. - Congregation Mogen David
. - Congregation Mogen David
COMMUNITY NEWS SHABBAT SHOFTIM OU DEPARTMENT OF SYNAGOGUE & COMMUNITY SERVICES presents: LA COMMUNITY WEEKEND w/ Scholar-inResidence RABBI HERSCHEL SCHACHTER, Rosh Kollel, YU Marcos & Adina Katz Kollel, OU Kashrus Senior Halachic Consultant. Sept. 9-10, Parshas Shoftim. Contact Devorah@ 310.229.9000 x 201 Bnei Akiva Events - Upcoming: City Hadracha Shabbaton, Sept 23-25 Snif resumes Oct 1! for Info, call Eyal: 310220-1459 Moshava California - Summer Registration 2017 NOW OPEN! Early registration promotions available For a limited time only -info: office@moshavacalifornia.org or 855MOSHAVA NCSY Announces that Birthright Israel, is partnering Israel Free Spirit with NCSY Connect WINTER TRIP, LA Dec 18 - 28: Registration Opens Sept. 12. Contact Denise Badreau: 310 -229-9000 ext.202 or denise@ncsy.org for Priority Status Los Angeles Jewish Community Children's Choir season is begin--and now the recipient of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission!! Our first meeting is this SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th (3:00-4:30pm this day only) at the Workmen's Circle, 1525 S. Robertson Blvd., 90035. Please contact Michelle Green Willner for more in- SEPTEMBER 9 — 15 , 2016 • 6 — 12 ELUL 5776 ASHKENAZI MINYAN Erev Shabbos Mincha: 6:30pm Candle lighting: 6:50pm Shabbat Shiur: 8:15am w/R’Moses Shacharit: 8:45am Shiur: 5:05pm w/Eliyahu Binyamin Moses Shiur: 5:50pm w/R’Moses Mincha/Arvit: 6:35pm Ma’ariv: 7:40pm Havdalah: 7:46pm SHABBOS Mishna: 8:45am w/R’Elias Shacharis: 9:00am Mincha: 6:40pm Ma’ariv: 7:40pm Havdalah: 7:46pm Sunday Shacharis: 8:00am Mincha Maariv/Arvit: 6:50pm Weekday Shacharis: Mon—Fri - 6:30am Mincha & Ma’ariv: 6:50pm PLEASE, MAKE AN EFFORT TO JOIN US FOR EVENING MINYAN SEPTEMBER 9—15 • Susan Younai • Yisca Abraham • Dolly Ives Ronia Blum • Sophie Katz • Important Halalhic Times Earliest Talit & Tefillin Last Time for Shema Last time for Shacharis Earliest time for Mincha 5:47am 9:47am 10:44am 1:21pm THANK YOU TO THIS WEEKS SPONSORS SEPTEMBER Irving & Tessa Horwitz • David & AuraLee Ring • Gary & Sarit Karz • Kambiz & Ronak Ahsoorzadeh • Ami & Rosilyn Kozak • Aziz & Jaclin Haboosheh • Myron & Goli Mendelowitz • Ed & Dolly Ives • Avishai & Lizie Shraga IN MEMORIAM: SEPT 9-15 / 6—12 ELUL Max Maron • Sonia Sookman • Leah Fisher, MD Brian Jay Krater • Harry Weinstein • Marlene Leon Clara Mekies • Ruth Siegman • Chana Birnbaum Sandra Marian Grad • Chana bat Shoshana Pearl Sutnick • J.Louis Albert • Steven Mermelstein Gohar bat Rabi • Henry Rosenwein SEPHARDIC MINYAN Erev Shabbat Mincha: 6:30pm Candle lighting: 6:50pm Kiddush is co-sponsored by; Morad Golshirazi in memory of his father Yochanan ben Pinchas, by Abraham Hakakian for Hatzlacha for the community, and by Israel Lasry for the Refuah Shleimah of Levi Jacob Cohen ben Maytal Seudah Shlishit is co-sponsored by Shoshana Edison for the Hazkarah of Chana bat Shoshana and by Moris and Sanaz Rabanipour for the Hazkarah of Gohar bat Rabi To Sponsor or Co-Sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit in honor of a Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, New Baby, Simcha, New Job, or honor a Memory of a loved one; contact the office 310 -556-5609 Sunday Slichot: 7:15am15am Shacharit: 8:00am Mincha Maariv/Arvit: 6:50pm Weekday Slichot: Mon &Thurs: 5:50am Tues/Wed/Fri: 6:00:am