the parish of the holy cross la parroquia de la santa cruz
the parish of the holy cross la parroquia de la santa cruz
M ARC H 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 THE PARISH OF THE HOLY CROSS LA PARROQUIA DE LA SANTA CRUZ 46 CENTRAL AVENUE, BRIDGETON, NJ 08302 Immaculate Conception / Inmaculada Concepcion 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION / CONFESION Saturday after the 8:00 AM Mass or by appointment ADORATION / ADORACION Thursday / Jueves..................................................... 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Pastoral Team Rev. Vincent G. Guest ...............................................................Pastor Rev. Daniel A. DiNardo .... Parochial Vicar/Hispanic Ministry Rev. David Rivera ..................................................... Parochial Vicar C.J. Achee..................................................................................... Deacon William Johnson ....................................................................... Deacon Christopher D. Nichols........................................................... Deacon Donald W. Rogozenski ........................................................... Deacon Convent telephone: 856-455-9960 Saint Teresa of Avila / Santa Teresa de Avila 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION Saturdays................................... 4:00 to 4:30 PM or by appointment Sr. Rafaela Valadez, M.D.P.V.M. ..................................... Superior Sr. Graciela Rosas, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Oralia De La Paz, M.D.P.V.M. Sr. Maria de Jesus Herrera, M.D.P.V.M. Saint Mary’s / Santa Maria Parish Office Hours 732 Morton Avenue, Bridgeton, NJ 08302 CONFESSION Saturdays................................... 3:30 to 4:00 PM or by appointment ADORATION Wednesdays ............................................................... 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Saint Michael / San Miguel 367 Main Street, Cedarville, NJ 08311 1st, 3rd, and alternating 5th Sunday CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest Saint Anthony / San Antonio 1560A Main Street, Port Norris, NJ 08349 2nd, 4th, and alternating 5th Sunday CONFESSION: By appointment with a priest PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Welcome! New parishioners are asked to register at the parish office as soon as possible. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: In case of serious illness at home, phone the parish office. For hospital patients this is done by the hospital chaplain. In case of emergency call the parish office. BAPTISM: Arrangements must be made by the parents through the parish office. Baptismal sessions for parents are required. DAY -- 46 Central Avenue, Bridgeton 856-455-2323 -- Parish Fax: 856-455-7291 Monday - Friday.................................................9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Kathie Downie, Bookkeeper............................................. ext. 302 Alice Olszewski, Secretary................................................. ext. 300 Maria Lopez, Secretary/Parish Bulletin Ed. .............. ext. 301 EVENING -- 312 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, 856-451-0254 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday............. 5:00 - 9:00 PM Mission Statement We, the people of the Parish of the Holy Cross, are a Multi-cultural parish of the young and elderly, married and single, healthy and broken. We welcome all to come together and give praise and thanks to God. Through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments and devotions of the Church, we reach out to others in mercy and compassion and seek to share the joy of the Gospel throughout our large community. Here, with the support, strength, and inspiration we receive from one another, we are nourished daily on our journey of faith. WEDDINGS: Please make arrangements at the parish office one year prior to the date of the wedding. Maryann