march 2015 Maintenance Office 54 Richmond Blvd. 631.585.4429 HOURS 8AM to 2PM NOB HILL SOUTH RONKONKOMA, NEW YORK Checking For Errors on Your Taxes Can Help You Avoid Fines EMAIL JOIN US ON FACEBOOK Nob Hill South Condominium Community Organization NOB-Hill-South-Condominium/592681750852213 CAMCO SERVICES Of NY P.O. BOX 990 Pt. Jefferson Station NY 11776 Property Manager Carol Fishberger 631.476.2100 x206 Senior Property Mgr. Drew Varano 631.476.2100 x212 After Hours Emergency 631.476.2100 Press 1 5PM to 9 AM FJC Security. Service. 24 Hour Dispatch 1.516.328.6000 X1148 Suffolk Police NON EMERGENCY 631.852.COPS PSEG Long Island 1.800.490.0025 24 Hours/7 Days (BPT) - For many small businesses, tax form filing season can be one of the most dreaded times of the year. But there is one simple step that can save you and your business headache, heartache (and money): double-check all reporting documents and deadlines. While checking these easy-to-find facts seems like a simple thing to do, it is one of the most neglected actions among small- to mid-sized companies. It is vital to double-check the information on tax forms for accuracy, while also making yourself aware of all year-end deadlines to prevent fines or other penalties. Going by what you did last year is never enough, as forms, deadlines and regulations can change in subtle ways. Raising the stakes, in recent years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has increased penalties for misfiled or late tax forms. As a result, it’s essential to be vigilant in assembling and reviewing reporting documents. Re-reading those forms and setting reminders may be the easy fix that saves your business time, money and aggravation. “Small-business leaders have enough stress in their daily lives, the last thing they need is to wonder after the fact if they have complied with all deadlines and regulations,” says Janice Krueger, a tax and reporting expert at Greatland, one of the country’s leading providers of W-2 and 1099 products for business. “A recent study revealed that 43 percent of filers are concerned about being fined by the IRS for not complying with new rules or regulations when reporting. We want to help alleviate those concerns by informing taxpayers about filing requirements and deadlines, along with the ramifications of errors, late filings and failure to file.” Many 1099 and W-2 reporting penalties have increased over the past few years and it is critical that businesses file and complete all wage and income filings on time. Here is a list of filing penalties for W-2 and 1099 forms Greatland believes taxpayers should be aware of this season: • The penalty for failing to file accurate information on returns is $60 per return • The maximum failure-to-file penalty is $1.5 million. • If returns are filed within 30 days after the due date, the penalty is $30 per return. • The maximum penalty for organizations that issue returns within 30 days is $250,000. • The penalty for filing returns more than 30 days after the due date, but before Aug. 1 is $60 per return. • The maximum penalty issuing returns more than 30 days past the due date, but before Aug. 1 is $500,000. • Failure to file information returns or if filed after Aug. 1 results in a fine of $100 per return. • For small businesses, defined as organizations with annual gross receipts of $5 million or less for the three most recent tax years: • The maximum penalty for organizations that issue returns within 30 days after the due date is $75,000. • The maximum penalty for organizations that issue returns more than 30 days past the due date, but before Aug. 1 is $200,000. • The maximum consequence for small businesses that fail to file or file after Aug. 1 is $500,000. To make sure your business has all of the accurate information needed, you can find a full list of federal and state filing regulations to remember on Greatland’s W-2 and 1099 fact center website. Those Funny Rules We All Have to Live By • • • • • • • • Unit Owners and Residents who do not adhere to the Parking Rules & Regulations will be towed at their expense. Garbage pick up is scheduled on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Place all garbage inside the dumpster & contact our Maintenance Manager, Mike Ward at 631.585.4429 for large items you may require assistance. Arrange with the company delivering the new appliance(s) to remove the old appliance(s). If this is not possible, please contact Mike who may be able to assist. Our parking lot is for residents only and not for family members on vacation. And, SLOW DOWN! There are young children and other residents who have pets whom you place at risk. Quiet hours