Shacharis: Mon—Fri 6:30amn/ Mincha & Ma’ariv: 6:50pm PLEASE, MAKE AN EFFORT TO JOIN US FOR EVENING MINYAN MEMBERSHIP & HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS *5777 TO PURCHASE OR RENEW MEMBERSHIP AND RECEIVE PREFERENCES & PRIORITY FOR THE SAME HIGH HOLIDAY SEATS AS LAST YEAR, RETURN YOUR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL AND SEAT REQUEST FORM BY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2016. AFTER SEPT. 12, AS AVAILABILITY ALLOWS TO NON-MEMBERS WHERE SEATS ARE AVAILABLE MEMBERSHIP FORMS WERE MAILED IN JUNE, ARE AVAILABLE AT MOGEN-DAVID.ORG, AND IN THE WEEKLY E-MAILS SEAT REQUEST FORMS MUST BE FILLED IN AND SIGNED, AND RETURNED WITH PAYMENT; ALL HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS MUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS FOR INFO CALL THE OFFICE AT 310-556-5609 RABBI GABE ELIAS, Senior Rabbi/Executive Director NOEY JACOBSON, Cantor AVY AZEROUAL, President CONGREGATION MOGEN DAVID RABBI YEHUDA MOSES, Rav Kehila, Sephardic Minyan RABBI MICHAEL ABRAHAM, Assistant Rabbi/Hazan 9717 W PICO BLVD, LA, CA 90035 • 310.556.5609 • SHOFTIM Daily Classes SHOFTIM Weekly Classes SUN: PARSHA SHOFTIM PARASHAT The parsha begins with the matter of setting up local judicial systems to supplement the national system. It then discusses the establishment of a national government and the choice of a king. The parsha continues with a number of warnings against idolatry and paganism, and then moves on to a miscellany of assorted prohibitions. It contains brief descriptions of the duties of the Kohamim and the development of the prophetic personalities. Parashat Shoftim concludes with the strange subject of the Eglah Arufah. A corpse is found in a desolate area with no identifying perpetrator. We measure the body to the closest inhabited town and the Ziknei Beit Din walk through a ritual, absolving them of spilling the blood of this innocent person. Rashi, quoting the Gemara in Masechet Sotah, asks the question we all ask while reading these pesukim: "V'chi Alta al Lev SheZiknei Beit Din Shofchei Damim Hem"?! Can we really entertain the idea that the Rabbanim and Chachamim, our best and brightest, those entrusted to uphold the moral integrity of the community, are murderers! Certainly not. Rather, the Gemara explains, perhaps this unfortunate person left the town without proper directions, without guidance, food or provisions. Perhaps he took a misstep along the road and fell off a cliff without a trusted map in hand, or an escort by his side; perhaps he wandered in the wrong direction and entered a dangerous area, teeming with bandits and lawless thieves. The parsha speaks eloquently about a simple three-word phrase, tzedek tzedek tirdof, (justice, justice shall you pursue). It is traditional that no word is repeated in the Torah unless it has special significance. Chazal have noted that the phrase, tzedek tzedek tirdof, is found in the same portion of the text as the admonition to set up a judicial system, and consequently some have considered that tzedek as used here, refers only to the requirement of a competent judiciary. Rather tzedek would not have been repeated if that is all that was meant. Instead the judges are told to pursue justice in a just means and to teach that the ends do not justify the means. We are living in troubled times. People have questioned the existence of Hashem. Some