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Number 2, Year 18, December 2012 SUCCESSFUL CITIZENS CIUDADANOS EXITOSOS The ultimate aim of our school mission is to educate pupils to become “successful citizens”. What does this aim entail? El objetivo principal de la misión de nuestro colegio es educar a los alumnos para que sean “ciudadanos exitosos”. ¿Qué implica esto? Firstly, we need to teach our students the importance of setting themselves goals so that their lives have focus and direction. To achieve significant and transcendental goals they need to develop resilience and self-discipline. They need to have confidence and to take life’s opportunities whenever they present themselves, without hesitation or inhibition. The fear of failing must be converted into the capacity to learn valuable lessons from failure. Primero, necesitamos enseñar a nuestros estudiantes la importancia de fijarse metas para que sus vidas tengan una visión clara y un norte. Para alcanzar metas significativas y trascendentales, deben desarrollar resiliencia y autodisciplina. Necesitan tener confianza en sí mismos y tomar las oportunidades que les da la vida cuando éstas se presenten, sin dudar ni inhibirse. El miedo a fallar se debe convertir en la capacidad de aprender lecciones valiosas del fracaso. Secondly, we need to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the mission of the International Baccalaureate, namely to “develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.” Our curriculum must be broad and focus on the importance of intercultural understanding and respect. Our educational style must be based on the values of compassion and care. Segundo, necesitamos comprometernos enteramente con la misión del Bachillerato Internacional, es decir, “formar jóvenes indagadores, informados y solidarios capaces de contribuir a crear un mundo mejor y más pacífico a través del entendimiento y el respeto intercultural”. Nuestro plan de estudios debe ser amplio y estar enfocados en la importancia de la comprensión y el respeto intercultural. Nuestro estilo debe estar basado en los valores de la compasión y solidaridad. Debemos promover en nuestra We must inspire in our school community a comunidad escolar la responsabilidad compartida shared responsibility for the guardianship of the para la custodia del planeta. Mostrando un planet. Through an unequivocal commitment to compromiso inequívoco con la educación para el education for sustainable development we must desarrollo sostenible, debemos alentar a todos a encourage everyone to think not only of their pensar no sólo en las propias necesidades, sino own needs but also of the needs of generations también en las necesidades de las generaciones to come. venideras. Tenemos que distinguir entre los diferentes tipos We need to differentiate between the different de éxito - material, financiero, social, espiritual. kinds of success – material, financial, social, Debemos recordar la paradoja de la vida spiritual. We need to remind ourselves of the moderna. Dr. Bob Moorehead la anunció hace paradoxes of modern life. They were foretold veintisiete años, cuando en 1995 escribió: twenty-seven years ago by Dr. Bob Moorehead, “La paradoja de nuestro tiempo en la historia A well-rounded student, Luciana Schreier, who, in 1995, wrote: es que tenemos edificios más altos pero Best Prefect and principal musician in the “The paradox of our time in history is that we temperamentos más cortos; autopistas más school band. have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider anchas, pero puntos de vista más estrechos; freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend gastamos más, pero tenemos menos; more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it compramos más, pero disfrutamos menos. less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, Tenemos casas más grandes y familias más pequeñas; más comodidades, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common sense; more pero menos tiempo; tenemos más títulos, pero menos sentido común; knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more más conocimiento, pero menos juicio; más expertos, pero más problemas; medicine, but less wellness”. más medicina, pero menos bienestar.” Ultimately, we need to reflect on how to invert the paradoxes of modern life. In this respect, the definition of success by the American poet of the 19th century, Ralph Waldo Emerson, can guide us. Finalmente, necesitamos reflexionar en cómo invertir esta paradoja de la vida moderna. En este sentido, la definición del éxito de Ralph Waldo Emerson, poeta americano del siglo XIX, nos puede guiar. “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; this is to have succeeded”. “Reír a menudo y mucho; ganar el respeto de gente inteligente y el cariño de los niños; conseguir el aprecio de críticos honestos y aguantar la traición de falsos amigos; apreciar la belleza; encontrar lo mejor en los demás; dejar el mundo un poco mejor, sea con un niño saludable, una huerta o una condición social redimida; saber que por lo menos una vida ha respirado mejor porque tú has vivido. Eso es tener éxito”. If our students can understand and live Emerson’s concept of success, they are en route to becoming “successful citizens”. Si nuestros alumnos logran entender y vivir el concepto del éxito según Emerson, están en camino a convertirse en “ciudadanos exitosos”. Andrew Cino, Headmaster Andrew Cino, Headmaster (This is an adapted extract from the graduation ceremony speech which can be found in its full version on the school website). (Este texto es un extracto del discurso de la ceremonia de graduación, cuya versión completa la pueden encontrar en la página web del colegio). DAVID MITCHELL HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL SPEECH Dr. Lazo, Chairman of the Williamson Educational Association of Peru, Mr. Cino, Headmaster of Newton College, Sra. Marquez, national Director, staff and parents of the graduating class of 2012, I would like to begin by expressing what an honour it is for me to be directing these few words to the 25th promotion of Newton College on this night of their graduation. Earlier this year I was asked to name a book that had had a considerable impact on me and I immediately replied by naming “The Happiness Hypothesis” by Jonathan Haidt. The book deals with the search for happiness and as you sit here tonight on the eve of the next stage of your life, be it to begin your university studies or to complete your IB diploma, it would be wise to consider the nature of happiness and how we might achieve this in our lives. Prom 25 unveiling their plaque When I was your age, John Lennon sang “All you need is love” and like so many of my generation I assumed he referred to the urgency and intensity of romantic love, which certainly has its place. However, as we move down life’s road we learn that love has other, deeper meanings and tonight I want to suggest to you that John Lennon was right. Love, from its early romantic impulses through its stage in the family and then out into the extended world of your groups, be they your friends or those with whom you work, love will in large part determine how happy you are in your life. The psychologist Maslow said that once people