Beaudesert Park School


Beaudesert Park School
No. 11
School Notes:
Headmaster’s Speech
Appointments, Scholarships, Valete
Beaudesert & the Community 11
The Arts
Outings and Events23
Year 3
Beaudesert Badge
Prep Form Lists43
The Pre-prep Department44
Pre-prep Form Lists55
Friends of Beaudesert94
Staff List96
School Notes
Headmaster’s Speech at Prizegiving
Winchester entrance. There have
been some excellent CE grades;
Sebastian D’Arcy Rice’s string of
As at Eton placed him in the top
third of all candidates.
We have had other award winners.
There have been many successes at
the Cheltenham Festival. We have
had some unbeaten seasons and
tournament victories. The Wind
in the Willows and Grimm’s
Tales were clearly very successful
productions, also the recent Year
6 production of the Incomplete
Works of Shakespeare was a joy to
elcome to Prizegiving today.
I am delighted to welcome
Dr Felicia Kirk to Beaudesert
today to give away our prizes. Felicia as
Head of St Mary’s, Calne knows a lot
about Beaudesert, having many of our
charming girls with her and I am delighted
the relationship between our two schools is
so strong. I have no doubt at this very moment there
are Prep School Heads across the country
making similar speeches to the one I am
now. They will quite rightly be eulogising
about the successes their schools have had
during the year. So what counts as success?
We have had three very good academic
scholarships: Poppy Stopford to Oundle,
Tamsin Priest to Cheltenham Ladies’, and
Finbar McConnell with a top award to
Cheltenham College. Magnus Lawrence
achieved outstanding grades in his
All good schools offer diverse
opportunities and it is always
easy to boast about obvious
successes in high profile events.
The Consort Choir comes to
mind as an example of talent
mixed with hard graft to produce
wonderful results. Winning the
Cheltenham Festival was one great success;
although I expect singing in Gloucester
Cathedral will probably be a longer lasting
Happily singing is not reserved for them
alone; one of the best events in the whole
year is the vastly competitive House
Singing Competition. Many of us were
also lucky enough to see both Rock on
Summer and the Evening of Jazz recently.
Joyful occasions!
However, the most important thing to
focus on are children’s individual successes.
Perhaps the right way to look at this is
ask them what they can do now that they
could not at the beginning of the year.
What have they learnt both in and out
of the classroom. One common element
of any success is that staff have helped
make it happen. Children instinctively
know this. What children want from their
teachers is quite simple - firstly that the
teacher cares about them and secondly that
they know what they are doing. Beaudesert
staff fulfill both these needs and we should
all applaud them.
I am delighted to see the Performing
Arts Centre taking shape behind me.
We have been through the digger stage
then greatly rejoiced when the Meccano
set went up and we await the Lego phase.
The constructors tell us they are running
to time so we should be in soon after
Christmas. Thank you very much for
the generosity many of you have shown
towards our fundraising campaign.
We have raised £135,000 towards our total
aim of £500,000. It is a huge help for us
to be able to get the very best kit we want
straight away. I can confirm that two of the
music pods have been sponsored and there
are still some naming opportunities left.
I am also happy to say that we are already
underway with plans for the area vacated
by the music school. The first phase next
spring will be more room for the kitchen
and much needed office space. The next
more exciting project for summer 2015
is to create a large library and a Learning
Support area in the middle of the school.
I was interested and rather distressed to
read that some academics had coordinated
research with the headline of ‘Academics
warn of happiness neglect’. It focused on
achieving academic results at the expense
of health and happiness. I hope it did
not take them too long to work that out.
However, the response seemed to me
to wildly miss the point - it was to give
children more PHSE lessons. I do not
want to knock the excellent work which
goes on in our own PHSE lessons, but the
whole thrust of life at school should start
with the idea of health and happiness.
The magic school trick is to get good
academic results because the school is
both healthy and happy.
One important skill schools need to foster
is memory. Despite the digital age it
remains essential that we can all remember
things. I was most impressed at an E-safety
talk this year when the excellent speaker
gave us two passwords to remember at
the beginning of the talk. One was very
simple, the other incomprehensible. At the
end he asked if anyone could remember it,
definitely expecting the answer no.
To his surprise Tamsin Priest reeled off the
correct mixture of letters and numbers.
This was most impressive. Clearly it is
equally important to be discerning about
what is worth remembering. We do not
want to be bringing up a generation
who are only suited to winning pub
quizzes. However, without a solid base of
knowledge we would all be the poorer for
it. We can balance just ‘knowing things’
and using that knowledge and skill to do
something impressive. Every child who
passes exams has done exactly that.
Some do so at a high level.
Beaudesert children are involved in all
sorts of exams. I am pleased we were
mentioned by the Townsend Warner
History competition as being a school
with strong entries. We had many good
performances in the UK Maths challenge.
Magnus Lawrence was selected for the
Maths Olympiad as one of the top 1%
of competitors.
One of the benefits of having been Head
for some time is to have seen generations
of children come through the school
and I do not believe any of them failed
academically because they were too happy.
In short, the happiest children work
hardest. For a school to generate a happy
environment is the key to every success
and I continue to urge parents to listen to
us if we feel they are pushing too hard.
I am in good company telling you this.
The admissions tutor at Eton at an
educational conference warned parents
against allowing their sons to be prepared
for Eton’s interview and entry test, saying
the school did not want boys to sound like
mini adults. He went on to say that many
pupils, particularly those from London
and the South-East were being overtutored in an attempt to secure a place.
One of my Headmaster colleagues found
a high profile earlier in the year when he
was quoted saying, ‘Insane parents are
driving their children too hard by ordering
extra tutors for everything’. Let us all keep
Gloucestershire a sane place.
Schools do know what they are talking
about and it is right for you to trust us.
Of course schools do not always get things
right. Here is a series of reports from a
senior school in the early 80s:
December 1981, 13th out of 14 - Does
not listen to instructions. Why is he doing
March 1982, 13th out of 14 - Picture
largely unchanged, tells me he wants to read
natural sciences, dream on.
June 1982, 14th out of 14, the position says
it all. He needs to ask fewer questions and
concentrate on learning the notes he has been
You may well have guessed where this is
leading. On leaving Cambridge with a 1st
he became a research biologist helping to
cure the world of harmful diseases.
It also remains important for children to
be able to write properly. Text speak is
clearly taking hold and whilst I am sure it
has its place there are great dangers when
writing texts when you should be writing
‘proper English’. Some text messages can
be confusing. When Fiona and I were out
visiting a school one day a message came
through from Theresa when we knew that
there had been something of a drama at
Beaudesert. The text reads ‘Fiona panic
not all well will fill you in later’. This was
clearly a worry for us as we were at least an
hour away from school, however of course
the meaning was totally different and we
should have read the message as ‘Fiona,
panic not, all well, will fill you in later’. So what do we consider to be important
skills which will really help in life? Here
is a short list which goes some way to
answering at least part of the question.
1. To be able to walk with confidence into
a room full of people.
2. To be able to talk to a complete stranger.
3. To be able to speak in public.
4. To be able to ease away from a
conversation that has run its course.
Certainly the senior schools to which we
feed Beaudesert children would feel they
are aiming for this. Beaudesert is certainly
part of the process.
I have an example of how important
happiness is to Beaudesert children. On a
visit to a senior school soon after the start
of the New Year, Fiona and I were escorted
around by one of our old girls.
Suddenly as we passed the IT room there
was a shout then a sudden movement and
a girl shot out of the room and jumped
into Fiona’s arms. This spontaneity,
indicative of her happy time at Beaudesert,
is proof of why we must never compromise
children having the chance to feel good
about themselves and their lives at school.
We should never take it for granted what
children do or say particularly the younger
ones. Asking a child in reception ‘What’s
for lunch?’ The reply was ‘It’s a secret’.
Sometimes we do need to check their
logic. As a scientific answer to how you
test water for being pure? ‘Lick it’ is not a
great answer!
Also one Year 6’s answer to how we deal
with the obesity problem in Britain was to
say ‘Go to the gin’. Perhaps my favourite
comment of the year was from a Year 3 girl
who came into my study with a group of
friends to have her certificate signed.
She looked at me and said, “Do you ever
get lonely in here?” I was also greatly
touched when I was invited into a Year
4 girls’ den in the wood which had
an entrance hall, kitchen, bathroom,
including a spa, and also spacious living
room. This reinforced to me why break
time remains a hugely important part of
the day.
One of the acronyms schools use is PDR
- Professional Development Review. I am
a great believer in staff having the chance
to move onwards and upwards with their
careers; this has been particularly true for
our Houseparents. Over the years two
Houseparents have become Heads and two
have gone on to be Deputies elsewhere.
I am very pleased that Nick Armitage is
moving on to be Pastoral Deputy Head at
St Hugh’s. He has fulfilled many roles at
Beaudesert, both in the classroom and on
the games field. He and Polly have been
able to create a splendid atmosphere in the
boarding house. Many younger boarders
have greatly enjoyed the Beaudesert Badge,
which has come under his direction.
We wish the Armitages well in their move
and we know we will keep meeting on the
games field.
We say thank you and goodbye to Nicky
Tomlinson who has taught ballet at
Beaudesert for 20 years. Fitting dance into
the curriculum has always been a challenge
and ballet dances have had to be held in
many different venues. I am very grateful
to Miss Nicky for all her work over the
years. We will be seeing pink tutus back
at Beaudesert at some stage in the future. Colin Screen has been one of Beaudesert’s
most faithful servants. I am not sure which
mathematical equation we should use to
work out the total mileage he has driven
on behalf of the school but the total must
be somewhere near 200,000 miles.
In earlier days both he and his devoted
dog Sally would be ready in all weathers to
transport children to school or to matches
or even to Cornwall for the leavers’ trip.
Always cheery, always interested, he cared
for his passengers at every turn. Such was
the affinity he had with ‘his children’ they
all clubbed together to give him a great
send off before Christmas.
We also say goodbye to Alison Joyce,
who has been a stalwart member of the
Pre-prep staff for nearly 20 years. As one
of our Reception teachers, she has warmly
welcomed generations of Beaudesert
children to their first year of real school.
Alison has devoted herself to ensuring the
children have a happy start, setting the
right tone for all future years here.
Her professional positive approach to
her role and her natural spirit of kindness
have made her one of our Pre-prep gems.
Sue Lloyd-Williams has definitely done
her time at Beaudesert. She started
teaching here at the inception of the
Pre-prep in 1986 and has been ever
present in its growth and development.
She has successfully taught Year 2 with
many different colleagues, ensuring
the children have had a very thorough
Sue has a great talent for Drama and
has written many of the Pre-prep plays.
The children have certainly learnt
their first dance moves for Sue’s many
wonderful assemblies and productions.
Of course, she rather enjoys acting
herself and each year she plays a
magnificent Victorian school marm
following the children’s visit to
Sevington. We wish her well as she
leaves us to ensure her husband Terry
is behaving himself in retirement.
Alice Burr is leaving at the end of this
term after 31 years dedicated service to
the school. Alice has been ever dependable
during her time here. She has certainly
seen a huge change in our approach to
boarding at the school. She has also seen
off at least six sets of Houseparents, so
we have been very lucky to have the
continuity of her presence upstairs. From full boarding in the early days
through weekly to our present model of
flexi-boarding, Alice has always had the
children at heart, always thinking of
them first. Clearly if she were not so
hyper-organised Beaudesert’s system
of ‘hot bedding’ would break down.
Alice is also a talented singer, seamstress
and gardener and she is now about to
follow this vocation. She has been a
cornerstone of Beaudesert life. Happily she
will be living just around the corner so we
will not lose touch.
We now come to the final act of the year
as we say goodbye to Year 8. I would
ask Felicia to give the boys their Old
Beaudesertian ties and the girls this year
will receive a commemorative pen.
We wish them all the best as they make
the transition from being top of the tree
to bottom of the pile next year. I believe
they will take everything in their stride.
They have the inner confidence to
continue their own success stories.
Gap Students
Left to Right: Charlotte Phillips, Patrick Garschargen, Lucinda Kempton, Joshua Taylor and Morgan Price
Nick & Polly
I first met Nick when he was looking for
employment whilst in his PGCE year at
Although we had no opportunities at the
time I knew we should find a place for him
here when we could. Happily it was not
long before we were able to poach him from
a school nearby.
During his time Nick has fulfilled a
multitude of roles. Teaching Maths,
Humanities, RS, running a Form and being
fully involved with the sports programme.
I know he was particularly pleased to have
introduced rowing to Beaudesert. Latterly he and Polly have been very
popular houseparents. They have striven
hard to create a warm family atmosphere
upstairs. It has clearly helped having their
own family growing up within the boarding
house. Beaudesert Badge tends to come
with the boarding territory and I was very
pleased that Nick was able to take this on.
Nick is a busy chap and has always been
keen to be involved in things both in and
out of school. It says a lot that he could be
seen augmenting the choir at Christmas
whilst training for an Iron Man event. We will miss the Armitages a great deal,
however, I am delighted that he is moving
on to be Pastoral Deputy Head at St Hugh’s
in Farringdon. No doubt we will see him on
the touchline in the future. JPRW
Alice Burr
Alice started
at Beaudesert
in November
1982 as a Junior
Matron under
the guidance of
Nancy McIntosh,
who was Senior
Matron and Nurse and a rather formidable
woman. There were 120 children on the
school roll, 89 of whom were boarders.
In those days family run schools were
more hierarchical than they are today –
‘Call the midwife meets Downton Abbey’!
Alice’s room was in the Matthew (one of
the current dormitories) and she shared a
bathroom with the children. Beaudesert
began to expand with the opening of the
Pre-prep in 1986 and in the early days,
the matrons were expected to help as
classroom assistants.
Like many schools, Beaudesert gradually
shifted from full to weekly and then
to flexi-boarding, thus adjusting to the
changing market and parental wishes.
Alice took all these changes in her stride
and became Senior Matron in 2001.
Alice is a very caring person and would
always put the needs of children before
anything else. In the days of full boarding,
she would comfort the homesick and
reassure parents whilst always remaining
honest. Apart from being incredibly
organised and efficient, Alice has a
multitude of skills – needlework, mask
making, gardening, computing, singing
and travelling – all of which she put to
use whilst at Beaudesert. In particular
her practical creative talents were every
school’s hidden gem as she happily sewed
on name tapes, patched up holes in
jumpers, darned socks, sewed on buttons,
made bunting for the girls dormitories,
took an embroidery activity and planted
bulbs with the Beaudesert Badge children,
to name but a few. Alice accompanied
school trips to Devon, Cornwall and
Italy and found the energy to dress up as
Britannia during the school’s celebration
of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012
and sang Rule Britannia to the whole
school during assembly. As well as all
these practical attributes, Alice has a great
understanding of current affairs, of wildlife
and the countryside which she shared with
the children.
We are so pleased that Alice has decided to
pursue a new career in gardening where,
as Jo Keyte said, she can be sure that once
her charges have been placed in a bed, they
will stay there!
Alison Joyce
Alison Joyce
joined Beaudesert
in 1996 after
teaching in
Cornwall and
New Zealand.
She taught for 16 years in Reception
and the last two in Year 1. Every time
anyone enters her classroom they are
struck by the warmth and calmness of the
atmosphere…amidst the laughing which
goes on between her and Mrs Chinnick!
Alison has always been so positive within
the department, whether she is embracing
change, being an Agony Aunt to some
of our younger staff, or burning plastic
plates on hot hobs! She always sees the
positive side to everything. She has been a
pleasure to work with and we will all miss
her being part of the Pre-prep team. Alison
has always had a tremendous rapport with
the children in her care and has constantly
gone out her way to ensure all children are
happy and achieve their potential. We shall
miss her enormously and wish her much
happiness and good health for the future.
Sue Lloyd-Williams
Sue LloydWilliams arrived
at Beaudesert
in April 1986
from ‘up North’
in Scunthorpe.
She and her
husband Terry
moved into the boarding house, where she
was responsible for the girls, whilst also
teaching English and Drama in the Prep
School. The Pre-prep department opened
in 1987 with just two classes and Sue was
one of the first teachers, along with Sylvia
Beard. In the past 27 years in the Pre-prep
she has seen many changes, from three
Heads, two new buildings, numerous staff
coming and going…and because of all
this experience she has been an invaluable
team player to work with. Calm, fun,
Colin Screen
sometimes naughty with a wicked sense
of humour, Sue has had us all in fits of
laughter at some point or another. She is
simply made for the stage. One of her true
passions is Drama and we shall all really
miss her creative input to the Year 2 plays
and the wonderful class assemblies that she
pulls off, usually with her double act Mrs
Cushnan! Sue has written the Year 2 plays
for the last 27 years …perhaps we should
be looking out for her at The Globe
Theatre in her retirement! Hundreds
upon hundreds of children have been
taught by Sue and I know they all have
very fond memories, and this is exactly
what she will leave her colleagues with.
She will be deeply missed but we know she
will keep in touch and come back to visit
us. We wish her much happiness in her
All schools need dependable staff.
For nearly 20 years we have been able to
rely on Colin to drive our minibuses.
Through wind, rain and sun Colin has
cheerily welcomed Beaudesert children
onto his bus. Colin has always been happy
to wait for children at various tournaments
and always took pride in bringing back a
victorious team. We are indebted to Colin
for his service to the school
Speech Day Prize List
John Keyte Maths Prize
For excellence in Maths
David Maths Cup
For exceptional performance in Maths
May Prize for English
For flair and creativity
Stephen Henriques English Prize
For overall excellence in English
Rufus Isaacs English Prize
For excellent writing
Reid Science Prize
For excellence in Science
Matthews Science Prize
For sustained effort, ability and achievement
Brickwood Physics Prize
For natural flair and ability
Chalmers French Prize
For exceptional performance in French
Austin Richardson Classics Prize
For impressive performance in Scholarship
Horne Greek Prize
For excellence in Greek
Vincent Keyte History Prize
For outstanding work in History
Petyan Prize for Geography
For excellence and commitment throughout the years
Mander RS Prize
For exceptional effort and attainment
Pope IT Prize
For great awareness of computer use and unstinting effort
Lavery Cup
For consistent artistic endeavour
Hervey Adams Art Prize
For artistic flair
Pottery Prize
Kulesza Technology Prize
For outstanding design work Archibald Design Prize
For excellence in Design and Technology
Cucknell Design Salver
For outstanding design work
Wallace Drama Award
For contribution to the dramatic arts
Crick Drama Cup
For performance
Oliver Shield
For excellence and commitment to the music department
Elgar Music Prize for Woodwind
Waite Shield for Strings
Kellie Cup for Brass
Blackmore Chorister Cup
Brodermann Prize
For dignity and bearing
All Rounder Prize
For great all round contribution
Nott Cup
For academic attainment
Mills Cup
For academic attainment
Harmer Cup
For academic excellence
Magnus Lawrence
Ginny Lawrence
Catharine Reid
Lauren Dunne
Alexandra Smith
Tamsin Priest
Finbar McConnell
Magnus Lawrence
Poppy Stopford
Poppy Stopford
Jasper Lowde
Piers Tabor
Sebastian D’Arcy Rice
Alice Hall
Ben Barnes
Annabel Gouriet
Lottie Burns
Sophie Elvin
Rosalie Craven
Lydia Newman
George Standen McDougal
Daisy Mitford-Slade
Will Comaish
Alice Hall
Sebastian D’Arcy Rice
Jessica Downton
Oliver McGill
Katinka Hughes
Columba Leeper
Tatiana Parr
Finbar McConnell
Poppy Stopford
Magnus Lawrence
Form Prizes
For academic achievement
For positive attitude and all round effort
For effort and academic progress
For consistent hard work and academic achievement
For fantastic academic progress this year
For outstanding all round effort
For high achievement
For effort and a blossoming of confidence
For kindness and wonderful manners
Frieda McLean
Beatrice Montgomerie
Zach Hitchcock-Smith
Poppy Ross
Monty D’Arcy Rice
Saskia Meakin
Evie Jones
Mathilde Davey
Woody Walker
For excellent academic achievement and all round effort
For consistently outstanding effort and performance
For being a wonderful, caring, bright girl
Excellent academic achievement all year
For wonderful effort and cheerfulness all year
For outstanding effort and progress all year
For high achievement
For consistently high effort and attitude
For all round performance and contribution to the class
Emily Watkins
Siena Burnett
Rosie Roche
Isabella Morgan-Grenville
Isabella Playne
Jake Holloway
Harry Ahearne
Anna Wateridge
Alice Playne
For consistently outstanding effort
For outstanding academic achievement
For a positive attitude and outlook
For outstanding academic achievement throughout the year
Consistent, excellent effort
Cheerfulness, enthusiasm and making the most of opportunities
For high achievement
For outstanding effort
For great enthusiasm and joie de vivre
Sienna Hiscox
Anna Mallinckrodt
Wilbur Hyde
Emily Tubbs
Rosalie Craven
Ned Agnew
Maddy Smith
Isabella Thomson
Angus Catto
For a positive approach to all school tasks
For consistent academic excellence
For musical and sporting prowess
For an excellent attitude and all round contribution to Year 6
For academic prowess and superb involvement to school life
For constant effort and setting an excellent example
For academic achievement
For positive attitude towards school life
Constant hard work and academic progress
Alexander Tubbs
Jessica Downton
Tom Beattie
India Case
George Honeyborne
Isabel Wateridge
Ginny Lawrence
Hamish Brook
Amelia Kold
For consistently outstanding effort and academic achievement
For positive attitude and contribution to school life
For her ceaseless enthusiasm and cheerful disposition
For consistent hard work and wonderful manners
For maturity and positivity in all areas
For outstanding all round contribution
For a burgeoning academic perception and engagement
For consistent, understated endeavour
For geniality, generosity and unflagging good spirits
William Gibson
Marcus Hudson
Annabelle Martin
Alexandra Herrtage
Charlie Gent
Beth Ransome
Toby Melvin
Poppy Read
Archie Probert
For outstanding effort, thoughtfulness, cheerfulness and success
For unfailing determination and perseverance leading to success
For improvements in and contributions to all facets of school life
For outstanding perseverance, progress and positivity in her Beaudesert career
For integrity, friendship and modesty
An all round star, making the most of school life
For calmness and composure throughout the year
For her positive attitude towards life (from the classroom to being on top of mountains)
For perseverance and endurance
Annabel Gouriet
Max Haynes
Octavia Slatter
Annabel Slatter
George Standen McDougal
Imogen Brook
Ana Mullen
Rebecca Abingdon
Henry North
Captain of Cricket:
Captain of Girls’ Hockey:
Captain of Boys’ Hockey:
Captain of Rugby:
Captain of Netball:
P Tabor
A Gouriet
C Leeper
J Kite
K Hughes
Captain of Rounders:
Captain of Football:
Captain of Swimming:
Captains of Athletics:
Captains of Cross Country:
T Priest
P Tabor
A Smith
P Stopford & J Kite
A Smith & C Leeper
Johnny Kite
George Standen McDougal
Katinka Hughes
Tamsin Priest
Catharine Reid
Tatiana Parr
Annabel Gouriet
Finbar McConnell
Poppy Stopford
Sports Scholarship
Cheltenham College
Design and Technology Scholarship
Malvern College
Drama Exhibition
St Edward’s, Oxford
Academic Scholarship
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Drama ScholarshipHeathfield
Sports Exhibition
St Mary’s Calne
Sports Exhibition
St Mary’s Calne
Prain Academic Scholarship
Cheltenham College
Academic ScholarshipOundle
Rebecca Abingdon
Cirencester Deer Park School
Hugo Bailey
Cheltenham College
Benedict Barnes
Marlborough College
Imogen Brook
Marlborough College
Charlotte Burns
Royal High School, Bath
Charles Carpenter
Cheltenham College
Will Comaish
Marlborough College
Charles CrabbUppingham
Samuel Clifford
Rendcomb College
Sebastian D’Arcy RiceEton
Lauren Dunne
St Mary’s Calne
Rose Fawcett
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Annabel Gouriet
St Mary’s Calne
Alice Hall
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Max Haynes
Shiplake College
Oscar Henry
Cheltenham College
Fynlay HughesUppingham
Katinka Hughes
St Edward’s, Oxford
Alexandra Jardine
Downe House
Johnny Kite
Cheltenham College
Ashley Lam
Marlborough College
Magnus Lawrence
Winchester College
Columba LeeperEton
Finbar McConnell
Cheltenham College
Oliver McGillSherborne
Daisy Mitford-Slade
Marlborough College
Ana Mullen
Downe House
Edward Nelson
Cheltenham College
Henry North
The King’s School, Gloucester
Tatiana Parr
St Mary’s Calne
Thomas PilsburyOundle
Eva Palmer
Cheltenham College
Tamsin Priest
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Catharine ReidHeathfield
Luke Roberts
Bradfield College
Annabel Slatter
Cheltenham College
Octavia Slatter
Cheltenham College
Alexandra Smith
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Rebecca Smith Cheltenham College
George Standen McDougal
Malvern College
Poppy StopfordOundle
Piers Tabor
Marlborough College
Alfie Weston
Cheltenham College
Lotte Quinn
Ethan Bird
Romey Chappell-Young
Jemima Landale
Harriet Simmons
Isabel Wray
Archway School
Katharine Lady Berkeley’s School
Downe House
The Royal High School, Bath
Ribston Hall High School
Boarding House
Our new Gappy Matron, Jess, joined
us in January and Lisa Ford, our new
Senior Matron, joined us at the start of
the Summer term. Lisa has fitted into the
community upstairs very smoothly, with
her great sense of humour and enjoyment
of riddles making her an instant hit with
boarders and staff alike.
With technology invading almost every
aspect of their lives, it has been refreshing
to see many of the Boarders enjoying
playing traditional games before quiet
reading, such as chess and card games,
as well as a new game, called Dobble,
which proved an instant hit. Another
blast from the past was Twister, which we
bought following numerous requests from
the senior girls in particular!
There is never a dull moment in the
boarding community at Beaudesert and
this year certainly has not disappointed
in this respect. With boarding numbers
continuing to grow, the challenge has been
finding enough space for everyone upstairs!
The end of the Autumn term meant a
farewell to the class of 2013’s Gappies
and to Morgan, our Gappy Matron in
particular. The Boarders’ Christmas Party,
with its ‘When I Grow Up’ theme, gave
the gappies one more chance to show off
their DJ-ing skills. With 148 children
attending, it promised to be a rowdy affair
and the children danced the night away,
either side of a delicious feast, once again
provided by Caroline and her wonderful
kitchen staff. Mini disco balls were given
out to the best movers and shakers, as well
as lots of edible prizes.
Alice Burr, our Senior Matron and
member of the Boarding Team for the past
32 years, decided to hang up her apron
at the end of the Spring term. Alice has
moved on to pastures new, quite literally,
as she has trained to become a professional
gardener. With a number of trips departing
before the end of the spring term we did
not have the chance to collectively say
our farewells to Alice, and so we arranged
a party in her honour in the Summer
term. On a glorious Friday evening, to
the largely tuneful accompaniment of our
musical boarders, we enjoyed a wonderful
BBQ on the Terrace with Alice, which
provided us with a proper and fitting
opportunity to say our farewells. Alice has
been a great friend, guide and support to
staff, families and Beaudesert children and
we will all miss her greatly.
On the heels of Alice leaving (and not,
she pointed out, because of us!), it is now
our turn to step out. The past three years
upstairs have been great fun for all of
us and we are hugely grateful to all the
boarding community for their patience,
warmth and kindness towards us. We are
very excited that the Holmes’ family have
accepted the offer to take up the mantle
and we are sure boarding at Beaudesert
will flourish under their guidance and
The Armitage Family (and Suli!)
Beaudesert & the Community
Appeal and Alport UK, a local charity for
children with this condition.
We continued our link with Widden
School, a multicultural primary school in
Gloucester, with reciprocal visits for Year 4
children. We hope that this link has given
all the children involved the chance to
understand a little about the lives of other
children from different backgrounds and
Thank you to all the children, parents and
staff for all their support.
Beaudesert has supported a number of
different charitable causes this year, and in
so doing, we hope to have fostered in the
children the importance of helping those
less fortunate than ourselves.
The Beaudesert Autumn Charity Fair was
very well supported yet again and raised
over £8500. The proceeds went towards
buying some paediatric equipment for
Tetbury Hospital, the Philippines Typhoon
We supported some national events such
as Jeans for Genes (Home Clothes Day),
the British Legion (at our Remembrance
service), MacMillan Cancer Support (by
taking part in the world’s biggest coffee
morning) and Children in Need (wearing
The children themselves helped with a
number of specific charities. The Gold
Badgers spent an evening at a warehouse
helping to sort and pack some of the
193 shoeboxes that Beaudesert gave to
the Operation Christmas Child shoebox
appeal. Some Year 8s once again helped
at the Stroud Food Bank while others
planned a charity disco to raise money
for the Cotswold Care Hospice in
Other year groups planned their own
fund raising events to support charities
of their choice. We also continued our
on going collection of sports kit for
children in Africa.
Cheltenham College Prep
Schools Science Day
Cheltenham College invited six pupils from Year 6 to attend
their science afternoon along with several other schools. We set
off with Mr Bird our science master. We had a snack on arrival
to get our brains working and then joined the others in the
Science Library. The afternoon was arranged in three sections:
Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
In Physics we took part in 10 experiments ranging from
counting the number of swings of a ball in 28 seconds to a
brilliant experiment with light and a spinning wheel. We had
to try different light levels to make the wheel slow down.
In Biology we dissected an owl pellet, which is the regurgitate
remains of food it has been unable to digest. We discovered
two mouse skulls and bones of voles, mice and moles. We were
given a sheet with pictures of the bones we were likely to find
drawn to scale.
Chemistry was awesome. We did four experiments. Two of
them were making a battery out of half a lemon and making a
mixture of pop by adding water to powder in a test tube.
The best experiment we did was to add a solution to a beaker,
turn the lights off and add another solution. We stirred the
solution with a glass rod and the solution then glowed a
bright blue.
We finished the visit with a big bang when the Chemistry
master added a powder to a fuel and liquid oxygen. Bang!
Felix Taylor-Kimmins
Year 6
Science Lecture - ‘ Live Lab’
On Monday 2nd December we attended a Cheltenham
Festival Christmas Science Lecture at Dean Close. It was an
exciting day out. Our first lecture was called ‘Magic Maths’
which was presented by Matt Pritchard. It was all about the
magic of maths – Matt showed us lots of maths tricks which
blew our minds. He also did normal tricks and included
maths in it. Matt was really a maths magician.
The next lecture was about fireworks, their chemistry and
how to handle them safely. This lecture was presented by
Mathew Tosh. He set off loads of amazing indoor fireworks
and told us how they got their different colours. He showed
us how they were made and their chemical components.
He ended off his lecture with a video showing us one of
his recent firework shows and what it looks like from the
pyrotechnics view point. Very different – full of smoke!
Thank you Mrs Butterworth. It was a very enjoyable day
out and it was so much fun.
Lotte Quinn and Cecilia Mayne
Year 7
Science Trip to Forest
Green Rovers
One of our topics this year has been ‘Energy’, especially looking at renewable
energy sources including solar, wind, tidal, hydroelectric, wave and geothermal.
So Mrs Butterworth took our science set to see Forest Green Rovers, the local
football club, because one of the things which makes this club special is that they
are the most eco friendly club in the UK, and they are hoping to be the most eco
friendly club in the world as they use a lot of renewable energy and encourage
When we arrived we saw the electric cars which the players get for free!
Dane Vince (the chairman’s son) told us they are Nissan Leaf cars, and can be
plugged in at home in an ordinary socket, taking 12 hours to charge, but it is
cheaper and creates less pollution than cars using petrol or diesel. There are
specially made chargers which can charge your car in 20 minutes and these are
starting to be installed in petrol stations and motorway services which is good,
and there are lots at the football club. We were allowed to sit in a car and
pretend we were driving!
We went to see the pitch. The grass is managed in an organic way with no
chemicals used, so it is eco friendly and we found it funny how there was a
robot that cuts the grass, and if it gets stuck it sends a text to the groundsman.
It is directed using GPS and called a mobot. We saw the solar panels which
provide lots of the electricity, and also a wind turbine which uses the kinetic
energy of the wind to make electricity. We went into the changing rooms and
we saw that the players have motivational quotes above their pegs which was cool.
Four scholars went to Bath University to
attend the Salters Festival of Chemistry.
First of all we did a forensic experiment,
which included chromatography and salt
and acid reactions. After lunch we had
to add citric acid and sodium hydrogen
carbonate to the water in order to decrease
the temperature to 10.5° C – test of
accuracy. To finish the day two chemistry
lecturers did some cool experiments.
We saw phosphorus burning, which
was really fun.
We came 2nd (out of 14) in the first
experiment competition and we won some
really interesting prizes. It was a fun and
fascinating day and we all thoroughly
enjoyed it.
Magnus Lawrence, Poppy Stopford, Tamsin
Priest and Finbar McConnell
Year 8
We were lucky enough to meet a player, Jared Hodgkiss, in the gym who talked
to us about his diet and fitness routine. He explained how the club owner is a
vegan, so they do not eat animal products at the club, but they are allowed to
eat meat at home if they want to. Sadly we didn’t get to try the vegetarian food
because it was time to go back to Beaudesert and have lunch!
All in all it was a great trip with many thanks to Mr & Mrs Butterworth for
arranging it, and for the time Dale Vince and the Forest Green Rovers players
gave us.
Oliver Coker, Isabelle Mayer and Violet Levinson
Year 7
Design and Technology
As the pupils go through the school
they experience many different materials
including glass, wood, textiles, metals,
plastics and now ‘smart materials’.
All our projects give the pupils the ability
to customise their work and make it
personal to themselves or as presents to
family or friends.
Design and Technology activities took a
fun twist when two Year 6 pupils made
an excellent go-cart over the Spring term.
laser cutters and soldering circuit boards
together. They get to understand and
recognise materials and learn to use their
properties effectively. They also learn to
use a range of different tools and machines
safely and accurately. Teaching pupils
skills for life and giving them the ability to
create their ideas into reality is one of the
most rewarding parts of my job.
George Standen McDougal’s
scholarship entry work
It has been a very busy year within the
Design & Technology Department.
For those people who managed the time to
visit the fantastic Art, Pottery and Design
& Technology show, you will get some
idea of the wide range and exceptional
quality of work we produce.
The pupils gain dedicated Design &
Technology lessons from Year 4 onwards.
This early start to the subject gives pupils
a greater understanding of the technology
and built environment we live in today.
Pupils master the use of traditional tools
like rulers, carpenters’ squares and tenon
saws as well as modern technology like
If pupils really show a talent and flair
for the subject they may be asked if
they would like to attempt a Design &
Technology scholarship award for their
next school. We have had one scholarship
pupil, George Standen McDougal, who
won a scholarship award to Malvern
College. The quality and amount of work
a pupil must put into this attempt is quite
considerable. They have to make a 20 page
A3 design folio, model the product, and
then manufacture a final fully working
product. The scholars are then given a
written or practical exam and next go onto
have interview with the Head of Design
& Technology and even the Head.
No small order for a thirteen year old who
is generally producing work to a very high
GCSE level.
As they say pictures say a thousand words
so I hope you like some examples of the
fantastic work produced this year.
Faraday Challenge
We left school early in the morning on Thursday 6th of February.
We arrived at Prior Park at about 10 am. We were put on table one
and then we decided which role we would play in the day’s challenge.
Magnus Lawrence was team leader, I was the accountant; George
Standen McDougal was the electrical engineer, Lottie Burns was the
aerospace engineer, and Poppy Stopford and Finbar McConnell were
the mechanical engineers.
It was Magnus’ job to fill out the paper work, take care of the
presentation at the end of the day and lead the team. My job, as
accountant, was to manage the money we were given (130 Faradays)
and buy the necessary products for the challenge.
