Municipality of Brockton Council Meeting May 26, 2014 11
Municipality of Brockton Council Meeting May 26, 2014 11
Municipality of Brockton Council Meeting May 26, 2014 11. Information Correspondence 11.1 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario – Nominations for Council Award 11.2 Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration - Nominations for Senior Achievement Award 11.3 MMWTWG - Meeting Minutes April 10 2014 11.4 Notice of Public Hearing - Minor Variance Rahn A-14-14.34 11.5 Public Notice - Severance Application Dietrich B-29-14.36, B-30-14.36 & B-31-14.36 11.6 Hanover Walkerton Landfill Landscaping Document Accessibility Third party sourced documents found within this package will not be converted to an accessible format by Brockton staff. However, upon request, we will attempt to obtain these documents in an appropriate accessible format. To make a request, call 519-881-2223 or email Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 Integrated Accessibility Standards, Section 14, Subsection 5(a) THE RECE\\JEO OF AND !'\fl.'< 1 3 7.0,4 April 22, 2014 tJIU\11\C\Pl>.Lll'I Of COlllbGJE lPHY§IlCilAN§ §lUll-lGlbON§ ON1l'ARilO BROCK\0111 OF l Dear Sir/Madam: The Council Award of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is presented at each Council meeting to honour outstanding Ontario physicians who have demonstrated excellence and embody society's vision of an "ideal physician". The criteria for selecting a physician for the Council Award is based on the eight "physician roles" identified by Educating Future Physicians of Ontario. The eight point selection criteria are outlined in the attached Council Award brochure. The College is seeking to recognize physicians whose performance in each of these roles is outstanding, recognizing that individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive expertise in some roles than in others. The four categories from which physicians are selected are: Academic Specialty, Community Specialty, Academic Family Practice and Community Family Practice. We receive a variety of nomination packages, some of which are focused around a comprehensive CV, while others consist of personal letters which demonstrate the physician's commitment to the practise of medicine. We understand that given the diverse array of selection criteria, the nominator may wish to use any number of creative ways to highlight the particular attributes of their nominee. If you know of a physician who meets the selection criteria, please nominate him/her for the Council Award. The deadline for receipt of nominations is August 22, 2014. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact my Administrative Assistant Sharon Thompson at 416-967-2600 or 1-800-2687096 ext 256 or Sincerely, P-s.4~ Prithi S. Yelaja Communications Specialist QUALITY PROFESSIONALS/ HEALTHY SYSTEM f PUBLIC TRUST 80 College Street, Toronto, Ontario MSG 2E2 Tel: (416) 967-2600 Toll Free: (800) 268-7096 Fax: (416) 961-3330 1 f'):.:: Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Minist8re des Affaires civiques et de I' Immigration Deputy Minister Sous-ministre 61h Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.: Fax: 416 325-6210 416 325-6196 t?ontario 66 etage 400, avenue University . Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel. : 416 325-6210 Telec.: 416 325-6196 RECEIVED f1AY 12 2014 May2014 MUNtCfPALJry OFB ROCKTON Dear Friends: · Each year, the Goveriui:ient of Ontario celebrates the accomplishments and contributions many of our wonderful seniors make to communities across Ontario. This year, the Senior Achievement Award will once again highlight the significant voluntary and professional achievements made by individuals after they have reached the age of 65. I encourage you to participate in the 2014 Senior Achievement Award Program by nominating a deserving senior. Online nomination forms and information outlining details of the program, the selection criteria and the procedures followed are available at: The deadline date for nomination is June 15. If you require further information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat in Toronto at 416-314-7526, toll-free at 1-877-832-8622 or TTY at 416-327-2391. Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider putting forward the name of a special senior in your community for a Senior Achievement Award. Sincerely, ,-Chisanga Puta-Chekwe Dsputy Minister 11-244 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group Thursday, April 10th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Chesley Fire Hall 211 1st Ave N, Chesley Chesley, Ontario MINUTES A meeting of the Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group was held on Thursday, April 10, 2014 at the Chesley Fire Hall. The following Members of the Group were present: Name Mark Davis Stewart Halliday Keith Stelling Paul McQueen Larry Close Ian Gibbons Terry McKay Scott Mackey Tony Clark Alan Barfoot Dwight Burley Wilf Gamble John A. Bell Carol Lawrence Warren Howard Alex Westerhout Municipality Arran-Elderslie Grey Highlands Arran-Elderslie Grey Highlands Grey Highlands Brockton Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Georgian Bluffs Georgian Bluffs Huron-Kinloss West Grey West Grey North Perth Central Huron The following members of Staff were present: Teresa Gowan Arran-Elderslie Bill Palmer Saugeen Shores Others in attendance were: Frances Coe Babette Beard Wayne Couture André Den Tandt 1. Position Deputy Mayor (Chair) Councillor (Vice-Chair) Appointed Citizen Deputy Mayor Appointed Citizen Appointed Citizen Deputy Mayor Councillor Appointed Citizen Mayor Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Secretary Technical Advisor Meaford Meaford Huron-Kinloss Meaford ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The Agenda was amended prior to the commencement of the meeting with the following additions: Item 6.5 Warren Howard to discuss Letters to Ombudsman - Draft Municipal Resolution Page 1 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes April 10, 2014 Item Item Item Item 6.6 7.2 7.3 7.4 2014 Participating Municipalities GM truck ad Warren Howard to speak regarding LTEP Plan Summerhill project Moved by: Larry Close Seconded by: Scott Mackey That the Agenda as amended for the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group meeting of April 10th, 2014 be received and adopted as distributed by the Committee Secretary. Carried 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS: No disclosures of pecuniary interests were made by the committee. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: Paul McQueen Seconded by: Larry Close That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group adopt the minutes of the last Committee Meeting held March 13, 2014, as circulated. Carried 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 There were no delegations during this meeting. 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5.1 The Terms of Reference were brought forward for further review by the members. There was a further discussion among the members regarding lobbying. Keith Stelling presented to the meeting an Interpretation of lobbying from the Office of the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario, Office of the Lobbyist Registrar (Ontario) Interpretation Bulletin # 3 issued March 1, 2011. The Interpretation states: "Lobbying does not include making submissions to a committee of Legislative Assembly which are a matter of public record, submissions to public office holders about the enforcement, interpretation or application of any act or regulation, submissions in direct response to written requests for