2016 national championships june 25 thru july 2, 2016 livermore


2016 national championships june 25 thru july 2, 2016 livermore
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
A Players Perspective
Of the 2016 Nationals
By Jerry South
President, United States Bocce Federation
A Players’s Perspective of the 2016 Nationals: I had the good fortune of competing in all of
the events at our 38th National Championships. It
was a LALAPALOOZA week at Campo Di Bocce
Livermore, our host club for the fourth time since
2007. From my arrival on Saturday, June 25 for the
money tournament until my raffa team was eliminated six days later, I got to compete against some of
the best teams in
the country, enjoy
the hospitality of
tournament director
Ben Musolf’s energetic and thoughtful
staff, make new
friendships. All of
this at one of the
world’s great bocce
venues. It doesn’t
get better than
Team Parity: I was struck by the parity of the
teams in all of the events. There were no easy wins
and a bunch of heart braking losses. Although our
team captioned by Larry Cereghino shared the pot
in the money tournament and finished 4th in Open A,
we had three dogfights with Scotts Valley, a team
that snuck up on everyone. We played them three
times in those events, lost twice and squeaked out a
win. The point differential was -1 and sportsmanship
A+. In Men’s raffa , the championship match went
down to final ball in the doubles game. Vern
Cooper’s team (Coop, Canclini and Kennedy)
wore their game faces in every match, reaching the
finals against Dario Bernardi’s team (Dario, Joey,
Gilligan and Romo) winning the gold 15-14. It was
an unforgettable match. These teams will represent
USBF in the Pan Am friendship games in late October at the Methuen Lodge near Boston. We will be
well represented.
On the Women’s side, there were 6 teams
competing for the national title, all from the western
sector. In the tournament cycle, this was Women’s
Year with the champion entitled to represent USBF
in the August Pan American Championships to be
held in Chapeco, Brazil. The western women compete with and against men, much like the boot camp
class you signed up for in which the woman next to
you is ready to challenge you in push ups. They play
tough bocce. Sharon Cooper’s team trounced the
Cereghino team in Open A final four. I lost track of
Women’s raffa, but got to see Finezza (Rea, Pellegrini, Del Prete, Flynn) finesse Campo Di Bocce
Livermore (Bernardi, De La Rosa, Godin, Shindelus) for the national title. It was an incredible match
up: Two highly skilled team with Livermore apparently having the shooting advantage, and Finezza, very
experienced, consistent pointers and clutch shooters
battled for several hours before Finezza grabbed the
gold medal. Both teams will represent USBF at Methuen, however, Finezza declined to compete in Brazil, so the Campo team will take their place and compete in the Pan American championships. Congratulations to two outstanding teams.
Finezza won the Women’s Raffa Gold, but declined to compete
in Brazil. From left, Diana Pelegrini, Teresa Rea
and Carol Del Prete
I could write 10 pages about individual
games and the crazy things that happen in bocce, but you will find all of the details about the medalists and prize winners elsewhere in this newsletter.
However, I must tell you about the appearance of a
legendary player joined my team (New Friends) that
had never played together (Cordonos, Ceppi,
South). All of you who played against us will agree
that there is no fiercer competitor on the bocce
courts than Dr. Cordono.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
He tells the story of going to Chicago for the 1988
nationals and afterwards, invited by Mario Massa,
our second USBF president and Wall of Honor
member to join the national team for the world
championships in Italy. He has lost count of the nationals in which he has competed. Anyway, it was a
privilege to play with a legendary figure who still enjoys playing singles.
Dr. Angel Cordono
The Raffa shooting competition saw Ursula Hansen from Stockton winning the gold medal with the top
score among men and women. Ursula is a prime example
of a player with burning passion and countless hours of
practice for the sport. She is a traditional three step shooter with a follow through that takes her out almost to mid
court in sprinter form. In contrast. Brad Thayer, men’s
shootout champ, our visitor from New York, has a two
step style that delivers accuracy and distance in volo. He
left New York several weeks ago with dog buddy J, traveling across the nation with a stop at Highwood before
reaching the Bay Area. Brad hasn’t missed a tournament
since arriving and has made a host of friends all over the
area. we hope that he and Jay find a way to move here.
