BPM+ for Insurance: Business Process Management – effective


BPM+ for Insurance: Business Process Management – effective
BPM for Insurance: Business Process
Management – effective, simple, unique
Software Innovations
We want to
with our
partners more
We achieve this with
Bosch Software Innovations!
I must
I need
more efficient
2 | BPM+ for Insurance
Bosch Software Innovations
for the Insurance Industry
Bosch Software Innovations is a leading provider of holistic Business
Process Management software. More than 500 companies across the world
rely on our solutions and services. In particular in the insurance industry
we are continuously expanding our presence. With our consistent, awardwinning inubit BPM software we assist insurance companies in systematically automating and optimizing their business processes. Online solutions,
automation of check processes and the reduction of paper-based and manual processes enable more efficient use of personnel resources, reduce process runtimes and optimize damage / cost ratios. The result is a diverse
range of options for comprehensive, reliable and transparent handling of
business transactions from acceptance to monitoring to closing processing
measures. With the BiPRO server, insurers enable their sales partners to
access systems directly and to use all relevant services.
Customers in the insurance market include Barmenia Krankenversicherung,
Continentale Krankenversicherung, Credit Life International, Delvag Luftfahrtversicherung, HanseMerkur Gruppe, IDEAL Lebensversicherung, and
WWK Versicherungen.
Thanks to its open, comprehensive and
state-of-the-art architecture, the BPM
software inubit has become one of the
leading products for the management of
business processes as well as for system
integration and optimizing B2B communication. As the command center for business
processes, it directs data to the correct
destination and enables companies to get
real-time information about processes,
maintain a constant overview of the situation and improve operations on the fly.
BPM+ for Insurance | 3
inubit in the Insurance Market:
Fast Processes with Simple IT.
The complexity and dynamism of the insurance industry have grown steadily for many years. Intensifying global competition and cost pressures, increasingly stringent legal requirements and provisions from Solvency II and
MaRisk, the Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG) and the Federal Data
Protection Act (BDSG), as well as ever-higher customer expectations present
companies in the industry with new challenges. Moreover, many business
processes in the industry are characterized by manual activities, marked
heterogeneity and low levels of automation, all of which lead to high administrative costs for brokers, agents and insurers.
inubit BPM – the whole world of BPM in one place
inubit BPM offers insurance companies a comprehensive and completely
integrated process platform for Business Process Management (BPM). From
modeling and simulation of processes to the automatic conversion of the
models into executable processes and the connection of heterogeneous
system landscapes to process monitoring, inubit BPM does it all.
Solutions for Insurances by Bosch Software Innovations
Developed on the basis of inubit BPM, preconfigured inubit solutions are
designed to meet the specific needs of our customers “out of the box.” The
benefit for our customers is that they do not need to invest time or money
in developing their own applications. Our solutions have proven themselves
in practice and can be custom-adapted to internal or external requirements.
They are not programmed, but based on business process models and technical workflows configured graphically.
Consulting – industry expertise at your service
To help you take full advantage of our comprehensive process management,
we support you with comprehensive consulting services. Our highly-qualified and exceptionally dedicated consultants, solution architects, project
managers, solution engineers, trainers and administrators can draw on
over 10 years of experience in the implementation of process management
objectives. And you can put that experience at the service of your projects –
before, during and after implementation.
What makes “BPM by inubit” special
We combine market-proven technology
characterized by a high degree of adaptability to the individual needs of our customers
with the insurance industryspecific expertise of our employees in the implementation
of projects. This means we can always meet
any customers requirement – however
complex – for all roles and actors in the
insurance sector.
4 | BPM+ for Insurance
The Modern Insurance Company
inubit BPM for insurance companies:
The information technology used by insurance companies has become the cornerstone of value creation chains and plays a
major role in the success of any company.
However, the established and, in some
cases, customized IT landscapes, are starting to show their years. Against this backdrop, and in light of constant market
demands, the pressure to innovate is enormous.
▶ Allows project-closing processing of business transactions while designing processes in a more transparent and clearer way.
▶ Optimizes the processing of quotation, application and policy creation
activities and forms the basis for portal solutions (e. g. broker portals).
▶ Automates processes in the areas of damage claims, product development
and agent registration checks.
▶ Supports compliance with Solvency II requirements.