are between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. Be considerate of your neighbors, and do not run any appliances during this time. All main entrance doors are to remain closed at all times due to fire code regulations. Items are not to be stored in common hallways that impede a clear entrance and exit to units. Combustibles are not permitted in any common areas or in the storage rooms. Any flammable items will be removed. All items stored in storage rooms must be labeled with unit owner’s name and unit number. Furniture is not permitted to be stored in common storage rooms. All outdoor spigots have been turned off and will not be turned on until approximately Memorial Day 2015 pending current weather conditions at that time. { K through 8 Global & U.S. History (Regents) AP World & European History SAT II World History Research Papers Homework Assistance Summer Assignments Former Teacher & District-wide Chairperson Past President of New York State Council for the Social Studies Member National, State, and Long Island Councils for the Social Studies 2 nob hill south | march 2015 The Best Things In Life Aren’t Things Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / In the event of snow, both Unit Owners & Residents are required to clear their vehicles of snow. As you clean your cars, if possible, please be sure that the snow is not shoveled back into the street or onto the walkways. Balconies must be cleared of all snow. • Dog owners are required to walk their dogs along the dog walk area; the dog walk area is located along the south side of the parking lot just in front of the picket fence. Please be sure to always pick up after your dog. It is unsanitary and hazardous to your dog as well as your neighbor’s dog if you do not pick up. • Cleaning the hallway is the resident’s responsibility. All persons residing in their respective building must participate. A suggestion for those resident’s that have a cleaning service might be to request an extension of maid services to the outside hallway. Any additional costs – if there is any - can be shared by all residents. • Re-decorating must be agreed upon and paid for by all unit owners sharing the hallway. • If you are outside in the courtyard early in the morning or in the evening, be considerate of your neighbors (our 1 bedroom units do face the courtyard). For resident’s making use of the courtyard for recreation, please be mindful and tidy up. If you have used the BBQ, please put out any remaining fire & remove the used charcoal, empty the grease pan, dispose of cigarette butts and empty any ashtrays that should then be moved inside. • Vehicles must park within the painted lines; parking lot lines help people know where to park and where not to preventing possible damage to your vehicle. The designated striped walk way should also be clear of any vehicles having parked over the parking lines. • Hair Studio Need Solutions ? SETAUKET • WESTHAMPTON BEACH • NEW YORK CITY (631) 941-3434 “May the sun shine on your make-up and the wind blow your new hair” Win a Gift! if you mention this ad. 724-BUTI(2884) 204-04 Smithtown Blvd, Nesconset, NY 11767 Len Romano Ronkonkoma, New York Cell: 631-974-4064• The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 3 Condo Board Position Nob Hill South Open Board Position(s) Ability to represent community unilaterally. Must be nonjudgmental, and have the ability to work without personal agenda. If interested, please submit either a letter of intent outlining experience or, resume. Please contact Carol Fishberger at CAMCO Services, 631.476.2100 ext206. Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Relentlessly Protecting Your Identity. It’s All We Do. Protect your personal information and defend against attacks with 24/7, proactive identity theft protection from LifeLock. 30 DAYS FREE* +10% OFF Promo Code: SENIOR2014 • 1-800-LIFELOCK (543-3562) At the end of the 30-day trial period, your card will be billed automatically ($9.00 mo/$99.00 yr plus applicable sales tax for standard LifeLock identity theft protection or $22.50 mo/$247.50 yr plus applicable sales tax for LifeLock Ultimate) unless you cancel within the 30-day trial period. You can cancel anytime without penalty by calling 1-800-LifeLock. Offer is for new LifeLock members only. We Clean & Seal Your Grout and Tile Before After After Kitchens,Bathrooms Marble,Stone or Tile Floors GROUT IS POROUS,DIRTY AND NEVER GETS CLEAN. OUR COLOR SEALANTS ABSORB, BOND AND HARDEN SO IT WILL NEVER STAIN,MOLD OR MILDEW AGAIN. 10% off any job not to be combined with other offers or sales Call for a FREE Estimate! Residential/Commercial Grout Line Solutions NY 516-454-2851 Since 1996 Family Owned & Operated Nas Lic # H01060300 Suf.