Hello HOGS
Hello HOGS
HOU-TEX H.O.G. CHAPTER # 5075 October 2012 Volume 25, Issue 10 Special Interest Articles: Directors Cut Sturgis: by Jme Kitchens Part One of Two Chapter Communication by Robert M. Chuck Collum, Director Cedar Point Ride Hou-Tex Annual Ghost Ride to Natchez MS Other Highlights: October Birthdays Hello HOGS Welcome New Members Jokes October Rides & Activities Editor Comments Hou-Tex Chapter Sponsors San Jacinto Harley-Davidson October is here and with it comes the cooler weather for riding. Things are starting to get back to normal at work and I’m ready to Ride. Hou-Tex celebrates it’s Twenty Third Birthday this month at Stubbs H.D. and have we got a Party planned! 3636 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. S Pasadena, TX 77505 Phone : 281-991-4275 Fax: 281-598-6157 www.sanjacintohd.com Stubbs Harley-Davidson 4400 Telephone Rd. Houston, TX 77087 Phone: 713-644-7535 Hope I get to see all of you showing your riding skills in the bike games and having a great time. Just want to take some time to thank Keith H. and Robert M. for their hard work in putting our New Hou-Tex Directory together, especially the LOH section. LOL!!! Fax: 713-933-3485 www.stubbshd.com Store Hours (both locations-Except Stubbs closed on Monday) Monday 8:30-6:00 Tuesday 8:30-6:00 Wednesday 8:30-6:00 Thursday 8:30-6:00 Friday 8:30-6:00 Saturday 8:30-500 Sunday CLOSED Until next time Ride Safe…….. Chuck C. HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 2 0F 8 " STURGIS 2012" By: Jme Kitchens This is a short and sweet story about a trip to HEL.....LO,I mean Sturgis. There were 12 of us that decided to go to Sturgis. They were definitely not thinking straight, to want to go in AUGUST on a 1500 mile trip on bikes. August is the HOTTEST month in Texas.You talk about trials and tribulations along the way, they had them. Here are just some of the things that happened along the way: heat exhaustion, flat tire, broken down bike, dead battery. Through all of this, they made it safely to Sturgis in 3 days’ time. We stayed in a beautiful house on top of a mountain. It was a 6 bedroom, 3 baths, 3 stories home.You would think that this would be really nice, right? You would definitely be WRONG!!! There were 4 of the 12 people that could not breath in the altitude we were in. It was very hard on 1 of them especially. He turned BLUE!!!! Scared us all, he did. We stayed in Sturgis 4 days and then headed back home. There were 2 of the 12 that decided to go on another excursion from Sturgis to Montana. That, as we would say, “Is another story.” Back to the 10 people, on their way home. It took 3 days to get home. We had a good time through it all.You couldn't ask for better friends to go through all of this together. To end this story, I would like to say: "DO NOT RIDE A MOTORCYCLE TO STURGIS FROM TEXAS IN AUGUST." If you want to go, FLY!!!!!!If I ever have the chance to go back, I will FLY there, rent a bike, and then FLY home. I want to thank all of the friends that took the trip with us: The Byrds, Kings, Deasons, Brumleys, Mr. Wright, and Mr. Lloyd. We could not have survived without all of you there. Until next time, Jme HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 3 0F 8 HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 4 OF 8 Chapter Communication I may not be a life member, but I'm not a newbie of this chapter. However I know enough to know that what you put in is exactly what you get out of it. What I'm getting at is communication. We have several ways to communicate. The first one that comes to mind is the chapter meeting that's at Fox and Hound, the first Saturday of every month. Officers give us information about future club rides, opportunities to volunteer, recognize those who have birthdays that month. This is a time to welcome new members to our club. My favorite part is when someone gets to announce his or her new bike. The chapter meeting is one form of communication. Meet and Greet is a great place to hang with other members that have the same likes as you do...eating. You get to know