George’s role was to design the circuit. Lottie was the designer of
the product. Poppy and Finbar did all the mechanical side of this
Our challenge was to make a transporter to carry a rocket three metres
in a straight line. The rocket was the most simple part of the day
whereas the transporter was a lot more challenging. Overall it was a
fun day out!
Tamsin Priest
Year 8
Another busy year has passed.
One of the highlights for me has been
teaching the Pre-prep children in the
ICT Room. They have been a delight,
with their natural inquisitiveness and
More iPads and their greater use in many
subject areas is a trend that is likely to
gain strength. The tablet is, after all, just
like the pocket calculator of the 90s and
Trip To Kings’
School, Gloucester
Amelia, Alexandra, Griffin and I set off at 9am
from school. We were very excited. When we
arrived we went into a hall and were told our
Our challenge was to make a skyscraper
using marshmallows. We were given:
a one metre piece of dowel (piece of wood),
two pieces of metal wire (30 cm each),
lollipop sticks, straws, ruler, pipe cleaners
and thin strips of pasta.
We created a marshmallow base which
supported the tower and attached the straws
to create a pyramid shaped structure.
Our team built the tallest freestanding
skyscraper which carried 400g. This challenge
took roughly an hour and then we had lunch.
After lunch the prizes were announced.
Sadly we did not receive a prize but we all had
loads of fun and found it very interesting to
experience another school environment.
Guy Mitchell
Year 6
will probably become just as ubiquitous.
Children in the Prep school have already
started learning how to make their own
apps, providing exciting new opportunities
and possibilities for learning.
The ICT element of the National
Curriculum is currently undergoing a sea
change and, with its main emphasis on
Computer Science and programming,
comes into effect in September 2014.
I am sure a small smile will be on the
lips of those of us who have been around
long enough to have seen the start of
computer use in schools. Programming
was all you could do in those days and
now we have come full circle. Children
in the Pre-prep are happily programming
colourful animated characters on screen
and are learning the basic building blocks
of coding that will enable them in later
years to program in a more meaningful
way. Scratch is a well known and loved
visual programming language and it is
one that I have been teaching to our Prep
School children for five or six years. As the
children get older they will be expected
to learn a textually based programming
language and these are many and varied.
In this brave new modern world I strive
not to throw the baby out with the bath
water and yes, I do still teach touch typing,
word processing, database and spreadsheet
skills, amongst others.
The school has invested wisely in the
last year in upgrading our network
infrastructure, thus helping to future
proof us for at least a few years!
The computers in the ICT Room have
been replaced, which has allowed us to
upgrade other areas around the school,
particularly the Design and Technology
Department. The Science Department has
also enjoyed a significant upgrade in terms
of interactive screen technology. We look
forward to another exciting year!
The Arts
The pottery studio offers a unique
environment where pupils can experience
the feel of clay, a sometimes difficult
medium. The pleasure a young mind can
get from plunging hands into a bucket
of gooey goo is still alive and well.
The school year began with a visit to the
Malvern College Art Department where a
group of Year 8 pupils were able to work
with students from the senior school and
view work being done for GCSE and
A level exams.
The inclination to postpone meaningful
learning until an unspecified time presents
as much of a challenge to teacher as the
material presents to pupil. It is a pleasure
to see how each individual copes with the
delicate balance between the stoppable
force and the moveable object. Creating
with clay, moulding or joining, requires
controlled pressure and counter-pressure,
offering equal amounts of fun, satisfaction
and difficulty.
A variety of projects have been studied by
the year groups during the year.
It is all fresh and exciting to the Year 4
pupils in their introductory term. Learning
how to make simple forms and to join
them securely proves to be more of a
challenge than some expected.
Mastery of these initial steps is essential
as a foundation for future work.
The finished forms are decorated with
coloured glazes. Enthusiasm for the craft
is always apparent.
Year 5 follow a Viking theme, beginning
with faces of warriors and nuns,
progressing to small figures based on the
Lewis Chessmen. The class first discuss the
emotions that each group might display
such as fear, compassion or battle-weary.
Each pupil acts out one from the list while
the group discuss how the face moves
to express the feelings. They learn how
to push the clay around to distort the
features, to experiment with the results.
Small round dishes decorated with droplets
of coloured slip are the order of the day
for Year 6. This is their introduction to
slip decoration where fluid clay is squeezed
through a rubber applicator on to a
fluid slip ground. Despite the obvious
temptation that this offers we have had
little misuse or over enthusiasm. The very
pleasing results keep the young minds
focused. The finished pots are glazed
with translucent colours.
There is always a considerable
improvement in hand skill levels and
attention to detail when the Year 7s pick
up where they left off to expand on the
slip decoration theme. Their fish dishes
decorated with concentric droplets of
coloured slip never cease to be admired.
Year 6 designed and produced their
own individual portfolio covers, studied
the styles and methods used in vintage
poster design and learnt how to achieve
movement in figure drawing.
With freedom and choice in activities, the
work often stimulates new projects as we
see inside the imagination the child.
Many have done good work and a few
have risen above that. Ella Thompson has
been amazingly productive in activities,
making an abundance of work on which
to experiment with glazes. Fergus Large
produced some small but beautifully
formed modernist abstract sculptures.
Significant achievers on the wheel this
year are Alexandra Herrtage, Sophie Elvin,
Isabel Wateridge, and Lydia Newman.
All of these have shown the mettle to keep
coming back in the evening activities to
master that most difficult discipline.
Those who saw the summer exhibition will
have witnessed not only the breadth of the
work achieved but also the sheer volume.
Another interesting year in the pottery.
Year 5 made character masks, large
mobile sculptures and wall decorations.
They also tried their hand at paper mosaics
and entered a national art competition.
Year 7 embarked on some quite advanced
self portraiture which they then developed
into a semi abstract form while Year 8 used
a variety of artistic and design skills to
produce 3 Dimensional mobile sculptures.
They also studied the art of Warhol,
Lichtenstein and the other exponents of
Pop Art of the 1950s, 60s and 70s.
Every child in the school was represented
at the school Summer Art, Design and
Pottery exhibition which was held in the
Sports Hall at the end of the summer
term. Each child produced a picture of his
or her own choice for the exhibition.
This is a visually spectacular event and
is unique in that it is the only time in
the school year that every child in the
establishment is represented at one event.
Beaudesert has participated in a variety
of external exhibitions from senior public
school events to the National Prep Schools
Art Exhibition at St Ronan’s School in
Art remains a key part of the all round
education that Beaudesert offers.
Long may that continue!
After such a wonderful year in 20122013, we knew it was going to be hard
to top…but I believe we can say without
a doubt that we have! All of the concerts
(big and small), the house shout, hymn
singing in assemblies, class performances
and pupil assemblies have all been of an
extremely high standard. We have had
a record number of children involved
in music lessons and ensembles and all
of the Beaudesert hallways have been
filled with music. We have also seen our
spectacular new performing arts centre
gradually taking shape and the excitement
has grown in anticipation of January
2015. Throughout the year, we have had
a great many children taking ABRSM and
Rockschool exams with many gaining
some exceptional results. Congratulations
to everyone!
In the Autumn term, we featured our
singing, woodwind and piano pupils in
lunchtime concerts in the drawing room.
These concerts are such a wonderful way
to spend a lunch break and are a highlight
of every term. They give our children the
opportunity to perform in front of a small
audience and really help to build their
confidence and perfect their pieces.
thought provoking performances of ‘For
the Beauty of the Earth’ and ‘Dona Nobis
On the peripatetic staff, we welcomed
Mr Philip Mackenzie who started teaching
piano and theory. We also said farewell
to Mr Dury Loveridge. Mr Loveridge
taught cello and double bass for many
years at Beaudesert and we thank him for
the time and commitment he gave to our
Our string players were invited to
participate in a day of music at Dean
Close School. Children were split into
two different groups and worked with
the Carducci Quartet and many other
teachers. A wonderful performance was
given at the end of the day featuring
both intermediate and advanced string
orchestras, small group performances
and finished with a brilliant piece by the
Carducci Quartet. It was a very inspiring
day for all involved!
The annual Beaudesert Carol Service is
always a highlight of the Autumn term.
This year, we featured our Flute Ensemble
and String Quartet playing music before
and after the service to help create a lovely
Christmas atmosphere. Katinka Hughes
gave a beautiful rendition of ‘Once in
Royal David’s City’ before the whole
school joined in and joyfully celebrated
the Christmas story. Junior Choir,
Beaudesert Voices, Consort and the Adult
Choir gave some glorious performances,
which were matched every time when the
congregation joined in for the communal
carols. It is always a wonderful way to lead
the Beaudesert community into a welldeserved Christmas holiday.
In the Spring term we welcomed Ms
Imogen Seth Smith to the peripatetic
music staff. Ms Seth Smith teaches Violin,
Cello and Double Bass. We hope she
enjoys her time here at Beaudesert.
For the Harvest Festival and Remembrance
Day services both Consort and Beaudesert
Voices were featured and provided some
This term, we saw many of our brass and
percussion children in lunchtime concerts.
Our Brass Ensemble and soloists were
featured in the Brass Concert and Mr
Mason brought in his hang drum for some
mesmorising percussion performances in
the Music Room.
On a brisk Sunday morning, our Consort
delighted the congregation of Holy
Trinity Church, Amberley. It was a joyous
occasion to be involved with the local
community and participate in their youth
service. Our members of Consort were
very warmly received and their singing was
of such a high standard. Consort were also
given the opportunity to participate in
the Dean Close Choral day. Our children
greatly enjoyed singing’ Zadok the Priest’
and many other difficult choral works with
the Dean Close Chapel Choir and other
children from the local area.
The Easter Concert was the first of its
kind this year. This concert featured over
150 children with our music ensembles,
form groups and soloists giving some
remarkable performances. Our Orchestra
gave their first public performance of
‘Mission Impossible’ and really wowed
the audience!
In the Summer term, the House Music
Competition had a record number of
entries. The Drawing Room and Music
Room were filled with the glorious sounds
of individual performances. Thank you
to our guest adjudicators Mrs Liz Rolfe
Johnson and Mrs Louise Dracup for
visiting Beaudesert and giving some great
feedback to all of our musicians. I did
not envy Mrs Rolfe Johnson for having
to make the extremely tough decision for
the House Shout! This years competition
was fiercely contested and D House
(conducted by Mr Tiley wearing a tutu)
were the winners with their rendition of
‘Happy’. The competition was extremely
close this year! Congratulations also must
go to the individual class winners:
Strings (Beginner - Grade 1)
- Bonnie Armitage and Tom Ratcliffe
Woodwind (Beginner)
- Bea Leslie and Isabella Thomson
Voice (Grade 3-5) - Katinka Hughes
Strings (Grade 2-3) - Daisy Gough
Woodwind (Grade 1) - Alys Evans
Voice (Grade 1-2) - Maddy Smith
Piano (Grade 3-4) - Beth Ransome
Woodwind (Grade 2-3) - Poppy Clark
Voice (Pre Grade 1) - Beth Tuke-Hastings
Strings (Grade 4-5) - Jess Downton
Woodwind (Grade 4-5) - Jess Downton
Brass (Grade 4-5) - Oli McGill
Percussion (Beginner) - Ben Worsley
Guitar (Beginner) - Max Rowlands
Piano (Prep) - Orlo Clark
Guitar Advanced - Eloise Fanshawe
Piano (Grade 1-2) - Evie Jones
Percussion (Intermediate)
- Jock Catto and Wilfred Pease
Harp - Daisy Gough
Brass (Grade 1-2) - Jasper Lowde
Brass (Grade 3) - Tom Jodrell
Accordion - Sophie Elvin
Beaudesert Voices, Consort, Recorder
Ensemble and our String Quartet
participated in the ensemble classes and
we also had many children performing
solo items. Consort and Beaudesert Voices
were competing against each other for
the first time. It was a battle to the end
with Consort taking first place for the
second year running and bringing the
Clarke Challenge Cup back to Beaudesert!
Congratulations to all involved!
It was an honour to have Consort
participate in Evensong at Gloucester
Cathedral. This would have to be one of
the highlights of the whole school year.
All of the members of Consort and
Mr Parry filled the quire of the Cathedral
with some exquisite singing and led the
congregation in a wonderful service.
All of our String pupils participated in an
Evening of String Music. This concert also
featured the newly formed Year 3 String
Group. This was a lovely evening and the
standard really impressed all in attendance.
Our many guitar pupils also participated
in a lunchtime guitar concert. This concert
featured some wonderful solo and group
items and included an entertaining sing-along for the audience to finish the concert!
We decided to try a new format for
this years Rock on Summer Concert.
Every form group from Years 5, 6 and 7
gave a class performance and we had many
small groups and solo items that were
completely devised by our pupils.
This concert really made the Sports
Hall ROCK and it was wonderful to
see so many children involved.
The Cheltenham Festival of Performing
Arts is always an exciting event in the
Summer term. This year Junior Choir,
The Summer Concert was our final
concert of the school year, and each
performer gave there all to end the term
on a high. Alice Hall and Lauren Dunne
were our compères for the evening.
This Concert featured all of our music
ensembles from Orchestra to Boyz Noyz,
some of our scholar soloists and a huge
mix of jazz, classical and pop music.
We had a great many of our peripatetic
music staff involved from conducting,
playing and being the most amazing
roadies a band could ask for.
We must give a great deal of thanks to
our peripatetic and visiting music staff.
Conducting, teaching, accompanying,
setting up and running concerts – they
do a great many things for the Beaudesert
music department and we could not
operate without them! Next year, will be
very exciting as we see the Performing Arts
Centre grow every week. It will allow us to
continue to raise the already high standard
and profile of Music here at Beaudesert.
Thank you to all of our children for being
enthusiastic and for always giving 100%.
It is a joy to work with you all!
Director of Music
Senior Production
The Wind in the Willows
Tabor and Oscar Henry deserve a special
mention for delivering their parts with a
maturity, empathy and understanding of
text that belied their years.
The Wild Wooders parts were mainly
based on improvisation. Alice Hall was
my trusty scriptwriter in these sessions.
It took a bit of time to get lovely
Beaudesert children to behave in a
disrespectful and menacing manner,
but we got there in the end, led by the
charismatic Chief Weasel, Columba
When Charlie Crabb was told he was
playing the part of a woman, he took
it manfully, gaining respect from us all.
He was not ecstatic about having to
Alan Bennett’s adaptation of The Wind In
The Willows is humorous and touching.
At its core lies the complex friendship
of three very different characters. Rat is
excited to have found a friend in Mole,
someone he can educate about the joys of
River Banking. He becomes increasingly
possessive however, and in particular
of Mole’s natural kinship with another
underground creature, Badger.
Badger finds Rat rather smug and
supercilious. They all find the honest
brave Mole naïve and rather silly.
What brings them all together is their
shared love of Toad. They find him
exasperating but they do not want him
and what he stands for to be damaged.
Will Comaish, Katinka Hughes, Piers
take his clothes off to the tune of ‘The
Stripper’, but we all supported him in his
brave performance. Comic timing is not
something that you can teach, and Charlie
was a natural.
Tati Parr and Catharine Reid need a special
mention for their warm and moving solos
as does Daisy Mitford-Slade, for bringing
seemingly the dull part of the magistrate to
life with great professionalism.
As a year group they were tremendously
easy and fun to work with, very committed
and supportive of one another. Very well
done and thank you!
Year 7
Grimm Tales
The end of the Spring term saw Year 7
take to the stage in a wacky production
of ‘Grimm Tales’, a selection of tales
by the Brothers Grimm, adapted for
the stage by Carol Ann Duffy and Tim
Supple. The infamous stories such as
Ashputtel (Cinderella) and the Hare and
the Hedgehog were brought to life by the
pupils in not so much a fairy tale way, but
with more of a gruesome twist which kept
the audiences loving to hate the action
from beginning to end. From the opening
moments in which a book seemingly burst
open and all of its stories and characters
flooded the stage via the trap door and
every door in the auditorium, to the
final scenes of the ugly sisters hacking
off their toes and their heels in order to
woo the handsome prince, the viewer was
transported to the world of imagination,
play and make-believe.
role to role by reversing the sacking, the
effect that was created complementing the
overall concept of imaginative play.
Most importantly the production was
testament to how much could be achieved
by the pupils in such a short period of
time. Year 7, who were totally responsible
for the project and were involved in
every aspect of its production including
performing, directing, stage management,
costume design, marketing and front
of house, were the perfect example of a
team. Their focus and commitment to the
project and to each other shone through,
and, ultimately, the standard of the three
performances completely superceded what
any of the team thought was possible in
60 hours.
This idea was also reflected in the
costumes. Stimulated from the concept
of the old-fashioned cut out and dress up
doll activity books that we once owned,
each pupil had designed and painted their
own character onto a hessian sack, which
they then wore. Where performers played
more than one part, they flicked from
Year 6
The Incomplete Works of Shakespeare
The Year 6s acted out various
scenes from Shakespeare’s
plays. The first one was
Hamlet. Hamlet was played
by Edward Walker and it is
a tragedy full of sadness and
horror. The next play was
Macbeth. This is also a tragedy
and set in Scotland. Macbeth
is told by three witches that
he will soon become King of
Scotland but things turn out
badly for him. In the play A
Year 4
The joy of the Year 4 plays is that they
involve each class so every individual
child has a significant role to play.
We usually try to orchestrate it, so that all
of the children are on the stage for most
of the time. This group effort really gives
the children a chance to understand the
process of performance.
The first play to kick off the carousel was
The Clown Who Lost His Smile (4B).
Jack Cooper played the role of the clown
who had lost his joy of clowning. With
strong support from bossy Ringmasters,
Charlie Brook and George Carpenter, and
all of his circus friends, he slowly learns to
smile again. A lively dance to the tune of
‘Always Look On The Bright Side,’
helped to give him a much needed
spring to his step.
Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare
tells the story of Pyramus and Thisbe – a
story of forbidden love. Shakespeare is
known for writing creepy and gruesome
death scenes – the most gory death scene
from the play Titus Andronicus was when
Titus, a general in the Roman army, was
stabbed to death and then drowned in a
barrel of wine. We did a jig at the end,
which in Shakespearean times was a dance
to finish off the play. We all enjoyed
working together as group.
Willa Hodson and Amber Phillips
In the Summer term, 4G tackled a heavily
abridged version of A Midsummer Nights
Dream. This meant that there was lots of,
‘I love you’ being thrown across
the room as the four lovers got
into an increasingly confusing
pickle thanks to Puck’s
meddling. (Lots of giggling,
I can tell you!) We had a bit
more time in this term for the
children to experiment with
lighting and sound and it was
great that Alfie Hellens took
control of the lighting panel
for the actual performance.
Well done Year 4!
Inspired by the treacherous weather at the
start of the Easter term, it was decided
that Shakespeare’s The Tempest, (4R)
might be appropriate. We devised the
piece as we went along and the children
did very well at this challenging task.
It was quite dramatic rehearsing the play
in the Pre-prep Hall, with the rain lashing
away outside! As this was a devised piece
of theatre, we really were able to ensure
that everyone had an equal amount to
say. Lois Lawson did exceptionally well
at pulling off one of Shakespeare’s most
powerful characters. At the end of the
play they all had to speak a Shakespearian
line from Caliban’s ‘This Isle has many
noises’ speech. They did this with real
conviction. Well done.
Outings & Events
A week in Wales at the end of September,
with water warm enough to comfortably
swim in and sunny skies. We could not
believe our luck!
pupils had the opportunity to jump off
the pier.
Some of the teachers took part as well,
and I can attest to the fact that the tide
was very low indeed! Canoeing and
kayaking were in the mix, as well as gorge
walking for Mrs Gardner’s group. This
took place in wetsuits and involved water,
rocks, dipping and diving, clambering and
all sorts. Everyone else was a bit jealous.
As ever the centrepiece of the week was
the two day expedition. Sixty-five litre
packs were loaded with tents and sleeping
materials, cooking equipment, food and
so forth.
A brand new set of instructors were given
46 Year 7 Beaudesert pupils of varying
levels of outdoor experience, and they set
about getting the groups into shape from
the off. Most pupils associate Outward
Bound with rock climbing and hiking, but
personal organisation, time-keeping, social
skills and good eating habits are all part of
the education over the course of the
week. The aim is that children will come
back ready to put new skills into practice
both at school and at home.
As previous Outward Bounders can
attest, it is a serious mental and physical
challenge, and all the participants
can be extremely proud of what they
accomplished on the hills of Wales.
No tents were blown over in spite of
exceptionally windy conditions!
The test of the week’s worth will be
measured in the months and indeed years
to come. Various items from children’s
action plans included helping out more
with bed making, dog walking and
domestic duties (although one chap
needed some help with the name of
‘the spinny thing’ which occasionally needs
unloading…). Planning and preparation
should also help with mundane tasks such
as keeping a proper homework diary.
Not quite as exciting as traipsing under a
waterfall, or scampering up a cliff face, but
worthwhile nonetheless.
Some of the classic Outward Bound
moments were ticked off. Most of the
On Monday morning we set off and after
a long trip, we arrived in Cornwall.
We had our first surf lesson that afternoon
and it was very eventful! That evening
we had a delicious barbecue at the
Womersleys’ with a beautiful cliff-top
The following morning, we went cycling
along the Camel trail. We hired bikes from
a local shop and went on our journey.
It was a great day except for the fact that
it was pouring with rain! By the end of it
we were completely splattered with mud!
When we got back, we had another surf
lesson, where there were some huge waves.
The next day, Wednesday, we went for a
LONG walk along the coastal path.
It was extremely hot and very pretty.
After a quick stop for lunch, we made
our way into a little bay to go coasteering!
(Jumping off higher and higher cliffs and
exploring caves!) Afterwards we had a great
game of beach football while the sun was
Thursday, our last day, we walked round
the headland to a long stretch of beach
where we spent the day, and found out our
results for CE. We had all passed! - a very
enjoyable week.
Xa Jardine
Year 8
French Trip
1st Day
We arrived at Beaudesert early in the
morning and soon set out by coach to
Portsmouth where we were going to board
the ferry. The ferry journey was six hours;
many of us shopped and watched films
in the on-board cinema to pass the time.
Afterwards we got on the coach to travel
to our destination. Finally, after a long
journey we arrived at the place where we
were staying and went straight to bed.
2nd Day
After being introduced to Mounir, our
guide, we had a French lesson where we
learnt some key phrases to use at the
After lunch, we set out to the Goat Farm,
owned by Monsieur Martin. We saw a
video of him, which explained how and
when he first set up the farm. We were
able to hold the small goats and try some
of the cheese that Monsieur Martin made,
we even got to see one of the baby goats,
which was really exciting. Some particularly
adventurous people got to try some of
the fresh goats’ milk. Then we returned
stallholders in French to get a better deal.
After another coach journey we arrived at
the pedestrianised fortified town of
Le Mont Saint Michel on the Normandy
coast where there were amazing views of
the land around us. Here we got to spend
our time shopping and looking out over
Normandy; some people tried some crêpes.
After this we went to a hypermarket where
everybody stocked up on French items
such as grenadine and the occasional bag
of carambars. This day was also Ashley’s
birthday and he received many gifts
throughout this long day.
and after having supper we had a French
treasure hunt with Mounir.
3rd Day
After having breakfast we left for the site
of the D-day landings on Sword Beach. It
was fascinating to see what it was like in
World War II. Then we went to the 360o
cinema where we saw an original film of
the landings and the beach in the war.
We then saw the Bayeux Tapestry, which
was interesting since we have been learning
about the Battle of Hastings and the
tapestry in our history lessons.
Then we went to the American Cemetery,
which was extremely moving; some of us
found people with the same name as us
in the cemetery. Afterwards we went to
Omaha Beach where we had a lot of fun.
4th Day
Breakfast and then we quickly left for the
French Market where there were hundreds
of stalls selling souvenirs ranging from
sunglasses to saucissons. We also had
the opportunity to haggle with the
5th Day
This day was an action packed as early
on we headed off to an authentic French
château. We split into two groups and
our group started with la fabrication du
pain or bread making where we learnt all
about what happened in a boulangerie
and we sang French songs whist kneading
the bread. Afterwards the two groups
swapped and we had the opportunity to try
orienteering, which consisted of walking
around the scenic grounds of woodlands
and lakes. After finding all of the points,
we returned back to the site and for dinner
headed out to the nearest crêperie where we
had sweet and savoury crêpes. We enjoyed
our meal on our last day before returning
6th Day
This was a short day as we had an early
ferry to Portsmouth harbour. We had a
seemingly much shorter journey and
many people watched films to pass the
time. After a coach journey we arrived
back at Beaudesert ready to be picked up
by our families.
Poppy Stopford, Finbar McConnell and
Magnus Lawrence
Year 8
Italy Trip
Day 1
It had been some years since a trip had
been taken to Italy and so, as the new
Head of Classics, I was very keen to get
this trip running again. I was delighted
with the uptake and in October, just before
half-term, 38 pupils and five staff flew
from Bristol to Italy to begin five days of
unearthing the world of the Romans and
hopefully deciphering a bit of Latin too.
No sooner had we arrived at our hotel, set
alongside the huge Porta Maggiore (Bigger
Gate), than we tucked into some steamingfresh pasta and then headed out to explore
Rome on a night-walk. Due credit must
be given to the average Beaudesert pupil
at this point as our guide, Giuseppe,
exclaimed that he had never had a group
that walked so quickly and so we were able
to fit much more in! A floodlit Colosseum
was our first view and immediately a wave
of great excitement passed over the group.
We eventually ended up in the Circus
Maximus where we staged our own race
along the massive track; not with horses
like the Romans but a very long sprint.
Columba Leeper received a victor’s garland
(in the form of a huge gelato (ice-cream)
from the gelateria which we stopped at)
before we arrived back at the hotel and
sank into bed.
Day 2
The next day promised to be a very full
but very exciting day and the weather
boded well with not a cloud in the sky.
A proper look around the awe-inspiring
Colosseum was due to be followed by a
traipse through the Palatine and the Forum
Romanum but there was a national strike
on and it was closed. No matter, we skirted
round and headed for the Capitoline
Museum where the treasures of the Forum
were kept and there we spent some time,
amongst sumptuous views of the Forum,
deciphering Latin inscriptions. Next we
walked to the Pantheon, that architectural
gem and took a yummy lunch of pizza
and gelato in its shade. The wonderful
Piazza Navona greeted us next - a huge and
opulent open space used by the Romans
as a hippodrome. Pupils were allowed to
shop (or drop) for half an hour. Next on
this epic day, we struck out for the Vatican
and San Pietro, stopping for a splendidly
spontaneous whirl on a merry-go-round.
Despite there being quite some distance to
walk on this day, the views at every turn
were incredible and every street provided
its own thrill.
Day 3
The next day saw us forsaking Roma and
heading off to Ostia, the ancient Port
of Rome. This site was huge and had
very many interesting things to offer.
Chief among these was a remarkably well
preserved theatre in which we practised our
Latin play ‘Vesuvius’ which we intended
to perform (well, sort of ) in Pompeii.
We found some subterranean caves (and
bats to the delight of Mrs Waters), ogled
the impressive mosaics in the Roman
Baths, exercised in the Palaestra (including
holding Piers Tabor above my head) and
Paolo made friends with a local cat.
We then re-embarked the coach and
headed for the sunny Bay of Naples.
Our first stop (after a quick pizza en route,
of course) was at Mount Vesuvius which
had been looming in the distance for some
time. We climbed the mountain to the
very crater which was issuing rotten-eggsteam but not, thankfully, spurting fire.
We then headed around the Bay of Naples
to our final destination - Sorrento.
Our hotel was on the sea front, nestled
cosily between several gelaterie so we felt
rather duty bound to taste the delights.
It was Poppy Stopford’s birthday, so we
sang to her as a HUGE cake was brought
in to complement a fine pasta feast already
consumed. We then went for a evening
promenade in Sorrento, dipped our feet
into the sea and played games at the sea
front. The highly competitive Beaudesert
spirit found the silent dancing (but with
no laughing) competition the most keenly
fought after but the winner was a clear
favourite: Magnus Lawrence. We fell asleep
in the hotel to the purring of the sea on
sand to finish another fabulous day.
great value to the pupils in understanding
the Romans. There was so much to see but
the obvious highlights of the visit were our
own gladiator fight in the amphitheatre
and our performance of our Latin play.
In the amphitheatre our gladiators used
not SWORDS but WORDS - fighting as
we do in class with Latin vocabulary - at
daredevil speed. The crowned victors were:
Poppy Stopford and Columba Leeper
(Yr 8) and Toby Melvin and Sophie Elvin
(Yr 7). No pupils were (physically) harmed
in this event… We also had the great
privilege to perform our own Latin Play
about the eruption of Vesuvius in both the
Odeon (small theatre) as a warm up and
then in the huge Theatre of Pompeii.
The spirit with which this was done
(everyone having lines in Latin) was fantastic.
The acoustics were incredible and although it
was inevitably rather rough around the edges,
I hope that it will remain in the memories of
all the pupils that took part.
Day 4
Next day we headed to Herculaneum, a
very intimate site of a small town buried by
the eruption of Vesuvius. Putting this into
perspective afterwards was the incredible
Virtual Reality Museum which gave the
pupils an excellent sense of what Roman
life would have been like, using very
imaginative and evocative reconstructions.
Our return to Sorrento that evening
heralded great excitement: shopping and
a visit to an ice cream parlour with a
demonstration and tasting!
Day 5
Our final day took us one last time around
the Bay of Naples to Pompeii to examine
the extensive ruins of this city-captured-intime. After the majesty of Imperial Rome,
to see a working, though prosperous, city
with so much of it (slums, graffiti, villas
and fora alike) so well preserved was of
Despite a few pupils having to wear the
bulla of shame for forgetfulness or some
minor or amusing misdemeanor, the
pupils on this trip were a truly first rate
group. Comments from the public on
their excellent behaviour were genuine
and frequent and the pupils made running
the trip a real joy for our staff. My sincere
thanks to them, Mr and Mrs Waters and
Miss Smith and Miss Taylor for being such
great companions, supplying mirth, sanity
and helpfulness in equal measure.
Gloucester Cathedral
College Dragons’
Den at Beaudesert
The Dragons’ Den event was very
interesting. The Marlborough
College pupils had come up with
some imaginative ideas. All the
designs were based on a ‘sea life’
theme. My personal favourite was
the copper turtle jewellery, however
I thought they could have made
it less breakable. The product that
came out on top for me was the
fish bookends. They were crafted
very well and they could hold a lot
of books. They were however time
consuming to make. There was also
an octopus maze, it was like one of
those mazes that you would get out
of a cereal box except it was bigger.
What made it unique was that it
went through the whole body of the
octopus. Lastly there was the octopus
mirror. I was not very impressed by
the quality of this mirror, it looked
very ugly and I would not buy it if
it was for sale. At the end of the day
the Marlborough pupils gave us a
ten and a five pound note and said
that we had to invest our money in
two products and that the one
with the most money would win.
The bookends ended up winning
and as a reward the winning team
had tea at McDonald’s.
Henry Hellens
Year 7
The meaning of this trip was signs and symbols. The trip was a Religious Studies outing
for the Year 6s. We started the day by being introduced to the guides and then we were
tested on our knowledge of religious signs and symbols. We were then split into our forms
and each form had a different guide and then we set off into this magnificent building.
The first thing we saw was the font and we were told what would happen at a christening.
While walking around the cathedral we saw a number of symbols including a dove
(symbolising peace) in a stained glass window, an empty cross (symbolising hope) an
eagle (symbolising good over evil) killing an evil little bird, a lamb (symbolising Jesus) in
a picture of the wall and a candle (symbolising light of the world and Jesus).
After that we were shown a place where the monks used to wash their hands. We were led
through a corridor where the movie Harry Potter was filmed. We had our snack, did some
activities and then headed back to school. Thank you Mr Armitage for organising this trip.
Hugo Manley
Year 6
Visit to a Gloucester Mosque
When we arrived at
the mosque the Imam
Ishmael showed us
in. A mosque is a
place of worship for all
Muslims. We had to
take off our shoes before
entering the mosque
and Muslims also wash
before going into the
main building. We were
then taken to the main
room where all the men
pray. The women have a
separate prayer room to
the men.
We learnt about the Five Pillars of Islam. The most important day in their calendar is
Friday. The Friday service begins with a call to prayer followed by a talk which is known
as a Khutbah. The local Muslim children come to the mosque to study.
Washing is very important. If one is not clean one’s prayers will not be lifted up to Allah.
Their sacred book is called the Koran (Qur’an). The Koran contains revelations made by
Allah to the prophet Mohammed.
Edward Norman and Hugo Bailey
Year 8
Leadership Challenge at
Cheltenham College
A few Year 6 pupils were invited to attend the Leadership Challenge Day at
Cheltenham College.
On 8th November we were taken by minibus to the College. When we arrived
we went straight into lunch which was held in their lovely huge lunch hall.
Eleven other Prep Schools were also invited. Some of the challenges that we
tackled were:• Memory game
• Skipping
• Build blocks as high as you can without them falling over
• Blindfold - ensure one does not walk on a line
After all the challenges we had tea with their Headmaster. He made a speech and
gave out the medals. Sadly we only came 4th, however we were all given beautiful
T-shirts with the words Cheltenham Challenge written on them.
It was a lovely day and we would like to thank Madame Edwards for taking us.
Kiki Severn
Year 6
Jonathan’s Jungle
Road Show
Last Friday I got the chance to meet
Jonathan and his collection of unusual
animals. These included the whip spider,
which was one of my favourites. I could
barely feel him in my hands as he was
so light. Jonathan told me they weigh
only two grams, which is similar to half a
spoonful of sugar. They live in East Africa
and are called whip spiders because they
have pincers, which can grab prey quickly
like whips.
We also got a chance to look at a real hairy
scary ‘Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula’.
He actually looked quite cute and he was
fluffy with gold stripes and eight eyes.
He had large poisonous fangs for killing
his prey.
I got to hold the middle of a python snake.
To my surprise he was not slippery but he
was squiggly. Ned held the tail and Atticus
held the head. The snake licked Atticus on
the nose and he said it tickled.
Jonathan explained how smart nature
is as the jungle nymph had amazing
camouflage. I thought it looked like a leaf
with legs.
There were a lot more amazing creatures I
learnt about and I cannot wait to see them
again next year.
Finley Depierre
Year 5
Monmouth Prep Schools Challenge
we might have won this but in the
end we just lost a high scoring match.
In the next match we were completely
on our game and Hatherop Castle did
not score a point until we scored about
200. We answered several questions
with unusual answers (Our favourite
was “What did Shakespeare leave his
wife in his will?” – answer is “His
second best bed!!”) In the third match,
the pressure got to us, as we knew a
win would put is in the semi-finals.
Monmouth found their form and just
won this close match.
After much checking the points we
found that we were in a tie for ‘best
loser.’ This put us into a one-question
play off with Moor Park for the semifinals. The question was, ‘Where was
the Prophet Mohammed born?’
We all knew but a Moor Park boy
knew faster and answered ‘Mecca’ first.
On Sunday 10th November, Finbar
McConnell, Tamsin Priest, Alice Hall
and I competed in the Monmouth
Prep Schools Challenge – General
Knowledge. For those not acquainted
Visit to
Widden School
In May Year 4 went to visit Widden
School in Gloucester. We had an
amazing time. There were lots of activities
available. Firstly, we did henna art.
One of their teachers painted different
designs on our hands. The henna dye is
used for special occasions and is beautiful.
Henna is a paste made out of the henna
We also learnt different languages.
We learnt how to say hello in French,
Polish, Czech and Hindi. Before lunch we
with this challenge, it is a version of
University Challenge - at a lower level.