advice or comments and routine constituency communications." More discussions followed regarding the sending of letters from the MMWTWG, some stated that the MMWTWG does not have authority to speak on behalf of individual municipalities and that perhaps letters could Page 2 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes April 10, 2014 be drafted and sent to the participating municipalities for each municipality to forward. Moved by Terry McKay Seconded by Scott Mackey That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group have a recorded vote to remove from the document Terms of Reference the sentence "Any lobbying efforts shall have approval by the majority of the respective Councils." Carried A recorded vote was taken by the municipal members and the vote resulted in 7 yeas and 1 nay. The vote resulted in removing the lobbying sentence from the Terms of Reference. Changes to the Terms of Reference will be made and will be brought forward to the May meeting for approval by the Committee. 5.2 There was a report on the 2013 spending of the MMWTWG. Mark Davis obtained a copy of the General Ledger showing receipts and expenditures for 2013 from the Clerk of Arran-Elderslie and reviewed the figures with the members. Audited financial statements will be forwarded to the members when available. 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Stewart Halliday discussed the infrasound article "How Does Wind Turbine Noise Affect People" by Alec N. Salt which appeared in the Winter 2014 edition of Acoustics Today. Stewart stated he felt this article is valuable as it is starting to prove that certain people can have ear problems from wind turbines. Keith Stelling had provided a summarized version of the article which condensed the scientific aspects of the article. 6.2 Keith Stelling presented a proposed letter he drafted to Premier Wynne, Chief Medical Office of Health, Minister of Health, Minister of Environment and Minister of Energy regarding Alex N. Salt research on infrasound. Moved by Paul McQueen Seconded by Scott Mackey That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group receive the letter drafted by Keith Stelling regarding Alec N. Salt research on infrasound and send it to the Councils of member municipalities for their approval prior to sending it to certain members of the Provincial Cabinet and copied to local Medical Officers of Health. The Clerks shall distribute upon Council approval to the parties mentioned in the letter. Carried Page 3 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes April 10, 2014 6.3 Mark Davis spoke about the correspondence received from the Municipality of Huron East regarding administrative fees for the MMWTWG. The Council of the Municipality of Huron East has declined to authorize the 2014 annual fee. Mark stated that since they have denied paying the 2014 administration fee then Huron East will no longer be a participating member of the MMWTWG. 6.4 Warren Howard spoke on the Samsung proposal to Township of Southgate. Warren had provided a copy of the draft Memorandum of Understanding. Warren stated that Samsung was moving into to a new area so they didn't have a FIT agreement for the new site. They are currently in discussion with the Township of Southgate to obtain municipal agreement. 