GRADUATION JUNE 10, 2016 Senior Timeline
GRADUATION JUNE 10, 2016 Senior Timeline
2650 Entiat Way, Entiat, WA 98822 509.784.1800 fax 509.784.2986 June 2016 GRADUATION JUNE 10, 2016 Class of 2016 graduation will be held in the main gym on Friday, June 10th, 2016 at 7pm. 2016-17 School Supplies List Superintendent’s Corner Senior Timeline June 1st 3:05pm Senior Class Picture in Cap and Gown for Program June 7th Presentation Day—Begin at 8:30am 6:00pm—Senior Showcase Night (commons) 6:30pm—Senior Awards Night June 8th Senior Trip (Raptor Reef) June 9th Class Motto: Together, we have experienced life. Separately, we will pursue our dreams. Forever, our memories will remain. Parking at Graduation… On Friday, June 10th, please remember to arrive early for graduation to allow time for parking, as this is our most highly attended school event! To ensure that we don’t inconvenience our neighbors by DO NOT park along the southeast side of Entiat Way across from the school – THIS IS A NO PARKING ZONE. Graduation Practice 1:30pm (Mandatory) June 10th Senior Breakfast 7:30am Graduation Practice 9:00am (Mandatory) Meet in Mr. E’s Room at 6:00pm Graduation at 7:00pm June 13th Pick up Diploma in the Office blocking driveways, please The school district will have parking attendants working to guide visitors to open parking areas at the school. If all spaces at the school are taken, visitors will be directed to park up at the bus garage on Davis St. The District will provide a shuttle service to transport guests down to the school and return them to their vehicles using the district’s Yukon SUV. So, when you arrive for graduation, be on the lookout for a parking attendant School Board Meeting The next meeting of the Entiat School Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, June 16th at 7:00 pm in the school library. The agenda will be posted at the post office in Entiat, on our website,, and may be requested from the school district office by calling 784-1800. public water system), we wanted to confirm that our drinking fountains in our school are at safe drinking levels. The Department of Health has a criteria and requirements for agencies to report the lead or copper in their water if they are at a certain level or above. So, we contracted with local industrial hygienists who specialize in analyzing lead and copper to perform the water testing for our schools. We tested our water in four main high traffic water drinking areas in our elementary, middle and high school buildings. The results of the test were ND (Not Detected), which indicates that lead compound was analyzed and not detected in the water samples at a level greater than or equal to the State Reporting Level (SLR) requirement. In other words, we have very safe drinking water. Healthy Kids Grant Playground Equipment Earlier this year, we applied for a Healthy Kids grant from the state in the hopes of getting funding support for our playground for new equipment and a new water bottle filling station for our middle/high school. Unfortunately, we did not get the grant for the playground equipment, but we did receive the grant for the water bottle filling station. Therefore, we will be installing 2 water bottle filling stations; one in the middle school wing and one in the high school wing. Although we didn’t receive the state grant for playground equipment, we have been actively pursuing other grant options. We did apply for another grant opportunity through a company called Burke. We were notified that our grant application was approved to receive 100% matching funds, so whatever the amount of money we put in for playground equipment, they will match 100%! As we receive the playground equipment design options, we’ll be sure to share with our playground committee for their feedback. We hope to have final installation by the beginning of the next school year! As always, please feel free to contact our office any time if you have any questions. Thank you! Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center 2016 The 6th grade class went on a field trip to Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center on April 25, 2016. Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center’s mission is to inform people of all ages of the historic impact and ecological role of wildland fire; the interaction of fire with human culture; the role of wildland agencies in fire management; and how the public can prevent/reduce the impact of wildfires. The Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center began with the concept of bringing an old Forest Service fire lookout tower down from the mountain to an accessible spot along a well-traveled highway. With time and exposure a foundation was formed and then the vision expanded to that of a world-class fire interpretive center that would interpret the ecological role of fire and showcase the interactions of people with fire. With strong public support, the concept has flared to reality as the Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center continues to develop. Today you can visit the 17 ½ acre site and walk the selfguided, one-half mile Trail of Fire and Forest and view historic lookouts. The student s visited many different interactive stations on the trail system. They visited a weather station, watched videos on wildland fire and got to go up into Chelan Butte Lookout and get a hands-on insight into the life of a person stationed at a lookout for fire season. Fire and Hot Shot crews talked with students about fighting fire and fire prevention. Students were also able to see equipment and materials used in fighting fire. Prior to visiting Columbia Breaks Entiat 6 th grade students learned about wildland fires and home prevention using the Wildfire Curriculum Unit provided by the Forest Service. The trails are open all summer for public usage. Also visiting the site was a film crew from North 40 Productions. They were filming a segment for a documentary about youth education on wildland fires at Columbia Breaks. Special thanks go out to Dave Spies, Nancy Belt, Wayne Long, Bob starting at the Entiat’s Fire Station. There will be arts and crafts booth and food vendors. This event is free to the public, and will provide great summer family fun until 6:00pm. For more information, contact Susan Kidd at 509.784.5101 or visit or the Entiat Chamber’s Facebook page. CAMP CASEY 2016 Entiat 6th graders went on their annual outdoor education field trip to Whidbey Island on May 11-13, 2016. The class participated in many different classes and activities while at Camp Casey. The weather was in the mid 70’s and there were sunny skies for the entire trip. The morning of the first day included stops at Snoqualmie Falls, the Pacific Science Center, Dick’s Drive-In and the Washington State Ferry System. In the afternoon the students went on the Forest-Meadow walk, played CaptureThe-Flag, danced like there was no tomorrow, and enjoyed hot dogs, s’mores and stories at the camp fire. Walking distance for the day was over 18-miles. Day two featured tours of Fort Casey and Admiralty Head Lighthouse, the Sea Lab, the Fort Building Contest, the Beach Seine, and a movie. The highlight of the day was going on an Island Historical Tour with Mrs. Eelkema. Walking distance for the day was over 9-miles. The final day began with the cleaning of rooms and the BOQ (Bachelors Officers’ Quarters). Next on the agenda was the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. The class had the privilege of getting a hands-on tour of the P3 Aircraft. The P3 Aircraft is used to hunt and destroy submarines. The second part of the tour included visiting the Air Traffic Control and Radar tower. The trip home included stops at the Reptile Zoo in Monroe and the Baren Haus in Leavenworth for Pizza. Walking distance for the day was over 9-miles. The class would like to thank everyone that supported us in all fundraisers in the 5th th for the trees being planting and Mrs. Tewell’s twenty-eight fifth graders were divided into work groups. Five Black Tupelo trees (a type of gum tree) were removed from their round black shipping containers, the depth of holes measured, roots unbound and then trees were tipped into place. Soon student-shoveled dirt surrounded the trees and they looked right at home. The students who finished early began weeding along the school building. With all the trees planted, an Entiat school bus driven by Vickie Stanton ferried the fifth graders down to the new waterfront area developing by the Columbia River. Students were given new kinnikinnick ground cover to plant by others started by fifth graders last year. The students, teacher, bus driver, parent volunteers and tree board members then attacked the weeds that surrounded the group of trees on the berm to the north of the Sewer Treatment plant. About twelve weed stuffed black bags soon filled the back of a pickup truck. The difference on the berm was amazing. After a drink and snack break for all, the bus headed to Abby Dabby Park where the students relaxed with a game on the lawn. The students were then bussed to the school where they helped Jimmy Brooks with landscaping shrubs for the new lower side entrance of the building. Students also did more weeding around the face of the school. The