modern europe


modern europe
Paint, Sing and Dance Modern Europe
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot
be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ISBN 978-83-937645-0-1
Art has been connected with human civilization
since its beginning.
In the most ancient archeological excavations
works of prehistoric art were found. Art has developed together with the development of human
race. Every century of human history has its reflection in art. That is why art is so important for people. Artists express their feelings and emotions
in their works. It may be painted, sculptured, sung
or danced. Whatever material is used to create
a work of art its result always reflects the author’s
inner experience.
In the modern world, full of electronic devices,
media and fast communication, art is often tre-
ated as an unimportant part of human life. Young
people, preoccupied with modern technology,
suffer from strong emotional dilemmas. They
experience stresses and strains connected with
the civilization of constant haste. They seem to
forget that the simplest solution to all their civilization problems may be art. Art gives you relaxation
and peace. It lets you show your emotions. The act
of creation is the act of purification. It keeps you
occupied with something which is good for you
and may be good for other people. Art teaches
you how to perceive beauty around you. Why not
make friends with art then? Maybe this album will
be your first step to do it. Good luck!
Urząd Gminy Koszęcin
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 10
42-286 Koszęcin
tel.: 34 3576 100
fax: 34 3576 108
Bräcke kommun
Hantverksgatan 25
Box 190
840 60 BRÄCKE
Tel 0693-161 00
Fax 0693-161 05
About the project
The album Swedish and Polish Art has been
created as a final product of the Comenius Regio
Project Paint, Sing and Dance Modern Europe.
Partners of the project were Bracke Commune,
Sweden and Koszęcin Commune, Poland. Both
communes were represented by three or more institutions. In Bracke Commune the participants were
the Local Council in Bracke, Bracke Skola (school),
Konstforeningen Paletten (painting group) and Ostersunds Bugg n’rockenrollklubb (dancing group).
In Koszęcin Commune the participants were the
Local Council in Koszęcin, Gimnazjum nr 1 (school)
and Zespół Pieśni i Tanca „Śląsk” im. Stanisława Hadyny (song and dance group).
The coordinator of the Project was Urząd Gminy
(Local Council) in Koszęcin, who invented the main
idea of the project, found the partner commune as
well as the partner institutions and invited them to
realization of the project. In cooperation with all the
institutions involved they created the project and
were supervising the realization of the project tasks.
This project had Art (painting, dancing and
singing) as the focal point, emphasizing ways the
young people are taught art at school and the
role which the local council has in the process of
supporting local artists in their communes. Furthermore, it aimed at motivating young people to
take part Art as a hobby and then as a way to lead
an interesting and full live. Art is something that
makes people’s lives better in a way it drags them
away from commerciality and boredom as well as
from crime and drugs and other dangers of the
commercialized world. The project was supposed
to help students and adult local artists, of both
communes, to improve their skills, learn about European art, compare how different they are and
what they have in common. What European worth
are most important for them . The project was to
teach tolerance for differences in European culture
and, what is very important, break the stereotypes
in relation to each other.
Another important idea of the project was to
increase the awareness among young people for
the need to become familiar with art which is our
national and European heritage. To increase the
awareness that without art they may lose their
sense of life. Acquiring new techniques of expressing their feelings, developing their personality by
improving their artistic skills was meant in the
project. No less important idea was to train the
teachers and instructors to better working with
the talented students and the local artists to become models for the young people. The project
was meant to compensate the lack of beauty in
the students’ everyday lives concentrated on pop
music, cartoons and advertisements.
The project lasted two years ( September 2011 to
August 2013). During this period both partners realized 48 mobilities. People representing all the institutions involved in the project visited the partner’s
commune and participated in various activities,
such as art exhibitions, dancing and painting workshops, concerts. They also exchanged ideas about
teaching art and management of communes during conferences and meetings with their partners.
The outcomes of the project are of great value.
All the participants broaden their knowledge not
only as far as art is concerned. They also learned
a lot about the partner’s culture, traditions and
everyday life. These memoires will last with them
forever, enriching and beautifying their inner lives.
