved-ones with Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss Alzheimer’s from Caregivers and Experts NATIONAL HISPANIC CONFERENCE ON ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Alzheime Impact on Latino Alzheimer’s Families November 6th & 7th, 2015 Day 1: Welcome & Reception Day 2: Presentations & Activities El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel San Antonio, TX Ca for loved-ones with Alzheimer’s is Care increasing most among Hispanic families in the US. Caregivers need their own care and support for their commitment to their loved-ones. reditarios y si se podría beneficiar de la consejería y de las pruebas genéticas. Datos • Anualmente en los Estados Unidos, más de 200,000 mujeres contraen cáncer de mama y más de 40,000 mujeres mueren de esta enfermedad. • Los hombres también pueden contraer cáncer de mama, pero no es muy común. Menos de 1 por ciento de los cánceres de mama ocurren en los hombres. • La mayoría de los casos de cáncer de mama se diagnostican en mujeres de 50 años de edad o más, pero el cáncer de mama también afecta a las mujeres más jóvenes. Alrededor del 11 por ciento de los nuevos casos de cáncer de mama en Estados Unidos se encuentran en las mujeres menores de 45 años de edad. October ushers in ‘National Domestic Violence Awareness Month’ By Kristian Jaime In cases of domestic violence, the facts are not always clear as defendants and complainants are often from the same family. In light of the surge in domestic violence cases in Bexar County, County Court #7 became the home of many of these proceed ings. The caseload quickly grew exponentially and soon necessi tated the establishing of County Court #13. “Several years ago, most of the cases were spread out throughout the county courts. The cases have to be treated differently because we have complainants that are usually family members,” said Judge Eugenia “Genie” Wright, presiding Judge of Bexar County Court #7. For the 132 victims who lost their lives to domestic violence, the justice system was not re sponsive enough. Yet the nature of the many of these cases makes then especially difficult to pros ecute. That number is startling enough, but considering that total is from 2014, cases have only risen. “These cases take longer to work up since the police aren’t usually involved till after the fact. The police don’t usually make the arrest as in a DWI. It requires talking to the victim to see if you actually have a case,” continued Judge Wright. Among the many intricacies in establishing a case is convincing the victim that a crime has even occurred. Unlike other potential prosecutions, the victims of the abuse are often manipulated into protecting the abuser. According to the Texas Coun cil on Family Violence, there were 185,817 family violence incidents in Texas just a year ago—a number that includes spouses and children. “We have many instances when a complaint is made and the very next day, they don’t want to proceed. We have finally reached a point where we can pursue these cases even if the complainant does not want to,” Judge Wright continued. Another consideration is the life of the family after their day in court. Once the defendant returns to their life, the likelihood of fall ing back into abusive patterns is a real danger. The question for both courts and law enforcement is how to do so. “We worry that even after the case is heard, that the com plainant will remain safe. There were so many family violence cases coming to Court #7, that we needed another one to here them in court #13,” Judge Wright said. For family advocates, the nu merous factors that contrib ute to domestic violence range from drug and alcohol addiction, mental health issues, and even economic stress. For that reason, instances of domestic violence are more prevalent in lower so cioeconomic demographics. For Bexar County and the surrounding areas, that means a surge in an already full docket. “We both get between 140 to 190 new cases a month. We haven’t seen a reduction in the number of cases since we’ve started hearing them and the biggest difference is the rising number of women that are de fendants,” the Judge continued. Perhaps the biggest difference in the cases heard in County Court #7 and #13 is that it is about keeping families together. While much of the attention in cases of domestic violence is detaining the defendant, it is also about treating the reasons behind the abuse. According to Judge Wright, there are options for treatment. “We can offer the defendants classes, therapy, and counsel ing through our intervention programs to drug programs and probation. Even Child Protective Services offers parenting class es,” Judge Wright concluded. Ultimately, domestic violence is an issue many people face in their lives and there is a solution if it is not too late. For more in formation on National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, visit Free Registration Available for those bringing their loved-ones with Alzheimer’s. Caregiving provided on-site Register online at $20 for Caregivers $40 for Health Professionals Scholarships available for those unable to afford fee. So far in 2015, more than 2,900 women and children have sought shelter from domestic violence in Bexar County. There is help. Please call before it’s too late. Love Shouldn’t Hurt. Battered Women and Children’s Shelter 24/7 Hotline 210-733-8810 8-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 18 de octubre de 2015 e t a n ú ¡Vac Hoy! NO A T I S E C SE NE REVIA* CITA P ibilidad n o p s i d la *Sujeto a ador z i n u m n i del La vacuna es la mejor manera de protegerte y a tus seres queridos de la gripe. • Los farmacéuticos de H-E-B son vacunadores certificados • No se necesita receta para mayores de 7 años de edad • La mayoría de los planes de seguros médicos principales son aceptados • Se aceptan cuentas de gastos flexibles • GRATIS para Medicare Part B ©2015 HEB, 15-5930 18 de octubre de 2015 This Week In Sports By Jose Arredondo Queen Dynasty In the WNBA, it’s never an unpredictable outcome during their championship series every season. The Minnesota Lynx won their third WNBA title in five years. While having a fantasy team-like roster filled with the brightest superstars, winning the title this year was hardly a surprise. Minnesota took on Tamika Catchings and the Indiana Fever. Last night was game five in Minnesota. This was Minnesota’s toughest series ever in their playoff history. Superstar Maya Moore has been struggling with her shot and Lindsey Whalen was playing through a sprained ankle. Lynx forward Slyvia Fowles put up 20 points and 11 rebounds. Rebekkah Brunson grabbed 14 rebounds and Seimone Agustus put up 16 points. Although Whalen was hurt and Moore couldn’t knock down a shot, the rest of the Lynx roster carried the team to victory. This Lynx team has been playing so well together the past couple of years, they look like they are the NBA’s Golden State Warriors playing amongst high school basketball teams. Some have called the Lynx roster unfair and some have called them a good group put together by a good front office. Whatever the case may be, the Lynx are not a team with whom to mess. Minnesota fans may love having their team wining all the time but with their constant success, fans across the league have actually lost interest in the league. With all the amazing athletes that are in this league, fans want to see more excitement not college recreational center like games. Maybe the Lynx winning another title this year might just actually be what the league needs to push the other team to be as dominant and exciting to keep up with fan demands. It’s not easy being in a women’s league and so making it on the same entertainment level as the NFL and NBA in this country. Misogynistic views against female sports are still very much alive against the WNBA. That just means they need to step up and show just how good the girls can really be. The United States National Women’s soccer team can’t do it on their own. Women’s sports should be celebrated not tossed to the side just cause your sister, daughter or whoever beat you at games of horse when you or they were younger. Instead, you should encourage them because they have dreams like male athletes to be the best and be celebrated as the best. So if I end up being the only sports writer to congratulate you outside of Minnesota, then so be it because you did something great. Congratulations Minnesota, next year, our San Antonio Stars are coming after you. See you next summer. Dallas Cowboys will start Cassel after bye week The San Antonio Spurs unveiled this past Wednesday their black signature Spurs jerseys that will be worn in their home opener against the Brooklyn Nets as well as the season. According to Spurs press release, “The uniforms feature silver panels with silver, black and white trim and the accompanying shorts also include the Spur logo on each side.” Matt Cassel is no stranger to this situation. Back in 2008, Cassel filled in for an injured Tom Brady went 10-5. “I’m really excited,” Cassel said Wednesday morning. “It’s an opportunity and there’s no doubt about it – I don’t take it for granted, I know how hard it is to get on the field in this league.” Emmitt Smith and MD Anderson team up to tackle cancer By Jose Arredondo By Jessica Duran The Spurs unveil their new uniforms The University of Texas MD Anderson Care Center held its sixth annual “A Conversation With a Living Legend” which featured Hall of Fame running back Emmitt Smith at the Marriott Rivercenter this past Tuesday. The luncheon benefited MD Anderson’s “Moon Shots Program.” According to, the program is “a comprehensive, accelerated effort to reduce cancer deaths and transform cancer care.” Smith made NFL history when he became the NFL’s all-time leader in rushing yards and touchdowns. Now he tries to make cancer history. Smith is one of the NFL’s greatest running backs of all time and possesses an extensive résumé of accomplishments that have made him a living legend; however, at age 46 the three-time Super Bowl champion still remains humble. “I don’t think much of it in terms of being a living legend,” Smith said. “I’m just glad to be living.” Smith praised MD Anderson and the researchers as well as the doctors within the program. “There are a bunch of living legends within MD Anderson you just don’t know who they are,” Smith said. “Guys like myself and many others who are public figures, if you will, we get classified because most people recognize who we are and what we are able to accomplish. The unsung heroes are the men and woman who are doing the research, the doctors who are doing the trial testing.” The MD Anderson Care Center was ranked the number one hospital by the U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Hospitals.” It has received the top rank in 11 of the last 14 years. MD Anderson’s made it a mission to “eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation and the world through exceptional programs that integrate patient care, research and prevention.” Smith and his wife Pat have accomplished a great deal off the field with their organization “Pat & Emmitt Smith Charities.” They have teamed up with many nonprofits to “provide educational and enrichment opportunities for underserved.” MD Anderson’s track record and Smith’s life experiences made it easier for him to collaborate with “the top notch program,” as he called it, for the charitable event. “Having the experience of dealing with family members who lost their life to cancer and watching my family members going through those things, I think that gives me a heartfelt connection,” Smith said In the past four years, Smith’s older sister Marsha and father Emmitt Smith Jr. were diagnosed with cancer. “My older sister Marsha was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011,” said Smith. “And my father had his stint with prostate cancer. Those are real time and real life Emmitt Smith (left) answered questions from Sean Elliott (right) at “A Conversation With a Living Legend” held at the Marriott Rivercenter this past Tuesday. (Photo, Jose Arredondo) experiences.” The obstacles and trials Smith’s family endured made him appreciate life much more and have inspired him as well. “To watch them tackle cancer with courage, conviction and faith in a mighty, mighty way is encouraging,” said Smith. Former San Antonio Spur and current color commentator for the Spurs, Sean Elliott, interviewed Smith for the luncheon. Elliott admitted he was nervous and didn’t know what questions to ask Smith. “It is an honor. I’ll be honest with you. When I woke up this morning, and what woke me up, was all these questions that were floating around my head, ‘What can I ask him?’” Elliott said. “You just don’t get a chance like this every day to sit down and talk to one of the greatest athletes of all time.” The event resonated with the NBA champion who lost his mother to cancer in 2014. “It means a lot because I lost my mother to cancer last year and I saw how difficult it was for her to deal with that,” Elliot said with conviction. The luncheon hosted 420 guests and raised nearly $250,000 for the Moon Shots program. Elliot applauded the luncheon and the impact it has on cancer research. “Cancer is a horrible disease and this is a great event to help fund the MD Anderson Cancer Center and help fund some more research, so we are not losing our mothers, our fathers, our brothers and our sisters,” Elliot said. Los Spurs aumentan su popularidad en la NBA Por su lado, el escolta argentino Manu Ginóbili en su partido de pretemporada contra el Heat de Miami –celebrado en el AmericanAirlines Arena– dijo Con una alineación reforzada, que por fin él tuvo la oportunidad el pentacampeón equipo Spurs de de llegar en óptima condición San Antonio estará luchando en de juego para “sudar” la playera la temporada 2015-16 de la NBA No. 20. para llegar a disputar su séptima Spurs perdieron sus tres pargran final en la época del entretidos de pretemporada de gira. nador en jefe Gregg Popovich Primero contra Kings de Sacray del alero estelar Tim Duncan. mento con marcador de 95 a 92. Con la llegada de los astros En Miami, con el marcador LaMarcus Aldridge y David holgado por 17 unidades, los West, entre otros basquetbolistas Spurs parecía que se llevarían la con etiqueta ganadora, los Spurs victoria; sin embargo, en un cerrar de ojos dejaron ir el triunfo perdiendo con pizarra de 97-94. En su visita a la Philips Arena, sede de los Hawks de Atlanta –dirigidos por el exasistente de Spurs, Mike Budenholzer (elegido Entrenador del Año 2015 por la NBA), en su calidad de súper líder de la pasada temporada– sin apuros se embolsó el triunfo con pizarra de 100 a 86. En este encuentro sobresalió el alero titular de Spurs, Kawhi Leonard, que encestó 20 unidades. Por Hawks se impuso la ofensiva del guardia Jeff Teague, que anotó 19 puntos, mientras que sus compañeros Al Horford, delantero y central, Thabo Sefolosha, guardia y alero, y Tiago Splitter se discutieron en la Kawhi Leonard, alero estelar de los Spurs, en su quinta temporada con los Spurs irá por su consa- ofensiva y defensiva alejando del gración en el mejor baloncesto del universo. Leonard se ha preparado para cumplir con su misión perímetro al capitán Tim Duncan de defender los colores de la franquicia Silver & Black, lo que el timonel Popovich le ha reconocido y al guardia francés Tony Parker, desde que arribó a San Antonio. (Foto, Franco) así como a los suplentes David Por José I. Franco en los últimos meses han venido siendo observados por la fanaticada local y medios nacionales. Una de las medios que ha puesto su ojo en ellos es la revista ESPN The Magazine, ya que en su encuesta “13th Annual Ultimate Standings”, con el apoyo de su base de aficionados, ubicó al equipo por segundo año consecutivo como el primero entre los 122 equipos profesionales afiliados a la NBA (Asociación Nacional de Baloncesto), NFL (Liga Nacional de Fútbol de parrilla), NHL (Liga Nacional de Hockey sobre hielo) y la MLB (Ligas Mayores de Béisbol). Por otro lado, para el guardia estelar neoyorquino Danny Green esta será una gran temporada, por lo que ha dicho que se encuentra impaciente porque arranque el rol de la temporada regular en el que los Spurs estarán jugando 82 partidos con 41 de local y 41 de gira. “Nos hemos preparado como lo ordena nuestro entrenador Gregg Popovich. Yo estoy listo e impaciente para comenzar la temporada”, comentó Green. West, a quien limitaron en 8 rebotes, 3 asistencias y 2 puntos durante 18 minutos de acción. Este partido fue entre los mejores representantes del oeste y el este: Spurs bajo la dirección del timonel Popovich y su exasistente Budenholzer, que en tres campañas ha logrado elevar al rango triunfador a la franquicia de Atlanta que ahora cuenta con los valiosos servicios del poste y alero brasileño Tiago Splitter, exSpur, que jugó con San Antonio cinco temporadas logrando en la campaña 2013-14 su primer anillo de campeón en la NBA. Este domingo los Spurs reciben en el renovado AT&T Center (3p.m.) a los Pistons de Detroit, en el cuarto partido de la pretemporada. El quinto encuentro de preparación lo jugarán ante el visitante Suns de Phoenix el martes 20 en el horario de las 7:30 p.m. y el viernes 23 (7:30 p.m.) enfrentarán a su acérrimo rival de la autopista 10, los Rockets de Houston. La temporada regular Spurs la iniciarán visitando al Thunder de Oklahoma City el miércoles 28 (7 p.m.). La inauguración de su temporada No. 43 en la NBA será ante el visitante Nets de Brooklyn el viernes 30 de octubre (7:30 p.m.) para luego salir a cumplir su primera gira de temporada visitando las plazas de los Celtics de Boston, Knicks de Nueva York y Wizards de Washington. 