Newsletter Spring 2008 - Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club
Newsletter Spring 2008 - Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club
Spring 2008 Upcoming Events: May 13 Monthly Meeting Wheeler Library 7-9:00PM North Stonington, CT Lab Fun Day Delmyra Kennels 8:30-3:00 , RI Monthly Meeting Wheeler Library, 7-9:00 PM North Stonington, CT Monthly Meeting Wheeler Library, 7-9:00PM North Stonington, CT Fair Demonstration Fairgrounds 7:00PM North Stonington, CT Providence County Kennel Club Supported Entry Regular Judge: Olga K. Evelyn Sweeps Judge: Heidi Hermann May 18 June 10 July 8 The Official Publication for the Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club July 11 July 26 Officers 2007-2008 President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Claire White Peterson Kathy Cipriani Julie Quigley Smith Lee Hostein Wendy Ernst DVM 148 Plains Rd. Coventry, CT 06238 860-742-5842 Susan Barrett Marti Hendricks Board Members September 18 September 19 Back to Back Specialty N. Stonington Fairgrounds October 4 WC/WCI/WCX Fin, Fur & Feather Chaplin, CT 6TH ANNUAL LABRADOR FUN DAY & AKC “B” MATCH SUNDAY, MAY 18TH 8:30AM - 3:00PM Delmyra Kennels, 191 Ten Rod Road, Exeter RI ( Rain or Shine ) Come and meet The 2008 Westminster Dog Show Best of Breed Winner CH Lobuff Hollyridge Kisskadee “Dee Dee” Judge: Lois Engle ( Majestix ) Match fees: $7.00 1st entry, $5.00 additional entry for same dog 8:30am Registration 9:00am Handling Class 9:30am Conformation Demo 10:00am “B” Match Fun & Games for all!!! 7.00 per family 9:30am & 11:30 Field Demos 2:00pm Agility Demo Microchip & Nail trimming clinic Canine Good Citizenship Testing 1:00pm Rally Demo 10:00am & 1:00pm Frisbee Demo 9:00am—2:00pm Games & Contests 9:00am—3:00pm Dog House Treasure Hunt Labrador Information Tent It’s not too late to get involved…. If you can offer some help please contact Dottsie: Food will be available on the site Page 1 web page: email Editor: February 24, 2008 Meeting – Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club The meeting was called to order by Claire White Peterson at 12:45 pm at My Dog’s Place in Mystic. In attendance were: Nancy Wolston, Susan Barrett, Cheryl Curtis, Janet Huntley, Sally Gordon, Jack Gordon, Ann- Marie Galvin, Julie Jussaume, Marilyn Meewes, Tony Emilio, Tiffany Newman, Larry Joy, Richard Dominic, Linda Dominic, Anne Hassett, Donna Crompton, Wendy Ernst, Margo Marston, Gail Taber, Amber Champion, Karen Bechard, Julie Quigley Smith, Jean Staunning, Audrey Wolcott, Carol Stevens, Donna Kenny, Lori Riley, Cathy Straub, Claire White Peterson and Lee Holstein. Report of Recording Secretary: Susan Barrrett made a motion to disregard the reading of the minutes- seconded by Ann Marie Galvin and passed unanimously. Report of Corresponding Secretary: Wendy Ernst noted that she has received no correspondence. Report of Committees: Show Committee: Cathy Straub reported that all paperwork has been sent out for the Back to Back Specialties and they have received acceptances from all judges and J. Rau. Janet Huntley said there was a question from New England Sporting Dog asking if we would have stewards for other breeds other than Labradors . Claire suggested we wait until after the show closes and the numbers are out and then decide. Janet also said that there will be special crating space for Labradors by their ring. Nancy Wolston said that she is going up Friday and could stake out crating for PRLRC members. Sweeps judges were hired by NESGA from a list we submitted even though we had initially decided not to hold sweepstakes. Wendy Ernst remarked that since we are brining such a large entry that that should be considered enough of a contribution to the show. Donna Kenny asked for a volunteer to be in charge of vendors for the Specialties and Cheryl Curtis volunteered. Julie Quigley Smith said she will assist her. The question was raised as to who takes care of hotel reservations for the judges and Julie volunteered to make them again and asked for specifics as to number of rooms and exact dates they are needed. Janet and Cheryl have been communicating and organizing the PCKC supported entry show. Audrey Wolcott asked if a raffle would be held at Providence and it was agreed that we would hold one. Trophy Committee: Janet has purchased all trophies for the Specialties and will have a sign up sheet at the next meeting for sponsorship. Field Committee: Susan