resin of vateria indica linn. - International Journal of Research in


resin of vateria indica linn. - International Journal of Research in
Venkateshwarlu G et al / IJRAP 2011, 2 (2) 334-337
Research Article
Available online through
ISSN 2229-3566
Venkateshwarlu G1*, Shantha T R1, Shiddamallayya N1, Kishore K R1 and Sridhar B N2
National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute [NADRI (CCRAS)], Bangalore 560 011, India
Assistant Director Incharge NADRI, Bangalore, India
Received on: 08/01/2011 Revised on: 22/02/2011 Accepted on: 10/03/2011
The resin from a tree Vateria indica Linn. is therapeutically known in Indian traditional systems of medicine
(Ayurveda and Siddha). It is known as Sarja rasa in Ayurveda and Vellai Kungiliyam in Siddha. Studies have shown
that the resin possesses resveratrols having anti-tumour properties. Kungiliya parpam (KP) is a Siddha preparation
made from this resin that is effective in the management of urinary tract disorders. There have been no
physicochemical studies evaluating traditional methods of preparation. Hence a study was undertaken to do a
preliminary physico-chemical evaluation of samples Sarja rasa and Kungiliya parpam and compare the changes with
a working hypothesis that, Traditional methods of preparation might reconstitute and fortify the phyto-compounds
present in the resin to bestow various healing properties. Physicochemical constituents of the two samples (Sarja rasa
and Kungiliya parpam) were evaluated using solvent extraction method using soxhlet apparatus. Benzene, petroleum
ether, chloroform and ethyl alcohol extracts of both samples were estimated and compared. Solvent extraction of both
samples revealed that there was decrease in %w/w of benzene extract whereas an increase in percentage
weight/weight (%w/w) values of all other solvents extracts in KP. This provides preliminary hints towards
phytochemical mechanism involved in traditional method of preparation. The study demonstrates reconstitution of
phytocompounds with traditional methods of preparation of Kungiliya parpam using Sarja rasa which, might
contribute to the unique medicinal property of KP. Advanced pharmacological and HPLC studies might help in
eliciting modern scientific basis for traditional methods of medicinal preparations.
KEY WORDS: Sarja rasa, Kungiliya parpam, V. indica Linn. , Ayurveda, Siddha
*Corresponding Author:
Assistant Director (Ay.) National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute (CCRAS), Govt. Central Pharmacy annexe,
Jayanagar, Bangalore 560 011 Email:
Vateria indica Linn. [(V. indica Linn.); Fig 2] is a
evergreen medicinal tree that grows up to 30m height
indigenous to evergreen forests of western ghats from
North Karnataka to Kerala. The resin exuded by the tree
is known as Piney resin, white Dammar or Dhupa1. Resin
is obtained by tapping the tree by making semicircular
incisions on the stem through the cork cambium up to the
surface of the sapwood. The resin starts oozing from the
incisions in 3-4 days and continues till 60-90 days. The
resin commercially finds its use in the timber industry in
manufacture of varnishes2. The use of plants and their
exudates in therapy has been among the oldest and
widely studied topics. There are ample proofs3 of the
applications of plant exudates in the treatment of various
diseases in classical text books of Ayurveda and Siddha.
The resin is known as Sarja rasa (SR) in Ayurveda and
Vellai Kungiliyam (VK) in Siddha. It is obtained by
incising and tapping the tree V. indica Linn. (Fig 1 & 2).
The resin finds its use in traditional Indian systems of
medicine like Ayurveda and Siddha for health and
healing diseases4. It is credited with tonic, carminative
and expectorant properties and is used for the treatment
of respiratory disorders like chronic bronchitis, throat
troubles, tubercular gland, boils, piles, diarrhea and
rheumatism and so on5. Recent studies on the medicinal
tree have also shown anti-cancerous properties4. Till now
there have been no attempts to decipher V. indica Linn.
physico-chemically. A popular Siddha medicinal
preparation called Kungiliya parpam3 (KP) [Fig 3] is
prepared out of this resin with tender coconut water. It is
useful in leucorrhoea, burning micturition, urethritis,
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2(2), 2011 334-337
Venkateshwarlu G et al / IJRAP 2011, 2 (2) 334-337
ulcers in stomach or duodenum and dysentery3. Both are
generally prescribed in the dose of 200 -500 mg with
ghee, butter or tender coconut water3.
There has been no study so far to understand how a
traditional method of medicinal preparation brings in
physicochemical change in raw resin of V. indica Linn.
Hence a preliminary physicochemical study of the resin
of V. indica Linn. before and after the preparation of
Kungiliya parpam was conducted.
To conduct a physicochemical evaluation of the samples
Sarja rasa and Kungiliya parpam and to compare the
changes in the physicochemical parameters of above
Materials: The yellow resin was procured from the local
market and authenticated by the experts of survey of
medicinal plants unit of NADRI, Bangalore which is a
Government of India authorized centre for plant sample
authentication (Author: Shiddamallayya). It was
powdered and subjected to physico chemical analysis.
