Theta Chi sanctioned
Theta Chi sanctioned
Campus Times SPORTS M E N ’ S B A S K E T B A L L D E F E AT S B R A N D E I S T O R E M A I N N O . 1 Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873 Volume 135, Number 1 He also wrote that Jews overplay the Holocaust. Gandhi commented on his visit to Tel Aviv in 2004, comparing Israel to a “snake pit.” “With your superior weapons and armaments and your attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say you are creating a snake pit?” Gandhi said. He argued that Israel’s military buildup will alienate it from friendship with other nations and threaten its security. “We have created a Culture of Violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that culture of violence is eventually going to destroy humanity,” Gandhi said. The post was met with over 430 comments. While a portion of the comments supported Gandhi’s message, many conveyed outrage. Gandhi wrote a second post, entitled “My Apology for My Poorly Worded Post.” In this message he stated, “I am writing to correct some regrettable mis-impressions I have given.” Gandhi See GANDHI, Page 5 gayle hao • Staff Photograher Civil rights activist Andrew Young addresses a crowd in Strong Auditiorium on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Young addresses civil rights issues BY sam miller Staff Writer At 6:30 p.m on Jan. 28, a close friend of Martin Luther King Jr., prominent civil rights leader and former ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young, stood before an anxious audience. He is both a human rights advocate as well as a community activist who was a former U.S. congressman and mayor of Atlanta, Ga. Young is admired for his many achievements as the first African-American ambassador to the United Nations. He has published two books called “A Way Out of No Way” and “An Easy Burden.” Instantly upon Young’s appearance, the entire audience rose in a wave of smiles and put their hands together in respect of his achievements, including his attempts to establish peace and justice throughout the world. “We are here not just to learn, but to learn how to learn,” he said. He proceeded to discuss his years growing up and his relationship with King. “The Martin Luther King you read about is not the Martin Luther King I knew,” Young said. “I knew a 26-year-old Ph.D. student whose plan was to finish his dissertation in a quiet church and become a pastor.” See YOUNG, Page 4 PA G E 2 0 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Gandhi blog post causes backlash BY Marley Schneier News Editor On Jan. 17, Co-founder and President of the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence Arun Gandhi submitted his offer of resignation. While the reasoning for Gandhi’s resignation has not been announced, it can be inferred that it is related to the controversial remarks he wrote for The Washington Post Web site. Gandhi is on a panel of academics, authors and religious figures for the Post’s “On Faith” Web site, where a new topic is discussed each week. The topic to which Gandhi responded was, “We know what ‘Jewish identity’ had meant in the past. What will it mean in the future? How does a minority religion retain its roots and embrace change?” Gandhi’s response included, “Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the Holocaust experience — a German burden that the Jews have not been able to shed.” | Building plans upset residents Daniel green • Photo Editor Theta Chi Fraternity has shared a history with the University since 1920. One of the nine buildings on the Fraternity Quad, their house will soon serve a new purpose. Theta Chi sanctioned University reduces punishment to period of inactivity by rebecca Leber News Editor On Jan. 7, Dean of the College Richard Feldman informed Theta Chi Fraternity that he modified the severest of the sanctions recommended by an administrative hearing team in December. The final version of the sanctions place ΘΧ on an inactive, “censured status” until the fall of 2010. Conditions of inactive status stipulate that fraternity members cannot remain in their house, reside together or recruit new members this semester. One sanction requires members to complete an alcohol awareness program this semester. The fraternity will also be held responsible for needed repairs to the house; however, Acting Dean of Students Matthew Burns explained that these charges would not extend to alterations needed to accommodate future users. “They don’t have to pay for renovations. They have to pay for reparations,” Burns said. As early as the 2009-10 academic year, the fraternity may be allowed to live together in a residence hall, and the possibility remains open that members could eventually return to the chapter house in 2011. Feldman described his hopes that the future of ΘΧΧ takes this path. “I have decided that I do not want to move another fraternity or residential group into the house next year, only to have to move that group out a few years later when, I hope, ΘΧ will be able to move back in,” he said. As to how the house will be used in the meantime, Feldman stated that no final decision has been made. The release of the final sanctions culminated in a sequence of events that began last spring when the fraternity was placed on a high degree of probation, disciplinary probation, for repeated drug and alcohol violations in the past two years. According to former president of ΘΧ Scott Weiner ’07, the fraternity was placed on social probation once during his membership of fall 2005 through March 2007, and other violations pertained to individuals only, who were jointly punished by ΘΧ and the University. While he admitted that discipline by the University was warranted, Weiner commented on the fairness of charges. See HOUSE, Page 4 Jeff Levy • Presentation Editor fans support undefeated ‘jackets Loyal Yellowjacket fans clad in school colors enthusiastically cheer on the nationally-ranked men’s basketball team in the Palestra on Sunday. By Kashika sahay Staff Writer The Plymouth Exchange Neighborhood Association expressed discontent with the building plans for the new UR Riverview Apartments. The 19th Ward Residents believed they had been misled because city officials approved a different version of the building plans than was originally presented to residents in community meetings in February. The Riverview Apartments are scheduled to be completed by August 2008 and will house 400 UR students in 120 riverfront apartments. The University will lease the five buildings through agreements with Riverview Equity for five years with renewable options, as well as the right for the University to refuse purchasing the property. Tom Mancuso’s Nov. 28 article in the Rochester City Newspaper outlined some of the changes made to the plans in response to residents’ complaints. To increase public river access, a system of sidewalks will lead from the entrances of the apartments to Plymouth Avenue; there will be no keyed access at these entrances. Also, no bars will be placed in first floor windows. Entrances facing Plymouth Avenue will be added so that the front and back of the buildings look the same. However, fences will still surround the buildings. “I don’t want to leave the impression that people can use this site as a public space,” developer John Yurtchuk said. “I can’t go through your backyard, and you can’t go through mine. We have students who are paying to live here, and we have to consider their privacy and security needs.” In response to the meeting of Plymouth Avenue residents, Director of Residential Life Laurel Contomanolis explained the University’s intentions in order to relieve the confusion. “The University was certainly not trying to offend anyone; we do not want to wall ourselves off from the community but engage our upperclassmen with community members,” she said. “I think the community is satisfied with the changes made to the plans.” Contomanolis stressed that students need to feel See PLYMOUTH, Page 5 NEWS Page 2 Campus Times BEN WROBEL Editor-in-chief LEAH SQUIRES managing editor News Editors rebecca leber marley schneier Photo Editors Ross brenneman Sarah cummings daniel green Opinion Editor marc epstein Features Editors stephie hass judith tulkoff Copy Editors arielle friedlander krista lombardo erin philbrick A & E editors leah kraus nandini venkateswaran Sports Editors dana hilfinger david maystrovsky Comics Editor madeline woo presentation jeff levy illustrator josh hatcher Business Manager Ashish Varshneya dan wasserman PUBLISHER Wilson Commons 102 University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 Office: (585) 275-5942 • Fax: (585) 273-5303 • It is the policy of the Campus Times to correct all erroneous information as quickly as possible. If you believe you have a correction, please call the Editor-in-Chief at (585)275-5942. This Week on Campus Thursday, January 24, 2008 Campus Briefs Seligman shares news of cancer remission by ben wrobel Editor-in-Chief UR President Joel Seligman sent a message to the University community last Wednesday, Jan. 16, announcing that he had completed radiation treatments for a curable form of B Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. According to his doctor, Director of the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center Richard Fisher, Seligman is in complete remission with no evidence of cancer at this time. “While there are no absolute guarantees in life,” Seligman said in the message, “the recurrence rate for the type of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma that I have is quite low.” Seligman was diagnosed last summer and publicly announced his illness on Aug. 21, 2007. The cancer was detected in stage 1A, an early stage of the disease, and the initial prognosis was optimistic. On Dec. 21, Seligman completed his 28th and final radiation session, and he has since begun follow-up and monitoring. He thanked the many medical workers who helped in his treatment. “Let me express my gratitude to Drs. Fisher, Louis (Sandy) Constine, my radiation oncologist and Ray Mayewski, my personal physician, and the great nurses, technicians and staff at the Wilmot Cancer Center and Strong Memorial Hospital for the wonderful care and treatment that they provided,” Seligman said. “I am truly fortunate to be associated with a University that has such an outstanding hospital.” He also recognized the University community that stood behind him during this time. “Let me also express my deep appreciation for the support that the University community has given me over the past few months,” he said. “I look forward to working long into the future with you to continue to strengthen the University of Rochester.” Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010. Math major awarded Churchill Scholarship Ross brenneman • Photography Editor Denise Anderson’s piece entitled “And They Stand Waiting” is on display in the Art & Music Library in Rush Rhees Library. Announcements •Spirit Week lasts from Friday, Jan. 27 to Jan. 30, sponsored by the Class of 2011. Events ranging from tunnel painting to a free stuff day will be held all week. For more information, visit http://www. •RecycleMania kicks off on Jan. 28 and lasts until April 5. The competition is part of a national effort to promote campus awareness about recycling and waste reduction. It begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Spirit Dinner in Douglass Dining Center. The dinner is sponsored by the Class of 2011. •Remember to vote for a name for the new Yellowjacket mascot by Monday, Jan. 28. A committee of students, faculty, staff and alumni reviewed the suggestions and selected six finalists. To vote for your favorite, visit http:// yellowjacket. To submit, please e-mail Deadline is Tuesday at 5 p.m. by marley schneier News Editor Senior and honors mathematics major Andrew Niles has been named a 2008 Churchill Scholar. The Churchill Scholarship is an annual scholarship offered to graduates of participating universities in the United States and Australia to students pursuing engineering, mathematics and sciences. The scholarships are offered to only 12 students in the entire country. Niles will continue his study of mathematics, pursuing a Certificate of Advanced Study. “Galileo said that math is the language of the universe. That’s basically how I look at it. I just want to make some contribution to it. You have no idea what fields you may be helping in the long run because mathematics is everywhere,” Niles said. Niles is expected to graduate in four years with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics. He also won the Stoddard Prize, awarded each year to the University’s best sophomore mathematics student. Niles has participated in the National Science Foundation’s highly selective Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. During his participation in the program, Niles co-authored two papers. He also conducted research on a more than 350-year-old computational algebra problem. Niles has the support of faculty and administrators who worked with him. “Andrew has a real thirst for knowledge and a natural ability to integrate ideas from diverse areas of study,” Associate Professor in mathematics Naomi Jochnowitz said. “He’s everything one would want in a student.” Schneier is a member of the class of 2011. Security Update suspects and later reviewed CCTV images of the area to determine the identity of the suspects. ter General Hospital for treatment. He was temporarily banned from University property. Unwanted visitor stirs trouble Eastman student escapes two robberies On Friday Jan. 18, at 11:30 p.m., an intoxicated male visitor, unaffiliated with UR, got into a fight with fraternity brothers, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty. Earlier in the evening, the suspect held a female student in a headlock chokehold. The victim reported no injury. The visitor attempted to enter fraternity houses and, after being denied entry, the suspect became aggressive. The suspect then challenged brothers to fights. Security officers arrived to find the visitor being held down by a number of students. The suspect was sent to Roches- There was a failed robbery attempt on Sunday, Jan. 13 at approximately 5 p.m., according to an e-mail from UR Security. A female Eastman School graduate student was approached by multiple suspects who demanded that she turn over her money and cell phone. According to her report, one teenager asked that she hand over her money. Immediately after, another teenager also demanded her money. The two walked away after the student told them she had no money. After the first suspects left, three others approached the student and asked that she come with them to thursday january 24 Visual studies talk Professor in the Department of Visual Studies at the University at Buffalo, Steven Kurtz, Ph.D., will be giving a lecture called “Crossing the Line: Interdisciplinary Work in a Society of Fear.” The talk is at 5 p.m. in the Hawkins-Carlson Room in Rush Rhees Library. Admission is free. friday january 25 study abroad expo Curious about studying abroad? Come to an expo on undergraduate study abroad options from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons. Representatives from a student travel agency and the University’s College Career Center will be present. The Rochester City Clerk will be available to apply for a U.S. Passport. For information, call (585) 275-7532. saturday january 26 History of House music DJ Morpheus, the renowned House DJ, will discuss the development of underground house music with hands-on demonstrations at 1 p.m. in the Gowen Room in Wilson Commons. Admission is free. The event is sponsored by Delta Upsilon Fraternity and UR Hip-Hop. Fusion Fusion is an annual party that celebrates diversity by reaching out to all UR cultural groups. It will be in the Douglass Dining Center from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Come dance the night away to the sounds of DJ Mr. Illmatic, Svet (The Hip-Hop Violinist) with Roman Empire and DJ Envy, one of the top NYC DJs from HOT 97 radio. Tickets are $5 at the Common Market and will also be sold at the door. The event is presented by Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity and co-sponsored by ADITI, BSU, CAB, CSA, KASA, FASA, SALSA, Fashionably Late, UR Concerts and UR Hip-Hop. sunday january 27 tunnel painting The Class of 2011 is sponsoring a week of events for Spirit Week. Spirit Week begins on Jan. 27 and ends on Feb. 1. Come make a lasting impression by signing your name with paint in the tunnels beginning at 9 p.m. monday january 28 artists Talk London-based artists Alex Baker and Kit Poulson will speak about their exhibit “Black Cube/ White Horse” from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Hartnett Gallery in Wilson Commons. For more information, call (585) 275-5911 or visit mexican dinner Graduate student robbed and assaulted in parking lot BY Rebecca Leber News Editor A male graduate student was robbed on Wednesday evening, Jan. 9, while most students were away for winter break, according to an e-mail from UR Security. The student was approached in the Intercampus Drive Lot after 9 p.m. by five teenagers. According to the student, three of the suspects demanded his money and cell phone, both of which he relinquished. A member of the group then punched the student, knocking him to the ground, after which the group fled toward Elmwood Avenue. No weapons were displayed. The student drove away from the scene and called 9-1-1. The student was treated by an ambulance and later sent to Strong Memorial Hospital. UR Security and Rochester Police searched the area for the at-large Calendar an alley to hand over her money, which she declined. The suspects then left without confrontation, and the student reported the episode to police. Fire starts in graduate student house On Thursday, Jan. 17, Rochester Fire Department and security officers responded to a small fire in the graduate student house, Goler House, according to Lafferty. A fire had started in an unoccuppied bedroom on the eighth floor. Only one apartment was severely damaged. The actual fire was contained in one apartment. The cause of the fire is unknown, though a light fixture may be responsible. There were no injuries. Information provided by UR Security. Leber is a member of the class of 2011. As a part of Spirit Week, the Class of 2011 is hosting a Mexican-themed dinner at 5 p.m. in Danforth Dining Hall. Dine while you watch several performances, including UR Jugglers, Yellowjackets and Vocal Point. A raffle will be held. tuesday january 29 humanities talk Judith Weisenfeld of Princeton University will speak in a talk called “A Mighty Epic of Modern Morals: Religious Race Movies of the 1940s” at 5 p.m. in the Welles-Brown Room of Rush Rhees Library. For more information about this and other Humanities Projects and events visit Wednesday january 30 rollerskating party An ‘80s-style rollerskating party will be held from 8 to 11 p.m. in Goergen Athletic Center. Come get freebies such as disco necklaces, pop rocks and neon sunglasses. A pizza party will be given to the hall that has sports the best ‘80s costumes. The party is sponsored by the Class of 2011. Please e-mail calendar submissions to NEWS Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 3 Crowd, team and professor Gibbons is honored featured on History Channel TV with new position by Michelle Handis Contributing Writer On Friday, Jan. 18, in the Louis Alexander Palestra, the men’s and women’s basketball teams beat New York University. While the players were concentrating on winning the games and the energized spectators were cheering them on, The History Channel was simultaneously taping the game for an episode of “The Universe.” “The Universe” is a television show that presents a different topic relating to the universe in each episode. The show is typically known for its use of metaphors to illustrate the ideas behind scientific concepts. The History Channel attended the games because it is taping a special episode on nebulae, and it chose to use the basketball players as metaphors for hot stars and the crowds in the stands as energetic atoms. The writers and producers of “The Universe” came up with the creative metaphor using the basketball game to show why nebulae grow. Nebulae are interstellar clouds made of dust, plasma and hydrogen gas. Professor of physics and astronomy and writer for Discover and Astronomy magazines Adam Frank explained the phenomenon. “[Nebulae] always have a bright star at the center, and the radiation flows outward and hinges on the gas cloud, exciting the gas atoms and making them glow,” he said. Thus, the players on the basketball team were the bright stars who excited the crowd, causing