Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church … Thank you for worshipping


Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church … Thank you for worshipping
Somemes we have to learn to be content with the small seeds that we can
sow, trusng them to bear fruit in ways that will surprise us.
The kingdom of God is something very humble and modest in its origins.
We need to learn to appreciate lile things and small gestures.
We may not feel called to be heroes or martyrs every day, but we are called
to put a lile dignity into each corner of our lile world.
There are lile seeds of the kingdom that all of us can sow, a friendly gesture
towards someone in trouble, a welcoming smile for someone who is alone,
a sign of closeness for someone who is in despair, a lile ray of joy for a heart
full of distress. God’s reign comes in power through the seemingly
insignificant acons of each of one us.
[Marn Hogan]
Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Church … Thank you for worshipping with us.
Priests of the Parish
Rev. Richard M. Walsh, Pastor / Vicar General
Rev. Mark Librizzi, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Kiskama Lemor, Parochial Vicar
Deacons: Rev. Mr. Nemsy Gubatan, Rev. Mr. Bill Timmes,
Rev. Mr. Robert Kreps, Rev. Mr. George Ferraioli
526 North Park Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789
407-647-4492 (Fax)
Mission Statement
We, the parishioners of St. Margaret Mary,
remain rooted in Christ by:
• Creating a spirit of hospitality in all that we do,
• Celebrating the liturgy with great care and
devotion, placing the goal of active participation
before all else,
Parish Staff
(For all other inquiries not listed below, call 407-647-3392)
Debbie Benson
Andrea Cavalere
Mary Hesse
Cindy Loria
Concetta Timmes 407-998-5671
Wendy Woods
Adult Faith Formation: Sr. Rosemary Finnegan:
Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office: 407-647-3392
Annulments & Marriage Convalidations
Sr. Virginia West: 407-998-5657
Infants & Children: Andrea Cavalere
Adults: Sr. Rosemary Finnegan
Witnessing faithfully to God’s presence and love
in our daily lives and effectively
communicating that message,
Sharing our GodGod-given gifts and caring
responsibly for those in need.
Facilities / Grounds
Danny Farrelly
407 998-5658
Patrick Hayes:
Chris Stump:
Family Ministries
Lori Reinneck
Funerals / Marriage
Debbie Benson
Lisa Weis
Curtis Wallace
Mark DuVall
Nursery / Kitchen
Gail Robinson
Parish Nurse
Michelle Hodge
Pastoral Associate
Stephen Deighan 407 998 5677
Pastoral Care
Deacon Bill Timmes 407-647-3392
Rollins Campus Ministry Don& Joan Davison 407-646-2551
Deacon Bill Timmes 407-647-3392
Children’s Faith Formation
Kristie Altman
Clergy: 407-647-3392
Fr. Richard Walsh
Fr. Mark Librizzi
Fr. Kiskama Lemor
Deacon George Ferraioli
Deacon Nemsey Gubatan
Deacon Bob Kreps
Deacon Bill Timmes
Youth (9th Grade): Stephen Deighan
Adults: Sr. Rosemary Finnegan
SMM Catholic School
Katie Walsh, Principal 407-644-7537
Social Justice
Mary Ann Gilbert 407-628-1324
Kevin Hagan 407-998-5662
Vocation Awareness
Stephen Deighan 407 998 5677
Stephen Deighan 407 998 5677
Sandi Hagan 407-647-6129
The Parish Nursery is available
during all weekend Masses for
children 0-4 years old.
Visit our parish website
This Week in Our Parish
Sunday, June 14
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34
Social Justice Lending Library in Courtyard
8:00 am
Mass Intention: Deceased members of the Heidrich Family
9:30 am
Mass Intention: People of the Parish
12 Noon
Mass Intention: Charles Vanover, Jr.
1-4 pm
Vacation Bible Camp Set-up: all are welcome!
Many hands are needed to help!
1:30 pm
Retrouvaille (Bethany & Cana)
6:00 pm
Mass Intention: Evelyn Wilding
7:30 pm
Youth Ministry Girls: Summer Bible Study (pg. 9)
10:30 am
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
Centering Prayer Group (SMM Room)
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Anne DiGaudio
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (chapel)
Friday, June 19
St. Romauld
Reading: 2 Cor 11:18,21-30; Ps 34; Mt 6:12-23
7:30 am
Rosary (Chapel)
8:00 am
Mass (Chapel) Intention: John Downing, Sr.
8:50 am-Noon Vacation Bible Camp!