2-B La Prensa de San Antonio 18 de octubre de 2015 Harlem Globetrotters bring Arrancan los motores de la their show to AT&T Center NASCAR Drive for Diversity Por Pete Stuart NASCAR IMC Special to La Prensa Celebrating 90 years of providing smiles, sportsmanship and service to millions of people worldwide, the world famous Harlem Globetrotters will bring their unrivaled show to the AT&T Center on, Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. and Jan. 28, at 7 p.m., during their ninetieth Anniversary World Tour. Known worldwide as the Ambassadors of Goodwill, the Globetrotters also announced that they are giving back even more during their ninetieth year with “The Great Assist” program. Stars of the team will leave a mark in communities across North America with acts of goodwill during the tour that is set to play over 330 games in 260 cities. Fans are encouraged to visit to nominate a worthwhile cause of a deserving family in need of a smile, and the Globetrotters will help as many fans as possible throughout the tour. In addition to fan requests, the team is planning to bring their bullying prevention program to over 400 schools and community centers, talk to youth about character education and physical fitness, visit children’s hospitals and lend a hand to those in need. On the court, the Globetrotters’ 90-year celebration will feature some of the greatest athletes and entertainers on the planet. With a star-studded roster featuring Big Easy Lofton, Hi-Lite Bruton, Thunder Law, Bull Bullard and Cheese Chisholm – plus female stars TNT Maddox and Sweet J Ekworomadu– the Globetrotters’ one-of-a-kind show is unrivaled in the world of family entertainment. Every game will showcase incredible ball handling wizardry, rim- The world famous Harlem Globetrotters during their 2016 World Tour, will bring their unrivaled family show to the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (Courtesy photo) rattling dunks, trick shots, hilarious comedy and unequaled fan interaction. After the game, Globetrotter stars will sign autographs and take photos with fans. Tickets start at $13 and are now available at harlemglobetrotters. com,, the AT&T Center box office, or by phone at 800-745-3000. Information on group and scout tickets can also be found at As part of the launch The Great Assist, the Globetrotters performed before fans in Times Square in New York City and named TV personality Robin Roberts as just the tenth Honorary Harlem Globetrotter in history. Roberts joins the likes of Henry Kissinger, Nelson Mandela and Pope Francis, who was honored at the Vatican this past May. The Honorary Harlem Globetrotter accolade recognizes an individual of extraordinary character and achievement who has made an everlasting mark on the world. Roberts has provided inspiration for millions, as she has publicly battled life-threating health issues. The Harlem Globetrotters\ are a worldwide icon, synonymous with one-of-a-kind family entertainment and great basketball skills. Throughout their history, the Original Harlem Globetrotters have showcased their iconic talents in 122 countries and territories on six continents, often breaking down cultural and societal barriers while providing fans with their first-ever basketball experience. Proud inductees of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, the Globetrotters have entertained hundreds of millions of fans – among them popes, kings, queens, and presidents – over nine thrilling decades. Sponsored by World Vision, Greyhound Lines and Baden Sports, Harlem Globetrotters International, Inc. is a wholly – owned subsidiary of Herschend Enterprises, the largest family-owned themed entertainment company in the U.S. For the latest news and information about the Harlem Globetrotters, and to purchase tickets and team merchandise, visit the Globetrotters’ official Web site: www. Mutombo was most recently an assistant coach with the Denver Nuggets (2012-15) following a sixyear professional career overseas in Italy, Brazil and Greece. He played 29 games with the NBA D-League Bakersfield Jam (2009-11), averaging 5.5 points and 2.6 rebounds in 22.0 minutes. Mutombo played collegiately for Metropolitan State University, winning NCAA Division II championships in 2000 and 2002. Diggs comes to Austin after spending last season as an assistant coach with the Maine Red Claws. Prior to joining the Red Claws he served as an assistant coach at his alma mater, Long Beach Poly High School. Diggs played one season in the D-League with the Sioux Falls Skyforce (2005-06) after letting four years at the University of California (2000-04), where his career total of 158 steals ranks third all-time behind Jason Kidd (204) and Butch Hays (166). The Austin Spurs season opener is, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. against the Texas Legends at Cedar Park Center. For ticket information, please visit or call (512) 236-8333. Season and group tickets are available now and start at just $8. Austin Spurs announced coaching staff additions Special to La Prensa The Austin Spurs announced that Patrick Mutombo and AJ Diggs have been hired as assistant coaches. Mutombo and Diggs will join head coach Ken McDonald on Austin’s bench. “The additions of Patrick and AJ bring a wealth of NBA and player development experience to our team that will serve our group well moving forward,” said head coach Ken McDonald. “We are fortunate to continue to attract strong candidates to join our coaching staff.” Un grupo de 22 pilotos competirá durante tres días por un puesto en uno de los programas de desarrollo más importantes de la industria del automovilismo, el NASCAR Drive for Diversity (D4D), que se celebrará del 19 al 21 de octubre en el autódromo Langley Speedway (Hampton, Virginia). La 12va edición anual del programa invita a las nuevas promesas del automovilismo de origen étnico diverso, hombres y mujeres de 14 a 26 años de edad, de cualquier parte de América del Norte a mostrar sus habilidades durante tres días para identificar a los nuevos miembros de la Clase NASCAR D4D 2016. “Encontrar y desarrollar a los jóvenes atletas que representan el futuro de la NASCAR es la misión de nuestra organización”, dijo Jim Cassidy, Vicepresidente de Operaciones de Competencia de la NASCAR. “Cada año se eleva el nivel de competidores quienes tienen el potencial y la determinación para triunfar. Nos enorgullece ver a nuestros graduados en las series nacionales y esperamos poder desarrollar más talentos diversos para que se unan a ellos en los años por venir”. En sociedad con Rev Racing, el equipo de competencia propiedad de Max Siegel, el programa D4D ofrece oportunidades en las series NASCAR K&N Pro Series East (NKPSE) y la NASCAR Whelen All-American Series (NWAAS) por una temporada completa, y le ofrece a los pilotos el equipo y el entrenamiento necesario para desarrollar su experiencia dentro de las competencias. “No podríamos estar más emocionados con los pilotos seleccionados para la NASCAR Drive for Diversity Combine en el que elegiremos a los pilotos clase 2016 de Rev Racing”, dijo el CEO Max Siegel. “Tras completar nuestra sexta temporada con victorias múltiples, estamos enfocados en mantener nuestro programa al máximo nivel, al tiempo que nos preparamos para ayudar a estos jóvenes pilotos en avanzar a las series nacionales”. El NASCAR D4D Combine ha demostrado su éxito al identificar estrellas que ya se están desarrollando en el automovilismo de más alto nivel. Collin Cabre, actual miembro del programa D4D, logró la segunda victoria de Rev Racing en la temporada 2015 en la carrera final de la NASCAR K&N Pro Series East en el Dover International Speedway en octubre. Además, Kyle Larson ya brilla El piloto mexicano Rubén García Jr. de 19 años de edad ha sido convocado para competir en la NASCAR Drive for Diversity Combine 2015. (Foto, cortesía) como piloto de la NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, mientras que Darrell Wallace Jr. y Daniel Suárez son los principales candidatos al Premio Sunoco al Novato del Año en la NASCAR XFINITY Series. Los candidatos para este año incluyen a 13 mujeres y Macy Causey, que con 14 años es la participante más joven de la historia. También estarán cuatro pilotos de la NASCAR México Series: Abraham Calderón, Enrique Contreras, Rubén García Jr. y Santiago Tovar. Dylan Smith y Natalie Decker, activos pilotos de la NASCAR Whelen All-American Series, regresarán a defender su puesto en el programa. Los candidatos serán evaluados en sus habilidades de manejo y en diversos ejercicios de agilidad en la Universidad Hampton. Los fanáticos pueden seguir las actividades a través de las cuentas de Twitter @NASCARDiversity y en @RevRacing. Competidores Lista de pilotos invitados al 12vo NASCAR Drive for Diversity Combine: Hannah Adair, 21 años de edad, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jairo Ávila (20 años) Alhambra, California. Kayli Barker (18 años) Las Vegas, Nevada. Nicole Behar (17 años) Otis Orchards, Washington. Abraham Calderón (26 años) Monterrey, México. Macy Causey (14 años) Yorktown, Virginia. Enrique Contreras (22 años) San Antonio, Texas. Madeline Crane (17 años) Meansville, Georgia. Claire Decker (20 años) Eagle River, Wisconsin. Natalie Decker (18 años) Eagle River, Wisconsin. Juan García Jr. (17 años) Bogotá, Colombia. Rubén García Jr. (19 años) Ciudad de México, México Distrito Federal. Ali Kern (22 años) Fremont, Ohio. Enrique Limón (17 años) Ciudad de México, México Distrito Federal. Mariah McGriff (20 años) Vail, Arizona. Becca Monopoli (26 años) Lakeland, Florida. Erika Newcome (20 años) Pickerington, Ohio. Hannah Newhouse (18 años) Twin Falls, Idaho. Vanessa Robinson (25 años) Las Cruces, New Mexico. Dylan Smith (23 años) Concord, North Carolina. Walter Thomas (16 años) Indianapolis, Indiana. Santiago Tovar (22 años) Ciudad de México, México Distrito Federal. Además de los pilotos, el programa NASCAR Drive for Diversity ha sido exitoso en la identificación de miembros de los equipos de pits, quienes eventualmente han encontrado puestos de trabajo dentro del deporte. El programa NASCAR Drive for Diversity Pit Crew Challenge celebrará la última parada de su tour nacional en el Centro de Desarrollo e Investigación de la NASCAR en Concord, North Carolina. Rev Racing (con sede en Concord N.C.) es propiedad del Max Siegel y opera el programa NASCAR Drive for Diversity Program para identificar a pilotos, varones y mujeres de origen diverso y a miembros de los equipos de pits (talleres). Para más información visite Rev Racing en http://revracing. net o sígalo en Twitter en @ RevRacin. La National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. (NASCAR) es el entre sancionador de la serie de automovilismo No. 1 de Estados Unidos. La NASCAR consiste de tres series nacionales (la NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, la NASCAR XFINITY Series y la NASCAR Camping World Truck Series), cuatro series regionales, una serie local de desarrollo y tres series internacional. La International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) gobierna el TUDOR United SportsCar Championship, la principal serie de autos deportivos en Estados Unidos. Con sede en Daytona Beach, Florida, y oficinas en ocho ciudades en América del Norte, la NASCAR sanciona más de 1,200 carreras en 30 estados de la Unión Americana, Canadá, México y Europa. Para más información visita, y sigue a la NASCAR en www.Facebook. com/NASCAR y en Twitter en: @NASCAR. Deportivo Tech y Sandoria en gran final Por Sendero Deportivo La contienda de semifinales en AJ Diggs will join the Austin Spurs bench. Patrick Mutombo, have been hired as Austin Soccer Liga de Los Altos (SLDA), (Courtesy photos) Spurs assistant coach. que preside el señor Juan Padilla, concluyó con el éxito deseado y sorpresivos resultados en los dos espectaculares partidos jugados sobre la grama de la Cancha No. 2 del Levi Strauss Park (ubicado en el 6100 Old Highway 90 West). En el primer partido se alzó con title. round, beating the previous mark la victoria el Deportivo Sandoria, By Chad Peters Gonzalez (Fr. San Miguel, by two strokes. dirigido por Delvin Ramos, que Mexico) shot 3-under-par 139 The performance helped the era el menos favorecido para salir For the second time in three for the tournament, including a Rattlers finish second in the team airoso ante el duro rival Real San weeks, Maria Regina Gonzalez is record-breaking 66 on the final competition, falling one stroke Luis, comandados por su director the Heartland Conference Female day. The final round score was behind West Texas A&M. It was técnico J. Feliciano López, que Golfer of the Week after winning both a course-record as well as the Rattles second top two finish cayó con marcador de 3 a 1 goles. the West Texas A&M Invitational a St. Mary’s record for a single in as many tournaments. En el segundo cotejo semifinalista, el Deportivo Tech, bajo la dirección del mediocampista After St.MU managed to regain tor Luna (Sr. Sealy, Texas) and Gilberto Carranza y Eddie Franco, Special to La Prensa the one goal edge in the second Ignacio Fernandez (Sr. Cordoba, con marcador de 3-2 eliminaron half, TAMIU (4-7- 2-1) refused to Argentina), which were assisted al campeón Real Nacional del enSt. Mary’s dropped their final be denied, tacking on the equal- by Alex Gonzalez (R-Jr. McAltrenador en jefe Enrique Carreto. contest in a three-match road trip izer in the 78th minute and the len, Texas) and Juan Sanchez (Jr. De acuerdo a información proagainst Texas A&M International game winner two minutes later. San Angelo, Texas). porcionada por el presidente Pa3-2 in Laredo. Goals from both Despite being outshot 20-10, ST.MU goalie Tero Elias (Fr. dilla, el trofeo por el tercer lugar teams in the first 17 minutes be- the Rattlers (5-6, 1-2) knocked San Antonio) marked his career este domingo 18 de octubre en la gan the proceedings. in two goals courtesy of Vic- start with a high six saves. St.MU Maria Gonzalez named Heartland Player of the Week TAMIU outdueled Rattlers in Laredo El presidente Juan Padilla, una vez más, estará echando la casa por la ventana este domingo al culminar su gran final premiando los mejores equipos y jugadores individuales. (Foto, Franco) cancha No. 2 en el horario de las 2 p.m. se lo estarán disputando los equipos Real San Luis vs. Real Nacional. Por el campeonato en la cancha 2, a las 4 p.m. se decidirá el nuevo monarca de SLDA, entre los rivales Deportivo Tech y Deportivo Sandoria. “Al concluir la gran final se realizará la premiación y reconocimientos a jugadores individuales y equipos participantes en el torneo de consolación. Con menciones especiales para el campeón y subcampeón”, dijo Padilla. A equipos ya formados o los que estén por organizarse y a sus directivos, por este conducto, el presidente Padilla les hace la atenta invitación para que se registren y puedan participar en la siguiente temporada que tiene de premio donativo económico y trofeos. Interesados llamar al teléfono (210) 426-4305. “El donativo económico se ha incrementado, por igual los trofeos que serán de mayor altura, para así premiar los esfuerzos de los equipos y jugadores individuales que logren obtener el máximo rendimiento en nuestra organización”, dijo Padilla. 