Annual Report FY 2013 - People`s Resource Center


Annual Report FY 2013 - People`s Resource Center
Executive Director’s Message
Dear friends of People’s Resource Center,
Thank You!
Because you are generous, our hungry neighbors have food to eat.
Because you are caring, neighbors who cannot afford to purchase new clothes have items to wear to work and school.
Because you are kind, neighbors who are close to homelessness have been able to
keep a roof over their heads.
Because you are compassionate, there are neighborhood art programs across the
county where low-income children and adults from all walks of life choose to say,
“I’ll try,” rather than “I can’t.”
Because you are thoughtful, our newer neighbors are learning English, becoming
U.S. citizens, and earning G.E.D.s, while our volunteer tutors are honing crosscultural communication skills and becoming citizens of the world.
Because you are dedicated, our unemployed neighbors are successfully finding jobs with the guidance of hard-working
volunteer job search coaches.
Because you are resourceful, we’ve made real progress toward bridging the “digital divide” and our low-income
neighbors are better connected to the tools a 21st century worker needs.
None of the good work highlighted in the pages of this report is possible without the generosity of neighbors like you.
The majority of our support—financial, in-kind, and volunteer—comes from caring people right here in DuPage County.
Thank you—your help makes such a difference for neighbors in need!
Kimberley C. Perez
Executive Director
Thank You, Volunteers!
Over 1,700 volunteers provided 98,000 hours of service.
Our Volunteer Philosophy–
PRC volunteers are a valued and essential part of
our work. Volunteers are:
Our Foundation
PRC volunteers are the front line in every program we offer.
Our Ambassadors
Volunteers are our grassroots outreach network and our partners
in building the community and sharing the PRC story.
Our Advocates for Those in Need
Volunteers are advocates for those who deserve a stronger voice,
spreading awareness of the struggles of our neighbors in need.
Our Solution
We believe that mobilizing local resources is a critical piece of
the challenge of solving poverty in America.
Partner Classroom Sites
People’s Resource Center works with community partners across DuPage County to offer our Empowerment
programs in convenient locations. Thank you to these community partners who provide classroom space
and volunteers to make our programs more accessible to neighbors all across the county.
Hanover Park
• Hanover Park Community Resource
Coalition (Greenbrook Elementary)
• Henry Hyde Community
Resource Center
• FIC America
• St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church
• St. Isidore Catholic Church
& The Link
Carol Stream
• Carol Stream Outreach Community Center
• Americana Intermediate School
• Glen Hill Primary School
• Pioneer Elementary School
• Puente del Pueblo (Faith Community Church
&Timberlake Apartments)
• West Chicago School District 33
West Chicago
Glendale Heights
• College Ave. Church/World Relief
• Marian Park Apartments
• Our Lady of the Angels
Motherhouse (Wheaton Franciscans)
• People’s Resource Center Main Site
• St. Paul Lutheran Church
• Glenside Middle School
• Islamic Council of North America
Illinois Family Services Office
Glen Ellyn
• College Of DuPage Continuing Education
• First Church Of
Lombard, UCC
• Faith Evangelical
Lutheran Church
• York Community
Resource Center
• Glen Ellyn Children's
Resource Center
(Lincoln Elementary
• St. Peter's United
Church Of Christ
• Washington Elementary School
• First United Methodist Church
Of Downers Grove
• Johnson Elementary School
• Loaves and Fishes
• YMCA Safe N Sound
(Scott Elementary School)
• Woodridge Resource Center
= Adult Learning and Literacy Site
= Computer Training Site
Downers Grove
= Art Class Site
• I-CARE, Inc.
• People’s Resource
Center Main Site
• Willowbrook Corner
(Anne M. Jeans
Elementary School)
2013 Program Updates
2013 At A Glance
grocery carts filled
with a week’s worth of
nutritious food
food rescue pick-ups
each week bring nutritious
food to our food pantry
families selected
gently used, seasonally
appropriate clothing
adults and children
developed their
self-esteem and
creativity in art classes
Distributed our
free refurbished computer
to low-income families
students earned
their GEDs by studying
in our Adult Learning
and Literacy Program
Job assistance clients found
new jobs
families received a wide
range of social services
students passed citizenship
exams after studying in
our Adult Learning and
Literacy Program
2013 Program Updates
Food Pantry
People’s Resource Center provided 36,233
grocery carts filled with food for hungry
neighbors. Each visitor to PRC’s food pantry gets to
choose the foods from our shelves which are best for
his or her family—we call this “client choice”. We offer
fresh produce, frozen meats, dairy, bread, canned and
dry goods, as well as items like diapers and toilet paper.
More than 3,000 households are served by PRC’s 2 food
pantries in Wheaton and Westmont every month. Thanks
to generous community donations and our partnership
with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, we can fill a grocery
cart with a week’s worth of nutritious food for a family
for just $30—more than quadrupling the value of your
In addition to providing healthy foods to hungry
families, we offer nutrition education. Monthly recipe
demonstrations help our clients discover delicious ideas
for cooking on a budget and using ingredients available in
the food pantry.
PRC’s food rescue program works with local grocery
stores, restaurants and other retailers to rescue food that
cannot be sold and would otherwise go to waste. PRC
staff and volunteers conduct more than 100 pick-ups of
these donations each week! With 12 food pantry sessions
each week, PRC can quickly get this food into the hands of
folks who need it.
Community food drives and collections are a major source
of food to stock our shelves. From weekly offerings of
food from local congregations, to kids’ birthday parties,
to community-wide events like the Wheaton Chamber
of Commerce’s annual Stuff-A-Truck food drive, these
generous donations make a big difference for hungry
families and we are so thankful for this help.
Words of thanks from a Glen
Ellyn mom who visited the food
pantry for the first time:
We made it in on Saturday. I was blown away
by everyone with whom I came into contact. I
don’t know if I’ve ever experienced the extent
of acceptance, helpfulness and kindness
than I did on Saturday. We were welcomed
and several people went above and beyond
anything I would have ever expected. It truly
made my day and I am very appreciative.
Thanks so much to you and your staff.
Why I love PRC :
Stan Dessel,
Food Pantry Volunteer
I moved to Wheaton 5 years
ago with my wife, who
unfortunately passed away
soon after we arrived here.
Living across the street from
PRC, it seemed like a good
place to fill the void in my
life. I started working about
4 hours on Wednesdays,
and soon was spending 15-20 hours a week here.
Loved every minute! There is a great feeling of pride
when clients as well as donors make you feel it’s all
Why I love PRC :
Kay Pollock, Food Pantry Volunteer
The volunteers are so nice. I have met a great
bunch of people. The clients are very appreciative.
I always think—there but for the grace of God go I!
You never know.
2013 Program Updates
Clothes Closet
People’s Resource Center provided 1,764
households with gently used clothing. Free
clothing helps low-income families save money to put
toward other basic needs: food, shelter, and health
care. All of the clothing we distribute is donated by the
local community. Community clothing donation drives
supplied much-needed items including prom dresses,
gym shoes, business suits, winter coats, handmade
hats and mittens, Halloween costumes, and packages
of brand-new underwear. Having appropriate clothing
is important to everyone, and that means our clothes
closet is a busy place!
My Favorite PRC Memory
C. J. Honeywell, Client Intake Volunteer
One of my favorite memories is of checking in
a woman who seemed very tentative about
registering as a client. I told her about intake as the
next step and gave her some information about
the PRC services that are available. As I handed
her the client registration card, I could see tears
in her eyes, and she thanked me for treating
her kindly and not as a “lesser” person. She had
not had the same experience at other places.
Because of that experience, I try to greet each
client with a smile and keep in mind the phrase
in the PRC mission statement that reminds us to
“promote dignity.”
Ben’s Story
“Ben” first connected with People’s Resource
Center when he learned that food pantry
volunteers deliver food to a small number of
home-bound clients. Ben had become disabled
due to a leg injury, and he was dealing with
serious complications and the news that he
would likely have to have his leg amputated.
He wanted nothing more but to return to
work, but he was having to face a new reality
that his disability would likely be a significant
barrier to employment. In addition to making
arrangements for Ben to receive food deliveries,
PRC’s social services staff worked with Ben to
help him access benefits and resources and
develop a plan for becoming self-sufficient.
Ben’s plan includes sharing an apartment with
a roommate, closely following a budget so that
he can always pay his share of the rent using
disability income, and adhering to a weight-loss
plan which will help him live a healthier, happier
life. Ben is thankful for the support he received
from PRC at such a difficult point in his life.