the people in it to cheer and produce other similar reactions. Society of Physics Students Vice President and junior Kristin Beck commented on the subject. “I think it is an interesting metaphor because it will bring things going on physically in nebulae into terms that people will understand,” she said. UR was chosen to host the filming crew because it is one of the leading research institutes in the world on nebulae. More specifically, our school was chosen because of Frank’s research on nebulae. Frank joined UR’s staff in 1996. His research mostly has to do with theoretical astrophysics, and he is currently studying planetary nebulae, among other topics. Frank was the main person involved in coordinating the History Channel’s visit to UR. Members of the Society of Physics Students were asked by Assis- tant Director of Student Activity Programs liaison Stacey Fisher to act as spectators for the basketball game to help the filming crew. “We were asked to come, they told us they needed 25 students to help with the documentary on nebulae,” Beck said. “They promised us free T-shirts and pizza for our labors.” Before the game, the History Channel film crew asked four of the students to behave as representatives of the hydrogen spectrum. The hydrogen spectrum is made up of four distinct colors. As the hydrogen atoms in nebulae heat up and cool down, they lose energy in the form of light. After this enactment was completed, the 25 students put on their UR T-shirts and gathered around Frank while he was interviewed. The film crew then set up near the court to tape the matches against NYU. Beck added that she hopes that the episode on the History Channel will get the message of Frank’s life work across to a broader audience. The episode featuring UR will be aired in April 2008 on the History Channel. Handis is a member of the class of 2009. Interested in becoming an all-star journalist? Then come on in to: THE CAMPUS TIMES OFFICE!!! Located in Wilson Commons 102 Vote to name the new Yellowjacket! Vote online now until January 28th Will it be... t$IFTUFS t.FM t3+ t30$ t3PDLZ t4UJOHFS Vote now for your choice! by leah squires Managing Editor On Jan. 10, UR announced its decision to appoint Associate Dean of River Campus Libraries and Public Services and Collection Development Susan Gibbons as the new Vice Provost and Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of River Campus Libraries. Current Dean of River Campus Libraries Ronald Dow is retiring after 11 years of work that revolutionized the libraries at UR. During his tenure, he oversaw many projects, ranging from the opening of Gleason Library to the renovation of such spaces as the Welles-Brown Room. Dow is also commended for developing a positive relationship between the library and the UR community, seeking to build a resource that best benefits the University. “I focused on making the library more student centric,” Dow said. “Today we spend a lot of time working with students. Student opinion counts for a lot. We actually change who we are based on what we learn from students.” According to Dow, Gibbons is an acclaimed librarian within the UR and international community, making her an ideal successor. “In some ways, it was a very obvious choice,” he said. UR President Joel Seligman seconded Dow’s comments. “She’s brilliant, has a great deal of energy and had tremendous support from everyone with whom we spoke,” Seligman said. “She’s nationally known as a leader in library science. She’s published, and her work is persuasive and articulate.” Gibbons noted that her experience with River Campus Libraries made her a viable candidate. “I have worked with UR libraries for the past seven years,” Gibbons said. “I bring to the job what it is like working with the UR community. There is not that learning curve of working with a new environment. It means we’re not going to miss a step.” She also described the some projects in which she participates. Gibbons has worked closely with Information Analyst Nancy Foster to determine how the library might better serve the community. Their studies focused on student input. “We did a two-year study on undergraduate students, working with volunteers to see where they went on campus for a day, to find out what technology they carried with them,” Gibbons said. “As part of this larger study, we were able to work with students to discover what their ideal study space would be like.” This “ideal study space” ultimately became Gleason Library. Gibbons explained how students were solicited for drawings that were then passed on to the architects. After the architects’ plans were drawn up, students had the opportunity to offer suggestions for the final look of Gleason Library. “We really wanted our libraries to match up with student lifestyle,” Gibbons said. CoURse Resources is another initiative spearheaded by Gibbons. On each student’s Blackboard Web site, there is a library course guide that is specific to the classes for which a student is registered. This new online database offers students immediate resources directly related to their studies. Currently, Gibbons is helping complete a two-year study on a group of graduate students to find ways to better serve that particular population. She is also surveying other students to see how the library Web site design may be made more accessible for students. Gibbons noted that her post as Vice Provost and Dean of River Campus Libraries differs in a significant way from Dow’s because her position also gives her a seat in the President’s cabinet. “I can make sure I understand the direction of the University and make sure the library is participating in the best way we can,” Gibbons said. Seligman also commented on the additional responsibility, explaining why he felt she is needed in the cabinet. “We are trying to have a central body where we can share information with each other,” he said. “The library is a very important component of UR, and I thought it would be useful for her to join at this time.” Looking forward to her new role, Gibbons spoke about the importance of improving UR libraries. “The next generation of students is so different from what we experienced,”she said. ”If libraries want to be viable for the future, we need to look at the new technology and see how it is a part of student lives and academic practices.” Seligman showed high regard for such vision. “She brings everything we could dream to the position,” he said. Squires is a member of the class of 2010. NEWS Page 4 Thursday, Thursday, September January 24, 20, 2008 2007 House: Violation results in inactive status andrew slominski • Staff Photographer Young discussed his own view of civil rights as he recounted Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal past and inspiring message on Monday. Young: Activist speaks on King Continued from Page 1 Young spoke of the painful reality of King’s journeys, whose life took a sudden and unexpected turn after Rosa Parks’s actions, when King’s house was bombed, he was put into jail at least 14 times and was violently abused. According to Young, King had been beaten, stabbed and wrapped in chains in the back of a paddy wagon with a vicious police dog. King expressed his reaction to the aforementioned event as the worst because he was helpless. Young explained that these incidents all occurred before King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. According to Young, King was just trying to do what he thought was right. With constant threats of death and harassment, King still had a dream. Young described his goals for the civil rights movement. “We did not want equality to white people. We were united in attempting to redeem the soul of America from the triple evils of racism, war and poverty,” he said. “Although so many achievements have paved the way for progress and the opportunity for racism to diminish, there is still a very long way to go; a few people being successful really does not redeem America that much. “There’s something wrong when the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, and we consider ourselves a success because of a gross national profit,” Young said. He concluded the evening by expressing his desire for a better world. “There has got to be a way for us to live together as brothers and sisters, or we will perish together as fools,” he said. Freshman Riley Fee considered the speech a truly unique experience. “It’s amazing to know that Mr. Young had close ties with King and worked with him for many years,” he said. “It’s almost as if a small piece of Dr. King was brought to us tonight. It was one of the best feelings in the world and gives me hope for our future.” “Mr. Young held my attention from the moment he stepped on stage to the moment he stepped off,” freshman Tasha Raman said. “His passion about world peace is evident through his rich history as well as his optimistic plans for the future.” Miller is a member of the class of 2011. Continued from Page 1 “In the University’s sanction statement, they noted a regularity of violations,” he said. “How many past violations can be taken into consideration when dealing with students who have been members of the fraternity for only a year or two? Why should the current undergraduates be punished for the past misdeeds of others?” Disciplinary status meant that the fraternity required prior approval for all programs, whether social or charitable. The fraternity was allowed to throw a nonalcoholic event in late November; however, the University sought further discipline after the night ended with the Rochester Police and Rural Metro Ambulance Service called to aid a dangerously intoxicated student. According to UR Security, alcohol was being served and members of the house were incompliant and resistant when Security shut down the party. One student was arrested. Since the fraternity was already at the highest level of probation, the next procedural step would be disaffiliation from the University, Burns explained. “We were backed into a corner,” he said. “At the highest level of probation there is nothing more we can give to you. It was not just a question of extending it. The board decided we have to do something drastic.” A hearing held in December produced sanctions that called for immediate disaffiliation of ΘΧ from UR for five years. A second sanction would have prevented residents of the ΘΧ house from reentering University housing until next fall semester, a decision that would have affected 12 students in all. Feldman removed the latter sanction, allowing students to return to residence halls this semester. Fraternity brothers, alumni and parents appealed the decision on grounds that the sanctions were unfair. “We argued that in concordance with past precedent and the gravity of our code infractions over the past several years, the originally issued sanction of five years of disaffiliation was irrational and Campus Times File Photo According to records, there were 35 members of Theta Chi who are affected by the decision that denies the fraternity’s right to a house. disproportionate,” President of ΘΧ and junior Jordan Wiener said. Feldman later reduced the disputed sanction to place ΘΧ on temporary inactive status, contingent on positive evaluations in the future and close monitoring over the next five years. Any future misconduct will lead directly to disaffiliation. Wiener responded to the adjusted punishment. “They returned a modified sanction that was still unfairly harsh and unjustifiable,” he said. “I had expected that they would either take the side of cooperating with us to restructure our fraternity to the best of our ability or the side of eliminating our fraternity altogether, but they seemed to take no stance whatsoever on our issue and returned a final ruling that lacked comprehension and rationale, and that seemed totally capricious and arbitrary.” Director of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Monica MirandaSmalls commented on the relationship between fraternities and the University. “In order to be a true fraternity at the University of Rochester that’s recognized and active, you have to be sure to be aligned with the missions of the college and their own fraternities and sororities and abide by any regulatory policies and expectations of the University,” Miranda-Smalls said. Administrators refer to ΘΧ as an isolated, unfortunate event. Burns and Miranda-Smalls expressed optimism in improving Greek life through the Expectations of Excellence program, which sets a timeline to create concrete goals that work toward becoming “a larger part of the campus community rather than exist as insular groups on the periphery of the college,” as stated on the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Web Site. Burns described his view for the future of the University’s Greek life. “As the fraternities and sororities continue in the college to improve that relationship, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some organizations that get left behind if they don’t improve,” he said. Leber is a member of the class of 2011. Stop By The CT Office Today!! Wilson Commons 102 Free and confidential family planning services Birth control • Emergency contraception • Health Education STD testing and treatment • HIV rapid testing • Pregnancy testing Call Highland Family Planning at 279-4890 for an appointment at one of our two convenient locations: Highland Family Medicine • 777 South Clinton Avenue East Ridge Family Medicine • 809 East Ridge Road AN AFFILIATE OF HIGHLAND HOSPITAL AND THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER NEWS January 24,20, 2008 Thursday, September 2007 Page 5 Plymouth: Residents object Continued from Page 1 safe and be safe in their new residence. She outlined plans for extensive lighting on the bridge and in the parking lot between the halls. Also, blue lights and security cameras throughout all five buildings will promote the overall feeling of security. Furthermore, entrances to all buildings will be keyed and two security officers with vehicles will patrol the Riverview and Brooks Landing complexes. The bridge across the river will possibly be redesigned to include a fork that will lead closer to the Riverview Apartments. A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 p.m. to explain the logistics of the Riverview housing lottery. It will be held in Hoyt Auditorium. Contomanolis expressed her enthusiasm about the coming collaboration. “It is an exciting time for the University. Fall 2008 will be an inaugural year for the students and the surrounding community,” Contomanolis said. Kashika is a member of the class of 2010. We don’t have rhythm. We don’t have music. We do have gals, though! CAMPUS TIMES Appreciating women since 1873. Jeff levy • Presentationi Editor Arun Gandhi founded the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence to honor the ideals of his grandfather, Mohatma K. Gandhi. The younger Gandhi’s comments have provoked reactions from diverse groups. Gandhi: Blog comments create controversy Continued from Page 1 stood by his criticisms of Israeli government, but wanted to correct the statements that he made with insufficient care. “I do not believe and should not have implied that the policies of the Israeli governments are reflective of the views of all Jewish people,” Gandhi said. “I do believe that when a people hold on to historic grievances too firmly it can lead to bitterness.” This controversy became particularly relevant to UR, where Gandhi maintained his position as President of the Nonviolence Institute. In response to Gandhi’s words, UR President Joel Seligman issued a statement. “I was surprised and deeply disappointed by Arun Gandhi’s recent opinion piece,” Seligman said. “I believe that his subsequent apology inadequately explains his stated views, which seem funda- mentally inconsistent with the core values of the University of Rochester. “In particular, I vehemently disagree with his singling out of Israel and the Jewish people as to blame for the ‘culture of violence’ he believes is eventually going to destroy humanity.” Seligman intends to discuss the matter with Gandhi in person. Gandhi’s statements sparked an outcry from UR Hillel. In an e-mail sent to the organization’s students, Executive Director of Hillel of Rochester Area Colleges, Joel Miller, explained the issue that has been unfolding since last week. Miller reprinted the statements by Gandhi and Seligman in the e-mail and gave details about the actions being taken by the Jewish community. Hillel hosted an informal discussion after dinner on Jan. 18, as well as a meeting in which Seligman invited Jewish Community Federation President Dennis Kessler, Federation Executive Director Larry Fine, Rabbi Matthew Field of the Rochester Board of Rabbis, Hillel of Rochester Area Colleges Board President, Barbara Orenstein and Dean of the College Richard Feldman. “President Seligman reiterated his concern over the issue, listened to the Jewish community’s concerns and promised as swift a resolution as possible,” Miller said. Seligman has said the situation is under review. Gandhi is currently in India, scheduled to return this week. The Board of the Institute for Nonviolence will be meeting today, after which further information, as well as a statement by Seligman, will be issued. Schneier is a member of the class of 2011. Annual Study Abroad Expo Friday, January 25 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Hirst Lounge - Wilson Commons Study abroad Work abroad International internships Apply for a passport Sponsored by the Dean of Freshmen, Dean of Sophomores, Office of Minority Student Affairs, and The Center for Study Abroad Refreshments! Handouts! Giveaways! For more information, please call 275-7532, or OPINIONS Page 6 Campus Times Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873. Editorial Board BEN WROBEL • LEAH SQUIRES • MARC EPSTEIN LEAH KRAUS • DAN WASSERMAN House breached A letter to Theta Chi alumni over winter break outlined sanctions for ΘΧ Fraternity, citing repeated violations of the campus judicial code, in particular the violation of their probationary status on Nov. 17. Such sanctions put ΘΧ on “censured status,” forbidding the fraternity from residing in its house and from recruiting this semester. Additionally, it forbids members of ΘΧ from living together in residence halls. UR’s administration imposes a code of conduct on all organizations, and, in this case the code was breached. ΘΧ repeatedly violated its probation, and when the Rochester Police Department was called on Nov. 17, it became clear that meaningful action was needed to See story on address ΘΧ’s infringements. page 1 The administration believed that it could only send a resonant message to the fraternity by temporarily removing its members from their house. However, it seems to be excessive zeal to forbid them from living together in residence halls. Instead, the fraternity should be immediately permitted to apply for a floor. The current sanction just adds salt to an open wound. This decision came after an appeals process that reduced the original harsh sanctions disaffiliating ΘΧ for five years, thus allowing the fraternity to regain full status in a timelier fashion. ΘΧ adds to the social and cultural atmosphere on River Campus, and returning as a positive influence can only help the Rochester community grow. ΘΧ members have already shown their motivation for the restoration of the status quo by their continual collaboration with UR’s administrators. The administration has decided not to turn ΘΧ’s house over to another fraternity, demonstrating optimism on their part. The rest of the path should be just as open for an adhering ΘΧ to walk back to the Fraternity Quad, with the administration making it as fair and smooth as possible. Addressing Gandhi Arun Gandhi’s comments regarding the meaning of “Jewish identity,” posted Jan. 7 on the Washington Post’s “On Faith” blog, ignited uproar. While some readers support Gandhi’s claim, many condemn his message. His subsequent apology did little to quell the outraged responses. UR President Joel Seligman noted in a statement that he was disappointed in Gandhi’s remarks and found his apology insufficient. Gandhi’s message of peace and forgiveness was obscured by the use of abrasive language and generalizations. His post was inappropriate See story on because he fell back on an underdeveloped page 1 metaphor, overshadowing his intended theme of nonviolence. The continuing Palestinian-Israeli conflict deserves attention and discussion. Critics should be able to espouse radical views, but it is paramount that they choose their language carefully and diplomatically. Rather than condemn Gandhi for his comments, he deserves the chance to adequately explain his opinion; he need not pander to public opinion. Gandhi should take the opportunity to address the UR community via meeting, letter or alternative medium. The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence announced on Jan. 17 that Gandhi had submitted a letter of resignation. While Gandhi’s remarks were offensive, his job should not be in jeopardy. As a leading voice for nonviolence, Gandhi’s presence at UR is still merited. Furthermore, the Institute itself has greatly impacted the University and the city of Rochester since it arrived in July. Rush Rhees Library now features the Gandhi Reading Room, which includes the complete set of M.K. Gandhi’s work given to the Institute by the Indian government. Currently, the Institute, together with the community, is planning a program to recognize the Season for Nonviolence, hoping to address concerns regarding community violence. Upon his return from India, Gandhi is to meet with the Institute’s board and President Seligman. Despite Gandhi’s poorly chosen words, hopefully both the Institute and the University will recognize that it would be best to create a dialogue and foster a campus atmosphere that promotes intellectual exchange. Full responsibility for material appearing in this publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief. Opinions expressed in columns, letters or comics are not necessarily the views of the editors or the University of Rochester. Editorials appearing in the Campus Times are published with the express consent of a majority of the editorial board, which consists of the Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Opinions Editor and one other editor elected by a majority of the editorial staff. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board make themselves available to the UR community’s ideas and concerns. Appointments can be arranged by calling x5-5942 or by e-mail at The Campus Times is printed weekly on Thursdays throughout the academic year, except around and during university holidays. The first copy is free. The Campus Times is published on the World Wide Web at and is updated Thursdays following publication. All materials herein are copyright © 2008 by the Campus Times. Thursday, January 24, 2008 Editorial Observer Listen to the young ones Fiscally, it’s not highly gratifying to be a member of the Peace Corps. The organization, created by President Kennedy in 1961, was born out of Kennedy’s desire to harness the energy of newly-minted college graduates in order to give something to those far worse off than ourselves. For many of those who join the Peace Corps, the service likely represents the ultimate good-feeling, soft-power approach to world improvement. Yet, in a recent New York Times op-ed, Robert Strauss, a former member of the Peace Corps, blasted the service organization for not putting stringent standards on those people it accepts. Ultimately, he argues, the service is filled with college graduates who, albeit having good intentions, don’t know what they’re doing and don’t contribute anything necessary. We, the youth, are seen in that same way in a plethora of life’s other areas. It is exemplified in “Life in the Emerald City,” a book about Iraq’s Green Zone that includes tales of young graduates who think they know how to fix Iraq. It is exemplified in law firms, where young hotshot law grads think life is more “Boston Legal” than “The Practice,” (as the New York Times once put it). It is even exemplified in “In Good Company,” wherein young Topher Grace replaces old Dennis Quaid (Scarlett Ross Brenneman • Photo Editor Johannson also stars as eye candy). All examples come complete with youth’s wide-eyed idealism. The old think of the young as a bunch of egotistical, unrealistic brats who don’t know anything or give a damn about bothering to learn. They wonder who the hell we think we are and where we get the gall to be that way. Frankly, I won’t deny our apparent state. We, the youth, have earned that impudence, however, merely by tolerating the scores of mistakes our elders make. Look at what the old, in all their “experience,” have wrought at the highest levels: a miserable healthcare system that continues to worsen, an arguably broken Social Security system that will leave nothing to us (though we still pay into it), little meaningful, helpful legislation from our Congress, a ruined planet, insatiable debt born out of a perfect failure of a war (that the youth fight), worldwide ridicule and a business culture lacking any sign of empathy and ethics. Even our University administration causes pain; parking officers ticket us for stopping to use the ATM. We can’t even have a drink without being derided as horrible individuals. Without doubt, many of those problems apply to our entire country. But then adults, who complain so vocally, keep voting for the same damn people who make those mistakes. They vote for the religious right. Or Ted Stevens. Or, as New Hampshire and Nevada so lamely did, Hillary Clinton (she sat on the board of Wal-Mart — how do you not see the problem with that?). We, the youth, have amassed a frustration that has now found its personification: Senator Barack Obama, presidential candidate and the last hope to assuage the fears of the young. Here is a human being (an adult), who gets it, who understands that having a resumé thicker than our president’s head does not reflect a quality performance. And if he fails, I fear it will result in nothing less than cementing the apathy of the young, who have, for once, actively rallied around a candidate. You want experience, adults? Look at your experience! Look at our miserable state and marvel at what your experience has forced upon it! If this were France, we’d have had a revolution by now. Brenneman is a member of the class of 2009. Editorial Observer Darwin included polar bears It’s been a little over a year since polar bears have been at the center of a controversy between animal rights activists and the media. Almost 12 months ago, it was the cuddly, bottle-fed Knut that snatched the hearts of millions of cooing fans when he was lifted from his death after his mother abandoned him and his brother. The first polar bear to be born and survive in the Berlin Zoo in 30 years, Knut’s popularity as a tame, playful bear cub propelled him to international fame. This year, it is Nuremberg Zoo’s Flocke who has been snatching headlines. The cub was rescued a couple of weeks ago after it was thought that her mother had eaten the bear’s two siblings (kind of making you rethink the illustrious question “If you could be any animal, what would you be?”). Just like the last time the world was fussing over a snowy cub, animal rights activists are outraged, claiming the bear should have been left to die rather than saved to be brought up as a domestic pet. The idea seems a little contradictory — animal rights activists advocating the death of innocent bear cubs — but it is the natural order of the animal life. Classic Dana Hilfiniger • Sports Editor Darwinism, after all, is all about natural selection, the survival of the fittest and the idea that, if creatures didn’t enforce this, it would be carried out by Mother Nature. Unfortunately, while Darwin’s ideas have breached man’s advanced civilization on both professional and personal levels, we seem unable to recognize the idea that the crudest interpretation of natural selection also impacts us on a daily basis. Enter two adorable polar bear cubs that, according to popular belief, are clearly the products of deranged mothers. We sympathize with the cubs. Then, we overanalyze, search for a culprit and, finally, assume that feeding a bear with a bottle and playing with him as if he is a house cat is all in the best interest of the cub and the polar bear species as a whole. What we forgot to do was realize that polar bears’ motives should not be interpreted like human motives. As much as our politically correct culture may hate to have to cover the eyes of children every time an example of natural selection makes headline news, it’s a better response than to halt the workings of Darwin’s theory simply to spare the feelings of zoo-goers who witness the event. Perhaps worse than the fact that we indifferently tampered with the workings of nature is the way the Berlin Zoo has exploited the charming little polar bear. In 2007, Knut was on the cover of “Vanity Fair,” had several book deals and is now even the leading personality of multiple short films, including an especially charmingly-titled one, called “Knut and Friends: a story about bears growing up.” This year, Knut will tackle global warming, starring in a full-length animated movie, reportedly banking the zoo the equivalent of just over $5 million. Call me crazy, but I can’t believe that we need another hypocritical message about our culture’s toxic effect on the environment from a zoo leading the struggle against animal liberation. Hilfinger is a member of the class of 2010. Josh Hatcher Staff Illustrator OPINIONS Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 7 “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” — Bill Clinton Arun Gandhi’s comments offend and obfuscate BY JACOB NACHEMAN When I first learned that Arun Gandhi, the grandson of the great 20th-century peace activist Mahatma Gandhi, was coming to UR, I was excited. I was proud of my university for making a home for his institute. I expected to learn a lot from this Gandhi. What I did not expect were his harshly insensitive remarks about Israel and the Jewish people in a recent post on the “On Faith” blog of http://www.washingtonpost. com. He began his post with a definition of the Holocaust as “the result of the warped mind of an individual who was able to influence his followers into doing something dreadful.” But surely this scholar wouldn’t be able to boil down the genocide of millions of “inferior” people into such a concise and sterile sentence, could he? He defined the “Holocaust experience” as “a German burden that the Jews have not been able to shed,” implying that we need to completely forget the past and move on. Strong words for a man who makes his living piggy-backing on the name of his grandfather. Israel has done anything but maintain the German shackles of Holocaust guilt, as evidenced by the thousands of students exchanged between Israel and Germany every year, the vast amount of technological research and development cooperation between the two nations and the close ties of international trade (Germany is Israel’s largest trading partner in Europe and second in the world after the United States). However, in the words of Nobel Laureate Eli Weisel, “Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.” To forgive is one thing, Mr. Gandhi, but to forget is unforgivable. Gandhi went on to address the state of the Israeli-Arab conflict in the Middle East, defining it as a self-perpetuating “snake-pit” instigated by Israel and implying that we should lay down our defenses and “befriend” those who hate us. We have learned from our past — asking Hitler to be friends didn’t work in the ’30s and inviting Ahmadinejad to tea won’t work now. That’s not maintaining guilt; that’s realism. We aren’t the defenseless spirituals we were sixty years ago and we know that until we have a partner for peace, a standing Jewish army will always be necessary to ensure our basic right of existence on this planet. That being said, we have also been humbled by our experience as the underdog for all these millennia. Now that we have the strength to protect ourselves, the Jewish people have immediately reached out to the less fortunate of the world. I have had the pleasure of visiting an organization called Save a Child’s Heart, which evacuates children with terminal heart defects from developing countries to be treated in Israel. These children are transported with a parent to Tel Aviv completely free of charge, where Israeli doctors volunteer their time to heal the children of impoverished nations which can’t or won’t. These doctors risk their lives by flying to nations as far away from Israel as Trinidad and Tobago, as close as Gaza and as dangerous as Somalia. I played with these children, I spoke with their mothers, I felt their hearts beat with gratitude. Mr. Gandhi, how dare you accuse Israel of “not reaching out and sharing technological advancement with their neighbors?” Arun Gandhi claims to be an educator of peace and nonviolence, but his concluding statement — in which he spits, “We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity” — is surely one of the most violent allegations against the Jewish people I have ever heard. It cuts me deeper than anything Hitler, Arafat or Ahmadinejad could ever have said because Arun Gandhi claims to be a friend of the Jews. A remark like this comes at the Jewish people from behind, and, being a student of the UR, it comes at me from within. Nacheman is a member of the class of 2009. BY MAYA DUKMASOVA With election season in plain heat, we have come to witness many surprises from the candidates of both parties. In recent months, we have been privy not only to the triumphs and slip-ups of the candidates themselves, but also to those of experts and observers. It seems that the analysis of the candidates by pundits, journalists and various other experts has become just as important as the candidates themselves. Race and gender appeal have been in the forefront of these ubiquitous observer discussions. This basically only concerns the Democratic candidates, seeing as how the Republican runners are pretty homogenous. The everprevailing questions facing the Democrats have been: Is Obama black enough? Is Richardson (no longer running) Latino enough? Is Clinton enough of a woman? Why does this matter? It seems as though minority candidates automatically elicit these questions from the mostly white, mainstream media. Why are we so concerned about minority candidates being appealing to their so-called base? Barack Obama, a man who has proclaimed that he will change Washington, is still expected to be primarily attractive to the black community. However, polls have shown that the nation’s African Americans are more in support of Hillary Clinton. Thus, we hear pundits go off about Obama not being “black enough.” Bill Richardson has gotten the same kind of review regarding his Latino appeal. Some say he’s “too Latino,” others claim he is “not Latino enough.” As for Hillary Clinton, she is, of course, expected to draw the female vote (which she actually is) and observers still comment on her alienation of women. Here’s the kicker: how strange would it be if we suddenly started accusing white, male candidates of not being “white and male enough?” White male candidates are faced with a rigorous expectation of being politically correct and appealing to all the diverse demographics of the United States. So why the double standard? Why do we expect minorities to appeal to minorities and white men to appeal to everybody? And in all this hassle about the whiteness and blackness and the “appropriate” appeal of the candidates, have we forgotten about the actual issues? In any case, there is one group of people that apparently hasn’t — African Americans. According to polling groups and news sources like CNN and Time Magazine, most African-American voters questioned about the race appeal say that they will not choose a president based on skin color. And why should they be expected to? Why would this kind of voting behavior be acceptable of blacks if a white voter who would only vote for a white male candidate would be considered a bigot? This election has so far proven to be monumental in its progressive character. Three candidates (Richardson, Clinton and Obama) could not have possibly been in the running even 50 years ago. The openness to such a diverse group of candidates by the United States population has shown us that many Americans themselves have moved past the idea of this being a white man’s world, even if the media hasn’t. It seems that the only ones still behind are those observers who still compartmentalize our nation by color and gender and expect candidates and voters to conform. Dukmasova is a member of the class of 2011. Candidates appeal to bases with looks alone webpoll How do you feel about online course surveys? They’re great — so much more convenient! 88% I’d rather fill them out during class. I don’t complete course surveys either way. 10% Vote Onlicampusti ne at Next week’s question: 2% How do you like the intensity of the 2008 election thus far? Letters to the Editor Mother of UR student shares son’s lasting influence It is with sadness that I am writing this letter. In the 22 years Erik had with us, he touched everyone in a profound way. He was genuine, loving, kind, helpful and considerate. Erik had a love for science as far back as eight to nine years of age when he and his brother Pål started science classes at Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences in New York City where I worked. Erik smiled in amazement when he dissected worms, frogs, fish, etc., and he was hooked for life. He also went to science summer camps at the same place, making rockets, studying rocks and learning about science in nature. Erik had a great interest in philosophy and was well read in that area. I loved having conversations with him and we discussed much of what he had read. He had a goodsized library of many different authors and subjects, including poems which he himself started to write in fourth grade and continued until his death. I would like to include Erik’s personal statement I found on his computer after his death which shows his love for the sciences: “I love chemistry. Learning to understand the complexities of matter has thus far been an amazing experience. As with anything else worth doing, there have been struggles and doubts but also the blessed ‘eureka’ of solving the problem that has taken a week to answer. I am looking forward to continuing this experience at the University of Rochester. “During my collegiate career, all of the chemistry faculty members have stressed the complex nature of their respective field and also the relations between fields. “The difficulties of explaining inorganic processes in terms of biochemistry or physical chemistry through organic reactions can create problems. “This seems to be a problem, but the professors are also trying to create a situation where you learn another necessity of chemistry, and for that matter, all sciences, ask questions. It seems simple, but the intentional use of external information from classes that are not required will clearly show who is willing to learn and who will simply get by with a minimal knowledge of the subject. I am grateful to all my professors for training myself and my peers to be better human beings as well as scientists. “The class that truly solidified my enjoyment of all things chemical was not a chemistry class, it was called ‘Scientific Thought.’Before that course, I never had to think about what science was or what is the purpose of its accomplishments. “Understanding the limitations of science, the logical basis for it and also philosophical attacks that can be leveled against it forced me to make the decision sealing me forever in the laboratory and loving every minute. “During my junior year, I was asked by my advisor and organic chemistry professor Dr. Dexter Chriss to be his laboratory assistant: prepping labs and supervising experiments. “This is one of the most fun and cathartic parts of my life. I can still remember being on the other side of the lab bench, slightly confused about doing an experiment to create a compound that we had kilograms of in the cabinet. “How many times can you take the melting point of benzoic acid before you stop expecting it to change from 122 degree Celsius? “It is not until you have to use the exact same technique on completely unknown compounds that you may produce from important research where you are not sure if what you made is pure or even what it is at all that knowing your technique is highly refined matters. “The almost Buddha-like awakening that this assistance-ship has brought to me cannot be over-appreciated. “After my experiences with my own professors and lab students, I think I want to be a professor as well. I know I would not be the person I am now without them and I know I could do the same for others.” Erik is a great loss to the scientific community and the world at large. He had much to teach us all and will be deeply missed by me (his mother), the rest of his family, friends and everyone he came in contact with. I have been told by fellow students at UR of Erik’s “soft eyes and beautiful smile.” To me, he stood for everything good in this world. He was my heart. I will forever be