18 de octubre de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 3-B Red Sox emparejó serie de playoffs Bravos se coronan campeones del Torneo Dominical Potranco II Por Sendero Deportivo Los Broncos de Reynosa S.A., que llevaban cuatro victorias consecutivas en su serie del playoff contra Red Sox, estuvieron a punto de ganar su segundo partido para eliminarlos ya que en el octavo episodio el lanzador abridor Alfredo Rivas dejó el partido ganado 7 a 5 carreras, siendo sustituido por Gilberto Rodríguez Sr., quien aceptó racimo de siete anotaciones y de paso cargó con la derrota. Por Red Sox se agenció la victoria José Espinoza, quien entró al rescate del abridor derecho Calixto Moreno, quien por su parte tuvo breve descontrol, pero con el bate se discutió conectando imparable productor de una carrera que fue anotada por Manny Sosa, que desempató el partido 8-7. El rally lo comenzó el bateador Mario Ibarra que, por órdenes del timonel Pedro Espinoza, tocó la pelota para avanzar a corredor anclado en la primera base. Rodríguez nada pudo hacer para ponerlo fuera de acción, teniendo que lanzarle a José Espinoza, quien pegó imparable para llenar la casa. Entonces vino el cuarto bate Gonzalo “Chalo” Castro (exjugador de los Tecolotes de Nuevo Laredo) y, aguantando el primer strike, en su segundo intento con el madero al hombro conectó potente elevado al jardín central que rebasó al jardinero Bobby Eliott, llegando a la antesala tras haber puesto la pizarra 9-7. Pablo García con imparable y bases llenas puso la pizarra 127, siendo remolcado por Mario Ibarra para finalmente anotar la carrera número 13 que fue con lo que amarraron la victoria (pizarra final 13-7). El mismo José Espinoza se destacó en la lomita haciendo el out número 27. “Nuestros jugadores se motivaron y explotaron con su tremendo bateo. Red Sox para el tercer partido tendrá la misma alineación”, dijo el manager Espinoza. Por su parte, el manager de Broncos, Tomás Muñoz, exhortó: “Un juego bonito hasta el séptimo episodio. En el octavo decidimos picharle a Castro, su batazo era seguro de atrapar pero nuestro jardinero central cometió costoso error y Red Sox se fue arriba. Creo que Broncos ganarán el tercer partido”. Linda Garza, gerente general de Broncos de Reynosa S.A., dijo que su equipo regresará como en las ligas mayores. Además de seguir jugando disciplinadamente y con buen béisbol. El tercer partido se jugará este sábado 17 de octubre en el horario de las 2 p.m. en el diamante Colt 45 Baseball Field. Por su lado, el equipo Rieleros abandonó la serie contra Colt 45 porque sus directivos no estuvieron de acuerdo con el fallo en contra por una protesta que antepusieron contra su rival del playoff (Colt 45), que dirige Jaime Guerrero y José Montes. De acuerdo a Guerrero, basado en reglamento, la protesta no prosperó por lo que su equipo ganó 10-5 el primero de tres partidos. Rieleros a través de su vocero Johnny López expresaron a La Prensa que por estar en desacuerdo y “enchilados” decidieron no seguir jugando el resto de su serie. Guerrero, recapacitando, dio la oportunidad de continuar la serie de nuevo, pero ello no fue suficiente para convencer al alto mando rielero. Por lo que Colt 45 está en espera del ganador entre Red Sox y Broncos de Reynosa. En resultados de la liga dominical, Bobcats derrotaron 3-2 a Tigers, Colt 45 apaleó 14-1 a Cubs. Este domingo 18 de octubre a las 12 p.m. se miden Westsiders vs. Tigers. A las 3 p.m. Bobcats vs. Colt 45. Por José I. Franco conectar sendos cañonazos por las praderas izquierda y derecha, donde los guardabosques de Bravos –dentro de la maleza que topa con la barda (estadio Coach Arthur Bain) – corrieron el riesgo atrapando ambos batazos para así contener la ofensiva del duro rival que en el cierre del noveno inning fueron dominados por la serpentina de Vaquera. “Puedo decir que nuestros muchachos trabajaron demasiado al lado de los coaches, que los pudieron motivar para jugar a la defensiva y ofensiva. Iván Vaquera es un gran campeón del picheo. Con él se logró eliminar a Piratas y derrotar al invicto Diablos para coronarnos campeón del playoff. La siguiente temporada Bravos alineará con varios re- fuerzos que vendrán de la Liga Instruccional del Norte de Coahuila”, dijo Navarro. “Diablos un digno campeón de temporada. Se logró salir adelante de forma invicta, pero en la serie final ganó el mejor equipo. Se jugó buena calidad de béisbol y ello es lo que cuenta”, dijo el timonel y jugador Ramírez. El coordinador del Torneo Dominical Potranco II, Juan Sánchez, felicitó a ambos equipos, indicando que la premiación se hará con todos los honores en la inauguración del tercer torneo. La temporada fue dedicada en honor de los beisbolistas Jesús Carrera y Jorge Calderón apodado “Shamu”, quienes le han dedicado una vida al rey de los deportes. Los Bravos ganaron la serie del playoff final a Diablos, que resultó campeón de temporada en forma invicta. Bravos con la dirección de su propietario y manager Francisco Navarro y sus coaches Mario Cárdenas (jugador activo) y Juan García (director de pitheo) le volvieron a confiar la lomita de los disparos a su as del picheo Iván Vaquera, quien obtuvo ocho victorias en la temporada regular y dos en los playoffs para que fuera él quien se fajara en la serpentina, donde contó con el respaldo de su receptor Anthony Moreno y demás compañeros que colaboraron en la ofensiva y defensiva. Vaquera logró superar al lanzador rival Max De La Cruz (campeón de picheo), quien por segunda ocasión no tuvo éxito lanzando en la gran final. Bravos contó con el gran apoyo del campo corto José Espinoza, quien en relevos a Vaquera en el primer partido de la final se agenció el triunfo en relevo. Los Diablos, dirigidos por Jesús Ramírez, tuvieron oportunidades de remontar la pizarra de 10- a 7 carreras. En el octavo episodio con las bases llenas fueron dominados por Vaquera, Juan García y Francisco Navarro felicitaron a su lanzador Iván Calixto “Cali” Moreno, lanzador de Red Sox, es posible que abra que obligó a sus bateadores a Vaquera. (Foto, Sendero Deportivo) contra Broncos de Reynosa S.A. en el tercer partido del playoff en Colt 45 Baseball Independent Baseball League. (Fotos, Franco) Con su bateo, Kelly Skeens, cuarto bateador en el orden de los Broncos de Reynosa S.A., es la esperanza de su equipo para ganar Los hermanos Iván Vaquera su pase a la final del playoff en categoría veteranos. (Bravos) y Jonathan Vaquera (Diablos) se felicitaron con emotivo abrazo. Iván Vaquera, el héroe de la serie final Bravos vs. Diablos, fue felicitado por sus compañeros y directivos, que celebraron la primera conquista de un banderín en el béisbol independiente de San Antonio. Gonzalo “Chalo” Castro, cuarto bateador de los Red Sox, conectó elevado a la pradera central, el cual dejó pasar el jardinero Bobby Eliott, ayudando a su equipo en rally de ocho carreras. Indios vs. High Sox en el clásico El estadio Capitol Park, sede de la liga dominical categoría abierta Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League, se encuentra listo para darle la bienvenida al esperado partido que será el clásico entre los potentes equipos de los Indios de Nava, dirigidos por Juan “Pachín” Martínez y su coach Rudy Barrientez, que tendrán un gran rival ante los High Sox, que dirige el jugador César Juárez en sustitución del Marine Eddy Rodríguez, quien pasó a ser vicepresidente de Tex-Mex IBL por invitación del presidente y fundador Gilbert Rodríguez (sin parentesco). Su cita está pactada para las 12 p.m. En otros partidos, a las 9 a.m. jugarán Woodpeckers vs. SwaggerJackers y a las 3 p.m. irán Marlins vs. Juggernauts, tocándole descanso al campeón Tecolotes. En resultados de la segunda fecha, los Tecolotes se impusieron 6 carreras por 4 ante el debutante Woodpeckers, con picheo y victoria para el relevista Tyler Cales, que entró en el séptimo episodio con la pizarra en contra 4-3 carreras. Alfredo (Freddy) Rodríguez no se ha podido acoplar con su bateo, por lo que tendrá que seguir trabajando en su estilo de batear para colaborar en los partidos que restan de su equipo Indios de Nava. (Foto, Franco) Tecolotes hicieron rally en el octavo capítulo en el que el zurdo James Santillán pegó extra base productor de tres anotaciones, dándoles el empate y la victoria a la vez. High Sox ganó sin jugar ya que su rival Juggernauts no llegó a la cita. Indios de Nava aplastaron al debutante rival SwaggerJackers, que a pesar de perder, sus jugadores hicieron varias espectaculares atrapadas. Bravos de Francisco Navarro se coronó campeón del playoff en el Torneo Dominical Potranco II, derrotando 10-7 carreras al invicto Diablos (campeón de temporada). En la próxima temporada, Bravos en la defensa de su título se reforzará con beisbolistas del circuito Liga Instruccional del Norte de Coahuila. 4-B La Prensa de San Antonio 18 de octubre de 2015 Archbishop prays emergency responders’ work ‘be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice’ “Adiós a ese dinero” Todays Catholic Por Carlos Rey Law enforcement personnel, public safety officers, emergency responders and firefighters were recently thanked for their dedicated service to the community at the 19th annual Blue Mass. The liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSPS, and 10 priest concelebrants at San Fernando Cathedral on Sept. 29. Honor Guard participants and departmental flag representatives led the procession at the beginning of the liturgy as the faithful, who filled the cathedral sanctuary to capacity, listening to a bagpipe rendition of “Amazing Grace.” In his homily, the archbishop quoted from Pope Francis address to the United Nations just the previous week, “The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic.” During that pastoral visit, Archbishop Gustavo explained, the Holy Father constantly reminded everyone of their God-given mission to respect and protect the life and dignity of all his people. The archbishop then noted it was providential that the faithful should gather on the feast of God’s holy archangels. “They protect us from all that would threaten our life,” said Archbishop Gustavo. “Each of us, regardless of our status, our past, our present way of life; each of us is loved and protected by God through his angels.” The San Antonio prelate emphasized that the Blue Mass was a time to celebrate protectors of the common good; protectors of the life and dignity of God’s people. “To all of the police, law enforcement officers, and first responders, I say ‘thank you.’ On this the feast day of your patrons, the archangels, I say ‘thank you,’” he said. “You have sworn to protect and serve. I ask you to take this moment and reflect on what kind of protector you are committed to being.” Archbishop Gustavo stressed that those who have been given the public trust must constantly recall the purpose of that trust. He again cited Pope Francis in his recent comments, “all are called to foster and protect every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic.” The archbishop asked, “In your En este mensaje tratamos el siguiente caso de una mujer que “descargó su conciencia” de manera anónima en nuestro sitio, autorizándonos a que la citáramos: “El esposo de mi amiga le pidió dinero prestado a mi esposo, argumentando que en cuanto le fuera posible se lo pagaría. Han transcurrido algunos meses y, en reuniones donde todos asistimos, el esposo de mi amiga... nunca le ha dado razón del préstamo. Un día mi esposo le envió un mensaje preguntándole al respecto, a lo cual respondió que le daba mucha pena pero no le era posible pagarle (por ahora) porque tenía gastos. Han seguido pasando los meses, y no ha tenido ni siquiera la atención de darle una explicación a mi esposo. Yo pienso que mi amiga no tiene conocimiento de dicho préstamo, pero sí me he dado cuenta de que en actividades sociales que representan un gasto siempre participan, lo cual me hace pensar que sí tienen la posibili- The law enforcement personnel was celebrated at the San Fernando Cathedral on Sept. 29. (Courtesy photo) work in serving the common good, where can you be more attentive? In what ways can you serve even more faithfully than you already have? Who is in most need of your protection? Who may still be left on the fringes?” He replied, “These are difficult questions that require us to look honestly at ourselves. We have no cause to fear these questions. We have the confidence of those who trust in the Lord.” While we have been called to serve the common good, each in our own way, we know our true protector is God himself, Archbishop Gustavo explained. “He has already won the victory over darkness and death. In him, light conquers the darkness. In the light of the Lord, may we look once more at where we stand in the mission we have been given.” The archbishop concluded by praying, “May Our Lady, Queen of the Angels, guide you with her prayers and her example. May your patrons, the great Archangels of God, always come to your aid and to the aid of those you serve. Together, may we trust in the Lord. In the sight of the angels, may we sing the praises of the Lord.” dad de pagar. Quisiera que me aconseje qué tan conveniente es que yo le pregunte directamente a mi amiga a fin de saber si tienen la intención de pagar, o si tenemos que decirle adiós a ese dinero”. Este es el consejo que le dio mi esposa: “Estimada amiga: “... Las mujeres tienen la tendencia y la reputación de interferir en los conflictos de sus esposos y de sus hijos. Eso puede empeorar en vez de mejorar muchas situaciones. El préstamo fue entre su esposo y el esposo de su amiga. ¡No interfiera! Le rogamos que no le diga nada a su amiga acerca del préstamo. Si su esposo decide que ella debe saberlo, entonces él puede decírselo estando usted presente. Es muy arriesgado prestarle dinero a alguien. Recomendamos que nunca haga un préstamo de cantidad alguna de dinero, a no ser que esté secretamente dispuesta a obsequiarlo. Si ese dinero le hace falta, entonces jamás se lo preste a nadie. Su esposo estaba tratando de ser amable con el esposo de su amiga, y la amabilidad es siempre buena. Sin embargo, no es necesariamente amable prestar dinero. El sabio Salomón dijo: “Los deudores son esclavos de sus acreedores”. El dar un préstamo hace que el deudor se convierta en un esclavo porque lo obliga a trabajar para pagar la deuda. Si por cualquier razón no puede pagarla, evitará volver a encontrarse con el prestamista. Entonces, si no tiene esperanzas de poder saldarla, de