Long Beach Singles Yacht Club “The Single Sailors” BOSUN’S PIPE We’re having fun at sea. No boat needed. We have the boats. Married couples welcome Happy Thanksgiving! Scuttlebutt I owe an apology to the club. It seems I wrote an article in which I stated that the best time in this club is in the fall. This is usually so because of the holiday parties the club has. Well, it seems we are not having a lot of parties this year. Why not? No one particular reason why not It’s because a lot of people just couldn’t get it together this year. I asked around, and got more excuses than needed (It might rain that day, It’s gonna be cold around Thanksgiving, etc.). But the main problem was that people just couldn’t get it together and lack of houses for parties. Well, maybe next year. We held a club auction on the 13th of October. We do this once a year, mainly to help replenish our club’s bank account. We have a number of bills due at year’s end (Insurance, Southern California Yachting Assoc., etc.) We made $350 off of the auction, and this brings our finances up to something we can handle, going into next year. Every little bit helps. We’re also trying to recruit new members. Past experience is that four to five new people come to each meeting, but only one comes back. The trick is to get old members to renew. That’s done by making sure we have a decent program at each meeting, and that the presentation is good. We also offer discounts for membership. Half price if you bring a boat into the club. Half price if three sign up sheets posted in the past year. Instructions are on the Crew Wanted sign-up sheet. Also! Remember that little rhyme? Spring forward, Fall back? Yep, it’s that time of the year again. Daylight Savings Time is upon us again. So we’re going to be getting up earlier and going to bed later until —March —is upon us. The raft-ups are back. Back in the golden days of the Eighties & 90’s we had about 26 boats tied up, side by side, and a party going on from boat to boat. But then the old fuddy duddies got in and one by one closed all our raft-up sites. We seem to have found a new site at what used to be the Old Navy Mole. If you stay out side the Mole, it’s okay. Just stay out of the old Seaplane harbor. If anybody shows up at our raft-and looks like an important Navy personage, don’t tell them “Joe sent you. ”I don’t know nuttin’ about this. We also have an election coming up in early November. (second Tuesday of November). Ballots will be available at the meeting. Remember to vote, but not too often. We didn’t have a Halloween party this October, nor are we have an Orphan’s Thanksgiving this November, so I have run out of things to write about. Joe Rogers 2015-2016 Officer Nominations: Commodore— Rhonda Rowley Vice-Commodore— Gordy Lords Rear commodore— Melissa Wiley Secretary— Michelle Daley Treasurer— Bernard Brooks Member at Large— Dave Ferling Port Captain— Wendell Fleming Fleet Captain— Bill Anast Membership Captain— Joyce Jackson Nominated so far: Write in also available Skipper of the Year: Dan, Rhonda, Bill Crew Person of the Year: Camelia, Robt. Miller, Melissa Volume 2015 Issue 11 November 2015 Nautical Question: You look at your crew info sheet and it says: TIME: 12:00. So what time should you be at the boat? A. 12:00, B. 11:00, C. 11:30, D. 1330 Answer: A 12:00 The boat will depart at 12:00. So, at 12:00, you should be aboard, your gear stowed, and you should be ready to shove off. Typically, most people who sign up for a day sail will arrive at the boat at 12:00, stow their gear, til1 12:30 , and miss the boat Would you do that if you had a ticket on an airplane ? If you did, you probably would end up waving good-bye to your plane as it pulls away from the terminal. Boats, Planes, and ships, operate on a schedule, and a it pays money to them to make sure everyone is operating on the same schedule. A plane departing at 12: 00 will be pulling away from the terminal at 12:00 or before. But typically, people going on a day sail show up at noon, and are ready to go at about 12:30. If you are like me, you ignore it. After all, it’s not a life or death situation, and if you let people to continue doing this, they’ll take advantage of your good nature all the time. But if you come down hard on people for being late, they See Nautical, page 5 november Birthdays Scorpio 5. Craig Smith 8. George Snyder 9. Gerry Sykes 18. Millie Warren 20. Patricia Owens 22. Grant Kaepplinger Page 2 Long Beach Singles Yacht Club From the Commodore, Bosun’s Pipe LBSYC Hi Everyone, Sometime before the end of the month, I would like to challenge each and every one of you, to call at least 3 people in your personal directory, and invite them to attend one of our meetings and enjoy a buffet dinner and a delightful speaker for the evening. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO ENSURE YOUR CLUB'S LEGACY! Don’t forget that the first November meeting, Nov. 10th is Election night. Be sure and come and cast your vote. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. In the coming year, the new board will be depending on YOU for help with organizing everyday functions of your club. Please volunteer for a committee whenever you can and do your part to support YOUR club. I’m going to the Raftup and if you need a ride, give me a call. Fair Winds, Vicki Guy From the Vice Commodore I hope you are learning a lot from the programs that we have had. They have been great. We are still open for ideas next year, so if you think of a program or speaker that you would like to see, please let us know. Our Nov. 10th program will be by Lydia Jewell who traveled around the world with the famous sailing couple Exy and Irving Johnson. This should be a very interesting program. Bring a friend to the meeting. Member SCYA Founded by Gary Severns, 1985 2015 Flag Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs COMMODORE VICE COMMODORE Orientation Greeters Birthday cards Ways & Means Programs REAR COMMODORE Membership Recruiting 310-539-2593 Rhonda Rowley 562-879-6573 Gordy Lords Doris Morrisey Gerry Rogers Michelle Daley Gordon Lords Joyce Jackson JR STAFF COMMODORE Bruce Clark 562-858-7157 562-377-0056 714-501-1588 PORT CAPTAIN Spokeswoman Special Events Wendell Fleming FLEET CAPTAIN Cruising Racing Training Craig Smith 909-904-0250 SECRETARY Newsletter Mary Baca 562-461-0423 TREASURER Cashier 50 / 50 Drawing Merchandise MEMBER AT LARGE Directory Webmaster Rhonda Rowley Vicki Guy 562-537-4973 Karen Rademaker Joe Rogers 562-522-7572 Bernard Brooks Frieda Mills Maria Bogart Melissa Wiley 818-272-3365 Dave Ferling 714-743-9125 424-202-7264 Dave Ferling Dave Ferling The Bosun’s Pipe is a monthly publication of Long Beach Singles Yacht Club. Address: LBSYC, PO Box 41341, Long Beach, CA 90853. Editor: Joseph W. Rogers. E-mail address:, or, Submission Deadline, 20th of each month. All articles will be edited for content, grammar, and punctuation From the rear-commodore We are going to have a recruiting table in front of West Marine on Saturday November 14th, the day of the dock party. We need volunteers to spend an hour or two helping talking to people about the club. You could help with this and then go to the dock party. Give me a call at 562-858-7157 or sign up at the Nov. 10th meeting. We need more members and we need for you to help recruit. Fair Winds, Gordy Lords From the fleet captain Avast Maties, The fleet is having a raftup on Saturday, November 7th starting at 12 noon at the Navy Mole triangle. We will have sabots there to race. This is another Pirate Theme for the Raftup. Grab your Pirate gear, practice your Aarrgh’s and come to the Raftup. See the skippers to go. In case of bad weather, the event will be rescheduled. In the meantime, pray for good weather. See you on the Water, Craig Smith Long Beach Singles Yacht Club Page 3 Bosun’s Pipe November 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 DST ends 2 3 4 5 6 Happy 7 Raftup 8 9 10 11 12 Clocks ahead 1hr Hour 13 Happy 14 Hour Meeting 15 22 29 7. 16 17 18 23 24 25 Board Meeting Meeting 19 Dock party 20happy 21 Hour 26 27happy 28 hour Thanksgiving happy Hour 30 Raftup & sabot race 1pm Raftup in the Navy triangle. Sabot race will be in that area. Sign up at Oct. 27th Meeting. Weather Permitting 10, MEETING, 2ND TUESDAY Members, $7, Non-mmbr, $10, First timer $5 7 pm: Social hour, hors d’oeuvres 7:30: Skipper’s meeting 7:45: New people orientation Guy Election night 8:15, Speaker: Lydia Jewell—Traveled around the world with the Johnson’s. Should be a very interesting program! 