#51137-H Serving Nassau & Suffolk County ECO-LOGICAL PEST CONTROL METHODS SINCE 1957! • Cleaner $25 OFF Pest control with annual agreement • Greener (new customers only) • Smarter FREE SENIOR DISCOUNTS! 599 Lake Ave. St. James NY 11780 SCIENTIFICEXT.COM The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Bring it Back to Brand New! SPECIAL OFFER FOR ACTIVE LIVESTYLE Termite Inspection 4 nob hill south | march 2015 Don’t Replace Your Tile or Marble Floor 631-265-5252 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Keeping your loved ones independent Our Home Care Services Companionship, Bathing, Grooming, Dressing, Laundry, Light Housekeeping, Medication Reminders, Meal Preparation and Planning, Assistance Returning Home from Hospital/Rehab and Relief to Caregiver Our Companions are Available on an Hourly and Live in Basis. Our Transportation Services We Transport and Accompany to Doctor Appointments, Medical Procedures, Personal Care Appointments, Hairdresser, Supermarket, Pharmacy, Errands, Social events and more! 631-383-8566 Claudia A. Geier - Owner nob hill south | march 2015 5 For Adults, There’s More to Consider This Season Than Just Flu CENTRAL A/C (BPT) - With flu season in full swing, many adults are visiting their health care providers to discuss ways to stay healthy. Have you thought about other potentially serious diseases you may be at risk for as an adult? 79 $ Dr. Perez says, "A person's risk for shingles increases as they get older. Because immune systems can weaken as people age, it becomes easier for shingles to break through the body's defenses." There's no way to predict if or when someone will get shingles, or how severe the case could be. For most healthy people, after the shingles rash heals, the pain and itch subside, and the blisters leave without a trace, but in some cases, even after the rash heals, there can be permanent scarring. Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in three people will get shingles during their lifetime. Don't wait until you or a loved one get shingles. Ask your doctor today about the risk, and for more information visit www. This information is provided by Merck. There are approximately 1 million cases of shingles each year in the United States, and the Centers for Disease Control and Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Any person who has had chickenpox is at risk of developing shingles, and 98 percent of adults in the United States have had chickenpox. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days and appears most commonly on a single side of the torso, but can appear anywhere on the body - even the face. LOOKING TO FIND, BUY AND SELL THE THINGS Parts & Freon Additional Shingles, the common name for herpes zoster, is a disease caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once a person has chickenpox, the virus never leaves the body. At some point later in life, quite unexpectedly, this virus can reactivate and erupt as shingles - a red blistering rash that can be very painful. "People with shingles have described the pain as sharp, stabbing, shooting, burning, throbbing and itchy," says Dr. Adriana Perez, PhD, ANP-BC, FAAN, assistant professor and Southwest Borderlands scholar at Arizona State University and co-director at the Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence. "The first symptoms of shingles are often felt, but may not be seen, and may initially include itching, tingling or burning in a specific area on one side of the face or body." +Tax 10 Point Check Out Special YOU LOVE? FREE ESTIMATES OFF $500 OFF $400 Installation & Central A/C Installation & Replacements Replacements With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. Gas or Oil Furnace Gas or Oil Burner $50 OFF $25 OFF With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. With coupon only. Not valid with other offers or prior service. Restrictions may apply. Central Humidification Installation • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • GAS SERVICE Service Call Valid Monday-Friday 8am-5pm • POOL HEATERS • CONDENSERS ABSOLUTE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 631.320.0814 Our Marketplace is a safe and secure place for our readers to buy and sell with confidence. 