ahí en adelante no tendrá nada que ver con él. Muchas amistades se han deshecho como resultado de deudas pendientes. El prestarle dinero a un familiar o a un amigo puede acarrear mucho conflicto entre los involucrados.... Hasta los gastos más insignificantes pueden llegar a ser motivo de análisis o discusión en el seno de la familia del prestamista, y a veces aún los amigos y los parientes de éste se ven envueltos en el conflicto. De modo que sí. Dígale adiós a ese dinero que prestó su esposo. Pero considérelo el precio de haber aprendido una buena lección para el futuro”. “Dame entendimiento para seguir tus preceptos, pues quiero meditar en tus maravillas” Salmo 119:27 CHURCH DIRECTORY EL SENDERO ASSEMBLY OF GOD 5400 Daughty @ Evers Just inside Loop 410, 680-0111 Raúl C. García, Pastor 8:30 A.M. Spanish Service 11:00 A.M. English Service Sunday Evening Worship 5:00 P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:00 P.M. Bible Centered Preaching Active Youth and Children’s Programs Spanish & English Services LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA 508 Paseo de la Villita (210) 226-3596 Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. Cleo Edmunds, Pastor San Fernando Cathedral Daily Masses: 6:15 am and 12:05 pm Saturday Masses: 8:00 am Sabatina Espanol 5:30 pm Bilingual (Mariache Choir Mass) Sunday Masses: 6:00 am (Spanish); 8:00 am (Spanish Televised); 10:00 am (English); 12:00 noon (Spanish); 2:00 pm (English); 5:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions: Mon-Fri 11:45am-Noon and Sat. 4pm-5pm 115 Main Plaza Downtown • 227-1297 18 de octubre de 2015 La Prensa de San Antonio 5-B Mayor and City Council support National Alamo master plan agreement gets Cyber Security Awareness Month the green light from City Council Special to La Prensa Mayor Ivy R. Taylor recognized October as Cyber Security Awareness Month in San Antonio. (Courtesy photo) Special to La Prensa Mayor Ivy R. Taylor recognized October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month. With a delegation representing the local cybersecurity industry in attendance on Thursday, Mayor Taylor read a proclamation and highlighted the importance of cybersecurity as well as its impact on the local economy. In partnership with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), Mayor Taylor and City Council members showed their support of promoting cyber security. “San Antonio has the second largest cluster of cybersecurity assets in the country. We use computers and the internet every day, to make business more efficient, to manage information and to communicate,” said Mayor Taylor. “We recognize the ease and power in that, but we also understand that cyber threats could impact our security and privacy. San Antonio’s leadership in this field is important for our nation’s safety and also has a significant impact on our economy.” John Dickson, principal of The Denim Group and a founder of CyberSecurity San Antonio – an industry-driven program to accelerate the growth of the cybersecurity sector – said, “We have a shared responsibility to our community to continue to foster, incentivize and support the growth of an industry that contributes to national security and intelligence and employs more than 10,000 people in San Antonio.” “Our Shared Responsibility” is the theme of this year’s cybersecurity campaign. The campaign was implemented by several private companies, nonprofit and government organizations, and academic institutions who want to help citizens understand cyber threats, empower them to be safer and more secure while online and improve security. To learn more about the Stop. Think. Connect. Campaign and to get involved, visit: www.dhs. gov/stopthinkconnect, or One San Antonio Diverse, internationally connected and globally competitive, San Antonio has a vibrant culture and economy and is consistently ranked among the fastest-growing cities in the United States. America’s seventh-largest city offers opportunities in industries ranging from bioscience, financial services, aerospace, cybersecurity, energy and transportation manufacturing to healthcare. We are “Military City USA,” home to crucial military commands supported by a patriotic citizenry. We welcome 31 million visitors annually who inject $13.4 billion annually into our economy, and UNESCO recently designated the city’s Spanish colonial missions as a World Heritage Site. Celebrating its 300th anniversary in 2018, San Antonio is a city with a storied past and an even brighter future. For more information, visit IWHS athletic director raises funds for breast cancer prevention Special to La Prensa In an effort to raise awareness for breast cancer, this fall Incarnate Word High School (IWHS) Athletic Director, Coach April Fricke is embarking on an historic ride for a good cause. For the second year in a row, Fricke will be riding her bike along the same route the first three Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word traveled from Freeport to San Antonio in 1869, approximately 250 miles. She will leave Freeport on Saturday, Oct. 17 arriving in San Antonio, at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 20 Incarnate Word High School, 727 East Hildebrand Avenue. This is the second year Fricke has undertaken this journey and with support from the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and the Friends of CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Foundation, Fricke hopes to raise $8,000 in a combined effort with the IWHS athletic department. “Our IWHS student athletes worked hard this year raising money for breast cancer prevention. This ride is my way of showing support for them and their efforts while recognizing the mission of the first sisters who came to San Antonio to care for the sick,” said Fricke. The Friends of CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Foundation is an active partner in the mission to bring life-saving screening mammograms to underserved women in our communities who may not otherwise have access to these services. The CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Mobile Mammography Unit (MMU) goes out into Bexar county and 13 surrounding counties, servicing more than 30 communities to provide breast health awareness for women who might not otherwise get these services due to financial constraints or transportation issues. Over 1,000 of the screenings provided each year are unfunded, and must be covered by funds raised through donations and grants. The CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Mobile Mammography Unit will be on site at IWHS to do mammograms that morning, Oct.20, between 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Call 210-704-4100 to schedule your appointment today. Fricke is accepting pledges per mile as well as donations to reach her goal. Net proceeds from the ride will be donated to the Friends of CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Foundation for their mobile mammography unit. To make a pledge or a donation, please contact Coach Fricke at or go to www. and designate Other: “Sisters Trail.” San Antonio City Council members have unanimously approved a plan to join with the Texas General Land Office and enter into a cooperative agreement with the Alamo Endowment to fund and oversee the development of a joint master plan for the Alamo complex and Alamo historic district. As a result of the affirmative vote, the GLO and Alamo Endowment will manage a master planning process in coordination with the city. San Antonio has already approved spending $17 million to fund the redevelopment project. The state will contribute $31 million and the Alamo Endowment could raise hundreds of millions of additional dollars for the historic initiative, which could bring dramatic change to one of Texas’ most visited areas. San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor said council’s approval of the master plan agreement will free up stakeholders to work to “create something exceptional” in the Alamo City. Taylor and Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush will serve on A new initiative could bring dramatic changes to the Alamo experience (Courtesy photo) the executive committee for the tage Sites by the United Nations master plan project, and provide Educational, Scientific and Culmanagement oversight. They will tural Organization, or UNESCO. be advised by the Alamo Man- The Alamo Endowment’s Gene agement Committee, which will Powell said that coveted designainclude two representatives each tion has created a need to expand from the city, GLO and Alamo the scope of the master plan projEndowment. ect beyond the Alamo complex. John Clamp, executive direcThe GLO has the Woolworth, tor of the San Antonio Hotel & Crockett and Palace buildings unLodging Association, said, “The der contract to purchase. Two of future seems very bright for the structures are on Alamo Plaza Alamo Plaza. San Antonio will Street and face the Texas shrine. benefit from a concerted effort The third building is nearby on by all stakeholders to provide East Houston Street. our city and state with a premium Clamp says the pending real esAlamo experience.” tate deals are a clear signal, “that This summer, the Alamo and real change is coming and the four other San Antonio missions state is willing and prepared to were designated as World Heri- help fund those improvements.” Uber returns to San Antonio Special to La Prensa District 1 is pleased to announce an operating agreement has been signed by Uber and the City of San Antonio allowing Uber’s return to the Alamo City. This announcement culminates months of negotiations between Uber, the Office of the City Manager, San Antonio Police Department, members of TechBloc and Councilman Roberto C. Treviño. Councilman Treviño welcomes Uber back to San Antonio and looks forward to its resumption of service. As San Antonio continues to grow, a variety of transportation options are important to ensure residents and visitors both have safe and flexible public and private means of getting around the city. TNCs, such as Uber, also help diminish the occurrence of drunk driving in our community. Councilman Treviño appreciates the hard work and effort of The Uber app connects residents with a reliable ride, from low-cost to premium, in minutes. Payment is automatic through the app and fares are usually cheaper than a taxi. (Courtesy photo) all parties with whom he worked during the negotiation process. “As a City By Design, San Antonio must continue to evolve and adapt to new technologies, while ensuring public safety and civic responsibility,” Councilman Treviño said. Mayor Ivy R. Taylor is also excited to welcome Uber back to the Alamo City and is certain the ride sharing service will help tackle an issue facing all major cities – transportation for residents. “We are excited to partner with Uber to provide more options to all San Antonioans,” said Mayor Taylor. “This operating agreement provides consumer choice when it comes to personal safety and allows for innovative transportation options to move around San Antonio.” Uber had been operating in San Antonio until April when a City ordinance changed the requirements for drivers. The new agreement with Uber takes effect immediately, so residents can begin using the on-demand service today. Pet of the week This loving Labrador Retriever mix is Anisha. She is a 6 year old gal who is full of energy. One of her favorite things to do involves going on daily walks and we’re happy to say that she does very well on a leash. Anisha has the cutest floppy ears, pretty brown eyes, and a soft salt and pepper coat. And get ready because one look at her smile and you will melt. Anisha is a lovebug, so if it is affection you are looking for, look no further, you have found it with Anisha. Visit her at the SAHS today! Please remember to spay/neuter your pets to help ensure every dog and cat born has a home waiting for them. San Antonio Humane Society, Connecting Friends for Life. Adoption fees for Dogs: 25 pounds and under - $99 26 pounds and over - $65 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit, or call (210) 226-7461. 6-B EMPLOYMENT: Need a baker specializing in Mexican bread & cookies. Good working environment. Please call (210) 226-2979 or apply in person at 2200 W. Martin. (10/28/15) ---------------------¿Cansado de tu economía? Empresa busca 3 personas que quieran ingresos extra. Llame (210) 2641340. (10/25/15) HG Roofing Repair. Google me. Missing shingles, leak repair 350 n up, 17 years experience (210) 396-0922. (10/21/15) ---------------------Hiring experience line cook, tortillera and wait staff for Mexican restaurant on Potranco Rd. (210)386-5516 (10/18/15) ---------------------Hiring bilingual paralegal for a law firm, Mr. Monterey (956) 421-3900. (10/25/15) ---------------------Hiring for sweet & sour treats, part time help, Mr. Monterey 1604 near UTSA (956) 200-7928. (10/25/15) ---------------------Drivers: CO & O\ Op’s: Earn great money Running Dedicated! Great Home time and Benefits. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855-582-2265. (10/14/15) ---------------------Se solicita hombre joven para trabajar viernes, sábado y domingo con transporte. Info (210) 918-0219. (10/18/15) ---------------------Part time Handy man/ ware house position. Bilingual, must have driver’s license. Call (210) 694-2340 (10/28/15) ---------------------Drivers: CDL-A O/ Op’s. Earn great money. Round trip Dedicated Lanes Auburn Hills to Laredo. Great Miles. Home Weekly (855) 9718526 (10/18/15) ---------------------¿Estás cansado de vivir cheque a cheque? Busco personas que quieran ganar $100.00 extra por semana, llamar a Betty (210) 478-1724. (10/25/15) HOMES: COMPRO CASAS: We pay cash for houses, fast, any area and any condition, 25 years experience. Privacy assured! Call John (210) 414-4210. (12/30/15) RENT: $99 Move in Special apply today, move in today, 1010 N Frio St. (210)222-2992. (10/28/15) ---------------------Rento cuartos cuando utilidades incluidas $400.00 al mes. Ubicados por el 410 y Marbach. (210) 4307270. (10/21/15) ---------------------Sell or Rent 4 bedroom home, 2 baths, needs cleaning. If rent $700.00 a month deposit $700.00. Needs volunteer to clean yard. Have flea market items to sell cheap (210) 685-1699 (10/21/15) ---------------------Se renta cuarto amueblado para una persona con biles incluidos. (210) 449-0544. (10/25/15) La Prensa de San Antonio REPARAMOS TRANSMISIÓN AUTOMÁTICAS, MECÁNICA GENERAL, DIAGNÓSTICOS, ELECTRÓNICOS, TUNEUPS, WATER PUMP Y RADIADORES PRECIOS RAZONABLES (210) 7219978. (10/25/15) ---------------------Reparación de lavadoras, secadoras y refrigeradores estimado gratis, trabajo rápido a domicilio, garantizado también los compro y vendo (210) 324-9821. (10/25/15) ---------------------Cuido ancianos y niños, 24/7 o lunesviernes. También limpio casas (210) 762-2419. (10/21/15) SALE/VENTAS/ Bandera RV LOT, small down and only $145 mo, owner financing available (830) 328-1571. (10/28/15) ---------------------LAND REPO Water & Sewer & electric installed, BANDERA, HILL COUNTRY. Please call (830) 328-1571. (10/28/15) ---------------------Vendo lavadoras capacidad grande $125.00, secadora capacidad grande $95.00, refrigerador de 2 puertas $125.00. Todo en excelente condiciones y garantizado. Puedo entregar a domicilio. Hablar a (210) 3249821. (10/25/15) SERVICIOS: $7.50 SERVICIO A DOMICILIO, REFRIGERADORAS, LAVADORAS, SECADORAS Y ESTUFAS. UN AÑO GARANTÍA. LLAME A (210) 291-5431. (10/25/15) ---------------------Pintura, plomería, cercas de madera, alambre, textura, shower reparación, sheetrock, carpintería, pongo puertas y ventanas reparación. Habla con Jesús Villa. Llame a (210) 797-6677. (10/18/15) ---------------------Reparamos desde $49 lavadoras, secadoras, refrigeradoras, estufas, A/C’s. Todas marcas, garantizado. Llame a (210) 6059418 o (210) 4890604 o (210) 4880779. (10/18/15) Miraculous Prayer Dear Heart of jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days and promise publication and your favour will be granted no matter how imposible E.C.B. S.D. J.B.F. this very second Don’t wait another day, Grant me what I ask for I know your power I know you because of your work I know you can help me. Do this for me and I will spread Your name with love and honor so that it will be invoked again and again. Expedite the wish with speed, love, honor and goodness. Glory to you, Saint Expedite. P.A. El Espíritu Santo Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será creado. Y renuevas la faz de la tierra. Oremos. Oh Dios, que ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con la luz del Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar. Thank You-M.M.C La sombra de El Espíritu Santo Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía, Señor, tu Espíritu y todo será creado. Y renuevas la faz de la tierra. Oremos. Oh Dios, que ha enseñado a los corazones de los fieles con la luz del Espíritu Santo, concédenos el don del mismo Espíritu seamos siempre siempre del bien y gozar de su Prayer to the Saconsuelo. Por Cristo cred Heart of Jesus nuestro Señor. Amen. O most holy heart of M.M.C. Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore Para los casos más you, I love you, and difíciles with lively sorrow Ante ti vengo con la fe for my sins I offer de mi alma, a buscar you this poor heart tu sagrado consuelo of mine. Make me en mi difícil situación, humble, patient, pure no me desampares and wholly obedient de las puertas que se to your will. Grant, me deben de abrir Good Jesus, that I en mi camino, sea may live in you and tu Brazo Poderoso for you. Protect me in el que las abra para the midst of danger. darme la tranquilidad Comfort me in my que ansío (tres petiafflictions. Give me ciones difíciles). Súhealth of body, assis- plica que te hace un tance in my temporal corazón afligido por needs, your blessing los duros golpes del on all that I do, and cruel destino que lo the grace of a holy han vencido siempre death. Amen. en la lucha humana, M.E.F ya que sin tu poder Saint Expedite Prayer of Urgent Needs in Thanksgiving for a Quick Recovery Saint Expedite you lay in rest I come to you and ask that this wish be granted (Request) Saint Expedite now what I ask of you Saint Expedite now what I want of you, divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias dulce Jesús (rezar quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho. Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día. V.H. Novena Los tres ángeles Novena Los tres ángeles Protectores: San Gabriel, San Miguel, y San Rafael. Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con agua y azúcar y haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día. San Miguel Arcángel, San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la perversidad y acechanzas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, humildemente te lo pedimos. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. M.M.C Novena To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. I.S. M.E.F Mística, Madre de Jesús y también Madre nuestra! Tú eres nuestra esperanza, nuestra fortaleza y nuestro consuelo. Danos desde el cielo tu maternal bendición en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, Amén. Rosa Mística, Inmaculada Virgen, Madre de la gracia, en honor de tu Divino Hijo, nos postramos ante Ti, para implorar la misericordia de Dios. No por nuestros méritos, sino por la bondad de tu corazón maternal, pedimos ayuda y gracias, con la seguridad de ser escuchados. (Rezar un Avemaría) Rosa Mística, Madre de Jesús, Reina del Santo Rosario y Madre de la Iglesia, Cuerpo Místico de Jesucristo. Te pedimos para el mundo destrozado por las discordias, el don de la unión, de la paz y de todas las gracias que pueden convertir los corazones de tantos hijos tuyos. (Avemaría) Rosa Mística, Madre de los apóstoles, haz florecer alrededor de los altares eucarísticos, numerosas vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas, que con la santidad de su vida y el celo ardiente por las almas, puedan extender el Reino de tu Hijo Jesús por todo el mundo. Derrama, Oh Madre sobre nosotros tus dones celestiales. Salve, Oh Rosa Mística, Madre de la iglesia, ruega por nosotros. M.M.G. San Pedro ¡Oh! Felicísimo apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo príncipe de los discípulos del redentor, primer vicario de Jesucristo en su Iglesia Católica, confesor de sus dos naturalezas, divina y humana, sencillo pescador a quien dio el Salvador el distinguido título de piedra fundamental de su templo militante; por esas prerrogativas concedidas a tus excelentes virtudes y, especialmente a la de tu Santísima Sombra, pues con ella se libra el que con devoción implora tu amparo a tu sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra se auxilia al que sorprende el malhechor, tu sombra refrigera al afligido, al Oración a María enfermo y a cuantos te Rosa Mística piden favor. O h M a r í a , R o s a ¡Oh! Sombra prodigi- 18 de octubre de 2015 osa por cuya intercesión obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables prodigios, permíteme, Pedro Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de sus culpas, para que arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas de la gracia y a tu sombra no pierdan el derecho que tienen a la gloria. Amén. por aquella esperanza firme con que venciste todas las dificultades que se oponían a tu santificación, por aquella caridad pura y ardiente que te movió en todo los momentos de la vida, yo te suplico con humilde confianza que intercedas ante Dios y me obtengas su favor en lo que te pido (hágase la petición) y esperanza firme y Oración a Santa caridad ardiente para Clara de Asís con Dios y el prójimo. Gloriosa Santa Clara Padre nuestro, Avede Asís, por aquella maría y Gloria. fe inquebrantable que M.C.G. te hizo servirte de las cosas terrenas bus- Prayer to the Infant cando las del cielo, of Atocha You are the powerful Savious of all people, protector of the invalid and almighty doctor of the infirm. Holy Infant, we honor you. Here you say three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory be to God. To remember this day I pray to you to answer my requests. Holy Infant of Atocha I ask you with all my heart to help me. Please be with me in thought and spirit when I find my peace and that you will be with me in the Heavens of Bethlehem. Amén OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS Sealed bids for furnishing all the labor and materials and doing all work in connection with the FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass-Through Finance Project will be received by the Bexar County Purchasing Department, 1103 S. Frio, Purchasing Suite, San Antonio, Texas, 78207, until exactly 10:00 a.m., local time on Friday, November 13, 2015, at which time all bids received will be opened and read aloud. Time is of the essence. Bids received after the exact time and date set for submission above will be returned unopened. Online bidding is also available through FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass-Through Finance Project IFB 2016-002 Bid Proposal Request Forms, Plan Sheets, and Specifications for the Project may be downloaded free of charge or the option to purchase hard copies ($.90 per page for plans and $.10 per page for specifications and bid forms) at www. Click on “FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass Through Finance”. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. in the Purchasing Department, Multi-Purpose Room - 18, 1103 S. Frio, Purchasing Suite, San Antonio, Texas, 78207. Bidders should use unit pricing. Bid, payment, and performance bonds are required. For additional information, contact Mary Salas, Bexar County Interim Purchasing Agent at 210 3352212 or Please submit all bid questions for the FM 1957 (Potranco Road) Pass-Through Finance Project by Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 4:00 PM through in the Q&A portal or to the Interim Purchasing Agent, Mary Salas, ( After all questions have been answered, an addendum will be issued on CivCast. You will be notified of this addendum automatically through email. 18 de octubre de 2015 San Judas Tadeo ¡San Judas Tadeo!, pariente de Jesucristo, glorioso apóstol y mártir reconocido por tus virtudes y milagros. Fiel y puntual intercesor de todos los que te honran y confían en ti. Tú eres poderoso protector y auxilio en las grandes aflicciones. Te ruego, desde lo más profundo de mi corazón, que vengas en mi ayuda con tu poderosa intercesión, pues has recibido de Dios el privilegio de socorrer con tu ayuda a aquellos que casi carecen de toda esperanza. Vela por mí. Mi vida es una vida de cruces, mis días son días de tribulación y mi corazón es un océano de amargura. Mi alma está envuelta en las tinieblas. El desasosiego, el desánimo, la desconfianza, y a veces, aún la falta de esperanza, agobian mi alma. La Divina Providencia parece perderse de mi vista y la fe parece fallar en mi corazón. Abrumado por estos pensamientos, pido tu ayuda. No me abandones en esta triste situación. Apresúrate en mi ayu- da. Te lo agradeceré toda mi vida y te honraré como mi especial patrono. Agradeceré a Dios todos los dones que te ha otorgado y fomentaré tu culto cuanto me sea posible. Amén. D.M.G. Divino Niño Niño amable de mi vida, consuelo de los cristianos, la gracia que necesito, pongo en tus benditas manos, Padre Nuestro... Tú sabes mis pesares, pues todo te lo confío, dad la paz a los turbados y alivio al corazón mío, Dios te La Prensa de San Antonio 7-B Clasificados salve María... Y aunque tu amor no merezco, no recurriré a ti en vano, pues eres el Hijo de Dios y auxilio de los cristianos, Gloria al Padre… Acuérdate ¡Oh Niño Santo! que jamás se oyó decir que alguno te haya implorado sin tu auxilio recibir. Por eso con fe y confianza, humilde y arrepentido, lleno de amor y esperanza este favor yo te pido. Pedir la gracia que se desea y decir siete veces. Divino Niño Jesús, bendícenos. ELECCIONES DE BONOS, ESPECIAL CONJUNTA, CONSTITUCIONAL, DE ENMIENDA, GENERAL Y ESPECIAL NOVIEMBRE 3, 2015 EL HORARIO DE VOTACIÓN ANTICIPADA SERÁ: Lunes 19 a viernes 23 de octubre......................................................................................8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sábado 24 de octubre 2015...........................................................................................10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Domingo 25 de octubre 2015.................................................................................12:00 mediodía – 6:00 p.m. Lunes 26 al miércoles 28 de octubre..............................................................................8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Jueves 29 al viernes 30 de octubre.................................................................................8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Octubre 19, 2015 – Octubre 30, 2015 ANUNCIO DE ELECCIÓN CONDADO DE BEXAR Noviembre 3, 2015 La leyenda: ******* Indica las fechas abiertas para votación anticipada ESTADO DE TEXAS Principales lugares para votación anticipada: CONDADO DE BEXAR A TODOS LOS VOTANTES ADMITIDOS Y REGISTRADOS DEL CONDADO DE BEXAR, TEXAS: Tomar nota que el condado de Bexar llevará a cabo una Elección de Enmienda Constitucional, una Especial para Llenar el puesto para Representante Estatal 118 y una Elección Conjunta, General y de Bonos con San Antonio River Authority, la ciudad de Converse, ciudad de Helotes, el pueblo de Hollywood Park, la ciudad de Schertz, la ciudad de Von Ormy, la ciudad de Windcrest, Distrito de Servicios Públicos Especiales de Green Valley, North East ISD, y el ISD de las ciudades de Schertz-Cibolo-Universal el martes 3 de noviembre de 2015. El condado de Bexar realizará una elección para aprobar o rechazar las Enmiendas Constitucionales las presentadas por la Legislatura 84, Sesión Regular, del estado de Texas, y separadamente publicadas por el Secretario de Estado. El condado de Bexar también llevará a cabo una Elección Especial para llenar el puesto para el 118 (Rep. Est.). San Antonio River Authority llevará a cabo una Elección General para elegir el Director del Precinto 3 para el condado de Bexar. La ciudad de Converse llevará a cabo una Elección General para Alcalde y Puestos 1,3 y 5 y una Elección de Bonos. La ciudad de Helotes llevará a cabo una Elección Especial. El Pueblo de Hollywood Park llevará a cabo una Elección de Bonos. La ciudad de Schertz llevará a cabo Elección General para elegir 3 miembros del Concilio, una Elección Chárter y una Elección de Bonos. La ciudad de Von Ormy llevará a cabo dos elecciones especiales. La ciudad de Windcrest llevará a cabo una Elección General para Alcalde y Plazas 4 y 5 una Elección Chárter. El Distrito de Servicios Públicos Especiales de Green Valley llevará a cabo una Elección General para elegir dos directores. El Distrito Escolar Independiente (ISD) del North East llevará a cabo una Elección de Bonos. El Distrito Escolar Independiente (ISD) de las ciudades de Schertz-Cibolo-Universal llevará a cabo una Elección General para elegir 3 Administradores y una Elección del Resto del Mandato por un Administrador. Los lugares de votación para emitir el voto el día de elecciones del martes 3 de noviembre de 2015 de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. serán los mismos a los usados por el condado de Bexar, como se publicaron el 1 de noviembre de 2015. El voto anticipado por asistencia personal también será realizado en los lugares, fechas y horas tal como se indica en el apartado adjunto. Solicitudes para votar por correo puede ser solicitadas a la Administradora de Elecciones del Condado de Bexar, Jacquelyn F. Callanen al 335-(VOTE) 8683 o por correo a la dirección que aparece abajo: *DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECCIONES CONDADO DE BEXAR ................……………………………………………………………..................................................1103 S. Frio *DEAFLINK disponible para personas con necesidades auditivas Además de los lugares principales de votación anticipada, la votación anticipada será llevada a cabo en los siguientes lugares: *****BEXAR COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER.................................................................................300 Dolorosa BLOSSOM ATHLETIC CENTER…………………………….................………….12002 Jones Maltsberger BROOKHOLLOW LIBRARY…………………………………………….............………….530 Heimer Road CASTLE HILLS CITY HALL………………………………………….………................209 Lemonwood Dr. CLAUDE BLACK CENTER...............................................................................................2805 East Commerce CODY LIBRARY................................................................................................................11441 Vance Jackson CONVERSE CITY HALL…………………………….…………..………………...................405 S. Seguin Rd COPERNICUS COMMUNITY CENTER………………………………….…………................5003 Lord Rd. EAST CENTRAL ISD ADMIN BUILDING..................................................6634 New Sulphur Springs Road ENCINO BRANCH LIBRARY…………………………………….………….…..............2515 East Evans Rd FAIR OAKS RANCH CITY HALL…………………………………………..….................7286 Dietz Elkhorn GREAT NORTHWEST LIBRARY……………………………………….……….....................9050 Wellwood HELOTES CITY HALL………………………………………………………….................12951 Bandera Rd. HENRY A. GUERRA, JR. LIBRARY.....................................….….…….