have satisfied their physical needs such as food and safety, they move on to the needs for love and then esteem, which is earned mostly through one’s work. Where are we all going and why? Aristotle used the metaphor of archers who need a clear target at which to aim. Often we hear the question of why are we here but perhaps the question should be what is the purpose of my life? We live in a world where we are encouraged not only to believe that happiness is equivalent to instant gratification but that all that is necessary to obtain this instant gratification is to state that we want it. Haidt on the other hand suggests that people are like plants, give them the right conditions of water, sun and soil and then wait. John Donne said “No man is an island” and we need friends and secure attachments to other people to be happy. This is one of the principal conditions for people to be happy. Another is the field of work and as you all consider your career choices it is also worth noting that what you do in the area of work is equally crucial. Therefore love and work are obvious analogues to water and sunshine for plants. GRADUATION CEREMONY work and for Peru has achieved this state of vital engagement which leads to connecting with something larger than ourselves. I refer to Gaston Acurio and his exceptional work not only in the area of Peruvian cuisine but more especially tonight for his efforts in promoting “La Marca Peru”. Gaston Acurio has shown that by looking at his work as a calling he is truly contributing to the greater good and is playing a role in a greater enterprise and that enterprise has to do with what it means to be Peruvian in the 21st century. Most people see their work in terms of a job, a career or a calling. If you see your work as a job, you do it only for the money, you are always looking at the clock and dreaming about the weekend. If you see your job as a career, you have larger goals of advancement, promotion and prestige. You will probably take your work home but eventually you will ask, “Why do I work so hard?” If, however, you see your work as a calling, you find it intrinsically fulfilling, that is you are not doing it to achieve something else. As Haidt says, “You see your work as contributing to the greater good or as playing a role in some greater enterprise.” The psychologist Jeanne Nakamura talked of the process of having initial interest and enjoyment in something and passing through a relationship to people, practices and values that deepen over many years. She called this process “vital engagement” and stressed that it does not reside in the person or the environment but it exists in the relationship between the two. In this wonderful country of Peru, I would like us to consider the example of a young Peruvian who through his love for his Some of you recently completed a project on ethics as part of Theory of Knowledge and nearly all of you recognized the connection between your personal happiness and that of your family and friends´ happiness. However, many of you did not recognize the need to be concerned about the country’s happiness. It does us good to remember the words of President J.F. Kennedy who said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?” Gaston Acurio and many like him understand the profound importance of this and I sincerely trust that each of you in your own way will make this vital engagement with your community. Just as plants need sun, water and good soil to thrive, people need love, work and a connection to something larger. As Haidt says, ‘’It is worth making a real effort to get the right relationships between yourself and others, between yourself and your work and between yourself and something larger than yourself. If you get these relationships right, a sense of purpose and meaning will emerge’’. Prom XXV we wish you success and happiness, purpose and meaning in your lives. Thank you. GRADUATION CEREMONY FIORELLA AOKI ALEX LAZO INVITADA ESPECIAL SPECIAL GUEST …”Quizás todos sabemos que efectivamente estamos en el mejor colegio, pero no nos ponemos a pensar en los beneficios que esto nos puede traer más adelante. Por mi lado, jamás imaginé que el ser parte del Newton sería un factor clave para conseguir un trabajo, es por ello que comencé a pensar en las características que compartimos los alumnos y ex alumnos de este colegio y las razones por las cuales si yo fuera un empleador, también elegiría a alguien del Newton. En primer lugar, porque son personas multidisciplinarias que no solo destacan en los estudios, sino que también tienen la capacidad de desarrollar otros talentos a la par, con mucha disciplina y sin descuidar el lado académico. Hoy vivimos en un mundo sumamente competitivo en el cual las empresas al igual que las universidades no solo buscan captar a personas con buenas notas, sino a aquellos que tengan un factor diferenciador que pueda enriquecer a su organización y generar una ventaja sobre la competencia. En segundo lugar, porque desde muy temprana edad aprenden a trabajar en equipo. El trabajo en equipo es fundamental ya que fomenta el desarrollo de habilidades interpersonales y de liderazgo que son muy importantes para crear sinergias positivas para el logro óptimo de resultados. Además, porque tienen la habilidad de tomar decisiones con sentido común. De nada sirve tener la mejor educación si no somos capaces de tomar decisiones asertivas utilizando nuestro criterio. Tanto en el ambiente universitario como en el laboral, tomar decisiones eficientes y efectivas es parte del día a día y en la mayor parte de casos es el sentido común el que nos guiará a optar por la mejor. A todo lo anterior, sumamos que son individuos socialmente responsables y conscientes de que vivir en sociedad significa ser solidarios y tomar acciones a favor del entorno que nos rodea” I left school eight years ago and surprisingly, the most important thing I’m doing right now is still studying. I still study as hard as I used to in the IB Diploma, and sometimes harder, for I am preparing myself for the US Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLE), so that I can apply to a residency program and acquire my specialization. That is my goal and the most important thing in my life. And I still have a long way to go! Having the opportunity to speak to you today has made me think about my last years here in school. I remember I always wanted to become a physician, but I also remember I had serious doubts about how I was going to become one. So, I confessed to one of my chemistry teachers at the time that I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. She told me that in a few years, I would see the big picture. And indeed, some years later I saw the big picture, and today I want to share with you what it meant to me. For me getting the big picture was not looking into the future and having the assurance that everything was going to be alright, but actually, looking into the past and realizing what important tools I was given to enable me to fulfil my ambitions. Getting the big picture was understanding, for example, how important my parents were in my education, from the first day in kindergarten to the last day in medical School; appreciating the efforts of my teachers to teach me English, to awaken