Ursula Hansen and Brad Thayer were our 2016 Raffa
Shooting Gold Medalists
Special Things: Successful ventures are marked
by attention to details, and so it was with the 2016 nationals. To attract new members and promote the championships, the nationals started in January with the Dash for
Cash. There’s nothing like $$$ to provoke interest! The
first two days of the tournament were devoted to the money event, $5000 being the largest first place prize the nationals have even seen. The 8 days of competition were
so well organized that our team only played on the outside
courts one time, The events program featured outstanding
art work, action photo inserts and attractive sponsor pages. On page 16-17 Luigi, Campo’s fabled symbol, poses for 9 different sports, the last one hanging on a
climbing wall to promote the soon-to-open Campo di
Bocce Fremont. The daily breakfast snacks were light
but liquids were on the table at all times. The young staff
were super. The electric scoreboards and clocks kept up
on our toes. Finally, the live streaming drew in fans
from around the area. The celebration dinner and medal
awards ended a memorable week of Special Things.
Take Aways: Money prizes attract everyone. Mini
tournaments leading up to the nationals create interest
and draw new members. Live streaming increases the
tournament audience and should be used whenever possible. A smiling staff will always be remembered. So
again, many thanks to Ben Musolf and Margaret Shindelus who planned and guided the championships,
and to the Campo staff that took care of us.
Board Meeting: We squeezed in our annual board
meeting and received a report from Larry Cereghino on
the membership campaign. We have over 900 members
and could reach 1000 by year the end of summer. There
has been confusion among many members who have
been past members but who paid the $5 fee offered to
New Members. To simplify our list of membership categories, the Board set the fee for new members and renewals
at $10 effective in January 2017. The husband-wife
category was also eliminated. Finally, we approved a proposal from the Highwood Club, Chicago, to host the
2017 Nationals. Nest year it will be raffa singles competition. Highwood has already established a tournament committee which includes Paolo Giannetti. our
VP Lio Gionotti and former president, Danny Passalglia.
There you have it,
Jerry South
Ben Musolf and Jerry South at the closing ceremony.
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
By Dario Bernardi
USBF Western Sector President
Ciao TuttiAfter months of anticipation, the 2016 Nationals were in a word…..AWESOME. I can’t tell you
how proud I am of Ben Musolf and the entire staff
and facility at Campo di Bocce in Livermore, and
Margaret Shindelus, who spent hundreds of hours
in this project. Also to all of the other volunteers,
without all of these people, none of this would have
been possible. For me personally, it was my 6th or
7th Nationals, and I can honestly say, this was the
best experience I’ve ever had. From day one of the
Dash for Cash money tournament to the closing
ceremonies; everything was really, really great. The
competition right from the opening bell was tremendous. It is so much fun playing against people from
other parts of the country. There are so many good
players everywhere, and it showed up in every category of play.
I have never seen so many 12-10, or 12-11
games anywhere. And it did not matter if it was
open B or raffa……there were great games going
on all over the place. As much as I enjoy playing, I
also enjoy watching a good game as well, and like I
said, there was plenty of that. I think what impressed me most though was the sportsmanship
throughout the event. I say this all of the time, that
‘yes,’ everyone wants to win, but we need to respect
not only the game, but each other. I did not hear
one person even raise their voice….FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK!!!!!!
Americo Rizza drove all the way from
Windsor, Ontario, Canada to referee the
U.S. Bocce Nationals.
There was a HUGE surprise before the tournament started. Americo Rizza drove with Mike
Grasser all the way from Windsor Canada to referee. He must have refereed about 100 games…LOL.
Maybe not quite that many, but he sure did a great
job. Thank you Americo!!
So whats next….well the top 2 teams in the
men’s and women’s raffa qualified to go to Boston
at the end of October for an international friendly
competition. I was lucky enough to qualify for that
so my teammates and I will be heading east!! In
speaking with the other 3 teams to qualify….let me
say that we are all VERY excited about it. Looking
forward to seeing Joe, Ralph and all of the wonderful people in Metheun. Good bocce, good food,
great people….what more can you ask for??? See
you soon, Boston!!!
The People - Heading to Methuen, MA in October
L to r: Gerald Gilligan, Dario Bernardi and Joey Bernardi
(missing from picture - Manny Romo)
Also, there will be a women’s team heading to
Brazil in a couple of weeks to compete. As always,
we want to wish them all of the luck in the world.
And kick some butt!!!
As for 2017, the Nationals will be held in
Highwood Il. It is a year for ‘singles’ competition.
Having been to Highwood, I know its going to be a
great event. Make plans early to play in some of the
events there. They always do a good job!!!
