activities - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
activities - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
HOU-TEX H.O.G. CHAPTER #5075 November 2014, Volume 27 Issue 9 HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY HOU-TEX ! ! ! ARTICLES & HIGHLIGHTS * * * * •Director (Pg.1) •25th Party (Pg.2) •Ghost Ride (Pg.4) •Christmas (Pg.6) •Prayer List (Pg.6) •Activities (Pg.7) •Joke Corner (Pg.7) •Officer Info (Pg.7) •Editor’s Note (Pg.8) • Newsletter Deadlines (Pg.8) Our Sponsors: Stubbs Harley-Davidson 4400 Telephone Rd. Houston, TX 77087 Phone: 713-644-7535 Fax: 713-933-3485 (Closed Monday) San Jacinto Harley-Davidson 3636 E Sam Houston Pkwy.S Pasadena, TX 77505 Phone: 281-991-4275 Fax: 281-598-6157 STORE HOURS: Monday 8:30 to 6:00 Tuesday 8:30 to 6:00 Wednesday 8:30 to 6:00 Thursday 8:30 to 6:00 Friday 8:30 to 6:00 Saturday 8:30 to 6:00 Sunday Closed Hey Hou-Tex…I hope you are enjoying this cooler weather and getting to ride some. We have been blessed with some nice weather as of late, with cool mornings and evenings and tolerable days. I hope everyone enjoyed the Hou-Tex birthday party. A big thanks to all the folks who helped make it a success. The group photo turned out very nice. The officers are working on a plan to make a copy of the group photo available to the members. Stay tuned for more info. In addition to the birthday party, we have had a month full of chapter events, from the Nun-Run, to a Ghost Ride, to State Rallies, to lunch rides. There is never a shortage of reasons to ride with HouTex. But it doesn’t stop here. November has a calendar full of lunch rides. Also, the Lone Star Rally is just around the corner on November 6th thru 9th. So…get out there and ride. Please check out the rides in this newsletter and on our website and FB pages. The next big event for us is the annual Christmas party. It is coming up Friday, December 5th. Mark it on your calendar and look for more details in this newsletter and in the coming weeks. Please check our Hou-Tex prayer list. Martin Lemke sustained some serious injuries in a motorcycle accident last week. He remains hospitalized with more surgery to come. Charlie remains in very serious condition in the hospital in Florida following a lung transplant and heart bypass surgery. We have other members and families who also need our prayers November officially kicks off the holiday season for us. So as we celebrate Thanksgiving and then Christmas please take a moment to reflect and be appreciative of our blessings and our freedom. This should be a time of good food and family gatherings, but it should also be a time when we remember the less fortunate. Share a blessing when you can. You never know when just a simple act of kindness is just what that person needed on that particular day. And don’t forget the men and women of our armed forces who protect us and keep us free. Milford God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America ! ! ! HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 2 of 8 ANNIVERSARY FUN GAMES – GAMES - GAMES CONTEST WINNERS Balloon Toss – 1st – Steve & Teri Mc 2nd – Keith & Jo N. st Ball on Cone - 1 – Bruce & Barbara K. 2nd – Keith & Jo N. Men’s Slow - 1st - Keith Newlin 2nd – Joe Gaona Ladies Slow - 1st – Debbie Grasso 2nd - Glenda Mitchell Trike Parallel - 1st – Randy Smith 2nd – James King 3rd – Bruce & Barbara K. 3rd – Keith & Debbie G. 3rd – John Billings 3rd – Temple Naff 3rd - Bruce Kippley HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 ANNIVERSARY FUN Page 3 of 8 HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 4 of 8 HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 GHOST RIDE Page 5 of 8 HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 6 of 8 HOU-TEX CHRISTMAS PARTY When: Where: Address: Time: Catered By: BYOB: Music: Tickets: Friday, December 5, 2014 Lyondell Recreation Center 1300 W. Jackson, Pasadena (Hwy225 &Scarborough) 6:30pm (dinner at 7:00pm) Texas Cafeteria Please feel free to bring your own “special” beverages & setups. (Tea will be served with dinner) Water will also be available DJ Pre-Sale tickets available through the November mtg. $5.00/Member - $10.00/Non-Member At the Door - $10.00/Member - $15.00/Non-Member Any Member who would like to – please bring a dessert!! * We are bringing back the “Gift Exchange” !!! Members wanting to participate…….. PLEASE BRING a WRAPPED GIFT ($20-$25 range) Get ready to STEAL!! * LOH will also be doing a SILENT AUCTION!! Look for an email soon with details! * We will also be accepting food items for our FEED THE HUNGRY campaign. Packaged seasonal items will be great…. but happy with anything you bring. 50/50 DRAWING!!!! LOTS OF DOOR PRIZES!