5:30 pm
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Rose & Mario Plulndo
Saturday, June 20
Readings: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34; Mt 6:24-34
Monday, June 15
Readings: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98; Mt 5:38-42
8:00 am
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Michael Walsh
8:50 am-Noon Vacation Bible Camp!
10:00 am Cancer Support Ministry
5:30 pm
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Cecilia /Bill Schiffer
6:30 pm
Separated/Divorced Summer Series
7:30 pm
Novena to the Blessed Mother (Chapel)
Tuesday, June 16
Readings: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146; Mt 5:43-48
7:30 am
Rosary (Chapel)
8:00 am
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Janet Bellerieve
8:50 am-Noon Vacation Bible Camp!
10:00 am Purls and Prayers
5:30 pm
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Frank & Anoinette Palmiotto
Wednesday, June 17
Readings: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112; Mt 6:1-6
7:30 am
Rosary (Chapel)
8:00 am
Mass (chapel) Intention: Jim Holihan
8:50 am-Noon Vacation Bible Camp!
10:00 am Playgroup (Nursery)
5:30 pm
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Mercedes Rosati
5:30 pm
Young Adults: Wednesday Night Wine and
the Word—Meet at Mass
Thursday, June 18
Readings: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111; Mt 6:7-15
7:30 am
Rosary (Chapel)
8:00 am
Mass (Chapel) Intention Mary Ann Richardson
8:50 am-Noon Vacation Bible Camp!
9:00 am
Living Liturgy Group
10:00 am Summer Book Discussion: Courageous Women
7:30 am
8:00 am
1:30 pm
Rosary (Chapel)
Mass (Chapel) Intention: Carol Rameen
Volunteers needed to hand out diapers (pg 7)
(Young Adult Service Opportunity)
3:45-4:45pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Chapel)
5:00 pm
Mass Intention: Louise Savino
Sunday, June 21
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41
8:00 am
9:30 am
12 Noon
1:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Mass Intention: JoAnn Schulenberg
Mass Intention: People of the Parish
Mass Intention: Don Dessoy
Retrouvaille (Bethany & Cana)
Mass Intention: Bob Tomcavage
Youth Ministry Girls: Summer Bible Study (pg. 9)
Traveling? Find a Mass wherever you go
Queson of the Week
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
“…we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Mass Schedule at a Glance
Sunday: 8 am, 9:30 am, 12 noon, 6 pm and (Vigil Saturday: 5:00 pm)
Daily: Monday-Friday 8am & 5:30 pm & Saturday 8 am
Holy Days: 8 am, 10 am & 6:30 pm,
(Vigil: 5:30 pm evening prior to Holy Day)
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays from 3:45-4:45pm in the Chapel.
Also by appointment by calling the Parish Office: 407-647-3392
Ways to prepare for this
historic event:
• Celebrate God’s love in all
• Pray the St. Margaret Mary Prayer for
(see SMM website)
• Post a short video clip on your Facebook page about your favorite way
to pray as a family.
• Participate in our parish’s ongoing efforts to celebrate the gift of
Masses on June 27/28 will highlight
"Strengthening and Healing Relationships"
Our parish, through the Alive in Christ campaign, raised $1,000,000 to offer
ongoing financial assistance to St. Andrew Catholic School in Pine Hills. The
following is a letter of gratitude to our parishioners from the of St. Andrews, Fr.
Leo Hodges.
Dear Fr. Walsh,
It is with humble gratude that we are thankful to our brothers
and sisters in Christ at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church for
the Alive in Christ endowment for St. Andrew Catholic School.
Your most gracious gi( reflects Christ’s love in acon and is a
genuine response of your stewardship. Thank you for believing
in the great tradion of Catholic Educaon where we insll academic
excellence and nurture discipleship in every child.
The endowment has made the possibility of a Catholic educaon a reality for
many of our students, most of who are from low-income households. At. St.
Andrew we embrace the chance to serve the impoverished Pine Hills
Community. We are grateful for the support and love of St. Margaret Mary
Catholic Church which allows us to connue the crical work of renewing this
community one child, one family at a me.
We pray God’s hand will be forever upon your lives.
In Christ I am,
Fr. Leo Hodges
Advocacy &
Social Justice
Preparing for Pope Francis’s
Encyclical on the
From the beginning of his papacy, Pope
Francis has spoken on issues pertaining
to the environment. We look forward with
anticipation to the upcoming release of his
encyclical on Caring for Creation and the
Poorest Among Us. Now is the perfect
time to reflect on Pope Francis’ words on
this topic. As so many of us take time this
summer to enjoy the beauty of creation,
spend a little time as well reflecting on this
gift, as Pope Francis stated on January
18, 2015: “We need to see, with the eyes
of faith, the beauty of God’s saving plan,
the link between the natural environment
and the dignity of the human person.”
