hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075


hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
May 2014, Volume 27 Issue 5
* * * *
•My Side
•Joke Corner
•Officer Info
•Editor’s Note
• Newsletter Deadlines
Our Sponsors:
As the weather heats up so does the riding season. April, May, and even into June is prime
riding time here in our corner of the world. You may need a light jacket in the early
morning but it warms up nicely during the day. I encourage you to get out and ride before
the real heat sets in. Oh, don’t get me wrong, we will have rides in July and August. It’s
just that the heat takes a small bit of the enjoyment out of it. So…use these next couple of
months to condition yourself for those hot days to come. And speaking of the heat, don’t
forget to drink lots of water. Remember to pre-hydrate, re-hydrate, and then drink some
more water. Heat related illness is something we need to take serious during the summer
months. And don’t forget to keep an eye on your riding partner and other members of your
group. If you see someone who appears to be suffering from the heat, don’t ignore them.
They may not realize that they are in danger.
Some of us rode over to Lafayette for the Louisiana State HOG rally the first week-end in
April. There were two or three different groups traveling at different times but we all
managed to get together for an enjoyable week-end. A big thanks to Debbie & Keith
Grasso for leading the group I rode with. We hooked ‘em straight down I-10 with one gas
stop and a welcome lunch stop in Fezzo’s in Crowley. Then, it was on to the Cajundome to
register and hit the vendor booths.
4400 Telephone Rd.
Houston, TX 77087
Phone: 713-644-7535
Fax: 713-933-3485
(Closed Monday)
San Jacinto
3636 E Sam Houston Pkwy.S
Pasadena, TX 77505
Phone: 281-991-4275
Fax: 281-598-6157
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
Wednesday 8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
Friday started out a little ominous with the threat of rain in the air but it blew out by midmorning. We made a lunch stop at Crawfish Town and then headed south to Avery Island
to soak up the sights and “smells” of the Tabasco hot sauce factory and gift shop.
Saturday morning it was up early for a group photo at the Cajundome and then off to
Mamou for a stop at Fred’s Lounge to enjoy a little Zydeco music. From there we headed
to Poche’s Market (with a long, curving U-turn I threw in for free) in Breaux Bridge for
lunch. There was a wide variety of food but I highly recommend the back bone stew.
Although we would have enjoyed seeing REO Speedwagon in concert, the weatherman kept
talking about thunderstorms coming in on Sunday. So…some of us opted to skip the
concert and head home. We made it home dry and the folks who stayed enjoyed the
concert. All-in-all, it was a good week-end hanging with some crazy, fun-loving folks.
Every month I encourage you to check the calendar. This month is no different. The
calendar is full, with rides almost every week-end thru the middle of September. There are
lunch runs, all day rides, and out of town trips. We have a progressive ride coming the end
of May. I will be leading a ride on June 8th to the Pickett House in Woodville to replicate
the first documented Hou-Tex ride. I’m sure Teri will send us chasing more ghosts this fall.
So mark your calendar and join in.
God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America
C’ ya on the road,
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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By: Glenda Mitchell
I was looking back at some of our pictures the other day of some of the trips we have taken.
Man, what good memories. I realized that we did not take a long vacation last year and how
much I had missed that. You see, I think we have been to some of the neatest places, but we
haven’t been everywhere that we would like to go. Do you ever get to go to all those places? I
hope to make at least some of those trips sooner than later.
I never would have thought seven years ago that I would be riding a Harley all over creation,
hundreds of miles in one day for days at a time. But here I am! Jimmy and I got married in
2000 after a short dating period. When you know it’s right – why wait! Right? He wasn’t my
first, but is certainly my last. I warned him that even if it didn’t work out, I was NOT moving
again. He would just have to rent a room to me and that was that! Well, we are both here to
stay. Jimmy is the best thing that ever happened to me – the love of my life!
But then came the Harley! After a couple of years, we kept noticing couples riding motorcycles
together and looking like they were having so much fun. He asked me if I had ever ridden. I
had actually – a Honda! My ex and I had gotten 2 of them and rode for a bit. But it just didn’t
seem to grab me, you know? Well that was in the 70’s! Now here I was in the new millennium
pondering the prospect of riding again. We decided we would just “go look” at Harleys (of
course). After two days or so of “looking” we bought ‘Bart’ – a black 2002 Ultra Classic. I had
now become a passenger on a beautiful new Harley. My family freaked out! I was always the
rebel in the family and they felt this time I had gone too far.