my interest in science; the good friends I made along the way, especially the ones I made here at school; the guidance of my professors during the clinical rounds at the hospital. At the time all these things seemed unimportant to me, but now I understand how all those details make the difference between success and failure, between being able to apply to the USMLE or not, between receiving gratitude from a cured patient or giving an apology to a mournful family. So, 8 years after leaving school, sometimes I still question my own future, and I can imagine how you students must be still unclear about your future. My humble piece of advice to you is that, when things are unclear, and you are not so sure about what to do next, it might help to look back and remember everything and everyone that made you what you are today, and the big picture will come into focus, a picture that does not look into your future, but reminds you how capable and ready you are to take the next step. PRIZE-GIVING CEREMONY THE WATER BEARER AND THE CRACKED JUG A water bearer had two large jugs. One of the jugs had a crack, while the other was perfect and delivered the complete amount of water at the end of the journey from the river to the wise men’s house he visited everyday. When he arrived, the broken jug only had half the amount of water. The poor jug was ashamed and felt miserable because of her imperfection, because she could only carry half of what she was supposed to carry. After some time, she spoke to the water bearer: - “I am ashamed of myself and would like to apologize”… - “Why?, asked the water bearer”. - “Because of my cracks, you can only deliver half the water”. The water bearer told her: “When we go back, I want you to look at the beautiful flowers growing along the road”. She did, and in fact saw so many beautiful flowers, but was still ashamed because in the end, she could only carry half of her load. The water bearer told her: “Did you see that the flowers only grow on your side of the road? I’ve always known about your cracks. I planted flower seeds throughout the way and everyday your water them. Then I pick them up to decorate the master’s altar. Thanks to you he can enjoy their beauty on his table”. Each of us have our own cracks. We are all cracked jugs, but we must understand that we can always take advantage of each crack and achieve a pleasing result. The 2013 Prefects receiving their blazers. EL AGUADOR Y EL CÁNTARO RAJADO Un aguador tenía dos grandes cántaros. Una de las vasijas tenía una grieta, mientras que la otra era perfecta y entregaba el agua completa al final del largo camino a pie desde el arroyo hasta la casa del sabio que iba a visitar todos los días. Cuando llegaba, la vasija rota solo contenía la mitad del agua. La pobre se sentía avergonzada de su imperfección y miserable porque sólo podía conseguir la mitad de lo que se suponía debía hacer. Después un tiempo le habló al aguador diciéndole: - “Estoy avergonzada de mí misma y me quiero disculpar”… - “¿Por qué? le preguntó el aguador”. - “Debido a mis grietas, sólo puedes entregar la mitad de mi carga”. El aguador se sintió mal y le dijo: “cuando volvamos quiero que te fijes en las bellísimas flores que crecen a lo largo del camino.” Así lo hizo y en efecto vio muchísimas flores hermosas, pero seguía apenada porque al final sólo llegaba la mitad de su carga. El aguador le dijo: “¿Viste que las flores crecen sólo en tu lado del camino?, siempre he sabido de tus grietas, sembré semillas de flores a todo lo largo del camino por donde tú vas y todos los días tú las has regado. Luego yo recojo las flores para decorar el altar del maestro. Gracias a que eres así, él puede disfrutar de esa belleza sobre su mesa”. Cada uno de nosotros y nosotras tiene sus propias grietas. Todos somos vasijas agrietadas, pero debemos saber que siempre existe la posibilidad de aprovechar cada grieta para obtener un agradable resultado. PRIZE-GIVING CEREMONY THE MODEL UNITED NATIONS CLUB (MUN) On Saturday 1st December, the final Model United Nations (MUN) Conference of the year was held at Newton (NEWMUN 2012) and it was a huge success. There was an excellent level of negotiations and resolution building. Students started to get a real grasp of how to create resolutions starting with perambulatory clauses and then moving to operative clauses. They taught each other sophisticated language, such as ‘xenophilia’ and being selfcritical of UN process in considering what action to take. Well balanced arguments were put forward in the American Revolution, such as “Yes, war will plunge our economy even more into debt, but if we get invaded our economy will be taken over, effectively lost, so war is the solution”. One parent, who was there for the first time, commented on how impressed he was with the whole event and level of the students’ involvement, their command of English in such an ‘adult context’, their maturity and strategic, empathetic thinking. LAHC STUDENT CONFERENCE TES TALKS IN BOGOTA Alvaro Yañez brilliantly attacked several countries that were not in keeping with their position by citing countries who have signed up to the Non-proliferation treaty (NPT) which means that “You are legally obliged to be against nuclear war and against increasing the nuclear arms race – please explain yourself!” The MUN is clearly one of the best vehicles for developing international-mindedness, inter-cultural understanding, sophisticated research and problem solving skills, various high order skills of synthesis, negotiation, actuation and more! Furthermore, it is so impressive to see the students running everything, from ushers to regulating and managing each committee. Every year the Latin American Heads Conference (LAHC) organizes a student conference on themes as varied as: people for cities and cities for people, the sustainability of the Amazon Rainforest, the communication of leadership through outdoor pursuits. This year’s conference was organized by The English School of Bogota and invited students from all over Latin America to present 10-minute talks on the topic of leadership, creativity and 21st century education. The format was similar to that of the famous TED talks. Our students Maria Lucia Sanchez and Luis Eduardo Wu attended the conference. Maria Lucia presented on the transition of creativity and the need for schools to focus more on creativity. Luis Eduardo talked about adaptability, creative thinking and teamwork. The quality of the talks was excellent and they proved inspirational and thought-provoking. The general conclusion was that education in general was not working and we need to reform our schools. The participating students found time to visit the beautiful town and lake of Guatavita and made lots of overseas friends. We hope to receive a video of the conference that we can use as a teaching resource. NEWS PEACE WEEK In conjunction with Peace One Day and the UN, Newton engaged in a wonderful range of peace activities in the week of 17th September that brought all of the Newton community together. This included an intercultural cooking workshop with students from Newton, Manchay, San Pedro, and Casa de Esperanza (sponsored by APC and The Cordon Bleu School), a Peace Football Match to commemorate the death of Walter