35 Years Experience A b s o l u t e H VAC L I . c o m Visit the Active Lifestyle Marketplace Brought to you by the publishers of 5 Star Newsletters 79256-1 Powered by Do you have the right Medicare coverage? Don't Let Medicare Confuse You Let us Find You the Perfect Coverage Call Now for More Information Phone: (631) 393-5019 6 nob hill south | march 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 7 NO LIMIT • Not to be combined with any other offers Expires 3/31/15 • Excludes Holidays NO LIMIT • Not to be combined with any other offers Expires 3/31/15 • Excludes Holidays 248 smithtown boulevard 248248 Smithtown Boulevard smithtown boulevard nesconset, new york 11767 nesconset, newYork york 11767 Nesconset, New 11767 631-724-0726 631-724-0726 631-724-0726 PARMigiAnA ARMigiAnAnigHt nigHt P every sunday & wednesday night! $12.95 $12.95 every sunday & wednesday night! p.p. + Tax complimentary appitizer: Gino’s salad (or) minestrone soup (or) pasta fagoli soup complimentary appitizer: Gino’s salad (or) minestrone soup (or) pasta fagoli soup PAStA AStAnigHt nigHt P g Startin t every monday & tuesday a every monday tuesdayor dine $9.95in! p.p. + Tax available for take out, & delivery available for take out, delivery or dine in! of our pasta night dishes come complimentary with the choice of: all all of our pasta night dishes complimentary with the choice of: small gino’s saladcome (or) vegetable minestrone soup small gino’s salad (or) vegetable minestrone soup LUncH SPEciAL LUncH SPEciAL served 7 days a week 10:30am-3:30pm lunch is lunch is served 7 days a week 10:30am-3:30pm choose any 2 items choose any 2 items match an item from two of your favorite columns match an item from two of your favorite $8.99 +tax includes a free sodacolumns $8.99 +tax includes a free soda FREE SODA FREE SODA pepsi • diet pepsi • mug rootbeer • dr. pepper • brisk iced tea (sweetened) sierra mist • unsweetened iced tea pepsi • diet pepsi • mug rootbeer • dr. pepper • brisk iced tea (sweetened) sierra mist • unsweetened iced tea HALF HERO SOUP SMALL SALAD HALF HERO HALF HEROSOUP SMALL SALAD HALF sOup sMALL sALAD chicken parm hero classic caesar salad pasta fagioli CHICKEN PARM HERO PASTA FAGIOLI CLASSIC CAESAR SALAD white cannellini beans with pasta pizzEttA chicken parm classicginos caesar salad meatball parmhero hero salad pasta fagioli white cannellini beans with pasta in a light plum tomato broth MEATBALL PARM HERO romaine hearts, GINO’S SALADred onions, white cannellini beans with pasta in a light plum tomato broth PARM HERO ginos salad fresh mozzarella, olives, romaine hearts, red onions, fresh in a light minestrone plum tomato broth roasted peppers and tomatoes romaine hearts, red onions, mozzarella, olives, roasted pepMINESTRONE SAUSAGE PARM HERO PIZZETTAparm vegetables in a plum tomato broth sausage eggplant parm hero hero fresh mozzarella, olives, vegetables in a plum tomato pers and tomatoes minestrone SAUSAGE PEPPER ONION insalata roasted peppers and pera tomatoes broth vegetables in a plum tomato tortellini in brodobroth sausage pepper mesculin greens topped with sausage parm onion herored or white sauce INSALATA PERA GINO’S red or white sauce CHICKEN FRESCA poached pears, crumbled blue insalata pera tortellini in homemade chicken broth WRAP EN BRODO mesculin mesculin greens topped with cheese and caramelized walnuts tortellini in TORTELLINI brodo sausage pepper onion greens topped with GREEK parm EGGPLANT meatball eggplant parm hero hero rgrilled chicken, red onion, tomato, PIZZETTA tortellini in homemade chicken poached crumbled blue chicken fresca hero red or white sauce poached pears,pears, crumbled blue tortellini in homemade chicken broth cream of broccoli basil and fresh mozzarella broth cheese and caramelized walnuts grilled chicken, red onion, insalata fantasia cheese and caramelized walnuts garnished with homemade croutons tomato, basil and fresh hero mozzarella spinach and mixed greens topped chicken fresca CHICKEN CAESAR cream WRAP of broccoli MARGUERITE CREAM OF BROCCOLI with insalata INSALATA FANTASIA red onions, goat cheese and grilled chicken, red onion, fantasia romaine, caesar dressing, grilled garnished with homemade croutons stracciatella soup garnished with homemade spinach and mixed greens chicken caesar wrap raspberry shallot vinaigrette sided tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella spinach and mixed greens topped chicken PIZZETTA italian stylecroutons spinach romaine, caesar dressing, with crostini topped with red onions, goat with red onions, goat cheese and and egg drop soup grilled chicken stracciatella soup ITALIAN HERO and raspberry shallot chicken caesar wrap raspberrycheese shallot vinaigrette sided insalata maranello STRACCIATELLA SOUP assorted italian coldcuts,italian fresh mozstyle spinach romaine, caesar dressing, with crostini vinaigrette sided with crostini italian hero romaine, walnuts, dried cranberries, italian style spinach and egg zarella, peppers, lettuce,and tomato butternut squash