MacDonald, CRE 856-455-2323, ext. 309 BISHOP SCHAD REGIONAL SCHOOL: Dr. Patrice DeMartino, Principal 856-691-4490 RCIA / ADULT EDUCATION: 856-455-2323 PARISH WEBSITE -- Page 2 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord THE WEEK AT A GLANCE From the Pastor’s Desk HAPPY EASTER “When John looked into the empty tomb, he saw and believed.” (Jn 20:8). On behalf of our parish priests, deacons, sisters and our entire staff I wish you and your family and friends a Happy and Blessed Easter. Our journey through Lent and Holy Week concludes today with the celebration of Easter joy. Now, our work as disciples of the Risen Christ begins anew. My dear friends, the good news of Easter is that Jesus has triumphed over sin and evil, and yes, even death. I pray we can open hearts to his Easter power. The good news of Easter is that every Good Friday in our lives can be turned into an Easter Sunday. The good news of Easter is that nothing can defeat us anymore – not pain, not sorrow, not even death. The good news of Easter is that Jesus continues to work miracles in our lives every day, if we just open our hearts to his saving love and mercy. I pray that the power of Easter fills your heart today and renews within you a new commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Mercy in your home, school, workplace and throughout our parish community. “Be not afraid.” Invite the Risen Lord into your life. HAPPY EASTER! God Bless you and your Family, Fr. Vince A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Millions of Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection today. It all began simply on the first Easter with one person telling another: “Mary told Peter” and “they believed.” Faith is passed one person to another; it is caught, not taught and parents are the most effective persons to pass faith to their children. Monday, March 28 -Parish Office will be closed -Legion of Mary, 7:00 pm, ICC Basement Tuesday, March 29 -Choir “Luz y Vida” ICC B., 7 pm -Bingo, doors open 4:30 game 7:00 pm -Fund Raisin Committee, STA-Dinning R., 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 30 -Rosary, 6:30 pm, St. Michael’s Church -Adult R.C.I.A. (English), ICC, 7 pm -Teen R.C.I.A., STA, 7 pm -Adoration at St. Mary’s C., 8:30 am – 3 pm Thursday, March 31 -Adoration at ICC, 8:30 am- 6:00 pm. -Scripture Classes, 10 am, ICC Rec. B. -Scripture Classes, 7 pm, ICC Rec. Dining Rm. -R.I.C.A. Adults in Spanish ICC Rec. B. 7pm-9pm Saturday, April 2, 2016 -Eucharist Adoration, Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary, ICC after 8:00 am Mass. LIVE STEWARDSHIP “He went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.” (Acts 10:38) On this Easter Sunday, allow Jesus to fill your mind, body and soul. Pray for guidance on how to live your life, open your heart to those in need. Live Stewardship and give thanks to God for all that He has given you. COLLECTION TOTALS: March 20, 2016: $15,855.00 Rice Bowls: $2,676.00 Thank you for your generosity! JOB OPENING We have an opening for a part-time maintenance position in the parish. If you have experience in general maintenance such as groundskeeping, janitorial, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and are interested in the position, please call 856-455-2323 for more information. Page 3 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord PARISH NEWS… PARISH OF THE HOLY CROSS SUPER 50-50 Tickets are still available for our Super 50-50 drawing on May 14th. 10 prizes will be available. Based on 400 tickets sold, the grand prize will be $10,000! Reserve your ticket now! Each ticket costs $100.00 and includes dinner for two at the May 17th drawing at Villa Rossello – Carew Hall in Newfield. Contact June Sieber at 856-358-0032 or Terry Catalana at 856-451-7918 for more details or to reserve your ticket. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT OUR PARISH. The Parish of the Holy Cross ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY Will be having a “Day of Recollection Retreat” At: Villa Rosello, Newfield April 10th – From: 8:30 am-2:45 pm Cost, including food, is $22.00 All are welcome! Must register- Please call Shirley Macera, 455-5795. The Altar Rosary Society's Spring Card Party for March 30th, 2016 has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience. PORTRAIT OF THE HOLY FAMILY The Knights of Columbus, Liberty Council 1910, is honored to present an Icon in the form of a portrait of the Holy Family for veneration or viewing beginning on Easter Monday. The portrait is a reproduction of an image of the Holy Family by the 18th-century artist Giovanni Balestra, based on a painting by Sassoferrato. The portrait was blessed by the Holy Father. The portrait will be at Saint Mary's beginning with morning Mass on Monday, March 28th, through Wednesday, March 30th. It will then move to Immaculate Conception where it will remain, from Thursday, March 31st through Saturday, April 2nd. SCHOOL OF LITURGY FORMATION SESSIONS SPRING – 2016 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Lectors Cantors St. Mary’s Church Saturday, April 23, 2016 Fee: $35.00 Registration: 8:30 am- 9:00 am Training Session: 9:30 am- 3:00 pm Light morning refreshments will be provided by the School of Liturgy. Please bring lunch. Must contact the parish office for an application. i RACE 4 V O C A T I O N S Register online: April 17th - Washington Lake Park 626 Hurffville Crosskeys Road, Sewell, NJ Mass: 1:00 pm Join together with parishioners from the Diocese of Camden for an outdoor Mass Celebrated by Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan along with priest, religious and seminarians and many other people from throughout the diocese. Participate in our 5K run or 1.3 mile walk. Come out to pray and race! The day will end with a picnic and family fun. Help us enjoy the days as we raise awareness and offer prayers for an increase in vocations for our diocese. PARISH DIRECTORY Portrait sessions have been extended so it’s not too late to be part of our new Parish Directory. Call (609) 675-1671 or visit to make an appointment. Handicapped appointments on 4/2. Please call for a time. FROM OUR PANTRY Thanks to your generosity over 100 bags were given out in March. The pantry is in need of canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned meals, canned beans, rice, ketchup, mustard, baby wipes or diapers. Desde el Escritorio del Pastor… Page 4 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord FELICES PASCUAS "Cuando Juan miro dentro del sepulcro vacío, vio y creyó." (Juan 20, 8). En nombre de nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos, hermanas y todo nuestro personal deseamos a usted y su familia y amigos una feliz y bendecida Pascua. Nuestro viaje a través de la Cuaresma y la Semana Santa concluye hoy con la celebración de la alegría de la Pascua. Ahora, nuestro trabajo como discípulos de Cristo resucitado comienza de nuevo. Mis queridos amigos, la buena noticia de la Pascua es que Jesús ha triunfado sobre el pecado y el mal, y sí, incluso la muerte. Oro para que podamos abrir el corazón a su poder de Pascua. La buena noticia de la Pascua es que cada Viernes Santo en nuestra vida puede convertirse en un Domingo de Pascua. La buena noticia de la Pascua es que nada puede vencer más - no dolor, no tristeza, ni si quiera la muerte. La buena noticia de la Pascua es que Jesús continúa haciendo milagros en nuestras vidas todos los días, si acabamos de abrir el corazón a su amor y misericordia ahorro. Oro para que el poder de Pascua llene tu corazón hoy y renueve dentro de ti un nuevo compromiso de anunciar el Evangelio de la Misericordia en su hogar, escuela, lugar de trabajo y en toda nuestra comunidad parroquial. "No tengan miedo." Invite al Señor resucitado en su vida. ¡FELICES PASCUAS! Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu familia, P. Vince CARRERA PARA VOCACIÓN Registrate: Abril 17 Misa en el parque- 1:00 pm Corre 5k o Camina 1.3 Entretenimiento Familiar Washington Lake Park, 626 Hurffville Crosskeys Rd. Sewell, NJ PRAY FOR OUR SICK ORA POR LOS ENFERMOS Sharon Biondi, Ann Brago, Anthony DiGregorio, Rose Earnest, Mildred Fleming, Patricia Gutierrez, Bob Griffith, Mary Randazzo, Doug Riggins, June Riggins, Dot Sackie, Wilson Saul, Deanna SperanzaMurphy, Jan Waddell, Maria Ines López, Karen Weis, Brian Filipone, Nelva Ancona, Edith Myers, Joann Chiari-Cervini & Lyndal Kellogg, Kim Wagner, Veronica Vickers, Patrick Mullin, Kristi, Carlos Diaz, Trevor Ward, Trudy Contino, Kathleen Charlton, Frank Gergenti, Louis Bush, Jill Lloyd Pino, Esther Spagnola, Maryann Bramante, Patricia Lee, Karen Wuzzardo, Frances Grzybowski, Lucy Tharp, Tyler Vit, Fred Pangburn, Fred Baker, Betsey Miletta, Jillian Sayre, Elisie Smith, John Randazo Sr., Jeanette Gaggiotti, Rose Vagnarelli, Maryann MacDonald, Robert Cervini, Thomas Farnoly, Loretta DiMatteo, Mary Macho, Fr. Jim Rush, Kathy Acevedo & Monsignor Michael Doyle, James Smith & Frank Gelormini. DOMINGO DE PASCUA "Él anduvo haciendo el bien y sanando a todos los oprimidos por el diablo; porque Dios estaba con Él” (Hechos de los Apóstoles 10:38) En este domingo de Pascua, permítele a Jesús que llene tu mente, tu cuerpo y tu alma. Ora para obtener orientación sobre cómo vivir tu vida, abre tu corazón a los necesitados y da gracias a Dios por todo lo que te ha dado. APERTURA DE TRABAJO Tenemos una abertura de trabajo para una posición de mantenimiento de tiempo parcial en la parroquia. Si usted tiene experiencia en el mantenimiento general, tales como el mantenimiento de jardines, limpieza, fontanería, electricidad, carpintería y está interesado en la posición, por favor llame al 856-455-2323 para más información.856-455-2323. DESDE NUESTRA DESPENSA Gracias a su generosidad más de 100 bolsas se entregaron en marzo. La despensa está en necesidad de vegetales enlatados, frutas enlatadas, comidas enlatadas, frijoles enlatados, arroz, salsa de tomate, mostaza, toallitas para bebés o pañales. Page 5 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES… NUESTRO 50-50 Los boletos todavía están disponibles para la Súper Rifa 50/50 de nuestra parroquia, que se llevara a cabo el día 14 de Mayo. Habrá 10 ganadores. Basado en 400 boletos vendidos, el premio mayor será de $10,000.00 ! Reserva tu boleto ya! cada boleto cuesta $100.00 incluye cena para dos. Contacta: June Sieber 856358-0032 o Terry Catalana en 856-451-7918. TODA LA GANANCIA ES PARA NUESTRA PARROQUIA GRAN NOCHE DE EVANGELIZACIÓN Concierto, Conferencia y Hora Santa Parroquia de la Santa Cruz Y toda la Diócesis de Camden, Están cordialmente invitados. Viernes 1 de abril, de 6:30 pm a 10 pm Iglesia Santa Teresa de Ávila Invitado Especial: Jorge Morel Cantautor Católico desde Republica Dominicana Conferencista: Padre, David Rivera Tema: La Familia ESCUELA DE LITURGIA SESIONES PRIMAVERA 2016 2 Abril de 2016 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 135 N. White Horse Pike Lindenwold, NJ 0808021 856-627-2222 8:30AM Registración 9:00AM – 3:00PM Sesión Favor de registrarse antes del: 3/29/16 FIESTA DIOCESANA HISPANA de la Divina Misericordia Domingo, Abril 3, 2016 12:30 pm a 6:00 pm pm Parroquia Divina Misericordia, Vineland Martha Reyes, de Los Angeles, CA Canta-autora y Evangelista internacional Comenzaremos Cruzando La Puerta Santa Entrada gratisSacerdotes estarán confesando Los Caballeros de Colón, Consejo por la Libertad de 1910, tiene el honor de presentar un icono en forma de un retrato de la Sagrada Familia para la veneración o la visualización de inicioel lunes de Pascua. El retrato es una reproducción de una imagen de la Sagrada Familia por el artista del siglo 18 Giovanni Balestra, basado en una pintura de Sassoferrato. El retrato fue bendecida por el Santo Padre. El retrato estará en la Iglesia Santa María en Rosenhayn. con misa de la mañana del lunes, 28 de marzo hasta el miércoles, 30 de marzo. A continuación, pasar a Inmaculada Concepción donde permanecerá, desde el jueves, 31 de marzo hasta el sábado 2 de abril. DIRECTORIO