6.5 Warren Howard presented a Draft Municipal Resolution to Request Ombudsman Investigation of Renewable Energy Approval Process. This template could be presented to the Councils of the participating municipalities for their consideration. Each municipality could add their specific concerns in the "In particular" paragraph. Moved by: Warren Howard Seconded by: Stewart Halliday That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group forward to the Clerks the Draft Municipal Resolution re Ombudsman Investigation for consideration and amendment by Councils and that the Clerks forward the approved resolutions to recipients recommended on the document. Carried 6.6 2014 Participating Municipalities - Mark Davis advised the Committee that the Municipality of Bluewater wishes to join the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group and that John Gillespie who is the alternate rep from Bluewater is in attendance at this meeting. Mr. Gillespie advised that the primary representative would be Dave Roy and he also advised that the Municipality would be discussing the matter of the 2014 administration fee at their next Council meeting to be held on April 27, 2014. 7. FOR INFORMATION 7.1 Warren Howard update on Noise Nuisance By-law. Warren stated that he has recently spoken at the Municipalities of Saugeen Shores and Melancthon. He stated that both municipalities were receptive to the proposal. Warren continues to meet with other interested municipalities. 7.2 GM truck ad. There were concerns about an ad showing wind turbines in a GM truck ad. Warren Howard stated that the Advertising Standards Board said that GM advised them that their ad has been pulled. Page 4 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes April 10, 2014 7.3 Warren Howard to speak on LTEP Plan. Warren had distributed documentation concerning Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) Schedule and Station Connection Availability for Large Renewable Procurement plans. Warren reviewed the documents with the Committee members. 7.4 Alex Westerhout stated that the Summerhill project has no FIT contract and that they are taking down their meteorological towers. There was a proposal for 100 towers between Clinton and Goderich. 8. DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING The next meeting date is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the Chesley Fire Hall, 211 1st Ave. N., Chesley. 9. RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF (includes appointed Councillor(s) and citizen appointee) 10. RESOLUTION TO RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION 11. ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDATIONS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION (if any) 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Keith Stelling Seconded by: Dwight K. Burley That the meeting be adjourned to the call of the Chair. Carried The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ______________________________ Mark Davis, Chair ____________________________ Teresa Gowan, Secretary Page 5 of 5 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines Working Group Meeting Minutes April 10, 2014 Municipality of Brockton c/o County of Bruce Planning Department Box 129, 578 Brown Street, WIARTON ON N0H 2T0 Phone (519) 534-2092 Fax (519) 534-1174 Chris LaForest, MCIP Director Date: May 9, 2014 File: A-14-14.34 Notice of Public Hearing Proposed Minor Variance (Section 45, Planning Act, 1990) Take Notice that a Public Hearing will be held on May 26, 2014 at 7:00 PM, in the Municipality of Brockton Council Chambers, 100 Scott St, WALKERTON ON, in order to consider the Planning Application as outlined below. Development Proposal Related File(s) Owner Applicant Legal Description Municipal Address Lot Dimensions Lot Frontage Lot Depth Lot Area Uses Existing Uses Proposed Structures Existing Structures Proposed Access Servicing County Official Plan Zoning By-law Surrounding Land Uses Subject Lands The application proposes to permit construction of a 2-car attached garage with reduced front yard setback. The setback is proposed to be reduced from 6 metres (20’) to 3 metres (10’). None James Rahn Same Part Lots 68 and 69 Concession 2 NDR (Brant) 832 Marl Lake Road #8 Roll# 410434001005500 +/-18.3 m (60 ft) +/- 49.4 m (162 ft) +/- 1021 sq.m. (10 990 sq.ft.) Residential No Change One