egg drop soup grilled chicken assorted italian coldcuts, avocado and goat cheese drop soup INSALATA MARANELLO insalata maranello pureed butternut squash fresh mozzarella, peppers, SHRIMP PARM HERO (+$1.00) italian hero romaine, walnuts, dried cranberries, romaine, walnuts, dried cranberwith hintssquash of apple butternut lettuce, tomato insalata buenavista BUTTERNUT assorted italian coldcuts, avocado and goat cheese ries, avocado andsliced goat cheese VEAL PARM HEROpureed (+$1.00)butternut squash SQUASH spring mix greens, green fresh mozzarella, peppers, pureed butternut squash with soup of day with hints ofthe apple shrimp parm hero (+$1.00) apples, fresh mozzarella and lettuce, tomato insalata buenavista POLLO PANINI hints of apple INSALATA BUENO VISTA caramelized walnuts spring mix greens, sliced green spring mix greens, sliced green veal parm VINCENZO PANINI soup of the day shrimp parmhero hero(+$1.00) (+$1.00) apples, freshfresh mozzarella apples, mozzarellaand SOUP OF THE DAy caramelized walnuts and MIA GIAHNA PANINI caramelized walnuts veal parm hero (+$1.00) 03451525H507 Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Faucets/Toilets Drain Cleaning Handicap Fixtures Bath Remodeling Tubs/Showers Any & All Leaks A/C Repairs & Install Expert Heating Repair Boiler Repair & Install Water Heaters Tankless Hot Water Sewer Cleaning All Work Guaranteed Emergency Service Fully Licensed & Insured 631.689.3702 24 HR SERVICE SAVE THE DATE. 2015 Free Admission & Giveaways May 2nd, 2015 10am-4pm Melville Marriott FOR INFORMATION: 631-223-2029 03451525H507 Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication 8 nobThe hillHomeowners south | Association march 2015 nob hill north| march 2015 7 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 9 UNMATCHED Inc. Tips For Determining Pet Food Quality Because pets are such beloved members of the family, it isn't a surprise that pet parents want what is right for the health of their furry friends. In fact, nearly four out of five pet owners say they choose a pet food based on how nutritious or how healthy they think it will be for their pet, while only 10 percent say they make a selection based on how their pets may like the taste, according to the Buying & Choosing Pet Food survey recently conducted by PetMD and Pet360. While the survey found that 60 percent of respondents said they always consider the label when making a pet food purchase, 34 percent of pet parents agreed that it is "virtually impossible to determine the quality of pet food ingredients simply by reading the information on the package or ingredient label." It might surprise pet owners that what's on the pet food container doesn't necessarily tell them how nutritious the food is. "Pet food labels aren't always straightforward in terms of helping pet parents determine the quality of the ingredients and the nutrition found in a specific food," says Dr. Ellen Lowery, director of U.S. Veterinary and Professional Affairs at Hill's Pet Nutrition. "What is listed on the label is often different from what a pet parent imagines it to be, and it can be difficult to determine the true quality of the ingredients." (BPT) - 10 nob hill south | march 2015 Dr. Lowery has several tips to help pet parents find the right food for their pets. • • • • • • Discuss your pet's nutritional needs with your veterinarian. Review the brand's reputation. Many start-up brands don't have veterinary nutritionists on staff, nor do they have the facilities to test the nutritional quality of the food they make, such as through feeding trials with real pets. Established and trusted premium pet food brands like Hill's Pet Nutrition have robust qualityassurance programs in place to ensure the quality and safety of the foods your pet consumes. Pay attention to the regulatory statement. If the pet food brand bag includes a statement containing the initials AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials), you know that the food has been tested against this organization's measures to contain at least the minimum nutrients required for that statement to be included on the packaging. This statement simply certifies that the product contains that nutritional element - it doesn't certify that the element is healthy for your pet, or that it will help Fido or Fluffy live a healthier life. Know who makes the food. Many pet parents assume a brand makes the food it sells but this is often not the case. Dr. Lowery recommends pet parents look for a "manufactured by" listing on the product to know if the brand made the food or is just selling it. "I think it's best to trust a company that makes its food under the watchful eyes