Oyarce, that was attended by a player from La Universidad and Alianza, and a controversial social justice art gallery with work from the local community. There was also a dynamic Early Years peace word and art gallery, Primary peace dove trees and we will never forget Melchorita breaking out of the box for a surprise student flashmob! WORLD TOURISM DAY One of our special whole school assemblies this year was to celebrate World Tourism Day, which was started in 1980 by the United Nations with the aim of raising awareness on the role of tourism within the international community and to demonstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. We learnt that tourism provides over 235 million jobs in the world, and that by the end of 2012, over 1 billion tourists will have visited other countries! The Geography Department, through a very entertaining play, showed us the importance of “Sustainable Tourism”. Our international students, representing Japan, South Korea, Australia, Panama, China and Venezuela informed us about tourist attractions they loved in their own countries. Finally, the Grade 5 students reflected on the cultures and sights they discovered on their Three Regions trip, followed by an exciting “Waka Waka” dance, typical in the Sierra of Peru. UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY We held a very special whole school assembly to recognise Universal Children’s Day, which is the result of one of the longest United Nation’s initatives, going back to a resolution made at a UN General Assembly in 1954 that all countries institute a day to promote the rights of children around the world. During the assembly, we saw the state of classrooms in schools around the world – one right is that “every child has the right to a good quality education.” English students from Grade 6 presented a very entertaining short play, set in a television talk show studio, that focused on the right for children not to work, obviously against “child labour”. Then Lower School students reflected on learning from one of their PYP Units of Inquiry about bullying and how to solve such problems. Finally, students from Kindergarten “Ladybirds” told us what they liked and disliked about the rights in their lives. ASSEMBLIES PRIMERA COMUNIÓN El día sábado 29 de setiembre se realizó en nuestro colegio la Primera Comunión de los alumnos de 4to. Grado de Primaria. Como siempre, el Padre Rafael Reátegui, nuestro capellán, tuvo la amabilidad de celebrar con fervor tan significativo Sacramento. Si bien es cierto que ésta es una ceremonia tradicional que realizamos desde hace mucho tiempo, es importante realzar que cada año nos deja un grato y muy especial, recuerdo espiritual. “My most memorable moment in 4th grade was the First Communion. During the confession, I read to all the parents about what we need to do in order to be a good Christian. I also took a white tablecloth to the altar and stood next to father Rafael.” Camila García del Castillo “Mi corazón latía mucho cuando recibí la Hostia y estaba Jesús. La ceremonia estaba bonita y agradezco al coro por habernos ayudado.” Matías Escobar CONFIRMACIÓN Una de las alegrías del Departamento es comprobar el logro del objetivo del Curso de Religión que es colaborar en la formación personal de los alumnos, y que se plasma en la gran meta del colegio: Hacer de los alumnos Personas Íntegras y Exitosas. La Ceremonia de Confirmación, como todos los años, fue muy bien realizada; la obediencia a las normas litúrgicas y la sencillez de su comportamiento marcaron la diferencia este año. El Departamento de Religión no desea suplir los deberes de los padres en la formación cristiana de sus hijos, pero sí podemos decir que hemos apoyado a las familias Newton para que sus hijos e hijas culminen una gran etapa en su formación como personas íntegras, cristianas, con moral y con ética. RETIROS El departamento de Religión ofrece a los alumnos de 3ero y 4to de secundaria ingresar al programa de Confirmación. Este año, no fue la excepción y como parte de la preparación que reciben, viven la experiencia de dos retiros espirituales, uno en 3ero y otro en 4to año de secundaria. Es un fin de semana que salen de la rutina diaria y se dan la oportunidad de encontrarse con sí mismos, con un Dios a quien probablemente recién empiezan a conocer personalmente y por añadidura, también es un encuentro con sus compañeros, con quienes se afianzan lazos de fraternidad y amistad. Este recorrido de preparación dura casi 1 año. Si bien es cierto no somos un colegio confesional, es real también que a los directores, profesores y personal del colegio, les interesa mucho el crecimiento espiritual de cada joven, crecimiento que les ayuda a clarificar sus convicciones, a aclarar sus dudas y a ser responsables de su propia historia de fe y relación con Dios. PASTORAL - RELIGION ARTS EVENING On Wednesday 24th October we celebrated Arts Evening. This is the event in which our students demonstrate their talents in each of the four arts taught at our school: music, visual art, theatre art and dance. On this occasion the visual art exhibition included the work of pupils from all three Levels of the school as well as the pieces of art produced by our IB Diploma students. The emphasis was on the process for developing art knowledge and skills and on the variety of genres of art. This was vividly demonstrated by the work on display, especially by that of the IB Diploma students. It was then the turn of our Lower School dancers with Waca Waca, a tradional Peruvian dance. Our band followed with a lively adaptation of the classic Led Zeppelin number Moby Dick. Our theatre students then reenacted a scene from this year’s magnificent school play, Shadow Queendom. Our dancers returned and performed a very versatile and agile version of the famous Irish tap-dance, Riverdance. Our orchestra closed the show with a powerful rendition of the Rites of Tamburo. In the theatre our different music ensembles delighted the large audience with a varied repertoire. The young recorder players, guitarists and Lower School choir performed: Sonata in G Allegro, Gaviota, la Conchaperla, Dona Nobis Pacem and Michifuz. The Upper School choir and native instrument musicians performed: California Dreamin´(The Mamas and the Papas), Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen) and Llorando se fue (Saya). PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The PAA awards are given to old Newtonians who have achieved success in their professional career. This year’s winners, who were presented with the award at Arts Evening, were: Claudia Currarino (Prom ’89): Global Director of Human Resources with the multi-national, Champions Technology, Claudia thanks her school for teaching her how to analyse and think outside the box, skills which have equipped her for numerous professional opportunities. Jorge Bentín (Prom ’91): The eldest of seven brothers, all Newtonians, after obtaining a Master’s Degree at Yale University, worked in environmental projects for NASA and in Bangalore, India. He is currently the director of the career, Environmental Management, at USIL. Mitusharu Tsumura (Prom ’98): Voted Best Chef in Peru in 2010, in charge of the Gran Mercado in Mistura 2010, world ambassador of Peruvian