In our first match we were against The
Downs – if we had got going a bit faster,
made pakoras. It is a fried vegetable dish
and we got to chop up all the vegetables
and add the spices. While we were eating
our packed lunch we all got a turn to eat
a pakora – it was spicy and delicious.
After lunch we played an Indian
game called Kabaddi. This game is a
combination of tag and wrestling but
when we played it we did not do much
wrestling. Lastly we did some hip-hop
dancing. We learnt lots of moves. One of
the teachers was leading the dance and we
all followed him. It was a wonderful day
out and what we noticed was that a city
school is very different from a rural school
like Beaudesert.
Siena Burnett and Emily Watkins
Year 4
We loved competing in this
competition and we are delighted
that Mr Parry has invested in a set
of buzzers for Beaudesert and is
planning on our competing in more
competitions during the school year.
Magnus Lawrence
Year 8
The Cairngorms Canter
This proved to be a very pleasant stroll
along tracks and past magnificent, old
Scots pines to our meeting place with the
It was a highly enjoyable trip. Not once
did any of the Year 8 volunteers grumble
or complain, despite carrying sizable
rucksacks on their backs all day.
There was instead an unending sequence
of questions, some pertinent, most not,
that made the parents accompanying
their offspring realise that teachers can
be astonishingly patient!
Many congratulations go to: Rebecca
Abingdon, Lauren Dunne, Alice Hall,
Annabel and Octavia Slatter, George
Standen McDougal and Piers Tabor for
being utterly brilliant. Many thanks go
to Andrew Tabor, Richard Slatter, James
Standen McDougal, Mr Waters, Mr Parry
and Miss Smith for all your help and
support and for making the whole thing
a positive pleasure.
The initial invitation to the Year 8
pupils prompted a lot of interest but the
subsequent details put off a good number.
In the end, seven intrepid pupils, five girls
and two boys, signed up, geared up and
set off for this country’s largest wilderness
area: the Cairngorms.
The first night’s camp at Glenmore was
memorable for all the wrong reasons, the
worst of which were the midges. Even a
local said that they had not known it as
After a sultry, wet night, we were able to
escape the attentions of the bugs and head
off to the higher, fresher and windier airs
of Bynack More, the first Munro. It was
pretty miserable: a long ascent, harried by
nasty rain showers and a cold wind but
we made it and then descended to our
proposed camp at the head of Loch A’an.
This proved to be a blustery, rainy night
but, thankfully, the midges stayed home.
Conditions had not really relented by the
following morning and so, rather than
aim for a wild camp 100 metres below
the summit of Ben Macdui (the second
highest mountain in the British Isles),
which would have been very cold and
dispiriting, the route was ‘tweaked’.
In a cold, northerly wind, we walked up
to and around Loch Etchachan before
heading up, over a rise and topping out on
Derry Cairngorm, another Munro. As we
descended into the lee of the hill, things
became significantly warmer; by the time
we reached Derry Lodge, the site for our
camp, it was almost balmy.
We were lucky again to have a bit of a
breeze during the night to keep away our
friends the cursed midges and so woke,
fresh(-ish) and (relatively) well-rested for
our walk out.
The Safari
Club Trip
By 11:25 we were away on the M5
heading towards the West Midland Safari
Park. On the minibus we had 11 keen
safari club members.
When we arrived at the Safari Park we
were joined by a guide who was going to
inform us with interesting facts about the
animals which we were about to encounter
on the safari drive through the park.
We drove through the Asian reserve and
were greeted by buffalo and the great
samba deer. We then continued to cross
paths with the endangered barasingha and
the greater one horned rhino. We then
continued on into the tiger reserve where
we quickly wound up our windows and
admired the magnificent white tigers.
After driving through the security gates we
then wound our windows down and drove
into the African enclosure where we had
giraffe and camels’ heads poking into the
Beaudesert minibus, hoping for a feast.
They soon realised that there was no food
on the bus, only Beaudesert children with
flashing cameras and high-pitched voices!
We then saw two giant elephants before
returning to the car park. We would now
be walking for the rest of the day.
We then learnt about the penguins that
had come all the way from Chile.
Next we walked through the bat enclosure,
which was thankfully very dark, as we
were later told that there were over 400
bats in the enclosure! Then much to
Mr Figgis’ dismay we walked through the
snakes, spiders and creepy crawlers section,
coming across the longest and widest
snakes as well as alligators.
To finish off our day at the Safari Park we
viewed the gigantic 1,500 kg hippos from
a viewing area and were lucky enough
to feed them with cabbages, as they are
Viking Day
When we arrived at the amazing Ravens Viking Centre we were told to sit around a
hot toasty fire. Callum the Viking talked about what the Vikings did back in the past.
After Callum had been talking we walked down to the arena and fought amongst each
other with foam tubes, which was really fun.
After the fighting we did some wheat grinding to make some flour. To grind the
wheat we put wheat kernels between two circular stones. One of the circular stones
had a handle on it and we used the handle to spin the stones together. The repeat
spinning made the flour. We got to mix the flour with this special water. We kept
on mixing and mixing the flour and water until it got sticky. When it was sticky
we each broke a little bit off and the rolled it flat into a circle and them popped them
on a tray. The tray was then put over the fire – our flat bread was now being cooked.
The bread was delicious.
When we finished making the bread we got to do lots of archery which I loved doing.
Even though I loved it I did not do very well. After lunch we put on real Viking
armour (chain mail and helmets) and fought Callum with real Viking swords.
Ben Worsley so nearly beat Callum at fighting but they both died (pretend).
After that we ate the bread, had a little chat and went home.
Jack Cooper
Year 4
Visit To The Swindon Steam Museum
On March 20th all of Year 5
visited the Swindon Steam
Museum. The museum was
very interesting and it had
some amazing trains to look
at. Most of them were the
old Great Western steam
trains. These trains travelled
on the Great Western
Railway network of tracks.
We learnt about Isambard
Kingdom Brunel the famous
Victorian engineer. We even
went under one train – we
could see underneath the train and could have a look at all the bits of metal that make
up the workings of a train.
There were lots of dressed-up character figures dotted around depicting what life was
like working on the railways. There were ladies making tea, men fixing the broken bits of
the train, a foreman having lunch. These characters showed us what it was like to work
in the workshops at the time. We were told that it was very dangerous working in the
foundry and workshops. A lot of the exhibits were hands-on which I particularly liked.
All in all it was a fantastic day full of facts
and exciting animals!
We had a lecture from a lady who showed us how the trains were put together and we
could touch actual rivets. We were allowed to dress up as a conductor and punch holes in
tickets. It was a great day out.
Lucinda Kempton
Gap Student
Grace Tucker
Year 5
Wendy and Peter Pan – Royal
Shakespeare Theatre
The whole of Year 5 went to Stratford-upon-Avon to watch the production of Wendy and
Peter Pan. We got there by coach and sadly it was raining when we arrived at the coach
park so we had to have our lunches under a shelter. The shower did not last long and we
were soon on our way to the theatre.
We were all pretty excited as none of us had seen this particular version of the book
by J M Barrie - the classic tale (Peter Pan) of the boy who never grows up.
This version was more about Wendy and what a brave person she was. It was lovely to
watch Wendy fly through the air. My favourite character was Tink (Tinker Bell) because
she was really funny and she wore a light on the top of her head. The best part of the play
was when some of the characters sat on some wooden planks, then tapped the wooden
planks and hey presto they all fell into the underground home of the Lost Boys.
Anna Mallinckrodt
Year 5
Cheltenham Literacy Festival –
Michael Morpurgo
Malvern College offered us
a few tickets to listen to the
author Michael Morpurgo
at The Cheltenham Literacy
Festival. The talk was held
in a VIP tent, which made
it quite special for us.
Once in the tent the
author greeted us and a
few photographs were
taken of all of us together.
Mr Morpurgo then talked
to us about the play
and book ‘War Horse’.
The amazing puppet Joey
the horse was also present
and paraded around the
stage. Joey acts in the play
together with other puppet
horses. Mr Morpurgo together with Ms Virginia McKenna (Born Free Foundation)
read extracts from the book whilst an artist drew some pictures of the scenes that
were projected on the wall behind the stage. The pictures and the story were both
brilliant and we were lucky enough to keep some of the pictures.
Thank you Malvern College for giving us this opportunity.
George Standen McDougal
Year 8
Rugby Skills Day
at Dean Close
I was lucky to be chosen to attend a
Year 6 Rugby Skills day at Dean Close.
There were four of us representing
Beaudesert. Miss Smith drove the
minibus and as soon as we arrived we
went straight to the area where speeches
were being held. Then it was over to
the rugby pitches. We were split up into
groups. I was on a team with Edward
Each team had to do different skills.
At the end of the day I was put into the
pink team (known as the girls) which
was funny but also cheeky. At the end
of the day the tries were added up.
The pinks and reds were level so we
had to play each other again. Before a
try was made the time ran out so we
had to have a kick off. It was tense.
The reds missed their kick so the pinks
won and I got a rugby ball. It was a
great day.
Gus Edwards
Year 6
Day of Dance
at Downe House
On the 21st November Miss Smith took
the Year 5 girls to Downe House.
They were hosting the Prep Schools’
Day of Dance. Downe House has its
own dance studio and we were taught
three types of dances – hip hop, modern
and ballet. There were teachers on hand
to help us to choreograph our moves.
At the end of the day we performed in
front of an audience. We finished our
day by watching the Downe House’s
talented dancers dance, which was
Meghan Edwards
and Anna Mallinckrodt
Year 5
January – usually a bleak, desolate
month – brings us one harvest of note:
the declamation competition.
This year’s crop did not disappoint,
offering up verse comic and serious,
sinister and soulful. It provides an
opportunity for those who don’t do
LAMDA a chance to show their vocal
dexterity, skill and interest both in their
choice of poem and the way in which
they deliver it.
As in previous years, every pupil learned
a poem that they declaimed, initially in
front of their class mates but, later, in
front of their entire year group. It was
a select few who then progressed to the
finals, performed in front of the entire
school and interested parents.
2014 proved to be another vintage
year for the competition. In Fergus
Llewellyn from Cheltenham College,
the judge for Years 5 – 8, we had a
professional who could identify the
competitors who had really grasped the
range of meanings within each poem.
The individual Year winners were:
Year 5 - Poppy Clark
“The Listeners” by Walter de la Mare
Year 6 - Tom Beattie
“The Dentist and the Crocodile”
Year 7 - Toby Melvin
“If ” by Rudyard Kipling
Year 8 - Daisy Mitford-Slade
“Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.
While Mr Llewellyn was making his
deliberations, we were able to enjoy
performances of the winners of Years
3 and 4 who were respectively Max
Rowlands with “Pie in the Sky” by Roger
McGough and George Beattie with
“The Witches’ School of Flying” by
Marianne Swinger.
It was an agonising decision and an
unenviable one to have to make but,
ultimately, it was Toby Melvin who
triumphed overall with his highly
intelligent rendition of Kipling’s classic.
And so, the declamations were over.
They will return and, with them, some
moments that will move, amaze and
amuse. In this last category, there
was one brilliantly misquoted line
from William Henry Davies’s poem,
“Leisure”. We were told:
“No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels lay their eggs in grass.”
I only hope that they hatched safely!
Pedal Powered Cinema
– ‘The Bike that Helps save the Gorillas’
A gentleman from Uganda came to school to tell us how we can save the dwindling
numbers of gorillas through the use of the pedal powered cinema. He showed us lots of
slides and videos of the gorillas in their natural habitat. The last video showed African
school children watching the pedal powered cinema. In these remote areas there is no
electricity so a bicycle powers the running of the projector. The pupils take turns on the
bicycles, which is also a lot of fun. With a few bicycles the locals can be taught about gorilla
conservation and how to protect them from the hunters. They have to make sure the
gorillas do not become extinct.
Hugo Bailey
Year 8
Tourist Guide to the
Solar System
by Dr Mike Kearney
On June 27th Dr Mike Kearney, Head of
Science from Bryanston School, gave a
talk to the Year 8s about the Solar System.
He told us about the different planets
and their moons and how scientists are
trying to find out about the possibility
of life on other planets. He had amazing
slides to illustrate his talk. We learnt lots
of interesting facts which included that
Saturn is less dense than water so if we had
a bath big enough for Saturn to fit into,
it would float! Titan has lakes of liquid
methane and because of its gravity and
very thick atmosphere, if you had artificial
wings you could flap quickly, you would
be able to fly! We had a great Q and A
session at the end as Dr Kearney was so
knowledgeable and we could ask about
black holes, super nova, other galaxies and
even the possibility of another universe.
Imogen Brook, Ben Barnes and
Daisy Mitford-Slade
Year 8
World War I
by Mr Edward Hudson
The Year 8s put on a production to
commemorate the centenary of the start
of the First World War.
It very much concentrated on the alliances
and the causes that led to the devastation
that happened in the four years that
followed the outbreak of the fighting.
Mr Edward Hudson briefed the year 8s,
giving them a detailed insight into the
conditions of living in the trenches and
he kindly brought in artifacts, including
weapons and spent shells, from the
battlefields of Northern France as well
as uniforms of soldiers who would have
worn them in France 100 years ago.
Another aspect of the production
concentrated on the women who were
helping the war effort; those who went
into the nursing corps and also the
‘munitionettes’, who worked in the
factories making ammunition.
Letters were read and poems recited to
add to the extraordinary sense of loyalty
and loss.
Beaudesert Radio
Animation is an amazing activity, in
fact it is awesome. You can make so
many different types of movies.
One of the best things to use is the
lego. You can bring in your own
things to use but if you do not have
anything to bring in, the school
has animation stuff for you to
borrow. The school can provide
backgrounds, green screens, lego
and cameras. We usually work in
pairs. My favourite animation is my
James Bond one. I made it with Jake
At the end of the term we have
been promised a feast of popcorn,
appletiser and chocolate to
celebrate the end of the activity.
Our animation teacher is Mr
Graham and the computers we use
are Apple Mac desktop computers.
Mungo Schmidt
Year 4
Every Tuesday a group of pupils from a wide range of years meet in Mr Tiley’s room to
participate in the Beaudesert Radio activity. Mr Crossley is a great teacher and he helps
us develop skills for life. We have the use of a replica microphone as well as a playback
system. We interview pupils and discuss different topics each week, such as the news
and sport. We have to find this information and then we can use it in our broadcast.
We would highly recommend Beaudesert Radio to anyone. It is a great activity and we
would like to thank Mr Crossley for making this a fun and informative activity.
Oliver Coker and André Stamp
Year 7
Tap Dancing
Tap dancing is a new activity. It is a form of
dance and we do it on Thursdays in the dining
hall because it has a wooden floor. We need to
use a floor where we can produce a sound.
We all wear special tap shoes which have
pieces of metal on the heel and the toe.
The hardest step is the ‘shuffle hop step’ not
only because of the metal on the tap shoes that
makes you fall over but also because you need a lot of coordination to master the step.
My favourite move is the ‘step ball change’ because I love the sound it makes on the
floor. If you like dancing then this activity would be good for you because it is fun and
Georgina Raphael and Rosalie Craven
Year 5
Fencing at Beaudesert Park continues to
be a popular activity. There has been an
increase in the number of inter-school
matches, due mainly to the keen interest
shown by both pupils and parents alike.
Our Judo activity goes from strength
to strength from our little Nursery
children through to the older ones
in the Prep school. It is always a joy
to see the children progress, year on
year, with confidence, self-esteem and
that feeling of pride in a sport that is
disciplined but caring.
Mark Maidment 5th Dan
Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing has been a new
activity on offer this term and
everyone has enjoyed it so much.
We climb at the Climbing Warehouse
in Gloucester. There are so many walls
to choose from that you do not even
have the possibility to get bored.
We have great instructors who always
help us, from tying knots, where to
step on the walls and checking our
ropes and equipment.
There was a waiting list for this
activity so I was very happy when I was chosen. At the beginning we were pretty
average climbers and now I think we are almost experts!
Mr Parry and Mr Waters take us in the school car and sometimes they have a climb
themselves. All of us want to say a big thank you to them for organising this amazing
Sophie Elvin
Year 7
There were four matches contested last
year against Pinewood, Prior Park (home
and away) and Hatherop Castle. A total
of 12 Beaudesert fencers represented the
school in matches. Jess Downton, George
Honeyborne and Zachary Armitage were
all awarded man of the match awards
for their hard work, determination and
commitment. There were close fights,
some high drama and of course some
disappointment. What was evident
throughout though was a great deal of
team spirit and school pride. Results aside,
the fencers grew in maturity and stature.
Matches can be a steep learning curve and
heavy defeats can be very demoralising.
What was pleasing to see was that all the
fencers accepted defeat with good grace
but never gave up trying in subsequent
fights. They supported each other in defeat
and congratulated each other in victory.
I can honestly say that Beaudesert Park
fencers display all the positive attributes
associated with playing sport. They are a
credit to themselves and the school as a
A number of our fencers are continuing
to take part in modern pentathlon events.
This means that they must switch from
fencing with the foil to fencing epee.
Although the epee is similar to foil in the
hitting action, the target, tactics and skill
sets required are different. Epee training
will be offered both at school and at a
number of local centres, so our budding
Olympians can access coaching at the
highest level.
For those fencers who have moved on to
new schools, I would like to wish them
continuing success. Hopefully they will
be able to continue with their fencing.
Former Beaudesert fencers, I know have
gone on to captain their school teams and
gain colours for representing their school
at the Public Schools’ Championships.
It is nice to know that that their success
started here at Beaudesert Park School.
Shaun Garley
Speech and Drama
It was an extremely busy and industrious
year for the newly branded ‘Speech and
Drama’ department under the guidance
of Miss Tucker, Miss Hutcheson and
Mrs Crosbee. All pupils worked towards
the prestigious summer LAMDA
examination, and younger pupils also had
the opportunity to perform in the autumn
and spring Drama Galas. Both afternoons
were very well attended by parents and
provided the perfect opportunity to
showcase the children’s talents. Children
from Year 3 to 5 performed poetry, prose
recitals, monologues and duologues.
A particular highlight was George
Carpenter and Freddie Fawcett from Year
4 in role as Mr Kranky and George from
“George’s Marvellous Medicine.” The pair
introduced the piece explaining how
they had read the novel and adapted their
favourite chapter into a duologue, cutting
and editing the text. It was interesting
to hear about the other skills they had
developed in the lessons as well as honing
their performance technique.
The senior pupils entered the competitive
festival in Wootton Bassett. This was a
fantastic opportunity for the pupils to
perform in front of a public audience.
Particular achievements were Will
Comaish and Henry North in the
duologue acting class, Toby Melvin and
Oliver Coker in the solo section and
Henry Hellens in the verse class.
All those who took part were a real credit
to the department and to the school.
Wootton Bassett Festival Results
Cup Winners - 1st in class:
Duologue - Hamish Brook
and Luke Wiles
Poem - Henry Hellens
Solo Acting -Toby Melvin
Cheltenham Festival of Performing
Arts Results
Solo Acting 11 & 12 years:
1st - Cup winner - Will Comaish
2nd - Silver medal - Freya Saxton
Duologue 11 & 12 years:
1st - Gold medal - Jock Catto
and Lydia Newman
2nd - Silver medal - Daisy Mitford-Slade
and Rose Fawcett
3rd - Bronze medal - Catharine Reid
and Tati Parr
Duologue 9 & 10 years:
2nd - Silver medal - Amber Phillips
and India Case
3rd - Bronze medal - Angus Catto
and Atticus Adams
Shakespeare Solo Under 15 years:
3rd - Bronze medal - André Stamp
The department also saw other successes
in the form of two Year 6 pupils who took
their LAMDA examinations early in a
public centre at the close of the Spring
term. Both Tom Beattie and Lotte Scheuner
achieved 90 out of 100, marks equating
to extremely high distinctions. Many
congratulations go to them for being so
well organised and prepared to take an
examination at this point in the year.
The year’s finale was a run of four jampacked examination days with a visiting
LAMDA examiner from London.
No fewer than 120 pupils took
examinations. The examiner was impressed
by and commented on the pupils’ energy
and enthusiasm for the subject. She also
remarked on their confidence at holding a
conversation, making particular reference
to our younger pupils in Years 3 and 4.
Congratulations to all students on their
wonderful exam results. This year we had a
100% pass rate and the pupils achieved the
following results:
Distinction: 43
Merit: 68
Pass: 18
And special ‘thank you’ must also go to
Honor Skelding and Poppy Clark who
stood in on the day to partner Bea Leslie
as her usual partner was unwell
and unable to take the exam.
The golf activity is the best. We play on
Minchinhampton Old Course, which is
right next to the school so we can walk to
it. We have lessons there and are taught
lots of skills. Peter is the golf professional
at the Old Course. We sometimes go to
the New Course where we receive lessons
from Rob the professional. At the New
Course we usually get a bucket of balls and
practise our swings, there is also a putting
range where we sometimes have putting
competitions. Thank you Mr Graham for
taking this activity.
Marcus May
Year 5
Every Thursday at 3.30pm, Edward and
Jemima Walker, Luke Wiles, Tom Jodrell,
Amber Phillips and Cecilia Mayne and
I take the short bus journey to Beaufort
Polo Club. There we have an hour and
a half lesson from Caspar West. We are
taught how to play difficult shots, how
to take reliable penalties and game tactics
that we then can put into practice during
the chukka at the end of the lesson.
We played in two schools SUPA
tournaments and one friendly
Tournament against Summerfields
which we won 7 - 4. One of the SUPA
tournaments is in an arena and the other
is on a grass pitch. The Beaudesert A
team or Beaudesert Rats is made up out
of Luke Wiles, Edward Walker, Willa
Gravell and me. We won the Arena
Tournament and then went on to just
lose out on goal difference, coming
second in the Outside Tournament.
The Beaudesert Mice (the B team) is
made up of Tom Jodrell, Tom Baxter,
Amber Phillips and Jemima Walker.
They came third in the Arena and then
won the Outside Tournament.
I would now like to thank all our parents
who give up their time so that our ponies
are all ready and waiting for us when we
arrive at Beaufort so that we can get on
and start the lesson promptly. I would
also like to thank Martin the bus driver
who drives us to Beaufort and who also
puts up with us arriving late for the bus.
Ben Barnes
Year 8
My Thursday activity is riding. We ride at Barton End stables, which is situated on
the outskirts of Nailsworth. Riding is a double activity. That means we are at the
stables the entire afternoon. Barton End has very nice ponies to choose from and I
normally ride Coco who is my favourite pony. Our teacher’s name is Nat. We are
split into groups and I am in the 2nd group. At the end of the lesson Nat gives us
some polo sweets so that we can feed them to the horses as a treat.
Millie Campbell
Year 5
This term we chose knitting as our
Tuesday activity. Mrs Bevan and Madame
Lincoln teach us how to knit. They help
us to cast on and off which can be quite
tricky. First of all we had to buy knitting
needles and wool. There were so many
bright colours of wool to choose from.
We knit lots of different things such
as headbands and scarves. We love this
activity, as it is great fun. It is relaxing and
we can chat to our friends whilst we knit.
Anna Mallinckrodt who is in Year 5 has
started a website called ‘Knitt Wits’.
Jemima Walker and Emilia Lewis
Year 4
Every Thursday 12 Year 7s
have been going to Gloucester
Rowing Club. The boat house
is on the canal and most days
it has been beautiful weather.
Mr Armitage and Ali the gap
student have been coaching and
helping us, along with Mr and
Mrs Squire from Gloucester
Rowing Club. We started by
rowing in single sculls, before
moving into doubles and then
quads. We went to Henley
Royal Regatta on Thursday
3rd July and it was really fun.
First of all, we looked around the River and Rowing Museum, before having a picnic
lunch on the riverbank. Debbie Flood, the Captain of Leander (she won silver in the
2004 and 2008 Olympics in the women’s quadruple scull) took us around the Club,
showing us the boathouse, the gym and some of the history of the club and we saw
some boats coming in. The British women’s eight walked right past us in the gym,
which was amazing! Then we went on a river cruise and watched lots of different
races coming past. The Eton cox from 2009/10 and then Yale University in America
showed us around the Steward’s Enclosure as well as the trophy room, where we even
saw his name on the Princess Elizabeth Cup! This activity has been brilliant and I
would recommend this to other Year 7s.
Charlie Gent
Year 7
Every Thursday we make our way
to the changing rooms after our
first activity to get changed into our
swimming costumes. Aquafit is a
water-based exercise class similar to
aqua aerobics which keeps us healthy.
Year 5-8 girls do this activity and it
is a good way to get fit and meet the
other year groups as everyone works
together. We never know what awaits
us whether it is a workout routine or
some tummy toning. Mrs Crosbee
is a great coach and is always up for
a laugh when we are working out
hard. Aquafit starts with a warm up
in the shallow water. If we are doing
a circuit style class then we split off
into twos to work out at various
stations with different activities such
as speed kicking or wide leg cycle.
Each formation lasts for about one
Poppy Stopford and Eva Palmer
Year 8
Other activities at
Beaudesert include:
and many more. . .
Year 3
My day at Hampton Court
The first thing that struck me about Hampton Court was the size of the hall. At the
far end was a beautiful throne encrusted with diamonds and emeralds. The furniture
was painted wonderfully and the wallpaper was a magnificent gold. There were
thousands of people and they were all dancing to some music. Just then Queen
Elizabeth came in and everyone stopped dancing and playing music and each did a
big bow. Her dress was golden with silver on it. She wore scarlet shoes. She strode
over to the musicians and ordered them to start playing their music so everyone
started dancing again.
Hector Large
Year 3
If I had Wings
I would touch the glowing stars
and dance with them.
I would listen to the lightning crackling above me
and glide on birds tumbling and laughing.
I would gaze at the people below
and listen to the talk.
I would dream of walking on the seven seas
and eating chocolate stars coming out at night.
I would taste bright pink candlyfloss clouds
and runny white chocolate raindrops dripping from the clouds.
Poppy Ross
Year 3
My Treehouse
I love my tree house hidden in the orchard.
The tree house has always been in the old
apple tree. It had a wobbly ladder that led to
a room that was the size of my kitchen.
It was made out of a lot of different materials
– wood, wool, bits of plastic on the roof,
metal and glass.
Looking out I can see a vegetable garden,
some cows in a field (but not every day) and
a huge limestone house. When you are in the
tree house you hear crickets chirping, birds
singing quietly and the tree creaks like an old
man’s bones. You can feel a soft, cool wind
through the gaps in the wood. Sometimes I
can smell my favourite foods wafting on the
wind as my mummy cooks lunch.
Inside the tree house I keep a wooden table,
stacks and stacks of paper and a pot filled with
crayons, pens and pencils. This is where I
make Captain Underpants comics. Sometimes
my mum brings me a snack – a juicy apple,
some crunchy carrot, tangy cheese and a sticky
I love being in the tree house because it is
warm and cosy, it is my private place where
my brother and sister can’t find me. Upstairs
it has a playroom that is very messy with loads
of toys. I LOVE IT!!!
Monty D’Arcy Rice
Year 3
My Easter Holiday
On my Easter holiday I went to France on the plane. It was really scary. When we
arrived Arthur had fallen asleep. The next day my 20-year-old cousin arrived and we
all went skiing. It was amazing. I went on two black runs. Then we had a break –
hot chocolate with marshmallows.
The Spanish
Armada Year 3 Play
On the last day we were in such a rush that I left my teddy behind. All of my family
had to go back and we missed the plane.
When we got back I bottle-fed some lambs. They were so cute. Then we went to see
Grandpa and he gave me some watercolour paints.
Rosie Smith
Year 3
Surprise Trip on the Steam Train
On Thursday 22nd May we put on our
performance of ‘The Spanish Armada’. Scene
One was the Spanish Throne Room – Max
Rowlands was King Philip, his costume was
brilliant. It had a lot of good detail.
We had advisors, the Duke of Medina and
not forgetting the courtiers. My favourite
scene was Scene Four, the countryside.
We had Tudor ladies, Lord Howard and
Sir Francis Drake. The ladies did a
beautiful dance to a famous song called
Greensleeves. My scene was the final
scene. I was Queen Elizabeth I. I wore
a stunning dress and a beautiful pearl
necklace with a shining tiara.
My favourite song was ‘The Greatest
King’. It had lots of actions and a nice
tune to a rhythmical beat. This song was
sung in Scene One. I learnt a lot about
Queen Elizabeth I and Tudor history.
I will remember this play, as it was brilliant
and thank you to the Year 3 teachers for
their hard work.
Daisy Davies
Year 3
Q: What can you buy for 1p, use and then take home with you?
A: A ticket for a ride on the steam train.
It was really cool when the man came and
clicked our tickets.
I loved going on the steam trains and
carriages and wagons were really interesting.
Ottie Landale
Zach Hitchcock-Smith
I loved the scavenger hunt looking for
things on the platform with Flora.
I really enjoyed going in the signal box and
watching the man guide in the steam train.
Margot Evans-Gough
Lucy Tuke-Hastings
I loved going to carriage and waggons.
I loved pulling the levers in the signal box
to stop the train.
As we entered the tunnel I could not
believe how dark it was, it felt like the
middle of the night.
Hugo Kay
Hannah Edmonston
Recipe for the
Take a slice of sunshine with
a sprinkle of rain
A bright blue sky and a soft sea breeze.
Add a fizz of fresh green grass
A set of sunflowers moving with the sun.
A handful of buzzing bees.
Decorate with a scoop of
ice cream with a refreshing
swimming pool and a glass of lemonade.
And you have made summer…
Woody Walker
Year 3
he ranks of boarders joining
in with the Beaudesert Badge
activities have continued
to grow this year, with 26 Year 4
children joining the community and
taking part in the Bronze Badge. The
staff have provided many wonderful
activities over the course of the year,
from Scottish Dancing to rocketmaking, canoe-capsize drills to card
games, French picnics to night-time
games such as ‘Colditz’ and so many
others in between.
We enjoyed the visit of the police to
teach the Bronze Badgers about their
role in the community, while Murray
Bruton of the Red Cross shared
with the Silver and Gold Badgers
some basic first aid skills. The Gold
Badgers ventured further afield to help
at the Operation Christmas Child
Warehouse in Evesham as well as
enjoying visits to places such as Stroud
Police Station.
The Summer term brought about the
highlight for many of the Badgers
- the camping weekends. Both the
Bronze and Silver Badge groups
camped here in the grounds, and for
many of the Bronze Badgers, this was
their first camping experience. Chocobananas and marshmallows around
the camp fire proved a big hit, while
the Silver Badgers’ experience included
a long walk, which took in Winstone’s
Factory (and an ice cream, of course!).
The Gold Badgers were due to walk
from Cecily Hill in Cirencester
Park to Mr Tiley’s house, near the
Daneway, where they were to camp.
The following morning a walking
route had then been planned back to
Beaudesert. Sadly, the weather forecast
predicted thunder and lightning and
so, with great regret, we decided to
cancel the trip.
We were delighted to welcome Nigel
Winser to present the badges to the
children at the Awards Evening at the
end of term. Nigel is the Executive
Vice-President of the Middle East
and India regions for Earthwatch, a
charity which is involved in a huge
number of conservation and research
projects around the world. He spoke
to the children and parents about
his experiences, from growing up in
Africa to a number of the projects
he has been involved with, and he
inspired one and all with his infectious
enthusiasm for the world around us.
Nigel very generously presented the
school with one of the books he has
written as well as a rare copy of a
book about the ascent of Everest.
He finished by demonstrating his
accuracy with the blow-pipe he
had brought, and amazed us all by
hitting a plastic cup which had been
positioned on a bench at the other
end of the hall!
I am hugely grateful to all the staff
who have so kindly given up their
evenings to share their skills and
passions with the Badgers. We have
been hugely impressed with the
children’s willingness to take on new
challenges and I hope we have fostered
a spirit of adventure in all of them!
Form Lists
Lottie Burns
Charles Carpenter
Charles Crabb
Rose Fawcett
Annabel Gouriet
Max Haynes
John Kite
Ashley Lam
Finbar McConnell
Tatiana Parr
Tamsin Priest
Luke Roberts
Octavia Slatter
Rebecca Smith
Piers Tabor
Tom Baxter
Thomas Beattie
Jessica Downton
Willa Hodson
Jemima Landale
Rosie Lewis
Guy Mitchell
Amber Phillips
Alexandra Raphael
Mia Shaw
Alexander Tubbs
Edward Walker
Frederick Walker
Luke Wiles
Isabel Wray
Benedict Barnes
Imogen Brook
Will Comaish
Sebastian D’Arcy Rice
Oscar Henry
Fynlay Hughes
Katinka Hughes
Alexandra Jardine
Magnus Lawrence
Columba Leeper
Oli McGill
Catharine Reid
Annabel Slatter
Alexandra Smith
George Standen McDougal
Freddie J Baker
Ethan Bird
Hamish Brook
Will Dangerfield
Charlie Davison
Gus Edwards
Kitty Hiscox
Amelia Kold
Ginny Lawrence
Griffin Mills
Eleanor Pridmore
Lotte Scheuner
Kiki Severn
Harriet Simmons
Zara Verschoyle
Rebecca Abingdon
Hugo Bailey
Sam Clifford
Lauren Dunne
Alice Hall
Daisy Mitford-Slade
Ana Mullen
Edward Nelson
Henry North
Eva Palmer
Thomas Pilsbury
Poppy Stopford
Alfie Weston
Arabella Brown
India Case
Romey Chappell-Young
Imogen Cooper
Tom Elliott
Eloise Fanshawe
George Honeyborne
James Kerr
Hugo Manley
Thomas Morris
Oliver Mullen
Felix Taylor-Kimmins
Isabel Wateridge
Bertie Wilson
Iona Beattie
Octavia Case
Meghan Edwards
Alys Evans
Theodore Hall
Sienna Hiscox
Wilbur Hyde
Guy Jardine
Sacha Kapoor
Anna Mallinckrodt
Marcus May
Tamara Nelson
Lily Pearman
Matilda Phillips
Jemima Lodge
Annika McIntyre
Flora McKenzie Wylie
Arthur Pease
Amber Preston
Emily Tubbs
Grace Tucker
Amber Vernon
Marcus Arkwright
Molly Combe
Jocasta Ferrigno
Harvey Gearon
Charlie Gent
William Golesworthy
Alexandra Herrtage
Luca Hyde
Tom Kerr
Jasper Lowde
Lydia Newman
Wilfred Pease
Lotte Quinn
Beth Ransome
Paolo Ravano
Skelding Honor
Jock Catto
Oliver Coker
Sophie Elvin
William Gibson
Alex Haynes
Marcus Hudson
Thomas Jodrell
Thomas Kinsella
Violet Levinson
Annabelle Martin
Ben Mather
Isabelle Mayer
Sophie Morgan-Rodda
Theo Norman
Freya Saxton
André Stamp
Atticus Adams
Ned Agnew
Zachary Armitage
Freddie M Baker
Rosalie Craven
Fin Depierre
Daisy Gough
Jemima Keveth
Alberto Amati
Alice Biddulph
Henry Hellens
Sam Hughes
Bea Knight
Fergus Large
Hugo Mallinckrodt
Cecilia Mayne
Toby Melvin
Marina Pitman
Archie Probert
Poppy Read
Isobel Standen McDougal
James Taylor-Kimmins
Jack Tucker
Isabella Walker
Alec Birtles
Millie Campbell
Angus Catto
Poppy Clark
Nicole Dunlop
Jonny Edwards
Agatha Kay
Beatrice Leslie
Charles Maculan
Sebastian Mayer
Zara Mayer
Scarlet Page
Georgina Raphael
Maddy Smith
Isabella Thomson
Marcus Bailey
Georgie Balfry
George Beattie
Charles Brook
Siena Burnett
Teo Burton
George Carpenter
Jack Cooper
Jemima Honeyborne
Lucy McLaughlin
Lilah Moxon
Freddie O’Neill
Olivia Probert
Sam Read
Santa Robbins
Rosie Roche
Robert Slatter
Emily Watkins
Jack Buchan
Ollie Comaish
Caye Dobson-Pinillos
James Edmonston
Jemima Fairer-Smith
Frederick Fawcett
Minnie Galton-Fenzi
Isla Gregory
Alfie Hellens
Jake Holloway
Hannie Maculan
Johnny McLaughlan
Autumn Miller Pyott
Isabella Morgan-Grenville
Isabelle Playne
Mungo Schmidt
Beth Tuke-Hastings
Emma Wray
Harry Ahearne
Archie Baker
Hermione Brewster
Tom Grafftey-Smith
Freya Gregory
Jack Jefferies
Daniel Keegan
Lois Lawson
Bonamie Armitage
Edgar Bajeux
Charlie Birts
Rory Calvert
Orlando Clark
Max Dunne
Freddie Hack
Jessica Heynes
Zach Hitchcock-Smith
Archie Hunter
Emilia Lewis
Tilda Maculan
Alice Playne
Ella Thompson
Lawrence Van de Grift
Jemima Walker
Anna Wateridge
Leon Webb
Ben Worsley
Hector Large
Arthur Maculan
Frieda McLean
Beatrice Montgomerie
Oliver Ridgwell
George Scurr
Annabel Smith
Rosie Smith
Molly Standen McDougal
Lucy Tuke-Hastings
Clementine Birts
Oliver Brown
Holly Bullock
Vaughan Byworth
Monty D’Arcy Rice
Margot Evans-Gough
India Hamilton-Burnet
Coco Haycraft Mee
Hugo Kay
Flora MacIntosh
Saskia Meakin
Ben Nielsen
Reuben Page
Rex Preston
Poppy Ross
Will Shipsey
Lewis Smith
Aled Watkins
Luca Webb
Hector Adams
Alfie Binns
Phoebe Brown
Mathilde Davey
Daisy Davies
Hannah Edmonston
Evie Jones
Ottie Landale
Maximillian Morris
Max Nannes
Kitty Pritchard
Tom Ratcliffe
Daniel Rawle
Max Rowlands
Flora Scurr
Harry Smith
James Stapleton
Woody Walker
Rosalind Wilkes
The Pre-prep Department
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it
gives me great pleasure to welcome you to
our Prizegiving this afternoon for you to
hear about some of the school’s highlights
from the past academic year.