grateful for your kindness and love I felt while at UR and at Erik’s remembrance on Dec. 8. Again, I want to thank each and every one of you, students and faculty. May you all have a bright future and I wish you all the best. —Ellen Charlotte Maceira COMICS Page 8 Celibacy Now For the past two-and-a-half years, I've heard plenty of excuses from you, ranging from your academic performance to the unavailability of your female classmates. Your first objective: seduce this fine young lady. By T. Scott, Illustrated by Calvin Lee Thursday, January 24, 2008 It’s a Pun! By Ross Brenneman It's second semester senior year now, though. No Class of 2008 ladies studying abroad now. You know what you're doing next year, so no GPA to worry about. You've got three months' worth of senior nights and senior week to break your drought with the opposite sex. Aren't you setting the bar kinda low for me? Hey man, you gotta start somewhere. Blowup Doll Blowup Doll Sudoku Fun! Submit your ideas, comics or jokes to Campus Times! If you can’t draw but can make jokes, submit them! We will find artwork to match your jokes. If you just want a one time or a series type of comic, come visit the Campus Times or e-mail the Comics Editor Madeline at mwoo2@mail.rochester. edu. UR Screwed Hey KMay, what’s wrong, you look really serious. Is there bad news in the Campus Times? By Madeline Woo No, I’m just reading the comics section Miranda Kiang By Miranda Kiang Campus Times Eastman Virtuosi highlights work of alumni... Page 15 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 9 Spring Cleaningg Design & Article by Jeff Levy As the Mitchell Report shines a black light and attaches the stigma of the “Steroid Era” to the sport of baseball, a number of concerns have been raised within the sport. These issues also apply to the athletic world in general. It is clear that performanceenhancing drugs are not exclusive to major league baseball. They are a problem in minor league baseball, cycling and sprinting, and the Mitchell Report raises concerns about high school athletics as well. These problems range from the medical matters that the sport faces to the pressures to clean up the sporting industry. Some major questions that need to be addressed are the following: Where is the best place to start in order to reduce the use of performance-enhancing drugs? What needs to be done to create a performance-enhancing drug-free culture within athletics? Sports professionals within the University community have been able to provide a unique perspective with answers to many of these crucial questions. Assistant Certified Athletic Trainer for UR sports Angelo Zegarelli holds the opinion that it might take a tragedy, as sad as that is, for people to open their eyes and realize that serious change is needed. “Perfomance-enhancing drugs have been part of sport for a long time. Unfortunately, I think in order to change the culture, something bad needs to happen. When Lyle Alzado died from brain cancer secondary to steroid use, steroid use in the NFL declined and testing became more prevalent,” Zegarelli said. “I hate to think about that, but sometimes that’s what it takes. I am by no means looking for that as the answer, but it happened with ephedra too — Kory Stringer from the Vikings and [Steve Bechler], pitcher for the Orioles, died secondary to ephedra use. The government went nuts and pulled the product and people stay[ed] away from it. Young athletes need to know the negative consequences of their actions — death, performance decreases — body breaks down and cannot repair itself due to steroid use — not the success stories — Bonds hit 80 HR.” The process of reducing the use of performance-enhancing drugs needs to start at both the professional and lower levels of sports. Specifically, education is necessary to establish a performance-enhancing drug-free sports community. American youth are one target area that need to be provided with sufficient information. “Unquestionably, the place to start is with younger athletes. Just as the most effective smoking and illicit drug prevention programs focus on children and adolescents rather than adults, the reduction in performance-enhancing drugs should start at the adolescent level. I think that the middle school or JV level would be about right to start,” Senior Instructor and Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician Mark Mirabelli, M.D., said. Decreasing the prevalence of performance-enhancing drugs needs to start from the top-down, as well as the bottom-up. “I think the share of the solution begins with both pro and youth sports. More pro athletes need to take a stand and prove they are successful without drugs. Kids look up to these guys and need to see that it can be achieved without performance enhancers,” Zegarelli said. “At the same time, parents, doctors, athletic trainers and youth coaches need to constantly educate kids on the dangers of performance enhancers, the consequences of their actions and point them in the right direction through nutrition, strength training and appropriate practices.” However, knowledge is only the beginning of a complicated strategy that needs to be implemented. Creating the culture that is sought will involve some retooling and modification of ideals. “Education is certainly the foundation of this, but it’s not sufficient on its own. To create this culture, I believe that both carrots — encouragement — and sticks — punishments — will be needed. In other words, athletes should be encouraged to and provided with the means to safely train to their potential. Athletes must believe that they can reach their potential without performance-enhancing drugs and that those they compete against are not obtaining an unfair advantage,” Mirabelli said. “They should be educated about proper training, including the dangers of certain types of performance-enhancing drugs. Along with this, testing programs and strict consequences for the use of performance-enhancing drugs would also be needed.” Keep reading next week for a follow up regarding more of the controversies associated with the Mitchell Report. FEATURES Page 10 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Teacher Feature: Berthe Kouroublakis By Michael Cheung Contributing Writer Berthe Kouroublakis, a senior lecturer of the Modern Languages and Culture Department who teaches beginning and intermediate Spanish, is anything but ordinary. She is commonly referred to as “that quintessential language teacher,” who can be seen wearing elaborate clothing with numerous dangling bracelets and earrings. Her colorful clothing and mannerisms are representative of her life story. When and why did you decide to teach Spanish? I was always intrigued by other cultures as a child. When I was a child, games revolved around cultures. I would dress up like an Egyptian and speak Arabic. I would place a rose in my mouth and pretend I was Carmen. When I got to college, I decided to teach languages because it incorporated everything that I liked: art, ethnicity, culture, etc. I started with French, and when I started teaching, I decided that teaching more languages would be advantageous — so I began studying German and Spanish. By Trickster McFly Marty’s Cousin And did you envision yourself as a flamenco dancer when learning Spanish? That’s always been my fantasy. It really is. I want to be a flamenco dancer. That’s what I’m coming back as — a flamenco dancer — in my next life. I love the music and the freedom of the dance. Aries (March 21–April 19) — When your friend tells you there are plenty of fish in the sea, you will look around campus and remind him that whales are actually mammals. the war. Later, I came to the United States when I was seven or eight. I lived with my grandmother, who was very very traditional, to say it gently. What would be your life story’s genre? Drama or I am, really, the American dream. I’ve lived it all. But I would say… it has been a drama. Would you like to expand on that? I was born in the islands of Greece during World War II. I remember asking my mother for food one time, and she said that we only had water. I remember going door-to-door wanting to trade something for cheese one day, and it was terrible. My mom sold everything to support us during I think I’ve run out of things to ask. Well, people commonly ask me if I would consider retiring in Greece. But, I don’t want to escape Rochester because I love where I am now and I love what I’m doing. And, I feel very excited and hopeful for the future. Cheung is a member of the class of 2011. Cheating: Is the instant satisfaction worth it? by Courtney Coitus Senior Staff Writer So I know this guy who cheated on his long-term girlfriend with his best buddy’s little sister. Gasp! Did anyone have the balls to pass on this juicy tidbit of extremely dramafilled info to the girlfriend or even to the guy’s best friend? Nope. As far as I know, they are happy and ignorantly chugging along in their blissful unions. Warning: You could one day be in this situation or, God forbid, be in it at this moment! Cheating seems to be a common trend in the lives of college students. For instance, there are those freshmen who enter college with their high school sweethearts in tow, only to make out with every other guy on their freshman hall during Orientation weekend. Then there are those who are on breaks with their respective boyfriends and girlfriends and decide to casually explore the Frat Quad on a given Saturday evening, only to find themselves doing the notorious walk of shame the next morning. My favorite is the “I wasn’t sure we were together” cheating. This one is good. So, you’ve been hooking up with Guy A for a couple weeks now. This consists of spending weekend nights together, most likely wasted after a night H S or coe o p of taking way too many shots of Crystal ation. I mean, cheaters can even be Palace vodka. Then there’s the occasional dated back to the biblical periods with weekday movie night and the rare coffee David and Bathsheba! date. All in all, things are going solid with So, what is the point of this article? Guy A. To be honest, there is no point. We all One weekend, your friend, Guy B asks know that people cheat. Sex is the main you to his fraternity’s winter formal. Of reason behind it. course you would be stupid not to go. You The act of cheating and those who get to dress up, eat free food that is not practice it are an inescapable facet of from the Pit, drink free booze (holla at human existence. It boils down to one’s your top-shelf) and have choice to either join or 30 other frat boys gawk at abstain. you for the night. Sweet, In the hormone-infested right? environment that is colLet Courtney Coitus help Wrong! Next thing you you through your most lege, it can be hard to be know, you wake up in Guy faithful. Take it from me, awkwardly sexual years. B’s bed, both of you naked the instant gratification of and unaware of what you scoring with that hot guy did last night. With only glimpses of your from your political science class is not blackout to quell your conscience, you are always worth it. forced to contemplate: should I tell Guy Here are some words to the wise: A? Thankfully, Guys A and B are in rival Men are more likely to care if women fraternities with no mutual friends to spill cheat on them sexually; however, not so the beans, so hopefully you will be alright much emotionally. this time. And if he finds out, all you have Women are more likely to care if men to say is, “I didn’t know we were together. cheat on them emotionally, but are If we had said that we were exclusive, then more willing to forgive for sexual indisI would have never hooked up with Guy cretions). B.” You got away with it this time, but you If you feel the need to cheat, break up could get caught next time. with your significant other beforehand. Whatever the situation may be, I’m sure Karma’s a bitch, so if you are cheatthat most people can say that they have ing, cheat carefully. either cheated, been cheated on or know of Coitus is a member of someone who has been in a similar situthe class of 2009. “Sex&CT” the UR Opinion Taurus (April 20–May 20) — The design of River Campus is a real feat of engineering; no matter which way you walk, the wind blows directly in your face! Gemini (May 21–June 21) — Tired after a gym session but your boyfriend wants to come over to your suite? Well remember, many hands makes quick work! Cancer (June 22–July 22) — A recent poll showed that the most common STIs picked up after drunken hook-ups are girlfriends. A common cure is call screening and infidelity. Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) — This weekend you will finally have enough of your lesbian suite mate leaving the seat up. Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) — Ignorance is bliss… Don’t get tested! Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) — If girls love rockers, then fake girls must love fake rockers. Bring your copy of “Rock Band” to the nearest sorority floor and wait for the groupies. Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) — Lack of sunlight getting you down? Buy a UV light. Then you can grow drugs to make you feel better! Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) — This weekend you’ll regret spiking your hair before motorboating your girlfriend’s new implants. Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) — Try serving carrot juice at your next party. It will make the girls want to breed like rabbits! Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) — The eagerness of the Red Cross volunteers to get your blood will make you suspicious that they are actually vampires. Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) — When sleeping over at a guy’s place don’t forget a pad lest you gain the nickname ‘The Matador.’ (if you actually believe this, then you believe the new dorms are safe.) by Eric Campbell and Daniel Green What planet would you visit and why? Chris Aguilar ’10 Lindsay Fowler ’11 TJ Kenny ‘10 Christo Botev ’10 Janna Gewirtz ’09 Cynthia Czapla ’08 “Uranus, because it’s the butt of every joke.” “An undiscovered planet, where there is hope for a better tomorrow.” “Planet Hollywood because its got some good grub.” “Saturn, I think the rings look cool.” “Jupiter, because it’s the biggest.” “Venus, because I’m the goddess of love!” FEATURES Thursday, January 24, 2008 How “Rock Band” saved my life Intrepid internship By dan milbrand Senior Staff Writer Sweat forms on my forehead as I take the stage. I glance out to the building mass of fans before me as they chant in unison, and the energy of a packed house boosts my adrenaline to indescribable heights. Radiant house lights flood the top of my head as the rest of my band mates casually ready their equipment. As our fans continue to clap and chant “Monsters! Monsters! Monsters!” I pick up the mic and, with the swift click of drumsticks, we’re off into our own earth-shattering rendition of Jet’s cock-rock anthem, “Are You Gonna Be My Girl?” An explosion of raucous cheers emanates from the male half of the crowd, while a sigh of sexual longing can be distinctly heard from our female fans as a number of them remove their bras and toss them on stage in a fit rivaling the anxious hands of a prepubescent male in a latenight backseat sexual encounter. The band is truly on tonight, as I hit my high notes with an ear-piercing screech that makes Axl Rose look like Mr. Rogers on horse tranquilizers, and my guitarist, Jeff, who’s missed a number of shows due to a highlypublicized stint in rehab for an addiction to cough syrup, is spot on, licking his axe in a way Jimi Hendrix could only dream of. Just as we reach the climax of the song and I make eye contact with a cougar with pink hair in the front row, something suddenly happens that causes all of my fantasies of whipped cream, chains, fishhooks and a midget wearing a Superman outfit for after the show to be laid to rest. The smooth groove of my bassist Uchechuku’s guitar and the fierce banging of Rob’s drums suddenly stop as my whole world goes to black. No… I have not just passed out due to alcoholinduced exhaustion, and no, our light crew did not just perform one of the biggest blunders in the history of rock and roll. Rob just pulled out the plug of the Xbox by mistake. That son of a bitch. What’s that you say? You thought that whole story was real? Oh, well I’m sorry… I should have told you. My bad. How silly of me. No… that was pretty much all made up. Well, technically it all happened. I mean, the crowd really was chanting our name, and we were racking up points on face-melting solos like it was nothing. If you want to get real specific about it, “The Monsters” are an actual band, with Jeff “The Mummy” Juron on the lead guitar, Rob “Count Dracula” Dominiak on the drums, Dr. Uchechuku Ndubizu a.k.a. Mr. Hyde, on the bass and yours truly, Dan “The Wolf Man” Milbrand on lead vocals (I’m like a cross between Freddy Mercury and Morrissey minus the whole gay thing). I guess what I failed to mention was that all of our feathery stage antics and the rowdiness of the crowd took place in the fantastical world of a video game. Deep down inside, everyone wants to be a rock star. Everyone has dreams of ditching the drudgery of nine-to-five for a life on the road full of drugs you’ve never heard of and curious encounters with sexually indeterminate prostitutes (no comment), blasting through cities like Brett Michaels through an all-star lineup of Vegas strippers. The problem with that is that most of us have never even picked up an instrument, let alone exhibited even the slightest sense of rhythm or musicianship. And those of us who say, “Oh, that’s fine. I can just be an exceptionally energetic lead singer like Jim Morrision!” didn’t realize that you have no sense of creativity whatsoever and couldn’t write the lyrics to a children’s song, let alone a nine-minute opus about what it means to be free. Not to mentionthe fact that you probably can’t sing to save your life, no matter how good your best friend said you were when you two sang “Bohemian Rhapsody” in harmony at karaoke night last Monday (although you totally kicked ass during the “Mama Mia” part, I will give you that). That’s what makes “Rock Band” the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I say that with a straight face. All these years, I’ve been cultivating an intense desire to at least attempt to live the life of a rock star. While I may have succeeded in every realm aside from the actual performance of music, I’ve never actually done anything that warrants artistic approval, with the exception of sloppily freestyling at Delta Kappa Epsilon when I’m blasted and making impromptu beats in random places with my basketball teammates. “Rock Band” gives me the chance to finally cultivate my musical prowess without embarrassing myself, and it is for that reason that I will be forever grateful to MTV for making this $170 addiction. Although I guess in the time that I’ve spent playing “Rock Band” over the past month, which amounts to somewhere between five and 10 days, I could have wiped the dust off my own real guitar and taken some time to practice and become a real-life rock star. But who wants that when you can become a virtual rock star literally overnight? (Milbrand’s article will continue in next week’s issue.) Milbrand is a member of the class of 2008. Page 11 quest proves fruitful by kate nicewicz Staff Writer So we’re back in action at UR after what was, for me, a seemingly short winter break during which I split my time between three activities — working, as I’m currently in severe debt, eating every Christmas cookie not nailed to the floor and searching for a summer internship! (Yay.) As a journalism major, I’m required to participate in an “independent study” to graduate. This is a fancy way of asking me to do an internship before finishing my primary coursework, and yeah — it’s kind of a big deal. So, much to the pleasant surprise of my parents, I spent hours at home in front of my laptop, a plate of dangerously delicious holiday food sitting loyally by my side, exhausting every internship option imaginable. Now, let’s not joke around. I have no complaints about being born and raised in Sauquoit, N.Y. But it is not, by any means, even close to being within an internship-laden area. So do I resign myself to yet another summer at home, working for a low-end city newspaper? Absolutely not. I had my sights set a tad bit higher — let’s say, anywhere but Central New York. There was just one teeny problem — please see my primary activity over break (working) — I am poor. I don’t feel the need to elaborate. The four letter word depresses me enough as it is. Therefore, a significant restriction was impressed upon me: find