Polish Art
The beginning of Polish art dates back to Medieval Times. The earliest sculptures of this time were
sculptures of bears and wild boars from the Lusatian
Culture while from the Roman Times there survived
some richly ornamented vessels. In the 10th and
11th centuries religious rock statues were created
and still there were many ornamented vessels and
tools. It is also the beginning of religious painting,
bas-relief as well as statues of the saints. The Gothic period flourished with sepulchral bas-relief and
sculptures presenting the Pieta (St. Mary with the
body of Jesus on her knees). Also the wall painting
started at this time. A lot of beautiful, richly ornamented altars were created by still anonymous artists. At the end of this epoch there can be observed
some easel painting as well as some landscape
painting. The Renaissance was the time of many
influences coming to Poland mainly from western
Europe. A lot of portraits, also coffin portraits, were
created then. Also in the Baroque and Rococo the
trend of painting portraits remained and the art of
this time was enriched with big church statues.
Romanticism in Polish art was represented by
such names as Jakub Tatarkiewicz, Kazimierz Maliński oraz Józef Peszka. In Romanticism Juliusz
Kossak started painting his famous pictures with
ideal horses figures. Wojciech Gerson painted
landscapes while Jan Matejko presented battles
and scenes from the history of Poland in his works.
The Mystique Realism had two main representants: Józef Chełmoński and Alksander Gierymski.
In Modernism polish sculpture was under strong
influence of Rodin and the most famous Polish
sculpture was Ksawery Dunikowski. Painters of
Modernism were in Poland Jacek Malczewski and
Stanisław Wyspiański. At the break of the 19th and
20th centuries Tadeusz Makowski created his pictures presenting the world seen be children ‘s eyes.
Polish artists who were creating their works later
are treated as modern.
Agata Bogacka
She was born in 1976 in Warsaw.
She paints canvas. Her themes are: friends
in intimate situations, the life of Warsaw
Bohemia and herself. She creates her works
using contours and flat patches of colour
which makes her works recognizable
at first sight.
Wilhelm Sasnal
He was born in Tarnow in 1972.
In his paintings there may be observed
inspirations taken from cubism, pop-art,
minimalism, phototorealism, abstractionism,
surrealism and the painting of gesture. His
paintings are presented In the most famous
art galleries ( Guggenheim Museum, Museum
of Modern Art in New York).
Katarzyna Kozyra
She was born in 1963 in Warsaw.
She is an interbranch artist. She creates installations,
sculptures, photography and video art.
Thanks to her works she found approval all over
the world and her works belong to the canon
of Polish art, mainly the critical trend.
Jerzy Nowosielski
He was born in 1923 in Cracow, died In 2011.
An artist, who cannot be classified as
representative of any trends in modern art.
Nowosielski painted abstractions, portraits, still
lives but the most remarkable in his output are
women’s acts and icons.
Zdzisław Beksiński
He was born in 1929 in Sanok, died In 2005.
His works presented the artists inner emotions
and experiences , thoughts, fears, obsesions.
His works are classified as gloom symbolism.
Jerzy Duda-Gracz
He was born in 1941
in Częstochowa, died In 2004.
Extremely gifted painter and drawer of
the 20th century. He also worked as
a scenographer and art teacher. The grotesque
and oscillation at the border of surrealism and
symbolism may be observed in his paintings.
Tadeusz Kantor
He was born in 1915 in Wielopol Skrzyński,
died in 1990. One of the most famous
Polish film directors, painter, scenographer,
graphic. He represented conceptualism and
surrealizm. His art may be characterised as
abstract and beyond any convention.
Tamara Łempicka
She was born In 1898 or 1895 in Moscow
or Warsaw. Died in 1980 in Mexico (the dates
and facts are unclear). One of the famous
Polish painters of art deco epoch. Her private
life was strongly present in her paintings.
Numerous love affairs, also with women had
a reflection in her works. Intensive colours,
cubistic shapes as well as deep sense of
beauty, characterized her art.
Olga Boznańska
She was born In 1865 in Cracow, died In
1940 in Paris. One of the most tallented
Polish painters. She is a representative of
realism and impresionism.
She gained her fame with extremely interesting
portraits in which she showed not only the
lookout but also the inside of the painted
people. She often painted her study or the
landscape from her window. Her technique was
based on tiny points made with the brush.
Witkacy – Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
He was born in 1885 in Warsaw, died in 1939.
Polish painter. Playwright, writer, literary critic ,
photographer and philosopher.
The most famous are his crayon portraits.
Leon Wyczółkowski
He was born In 1852 in
Huta Miastkowska, died in 1936.
Famous painter, graphic, drawer of the Młoda
Polska epoch. He represented realism and
impresionism. In his canvas he painted elements
of architecture, sculptures as well as Tatra
landscapes. He also painted still lives, plants and
Jacek Malczewski
He was born In 1854 in Radom, died In 1929.