Tree Board wishes to thank all who helped with this Arbor Day planting and weeding project. Seven 5th and 6th grade students spent more than 9 hours learning basic flag spinning to prepare for the Apple Blossom Parade this month. Tall Flags, also known as Color Guard, are the auxiliary units that perform alongside marching bands to give a visual interpretation of the music. This activity is truly a sport that takes dedication, muscle and perseverance! The Wenatchee Apple Blossom parade is by no means an easy parade, especially when you're spinning in all black clothing in 85+ degree heat. I hope to see these kids (and more) turn out of Spring Fever! Here at EVCS we are also busy getting our shelves stocked for the summer months when donations and food drives are down. Just like the mother robins, we too have many mouths to feed each week and the lines are not getting any shorter. If you or your organization would like to donate dollars or food, please contact us or drop by for a visit at the center and learn more about what we do for our neighbors in need. We appreciate your generous support! Summer Food Needs – Hunger Does Not Take a Vacation For families we serve, summer can be a difficult time. Kids are out of school, creating an added challenge for parents to provide more food. Temperatures raise electric bills, forcing households to make tough decisions such as choosing between utility bill or buying groceries. This summer, EVCS will once again serve free healthy meals at community sites throughout Entiat Valley. Sponsored by the USDA, the Summer Food Service Program is made possible in our area to serve children. This program will especially help fill the summer meal gap for boys and girls 1-18. EVCS will prepare these meals for distribution at 5 sites starting June 20 through August 24, M-T-W from 11 to 12:30. We will also have our Kidz Kamp at various sites for children to do hands-on, crafts and fun activities. Sites and times will be posted throughout the community in June. To enroll your child in this program or find a site, please call 784-7117. We welcome and need your help to provide healthy foods for children this summer! Last year we provided over 1400 meals to children, we look for that number to increase this summer. Your help would be appreciated. Thank you. Community Garden: Share-A-Row program provides fresh garden vegetables donated by home gardeners for our food bank. We are asking the community to grow one row of vegetables and donate it to our food bank for our summer meals, and our clients. We provide the seeds. If you would like to find out more on how you can help provide fresh healthy vegetables, please give us a call. A Community Garden is being planned to provide fresh produce to families, seniors and children in the Entiat region. The garden will reside behind our building at 2084 Entiat Way. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate supplies, make raised beds, and weed. Volunteers will harvest the garden, share responsibilities, develop skills, and build connections with the community. The Garden will be much more than a garden; it will also educate children in nutrition, hands-on activities, nature, cooking, and tasting new vegetables. We hope to add a butterfly garden, compost and worm bed. If you would like to get involved in any aspect of the community garden, please contact us at 888-3999. Get in The Know! Senior Commodities: Each Friday we provide a specific additional benefit to 10 seniors in our community through the food bank. Each client gets fresh salads, and nutritious foods they need in addition to a meal. Kids Bags: KnaPaks for Kids is a special program just for households with children. The KnaPak program provides easy to prepare snack foods, juice and kidfriendly foods. We hope to begin this program again this summer. If you have a child and are interested in this program contact us. Starting this Summer: Potluck Dinners: Please join us as we begin our Potluck ‘Friends and Family’ dinners in June. Bring your favorite dishes and share your recipes. Lunch Bunch: Friday’s 11:30 am to 1 pm. Delicious meals are provided in addition to supplemental food bags. There will be great fun, cards, movies, socializing, presenters, arts and crafts, and entertainment. Come as you are. Computer Lab: Sign-up for our computer class learn the basics of computers. Bring your computers and get hands on help. Class is limited, so sign up today. Mark Your Calendars… Farmer’s Market Vouchers: June 13 at 10am, EVCS. Seniors who qualify can receive a voucher to purchase fresh produce at Farmer’s Markets. School Tools: August 27 at 10 – Noon, or when supplies run out we will provide children with school supplies and gift cards to purchase school clothing. Last year over $1400 in gift cards were given out to over 70 children in addition to over 300 pounds of school supplies. Contributions are needed for school supplies and gift cards. With your help we are able to continue to help children. We hope you will continue to answer our call. Health and Wellness Fair: October a free dental bus, DSHS mobile bus and other health and wellness providers will be on hand to help you with many services. EVCS June Calendar: Food Bank: June 4, 18 - 10 to Noon. Thursdays June, 9, 23 – 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Entiat Regional Health Clinic: May 3, 17 – 6 – 8 pm & Saturday 7 – 8 am – Noon. Sports Physicals, Urgent Care, Pediatrics & Exams. SAIL Classes at EVCS: Fridays 9:30 – 10:30 am with meal and Senior Supplemental Bags. Entiat Grange Tuesdays 10 am to 11 am. Busy Hands Quilting Circle: Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:30 am. Join the fun! Come see our ‘Helping Hands’ quilt in August that children created. News from EVCS Resource Center Volunteers: A special thanks to these volunteers who made a difference in the last 3 months: Barbara Carr, Ron Duncan, Allison Haynes, Bill Todd, Tom & Carol Lewis, Doug & Karen King, Gary and Margo Posenjack, Clint & Bonnie Molitor, Carl & Mary Montgomery, Patrick Herman, Alan Kelso & Boy Scout Troop. Businesses: These partners help Entiat Valley Community Services. Northwest Air Conditioning, Jackie Blanchfield Realty, Lake Entiat Grill, Entiat Chamber of Commerce, Entiat Food Center, BJ’s Shell, Entiat Valley Electrical, Hog Hollow Farm, Deb’s Hair Care, Entiat Swap Meet, and Sophisticuts. Shop at your Local Businesses! A special thanks to these organizations: Senior Community Club, Women’s Club, Entiat Valley Church, Friends Church and Entiat Library. Volunteer Positions. Volunteer Coordinator, help staff with applications, training, data entry, and scheduling. Marketing and Development Volunteers, help work on fundraising projects; one event or many, we need lots of people to share the load. Strong People to help carry, stock food boxes. Drivers to help deliver meals and food boxes. Volunteers to help with arts, crafts, games and activities. Numerous ways for youth to earn community hours. Call 784-7117 for further information. Urgent Needs: Canned vegetables and fruits, cold cereals, soups, packaged lunchmeats. Dry pet food for cats and dogs. Postage stamps, #10 envelopes, and note pads. We are prohibited from accepting outdated foods. Please check dates before donating. Don’t forget….Summer Meals is coming when we need food most. Volunteer Spotlight: For Bob, Ed and Lorraine, serving the homeless goes far beyond going out in cars and handing out food. Bob first volunteered with EVCS when he met us at Staples two years ago asking about our banner for Summer Meals for kids. Soon after, he was packing bags for clients at our food bank. Ed & Lorraine of Women’s Resource and Bob have made EVCS and caring for homeless a large part of their lives, picking up and delivering meals every Saturday and Wednesday to Wenatchee areas. Our meal team, Marti, Sandi, and Roy prepare nutritious meals twice a week at EVCS. They never stray too far from what makes them passionate about EVCS and its many services; they still find time from their already busy schedule to help give directly to those in need. In addition to their FREE program that starts as soon as school is out. Last year we had 136 kids participate, and together we read more than 1800 hours!! Can we beat last year's record setting numbers!? Kids who join will get a reading record to keep track of the hours that they read, or are read to . Yes, even pre-readers can join! For every hour that a kid reads or listens, he or she will earn a book buck that can be used to “buy” some excellent prizes. We will have items for “sale” at the library during all open hours, and we will also have 3 “FUN SHOP” events with lots of cool stuff. Every summer we have some of the most exciting events of the year, and this year promises to be one of our best! On Tuesday, June 21 at 5:00 PM , Book – It Theater from Seattle will be presenting a performance of the book Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. “Ten-year-old cynic Flora Belle Buckman and her superhero squirrel, Ulysses, star in this middle-grade adventure. Together, the dynamic duo begin to vanquish evil and help each other to believe, hope, and find love.” There will be lots of events for Teens and Tweens! Megan Coyle, our wonderful Americorps