8:00 Meeting host, Vicki 14, dock party & sabot race 23, Board Mtg, 7 pm, Navy Yacht Club. Near the fuel dock in ABM 24, MEETING , 4TH TUESDAY Members, $7, non-mbrs, $10, First timer $5 7 pm: Social hour, hors d’oeuvres 7:45: New people orientation 8:00 Meeting; host, Vicki Guy 8:15, Speaker: TBA Any Fri, HAPPY HOUR AT CRAB POT, 5 PM 3pm Carl’s boat, Gwy 29, Bring food to share, your own beverages, and folding chair. Weather permitting! Alamitos Bay, Crab Pot Rest. Next to G’way 3. Discount. drinks, complimentary buffet $ 3.00. Tips are over buffet cost. Long Beach Singles Yacht Club Page 4 Bosun’s Pipe DECEMBER 2015 Sun 6 13 20 Wed Thu Fri Sat 34521222 1 21222222 2 3 4Happy 5 LA boat Hour parade 7 9 11 Happy Hour 12 HH boat Mon Tue 8 Hannukkah 1st Day Christmas Party 14 15 16 22 23 21 10 Naples parade 17 28 29 18 happy 19 25 26 1 jan 2016 Hour 24 Christmas Eve 27 parade party 30 31 Christmas Day 5, L.A. Port Holiday Afloat boat Parade 12, Naples boat parade 6pm. Not a club event, 6pm San Pedro sign up your but listed for you to watch if nearby. Naples Streets close at 5pm. Where’s the Dragon? Add your boat to boat, decorate it and be in the parade. Trophies the parade around Alamitos Bay. 8, MEETING, 2ND TUESDAY Members, $7, Non-mmbr, $10, First timer $5 7:pm: 7:30: 7:45: 8:00: Social hour, hors d’oeuvres Skipper’s meeting New people orientation Meeting host, Vicki Guy 8:10: Annual Christmas Party w/ dancing— Bring an unwrapped toy for kids charity. 25, 31, Any Fri, HAPPY HOUR AT CRAB POT, 5 PM 12, HH Boat parade & party 6pm George Demos’ home in Huntington Harbor, 16641 Edgewater Ln. HB, Bring food and beverages. Bring appropriate warm clothing to watch the parade. No red wine inside the home. Fire pit to sit around. Alamitos Bay, Crab Pot Restaurant next to Basin 1. Discount. drinks, Complimentary buffet, $3.00. Tips are over buffet cost. Long Beach Singles Yacht Club Page 5 Bosun’s Pipe Membership drawing results: You must be present to win! Oct. 13th Meeting: $15—Michael Taylor—Winner Oct. 27th Meeting: $15—Larry Howe—Not Present $10—Lou Haglind—Winner From Nautical. page 1 may not come back at all. Being a tough guy works when your at work, but may get rid of some shipmates who you enjoyed THE COMPANY OF. Be flexible. People going out on a day sail will gather at the boat at 12:00, STOW THEIR GEAR UNTIL 12:00, THEN DEPART THE SLIP AT AROUND 12:30. Which is okay if it’s your boat. But if it’s not your boat. Then start thinking about getting there early. Best advice I can give is to leave for the boat at 11:00, to arrive there at 11:30. Stow your gear and ready the boat for sailing between 11:30 AND 12:00. Cast off all lines at 12:00 and go sailing. If allowed to, most crew will show up at 12: and stow gear after 12: Best advice I can give,: Ask the skipper what time he wants to get underway. Joe Rogers The late Liz’s Hats on display at the Auction. Sold! Frieda does Buccaneer Days at Catalina ***Party House Request*** The social committee is actively looking for homes or party rooms where alcohol is allowed to hold our monthly indoor parties. Rec. rooms may charge a nonreturnable fee but we can add a dollar to the entrance fee. Please contact Wendell if you can host a party for our club. Aarrrgh! Warm days for Buccaneers Ove & Neva at Carl’s Dock Party Marsha singing at Carl’s Dock Party Auction Treasures that found new homes Long Beach Singles Yacht Club Page 6 WELCOME to LBSYC, Long Beach Singles Yacht Club (formerly LBSSA). Couples welcome. Our club is a volunteer organization to promote sailing and socializing. Membership is approximately 30% boat owners (sail and powerl) and 70% crew. Over the Side Bosun’s Pipe Joseph W. Rogers Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7 pm (see map ) Khoury’s Restaurant Meeting Room, 110 N. Marina Drive, Long Beach, CA 90803 Social Hour: 7:00-8:00 pm Newcomers Orientation, 7:45 pm General Meeting, 8:00 Presentation, 8:15 pm End of meeting, Approx. 9:00 pm After the meeting we socialize in the bar at Khoury’s. We encourage skippers to post “crew wanted” lists for day sails or club events. All are welcome No experience needed, No boat needed. So what is needed? Be over 21 and have a desire to sail and have fun. Website: Vicki Guy, Commodore Long Beach Singles Yacht Club PO Box 41341 Long Beach, CA 90853 2nd Street H PC ar M D ina r. X Khoury’s We s SlB st Ma rine Sch YC o on er o r La te r X Crab Pot Marina Dr. San Gabriel River Notable Quotes: Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. - George S. Patton WWW.LBSYC.Org er ebak Stud While John was lusting after Millicent’s body, Millicent was doing cash flow analysis. Rd.