other members, gather ideas for future rides or encourage others to go on rides with you. Again this is another form of communication. Just 2 more and I'll shut up. The next one is Facebook. I know not every member is on Facebook or wants to be on Facebook, however its original idea was to help members share ideas, keep up with events and rides. Ok, All together now...it's another form of communication. This next one is something that every member can get involved in. The Chapter Newsletter is a great way to communicate to every member. Some ideas that may help you can be, take a picture about something you did that involved another member, for example; when you go on a ride get a group picture from the departure point, get a group picture at the destination, don't forget the ride leader, maybe get a picture of the lead rider next to his bike. Don't worry about the quality of the picture, the point is, take the picture and share it. Sending in the names is helpful, especially to new members. Send in stories about yourself, your spouse, your kids, jokes, whatever you want. This the final form of commutation that I'm going to point out. Don't take these things for granted. They don't just happen, start putting in your two cents, it's your club, keep contributing. Also don’t forget we have our Forum on our Chapter Website for communication! Robert M. HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 5 of 8 Cedar Point Ride HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 6 of 8 Welcome New Hou-Tex Members BIRTHDAY New Members Joined in September 2012 CORNER Don Waldrip Robert Cole Randy May John Camfield OCTOBER BIRTHDAY’S Dale Jennings Ken Donnelly 10/5 Eric Nolan 10/10 Rickey Collier 10/11 Terri Johnstone 10/13 Mark Fulsom 10/14 Steven Chapman 10/17 Barbara Kippley 10/20 October 12 at 8:00 a.m. returning October 14 Tommy Doster 10/23 http://www.natchezeola.com/home/ http://www.ilocate.net/uniquelynatchez/images/video2.php Susan Hoak 10/23 Sandy Lawrence 10/23 I have reserved 25 rooms with a mixture of King, Queen or two double beds. She gave me a group rate under this block for any room/any size bed of $89 per night. There are some balcony rooms available if you call early, but you will need to upgrade for those rooms. The price she quoted me if you want to upgrade to a King Balcony is $117. These are not in the block. You can also request to have a smoking room if you prefer and are available at the block price. The room block will be held until September 12. Room cancellation is 24 hours prior to arrival. The room block is under the name Hou-Tex. Charlie Broker 10/27 New Members are the future of our Chapter! Welcome to our Family!!!!! HOU-TEX ANNUAL GHOST RIDE NATCHEZ, MS Ride leaving from Denny’s at 1960 & 59 KSU at 8 a.m. Tel 1 (601) 445-6000 Toll free 1 (866) 445-3652 John Billings 10/29 Robert Muehlenbruch 10/31 H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y Natchez Eola Hotel 110 N Pearl St, Natchez, Mississippi 39120-3266 We apologize if we missed your birthday Please contact: Connie Muehlenbruch, our secretary. See page 7 for contact information. Thank you. HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 7 of 8 JOKE / CARTOON October CORNER CHAPTER ACTIVITIES The Mechanic & The Surgeon Chapter Events Hou-Tex Officers A Harley mechanic was removing a cylinder head from one of the bikes at his shop when a well-known heart surgeon pulled in. Director, Chuck Collum chuck.collum@yahoo.com Assistant Director, Robert Muehlenbruch 10/2...Officers Meeting @ Willies 6:30 p.m. rlmuehlenbruch@me.com The service manager asked him to have a seat and he would be right with him. The surgeon sat down in a chair and watched the mechanic work. 10/6… Chapter Meeting & Birthday Celebration at Stubbs...come early to help set up, food, bike games fun time for all. The mechanic noticed the surgeon’s gaze and shouted “Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?” The surgeon walked over to the mechanic and said “Sure, what can I do for you?” cmuehlenbruch@me.com