Social Services and
Homelessness Prevention
People’s Resource Center assisted 1,044
families in crisis with a wide range of social
services. For individuals and families living paycheckto-paycheck, just one unexpected event—a health
problem, a car breaking down, getting laid off—can easily
“snowball” into a situation as serious as homelessness.
We helped families apply for SNAP (food stamps)
benefits, find affordable health care, access veteran’s
benefits, learn household budgeting skills, and much
more. We provided emergency financial assistance for
rent, utilities, transportation and other urgent needs.
Help from People’s Resource Center gives families the
chance to get back on their feet.
Carol (C.J.) Honeywell (left) with some of PRC’s intake workers
2013 Program Updates
Computer Literacy,
Training and Access
People’s Resource Center has distributed
more than 10,000 computers since the
computer refurbishing program began.
Computers are a necessity today for work, school, and
so many aspects of daily life. We work to bridge the
“digital divide” by providing basic computer training and
free refurbished computers to low-income people. We
also offer computer maintenance and repair services to
PRC clients—PRC’s “Dr. Fix-It” volunteers provided 1,562
computer repair services for clients.
teach computer classes
ranging from Intro to
Computers to higherlevel courses in programs
like Microsoft Word,
Excel and PowerPoint.
Classes are taught in our
Community Technology
Center classrooms in our
Wheaton and Westmont
facilities, and also in
classrooms hosted at
neighborhood partner
sites around the county.
495 adult learners worked one-on-one with
tutors or enrolled in English classes and
conversation groups. 17 people passed citizenship
exams and five earned their GEDs. Testing showed that
2 out of 3 ESL students made measurable gains in their
language abilities within the year. In addition to these
measurable outcomes, students and volunteers alike
benefit from the opportunity to meet new friends who
hail from more than 100 countries!
Why I love PRC :
Horacio Chavez,
Volunteer Instructor
Words of thanks from a
computer student:
Wow! A free computer for our home! We are
very grateful. My daughter will be able to use it
for school and this will help her tremendously
at College Of DuPage. I continue to benefit in
so many important ways from the fabulous
services from PRC. I thoroughly enjoyed the
computer class I took earlier this year. Thanks
to all who made this possible.
Adult Learning and
The thing I love most about
PRC is that the clients who
sign up for the classes remind
me a lot of my parents when
I was growing up. They are
hardworking, trying to juggle
work, kids, home and the
challenges of being in a foreign county. When my
brothers and I were young my parents couldn’t help
us much with school work because they didn’t know
English, at all. As we grew up, we became better at
English and my parents continued to struggle. Now
with technological advances such as computers and
the internet, it seems parents have an extra burden on
their shoulders. And I just love being able to shorten
the gap between them, their kids and keeping up with
the times.
2013 Program Updates
Job Assistance
246 unemployed neighbors received guidance
from PRC’s volunteer job mentors, resulting
in 136 job placements. Many people who were
laid off during the 2008 recession are still struggling
to find stable employment that pays enough to make
ends meet. For those who face significant barriers to
employment—such as a lack of recent job experience,
Meet a Neighbor:
Diane Virella
unemployed and in need of
food when she visited PRC’s
food pantry. While there,
she spied a flyer describing
Microsoft Office Specialist
Certification classes. These
classes, which are part of the
Job Assistance Program, offer
certification in Microsoft Office
programs. Using the skills she
learned at PRC, Diane found a job! Here’s her story:
The PRC Microsoft Certification and Job Assistance
programs helped me secure a job in Project
Management. The Certification classes increased my
skill level in Microsoft Office and made a difference
to employers viewing my resume. I began work and
have received a competitive salary and full benefit
Judy Wolthausen, my career coach, assisted me with
re-creating my resume. Judy was professional and
really convinced me to take a chance by changing
it. I am confident that my new resume got me the
interview. Judy was also involved in the job club,
which offered interview workshops. Those helped
me prepare for the interview, which had always been
lack of a high school diploma, or limited English language
skills—landing a good job can feel like an impossible
goal. Through PRC’s Job Assistance program, job seekers
attend skill-building workshops on topics such as resume
writing and interviewing, participate in monthly “Lunch ‘n
Learn” networking sessions, and receive regular updates
on open positions and one-on-one mentoring from
trained volunteer job coaches. Ongoing encouragement
from a job coach can make all the difference!
a struggle for me. Judy is an amazing professional
and I have made a life friend.
Mary Blair, my Microsoft Certification teacher, is
an amazing instructor and kept the class on track.
She is professional and always prepared for class.
She freely shared her knowledge in an “easy to
understand” manner. I was well prepared for
my tests and was always confident. Having the
certification program on my resume was also
impressive to my new employer. I came into the
class having worked in all Microsoft programs,
and am leaving with a broader knowledge base
of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
At PRC, I was able to have a professional profile
picture taken for online social media networking. PRC also provided me with professional attire for
my interviews through Poised For Success, which
provides complementary interview and businessappropriate clothing to women in the job market.
I am scheduled to receive 3 additional professional
outfits through Poised for Success now that I have
secured employment.
I am confident and prepared for my new job
because of the preparation tools provided by PRC.
I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to
participate in these programs.
Thank You!
2013 Program Updates
240 adults and 552 children developed their
self-esteem and creativity through PRC art
programs. Local artists volunteered to teach a wide
range of classes including pottery, digital photography,
music, watercolor painting and much more. PRC’s Kids
Art classes provided extracurricular arts opportunities
for children enrolled in after school programs. The
artwork of adult students and kids alike was displayed
in public art exhibits across DuPage County, providing
our students the opportunity to be recognized for their
artistic talents.
Sandy Conrow, a Women’s
Wisdom artist, won first prize in
the Pastel category last year at
the DuPage County Fair.
It Makes A Difference:
(The kids) are proud when they understand
something and do it well. I have implemented
the new policy of saying “I will try” or “Can
you please help me” rather than “I can’t” or
“I don’t know how” and it actually made a
Kids Art Instructor
Financial Support
From our humble beginnings in 1975, handing groceries out to neighbors in need from a small house on
Indiana Avenue in Wheaton, People’s Resource Center has grown to become a multi-site, multi-service
organization serving tens of thousands. All the while, we’ve remained grounded in grassroots community
support. The majority of our support comes from the donations of caring neighbors right here in DuPage
County. We are also very grateful for the generous support provided by foundations, corporations and
government agencies.
None of this work would be possible without your generosity –
thank you!
Donations and Grants - $5,000 and above
Donors listed in red are part of PRC’s monthly giving program
Paula M. Steiner Family Foundation, Inc.
St. Daniel the Prophet Church
Liz and Bill Werth
Barbara and John Tartaglione
Frank and Kay Goetz
Glen Ellyn Infant Welfare Society
The Kara Foundation
Wheaton Warrenville South
Holy Trinity Church
Betty Bradshaw
Celine and Mark Lillie
Kevin Hengst and Mark Demich
Sara Lee Foundation
Susan and Jerome Schurmeier
Mary Leah Prazak
Russell & Josephine Kott Charitable Fund
The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation
Ruth and James Davis
The Judy Family Foundation
Megan and Steven Shebik and The
Kimberly and John Thacker
Joyce Malleck
Shebik Family Fund of The DuPage
Wayne Ebersberger
Community Foundation
The Greer Foundation
Emergency Solutions Grant and
Eliminate the Digital Divide Grant
High School
Emergency Food & Shelter Program
WorkNet DuPage
Grace Bersted Foundation
Virginia and Thomas Paulick
Joyce and John Watts
DuPage County Human Services Grant
Fund, Community Development
Block Grant and Community Services
Emergency Fund
Block Grant
Citizens Bank
Paul and Eileen LeFort and The LeFortMartin Family Fund of The DuPage
Esco Technologies
Community Foundation
General Mills Foundation
St. Procopius Abbey
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
Betty Iliff
Linda and Kirk Graves
Karen and Edward Sepke
Mary Beth and Scott Kilrea
Penisten Family Foundation
Julie and Garry Stone
St. Michael Catholic Church
Lions Club of Wheaton
The Compass Church
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters
Chicago Tribune Charities Holiday Fund
Martha Johnson
Holy Trinity Church
Theodore Wynn
Financial Support
Donations and Grants - $1,000 - $4,999
Donors listed in red are part of PRC’s monthly giving program
Pam and Mike Abernathy
Cindy Achenbach
Anne Albrecht
Ally Financial
Anonymous (2)
AXA Foundation
Nigel Barnhill
Lori and David Bein
Julie and Joseph Bernardo
Susan Black
Deborah and Rodger Bloch
Cheryl and Bill Blum
Bob Carter’s Auto Body, Inc.