Grappling as I do every year with what
to say to you all on the last day of the
academic year as our minds start to think
about the summer ahead, I thought I
would like to stick to something akin to a
well planned lesson – a bit of an intro, the
main teaching part (lots of differentiated
activities to appeal to the different learning
styles amongst you) and ending with
a plenary to check you have all been
listening carefully. Sadly the nature
of the setting means it’s a bit of a onedimensional lesson – I talk, you listen
– bit like the old days, but I will try to
make it an interesting as possible!
In past years I have spoken about how the
future may look for our children sitting
here today; about new building work
and how that corresponds to building
an education for the children; about the
innocence of childhood, to name a few
topics. But today, I was not sure what to
speak about, so I had a great idea and I
asked the children.
Number one from the list of subjects they
wanted me to talk about is the World
Cup. I have never watched a game of
football in my life. I know that will never
change. However I can see the excitement
it holds, as I did have the fortune…or
some may say misfortune, of visiting the
Norwich City Football Club shop 19 years
ago and was amazed at all the shopping
opportunities - green and yellow earrings,
green and yellow cushions, green and
yellow iPhone cases, green and yellow
slippers…I could have spent a fortune!!
So I am afraid, children, I am not really
the best placed person to talk about the
World Cup.
The second thing on my list you wanted
me to talk about was horse riding.
And I fear you all know a lot more about
horse riding than I do. My horse riding
experience ended when I was just six years
old because of Christopher. Christopher
was a Shetland pony. Many of you will
know that Shetland ponies can be rather
stubborn. He refused to move and kept
turning around to look at me whilst I sat
on his back. Amongst the tears, due to
being utterly terrified, I then and there
decided never to sit on another pony
again. So I am sorry, children, but I cannot
really say much more about horse riding!
the room still dream like that and believe
in the possibilities?
So, that brings me to number three on my
list: you wanted me to speak about the
Titanic… we have about 20 minutes left!
Now then, children, I could actually speak
for quite a long time about the Titanic but
I am not going to because you actually got
me thinking.
It is therefore imperative to create
opportunities for children so that they
can grow up and blow us away.
It made me think about how remarkable
all you boys and girls really are; you know
so many things. You all know things
that adults do not know and we know
things that you do not know but what is
amazing, is that we keep learning from
each other. And you do not hold back
- you say what you think. Our Pre-prep
children are not hampered when it comes
to doing or indeed saying things. If I quote
a few children from this year, a girl in
Reception told Mrs Chinnick, “I do not
like what you’re wearing.” Mrs Chinnick
asked “Why not?” and the reply was
“Because you are a girl and you should
wear a dress. I have 4 dresses.” One of the
boys in Nursery saw the Headmaster and
said, “That’s Mr Womersley. He is more
in charge than Miss Henderson. But God
is in charge of the world.” They say it how
it is.
Your children are full of inspiring
aspirations and hopeful thinking. Children
still dream about perfection and that is
a good thing because in order to make
anything a reality you have to dream about
it first. I wonder how many of us adults in
George Bernard Shaw coined the famous
phrase: “Education is wasted on the
young”. Well that could not be further
from my beliefs. Pre-prep children are
like sponges - all the children sitting in
front of me love challenges and they rise to
them. A parent asked me a few weeks ago
if we had high expectations. Of course we
do, because we must never underestimate
children’s abilities - because if we have low
expectations, children will sink to them.
Each year we create and give your children
opportunities so that they may learn and
grow…but we do not just teach your
children - your children teach us. And to
show children that we really care, we listen
to them. Because if we listen to them we
know exactly how to help your children
reach their potential.
We have a tremendous staff team here.
They work tirelessly for the success and
well being of your children, and a runthrough of everything that has taken place
this year is testament to that enthusiasm
and pure joy of teaching that they all have.
Our trips have taken the children to
Sevington Victorian School, The Birds of
Prey Centre, Berkeley Castle, Cotswold
Farm Park, and the Cotswold Wildlife
We learn from visitors to the school and
this year we welcomed Mexicolore, The
Pedal Power Cinema, Gloucestershire
Life Bus, a Fire Engine…and its crew,
African Drummers, a Safari workshop,
a storyteller, and an Indian cookery and
culture demonstration.
Our drama has dazzled and goes from
strength-to-strength. The children were
treated to Sophia and The Sleeping Prince
at OPENhouse Theatre in December; we
also enjoyed the Nursery and Reception
Nativities, the Year 1 Play ‘Eddie and
The Penguins’ in the Spring term and the
Year 2 Play ‘Beaudella’ last week, not to
mention the wonderful class assemblies
that round up the end of each week.
Our sport continues to punch above its
weight. We could not have hoped for a
better afternoon for Sports Day, but that
is just the pinnacle for the sporting year.
Children have spent the year learning a
whole plethora of sport, such as tennis
skills, gymnastics, touch rugby, hockey,
and ball games in their PE and games
lessons. Mrs Gill Price has continued to
develop the children’s swimming ability,
and earlier today all Year 2 children
were awarded swimming certificates.
Very quickly, I want to take this
opportunity to thank Gill for the
genuine interest she shows in the
children’s performance outside the pool.
She is always one to offer to help, whether
it is for a play, a charity event, an outing
and even Sports Day, so thank you so
much - it does not go unnoticed.
Music, as you have seen and heard, is
growing and growing - The Performing
Arts Centre is taking shape and expects
to be completed in December; we have
more Year 2 children taking up a musical
instrument that ever before, and the Year
2 Musicians concert was a wonderful
platform to see how children have
progressed in their first year of learning a
musical instrument. Hearing the boys and
girls singing is just a wonderful thing and
I must tell you that the Teaching Assistants
argue over who has to help in hymn
practice, because 30 minutes of the
Pre-prep singing, it is enough to start
anyone’s day off with a smile.
This year for Charity we have raised
a substantial amount, supporting
Children In Need, The Samaritan’s Purse,
Readathon, Sports Relief, The Door Youth
Project, and Macmillan Cancer Research.
Thank you for your contributions.
In Forest School, we had a very surprising
incident - and that was the huge big
Pine tree falling down during the awful
weather which closed Forest School for a
few months in the Spring term. However,
this was in fact an advantage as it let the
forest have a rest. Once the children were
back deep in the dark grounds of Forest
School, fun and laughter began again, and
the sheer excitement of seeing the fallen
tree instigated many exciting and new
imaginative games and activities.
I overheard one child say to another,
“I can speak every animal language.”
“Speak butterfly then.” And the girl
replied, “Well if I do then you’ll know
how to do it, so I’m not going to!”
The Nursery children have been planting
Jack and the Beanstalk runner beans in
their forest school and they ended up with
a mini Glastonbury last week, cooking
hotdogs and beating wooden sticks on tree
stumps. I must mention that it is lovely to
see Mrs Fiona Price here today though, as
one of the children spotted her standing in
the Pre-prep corridor and shouted at the
top of their voice, “Why are you standing
there? You should be in Forest School!”
We continue to provide an excellent all
round education for our children which
includes a broad and balanced curriculum
with all those extras that become so
important. But saying that, we will never
become complacent. There are many
things we have tweaked this year and I
always look to improve. We spent a lot of
time on ensuring transition was as smooth
as possible for your children, and hopefully
you and your children have benefitted
from receiving their reports and class lists
before the end of term. All the children
spent a good chunk of time in their new
classrooms and Year 2s even managed to
squeeze in a Year 3 lunch, which I am told
was the highlight of their whole year!
Healthy schools are communities which
evolve and constantly seek to improve,
grow, and indeed support the growth of
others. For that to happen we must say
goodbye to some of our staff. Today we
say goodbye to three teachers leaving who,
between them, have notched up 47 years
of service in the Pre-prep - that’s 141
terms. Sue Lloyd-Williams, Alison Joyce
are mentioned in the Farewell section and
Sophie MacDonald is mentioned below.
Sophie MacDonald, although she has
only been with us for one year, has been
accepted onto a PGCE Primary Teaching
course. Within a month or so of starting at
Beaudesert it soon became apparent that
Sophie wanted to become a teacher. I do,
however, want to mention that in order to
do so, she needed to take two skills tests,
2 GCSEs, so four exams later, whilst also
studying for her Level 3 TA course AND
holding down a full time job, Sophie has
got to where she wants to be. Well done
and thank you to all you have contributed
to the Pre-prep over the last year - it has
been a pleasure having you as part of our
team and it would be lovely if you could
stay in touch.
Prizegiving gives us all an opportunity to
pay tribute to lots of people who work
very hard on behalf of all your children.
I hope you agree that we have a wonderful
group of staff here in the Pre-prep; we are
here to create an outstanding environment
in which your children can flourish and
make the most of their talents. Could you
please join me in thanking the staff.
Boys and girls, I would like to thank you
for the amazing hard work you have done
this year and for trying your best all the
time. We will now take the opportunity
to congratulate your children who have
worked so hard throughout this school
year, and present their certificates.
Lastly, a thank you to all of you. I am
deeply appreciative of all the support and
encouragement you have provided over
the past year. There is a wonderful saying
about leadership: ‘There is no limit to
what anyone can achieve provided they
don’t care who takes the credit’. From my
point of view, I don’t take the credit, the
credit goes to all of us, to parents, staff and
children – we ALL share in making the
school what it is today, and we should all
be very proud of it.
And on that note I would like to wish
you all a very happy and relaxing summer
holiday and I look forward to seeing you
in September.
The Nursery
Exploring early mark making,
writing, numbers and shapes
Learning to order numbers whilst playing with toys.
Making a simple pattern
with compare bears.
Exploring letter formations in
the mark making tray.
Learning rhymes and singing songs during Music and Movement.
Children develop their fine
motor skills as they paint, in
preparation for writing.
Exploring height with giant
building blocks outside.
Finding 2D shapes in the classroom on a shape hunt!
Celebrating Chinese
New Year
The children enjoyed learning about a
different culture during Chinese New Year.
Enjoying the challenge of using chopsticks
during play.
Having fun working in the Chinese
restaurant role play area.
The children preparing a Chinese stir-fry
with pak choi for snack time, yum!
Ordering numbers along a snake.
Using knowledge of patterns to paint a
very long snake.
Arranging 2D shapes to make an amazing
space rocket.
Drawing a rocket using 2D shapes.
Our Space Theme
Time to cook up a delicious Planet Pizza!
Lift off in a space ship role-play area.
Meer Cats
Meer cats liv all to gethu. Meer
cats sleep to gethu. Meer cats eet
scorpeeoons. Meer cats plof the sting
first. A meer cat is as big as a roolu.
Sophie Ratcliffe
Rec B
Safari Park
We went to the srarree parc. We sor birs
in cayjiss. Theen we sor peree dogs.
We sor otoos. We sor the begis beeing fed.
I lit it all. Aftir we went on the trayn.
I liked it. I sor amalls. I sor lins and
rinoos. I sor zebrzs. I sor drarfs.
Indigo Gordon
Rec B
Seals have for flips and thay eet fish and thay swim a lot. Thay can swim fast.
Thay liv tux.
Who am I?
I have 4 feet
I have a meedoom tumee
I have a little hed
I can swim in watir
I can wac on land
Answer: Hippo
Monty Miller
Rec B
Today it woz my asabulee. I woz a
wldebeest. My asabulee woz bot animls.
Mumee and dadee caym too see.
Jack Hulbert
Rec B
Lewis Ely
Rec B
Met tigu. Elmer met the grey
elephants. The met crocodile the
crocodile is green.
Alice Stevens
Rec W
Cotswold Wildlife Park
I went to the Cotswold Wildlife Park and I sor a zebra and I sor a rhino. my fravret was a
zebra and I sor a giraffe. Wee sor the pengwin be ing fed and we had a picnic. We rast the
ostrich and the ostrich wun bcoos tha arr farsta nd I lict the gots. I lict Costwold Wildlife
Isla Casey
Rec W
My elephant is big and it has got lots of frens. My elephant lufs his hom.
Mother’s Day
William Sturdy
Rec W
I luf you mum hapee munths bay.
I luf you to the moon.
Annie Nielsen
Rec W
Cuddly Dudley
Cuddly dudly rang way fom his
friends. He woz lonli so he wale
bac hom.
Saskia Rowlands
Rec W
The Dragon
One night when Princess Honor
was getting ready for bed a witch
sprang on her. She swooped in and
took her to the tower. “Please take
me back”, said the princess. “No”,
said the witch. Prince George heard
about Princess Honor. He was
brave, I will save her, but how will
he get up to the tower. A dragon
flew down and said, “I will help
you”. “Come on my back”, said
the dragon. Prince George and the
dragon saved the princess and they
all lived happily ever after.
Honor Fanshawe
Berkeley Castle
Eddie the Penguin
Eddie and the penguins save the world.
Deep in Antarctic under the cold
cold sky. Eddie the penguin was thinking.
He thought about the place he lived in
and he thought about his family.
Eddie had a big family. So the very next
day they set off to the North Pole.
Sam Jones
I am Percy and I clean the park.
I have some animals and the
animals like to play with each
other and they like helping me.
Tom Evans-Gough
Giffords Circus
I went to the circus. The acrobats jumped,
skipped and danced on the horses. A big
horse ran around in the circus and an
acrobat was sitting on the horse. It was a
fun day.
Ivory Miller Pyott
We went on a trip to Berkeley Castle. We went on a coach. When we arrived at the castle
we had to step on the first step to see the murder hall. The steps were called trip steps
and when they stood on the trip they would put sand on the people. I saw a spider web
on the ceiling and there was a kitchen. In the kitchen there was a fire place and twelve
people could sit round the table
Indigo Burton
My Favourite Book
One day there was a boy. He was on a cosy chair reading his favourite book.
Suddenly the character came out of it and there was a hotdog. Charlie ate it.
There was a bear in a cosy chair who was reading Sea Quest.
Reuben Brewster
Dear Mummy
I love you because;
You take me to really fun places
You arrange play dates
You give me lovely teddies
You let me go to people’s houses
You let me go to Lego World
You let me eat sweets!
Milo Thomson
Easter Shape Poem
The Christmas Story
And the angel told Mary. You will have the Son of God and Mary travelled to
Bethlehem. When they got there the baby was born in a manger. The shepherds
came to see Jesus. Then the kings gave the baby presents of gold, frankincense and
myrrh and they lived happily every after.
Quitterie Peppiatt
The Junkyard Dragon
Daisy wanted a dragon for her birthday and it has to be this big. Her brother took Daisy
to the pet shop. There was no dragons there. There was only lizards there. She said no
thank you. Her uncle took her to the zoo. She saw a Komodo dragon. Her uncle said
you are not allowed to take it home. She went home feeling sad. Next day her mum took
her to the museum. She did not see a real dragon. She went home feeling sad. Then that
night she heard a junk yard dragon. She called it fire and she watched it. Then she fell
asleep. Next day she woke up and there were maybe bit and pieces of a dragon.
Rufus Edmonds
Easter bunnies hop
All flowers growing
Sunny days
Easter egg hunt
Running and jumping lambs
Lili Evans
My Very
Safe Castle
My castle has lots of arrow slits.
My castle has a guard with a sword
and a shield. It also has dungeons.
My castle is very, very safe. When they
say charge lots of guards come and
shoot arrows through the arrow slits.
When people are not supposed to go
in the castle they drop down
the portcullis.
Breezy Sabine
Percy is not selfish. He helps hedgehog
because hedgehog kept on popping his
balloons. Percy loves his sandwich of
peanut butter and shares them with his
friends. Percy is kind with the animals.
He saved them when the storm came.
The animals love Percy, he was a jolly
man. He helps the animals build a new
home. They felt happy.
Arthur Bajeux
A Day in the Life of
a Victorian child
My name is Mary. I am an orphan, which
means you have no parents, so a very
kind man sent me to a mill on a cart.
They dropped me off in front of some
massive gates. I was absolutely terrified.
As I got closer I saw that it was a mill.
When I got in I collapsed because I was
so exhausted. When I woke up I was in
a room with lots of girls like me. I asked
what they were doing there. They all said,
“We are working with cotton.” I said.
“What is cotton?” They all laughed at me.
One said, “ do not worry you will know
by tomorrow.” The next morning we
got up very early to start working. It was
extremely loud. My job was to mend
the cotton when it gets broken. I go in
between the machines. I have porridge for
breakfast and bread and bacon for tea.
If I am lucky I get a cup of tea. Sunday is
my favourite day because I get a chance
to be me. I am very grateful that I have
somewhere to live and have a job.
Archie Thomson
The Box
I found a box in my bed. I took
it outside. I was jumping over it
and the lid slipped open. I did not
mean to do it. I checked to see
what was in there. I shook the box.
I heard something in it. I shook it
again. It went like this; thump ping
pong thump. It went to the left
then to the right. I pushed it down
the hill in my garden and it crashed
to the ground. The lid slipped off
and I looked in it… I saw a round
ball! It was the universe. I put it in
my hands and I threw it up in the
sky and it stayed in the sky.
Archie Baker
Beaudella - Year Two Play
Once upon a time there was a King and Queen. They had a very spoilt son.
They did not want him in the palace anymore so they threw a ball to find him a
wife. Soon the villagers found out why they were having a ball. So did Beaudella.
She ran off to tell of the news. She had three sisters who did not care about her.
Neither did her mum. Soon the invitations to the Royal Ball arrived. Beaudella
could not go because she had to do all the housework. When she was about to start
the mice and cats came out to help. Then the fairies made the mice some wings
and a beautiful dress for Beaudella. At the ball the girls were trying to impress the
prince. Then the three sisters came in and fell in love with the three sirs. The King
and Queen asked Beaudella if she wanted to be a nanny at the palace. Beaudella
said yes. But Prince Charmingnot was taken away by Beaudella’s stepmother and
they all lived happily ever after.
Skye Turner
I am a Bullfinch
I live in fruit trees. I am very shy.
The gardeners do not like me and they
chase me. When I went to the fruit tree I
saw my friends. Then the farmer’s cat was
coming. We nearly got caught. Then we
flew to a tall nearby tree. Then when the
cat had gone we went back. I realised it is
getting colder. Winter was coming.
Let’s go back to our nest before it snows.
We went back to our nest. It is snowing.
Then I went to find some food. I could
not peck at the ground. Then I saw a
bird feeder. I went to feed. I was on my
way back when I saw my friend pecking at
the ground. Then I told her where the bird
feeder was. I took my friend back to my
nest. We chatted and my friend had to go.
Lara Worsley
Memories of
Year Two
I liked our trip to Sevington
I remember painting our birds of prey
I remember doing a painting of a fish
I remember choosing a cuddly toy for
story time.
I liked cleaning the fish out
I remember looking out of our hide.
I remember going inside the caves.
I remember drawing Queen Victoria
I remember watching digit when we learnt
our tables.
Louis Dangerfield
My Victorian Day
I woke up in the morning at 4am and it was still dark. I got dressed and went down the
stairs and had breakfast. It was porridge. It took a long time to get to the coal mine. I was
late for work and I got lashed ten times over. It hurt a lot. I felt upset, and then we got to
work. I am a trapper in a coalmine, it is dark and spooky.
Soon it was lunchtime, I had a crust of bread and a cup of water. I was very tired.
Freddie Champniss
The Auction
Yesterday we had an auction for fine miniature portraits. While we were doing
ours another place called Bonham’s were doing theirs. We invited our parents to
come and buy our miniature portraits. My mummy’s bid was for £76. We did this
because Wills showed us his grandfather’s collection of miniature portraits, so we
decided to do our own. We raised £350 and we are going to give all the money to
the Macmillan Cancer Care Charity. We made a catalogue so our parents knew
about what was going on.
Mr Graham was our auctioneer and Mr Heafield was our art expert. When the
parents wanted to bid for your portrait they had to say, “Hurramph”.
Bel McLaughlin
We are reading a story called
Dominic’s Discovery by Gervase
Phinn. We have made our own cave
in our classroom because the story is
all about a little boy who finds some
caves at the seaside and finds out
that some smugglers have put
some treasure in the caves.
We take it in turns to go in there.
It has lots of treasure and lots
of windy tunnels and there are
steep steps and narrow turnings.
Sometimes there is something to eat
in there. There are falling rocks and
jagged rocks that get in your way.
There are caskets of brandy and
pearl necklaces and rusty swords.
It is very dark in there and it is even
darker when the lights are off and
the curtains are drawn. I really enjoy
having a cave in our classroom.
Elysia Ahearne
If I Could be a Bird
of Prey I Would be...
a Snowy Owl because they can fly and soar
and twist and turn and lots of things like
that. I could also catch the wind in my
wings so I can go quite fast. The reason
that I am called a Snowy Owl is because I
am the colour of the snow which helps me
to blend in when I am in places like the
mountains. When I am flying I can swoop
and catch my prey that is mice and rats
and stuff like that. When I am flying I love
skimming the water of ponds and feeling
the cold water against my feathers. I love
doing that. I also like doing loop the loop.
I like to do that down low because it is not
that windy. Sometimes I race my friends.
I always win except for one time when one
of my friends said there was a big juicy rat
behind me so of course I stopped. For me
a rat was a piece of pudding.
The thing I always look forwards to is
getting home to my nest and going to
Eva Chadwick
Exploring our Imaginary Cave
I was in a tunnel when I saw some brandy. Water was dripping from the ceiling
and I saw some beer. I could only see a tiny bit of light shining through the
ceiling. I saw a sword and a skeleton. There were some steps going deeper into
the ground. It was very narrow. There were jagged rocks. It was pitch black.
I found some whisky. The corners were narrow as well. My stomach was
pounding hard. There were some more steps that were leading upwards, and then
I found some gold and diamonds. There was some jewellery and there were even
green diamonds and sapphires.
Harry Jefferies
It Came from Outer Space
This is a Plot. He is a harmless animal. He lives on Mars, he looks very spiky but is
actually soft and cuddly. His name is Spike. He tries to stay away from people. He loves
to skip with a rope made out of chewing gum, the handle is made out of liquorice. Mars
is so very dry, he hardly has any water but he has loads of food. He feeds on bugs and
stuff like that. He loves bluebottles the most. He sees things in black and white.
Zoe Cole
I am a Bird
One Morning I Woke Up...
One morning I woke up and looked in the mirror. I was really shocked because
I was not me! I was a dog! I was a Labrador. I went downstairs to breakfast.
Mummy found my cereal, I did not want it. I sniffed, I found some dog food,
I ate it up and I ran into the garden and ran round and round. I fell into a deep
hole in the grass. It was a rabbit hole. I saw a rabbit and chased it down the
hole. I barked and barked until my mummy came.
Hebe Heynes
The Adventures of
Winnie the Witch
Winnie and Wilbur wanted to go on holiday but they didn’t know where to go.
Winnie went outside and went over to a tree, “Abracadabra!” she shouted and
the tree turned into a portal. Winnie called to Wilbur and they both stepped in.
They were whisked through the portal. They landed with a thump, “Ouch!” cried
Winnie, for Wilbur’s claw was poking her in the arm. She looked around, they
were in Olympus. Zeus was there, Poseidon was there, Ares was there, Athena was
there. All the Gods were there. Winnie challenged Ares to a sword fight, Poseidon
gave her a sword and some sword fighting lessons. Just before the fighting Winnie
gets whisked back through time and lands exhausted on her bed.
I am a bird,
I zoom through the sky,
Up high.
I am a bird,
I see vast forests down below.
I race down to the ground.
My wing tips skim the trees.
I hunt,
Up high
I am a bird,
I hear the wind bolt past me,
I soar through the sky,
I hear squeaking mice
Up high.
Herbie Hiscox
Toby Wickett
Herbie Ahearne
Mamie Armitage
Beatrice Blastland
Otto Bullock
Sholto Casey
Chloe Cook
Freddie De Rouet
Alfie Ellis
Megan Figgis
Freddie Goldby
Red Goodman
Olivia Hodges
Zac Hughes
Beatrice Hulbert
Henry Matcham
Nancy McLaughlin
Finley McLean
Douglas McMurtry
Oliver Mitchell
Isobella Naden
Oliver Raphael
Tess Rowland
Roman Sabine
Ozy Stockdale
Isaac Stringer
Finn Tierney
Xanthe Woodford
Reception B
Amelia Akeroyd
Sasha Castilho Blow
Isabelle Cook
Indigo Gordon
Wolfie Haycraft Mee
Jack Hulbert
George Lewis
Theodore Maculan
Monty Miller
Sophie Ratcliffe
Aaron Stringer
Max Tierney
Max Worsley
Reception W
Finlay Akeroyd
Isla Casey
Caspar Chadwick
Patrick Figgis
Harry Hughes
Algie Meakin
Annie Nielsen
Saskia Rowlands
Alice Stevens
Johnnie Stockdale
William Sturdy
Edward Williams
Poppy Baker
Jake Bostock
Reuben Brewster
Indigo Burton
Lewis Ely
Tom Evans-Gough
Honor Fanshawe
Eliza Fleming
Oliver Goldby
Sam Jones
Samuel MacIntosh
Ivory Miller Pyott
George Pegg
Rose Phillimore
Archie Robbins
Benjamin Tuke-Hastings
Oliver Wilkes
Arthur Bajeux
Caspar Burns
Rufus Edmonds
Theodore Eugster
Lili Evans
Tom Hack
Darcey Hodges
Rosie Holloway
Ayla Nannes
Quitterie Peppiatt
Archie Roche
Breezy Sabine
Arthur Smith
Eden Stringer
Milo Thomson
Benedict Wateridge
Florence Wiles
Abigail Akeroyd
Archie Baker
Max Anthony Craven
Emma Downton
Bel McLaughlin
Emi McMurtry
William Moffatt
Aggie Pearman
Barney Pridmore
Elliot Ransome
Archie Thomson
Skye Turner
Rory Van de Grift
Elysia Ahearne
Clementine Buchan
Eva Chadwick
Enzo Cuellar
Ella d’Abo
Louis Dangerfield
Millie Ellis
Bryn Evans
Harry Jefferies
Jago Lamb
Lexy Miller
Rafe Phillips
Ursula Rowland
Lara Worsley
Freddie Biddulph
Frederic Champniss
Zoe Cole
Louis d’Abo
Oscar Eugster
Rose Evans-Gough
Hebe Heynes
Herbie Hiscox
Conrad Hyde
Camilla Keveth
Sophia Meakin
Oliver Ross
Toby Wickett
Dear Diary
I just said goodbye to my mum and dad. My dad works
in the Royal Navy and my mum works in a factory.
All I had to eat was pork chops, potatoes and carrots.
We all got onto the train to the countryside. On the
train I started to cry, then a kind girl asked me if I was
okay. I felt a bit better then. Her name was Nicole.
I sat next to her on the train. I had taken a picture of
my mum and dad with me. I looked out of the window
and I saw a farm. There were horses, cows, a donkey
and a pig in the field.
CRACK, BANG.. The train then stopped. I sprinted
out of the train. I said goodbye to Nicole. A family
came to fetch me. When we arrived at their house it
was late. We sat at a long brown table and had pork
chops, carrots and potatoes for dinner.
Iona Beattie
Year 5
A Rather Strange Egg
I was walking along the riverbank when I stumbled across a
strange egg. I was rather nervous at first but then I got the
idea to cautiously pick it up. Just then I had another brilliant
idea – I took the egg to a science laboratory. That was when I
realised what was so strange about it … it was bright purple.
I stood in lab and watched the scientists trying to hatch the
luminous purple egg. They did not succeed. I then went to
bed. In the morning I went to see the egg again but it was
GONE. Someone reported that they had seen some blurry
white figures walking around but no one believed them.
Lois Lawson
Year 4
Sport in School
Should be Optional
There has been much debate whether
school sport should be optional. I think
that it should be optional because if
someone does not enjoy sport and prefers
to work, they should have the choice to
do so. Compulsory sport can result in not
having enough time to complete one’s
Most schools have sport at the end of the
day after the lessons have finished. Most
students do prep after sport when they are
tired so their work could be messy and not
up to a high standard.
You also get exercise by running with the
dog and going down to the local shop.
These are all examples of ‘sport’.
Walking burns calories so that is also a
sport. Everyone is doing sport all the time.
You do burn more calories playing rugby
but that is not the only way of burning
excess fat. Furthermore not everyone wants
to be as skinny as possible. If you are obese
you should not be forced to do sport but
it is your life and you should not let other
people interfere in it.
Charlie Crabb
Year 8
My Amazing Day Out
Hi, my name is Mungo and I live five hours way from the Amazon rainforest.
I have a really cool tree house and my mum, dad and I live in it. Every weekend we
go quad biking into the forest and we see all the animals. But one day something
happened and this is the story about what happened that day.
I was ten years old and we were quad biking and I went a bit off course, in fact
a lot off course and no one knew I did. So I found something to eat, something
to do and somewhere to sleep. The next day I heard an ear piercing noise, the
monkeys were screaming. A volcano was erupting. I was pretty well dead but then
I remembered my quad bike and ran to it. It would not start. I had to run, the lava
was very close. I could feel the heat of the lava. So what did I do next you may ask.
Well you will have to find out in part two of my amazing day out!
Mungo Schmidt
Year 4
Dark as a
Midnight Dream
The inky black sky is like dark blanket
hovering above the Earth’s atmosphere.
The lights of the night shimmered in the
jet black, gloomy space up above.
The mother of the night
calling to her children
as they dance down.
Trees swaying to the midnight music.
The blinking celetial bodies
watch over the trees
from the menacing unlit heavens above.
Shadows creeping ominously along
The dark spiky blanket of the
midnight mother.
Ella Tuke-Hastings
Year 6
Augustus Gloop
Augustus Gloop was a big, bulgy and beefy
boy with piercing blue eyes and crooked
yellow teeth. He was only interested in
chocolate! His skin was creamy and greasy
and he had short blond hair. He had fat
red lips like he had lipstick on. In the
middle of his chubby face was an upturned
nose. He had a bulging voice and broken
fingernails. He ate twenty chocolate bars
a day, drank only one glass of water and
swallowed one piece of broccoli a day.
He was only nine years old.
Freddie Baker
Year 5
Skellig is an ancient old man with
appalling manners. He lives in a
rickety old shed and lies in the corner
eating flies and bluebottles. His hair
is a couple of greasy thin silver strips.
He loves number 27 and 53 Chinese
takeaway. He is stunted with swollen
knuckles and has millions of little
cracks in his face. He is so arthritic and
as a result can barely move. His face is
as pale as an ice glacier. His clothes are
old, smelly and torn to bits. His breath
is extraordinarily bad. On his back he
has a squashy set of wings. He is very
mysterious and has no conscience.
Currently the country is not just going down the drain; it’s lying dead. With overpolluted lakes and acid rain, the factories could just as well be in the middle of a
crime scene with a smoking gun saying that it’s really their fault.
We need harsher laws and greater punishments to stop these problems. We need a
light on our time of darkness. We need a leader. Someone to guide us to a brighter
tomorrow. Someone to replace endless combat with eternal peace, someone to stand
up and save the world.
We need a selfish leader to help others and stop poverty. We need a brave leader who
will stand up to those who impede the path of justice. We need a clever leader who
people will fall behind to bring us one step closer to Utopia. The Americans went to
the moon because they could. Our motto is not because we can or because we want
to but ‘because we must’. We cannot let the world fall into disrepair. We cannot say
goodbye to innocent rare animals and we cannot let injustice win.
Here I stand, not a prophet, but a path to a better earth without crime, without
poverty, without cruelty. I am ready to sacrifice, to toil and to commit myself
entirely to this cause. The only question is, are you?
Magnus Lawrence
Year 8
Fred Walker
Year 6
I am Stanley
“ Put it into gear!” shouted Twitch and
I did. Suddenly I felt a lurch and I shot
forward like a bullet out of a gun, zooming
past the piles of sand. I could feel the
wind rushing past my face. I felt free as a
bird. BANG! I had driven straight into a
lake. I felt the soft balloon explode. It was
the airbag. Quick as a flash I was out and
running across the barren wasteland.
My water bottle was empty. Life was
testing me; my water bottle was empty,
empty, empty...
Hamish Brook
Year 6
Curiosity Kills the Cat
The heavy drops of rain echoed the sharp click of her heels on the pavement. She pulled
the red umbrella closer to her head. Who was MC? The letter had come as a surprise to
her and was the reason why she was out on this dingy, damp night heading towards
the alley.
Why so late? If the curiosity had not got the best of her, she would be sitting on her sofa
but instead she had decided to please her curiosity and meet this mystery MC. I wonder
whether MC is a man or a lady?
She walked briskly, her hands clutched tightly to the one possession she had with her
– the red umbrella. She was aware of her surroundings. She knew the street well.
She walked up and down it twice a day. There was one thing that she was not aware of.
She was being watched. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she edged round to the
alley. A man in black pointed a gun to her head. A lump began to grow in the back of
her throat as she squeezed out the words “Are you MC?”
Tati Parr
Year 8
My alarm went off at 8.30am, so I jumped out of bed, got dressed and went
downstairs. I shot out the door and walked down the street. I heard someone
screaming. I thought it sounded like an old lady. I suddenly saw what I thought
– it was an old lady. She had blood pouring out of her head. I went to go and
see her. All I saw was the ambulance people trying to put stitches in her head.
I was so worried when they tried to wake her up. They could not, she was dead.
I had to go, as I was late for school.