LA PARROQUIA sesiones de retrato se han extendido de modo que no es demasiado tarde para ser parte de nuestro nuevo Directorio de la Parroquia. Llame (609) 675-1671 o visita para hacer una cita. Citas con discapacidad en 4/2. Por favor llame para su cita. SANTA TERESA DE ÁVILA Sábado Santo, Marzo 26, 2016 8:00 pm Celebrante: Padre Vince Vigilia Pascual en Iglesia Santa Teresa de Ávila Domingo de la Resurrección, Marzo 27, 2016 12: 30 pm Celebrante: Padre David +Benjamin, y +Leoncia Arragon: Sus Hijos Santiago Cipriano Cruz y Vicenta Henandez: Sus Hijos E hijas +Juan, y +Martina Nieves: Aida Santomo y Familia +Agustina Velazquez, +Roberto Salas, +Maria Gomez Peralta, Santiago Lopez Velazquez: Sus Hijos +Moses Garcia Pelaez: Sus Hermanos Domingo, Abril 3, 2016 12:30 pm Aparicio Martinez: Israel Martinez +Moses Garcia Pelaez: Sus Hermanos INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN Domingo, Marzo 27, 2016 10:00 am Por la Salud de, Ashley Hernández +Juana Martinez: Su Hija Reina Miguel Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: Misa a las 6:30 pm Domingo, Abril 3, 2016 7:00 pm +Gloria Bravo Balbuena: Su Hija Olivia Díaz Page 6 March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord SAINT MARY’S CHURCH Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Vince Gracie: Sieber Family 9:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Vince Bernadette McMahon: Erika, Harvey & Sam Friedman Mary Lippincott: Michelle & Scott Wettstein Josephine Dandrea: Anthony & Anna Sorantino Rev. Vincent G. Carpinelli: Marilyn & Stephen Szalay Stanislaw & Maria Jurewicz: Family Monday, March 28, 2016 8:00 am Sam Manno: Dom & Phyllis Buono Reiner Bidic: Brian & Bianca Coleman Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:00 am Daniel Sheldon, Regina & Henry Slagle: Family Reiner Bidic: The Scafidi Family Wednesday, March 30, 2016 8:00 am Rev. Vincent G. Carpinelli: Carole Calliari & Ed Rink Saturday, April 2, 2016 4:30 pm Gasper & Jennie Sparacio: LoBiondo Family Anna Leonardo: Anthony & Ginny Buono & Family Josephine Dandrea: Mr. & Mrs. Gene Annacone & Family Mary Lippincott: Anthony & Phyllis Visconti Robert Nagele Sr.: Everett & Marycatherine Brogen Sunday, April 3, 2016 9:30 am Ron Fooks: The Mead Family John Mathias: Lisa & Dean Mathias Nate Bisconte: Lee Bisconte Nate Bisconte: Frank & Dolly Buono Laura Romaniak: The Buchs Family SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Vince Special Intention for William Grzybowski: Mother, Frances Grzybowski Sunday, April 10, 2016 11:30 am All Deceased Members of the Ricci-Rinno Families: Patty & Ed Fleetwood SAINT MICHAEL CHURCH Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 10:00 am Celebrant: Fr. David Joel Dugan: John Kutney Jennifer Anne Black: David & Anna Black & Family Juanita Karol: Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miletta Sunday, April 3, 2016 11:30 am Joseph Bosak: Coleman Family Anthony & Naomi Miletta: Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miletta IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Dan Anna May Hitchner: Elvira Olszewski Anna & Angelo Terrigno: Children Christopher Macey: Family For the Deceased Members of the Kutney Family: Steve Catherine Hitchner: Celeste Stevens & Family Tuesday, March 29, 2016 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Wednesday, March 30, 2016 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Thursday, March 31, 2016 8:00 am Warren Beadling: Rusty Brady 6:30 pm / Misa en Español Friday, April 1, 2016 8:00 am Christopher Macey: Family Saturday, April 2, 2016 8:00 am Mary Lippincott: Lucy Blandino Sunday, April 3, 2016 8:00 am Deceased Members of the Murasky Family: Steve Kutney Emily Bacon: Celeste H. Stevens & Family Celio, Giuseppina, Bianca & Flaviano Ingegneri: Family Travers Cossaboon: Sara Cassidy Margaret Kelly: Charles Rice SAINT TERESA CHURCH Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 10:30 am Celebrant: Msgr. Scott Sam & Josephine