Whether on vacation or at home please
take a copy of a selection of his
comments and reflections available on the
ministry cart today or at the office during
the week
Prayer for the Environmental
Common Good
As we breathe the very air which sustains
us, We remember your love, God, which
gives us life.
Fill us with your compassion for Creation.
Empty us of apathy, selfishness, and fear
Of all pessimism and hesitation.
Breathe into us solidarity with all who
suffer now
And the future generations who will
Suffer because of our environmental
Move us into action to save our earth
And to build your sustainable Kingdom.
Christian Service
Facilitating Open Couple Communication Understanding and Study.
A self-diagnostic inventory designed to help engaged couples learn more
about themselves and their unique relationship.
Saturday, June 27—9-2pm in the Family Life Center
Married Couples are needed to work with the engaged couples to reflect on
patterns of their responses on the FOCCUS inventory, manage the discussion,
and to support the couple as they prepare for a holy, healthy, permanent
marriage. If you are a married couple married at least 3 years and interested
in helping engaged couples build community and skills for a successful
marriage, call the family life office today! (Lori Reinneck 407-647-3392
Family Promise—July 14-20
Although Community of Christ Church on Clay Street in Winter Park is
providing space for this coming week to house homeless families with children,
volunteers to stay overnight with them and volunteers to prepare their dinners
are still needed. Just go to to sign up! Thank you one
and all.
People Are Hungry Every Day— Farmworkers:
This week please shop for instant milk, coffee, dry cereal, oatmeal and bottles of
juice. Or any of the buy one-get one specials at your local store. Please bring
your donations to the parish hall when you come to Mass. Parishioners deliver
the collected food to the Farmworker Association and the HOPE Community
Center in Apopka. Gracias!
Our ushers put a representative amount of donations in the basket that is
carried up to the altar; recently the total donations for a weekend fill two
overflowing shopping carts. Thank you.
Baby Basics Needs a Hand:
Saturday, June 20, 1:30-3:30pm
Baby Basics will be packing enough diapers for one month for 41 babies. If you
like a challenge, this is a great time to help out! You could: unpack shipping
cases, count diapers, assist families to their cars, move diapers to
storage, break down cartons for recycling. It’s a perfect ministry for families! To
volunteer, please contact Peggy Canary,
Purls & Prayers-A Knitting & Crocheting Ministry
Every Tuesday at 10:00am to 12 noon in the Family Life Center. All are
welcome to join in crafting prayer shawls and other items with prayer.
Faith Formation
For Children
Vacation Bible Camp — Totally Catholic Everest
One more work day!
Today, Sunday, June 14, 1-4 pm in the Parish Hall
We will decorate for camp, make samples of art projects,
and prepare materials.
If you are an adult or teen crew leader and did not attend
training on June 7, you must come to training in the
Parish Hall on Sunday, June 14 at 1 pm.
Parents of Children Registered for Vacation Bible Camp
You should have received a letter in the mail this week with information about the
beginning of VBC. Preschool and Kindergarten children should report to the
grade school by 8:50 am on Monday, June 15. Children in grades 1-6 should
report to the Parish Hall by 8:50 am on June 15.
Please have your children wear comfortable, casual clothes. This summer we will
sponsor two charities-Earthquake relief in Nepal and the Home of the Holy
Angels in the Kibale District in Uganda. We are excited to begin our week of
Scripture, prayer and activities which help us to know that God stands with us in
all challenges.
St. Margaret Mary Parishioners, please pray for the leaders and children as we
begin our week of Vacation Bible Camp. We appreciate your support.
Hospitality / Social
Every Wednesday from 10-11am
in the nursery in the Family Life
Center. Contact for more info
contact Claudia at This is not
a drop off but a great way for moms
or dads or caretakers with babies or
toddlers to meet other parishioners
and play in a safe playful
Liturgy &
Altar Linen Ministry
Did you ever wonder what happens
to all those little white cloths that are
used at Mass to wipe the rim of the
chalices used at communion time?
Those little white cloths are called
purificators and they are washed,
dried and ironed by a small and
dedicated group of parishioners
called “altar linen helpers” who work
quietly and faithfully, maintaining the
linens for all parish Masses.