an internship where you can live for free. Or as close to free as you can manage. Right. I have family in Dallas and Baltimore, so I lowered my sights from New York and L.A. to the more manageable cities of Dallas and Washington D.C. and searched on every internship Web site you can imagine. I applied and applied and applied. And finally, I received a response! I was in a hotel room having a cocktail hour with friends when a restricted number popped up on my cell phone. Curiosity got the best of me and, cocktails impeding my better judgment, I answered the call. Luckily, it was the Copy Editor of an up-and-coming magazine entitled MCLA: The Lax Magazine, calling to offer me an internship. The catch — while the editor is stationed in Dallas, this magazine is so up-andcoming that it has no home base yet! The writers, editors, advertisers, etc. reside all over the nation and submit their work via e-mail. In other words, my internship could be conducted from anywhere. Now I won’t lie, the offer sketched me out a bit at first. The promise of the required minimum of 10 hours of work per week and the opportunity to start immediately working for an “up-and-coming” magazine with no office? Ridiculously unconventional. However, a bit of research proved to me that the offer was legitimate. The Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association (MCLA) is devoted to the promotion of nonvarsity collegiate lacrosse teams. It could provide me with the amount of work that I needed to receive credit for the internship, as well as the opportunity to really invest myself in the development of this magazine. I would work with subscriptions, advertising, interviewing and content. What more could an aspiring journalist ask for? I immediately e-mailed my two UR advisors, the gentlemen who have the ultimate word as to whether this internship could complete my independent study. Amazingly, both agreed, but with the stipulation that I start the internship immediately to compensate for lacking an “inoffice” experience. I would also keep a very thorough portfolio as a representation of my contributions to the publication for the duration of my internship. This portfolio would comprise the basis for my grade. I’ve recently received my first writing assignment for the magazine: a 2,500-word team profile on Tulane University, which will hopefully be printed in February 2008. I am beyond excited to see my work in a nationally distributed magazine and am incredibly lucky to have this opportunity. Nicewicz is a member of the class of 2009. FEATURES Page 12 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Attending college classes at age 50 Discovering diverse diner options in ROC By kathleen stapleton Contributing Writer Somewhere around or just after age 50, I decided I wanted to change my life and pursue a new challenge. After all, I had lived almost every lifestyle there is and traveled to many parts of the world, more inclined to go to the less traveled and more risky geographies. I had raised a family, held different careers as a designer, chef and model. I cared for my mother who suffered from Alzheimer’s and diabetes until she passed and then I became disabled in a serious motor vehicle accident. Not content to spend the remainder of my life watching “CSI” and “Seinfeld,” I decided to go back to school. UR graciously accepted me as a transfer student last year. I love it and I feel I belong here. As an English and Political Science major, I went to the Campus Times to volunteer for the experience I could gain there, and they asked me to write this perspective piece about why I wanted to go back to school “at this stage of my life.” Eloquent statement directed at the obvious, yet thank you for asking. I will be 55 this March; however, I only feel motivated and hungry for knowledge, comprehension, integrity, justice and the hope that I may add, even if only in a small way, some positive distinction that will aid the world community. I believe in humanity and peace and that we should all contribute to these ideals. Students are not that much different now than when I first went to college in the early 1970s. Today’s students appear to get along better and communicate more with their parents than we did. My early life was filled with radical, political, hippie ideation. I was born in New York but was transplanted to California when I was seven Daniel green • Photography Editor Sophomore Kathleen Stapleton provides a unique perspective on college. years old. I recall we hated the fact that our parents had money, a dirty word then. Ironically, none of us had even a clue what it really meant to have no money. Fascinated with the rapid technological advances over the last 20 years, I am still unaccustomed to the expected immediate gratification young people assume is the norm. I have this old school belief that somehow something is missing, but I don’t know how to articulate that as I don’t know what it is that’s missing. It is probably nothing more complex than a typical reaction from my generation, although I can say with complete confusion that I do not understand the fascination with video games. They’re so boring, I cannot even feign any interest at all. I’ll take a good book, please. I do not have a spot on MySpace, belong to e-Harmony, buy iTunes for the iPod I don’t own. I loathe my cell phone, a necessary evil nowadays. I did, however, see Led Zeppelin in 1969 in San Francisco and Pink Floyd many times. I went to Egypt with the Grateful Dead to make a documentary with the band at the Great Pyramids. I was also teargassed at UC Berkeley, twice no less. The first time was the same day the National Guard killed the four students at Kent State. I came of age in very turbulent times and was an active participant. As I write this in a coffee shop on South Avenue, with its kicked back, comfy couches, aesthetic lighting and Natalie Merchant on the CD player, I do transcend back in time a bit. Not everything has changed. In her song “Breathe/2 a.m.,” artist Anna Nalick sings, “Life’s like an hourglass glued to the table, no one can find the rewind button.” The past cannot be changed, nor would I want it to be. Experience has proven to me that chronicling and archiving life’s more demanding challenges, especially those less successful, are as much if not more a learning and enriching path to completeness. I have usually taken the road less traveled and have no regrets. I realized long ago that living to please others really only pleases them. Do what you love and hopefully you will love what you do. I love being a student at UR and that is all I need for now. I hope it is the same for you. Stapleton is a member of the class of 2010. by michael park Contributing Writer Whether satisfying a late-night hunger or curing a head-splitting hangover the next morning, diners have been the remedy students have turned to for years. With that said, the characteristics of a good diner are very straightforward. A quality diner needs to have good coffee, cheap specials and breakfast foods available during non-breakfast hours. Luckily for the students here at UR, the fine city of Rochester offers a number of these gems in their purest form for all to enjoy. I visited four of Rochester’s finest to determine which was the most suitable based on the eater’s needs. Mt. Hope Diner: Located only one mile from River Campus, Mt. Hope Diner remains the Mecca for students seeking indulgence in their delectable diner dishes. With a diverse menu that includes all of the desired favorites, Mt. Hope Diner makes it hard for anyone to spend $15 and not feel absolutely gorged afterward (before 10 a.m. you can get two eggs, two strips of bacon or sausage links and two pancakes or French toast for only $3.55). You can even use URos, if you don’t feel like carrying cash. I personally recommend the Italian Sausage & Cheese Omelette with peppers and onions if you really want to pig out. However, one downside to Mt. Hope Diner is that the word is out on its greatness, so you will most likely be eating with a bunch of people you might not have wanted to see on a Sunday morning with bags under your eyes. Country Club Diner: This eatery is located a little further away from River Campus, but it’s a good place to get away from the crowds. I will admit that the prices are marginally higher than those at Mt. Hope Diner, but the food is undeniably satisfying and still priced below what it should be. One standout feature of the Country Club is that it delivers good, hot coffee to your whole table and keeps the pot flowing. There is also plenty of room to park, since it’s located right next to a gym. I recommend the home fries, which have a little added kick, presumably from some chili powder on top. Highland Park Diner: Built in 1948, this diner is on the Rochester Landmark Society’s list of architectural gems. The unassuming classic is located on Clinton Avenue across the street from the Cinema Theatre. Highland Park Diner was featured in “The American Diner Cookbook” as well as voted Best Diner in City Newspaper’s 2007 Best of Awards. Since it only seats 55 people (and 19 of those seats are at the bar), it is also the perfect place to have a great one-on-one meal with someone. Serving breakfast until 3 p.m. daily, this diner has a vast selection of breakfast specials. When I went, I chose the Dutch Mother’s Omelette, which had Swiss cheese, ham and apples done to perfection. I paired the omelette with a side of curly fries, which were quite flavorful, as well. The waitresses at Highland Park seemed to be exceedingly spacey, but it ended up working out in my favor when I got a free hot fudge sundae after they put the wrong type of ice cream in it. Once they get the order right, however, the service is almost instantaneous. An interesting and unique feature of the diner is that on Monday through Thursday, any meal over $12.50 gets you a free ticket to the theatre for that day’s feature. Jay’s Diner: With an expansive menu ranging from salads See DINER, Page 13 FEATURES Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 13 Porn breeds high school popularity, Revolution remixed sweater vests signal loneliness by andrew schwartz Staff Writer After spending the vast majority of my middle school years in social obscurity, ninth grade offered me a second chance at popularity. To help symbolize the dawning of a new age, I decided to transform my image, which meant a new wardrobe and a new AOL screenname. The wardrobe part was easy because Gap was having a sale on argyle sweater vests and I had white undershirts and khaki pants to spare. After all, whenever I watched the show “Dawson’s Creek,” sweater vests were what all the popular kids were wearing. As for my screen-name, I wanted to convey both my love of sports and my desire to be known as “Drew” rather than “Andrew” for the remainder of high school. The result? Balldrew. So the week before classes started, I sent out a chain e-mail to all the members of my high school class notifying them of my screen-name change, and I “fell into the Gap.” Walking down the hallway on the first day of classes, I felt pretty damn good. That is, until a group of sophomore jocks crowded in front of me and one of them said, “Zack Morris called, He wants his clothes back.” Luckily, I was saved by the bell, but as I walked into my first class, some guy who had been picking on me since the sixth grade grabbed me from behind and spun me around. “Thanks for that e-mail,” he began sarcastically, “but I think I have a better idea for your new screen-name: Ballsack.” And so, for the next two years, I would be referred to, not as Drew, as I had intended, but rather the apparently catchier “Ballsack.” Despite my unfortunate place in my high school’s social hierarchy, it could have been worse. While I was only getting turned down by girls whom I asked to school dances, a good friend of mine, Dave, was often unable to find a classmate to partner up with him during school projects, even though he was smart and offered to do all the work. But then, on Feb. 22, 2000, Dave’s mom partook in a seemingly meaningless act that would soon make her unpopular son one of the most popular guys in our grade — she ordered Cinemax. Now, keep in mind, this was a different era; it was a time when Lance Bass was still a heterosexual sex symbol, when porn couldn’t be freely accessed online and when finding your dad’s Playboy from 1984 was a crowning achievement. For teenage guys like me, the soft-core porn on Cinemax, shown after midnight, was our best (and sometimes only) chance to see breasts. Furthermore, the sexual encounters, which I observed on “Cinemax After Dark,” provided me with the education that my abstinenceonly sex-ed class failed to cover. The news of Dave’s newest addition to his cable box traveled fast and, suddenly, he went from a guy who couldn’t get a partner for the science fair to a guy whose house was the coolest spot in town. By the spring, Dave was hanging out with the popular kids and by the summer, he was even calling me “Ballsack.” At the start of 10th grade, I figured that Dave and I were still friends, albeit, not the great friends we once were. After all, during the summer I had a standing invitation to stop by his house and hang out with the popular kids as they crammed into his basement to watch shows such as “Pleasure Cove” and “Lolita Drive.” That first weekend of 10th grade, however, our friendship took a turn for the worst. On the first Friday night of the school year, I got my mom to drive me to Dave’s house. As I was getting out of her car, she handed me a bag and said, “I know how much you like sweater vests, so I thought I’d get you one as a start of the year present.” “Thanks mom,” I answered insincerely. In reality, I hadn’t worn a sweater vest since my traumatizing first day of high school, but my mom didn’t know any better. “Why don’t you wear it tonight?” my mom continued. “Yeah right,” I answered with a snicker. Clearly hurt, my mom grabbed the bag from me and sadly let out a sigh. “OK, OK, I’ll wear it,” I told her as cheerfully as possible. I put on the sweater vest, which was about two sizes too big, and walked toward the door. I figured that once I was in the house, I’d take it off. As my mom was pulling away from the driveway, Dave’s front door flew open and Dave appeared at the doorway. “Listen,” Dave said. “I don’t think you can come over tonight.” “Why the hell not?” I said angrily. “I just think that it would be best for you to go.” Just then, two of Dave’s popular friends approached from behind me. “Hey look, it’s Ballsack,” one of them began. “Better put on a jacket before you shrivel up in the cold.” “Hey Dave,” he continued, “you’re not going to let this loser hang out with us, are you?” “Hell no,” Dave replied decisively. Then, turning his attention toward me, he said, “Why don’t you go over to Screech’s house and watch ‘The Whores Whisperer’ with him?” With that, Dave and his two friends went inside his house and slammed the door behind them. (Schwartz’s article will continue in next week’s issue.) Schwartz is a Take Five Student. by David maystrovsky Sports Editor Settle down children and let me finish my tale of the revolution that changed the world. There are many stories about the founding fathers. Trust me when I tell you that none of these men were outstanding citizens who cared about their country. This is bullshit propagated to make the early leaders of our country seem like godly figures. The truth is less perfect and significantly more seedy. People remember George Washington as the “father of our country.” His many illegitimate children would probably remember him as something different. Washington loved his whores. A lot of the army’s strategy came from the fact that good ol’ George was a horndog who chased the hookers from state to state and took the army with him. More on him later. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Adams used to smoke an unholy amount of weed together, so it was no surprise that they were asked to write the Declaration of Independence. To get amped for this monumental occasion, they bought out all of Nathaniel Kerry’s stash of weed. This launched Kerry’s business and became the basis for today’s “War on Drugs” which pumps out awful commercials featuring kids who are afraid of getting high. Jefferson was perhaps the biggest bitch of the group; he was a tight-ass with his money, even refusing to buy his first wife a fur coat on a lame excuse of “PETA will care.” Coincidently, his first wife died. Ben Franklin, the most gregarious of the founding fathers, also had the most diseases. His trips to France led to a myriad of sexual diseases that had even the best doctors stumped (to be fair, doctors back then also believed that bleeding would cure syphilis). Adams ended up married to the ugliest woman in the colonies, one that many had thought would end up an old maid. In fact, the 1764 senior class at William and Mary established a betting pool that gave Abigail a 3-1 chance of ending up a spinster. Needless to say, they lost and Jefferson never forgave Adams for taking his money. Did I mention that Jefferson had a massive gambling problem? We pick up the Revolution action on Dec. 22, 1776. On this night, George was getting his freak on with his current squeeze, Betsy Ross. However, she came in to inform Washington that she was pregnant and that he would hear shortly from her attorney regarding child support payments. As you can imagine, this did not sit well with the commander, and he plotted a way to get away from her. He heard that some Germans from across the Delaware River were throwing a massive Christmas party and there were likely to be some disreputable women there. He sent a note to the Hessians that the American army was coming for some food and entertainment. Unfortunately, none of the Hessians could read Washington’s handwriting, and they ignored his note. When the whole Continental Army showed up on Christmas night with booze and condoms, naturally the hosts were confused. Seeing no women at the party, George Washington supposedly cried out, “Dammit, you lying German bastards — this is naught but a sausage-fest.” In his rage, he struck and killed the leader of the Hessian band. And the rest, as they say, is history. While all this fighting was going on, Paul Revere and Sam Adams were searching for their beer. They even traveled to England and endured the lousy food, the dour weather and the awful accommodations. They soon learned that King George had sent the remaining bottles of booze to India. So Revere and Adams boated down to India where Revere became enamored with the locals while Adams searched and ultimately found his beer. Paul Revere would later die in India, STI-ridden, never again able to drink beer or eat meat again, because he unintentionally married a Hindu woman. Back in the United States, the war was winding down. In 1783, the rebel army finally trapped and defeated the British army at Yorktown. The story begins when the French came over to help the rebels beat the British. As you may know, the French and Americans have always had a rivalry that dates back to that fateful evening in 1783. General Lafayette got into a pissing match with Washington. They decided that this could not be settled in a regular tavern and instead devised a race from New York City to Florida. First one to get to Miami got Molly Pitcher in all her naked glory. So the race began and, coincidently, George Washington ran into the British at Yorktown and decided, “Hey, I’m way ahead of that cheese-loving douchebag Lafayette, let’s do a little ass-kicking.” Meanwhile, Lafayette, who took boats because everyone knows that French people hate walking, got into a tousle with some British at Chesapeake Bay and decided, “Well, I’m way ahead of that whoremonger Washington, let’s kick some ass.” And that is the story of how the British were surrounded and forced to surrender and end the American Revolution. In case you’re wondering, George Washington won the race and hooked up with Molly Pitcher. And he got the genital warts to prove it. Maystrovsky is a member of the class of 2009. Continued from page 12 to souvlaki, Jay’s dreams up a recipe for any craving imaginable. Although I personally wouldn’t consider omelettes Jay’s strong suit, its array of appetizers and sandwiches meets any expectation. This is a perfect place to get a great late-night meal and it’s open 24/7, so you don’t have to cut your night short to make a food deadline. Located right on West Henrietta Road, it’s only one short designated drive away from complete indulgence. A standout on the menu is the supremely gluttonous cinnamon swirl French toast with a sugar glaze that will surely raise your cholesterol level by 10 