Patricia and John Bomher
Ray and Judy Bonelli
Rev. Tom C. Borkowski
BP America, Inc.
Ann and James Bridgman
Brookfield Investment Management Inc.
Dorothy and George Bryson
Robert Bylls
Ann and Robert Cardwell
Carl E. Kessler Family Foundation
Joanne and George Carr
Valerie and James Carroll
Christ Lutheran Church
Susan and John Christensen
Laura and Mark Christensen
Church World Service, Inc.
Joseph Ciprian
Clarendon Hills Bank
Clarendon Hills Lions Club
Deidre and Brian Clingen
Community Presbyterian Church
Community United Methodist Church
Culver’s Of Carol Stream
Darden Restaurant Foundation
Darien Lions Club
Annette Darling
Nancy and David Davis
Margaret and Henry Davis
Sharon and Samuel Delisi
Blair and Jim Doyle
The DuPage Community Foundation
DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church
Renee and Michael Durbin
Brian Ebalo
Tom Egan
Gene Erickson
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Exchange Club Of Naperville
Dan and Kathy Fagan
Dawn Farruggio
Sonja and J. Todd Faulkner
Elizabeth and Arthur Fedder
Frederick Fellendorf
First Midwest Bank
First Presbyterian Church Of Wheaton
First United Methodist Church Of
Downers Grove
Kathy and Philip Fleming
Jack Folkerts
Deborah and Dale Frank
Frederic W. Cook & Co. Inc.
Friedland Charitable Lead Annuity TR
Paul C. Friedland
Roger Frye
Gary Memorial United Methodist Church
Chuck and Connie Gaul
Catherine Gilbert
GKN Foundation
Linda and Robert Glavin
Glen Ellyn Newcomers Club
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Golfview Hills Women’s Club
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Of Naperville
Susan and Brian Goonan
Patricia and Carl Greer
Darlene Guerin
Rebecca and James Hardman
Karen and John Hecht
Jonita Hegenderfer
Chet and Gwen Henry
Mary and Johan Hille
Meredith and Marc Hilt
Hinsdale Bank & Trust
Pamela and Bret Holm
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Hope Presbyterian Church
Dena and Craig Howser
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
Patricia and John Hynek
Nancy and Stanley Iverson
Ivy Restaurant
Margaret Johnson
JVM Realty Corporation
Kathryn and Dennis Karsh
Kieran Keenan
Mary Jane Kepner
Susan and James Kerby
Jeanne and John Kett
Khang Khieu
Lisa and David Kimball
Margaret and Robert King
Kirkby, Phelan & Associates LLC
Julie Kmetz
Knights Of Columbus - St. John
Council No. 3738
Susan Knisely
Durema Kohl
Mary and Richard Koopman
Mabel and Oommen Koshy
Katherine and Michael Kregor
Cathy and Joe Kuczynski
Nancy and William Kutz
Patricia and Kevin LaFollette
Barbara and George Lampros
Kathleen and John Laramy
Rebecca and Bruce Lauer
Mary Pat and Bernard Leininger
Roger Libman
Lincoln Elementary School
Birgit and Clayton Lindgren
Lombard Mennonite Church
Karen and Richard Lynch
Madeline McAfee
Dennis McCann
Ginny and Thomas McDevitt
Don McGowan
Donna and Vincent McMahon
Jessica and Paul Merrick
Mid States Container Co., Inc.
Sue Ciezki and Tom Mikrut
Susan and Carl Mistretta
Eileen and Daniel Moll
Joan and Joe Morrissey
Mary and Eugene Morrissy
Barbara and David Moser
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Veronica Murphy
Naperville Woman’s Club
Brenda and Greg Neier
Nicor Gas/AGL Resources Foundation
Florence and Richard Nogaj
Northern IL Food Bank
North Central Illinois Labor Council
Nuveen Investments Holdings
Deborah and Stephen O’Connor
Sue and William Oelman
Parkview Community Church
Bob and Sandra Paszczak
Margaret Patterson
Janet and Darryl Patton
Barb Pearlman
PerByte, Inc.
Erin and Gary Peterson
Dorothy and Howard Peterson
Rev. Thomas A. Peyton
Michael Phelan and Julie Meissner-Phelan
Phillips & Johnston, Inc.
Pro-Pak Industries, Inc.
Helene Quail
Jennifer and Robert Ramsdell
Reese Family Charitable Foundation
Religious Education Community
Susan and Mark Richards
Barbara and R. Thomas Richardson
Ruth and James Richter
Kevin and Kathy Ringel
Shawn Roberts
Tori and Shane Rodgers
Maria and Michael Romano
Mimi and Albert Rose
Douglas Roselieb
Arlene and Michael Ross
Margarete and Warren Roth
SAP Matching Gift Program
Sandy and Glenn Sapa
Bertha Sauls
Brian Schieber
Sandee and Andy Schlickman
Mary Elizabeth Sentowski
Adrienne and David Sheahin
Nancy Sherretz
Jason Shirk
Donna Siciliano
Kiki and J.P. Singh
Carolyn and Reuben Slone
David Smith and Suzanne
Brian Sogge
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Of Glen Ellyn
Joyce St. Clair
St. Isaac Jogues - Religious
Education Program
St. Matthew United Church Of Christ
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Laura and Steven Stelter
Janice and Charles Stone
Dawn and Keith Suchy
Drs. Sullivan And Suchy, LTC.
Connie and Joseph Sunderhaus
Target Stores
Jean and Bruce Tartaglione
Jane Taylor
Margaret Taylor
TJX Foundation
Melissa and Patrick Travis
Trinity Episcopal Church - St.
Julian’s Guild
Cheryl and Ed Trogdon
Donna and John Trzesniak
Village of Glen Ellyn
George Van Denend and Luanne Voss
Cynthia and Michael Vivoda
Walmart Stores
Ed and Bobbi Walsh
Nancy Wayman
Donald Westlake
Wheaton Bank & Trust Company
Donna and Donald Wilbur
Judith and Scott Wilgenbusch
Kirstan and David Wilkinson
Jennifer and Mark Williamson
Stacey and Robert Williford
Linda and Craig Yoder
Jeanette and Steven Yonk
Financial Support
Donations and Grants - $100 - $999
Donors listed in red are part of PRC’s monthly giving program
Kathy and Jerry Abend
Annette Adams
Lori and Greg Adams
Jeannine and John Adams
Karen Adamson
Adelle’s- Fine American Fare
Martha and Daniel Aderholdt
Adewale Adesokan
Advanced Technologies Group
Air-Smart, Inc.
Sheri Alber
Cathy and Salvador Alcantara
Janet Aleccia
Patricia Alexander
Jean and Steve Allmart
Allstate Giving Campaign
Betty Lou and Stanley Allured
Nancy Allured
Altria Group, Inc.
Amalgamated Bank Of Chicago
Dianne and Bradley Ament
Erik and Kathleen Andersen
Chris and Phil Andersen
Gwen and David Anderson
Katerina Anderson
Marybeth and David Anderson
Sheri Anderson
Joaquin Andrade
Dana Andrewson
Anonymous (3)
Michael and Michelle Antonelli
Linda and Hank Anzelone
Josephine Anzelone
Maria and Nahum Aragon
Lynn Arazny
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Mimi and Bill Archer
Linda and John Argyrakis
Avery and Martin Arlen
Marilyn Armstrong
Frank Asta
AT&T Illinois
Kathy and Jeff Atkins
Linda Atkinson
Attorney At Law
Janet Austin
Kim Austin
Janet Avila
Ann Baessler
Rosette and John Bagley
Kathleen and Richard Baids
Shaun Baldwin
Sarah and Thomas Baldwin
Pamela and Edwin Ballard
Christine and Bob Ballenger
Bank Of America Matching Gifts Program
Nazila Barahmani
Mary Barnett
Dee and James Barrett
Margaret and Joseph Bartek
Catherine and Edward Bartholomew
Elizabeth Bartholomew
Margaret and Gary Bartlett
Nancy and Eugene Bartucci
Lynn and Bryan Barus
Sandra Barutha
Andrew and Pamela Bassi
Richard Bauer
Bonnie Bauler
Theadora Bax
Darci and Don Beacom
Seth Becker
Marylou Beemer
Audrey and Herman Begeman
Jean and William Beggs
Jane and Lash Bellavia
Carol Belskey
Kathy and Lawrence Bending
Andy Bendy
Benedictine University
Benefit Plan Consultants, LLC.