▶ Enables connection to a call center.
inubit enables insurance companies to
modernize their IT landscapes and standardize processes, making them clearer and
more plannable, in order not only to meet
the changing demands of the market and
competitive environment but also to
increase productivity.
▶ Supports all required communication channels and data formats, e.g.
GDV, BiPRO, XML, Excel, CSV, GAEB, VVR, HIS, GDV industry network,
GDV damages network.
▶ Has advantages over internal custom developments such as complete process and procedure documentation, simple implementation of new interfaces and easy enhancement of existing ones, process control without
media discontinuity.
“The insurance market is undergoing major
changes right now. Many insurers still think
far too much in terms of systems. What is
decisive today is having the right concepts
and orientation from a business process
management perspective that allows you to keep pace with the changes.”
Harald Stober, Credit Life International
The Insurance Company
Insurance Company
Claim network
Service providers
inubit BPM
Broker Company
Product, rate
and rules server
BiPRO Server
Broker management program
BPM+ for Insurance | 5
BiPRO-Compliant Sales Processes
As a member of BiPRO e. V. (Industry Institute for Process Optimization), inubit is pursuing the goal of standardizing
electronic processes in the insurance industry and has, among other things, contributed to the development of the
Security Token Service. As a standard product, the inubit BiPRO Server provides all standards and was the first product
to receive confirmation of 100 percent compliance with the BiPRO standard as well as the high quality of the interfaces
implemented and the technical integration of business partners.
Easy implementation of BiPRO standards
▶ Insurance companies can quickly implement standards with little effort.
▶ By
using existing interfaces, the amount of work required for implementing BiPRO-compliant interfaces is reduced by up to 50% compared to
complete in-house developments.
Quick access for sales partners
▶ Brokers,
agents and comparers are given standard-compliant access to all
relevant information and documents.
▶ Competitive advantages and better market penetration are achieved.
Cost-effective investment in the future
▶ Easy
and cost-effective maintenance of interfaces; inubit provides new
standards in the context of software maintenance.
BiPRO Award of
e. V. (BiPRO) for the
implementation and
efficient use of the
BiPRO standards at
IDEAL Versicherung
▶ Changes
and enhancements no longer have to be developed and maintained on existing applications but can be made by changing the configuration or mapping in the inubit BiPRO Server.
BiPRO Server and Environment
Insurance Company
Broker management programs
with separate BiPRO interface
IC systems
http (s)
Web server
BiPRO Server
E-mail server
Other external
business partners
http (s)
6 | BPM+ for Insurance
Solutions for Swift Processes
Standardized processes for Solvency II requirements
Together with SKS Consulting, inubit has developed standardized processes
that enable insurance companies to master the growing number of tasks and
challenges with regard to Solvency II – even without additional resources.
▶ In the process of calculating the solvency capital requirement (SCR), the
data required for the calculation is imported automatically during overnight processing. Hence, business operations are not interrupted.
▶ Workflows map the responsibilities of pillar II in the corresponding roles
and thus ensure communication as well as the smooth transfer of data
and results in the company.
Processes on the fly
Processes do not end at company borders, especially when it comes to
recording damages. To quickly process damages, inubit has developed the
inubit iPhone app that can be used to establish a direct connection from
the claim location to the processors at the insurance company:
▶ Transactions, photos, dictations and GPS position information can be
easily recorded in forms on site.
▶ Mobile employees can create new tasks, process
tasks on the road or delegate them to the responsible contacts to facilitate speedy processing even
though they are out of the office.
Europe Gold Award for Excellence in BPM & Workflow
for having reached strategic goals through the use of innovative
business solutions, 2011
“It was wonderful to see such good cooperation
within an interdisciplinary team consisting of
billing specialists, business architects, software
architects, and others working toward a
common goal. Both on the management side as
well as technologically speaking we chose entirely
new ways.”
Dr. Horst Karaschewski,
Head of application development at HanseMerkur
BPM+ for Insurance | 7
inubit Projects in the Insurance Market
IDEAL Lebensversicherung
▶ Automation of internal business processes as well as communication
processes with external business partners
▶ Automated processing of leave requests and notifications
▶ Quick and easy online connection of new agents (reversing)
▶ Data import using the GDV standard format
▶ Automation of pricing, quotation and application processes using
the inubit BiPRO Server (70 percent online applications)
“The inubit BiPRO Server enables us to focus on
our core tasks: the fast and flexible integration
of sales processes between our partners and us.