Barrett will be holding a meeting at her house in March and combine it with a training session. Julie Jussaume said in regards to the WC every weekend in August is already taken and suggested the weekend after the Specialties and will also look into the first weekend in October. Claire wondered if people who are here for the Show might attend the WC but the consensus of opinion was that our members will be too tired after two very full days at the specialties. Report of the Treasurer: Julie Quigley Smith reported on the net income for 2007 and so far for 2008 and on the bank balance which is very good shape. She would like to finalize the bills with Techno Logo- there will be bills for the award towels and chair backs for last year specialties have not been paid for. The club insurance has not been changed since 1998 and it is necessary to update it but it will be more costly. Our policy, which expires in April, will be more expensive due to the use of ammunition and Hanover who currently covers the club will drop us for using it. Wendy noted that we should have this coverage regardless for the WC and also for the training sites at the Barrett’s and Wolcott’s. Since the club’s fiscal year starts in January Julie would like to have the new insurance use the same time frame. Obedience Show and Go: The Show and Go will be held at Tails U Win on March 31st and six or so volunteers are needed. The flyer is on the website and it will just be obedience this year because of judging and time restraints. Workers should be there just prior to 8:30. Old Business Gail Taber said she cannot make a banner for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade but will be happy to donate money for it. Claire noted that the club has a banner and she will measure it. Membership Amendments: Claire asked if anyone had any suggestions or possible changes to the Amendments. Julie Jussaume raised a question about the requirement for a full member to work on two committees. The effort involved in working on for example the Field Committee takes a lot of time and she feels that one committee would be a sufficient requirement. Claire said that since most members are involved in more than one area as a rule- for example working at Fun Day or the Specialties is theoretically on that committee. Marilyn Meewes added that when this plan originated these year round committees did not exist and they take much more time now. Wendy Ernst agreed that since these bylaws were written we have more committees and events and asked if we should change the wording to read events rather than committees. Julie Jussaume suggested it should read work one committee and another event. Audrey Wolcott added that we have to have room for Associate members to work and asked how we will keep track of who does what. Susan Barrett suggested we have a sign in sheet at events. Nancy Wolston added that they had a sign up for the 2007 WC and it worked just fine. Julie J said that Yankee Waterfowlers keeps a list of hours worked by each member and Nancy said the responsibility should fall on the person who works rather than another member. Janet Huntley had some comments on the new types of membership. The first is regarding Junior members. She is concerned about the presence of juniors at meetings or events- should there be an attending adult? Cheryl Curtis added that in an emergency there should be someone who could be responsible for the junior or the club could face repercussions. Julie Quigley Smith added that driving could also be an issue. Janet then asked what the difference is between Associate and Supporting members. Wendy explained that the category of Supporting Members was added to allow people to join who for one reason or another could not attend meetings or events and possibly the wording was not clear. Janet also asked whether the quorum of 20% of members was referred to in Art III Sec II under special meetings should be Full Members. She also noted that it should be corresponding secretary where it now just reads Page 2 Secretary and in Section IV- what is the difference between Special Board Meeting and Emergency Board Meeting. An example of an Emergency Meeting would be if there were a hurricane imminent. She did not think it was clear how many board members must be reached and that theoretically be a chance to stack one’s chips in one’s favor. Wendy said we were attempting it to mean reaching all seven members. Cheryl