Ricci: Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren Marie Huber: Daughter, Ann Marie Rasner Barbara Marcucci: Joanne & Amanda Cervini Clifford Paff: Bertha Jacob Riley-Wasserman: Arthur & Maryanne Knudsen Saturday, April 2, 2016 Adam Marchese: Daughters Ingegneri & Stocco Family: Silvio & Maria D’Ascoli Rose Marie Thomas: Maryanne & Bob Fralinger Willian Vain: Rachel & Denise Diorio Anna Marie Carden: Carol & Floyd Jester Sunday, April 3, 2016 Joseph Huber Sr.: Daughter, Ann Marie Rasner Elvira Fohrman: Roseanne Gresmer Jacob Riley Wasserman: Dom & Nancy Valella Molony & Fralinger Families: CC & Al Fralinger Michael Dickson: Mareno & Aida Santomo & Family FROM OUR PANTRY Thanks to your generosity over 100 bags were given out in March. The pantry is in need of canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned meals, canned beans, rice, ketchup, mustard, baby wipes or diapers. Affordable Eye Care for Your Entire Family NOW OPEN “Se habla Español” Robert S. Duszak, O.D., F.A.A.O. Located within the Bridgeton Walmart 856-453-2739 • 761 Landis Ave., Rosenhayn 856-391-5198 Luciano J. Bispo, MD, FACOG · Carolyn E. Rivera, RN, APN, C Announcing To Our Practice ~ Raechel A. Fockler, DO Phone: 856-205-0606 · Fax: 856-205-0044 Accepting New Patients 2950 College Drive · Suite 2F · Vineland, NJ 08360 Upper Deerfield ShopRite 1000 North Pearl Street • Bridgeton, NJ 856-453-1782 Pharmacy 856-453-5993 Owned and Operated by the Bottino Family In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. C40281 (JA) - Holy Cross, Bridgeton AVAILABLE NOW! Scan Here: or visit: Bon Venture Services, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders NJ 07836 • 800-883-4343 Inside TERRIGNO’S FAIRFIELD INN We are the Premier Provider of Adult Day Health Services We help families successfully manage the responsibility of caring for an elderly or frail adult 18 years or older who is living at home, while enhancing the quality of life for those individuals in need of care. FREITAG FUNERAL HOME ~ Established 1897 ~ OFFERING THE FINEST IN SERVICE & FACILITIES Kenneth W. Freitag, Owner / Manager N.J. Lic. No. 3666 Christopher K. LaBree, Funeral Director NJ Lic. No. 4497 153 Bridgeton-Fairton Rd. Bridgeton, NJ 08302 856-451-7592 Fax: 856-451-1834 The Maria Collection 10% Off w/Coupon 1048 N. PEARL ST. CARLLS CORNER 856.453.9523 1181-1183 E. LANDIS AVE. VINELAND 856.696.3600 Email: Website: SPECIALIZING IN PRE-NEED FUNERAL PLANNING •Senior Care of Bridgeton• 856-451-7227 •Senior Care of Vineland• 856-691-3756 Call for a Free Visit Day! 137 West Commerce Street 856-455-2600 WOODRUFF’S DRUGS FREE Colorectal Screening Fast, Friendly Service For Uninsured Men & Women Se Habla Español Detección de colorectal para los hombres y mujeres que no tienen seguro medico 856-641-8684 (ENGLISH) • 856-641-8686 (SPANISH) Ask About Delivery 856-451-6755 30 N. LAUREL STREET, BRIDGETON 12 Park Dr. Bridgeton, NJ THE “NICEST” PRICES PAID FOR GOLD & SILVER SI LV ER W AR E 856-455-7400 PRE 196 COINS 4 M. Pizzo, LLC t/a J.A. Mariano Agency Personal INSURANCE Business For Personalized & Professional Service Call 451-9531 Landis Avenue, Rosenhayn CUMBERLAND INSURANCE GROUP SHILOH MEDICAL GROUP Robert W Dickson III MD John H Gould MD 856-455-1464 · 856-455-6381 PO BOX 110 · 851 MAIN STREET · SHILOH, NJ 08353 Denise Lorenzo 633 Shiloh Pike · PO Box 556 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 HUGHES-RIGGS REALTY, INC (856) 451-4050 1255 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 609-501-1865 Cell 856-451-9200 x1346 Office 856-451-3944 Fax Each office is independently owned and operated McGlynn Family Dental Care John P. McGlynn, D.M.D. “Where you’re treated like a member of the family” New Patients Welcomed / Payment Plans Available Most Insurance Plans Accepted • Modern State-of-the-Art Facility Call 455-6262 1117 Highway 77 C40281 (JA) - Holy Cross, Bridgeton Upper Deerfield Bon Venture Services, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders NJ 07836 • 800-883-4343 Outside