How the Horse
Got His Hooves
Once upon a time oh best beloved, all
horses had slippery, slimy feet and they
just kept tripping up. But one day a man
called Bill came past and whispered to the
foal. “I see you have got yourself into a
mess. I will make you something that will
stop you tripping up.”
The man called Bill stayed up all night
thinking of something. The sun was
coming up and then he had the best idea
he had ever had in his life.
The next day Bill saw the foal with his
mom and dad in the corner of the field.
Bill then put a halter on the foal and took
it to a concrete site. When he arrived the
man called Bill dipped the foal’s slippery
slimy feet into the concrete. When he took
them out they looked like big bricks so he
carved them into a circle shape and made
them really smooth. He thinks of what he
can name these smooth things, he looks at
them and yells “I will call them hooves.”
I walked into my classroom and my teacher Mr Small said,“Why are you late,
Kiki?” I had to reply so I said, “There was so much traffic, I am really sorry, Sir”
This was a lie. Mr Small shouted at me and said, “You need to catch up on loads
of work that you have missed. One whole hour and that is two lessons.”
The foal goes back to his mum and dad
and says, “Look at what I can do.”
The foal gallops all over the field and did
not trip up once. Now all of the horses
want some hooves so one by one they went
to the man called Bill to get some hooves.
“Yes Sir, I will….” I said.
Ever after that all horses have hooves.
Kiki Severn
Year 6
Siena Burnett
Year 4
Saying Goodbye
As I strode onto the plane I realised the consequences of doing it. I wondered if I would
ever see my loved ones again. The sadness was building up in me like graves in a cemetery.
I begin to whimper silently to myself. I could feel the water gushing out of my eyes like a
waterfall, yet I was not making any noise. I felt I was the sky on a sunny day that had been
piled with clouds. The plane touched down with a thud. As I got off the plane I went over
to get my bag. As I got to the baggage lounge I could see only one bag on the conveyor
belt. I left it going around and around knowing that picking it up would be it. I would be
trapped like in a prison cell. I wondered if I would ever pick it up. As my bag drew nearer I
stretched out my hand. As the bag touched my hand, I felt a sudden cold rush.
Marcus Arkwright
Year 7
Glamping Trip
Man and Wasp
Dear Mr Tiley
I sat down
To devour this spread of food
On this fine summer’s day.
I very much enjoyed my glamping trip to the Forest of Dean. We stayed in a house
like tent called the ‘Superdome’ which had two floors, a shower, a loo and 11 beds.
Throughout the week we did a number of different activities including caving, miniature
golf, Jubilee maze, canoeing and cooking by the campfire. One of my favourite things
was trying to get all six of us on one swing. We eventually did it and there were six of us
on a small swing. One thing I will not miss is the very cold shower!!
But then I heard it
The terrible buzzing
Coming for me
Inspecting every item on the table
Until it came to the jam jar.
Could I ever be friends with t
his gorgeous creature?
And then it vanished...
But reappeared with a companion
He would never be mine now
Down came the jug
And squish
He was gone
A God-like creature
To live an afterlife of shame.
All because of me.
Xa Jardine
Year 8
Marina Pitman
Year 7
As I ran down the big green hill I looked around high and low. No one else was with me
I was all alone. I could go anywhere. Colours flashed, the grass sparkled in the sun and
flowers bloom open as I ran past, touching every leaf, getting your fingers damp from the
dew. I wipe my fingers on the grass, which is like a huge napkin.
Ivy is like the ruler of all trees; as the old dies new springs into life. The succulent wind
blows past you and rustles all the trees as if they are clapping or applauding you.
The trees are all standing as an army gripping onto their leaves. Bugs scurry along, getting
shaded by the army. So I push my way through the army, my face getting whipped by the
huge leaves. I climb up grabbing the thin but strong branches and at the top of nature,
life and all crisp colours shine. As the sun goes down and night falls everything goes
Isabelle Mayer
Year 7
Dark as a Midnight Dream
Frightened, scared… is this another dream?
Maybe… maybe it isn’t
Everything is just so strange
Portraits of past memories being resurrected,
Pictures of dead heroes regaining their place.
As I gaze towards the heavens,
A celestial light shoots across paradise
Leaving nothing but a shimmering golden light.
The stars lie majestically in their constellations
And the lantern of the night
Governs and rules over the stars.
Suddenly, a blinding ball of fire
Shines upon me.
The darkness flees from the light
As the moon fades away,
So do his people
James Kerr
Year 6
Desert Island
The Long, Hot Summer
At the start of it, I thought it would be great. We never get weather like this in
England, but now it seems we do. I was looking forward to the summer for so long,
but now it just will not end. The sun’s heat is booming down on me, no change
there. I would go in inside as one would presume it would be colder, but no, going
inside is like going into a sauna, do not ask me why. It is like the sun is getting
revenge on me for calling it stupid, but without the sun, this planet would be
frozen. There is nothing to do. All my friends are on holiday and here I am dipping
my feet into the pond. I am starting to think about swimming in it. Only a week
has gone by of the holidays but it feels like a month. I have decided to go back to
the woods, at least there is shade over there.
Ana Mullen
Year 8
My Book Review
Title: Stormbreaker
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Main character: Alex Rider, a fourteen year old boy who is also a secret spy.
What was the story about? The story was about a boy (Alex Rider) who has to stop an
evil scientist from blowing up the world using computers. In the end he stopped the evil
scientist by destroying the computers.
Would you recommend this book to others? I would recommend this book because it is
exciting and interesting. It is exciting because you never know what is going to happen
next. It is interesting because not a single person seems to know anyone else.
Harry Ahearne
Year 4
Dear Everybody
I was here since I was a little girl. I was
only six years old. One day I was playing
in the sand with my mum and dad when
suddenly my dad shouted “tsunami.”
We ran to the middle of the island.
My mum fell and my dad told me to go
to the middle of the island. I did what he
said. My heart was beating like a drum.
I looked around and saw a huge tree right
in front of me. I climbed it. I looked down
and saw that my mum and dad were dead!!
Five years later I found a little tree house.
I climbed up the tree. I went inside, it
had a little bed and a window. My tummy
rumbled, I was very hungry. I was not
alone there you see, I had a little pet tiger.
I saved her from the tsunami. Her name
is cupcakes. She is the only thing I have
here. She is lovely. All we have to eat here
is coconuts and bananas and fish.
Minnie Galton-Fenzi
Year 4
The monster was as tall as a tree
and very very thin. His hair was like
seaweed and flowed down to his
shoulders. He had very rough skin.
He looked as if he was quite gentle
and calm but suddenly he rose out
of the water and then I saw actually
how big he was. After a while he saw
me. I ran to hide but with the help
of his long spindly legs he caught up
with me. Then I stopped and looked
around. I could not see it anywhere.
Then suddenly out of the bushes it
came, its fiery orange eyes staring at
me. His bony fingers picked me up
and for a moment I felt his warm
breath on my back.
Daisy Gough
Year 5
The Duchess
My new marriage has acquired me a
new object. She is pretty as if she were
cast in gold, although I fear that she is
not mine any more.
We have been together three years and
my troubled mind swells greatly with
thought of broken branches and white
mules, infuriating boys invading my
fortress. She poses gracefully while
Fra Pandolf ’s hands work busily.
I see that blush, I have grown to
loathe that blush across that fair
cheek. My duchess is flying the nest
so I will soon prepare my rapier.
I caught a man in my orchard this
morning. As my hands tightly clasped
around his neck, my duchess emerged
and shrieked, slapping me to stop
but her suitor’s life had already been
crushed. We are attending a gathering
tonight and I shall keep an eagle’s eye
upon my fair wife as she giggles and
flirts with the other gentlemen. I shall
not let my pride and title be swallowed
by her girlish ways.
My pool of calm has been rippled
so many times by this woman but
this is the final wave, this will be her
last enjoyed meal, her last blush and
smile. I shall silence her throat as she
laughs with others, never again shall an
unworthy peasant bask in the warmth
of her smile. I have captured her spirit
and beauty in a painting so I shall
dispose of the living traitor.
After a good meal my Duchess’ brow
seems heavy with heat and sweat, her
face has been slightly drained of its
colour and I see her rush towards her
handmaid with a pained expression.
My meal has done the final deed.
She shall cough, vomit and suffer
then slip from this world and down to
where the sinners lie. Never again shall
I meet her eye with disgust and lust
Alexandra Herrtage
Year 7
My Superhero/Supervillain
Name: Tom
Superpowers: Lazers come out of his eyes
Catchphrase: I will catch you
Weaknesses/Fears: Snakes and fears aging
Personality: Loves rice pudding and fishfingers
Headquarters: Abandoned school
Description of what he looks like: His hair is brown. He is quite tall, very strong
and very friendly. He is a very fast runner and brave.
Theo Hall
Year 5
Sailing Around the World
(After Reading Kensuke’s Kingdom By Michael Morpurgo)
I am not sure that sailing around the world with my family would be a
good idea because it is very dangerous and one could get very ill. On the
other hand, it will be a once in a lifetime experience and one could learn
so much. However one could get tired and annoyed with one’s parents.
Another good thing would be that you get to make so many new friends
and learn new languages. Nevertheless our family are not experienced
sailors and we could crash into rocks.
In conclusion I would say let’s go on the trip – we will have the time of
our lives!
Scarlet Page
Year 5
Pandora’s Box
Disease is a cell growing and never stopping
Cruelty is a person without a heart
Pain is a pair of clothes that irritate the skin
Old age is a restraint on daily life
Disappointment is a knife slashing your heart
Hate is a bad smell creeping up your nostrils
choking you
Jealously is a bird with more food than others
War is a gun pointing at innocence
Death is a veil coating everything
Hope is a tree with early blossom.
Isobel Wray
Year 6
The Rain
When I stepped out of the house it was a lovely evening. Later it started raining in Parc
de Chatalan. I pulled out my red umbrella, Jack, my Springer spaniel, whimpering and
complaining behind me. I was walking down Rue de Monix and the rain was getting
worse, slapping my umbrella. The dirty slabs of cement were slippery now. Jack plodded
along next to me. Now I was passing Pâtisserie Chatalan, the best bakery in Brussels.
How I wished I could go in and have something to eat, but it was shut. Nothing was
open at 7pm at night. Jack wanted to go home and I could not disagree in this weather.
We were on my road now and Jack knew it. He was wagging his tail. I walked up to the
jet-black door with is ugly steel knocker. I took the keys out of my bag and I put down
the umbrella. I opened the door. I knew straight away that something was wrong…
Thomas Kinsella
Year 7
Five Little Witches
Five little witches,
Trick or treating in the street
One of them said, “Halloween is hard to beat.”
The second one yawned and said, “I am going to sleep.”
The third one said, “Stand up and look neat.”
The fourth one screamed, “This isn’t fun.”
The fifth one cackled, “Halloween is fun for everyone.”
Alec Birtles
Year 5
I think that people should watch less television because most of the programmes
you see are full of junk. They should not ban television but people should have a
restricted amount of time to watch it.
There has been much debate about whether 21st century people spend too much
time watching television. I think we do because there as been a large increase in
the amount of channels available and more and more people sit at home watching
television all day long.
Watching too much can distract us. If people in poor countries can survive with no
television, I think that we can survive with a little less.
Television however can also be educational. Documentaries are very informative
and they can educate us about the planet.
To conclude, I think we should be able to watch some television and that all the
junk should be taken off.
My School
Dear pupils
I wish you good luck with starting
school in September and hope you
enjoy the first few weeks. I will
give you some advice to help you.
If you get lost or worried, relax
and ask somebody. It may be a big
step up in how hard the work is at
our school, but you will be helped
because you are new.
I encourage you to make new
friends and keep your old ones
because you will know everyone’s
names and you will have more
choice of people to play with at
break time.
This school has fabulous food
and a wide range of food to choose
from. There is a salad bar with
all kinds of cold choices of food.
There is also a hot bar with a daily
changing menu. There is bread
for people who eat lots of it.
There is even a warm and cold
pudding bar.
At this school you are encouraged
to give sport a go. There are
different teams so you are playing
with people who are at your
standard. In summer we do cricket
and there are tennis and athletics
matches as well. In winter we
do rugby. We have games on
Monday afternoon and matches
on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
We also do a wide range of
activities on Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons, such as fencing.
I hope you have an enjoyable
first few weeks.
Jack Tucker
Year 7
Eddie Nelson
Year 8
Team: J Catto+, M Arkwright, S Hughes*,
C Carpenter, M Haynes, G Standen McDougal+,
S D’Arcy Rice, A Amati, W Gibson+, S Clifford,
H Gearon, A Haynes, C Leeper*, J Kite (capt)*,
F Hughes, B Barnes*, A Probert, E Nelson
*denotes full colours
+denotes half colours
v Wycliffe
v The Elms
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Wycliffe
v Old Buckenham Hall
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Abberley Hall
v Prior Park
v The Downs
Prior Park Rugby Festival
v The Downs
v St John’s, Chepstow Won
v Pinewood
v Prior Park College
(Semi final)
Severnside 7’s Festival
v St John’s
v Prior Park
v Dean Close
v Wycliffe
v The Downs
5 -53
5 -29
0 -59
7 -5
7 -7
7 -14
0 -22
7 -27
Pinewood 7s
Semi final of plate competition
There were many highlights and not too many
lows. The memories of two occasions will remain
with me for a while, both involving Johnny Kite.
The first was an amazing last minute drop goal
against St John’s to record our first victory
over them for many a year. The second was an
individual moment of brilliance against Abberley
Hall where the referee had indicated that this
was the last play of the game. We were camped
on our try line and defending a scrum. Abberley
Hall’s Number 8 picked up, went blind, only
to be floored by Will Gibson. Somehow the
pack summoned some energy, drove over and
achieved good ruck ball. It was then flung out to
Kite who then went on a whole pitch mazy run
to score under the posts. Conversion slotted,
whistle went and game won by 1 point.
The front row of Catto, Sam Hughes and
Arkwright initially were a concern, as they
were small in height and stature for this level.
They coped remarkably well in the contact
situation, got low in the scrum and did their
best in all situations. Never once did I hear them
complain about being pummelled week in and
week out.
The second row partnership of Carpenter, Max
Haynes and Standen MacDougal shared this
position with D’Arcy Rice who would play back
row every second game. These guys also got
stuck in with Standen McDougal loving the
contact aspect and never shirking the hits. D’Arcy
Rice was often the smallest forward on the pitch
but was a fighter, boxing way above his limit and
always in the thick of it.
On the flank, we had a newly converted
forward of Amati who played Number 10 for
the Colts ‘A’. He adjusted exceedingly well to this
position. The final forward was Will Gibson. Will
is a brave character and an outstanding player.
He tackled anything that moved, and was always
first to break down. The last minute win against
Abberley Hall was credited to his tackle and turn
over ball.
In the backs, we started Sam Clifford at scrum
half but just as he was adjusting to the demands
of playing at this level, he suffered a cruel blow
and broke his wrist. Gearon was then pulled
forward from full back to his normal position
of scrum half. He is a good runner with ball in
hand and my abiding memory of him was pulling
an outrageous dummy against Pinewood and
tearing down the wing.
Alex Haynes playing at fly half and Leeper at
inside centre had a season where their own
talents were not always given the chance
to shine. They had a straight forward job of
defending their channel and shipping the ball
out wide to our runners. They played this role
And now we come to our try machines and at
times match winners. Kite is a talented rugby
player who evades all the best defences, runs
hard and is quick. He is a slippery customer and
with the pace he possesses is difficult to catch
and stop. He well deserved his place in the
Midlands Prep School side.
Fynlay Hughes has pace and power. When he got
his hands on the ball, he was lethal. His handling
has vastly improved and his understanding of the
game was good. His defence and hard tackling
also put players off running into him. Fynlay also
deserves credit for getting into the South West
Prep School squad.
Probert playing at full back was one of the finds
of the season. He is an all round ball player, good
in attack, safe under the high ball and his defence
is also impressive. It was great to see him develop
over the course of this season.
And finally to Barnes and Nelson who shared the
wing berth this season. Barnes was unfortunately
side lined for many games due to some knee
issues but in the appearances he made showed
some elusive running and committed tackling.
Nelson moved up and down teams. He is
deceptive with his pace and when given the
chance to run, sets off quickly and once in full
flow is hard to catch. In defence, he grew in
Overall, this was a very pleasing rugby term
where not only did the victories help but more
importantly the team gelled and played for each
other. They all wanted to improve and listened
to instructions carefully while developing them
in practice sessions and competitive matches.
Well done for all those who are leaving and those
staying, let’s build upon this year and aim high.
Team: T Melvin, M Hudson, J Lowde, T Norman,
M Lawrence, F McConnell, T Jodrell, B Mather,
T Kerr, O Coker, W Golesworthy,
O Henry, O McGill, T Kinsella, F Large,
J Taylor-Kimmins, H Hellens
v Wycliffe
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Abberley Hall
Team: W Golesworthy, W Comaish, H North,
H Mallinckrodt, A Weston, H Bailey, F McConnell,
M Haynes, T Pilsbury, J Tucker, P Tabor,
A Lam, P Ravano, E Nelson, C Gent,
L Roberts, A Stamp, S D’Arcy Rice
v Dean Close
v The Elms
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v Wycliffe v Wycliffe v Abberley Hall
v Clifton
v The Downs
v Prior Park
v Tockington
5 -19
7 -50
This really has to go down as my all time favorite
season since taking the 2nd XV at Beaudesert.
After a long and resting summer break, the boys
all seemed to have returned with a real hunger
to get stuck into this fantastic game. Anyone
who has ever coached a sport before will know
that, developing an interest and maintaining
motivation is very important and when the boys
really enjoy being out there, that is already
three quarters of the battle won.
We kicked off the season with a convincing
win against Wycliffe at home with both
the forwards and backs getting onto the
scoresheet. What a start, and as the season
went on we just looked better and better.
Playing as a real team, the boys continued to
get their fitness levels up, speed and stamina
increased along with a steady improvement in
the skill levels of each and every player. We had
a few defeats along the way, which in my view is
a very important learning tool, but on the whole
we had a fantastic season, playing 10 matches,
losing only three and winning seven.
Well done to all of the boys and best of luck
next season.
17- 58
5 -34
12- 22
The 3rd XV enjoyed a positive start to the
season with a win over Wycliffe. Oscar Henry,
playing inside centre, led the team to a number
of tries and successful conversions. Will
Golesworthy and James Taylor-Kimmins were
effective at the ruck, which created a lot of
ball for the backs to use. Against Dean Close,
Magnus Lawrence opened the scoring with a
30 yard run to the line. We were strong in the
scrum and at times got the ball through the
hands which resulted in three tries. Dean Close
were clinical in their finishing and capitalised
on wingers getting the ball in space. The home
match versus Pinewood provided an exciting
affair. Both teams scored four tries, however
Pinewood converted all their kicks compared to
Beaudesert’s one. Oliver McGill, who captained
that day, teamed up with Tom Kerr and Oliver
Coker to provide a strong front row, resulting
in the scrum being outstanding all game.
The second game against Wycliffe was
thoroughly enjoyed by all players. Particular
mention goes to Fergus Large and Finbar
McConnell for their adaptability on the pitch by
playing in a number of positions. In addition, we
remember Tom Kinsella’s weaving run through
four players to score a superb try, and Tom Kerr
with his hard hitting tackling.
By the mid point of the season, the team
had developed their skills, especially at the
breakdown and trying to get the ball through
the hands. Versus Pinewood, every boy played
with enthusiasm and enjoyment. Ben Mather,
Tom Jodrell and Toby Melvin linked up at
scrum half, fly half and inside centre and moved
the ball with pace and certainty. The ball was
distributed out wide very quickly and as a
result, Marcus Hudson scored a hat trick of
tries. In the first half of the Clifton match, the
3rd XV played their best rugby all season. It was
a fantastic game of rugby which ended at 7 – 5
to Clifton at half time, technically sound at the
breakdown, scrum and defensive line. However,
Clifton proved too strong in the latter stages
with clinical finishing in our 22. The last match
versus Abberley Hall was tough. Praise goes
to Jasper Lowde, who stepped up to play at
number 8 and did so with great effect.
Well done to all for a thoroughly enjoyable
Team: F Walker, H Brook, C Davison, E Walker,
L Wiles, G Honeyborne, T Beattie, J Edwards,
J Kerr, FJ Baker, E Bird, F Taylor-Kimmins,
J Edwards, N Agnew
v The Elms
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s-on-the-Hill
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Abberley Hall
v Prior Park
v The Downs
7 -35
0 -33
The Elms Sevens Tournament:
v Abberley Hall
v King’s St Albans
v The Grange
v RGS, The Grange
0 -26
Prior Park Festival
v The Paragon
v St John’s-on-the-Hill
v Great Houghton
v St John’s Beaumont
5 -7
Won 14-5
Lost 0 -5
Won 19-0
The season started with a group of the boys
representing the school in the 7s tournament
at The Elms, while the rest played in the B team
against Wycliffe. Although we were caught
napping against a strong Abberley Hall team in
the first game, the boys grew in confidence as the
tournament progressed. By their last match, the
boys were playing with width and pace and they
seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.
The Colts started the regular season with
another visit to The Elms and they produced a
dominant display, with the pack creating a strong
platform from which the backs could attack.
We found ourselves on the road for much of the
season, but this did not seem to adversely affect
the boys and they played some fantastic rugby,
most notably in an epic battle with St John’s,
in which they came back from 0-14 down to
very nearly win the game in the dying seconds.
Pinewood proved too strong for us both home
and away, whilst we sorely missed George
Honeyborne in the pack against Abberley Hall.
A weakened team was sadly unable to finish the
season in winning ways against The Downs, but
nonetheless, the boys took the game to them and
were unlucky not to score.
The lads have been a pleasure to coach this
season and huge thanks go to one of the Gappies,
Josh Taylor, who has coached the team alongside
me and has been hugely popular with the boys.
Charlie Davison, George Honeyborne and Fred
Walker were selected to attend the South-West
trials for the Independent Schools Lambs team.
Sadly, Fred was not able to attend due to injury,
however Charlie and George played very well in
their trial matches and were unfortunate not to
be selected. George Honeyborne and Ed Walker
were my players of the season, George, for giving
his all (and an awful lot of blood!) over the course
of the season as the cornerstone of the pack at
tighthead, while Ed was a rock at full-back and
completely dependable. Luke Wiles was the find
of the season and the most improved player,
moving from hooker to wing and showing great
pace when given the ball in space.
Tom Beattie and Hamish Brook formed a strong
half-back partnership and they both tackled
ferociously. They are a strong group and I look
forward to seeing how they develop over the next
few years, albeit from afar. Best of luck!
Team: E Bird, J Kerr, W Dangerfield, G Mills,
G Mitchell, N Agnew, B Wilson, F J Baker, T Baxter,
T Morris, Z Armitage, A Catto, J Edwards, S Kapoor,
C Maculan, O Mullen, T Elliott, A Birtles
v Wycliffe
v The Elms
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Abberley
v Prior Park
v The Downs
v Tockington
19- 20
7 - 15
12- 14
14- 12
0 -43
5 -35
5 -12
32- 24
0 - 50
28 - 19
The results do not give an accurate reflection
of the hard work and the improvement the
team has made over the course of the term.
The early encounters were all narrow defeats
by a conversion and during the term, with the
exception of Pinewood and The Downs, we lost
our matches by no more than one try.
Our strength was in our pack and our rolling
mauls proved a good platform to attack the
opposition; Guy Mitchell, Ethan Bird, Griffin
Mills and Tom Elliott worked tirelessly in the
scrum. Angus Catto joined the pack later on in
the season from the backs, and proved himself
by being fearless in the loose. Tom Baxter, a
utility player suited to playing in the backs or
forwards, often broke the gain line with some
determined running.
The backs showed they had pace and agility.
Bertie Wilson developed well at scrum half
while Ned Agnew, after the departure of
Freddie J Baker to the A s, grew into the role
of No 10 with his speed and weaving runs.
Tackling was always our nemesis but Zachary
Armitage playing at full back and Oliver Mullen
a late arrival on the wing, proved that they can
bring down anyone.
A very enjoyable season, with great team spirit
and plenty of chatter on the bus. Thank you to
everyone who has been involved: boys, staff
and supporters.
Team: A Tubbs, S Mayer, H Manley, A Adams,
W Hyde, F Baker, M May, G Jardine, T Morris,
T Hall, A Birtles
v Wycliffe
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Abberley Hall
v St John’s
v The Downs
7 -21
With enough boys to make up exactly three
teams at Colts level, selection for the Colts C
team was never going to be a problem. We had
a much more settled team than usual, with many
players keeping the same position for the entire
season. This continuity certainly improved the
style of play.
With Baker at scrum half and May at fly half the
ball could be moved quickly to the strong running
Birtles or the elusive jinking Morris.
To ruck or not to ruck, that is the question. In an
ideal world, all our Colts teams would ruck to
get quick ball and produce a fast flowing game.
At Colts C level players tend not to be close
enough in their support to stop rucks becoming a
shambles, not to mention varying interpretation
of where the off-side line is. Certainly a line our
players only showed a hazy knowledge of. Tubbs
in particular was invariably the first to any break
down and then got the benefit of the doubt from
referees in our away matches when he invariably
killed the ball or arrived from off-side. It must
have been the permanent innocent look on his
face that helped him get away with it. The Colts
C team tended therefore to opt for a mauling
game where the aim was not to lose the ball in
contact: you would have had to break one of our
props’ arms (Manley and Tubbs) if you wanted to
get the ball off them. Obviously it helps if you can
get the ball back on your own side. Sometimes
aforementioned props were reluctant to
release the ball for anyone, even their own side.
Fortunately with a decent hooker (Mayer), some
shove from the second row (Hyde and Adams)
and lots of practice on the scrum machine, we
more than held our own in the many scrums that
occur in a Colts C game.
And to tackling. By definition, if you are in the
C team, tackling is not usually your strength.
Fortunately this season we had many exceptions
to this rule, May was prepared to tackle anyone
low and hard. The forwards could stop any one
who wanted to run through them. Our wingers
Hall and Jardine, soon realised that if they got
up quickly on their opposite numbers and hung
onto anything they could grab, then help would
soon arrive.
Our finest hour, was undoubtedly away to Clifton
where a massive side pounded us for almost the
entire match. We lost 21-7, but didn’t buckle.
To use a cliché, everyone ‘manned up’. A Colts C
team to be proud of.
A Team: R Slatter, J Cooper, C Brook,
J Edmonston, J McLaughlan, A Baker,
J Jefferies, L Van de Grift, H Ahearne, G Beattie:
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
v Wycliffe
v Dean Close
v The Downs
v Clifton
60 -50
Severnside Festival:
v Llandaff
v Dean Close
v St John’s
v Cheltenham PrepWon
B and C Team: G Carpenter, T Grafftey-Smith,
S Read, B Worsley, A Hellens, J Buchan, L Webb,
J Holloway, O Comaish, M Schmidt, T Burton,
D Keegan, F Fawcett, M Bailey
B Team Results:
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
v Dean Close
v The Downs
v Clifton
v Tockington A
Severnside Festival:
v Llandaff
v Dean Close
v St John’s
v Cheltenham PrepDrew
20 - 50
30 - 40
60 - 20
65 -15
70 -40
C Team Results:
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Dean Close
v Clifton
40- 30
What a fantastic season the boys had this year,
displaying strength in depth and an enormous
amount of enthusiasm. It was great to see so
many children taking the field on numerous
occasions and the excitement leading up to each
fixture made each match day a pleasure, whether
refereeing or supporting from the touchline.
It would be fair to say that we competed
favourably against similar schools and
occasionally punched above our weight against
some big sides. Often we put out mixed ability
teams that may have reflected some of the score
lines at B level but our C team lost only one
fixture against a very strong Clifton outfit. The
A team were tenacious and excelled through
the early to mid season, only being outdone in
the latter part by some exceptional sides. Our
support play was outstanding and the desire to
win and not give up was always apparent. Whilst
there is still some work to be done on tackling,
there is no doubt that this did improve from
match to match.
It would be unfair to give special mention to
any one player as this is a team game with full
commitment by everyone but there are definitely
players to look for in the future. Good luck next
5 -15
0 -20
5 -15
Team: A Gouriet (capt)*, D Mitford-Slade*, T Parr*,
K Hughes*, H Skelding, F Saxton, W Gravell*,
I Mayer+, B Ransome+, T Priest+, A Martin+
*denotes colours
+denotes 11 a-side
v Cheltenham Prep Lost
v The Elms
v The Dragon
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v Dean Close
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Ladies’ Won
2 - 4
4 - 1
0 - 1
3 - 1
3 - 1
1 - 3
4 -1
6 -2
1 -3
3 - 1
5 - 2
3 -1
Severnside Tournament: Runners-up
IAPS Tournament:
v All Hallows
1 - 3
v Taunton Prep
1 - 0
Won 2 -0
v Port Regis
1 - 0
Drew 1 -1
This hockey season has been very successful one.
We won eight out of our twelve matches.
Mr Edwards has been an encouraging fun
coach and we could not ask for a better coach.
He always says that we could win and when we
were doubting ourselves he pushed us on.
Annabel Gouriet our captain kept our hopes up
through difficult games and never failed to save
a goal. She was not afraid to play the ball when it
came to her. She was the best goalie. Having two
younger players was an asset to our team. Honor
Skelding (left wing) never let us down and Freya
Saxon (centre forward) kept her eye on the ball
and shot some amazing goals.
Willa Gravell was outstanding (right-mid).
She spent most of the match running up and
down the wing with the ball and crossing it in.
She was great to have on the team.
Tati Parr was also amazing, she tackled very well
every time the ball came near her. Once she got
the ball she immediately passed it out onto the
wings. She has good dribbling skills and she often
scored goals by lifting the ball and pushing it into
the corner of the goal. It was difficult to stop her.
Daisy Mitford-Slade did not start off in the 1st
team but when her talents were noticed she
was promoted. She was tough and would not let
anyone get in her way. She was a great defender.
Katinka was a great defender. She stopped many
goals from being scored. She created a positive
atmosphere around the team
Willa Gravell, Katinka Hughes and Tati Parr
Team: I Brook, C Mayne, B Ransome,
T Priest, I Mayer, L Newman, L Quinn,
X Jardine ,A Martin, C Reid, S Elvin
v The Downs
v Cheltenham Prep Lost
v The Elms
v The Dragon
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s-on-the-Hill Won
v Dean Close
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Ladies’Won
2 - 3
0 - 5
1 - 1
1 - 4
1 - 4
2 - 1
2 - 1
4 -2
1 -3
3 -2
6 - 1
6 - 1
7 -0
Dean Close 7s Tournament: Semi-finals
This has been an extremely successful and
exciting season for the 2nd VII girls hockey
team. The season started with a very hard
match against The Downs, which immediately
highlighted the potential of the team;
unfortunately chances were not taken and a
disappointed squad left feeling frustrated but
yet thrilled with the prospect of a season of
improvement. Then came Cheltenham Prep;
possibly the most disappointing result of the
term, but the girls maintained their team
spirit and continued to work hard
together. The season then continued with
some noticeable wins against St John’s-onthe-Hill, Dean Close and Pinewood, along
with a few narrow but entertaining defeats.
After half term, a narrow defeat to a very
strong Clifton team lead to a run of four
straight wins scoring 19 goals and only
conceding three. The pinnacle of the season
was the Dean Close seven-a-side competition,
where the team won a staggering four out
of four games, getting through to the semi
finals but narrowly losing out to Clifton by
one goal. Although a disappointing result, the
manner in which the team worked together
was extremely pleasing to see, particularly in
light of this being for some, their last game of
hockey for Beaudesert.
An excellent finish to the season! Well done.
Team: L Quinn, I Walker, C Reid, L Dunne, I Standen
McDougal, S Elvin, R Abingdon, R Fawcett,
A Biddulph, A Slatter, O Slatter, A Smith, P Stopford
v Cheltenham Prep Drew
v Abberley Hall
v Dean Close
v Clifton
v Cheltenham Ladies’Drew
v Millfield
2 - 2
3 -1
3 - 2
2 - 1
2 -3
3 -0
0 - 0
2 - 2
6 -0
1 - 2
This was season of twists and turns.
Our varying performances were reflected by
the changing seasons. Having established
our pattern of play based on quick, accurate
passing, we strung together a few decent,
deserved wins in late September and early
October. Things looked promising. However,
how we managed to lose away to Pinewood,
beating them convincingly the following
week at home, remains a mystery. (Our two
losses were when I was ‘in absentia’, just
a bizarre coincidence?) To be honest, we
were lucky in all three draws: the opener at
Cheltenham and in the latter stages of the
term against strong Clifton and Cheltenham
Ladies’ sides. An emphatic victory at
Wycliffe, followed by the final challenge away
at Millfield, where we lost narrowly.
Reasons for our erratic displays are not
obvious. Nevertheless, the girls battled
on courageously throughout, showing
admirable character and an ‘all for one and
one for all’ spirit. Certain individuals must
be mentioned: Lotte was promoted mid term after several excellent displays in goal;
Catharine was one of the most improved
players of the year; Sophie’s powerful hitting
out of defence got us out of jail on several
occasions; Lauren led by example, played
intelligently and encouraged her team
constantly; Rose worked tirelessly in midfield
and scored some great goals from short
corner routines; Poppy galvanized herself
into action, striding along to receive the
ball, dribbling skillfully and hitting the target
many times. All of the above represented
the 2nd team as well, so to be fair the 3rd
team regulars deserve some plaudits too:
Isobel defended strongly; Alice used her
fitness effectively in midfield and Alex, along
with the Slatter twins, worked hard both
in possession and when defending. Not a
vintage season perhaps, yet we saw plenty
of endeavour, improvement and hopefully
enjoyment, as well as ‘mist and mellow
Team: J Ferrigno, R Smith, A Smith,
A Herrtage, O Slatter, A Slatter, E Palmer, A Hall,
A Mullen, P Read, R Abingdon, I Walker
v Cheltenham Prep
v The Dragon
v Abberley Hall
v Pinewood
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Cheltenham Ladies’
v Millfield
3 - 1
1 - 1
2 - 2
0 - 3
1 - 0
1 - 2
A successful and enjoyable term for the
4th VII. All our school matches were
hard fought and closely matched and the
effort shown by all was very impressive!
The attitude and enthusiasm of all the
squad both in enjoying their hockey and
improving all aspects of their game during
our practice sessions has been great to
see too. The away match at Pinewood
on a difficult grass pitch was a particular
highlight; we played some very good
hockey and scored three well worked goals.
Well done all.
Team: I Cooper, E Fanshawe, K Hiscox, A Kold,
G Lawrence, K Severn, H Simmons, E Tuke-Hastings
v The Elms
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Prior Park
v Wycliffe
v Millfield
1 - 0
7 - 2
7 - 0
3 - 2
5 -0
3 -1
4 - 0
1 -1
3 - 2
Prior Park Tournament:Winners
Pinewood Tournament:
Semi Finals
Clifton Tournament:
2nd place
IAPS National Finals:
Quarter Finals
Severnside Tournament: 2nd place
The U11As had another great season of hockey,
showing real enthusiasm, determination and skill.
The highlight for most of them was reaching the
IAPS National Finals. They played brilliantly to
reach the quarter finals where they narrowly lost
against The Downs Wraxall. Imogen Cooper was
very unlucky breaking her arm in the first match
of the day after a fantastic season in defence.
Every player made great progress with their
positioning, stick skills and tactics. Amelia Kold
proved to be a really tough player on right
wing, setting up and scoring many goals. Eloise
played with great stamina and speed as centre
half, never giving up. Ginny showed great
concentration and quick reactions as goalie.