One plus attached garage Marl Lake Road #8 – year round Municipal Road Individual onsite well and septic system Inland Lakes Development designation LR Inland Lake Residential Lake Residential or vacant. Any Person may attend the meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support or in opposition to the application. Written comments should be forwarded to the Planner responsible for the file, Jakob Van Dorp (by mail or fax at the above address; or by e-mail at by May 21, 2014. If any person receiving this notice does not attend the meeting, the Committee of Adjustment may proceed in his/her absence and he/she may not be entitled to any further notice of the Committee’s proceedings. Additional Information relating to the application may be obtained at the Wiarton Planning Office, at the above address, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday) or at the Municipal Clerk's office 519-881-2223. This Public Notice can also be viewed on-line at (under ‘Quick Links’, ‘Planning Applications’ and search by municipality). Any Person who has concerns or objections to the application is encouraged to contact the Bruce County Planning Department at the above address prior to the scheduled meeting. Please note: Comments and opinions submitted on these matters, including the originator’s name and address, become part of the public record, may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a Planning Report and Council Agenda. Jakob Van Dorp, Planner, Bruce County Planning & Economic Development See Site Plan attached with reductions as per Table above. COUNTY OF BRUCE MUNICIPALITY OP BROCKTON (FORMER TOWNSHIP OF BRANfl PART OF LOTS 68 a ea CONC. 2 NORTH OF THE DURHAM ROAD ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN FEET (Fr) WE —is— /0 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS (IN Fr) PROPOSEO SPOT ELEVATIONS (IN PROPOSED WATER SHED / IL — — H7rQ6’55’W — 147.80’ —.,__.__.__.________.____ SCALE / - / // N / / EXISTING / FILTER BED, / LI’ EXISTING CONTOURS (IN Fr) / / ALL LANES TO HAVE A LTNIMLM BASE OF 45Omrr GRAN”B AND 150mm GRAN.”A BEDDING MA’L TO BE GRAN. M (OPSS 10O) AL FILLS TO BE SUPPLIED, PLACED AND COMPACTED BY HE CONTRAFrOR / OWNER CONRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL u/S SERVICES TRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION T TO BE PROVIDED OVER SOIL MN. 150mm TO ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS BLEND 0 ALL EXISTING ELEVATONS ALL EXTERIOR CONCRETE: f = 32 MPg c/w 6% A.R ENRAINMENT EXTERIOR APRONS & WALKS TO HAVE A MN. OF 300mm COMPACTED GRANULAR BASE SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO TO BE ARRANGED WITH APPLICABLE AJTHORITIES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO CONACT LOCAL VDRO AJTHORITY FOR SERVICE LAYOUT / / / ,/ EXISTING HOUSE -————I EXISTING 1000 GAL AQUAROBIC TANK / / N7 SELL / QHP SITE PLAN SCALE: /8’ = — 1—X’ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT NOTE: II a 17 PRINTS ARE HALF—SCALE, 24 a 38 PRINTS ARE FULL—SCALE / / / / NELSON DAWLEY, P. ENG. E—mail: Sail, •3, Hanover, ON N4N I P8 427 IOtA St. Foe, (519) 364—7838 Ph. (519) 364—7837 — JIM RAIIN PROPOSED ATTACHED GARAGE 832 MARL LAKE 811 I MARL ISSUED FOR APPROVAL ALEX WELLER MARCH 12. 2014 LAKE, ONTARIO SITE PLAN DWO# SP—2 o COUNTY OF BRUCE PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Box 129, 578 Brown Street, Wiarton, Ontario N0H 2T0 (519) 534-2092 Fax (534-1174) Chris LaForest, MCIP Director NOTICE OF APPLICATION PURSUANT TO THE PLANNING ACT, 1990 CONCERNING AN APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO SEVER LAND IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE TAKE NOTICE that an Application for Consent to Sever Land has been submitted to the Approval Authority for the County of Bruce as outlined below. Development Proposal Related