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAYER CORNER Don’t forget those who need our prayers… Charlie & Jme Kitchens Martin Lemke Jerry Williams Mary Ybos’ Mom And All Their Families Thank you HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 JOKE CORNER ACTIVITIES 10/28/14 – HOU-TEX OFFICER MTG SJHD Training Rm @ 6:30 pm 11/01/14 – HOU-TEX Chapter Mtg. Fox & Hound @ 10:00am AMR – Boondoggles Led by – Brian B 11/06-09/14 – LONE STAR RALLY GALVESTON 11/09/14 – HOU-TEX RIDE Lone Star Rally Led By- John B Depart – SJHD @ 8:00am *will be a breakfast stop 11/13/14 - LOH Meeting Willie’s Ice House 3481 E. Sam Houston Pkwy, So. Pasadena Meeting @ 7:00pm *Come early to eat! 11/13/14 - HD-Live Wire Tour SJHD – see their website for details Watch your emails for YOUR Chance to Ride!! 11/15-20/14 – HOU-TEX RIDE Royer’s Café, Round Top Led by – Milford D Depart – Denny’s, 13031 FM 1960 @ 290 KSU – 8:00am 11/20/14 – HOU-TEX – Meet & Greet Fox & Hound @ 6:30pm • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11/22/14 – HOU-TEX RIDE Hogs N Chicks, Missouri City Led by – Brian B Depart – SJHD @ 10:00am • 11/27/14 – HAPPY THANKSGIVING! • 11/29/14 – HOU-TEX RIDE ‘No More Turkey Ride’ On The River Rest., Freeport Led by – Keith G Depart – SJHD @ 10:00am • 12/02/14 – HOU- TEX OFFICER MTG SJHD Training Rm @ 6:30pm • • • • I tried to catch some fog….I mist. When chemists die, they barium. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time. How does Moses make his tea? He brews it. I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’d never met herbivore. I’m reading a book about antigravity. I can’t put it down. I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. Why were the Indians here first. They had reservations. Energizer bunny arrested. Charged with battery. I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils? What does a clock do when it’s hungry? It goes back four seconds. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me! England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool. I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest. I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx. All the toilets in New York’s police stations have been stolen. Police have nothing to go on. Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes. Venison for dinner? Oh deer! Velcro – what a rip off Page 7 of 8 HOU-TEX OFFICERS Director, Milford Deason 281-216-1382 Assistant Director, Ginger Lambert 713-805-7545 Secretary, Rhonda Pigott 281-557-4626 Treasurer, John Lambert 713-805-7618 Ladies of Harley, Teri McElhenie 281-787-0204 Activities Officer, Debbie Grasso 281-797-0735 Head Road Captain, Clayton Hackett 281-309-8109 Editor, Glenda Mitchell 281-732-7058 Safety Officer, John Billings 832-492-1983 Historian, Keith Hoak 713-398-8241 Webmaster, John Rossbach 281-615-3556 Sergeant-at-Arms, Brian Barry 281-479-8829 (hm) Photographer, Connie Muehlenbruch 713-569-8224 Membership Officer, Robert Muehlenbruch 281-832-8371 Dealer Representative, Joel Morris 713-644-7535 Dealer Respresentative, - TBA 281-991-4275 HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 8 of 8 Hou-Tex Chapter #5075 Meets at 10:00 A.M. the First Saturday of Each Month at FOX & HOUND SMOKEHOUSE & TAVERN 12802 Gulf Freewy Houston, TX 77034 281-481-0068 (Fuqua Exit) Coffee & Soft Drinks Available during Meeting Stubbs (bad or good) or any of the other dealers, please send it to Joel Morris at or feel free to call him. Stubbs wants your business, but realize they have competition, so please be honest. Please see, call or email the following officers for Chapter issues: Questions or Complaints: Milford Deason, Director or Ginger Lambert, Assistant Director Address, phone, or email changes to: Rhonda Pigott, Secretary Membership questions or any life altering changes –marriages, births, deaths, sickness or accidents: Rhonda Pigott, Secretary UPCOMING NEWSLETTER DEADLINES Guests and Visitors DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE - Welcome! due by: November 14, 2014 Note:All membership dues,prepaid activities & events are non-refundable. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER AL BIRTHDAYS Stubbs Cares! If you've had an experience with Sherry Guerro 4 Ted Pigott 4 Jan Smith 7 Jimmie Buchanan 14 Breanna Kohler 17 Don McCormack 18 Jesse Soto 19 Barbara Kippley 20 Tommy Doster 23 Susan Hoak 23 Curt Hovey 23 Sandy Lawrence 23 John Billings 29 Liz Pena 29 Robert Muehlenbruch 31 HAPPY Please email articles, etc. to: Glenda Mitchell, Editor: ABOUT OUR ORGANIZATION Chapter Sponsored by: Stubbs Harley-Davidson "The purpose of the HouTex Chapter is to promote responsible motorcycling activities for Harley Owners Group members by conducting Chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events…” 7 10 14 14 16 18 19 24 BIRTHDAY !!! We apologize if we missed your birthday. Please contact Rhonda Pigott, our secretary, because Hou-Tex really wants to know! See page 7 for contact information-THANKS HOU- HOU- TEX MOTTO Started As Strangers Became Friends Ended Up As Family 4400 Telephone Road Houston, TX 77087 713-644-7535 Fax 713-933-3485 * * * San Jacinto Harley-Davidson 3636 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. So. Pasadena, TX 77505 281-991-4275 HOU-TEX Patrick O’Neal Jerry Jones Sr. Travis Tarbutton Sheila Vann Cindy Muths Doug McMullen Jeffrey Clevenger Dennis Graham RIDE SAFE & HAVE FUN! We’re on the Web!! H.O.G. CHAPTER #5075 PO BOX 1541 Deer Park, TX 77536-1541
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Hello HOGS
Questions or complaints: Chuck Collum, Director
Address, phone, or e-mail changes: Connie Muehlenbruch, Secretary
rides - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
Questions or Complaints: Milford Deason, Director
or Ginger Lambert, Assistant Director
hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 8 of 8
hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
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