cuisine, Mitchan relates how, when doing his training in Japan, if he did not scale a fish properly, he was sent to wash the dishes. Parents of Claudia Currarino, Mitsuharu Tsumura, Kertin Forsberg, Jorge Bentín. Kerstin Forsberg (Prom ’01): Biologist, Kerstin has empowered thousands of people in projects related to environmental education and sustainable development. In 2011 she won the prize Youth Action Net, awarded to her by the Noble Peace Prize winner of 2008, Maarti Ahtisaari. ARTS EVENING - PAA ADCA DANZA EN NEWTON COLLEGE Iniciamos el semestre con la grata noticia que por primera vez en la historia de nuestro colegio seríamos sede y organizadores del festival ADCA de Danza. Inmediatamente nos pusimos a trabajar y el jueves 29 de noviembre, con el teatro colmado de espectadores, se llevó a cabo dicho evento en donde participaron 6 instituciones educativas: América del Callao, Humboldt, María Alvarado, Pestalozzi y Weberbauer. Las danzas presentadas por los otros colegios mostraron, con gran calidad, la diversidad del folclor peruano. Nuestra presentación, además de ser el broche de oro de la noche, dio el toque internacional con un “zapateo Irlandés”. La actuación de nuestras más de 80 alumnas en escena, de todas las edades, fue impecable, ellas demostraron la elegancia, el porte y la coordinación que caracteriza a este baile. El trabajo en equipo nos permitió ofrecer las condiciones necesarias para la realización de un festival de alta calidad, no sólo en el día de la presentación, sino en la organización en general. Estamos muy contentos y orgullosos con los logros obtenidos por las alumnas, resaltando el trabajo en equipo, el espíritu de solidaridad y la unión entre cada una de ellas. A MATTER OF DISSECTION On Wednesday September 5th, the Newton Theatre Group participated in the 15th edition of the BSP One-Act Play Festival with the play “A matter of dissection”. The Form V IB Theatre students, supported by a Form IV student, created another hilarious comedy that had the audience laughing from beginning to end. The dynamism and variety of the play was mainly obtained by the fact that most of the actors played two contrasting characters. This challenge was carried on with great skill. But this wasn’t the only strength of the play: the use of a life-sized puppet also helped to add some energetic slapstick. As one of our teachers in the audience pointed out, “the timing and interaction with the audience was skillful, the intonation was excellent, the body expression was so dynamic, and the choreography when cutting up the body with music was brilliant”. It was a black comedy about a group of people who have to decide the fate of a corpse in the morgue. The play explored the concept “death is at the centre, life is at the top”, and showed us how lively death can be. At the end of the Festival, Newton was praised for being the only school that presents plays originally created by the students. MUSIC CONCERTS En el segundo semestre tuvieron lugar los conciertos de Kindergarten, 1ero, 2do, 3er grado y de los alumnos del Programa del Diploma del BI. La banda, la orquesta, el coro de primaria y la agrupación de violines Suzuki representaron al colegio en forma sobresaliente en el Festival de ADCA. El ensamble de guitarras, la orquesta y el grupo de violines Suzuki intervinieron en el Concurso de Música Nueva Acrópolis, obteniendo la orquesta y el grupo de violines, por 29na vez consecutiva, el Trofeo de Mejor Presentación. El grupo de violines Suzuki y de cellos Suzuki participaron en conciertos organizados por el Conservatorio Nacional de Música y el Colegio San Agustín respectivamente. El coro de Upper grabó una canción navideña inglesa para el programa de navidad de Radio Filarmonía, el cual se trasmitió el 24 de diciembre. En cada pieza musical nuestros alumnos demostraron gran madurez, así como técnica y dominio del instrumento. ARTS II FESTIVAL DE NATACIÓN NEWTON 2012 En nuestra piscina semi-olímpica, el sábado 15 de setiembre se llevó a cabo el III Festival de natación NEWTON COLLEGE. Asistieron a dicho evento 135 nadadores en las categorías pre mínima, mínima e infantil A, pertenecientes a los colegios ALPAMAYO, ANTONIO RAIMONDI, HIRAM BINGHAN y NEWTON. Ellos hicieron gala de sus destrezas en los estilos mariposa, pecho, espalda, libre y en las postas 4x25 libre. Se premió a todos los participantes con una medalla y a los mejores nadadores de categoría con un trofeo. Nuestros alumnos ganadores fueron: Alessandra Baltodano, Valery Lozano, Rebecca Simoncelli, Cristina Castellano, Gabriel Isles, Diego Mongrut-Steane y Martín Carrillo. CAMPEON NACIONAL JUEGOS ESCOLARES 2012 Nuestro alumno José Fernando Neumann participó en la etapa macro regional de natación, organizada por el Ministerio de Educación, con motivo de los Juegos Nacionales Deportivos Escolares 2012. Estos eran requisito para la clasificación al Sudamericano Interescolar que se realizó en Río de Janeiro del 29 de noviembre al 06 de diciembre. Para nuestra satisfacción, José obtuvo 5 medallas de oro y una de plata. Felicitaciones. COPA LINCOLN DE FUTBOL La Copa Lincoln de fútbol se llevó a cabo en el mes de setiembre y en la misma participaron los alumnos de las categorías 2001 ocupando el primer lugar, y la del 2002, el segundo lugar. Dicho torneo se desarrolló los días sábados y nuestros alumnos pusieron mucho empeño para alcanzar un buen resultado. Felicitamos a los componentes de ambos equipos, a sus entrenadores: los señores Andrés Domínguez y Rafael Segura; también a los padres de familia que acompañaron y apoyaron a sus hijos durante dicho evento. CAMPEONATO ADCA DE ATLETISMO JUVENILES Y MAYORES Finalizó el Campeonato de Atletismo ADCA 2012 en las categorías juveniles y mayores (damas y varones) y superando los resultados del año anterior, logramos campeonar en la categoría juveniles damas, quedamos segundos en juveniles y también en mayores varones. Esta excelente actuación nos permitió obtener 9 medallas de oro, 11 de plata y 11de bronce. Agradecemos y a la vez felicitamos a cada uno de los alumnos que nos representaron, así como a los profesores entrenadores Diego Gorriti y Oreste Pantin, a Margarita Conroy, Robert Sánchez, Daniel Marrou, Jorge Galvez, Jorge Quelopana y Rafael Segura quienes acompañaron a los alumnos durante los dos días de competencias. SPORTS MINI BASKET VARONES Y DAMAS 2012 Nuestros equipos de Mini Básquetbol varones y damas al igual que el año pasado, lograron magníficos resultados en el Campeonato de A.D.C.A. Los varones nuevamente quedaron campeones sin perder un solo partido, mientras que las damas alcanzaron el segundo lugar. Ambos equipos mostraron garra y amor por su camiseta en cada uno de los partidos jugados. Resultados de Mini básquetbol varones: Newton 55 vs. Antonio Raimondi 34, Newton 54 vs. Lincoln 28, Newton 46 vs. Markham 43, Newton 48 vs. María Alvarado 12, Newton 54 vs. Humboldt 25, Newton 54 vs. Lincoln 12, Newton 51 vs. Pestalozzi 18, Newton 59 vs. Hiram Bingham 19.. Resultados de Mini básquetbol damas: Newton 48 vs. Franco Peruano 8, Newton 25 vs. Markham 13, Newton 24 vs. San Silvestre 9, Newton 9 vs. Antonio Raimondi 10, Newton 21 vs. Pestalozzi 29, Newton 17 vs. María Alvarado 8. Felicidades a ambos equipos y en especial a los varones por su segundo