suggested possibly have it read 90% of Board Members. If the board were to grow and encompass more members it may raise the level of difficulty in reaching them. Janet then questioned the word “justificatory”. Julie Jussaume suggested that the litter listing fee should be higher for associate members since full members work much more and have very few “perks” and thought the fee for associate members should be $75. Amber Champion who is an Associate member agreed with the extra fee and asked about working and how people can be advised about times and opportunities. Nancy Wolston suggested that the newsletter have a section to announce an event coming up and who the chair is to contact. Kathy Cipriani is working on a list to keep track of workers. Janet asked if the members should have a vote. Julie Quigley Smith suggested that since $50 is doubling the fee we should charge that now and revisit the issue in a year. The $50 fee for Associate Members to register a litter listing was approved unanimously. Report on Membership: Cathy Straub began with a First Reading for Karen Berchard for Associate membership. Her kennel is Snowdrop Labradors in Newington , CT. There was a second reading for Jack and Sally Gordon from Westerly , RI for a Full Family membership and they were voted in unanimously. There were then two additional First readings, one for Larry Joy of Winchester , Ct, whose wife Ann was not present to be read, and one for Richard and Linda Dominici of Wolcott , CT , both of which were for Full Family memberships. Claire welcomed Sally and Jack into the PRLRC. There was a motion by Nancy Wolston to adjourn the meeting at 1:58. Respectfully Submitted, Lee Holstein, Recording Secretary tents for the PRLRC and requested that members bring theirs for use at Fun Day. Registration is to begin at 8:30 and she wondered if we could set up the evening before- otherwise set up will begin at 7:00am. She also said we needed tables and it was noted that last year we had used some of Delmyra's-- she will contact them and see if we can use them again. Marti Hendricks suggested that we have an ending time-- the last demo will begin at 3:00pm and we will list the times of the other demonstrations on the flyer. The handling class will start at 9:00am and Cheryl Curtis will do a conformation demo at 9:30. The match will begin at 10:00. Lee Holstein will be in charge of the Agility demo: Kathy Cipriani the Rally demo and she will need two helpers; Anne Hassett, George Amenabar and Marlene Lendrim the Field Demo: Suzanne St. Denis will do the CGC test. We will have the Field demo twice, Agility once and Rally and Obedience will be done at the same time once. There will be games organized by Donna Crompton. Julie Quigley Smith will bring Westminster Best of Breed winner Dee-Dee and there will also be an example of each color of Labrador. This will take place prior to the Match. There will be a tent with information from AKC and it was suggested that Wendy Ernst ask Kathy Lifland if she would be interested in coming to represent Lab Rescue. Trash and Treasure remainders will be sorted out and any donations would be appreciated and can be brought to the May Meetingthey should be dog related. Dottsie asked for a volunteer to bring coffee and doughnuts in the morning. Sally and Jack Gordon are working out a sign. Dottsie will make a sing on canvas for each tent and stand. Lois Engle will judge the match. Julie Jussaume has armbands from Pedigree. State Liaisons- Tony Emilio and Deb Scott are the representatives from the PRLRC for their states. Tony reported that the Committee on the Environment for CT has a bill pending directed at dog and cock fighting. There was also a study approved by a prior Governor in 2006 about animal population control that dealt with money for low income families to have assistance for spaying and neutering and the problem of feral cats. PRLRC Minutes of March 13th, 2008 Show and Go. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Claire Wendy needs a check for the rental due Tails U Win. The volWhite Peterson. In attendance were Marti Hendricks, Susan unteers to help that day are Janet Huntly, Gail Taber, Julie Barrett, Pat Dunn, Tony Emilio, Gail Taber, Cathy Benedict, Jussaume, Claire White Peterson and Kathy Cipriani. and are Julie Kamis, Donna Kenny, Audrey Wolcott, Peter Wolcott, needed at 8:00am. Flyers have been sent to training centers. Marilyn Meewes, Jen Letaio, Julie Jussaume, Larry Joy, Jack Field Training - The Working Certificate Test will be SeptemGordon, Sally Gordon, Tom Hoagland, Robin Hoagland, Dott- ber 27th at Millstream and Susan Barrett and Julie Jussaume sie Robinson, Margot Marston, Laurie Allen, Joe Geraci, reported that it is $300 to rent and they are checking on ducks. Claire White Peterson, Kathy Cipriani, George Amenabar, For the once a month training session it was suggested that the Chris Lapham, and Lee Holstein. The minutes of the Reclub charge $5 to cover expenses. It would cost $100 a day to cording Secretary were read and accepted. There was no rent Millstream for training or $30 per hour for individuals. Treasurer's Report due to the absence of Julie Quigley- Smith. The Yahoo group for field training is PRLRC_Field Group Report of Corresponding Secretary. Kathy Lifland received payment from us for Lab Rescue.Two Annual Awards. Marilyn Meewes reported that Anne Hassett letters received from the AKC regarding the rally trials at the is working on a versatility award. Old Business Specialties were passed to Cathy Straub. Audrey Wolcott asked for 2 volunteers to sort Trash and Report of Committees. Treasure at Janet Huntly's house. Marti Hendricks and Sally Fun Day- Dottsie Robinson reported that Janet Huntly has organized the lunch truck for May 18th and has requested they Gordon volunteered. bring brownies and cupcakes. Dottsie purchased two pop-up Page 3 Revised bylaws will be voted on at May Meeting, Cathy Straub reported that all is going well for the September shows. Membership Larry Joy and Tom Hoagland had their second reading for Full Membership. Tony Emilio changed to a Full Membership and Joe Geraci had a first reading for Associate Membership.There were annual awards read for those who missed the Fun Match: Robin and Tom Hoagland---- Blackdux Patita of Briarwood, JH and RN Briarwood Mona Rosalita, WC, CC and JH Jen Leitao--- CH Snowden Hill Mango Crazy, RA, JH, WC, CGC and CC Julie Kamis---Yarborough Sweet Woodruff, WC and CC Paddington's Solace for Woodruff, WC and CC Jen Leitao expressed her thanks to everyone for helping at the Match at K-9 Connection in January, Marti Hendricks thanked the members for the flowers and get well wishes. Cathy Straub made a motion to adjourn at 8:40 which was seconded by Kathy Cipriani. Respectfully Submitted, Lee Holstein, Recording Secretary. The 2008 Nominating Committee consists of Janet Huntley, Chair, Audrey Wolcott and Lee Arsenault. They would appreciate your input as to whether you might, at some point, like to be asked to either serve on the committee or run for an office. It is helpful to the Board and to the Nominating Committee to have a list of members who would like to commit extra time to the club serving on the many committees within the club. If you have an interest in chairing or serving on a committee, please return this questionnaire. 1. 2. 3. Would you be interested in serving on the Nominating Committee? Would you be interested, should an opening become available, in serving as an officer of the club? In what position? The Club is always looking for members willing to step up and chair a committee. To date the club has been extremely lucky that so many of our members volunteer to take on positions. If a chairing position does become available, which committee might you be willing to take on the challenge of chairing? Committees Chair Positions: Show Chair Show Co-Chair Supported Entry Chair Field Committee Chair Raffle Committee Chair Trophy Committee Chair Show Hospitality ( arranging with Grange for food, Hospitality table, Thursday Best in Show Party ) Judges Hospitality Chair ( include making hotel and travel arrangements—works closely with show chairs and Treasurer) Judges Luncheon Chair Judges Selection Chair Catalog Sales Chair Specialty—Show Grounds Publicity Chair Raffle Chair Legislative Representative ( for your state ) Match Chair Fun Day Chair Fair Demo Chair Tracking Chair Hunt Test Chair Membership Chair Conformation Certificate Chair Sunshine Committee Newsletter 2008 PLRC WC/WCI/WCX Fin Fur and Feather Chaplin, CT Saturday, October 4th 2008 Mark your calendars Details to follow... Show Info: (specialties) Hunt Test Info: Janet Huntley Audrey Wolcott Lee Arsenault Page 4 Health Clinics: Hockamock Kennel Club All Breed Heart Screening Clinic Dr. Nancy Morris ACVIM Mass Vet Cardiology Friday June 27 and Saturday June 28th 9:00am -5:00 pm