His symbolic works gained him a great
popularity. Characteristic in his paintings are
angels, chimeras, graveyards and historic
motives. He also painted selfportraits and
many thematic cycles.
Jan Matejko
He was born In 1838 in Cracow , died In 1893. His passion was battle ad historic art. His paintings were very precise,
full of details and very dynamic. Some of them are panoramic or multiplotal. He used intensive colours and sharp contrasts
to present the tragic aspect of the painted cenes.
Henryk Siemiradzki
He was born In 1843 in Nowobielogrod, died
In 1902. He belongs to the trend of Polish
academicism. He was interested in religious and
historical scenes. He also painted portraits and
rural scenes from everyday life.
Józef Chełmoński
He was born in 1849 in Boczki, died in 1914.
He was a representative of Polish realism, He
painted Polish and Ukrainian village scenes. His
realistic and romantic landscapes reflected the
colours of nature.
Swedish Art
Swedish prehistoric art began at the end of the
Ice Age. The rock carvings in the form of symbols
and images can be found even today. They are
called petroglyphs. The carvings were changing
during the Bronze Age. They represented animals
and rune symbols. With the comming of Christianity there appeared screens and crucifixes. Gothic
art is represented mainly by sculptures and later
by religious paintings. In the Renaissance portraits
of princes prevailed in the Swedish painting. Rococo time started the boom in Swedish art. One of
the most famous artists of this period was Gustaf
Lundberg. After that peasant painting flourished
and it was represented, among the others, by
Carl Larsson. In the 19th century there appeared
paintings by Marcus Larsson, Egon Lundgren and
also history paintings by Carl Gustav. The end of
the nineteen century was a period of greatness in
Swedish culture. To the famous names belonged
Anders Zorn, Amalia Lindegren, Carl Larsson and
Bruno Liljefors as well as Eugene Jansson and Ernst Josephson. Modernism entered Sweden with
Axel Torneman and Hilma av Klint, Nils Dardel and
Gosta Nillson. As far as sculpture is concerned, Carl
Eldh and Carl Milles should be mentioned. Swedish art has always been influenced by western
Europe. The influences came mainly from France,
Germany, Italy and after the second world war
a strong influence of the United States may be observed.
Albertus Victor (15th Centhury)
Albertus Pictor was born in Hessen,
Deutchland. He was a very famous church
painter. In Sweden you can find his paintings
in 36 churches. For example in.
Taby kyrka (painting)
Bromma kyrka
Uppsala domkyrka
Habo-Tibble kyrka
Balinge kyrka
Helga Trafaldignets kyrka
Lids kyrka
Vadsbro kyrka
Johan Tobias Sergel 1740-1815
He was a famous Swedish painter and
sculptor. Hes drawings were spectacular in
different ways. In the middle of Stockholm
you can find the square named Sergels torg.
Gustav II Adolfs staty, Stockholm.
The staty is made by J. T. Sergel
and Pierre Hubert LÁrchevĕque
August Strindberg 1849-1912
Stindberg was a Swedish playwright, novelist, poet,
essayist and painter. Strindberg’s career spanned four
decades, during which time he wrote over 60 plays
and more thann 30 works of fiction, autobiography,
history, cultural analysis, and politics.
He is considered the „father” of modern Swedish literature
and his The Red Room (1879) has frequently been
described as the first modern Swedish novel.
below: Frosen water at the beach
Per Leander Engström
Per Leander Engström was a Swedish artist. Mostly
paintings were done in the North of Sweden.
● 1909-1910 he studied for Henri Matisse in Paris.
● He was inspired by Paul Gauguin, Vincent van
Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and laterly also by Matisse.
Leander Engström married Maria Edlund in 1913.
Their twin Kjell Leander Engström (1914-1979)
och Tord Leander Engström (1914-1985) were
also artists Leander Engström and Philip von
Schantz are two of my favourite Swedish painters.
Isaac Grünewald 1889-1946
Isaac was married twice. His first wife were
Sigrid Hjerten and His second wife were Märtha
Grundell. He studied painting for Matisse in Paris.
Sigrid Hjerten 1885-1948
She was a Swedish modernist painter.
She worked as an artist for 30 years before
succumbing to complications from a lobotomy for
schizophrenia. She studied for Matisse during her
marriage with Isaac Grünewald.
Gösta Adrian Nilsson, GAN 1884-1965
Was born in Lund, and he died in Stockholm. He was a Swedisk
artist and writer. In the beginning he was inspired by Kandinsky
and Franz Mark. Later on his works shows inspiratin from
dadaism and surrealism. He was a homesexual man by the time
when hosexuality was forbidden. His paintings of sailors and
male atletics indicates his passion for courage and strength.