Campeonato ganado de forma invicta; asimismo, a los padres de familia por su apoyo en cada partido y a los señores entrenadores Alexander Cruzati (Mini Varones) y John Cruzati (Mini Damas). VIAJE DE CONFRATERNIDAD A URUGUAY Siguiendo la tradición de 9 años, en las vacaciones de octubre, un grupo de alumnos de segundo grado y sus padres viajaron a Uruguay para realizar intercambios deportivos con los colegios Liceo Naval, St. Patrick´s College y el Colegio Alemán, en fútbol y rugby. También se cumplió un objetivo cultural ya que visitaron museos en Punta del Este, Atlántida y el monumento histórico de la FIFA en el Estadio Centenario. Deseamos agradecer a los padres de familia que hicieron posible el viaje, a los entrenadores Andrés Domínguez quien es el precursor de esta actividad, a Rafael Segura, Daniel Marrou y el profesor Arturo Espínola de rugby, por sus cuidados y atención a los alumnos. VISITA DEL SAINT JOHN’S SCHOOL Durante la semana del 15 al 19 de octubre nos visitó una delegación de 38 personas compuesta por 34 alumnos y 4 profesores del Colegio Saint John de Concepción – Chile con los cuales intercambiamos en los deportes de vóleibol, básquetbol y fútbol. Deseamos resaltar la gran actitud, disciplina y amistad mostrada por los alumnos y profesores que nos visitaron. Nuestros alumnos disfrutaron el compartir con los alumnos visitantes, durante los partidos realizados. Además ellos jugaron con el Colegio San Pedro y Villa Caritas. Esperamos haberle brindado a nuestros amigos del Colegio Saint John toda nuestra amistad y deseamos se hayan sentido bien atendidos. Muchas gracias por su visita amigos de Saint John´s School. SPORTS VISIT BY FOREIGN PARENTS PRE-KINDER To allow children from Pre-kinder to have a better experience related to songs and games played around the world, foreign parents were invited to demonstrate a form of entertainment in their country. They visited different classes and children were very excited and open minded, showing great interest in all this new information. They paid attention to the rules and instructions of every game and were curious to learn more. LOOKING AT TADPOLES KINDER One of the most interesting activities we do in Kinder for our unit “Changes”, is having tadpoles in the class. Children have the chance to observe them and watch them grow with magnifying glasses. Then, they make predictions about the life cycle of the tadpoles and then, while they change their form, they record the process in a booklet, This unit awakens the pupils’ curiosity, develops their inquiry skills and encourages them to record information in an orderly fashion. UNIDAD “LA GRANJA” LEVEL I Los niños de Primer nivel durante el mes de agosto trabajaron la unidad de ”La Granja” y durante el desarrollo de la misma recibieron la visita de la granja “El Arriero”. Durante esta interesante visita, los niños tuvieron la oportunidad de interactuar con los animalitos y demostrar su sensibilidad hacia ellos, acariciándolos y dándoles de comer. Recibieron la visita de pollitos, conejos, cuyes y una oveja. VISIT TO “HUACHIPA ZOO” LEVEL II During the third unit called Animal Kingdom, the children from Level II, learned about different types of animals that live around the world. One of our funniest and most significant activities was our visit to Huachipa Zoo, where pupils came into contact with different kinds of animals and learnt why they are classified according to their needs, habitats and characteristics. EARLY YEARS RECYCLED CLASSIC STORIES PRE-KINDER On December 7th the pre-kinder children performed their annual show with surprising confidence in front of a packed theatre. The show was called “Recycled Classic Stories” and was based on modified versions of Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and Goldilocks. The classic fairy tales were adapted to focus on the preservation of nature, caring for the environment and eating healthy food. The stories highlighted our school values and our commitment to education for sustainable development. UNDER THE SEA KINDER This year our Kindergarten promotion split into two groups of 60 pupils and produced the Disney classic, Under the Sea. Parents contributed by sending used materials which were recycled and became part of the spectacular scenery. On stage the pupils performed with confidence and enthusiasm, improvising when they forgot their lines or movements. They enchanted the audience with their natural charm, team-spirit and total engagement. The show was part of the unit of inquiry Goodies and Baddies and focused on how our actions reflect our personality. SUMAQ PERU LEVEL I Este año el primer nivel de Early Years presentó el show “Sumaq Perú” (Perú Lindo), fueron dos días llenos de peruanidad, en donde nuestros alumnos más pequeños demostraron que debemos cuidar nuestros recursos y vivir en armonía con las especies que viven con nosotros. Se presentaron en escena dos cuentos “El río de los perros sin pelo” y “Ese árbol nuestro hogar”, a través de los cuales los niños evidenciaron todo el trabajo y esfuerzo que realizaron para lograr tan colorido y alegre show. Todo el ambiente estaba rodeado de lo nuestro, desde los personajes de la fauna peruana, las lindas polleras que lucían las niñas hasta los huaynitos interpretados y bailados por todo el nivel, cuyas letras nos daban el mensaje de preservar y cuidar el medio ambiente. Finalmente al compás de música de la selva se cerró el show, siempre acompañados por los aplausos de los felices y orgullosos padres. GREEN HEROES LEVEL II This year’s Level 2 show was called Green Heroes and was inspired by our school’s Plan Verde programme. Every class represented a doorway and showed how we unconsciously waste our resources such as water and energy, destroy forests, pollute the sea and air and harm our bodies by eating unhealthy food. The Green Heroes saved the planet by teaching us how to recycle, encouraging us to eat healthy food and persuading us to car-share. A packed theatre was wonderfully entertained and made to seriously reflect. EARLY YEARS RECYCLING 1ST GRADE On October 19th, First Grade presented their inaugural Reduce Reuse Recycle Exhibition where they demonstrated the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling things in order to make the world a better place. They exhibited 3R posters, displayed ideas on how to reuse everyday items such as plastic bottles and showed their knowledge on how to save the world’s dwindling resources. Congratulations to First Grade on this excellent intiative! COLOUR AND SOUND 2ND GRADE As part of the activity, our children prepared Christmas carols, in English, in Spanish and of course, one in Quechua: Navidadau, to sing with the whole grade. It was a wonderful celebration using our new-found understanding of colour and sound to bring in the holiday season. The pasacalle in Pelagatti Patio was a success. Everybody was singing Christmas Carols, playing their instruments made with recycled materials and wearing their tie-dyed tee-shirts. PROCESSES AND MARKETS FERIA NAVIDEÑA - 3RD GRADE Como todos los años, los alumnos de 3er grado hicieron su Feria Navideña. Después de haber desarrollado todo el proceso de producción que incluye estudios de mercado, planificación y fabricación de sus productos, llega el