points. If you’ve given up on your waist all together, Jay’s makes its own garbage plate, called the Heartburn Special. I would be lying to you if I said I’ve never had it before, and I would also be lying to you if I said it wasn’t delicious. So eat up and enjoy UR; New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken, anyway. Park is a member of the class of 2009. Diners: Comparing options Page 14 ADVERTISEMENT Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 15 Thursday, January 24, 2007 Eastman Virtuosi serenade audience by Nandini Venkateswaran A & E Editor Just a 20-minute bus ride away, UR students are always at the Eastman School of Music — taking lessons with faculty, visiting peers or spending an evening in the area for dinner and a concert. The school is abounding with musical talent, and it is certainly a treat to listen to the maestros that perform there. On Saturday, Jan. 19, many of Eastman’s virtuosi came back to Kilbourn Hall to perform a series of pieces by famous teacher, composer and Eastman alumnus Richard Bamford Lane, along with other works. The evening’s concert marked the first time in a quarter century that Lane’s music has been performed before an Eastman School audience. It was a delight to see the hall brimming with eager viewers at 8 p.m., all waiting to be serenaded by this performance. The night began with the “Introduction and Allegro for English Horn and Piano,” performed by Richard Killmer on English horn and Russell Miller on piano. The pianist accompanied Killmer beautifully, mirroring the horn’s melodic variations of the prevailing theme. The piece’s two distinct sections were performed with aplomb. Together, both the horn and piano transitioned smoothly between tempos and filled the hall with their resonant tones. “There was just seamless movement from note to note,” freshman Renato Rengifo said. “It was just a pleasure to sit and listen to.” After this soothing introduction, Nicholas Goluses ascended the stage with a gleaming wooden guitar. He chose to perform three pieces: “Three Epitafios” by Mikis Theodorakis, “From Afar…” by Joseph Schwantner and “Jongo” by Paulo Bellinati. The first two pieces portrayed a guitar’s sound at its best; Goluses flooded the hall with his rich, vibrating chords, effortlessly shifting and strumming the notes. Freshman Stefanie Greene was astounded at his dexterity. “He arpeggiated the chords and played the melody at the same time,” she said. “That is absolutely amazing.” The versatility of Goluses’ repertoire as well as his musical capacities were showcased in his finale piece, “Jongo.” All of a sudden, Goluses ceased to strum and instead began to use his instrument as a drum, tapping on the neck and body of the guitar to produce varied tones and toetapping rhythms. The piece had a jungle-like appeal that captivated the audience. Following a 10-minute intermission, the concert recommenced with a trombone and saxophone quartet, featuring Mark Kellogg on trombone and Chien-Kwan Lin, Jamal Rossi, Andrew Stoker and David Yusko, all on saxophone. The ensemble performed “Jigsaw for Trombone and Saxophone Quartet” by Lane. Jagged rhythms were juxtaposed with softer, gentler undertones that enabled the trombonist to serve two distinct roles during the performance. Many times, Kellogg emerged as a soloist and, in other instances, grew to become the voice of a fifth saxophone. The penultimate piece, entitled “Song for Cornet and String Quartet,” and once again composed by Lane, was performed by James Thompson on the cornet, Lee Wilkins and Janet Milnes on violin, George Taylor on viola, Rosemary Elliot on cello and Jeff Campbell on the bass. This lyrical piece allowed the cornet to bleed into string accompaniment. With its beautiful singing theme, Thompson guided the string quintet and, when the work ended, the audience was left yearning for more. The night’s wondrous performance ended with a quick blues piece and Jeffrey Agrell’s “Spring Swing,” featuring W. Peter Kurau, Sophia Goluses, Emily Fox and Emily Britoon on horn. Katie Ernst on bass and Jim Tiller on the drums. It was enjoyable to listen to two jazz selections that contrasted greatly with the previous pieces, and the performers’ enthusiasm left audience members with radiant smiles on their faces. The opportunity to listen to such wonderful music was certainly rewarding. Many more concerts will be taking place at the Eastman Theatre in coming months, so be sure to attend! Venkateswaran is a member of the class of 2011. Vijay Singh • Staff Photographer Guitarist Nicholas Goluses, second on the program, prepares to perform his first of three pieces, “Three Epitafios,” at Kilbourn Hall. Julian Crawford • Contributing Photographer Well known rap artist Mos Def speaks to UR students about the rising influence of hip-hop in society. Mos Def teaches UR students about the hip-hop industry by Victoria Massie Contributing Writer When a person thinks of a rapper, names such as Jay-Z, Tupac, 50 Cent, Kanye West and Snoop Dogg may come to mind. However, there are many rap artists who are not quite as mainstream but are just as important yet sadly overshadowed by those who consistently make the Top 40 list. One of those artists is Dante Terrell Smith, also known as Mos Def. He grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y. when hip-hop was first developing. He has been rapping since 1994 and has worked with artists such as Talib Kweli (with whom he formed the group Blackstar) and De La Soul and has released four solo albums to date. Although he can be primarily characterized as a hip-hop artist, Mos Def definitely has an expansive acting career. He has successfully made appearances in movies such as “Monster’s Ball” and “Bamboozled.” Additionally, he has had major roles in movies such as “Brown Sugar,” “The Italian Job,” “16 Blocks,” “Something the Lord Made,” “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and the upcoming film “Be Kind Rewind” with Jack Black. He also made a guest appearance as himself in “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.” He has hosted HBO’s “Def Poetry” and has played a role in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway play “Topdog/Underdog.” With a resumé such as his, it is no wonder the University asked him to participate in a discussion about entrepreneurship and hip-hop culture. The University has been sponsoring these topics of discussion since September 2006 and has even invited guests such as hip-hop fashion mogul Russell Simmons to speak to its students. On Dec. 12, 2007, Mos Def spoke to UR students and the Rochester community at the Alumni Center. One question he was repeatedly asked was:“Is hip-hop dead?” His response was an uplifting one, as he emphasized that he believes that hip-hop is not a completely independent entity, but rather is dependent on and a reflection of how people are today. It was fascinating to hear how the future of hip-hop lies in present day society’s hands. The ambition to make hip-hop better and further its influence in our lives can only occur if individuals strive to better themselves and the world in which they live. Mos Def also commented on the “Overnight Celebrity” myth. Many people think that as long as they meet a salient figure in the industry, fame and fortune will soon ensue in their lives. However, this is not the case. Many aspiring artists are out there working for that moment of fame that either does not come or can take 10 years or so to occur. Mos Def unveiled a dark truth of the business — many people will inevitably not like you. You have to be driven and strong in order to survive the pressures and rise to the top. He could only remember one person who was considered great from the very beginning — Notorious B.I.G. Although some people at the talk wanted to perform for him, he said that he would listen to them, but he could not further their careers. That is just not the way it works. In the last few minutes, he discussed the Kerner Commission, which was created during Lyndon Johnson’s administration. The Kerner Commission was created to study the cause of violence in urban areas during the Civil Rights Movement. The findings revealed that the upsurge of aggression was due to the lack of economic opportunities for African Americans. Through the commission, the government was aiming to end de-facto segregation and get rid of the ghetto environment. Then he analyzed Hurricane Katrina. Many people, especially poor African Americans, were displaced from New Orleans to random places such as Houston, Texas and Salt Lake City, Utah and were not able to come back. According to Mos Def, this was not exactly a coincidence. Katrina gave the government the opportunity to act on the Kerner Commission and, sadly, many people were not able to go back home because of it. Mos Def said that the American people need to be aware of what is going on around them rather than ignorantly accepting things in their current condition. Although he was not able to discuss entrepreneurship as much as anticipated due to time constraints, Mos Def was a very articulate, engaging and passionate speaker who had something powerful to say about today’s world and definitely deserved to be heard. Massie is a member of the class of 2011. A&E Page 16 Thursday, January 24, 2008 “In Rainbows,” “Graduation” sing sweet in 2007 by Leah Kraus A & E Editor The year 2007 was an enthralling year in music, to say the least. With everything from Britney’s bald head, to Amy Winehouse’s plethora of addictions, to Led Zeppelin playing together for the first time in almost 30 years, it was only natural that the year’s music would entertain just as much as its musicians. Here’s a sampling of some of the best albums 2007 had to offer: “Magic” by Bruce Springsteen. Springsteen’s highly touted “Magic,” which debuted almost 35 years after his first album came out, did not disappoint. It was a top choice for both Rolling Stone and Spin magazine and achieved what can be somewhat impossible for most albums these days — it pleased both teenagers and their parents alike. “Radio Nowhere” and “Girls in Their Summer Clothes” are songs that made a huge hit on radio airwaves nationwide, but it’s “Devil’s Arcade” and the somberly acoustic “Magic” that propel this album. Springsteen proves with “Magic” that he hasn’t traded in his harmonica for a more mainstream sound and that he and the E-Street Band are still a leading force in rock — and can still rock. “In Rainbows” by Radiohead. With an experimental collection of songs and an even more experimental marketing scheme, way. “Rabbit’s Foot” and “Wild “In Rainbows” easily became a Mountain Honey” are impressive favorite among starving college tracks, but every song forms a students who were able to choose strong piece of the album. how much money to fork over for “Graduation” by Kanye West. a downloaded version of the alIf you’re someone who rebum. Any band that can actually fuses to listen to hip-hop by any enhance a song’s sound by using means, “Graduation” is an alan echo effect as Radiohead does bum that will make you feel like with the dream-like “House of a moron for taking that stance. Cards” deserves respect. ChoosWest’s lyrics are extremely coming a favorite pelling: “The song from suicide doors/ the album This is my life was one of homey, you the hardest decide yours/ decisions I know Jesus I’ve made died for us/ in weeks, But I couldn’t but I ended tell you who up choosing decide wars.” “Reckoner.” I The only have no idea problem that why. It’s just emanates a cool song. from this is “Penny that it takes Arcade” by your attenBirdie Busch. tion away Chances from everyCourtesy of are “Penny thing else. Springsteen’s “Magic” earned five West proves Arcade” stars from Rolling Stone magazine. his widespread is one of the best albums you’ve never heard approach by grabbing help here of by an artist with a MySpace and there from artists such as page as her official web site. Her T-Pain and Lil’ Wayne, while the music feels natural and is full of song “Homecoming” features intriguing melodies, folky guitar Coldplay’s Chris Martin and work and simple lyrics. Some piano riffs that resemble Warren might call it typical coffee house Zevon’s. That’s what makes this music, but don’t let that fool you album so good, though — it has — Busch is unique in her own universal appeal. “Sky Blue Sky” by Wilco. Wilco’s sixth studio album may not have lived up to the hype that 2002’s “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” attained, but “Sky Blue Sky” was certainly a favorite on the folk rock circuit. It’s more melancholy than happy and more soulful than the typical Wilco style, but is certainly worth the money. It’s great for a rainy day, contrary to the title, as lead singer Jeff Tweedy consistently sounds like he’s going to break down and cry throughout the majority of the songs. If you don’t feel like buying the album, at least make an effort and download “Either Way,” “You Are My Face” or “Side with the Seeds.” “Icky Thump” by The White Stripes. The quirky and simplistic music that The White Stripes are known for doesn’t stop with “Icky Thump.” It just gets better and is highly impressive for an album recorded in less than a month. Songs such as “Icky Thump,” “I’m Slowly Turning Into You,” “You Don’t Know What Love is (You Just do as You’re Told)” and “Conquest” are standouts. The album tackles themes such as immigration and misogyny which keep it highly entertaining until the end, plus, the title is genius. Kraus is a member of the class of 2009. WRUR 88.5 FM Weekly Top 10 Artists 1. Radiohead 2. Most Serene Republic 3. Soundtrack 4. Aloha 5. Soft 6. Coconut Records 7. Broken Social Scene Presents Kevin Drew 8. Wild Sweet Orange 9. Bonnie Prince Billy 10. Mary Onettes “There Will Be Blood” proves to be a bloody brilliant flick by dan milbrand Senior Staff Writer When Paul Thomas Anderson makes movies, he really means it. As a modern day Kubrick, PTA picks the topics of his films carefully — he’s made only five films in twelve years — and invests himself fully into the subject matter. Whether it’s porn “Boogie Nights,” gambling “Hard Eight” or the similarities between love and violence “Punch-Drunk Love,” Anderson is able to strike a chord with audiences and critics alike on account of his knack for detail and ability to inspire charismatic performances from all those involved. Like his idol Robert Altman, he’s a guru at managing ensemble casts, having worked with and molded a handful of today’s most talented actors, from Mark Wahlberg to Philip Seymour Hoffman. So what do you get when you combine an actor’s director with a performer whose presence on screen demands your attention at all times in Daniel Day Lewis? You get the explosion of cinematic brilliance that is “There Will Be Blood.” Loosely based on Upton Sinclair’s 1927 novel “Oil!,” “There Will be Blood” follows the exploits of a ruthless businessman named Daniel Plainview (played by Day-Lewis), whose seething corruption during turn-of-thecentury America is as plain as his name. Greed is Anderson’s focus in this one, and there is no better time and place to examine it than Bush’s America in 2008. After stumbling upon oil while mining silver in the west, Plainview’s obsessive quest begins and is traced over a span of more than 20 years as he raises a child (played by youngster Dillon Freasier), makes a butt-load of money and builds his very own Xanadu palace. A self-proclaimed nihilist, the only thing that stands between Plainview and his merciless campaign is a lack of places to drill and a feverish preacher played by Paul Dano. As Eli Sunday, Dano shrieks his way into cinematic history, playing the part with such intensity that it may cause you to examine your own demons by film’s end. Whether or not Eli’s methods work on Plainview is a different story. The mind-bending conclusion will leave you bewildered as any and all notions of redemption are put into question by Plainview’s insane greed and Sunday’s shocking confession. Anderson and Day-Lewis together form a lethal duo, and it’s fun to see Anderson pool nearly all of his energy into one actor as opposed to the standard twelve, although Dano’s manic performance makes me think that he got his fair share of love as well. “There Will be Blood” truly is the only film of its kind, brilliantly different in a way that only Anderson could pull off. With all the talk about Day-Lewis’ performance, it’s easy to overlook the unique and daring filmmaker who was responsible for pulling the strings and evoking such a masterful act. Well, I may not be the first, but allow me to give credit where it’s due. Courtesy of The oil business proves to be a precarious career choice in Paul Anderson’s critically acclaimed new film, “There Will Be Blood.” Along with Wes Anderson and My advice to you is to see this Darren Aronofsky, Anderson is movie, let it sink in for a day or the future of American cinema, two and then acknowledge it for and as long as he continues to the exceptional and thought-procome out with inspired movies voking film it is. Give Anderson such as this, it’s safe to say that the Oscar. I’m finished. he holds the throne in that catMilbrand is a member of egory. the class of 2008. M ov i e T i m e s UR Cinema Group • Hoyt Auditorium Friday Saturday Darfur Now 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 Trade 7:00, 10:00 The Little Theatre • 240 east avenue For showtimes call (585) 258-0400 Atonement Juno There Will Be Blood classifieds Want to place a classified ad? Stop by the Common Market in Wilson Commons or e-mail ctads@! No Country For Old Men Friday, 6:40, 9:20 Pinocchio Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Do you like writing? Then write for Campus Times! Stop by WC 102 any Wednesday night or e-mail us at SPORTS Thursday, January 24, 2008 Page 17 Squash: Top four succeed Streak: Marriott named Tournament MVP Continued from Page 20 Sunday morning, the Yellowjackets faced their toughest opponent of the season in seventh-ranked Dartmouth. Again, the top four for the ’Jackets all cruised to 3-0 victories, Bristow dropping only three points to Ted Newhouse and Reid, at No. 4, dropping only two to Mike Lewis. Unfortunately, that’s where the winning ended. Sophomore Yohay Wakabayashi, at No. 5, lost a tough five-game match against Michael Shrubb, the final game going the distance at 8-10 in favor of Dartmouth. The final match of the weekend came against 12th-ranked Bowdoin, with the ’Jackets hoping to bounce back from their tough loss earlier that day against Dartmouth. The team proved to be more than up for the challenge, taking a 6-3 victory. For the third time in three matches, Rochester’s top four swept their matches 3-0, with Bristow, at No. 2, only losing one point and Reid, at No. 4, losing only two. McDavid defeated Robert Lynn, 3-0, for the fifth point, and Lee defeated Thai Ha-Ngoc in four games for the ’Jackets’ sixth point. The top four finished the weekend dropping only an average of just over 2.5 points per match. The weekend on the whole was an extremely successful one for the ’Jackets, defeating two higher-ranked opponents and losing a very close match against seventh-ranked Dartmouth. The Yellowjackets proved they are once again up to meet the lofty expectations they had coming into this season and should only improve upon their ranking with their showing against these three elite teams. The coming weeks will be busy for the team with matches today away at Hamilton, followed by four home matches in four days starting Thursday, Jan. 31, against Hobart College, then Friday, against 10th-ranked Navy, Saturday, against St. Lawrence University, and finishing Sunday morning, against Franklin University and Marshall University. Again, all four matches are at home, and the team hopes for a large turnout of support in what will be a long and hopefully successful weekend. Early in December, five members of the team traveled to the Five-Man U.S. Team Championships in Connecticut. The best collegiate teams, as well as the best coaches and graduates, in the United States were featured in the tournament. Rochester’s team consisted of Ahmed, Bristow, Newnham, freshman Edwin Goncharuk and sophomore Jamal Callender. Ahmed, who is undefeated this season, won all four of his matches, three of them by 3-0 counts. Bristow, at No. 2, went 2-2, with both his victories 3-0 sweeps. At No. 3, Newnham went 3-1 also with two sweeps. Goncharuk and Callender both went 0-4 on the weekend, but the team as a whole produced a very impressive 2-2 record considering the level of competition. For their efforts, Ahmed was named Liberty League Co-Performer of the Week and Newnham was named Liberty League Rookie of the Week. Ray is a member of the class of 2008. Continued from Page 20 Ndubizu also came up big against Nazareth College in the finals, banking 22 points and 14 rebounds, en route to an 87-75 victory for UR. He was later named Tournament MVP. Dominiak also had 22 points in the finals, including six threepointers, while Onyiriuka and Juron rounded off the ’Jacket players in double figures with 10 and 12, respectively. Juron led UR with five assists, as well. Senior forward Dan Milbrand also contributed to the win, adding eight points on four for five shooting and dishing out four assists in 16 minutes. UR especially excelled in the first half, where they shot 56 percent from the field, including 50 percent from behind the threepoint line. In the second half, the ’Jackets shot just over 60 percent from the field. Ndubizu scored 14 of his 22 points after halftime. On the game, the ’Jackets, as a team, shot 88.5 percent from the line. They also held a 38-16 advantage over Nazareth in rebounds and tallied 23 assists in comparison to 12 from the Golden Flyers. On top of that, UR’s bench players outscored Nazareth’s bench, 24-11. The Yellowjackets pick up play again on Friday night against Emory University and then travel to Cleveland to take on Case Western Reserve University on Sunday before returning to the Palestra on Feb. 2 to take on fifthranked Washington University of St Louis. Hilfinger is a member of the class of 2010. Continued from Page 20 time, Marriott had six of the team’s final 12 points. After Porter put UR up by five with just over a minute to go, the ’Jackets were able to ice the clock thanks to two free throws made by Alwardt. The Yellowjackets entered the game against the Violets after being crowned champions in the JP Morgan Chase Tournament the previous weekend. In the first round of tournament play, UR took on SUNY Geneseo and dominated en route to a 6337 victory. In the game, three ’Jacket players were in double digits. Alwardt led all scorers with 14 points. Marriott had 13 points and nine rebounds, including six on the offensive boards, and junior guard Rachel Stern led the team with five assists. The other UR player in double digits in scoring was Baroody, who had 13 points to go along with three steals. In the semifinals, UR took on Roberts Wesleyan College, again coming away with a double-digit victory. This time, the ’Jackets put up a season-high 88 points while holding Roberts to 53 points and only 17.4 percent shooting from the field in the first half. Four UR players reached double-digit scoring in the game, and Alwardt again led all scorers with 15. Porter had 13 points, six steals and six rebounds. McNelis added Hoops: Men go 3-0 in UAA JEFF LEVY • Presentation Editor Freshman Melissa Alwardt had 20 points and three blocks against Brandeis. 