….................7978 W Military Drive JOHN IGO LIBRARY………….................................................................................13330 Kyle Seale Parkway JOHNSTON LIBRARY....................................................................................................6307 Sun Valley Drive JULIA YATES SEMMES LIBRARY @ Comanche Lookout Park..................................15060 Judson Road LAS PALMAS LIBRARY....................................................................................................515 Castroville Road LEON VALLEY LIBRARY………………………….………….………………………............6425 Evers Rd LION’S FIELD...............................................................................................................................2809 Broadway MAURY MAVERICK, JR. LIBRARY....................................................................................8700 Mystic Park MCCRELESS LIBRARY……………..………………….………………...….……..................1023 Ada Street MEMORIAL LIBRARY……………………………………………………….…….…….............3222 Culebra MISSION LIBRARY………………...….....................…………...…………………...……3134 Roosevelt Ave. NORTHSIDE ACTIVITY CENTER……………………………………...........................................7001 Culebra OLMO PARK CITY HALL……………………..............……………………….………..……..120 El Prado W PARMAN LIBRARY@Stone Oak……………………................………………….…. 20735 Wilderness Oak PRECINCT 1 SATELLITE OFFICE…………………………...........………...………... 3505 Pleasanton Rd. SHAVANO PARK CITY HALL…..……………………………………................………… 900 Saddletree Ct SOMERSET HIGH SCHOOL...........................................................................7650 South 1604 West, Somerset SOUTH PARK MALL………………………………………………………….……............2310 S.W. Military TOBIN LIBRARY @OAKWELL…………………………………………....................4134 Harry Wurzbach UNIVERSAL CITY – CITY HALL............................................................................2150 Universal City Blvd. WINDCREST TAKAS PARK CIVIC CENTER……………..………….…....……..............9310 Jim Seal Dr. WONDERLAND MALL OF THE AMERICAS @ CROSSROADS …….…................4522 Fredericksburg Jacquelyn F. Callanen Administradora de Elecciones del Condado de Bexar 1103 S. Frio, Ste. 100 San Antonio, TX 78207 ***** Votaciones anticipadas NO serán llevadas a cabo ni sábado ni domingo o después de las 6:00 p.m. durante la semana. Las solicitudes de votación por correo deben ser recibidas no más tarde de las 5:00 p.m. del viernes 23 de octubre de 2015. Para más información contacte la oficina de la Administradora de Elecciones del Condado de Bexar, Jacquelyn F. Callanen, al (210) 335-VOTE (8683). Sujeto a cambio. ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Hola. Soy blanca, ojos color miel, cabello largo de color oro, estatura regular, peso regular. Tengo 59 años. Soy retirada de enfermera. Busco un caballero que tenga 75 a 80 años, que le guste ir a la iglesia, que no tenga vicios y que le guste viajar. Que tenga rancho a orillas de San Antonio. Yo soy alegre, me gusta mucho la música clásica, antiguas canciones. Soy viuda. Sola. Hablo poco inglés. D-239 ----------------------------Soy una mujer divorciada. Trabajo en escuela con estudiantes. Ando buscando un hombre de 46 a 60 años, sincero, trabajador y que le guste viajar. Soy una persona luchadora. Si quieres escríbeme. D-240 ----------------------------Hola, tengo 48 años, soy blanca, pelo y ojos cafés, pelo corto, estatura mediana. Soy divorciada sin compromisos. Ando buscando un caballero de 50 a 60 años que sea cristiano, que no tenga vicios, trabajador, para conocernos como amistad. Me gusta salir a los parques, viajar, salir juntos. Si no es cristiano, que sea una buena persona, que sea nacido aquí en San Antonio. Hablarme o escribirme, por favor. D-241 ----------------------------Hello, I am single 57 year old female that is asking for a believing Christian gentleman to have a friendly relationship. I am 5’2 height, 125 lbs. Salt & Pepper hair color, shoulder length. Light skin tone. Please, be honest when answering back. The man I like is to be between 5’7-5’11 tall, 180200 lbs. Salt & Pepper hair color, nonsmoker or drinker, medium built. I know there is someone out there that also wants to have a new friendship with someone. God bless and hope to hear from you. Please be ages 55-60. D-242 ----------------------------Hola, soy mujer de 46 años y me gustaría conocer a un hombre que sea detallista que crea en Dios, que le guste vivir una vida sana sin problemas familiares ni económicos, que sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso, cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o viudo, que quiera una relación sana y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero nací en México. Me gusta leer, viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa, me gusta caminar. Me gustaría que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré esperando tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu foto y número de teléfono. Te espero con mucho amor. D-243 ----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto, cuerpo normal, un poco blanco, trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta divertirme sanamente, vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que viven en mi país. Busco una mujer seria, trabajadora, noble y con deseos de amar y ser amada. Interesada mandar su número para empezar a conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras. Te espero. C-244 ----------------------------Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de buen carácter, de mente moral y espiritual de EUA, en busca de una damita que sea seria, de carácter humilde, hogareña, sin vicios, que sea de estatura y peso regular. Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas familiares, que sea honesta. Para una amistad seria, no importa origen ni estado migratorio. Con fines matrimoniales. C-245 ----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un gran caballero que sea fiel, amable, detallista, romántico, trabajador, sin problemas económicos ni familiares. Soy divorciada. Me gusta una vida sana, no tomo, no fumo, no tengo vicios, me considero que soy muy romántica y quiero una relación seria para fines serios y estable. Quiero que nos conozcamos y si se llega a un compromiso está bien. Espero tu llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo una hija y un hijo grandes, viven aparte. D-247 ----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso, cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de buen carácter, humilde de corazón, estabilidad económica, que sea muy romántico. Me considero ser una dama romántica, fiel, soy divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero una relación estable para fines serios, sin problemas familiares. Hay que conocernos y te aseguro no te arrepentirás. Espero tu llamada, dirección y foto. Te espero con mucho amor. D-248 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero. Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos azules y calvo. Me gustan los libros, música, películas y ejercicio. He aprendido español. Estoy buscando una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60 años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses similares. C-249 ----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’. Peso 195. Tengo 62 años, soy viuda y busco un amigo con quien compartir un buen rato. Soy hogareña, me gusta la cocina, me gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy alegre. Si hay alguien de 62 a 68 años que quiera ser amigo o algo más, estoy libre y en Texas. Llámame. D-246 8-B La Prensa de San Antonio 1130 am diferente a todas... Igual a ti Oficina: 210-270-8914 Cabina: 210-270-7500 Anúnciate con nosotros y haz crecer tu negocio Llegando a casi todo el sur de texas Austin, San Antonio, Seguin, San Marcos, Uvalde, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Victoria, Kenedy, Del Río, Corpus Christi 11 de octubre de 2015 18 de octubre de 2015 Celebran 6th Annual Car Show en El Mercado Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez El esperado evento para admirar autos modificados al estilo de California atrajo a cientos de espectadores al 6th Annual Car Show en El Mercado. Los aficionados disfrutaron de un día de fiesta y los expositores se reunieron, como cada año, para cambiar impresiones y compartir su afición, acompañados de su familia y fieles seguidores. Varias organizaciones tomaron parte en el evento patrocinado por Department for Culture and Creative Development de la ciudad de San Antonio; entre ellos Push Rods Car Club, Wild Drags y California Customs. 2-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 18 de octubre de 2015 Este domingo aficionados de los Spurs romperán con el ayuno basquetbolero porque la franquicia Silver & Black estará jugando su cuarto partido de pretemporada en el renovado AT&T Center, en donde será anfitriona del partido Spurs vs. Pistons de Detroit (3 p.m.). Además jugará dos partidos más. El primero será el martes 20 contra Suns de Phoenix (7:30 p.m.) y el segundo el viernes 23 contra su rival de la autopista No. 10, los Rockets de Houston (7:30 p.m.). En las fotos aparece Jordan Howenstine, coordinador de baloncesto del departamento de comunicaciones del club pentacampeón de la NBA, cuyo departamento es dirigido por Tom James (Spurs Director of Basketball Communications), y Kris Davis (Spurs Basketball Communications Manager). Howenstine, durante el Media Day, coordinó las presentaciones ante los medios del estelar guardia francés Tony Parker y el alero LaMarcus Aldridge. La Prensa de San Antonio una vez más agradece al departamento que dirige Mr. James por facilitar acreditaciones al reportero Kristian Jaime y al fotógrafo (reportero) José Franco, quienes estarán cubriendo la fuente durante la temporada 2015-16 de la NBA. (Fotos, Franco) En solemne ceremonia celebrada en el estadio Colt 45 Baseball Field, la enamorada pareja Jaime Guerrero y Mary Olvera unieron sus destinos en lo que fue una boda estilo béisbol. Ambos contrayentes vistieron casacas con el No. 5 (número que porta en su uniforme el señor Guerrero, propietario del club Colt 45). La ceremonia civil fue oficiada por William Sanders (Senior Pastor The Ministry of San Antonio) quien, en el home plate del mencionado estadio, impartió la tradicional lectura y deseo parabienes a los nuevos esposos. El señor Guerrero se hizo acompañar por su abuelo Jaime M. Guerrero, su papá Manuel Limón, su hijo Quest, sus hijas Bethany y Rainn, acompañadas por sus prometidos Byron Warren y Bryson Warren respectivamente, así como de su compadre Roy Contreras, jugadores de su equipo y amistades. La ahora señora Guerrero recibió felicitaciones de sus hermanas, Jo Ann Corbin, Delores Alcorta, Michelle Rosales, familiares y amistades. El señor Guerrero es gerente general de San Antonio Colt 45 Baseball League y su esposa presta sus servicios profesionales en WellMed Willie Cortez Senior Center District 4. “Estamos felices por todas los buenos deseos que recibimos de nuestras familias e invitados. La fiesta estilo béisbol fue planeada porque a los dos nos gusta este hermoso deporte”, dijo la señora Guerrero. En la emotiva ceremonia, el afortunado y feliz contrayente imponiendo el anillo matrimonial a su Los esposos Guerrero acompañados de familiares y amistades que les desearon dicha y felicidad. bella novia. Familiares, amistades y beisbolistas con los bates levantados hicieron valla dándoles sus respectivos El señor Jaime Guerrero, en el centro del estadio, posó acompañado por su corte de honor, entre ellos familiares, amigos y jugadores de su equipo “Pistoleros” de Colt 45. saludos a los esposos Guerrero. Los esposos Guerrero sellaron su compromiso matrimonial con Los dichosos contrayentes posaron frente a su pastel de boda, Manuel y Beatrice Cisneros (dueños de Colt 45 B.F.) felicitaron apasionado beso. a los esposos Guerrero. diseñado estilo béisbol. e ¡Vacúnat Hoy! NO SITA E SE N CREEVIA* CITA P ibilidad la dispon *Sujeto a izador un m in l de ©2015 HEB, 15-5931 18 de octubre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-C Dance Arts San Antonio en Farmer’s Market Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez La academia Dance Arts San Antonio fue la invitada especial para la celebración del primer sábado del mes en Farmer’s Market. Sus directivos invitan al público a inscribirse en las clases de danza de diversos géneros. Loretta McAtee, activa “lulaquer”, promoviendo inscripciones Rupert Pacheco, uno de los locutores más famosos de música para LULAC, organización nacional que lucha por las minorías. texana (con base en Houston), visitó San Antonio para transmitir En los lugares públicos como en la Plaza de El Álamo y otros en vivo su habitual programa desde los estudios de grabación céntricos lugares, los artistas independientes dan sabor al fin de Velázquez. semana en San Antonio. Aspecto de la Feria de la Salud el domingo anterior en la Plaza de Armas y en la explanada de la Catedral, donde los asistentes obtuvieron información de servicios médicos para toda la familia. Sandy muy activa en reciente presentación. Ahora se encuentra preparando su agenda para conciertos de fin de año. Selfie con la familia para el recuerdo. La vacuna es la mejor manera de protegerte y a tus seres queridos de la gripe. ©2015 HEB, 15-5931 Danza Vida presentó a la más pequeña de sus bailarinas. Danza Vida es una academia de danza abierta para niñas y jóvenes. •LosfarmacéuticosdeH-E-Bsonvacunadorescertificados •Nosenecesitarecetaparamayoresde7añosdeedad •Lamayoríadelosplanesdesegurosmédicosprincipalessonaceptados •Seaceptancuentasdegastosflexibles •GRATIS paraMedicarePartB 4-C LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 18 de octubre de 2015 Fratello’s Italian Market & Deli has more to love By Christina Acosta Price Range: $$ Family members are an important facet of a dinner table. Many come together to not only eat, but also to come in full circle to bond with one another. As you step inside Fratello’s Italian Market and Deli, one will see the photographs of families in past generations and feel keep they are in their own living room. Once the menu is at their fingertips, traditional Italian dishes that are on paper were once cooked by grandmothers who wanted her family to eat authentic Italian food. La Prensa sat down with Fratel- lo’s managing investors Marilyn and Tony Magaro as well as General Manager Louis Lecocke to discuss the importance of family, traditions, and even popular items on the menu. The concept of bringing all recipes into one place was to keep the Italian traditions alive. “We try to capture the old world Italian when somebody was cooking on Sunday, which was our big family meal. That is our goal: our essence to have somebody cooking a home cooked meal on Sunday but we want to cook it all week long,” explained Lecocke. In order to continue traditional family recipes on a daily basis, restaurant owners Dan Martinelli and Robert Corbo decided it was time to open their kitchen to the San Antonio community. The inspiration behind the restaurant came when both men wanted to add a market and deli to provide their customers with open options. “There are two great places that we tried to that both men tried to pattern themselves from. One was a deli where you can get cold cuts, cheese, pasta, wine, and you can sit down and eat a sandwich. The second was an old restaurant and an ice house called Little Mike’s Icehouse on Zarzamora [street],” Lecocke went on to further discuss, “So they [Corbo and Martinelli] tried to marry those two concepts…now there is a deli, with a few products you can buy off the shelf, then we molded it into a restaurant with Italian comfort food.” After their opening in August of 2013, it did not take long for customers to notice the restaurant’s authenticity. Nowadays, the Magaros and Lecocke discuss that customers have become almost like