Jimmy and I thought that we could ride this one for a couple of years, and if I thought I
might want my own, we could then go looking for a bike for me. Well, I lasted about three
months! Now, don’t get me wrong, riding with Jimmy was a joy (probably mostly for me). We
made several trips and were having the greatest of times. We rode mostly in east Texas and
the hill country. At this time we hadn’t joined Hou-Tex. That came a little later, maybe a
month or so.
I got tired of having to tell Jimmy how to ride ‘Bart’, and having my singing interrupted by him
telling me to be quiet. Yep, it was time for me to go solo. We went “looking” for just the right
bike for me. I was kinda dead set on having a purple bike and lo and behold – we found one. It
was a 2002 Sportster 883 and it was PURPLE!! I had to stick my lower lip waaay
out that day to get that motorcycle. I pretty much wasn’t leaving without it. So – I Got It!!
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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Now, I hadn’t ridden a motorcycle since the 70’s, didn’t have a license for one, and didn’t have
much of a clue. But, I had a Harley! We both signed up for the motorcycle safety course
they have at San Jacinto College (Jimmy went with me). After taking the course (we passed),
and feeling just OK to ride on my own, we started my “practicing” mode. I went to the
practice course at San Jac College and to Deer Park H.S. to practice until I felt comfortable
with getting into the traffic. Jimmy would ride my bike over there and I would follow in the
truck. He would supervise while I rode around in the parking lots. I broke one of my mirrors
the first practice day out. I was sick about it and cried real tears. Jimmy thought I was
hurt, but I was just worried about my bike. Then, one day, I rode out of the lot and took off,
with Jimmy following me, of course. He thought, my God, where is she going! Here I was
riding my own Harley and loving it. My teeth hurt from smiling so much! The rest, they say, is
Well, except for the part of me trading my purple 883 in and getting another bike. You see,
on a long trip, pretty much anything over 100 miles, that purple Sporty nearly shook me to
death. Pegs were vibrated off, my eyesight was nearly ruined, and I just had it. Soooo, we
started “looking” for another bike for me. I really didn’t know what I wanted. Well, it wasn’t
long before I found her – just sitting there kinda crowded in with lots of other bikes. A vivid
black 100th Anniversary Softail Standard! The minute I sat down, I knew, and I smiled and
looked at Jimmy and said “this is the one”. She was mine! We rode as much as we could and
got to know each other. (and Jimmy went along too) I traded out the wheels for some nice
black-slotted six spokes, got a new seat that was better for touring and added a nice tall
sissybar (‘cause I like ‘em tall), and a few other gadgets to make her mine. Then we were
ready for our first long trip . . . . to Sturgis.
This long trip enabled me to really get to know my motorcycle, how she maneuvered in the
twists and turns and up the mountains and down the mountains. We had some really
challenging roads, which was bad – but good at the same time because I learned so much about
riding and about myself. We rode the Rockies in Colorado, the Black Hills, on to Devil’s Tower
and into Montana and the Beartooth mountains, then into Yellowstone and on back through
Colorado. It was a hell of a break-in ride! My girl got me there. We developed a liking for
each other and a trust. This is when she developed her own personality and became my girl
“Betty”. I can sing as loud and as long as I like and talk to the cows and horses on the sides of
the road, and cuss those who don’t respect our space, and just be me. Since then, we have
made many rides together and it has only gotten better. I’ve challenged her and she’s
challenged me. Just for the record, the take down in New Mexico was not her fault – it was
mine-and I’ve paid for it! There’s no blame there and we don’t talk about it anymore. OK?
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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Since that first long trip, we have taken many. Each of them has been memorable in it’s own
way, and each has been very special to us. We won’t forget any of the rides, long or short, or
the friends we were with. This, guys, is how memories are made. If you know me, you know
that I’m fiercely loyal to my friends and family, sometimes honest to a fault (don’t ask if you
don’t want to know), I believe it’s the ride and not necessarily the destination (although that
can be a plus!), and I never, ever, knowingly leave anyone behind. I really try to be true to
Jimmy and I love riding together and with our friends. Nothing beats that time spent
together. At this time in my life, I just can’t imagine NOT riding. Jimmy is still the 1st love
of my life, but riding my Harley is the 2nd love of my life! I’ve made more great memories in
the last eight-plus years than I had ever made in the prior years. I really feel like my life
began then.