of its own employees to make sure the food meets the company's quality standards, rather than trusting the safety procedures of an unknown manufacturer," she says. Is there a phone number to call? Brand companies should value your feedback, especially when it comes to feeding a beloved pet. Look for a toll-free consumer phone number on the packaging that you can easily call if you have questions or need additional information. Good food will keep your dog's tail happily wagging and your cat content and purring. Use these tips from Dr. Lowery to know what makes a premium, high-quality pet food, so you know that your pawed friends are getting the best food you can give them. The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Licensed & Insured… 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Dear Gas Fireplace Owner…. Manufacturers recommend that your gas fireplace be serviced every year. Service ensures that your fireplace is safe and running at peak efficiency. Worn parts cause carbon monoxide, health risks and property damage. Joe Sapio & Pat Fass Residents get 25% OFF our already LOW PRICE MAY to SEPTEMBER RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE HONESTY The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 11 Calling All Volunteers! Both Nob Hill North & Nob Hill South are working together to establish a Recreational Committee. Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / The Board of Managers is seeking interested Unit Owners who would be available to volunteer helping to coordinate events that will allow our communities to join together. If anyone is interested, please contact the Board of Managers, Nob Hill Section I [email: nhsecti@verizon. net]. The group meets an average of once a month on a Wednesday night in the Clubhouse. ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITIES 12 nob hill south | march 2015 Licensed and operated by Arcadia Management, Inc. The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 13 It’s time for a retirement party! Guinness Glazed Corned Beef 1 4 pound corned beef in pickling liquid and spices 1 bottle/can (12+ ounces) Guinness or other Irish stout 1 small onion, sliced 1 clove garlic, chopped 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons grainy mustard 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce salt and pepper to taste Directions Place the corned beef along with the pickling spices, onion and garlic in a slow cooker/crock-pot with the fat layer on top, pour in the Guinness and cook on low until fork tender, about 8-10 hours. Set the corned beef aside, strain the solids from the Guinness and juices, place the liquid into a large sauce pan, add the brown sugar, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper, bring to a boil reduce the heat and simmer to reduce by half, about 10 minutes. Cut the fat layer from the corned beef, glaze with the Guinness glaze and bake in a preheated 400F oven until the glaze starts bubbling, about 10-15 minutes. Irish Lamb Stew Prep: 10 minutes Cook Time: 2 hours 50 minutes 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon rosemary, chopped 1 pound lamb, cut into bite sized pieces 1 teaspoon thyme, chopped 1 onions, diced 1 bay leaf 2 cloves garlic, chopped salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons flour 2 white potatoes, cut into bite sized pieces 1 Guinness (or other dark stout) 4 carrots, cut into bite sized pieces * beef stock 1 handful parsley, chopped Directions Heat the oil in a large pot over medium-high heat, add the lamb and brown on each side. Add the onions and saute until tender, about 5-7 minutes. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant, about 1 minute. Sprinkle in the flour and stir. Add the Guinness and enough beef stock to cover. Add the rosemary, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the lamb it fork tender, about 1-2 hours. Add the potatoes and carrots and some more beef stock to cover. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until they are tender, about 20 minutes depending on cut. Plate and garnish with parsley. 14 nob hill south | march 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Prep: 5 minutes Cook Time: 8 hours 25 minutes Give your old inefficient heating system, central air system and water heater a send off and receive big bucks back! Receive over $4,000 in rebates from Sunray, Rheem, PSEG and National Grid!