Crackerbarrel Fair Grounds, Wrentham, MA Doppler Echoes: includes ascultation $ 175.00 Reports immediately, 24 hour Holter $150, Ascultation $35, OFA discount forms for $7.50 when filled out in advance All dogs MUST register at, List ring conflict if you have one under comments. All appointments prepaid see details on website check, MC/Visa. Appointments will be scheduled when judging schedule is posted. If 15 dog limit not met the clinic is cancelled Newtown KC Health Clinic Bethel Village Square Animal Hospital, Bethel, CT July 20, 2008 For more information, contact Jane Wooding, 203-9381199, Tests offered: CERF: Dr. Eric Ledbetter (Cornell) Cardiac: Dr. Aaron Wey, DACVIM-Cardiology BAER: Dr. Ellis Loew (Cornell) Thyroid: Dr. Frances Paulin Microchipping, DNA Profiling, Heartworm Testing Ch Snowden Hill Mango Crazy, RA, JH (Ch Dickendall Davaron Gable x Snowden Hill My Friend Irma), owned by Jen Leitao, Robin Anderson and Gerrie Owren & handled by Jen Leitao, was Best Gun Dog under judge Mrs. Laura Dedering, and took a Gun Dog Group II at the NE Sporting Dog Association show on March 15th under judge Mr. David Flanagan. Jen is also very pleased that Mango is the 2008 Julie Brown Pedigree Book cover girl!! She also just went BOB at the Maine show on May 4th. Raffle Items Needed! A reminder to bring any raffle items you’re able to contribute to the next meeting… or you can give to Audrey Wolcott, Julie Kamis or Dottsie Robinson... Welcome to our newest members!!! Sally & Jack Gordon ________________________________ Thank you!!!!! The club wishes to express their appreciation to Lab Fun Day Chair, Dottsie Robinson and Publicity Chair Marti Hendricks for the tremendous job they did putting together this year's Labrador Fun Day! To Everyone that helped out, thank you for making this year's event an exceptional day! Look for pictures in the next Newsletter….. _____________________________________ Jack Crawford’s dog, Tabby, at a Dock Diving competition in Charleston, SC this February, where she qualified for the finals. Her best jump was 17’3” which puts her in the Dock Dogs Senior Jumper category!!! Page 5 Congratulations!! Highmeadows Bob Barker took first in sweeps 9-12 and third in regular classes both days. Bob Barker is owned by Susan Barrett. Danbridge Henry J took his first Major at New England Sporting Group under Judge Tom Shearer. Hank is owned and bred by Marilyn and Ken Meewes. Hank also went RWD at New Brunswick under Jean-Louis Blais and was Reserve Winners Dog at Buck’s County. Lobuff's First Impression (Gina) went Winners Bitch at the Saw Mill River KC show on March 9. She is owned by Janet Huntley, Julie Quigley Smith, and Lisa Weiss and was shown by Jen Leitao. Cabin's Sugar Behr Hawkins took a 3rd in 2-4 month Sweeps and a 1st in Regular class at the LRC of Greater Boston match, in Westford, MA. She is owned by Cathy Straub Benedict and was shown by Cathy Cipriani. Lobuff Hollyridge Wizard of Oz took 1st in his Open Black Class at the Potomac. (pictured above) Hollyridge Lobuff Steffi was 3rd in both her regular and 6-9 month sweeps classes at the Potomac. Hollyridge Devil in a Blue Dress took a 4th in her sweeps class also at the Potomac. Ch. Stonecrest's Davy Crockett received 2nd in the Sweepstakes Veteran 7 to 9 yr class under judge, David Volette and 4th in the Veteran 7 to 9 yr class under judge Connie Barton at the Potomac. Danbridge Shake It Up (aka Margarita) placed 4th in 6-9 Yellow Bitch Sweeps (out of a class of 34) at the Potomac Danbridge High Society (aka Reenie) placed 3rd in 15-18 Black Bitch Sweeps (out of a class of 20) at the Potomac Scissors were awarded to Danbridge Pin-Up Girl // Danbridge Rumor Has It // Danbridge Henry J Paddington’s Solace for Woodruff WC took a second in her Novice class at the Potomac. She is owned by Julie Kamis, and was shown by Donna Kenny. (picture by Dave McCurley) Marlene Lendrim’s Graewall's Pretty As A Picture CDX JH WCI RA qualified in Florida back to back for her Rally Advanced Title. Jet and Marlene also qualified at the Potomac in Rally Advanced. Lee Holstein’s Whistle got another leg towards his JH title at the LRCGB'S Spring Hunt test Hollyridge Bella Lira at Asquam earned her 3rd leg towards her JH title at the LRCGB'S Spring Hunt test Danbridge Kathryn The Great CGC, CD, CC, RN - earned her Novice Rally title at the young age of 10 1/2 !! Huge congrats to Kate!! Owned and Bred By Marilyn & Ken Meewes. Stillbrook Lucy