File(s) Owner Applicant Agent Legal Description Municipal Address Lot Description: Lot Frontage Lot Width Lot Depth Lot Area The applications propose to sever three lot additions from the subject lands and add them to adjacent properties. None Derek Dietrich and Nicole Dietrich Ron Dietrich N/A Plan 463 Lot 49 and Pt Park Lot 26 (Plan 162) 18 Johnstone Boulevard Roll #410436000216400 Severed Severed Severed B-31 B-29 B-30 Retained Add to 20 Add to 313 Add to 313 Johnstone South St South St Blvd None None None +/- 15.4m (50.6ft) +/- 40m (132 ft) +/-43m (140ft) Irregular Irregular +/- 32.3m +/-45.1m +/- 80.8m +/- 122m (400ft) (106ft) (148ft ) (265 ft ) +/-1300 sq.m. +/-1923 sq.m. +/- 1031 sq.m. +/- 1486 sq.m. (0.32 ac) (0.48 ac) (0.25 ac) (0.36ac) Residential Vacant Residential No Change No Change None Dwelling None No Change N/A Municipal No Change No Change Over receiving parcels Johnstone Blvd Walkerton Primary Urban Area Residential R1 Low Density Single Residential Existing Uses Proposed Uses Existing Structures Proposed Structures Existing Servicing Proposed Servicing Access County Official Plan Local Official Plan Zoning By-law Surrounding Land Residential Uses Subject Lands YOU are being notified of this Consent application because your name appears on the assessment roll for properties within 60 metres (200 feet) of the subject lands. ADDITIONAL Information pertaining to this application may be obtained at the Wiarton Office, at the above address, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday). Additional Information can also be viewed on-line at (under Quick Links, Applications, by Municipality). IF you wish to be notified of the Decision of the Approval Authority for the County of Bruce in respect of the proposed Consent, you must make a written request to: County of Bruce Planning and Economic Development Department at the above address. This will entitle you to be advised of a possible Ontario Municipal Board Hearing. Even if you are the successful party, you should request a copy of the Decision since the Decision may be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Applicant or another member of the public. IF a person or public body that files an appeal of a Decision of the Approval Authority for the County of Bruce in respect of the proposed Consent does not make written submissions to the Approval Authority for the County of Bruce before it gives or refuses to give a provisional Consent, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Any Person may make written submissions either in support or in opposition to the application. Written comments should be forwarded to the Planner responsible for the file, Jakob Van Dorp (by mail or fax at the above address; or by e-mail at by June 12, 2014. Please note: Comments and opinions submitted on these matters, including the originator’s name and address, become part of the public record, may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a Planning Report and Council Agenda. File No.: County of Bruce Consent File No’s: B-29-14.36, B-30-14.36 & B-31-14.36 Dated at the County of Bruce, this 23rd of May, 2014 Chris LaForest, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee, Approval Authority for the County of Bruce From: Ron Cooper Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:10 PM To: ; ; ; Peter Hambly ; 'Rick Plantt' ; Subject: Fencing & Landscaping Committee Members: Further to my previous email regarding scheduling of fencing & landscaping. Fencing to close off an open area to the north adjacent to the active landfilling area was completed last Wednesday May 7th which 200ft of chain link fencing was installed. I met with Tim Kraemer of Ground Effects Landscapes on May 8th to further review onsite the planting areas. Some of the preparation work for planting is completed but due to wet weather planting will not be completed until next week. I am attaching plans showing the proposed landscaping that was proposed from the Environmental Assessment, Landscape Plans by Stantec and Landfill Berm details. These plans have been forwarded to the Ministry to respond to their inquiry. Thanks, Ron qb 1 WASIE Lop¡nisc lvcnuc KlZ 7Í1 (613) 722-1420 (615) 722-2759 rd ¡q. Santec (sEE Cl,rAflotfi DEÍAL 0N flc. D-os) BERM TYPE I$5 Ottoro 0N conodo w]dcnlÉm .4 ffI 2Z 2 N..