10 points, four assists and two steals. Donovan also contributed 10 points in the game. The ’Jackets took on Nazareth College in the finals, and, again, UR dominated its opponent in an 83-46 blow out decision. The Yellowjackets never trailed in the game and jumped out to a 41-23 lead in the first half, attempting 39 shots and shooting 45.5 percent from behind the arc before half time. In the first half alone, Marriott had 15 points on 66.7 percent shooting, while also adding two steals. Alwardt had 10 points and shot 50 percent from behind the arc before halftime. The ’Jackets held a 34-16 advantage in points in the paint for the game, outscored Nazareth 19-4 in points off turnovers and dished out 15 more assists than the Golden Flyers. Defensively, UR held Nazareth to 35 percent shooting from the field, including 21 percent from three-point range. Marriott was named the MVP of the tournament, putting up 20 points, seven rebounds and two steals against Nazareth. Alwardt, who was named to the All-Tournament First Team, had 10 points. Baroody also added 10 points in the final and joined Porter, who added nine points in the final, on the All-Tournament Second Team. Porter was also named to the UAA Honor Roll this past week for her performances against NYU and Brandeis. The Yellowjackets are away this coming weekend, taking on UAA rivals Emory University on Friday and Case Western Reserve University on Sunday at their respective locations. They return home on Feb. 1 to take on Washington University in St. Louis, who currently sits atop the UAA with the ’Jackets at 3-0. Hilfinger is a member of the class of 2010. Tvnnfs!Cvtjoftt!Jotujuvuf!A!Tjnpo Kvof!3Ñ31-!3119 Xifuifs!zpv!bsf!b!dvssfou!dpmmfhf!tuvefou!ps!b!ofxmz!njoufe!hsbevbuf-!! ejtdpwfs!fydjujoh!pqqpsuvojujft!jo!cvtjoftt!uijt!tvnnfs/ E Get a head start on your career path E Three-week, 6-credit program includes courses in five areas: general management, marketing, leadership, business law, and accounting and finance E Network at C.E.O.-hosted dinners Fospmmnfou!jt!mjnjufe/!Bqqmz!opx"!Bqqmjdbujpo!Efbemjof;!Bqsjm!2-!3119 %361!uvjujpo!ejtdpvou-!jg!bqqmzjoh!cfgpsf!Nbsdi!2-!3119 Gps!npsf!jogpsnbujpo-!dpoubdu!vt!bu!)696*!386.4644!ps!wjtju!xxx/tjnpo/spdiftufs/fev0tvnnfsjotujuvuf JEFF LEVY • Presentation Editor Junior Michael Chmielowiec drives to the hoop for a lay-up versus NYU. SPORTS Page 18 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Track and Field starts season well Swimming stumbles By Erin Philbrick Copy Editor The indoor track and field teams kicked off their spring semester seasons with an eventful outing at the Rochester Institute of Technology Invitational. Though there was no team scoring at the event, UR’s strength was shown with top-eight finishes in 19 events from the women and in 10 events on the men’s side. In addition, there were multiple top-eight finishers in six of the women’s events, and there were multiple top-eight finishers in three of the men’s events. The women had two individual champions. Senior Stacie Woods took the crown in the 500-meter dash with a time of 1:23.76. Senior Anjuli Cherukuri was the top finisher in the pole vault, clearing the bar set at 3.00 meters. Freshman Elana Mangano placed behind Cherukuri in the pole vault in fifth, clearing 2.70. The third finisher in the top eight in the pole vault was freshman Kristin Fekete, placing sixth by also clearing 2.70. In other field events, junior Jamie Landry was second in the high jump at 1.55 meters and seventh in the shot put, throwing 9.58 meters. Sophomore Elise Scheid was fifth in the shot and junior Jonelle Redhead was eighth, with throws of 9.98 and 9.30, respectively. Redhead was also fifth in the weight throw with a throw of 14.26 meters and Scheid was seventh with a distance of 13.40 meters. In the jumps, sophomore Melissa Skevington was third in the triple jump, making her mark at 10.54 meters, and sixth in the long jump, making it to 4.93 meters. Senior Kathryn Knowles hopped, skipped and jumped her way to sixth in the triple jump with a distance of 10.14. In the distance events, the Yellowjackets had many more top finishers. In the 1,000-meter run, there were three finishers in the top four. Sophomores Lisa Cole, Suzanne Giunta and Hilary Haefner took second, third and fourth, respectively, with times of 3:12.01, 3:14.71 and 3:17.46. In the 3,000-meter run, senior Kellie Hasselwander placed third with a time of 10:41.17. In other running events, sopho- Courtesy of UR Athletics Junior Jamie Landry competes in the 55-meter hurdles. She finished fourth. more Prashanthi Chodagiri was second in the 400-meter dash with a time of 63.19, sophomore Allie McComb was fifth in the 1 mile run with a time of 5:24.84 and sophomore Sadie Gollub finished the 800-meter run 2:31.70 to place eighth. Landry placed in a second event — the 55-meter hurdles — coming in fourth with a time of 9.63 and freshman Emily Gray was sixth with a time of 9.76. In the relays, UR was strong, placing second in the distance medley relay with a time of 13:12.15 and third in the 4x400-meter relay with a time of 4:22.29. For the men, senior Mike Burgstrom was just shy of the NCAA automatic qualifying distance in the weight throw. Burgstrom threw the weight 18.07 meters to win the event and to improve his provisional qualifying distance. He was just 0.43 meters short of the automatic qualifying distance of 18.5 meters. Sophomore Ethan Kaplan placed eighth in the weight with a distance of 12.64 meters. The ’Jackets had first-place finishes in two other events. Junior Malik Sams won the 55-meter hurdles with a time of 7.99 seconds, and the distance medley relay team was champion with a time of 10:32.39. In field events other than the weight throw, junior Travis Buttaccio placed third in the long jump, leaving a mark at 6.20 meters, and freshman Nicholas Hammond was seventh, with a jump of 5.91 meters. Junior Kevin Easton was third in the high jump, clearing 1.76 meters, and freshman Dan Abud was fourth in the pole vault at 3.95 meters. The teams travel to St. Lawrence University this weekend for another invitational. Philbrick is a member of the class of 2009. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR RECORD: IN 2007, WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PRINT 22 REGULAR ISSUES. WE PRINTED EACH ONE. OUR RECORD, THEREFORE, IS 22-0 IN THE REGULAR SEASON. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH AL QAEDA. WE HAVE AN AMERICAN FLAG (SOMEWHERE). WE EAT APPLE PIE. Campus Times TAKE THAT, “PATRIOTS.” By David Maystrovsky Sports Editor The UR men's and women's swim teams were busy over break as they competed in two meets, against SUNY Cortland and Nazareth. The men were victorious in both of the meets, beating SUNY Cortland, 149.5-148.5, and defeating Nazareth 132-71. However, the women were not so lucky as they fell to SUNY Cortland by a 117.5177.5 margin and lost to Nazareth 104-138. For the men, the SUNY Cortland meet was perhaps the most exciting in a long time. The relay team that swam the 200 medley relay, consisting of junior Ryan White, sophomore Chris Jensen and freshmen Kevin Howard and Bobby McCue, finished second with a time of 1:43.32, earning four points. In the 1,000-yard freestyle, freshman Cole Brown finished first with a time of 10:25.71, and sophomore Joseph Kaule finished third with a time of 10:45.79. In the 200 freestyle event, White came in second with a time of 1:51.60 and freshman Kevin Balche came in third with a time of 1:54.45. For the 100-yard backstroke event, sophomore Garrett Lam won the race with a time of 55.77, and Howard came in second with a time of 56.51. McCue came in second in the 100 breaststroke event, clocking in with a time of 1:03.38, earning four points, Jensen came in third with a time of 1:04.50, earning three points. In the 200 butterfly, Howard came in second with a time of 2:08.17. Senior Jonathan Dennison led the UR in the 50 freestyle, coming in second with a time of 23.17, while Balch came in fourth with a time of 23.43. In the 100 freestyle, Dennison won the event with a time of 50.83, White came in second with a time of 51.24. Lam won the 200 backstroke event with a time of 2:09.45, and Kaule came in second with a time of 2:07.97. The 200 breaststroke event again was loaded with UR finishers, as McCue came in second in 2:18.27, Subjeck came in third with a time of 2:25.69 and Jenson came in fourth with a time of 2:27.04. In the 500 freestyle event, Brown won with a time of 5:07.21, Balch came in second with a time of 5:10.63 and sophomore Pat Messmer came in fourth with a time of 5:18.02. Howard won the 100 butterfly with a time of 54.79. Dennison ended up winning the 200 IM in 2:04.03, while Friel came in third with a time of 2:12.48. White, McCue, Balch and Dennison came in second in the 400 freestyle relay with a time of 3:22.80. Junior David Mitsche came in third in both the 1-meter and the 3-meter diving events with a score of 171.90 and 184.58 respectively. The women’s swim team didn’t fare quite as well against SUNY Cortland. The 200 medley relay, the team of freshman Kathryn Lukens, senior Kelly Fischer, senior Danielle Scherry and freshman Dayna Jacob came in third with a time of 2:01.51. Scherry won the 1000 freestyle event with a time of 11:05.11. Freshman Liz Subjeck won the 200 freestyle event with a time of 2:02.71, while Lukens came in third with a time of 2:05.30. Freshman Cailee Caldwell came in second in the 100 backstroke with a time of 1:04.89. Fischer came in the third with a time of 1:11.72 in the 100 breaststroke. In the 200 butterfly event, Scherry came in second with a time of 2:25.98. Jacob came in second in the 50 freestyle with a time of 26.53. Jacob also came in second in the 100 freestyle event with a time of 57.79. Subjeck and Lukens came in third and fourth respectively, in the 200 backstroke with times of 2:21.87 and 2:24.20. Fischer nabbed second place with a time of 2:34.45 in the 200 breaststroke event. The 500 freestyle event had several UR finishers as Lukens won the event with a time of 5:25.78, Subjeck came in third with a time of 5:34.78 and Scherry came in fourth with a time of 5:39.36. The UR women swept the 200 IM, as Caldwell won with a time of 2:23.53, Fischer came in second with a time of 2:23.55 and senior Denise Moseman came in third with a time of 2:28.76. In the 400 freestyle relay, the ’Jackets took both of the top spots with times of 3:51.45 and 4:15.15. In the diving events, sophomore Jaime Sorenson came in third in the 1-meter event with a score of 182.10 and second in the 3-meter event with a score of 225.68. In the Nazareth meet, the UR women continued their unfortunate losing streak. Lukens won her 1,650 freestyle race with a time of 18:35.76. In the 200 freestyle, Subjeck came in second, with a time of 2:02.37. Caldwell and Jacob came in second and third, respectively, in the 50 freestyle, with times of 26.17 and 26.40. The women did well in the 400 IM event, with Scherry winning with a time of 5:01.00 and Fischer coming in second with a time of 5:03.80. Sorenson came in third in the 1-meter diving event with a score of 194.18 but had a great showing in the 3-meter event with a score of 215.03, coming in first place. The Yellowjackets swept the 100 freestyle event with the three top finishes. Caldwell won with a time of 56.66, Jacob was right behind her with a time of 57.40 and Subjeck was third with a time of 57.41. Lukens won the 500 freestyle event with a time of 5:26.53 while Scherry came in third with a time of 5:33.27. Fischer won the 200 breaststroke with a time of 2:33.74. The women capped off the meet finishing second in the 800 freestyle relay with a time of 8:17.66. The men’s swimming team destroyed Nazareth with many notable performances. The 400 medley relay team set the tone by winning with a time of 3:48.07. In the 1,650 freestyle, Brown won the race with a time of 17:23.46, while Kaule came in second with a time of 17:51.20. Messmer led the way in the 200 freestyle with a time of 1:53.46 while Anderson followed behind with a time of 1:54.05. Balch, McCue and Friel led the charge in the 50 freestyle event with respective times of 23.11,23.17 and 24.04. In the 400 IM, it was a clean sweep, with UR swimmers taking all the points. They were paced by Howard, who won with a time of 4:28.64 and White came in second with a time of 4:35.83. Mitsche swept both diving events by scoring 166.55 in the 1-meter event and 168.00 in the 3-meter event. Friel led the UR team in the 200 butterfly with a time of 2:13.44. McCue, Jensen and Bowman took top three honors in the 100 freestyle with times of 50.13, 53.16 and 53.95. The team finished the meet by getting the top two spots in the 800 freestyle relay. The ‘A’ team finished with a time of 7:46.64 while the ‘B’ team came in second with a time of 8:15.09. Maystrovsky is a member of the class of 2009. F SPORTS Thursday, January 24, 2008 rom the P ressbox By Matt Starr When the New England Patriots beat the San Diego Chargers, 2112, this past weekend, securing their fourth AFC Championship in seven years, they became the first team in history to reach 18-0 during a season. Only the 1972 Miami Dolphins have ever gone undefeated for an NFL season, but, back then, that meant only 17 games. If the Patriots win the Super Bowl to finish 19-0, how do they stack up against the greatest teams of all time? Using both research and personal opinion as a starting point, the five other greatest teams of the modern NFL are the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the 1978-79 Pittsburgh Steelers, the 1985 Chicago Bears, the 1989 San Francisco 49ers and the 1992-93 Dallas Cowboys. In order to avert jinxes, I’ll mimic ESPN’s Bill Simmons and stipulate a contingency: ATPWTSB (Assuming the Pats win the Super Bowl). Ranking each team one through five in a host of categories. Record: Obviously, being the only undefeated team in NFL history weighs heavily for the 17-0 Dolphins; however ATPWTSB, they too will be undefeated throughout the season, making this category a virtual tie, with the slight edge going to New England because of the two more games played. 1a. Patriots, 1b. Dolphins, 3. Bears, 4. 49ers, 5. Steelers, 6. Cowboys. Offense Points Scored: This year’s Patriots shattered the all-time scoring mark of 556 set by the Minnesota Vikings in 1998. Perhaps the most prolific offense of all time, Tom Brady’s 50 TD passes and Randy Moss’ 23 TD receptions were both records breaking those of Peyton Manning and Jerry Rice, by one each. 1. Patriots, 2. Bears, 3. 49ers, 4. Dolphins, 5. Cowboys, 6. Steelers. Defense Points Allowed: The Patriots’ defense was a footnote to the 2007 season and surrendered lots of points, possibly because it could afford to. Although criticized at times for being old and soft against the run, New England’s D was solid and consistent. 1. Dolphins, 2. Bears, 3. Steelers, 4. Cowboys, 5. 49ers, 6. Patriots. Turnover Margin: The Bears’ impressive turnover margin was only elipsed by the 2000 Ravens with +24 and deserves this No. 1 ranking. The Patriots above-average +9 turnover margin finds them at fourth, middle of the pack, as expected. 1. Bears, 2. Dolphins, 3. 49ers, 4. Patriots, 5. Cowboys, 6. Steelers. Point Differential: One of the most crucial statistics, average point differential, truly shows how handily a team beat its opponents. With their record-setting offense, the Patriots top this category, followed closely by a Bears team that couldn’t match the Pats’ scoring power, but made up for it with stingy D. 1. Patriots, 2. Bears, 3. Dolphins, 4. 49ers, 5. Steelers, 6. Cowboys. MVP, OPOY, DPOY: The greatest teams should have the greatest players. In this category, I gave a team two points for having an NFL MVP and one point each for Offensive or Defensive Player of the Year. The Patriots and 49ers sit at the top with three points each, all awarded to one player (Tom Brady and Joe Montana, respectively). T1. Patriots, T1. 49ers, 3. Steelers, 3. Bears, 5. Cowboys, 6. Dolphins. Coach: It’s hard to judge different coaches on different teams from different eras, so I’m just counting titles: each coach is rated by his championships. ATPWTSB, Bill Belichick will join Chuck Noll as the only coaches to ever win four Super Bowls. T1. Steelers’ Chuck Noll, T1. Patriots’ Bill Belichick 3. Dolphins’ Don Shula, T4. Cowboys’ Jimmy Johnson, T4. 49ers’ George Seifert, 6. Bears’ Mike Ditka. Strength of Schedule: The 17-0 Miami Dolphins had the good fortune to play one of the easiest schedules in NFL history and are thus being punished in this category. The 18-1 Bears, with the hardest schedule of all, rightfully deserve this No. 1 spot. The Patriots fell to No. 3. Still, consider that the Steelers averaged a 16-3 record, while the Pats are undefeated. 1. Bears, 2. Steelers, 3. Patriots, 4. Cowboys, 5. 