The last match of the season against Millfield
was very exciting and some fantastic hockey was
played. The girls had been beaten by a golden
goal in the in the IAPS qualifier so desperately
wanted a win. It was a very tough match; both
teams had injuries but battled on, Beaudesert
gaining the well deserved win in the last few
A special mention must go to Zara Mayer U10
who played brilliantly in defence in both the
Millfield and IAPs matches.
Well done girls and thank you for an enjoyable
Team: A Raphael, A Brown, R Chappell-Young,
Z Verschoyle, L Scheuner, J Downton, I Wray,
A Phillips, E Pridmore, M Shaw, I Wateridge,
R Lewis, I Case, W Hodson, J Landale
Results U11B:
v The Downs A
v Tockington A
v St Hugh’s
v St John’s
v The Dragon
v Millfield
v King’s, Gloucester A Drew
The Elms A Tournament:
Results U11C:
v The Dragon
1 - 2 Away
0 - 2 Home
6 - 2 Home
10 - 0 Home
6 - 0 Home
2 - 0 Away
7 - 0 Away
5 - 4 Away
1 - 0 Away
0 - 2 Away
3 - 3 Home
Won 5 - 1 Away
The girls enjoyed a hugely successful season,
producing some excellent results against quality
opposition including some A sides. We benefited
from a large squad of 15 girls, who all gave 100%
effort and improved greatly during the season.
It was a real pleasure to see them develop as a
side and the enjoyment they got from succeeding
as a team!
The season started with two tough fixtures
against The Downs and Tockington A sides,
resulting in two narrow losses, however, the signs
were good. We then competed in The Elms A
team tournament, playing some excellent hockey,
missing out on the semi-finals on goal difference.
Playing in a tournament was a new experience
for most of the girls and it benefited us vastly as
we started to explode out of the blocks in our
remaining games of the term.
We then went on an unbeaten run of eight
games, with the highlights being a 10-0 thrashing
of St John’s, the double over Pinewood without
conceding a goal, and beating Clifton away.
We also fielded a B and C side against The
Dragon, where we showed no ill effects from a
freezing day and a two hour drive, winning 7-0
and 5-1.
The run came to an end against Millfield, where
the girls looked tired after exam week. However,
they bounced back to end the season on a high.
Fielding a team deprived of some players due to
A team call ups, they played some scintillating
hockey against a strong King’s Gloucester A
side, battling to a 3-3 draw, scoring in the dying
seconds. This summed up the exemplary attitude
of the girls, where the never-give-up attitude and
hard work done in training paid dividends.
Special mentions should go to centre forward
Jemima Landale, who developed into a predatory
goal poacher and link player, and Rosie Lewis
as a speedy wing who set up and scored many
goals with her direct play. Lotte Scheuner and
Isabel Wateridge also deserve a mention for
their consistent play all year that resulted in
promotion to our A team. However, all players
deserve credit for the manner and style in which
they played hockey this year, with everyone
playing their part in such as successful season.
Well done girls and good luck next year!
Team: P Clark, M Edwards, A Evans, Z Mayer,
A McIntyre, M Phillips, M Smith, I Thomson,
G Tucker, E Tubbs
v The Downs
v The Elms (v U11b) Drew
v St John’s
v Abberley Hall
v Dean Close
v Prior Park
v The Dragon
8 - 0
2 - 2
4 - 0
4 - 0
5 - 0
5 -2
3 -3
3 - 1
1 - 0
3 -1
Badminton Tournament:
Severnside Tournament: 3rd in group
Runners Up
I am sticking with my line of ‘technically we
have had an unbeaten season’. What an exciting
season we had!
As a group the girls have plenty of brilliant
qualities. For example, a lot of the matches I
have managed to rotate the girls around the
different positions and they just got on with
it. One minute Meghan was a back, the next
minute she was centre forward scoring goals.
One minute Alys was in goal, the next sprinting
down the wing . They have the skills to adapt to
each position.
Their determination is flawless. Maddie and
Poppy would never come off the pitch unless
they were bright red.
They saw what the U11s could do and they
wanted to match that. They knew how
intimidating a big hit can be in the D before
scoring so they practised and practised,
improving each week. Both Zara and Grace
caused plenty of mayhem in the D because
of it!
They recognised the importance of everyone
on the team. Most matches we had a different
goal keeper (Annika and Isabella slightly more
keen then others!) but they knew that part
of working in a team is taking it in turns and
always giving 100%. Passing the ball around
the pitch to each other helped spread the
opposition out and helped us attack more
It has been fantastic to see players such as
Matti come up from the Bs and adjust well to
the pace. It is equally as impressive to see Emily
play for both the As and Bs in very different
Well done on a very successful season.
A special mention to Zara for helping the
U11s get to the IAPS National Finals.
Team: M Campbell, O Case, R Craven, N Dunlop,
D Gough, S Hiscox, F MacKenzie Wylie,
G Raphael, E Tubbs
v Dean Close
v The Dragon
v King’s, Gloucester
0 -6
0 - 2
0 -5
1 -8
1 -5
3 -0
0 - 3
3 -1
3 - 0
If you were just to look at the results of the
U10Bs you could be mistaken to think that
the season was unsuccessful and the girls
lacked enthusiasm. This could not be further
from the truth! All through the term, the
team displayed courage, determination and a
brave dedication to improve their skills, both
individually and as a team.
Team: G Balfry, L McLaughlin, J Fairer-Smith,
I Gregory, H Maculan, B Tuke-Hastings, F Gregory,
E Lewis, A Playne, A Wateridge, E Thompson
v The Downs
v St John’s
v Dean Close
v Prior Park
Severnside Tournament:
The girls have had a very enjoyable term of
hockey with a mixed set of results. Their first
match was a learning curve as it was only the
second week back after the summer holidays.
Although we lost that match it is always good to
see what you need to work on for the next match.
After a long journey to St John’s, it was great
to see the girls thinking a lot more about their
positioning, especially when attacking the D and
they were very pleased to come away with a win.
Particular highlights include our first goal,
away playing Tockington where the team had
to play on an unfamiliar 3G Astro surface.
Millie played tirelessly as goalie and kept
everyone’s spirits high. It was so pleasing
to end the season with such a fantastic win
against a very strong mixed year group team
from King’s, Gloucester- very well done girls!
Team: S Burnett, J Honeyborne, L Moxon, O Probert, S Robbins, R Roche, E Watkins, M Galton-Fenzi,
A Miller Pyott, I Morgan-Grenville, I Playne, E Wray, H Brewster, L Lawson, T Maculan, J Walker
Results B Team:
v The Downs
v St John’s
v King’s, Gloucester Drew
v Dean Close
Severnside Tournament:
Team: A Mallinckrodt, S Page, J Lodge, A Preston,
A Vernon, F McKenzie Wylie, L Pearman, T Nelson,
I Beattie, J Keveth
v Berkhampstead
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Clifton
0 -3
0 -3
3 -0
2 -6
The U10C team have worked really hard this
year, in particular Amber Vernon, who had never
played hockey before. They learnt a lot in their
first two matches and, although losing, showed
good skills. Jemima Keveth and Scarlet Page
were strong in defence, with Anna Mallinckrodt
saving some excellent goals in her first time as
0 - 5 Home
3 - 1 Away
2 - 2 Away
0- 3 Home
0- 4 Away
1- 0 Home
6 - 0 Away
1- 2 Away
2nd Place
Having gained a lot of confidence from their win,
it was off to the Severnside Tournament which
always seems a bit strange at such an early stage
of term. The girls played better than we could
have imagined and won all their matches except
the last one against the The Downs, which we
lost 2 – 3. This put us in second position which
was a great performance. Pinewood proved to
be tough opponents for us; they were a very
strong team but although we lost we still came
away smiling after working really hard and not
giving up. Our confidence was lifted after winning
the next two matches in a row. The girls were
now working well as a team and positioning
themselves a lot better. Although we went on to
lose our last match against Wycliffe, it was very
close and could so easily have gone either way.
All the girls have progressed so much since the
beginning of term but a special mention should
go to Freya who was an amazing goal keeper
and saved lots of goals on numerous occasions.
Anna has been a strong defender with Jemima,
Alice and Emilia all working well attacking the D.
Isla has been a determined centre half with lots
of endurance. I am sure this team will go on to do
very well next year as they are all so enthusiastic
and love playing hockey; a recipe for success.
0 - 6 Home
0- 1 Away
0 - 3 Away
5- 1 Home
2- 4 Away
3- 6 Away
8- 0 Home
9- 0 Away
3 - 3 Home
2 - 2 Away
1st Place
goalkeeper. Lily Pearman made some excellent
runs down the wing and narrowly missed out on
scoring a goal against Berkhampstead.
We played away at Pinewood two weeks
after losing to them at home. The girls were
determined to get a better result and score their
first goal in a match. The goal, scored with some
excellent stick work by Tamara Nelson, came late
in the first half and was followed by two more
from Jemima Lodge and Flora McKenzie Wylie
after half time. We finished the season with a
match against a very strong Clifton side where
we scored two good goals. Iona Beattie played
her best match of the season and Amber Preston
was great in defence.
Throughout the term the girls have improved
hugely and they should all be proud of what they
have achieved.
Results C Team:
vPinewwod Lost
We have had two parallel B teams this
term and two matches where we also put
out a C team. As you can see from above
the girls have been very busy with lots
of matches which they have all enjoyed.
They have had a mixed set of results;
as some of their matches were against
other schools’ A teams, so the result
does not always reflect how well they
played. The highlight of the term was the
Severnside Tournament, where we won
all of our matches and came away as the
winning team. It was a long morning at
Dean Close and after five matches, the
girls were delighted to come away with
a great win. All the girls have worked
very hard and progressed a lot from
the beginning of term which is always
lovely to see. They have enjoyed playing
against other schools and have learned
a lot in the process. The girls are always
smiling, enthusiastic and have a great
team spirit. Thank you to all the parents
who have supported us throughout
the term. It is always lovely to have the
extra encouragement from the sidelines
especially if there are any casualties.
Team: C Carpenter, G Standen McDougal,
C Leeper, S Clifford, P Tabor (capt), F Hughes,
J Tucker, H Gearon, A Haynes,
M Arkwright, P Ravano, A Amati
v Wycliffe
v Tockington
v Clifton
v Wycliffe
v Abberley Hall
v The Elms
0- 4
3- 1
0- 1
0- 3
1 - 3
0 - 0
Although we had some talented players in this
group, in the 11-a-side matches this season we
found ourselves lacking in too many significant
areas of the game and the results reflect this.
There was a lot of passion and enthusiasm in all
of the games, but against stronger, quicker and
more experienced teams we struggled to impose
ourselves on the opposition in any of
our matches.
The major problem was a lack of goals. Apart
from one crazy spell of five minutes against
Tockington in January, we rarely threatened
to score and opposition goalkeepers would
have enjoyed watching our midfielders string
passes together around the halfway line, and
occasionally towards the edge of the box,
without feeling that we were ever likely to bother
them by attempting a shot at goal. Most of our
attacking players were in Year 7 and I hope that
next year they will show a bit more desire to
drive forward and turn possession into chances,
and chances into goals.
Our defenders worked hard, often against some
high-class opponents and they deserve credit for
sticking to their task. The conditions were also
pretty tough for most of this season, particularly
in the final game against The Elms which was
played in an atrocious gale.
Some of the Year 8s in their second season for
the 1st XI deserve a mention. Charlie Carpenter
was a very consistent goalkeeper, making some
outstanding saves and very few mistakes over
two years. Columba Leeper gave his all for the
team, making countless tackles and winning
headers all over the field. Sam Clifford showed
great potential, especially switching to left back
this year where he was a solid defender and an
attacking threat. Piers Tabor captained the side,
and although he did not quite reach the heights
that he found at the end of last year, I appreciated
his steady leadership and tireless running for the
Despite these results, hopes are high for next
year. The Year 7 boys found the going tough this
year and were forced to play more prominent
roles than was ideal. I am sure that we will see the
benefits of this experience next year as between
them they have a promising mixture of skill, pace
and the occasional touch of enigmatic Italian
Team: J Catto, H Mallinckrodt, H Bailey, E Nelson,
C Gent, S D’Arcy Rice, L Roberts, A Probert,
B Mather, T Jodrell, T Pilsbury, F Hughes
v Clifton
v Wycliffe
v Abberley Hall
v The Elms
0- 1
1- 2
1 - 3
2 - 1
The 2nd XI started the season with a closely
fought match versus Clifton. Played on their
artificial 3G pitch, Beaudesert retained slightly
more possession than their opponents and
had more shots on goal, however Clifton
scored a wonderfully worked goal. The Clifton
goalkeeper made two fantastic saves before
full time from well-struck shots by Charlie Gent
and Fynlay Hughes to keep it at 1-0. Unlucky
with the outcome, notable performances were
Max Haynes on the left wing and Tom Pilsbury
with his effective distribution of the ball. In
the match against Wycliffe, both teams went
through periods of sustained pressure. Mid way
through the first half, Beaudesert conceded,
to go 1-0 down. Lead by Seb D’Arcy Rice, the
team started the second half with a bang as
Luke Roberts scored a beautifully hit shot
from outside the area. The next five minutes
were all Beaudesert’s, however they failed
to beat the keeper. Wycliffe fought back and
eventually the pressure resulted in an own goal
to make it 2-1 to Wycliffe. Hugo Bailey, Hugo
Mallinckrodt and Ben Mather were solid in
defence and prevented a number of Wycliffe
opportunities. Abberley Hall proved too strong
in the third match of the season. The contest
started evenly, however the visitors scored
first before half time. Like the previous game,
Roberts scored quickly in the second half and
a game opened up with both teams trying to
gain the upper hand. Tom Jodrell came close to
scoring and Jock Catto made some outstanding
saves. As Beaudesert pushed forward for
the win, unfortunately Abberley Hall scored
twice on the counter attack to seal a win. In
the final game of the season, both teams were
fighting the elements with the conditions being
very windy! The Elms scored with the wind
behind them in the first half and could have
scored again but for the versatile defending
of Archie Probert and Edward Nelson. Just
before half time, Bailey levelled the match.
Beaudesert finally got the break through in
the second half with Bailey striking again with
the winner. The weather unfortunately took a
turn for the worse; the hail rained down on the
Minchinhampton playing fields and the match
was cut short by eight minutes. Well done on
an enjoyable season.
Team: A Weston, T Kinsella, F Large, O McGill,
O Coker, T Kerr, W Golesworthy, J Lowde,
H Hellens, C Crabb, O Henry
Team: W Gibson, M Lawrence, A Stamp,
M Haynes, F McConnell, E Norman, W Comaish,
T Melvin, J Taylor-Kimmins, M Hudson, A Lam,
S Hughes, B Mather, O Henry
v Wycliffe
v Prior Park
v Clifton
v Abberley Hall
This was a team full of enthusiasm and bags of
energy, but who found it difficult to score goals.
Wycliffe were a very well drilled side and we
did well by keeping the score down to one goal
at half time. Sadly early in the second half they
scored two more and one towards the final
whistle. Magnus Lawrence kept the pressure
on Wycliffe as he never stopped chasing and
Prior Park were big and strong and scored two
late goals to secure a victory 3-1 after we had
drawn level with a goal from Marcus Hudson.
William Gibson in goal, playing like a flanker,
was brave and courageous making many fine
Clifton was our next hurdle; we battled hard,
Ashley Lam used his speed and James TaylorKimmins was sturdy in the tackle. The match
ended in a 2-2 drew after goals from Toby
Melvin and Ashley Lam.
It was a very different match against Abberley
Hall; they were powerful and quick onto the
ball. We went a goal down early on and then
conceded another soon in the second half
before losing heart and finally going down 0-5.
A sad end to an enjoyable season.
Team: L Wiles, C Davison, F Walker, T Beattie,
H Brook, G Edwards, F Baker, F Taylor-Kimmins
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham PrepWon
v Tockington
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
6 -0
6 -0
2 -2
Indoor 3G
The wet weather that we endured during the
first half of term did not diminish the enthusiasm
shown by the boys. They are a talented group
that showed great commitment and desire in our
practice sessions and school matches. Our short
season was successful, with four wins and one
draw, an exciting battle against Pinewood on the
indoor 3G surface at Brimscombe. Having the
use of the indoor facility was fantastic for the
boys and meant that we were able to continue to
v Clifton
Won 3- 2
v Wycliffe
Drew 2- 2
v Abberley Hall Lost 0- 1
I always enjoy the four weeks of football in the
Easter term and this year was not an exception.
The 4th XI had a very set game plan and the boys
picked to play for the team carried out these
Team: G Mitchell, E Bird, W Dangerfield,
G Honeyborne, B Wilson, H Manley, E Walker,
F Taylor-Kimmins
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham PrepWon
v Wycliffe
v St John’s
v The Elms
v Pinewood
7 - 0
7 - 2
1 - 2
0 - 2
We kick-started the spring term with
a handful of practices. The boys, still
reasonably fit following a tough rugby
season, were well organised, enthusiastic
and ready to take on any opposition.
Our first match kicked off at home against
Prior Park and although the opposition
seemed somewhat weaker than usual,
I will take nothing away from our boys’
performance. They moved the ball wide very
well, defended brilliantly and finished cleanly.
Wow, what a start! Following our success
tactics both offensively and defensively.
The long ball game and counter attacking
football style made the team effective but
not very attractive for the eye. However with
a record of played three, won one, lost one,
drew one, these results were a lot better than
expected by everyone involved with the team.
All the boys who were selected to play should
be very proud of their achievement and the
effort and application was very pleasing to see.
Although not all the boys were the most natural
footballers, they showed great determination
to succeed which is all I ever asked for at the
beginning of the term.
against Prior Park, the team went on to beat
Cheltenham Prep by 7 goals to 2. Perhaps a
little complacency set in after that because
we were not able to continue with our early
season success; however, the team fought
hard in every match.
All in all, a fantastic season. The skill levels
improved considerably and most importantly,
it was enjoyed by all and good clean football
was played by all. Well done and best of luck
next season.
Team: T Elliott, T Morris, G Mills, J Kerr,
H Manley, O Mullen, A Tubbs
v Wycliffe
v Tockington
v Cheltenham Prep Won
v Wycliffe
v Abberley Hall Won
v The Elms
5 -0
1 - 0
4 - 3
play during the worst of the deluges in January
and February!
Our season began against Prior Park, where we
started well and after two early goals, ran out
comfortable six-nil winners. Cheltenham Prep
were our next visitors, and despite starting well
they could not force a goal, gradually we got into
our stride and eventually the goals arrived, six
of them again! A two-nil victory at Tockington
meant that we headed into our next fixture
against a strong Wycliffe side in good form.
This was a very tight game and it was only the
boys’ determination and will to win that saw us
home in the end.
I must just highlight the performances of Luke
Wiles, Hamish Brook and Tom Beattie. Luke was
outstanding in goal, making many important
saves that kept us in matches. A highly skilled
footballer, capable of A team football out of goal
too, he had a memorable season. The energy,
commitment and quality on the ball of Tom and
Hamish was great to see too, always available and
wanting to get on the ball to make things happen.
Very well done all!
Rarely can there have been a team at
Beaudesert that has played with such passion,
such togetherness, such reckless abandon...
and occasionally with some skill to boot.
‘The Crazy Gang’, as the Cs are known, are a
band of warriors. James Kerr, utterly dependable
(most of the time) in goal, Oliver Mullen, the
Tony Adams of the team in defence, Alex Tubbs,
scything away at the opposition’s ankles and
Griffin Mills the midfield tyro, Tom Elliott and
Hugo Manley, providing great service, and
occasionally a ball into the middle for Tom
Morris, the Ronaldo of the team up front, far
more concerned with how his hair looks than
rushing back to help defend. Tom Morris’ first
goal of the season was an absolute cracker, but
sadly went into our own net. However, once he
had realigned his sights, Tom went on to score
many others (at the right end), ably assisted in
the goalscoring stakes by Tom Elliott and Hugo
Manley. Our only defeats came at the hands of
Wycliffe, who very sneakily included a number
of Year 5 boys who could clearly play football.
Of course, the report would not be complete
without the mention of Griffin Mills’ wonder goal,
which prevented a whitewash against Abberley
Hall. Herculean efforts one and all. Well done.
Team: Z Armitage, A Adams, F Baker,
J Edwards, N Agnew, A Birtles, S Kapoor
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Prep Lost
v Wycliffe
v Abberley hall Lost
v St.Edwards
v Rendcomb
v Pinewood
v Hatherop Colts A Lost
3 -5
1 - 3
4 -6
2 -5
This was certainly a testing season for all those
involved and one of character building material.
What the results don’t show is that at half time
in the majority of these games, the Beaudesert
boys were either level or holding onto a slender
lead. The second halves were our downfall
where we leaked goals in a casual way and then
ended up chasing these teams down to try and
get the draw. The boys all have the skill level
and understanding to make further success of
this game as they move up the school. Special
mentions to Zachary Armitage who never gave
up or appeared despondent when playing in goal,
to Atticus Adams who also kept us in the game
with his defensive skills and finally to Alec Birtles
who was our Wayne Rooney of the Beaudesert
Under 10’s.
Team: A Catto, T Hall, G Jardine, A Pease,
F Depierre, M May, W Hyde, S Mayer, C Maculan
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Prep Lost
v Wycliffe
v Abberley Hall
v St Edwards
v Rendcomb College Lost
v Pinewood
v Hatherop
1 -1 Home
0 -2 Away
0 -2 Away
1 -0 Home
0 -10 Home
1 -7 Away
1 -0 Away
7 -0 Home
It was great to see this group of boys charging
around the field enjoying their matches
against the other schools. Apart from the
two heavy defeats, all other matches were
competitive games where wins, draws and
losses added to the overall results. They tried
hard to develop their skills in all practice
sessions and put them to use in the match
situations. The enjoyment these pupils
got playing this amount of games was the
highlight of this season and I am glad they got
this many matches to show case their silky
A Team: L Webb, H Ahearne, L Van de Grift,
C Brook, J Jefferies, R Slatter, A Baker, B Worsley
A Team Results:
v Prior Park
Won 7
v Wycliffe
Won 6
v St Hugh’s
Won 6
v Tockington
Won 10
v Berkhampstead Lost 0
v Pinewood
Lost 3
v St John’s
Drew 1
v Prior Park
Drew 3
- 4 Away
-3 Away
- 4 Home
- 0 Home
- 1 Home
-7 Home
- 1 Away
- 3 Away
B/C Teams: J McLaughlan, M Schmidt,
S Read, O Comaish, D Keegan, F Fawcett,
G Beattie, A Hellens, J Edmonston, M Bailey,
T Grafftey-Smith, T Burton, J Cooper,
J Holloway, G Carpenter
B Team Results:
v Prior Park
v St Hugh’s
2 - 1
0 - 3
0 - 2
0 - 0
0 - 0
0 - 2
C Team Results:
v St Hugh’s
2 - 1
5 - 0
0 - 0
0 - 0
This has been an excellent season from
a talented group of footballers. The A
team performed outstandingly during the
season, only being outplayed and muscled
by a very strong Pinewood side. Perhaps a
degree of complacency on the part of the
As but a valuable lesson was learned nonethe-less about the ability to adapt during
the game!
The B and C teams were often mixed
for matches but the overall depth of the
group was such that whilst on head to
heads the B team suffered but the C
team performed very well, not losing a
match. When the teams were mixed they
performed admirably, drawing on most
We were lucky not to lose too many
matches to the incredibly wet weather.
The timely opening of the 3G indoor
pitch at Brimscombe meant that we could
play some home fixtures that may have
otherwise been cancelled! The venue was
a blessing and enjoyed by both boys and
parents alike, as much for the dry as the
Altogether the boys should be pleased
with their achievements and we look
forward to seeing them progress as they
go up through the school.
A Team: I Brook*, R Fawcett*, A Gouriet, W Gravell*,
K Hughes (capt)*, T Parr, T Priest, C Reid, P Stopford,
*denotes colours
vThe Downs
vDean Close
vSt John’s
vPrior Park
3 -22
8 -17
7 -10
Severnside Tournament: 2nd
B Team: L Dunne, X Jardine, D Mitford-Slade,
C Reid, A Slatter, O Slatter, A Smith
vSt John’s
vDean Close
9 -15
Severnside Tournament: 2nd
C Team: R Abingdon, L Burns, A Hall,
E Palmer, R Smith
vSt John’s
Won 9 -2 Home
Lost 10-11 Away
Team: B Ransome , F Saxton, I Skelding, A Biddulph,
B Knight, I Mayer, L Newman, L Quinn,
A Martin, M Combe
v Wycliffe
v St Hugh’s
v The Downs
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Prep Won
6 -
8 Away
9 Away
2 Home
14 Away
6 Away
16 Home
Monkton Combe Super 7s: Winners
won the Binns Cup
Severnside: 2nd in tournament
Cheltenham Ladies’ : 3nd in group
IAPS Regionals: 3rd in group
Our netball season began with a week of training
at the end of the Autumn term. It was clear that
we had a group of keen players, but also that
skills were somewhat rusty. All told we had a total
Another thrilling season with lots of highs and
lows along the way. We all had a strong start with
the Severnside Tournament being played within
the first full week from being back after a relaxing
Christmas break. It was a good wake up and our
traditional fast-paced style helped both teams
finish second overall. Matches after that came
thick and fast and thankfully no snow stopped
play this year!
In the A team our defence of Rose and Katinka
was impeccable. Their timing onto the ball for
interceptions was truly exceptional. The mid
of five practices before our first event of the
season, the Monkton Combe Super 7s, a major
U12 tournament featuring 11 schools with
proper sporting clout. We played five group
games, winning them all while only conceding
four goals. The semi-final was a nerve-shredding
thriller which was drawn 2 – 2 at full time.
A penalty shootout followed, with Beth hitting
two out of three as did her opposite number.
We then moved to golden goal which lasted a
full five minutes of end-to-end action before
Beth leapt for the ball under the post and
swished it for the win. The final against The
Downs ended 3 – 1 to us and the Binns Cup
belonged to Beaudesert for the first time!
The tournament presaged several elements of
our team’s play that recurred throughout the
season. Our defence was tough, fast, dynamic,
relentless and tall. At the Super 7s two England
netballers identified Lotte as the player of the
tournament! Our attack was fast, dynamic and
quick to punish loose passing. Under the post
Beth and Freya were expert finishers no matter
how tense the situation.
Over the season we beat Pinewood twice, St
court players of Willa,
Imo and Poppy linked
the two ends up with
speed and well-timed
moves. Tati and Tamsin
started off as our main
shooters but little did
we know that Rose
had a burning desire to
move into an attacking
In the B team it was
Alex and Ana that were
the staring roles in the
attacking circle.
Their well-timed
moves, their consistent
shooting and the way
they balanced the circle
was brilliant. Just like
the As the defence of Xa
and Catharine worked
tirelessly and made
some super, darting
moves to cause havoc
amongst the opposition.
The centre court
players, Annabel, Octavia and Daisy, were a well
-drilled machine and always knew where the
next ball would be going almost instinctively.
Their grit and determination to go for
interceptions certainly helped achieve the
wins this season. The C’s were phenomenal.
Their enthusiasm for the game and ability to slot
into any position is just brilliant. They gelled as a
team very early on and worked their opposition
hard! A great season, girls. Very well done and
good luck in your new schools.
Hugh’s two out of three times, and Wycliffe
and The Downs three times each. Our nemesis
was Clifton, who beat us narrowly at both
Severnside and IAPS Southwest Regionals,
putting an end to our dream of going to the
There were a great many memorable moments
to the season after the tournament win.
Two good wins against Pinewood, which
reversed the results from Year 6. We took
apart local netball professionals St Hugh’s
6 – 0 in a seven minute tournament match at
Cheltenham Ladies’. Freya played the whole of
the last game against Cheltenham Prep, which
we won by a single goal, with a finger that turned
out to be broken. Although the standout players
were Beth and Lotte, every player contributed
to the success of the season. Having two gifted
centres in Bea and Alice enabled us to alter the
style of play according to the strengths of the
two players. With girls from the B team able to
step in when needed we had the depth to play
through players lost to injuries and absences.
Looking ahead to Year 8 the future looks bright!
Team: I Standen McDougal, V Levinson, J Ferrigno,
I Walker, M Pitman, L Newman, C Mayne, A Herrtage,
S Elvin, M Combe, P Read
v Dean Close
v Dean Close
v St Hugh’s
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Cheltenham Prep Won
9 -5 Away
4 -10 Away
0 -8 Away
1 -31 Away
4 -10 Away
18-7 Home
The girls developed their skills and game play
enormously over the course of the term in spite
of losing games due to weather issues. Several
excellent partnerships were formed. Sophie Elvin
and Alex Herrtage blossomed as an increasingly
effective pairing at the back, while Isobel Standen
McDougal and Violet Levinson improved both
their movement and shooting in leaps and bounds.
Team: A Brown, I Case, R Chappell-Young,
J Downton, K Hiscox, W Hodson, J Lansdale,
R Lewis, A Phillips, E Pridmore, A Raphael,
L Scheuner, M Shaw, I Wateridge, I Wray
This term in the U11Bs there was a lot of talent
to choose from and so the teams were rotated
for different matches. As proof of their super
netball skills only one match was lost throughout
the season, despite sometimes playing U11A
teams. There were lots of great moments,
particular highlights were both the first and
last game. Playing against Dean Close, the girls
seemed to have a magnetic attraction to the post
and scored an amazing 17 goals in 28 minutes.
When Alice was called away, as she usually was,
to A team duties, Jocasta Ferrigno, Isabella
Walker and Lydia Newman all filled in that key
role with efficiency and skill. Molly Combe moved
to defence late in the season and immediately
stepped up to a different class, and played for the
A team in their final match of the season. Although the record of wins and losses looks on
the weak side, we were in several cases playing
teams above our level, such as at Dean Close
when our B and C sides played their A and B sides.
The girls showed determination as well, and after a
dispiriting day against a fine Pinewood team, they
bounced back with a thrilling game against Clifton
before ending the season with a brilliant win over
a strong Cheltenham Prep side without Alice or
I would like to thank all the girls for their
enthusiasm and good cheer in practices and
matches. A huge thank you from me and all the
girls in Year 7 must go to our wonderful gap
student Jess Blackman! Well done everyone.
v Dean Close B
v The Dragon B
v The Dragon C
v St John’s
v King’s, GloucesterWon
v Cheltenham Prep Won
17- 0 Away
2 - 9 Away
9 - 4 Away
11- 4 Home
9 - 1 Home
6 - 3 Home
3 - 1 Home
4 - 2 Away
12- 11 Home
Team: G Lawrence, A Kold, H Simmons,
E Tuke-Hastings, K Severn, I Cooper, Z Verschoyle,
K Hiscox, M Shaw, E Fanshawe
v Dean Close
v The Dragon
v St John’s
v The Downs
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Prep
0 - 3
8 - 9
15- 0
8 -10
7 - 9
7 -10
2 -8
14- 5
9 - 1
Severnside Tournament – 3rd
Netball IAPS Tournament – 2nd round
The U11 A season kicked off with a tough
match against Dean Close. Despite the score,
spirits remained high and the girls showed great
promise for the rest of the season.
The girls have shown great teamwork and
our attacking play has progressed greatly
throughout the season. With Amelia Kold,
Ginny Lawrence and Kitty Hiscox playing in
varying centre court combinations, the ball has
been dynamically passed up the court, swiftly
resulting in many opportunities in the attacking
circle. We were extremely lucky to have four
fantastic shooters, Ella Tuke-Hastings, Harriet
Simmons, Eloise Fanshawe and Mia Shaw, who
have worked extremely hard all season and
racked up a wonderful amount of goals.
The score lines have been very close and games
against teams such as The Dragon, Wycliffe
and The Downs could have gone either way.
Defensively Zara Verschoyle, Imogen Cooper
and Kiki Severn have worked solidly during
every game, ensuring they hassled and tipped
every ball they could to regain possession.
The highlight of the term was coming 3rd in the
Severnside tournament held at Wycliffe. The
girls played seven matches, in which they only
lost two games with a goal or two in it. Getting
through to the second round at the IAPS
tournament, was also a great achievement and
with these statistics it sets them up nicely for
next season.
I am very proud of how the girls have played
this season.
The final game against Cheltenham Prep was a
real nail biter. Despite rather crazy wind and wet
courts the girls fought to gain a narrow victory in
the last minute. Very well done!
Team: P Clark, M Edwards, A Evans, Z Mayer,
G Raphael, M Smith, I Thomson, E Tubbs, G Tucker
v Dean Close
v The Dragon
v St John’s
v Wycliffe
v The Downs
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
v Cheltenham Prep
9 -0
9 -0
8 -1
12- 3
1 -5
12- 3
15- 4
9 -1
Severnside Tournament: Winners
The U10 A team have had a great season
of netball. They were full of enthusiasm
and worked hard to improve their passing,
Team: G Balfry, L McLaughlin, I Gregory, H Maculan,
A Miller Pyott, F Gregory, E Lewis, T Maculan,
E Thompson
v Wycliffe
Won 5 -2
v Dean Close
Won 11 - 2
v St John’s
Won 2 -1
v The Downs
Won 4 -2
v Prior Park
Drew 1 -1
v St Edward’s
Won 4 -0
v Pinewood
Drew 4 - 4
v Clifton
Won 13 - 1
v King’s, Gloucester Won 15- 2
v Cheltenham Prep Won 16 - 2
Severnside Tournament: 2nd Position
The girls have had a very enjoyable term of
netball and have made great progress with
their passing, footwork, and understanding
of the game. They have all worked very
hard during lessons and this reflects in their
progress and results. Although the whole
team has contributed to the impressive results
a special mention has to go to Isla who has
Team: S Burnett, J Honeyborne, L Moxon,
O Probert, S Robbins, R Roche, E Watkins,
J Fairer-Smith, M Galton-Fenzi, I Morgan-Grenville,
I Playne, B Tuke-Hastings, E Wray, H Brewster,
L Lawson, A Playne, J Walker, A Wateridge,
C Dobson-Pinillos
v Wycliffe
v St John’s
v St John’s
v The Downs
v Prior Park As
v St Edwards As
v Pinewood
v Clifton
v Cheltenham Prep
movement and tactics. All of the team were able
to play a variety of positions which has been a
real advantage during matches.
They had some great wins over the season,
but the most exciting was the Severnside
tournament, especially the match against The
Downs. After losing to them the week before,
the girls were determined to win. We changed
a few positions around and every player played
brilliantly for an easy win. Zara, Emily and Grace
shot accurately, whilst Maddie and Isabella were
solid in defence with great interceptions. Poppy,
Meghan, Alice and Georgie passed with speed
and accuracy to bring the ball down the court to
the shooters.
Well done, girls, for a great season. I am looking
forward to seeing them develop further next
been a dynamic attacking player and has
been a consistent shooter. Tilda, Hannie and
Autumn have been strong defending players
and intercepted lots of balls that came their
way. Emilia has been a great centre player
linking the whole team together with her great
movement around the court.
The team was unbeaten when we arrived at
the Severnside Tournament. I knew we had the
potential of doing very well but tournaments
are very unpredictable. We won our first three
matches and then we had to play The Downs
whom we had beaten a week before so the
girls were quite confident. Unfortunately
we lost the first centre pass and they scored
almost immediately. Our confidence and
morale dropped straight away and the girls
started making silly mistakes. The Downs went
on to score a couple more goals in the first
quarter. After a quick team talk we came out
determined and focused. We ended up only
losing the game by one goal. This placed the
girls second in the whole tournament which is
still a fantastic performance. Well done. I am
sure you will go on to become a very successful
team next year.
We have a lot of strength and depth this year in
our two parallel B teams. They have all been very
enthusiastic and worked hard. The girls have
really enjoyed playing in matches and always
have great team spirit. Everyone has progressed
enormously this term. A special mention must
go to Isabella Morgan-Grenville and Jemima
Walker who have worked so well together and
scored lots of goals. Lois has been a very strong
defender who intercepts the ball well. Siena has
great movement around the court and has been
a strong centre player. Alice, who unfortunately
had to cut her netball short this term due to a
broken arm, was also a very consistent shooter.