+s Slantec CorËrffi6 ú 1 N.T.S. 1 otræ -E- 2 2ù.t y*_ l lfl-E PERFORAIED HOPE PIPE NOI{-PTRFORAIÐ BERM TYPE 2 I¡NDfIII N.T.S. ¡:l @ 4 NOfE I GRTDING LOCAÎON ID *ro€'*" 2Z 2 PIPE BOOI HDPE PIPE RNAL C!\iER LN'T 277, 216,a 2u.2 HDPE MANHOI.E Not6s I.IDPE I¡'IERAL 3OO' GRANUI¡R BASE HEADER N......-s NOIE 'l: RtÐUCEìYlflH,Pnåtff tr* ,Rosr pRorEcloN) PHASING 'nili¡a¡rr-'i BERM TYPE 3 ' N.T.s' COLOUR CODE 300mm Þ{SNNG GRADE (oRGANTCS IRIPPED) CONSIRUCNON HDPE HEADIR GRANIJI,AR N.<+s w-E [:l] l3F"-'l |loIE 3: -t* rrpE 2 oR I TYPE FRO5T PROÌECNON FOR PIPING Revrhion 1 NO ilo 1B 1 2 1C 1 3 t6 1D 1 5 NO 2C 1 5 YES c lsE[,Ð Fof, colclRtÆmil E ÉTE FOR ¡ ErE ffi 'Il{0B EPA m Ofil lPro[ 5^ 1 Y€S hsred 5B 4 Y€S * DuRtNc coNsmucTroN oF .ELL 3/+ Er @. YI&.D cr il c! Bt GL lz-10&. Gl- lzfl'is GJ- lz0l.ll rп fr.[flþ G. chÉ-E' ffi PErmit-Sieal i;Ëùr+ xro¡os NorE 4: r Mil WTIH cBr 1A SEE NOIE 12filmml L0cA10l{ BELow ÐßnNG cRADE UND€R Bmil 58 REtucErilÚìPnl'ff* ao mosr PRo''cnoN) BERM TYPE4 N.T.S- 1700 3) t200 Cilent/Pnied TOWN OF HANOVER |{DPE (rJ) HANOVER/WALKERTON I.ANDFILL EXPANSION CELL 1 Hanovgr ON Canada rOO' Tils sm{r{ 5m BEToRE ¡ND PRoR To MH lo e 11, GR¡NUI¡R NolE 5: sfvÍcH EEnl To ¡8o/E ;ioË;; Foit;r.nstrt HEÁDB DESIGN mrr0 t!! BERM DETAILS EE REPLACÐ IVIIH CTAY PLUG. BERM TYPE 5 N.T.S. FROST PROTECTION DETAIL N.T.S. mieA¡O. Scale AS SHOWN 163401 150 Dtat{tqNo. Sheet Rorlshì 1 L1 SD-7 CS-9 CS-23 CS-12 SD-22 AR-2 PG-6 CS-15 SD-18 AS-3 PG-6 BA-2 PS-2 SD-14 TO-4 AB-3 AS-3 CS-16 PS-4 PG-5 BA-2 SD-32 TO-2 AR-1 DECIDUOUS/CONIFER PLANTING DETAIL SA-1 SD-14 PS-3 SD-10 SD-22 PS-3 PS-3 AS-2 SD-13 AS-2 AS-2 AR-1 PG-5 AR-1 AR-1 AR-1 CS-14 CS-11 AB-5 AS-1 AB-6 AS-1 YP. 10m T SD-11 PG-6 TO-3 PG-6 TO-3 AB-2 YP. 10m T SD-11 PG-7 TO-3 AB-5 PS-4 SD-10 AB-4 SA-1 CS-13 YP. 10m T GD EXISTIN SD-6 BA-3 AB-4 PS-3 PG-3 PG-3 CS-4 AR-1 SD-8 TO-3 AS-1 AB-5 AB-5 BA-3 AB-4 SD-6 PS-3 AB-4 SD-6 BA-3 PS-3 PG-3 CS-4 AR-1 SD-8 TO-3 TO-3 AS-1 AB-3 CS-19 LE SWA E AG IN EXI G STIN DRA CS-18 SD-8 AS-1 AB-4 SA-1 AR-2 TO-3 CS-15 PG-3 CS-13 SD-11 YP. 10m T PG-4 CS-4 AR-1 SD-8 AB-4 SD-13 CS-15 AS-1 AR-2 CS-13 SD-11 SA-3 AS-3 SD-13 CS-30 PS-3 CS-4 AR-1 TO-3 TO-3 PG-4 CS-15 AB-4 AS-3 E E SWAL PG-4 SD-10 CS-10 RAINAG SD-13 BA-4 PS-4 CS-10 TO-3 CS-13 BA-4 AS-3 AS-3 TO-3 PG-3 PS-4 CS-10 PG-6 CS-13 BA-4 SD-10 SD-11 AB-2 PG-3 BA-4 PS-4 AB-5 AS-1 CS-13 PG-3 AB-4 AB-3 AS-1 AB-2 CS-13 SD-10 CS-11 SD-11 AB-2 PG-3 CS-11 o C) gì ) o SAUGEEN 6 J RMER t I tr G uoT e\ 10 uoT PROPOSED PI.ANTING TO MATCH EXISTING VEGETATION, DESIRABLE SPECIES TO BE A MIX OF WHITE CEDAR, SUGAR MAPLE, TREMBLING ASPEN, YELLOW BIRCH, \ ( MARL CREEK \ COMMON HACKBERRY, SILVER MAPLE, STAGHORN SUMAC AND RED-OSIER DOGWOOD. --ìr \ \ t I I Ëq PROPOSED PI.ANTING TO MATCH Ð(STING VEGETATION. DESIRABLE SPECIES TO BÊ A MIX OF WHITE CEDAR, SUGAR MAPLE, TREMBLING ASPEN, YELLOW BIRCH, COMMON HACKBERRY, SILVER MAPLE, STAGHORN SUMAG AND RED.OSIER DOGWOOD. \ July 2009 CADD 1 ûl ln Stantec Consulting Ltd. z 505 Lcperriere Avenue Ottowo 0N Conodc K1Z 711 1 I LJ U I (n J z C9 t Statrc Tel. 613.-/22.++ZO Fox. 613.122.2799 Notes Legend t EXISTING WOODEDAREAS {D PROPOSED TREES Scale I TOWN OF HANOVER Existing vegetation description as per NaturalEnvironment lnventory - Stantec 2008, Volume ll, APPendix I' 0 HORIZONTAL EXTENT OF 4NDFILL 1:5000 50 HANOVER/WALKERTON LANDFILL Fiqure No. |-12-17 Title 100 200m 63400731 MITIGATION PLAN AREA'A'