Vincent, WC won the Open Yellow Bitch class at the Potomac. She also went Reserve Winners Bitch at the Windham County Kennel Club, under Diane Pilbin. Lucy is owned and bred by Donna Kenny. ( photo by Jen Letaio ) Page 6 Cabin's Make My Day took 1st in Novice Chocolate Dog at the Potomac. Callahan is owned and bred by Cathy Straub Benedict. Blackdux Jenna went Winners Bitch at The Windham County Kennel Club supported entry under Judge Diane Pilbin. Jenna is owned and bred by Kathy Wolf. ( submitted by a friend ) Cabin's Make My Day "Mya" took 1st in Novice Bitches a t The Windham County Kennel Club supported entry under Judge Diane Pilbin. Mya is owned and bred by Cathy Straub Benedict. Lobuff Hollyridge Osprey went BOB, Saturday at the Pioneer Valley Retriever Club Specialty ( after taking Winner’s Dog just the day before under Judy Heim to finish his Championship ) and CH Lobuff Hollyridge Kisskadee went BOS under Judge Michael Silva. Dee Dee also went BOB on Friday. Both dogs are owned by Julie Quigley Smith and Lisa Weiss. ( photo by Carol Stevens ) Jack Crawford’s Dogs, Tabby and Casey have had a good spring! They both passed their JH at the American Chesapeake Club test in Patrick SC. Both were awarded their CGC as well! Photo above was taken by Nancy Whitehead. Cherry Oaks Code of Honor - First place in Veteran Dogs 11 years and older at PVLRC owned by Tiffany Newman and Dan & Shannon Thomas Paddington’s Solace for Woodruff WC won the Novice class at PVRC under Michael Silva. Woodruff Back on Course got a 3rd in 12-18 month puppy Hollyridge Lobuff Fine Troy Ounce won the Open Yellow bitches and 2nd in 12-15 mo puppy bitches sweeps. Betsy is Dog class at RVLRC Specialty. Troy is owned by Nancy Laowned by Julie Kamis. ser Wolston, Julie Quigley Smith & Lisa Weiss and was shown by Nancy Laser Wolston. Page 7 The PRLRC Web Site Litter Listing fees were voted upon by the membership to remain $25 for Full members and were raised to $50 for Associate members. A litter listing is $25 per litter for members who fall into the "Full" membership category and who full fill the Full member requirements. A listing for members who fall into the "Associate" membership category, and who full fill the Associate member requirements, the listing fee is $50 per litter. Send listing fee checks to PRLRC Treasurer: Julie Quigley-Smith 3100 South County Trail West Kingston, RI 02892 Send info for listing to Claire White-Peterson at Info required: Name and town, state Phone Email Whelping Date Colors (and sex if only one) I’ve put together just some very basic first aid info for your interest. For the next newsletter I’ll get into more specific emergencies and what you can do… so stay tuned! For now I’ll give some brief general first aid info, things to have in your first aid kit, and basic normal values for dogs’ vital signs. For general emergency preparedness one important thing is to have a relationship with a veterinary clinic. You should be know if your veterinarian offers emergency services or refers you to an emergency clinic. If the answer is an emergency clinic then you should have that phone number handy and also have an idea of how to get there. Many folks complain to me when they find out that their vet office refers out emergencies, but let me give you the other side. Emergency clinics are open and staffed 24 hours a day. The doors are unlocked, the equipment is on and the staff is fresh and ready to deal with your emergency. For critical cases the staff is there offering supportive care and treating patients throughout the night. That is a tremendous benefit to your pet. I know that you might not know the Veterinarian and that makes you uneasybut it is often the best treatment option for your ill pet! I have spent a fair amount of time working shifts in local emergency clinics and I am often able to offer superior care compared to when I get paged into work in the middle of the night, with no technical support, with no overnight care, etc! There are a number of things I recommend that you have in a first aid kit- both at home and to take with you on the road or at training events. In addition to the first aid items listed below it is also important to have your veterinarian’s number, and the number of a local emergency clinic if needed. Also, it’s great to keep a copy of your pet’s medical info/vaccine records with you. First Aid Kit contents Latex gloves Adhesive tape Non-adherent sterile