Carl Larsson 1853-1919
Carl Larsson was a Swedish painter and interior
designer, representative of the Arts and Crafts
Movement. His many paintings include oils,
watercolors, and frescoes. He considered his finest
work to be Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), a large
wall mural now displayed inside the Swedish National
Museum of Fine Arts. In 1882 in Grez-sur-Loing,
a Scandinavian artists’ colony outside Paris, he met the
artist Karin Bergöö, who soon became his wife.
Bruno Liljefors 1860-1939
Was a Swedish painter,
famous for his nature- and
animal motives in dramatical
situations. In many of his paintings
you can see different birds of prey.
John Bauer 1882-1918
Was a Swedish painter and illustrator p best
known for his illustrations of Bland tomtar och troll
(Among Gnomes and Trolls). At sixteen, he set off
for Stockholm to study art, and after two years he
entered the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts. At the
academy he met Esther Ellquist, whom he would
marry in December 1906. Together they embarked
on a two year long trip to Germany and Italy to
study art (1908–1910). Bauer’s wife became the
model for many of Bauer’s paintings, most notably
The Fairy Princess in 1905.
Rolf Lidberg 1930-2005
He was born in Liden, in Medelpad.He was a Swedish painter and a botanist.
He is famous for his troll motives. He spent a lot of time in Sicily and Tenerife
Philip von Schantz 1928-1998
Was a Swedish artist and painter.
He always used 1:1 scale in his
drawings and paintings.
Lars Gunnar („Lasse”) Åberg 1940Is a Swedish actor, musician, film director
and artist. Between 1960–64 he studied at
the Konstfack department of graphic design.
As an artist, he is famous for making various
lithographs; one of his stocks in trade are
sketchy Mickey Mouse drawings. His films
have generated over 300 million Swedish
kronor (43 million USD) in Sweden alone;
no large scale international distribution has
ever been attempted.
Lars Vilks 1946Vilks was born in Helsingborg, Sweden.
His father is from Latvia and his mother
is Swedish. He earned a Ph.D. in art history
from Lund University in 1987, and worked
at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts
from 1988 to 1997. From 1997 to 2003,
he was a professor in art theory at the
Bergen National Academy of the Arts. As
an art theorist, Vilks is a proponent of the
institutional theory of art.
Ilon Wikland 1930born 1930 in Tartu, Estonia, is
a Swedish artist and illustrator.
In 1944 she escaped with the family
of a classmate from the second
Soviet occupation, to Sweden. She
is known best for her illustrations to
various books by the author Astrid
Lindgren, including the popular The
Children of Noisy Village.
Karin Mamma Andersson 1962Born in 1962 in Luleå. She is a Swedish artist.
Andersson works and lives in Stockholm. She
lives with the Swedish artist Jockum Nordström.
She made the Nobel Price Certificate for Elfriede
Jelinek 2004, Harold Pinter 2005, Orhan Pamuk
2006 and Doris Lessing 2007. She won the
first price and got the Award of One million
Swedish Crowns in Carnegie Art Award 2006.
Art competitions
The project „Paint, Sing and Dance Modern Europe” was focused on art. The Project was to help
the students to learn about art and to create art. It
was to help the students to improve their artistic
skills by observing various art techniques, as well
as to help them in breaking the stereotypes in perceiving the Swedes and the Poles. The presented
competitions were activities which were held at
schools In Koszęcin Commune.
Competition for the logo of the project.
One of the most interesting competitions.. The
logo was to advertise the activities and achievements of the project. Nearly 50 young artists sent
their works. Their ideas were surprising and very
original. The winner work and some other works
are presented here.
The aim was to create a caricature of famous
Poles and Swedes, ( actors, writers, sportsmen, musicians). The works were to evoke positive feelings
in the watchers. Other aim of the competition was
to make the students familiar with the famous people in Polish and Swedish culture. It appeared to be
a difficult task. Only three young artists sent their
works. Yet then, the Polish and Swedish students
created a series of collages presenting famous persons, which activity was easier for them. Here are
some of the chosen works.
The idea of this competition appeared during
the realization of the project. Covers for the album about Swedish and Polish art as well as for
the CD with Polish and Swedish song and dances
were needed. Instead of asking a professional the
people engaged in the project decided to ask the
students to create the covers. Here are the propositions for the covers.