Anyway, I’ve got a lot more good years left in me so watch out. ‘Redridr’ is still on the road
and my trusty sidekick, Jimmy, is right by my side wondering what the heck I’m gonna do
That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. We’ll see you down the road!
Be Safe and Just Ride!!
Note: This article was written in 2009, and now, 5 years later, still rings true. We have made lots
more exciting rides since then and each has added to our memories. There’s just nothing like
Harley friends!
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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April 5, 2014
LOUISIANA HOG RALLY - April 3-6, 2014
Lafayette, LA
April 23, 2014
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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MAY 2014
 Hey Lady Riders! Saturday, May 3rd is “International Female Ride Day”! This is a day set aside to
bring attention to our ladies who ride. The number of female riders continues to grow and now we
have our “special” ride day! Women all over the world will be taking the seat and riding –
anywhere! And ladies who ride as passengers, this includes YOU! Make that guy of yours take you
where you want to go. It could be to work, shopping, to have lunch, or just taking off and going. The
rides don’t have to be organized. Ride alone or with a friend. JUST RIDE!!! You can go to their
website at www.motoress.com for info on the background of “Female Ride Day”. This thing is
Global!! Hope you can get out and ride and show the world that ‘GIRLS RIDE TOO’!!
 LOH SCAVENGER HUNT – Don’t forget! It started April 1st and goes through November 1st!
You have until the June Chapter Meeting to sign up! $10 participation fee. The list of sites and
Rules went out on March 31st. If you did not see it – contact Teri for a copy. Photos must be turned
in by the November Chapter Meeting. Prizes will be awarded at the Christmas Party! SO GET
THAT HOG RIDIN’ PIG out and get on your HARLEY and start HUNTING!!!
 FEED THE HUNGRY! Thanks for your continued participation HOU-TEX!!
 BOWLING TOURNAMENT - Coming this SUMMER!! Watch for info!!
 TEXAS HOG RALLY is this month in Abilene!! Go if you can! Lots of Fun!!
 NEWSLETTER!!!! Your Editor is looking for some STUFF to put in the newsletter! Tell us
about your first Hou-Tex ride, your first bike, your favorite ride – SOMETHING!!!! Doesn’t have
to be a long essay! You know you have it in you! Just sit down and DO IT! Thanks!!
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
05/03/14 – HOU-TEX Chapter Mtg.
Fox & Hound @ 10:00 am
AMR – Lupe Tortilla on Bay Area
Led by – Brian B
05/04/14 – HOU-TEX Picnic Ride
Brazoria Nat’l Wildlife Refuge
Led by – John B
Lv – SJHD @ 3:00 pm
05/06/14 – HOU-TEX Group Ride
Indoctrination for New Members
SJHD @ 7:00pm – Training Rm
05/08/14 – LOH Meeting
Pizzini’s – 927 Mercury Dr.-Houston
7-8:30 pm – Come early to eat!
05/10/14 – SAN JACINTO HD
BABC and Spring Open House
See SJHD website for details!
Will need Volunteers!
05/10/14 – HOU-TEX Ride
New Members 1st Group Ride
San Jacinto MONUMENT 1:00 pm
05/11/14 – MOTHER’S DAY
05/15/14 – HOU-TEX Meet & Greet
Fox & Hound @ 6:30 pm
05/15-17/14 – Texas State HOG Rally
Abilene, TX
05/17/14 – HOU-TEX Ride
On The River Rest.
Lv – SJHD @ 10:00 am
Led by – Keith G
05/18/14 – HOU-TEX Ride
Blessing Hotel
Lv – SJHD @ 8:00 am
Led By – Robert M
05/24/14 – HOU-TEX LOH
Progressive Dinner Ride
Lv: Stubbs HD - Time: TBD
05/25/14 – HOU-TEX LOH
Prog. Dinner Ride *RAIN DATE*
05/26/14 – MEMORIAL DAY
05/27/14 – HOU-TEX Officer Mtg.