Kungiliya parpam
Resin of V. indica Linn: 300 gms.
Tender coconuts: 07 nos.
Method of Preparation of Kungiliya parpam: 300 gms
of Sarja rasa (V. indica Linn. resin) was brought from the
local market and powdered. The powdered resin was
mixed with one tender coconut water (500 ml) and boiled
until the resin started to appear (12 min) on the surface of
the boiling liquid in a molten state. The resin was
separated by filtration and cooled. The procedure of
melting and recovery was repeated for an additional six
times. The final product was dried, ground and then
sieved. The fine powder was creamy white in colour3.
Methodology of Physicochemical Analysis
Samples: Sample 1: Sarja rasa (Resin of V. indica Linn.
Sample 2: Kungiliya parpam
Apparatus: Soxhlet apparatus
Solvents: Petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform and
Experiment: The resin powder of sample 1 was filled in
the thimble of soxhlet apparatus. The material was
exhaustively extracted with petroleum ether (40°C) for
about 48 hours. The solvent was distilled off at low
temperature and under vacuum and concentrated on
water bath to get semisolid liquid. After extracting with
petroleum ether, the material was refluxed with other
solvents like benzene, chloroform and alcohol6. The
same procedure was repeated for sample 2.
The results of the preliminary analysis are given in the
table 1. When the preliminary physicochemical
parameters were compared between Sarja rasa (SR)
[resin of V. indica Linn.] and Kungiliya parpam
(medicinal preparation of V. indica Linn. resin), there
was negligible ash value in both samples (SR: 0.14%;
KP: 0.68%). Increase in volatile oils (SR: 32.84%; KP:
36.57%) in-spite of boiling is a notable finding and
increased moisture content (SR: 0.81%; KP: 2.91%) in
obvious in a process of boiling with tender coconut
Solvent extraction of V. indica Linn. resin with the
petroleum ether (83.05%), benzene (9.40%), chloroform
(0.19%) and ethyl alcohol (1.014%) revealed extractives
as indicated in brackets under each fraction. KP on the
other hand yielded enhanced extractives [petroleum ether
(91.03%), chloroform (1.62%) and ethyl alcohol (1.90%)
except benzene (4.35%)]. This might be due to the
presence of major phytocompounds, like ketones, resins,
saponins, steroids, terpenes, tannins, phenols and
saponins. Increase in petroleum ether extracts is
indicative restructuring of steroids7. Increased ethyl
alcohol extracts is suggestive of increased glycosides,
flavonoids and tannins. Increased chloroform extracts
points towards increase in steroids, triterpenes and
alkaloids. Reduction in the benzene extracts of KP might
indicate of reduction in some fatty acid compounds.
The following findings are indicative of immense
potential of V. indica Linn. as a safe drug useful in
oncology and geriatrics. Further, through traditional
methods this resin can be impregnated with other
medicinal uses. Studies have shown that the resin of V.
indica Linn. is a complex mixture of several triterpenes
hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols and acids along with
small amounts of sesquiterpenes2. On distillation
oleoresin yields essential oils (76%) with stray balsamic
odour. Dipterocarpaceous plants [V. indica Linn. belongs
to the family Dipterocarpaceae2] are known to contain
various resveratrols oligomers that exhibit a variety of
biological activities such as antibacterial and antitumor
effects. High-performance liquid chromatography
analysis of V. indica Linn. showed that the extract
contains bergenin, hopeaphenol, vaticanol B, vaticanol
C, and epsilon-viniferin2. The extract is also safe and
does not show significant toxicity to mice even at a
dosage of 1000 mg/kg body weight by daily oral
administration for 28 days4. Further, two new resveratrol
(=5-[(E)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethenyl]benzene-1,3-diol)
derivatives, vateriaphenols D (1) and E (2), were isolated
from the leaves of V. indica (Dipterocarpaceae), together
with six known resveratrol oligomers (3-8), a
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2(2), 2011 334-337
Venkateshwarlu G et al / IJRAP 2011, 2 (2) 334-337
isocoumarin (bergenin, 9), and a benzophenone (10). The
structures of the isolates were established on the basis of
spectroscopic analyses, including a detailed NMR
spectroscopic investigation8.