* *For qualifying equipment while funds last (offer valid until 1/15/15) Don’t neglect your heating system. Make sure it’s ready for the long cold winter ahead! GATED COMMUNITY SPECIAL Introductory Offer! Parts and Labor Heat/Cool Service Plan Only $195 Includes basic water heater coverage A Partial List of Our Services Furnace Replacements Boiler Replacements Water Heater Replacements Service upgrades Generator Installations Gas Conversions Heat Pump Service and Installation Humidifiers Air Cleaners 24 Hour Emergency Service Ask us about on-demand water heaters! Ask us about “Discounted Service Contracts” for Private Communities! 0% Financing Available • Limited time offer - pending lender approval Suffolk - 631-231-5533 Call today for a free Nassau - 516-624-2233 in home evaluation and estimate! Comfort’s Just a Moment Away! nob hill south | march 2015 15 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication What’s in a Name? LI Towns Then and Now... ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR HEALTHCARE COSTS? Submitted by: Rose Claus WHISKEY ROAD: The legend goes that during the cutting through of this road work was too slow to please the foreman, so he bought a keg of whiskey, placed it in a wheel-barrow and kept moving it along ahead of the workmen. As the gang reached the wheel-barrow every man was allowed one drink. The road is west of Yaphank. ROGUES LANE: Near Huntington. Now an excellent thoroughfare, but in the old days lined with shacks in which lived people of undesirable reputation. FIREPLACE: Brookhaven was once called Fireplace. The story goes that years ago when shore-whalers operated across the bay, on the beach, and when their supplies ran low, they would build a large fire of brush as a sign for their families to bring renewed stores to the shore. When these were ready, a fire would be built to notify the whalers. SHELTER ROCK: Most people living on Long Island know the Shelter Rock Road leading from the Southern State Parkway to Manhasset. In Colonial days this was a cow-path, and a. huge overhanging ledge of rock provided shelter for cattle and other livestock during severe snow-storms and bitter weather, FLINT-LOCK PATH: Leaving the hollow near Hauppauge, the road winds north to the old village of Smithtown. To the right, a narrow road, plainly marked “Flint-Lock Path” leads into the hills. Here, we understand, an outcropping of flint rock formerly provided flints for Indian arrow-heads, and later for the muskets of settlers. RAM PASTURE ROAD: This name we are informed, came from the use of a broad meadow clown near the bay, where the rams were separated from the sheep. The road is still so named and is in the present Hampton Bays section. TELEGRAPH ROAD: There are still men living who can remember when the present Fifth Avenue in Bay Shore was known as Telegraph Road. The telegraph office was housed in a small wood building at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Main Street, Bay Shore. This road was surveyed and cut through by the U.S. Army as a prime necessity for communication between the North and South Shores of Long Island. RACCOON BEACH: A heavily wooded area on Fire Island now known as The Sunken Forest of Point of Woods. (In reality, this area is not below sea-level, but well above it.) The area got the name because it once swarmed with raccoons and fox; and believe it or not, mink. GRIND-STONE INLET: At approximately the time of the War of 1812, a ship heavily laden with grind-stones was wrecked at the inlet in the Moriches area. The passage was almost completely blocked and the heretofore unnamed inlet became Grind-Stone. SEAL ISLAND: In the waters between Great South Bay and Jamaica Bay, there is an island which in Colonial days was a favorite haunt of seals. The early settlers went there to shoot the animals for the oil, which resembled whale oil. Hence the name. CAPTREE ISLAND: This name is one of the mysterious items, as there have been scores of explanations advanced regarding the origin. The name appears on maps and charts as far back as 1690. Probably the most logical one is the legend that says that at one time there was a very tall, dead tree on the island. This was used by fishermen as a guide when running the inlet. To make it easier to spot, one of the early settlers climbed the tree and pulled his heavy, knitted, sailors cap over the top of the trunk. GILGO BEACH: According to an old legend, a family named Burch lived on the mainland south of Gilgo Inlet. They had a son, famous for his prowess as a fisherman, and called Gill Burch. When neighbors wanted to make sure of a good catch, they would decide to go where “Gill goes.” DO YOU HAVE THE MEDICARE PLAN THAT IS BEST FOR YOU? OR Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / EXECUTION ROCK: On the shore of Long Island Sound, in the Oyster Bay area, there is an outcropping of rock used in Colonial days for the