The girls have all played a variety of positions,
which has been good for their development.
This year group has a lot of potential for next year
and it has been a pleasure to coach them and see
them progress and perform so well.
Team: F Mckenzie Wylie, J Lodge, A Mallinckrodt,
A Preston, A McIntyre, T Nelson, S Hiscox, B Leslie,
A Vernon, M Phillips, J Keveth, L Pearman, D Gough,
N Dunlop, S Page, R Craven, O Case
v Dean Close
v Dean Close
v The Dragon
v The Dragon
v St John’s
v Wycliffe
v The Downs
v Pinewood
v Clifton A
v Clifton B
v Westonbirt Prep A Won
v Cheltenham Prep Won
19- 1
10- 2
7 - 10
3 - 10
4 - 2
5 -12
8 - 7
5 -12
5 - 15
10- 3
9 - 7
6 - 5
Well done to all the girls on an excellent season.
Due to high numbers we ran two parallel B
squads, achieving some excellent results, with
the girls always displaying excellent attitudes and
team spirit.
The season opened in style, as we fielded two
sides against Dean Close, producing morale
boosting early victories. Hard work in training
was clearly paying off as even in defeats the girls
noticeably improved with each game. The match
of the season was away against a strong The
Downs side, with the lead changing several times.
After a tense finale, the girls’ sheer determination
to win produced a one goal victory, cheered on by
fine support from the Beaudesert parents.
A strong finish to the season produced some
excellent victories, playing some of our best
netball, including a tense last game against
Westonbirt’s A team. Special mention must go
to Octavia, who was rewarded for outstanding
forward play by playing for the A team and
Scarlet, in her first term of netball, who showed
dramatic improvement throughout the term.
The future of netball in this year looks strong,
especially with the depth of talent on show all
term, well done all!
Cross Country
F Gregory, I Gregory, H Brewster, J Walker, E Lewis, S Burnett, A Playne,
T Maculan, M Galton-Fenzi, M Bailey, C Brook, R Slatter, A Hellens,
J Jefferies, L Van de Grift, A Baker, H Ahearne
P Clark, K Hiscox, Z Mayer, E Fanshawe, A Evans, G Lawrence, R Lewis,
G Tucker, S Hiscox, T Beattie, E Walker, F Walker, T Baxter, A Birtles,
A Pease, J Edwards, F Baker, Z Armitage
A Smith (capt)*, I Walker, V Levinson, A Gouriet*, L Quinn, T Parr,
W Gravell, C Leeper (capt)*, H Bailey*, P Tabor*, S D’Arcy Rice*,
G Standen McDougal*, C Carpenter, M Haynes, L Roberts, F Hughes
*denotes colours
Match Results:
at Tockington
Girls 1st
Boys 2nd
at Wycliffe Severnside
at Pinewood
Girls 2nd
Girls 3rd
Boys 1st
Boys 2nd
at Wycliffe Severnside
Girls 2nd
Boys 1st
Tockington Relays
Girls 1st
Girls 2nd
Girls 1st
Girls 2nd
Boys 2nd
Boys 2nd
Boys 2nd
This was another successful season for all the school teams,
albeit one that was curtailed somewhat by the extremely wet
weather. Unfortunately two fixtures were lost, Dean Close and
most disappointingly the National Prep Schools Championships
at Malvern. Having started our regular group training runs in
September, we had high hopes that we could be very competitive
across all age groups, both boys and girls. This proved to be the
case at the Wycliffe match, with both boys’ teams coming out
on top, highlighted in the U13 race by a dominant performance
from Columba Leeper. Columba led from start to finish to record
a convincing victory, backed up well by Piers Tabor and Hugo
In the U11 boys race, Tom Beattie had a great run finishing
second and was very well supported by Edward Walker and
Alec Birtles. The girls teams ran very well too, finishing second in
both age groups, with Poppy Clark running excellently for
second place.
At the Pinewood fixture, in extremely wet and tough conditions,
we fielded full teams who battled to the end! Again, Columba ran
a superb race, leading until the final 200 metres, where he was
just outsprinted. There were several other strong performances
in what were very draining conditions. At our final school match,
the Tockington relays, the sun finally shone and on a lovely day
for running we saw some excellent performances again, with top
honours going to the Girls’ U9 squad, with the A team winning
and the B team just behind in second. Hermione Brewster
producing the fastest run of the day was a particular highlight.
It will be good to see this group evolve over the next few years as
there is plenty of talent there!
Very well done to all runners for the effort shown, not only in the
school fixtures, but also our training runs across the common.
Cross country running is a tough sport and it has been great to
see the enthusiasm and I hope, enjoyment.
A special thank you to Mr Russell for his support end expertise
during another exciting year.
Hockey - Boys
Team: J Catto, G Standen McDougal,
C Leeper (capt), H Gearon, J Kite, A Amati, A Haynes
v St Edward’s
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
v The Elms
Severnside Tournament:
v Dean Close
v Prior Park
v Clifton
Lost v The Downs
5 -
1 -
2 -
0 -
2 -
0 -
1 -
Team: H Bailey, S Hughes, J Catto, W Gibson, A Stamp,
J Tucker, P Tabor, C Carpenter, A Probert, A Lam,
M Arkwright, T Jodrell
vThe Downs
vPrior Park
vThe Elms
2- 4Home
1- 5Home
1- 2Home
1- 4Home
The team showed plenty of potential but lack
of practice time proved costly. The goalkeepers
were kept busy; Hugo Bailey, Sam Hughes and
Jock Catto, all were given experience in the 1st
Team and showed determination and courage.
William Gibson played an important role at the
back with André Stamp, strong and hard hitting.
Our midfield of Jack Tucker, Marcus Arkwright
and Tom Jodrell showed skill and good technique
but were often out-gunned by the opposition.
Ashley Lam was fast and developed his skill as the
short season progressed, linking well with Charlie
Carpenter who had speed and a fierce strike of
the ball, often scoring ‘breakaway’ goals.
Boys’ hockey at Beaudesert Park has certainly
improved over the last five years, with more boys
playing hockey during activities and during PE.
However this has to be put into the context that
the overall standard of hockey in all the Prep
schools we play is of a very high standard and
improves year on year. This group of boys enjoys
their hockey and have shown great enthusiasm
and commitment before the hockey term started
and throughout the Easter term.
It has been very frustrating at times with this
team playing inspired hockey and scoring freely;
however if the team went behind early it was very
difficult to convince them it was possible to come
back to get some result from the game. Self belief
is everything in sport and I believed more in their
ability and had more conviction in their chances to
win at times. This can be seen in our results from
the highs of St Edward’s Cheltenham to the lows
of Prior Park who we had beaten earlier in the
Severnside Tournament.
I hope the boys enjoyed their hockey this term and
go on to play at a high level at their next school.
Team: S Hughes, J Taylor-Kimmins, L Roberts,
T Pilsbury, T Melvin, B Mather, E Nelson, A Amati,
H Mallinckrodt, A Probert, P Ravano
v The Downs
v Clifton
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
2 -
4 -
The 3rd VII started their campaign with a close
encounter against The Downs. It was a glorious
day of sunshine and the game started positively
with two goals in the first five minutes by Luke
Roberts and Alberto Amati, set up by Edward
Nelson on the right wing. Both teams had
equal possession and a number of shots at goal.
The Downs pulled a goal back from a well-worked
short corner, then equalised quickly after with
a counter attack. Particular mention goes to
Archie Probert and Hugo Mallinckrodt for a solid
defensive display. Clifton were well organised in
the next match and were clinical in front of goal,
proving too strong for Beaudesert. However,
they battled through and did not give up; this
was demonstrated by Toby Melvin’s courageous
defending at a short corner and a late goal scored
by Tom Pilsbury.
The next two matches provided thrilling
encounters and lots of goals. Against Pinewood,
there was never a dull moment with the both
teams taking the lead on a number of occasions.
Roberts finished with four goals and Paulo Ravano
with one goal. A superb performance by Sam
Hughes in goal prevented a handful of goals, and
he even saved one with his helmet! Also, James
Taylor-Kimmins had a successful time at left wing.
The term ended with another high scoring draw
versus Prior Park. Similar to that in the previous
game, it was at times like a tennis match; to
and fro from one half to the other. Ben Mather
distributed the ball effectively from the back,
which allowed Pilsbury and Roberts to attack the
Prior Park goal with purpose. Well done on an
exciting and enjoyable season.
Team: M Haynes, W Comaish, T Kinsella,
H North, A Weston, C Gent, F Hughes, F McConnell
v The Downs
v Clifton
v Pinewood
v Prior Park
2-4 Away
1-5 Away
2-5 Away
2-3 Away
Whilst the results look disappointing, the boys
played with real energy and commitment and
never let their heads drop. This was great to
see and undoubtedly the standard of hockey
improved as the second half of term went
on. We came up against some decent, well
drilled sides and I was very pleased to
see the boys show great effort to remain
competitive and make their opponents
work very hard to achieve the victory.
The reality of 4th team sport is that
personnel will change match by match
and to keep a settled side is very difficult.
When we got the ball wide and into good
positions we were a genuine goal threat
and we were able to play some decent
hockey. The final fixture at Prior Park was
a very close game, with Beaudesert taking a
two goal lead, only to be pegged back right
at the end, shame, but great effort all!
Team: L Wiles, A Tubbs, G Honeyborne, B Wilson,
T Morris, F Taylor-Kimmins, T Baxter, O Mullen,
T Elliott, E Walker, G Mitchell
v The Downs
v King’s, GloucesterWon
v Prior Park
v The Elms
1 - 5
8 - 0
4 - 3
0 - 1
The Under 11B squad came into the season
with great enthusiasm and a real willingness
to improve their stick skills. A heavy loss
in our first match, away at The Downs,
put a slight dampener on things, however
they bounced back and an exciting game
against Clifton Under 10A team restored
much of their desire. We travelled to King’s,
Gloucester expecting to be on the receiving
end, but with great credit to the boys, they
came away with a stunning win, in which
every outfield player scored! Tight games
against Prior Park’s Under 10A team and
The Elms followed. The squad should be very
proud of what they have achieved in hockey
terms over a relatively short space of time,
and I hope this will encourage them as they
move into the senior teams next year.
Good luck!
Team: F Baker, T Baxter, T Beattie, H Brook,
C Davison, G Edwards, F Taylor-Kimmins,
E Walker, F Walker, L Wiles
v The Downs
v King’s, GloucesterDrew
v Prior Park
v The Elms
4 - 0
3 - 3
5 - 3
4 - 0
An unbeaten season is always something to
savour. However, in all honesty, we had more
than just a soupçon of luck: we were on the ropes
against King’s, but managed to hold out for a
draw, largely thanks to numerous excellent saves
from Freddie; we also scored the equivalent of
two injury - time goals to pull ahead at Prior Park.
Some would argue that you make your own luck...
What is indisputable is the fact that the whole
squad doing hockey as an activity during the first
half of term, gearing up for our very short season
in the second, made a real difference. We opened
our campaign fit, sharp and having established
certain patterns of play. Our style was certainly
unorthodox: having (re)gained possession, we hit
teams on the break and moved the ball forwards
very quickly, rather than weaving lots of passes
together elaborately from the back. Perhaps
not aesthetically pleasing to watch, yet when
executed well and at pace, it proved deadly
effective. We enjoyed comprehensive victories
over The Downs, The Elms and even Clifton,
racking up 13 goals with only one scored against
us in those three matches.
Freddie, whilst not more than a spectator at
times, proved his worth in goal at others: he
proved agile, decisive and technically very good.
He was deputised ably by Luke once or twice,
which bodes very well for the next two years.
Gus was relatively inexperienced and so got
caught out by the better players, in particular
King’s star (county!) player, yet was enthusiastic,
tireless and did improve. Fred transpired to be
arguably the player of the season: rock solid in
defence, he distributed the ball really well and
was a great team player. Captain Tom was the
engine of the team in midfield, showing skill,
composure and admirable communication with
his team. Hamish was our most intelligent
player, demonstrating vision and quick reactions,
albeit technically found wanting occasionally.
The trickiest position of left midfield was filled
in turn by Felix, Luke and Ed, who all made a
valiant effort, yet none succeeded in cementing
their place there. Charlie acted as the lone
striker, using his speed and strength effectively
– smacking the ball with real power (!), yet he
would benefit from a snappier technique with a
shorter backswing when shooting in future.
Generally though, the future looks very rosy: this
team has talent, determination and considerable
strength in depth. Indeed they enjoyed a most
successful first year in this great team sport.
I hope they will continue to enjoy it at the top
of the school and beyond. For the time being,
congratulations guys!
Team: T Elliott, G Mills, E Bird, J Kerr, H Manley,
O Mullen, W Dangerfield
v The Downs
v The Elms
0-4 Away
1 - 5 Home
3 - 1 Home
This was a short but really enjoyable season.
The boys, many of whom had never picked up a
hockey stick before, put nothing less than their
very best efforts in. After losing our first match
quite heavily, many children would slink off and
have a sulk, but one comment stood out and sums
up the typical Beaudesert child - having just lost
1- 5 a boy turned to me with a massive grin on his
face and said, “That was great, I had such fun!”
Well this sums up a short and sweet season of
hockey and there is no doubt that the boys have
picked up a great deal about the game. I am sure
that they will all be looking forward to next year.
Well done.
Team: P Tabor (capt)*, T Pilsbury, A Haynes,
H Gearon, J Kite, C Carpenter, C Leeper,
S D’Arcy Rice, M Arkwright, J Tucker, M Haynes
* denotes colours
v Mowden Hall
v Clifton
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
Lost by 55 runs
Won by 56 runs
Lost by 88 runs
Won by 12 runs
Lost by 95 runs
2014 was always set to be an exciting season,
with a few solid-looking Year 8 boys and some
younger talent up from the Colts and now in
Year 7.
We had an early start to the season when
Mowden Hall Prep School arriving down from
Northumberland, kicked off their tour with a
match against us. Some excellent bowling kept
the visitors down to 95, but our batting was far
too slow in the first 10 overs and a few rash shots
just added to the pressure. Mowden bowled well
and looked to knock us over but a solid defensive
strategy from Seb and Max at the end kept us in
it and we finished with a well-fought draw.
Our next match against Clifton was a much
tougher encounter. Clifton batted first and their
batsmen gave my boys a real lesson on attacking
and hard-hitting cricket. Our bowling was quite
poor and extras were going through far too
regularly. They scored 138 in 25 overs and we
were only able to reply with a pretty soft 83 runs,
40 of which were scored by Tom Pilsbury.
Our next four matches were a mixed bag of
the good, the bad and the ugly. An excellent
win against Wycliffe, a horrible defeat against
Pinewood, a nail-biting draw against St John’s
(went right down to the wire) and a narrow
victory against St Hugh’s.
Our final match, always a tough game was against
the very competitive Dean Close. This match also
marked Jock Catto’s first game for the team after
being ruled out for the season with a damaged
cruciate ligament. Dean Close batted first and
massed an enormous 245 runs in 30 overs.
Our boys fought back valiantly and although
only reaching 150, it was the first time that they
had really showed some genuine ‘guts’ with the
bat and I saw glimpses of self belief from all of
them, particularly the Year 7’s and this bodes well
ahead of our 2015 season.
I must mention the team captain of the 2014
season, Piers Tabor. This is always a really difficult
task and one which he undertook with maturity,
grit and commitment to the team. Well done!
Notable achievements include Alex Haynes
scoring 50 and taking 6 wickets for 19 runs
against St John’s, Tom Pilsbury scoring 66 not
out against St John’s and Columba Leeper taking
5 wickets for 8 runs against Wycliffe.
I do believe that the team grew and matured
immensely over the course of the season and we
look set for a successful term of cricket next year.
Team: B Mather, A Probert, A Amati, L Roberts,
A Weston, G Standen McDougal, W Gibson,
H Mallinckrodt, A Stamp, P Ravano, T Kerr, H North
v Cheltenham Prep
v St John’s
v Prior Park
v Dean Close
Team: S Hughes, T Jodrell, C Gent, T Melvin, T Kerr,
F Hughes, H Bailey, S Clifford, T Kinsella, E Nelson, A Lam
v Cheltenham Prep Lost by 3 wickets
v Clifton
Won by 4 wickets
v Wycliffe
Won by 24 runs
v Pinewood
Won by 17 runs
v Pinewood
Lost by 56 runs
v Dean Close
This was a successful and enjoyable season, with
several boys giving strong performances and being
rewarded with promotion to the 2nd XI. The boys
showed a good attitude in our practice sessions
and were keen to be fully involved, whether we
were honing our skills in the nets, or over at the
field. Our first match was at Cheltenham Prep,
where we lost narrowly to a very strong side,
The summer term has seen fine weather, good
cricket and as usual excellent cricket teas, which
is all one can hope for during the season.
It was clear that this year’s group of boys were
hugely enthusiastic and keen to play cricket
- very important attributes required to
become a successful cricket team.
Many an hour was spent in the nets and on the
square perfecting all their core skills and this
in turn helped the 2nd XI to become a wellbalanced team strong enough in all areas of
the game.
Success was not hard to come by with good
victories against Pinewood and St John’s,
however the games that we lost were mainly
due to the lack of belief or loss of concentration,
which was frustrating as this team could easily
have been unbeaten.
I hope the boys enjoyed their cricket this term.
Those boys who have left to go onto their senior
school will look back on this term’s cricket with a
smile on their faces.
though it was great to see the boys remain
extremely competitive even when things were
against us. Next, we travelled to Clifton and
another tight game, which this time saw us
coming out on top.
Good batting from Charlie Gent and the
disciplined bowling of Thomas Kinsella and
Paolo Ravano was probably the difference
between the sides, as well as our excellent
fielding. Good all round performances at
Wycliffe and Pinewood saw two more wins,
the batting of Tom Kerr and tidy wicket keeping
from Toby Melvin a particular highlight.
The return fixture against Pinewood was
perhaps our toughest match, with them putting
out a very strong XI and just being too strong
for us.
This a good group who really enjoy their
cricket and certainly showed improvement in
all aspects of their game. I am sure they will
continue to develop well.
Team: M Hudson, J Lowde, F Large, C Crabb,
W Pease, W Golesworthy, O Henry, L Hyde, E Nelson,
M Lawrence, F McConnell, W Comaish
v Clifton
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Dean Close
v Dean Close
Won by 4 wickets
Won by 50 runs
Won by 80 runs
Lost by 7 wickets
A most enjoyable and largely successful term
once again. The enthusiasm and effort shown by
all the boys in both practice sessions and school
matches has been great to see. Several boys have
gained promotion to the 3rd XI and even 2nd XI
and this has been very pleasing too. With a large
and motivated squad from which to choose, we
have been competitive and mainly successful
in our school fixtures, with only one loss.
The boys have played good, competitive cricket,
with all aspects of their game showing significant
improvement. Our net and middle sessions, as
well as the school matches, have been played
in a fantastic spirit, with all the boys keen to be
involved. Well done all!
Team: H Brook, C Davison, F Walker,
F Taylor-Kimmins, T Beattie, F J Baker, L Wiles,
G Edwards, J Kerr, J Edwards, A Catto
A very talented Colts team was not tested to
their full potential having missed so many of its
matches to poor weather. Early in the season
matches against Clifton, Cheltenham, Prior Park,
The Downs and then the last match of the season,
Abberley, were all called off due to poor weather.
The first match, against Wycliffe, was a low scoring
game that was won off the last ball, with Jonny
Edwards hitting a much needed 4 to win the game.
Pinewood set a large score of 151 to win: we made
a slow start and lost our opening batsmen cheaply,
but valuable overs were taken up and we ended
the match with a draw, 14 runs short of the target,
with Tom Beattie on 59 not out.
St John’s were dispatched ruthlessly with tight
bowling and sharp fielding, securing victory with
the loss of two wickets.The bowling attack was
led by Charlie Davison, who bowled with venom,
causing the very best batsmen to tremble. Jonny
Edwards was accurate and, bowling left arm
over, proved difficult to play. All the bowlers were
backed up by their fielders, who were sharp and
held onto some very good catches.
Team: E Walker (capt), N Agnew (wkt), T Baxter,
A Adams, B Wilson, G Honeyborne, S Kapoor, E Bird,
G Mitchell, A Birtles, F Baker, T Morris
The Colts Bs often managed to dodge the rain this
season; we played at home when away fixtures
were cancelled and away when home fixtures
were cancelled! We had a successful season
winning six of our eight fixtures with our best
performances coming in our losing matches.
We fielded and bowled brilliantly to restrict a
strong Pinewood side to 61 all out. Unfortunately
their bowlers were too quick for our batsmen.
Our highest total of the season, 134 for 4 against
St Hugh’s, was surpassed with 10 deliveries to
spare after a sparkling 86 from their opener.
Lots of our batsman chipped in with runs. Our
classic straight batted players, Adams and Wilson,
were not big hitters and our wristy leg sided
players like Kapoor, Baxter and Honeyborne were
likely to get quick boundaries, but also likely to get
out quickly. We were therefore always in danger
of posting a low total. Fortunately our captain, or
one of our bowlers could always be relied upon to
get runs, Mitchell’s 16 not out being a matchwinning performance away to Tockington.
For some, the responsibility of captaincy weighs
down on their batting. Fortunately our captain
did not suffer the same fate as Alistair Cooke this
summer. Despite admitting to sleeping badly the
night before a match our captain, Edward Walker,
excelled with the bat, averaging 41 - an added
bonus when put with his excellent encouragement
of the whole team and some sparkling fielding. 84
v Wycliffe 65 all out
v Pinewood 151 - 4
v St John’s 43 all out
v St Hugh’s 109 all out
v Dean Close88 all out
67 for 6
137- 3
46 - 2
122 all out
90 - 5
Won by 4 wickets
Won by 8 wickets
Won by 13 runs
Won by 5 wickets
The match against St Hugh’s was very close as,
having won the toss, we elected to bat and lost
our top four batsmen for 20 runs. With the help
of Fred Walker (44) they managed to reach 122
all out. Our bowlers needed to be at their best;
they were tight and accurate, never allowing St
Hugh’s to form a partnership. They took wickets at
valuable times, Felix Taylor-Kimmins taking three
wickets for nine runs. The last wicket fell 13 short
of their target with a sensible run out.
Dean Close were put into bat and lost early
wickets due to some accurate bowling. Charlie
Davison took three wickets for nine runs, ending
their innings 88 all out. Although some early
wickets were lost, Hamish Brook hit a very
controlled 47 not out supported by Fred Walker
to secure the victory by five wickets.
They all worked hard and made both the games
practice sessions and matches great fun.
Well done and thank you.
v Cheltenham Prep
v Clifton
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v Tockington
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
Cheltenham 60/7
School 132/4
Wycliffe 84 all out
Pinewood 61 all out
School 95/5
Tockington 96/7
School 134/4
Dean Close 85/3
Colts B players tend to be poor judges of a run,
preferring to wait for the ball getting close to
the boundary and away from a fielder before
venturing, “Yes!” for a single, this despite having
the coaching maxim drilled into them: “If it’s not
going straight to a fielder, run.” This problem
reached its nadir at St John’s, where playing a 20
overs match, we reached the heady heights of 8
for 1 off 7 overs. The whispered aside from the
Beaudesert umpire, “Run everything or get out,”
resulted in our first quick single of the season
and four more off the resulting overthrow.
Suddenly the team turned into a set of
kamikaze pilots led by Honeyborne.
He certainly now believed it was an act of
cowardice not to run a single, if the wicketkeeper collected the ball standing back. His
attempts to do this when the wicket-keeper
was standing up met with mixed results!
Quickly run singles test the mental fortitude of
the opposition: frequently our tactics brought
verbal recriminations and disharmony in the
opposition proving yet again that cricket is also
a game of the mind.
School 61/2
Clifton 57 all out
School 88/6
School 31 all out
St John’s 48/8
School 100/6
St Hugh’s 138/4
School 87/5
Our bowling and fielding were certainly a strength.
Mitchell and Baker provided our spin or at least
flighted delivery options. Morris, Adams, Kapoor
and Bird bowled at military medium pace. Bird (9
wickets), and Kapoor (9 wickets) were particular
adept at bowling straight on a good length, off a
short run up. Birtles was our quickest bowler and
leading wicket taker, with 10 wickets. He surprised
a lot of batsmen as well as our wicket keeper as
whenever he lost his rhythm he tended to fire balls
wide and leg-side. Fortunately Agnew was up to
the task of covering a lot of ground left and right
behind the stumps.
A lot more catches were held this season. It was
good to have a captain who wanted attacking
fields and players who relished the opportunity to
field at silly mid-on and silly mid-off.
For another season the Colts Bs played with
smiles on their faces and by dint of good team
spirit achieved a level of success which was
greater than the sum of their individual parts.
It was a pleasure to share a cricket season with
A Tubbs, W Dangerfield, M May, FM Baker,
H Manley, T Elliott, C Maculan, S Mayer,
A Pease, Z Armitage, O Mullen, W Hyde, T Hall,
F Depierre, G Mills, N Agnew, T Morris, G Jardine
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
Lost by 10 wickets Home
Won by 85 runs
Tied 139 runs
each after 25 overs Away
Lost by 11 runs
This was a season that was badly affected
by our British summer. Four matches were
cancelled due to rainy conditions and soggy
pitches. The matches we did play produced
a mixture of results - a heavy defeat, an
easy win, an exciting tied match and a closefought loss.
The highlight of the season was the tied
match against St Hugh’s. Needing 14 off the
last three balls, Tom Morris decided to hit
4, 4 and 6 to tie the match in a very exciting
fashion (52 not out). A great outcome in a
match that could have gone either way.
A great innings from Morris and Mills
helped us get exactly the same runs as
St Hugh’s – this does not often happen
at Colts C level. I am glad that all boys
managed to get a chance to play a game this
season despite the lack of opportunities.
During the practice sessions, they tried
hard to develop their cricketing skills to the
best of their ability and progress was made
by one and all.
A Team: C Brook, J Jefferies, H Ahearne, R Slatter,
A Baker, L Van de Grift, J McLaughlan, F Fawcett,
J Cooper, G Beattie, B Worsley
v Cheltenham Prep
v Wycliffe
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v Prior Park
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
Won by 19 runs
Won by 89 runs
Won by 59 runs
Won by 72 runs
Won by 37 runs
Won by 35 runs
Won by 38 runs
B/C Team: T Grafftey-Smith, G Carpenter,
J Edmonston, M Bailey, D Keegan, M Schmidt,
O Comaish, J Holloway, S Read, T Burton, F O’Neill,
A Hellens, L Webb, J Buchan
B Team Results:
v Cheltenham Prep
v Clifton Prep
v Pinewood
v St John’s
v Tockington A
v St Hugh’s
v Dean Close
Won by 42 runs Away
Won by 43 runs Home
Won by 90 runs Away
Won by 80 runs Home
Lost by 31 runs Away
Won by 150 runs Away
Won by 77 runs Home
C Team Results:
v Cheltenham Prep
v Wycliffe B
v Prior Park B
v Dean Close
Won by 12 runs
Won by 73 runs
Won by 21 runs
Won by 15 runs
What a fantastic season for this group of children!
Throughout the year there was clearly strength
in depth and this was evident from the results of
both the B and C matches. Often the teams were
mixed, opening up opportunities for more children
to play against a higher level of competition. Most
importantly, a great deal of progress was made
from all the boys in both their attitude to the game
and their level of performance.
Special mentions must go to Harry Ahearne for
consistency of performance in both his batting
and bowling, Charlie Brook for his work with the
bat and ball, Archie Baker for some outstanding
catches and Jack Jefferies with his ability to read
the game and also his backing up at the crease.
There were many fantastic catches made in
various positions around the field from the likes
of Robbie Slatter and Jack Jefferies, great hands!
This is not to out shine the odd hat-trick in both
A and B team matches. Our strength across
all of the teams was in our bowling where we
consistently out performed the opposition.
I think that St Hugh’s B team may think differently
with an unbeaten 58 and 55 coming from Johnny
McLaughlan and Ben Worsley respectively!
The season climaxed with fantastic wins against
Dean Close and in particular the A team who
played with a hard ball for the first time. Well done
to everyone and keep practising for next year.
Team: T Priest (capt)*, T Parr+, K Hughes*, A Gouriet*,
A Smith+, O Slatter, A Slatter, I Brook, D Mitford-Slade,
R Fawcett. Jet matches, L Quinn, I Mayer, F Saxton,
B Ransome *denotes full colours + denotes half colours
v Cheltenham Prep Won 11 - 8.5 Away
v Prior Park
Won 19.5- 2.5 Home
v Pinewood
Lost 7.5 -14.5 Away
v St John’s
Won 9 -4
Severnside Tournament: Winners
Jet Matches:
v Cheltenham Prep Won 11 -8.5 Away
v Bedford Modern Won 38.5-31 Home
v Packwood Haugh Lost 11.5-18.5 Away
The U13A team had a great start to the season,
winning their first match against Cheltenham Prep
with some strong batting and solid fielding. As it
was a Jet Tournament match we were supposed
to play two all-out innings, but declared with a win
after one batting innings. Unfortunately we then
had matches cancelled and some wet sessions
which made progress difficult. Next we had a
win over Prior Park on a cold, windy day with
some excellent batting. The Pinewood match was
tough, and having only eight players made fielding
difficult. We played 27 good balls and played well
in the first innings, but Pinewood got their eye in
and out-batted us in the second innings. We went
away and greatly improved our fielding, especially
quick pickups and long, accurate throws.
The next Jet Match was exciting and close until
the last batting innings. Bedford Modern were
very good fielders and took some great catches,
Team: A Mullen, R Abingdon, E Palmer,
R Smith, P Stopford, X Jardine, A Hall, L Burns,
C Reid, L Dunne
v Cheltenham Prep
v Tockington
v Pinewood
v The Red Maids
Severnside B Tournament:
v Tockington
v St John’s
v Wycliffe
6½-11 Away
12-8 Away
6 -11 Away
4 -11 Away
6 -6 ½
6 -4
7 -3 ½
The U13B team started their season with a
closely fought encounter against Cheltenham
Prep. Ana Mullen bowled with accuracy and
Rebecca Smith was effective with the bat.
After the first innings, Cheltenham led by
half a rounder. After the mid session interval,
Cheltenham were superb in the field, which
limited our score with the bat, and followed it
with a good batting display to take the win.
The match against Tockington was again
which kept our score down in the first innings.
We fielded solidly, but needed to do better.
When we came into bat we lost four of our strong
batters and it wasn’t looking good, but Isabelle
Mayer, Lotte Quinn and Alex Smith just kept
going. Lotte scored a fantastic 10.5 rounders
which helped us to a great win. Another highlight
a close affair, however Beaudesert came out
on top this time round. Catharine Reid and Xa
Jardine had a successful partnership at first post
and backstop, whilst Rebecca Abingdon had
cemented her place at second post with a sound
tactical display. It was an enjoyable match, which
ended in a well deserved win. Versus Pinewood,
it was a similar situation to that of the first match.
Particular mention goes to Lauren Dunne for a
spell at backstop and again the consistent bowling
of Ana Mullen. It was perfectly poised after the
first innings with only a rounder to separate the
two teams. Pinewood hit the ball well in bat,
scoring a number of rounders, and Beaudesert
struggled to match it with a superb bowling
display from the Pinewood bowler.
The sun was shining and the girls had a
successful and enjoyable time at the Severnside
Tournament, finishing a close second behind
winners Tockington. Good wins were posted
against Wycliffe and St John’s, with praise going
to Lottie Burns on first post, Poppy Stopford
in deep field and Eva Palmer on third post. The
final match of the season saw Beaudesert play
completely new opposition. It was a well natured
match, with notable performances going to Alice
Hall for her superb catch at fourth post, and Xa
Jardine for her display at backstop. Well done for
an enjoyable Summer term.
of the season was winning all of the matches at
the Severnside Tournament, using some great
fielding. Packwood Haugh knocked us out of the
Jet Tournament in the quarter finals in a very
exciting match. They were fantastic fielders and
so were we. Unfortunately in the second innings
of a very long match in scorching heat, we lost
concentration and could not get them out,
allowing them to creep their score up for a win.
The last match of the season was St John’s, with a
good win helped by some great batting from Imo
Brook. Well done to all the girls for a fun season,
it was a shame so many matches were cancelled
due to rain. Tamsin was the all-round player of the
season, closely followed by Annabel Gouriet - well
already planned to be ready with shin guards
for next summer. The triangle of Issy, Honor and
Freya was highly efficient, such an important
component of a good rounders side.
Fielding generally was pretty good, with some
exceptional textbook moves being executed.
It was great to see several double plays.
Our throwing from deep, especially from Sophie
Elvin and Issy “Cannon” Standen McDougal was
superb, and Honor was always there to take
the throws at fourth. Lydia Newman’s ground
fielding was excellent – she is utterly determined
never to let anything past. Beth and Lotte
combined beautifully.
Next summer we will have the JET tournament
to prepare for, but we know we have a great side
coming up. Well done, everyone.
Team: I Mayer, H Skelding, F Saxton, L Quinn,
B Ransome, L Newman, I Standen McDougal,
A Martin, S Elvin, B Knight, A Biddulph
v Cheltenham PrepWon
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
(combined A/B side)
21 - 1.5 Away
15 -11 Home
15 -16.5 Away
This was a summer of huge improvement for
the girls, but sadly not that many matches.
Notably, three of our girls, Lotte, Beth and Issy
Mayer, played a significant part in the U13A
JET team. Issy is a fine bowler, and Honor has
Team: C Mayne, P Read, I Walker, V Levinson,
A Biddulph, S Morgan-Rodda, J Ferrigno,
M Combe, M Pitman, A Herrtage, L Newman,
A Martin, I Standen McDougal, H Skelding
v Cheltenham PrepWon 26 ½-4 ½ Away
v Pinewood
Won 24 ½- 10 Home
v Wycliffe A
Won 24 -8
v Dean Close
Won 24 ½-20 Away
v Redmaids
Won 20 -12 Away
U12A Severnside Tournament: Winners
The under 12B side had a highly successful
unbeaten season, playing some high calibre
rounders. The high standards shown throughout
the season showed that if you bat, bowl and field
better than your opposition, you should win.
The girls displayed an excellent attitude in both
matches and practices, and drew praise from
opposition sides for their good sportsmanship and
As the season progressed, the girls started to
specialise in their positions, ensuring a high
standard of fielding, which allowed us to get sides
out completely in timed and balled matches. It
was highly pleasing to see the improvement that
Team: R Lewis, R Chappell-Young, I Wray,
I Wateridge, J Downton, Z Verschoyle, W Hodson,
E Pridmore, A Phillips, M Shaw, I Case
v Cheltenham PrepWon
v Pinewood
v St John’s
9 - 6
11 -5
12 -6½ Home
The U11 B rounders season was frustratingly
short, on account of the weather and some
schools cancelling. However, the three matches
all the girls made, allowing us to interchange
players between the two Year 7 sides without
compromising the standards of either.
We had an outstanding bowler in Violet, backed
up by Cecilia, which allowed us to limit the
opposition to low scores. When they did make
contact our fielders were alert, attacking the
ball, which allowed us to stump many batters
out either at first or second post, often due to
Alice’s accurate throws from back stop. Again the
throwing and catching from our outfielders was
good, containing scoring and taking the pressure
off our own batters. By the end of the season we
had started to master backing up and making the
right decisions of where to throw, skills rarely seen
at under 12 level.