Volunteer, will be our Summer Teen Readers Leader. One of the first events for older kids will be Ozobot Programming on Thursday, June 23 at 11:00 AM. Programing Ozobot is simple - you can do this by simply drawing lines and using colors. Use your creativity and artistic expression, while developing logical reasoning. Kids should be at least 10 years old to participate in the Tween and Teen events. Our regular Wednesday Storytime for Preschoolers will change to include programs for kids of all ages. A June calendar is included here. The times will vary, so check your calendar. Every Wednesday, the Entiat Community Services and Food Bank will be offering lunch for kids at the library at 12:00 noon. Join us for a backyard picnic! Watch for updates about programs and more in July and August. Please visit, call or email the library for more information and any questions you may have. Esther Dalgas 509-784-1517 “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney 24-36 Ticonderoga or Mechanical pencils (with replacement lead) Not Mechanical 1 1 Fiskar 2 2 6 12 Elmer’s 2 10 Elmer’s 6 Elmer’s Glue Sticks 2+ 2+ 2 2 1 2 Large Pink Erasers 2 2 2 2 2 1 Girls bring 1 Large Box Tissues 4 wide-ruled composition notebooks; 1 set colored pe Sharpener, Elmers School Glue 7oz; supply box 1 highlighter; 1 pkg disinfectant wipes; 3 wide ruled sp 1 spiral wide-ruled notebook (non-perforated pages); box, disinfectant wipes 2 pkgs disinfectant wipes; 2 boxes of snacks; 1 box zi girls bring pint size., boys bring gallon size. 1 large shirt for painting; 1 box Crayola washable mar do brand; 3 pkgs Clorox disinfectant wipes; 2 sets Cra watercolors; 2 snack items to share with 24 people (e sins, goldfish or animal crackers, dry cereal, pretzels, cups, fresh fruit, etc.); boys bring 1 box zip lock sand Other Where specific brands are requested, teachers feel th works best for the children. 1 one and a half inch 3 ring binder; 2 pkgs college-ruled paper; color markers); 2 highlighters (light colors); 1 12” ruler with metric; 1 pencil Dictionary (60,000 entries preferred); deodorant stick 1 one and a half inch 3 ring binder; 2 pkgs college-ruled paper; color markers); hand-held pencil sharpener, 2 highlighters (light colors); 1 metric; 1 pencil pouch or box; 1 Dictionary (60,000 entries preferred); marker & old sock to use as eraser; deodorant stick 3 box Crayola 4 boxes Crayola 1 box Crayola 3 boxes Crayola 2 boxes Crayola Crayons 24 count Pencils, pens (blue or black), erasers, 3-ring binder, notebook paper, dividers, colored pencils, scissors, glue stick, one 4-8gb USB drive on lanyard. Art: smock (old shirt is r, solid black marching shoes. History: 1.5” or 2” binder to be left in the classroom. Math: graphing calculator (TI 83 or TI 84), 2.5” to 3” binder, 500 sheets of 3-hole punch inch), 2 red pens, compass, protractor, subject dividers, 4 colored pencils (optional). Science: Spiral bound notebook or composition notebook, 1.5” 3-ring binder, ruler. tebooks, 24 mechanical or #2 pencils, 5 highlighters, 1 packet of college ruled notebook paper. Accounting: Mechanical pencil (0.5 or 0.7 mm), “Clic” white eraser, fin ” binder w/8 color dividers. Pencils, pens (blue or black, red), erasers, 2” 3-ring binder, notebook paper, highlighters, dividers, pencil pouch, colored pencils, glue stick, 4 spiral notebooks, Scientific c mmended) or graphing calculator (TI-84 will be used in high school). Art: smock (old shirt is fine). Band: 2” or 3” inch binder, solid black marching shoes. : water bottle & tennis shoes that tie. 6th-12th grade: Black gym shorts, orange t-shirt w/sleeves, socks and tennis shoes. o not bel) Blue or Black, 2 red 24 Dixon or Ticonderoga 2 24-36 1 Blue or Black 24 Ticonderoga 2 4 1 Fiskar 2 blue pens 24 Dixon or Ticonderoga 1 1 Fiskar 1 Fiskar 12 School scissors 1 Pens NO Gel pens 1 Fiskar Yellow #2 Pencils 2 cket lders eled) ugh 5th grade students need a backpack large enough to carry folders and paperwork. No wheels, please. 