Benet Academy
Judith and Fred Bennett
Marlene and James Bennett
Susan Bennett
Diane and Steven Bense
Rev. Howard Benson
Annabel and Kenneth Bergman
Donna and Gregory Berk
Patricia Bernhold
Joan Looi and Jon Berry
Kate Berry
Ronell and Joseph Berttucci
Kevin Bess
Bethel United Church Of Christ
Mary Ann and Roy Betti
Katherine and Gregory Bewick
Steve Biagini
Elaine and John Biesboer
Kathleen Birchfield
Margaret and Maurice Birt
Black Horse Carriers, Inc.
Jane Black
Marcia and Jeffrey Black
Eleanor Blaha
Mary and Kevin Blair
Joanne Blandford
Joanne Blattner
Sylvia Blazina
Chris and Neil Blitstein
Bloomingdale Garden Club
Bloomingdale Lions Club
Bloomingdale Women’s Club
Jennifer Blount
Jennifer and Todd Boatman
Linda and John Bodine
Jayne and Leroy Boeckelman
Hillary and Paul Boffetti
Diana Bogdonoff
Mary and Edward Bogest
Nancy Boles
Francesca and Fred Bollhoffer
Charles Boone
Elizabeth and Steven Borter
Valerie and Gary Borter
Donna Pucciani and Peter Bostock
Mary Anne and Arthur Bostwick
Kathleen Bovy
Donald Boyce
Joyce and David Boyd
BP Foundation
David Branigan
Gretchen and John Brashler
Anita Brechtel
Scott Bredrup
Joan Bregman
Eileen Briggs
Rose Ann and Kenneth Bringle
Cindy and James Brintnall
Colleen and Brian Brocious
Sharon and Norman Brockmeier
Brooks Elementary School
Brookside Partners, LLC.
Ellen and Michael Brosnahan
Charlotte Brown
Lesley Brown
Deborah and Neil Brown
Rosemary Brunton
Renee Bryant
Barbara Buckingham
Jacqueline Buehler
Jerold Buishas
Peggy Bunyar
Mary Louise and Gary Burge
Suzanne Burgess
Jennifer Burrell
Brad Busch
Carol and Thomas Butler
James Butsch
Butterfield’s - Naperville
Butterfield’s - Wheaton
Mame and Robert E. Byrne
Christine and Glenn Cackovic
Eileen Cahill
Benjamin Calacci
Margaret and Richard Caldera
Jim Caldwell
Michael Callahan
Lynn and James Callister
James Cannon
Douglas Carlson
Ruth and Keith Carlson
Margaret Carmichael
Kevin Carroll
Eileen Cashin
Janet Cather
Elizabeth Cecil
Michael Cecil
Karie and Philip Cecil
Cynthia and Sunil Chand
Monika and Parvinder Chandhok
Albert Chang
Lisa Cherry
Chicago West Doll Scholars
Daniel Chorney
Mary Lynn Chow
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church
Christianity Today International
Elizabeth and Edwin Christiansen
Marilyn and Richard Ciccarone
Daniel Ciner
Karen and Peter Claeys
Peggy and Edward Claffy
Patricia Clancy
Clarity Counseling Center
Lynn Clark
Robert Clavel
CME Group Community Foundation
Nancy and Alan Cocconi
Melinda and Mark Cochran
Cheryl Coffey and Gene Wojciechowski
Scott Coffland
Diana Cole
Gloria and Thomas Colgan
Mary Collins
Barbara and Timothy Collins
Community Presbyterian Church/
Women’s Connection
Complete Mold Polishing
Heather Concklin
Jeanne Connolly
Lyn and Peter Conway
Kathleen and Herbert Cook
Susan and John Cook
Dennis and Lisa Coon
Core Marketing, Inc.
Corn Products International
Katherine and Ronald Corniels
Anne Courter
Elenor Cowles
Robert Cox
Penelope and Brendan Coyle
Karen and David Cragg
Chester Cripe
Rona and William Croft
Cub Scout Pack 365
Mary Culhane
Kathy Culumber
Culver’s Of Addison
Culver’s Of Darien
Culver’s Of Downers Grove/Lisle
Culver’s Of Lombard
Joan Cummings and Jill Adelman
Sunday and Stephen Cummins
Elizabeth Cunningham
Bill Curry and Gretchen Fleming
Maureen Curry
Jane Curtiss
Barbara Cushing
Pamela and John Dalby
Patricia and Richard Daleiden
Kathleen Daly and Bob Stelletello
Belinda Daniels
Donna and Dan Danielson
Marilyn Darnall
Ron Davidson
Paul and Nicolette Davis
Michael Davis
Robert Davis
Corrine and William Davis
Lois and Joseph Davisson
Kathleen and David Davy
Financial Support
Marta and Thomas Davy
Melanie Dawe
William Dawe
Evelyn and Eugenio Dawis
Juanita Day
Connie and Richard De Vries
Anita and Dan DeCanniere
Tonia Decicco
Sallie and F. Joseph Dede
Donald Deegan
Maria Delacamara
Delta Dental
Karen and John Denardo
Linda Denby
Sue and Thomas Denson
Janet Derber
Janet Derrick
Carol and Joe DeSimone
Laura and Steven Desmarais
Kris DeSmedt
Jean DeYoung
Freya and Faroukh Dhunjisha
JoAnn and John DiBuono
Gerald and Kathy DiOrio
Diva Ventures
Rosie Dixon
DJ’s Sports Bar
Sherry D’Marco
Rebecca Dobbs
Susan Dodson
Ryan Doherty
Gloria and Gerald Dohlen
Jill and Brad Donaldson
Sally Donzelli
Brenda Dorsey
Elisabeth Dorsey
Carol Doty
Dover Corporation
Downers Grove Friends Meeting
Shannon Downey
Edward Doyle
Anna Drechsler
Rose Drozd
Ruth Duck
Sharon and Timothy Duffey
Mary Ellen Duffy
Dugan & Lopatka CPAs, PC
Janice Dugan
Michael Dugan
Mary Kay and David Dungan
Devra and Donald Dunham
Pam Dunne
Carol Dunning
DuPage County Building Trades
Mary Ellen and Ronald Durbin
Diana and Martin Durkin
Renee and Mark Dworkin
Juliana Horn-Dwyer and Mark Dwyer
Mary Jean Dwyer
Mary Lou Dziekanowski
Joanne East
Eileen and John Eastman
Barbara and Norman Edwards
Rosemary and James Effinger
Egg Harbor Café – Downers Grove
Egg Harbor Cafe - Elmhurst
Egg Harbor Café - Lombard
Egg Harbor Cafe - Naperville
Egg Harbor Café - Wheaton
Sandra and Wayne Eggers
Egg’lectic Café – Downtown Wheaton
Egg’lectic Café – Town Square Wheaton
Catherine Eisen
EKiwanis Of Greater Chicago Foundation
Mary Ekstrom
Beatrice Elendt
Carol Elias
Sheridan and Jeffrey Ellis
John Ellison
Eric Engdahl
Kathryn Engel-Accettura and Perry Accettura
Daulat Engineer
Kathleen Enright
Glenna Eorgoff
Robert Erickson
Cheryll and Allen Ernst
Joni and Larry Eskridge
Marianne Esposito
Camille and Joseph Esterman
Marcia and Martin Eubanks
Evangelical Covenant Church Of Villa Park
Virginia and David Evely
Exchange Club Of West DuPage
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Ellen Falconer
Marilyn Fallbacher
Bob and Joanne Fanella
Frances and Robert Fanter
Janet and Keith Farral
Mary and Leonard Felder
Dorothy and Richard Fergus
Evelyn and Angelo Ferro
Patricia and Eric Fess
Lillian Ficht
Birgit and John Fiduccia
Rita Grady and George Fiegle
Carol Findling
Marilyn and Edward Fink
First Congregational Church
1st Presbyterian Church Bridge Club
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Women
Catherine and Donald Fischer
Diana Fisher
Fit For Life
Jay Fitts
Lisa and James Fitzpatrick
Mary Fivizzani
Ann Flechter
Joan and Dale Fleming
Jim Flickenger
Christine and George Flynn
Nancy and Brent Flynn
Janice and Michael Fodor
Follet Matching Gifts Program
Kim Foltz
Margarete Folz
Anne and Andrew Ford
Carol Ford
Karen Ford
Mary Ellen Ford
Amy Fortier
David Fortier
Kathleen and Mark Forzley
Christina and Matt Forzley
Lisa Foster
Jan and Randy Foster
Sally and Joe Fougerousse
Diane Fox
Leslie Fox
Donna Francis
Jeffrey Frauenfelder
Sue Fritz
Front Street Cocina
Kristin and Mark Frost
Julie and Kevin Fry
Patricia and Edward Fuller
Maureen Furtak
G.E. Foundation
Bonnie and Jeffrey Gahris
Kathy Gajewski
Michael Gallagher
Gayle Galloway
Mary Gannon
Sarah Garlinger
Carrie and Keith Garstecki
Peg Gavin
Jayne and Charles Gaw
Genghis Grill
Diane and Michael Geramanis
Diane and Bob Gideon
Frances and James Gill
Sandra and Anthony Gillespie
Gino’s East
Donna and William Gioia
The Giving Circle
Giving DuPage
Howard Glasser
Glen Ellyn Wheaton Alumnae Club
Of Pi Beta Phi
Glen Ellyn Woman’s Club
Jamie and Robert Glenzinski
Shelley and Derek Glenzinski
Katherine Lato and Barry Glicklich
Aileen and Steven Gnatz
Joan Goblet
Catherine and Edward Godfrey
Douglas Goding
Debra and John Golabek
Cathy and Phil Gorski
John Gould
Mary Gower
George Graham
James Graham
Jean and Thomas Graika
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program
Jill Granberry
Joann Gras and Robert Partyka
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Dawn and John Grebe
Linda and Richard Green
Anne Marie Greene
Laura Greifenkamp-Rancer
Brian Gribschaw
Denise and James Gritsonis
Mary and Thomas Grittani
Susan and Daniel Grotto
Group Benefit Associates
Grove & Associates Reporting
Rose and Steven Grumbine
Victor Gryniewicz
GSI Technologies, L.L.C.