With the inubit BiPRO Server, we have a tool
with which we can integrate BiPRO interfaces in
our internal systems without having to focus our
development on BiPRO standards. The openness means that we can make
adjustments ourselves.”
Percy Wippler, IDEAL Lebensversicherung
Credit Life International
▶ Automated exchange of all data relevant for payment protection between
internal and partner systems
▶ Receipt of data, reconciliation with the information on the product server,
validation, storage in the inventory system
▶ Connection and fully automated integration of the call center
▶ Integration into the products and sales processes of the partners
HanseMerkur Gruppe
▶ Automated processes in service billing
▶ Reduction of time-consuming manual processes in checking the insurance
coverage with an automatic reconciliation of the information extracted
from the bills (contract type, service submitted, insured party, billing
“The work focus has shifted from data
▶ Integration of processors using dialogs for clarifying unclear cases
entry and manual invoice verification
▶ Integration of the IT landscape, e. g. mainframe, inventory management
system, existing databases
with insurance cover reconciliation to
▶ Connection of medical check systems and a rule engine (Visual Rules,
Bosch Software Innovations) for mapping complex decision rules
ters. These time savings allow us to
▶ Increased number of service bills per employee through automatic preliminary checks, reduction of the inventory loss ratio
special verifications of complex matfocus on our core business: sustainable
service for existing customers and
winning new ones.”
▶ Automation rate achieved: 30%, to be extended to at least 40%
Frank Mielke, HanseMerkur
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
Bosch Software Innovations Corp.
Bosch Software Innovations
Schöneberger Ufer 89-91
161 N. Clark Street
10785 Berlin
Suite 4700
11 Bishan Street 21
Chicago, Illinois 60601/USA
Singapore 573943
Tel. +49 30 72 61 12-0
Tel. +1 312 368-2500
Tel. +65 6571 2220
Fax +49 30 72 61 12-100
Fax +1 312 268-6286
Fax +65 6258 4671
c/o Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, the Bosch Group’s software and systems house, designs,
develops, and operates innovative software and system solutions that help our customers
around the world both in the traditional enterprise environment and in the Internet of Things
and Services. We place particular focus in this field on the topics of mobility, energy and
building, manufacturing, and financial services. Whether in its special, targeted BPM+ and IoTS
editions or as flexible standalone products, our software suite is the perfect foundation not
only for projects relating to the Internet of Things and Services but also for projects in the
fields of Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Rules Management (BRM).
With some 550 associates worldwide, Bosch Software Innovations has locations in Germany
(Immenstaad, Waiblingen, and Berlin), Singapore, China (Shanghai), Australia (Melbourne),
and the United States (Chicago, Palo Alto, and Vienna).
More information can be found at www.bosch-si.com
The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. In fiscal 2012, its
roughly 306,000 associates generated sales of 52.5 billion euros. Since the beginning of 2013,
its operations have been divided into four business sectors: Automotive Technology, Industrial
Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. The Bosch Group
comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 360 subsidiaries and regional companies in
some 50 countries. If its sales and service partners are included, then Bosch is represented
in roughly 150 countries. This worldwide development, manufacturing, and sales network is
the foundation for further growth. Bosch spent some 4.8 billion euros for research and
development in 2012, and applied for nearly 4,800 patents worldwide. The Bosch Group’s
products and services are designed to fascinate, and to improve the quality of life by providing
solutions which are both innovative and beneficial. In this way, the company offers technology
worldwide that is “Invented for life.”
The company was set up in Stuttgart in 1886 by Robert Bosch (1861-1942) as “Workshop for
Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering.” The special ownership structure of Robert
Bosch GmbH guarantees the entrepreneurial freedom of the Bosch Group, making it possible
for the company to plan over the long term and to undertake significant up-front investments
in the safeguarding of its future. Ninety-two percent of the share capital of Robert Bosch GmbH
is held by Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, a charitable foundation. The majority of voting rights
are held by Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG, an industrial trust. The entrepreneurial
ownership functions are carried out by the trust. The remaining shares are held by the Bosch
family and by Robert Bosch GmbH.
05/2013 FE
Additional information is available online at www.bosch.com and www.bosch-press.com