Strapack Strapping Machines
Strapack Strapping Machines
R Automatic Strapping Machine RQ-8x RQ-8x The Evolution of the Market-leading RQ-8 Series The RQ-8x is the evolution of one of StraPack’s most popular and longest selling models, the RQ-8. The new RQ-8x offers a higher strapping speed along with the same reliability, intuitive operation and ease of maintenance that the market has come to expect. These features reinforce the market leading position of the RQ-8 series machines. ■ Easy Strap Loading Strap loading is as easy as a touch of a lever. There is no need to thread the strap. ■ High Speed Up to 55 straps per minute (even with tension applied). ■ Easy Maintenance Self-lubricating design reduces wear and tear and increases operational life. ■ Automatic Re-feed In case of a feeding issue, the machine will re-feed the strap automatically. ■ Anti-Jam Function If the RQ-8x is operated accidentally without a package in place, the strap will form a loop, leaving the machine ready for the next cycle. ■ Advanced Heater Design RQ-8x is ready to operate in less than 25 seconds, contributing to increased packaging line efficiencies. 1252 (49-1/4) 914 (36) 338 (13-1/4) ■ Portable Heavy-duty metal casters allow the RQ-8x to be quickly moved to any single phase power supply outlet. 609 (24) 498 (19) 609 (24) 650 (25) 647 (25-1/2) (3-5/8) 92 794 (31-1/4) 1403 (55-1/4) ■ Variable Tension A wide range of tension is available via a digitally controlled tension dial. Tension capability is up to 80kgf or 176lbs (equivalent of 150mm or 6” stroke). Unlike many other machines in the market, tension does not compromise the cycle speed. 513 (20-1/4) millimeters / (inches) Specifications of Standard Arch Size (650 mm wide x 500 mm high or 25" wide x 20" high) Dimension Table Height Package Size Joint / Strap/ Coil Strap Width Power Supply Width Height Depth Weight Max Min 1252 mm 1403 mm 609 mm 160 kg 794 mm W 620 X H480 mm W 80 X H 30 mm heat seal / polypropylene 49-1/4 in. 55-1/4 in. 24 in. 353 lbs. 31-1/4 in. W 24-1/2 X H 18-7/8 in. W 3-1/8 X H 1-1/4 in. heat seal / polypropylene ID 200 X OD 450 X W 200 mm ID 8 X OD 18 X W 8 in. 5, 6, 9, 12, (15.5) mm 5mm, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2,(5/8) in. 100, 120, 200, 220, 230, 240V single phase 50 / 60Hz 0.9KVA Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Modification rights reserved. DISTRIBUTED BY: Pats., U.M. & design registered and/or pending. © 2012 Strapack Corporation STRAPACK CORPORATION 7-16-14, Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN Phone 81-3-6278-1805 Fax. 81-3-6278-1806 (URL) (E-mail) STRAPACK INC. 30860 San Clemente St. Hayward, CA 94544 U.S.A. Phone 1-510-475-6000 Fax. 1-510-475-6090 STRAPACK, N.V./S.A. Uilenbaan 200, 2160 Wommelgen, BELGIUM Phone 32-3-355-1520 Fax. 32-3-355-1521 R Automatic Strapping Machine RQ8000 RQ8000 The Evolution of the Market-leading RQ-8 Series The RQ8000 is the evolution of one of StraPack’s most popular and longest selling models, the RQ-8. Offering a higher strapping speed, as well an integrated Foot Bar, Height Adjustment and a built in Cycle Counter, the RQ8000 reinforces the market leading position of the RQ-8 series machines. ■ High Speed Up to 64 straps per minute (even with tension applied). ■ Foot Bar Easy-to-Operate Foot Bar enables faster, two-handed operation. ■ Adjustable Table Height Height can be set to 5 positions from floor level for easy integration into existing packaging lines: 820, 850, 880, 910 & 940mm (32-1/4”, 33-1/2, 34-5/8”, 35-7/8” & 37”). ■ Cycle Counter The built in counter makes it easy to keep track of strap cycles and plan maintenance schedule. ■ Anti-Jam Function If the RQ8000 is operated accidentally without a package in place, the strap will form a loop, leaving the machine ready for the next cycle. ■ Easy Strap Loading Strap loading is as easy as a touch of a lever. There is no need to thread the strap. ■ Automatic Re-feed In case of a feeding issue, the machine will re-feed the strap automatically. ■ Easy Maintenance Self-lubricating design reduces wear and tear and increases operational life. ■ Advanced Heater Design RQ8000 is ready to operate in less than 25 seconds, contributing to increased packaging line efficiencies. ■ Portable Heavy-duty metal casters allow the RQ8000 to be