Carolyn Guerino
Evelyn Guerrero
Jacklyn and Curtis Gulbro
Susan H. Gullickson
Kathy Gunnell
Kathrin and Robert Haeger
Norma and Jon Hagstrom
Susan and Thomas Haines
Joanne Hall
Mary Ann and Mark Halla
Corinne and William Hallett
Susan and John Halvax
Jill and Robert Hamann
Beverly and Robert Hammerschmidt
Mr. Robert F. Hanley, Jr.
Theresa Hannon
Theresa Hanrahan
Allene Harding
Nancy and James Harding
Marianne Harms
Virginia and David Harms
Susan Harrigan
Frances and William Harris
Scott and Judy Harris
Jacqueline Hart
Judith and Charles Hartman
Suzanne and Robert Hartman
Toseef Hasan
Rita Hassert
Susan and David Hauke
Elaine Hauke
Joanna Hayes
John Hayner
Nancy Headen
Constance Healy
Lois and Benjamin Heaton
John and Cheryl Heck
Phyllis Heckmann
Michael Heiberger
Bob and Ann Hein
Triste and Mark Heintz
Deborah and Stephen Heinze
Cheryl and Hashem Helmi
Holly Hendrickson
Karen and James Hendrickson
Denise and Patrick Henkel
Bernie and Cindy Hennessy
Henrikson Company Inc.
Paul Herbert
Lisa Hermanson
Carla and Anthony Hernandez
John A. Herndon
Mary P. Herrick
Mary and Dan Herrmann
Marilyn and Paul Hewitt
Marianne and Marc Heyden
Bonnie and Munn Heydorn
Julie and Patrick Hickey
Elizabeth Higgins
Janet Higgins
Mary Higgins
Patrick Hill
Todd Hilson
Financial Support
Donna Hindman
Chris and Kate Hinson
HMS Convenience Account
Julie Hnatiuk
Kathryn Holden
Kim Holler
Juanita and Kevin Holley
Julie and Philip Hollyer
Lynn and Mark Holstein
Frances Holtzman
Carol Honeywell
Hope United Church Of Christ
Rose and John Hopkins
Horizon Financial Partners, Inc.
Russell Horn
Patricia and Richard Houle
Houlihan’s – Oak Brook
Houlihan’s - Wheaton
Joseph Houston and Margot Worfolk
Jackie Howard
Gloria Howe
Bethany and Jeffrey Huber
Sharon and James Huck
Mary Rose and Charles Hughes
Denise and David Hughes
Nancy Hughes
Stephanie and Duncan Hughes
Grace Huitsing
Jennifer and Matthew Hurlbut
Jan Huskisson
Amy and Ashfaq Hussain
Karen and Don Iacobazzi
Louise Idaszak
Il Sogno Ristorante
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Inland Real Estate Group Of Companies, Inc.
Rodney Irey
Irving Harris Foundation
Bernadette and Anthony Ishmael
Janice and Roger Jable
Sally and Terry Jackson
Alfreda Jacob
Steven Jacobs
Dr. John A. Jaeschke
Patricia Jahn
James & Sons
Debra and Steven Janes
Heather Janiak
Julie and Kenneth Janoski
Beth Ann and Robert Janssen
Daniel Jares
Frank Jarrett
Twylla and Don Jaynes
Barbara and Roger Jeffries
Marie and James Jensen
Shirley Jensen
John’s Buffet, Inc.
Maura and Dave Johnsen
Dennis Johnson
Donald Johnson
Eric Johnson and Susan Richards-Johnson
Karen Johnson
Sharon and William Johnson
Margo and G. Douglas Johnston
Bertlyn and Robert Johnston
Cara and Gordon Jones
Lynn Jones
Nona and Lloyd Jones
Jeanne Jordan
Kathleen and Phillip Joschko
Denise and Patrick Joyce
Barbara and Joseph Jozaitis
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Donald Judson
Catherine Kamper
Colleen Kane
Donna and Kevin Kane
Elizabeth Kannegiesser
Marilyn Karim
Cynthia Karner
Donna Karner
Poornimadevi Kasaragod
Denise Katek
Steven Katzfey
Sherri Kayser
Lorraine Keener
Helen and Joseph Keim
Janet and Frank Keller
Andrew Kelly
Kathleen and George Kelly
Mary Beth and James Kelly
Christine and Thomas Kelly
Arlene Kendorski
Deloris Kendrick
Mary and Timothy Keough
Carol Ketterhagen
Carol and Robert Kierzyk
Annette Kilian and Bruce Sufranski
Orysia Killion
Mary and Gerald King
Marianne and Michael Kinkley
Judy and Michael Kinn
Jane Kirkby
Fred and Lynn Kirsch
David and Ellen Kirwan
Bonnie and Scott Kischer
Franz Kissel
Ann and Patrick Kitchen
Kiwanis Club Of Central DuPage
Kiwanis Club Of Glen Ellyn
Kiwanis Club Of Wheaton
Kathryn and Joseph Klawitter
Sara and Karl Klockars
Diane and Thomas Knaggs
Knights Of Columbus Council #2601
Knights Of Columbus, St. Daniel’s
Council #10575
Amy Knorring
Ruth and Edward Knorring
Maureen and Thomas Knorring
Margaret and Richard Kobe
Leslie and Timothy Kocher
Karen and Jeff Koertge
Linda Kolb
Mary Ann Kolinski
Paul Kolling
Debra Kosak
Mary-Jo Kovach
Gail and Ken Kramer
Joan and Sheldon Kramer
Lynda and John Krazinski
Sudha and Gopala Krishna
Kristyn Krohse and Noah Popp
Marlene and Stanley Kropf
Francis Kruppe
Sarah Kruse
Gail and Richard Kuebel
Kent Kupcho
Dieter Kurath
Daniel Kurowski
Joan Kustak
David Labotka and Alma Gonzalez
Melissa and David LaBrash
The Ladies Room
Barbara Lahr and Jack Mullen
Susan and James Lamb
Mary Landreth
Langan, Haegar, Vincent & Born
Marilyn Langeler
Richard Lanser
Donna Lapetina
Susan Lapetina
Mary and Daniel Laughlin
Tina and William Lechnick
Sybil Lee
Marilyn Lefager
Ellen and Lawrence Lehnert
Judith and Thomas Leimbach
Joseph A. Lepkowski
Edward Lesniak
Rachel Levy
Kathleen Lewis
Sally Lewis
Adrianna and Peter Liber
Liberty Mutual Group
Louise and Michael Liebman
Donna and Scott Liljegren
Ted and Norma Lind
Carol and Price Lindsay
Maureen and James Livingston
Patricia and Richard Loechl
Nancy and William Loftus
Marjorie Lohmolder
Kathryn Long
Sandra Lopera
Angelo Losole
LTH Accounting & Tax Services, P.C.