Although Sarja rasa used in Ayurveda and Siddha system
of medicine, it is little known in phyto-pharmacology. Of
late, phyto-pharmaceutical scientists have been working
on V. indica Linn. and have demonstrated anti-tumor and
antioxidant properties. The Siddha formulation KP
involves a traditional method viz., thermal processing of
the SR (resin of V.indica) with tender coconut water. KP
thus prepared, is endowed with newer therapeutic
properties when compared to SR. There have been no
efforts so far to decipher the phytochemical changes that
occur in SR when it subjected to traditional processing
during the preparation of KP. Hence a study was
undertaken to compare the preliminary physicochemical
parameters of SR and KP. Interestingly, analysis shows
that this process brings in physicochemical
reorganization and enhancement in the levels of principal
phyto-compounds. These changes may be involved in
bringing about unique medicinal property of the
preparation that is not so conspicuous in the resin. This
was a preliminary study and significantly provides
impetus to undertake future endeavors. Column
chromatography, advanced HPLC, Pharmacological and
clinical studies might help in identification of individual
compounds, exact mechanism of phytochemical change
and clinically utility of V. indica Linn. resin and
formulations based this resin especially, in the area of
geriatrics and anti-tumor activities, can bring in newer
horizons in the medicinal utility of this preparation and
establish a firm phytochemical basis for its therapeutic
The authors are thankful to the Director General,
CCRAS, New Delhi for the encouragement and financial
support. Thanks to Dr.Sudha, Ex. R.A (Siddha) and
Smt.Saraswathy Pasupathy Ex. R.A (Chem.) for the
technical support.
1. Chopra RN, Nayar SL & Chopra IC. Glossary of Indian
Medicinal Plants. C.S.I.R., New Delhi; 1958.
2. Kirtikar, KR, Basu, B.D., Indian Medicinal Plants. 2nd ed. (Vol.
I) Delhi; 1993.
3. Anonymous, Vaidya Yoga Ratnavali-the Formulary of Siddha
Medicines, IMPCOPS, Chennai; 1972.
4. Mishima S, Matsumoto K, Futamura Y, Araki Y, Ito T, Tanaka
T, et al. Antitumor effect of stilbenoids from Vateria indica
against allografted sarcoma S-180 in animal model. J Exp Ther
Oncol. 2003; 3(suppl 5):283-288.
5. Anonymous, The Wealth of India raw materials (SP-W) volume
X. publication and information directorate, C.S.I.R New Delhi;
6. Anonymous, Quality control methods of medicinal plant
materials. W.H.O; 1996.
7. SS Das, Malini Sen, YN Dey, S De and AK Ghosh. Effects of
Petroleum Ether Extract of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Tuber
on Central Nervous System in Mice. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2009;
71(suppl 6): 651–655.
8. Tetsuro Ito, Naohito Abe, Yuichi Masuda , Minori Nasu,
Masayoshi Oyama , Ryuichi Sawa et al. Two Novel Resveratrol
Derivatives from the Leaves of Vateria indica. Helvetica
Chimica Acta, 2009; 92 (1):195 – 208
9. Anonymous, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (Part-I,
Vol.IV), Dept. of AYUSH Govt. of India, New Delhi; 2004.
10. P K Varier (ed), Indian medicinal plants a compendium of 500
species (Vol 5). Arya vaidya sala, Kottakkal, Orient Longman
Pvt.Ltd, Chennai; 1996.
11. Ashok Seth (ed), The Herbs of Ayurveda (Vol. IV), Alankar
Table 1: Physico-chemical analysis of Sarja rasa (Vateria indica resin) & Kungiliya parpam
(w/w) %
Ash content
*pH value (1% Alcohol)
Volatile oil
Moisture content
Petroleum ether extract
Benzene extract
Chloroform extract
Ethyl alcohol extract
Resin content
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
% (w/w)
Sarja rasa
(Vateria indica
The resin (Vellai kungiliyam) & preparation (Kungiliya parpam) were water insoluble but soluble in alcohol
% (w/w) = weight by weight percentage
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2(2), 2011 334-337
Venkateshwarlu G et al / IJRAP 2011, 2 (2) 334-337
Table 2: Ayurvedic properties of Sarja rasa (Resin of Vateria indica) 10, 11
Ayurvedic characteristic
Rasa (taste)
Tikta (bitter),Kashaya (astringent), Madhura (sweet)
Guna (quality)
Ruksha (arid), Laghu (light),Ushna (Hot)
Veerya (potency)
Sheeta (cold)
Vipaka (post digestive effect)
Katu (pungent)
Doshagnata (effect on doshas)
Pitta Rakta and Kapha shamaka (pacifying)
Karma (action)
Vedana sthapana (anodyne`) vrana shodhana (antiseptic), vrana ropana (would healing),
jantughna (anti infective), thermogenic, emmanogogue, Styptic, carminative,
expectorant and tonic.
Vyadhiharatva (indications)
Gout, rheumatism, cancer, chronic bronchitis, tubercular glands, haemorroids,
amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, diarrhoea, urinary tract infections,,
hemicrania , skin diseases and vitiated conditions of Vata.
Sarja rasa Yoga (preparations with
the resin of V.indica)
Ayurveda: Pinda taila, Kachuradi curna, Manmathabhra rasa9
Siddha: Kungiliya parpam3
Fig. 1. Vateria indica Linn.
Fig. 2. Sarja rasa
(Raw Resin of Vateria indica Linn. )
Fig. 3. Kungiliya Parpam
Siddha medicinal formulation prepared from Resin of Vateria indica Linn.)
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2(2), 2011 334-337