have said, "God is dead", others that "there is no God". Judaism, offers "the pursuit of righteousness" as a practical method of reducing the perplexities of our modern day, and suggests that the pursuit of righteousness can serve as an expression of our Emunah in Hashem. So when the Parsha says, tzedek tzedek tirdof"righteousness, righteousness you shall pursue," in effect it is saying, "let the pursuit of righteousness be our way of disposing of modern skepticism, so that the pursuit of righteousness be our expression of Emunah in Hashem." Good Shabbos, Rabbi Gabe Elias KOLLEL & CLASSES The Ziknei Beit Din are responsible for setting the culture and environment within their communities. They certainly did not shed innocent blood, but they allowed members of their town to act in an inhospitable and discourteous manner. They were derelict in their leadership and in acting as role models for their constituency. In this way they were responsible. albeit indirectly, for an unfortunate death. Shabbat Shalom! Rabbi Yehuda Moses Tuesday Sept 13 and Thursday Sept 15 at 7:45pm SUN-FRI: Chok Le’Yisrael w/Haim Dayan SUN@ 8:45am; Mon—Fri @7:30am Shiur: w/R’Adler following Shacharit Guide to Belief: @9:30am w/David Sacks MON: Parsha Class: w/R’Elias @Pico Café 7:45am Next Class Sept 12, 19 TUES: 8:00pm Gemara Class: w/R’Adler 7:45pm The 613 Mitzvot w/R’Moses 7:45pm *Halacha in the Modern Context w/R’Elias(Men&Women) WED: 12.00pm Lunch & Learn:(Weekly Parsha) w/R’Elias 9.00pm Book of Mishley w/R’Abraham THUR: Gemara Class: @8:00pm w/R’Adler @7:45pm w/R’Moses Talmud Shiur: @7:45pm w/R’Elias Kollel Classes are Sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual; Dedicated in memory of ADA BAT HANNA AZEROUAL; and in dedication to the memories of JACK E. GINDI and ESKANDAR RASHIDI DOOST. We offer the opportunity to sponsor a week of Kollel learning for $180 as a way to commemorate a Yahrtzeit or Hazkarah, to celebrate a joyous Simcha, or to help and support the Torah learning at our Shul. Please call or email the office to choose a week to sponsor a class. REFUAH SHLEIMAH: Yoseph Shmuel Chaim ben Brana • Abraham ben Shlomo • Benzion ben Chaya Yehudit • Nathan Aaron ben Blimah • Israel Aaron ben Shendel • Yosef Lev ben Sarah • Mordechai ben Simcha • Haim Menachem ben Hena Raizel Baruch Pelech ben Chana • Avraham Meir ben Batya • Avraham ben Dolat • Ruven ben Raisel • Shimon Dov ben Shifra • Levi Yakov ben Maytal Ha’Kohen • Yitzchak ben Kalomeera • Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel • Raphael David ben Ella • Homayoun bat Horshid Shlomo ben Raizel •Reuven Ben Goel • Yisrael Meir ben Esther • Efriam ben Ida • Ozer ben Leah • Aaron Yosef ben Chana • Rochel bat Miriam • Esther bat Chana • Matana bat Rachel • Sara bat Etta • Tzvia Nechama bas Chana Rochel • Sarah bat Elka • Dafna bat Sima • Chana Ruhal bat Selma • Bracha Hena bat Rivka • Habiba bat Rahel • Villis bat Fruma • Chava Golda bat Rachel Leah • Sima bat Sara Gutah • Neima bat Sara • Silvia Neche bat Rosa • Rachel bat Chana • Shifra bat Chaya Esther • Yona bat Pesiah • Esther bat Gital • Miriam bat Sara • Miriam bat Sarah • Chaya Rachel bat Simcha • Shayna bat Chave • Rivkah bas Chemda • Elana bat Rachel • Sheva Leah bas Beatrice v' Hirschel • Bracha bat Niktzan Rina • Sara Chana bat Tziporah • Rivka Devorah Brainah bat Avigyil Faiga • Tuesday Sept 13 at 7:45pm Thursday Sept 15 at 7:45pm