Debby and Kenneth Ludington
Jill and Warren Ludvigsen
Patricia Luessenhop
M. J. Luetgert
Lynn Lullo
Gordon Lyons
Dan Lyons
Lucille Lyons
Barbara and John MacDonald
Christine and William Mackey
Karla Magnan
Mary Jo Maguire
Claudia Mahoney
Tim Mahoney
Sally and Daniel Maier
Kelly and Thomas Malaret
Arlynn and Henri Manasse
Carol Mangiaracina
Mark and Susan Manning
Mary and David Manuszak
Madeleine and Ralph Marbach
Sara Marberry
Judith Marchesi
Lisa and Bill Mariani
Cheryl and Michael Markiewicz
Sharon and Kenneth Marsh
Teresa and Prentice Marshall
Stephanie and Robert Marshall
Mary Jane and Dennis Martin
Kalli and John Martin
Linda and Larry Martin
Mary Martin
Toni Martinez
James Martner
Kelly and Andrew Masse
MassMutual Financial Group
Anna Matthai
Janet Matthews
Helena and Frank Mauceri
Mary Kay and Dennis Maxwell
Carol May
Susan and Thomas Mazza
Margaret and William McCarthy
Cynthia and Mark McClure
Barbara McDonald
Greta McDonald
McDonald’s Corporation
Scott and Maryanne McEwen
Trisha and Donald McGady
Jane McGinnis
Randall McGivney
Eileen and John McGleam
Ellen and Daniel McGowan
Mary and Dave McGowan
Jackie McGrath
Roberta McGrath
Carol and Joe McHaley
Larry McHaley
Linda and William McHugh
Nancy and John McIntyre
Richard McIntyre
Margaret McKenzie
Mary McLaughlin
Susan and Peter McLean
Karen McMillin
Kirk McMurray
Mary and Patrick McNally
Elizabeth and Patrick McNulty
Wendy and Michael McPherrin
Barbara and Harry McPherson
Barbara and Kevin McPherson
Kim and Alan McQuiston
Jill and Allen McWilliams
Yvonne Meadows
Herb Melin
Joel Melin
Suzanne and Dean Mennecke
Diane Merna
Marianne Merola
Elia and John Merritt
Meson Sabika
Michael Meyer and Vimala Menon
Maureen and Rich Meyer
Amy and Brian Michalak
Geraldine Michalak
Joan and Robert Michel
Midwest Cogeneration Association
Midwestern University
Greg Mieczynski
Jo Ann and John Miller
Kevin Miller
Kay and Melvin Miller
Jayne and Richard Miller
Steven Miller
Thomas Miller
Jean Millhouser
Maryanna Milton
Tina and Raymond Misantoni
Shirley and William Misek
Lillian and Michael Moats
Financial Support
Bobbie Jean Moncrief
Monroe Middle School
Patricia and Michael Moone
Diane and David Moore
Nancy and William Moore
David Moorman
Mary Beth and Timothy Moran
Jane and Richard Morency
Morgan Stanley
Joan and Robert Morrey
Cathy and Jeff Mousseau
Patricia and James Moyle
Michael Moyski
Judith and Robert Mroz
MTL Insurance
Margaret and John Mueller
Sara Bonkowski and John M. Mulherin
David Mummah
Murphy Marketing Consulting
Colleen Murphy
Mark Murphy
Julia and Robert Murphy
Barbara and Thomas Murphy
Christine and James Murray
Suman and Jayawant Nadkarni
Judith and Robert Nahumyk
Naperville Noon Lions Foundation
Jean and Michael Nass
Christina and John Nassos
Marina Natsis
Olga and Louis Navarro
Lena Neal
LaVonne and David Neff
Joyce and Eric Nelson
Tracey and James Nelson
Linda Nelson
Catherine and Paul Nelson
Adriane and Thomas Nelson
NEM Benefits
Cassandra Nevitt
New Horizons Band Association
Mary and E. Herbert Newman
C. Newsome
Ellen and Gerard Nick
Teresa Niedert
Mary Anne Nielsen
Rita and William Nieman
Mary Nigro
Judith and Michael Nigro
Debra and Ronald Nilsson
Patricia and Bryon Noeske
Valerie and Robert Nogar
Kathleen and William Nolan
Jeffrey and Susan Noll
Joanne Noonan
Peggy and John Norder
Bonita and William Nordstrom
Joan Norisey
Northern Trust Matching Gift Program
Joseph Nota
Ellen Noth
Marge Novy
Julie Nuter
Wendy and William Nystrom
Kristen and Sean Oakley
Helen and J. C. Oberfranc
Laurie and Dave Oberhelman
Colleen O’Brien
Susan and John O’Brien
Carolyn Obrist
Susan Obuchowski
Jeanne and Dennis O’Connor
Rosaleen and William O’Connor
Judith May O’Dell
Maureen and Robert O’Donnell
Mary and Ralph Oesterle
Lori Ann Ogolini
Ellen O’Hare
Mary and Blair O’Keefe
Julie Olberding
Patty and John Oleniczak
Natalie Olinger
Carol and Richard Olsen
Joyce and Sheldon Olsen
Margaret and Thomas Olsen
Judi and David Olseng
Joyce Olson
Karen Olson
Neil Olson
Anne O’Malley
Mary and Mark O’Malley
Margaret O’Meara
Dorothy O’Reilly
Michael Orend
Anna and Ralph Orland
Eileen Orris
Ina Osborn
Alice and John Osterman
Marie and Lee Ostrander
Bonnie Oulman
Pad Thai, Etc.
Jeanne Pagorek
Jeanne and Joseph Pakovits
Christine Palmer
Mary and Glenn Palmer
Rae Dell Pancake
Katie Panzica
Margaret and Anthony Paoni
Barbara and Arthur Pape
Eve Parojcic and Joan Parojcic
Eugene E. Parvin
Ellen Pascucci
Stacey and Matt Patricoski
Karen and W. Eric Patton
Jeanne Pauliks
Christine Pavel
Frances and John Pearson
Shirley Pearson
Beth Pecenka
Colleen and John Peck
Constance and William Pecover
Kyle Pedersen
Marilyn Penland
Pepsico Foundation
Dawn Perconti and Jay Fairbanks
Kim and Fabian Perez
Ann and Allen Perper
Anthony Peterman
Joy Peters
Paula Peterson
Marge Petronis
Roxanne and Edward Pettus
Margaret Pfaffle
Justin and Catherine Philpott
Leroy and Mary Joyce Pickett
Marcia and Stephen Pierson
Bonnie and Bradley Pihl
Linda and Michael Pillatsch
Marie Pinegar
Margaret and Mark Piper
Judy and Larry Pitts
Nancy Pitz
Plain Sight Foundation
Cynthia and David Plate
Mary and Garrett Plepel
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program
Laura and J. Peter Pohl
Dorothy Pokonosky
Karen and Neil Pollock
Thomas Popson
John Porcelli
Gloria Porro
Ken Potts and Tammy Swinford-Potts
Matthew Pozen
Prairie Capital Advisors, Inc.
Prairie Consulting
Praise Fellowship Church
Matthew Pregmon
Tammy Pressley
Elizabeth and Marco Prete
Vicki and Wayne Pretzer
Kristin and Michael Progar
Prospect School Of Clarendon Hills
Raymond Prosperi
Barbara and John Prusko
Mary Lou and John Pugliese
Kathryn Purdy
Elizabeth and Chris Quigg
Mary Kay Quinlan
Sharon and Frank Racibozynski
Mary and Gary Rash
Randy and Peggy Rasmussen
Bill and Nancy Raymond
Red Apple Pancake House And Restaurant, Inc.
Valerie and Michael Redlich
Suzanne and Richard Reed
David and Amy Reeter
Regency Beauty Institute Of Aurora/
Gloria and Kenneth Reger
Barbara and David Reiner
Mary Reis
Patricia and Randolph Reitz
Cynthia and Mike Rice
Barth Richards
Jean and Robert Richards
Rita and Stephen Richards
Kristin Richmond
Marsha and Lance Rickard
Mary and Barrie Ricketts
Eileen Riesz
Mary and Thomas Riggs
Ruth Riha
Wendy and Ronald Riley
Cynthia and Robert Rinaldi
Barbara and Roger Ritzman
Dennis Rizzo
Mary and Mario Rizzo
RJN Foundation
Deb Roach
Eric Robben and Brigid Coleman
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Roberts Environmental Control Corp.