family. They enjoy their customers so much that they do not want any strangers to come in. Every day, the restaurant brings in all people by offering a lunch specials; however, keep in mind to choose the right day wisely. “Every Tuesday we have an Italian hamburger, which is exceptional…Thursday many people will get in line for the Italian steak sandwich. Some even call in advance and reserve it to make sure we do not run out,” explained Mr. Magaro. Although there are many options to choose from during the weekdays, the restaurant staff exaggerates that one of the best Italian dishes to eat is found on the weekend. The Carne Stuvata is not only a plate you do not usually see at an Italian restaurant, it is also one that involves ribs. “The spaghetti is cooked the way southern Italians cook their spaghetti sauce. We start with our spaghetti stock, tomato paste, and fresh tomatoes with water to start a boil. Then we take pork ribs and we slice them individually. Then we pan fry them in olive oil… We take those ribs out and it comes off the bone and has a rich flavor,” explained Mr. Magaro. Adding history, tradition, and End your meal with a delicious caffeinated tiramisu that will prevent you from getting a food coma. (Photo, Kristian Jaime) unofficial family members allows the restaurant to constantly grow in the city. Creating that success builds them a brighter future to not only celebrate their triumphs, but to also give back to the community. “I think we would like to continue to make people happy and grow more. We continue to want people to come in here and feel like they are a part of the family, we would like to continue to grow in the catering business, and we would also like to continue to give back to the community,” Mrs. Magaro further explained, “We were born, raised, and educated in San Antonio. This place is special. Those are some of the special things we can do as we continue to be successful.” If you would like to stop into, please visit Fratello’s Italian Deli Market located at 2503 Broadway St. call (210) 444-0277 or visit for more information about the menu as well as catering options. The price range for the Italian dishes is fairly reasonable, especially if you are bring several guests around the table. As Mrs. Magaro puts it, the restaurant provides customers with, “Family, good friends, and great food.” Carne Stuvata features slow cooked ribs on a bed of pasta and homemade red sauce. (Photo, Kristian Jaime) ` 18 de octubre de 2015 Brad Kane revisits magical carpet for re-release of ‘Aladdin’ By Christina Acosta The memories of watching Disney movies at home are coming back for those who grew up with the classics on screen— on Blu-ray. To help us relive those childhood memories, Brad Kane, the singing voice of “Aladdin,” discussed his behind the scenes experience with La Prensa. Before Disney came calling for his voice, Cane began his singing career with inspiration from his mother. “She was a singer at a famous New York night club in the early 60s called the Copacabana and I think it was in my blood from an early age,” discussed Kane about his early days on stage. “In grammar school, I would get up on desks to sing and perform … I was auditioning at Broadway shows, I got my first one at eight from there I went on from show to show.” Kane continued singing growing up and became a professional singer. He worked very hard until “Aladdin” casted him as the singing voice. Thrilled to be cast, Kane was excited for the new adventure ahead of him. At that point, all Kane needed was a little magic from the other side of the booth from Lea Salonga, the singing voice of “Jasmine.” Kane explains that he could not have asked for a better Jasmine to interact and sing along with during production. “Because Jasmine and Aladdin are so close in that moment in the movie, you want to be able to see that person that you’re playing off of,” Kane said. “If you want to sing a line in a certain way, you want to cast their emotion in the next line. So I think that it is critical, that we were in the booth together and singing to each other and that is what makes the song special.” After a while, the recording Relive your Disney memories with ‘Aladdin’ on Blu-Ray out now. (Photo, A Year in Disney Movies) process for the movie became effortless until the singer realized there was an orchestra around him. When it was time to record, Kane felt terrified and pressure, but also amplified to make the process successful. “Recording songs in that booth and having to record live with a 70 piece orchestra who were right outside from the booth I was singing in, it was both thrilling and terrifying,” added Kane. “When you hear those opening notes come in and they are right there it really makes you step up your game. This is real and you really have to do something special here on the microphone.” After the movie hit theatres in 1992, it went on to worldwide success. Academy Awards and golden globes for best original song, “A Whole New World” soon followed as the world started to recognize a classic hit for the family. As years went by, Kane still could not believe that the movie has become one of the best movies Disney has ever distributed. The memories he carried after the movie helped him understand the hard work he did before Aladdin led to great accomplishments. “I did not know it was going to be as iconic as it became. I did not know I was going to enter the golden age of Disney classics… you know I think that I was in the dark about that even though I knew it was a beautiful song. I knew it was special and that the magic carpet ride should really be imaged,” discussed Kane. Kane further added that the song, “A Whole New World,” could now be heard not only in plays and on the television screen, but also at weddings. “I did not know it was going to become a wedding song and that it was going to become a song where people have their first dance as couple and spending the rest of their lives together, but I’m very grateful that it did and that I was a part of that,” Kane said. As for the generations who did not have the chance to be present during the movie’s popularity, the DVD could help them understand what was before their time. Kane would like to inform the new generation that this new discovery for them will be just as magical as a Pixar movie. “I think ‘Aladdin’ is timeless,” Kane said. “I think you know a song like a whole new world with Disney magic, music, animation, with Robin Williams bringing into life that magical change in the performance for the ages, I think that new audiences and generations will be discovering this movie forever, you know it’s just completely magical.” If you would like to relive those memories or would like to introduce someone to the magic ‘Aladdin’ carries, you could find the DVD at any store that sells electronics. ‘Aladdin’ on Blu-Ray is out now. Fiesta San Antonio Commission unveils official 2016 Fiesta poster Special to La Prensa The Fiesta San Antonio Commission is getting ready to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Fiesta by unveiling the official 2016 Fiesta poster. Of submissions from 57 San Antonio area artists to the Fiesta San Antonio Commission’s annual poster contest, one design by one artist is selected as the official art of Fiesta 2016. Local artist and art teacher, Resa Groff Wohlrabe’s (ree-sagroff wool-rah-bee) design was unveiled on Oct. 15 before a gathering of some 500 members of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission at the Tobin Center. The official 2016 Fiesta poster and poster merchandise (T-shirt, limited edition medal and more) are available for sale online (www. and at The Fiesta Store beginning at 10 a.m. The Fiesta Store is located at 2611 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78215 and hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The 2016 poster commemorates the 125th anniversary of Fiesta. Groff Wohlrabe says her art was inspired by the colorful movement of Fiesta. “Knowing that 2016 would be a special year for the 125th anniversary, I surrounded myself with items that I had gathered from past Fiesta events,” Groff Wohlrabe said. “I was engulfed in colors! As vivid, visual elements inspire most of my fine art, they certainly did for the poster as well. I love that everything is so bright and colorful during Fiesta. Color makes everyone happy while they celebrate together,” she added. The fluid movement of the folkloric dresses with colorful patterns; the combination of medals against sashes; the ribbons, flowers and fun creativity of custom hats; and the glistening crowns of royalty—all began to manifest themselves on the canvas as she painted. The result is a combination of everything that makes up the occasion. Resa Groff Wohlrabe wanted to pursue art as a career at an early age and chose to follow her passion with a bachelor of fine arts in ceramics from Texas Tech University, and a master of fine arts in painting from Florida State University. She traveled to study art in Florence, Italy, which fueled her ambition to begin traveling the world drawing many inspirations for her future works of art. As an ambitious artist, she uses her continuously changing surroundings to inspire her art, which can vary from detailed portraiture to introspective, abstract paintings. In Colorado, she started a recycled bicycle jewelry line of her where she has made an awardwinning name for herself in the art community and also worked with SolVia Modern Arts Center while teaching creativity classes. A fifth-generation Texan, Resa moved back to her native San Antonio in 2013, where she has worked with Pinot’s Palette as a painting instructor, The Academy at Morgan’s Wonderland as an art teacher, performs as a live painter at venues around the city-frequently at Travis Park and enjoys getting the community involved in art and assisting them in discovering their own creativity. For more information, visit Fiesta 2016 takes place April 14-24! Viva Local artist and art teacher, Resa Groff Wohlrabe’s colorful design was unveiled on Oct. 15. Fiesta! (Courtesy photo) 2-D LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Luminaria 2015 is almost here! Special to La Prensa San Antonio’s annual nighttime festival of visual, performing and multi-media arts will take place on Oct. 23 and Oct. 24, from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Luminaria 2015 footprint includes Maverick Park, several blocks of Jones Street that will be closed to traffic, and the entire campus of the San Antonio Museum of Art. The event will feature artists from all genres and disciplines: dancers, actors, poets, playwrights, filmmakers, musicians, muralists, composers, performance artists, painters, sculptors, animators, and experimental multimedia artists. The best part is that the nighttime festival is free and open to the public. Luminaria is a rain or shine celebration. All humans are welcome, but pets should stay at home this year. Luminaria is bike-friendly. The Luminaria dress code encourages colorful costumes, funny hats, decorated bikes, and big smiles. Luminaria loves an audience. Two brilliant nights Since 2008, Luminaria has dazzled audiences with the diversity of arts in San Antonio. The festival is a shining citywithin-a-city, with theatrical and dance performances, light installations and live music, and lots of surprises. It’s a real-time, in-person laboratory of immersive experiences, unusual collaborations and innovative ideas. It’s a once-a-year opportunity for San Antonio artists to make challenging new work, get in touch with artists from other genres, other cities, and other cultures, and to showcase our city as an extraordinary place to live, work, play and create. Luminaria 2015 marks its first year with full-time Executive Director Kathy Armstrong, former director of exhibitions of the Southwest School of Art. An artistic committee of San Antonio artists across disciplines have worked together to select original projects from an open call process, as well as commissioning new contemporary work from local and visiting artists of all genres. This year’s roster of partici- pating artists include the local and the global, the emerging and the legendary, the traditional and the cutting edge, all working to create an unforgettable and profound encounter with the creative force inside all of us. Two brilliant international artists Two acclaimed visiting artists, Siyon Jin and Woonhak Chung, come from our sister city of Gwangju, Korea. Our two cities have shared a rich history of cultural, educational and civic exchange since the relationship began in 1981. Gwangju, like San Antonio, is regarded as a vibrant center of arts and culture, and is also known as the “City of Light,” partially for its luminous devotion to the use of LED lighting in its prolific arts scene. The manipulation of light in both of these artists’ work makes a compelling connection between Gwangju’s City of Light and San Antonio’s Luminaria. Siyon Jin and Woonhak Chung are being hosted by the city’s Department for Culture and Creative Development, as part of San Antonio’s sister city cultural engagement program. Mr.Jin’s spectacular light and video installation will animate the iconic façade of the San Antonio Museum of Art, while Chung’s colorful light sculptures of Buddha will greet festival-goers at the center of Maverick Park at the corner of Broadway and Jones. The San Antonio Museum of Art One of Luminaria’s event partners and on-site art locations, The San Antonio Museum of Art, will offer extended hours on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to midnight. While general admission fees will apply to the galleries of the San Antonio Museum of Art, they will waive the additional special exhibition fee for their exciting current exhibition, 28 Chinese. Special daytime ticketed events In addition to the two-night festival, Luminaria is proud to offer several ticketed daytime events. Please visit to purchase tickets and reserve your seats. Luncheons There will be luncheons available on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for $39. Enjoy a gourmet box lunch from Saveur 209 with fellow art lovers and a Luminaria participating artist. Learn firsthand about their work and creative process in an intimate setting. Tickets are limited to 10 people per luncheon. Attendees can choose from the following participating artists: Chrysta Bell, performing and recording artist; Margarita Cabrera, Visual Artist; Ari Gold, film artist; Guillermo Gómez Peña, performance artist; Sam Lerma, film artist or Erik Sanden, performing and recording artist. Panel discussion The panel discussion “Art & Identity: How San Antonio Shaped its Artists” will take place on Oct. 24 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the St. Anthony Hotel and the price to attend is $9. Join us for a lively discussion, moderated by Chris Davila, exploring the influence of Latino culture and the role of identity in the contemporary arts. Panelists include artists Mari Hernandez, Virginia Grise, Rafa Esparza, Marisela Barrera and guest Estuardo Rodriguez from the Friends of the American Latino Museum. The Friends of the National Museum of the American Latino, Inc., strives to create a museum in our nation’s capital to educate, inspire and encourage respect and understanding of the richness and diversity of the American Latino experience within the U.S by highlighting the contributions made by Latino leaders, pioneers and communities to the American way of life. Find out more about Luminaria 2015 Want to know more about the participating Luminaria 2015 artists, including who they are, where they’re from, when they’re performing, and where you can find them? Want to find out more about special ticketed daytime workshops, nightlife events, parking, transportation, and how to get the most out of the festival? Would you like to become a Luminaria participating artist, sponsor, or volunteer? Check out our website Extraditan a Larry Hernández a Carolina del Sur por secuestro y agresión EFE - El cantante mexicano Larry Hernández ha sido extraditado desde California a Carolina del Sur, donde deberá responder de los cargos de secuestro y agresión, según informaron fuentes judiciales. Hernández fue trasladado el miércoles por el Departamento del Alguacil del Condado de San Bernardino, California, después de que el pasado 30 de septiembre el cantante compareciera en una corte de la ciudad, en donde firmó su extradición El artista, de 38 años, está acusado de haber participado en el secuestro y agresión a uno de los organizadores de un espectáculo realizado el 16 de agosto en California, en el que, por baja asistencia, Hernández no recibió la cifra acordada previamente de 30,000 dólares sino solo 14,000. Según alega el promotor del espectáculo, en su demanda Larry Hernández recientemente finalizó la cuarta temporada de su reality show “Larrymanía”. (Foto, cortesía) contra Hernández presentada en Newberry, en Carolina del Sur, el cantante y otros dos acompañantes lo secuestraron y golpearon, aunque el agredido pudo llamar a la policía. El cantante fue detenido el pasado 25 de septiembre por las autoridades en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles-Ontario antes de abordar un vuelo hacia Aurora, en Colorado. Hernández protagoniza el “reality” show “Larrymanía” que se transmite por la cadena de televisión NBC Universo y que el pasado día 20 concluyó su cuarta temporada. 