A big thank-you to these dedicated
altar linen helpers: Monica Clarke,
Randy Means, Justine Mingarelli,
Twee Owens, Penny Potter, Penny
Speicher, Ann Buckley, Margaret
Gauntlett and Kerri Stratford. We
are also grateful to Danielle Oser,
who has recently “retired” from this
ministry after 10 years of dedicated
If you would like to serve in this
ministry or are interested in learning
more about the altar linen ministry,
please contact Lisa Weis, director of
liturgy, at or 407647-0726.
Living Rosary in August
Sunday, August 23 between the 9:30 and Noon Masses.
We will pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families in
Philadelphia in September and for peaceful relationships within
our families. If you would like to be a “living bead” in the rosary,
please contact Kristie Altman at 407-647-5171 or by June 1.
Living a New Life through Baptism
Grant Brennan Breedlove
Reese Sofia Porter
Living a New Life through Baptism
Dorothy Menchek
Hospital Visits:
Please call Deacon Bill at 407 647-3392 if you wish to have a
lay Minister to the Sick visit with communion. We visit Winter
Park Hospital several days a week and other local hospitals
when requested. Anointing of the Sick can also be arranged
before your hospitalization by calling Deacon Bill. We may not
be aware that you are in the hospital unless you call.
Services Available
SMM Grant Opportunity:
The deadline (September 1) for grant applications will be here
before you know it! If you or your favorite non-profit organization
is working to enhance the dignity and quality of life of people in
need, you may apply for a grant from $500 to $5000.
Applications are available via the parish web site; Hard copies are also available at
the parish office. This popular program funds twice a year-in the
spring and the fall. For more information call Mary Ann, 407-628
Stewardship in Action
Thank You!
Two School Sisters of Notre Dame are opening a family center
in rural Indiantown. They will be teaching English, parenting
skills, literacy, sewing, crafting and nutrition to the immigrant
population. Thank you so much for your donations of sewing
machines for this project. God bless your generosity, Sister Kate
Cancer Support Ministry
Monday June 15 at 10:00am to 11:30am in the
Family Life Center. We welcome all cancer
patients and
survivors. We live
out our mission by
witnessing faithfully
to God’s presence
and love in our
daily lives through
the sharing of our
stories. We share
our God-given gifts
by caring
responsibly for one another with prayer and
support. For information call Deacon Bill at 407
647-3392 or email
The St. Margaret Mary Caregivers
Support group
Tuesday, June 23 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in
the Family Life Center. If you care for a loved one
at home or in a facility, consider taking this time to
share with those who are experiencing the same
situations and emotions. Give yourself the gift of
prayer and support by sharing with one
another. For more information call Deacon Bill at
407 647-3392 or email Rosario at
Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Married
Retrouvaille is a program to help heal and support
married couples experiencing difficulties, couples
broken, lonely and hurting. It's also for couples
who have separated or divorced and want to try
again. The next program begins July 17-19, 2015
at the San Pedro Spiritual Development Center
(2400 Dike Road, Winter Park). For more
information and registration, call 352-274-4614. All
calls and names held in strictest confidence. We
invite you to visit our website at
Young Adults
Youth Ministry
Opportunities for all young adults single or married, after college, or between
the ages of 25-35 for social service and growing in our Catholic faith. Contact for more info or check out our calendar
on the parish website at
Also please find us on facebook:
Save the date for
these upcoming Young Adult events:
June 17: Wednesday Night Wine and the Word
Meet at 5:30 Mass and meet up as we find a place on Park Avenue after.
June 20: Christian Service Opportunity, Baby Basics
June 23: Bible study/DVD on second session from “A Biblical Walk with
Mary” (6pm in the Family Life Center)
Rachel, Eve, Sarah,
Rebekah and Ruth in a
summer Bible Study for
Teen Girls
Starting Sunday, June 14 at 7:30pm.
For location and to RSVP, contact
Laura Roche at
or call the Family Life Office
at 407-645-0284.
“A Study of the Heroines of Bible
History”. Come check out this study
led by Laura Roche for all teen girls.
The first night is Catholic authors
and speakers, Stacy Mitch with
Emily Stimpson, wrote this Bible
study for teen girls to bring to life
the heroic women who helped shape
salvation history. God used these
women—with all their vices and
virtues—to bring the world one step
closer to Jesus Christ. Teen girls
today also have a role God wants
them to play in His story of
salvation—because the story isn't
over yet! All high school teen girls
are invited to come to the first
meeting of a 6-part series over the