The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “Look at this bike. I open its “heart”, the engine. I take the valves out, fix’em and put’em back in. When I’m finished, they purr like when they were brand new. johnplemons@att.net Secretary, Connie Muehlenbruch 10/11...LOH Meeting @ Willie’s 6:30 p.m. 10/11 thru 10/13… Oklahoma State HOG Rally, Lawton, OK 10/12 thru10/14...Hou-Tex Annual Ghost Ride to Natchez, MS, led by Teri McElhenie, staging Denny’s Hwy 59 North and FM 1960, KSU 5:00 a.m. 10/18...Meet N Greet Fox & Hound 6:30 p.m. till, come meet ole and new members What I want to know is: When you and I are essentially doing the same think, we’re both mechanics, why do I get such a measly salary and you get the really big bucks?” Letter From The Editor 10/20...Nun Run, details to be announced 10/28...LOH Halloween Costume Ride, details to be announced. 10/30...Officers meeting @ Willies, 6:30 p.m. come early to eat. 10/31... HALLOWEEN, Y’ALL BE SAFE AND HAVE A GOOD ONE! Ladies of Harley, Dede Plemons dedeplemons@att.net Activities Officer, John Billings jbillings1966@gmail.com The surgeon paused, smiled, leaned over and whispered Road Captain, Manuel Oliva to the mechanic, “Next time, try doing it with the engine manueloliva54@yahoo.com running!” Hello Hou-Tex! 10/27....Pine Tree Lodge Ride led by Keith G., staging San Jacinto College, KSU 9:00 a.m. Treasurer, John Plemons Editor, Lori Smith lorismith51@yahoo.com Safety Officer, John Rossbach I want to thank everyone that sent in jokes, photos, stories and much more. We have more coming in the next issue as I didn’t have room for everything in this issue isn’t that wonderful!!! You guy’s and gal’s rock!! Don’t forget we have our contest running for your funniest ride story ever so get them in so we can publish them and vote at the Christmas party on the winners! jrossbach2@gmail.com Historian, Keith Hoak ardens@sbcglobal.net Membership Officer, Jme Daigle-Kitchens jmedaigle@yahoo.com Webmaster, Paul Boggs, II Webmaster/IT/Communications p.boggs@stubbshd.com Well school is back in session so I will be riding a little less but definitely making the ghost ride this year! Looking forward to it!! Sergeant-at-Arms, Brian Barry mbarry77536@yahoo.com Photographer, John Davis John Billings Activities Director Be sure to check out next months issue we will have lot’s more Sturgis Photos! Didn’t have room for them all and they are awesome! jcarlhog2@yahoo.com Stubbs Dealer Representative, Joel Morris J.morris@stibbshd.com See you on the road soon! San Jac Dealer Representative, Roy Abrego Be Safe! Lori Smith r.abrego@sjhd.com HOU-TEX CHAPTER # 5075 PAGE 8 of 8 HOU-TEX HOU-TEX CHAPTER CHAPTER ## 5075 5075 Meets Meets at at 10:00 10:00 A.M. A.M. Newsletter Deadline for November: October 20, 2012 E-mail photos, stories, jokes (clean please), information on past rides, Note: All membership dues, prepaid activities and event fees are non-refundable. events, etc. to Lori@ lorismith51@yahoo.com The The First First Saturday Saturday of of Each Each Month Month at: at: Please see, call or e-mail the following people for complaints, questions, changes or suggestions: ABOUT OUR ORGANIZATION Questions or complaints: Chuck Collum, Director Address, phone, or e-mail changes: Connie Muehlenbruch, Secretary FOX FOX & & HOUND HOUND SMOKEHOUSE SMOKEHOUSE Ride ideas: breakfast/lunch/dinner or overnight stay-please contact: John Billings, Activities Officer or Chuck Collum, Director & & TAVERN TAVERN 12802 12802 Gulf Gulf Freeway Freeway 77034 77034 HOU-TEX MOTTO 281-481-0068 281-481-0068 Started as Strangers Houston, Houston, TX TX Became Friends Guests Guests and and Ended Up As Family Visitors Visitors RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN1 Welcome! Welcome! “The purpose of the Hou-Tex chapter is to promote responsible motorcycling activities for Harley Owners Group members by conducting chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events…” We’re on the Web! See us at: www.houtexhog.org P.O. Box 1541 Deer Park, TX 77536-1541
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