SJHD @ 6:30 pm
05/31/14 - HOU-TEX Ride
Pine Tree Lodge
Lv: San Jac COLLEGE Pkg. Lot **
@ 9:30 am
Led by - Keith G.
An old biker had serious hearing
problems for a number of years. He
went to the doctor and the doctor
was able to have him fitted for a set
of hearing aids that allowed him to
hear 100%. The old biker went back
in a month to the doctor and the
doctor said, “Your hearing is
perfect. Your family must be really
pleased that you can hear again.”
The biker replied, “Oh, I haven’t
told my family yet. I just sit around
and listen to the conversations. I’ve
changed my will three times.”
* * * * *
An old biker said to his eighty-year
old biker buddy:
“So I hear you’re getting married?”
“Do I know her?”
“This woman, is she good looking?”
“Not really.”
“Is she a good cook?”
“Naw, she can’t cook too well.”
“Does she have lots of money?”
Poor as a church mouse.”
“Well, then, is she good in bed?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why in the world do you want to
marry her then?”
“Because she can still ride!”
* * * * *
Three old bikers are out walking.
First one says, “Windy, isn’t it?”
Second one says, “No, it’s
Thursday!” Third one says,“So am I.
Let’s go get a beer.”
* * * * *
An old biker was telling his
neighbor, “I just bought a new
hearing aid. It cost me $4,000, but
it’s state of the art. It’s perfect.”
“Really, answered the neighbor.
What kind is it?”
“Twelve thirty.”
Page 7 of 8
Director, Milford Deason
Assistant Director, Ginger Lambert
Secretary, Rhonda Pigott
Treasurer, John Lambert
Ladies of Harley, Teri McElhenie
Activities Officer, John Billings
Head Road Captain, Clayton Hackett
Editor, Glenda Mitchell
Safety Officer, John Billings
Historian, Keith Hoak
Webmaster, John Rossbach
Sergeant-at-Arms, Brian Barry
281-479-8829 (hm)
Photographer, Connie Muehlenbruch
Dealer Representative, Joel Morris
Dealer Respresentative, Roy Abrego
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 8 of 8
Hou-Tex Chapter #5075
Meets at 10:00 A.M.
the First Saturday of
Each Month at
Stubbs Cares! If you've had an experience with
Stubbs (bad or good) or any of the other dealers, please send
it to Joel Morris at j.morris@stubbshd.com or feel free to
call him. Stubbs wants your business, but realize they have
competition, so please be honest.
Please see, call or email the following
officers for Chapter issues:
Questions or Complaints: Milford Deason, Director
12802 Gulf Freewy
Houston, TX
(Fuqua Exit)
Coffee & Soft
Drinks Available
during Meeting
Guests and Visitors
Note:All membership
dues,prepaid activities &
events are non-refundable.
or Ginger Lambert, Assistant Director
Address, phone, or email changes to:
Rhonda Pigott, Secretary
Membership questions or any life altering changes
–marriages, births, deaths, sickness or accidents:
Rhonda Pigott, Secretary
JUNE 2014 ISSUE - due by May 15, 2014
Please email articles, etc. to: Glenda Mitchell,
Editor: gored502000@yahoo.com
If rec’d. after due date- will be used in the next issue.
"The purpose of the HouTex Chapter is to promote
responsible motorcycling
activities for Harley
Owners Group members
by conducting Chapter
activities and
encouraging participation
in other H.O.G. events…”
Blaise Guerrero
John Plemons
Celina Christiansen
Joan Miskelly
Jerry Barr
Bill Askew
Robert Cooper
Jim R. Denton
Randal Smith
Scott McAnally
Anthony Porcarello
Greg Emerson
Don Gillett
Dennis James
Steven Reeves
We apologize if we missed your birthday.
Please contact Rhonda Pigott, our secretary, because Hou-Tex really wants to know!
See page 7 for contact information-THANKS
Chapter Sponsored by:
Stubbs Harley-Davidson
Started As Strangers
Became Friends
Ended Up As Family
4400 Telephone Road
Houston, TX 77087
Fax 713-933-3485
* * *
San Jacinto Harley-Davidson
3636 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. So.
Pasadena, TX 77505
We’re on the Web!!
PO BOX 1541
Deer Park, TX