2 also need a pair of tennis shoes for PE. ther than folders are shared by the class. Please do not label with individual names. D pencil toppers, shaped erasers, stencils, glitter glue, or other similar items. ENTIAT SCHOOLS 2016-17 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST Turkey Sandwich Chicken Noodle Soup or Minestrone Soup Carrots Peaches OR Salad Bar Beef Soft Taco Corn Refried Bean Pears OR Salad Bar Hamburger Or Fish Pattie Sandwich Oven Fries Strawberries Frosted Graham 7. Macaroni & Cheese Green Beans Peaches Banana Cake OR Salad Bar 8. Toasted Cheese Sandwich Tomato Soup Or Clam Chowder Carrots Banana OR Salad Bar 9. Chicken Fajita Corn Black Beans Applesauce OR Salad Bar 10. Chicken Pattie Sandwich Tater Tots Oranges 13. Chicken Nuggets Green Salad French Bread Peaches 14. Burrito Cheese Nacho(9-12) Green Beans Pears 15. Tuna Or Jelly Sandwich(K-5) Tuna Or PB&J Sandwich(6-12) String Cheese(K-5) Juice & Carrots Oreo 16 17 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 No Salad Bar last week of school 6. Pizza Green Salad Pears 50¢ for extra Burrito 75¢ for extra Hamburger/Fish Sandwich $1.00 for extra Chicken Sandwich 24 BREAKFAST INFO: Breakfast of cereal, fruit, and milk is served daily from 7:45 - 8:10am The Entiat School District is an A choice of plain, strawberry, or equal opportunity chocolate milk is served with (8:15 – 8:40am Late Start). Muffins, biscuits, cinnamon toast, English muffins, and a variety provider. each meal. of cereals will be served Monday - Friday respectively. Entiat School District Activities SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 7:00pm PTO Meeting NWEA Testing 2nd and 4th Grade 5 7:00pm Baccalaureate Service 6 Seniors sign out NWEA Testing 4th and Kinder 7 8:30am Senior Presentations 8:30am 6th Grade Kids Fishing 6:00pm Senior Awards 8 Senior Trip 19 20 14 MS and HS Finals 8:30am 7th Grade Fishing FRIDAY 2 3 NWEA Testing 2nd and 5th NWEA Testing 1st and 3rd Grade Grade 5th Grade Kids Fishing 7:00pm Spring Sports Awards 9 10 8:30am 8th Grade Kids Fishing 1:30pm Graduation Practice SATURDAY 4 11 NWEA Testing 1st Grade 7:30am Senior Breakfast 9:00am Graduation Practice 7:00pm Graduation NWEA Testing Kinder NWEA Testing 10th Grade 13 MS and HS Finals 12:00pm Preschool and Kinder Graduation THURSDAY Smarter Balanced Testing 10th & 11th Grade NWEA Testing 1st and 5th Grade 12 Sports Schedules subject to change. Please check website for most up-to-date information. 15 16 12:30pm Early Release 7:00pm School Board Meeting Last Day of School 12:00pm PRIDE Assembly 17 18 24 25 NWEA Testing 9th Grade 21 22 23 On, Monday, May 2nd, Mr. Edwardson and Ms. Coolidge took the 10th, 11th, and 12th graders to Seattle for a visit to the State Holocaust Museum to view the Anne Frank exhibit. Youth United 2016 Benjamin and Spencer Southard represented Entiat High School at the United Way Youth United 6th Annual awards ceremony that was held at the Wenatchee Center on May 19, 2016. Benjamin and Spencer both received their Varsity letter (150 or more community service hours), the President’s Volunteer Service Award (300 or more hours) and the 500 Club Award (500 or more hours) for this year’s community service. Benjamin received his third varsity letter, while Spencer received his second. Benjamin was also nominated for the 2016 Keisha Engley Inspiration Award. This program is available to all Entiat students in 7-12th grades. Announcing a 3-day Vacation Bible School at Entiat Warehouse Community Church. This year’s VBS dates are Thursday, July 21 and Friday, July 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. This is a free event for families with children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Saturday’s events wrap up with a free family BBQ at 4:30 p.m. Please see our website for registration forms and more information: This program is not affiliated with the Entiat School District The Leadership class participated in their spring cleanup along Highway 97A on Thursday, May 5th. The class cleans a two mile stretch of highway each Fall and Spring. AmeriCorner Happy End-Of-The-Year! It’s crazy that my service term with the Entiat School District is coming to an end. It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to work with the students and staff here and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given. I will never forget this year and it is because of the students, families, teachers, and staff who have all made me feel loved and appreciated. Thank you all for letting me be a part of your school and your community! Although the school year is over, I will be serving at the Entiat Public Library for a few weeks into the summer. I will be helping with the summer reading program until July 14th and I would love to see all the students and their families stop by and say hello! Thank you again for making my experience in Entiat incredible and absolutely priceless. I will cherish these memories forever. -Megan Coyle, Americorps Volunteer Have an article for the District Newsletter ? E-mail it to BULK RATE NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 5 ENTIAT, WA 98822 Providing students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be productive and responsible citizens. 2650 ENTIAT WAY ENTIAT, WA 98822 POSTAL CUSTOMER