Elizabeth Robertson
Karla Rockwell
Julie Rodgers-Baker
Melinda Rohrer
Mary and John Rohrs
Susan and David Rolewick
Nadine and Doug Rorem
Patti and Donald Rose
Martha Roskam
Jeane Rosmonowski
Rotary Club Of Glen Ellyn
Rotary Club Of West Chicago
Rotary Club Of Wheaton
Kate and Christopher Roth
Lynda and Steven Rothman
Dianne and George Roumpos
Mary Ellen Rowda
Marjanelle Rowe
Carol Ruda
Phyllis and Robert Rudolph
Patricia and Thomas Ruggaber
Mary and William Ruminski
Debbie and David Russo
Bob and Melanie Russo
Catherine and Daniel Ryan
John Ryan
Kathleen and Thomas Ryan
Ed and Sue Rylko
Eileen Saksa
Meredith and Joseph Salamunovich
Thomas Sale Foundation
Phyllis and Forrest Salter
Vincent Sanchez
Harjinder and Jagroop Sandhu
Jasmine Sandhu
Bienvenido Sangbaan
Elizabeth and Suneil Sant
Roxanne Sarno
Susan and Michael Sarwark
Mary Ann Satek
Margaret Sauer
Carol and Albert Savegnago
Kim and Dean Savell
Sharon Sawicki
Patrice and Theodore Scarborough
Dale Scarlett
Scarletti’s, Inc.
Karen and Gary Schaefer
Patricia Bush and Randal Scheib
Carol and F. Patterson Schiewitz
Charles Schlau
Anne and Robert Schmalandt
Randy Schmidt
Matthew Schmitt
Kathy Schneider
Kevin Schoenbeck
Gregg and Paula Schrage
Kathlyn Schrage
Mary and Kevin Schramer
Dawn and Eric Schubert
Kristine Schultz
Margaret and Robert Schultz
Steve and Kathy Schultz
Mary Schulz
Mary Ellen Schumann
Audrey and Edward Schweibinz
Laura and Greg Schweitzer
Lisa and Jeffrey Scott
Robert Scott
Terry and Karin Scott
Geraldine Sczygiel
Second Baptist Church
Philip and Jennifer Segrest
Jean Marie Seidl
Oma Rose Selle
Financial Support
Ruth and Donald Sender
Sue and Bob Senicka
Marietta Serenda
Nancy Serwinski
Seven Dwarfs Restaurant
Barbara and James Sevenich
Laura and Jay Seymour
Shane’s Deli
Kay Shannon
Sylvia and Stevey Shaw
Claire and John Sheahin
Maureen Shekleton
Sandra Shepard
Susan Shih
Maria and Young Shin
Harry Shuemaker
Judith and Donald Shutters
Eugene and Jean Siegel
Katie Simonton
Margaret Sinclair
Amarjit Singh
Gurpreet Singh
Satnam and Kanwar Singh
Deb Sinta
Janet and William Sippel
Sandy Skowera
Jane and Donald Skrodenis
Marie and Joseph Slater
Mary Slezinger
Diane and Philip Slocum
Sharon Slupski
Karen and Brian Slusar
Audrey and Albert Smith
Allison Smith
Frank Smith
Christine and Greg Smith
James Smith
Joan and Ron Smith
Steve Smith
Marcia Smits and Joe Dubec
Ann Snyder
Mary Claire Ryan and Edward Snyder
Linda and Greg Sobotka
Amy and Gordon Soderlund
Sogeti USA, LLC.
Arlene and Steven Sommars
Sally Sommers
Carla and Phil Sonni
Deana Sons
Catherine and Howard SooHoo
Anne and William Sove
Evelyn and Dominick Spagnuolo
Mary Spain
Debbie and James Spear
Nancy Spokowski
Gerald Sprecher
Dorothy Squitieri
St. Luke Lutheran Church
St. Luke United Presbyterian Church
St. Michael’s United Church Of Christ
Paul St. Onge
St. Petronille Church
St. Raphael Church
John Stanaway
Cynthia Stearns
Joan and Martin Steindler
Mark Steinhilber
John Stephenson
Cindy and Brian Stepien
Marilyn and Ernest Stern
Jean and James Stewart
Sister Rosemarie Stewart
Mary and Tracy Stollberg
Stone Park Drugs & Liquor
Ann and Philip Storm
Julia Dwyer and Ruben Stortzum
Stout Risius Ross, Inc.
Judy Stowe
Frances and Richard Strebendt
William Stroming
Alice and James Stuhlmacher
Matthew Suddarth
Nancy Sugrue
Deborah Summerlin
Suzette’s Creperie
Grace and Lenard Swanson
Susan and William Swedler
Janet Sweeney
Jonathan Sweer
Sally Swiss and Steven Mahoney
Diane Syms
Christine and Stanley Szczap
T.V. John & Sons, Inc.
Eileen and John Taflan
Donna Talenco
Daniel Tallman
Tap House Grill Westmont
Mark Tarnowski
Nicole and Mike Tartaglione
Darshan Teji
Laura Temple
Linda Terp
Claudia and John Teschky
Mary Tevis-Tuttle
The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
The Bank
The Cellar Bistro
The Church Of The New Covenant
The Law Firm Of Haskin & Corrigan, PC.
The Men’s Club Of St. Margaret Mary Parish
The Mondelez International Foundation
Mary Theiss
Theosophical Society
Eileen and Casper Thielman
Donna and Michael Thomas
Stefan Thomas
Donna and Michael Thomas
Julie Thompson
Glenna and Ken Thompson
Maggie Thompson
Sharon and Thomas Thompson
Unme Thompson
Susan and Bruce Thornquist
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Foundation
Mary and Tedmund Tiberi
Joyce Tignino
Lois Tilton
Terasa and John Titch
Peri Todd
Marian and Gary Tomlinson
Trader Joe’s
Travelers - Travelers Support Center
Travelers Community Connections
Triune Music, Inc.
Sharon and Brett Trockman
Jean and John Trofimuk
Susann and M. Edward Trowbridge
Jean True
Lynette Tuggle
Judith and Mark Turek
Barbara and Robert Uecker
Jack Uhrig
Betty Anne and Robert Ulbricht
Earl Unbehaun
Uncle Bub’s BBQ
Elvera Unverzagt
Carol and Dan Urban
Joyce and Don Ursin
Agnes and Henry Valker
Darla and Roger Van Dyke
Bill and Karen Vance
Kimberly Vanderschaaf and Brian Hollahan
Anthony Vansant
John VanSanten
Kathy Vazzano
Brenda Veal
Jeanne and Renato Velasquez
Natalie and James Vendegna
Patricia and John Vicha
Linda and John Victor
Mary and James Vieregg
Mary Ann and Peter Vitone
VMWare Foundation
Carol and Joseph Voccia
Ann Marie and Jeffrey Vock
Andrew Voress
Bev and Tom Vosicky
Julie Wachowski
Mary and Ellwood Wachter
Mona and William Wadington
Penelope and Gary Wagner
Edith and Richard Wagner
Betsy and Pete Wahlgren
Jim and Jan Waichunas
Ann Wakeman
Marlene Waldner
Helen Wallace
Steve Wallace
Jeanmarie Walsh
Donna and John Walz
Diane and John Ward
Alice Warner
Gretchen and James Wasniewski
Ann and Bob Watt
Suzanne and James Wear
Jane and Donne Webster
Anne and Eric Wedeen
Dianna and Douglas Weglarz
Ramona and Brian Weigus
Tina and Werner Weiss
Laurence Weithers
Margaret Weller
Mary Welsh
Cathy Wenskus
Marguerite Wenzel
Westmont Junior High
Lucy and Frank Whalen
Wheaton Drama, Inc.
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters
Wheaton Junior Woman’s Club
Wheaton Oaks Prof. Bldg.
Wheaton Orthopaedics, LTD.
The Honorable Bonnie M. Wheaton
Ruth and Paul Wheeler
Ryan Whelan
James Whitehead
Frances and James Whitlock
Natalie and Karl Whitten
Carole Wicklander
Alyce and Frank Wiedner
Marilyn Wigder
Lenore Wilcox
Margaret and Thomas Wilhelm
William Harris Investors, Inc.