gran día de las ventas. Todo Lower espera este día, los niños de primer grado con sus monedas y hasta los profesores. ¡¡Es el momento de hacer las compras de Navidad!! Nuestros alumnos aplicaron las estrategias aprendidas y vendieron hasta ¡las servilletas que sobraron! RELIGIONS & BELIEFS 4TH GRADE - HINDU CEREMONY In this unit which is about how people have different ways to express their beliefs, Fourth Grade students are exposed to traditions and beliefs of the main world religions and look specifically at the area of beliefs and values and the ways these have an impact on one’s culture. LOWER SCHOOL 5TH GRADE EXHIBITION This year the Central Idea for our Exhibition was “In our world we have made many advances but we still struggle to solve serious problems that affect us all”. This was more general than in the last few years allowing students to take on a wide and varied selection of areas to study and research. Some groups were interested in sustainability and looked at uses and misuses of water, others, at health related problems such as what kind of food we should eat, giving strong advice to the school about changes in our own school kiosk. Other groups looked at issues such as nuclear power, piracy, cruelty to animals, racism to name but a few. Groups researched using a wide range of materials, including interviews with people with specialist knowledge about their subject area. We would like to thank all these specialists who so generously gave up their time to help the students with their research. As the information was analysed and students began to synthesize their findings, they also began to look at ways of taking some kind of action. Parents were invited to sign a petition against blood-sports. The Piracy group collected a large number of “bamba” DVDs from different classes, and then symbolically destroyed some of them. 1ST GRADE PLAY Las obras de primer grado son el resultado de un trabajo de nueve meses en el que los alumnos pasan por un proceso de aprendizaje dividido en varias etapas. Entre éstas, la investigación, la creación, la interpretación. Es un proyecto gratificante que integra a los alumnos y sus profesoras en una experiencia memorable. Este año el tema fue relacionado con la alimentación y cada salón presentó una obra. “Yo me sentí muy emocionado en la obra porque hice una cosa que una persona cualquiera no puede hacer: ¡Una obra como ésta! y porque a Hamsters le tocó el continente más difícil de todos los continentes del planeta: África“. Juan Pablo Benza In short, students were putting into practice all their learning from the Primary School years, showing their considerable development in the essential areas of the PYP. Congratulations to all of our 5th Grade students and a special thanks to all the group of mentors who guided the students through this demanding process. Interviewing Mr. Jorge Muñoz, Mayor of Miraflores and his councillors. LOWER SCHOOL JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT Este 2012, junto a 23 de mis compañeros, creamos una compañía llamada “Paddy Tabs” donde produjimos soportes para laptop. De forma democrática, nosotros escogimos desde el diseño de los vinilos hasta el tipo de relleno de los cojines. Durante semanas, realizamos el proceso de producción y las ventas, esto último fue culminado en la Expoventa. Trabajar en “Paddy Tabs” me ha enseñado mucho, pero lo más resaltante fue aprender el funcionamiento de una compañía, el trabajo en equipo y cómo resolver problemas inesperados de forma eficaz. Esta ha sido una experiencia tanto educativa, como divertida y la recomiendo a todos. FORM I TRIP CUZCO & TAMBOPATA El viaje a Cusco y Tambopata fue una experiencia increíble. En este viaje además de haber aprendido más sobre el Perú, estuve con mis amigos y la pasamos bien. En Cusco vi toda la ciudad y quedé impresionado. Después fuimos a Machu Picchu. Me quedé sorprendido al ver por primera vez la ciudadela con mis propios ojos. También fuimos a las ferias donde compramos varios objetos de artesanía del lugar. En Cusco la pasé muy bien, me gustó ver los lugares que hacen famosa a esta ciudad, pasarla con mis amigos y algo importante: no tuve soroche. Cuando llegamos a Tambopata sentí que el vuelo entre Cusco y Tambopata ¡fue muy rápido! después comencé a apreciar la bella selva peruana. Luego de salir del aeropuerto fuimos por el río Tambopata hacia el Lodge del colegio. Durante estos días lo que más hacíamos era caminar, para llegar a cualquier sitio había que caminar y fue un buen ejercicio, en especial la caminata de 7 km hacia la plataforma, fue muy larga. Finalmente mi opinión sobre el viaje es que fue muy especial y nunca lo olvidaré. FORM III TRIP In August, we went on a 5 day trip to Chiclayo-Trujillo to learn more about Peruvian History. On the trip we focused our studies on three cultures : Sicán, Moche and Chimú. We learnt about the legends and rulers, such as the legend of Naylamp and “El señor de Sicán” y la “Señora de Cao”. I was impressed by the way they lived back then; they made detailed jewellery and ornaments, and I was especially impressed by the ceramics, as each of them represented something different that made me see how skilled they were at their art. We visited many museums and historical places which were interesting and informative, but I have to admit that we were all exhausted by the end of the day as we had gone from place to place from early in the morning! Besides going to the museums, in Trujillo we were also able to enjoy a “Caballos de paso” show, which was really entertaining and I think all of us enjoyed. Michelle Chang UPPER SCHOOL CHICLAYO & TRUJILLO INTERCAS Desde el 19 al 23 de septiembre, 8 alumnos de Form V acompañados por la miss Katty Linares viajamos a Arequipa para participar en el Intercas Perú 2012. Fue una experiencia inolvidable, ya que ayudamos a la comunidad de Characato, trabajando intensamente bajo el sol, plantando árboles, limpiando acequias, pintando muros, creando material didáctico para niños, etc. Además hicimos muchos nuevos amigos de distintos colegios con los que tuvimos que trabajar en grupos. A través de esta experiencia aprendimos a ser independientes de nuestros compañeros de colegio y de la coordinadora, ya que compartíamos habitaciones y trabajábamos con personas de otros colegios. También desarrollamos más la habilidad de resolver problemas creativamente y trabajar en equipo. MATHS WEEK Between December 3rd to 10th all of our Upper School students were given mathematical challenges to explore ideas around the school. Sixth grade students played and invented dominoes with equations instead of numbers, Form I students ran on one leg, jumped, skipped and did sit-ups while others measured their times and stamina, in the classroom they worked on graphing and calculating averages. Form II students designed kites with an area of no more a sheet of A4 paper and competition was held to find the best mathematically based design. In Form III students measured all the buildings in Upper school and made a plan, to scale, of the Churchill Buildings. Other Form III students investigated patterns to find formulas. In Form IV some students used Calculus to design a sustainable can that uses less material and which can be recycled easily. Others played