execution of murderers. The man was manacled with chains, to staples driven into the rock at low tide, and as the tide rose he would be engulfed. GMG INSURANCE BROKERAGE • Health Insurance • Life Insurance • Disability Insurance • Medicare Advantage Plans • Medicare Supplements • Individuals and Groups WE ARE THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (OBAMACARE) SPECIALISTS! For a No-Cost Professional Analysis Please Call Us Today 631-473-1370 Visit Our Website Melissa Guiseppone Gary Guiseppone GMG INSURANCE BROKERAGE 16 nob hill south | march 2015 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication 4 Field Lane, Miller Place, NY 11764 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication nob hill south | march 2015 17 Suggestion Form Please state the concern: We Want To Hear From You! on the lookout for new ideas and suggestions that can help improve our community. Please complete the questions below and leave the suggestion form in the Maintenance office. You can make a suggestion anonymously. But, in order for us to be able to follow up with you, we would prefer you provide your contact information. Any suggestion submitted will be scheduled & discussed at a board meeting. Describe your proposed solution: (Attach examples, photos, charts, etc., as needed to explain.) Note: Respectfully, this is not a forum for criticism, but a vehicle with which our community can share ideas and present thoughtful solutions in a constructive manner. How can we get in touch with you? Name: Unit #: Have Comedy Night at Your Condo Book Comedy for It’s Simple! We are only asking for 5 minutes -- just 300 seconds to talk Your Holiday Party about comedy at your condo. Give us a call -- operators arestanding by (no Now! not really). No strings attached (really). Just 5 minutes! Laugh aft2Productions HComedy We do all of the work including sound, lighting & stage for a perfect evening of comedy! Your residents will love it! 516-924-3288 • 16 Woodsorrel Lane • East Northport, NY 11731 • 18 nob hill south | march 2015 Advertising Space Available! 631-223-2029 / / Your Nob Hill Board of Managers is constantly JCD Services Inc. is a family owned and operated business, providing a full line of high-quality personal mobility equipment. Fast, trustworthy, personal service is our watchword and our greatest strength. We sell, install and service many different types of scooters, van lifts, wheelchairs, stair lifts, chair lifts and other personal mobility equipment. Lynne M Barnhardt Ins Agcy Inc Lynne M Barnhardt LUTCF, Agent 58 North Country Rd Rte 25 A Smithtown, NY 11787 Bus: 631-265-5030 Se habla Español Comedy Show Options: - Dinner & a Show - Theater style - Special Occasions - Birthdays - Anniversaries The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Winter Advisory: Prevent Frozen Pipes 1001003.1 The Homeowners Association Does Not Endorse Any Advertiser or Product In This Publication Save money and a big mess. •Disconnect garden hoses. •Insulate pipes in crawlspaces and attics. •Seal cold air leaks near pipes. •Run a trickle of water. •Keep your thermostat at 55°F or above. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL ME TODAY. State Farm, Bloomington, IL nob hill south | march 2015 19 S 1 M 2 T March W 3 4 T 5 F 6 S 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 The Bristal Assisted Living | W h e r e E v e r y D a y M e a n s M o r e TM I am living a new chapter in my LifeStory “Volunteering in my community has always been a priority for me, I was chairwoman of a fundraising committee for our local hospital. Once my kids were grown, I got very involved in travel and that took a front seat in my life. My favorite trips were to Africa and Egypt… totally mind-boggling! I still book vacations for close friends and family. Keeps my mind going. Now I have great new friends at The Bristal and we dine, debate and laugh a lot at meals. I’m the youngster at the table at 86 and my friends are sharp and active like I am. Life is still fun and fulfilling at The Bristal.” Barbara, Resident of The Bristal For more about Barbara, tune in at Long Island: East Meadow | East Northport | Lake Grove | Lynbrook Massapequa | North Hills | North Woodmere | Sayville | Westbury New Jersey: Woodcliff Lake THE BRISTAL.COM Westchester: Armonk | White Plains Quality Communities By The Engel Burman Group Ask about Reflections an area providing secure and compassionate memory care PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR ALL LOCATIONS IN THE TRI-STATE AREA • LICENSED BY THE DEPT OF HEALTH • ELIGIBLE FOR MOST LONG TERM CARE POLICIES
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