pads (like Telfa pads) Bandage scissors Gauze sponges Roll gauze Roll bandage (like Vet Wrap) Heavy duty maxi pads (they make great wound dressings) Towels Page 8 Splint material (like rolled up newspaper/magazines) Rubbing alcohol Hydrogen peroxide (3%) Epsom salt Sterile saline eye wash and eye lubricant Topical antibiotic ointment Water based lubricant Rectal thermometer Compact thermal blanket Muzzle Pen light Glucose paste/tablets Styptic powder Over the counter medications that may be useful to have around (use under the advice of a veterinarian) Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Buffered aspirin (Bufferin or ascription) - not recommended in cats Pepto Bismol (not recommended in cats) DO NOT use Tylenol (not recommended for dogs and DO NOT ever give to cats) In the event of a possible emergency- do not panic, remain calm and assess the situation! The normal pulse rate for a dog is 60-160 beats per minute (smaller dogs have faster heart rates, bigger dogs and dogs in excellent physical condition have slower hear rates). The pulse will usually be elevated during times of excitement. You can feel for a dog’s pulse in many locations- the left side of the chest, just behind the elbow; and the inner thigh are the two easiest places. The normal respiration rate for dogs is 10-40 breaths per minute. Dogs will commonly pant though and can increase respiration well above the normal listed. Breaths that are shallow or noisy can indicate a potential problem. Body temperature in dogs is normally 101-102.5 and temperature is best obtained using a rectal thermometer. In general it is very difficult to “feel” that a dog has a fever by touching them or any specific body part. Clients often come in thinking their pet feels hot but we find a normal body temperature. Rectal temperatures under 99 or over 104 degrees may constitute an emergency. Mucus membrane color is used to assess circulatory and respiratory function (ie, is the blood being oxygenated by the lungs and moved around the body through the circulation appropriately). The mucus membranes include the gums, inside of the cheeks, the conjunctival tissue around the eyes, etc. The color should be pink. Excessively pale or blue or yellow mucus membranes are abnormal findings. Capillary refill time is an additional “test” of circulatory ability. It is the time that it takes for blood flow to “refill” an area. Lightly press on the gum and then observe how long it takes for the normal color to return. Normal capillary refill time is 1-2 seconds. Hydration status is very difficult to determine subjectively. You can tent the skin on the back of the neck (pull it up) and it should return to normal position very quickly. In animals that are dehydrated the skin takes some time to fall back into normal position. You can also check the gums; they should be moist and not dry. Older pets can be more difficult to assess for dehydration. ASPCA Animal Poison Control. If you suspect that your pet has come in contact with a poison, write down as much information as you can about the product, when the contact occurred, how much exposure there was. Your veterinarian may refer you to call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control center. There is a charge for their service, with no additional charge for follow calls on that case (and they will consult with your vet throughout the treatment). They have board certified veterinary toxicologists on staff 24 hours a day and provide you/your vet with detailed information about the appropriate treatment for your pet. The ASPCA animal poison control number is 888-426-4435 First Aid references: Carlson, D. 1992. Dog Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook. Howell Book House. NY. Mammato, B. 1997. Pet First Aid. Mosby Page 9 Pawcatuck River Labrador Retriever Club Donna Kenny—Editor 56 Leonard Bridge Rd Lebanon, CT 06249 Email: News Flash!!! Oxygen Mask Fundraiser We'll have safety pet decals available for this years fun day! Everyone who makes a donation of $5.00 or more is welcome to a packet of (2) decals. Come visit our display at this years fun day! We have a short video of a rescue in progress, its amazing to see the dog receive oxygen through a mask, start to wag the tip of his tail, stand up and actually place his face back into the mask on his own, heartwarming! Stop by & visit, dog bones for all (4-legged friends). For more info contact Nancy Bard Page 10 Page 11