18 de octubre de 2015 Julianne Moore reúne a decenas de celebridades en favor del control de armas EFE - La actriz Julianne Moore, respaldada por decenas de nombres de la industria del entretenimiento, anunció la puesta en marcha de una iniciativa para impulsar el control de las armas en Estados Unidos. Con la creación del grupo “Everytown Creative Council”, Moore pretende mostrar el compromiso de la industria del entretenimiento contra la violencia de las armas y dar más voz a este movimiento en todo el país. Por ahora, se han unido a esta plataforma unas 80 personas de la industria cinematográfica y del espectáculo, entre ellas figuras muy conocidas como las actrices Jennifer Lawrence, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirsten Dunst y Meg Ryan o los actores Alec Baldwin, Kevin Bacon, Mark Ruffalo, Michael J. Fox y Jeff Bridges. También figuran en la lista cineastas como JJ Abrams, Spike Lee y Sofia Coppola y artistas de otras disciplinas como Yoko Ono o el cantante Michael Stipe, líder de la banda R.E.M. “Recorrí mi agenda en orden alfabético. Eso fue todo lo que La actriz estadounidense Julianne Moore. (EFE/Archivo) hice”, explicó a la revista People comunicación y el poder de la Moore, que se declaró entusias- cultura para unir a muchos más mada con la respuesta obtenida. estadounidenses en el moviLa plataforma defiende una miento de prevención de la serie de medidas para reducir violencia de las armas”, señala el número de muertes violentas “Everytown Creative Council”. El grupo se enmarca en la en Estados Unidos, entre ellas la imposición de controles de plataforma “Everytown for Gun antecedentes para la venta de Safety”, un movimiento formado armas y de un almacenamiento en el año 2006 para tratar de más seguro de las armas que ya abordar el problema de las armas en Estados Unidos y liderado, hay en millones de hogares. “Creemos que la comunidad entre otros, por el exalcalde de creativa tiene la oportunidad Nueva York Michael Bloomde usar nuestras habilidades de berg. Meryl Streep to head jury at Berlin film fest EFE - U.S. actress Meryl Streep, winner of three Oscars, will chair the jury of the 66th Berlin International Film Festival to be held from Feb. 11 - 21 2016, organizers said on Wednesday. “Meryl Streep is one of the most creative and multifaceted film artists,” said the director of the Berlinale, Dieter Kossklich in a statement to show his satisfaction that the actress, who received in 2012 an honorary Golden Bear for her lifetime achievement, will return to the German capital to chair the jury. “It is a thrill to return to the festival under any circumstances, but it is with great relish and anticipation I look forward to jury duty. “The responsibility is somewhat daunting, as I have never been president of anything before,” says the acclaimed actress, who hopes to come up to the precedent set by the distinguished juries of preceding years. In 2003, Meryl Streep shared a Silver Bear at the Berlin Film U.S. actress Meryl Streep arrives at the premiere of “Suffragette” during the London Film Festival, UK, last Oct. 7. (EFE / Will Oliver) Festival with Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman for “The Hours”. Meryl Streep has appeared in over forty films and has received numerous awards and distinctions. Nominated 19 times for an Oscar, Streep won an Oscar three times, besides having won eight Golden Globes. The American actress’ career took off in the seventies with her role in “Kramer vs. Kramer” directed by Robert Benton in 1979, earned her the first Oscar. She won her second Oscar for “Sophie’s Choice” (1982), directed by Alan Pakula, while her last Oscar was awarded for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in “The Iron Lady” (2011), directed by Phyllida Lloyd. 18 de octubre de 2015 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-D ‘Crimson Peak’ delivers an ‘Goosebumps’ is a night of underwhelming gothic tale the living dummies By Christina Acosta By Kyle Spishock Once a movie goer has seen what is out in theatres, they come across a scary trailer encouraging them to see the movie. Sometimes, the trailer fails to deliver what the audience should expect. Guillermo Del Toro, who has also directed, “Pan’s Labyrinth,” and “Pacific Rim,” failed to provide the audience with a suspenseful plot, but allowed other elements to develop to keep the light from dimming. Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) is an ambitious writer of horror could not achieve her dreams because she was a young woman living in the 1900s. She is urged to write love stories instead, crushing her with rejection from publications. However, she could survive comfortably with the help of her doting father, Carter Cushing (Jim Beaver) whom loved and protected her from the bad the world carries. Then one day as she was working, Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), comes in for a job interview with her father and is impressed with her writing. Unfortunately, Sharpe did not get the job, but Edith fell in love with him. One night, as Edith was going to sleep, the ghost of her mother appeared and warned her to stay away from him. Edith did not think anything of it as the couple goes on several outings along with his sister Lucille (Jessica Chastain) who gives Edith the cold shoulder. This scenario does not seem right to Mr. Cushing and he orders Thomas and Lucille to go back to England and stay away from her daughter and paid them a large amount of money to leave. Lucille is happy about the amount received but Thomas does not Throughout the early 90’s, R.L. Stein’s ‘Goosebumps’ series lined the cobwebbed bookshelves of children’s sinister nightmares as a ghoulish invitation for the uninitiated reader – it’s decrepit corridors of haunts possessing kids to read. The film adaptation of “Goosebumps” – made over 13 years following the publication of the first volume – is like adults now revisiting and reading the books aloud to their offspring, stupefied that the scary stories of their youths are now tame in their presentation of ghoulish twists. The movie is for kids, but does little to appease the nostalgia of their parents, who will grow impatient with the pandering pacing of the movie. ‘Goosebumps’ follows Zach (Dylan Minnette) and his mom Gale (Amy Ryan, criminally underused) as they relocate to Madison, Edith (Mia Wasikowska) adds too much light in the darkness. (Photo by Images) want to leave Edith without a fight. Thomas’ wish comes true as tragedy struck in Edith’s household allowing her to get married and move to England with the Sharpe’s. As she sets foot in England at their mansion, things begin to feel abnormal for Edith. She begins to see red, bloody ghosts and begins to communicate with them. In the night, she begins to have bad dreams that do not allow her to sleep and she even coughs up blood. Over time, Edith grows ill with the tea Lucille makes for her. As she explores the creepy house a little more, things start to unfold right in front of her about who Thomas and Lucille truly are. Once she figures out the truth, Edith must escape what she has gotten herself into before it is too late. Before watching the movie, you are expected to see a movie filled with blood, gore, and little jumping out of your seats. However, “Crimson Peak” failed to deliver a well-planned out plot for the full movie to run smoothly. There was a scene in the movie that went from Lucille and Thomas receiving money from Mr. Cushing to automatically knowing why they want Edith as a target. If there are scenes that continue to predict the ending, you might as well watch half of the movie. You also expect intense scenes, such as when Edith would see the Delaware – eagerly for a change of scenery after the passing of Zach’s father. The family lives next door to R.L. Stine (Jack Black), the agoraphobic and Stephen King’s loathing neighbor, who barricades himself and his daughter Hannah (Odeya Rush) within their house. When Zach is convinced Stine is abusing his daughter Hannah after witnessing a domestic disturbance in their upstairs window, he breaks in with his buddy Champ (Ryan Lee), where they discover a library of locked Goosebumps books. After unintentionally unlocking a book, the monsters of the Goosebumps stories come to life and terrorize the small-town. In explanation of the paranormal phenomenon, Stine confesses to being ailed by terrible allergies throughout his childhood that prohibited him from being outside. Preoccupied with his own thoughts, he created monsters that literally leapt off the page with a magical Smith-Corona typewriter. In order to save Madison, the monsters must be trapped inside a book that Stine writes, imprisoning the ghouls permanently in their literary tombs – or tomes. Standing in their way is Slappy (voiced by Black), a ventriloquist dummy with a flair for one-liners, each becoming more groans inducing with subsequent deliveries. Instead of choosing one storyline, or multiple to adapt from the source material, the creators opted to cram every ‘Goosebumps’ spook within the margins of the movie’s thin script; Stine and the kids are pursued by zombies, werewolves, and even bloodthirsty garden gnomes. ‘Goosebumps’ scares the audience stupid – for all the wrong reasons – and begins to plod along like one of R.L. Stine’s lesser offerings in his series, an entry bored children would likely return to the shelf after skimming the first few pages of the book. The scariest part of the experience happened prior to my screening, when a young girl abruptly lost her lunch in front of the theater – a putrid foreshadowing of my feelings while watching this convoluted Halloween offering. ghost in Crimson Peak to not muffle what they are communicating until Edith speaks out. The little messages the audience needed to know would allow the audience to move along with the storyline slowly. Even though the plot needed a little more work to be done, the settings of the movie allowed Del Toro to used Gothic elements as the climax of the story began. As Edith arrived at the house on Crimson Peak, you will see a gothic styled mansion filled with darkness on the inside. The pieces of the film are a reminder of how Mary’s Shelley’s, “Frankenstein” was told from paper to film. Del Toro did bring out those elements possibly to give an ode to the author especially in one scene where a lady was making fun of Edith’s writing comparing her to Jane Austen. However, Edith said she preferred to be compared to, “Mary Shelley, talented and widowed.” If the movie was inspired by the author, Del Toro mastered half of the movie correctly. Ultimately, ”Crimson Peak” was only halfway great when presenting the trailer as well as providing the appropriate costumes, settings, and darkness the movie would like to portray. Del Toro, however, should have spent a little more time to develop the plot and make scenes a Jack Black stars as the iconic adolescent horror author R.L. Stine in the screen adaptation of the little more frightening. “Goosebumps.” (Courtesy photo) Ratings: Instant Classic Good Excellent Okay Awful DiCaprio buys rights to film about Volkswagen scandal EFE - Leonardo DiCaprio purchased the rights to a yetto-be-written book about the Volkswagen emissions scandal with an eye toward producing a film about the firm’s attempt to deceive regulators, U.S. media outlets reported Tuesday. The production company Appian Way, which DiCaprio owns, and Paramount Pictures acquired the rights to the publishing project by New York Times journalist Jack Ewing about the business philosophy behind the scandal involving diesel emissions by vehicles of the German automaker. In early September, U.S. regulators revealed that VW for years had used software that hid the true emissions put out by its diesel engines. VW, which became the largest auto manufacturer in the first half of this year, acknowledged that it had used a computer system over the past seven years to show lesser emissions during testing of its diesel engines in its biggest markets. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio. (EFE) The firm is facing a potential fine of up to $18 billion by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The rights to the book about the scandal, about which details are still being uncovered, were sold at the beginning of October to the Norton publishing house for several million dollars. The book will investigate the philosophy of “more, faster and better” behind the scandal. DiCaprio has produced suc- cessful films such as “The Wolf of Wall Street,” “Runner Runner” and “Out of the Furnace.” He will next appear in front of the camera in the latest film by Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu, “The Revenant.” 4-D LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Donald Trump to host ‘Saturday Night Live’ on Nov. 7 EFE - Multimillionaire and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump will host NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” on Nov. 7, the network confirmed on Tuesday. Trump, who has a longstanding history with the site of the show’s live broadcast in New York’s Rockefeller Center, thus follows Democrat Hillary Clinton, who appeared in one of the program’s satirical skits in early October. The news is being regarded as a ceasefire between Trump and NBC, which in June ended its business relationship with the magnate after Trump made derogatory comments about Mexican immigrants while announcing his presidential campaign. The network issued a communique at the time saying that “At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCU- niversal is ending its business relationship with [him].” This will be the second time that Trump has hosted the program, having first done so in April 2004 with the aim of promoting his business talent-search show “The Apprentice.” In addition, he has made cameo appearances on SNL multiple times since the 1980s and has frequently been the butt of jokes on the show focusing on his famous hairstyle, scowl and mannerisms. Real estate magnate and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. (EFE/File) 18 de octubre de 2015