quickly moved to any single phase power supply outlet. ■ Variable Tension A wide range of tension is available via a digitally controlled tension dial. Tension capability is up to 80kgf or 176lbs (equivalent of 150mm or 6” stroke). Unlike many other machines in the market, tension does not compromise the cycle speed. Specifications of Standard Arch Size (650 mm wide x 500 mm high or 25" wide x 20" high) Dimension Table Height Package Size Joint / Strap/ Coil Strap Width Power Supply Width Height Depth Weight Max Min 1269 mm 1429, 1459, 1489, 1519, 1549 mm 609 mm 174 kg 820, 850, 880, 910, 940 mm W 620 X H480 mm W 80 X H 30 mm heat seal / polypropylene 50 in. 56-1/4, 57-1/2, 58-5/8, 59-7/8, 61 in. 24 in. 384 lbs. 32-1/4, 33-1/2, 34-5/8, 35-7/8, 37 in. W 24-1/2 X H 18-7/8 in. W 3-1/8 X H 1-1/4 in. heat seal / polypropylene ID 200 X OD 450 X W 200 mm ID 8 X OD 18 X W 8 in. 5, 6, 9, 12, (15.5) mm 5mm, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2,(5/8) in. 100, 120, 200, 220, 230, 240V single phase 50 / 60Hz 0.9KVA Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Modification rights reserved. DISTRIBUTED BY: Pats., U.M. & design registered and/or pending. © 2012 Strapack Corporation STRAPACK CORPORATION 7-16-14, Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN Phone 81-3-6278-1805 Fax. 81-3-6278-1806 (URL) (E-mail) STRAPACK INC. 30860 San Clemente St. Hayward, CA 94544 U.S.A. Phone 1-510-475-6000 Fax. 1-510-475-6090 STRAPACK, N.V./S.A. Uilenbaan 200, 2160 Wommelgen, BELGIUM Phone 32-3-355-1520 Fax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`a;$"--/b88<<<6,-)./.:F6:12$$7c&2.45;$4+01d,-)./.:F6:12 !"#$%$&'(*+&, M(9R($>.+$\5#2#+-#$>-6$Q.B<.)=E$\X$NC3CC$Y6>6X6 V"1+#$'&3'(&CL3&R((($_.?6$'&3'(&CL3&R(N( !"#$%$&'-(+,.,/!,$, Y45#+G..+$J((E$J'R($O122#5D#+E$eca]%YS V"1+#$MJ&M&M33&'3J($$_.?6$MJ&M&M33&'3J' R Automatic Vertical Pallet Strapping Machine ■ Consistent & High Tension The RQ-8YAO features the proven and reliable RQ-8 Strapping Head with a latest DC Brushless Motor for the tension system to maintain consistent and high tension for strapping pallets. ■ Strapping with Arch Sword The arch sword penetrates the pallet void and straps the product to the pallet. ■ Holder for Pooled Strap Strap holder rollers maintain even strap tension during the reversing cycle, a useful feature on large arch machines. RQ-8YAO RQ-8YAO & WHG WR RQVHUYL PLW QJ RP 㻱㼏㼛㼀㼑㼏㼔 (FR 7 QYLURQPHQW H( WK & Automatic Vertical Pallet Strapping Machine Modification rights reserved. © 2014 Strapack Corporation / issued on 2014.10 DISTRIBUTED BY: STRAPACK CORPORATION 2-1-19, Hinode, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 210-0824, JAPAN Phone 81-(0)44-288-1180 Fax. 81-(0)44-288-1183 (URL) (E-mail) STRAPACK INC. 33508 Central Avenue, Union City, CA 94587-2097 U.S.A. Phone 1-510-475-6000 Fax. 1-510-475-6090 STRAPACK, N.V./S.A. Uilenbaan 200, B-2160 Wommelgem, BELGIUM Phone 32-(0)3-355-1520 Fax. 32-(0)3-355-1521 Strapack Yokohama Factory D-53 RS Semi-Automatic Ring Strapping Machine FEATURES ■ Strong Tension Capability The torque tension system can apply up to 690N (70kgf) of tension. CPU controlled tension is precisely adjusted by a simple knob. ■ Ideal Design for Tires, Tubes, Wires etc… The two supporting bars and side seal design are very easy to use. Bearing in the metal bars allow the product to be easily rotated to determine strap placement. ■ Easy Operation from both sides Strap feeding buttons are on both sides of the machine. After feeding the desired length of strap, simply insert the tip of strap into the striker switch to begin strapping sequence. DISTRIBUTED BY SPECIFICATIONS Width 1950mm 76.8 inches Height 1055mm 41.5 inches Depth 580mm 22.8 inches Machine Weight approx 100kg 220lbs Package Size min 200mm (ID) 7.9 inches (ID) min 100mm (width) 3.9 inches (width) Strap Width 6, 9, 12, 15.5mm 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8" Strap Tension 9-690N (9-70kgf) Sealing Method heat sealed Power Supply 100,110,120,200,220,230,240v Single Phase 50/60Hz 0.4kw Strapack Corporation 1-2-17 Higashi Shimbashi,Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0021 Japan phone 81-3-3289-1161 fax 81-3-3289-1160 (URL) (E-mail) Strapack Inc 30860 San Clemente Street Hayward, CA 94544 U.S.A. Phone 1-510-475-6000 Fax 1-510-475-6090