49ers, 6. Dolphins. After dissecting each teams’ statistics, the 2007 Patriots land in a three-way tie with the 1985 Chicago Bears, who beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl that year, and the 1972 Miami Dolphins. But as the late, great Bear Bryant said when asked about kicking a field goal down three, “Hell no! A tie is like kissing your sister.” So there’s only one fair tiebreaker: me. And, ATPWTSB, the tie goes to the Patriots, a team that will have achieved perfection in the NFL’s era of parity. Starr is a member of the class of 2009. This Week in Sports THURSDAY, JAN. 24 •Squash at Hamilton College, 6 p.m. FRIDAY, JAN. 25 • Women’s Basketball at Emory University, 6 p.m. •Men’s Basketball at Emory University, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, JAN. 26 •Men’s and Women’s Track at St. Lawrence University Invitational, 11 a.m. •Men’s and Women’s Swimming vs. Ithaca College, 1 p.m. SUNDAY, JAN. 27 • Men’s Basketball at Case Western Reserve University, noon. •Women’s Basketball at Case Western Reserve University, 2 p.m. Page 19 Life, Love...Sport Aloha everyone, and welcome back from your winter break. Thank you for choosing to read Life, Love... Sport (New York City Edition), I hope you will enjoy it. There is a lot of excitement here at the LLS for the new year, especially since the biggest spectacle in sports is nearly upon us. Since college football is now officially finished, we shall take stock of a wild and crazy season and delve a little bit into the college basketball season, which, to be honest, the LLS has regarded until now as a bunch of crazy morons running around indoors. Also, because the NBA is in full swing, perhaps we shall talk about the lack of exciting storylines and maybe discuss a little bit of curling? Who knows? I do. Now that college football is over, it’s time to recap. For the second straight year, the LLS Bandwagon Team has lost in its bowl game after a semi-disappointing season. This seems to be a rather disturbing trend until you realize that next season the Bandwagon Team of the LLS has always done well. Also, before we move on, let’s all agree to ban Ohio State from any national title games for a decade. Sure, one bad showing is acceptable (after all, everyone makes mistakes — isn’t that right Senator Craig?), but twice in a row? Unacceptable. Also, it makes for awful TV. Moving on to some college basketball, it has come to my attention that apparently this sport is now in season. Here’s my one problem with the lame college version of basketball: where are the points? What happened? When I watch the NBA and see 200 points By David Maystrovsky a game, I expect the same level of performance from the college kids. No more of this 56-47 bullcrap. Some of the college players have the nerve to think that they can jump to the NBA. If you are scoring 10 points a game, don’t even bother moving up — Kevin Garnett will beat you up and take your lunch money. That man is a beast. I’m wasting a solid two hours watching college hoops; I deserve to be treated to a good game. And another thing, when did major college programs get the nerve to schedule East-West Buttcrack U.? Moving on. In the world of baseball, normally quiet this time of year, the spotlight belongs to Roger Clemens. Or rather it belongs to that giant needle that was sticking out of his ass. Now, we all perhaps wondered why Clemens had a sub-2.00 ERA at the age of 40-something when he pitched for the Astros. Heck, even I was convinced that working out in the gym for eight hours a day will give you a 95 mph fastball. But as shown by my brief (and unsuccessful) tryout with the UR baseball team, you need more than working out to be good. Apparently, in Clemens’ case it meant a little somethin’ somethin’ extra from, say, HGH. I’m glad someone like him got busted; maybe now steroids won’t be the only thing that people will be talking about all of next season. I was going to write a long and glowing report on the Celtics and how they were just destroying everyone they played, but they ruined it by losing twice to the Wizards and some other teams. So now, I’m just going to cau- tiously declare that the team from Boston is the deepest team that I’ve ever seen play. This should also be prefaced with the fact that I haven’t really watched much basketball because I find that a lot of the teams are just really one superstar and a bunch of dudes that should probably be playing at the local YMCA and not in the NBA. But watching Kevin Garnett is awesome. Quick story: When I first started to notice sports in 1995, I had already picked my football team (the Panthers, because everyone loves the underdog and because while watching Kerry Collins, I turned to my younger cousin and told him that Collins is an alcoholic. It feels good to be right), my hockey team (the Red Wings because Federov made beautiful music on the ice. If you disagree, I’ll punch you) and my baseball team (the Red Sox because I moved to Boston and to be honest, if I picked anyone else, I’d probably be dead by now). So I was looking for a basketball team. And frankly, the T-Wolves had a cool name and awesome jerseys. Getting Garnett was like getting a gift that keeps on giving (and no, I did not just compare Kevin Garnett to a gift card). If you are wondering why I haven’t talked about the Patriots, there are two reasons. First, I’m going to do an in-depth breakdown of the game next week, and second, I’m afraid to jinx the team. Final Fact: A baseball ball has exactly 108 stitches, a cricket ball has between 65 and 70 stitches. Maystrovsky’s article appears weekly. Maystrovsky is a member of the class of 2009. Athlete of the Week — Rob Dominiak Class: 2008 Sport: Basketball — Guard High School: Birch Wathen Lenox, New York, N.Y. MAJOR: Political Science. PLANS AFTER COLLEGE: Going on a world rock tour with Milbrand, Juron, Uchechuku and then to be a Paralegal in NYC. Favorite OTHER sport: Baseball. Favorite Athletic Memory: My first college assist. IDEAL DAY OFF: Playing “Rock Band” with my group, “The Monsters,” until I can’t see anymore. FAVORITE MOVIE: “Fight Club.” FAVORITE FOOD: Mom’s Pierogis and greasy cheeseburgers. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Jessica Biel. MOST LIKE TO MEET: J.J. Reddick. JUST CAN’T GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD: “Go Go Gadget Flow” by Lupe Fiasco. Weirdest thing seen on campus: Franco Sebastiani’s sweaty socks. FAVORITE UR TRADITION: Causing havoc out in left field during baseball games. EXPECTATIONS FOR THE SEASON: Win the UAA, then head down to the Final Four to pick up some rings. Why Rob is the Athlete of the Week: Robert scored 12 points and and went 7-7 from the charity stripe as #1 UR defeated #2 Brandeis University on Sunday. S p o rt s Campus Times Page 20 Thursday, January 24, 2008 Basketball proves it’s worthy of No.1 ranking JEFF LEVY • Presentation Editor Senior Jon Onyiriuka had two dunks against NYU last Friday. by Dana Hilfinger Sports Editor If there was ever any doubt of the validity of the UR men’s basketball team’s No.1 ranking, it was stifled pretty quickly this past weekend when the ’Jackets shut down the secondranked Brandeis University Judges en route to a 74-68 victory. UR improved to 14-0 (3-0 in conference play) with the win. It’s the best start for the ’Jackets since the 2004-05 season when they began the year with 20 straight wins. In front of packed stands at the Louis Alexander Palestra, Brandeis’ guards took over the court early, propelling the Judges to a 12-5 lead after five minutes of play. The ’Jackets quickly responded, however, making their presence known thanks to strong interior play led by senior center Jon Onyiriuka. Ten minutes in, back-to-back lay-ups by junior guard Max Kaplan and sophomore guard Brad Runco completed a 13-3 run for the ’Jackets and gave them a lead that they maintained for the remainder of the game. For the rest of the first half, UR distributed the scoring well among its players. The Yellowjackets’ leading scorer on the season, senior guard Robert Dominiak, did not even attempt a shot until the game was more than a quarter of the way completed, but then went two for two from the field and three for three from the free throw line to finish the half, including a 4-point play to give UR a 5-point lead nine minutes before the break. Going into the second half, UR held an 8-point lead and was dominating in points in the paint, holding an 18-8 advantage over the Judges. The second 20 minutes of play began with the teams trading scores. Brandeis got within one of the ’Jackets with just over 12 minutes to play after guard Andre Roberson came off the bench and scored. He finished the game as the leading bench scorer for either team, netting 14 total points. The ’Jackets showed great resilience, however. Junior guard Mike Chmielowiec was big for UR in the second half, scoring nine points and going three for three from the line. He finished the game as UR’s leading scorer with 14 points in 33 minutes. The Yellowjackets also got a boost from freshman guard Mike Labanowski, who had nine points on 100 percent shooting from the field. Senior guard Jeff Juron led all players with nine assists and was one of three ’Jacket players in double-digits. Onyiriuka had nine points and five assists for UR, while Dominiak finished the game with 12 points and was 100 percent from the free throw line, keeping him perfect from the foul strike on the season. Dominiak and Juron’s free-throw shooting was key in the final minute of the game, when the Judges came within two points of UR and were forced to foul ’Jacket players. The Yellowjackets also dominated from behind the 3-point line, shooting 64 percent, compared to 33 percent shooting by the Judges, from behind the arc. Leading Brandeis in scoring was guard Kevin Olson, who finished the game with 16 points. UR came into the game having beaten another University Athletic Association rival, New York University, 70-54, on Friday and having just been crowned champions of the JP Morgan Chase Scholarship Tournament. Against the Violets of NYU, UR shot 60 percent from the field in the first half to propel themselves to a 17-point lead going into the break. Onyiriuka led the ’Jackets, tallying the doubledouble with 18 points and 11 rebounds. Dominiak had 16 points, including three 3-pointers in the first half alone, and Juron again led all players in assists with five. UR started off the Chase Tournament against Keuka College, whom they blew out 81-37. Dominiak led all scorers with 17 points, while Chmielowiec added 10 points. It was Chmielowiec’s first game back after being sidelined with a hand injury for the first half of the season. Chmielowiec was UR’s leading scorer last year. In the semifinals, UR beat SUNY Brockport, 75-70. Four ’Jacket players were in double figures, including senior forward Uche Ndubizu, who led all scorers with 18 points while also grabbing 11 rebounds. See HOOPS, Page 17 Women’s team continues its streak By Dana Hilfinger Sports Editor You would have to go back two months to find the last time the UR women’s basketball team lost a game. Since that time, the team has won 11 straight, including an impressive 62-55 victory against the third-ranked New York University Violets this past Friday and a championship win at the JP Morgan Chase Tournament two weeks ago. Most recently, the women’s team defeated University Athletic Association rival Brandeis University on Sunday afternoon, 77-61. Against the Judges, the ’Jackets dominated in the paint, holding a 32-22 scoring advantage inside. They also got huge play from their bench players, namely freshman guard Melissa Alwardt, who had a career-high 20 points while also adding three blocks. Brandeis jumped out to take the lead early in the ball game, going up by as many as eight in the first 15 minutes of play. The ’Jackets responded quickly, however, and got good production from reserve freshmen center Courtney Donovan, in for UR’s leading scorer on the season, junior center Julie Marriott, who was on the bench with two fouls. Donovan had seven points in the first half and fin- ished the game with nine. Juniors forward Alex Porter and guard Johanna McNelis also added seven points each before halftime for the Yellowjackets. In the second half, UR never trailed, finishing the game on a 24-9 run. Marriott came back with 10 points after halftime, going four for five from the field while also dishing out five assists. She finished the game with 14 points and three rebounds. Alwardt had 17 of her 20 points after halftime. She shot 50 percent from the field and was perfect at the foul line. Porter finished the game with 14 points and was key defensively, tallying nine rebounds and six steals. Against NYU on Friday night, UR posted three players in double-figure scoring, coming back from four down at the half en route to victory. Marriott led all ’Jacket scorers with 17 points and also added three assists. Porter contributed 14 points and six rebounds. Junior guard Helen Baroody added 13 points, while grabbing four boards. In the first half, UR was down by as many as six, mainly due to NYU’s reigning UAA player of the year forward Jessica McEntee’s 11 points. The ’Jackets fought back, however, thanks to Marriott’s 11 points in the first 20 minutes and strong shooting from senior forward Jessica Waddell and Porter, both of whom had six points before the half. In the second half, Baroody came out and sank a jumper right out of the gate, cutting the Violet’s lead to two. Following a block by Marriott on NYU’s ensuing possession, freshman guard Caroline Bernal-Silva tied the game up, hitting a mid- range shot to knot the score at 31. During the next 10 minutes of play, there were seven lead changes, with neither team leading by more than four. With seven minutes remaining, Marriott sank a two-pointer to give UR a 5049 advantage. The ’Jackets didn’t trail again for the rest of the game. During that See STREAK, Page 17 Jeff LEVY • Presentation Editor Junior Julie Marriott attempts a jumper against NYU. Swimming teams compete in two meets — 18 JEFF Levy • Presentation Editor Freshmen Hameed Amed has yet to lose a match this year. Squash team jumps seven spots in poll By John Ray Staff Writer Despite suffering its first loss of the season, Yellowjacket squash still put on a strong showing two weekends ago and moved to No.7 in the national ranking. In the first round of polls, the Yellowjackets ranked No. 14 in the country, and their opponents for the weekend, Bates College, Bowdoin College and Dartmouth College, ranked No.13, No.12 and No. 7, respectively. Despite playing without senior captain Patrick Harris, the ’Jackets showed they not only are able to live up to their high national ranking, but also are perhaps better than it shows, beating two higherranked teams and narrowly losing to a third. The first match of the weekend on Saturday night against Bates proved to be a challenge for the ’Jackets but one they were up for, as they took the match 5-4. The top four players for UR, freshman Hameed Ahmed, sophomore Jim Bristow, freshman Will Newnham and freshman Frederick Reid, all cruised through their matches, winning 3-0, each handling their opponents fairly easily. Bristow did not drop a point against Sean Wilkinson. Sophomore Alex Lee, playing at No. 8, delivered the fifth point for the ’Jackets, earning the victory over the higher-ranked Bates. Freshman Robert McDavid, at No. 7, and junior Ori Goldman, at No. 9, both lost their matches in five sets, nearly pulling out an even greater victory for the ’Jackets. See SQUASH, Page 17 Track starts new season on right foot — 18 SPORTS Thursday, January 31, 2008 Page 21 Vaulted: Swim: Women take first in five events but fall just short of win Continued from page 24 400-meter dash, who took fifth with a time of 62.67. In the field events, sophomore Elise Scheid placed fifth in the weight throw, putting the weight at 12.38 meters, and Skevington finished sixth in the long jump, making her mark at 4.69. While the men didn’t fare quite as well in competition, placing fifth among eight teams, the team had some impressive individual finishes. Three ’Jackets were individual champions, and many more placed in the top eight. Overall, UR racked up 60 points, just three behind Rochester Institute of Technology, the fourth-place team. The best finish came from senior Mike Burgstrom, who took the crown in the weight throw. Throwing 18.42 meters, he was only 0.02 away from an automatic qualification to the NCAA Championship meet. He has already secured a provisional qualifying spot in the meet. Not only was his throw long enough to earn the win, but he was nearly two meters ahead of his next competitor in the event. Burgstrom earned the team a few more points by placing sixth in the shot put with a throw of 13.37. In other field events, freshman Daniel Abud took third place in the pole vault by clearing the bar set at 4.25 meters, and, in the long jump, junior Travis Buttaccio made his mark at 6.33 to earn him fourth place. The other two individual wins came in running events. In the 55-meter hurdles, junior Malik Sams was champion with a time of 7.99 seconds. The Yellowjackets had three finishers in the top eight in the 3,000-meter run. Seniors Patrick Hughes and Dan Mueller went one-two in the event with times of 8:50.58 and 8:53.66, respectively. Sophomore Tyler Stelzig came in sixth in the event with a time of 9:14.67. In other running events, the 4x200-meter relay team placed fourth, yet was just one second behind the winning team. Senior Max Ehrmann, Buttaccio, junior Jon Antista and Sams crossed the finish at 1:36.33. Senior Mark Stevens placed fourth in the 1,000-meter run with a time of 2:34.82, while freshman Jacob Tutmaher finished in 2:42.99 for eighth place. UR also picked up eighth-place finishes in the 400-meter dash and the 1-mile run. Freshman Andrew Lee finished the 400 in 53.39, and freshman Dan Lane had a time of 4:42.64 in the mile. This weekend, both teams will participate in the RIT Invitational on Friday afternoon, where they will continue to work toward championship qualifications. Philbrick is a member of the class of 2009. Continued from page 24 second in the 200 freestyle with a time of 2:04.99 and was followed by teammate junior Ryan White, who placed third with a time of 1:50.80. Balch placed in the 100 freestyle, as well, coming in third with a time of 50.99. The ’Jackets also swept the 200 backstroke, with freshman Kevin Howard placing first in a time of 2:01.66. Kaule finished second with a time of 2:04.09, and sophomore Garret Lam placed third, scoring a time of 2:05.20. Howard also completed the 200 butterfly in 2:04.99, earning him second place. In the 4,000-yard relay, the Yellowjackets, with the team of Balch, Howard, Lam and sophomore Chris Jenson, posted a time of 3:45.22 to place first in the event. The 400 freestyle relay team of Messmer, Kaule, sophomore Daniel Friel and White came in second with a time of 3:22.45. Junior diver David Mitsche finished third in both the 1-meter and 3-meter boards with scores of 183.97 and 171.22, respectively. The women’s team had three individuals winning five events all together. Freshman Liz Subjeck came in first in the 200 free with Basketball: Continued from page 24 Chicago will be really hard, but I am looking forward to the challenge.” The women look for two more wins this weekend at home when they play Wash U, which is currently second in the UAA with a 4-1 record, on Friday night at 6 p.m. and Chicago, which is currently in third place in the conference with a 3-2 record, on Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Hamilton is a member of the class of 2011. a time of 2:00.90, and sophomore Nora Hoefer came in third with a time of 2:01.95. Subjeck also placed first in the 500 free with a time of 5:27.25 and was followed by senior Danielle Scherry, who had a time of 5:30.37. Scherry also had a great showing in the 1,000 freestyle, winning in 10:59.33. She also placed second in the 200 butterfly, notching a time of 2:23.42. Women’s diving also had a strong showing from sophomore Jaime Sorenson, who placed first on the 1-meter board with a score of 202.80. Sorenson won the 3-meter board as well with a score of 199.87. Junior Cherly Blechman placed third in both events, scoring 150.60 points for the 1-meter board and 180.32 points for the 3-meter board. Other strong individual finishes included a second place finish in the 200 backstroke, with a time of 2:19.05, from freshman Cailee Caldwell. Caldwell also placed third in the 200 IM with a time of 2:19.78. Freshman Kathryn Lukens placed second in the 1,000 freestyle with a time of 11:10.33 and third in the 200 backstroke with a time of 2:20.18. Freshman Dayna Jacob came in Jeff Levy • Presentation Editor The Yellowjackets honored seven seniors during their Saturday meet. second in the 50 free with a time of 26.26. Senior Kelly Fischer placed second in the 200 breaststroke with a time of 2:34.20, followed by senior Denise Moseman who had a time of 2:34.34. The 400 free relay team of Hoefer, Jacob, Subjeck and Caldwell came in second with a time of 3:45.64. The 400 medley team, consisting of Lukens, Fischer, freshman Shannon Moss and freshman Rachel Boldt, came in third with a time of 4:24.02. The ’Jackets will finish up their regular season this weekend against the Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers at the Tigers’ Judson Pool. The women have won every meet against the Tigers since the 2003-04 season and beat the Tigers last year, 143-97. After RIT, the ’Jackets will host the University Athletic Association Championships on Feb. 20-23. Belonga is a member of the class of 2010. Campus Times has never melted the ice caps. We use 100 percent recyclable paper. We drive the fuel-efficient Zipcar. And we have never killed a polar bear (in the past two decades). Campus Times Anti-polar bear murder since 1873.
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