Our batters were powerful and throughout the
term became better at hitting to space as well,
which created pressure on the opposition from
the start. Everyone contributed during the term,
and displayed good speed around the diamond.
Special mention to Cecilia, who always opened the
innings in a positive manner, plus Alex and Jocasta,
who showed great improvement throughout the
term, although it was a real team effort that led to
a highly successful season.
Well done everyone, it was a pleasure to coach
Team: I Case, R Chappell-Young, I Cooper,
E Fanshawe, W Hodson, A Kold, J Landale,
G Lawrence, R Lewis, A Phillips, A Raphael, K Severn,
M Shaw, H Simmons
v Prior Park
Won 16 -2 Home
vCheltenham PrepLost 10-
v Pinewood
Won 11 -4 Away
v Dean Close
Won 21 -9 Home
v Abberley Hall
Won 17.5-8 Home
Severnside Tournament: Winners
Weather prevented several matches from
being played. Nevertheless, this game is clearly
suited for these girls. Fourteen different girls
represented the A team and there could
easily have been more, weather permitting!
Our ‘triangle’ of Amelia, Ginny and Jemima were
solid, despite Amelia’s plentiful ‘sorry’s’ for, well,
anything! Our main focus was hitting the ball this
term. Without a solid hit we were never going to
score any rounders. We wanted the girls to hit the
ball into spaces. Left, right, off-side, leg-side - call
it what you want - but directing their hits was a
must. Every single one of them stepped up to the
challenge. Harriet was hitting the ball over 1st
post, over 4th post and anywhere in between.
There were some cracking pieces of fielding as
well: memorable catches (Mia, not flinching,
stretching her hand up in the air to get a batter
out; Ginny reacting to catching a ball she had
just bowled) and our first double (sadly missed
by a certain umpire who did not expect it. Sorry!)
Hopefully the weather will be kinder next year
and the girls can really show off their talents. Well
done for such a memorable season.
that we managed to play were all victories, and
the team was getting better and better.
There was some spectacular hitting, particularly
from Amber Phillips. A number of girls bowled in
matches, all of whom were very consistent. India
Case was our tightest bowler over the season.
The catching and fielding was also excellent, with
Rosie Lewis leading the way on second.
It is significant that so many girls played for both
the As and the Bs over the season. There is a lot
of depth to the rounders talent in age group and
I am sure that they will have further success in
years to come.
Team: Z Mayer, O Case, I Thomson, G Raphael,
A Evans, E Tubbs, M Smith, B Leslie, M Edwards,
P Clark, G Tucker
vPrior Park
vCheltenham Prep
vDean Close
vSt John’s
17.5- 15
14 - 7
12 - 15
4 - 4.5
16 - 4.5
B Team: N Dunlop, A Kay, F Mckenzie Wylie,
S Hiscox, M Phillips, M Campbell, A McIntyre,
J Keveth, G Tucker
v The Downs
v Cheltenham Prep
v Pinewood
v King Edward’s
v Tockington U10A
v Dean Close
v St John’s
This is a very strong team and the girls have
demonstrated an excellent standard of play
throughout the season. Well done!
5.5 - 19 Away
16.5- 4 Home
13 -10 Home
18 - 12 Away
7 - 8 Away
10.5- 6.5 Home
7 - 10 Home
C Team: I Beattie, S Page, R Craven,
L Pearman, D Gough, A Preston, J Lodge,
A Vernon, A Mallinckrodt
Severnside Tournament: Joint 3rd
The U10 A rounders team have had a
fantastic season, winning the majority of their
matches. They had victories against Prior
Park, Cheltenham Prep, St John’s, Clifton and
Wycliffe. Unfortunately a number of games
had to be cancelled due to poor weather
conditions, which was rather frustrating as
the rounders season is so short. The girls
have worked well on the basics of the game,
as well as on specific team tactics, and it is
great to see the progress that they have all
v Pinewood U10B Lost
v Redmaids U10A Won
v King Edward’s
v Westonbirt Prep BLost
- 5 Home
- 16 Away
- 15 Away
- 13 Home
The U10B and C Rounders teams had a great
season enjoying the sunshine of unusually hot
Summer term. The U10Bs played some strong
A teams, winning four matches and losing
three. Two of their losses were really tightly
fought games with their opposition only two or
so rounders ahead. The girls’ tactical awareness
developed well thoughout the season, and they
worked hard to stop half rounders at second
post. In both the B and C team batting was
particularly strong and players such as Anna
Mallinckrodt could be relied upon for big hits!
A great season; well done.
Team: G Balfry, J Fairer-Smith, I Gregory,
H Maculan, A Miller Pyott, F Gregory, E Lewis,
T Maculan, A Playne
v Cheltenham Prep Won
v Tockington
v Pinewood
v St John’s
Severnside Tournament:
19 -9 Home
15.5 - 6.5Away
11.5 -8 Away
14.5 -8 Away
1st Place
As you can see from the very impressive
results above we have had an amazing term
of rounders and it is always great to say your
team has been unbeaten! The girls have all
worked incredibly hard and their determination
and competiveness have been the key to
their success. They have progressed so well
throughout the term and the standard of
rounders played in the tournament was a
pleasure to watch. Freya has been a solid
backstop, quickly stopping any ball and throwing
it to the correct post. Emelia has worked very
hard on her bowling technique and by the
end of the term was bowling very accurately.
Georgie, Tilda and Isla’s fielding skills were very
Team: S Burnett, J Honeyborne, L Mclaughlin,
L Moxon, O Probert, S Robbins, R Roche, E Watkins,
J Fairer-Smith, M Galton-Fenzi, I Gregory,
H Maculan, A Miller Pyott, I Morgan-Grenville,
I Playne, E Wray, C Dobson-Pinillos, H Brewster,
L Lawson, E Thompson, J Walker, A Wateridge
impressive and a lot of players were caught or
stumped out by their throwing, catching and
game tactics. Alice has also been great asset
to the team with her left-handed batting.
As always the Severnside Tournament is
the pinnacle of the term. We set off to The
Downs full of determination and excitement.
With six matches to play I knew they had the
ability to win, but was unsure whether they
would be able to concentrate that long!
We arrived at The Downs on a beautiful,
sunny afternoon- a perfect afternoon for a
rounders tournament. Our first match was
against The Downs I knew they were going
to be a strong team so after a quick team
talk about tactics we went into field first.
The Downs were strong at batting but our
girls’ fielding skills were very impressive and
I was proud to watch them reacting quickly
and accurately. We were very pleased to
win the first match and the girls went on to
win every match they played that afternoon.
They all played beyond their maturity and
they were very proud to be able to bring the
trophy back to school.
This team has a lot of potential for next year.
It has been a pleasure to see them progress
and I am sure they will go on to be very
successful next year.
The girls have had a mixed set of results but have all
worked hard and improved enormously this term.
The B team has consisted of two parallel teams
alternating throughout the term. It is great to get as
many girls out as possible playing in matches as this
helps their progression and they always enjoy playing. Izzy, Jemima and Siena have bowled and fielded
well this term. We have had some very strong
batters; Izzy, Lois, Hermione and Isabella, who have
scored lots of rounders for their teams. Everyone
has worked hard on their batting skills and by the
end of the term everyone was able to connect with
the ball. It has been a pleasure to watch them progress and in their last few matches all the girls were
making confident tactical decisions whilst playing.
The most important part of this term is how much
the girls have enjoyed playing rounders and taking
part in matches; this makes them eager to learn and
a pleasure to coach. Well done!
v Cheltenham Prep
v St Hugh’s
v St Hugh’s
v Westonbirt Prep
v Pinewood
v Pinewood
v Dean Close
15 -18.5 Home
8 -10.5 Home
12.5-13.5 Away
22.5-12 Away
12 -15 Away
9.5 -16.5 Home
Year 3 Girls’ Sports
Beaudesert has a ‘Sport for All’ policy which starts in reception
with all pupils being able to access all the main sports through fun
lessons and a chance to explore the different games.
In Year 3 it is time to allow pupils to begin to realise what they
have been learning and how it all fits together. The year starts by
handing them wooden hockey sticks, shin pads and a gum shield
hoping they are coordinated enough to go for the ball and not
each other. So far, they have never got it wrong. The term is long
but within that time the girls learn so much, kit organisation for
starters. No, you do not need to wear every bit of kit on a hot day,
yes, you will need your gum shield, no you do not have to wear it to
break time, neither can you use a hockey stick to make a den…
By the end they are ready for their first taste of a Beaudesert
Festival, which this year was sadly cancelled due to the astro being
under water. However, St Hugh’s then invited a few of our teams
to their festival. This was the girls’ first away match and their first
minibus trip together as a team. The ‘wheels-on-the-bus’ was
re-invented much to the delight (and patience) of all those on
board. The girls played amazingly well. The everlasting memory
will be how much they enjoyed it, literally skipping off the pitch.
Next up, in the depths of the winter months, came the netball
season. This is when the girls learn about a unique Beaudesert
quality - our hardiness. It can rarely be recreated at any other
school! The festival is normally the biggest test. The day always
starts off with the ground frozen. Layer upon layer is worn just to
keep warm. But a unique thing happened this year. The sun shone!
It was almost too warm (I’m not complaining!) It turned out to be
another amazing day. There were lots of smiles and giggles and the
loudest three cheers I can remember for a long time.
Finally, the year is finished with rounders. It is a tough sport to fully
understand with the various rules - backwards hit, what do you
mean I can’t run on? Bowler stops the game by having the ball in
their box - what do you mean I can’t run on? It can be confusing!
Nevertheless, by the time we went to Pinewood the girls had a
great time. Everyone got to bowl and be at their favourite post,
everyone got to bat and most importantly everyone got a chocolate
muffin at the end.
This was a fantastic year, with a fantastic group of girls who will
thrive when they go into Year 4. Well done.
Year 3 Boys’ Sports
Year 3 games is always an exciting time as it is the first time that the boys
represent the school in rugby, football and cricket. It was clear from the
start of the Autumn term that we had a very enthusiastic and competitive
group of boys who enjoyed their sport very much. Generally it has been
very difficult to instil a competitive edge, but this was never going to be
a problem with this year’s group. If anything the tears and the continual
questions “Are we winning Sir?” “What is the score Sir?” were the most
difficult problems to overcome.
I have no doubt that these boys are going to make a real impact as they
continue their school careers at Beaudesert. I very much look forward to
coaching them in their senior years and expect them to be very successful
in any sport in which they participate.
Well done.
I Brook, A Gouriet, K Hughes, T Parr, T Priest*,
C Reid *denotes colours
A Biddulph, V Levinson, I Mayer, L Quinn,
B Ransome, F Saxton, H Skelding,
I Standen McDougal
I Case, E Fanshawe, W Hodson, A Kold, J Landale,
A Philips, A Raphael, H Simmons
O Case, M Edwards, B Leslie, Z Mayer, M Phillips,
M Smith, G Tucker, E Tubbs, I Thomson
G Balfry, F Gregory, L McLaughlin, I Playne
U11/10 v St Edward’s
v St Edward’s
8 -1
4 -0
3 -1
3 -6
6 -4
Mixed Doubles:
8 -17
S D’Arcy Rice*, J Kite, C Leeper*, P Ravano,
G Standen McDougal*, P Tabor*
* denotes colours
Congratulations to our School Tennis
Competition Winners:
A Amati, M Arkwright, H Gearon, W Gibson,
A Haynes, M Hudson, T Jodrell, B Mather,
W Pease, A Probert, P Ravano, A Stamp,
J Taylor-Kimmins, J Tucker
Year 5: Octavia Case
Year 7: Violet Levinson
Year 8: Tamsin Priest
Year 5:
Year 6:
Year 7:
Year 8:
Zachary Armitage
Freddie J Baker
Paolo Ravano
Columba Leeper
A Baker, T Beattie, H Brook, C Davison,
G Edwards, T Morris, F Taylor-Kimmins, F Walker
A Adams, N Agnew, Z Armitage, F Baker,
S Kapoor, C Maculan, M May, A Pease
H Ahearne, A Baker, C Brook, F Fawcett, F O’Neill,
M Schmidt, R Slatter, B Worsley
v St Edward’s
v St Edward’s
v St Edwards Won
- 3
- 4
6 -12
17- 3
U10 St Edward’s Transition Tournament:
A team won Plate and B team came third
U11 Severnside: Winners
Another action packed term with a few tennis
matches thrown in for good measure.
The season started well with an incredibly
exciting fixture against Pinewood. It certainly
brushed off the cobwebs! It was great
preparation for the Severnside Tournament.
For Zara and Octavia it was their first big tennis
tournament. Nerves were present but they
played brilliantly. Freddie B and Freddie W went
one better by winning their competition, the first
time Beaudesert has won this for several years so
it is a great achievement.
Once again we hosted and were hosted by
St Edward’s, Cheltenham for a variety of age
groups. It is another fabulous opportunity to
get pupils playing matches, especially from an
early age.
Well done to everyone involved.
Despite some rather inclement weather and the cancellation of
Pinewood, our athletes were in tremendous form. 15 school records lay
testimony to the undoubted talent that our children have and this has
acted as an incentive for the others to get out and perform.
Monkton was the team’s first competitive outing and we did well,
finishing second behind a strong Hazlegrove side. The girls outdid
the boys with two team wins to one. Despite a very heavy downpour
towards the end of the meeting it was completed, much to
everyone’s relief.
Perhaps a better indication of the level of performance has come from
those who set records in our own Severnside competition, five in total
with 24 wins altogether. This event has run for some 35 years and some
of these records still date back to 1985!
As a prelude to the regional championships, a select group travelled to
Stowe for a highly competitive match where we gained four outright
wins but also many second and third places. This was a valuable
competitive experience on a synthetic track that stood our athletes in
good stead.
Pinewood gave our younger athletes an opportunity to experience
inter-school competition and many fared well in their events with
several wins and podium places.
The regional championships saw many fine performances and several
athletes qualified for the National Finals in Birmingham. This was a
fantastic achievement, competing against no fewer than 30 other
Prep Schools. Sophie Elvin’s regional record in the discus must not go
In the various age groups there have been outstanding team efforts
from the Year 8 boys, Years 4,5,6 Girls, and the Year 3 Boys with wins
at Pinewood and Monkton. Pride of place went to the Year 5 Girls
with a fantastic team victory at Stowe. Having upwards of 90 children
experiencing competition against other schools, sports day was an
anticipated competition!
Sports day was, again, another ‘should we or shouldn’t we!’ The weather
forecast was atrocious but in true Beaudesert fashion we bit the bullet
and went for it. Despite a small shower half way through the afternoon
we completed all events mostly in sunshine and the athletes were
rewarded with no less than seven school records. Many close races
were fought out and several wins were recorded by those who had
qualified for the National Finals. The field eventers thrived, taking the
lion’s share of the records achieved.
At the Nationals there were superb performances with two silver
medals, one each for Charlie Davison (Javelin) and Sophie Elvin (Discus).
There was a super 6th place, and fastest time of the season, by the U12
girls’ relay consisting of Rosie Lewis, Amelia Kold, Ginny Lawrence and
Kiki Severn. Poppy Stopford and Rosie also gained good experience in
their individual events. All in all this has been a very successful season
with lots of input from various staff, who should also be commended for
their efforts on the Games field. Thank you particularly to Mr Crossley,
Mrs Frapwell, Mr Tiley and Mr Robinson for their knowledge and
M Dunne, W Walker, M D’Arcy Rice, Z Hitchcock-Smith, L Smith, O Landale,
M Rowlands, Ch Birts, P Brown, R Smith, A Smith, B Montgomerie, M Davey,
F Scurr, Cl Birts, H Edmonston
C Brook, H Ahearne, J McLaughlan, L Van de Grift, J Jefferies, A Baker,
R Slatter, G Beattie, J Edmonston, J Fairer-Smith, E Lewis, G Balfry,
E Thompson, M Galton-Fenzi, I Gregory, F Gregory, H Brewster, L Lawson
J Edwards, N Agnew, Z Armitage, A Birtles, F Baker, G Jardine,
M May, A Pease, P Clark, S Hiscox, A Evans, Z Mayer, M Edwards, O Case,
M Smith, M Phillips
T Beattie, H Brook, K Hiscox, E Fanshawe, C Davison, F Walker, O Mullen,
R Lewis, A Kold, L Wiles, G Lawrence, F Taylor-Kimmins, O Mullen, I Cooper,
H Simmons
A Haynes, A Probert, A Stamp, H Gearon, A Amati, B Knight, I Mayer, S Elvin,
L Quinn, V Levinson, J Taylor-Kimmins, I Walker, W Golesworthy, C Mayne
F Hughes*, J Kite (capt)*, P Tabor, C Leeper*, P Stopford (capt)*, I Brook*,
L Burns, C Carpenter, R Fawcett*, E Nelson, A Gouriet, G Standen McDougal,
K Hughes*, T Parr, A Smith
*denotes colours
@ Monkton
(U10 Girls 1st , U12 Girls 1st , U12 Boys 2nd)
@ Beaudesert No team competition
@ Stowe
No over-all team (U11 Girls 1st)
U9 + U.11
@ Pinewood
3rd/4 (U.8 boys 1st U10 Girls 1st )
@ Mercia Regional Finals
National Prep School Finals – Birmingham
National Qualifiers:
P Stopford (U14 Girls’ 300m), S Elvin (U13 Girls’ Discus), C Davison
(U12 Boys’ Javelin + Discus)
R Lewis (U12 Girls’ 100m + Relay), G Lawrence (U12 Girls’ Relay),
K Severn (U12 Girls’ Relay),
A Kold (U12 Girls’ Relay)
Severnside Records:
S Elvin (U13 Girls’ Discus), G Lawrence ( U12 Girls’ Discus), C Davison
(U12 Boys’Javelin & Discus), L Van de Grift (U10 Boys’ 600m)
School Records:
J Kite
P Stopford
S Elvin
M Hudson
J Taylor-Kimmins
C Davison
G Lawrence
H Simmons
A Birtles
P Clark
Z Mayer
I Gregory
L Van de Grift
U14 Boys
U14 Girls
U13 Girls
U13 Boys
U13 Boys
U12 Boys
U12 Boys
U12 Girls
U12 Girls U11 Boys
U11 Girls U11 Girls
U10 Girls
U10 Boys
U10 Boys
Sports Day
U14 Boys
Long Jump
U13 Boys
Long Jump
J Kite
J Kite
J Kite
C Leeper
P Tabor
P Tabor
F Hughes
C Leeper
U14 Girls
Long Jump
P Stopford
P Stopford
P Stopford
A Gouriet
I Brook
R Fawcett
T Priest
A Slatter
M Hudson
M Hudson
M Hudson
A Probert
J Taylor-Kimmins24.88m*
M Arkwright
J Taylor-Kimmins27.41m
U13 Girls
Long Jump
U12 Boys
Long Jump
T Beattie
H Brook/F Walker32.4s
T Beattie
T Beattie
C Davison
F Taylor-Kimmins6.70m
C Davison
U12 Girls
Long Jump
K Severn
E Fanshawe
E Fanshawe
K Severn
G Lawrence
H Simmons
J Landale
U11 Boys
Long Jump
Cricket Ball
N Agnew
A Birtles
A Birtles
J Edwards
C Maculan
N Agnew
U11 Girls
Long Jump
Rounders Ball
O Case
S Hiscox
P Clark
M Edwards
Z Mayer
M Smith
L Quinn
I Mayer
L Quinn
L Quinn
S Elvin
A Martin
S Elvin
Year 4 Boys
Year 4 Girls
Year 3 Boys
G Beattie
F Fawcett
L Van de Grift
G Balfry
J Fairer-Smith
E Lewis
Z Hitchcock-Smith
L Webb
W Walker
Year 3 Girls
A Smith
C Birts
P Brown
Form Relays
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
* denotes new school record
R Smith, M Dunne, M Standen McDougal, M Morris,
A Smith, B Montgomerie, W Walker, M D’Arcy Rice,
D Davies, M Davey, W Shipsey, P Ross, J Heynes,
Z Hitchcock-Smith, T Ratcliffe, H Smith, L Smith,
E Jones, R Wilkes, B Armitage
L McLaughlin, E Lewis, H Ahearne, C Brook,
E Thompson, S Burnett, D Keegan, L Van de Grift,
F Gregory, I Gregory, G Balfry, A Wateridge,
G Beattie, R Slatter, J Jefferies, A Hellens, R Roche,
J McLaughlan, I Morgan-Grenville, J Fairer-Smith
A Catto, N Agnew, Z Armitage, M May, S Kapoor,
P Clark, Z Mayer, O Case, G Tucker, A Evans,
A Adams, F M Baker, J Edwards, I Thomson,
M Smith, M Phillips, S Hiscox
L Wiles, T Morris, C Davison, F Walker, T Beattie,
W Hodson, J Landale, A Phillips, E Pridmore,
L Scheuner, I Case, H Simmons, H Brook, A Tubbs,
G Edwards, K Hiscox, E Fanshawe,
I Cooper, F J Baker
A Haynes, A Stamp, A Probert, J Catto, H Gearon,
J Tucker, M Arkwright, W Golesworthy, I Mayer,
L Quinn*, A Martin, I Standen McDougal, H Skelding,
B Knight, S Elvin
R Fawcett*, O Slatter*, A Slatter*, A Smith (capt)*,
C Reid, T Priest+, K Hughes*, E Palmer, G Standen
McDougal, H Bailey+, T Pilsbury, F Hughes,
J Kite, H North
* denotes colours
+ denotes half colours
Well done to all the swimmers for a great
unbeaten season. It is good to see so many
enthusiastic swimmers especially in Years 3
to 5. The majority of swimmers worked hard
in swim squad, improving their speed, stamina
and technique. One thing that stood out in swim
matches this year was our starts, often coming
up a stroke in front of the opposition.
We had six individuals qualify for IAPS National
finals and the Year 7 girls team qualified in both
freestyle and medley relay, which is a great
achievement. The Year 6 boys medley team
and Year 5 and 8 girls only just missed out.
The Severnside swimming gala was very exciting
this year with some excellent performances and
great team spirit. Our strength was in the
relays, I think we won all but 3 relays over all the
age groups medley and freestyle, which shows
great depth.
Well done to all the swimmers for a really
enjoyable and successful season.
Autumn Term
v Wycliffe U13, U12, U11
v Dean Close U13, U12, U10
v Cheltenham Prep U10, U9, U8
v Cheltenham Prep U13, U12, U11
v Dean Close U8, U9, U11
v Clifton U9, U10, U11
v Wycliffe U8, U9, U10
- 96
- 127
- 127
- 128
- 139
- 111
- 8
- 68
- 117
- 117
- 86 - 98
- 124
House Swimming: Winners B House
Spring Term
v Wycliffe U11, U12, U13
v Cheltenham Prep U9, U10,U11
v Dean Close U8, U9, U10
v Wycliffe and Westonbirt Prep U8,9,10
v Clifton U9, U10, U11, 12, U13
Summer Term
Severnside: Winners
IAPS Finalists: Z Mayer, I Mayer, L Quinn, B Knight, A Martin, C Davison
Year 7 girls freestyle and medley relay: L Quinn, B Knight, A Martin, I Mayer
Friends of Beaudesert
grounds they have enjoyed all year. Year 4 learnt Circus Skills –
which is certainly a life-skill worth having! Then Year 5s and 6s
joined together for the hilarious ‘It’s a Knock Out’ tournament
and barbeque. A Sunday picnic allowed families to take up
residence on the banks of the school where adults enjoy relaxing
in the sun, chatting whilst the children played rounders, cricket
or on BOB (Beaudesert on Branches). At the end of the year we
organised class photographs to be taken for Nursery to Year 4
which, if purchased, provided a lasting record for the children as
they go through the years.
Finally, we hosted a Year 7 and 8 Leavers’ Disco. This emotional
night signalled the end of the children’s time at Beaudesert after
the hard work of Common Entrance and the recuperation from
their trip to Cornwall. The children were excited and it really was
a joy to see.
During the summer holidays we ran the excellent Summer
Swim/Tennis Club allowing families to use the school’s in-door
and outdoor swimming pools (manned by lifeguards) as well as
the tennis courts.
Our fundraising initiatives pay for the various events we put on
but this year we also purchased a smart Baby Grand piano and
stool for the new Performing Arts Centre. We are also working on
a fantastic Beaudesert Family Cook Book which we hope to have
available shortly.
As a Beaudesert family you automatically become members of
Friends of Beaudesert. The committee’s role is to provide a packed
schedule of social and fundraising activities that give parents,
pupils and staff an opportunity to enjoy time together.
Our year began with our sensational Bonfire Night, when
fireworks, hot dogs, toffee apples and mulled wine were enjoyed
by all. This is our biggest event of the year. Our team of Dads
put on a show-stopper, much to the enjoyment and wonder of the
appreciative audience.
Pre-prep Christmas activities included the creation of Christmas
cards and a party, where Father Christmas broke off from his
preparations to visit the children and oversee games and dancing.
In the Spring term we hosted a parents’ Quiz Night, when teams
pit themselves against a professional quiz master whilst enjoying
their picnics and wines from Friends’ supporter Vinotopia.
This was a relaxed and funny evening. To finish the term the
Easter Bunny visited to host the adorable Pre-prep Easter Egg
The Summer term was when things really heated up. Year 3 took
part in a Scavenger Hunt which tested how well they knew the
We are extremely grateful to the entire Beaudesert community
who support our events and those who give up their time to
volunteer – we could not run them without you. As a committee,
we have a lot of fun and are always looking for new recruits.
If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.
Tania Fawcett
Chair, Friends of Beaudesert
Staff List 2013-2014
Mrs S Russell
BSc (Hons), Manchester; PGCE, Manchester; Maths
Miss L Smith
BSc (Hons), Gloucestershire; PGCE, Exeter;
Head of PE; Girls’ Sport; Maths
Mrs A Standen McDougal BA (Hons), Chelt. & Glos. College; PGCE, Reading English; Head of Drama
Miss K Taylor
BMus, BEd, University of NSW, Australia; Director of Music
R Tiley
BA (Hons), Anglia Ruskin; PGCE, Kent; Dip Arts Admin
NCFE Level 3 Bushcraft Instructor; Head of English; RS;
Year 7 Form Teacher
Miss C Tucker
LLAM; Dip Acting/Musical Theatre; LAMDA, London; LAMDA
L Waters
BSc Civil Engineering, Glamorgan; PGCE, Exeter
Head of Design and Technology; Year 6 Form Teacher,
Forest School Leader Award
JPR Womersley
BA (Hons), Durham; PGCE, Oxford
Deputy Head
C MacIntosh
MA (Hons), St Andrew’s; English
Head of Pre-prep
Miss KSE Henderson
BA (Hons), York; PGCE, Edinburgh; TEFL
Director of Studies
KD Burns
BA (Hons), McGill, Montreal
Head of Maths; Year 8 Form Teacher
Senior Master
J Standen McDougal
Dip Ag, Lackham Agriculture College; PGCE, Roehampton;
Head of History; Year 8 Form Teacher
Senior Management
N Armitage
BA (Hons), East Anglia; PGCE, Cambridge
Maths; Humanities; Head of RS;
Houseparent; Year 5 Form Teacher
Mrs P Armitage
BA (Hons), Durham; MMus, Trinity College, London; Houseparent
Mrs G Baber-Williams
BA (Hons), UWIC; PGCE, Gloucestershire; PE; Head of Girls’ Sport
Mrs C Bevan
BEd (Hons), Exeter; Maths; English; RS; Geography;
Year 4 Form Teacher
MJ Bevan
BEd (Hons), St Luke’s Exeter; Head of PSHE; Maths;
Year 5 Form Teacher
J Bird
Dip Ed, University of Natal; Science; Year 7 Form Teacher
Mrs J Butterworth
BSc (Hons), Oxford Polytechnic; PGCE, Oxford
Head of Science; Year 8 Form Teacher
Mrs H Chapman
Adv GNVQ Health & Social Care; NVQ 2
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
J Coombs
BEd, Exeter; ICT
E Craig
BA (Hons), Northumbria; Head of Geography;
Year 6 Form Teacher
Mrs C Crosbee
BA (Hons), Middlesex Speech & Drama; LAMDA
NM Crossley
BSc (Hons), Brunel; Head of Boys’ Sport; PE
Mrs K Duffy
BEd (Hons), Nottingham; Post Grad Dip SpLD
Head of Learning Support
Mrs L Dyer
BSc (Hons), London; PGCE, Post Grad Dip SpLD
Learning Support
A Edwards
BSc, Gloucestershire; Sport
Mrs A Edwards
1st Degree, Lille, France; PGCE, Bath; French;
Year 7 Form Teacher
Mrs L Field
BA Fine Arts, ATC; Art
O Figgis
BA, Leeds; PGCE, Roehampton
Head of MFL; Year 5 Form Teacher
Miss E Foster
MA, Glasgow; PGCE, Canterbury; Year 3 Form Teacher
Mrs S Frapwell
Girls’ Sport
Mrs R Gardner
BA (Hons), Oxford; PGCE, Oxford Brooks; Science
P Graham
BA; Cert Ed, Durham; Cert ICT, Cambridge; Head of ICT
Mrs C Gurney
BA (Hons), Nottingham Trent; PGCE, London
English; Year 4 Form Teacher
Mrs K Hale
BEd, Bath; Year 3 Co-ordinator; Year 3 Form Teacher
Miss L Hatton-Bloomfield BA (Hons) Exeter; Year 3 Teaching Assistant
S Heafield
BEd (Hons), Keele; Head of Art
Mrs C Lincoln
BA (Hons), Southampton; PGCE, Open University; French
RPT Morris
BEd, Worcester; HND (Agric), RAC; Science Technician
Mrs R Nielsen
BA (Hons), Cardiff; PGCE, Exeter; Year 3 Form Teacher
DGC Parry
BA (Hons), University College London;
Head of Classics; Year 6 Form Teacher
A Peacey
PhD, Liverpool; Pottery
Mrs T Phelps
BEd (Hons), London; Girls’ Sport; PE; Maths; Swimming
Mrs M Poll
BA Ed (Hons) Exeter; Learning Support
Mrs J Porter
BA (Hons), Primary Education UWE; MA, UWE;
Head of Middle School English
Mr S Porter
BSc (Hons) Sport Education; Gloucestershire; PE, Games
D Robinson
BA (Hons), Thames Valley; Sport
G Russell
BEd (Hons), Crewe and Alsager College; Maths; English;
Year 4 Form Teacher; Sport
Miss AM Burr Mrs J Excell
Miss L Ford
Mrs G Railton
Mrs L Johnstone Mrs D Davies
Senior Matron
Senior Matron
A Joyce
J Kret
P Manning
R Niblett
K Gardiner
L Gardiner
R Ward
M Burton
J Crossley
R Lancaster
L Mills
K Monkman
C Screen
Mrs J Abendanon
Mrs M Bliss
Miss R Hainsworth
K Lea
B Lloyd
Mrs S McCurrich
Mrs G Railton Mrs C Royal
Mrs T Scrivener
Mrs F Womersley
Mrs T Yates-Round
Mrs V Abbosh
Miss L Barnes
Miss P Bett
Mrs L Bingham
Mrs S Brown
Mrs J Chinnick
Mrs E Cook
Mrs S Cushnan
Mrs K Danks
Mrs D Gent
Mrs A Joyce
Miss L Lagomarsino
Mrs S Lloyd-Williams
Miss S Macdonald
Miss G Naish
Miss H Osborne
Mrs F Price
Mrs G Price
Miss S Shearer-Manning
Mrs A Warren
BA (Hons), Lancaster; PGCE, London; Nursery Teacher
BA (Hons), Oxford Brookes; Classroom Assistant,
Year 2; Forest School Leader Level 3
BA (Hons), Lancaster; PGCE, Chelt. & Glos. College
Year 2 Form Teacher
STAR, Open University; Classroom Assistant, Year 1
Cert Ed, Roehampton Reception Form Teacher
Playgroup Leader (NVQ Level 2); Classroom Assistant, Year 1
BA Ed (Hons) Exeter; Year 2 Form Teacher
Cert in Residential Care of Children; Classroom Assistant, Year 2
NNEB, Norland Diploma; Nursery Assistant
BA, Portsmouth (NVQ Level 4 Award, Dyslexia Action)
Support for Learning
Cert Ed, Rolle College Year 1 Form Teacher
BTEC Level 3 Childcare, Stroud College
Nursery Assistant
Cert Ed, Lincoln; Year 2 Form Teacher
BA (Hons), Exeter; CELTA, Cheltenham College
Classroom Assistant, Reception
BA (Hons), Surrey, PGCE Exeter; Year 1 Form Teacher
BA (Hons); PGCE, Exeter; Year 1 Form Teacher
NNEB, Clifton CollegeNursery Assistant;
Forest School Leader Level 3
BA (Hons), Aberystwyth; FIST; Swimming
NVQ Level 3; Classroom Assistant, Reception
BA (Hons), London; GTP, London; Reception Form Teacher
Mrs M Brownbill
Miss A Cubbin
BA (Hons) Bath Spa; Clarainet & Saxophone
M Coldrick
AGSM in Performing & Teaching;
Dip NCOS Guildhall School of Music & Drama; Drumkit
S GarleyFencing
Mrs L Hale
BEd Bath College; Piano, Recorder & Bassoon
J Harris
MA Cardiff; Harp, Acoustic & Electric Guitar
Mrs F Heseltine
BA (Hons) Birbeck College, London; Head of Wardrobe
M Maidment
British Judo Association and BJC 5th DAN
(Competition Grade); Judo
P Mackenzie
BA (Hons); Piano
B Mason
BA; ARBS; HDFA; Drumkit
Mrs N Mills
BSc Birmingham; PGCE, Bristol; Acoustic Guitar
Mrs L Pearce Coleman
Graduate Diploma Music, PGCE Bath; Voice
Mrs T Pemberton
MA St Annes College Oxford; PGCE Kings College Cambridge,
G Rees
Dip. Welsh College of Music & Drama; Brass
Mrs I Seth Smith
BA (Hons) ARCM; Violin; Cello
Mrs H Shaw
Cert Ed, York; Piano
Miss A Summers
BA (Hons) Buckinghamshire, PGCE Reading; Piano & Accordion
Mrs J Tewson
BA (Hons) Bristol, PGCE, Advanced Dip. Royal Welsh College of
Music & Drama; Strings
D Thompson
BA (Hons) Anglia Ruskin University, MA Bournemouth University,
Composition for Film & TV; Piano
Mrs S Thornton
BA Reading; RCSLT; Speech Language Therapist
Miss N Tomlinson
TC & Dip RAD, AISTD; Ballet & Dance
Mrs B Turner
Music Degree, N Virginia College, USA; Flute
Mrs G Waters
BSc Leeds; Ecology
Chairman R Trafford
T Ahearne
D Battishill
Dr W Bowring
M Campbell
Mrs E Cowen
M Fawcett
Librarian; BA Witwatersrand
T Howard
Finance Assistant
Mrs C Lough
Headmaster’s Secretary
Operations Manager
R Mather
IT Technician
Mrs A Melvin
PR Manager
G Muir
Administrative Assistant
N Priest
Bursary Assistant
M Pyper
Finance Director; BA (Econ); ACA
J Walker Designated Safeguarding Lead;
Marketing; Head of Girls;
Registration; School Secretary
Retired Headmaster
- Dragon School, Oxford
Parent; Managing Director
Former Parent; Company Consultant
Head of Pre-prep - Clifton College
Parent; Lawyer
Former Parent; Barrister
Parent; Company Director
Old Beaudesertian; Architect
Former Headmistress – South Hampstead
School for Girls
Parent; Financial Director
Former Parent; Company Director
Parent; Chartered Accountant
Retired Headmaster - Gordonstoun
Headmaster - Abberley Hall
Beaudesert Park School
Telephone: 01453 832072
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