The competitions were an import part of the project. They made the students engaged in the project,
let them improve their artistic skills and gave them a
lot of joy.
Local Artists
In both communes engaged in the project (Bracke and Koszęcin) there are some local artists, who agreed to
present their works of art in the album.
Atilla Vas
was born In 1974. He studied art at Unea
University. He lives and creates his works in
Gallo. He presents his paintings in art gallery.
He belongs to The Ostersund Konstforening
and to the Bracke Konstforening. He teaches
art and Swedish at secondary school in Bracke.
Atilla started painting as a teenager.He paints in
oils using brush and knife. He also uses acrylic
and water-colours. He looks for inspirations in
the Jamtland Region, full of waterfalls, light,
and peace which altogether create harmony.
He travels to Swedish villages and also over
northern Europe searching motives to his work.
In his paintings Atilla tries to show an „artificial
soul” in which, by the process of painting, he
wants to breathe life.
Berith Högberg
was born in December 1950. She lives
in Bracke where she teaches Swedish.
She used to teach art too until August
2012. During her free time she takes
pictures in her garden and while climbing
the mountains. She likes listening to
music and for her the words are almost
as important as the melody. Berith also
paints. In her painting she is inspired by
music and books.
Viviane Hagfelt Lundgren
likes to paint flowers in water-colours.
Her paintings are very realistic and detailed.
Maria Lukksepp
is an artist- ceramiker. She was born in the Netherlands,
now she lives and creates in Tavnas, where she has
her own gallery. Her pottery is of different shapes and
colours. She also organizes courses in pottery making.
Johny Lundgren
a photographer. He takes mainly portraits.
In 2013 he was asked to take photos of the
royal horses in great Britain.
Marcin Painta
an artist painter from Kalety. He also works as a teacher of
Art. He prefers easel paintings but he also took part in big
format projects like „mural”.
Computer graphic arts are also a part of his works.
Now he is supported by the Artistic Guarantee of Art
Imperium. His works can be found in galleries in Poland
and abroad. He promotes his paintings also via the
Marcelina Wachowska
graduated from Akademia Sztuk Pięknych in
Katowice and Uniwersytet Opolski. She took up
art at secondary school. She deals with graphic,
painting, drawing as well as wood carving.
In her works she also uses the new media.
Marcelina works as a graphic artist. In her free
time she draws and likes mountain climbing.
Stanisław Konik
amateur painter from Koszęcin. Earlier he used to make metal
objects of art and now he is thinking of taking up sculpture. In his
paintings he presents nature (flowers, animals, landscapes). He also
paints portraits. Painting is mr Konik’s hobby. He says it makes him
feel free and happy. He rarely shows or sells his paintings. In his
house he created his own art gallery
Krystyna Janiczek (1944 – 1992)
worked as a teacher at primary school in Sadów for
many years. For ten years she was the headmaster
of the school. Her paintings present mainly nature,
still lives and architectonic elements. She also dealt
with graphics.
Anna Szczepańska
got interested in crocheting as a child. She likes making different kinds
of napkins. For a few years she has been dealing with scrapbooking. She
makes cards for different occasions like: weddings, birthdays, baptisms.
etc. She also makes artistic invitation cards. She is the owner of an internet
Sylwia Mańka
Works as a secretary at Zespół Szkół In
Koszęcin. She has been dealing with
scrapbooking for a few years. She creates
cards and boxes for different occasions. In her
free time she likes drawing and painting.
Ryszard Korzekwa
Artist sculpturer living in Koszęcin.
His sculptures can be admired in
the St. Trinity Church in Koszęcin.
Paweł Mucha
the artist of The Stanisław Hadyna’s Song and Dance Ensemble “Śląsk”. Now retired.
He has been creating his art for ten years. He carves in wood, often in the forest.
He says his sculptures are strange creatures and he calls them woodtures. His sculptures
are usually big. He is inspired by hunting. He also carves tables, chairs, stools).
Summing up
His album is the final product of the project
„Paint, Sing and Dance Modern Europe”. It was
created in cooperation with Art teachers from
Bracke Commune and Koszecin Commune. Most of
all with Ms Berith Hogberg, Ms Evy Norin and Mr
Marcin Painta. We want to thank the local artists
from both communes for selecting their works of
art to the album. The facts about Polish and Swedish artists were taken from public websites. We hope
this album will give you a lot of pleasure. It may also
serve as a help while teaching art. It will promote
the works of our local artists. It will show how various and colourful art may be.