Ann and Jim Williams
John G. Williams
Rebecca and Robert Williams
Linda and Dennis Wilt
Maxine Wilverding
Aleen Wine
Marcia and Michael Winegard
Winfield Area Gardeners
Barbara Winke
Ellen Winkler
Kristin Wolaver
Pamela and Bruce Wolfe
Debbie and Roy Wolski
Wolze, Inc.
Women’s Dept. Club Of Wheaton
Andrew Wood
Denise and George Woods
Margaret and James Woods
Carol and John Wooton
Shirley Ann Worden
Elizabeth Wren
Jennifer and Michael Wright
Dawn and Rudolph Wulf
Bryn and Eric Wulf
Sarah Wynn
Susan and John Yates
Barbara and Kevin Young
Debra and Lawrence Zablock
Mark Zahery
Albert Zamsky
Mary and Stanley Zawila
Khalil Zayed
Douglas Zimmer
John Zimnie
Rita and George Zola
Barbara and Paul Zubinski
People’s Resource Center sincerely
regrets any errors or omissions in
this list. If we have made an error
in the listing of your name, please
accept our sincere apologies – and
let us know how you would prefer
to be recognized.
Please contact Jennifer Williamson
at 630-682-5402 ext. 242 or
Financial Support
People’s Resource Center also wishes to thank the 1,339 additional
individuals, families, businesses and organizations who made financial
contributions of $1–$99, totalling more than $50,000. We regret that space
does not allow us to list everyone individually in this report.
thank you!
In-Kind Donations
More than $6 million worth of food, clothing, books, computer equipment and
other items was donated by the community in FY13, including more than:
1.3 million
pounds of food
articles of clothing
holiday gifts for kids
computers, monitors,
keyboards and cables
birthday bags for kids
of books and
art supplies
We are so
to all who organize drives for food,
books and clothing, plant gardens,
bring donations, provide computer
equipment, help with food rescue,
and so much more!
(over, please)
In-Kind Donations
Food Rescue Partners - Large Scale Product Donations by Retailers,
Restaurants and Growers
Shane’s Deli, Wheaton
Trader Joe’s, Downers Grove
Aldi, Wheaton
Kline Creek Farms,
West Chicago
Sign A Rama, Aurora
Trader Joe’s, Glen Ellyn
Bon Apétit, Wheaton College
La La Li Bakery, Westmont
Capitol Grille, Lombard
Standard Market,
Trader Joe’s, LaGrange
Lemon Tree Grocery,
Downers Grove
Adelle’s Restaurant, Wheaton
Caribou Coffee, Willowbrook
Chipotle, Glen Ellyn
Chipotle, Oakbrook Terrace
Chipotle, Westmont
Common Ground Community
Community Presbyterian
Church Garden,
Clarendon Hills
Costco, Oak Brook
Dickey’s Barbecue, Wheaton
Dominick’s, Western Springs
Dominick’s, Willowbrook
Einstein Bagels, Hinsdale
Fruitful Yield Stores, Lombard
Honey Baked Ham, Naperville
Hotel Arista, Naperville
Jam N Jelly, Darien
Jewel, Downers Grove
Jewel, Itasca
Jewel, Westmont
Ultra, Downers Grove
Starbucks, Burr Ridge
Nick’s Pizza, Westmont
Ultra, Wheaton
Starbucks, Wheaton
Northern Illinois Food Bank,
Uncle Bub’s, Westmont
Target, Bolingbrook
Vacant2Vegetables Garden
Target, Glendale Heights
Walmart, Darien
Target, Hodgkins
Whole Foods, Wheaton
Target, Lemont
Whole Foods, Willowbrook
NOW, Bloomingdale
Olive Garden, Bloomingdale
Panera Bread,
Downers Grove
Target, Lombard
Panera Bread, Wheaton
Target, North Aurora
Pepperidge Farm,
Downers Grove
Target, Oswego
Pizza Hut, Bloomingdale
Target, Warrenville
Pizza Hut, Carol Stream
Target, Willowbrook
Pizza Hut, Roselle
Target, Wheaton
Prime N Tender Meats,
TGI Fridays, Bloomingdale
Target, St Charles
Ravioli Oli’s,
Oakbrook Terrace
Red Lobster,
Red Lobster,
Downers Grove
Jewel , Wheaton
Ruprecht Company,
KFC, Bloomingdale
Seasons 52, Oak Brook
(over, please)
2013 – 2014 Board of Directors
Mark Demich
Henry Davis, Jr.
Vice President
Jim Doyle
Bill Blum
Sr. Mariette Kalbac, OSF
David LaBrash
Paul LeFort
Kris Maybach
Kathryn Mlsna
Prashant Parikh
Thomas Paulick
Robert Russo
Andy Schlickman
Keith W. Suchy, D.D.S.
Connie Sunderhaus
Barbara Tartaglione
David Wood
over, please
Executive Staff & Program Directors
Kimberley Perez
Executive Director
Linda Cheatham
Director of Operations
Jennifer Barger Williamson
Director of Development
Melissa Travis
Senior Director of Programs:
Basic Services
Elizabeth F. Higgins
Senior Director of Programs:
Empowerment Services
Lesley Gena
Director of Art Programs
Tonya Latson
Director of Social Services
Maryanna Milton
Director of Adult Learning
and Literacy
John Victor
Director of Information
Technology and
Computer Access
over, please
Government Grants - 4%
Interest and Other Income - 1%
Foundations - 6%
Financial Statements
In-Kind Donations - $6 million
FY13 Revenue - $8.62 million
People’s Resource Center uses your donations efficiently and effectiv
Programs & Services.
Community Financial Support - 19%
Community In-Kind Support - 70%
Government Grants - 4%
Interest and Other Income - 1%
Foundations - 6%
FY13 Total Functional
Expenses - $8.75 million
In-Kind Donations - $6 million
Fundraising & Administrative - 8%
People’s Resource Center uses your donations efficiently and effectively: 92% of expenses are for
Programs & Services - 92%
Programs & Services.
FY13 Total Functional
Comment [JBW1
more logically as an
(over, please)
Financial Activities c
Financial Statements
People's Resource Center
Statement of Financial Activities
People's Resource Center
Statement of Financial Activities
FY 2013
FY 2013
Public Support and Revenue
Community Financial Support
Community In-Kind Support
Government Grants
Interest and Other Income
Total Public Support and Revenue
Functional Expenses
Program & Services
General Administration
Total Functional Expenses
Change in Net Assets
364,462 $
317,117 $
8,755,350 $
(131,728) $
People's Resource Center
Statement of Financial Position
FY 2013
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted - Undesignated
Unrestricted - Board Designated
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
4,562,495 $
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Program & Services
General Administration
Total Functional Expenses
Change in Net Assets
FY 2012
364,462 $
317,117 $
8,755,350 $
(131,728) $
39,207 $
75,615 $
114,822 $
Cash and Cash Equivalents
FY 2012
Grants & Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Pledges Receivable
Net Property and Equipment
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted - Undesignated
Unrestricted - Board Designated
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
People's Resource Center
Statement of Financial Position
FY 2013
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Grants & Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Pledges Receivable
Net Property and Equipment
Total Assets
Public Support and Revenue
Community Financial Support
FY 2012
Community In-Kind Support
Government Grants
Interest and Other Income
Total Public Support and Revenue
Functional Expenses
FY 2012
39,207 $
75,615 $
114,822 $
4,562,495 $
(over, please)
The Dorothy McIntyre Legacy Society
The Dorothy McIntyre Legacy Society honors those who have chosen to name People’s Resource Center as
a beneficiary of a future gift through a will, a beneficiary designation for an insurance policy or retirement
account, a charitable trust, or other gift or charitable component of an estate plan. Additionally, the Dorothy
McIntyre Legacy Society honors donors who make a gift during their lifetimes for the People’s Resource
Center Endowment Fund sufficient to perpetuate their annual support for People’s Resource Center.
Thank you to our Dorothy McIntyre Legacy Society members!
Anonymous (2)
Martha Johnson
Lillian Banahan
Eileen and Paul LeFort
Bonnie Bauler
Cathy and Jeff Mousseau
Lori and David Bein
Joan Norisey
Renate and Uwe Bonde
Sue and Tom Okarma
Betty Bradshaw
Elizabeth and Arthur Fedder
Barbara and
R. Thomas Richardson
Bonnie and Munn Heydorn
Myron Walters
Liz and Bill Werth
We don‘t believe in miracles. We rely on them.
–Dorothy McIntyre
Founder of People’s Resource Center, 1925-1994