logic games founding strategies for winning. In the SUM one could see Form III students shaking hands while others worked on the Binomial Distribution. Maths week finished with a interHouse Blockbusters competition in the SUM for Grade 6. SCIENCE COMPETITION This year’s House science competitions proved to be both visually exciting and technically interesting. The highlight of these competitions was the form V water-powered rockets – this year there was a new design of launcher available and several very long flights were recorded including a new record of 94.7 metres. Other competitions included the tennis ball launchers in form IV which ran for its second year and is proving to be very successful. The bungee balloons in form III and a new competition in form II of timed parachute falls were also interesting. In form I there was a new competition bouncing golf balls into sand and the perennial balloon rockets in 6th grade. York won overall with Lancaster and Tudor joint second. More importantly, a lot of fun was had by all. UPPER SCHOOL LOWER SCHOOL UPPER SCHOOL In Lower School this year, Lancaster were the winners by a wide margin of points. However, competition was very close between the other three houses, with only three points separating second, third and fourth place! Lancaster did particularly well in the more academic activities showing their quickness in solving Maths problems and proving to be excellent spellers in the “ortografia” competition. Tudor and Windsor scored well in the sports competitions, including football, volleyball, athletics and swimming. York, the winners of the Lower School House Shield last year, did well in the Chess event and were also Champions in our Lower School Sports Day. In Upper School, we hold sixteen varied house events throughout the year. These include, in the third trimester, a collaborative “Graffiti” / Christmas tree decorating contest. Graffiti experts came into the school to teach the students how to effectively create graffiti, and the theme for the competition was “Internationalism”. Our Sports Day, which had the theme of the Olympic Games, was the most colourful event of the year and was attended by many parents, a large number of them dressed in House colours! We were particularly lucky to have our student Nicolás Pacheco with us to open the event. Nicolás represented Peru in the Olympics this year in London. We are looking forward to inviting him back to open our Sports day in four years time, not only wearing his Peruvian team tracksuit, but accompanied with a Gold Medal as well! Finally, we ended the school year with the interhouse quiz – on topics such as History, Geography, Art, Mathematics and Music - in the theatre, which was won by York in an exciting last round. Final results for UPPER: 4th Lancaster, 3rd Windsor, 2nd Tudor, 1st York. The traditional science competition saw York winning and led to Form IV students creating a machine that could fire tennis balls over 4 metres! Tudor won the Interhouse debates, debating whether or not “it was correct to ever argue with the referee”. LANCASTER TUDOR WINDSOR LOWER SCHOOL (40%) 10.7 9.8 10 9.6 UPPER SCHOOL (60%) 12.9 15.7 14.1 17.3 TOTAL POINTS (%) 23.6 25.5 24.1 26.9 Overall House Champions - York HOUSES YORK CAMPEÓN DE CAMPEONES TETRA NATIONAL CHAMPIONS EN FUTBOL - COPA MOVISTAR FLAMING LIONS RUGBY CLUB Desde el 17 al 22 de diciembre, se desarrolló la séptima edición de la “Copa Movistar”, en la que participan los campeones y subcampeones de ADCA, ADECORE y ADECOPA. Nuestro equipo 2001-2002 representó a ADCA en la categoría infantil. En los cuartos de final ganaron al Colegio Almirante Guise y al Colegio Weberbauer, disputando la gran final con el Colegio Villa Alarife, al que ganaron 4 a 1, coronándose campeón de campeones. In 1999 the Newton Old Boys and UPC rugby teams, both founded by Old Newtonians, merged and formed the NewtonUPC Rugby Club, popularly known as the Flaming Lions. Deseamos felicitar al equipo por su gran técnica, disciplina y amor por la camiseta. Cabe señalar que nuestro alumno, Paulo Gallardo, quedó como máximo goleador del torneo con 11 goles y ganó el trofeo al mejor jugador. Asimismo, felicitamos a los entrenadores Andrés Domínguez y Rafael Segura, por la excelente conducción del equipo, y a los padres de familia por su constante y entusiasta apoyo durante todo el año. The club’s committee focused on its youth policy and promoted rugby as an extra-curricular activity at Newton. Interschool rugby competitions and trips abroad were organized. Soon secondary students got into the Flaming Lions First XV. The depth of quality in the squad became so strong that the first team won the national championship in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, the first time a club had won it four years in succession. Nuestro equipo lo conforman los siguientes alumnos: Diego Gómez-Sánchez, José Manuel Baigorria, Vincenzo Alberti, Diego Bedoya, Sebastián Cobos, Claudio Gallardo, Paulo Gallardo, Juan Luis Caceres, Santiago Bustamante, Mark Adamy, Matias Pacheco, Joaquín Alcantara, Franko Segura, Amir Mizra, Carlos Fabián Adachi, Francisco Daneliuc. The Flaming Lions stress the values strongly associated with the sport, namely camaraderie, discipline, commitment and respect for the rules of the game, for the players of both teams and for the general public. For all its successes on and off the field, our most sincere congratulations to the Flaming Lions! At first results were disappointing. However, a strong nucleus of players persisted and gradually the club expanded into a formidable squad which won its first national championship in 2007. DEPARTING STAFF We would like to express our most sincere thanks to all the staff leaving us at the end of 2012. We greatly appreciate your dedication and commitment. A special thanks to Mr. Mitchell and Ms Gratton who have been with us for over 20 years. We will miss your wit, wisdom and friendship. From Early Years: María Alejandra Talledo and Katherine Steixner. From Lower School: Sheila Gratton, Meghan Gwaltney and María Laura Bustamante. From Upper School: David Mitchell, Luis García, Kate Preston, Andrew Mitchell and Pilar Saldaña. From extracurricular activities: Andrés Domínguez, Johnny Westreicher and Carlos Maldonado. NEWS SHEET December 2012 Diseño: Fernando Espinoza Edición: Andrew Cino Corrección y revisión: Andrew Cino / Rebeca Arellano Fotografías: Fernando Espinoza, Gabriella Villanueva, Andrew Cino, Pilar Oliva, Mónica Bacigalupo, Perla Arenas, Coca Ortiz de Zevallos, Cori Soldevilla, Lucas Guinea, Andrés Domínguez, David Massiah, Katty Linares, Oreste Pantin, Margarita Conroy, Robert Sánchez, Waldo Zadívar, ICT News, Rebeca Arellano, Geoffrey Brown, Fiorella Márquez. Autores de los artículos: Andrew Cino, David Massiah, Richard Quantrill, Rebeca Arellano, Roberto Sánchez-Piérola, Oreste Pantín, David Mitchell, Coca Ortiz de Zevallos, Geoffrey Brown, Perla Arenas, Mónica Bacigalupo, Pilar Oliva, Roberto González, Fiorella Márquez, Miguel García, Luis Esponda, Katty Linares, Kevin Thompson, Vivian Ash, Fiorella Aoki, Alex Lazo, Michelle Chang. NEWTON COLLEGE Av. Ricardo Elías Aparicio 240, Las Lagunas de La Molina Phone: 479-0460 E-mail:
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