In closing, I want to say that I’m sure some
new friendships were made in Livermore. There
was also some old friendships re-kindled. It is so
great to see people that we just don’t get to see that
often. It was great to see Dr. Cordano. He come out
here with his son to compete. Along with all of the
folks who took the time and money to come play…A
GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!! It was truly a wonderful
- Dario Bernardi
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
2016 USBF Championships at Livermore “Best Ever”
An Overview by Bob Rauh
Tournament Director Ben Musolf called the
2016 US Bocce Championships held at Campo di
Bocce in Livermore, CA. the “best ever”. He went
on to thank his committee members for the extensive planning and support the group provided during
the ten months preceding the event.
After the welcoming ceremonies and local
State Assemblywoman Catherine Baker rolling out
the first ball, the Championships went on for jampacked seven days (and nights) of competition.
the top prize of free entry to the Dash for Cash tournament at the Nationals. There were several of
these satellite tournament winners, as well as nonwinners who liked the taste of tournament competition --- well enough that some of them played in
both the Dash for Cash tournament on June
25th and the Open B tournament on June 28th.
This Dash for Cash open competition awarded
$5000 first prize to the winning team from the Scotts
Valley Bocce Club, a newer member of the USBF
from Scotts Valley, CA.
Tournament Co-Director Margaret Shindelus
said that the entire USBF Championships tournament went on without a glitch.
Ending on Saturday night July 2nd with dinner
for about 150 players and family members, then
awards and closing ceremonies, Jerry South, National USBF President said “This was some of the
best Bocce I’ve ever seen in the United States.
We’re on a roll toward bringing in new members to
the USBF, bringing new players to the sport and
teaching Bocce to newcomers. It’s a great time to
be a member of the USBF.”
Assemblywoman Catherine Baker from the
16th Assembly District rolls the first ball to officially start
the 2016 U.S. Bocce Championships
Ben Musolf created a new twist to the competition this year by adding a competitive event --Dash for Cash. Eight Satellite tournaments led up to
the Dash for Cash event at the Nationals. These
Satellite tournaments were a way of introducing
novice and casual bocce players to the world of
tournament competition. Each of the eight offered
64 medals and numerous awards of appreciation were
presented in the awards ceremony on Saterday
evening, July, 2, 2016
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Heather Veon
Albert Leonardi
Drew Page
Mark Baeta
Joe Ashcroft
Gina Silvestri
“My first Nationals; and what a great
experience! The comradery, competitiveness, and sportsmanship
between the teams are impossible
to express! And the friendships
within, I’ve seen in no other sport.
Their absolute love for the game
excites me for next years Nationals!
Thanks to the Livermore facility for
creating such an amazing week of
~Kym Hawkes
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Nancy Martignago
“Campo di Bocce in Livermore
was a great venue for the 2016
US Bocce Nationals. My husband Don and I thought the atmosphere was electric as this
was our first time playing in this
tournament. The level of play
was so impressive and so much
fun to watch. We enjoyed the
company of the many friends
we’ve made over the years playing bocce and had fun meeting
new friends. We look forward to
playing in the future.”
~Kathy Brocca
Don Brocca
Jess Quesada
Mike Neish
Paolo Pro and Diane Kelley
Larry Cereghino
2nd Place - $3,000 - Cinque Quattro Nove
Mike Neish, Larry Cereghino, Tony Aiello and Jerry South
3rd Place - $2,000 - Team Napoli
Giovanni Napoli, Bob Faraone, Ben Campbell and Drew Page
4th Place - $1,000 - Double Shot
Tony Randazzo, Denny Kinsel, Jack Woo and Ted Nicholson
Brian Peterson
Dave Imwalle
Robert Lowe
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Alan Knox
JoAnn Jacobs and Norma De Pauli
Roland Negrini and Mario Veltri
Pat Henry
John Contreras
Norma De Pauli
Bob Sheffels
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Diane Kelley
Karen Corlett
Dorothy Cevasco
Cynthia Rivera
Rick Taormina
Natalina Bernardi
“Campo di Bocce in Livermore
hosted a fantastic 2016 Bocce
National Championship! Organizers, staff and volunteers
did a magnificent job. It was a
week of great bocce. I felt
very grateful to take part.”
~Ursula Hansen
Mark LaFleur
“This was my third national appearance
and I have to say I'm totally
hooked. Campo Di Bocce and their staff
provided top notch service at their very
impressive property. The competition
was fierce as every team was vying for a
championship and a run at the money. There were some newer teams that
challenged the veteran teams in all
brackets. Family and friends from all over
were able to watch by live streaming the
tournament from the comfort of their
homes. The color guard, national anthem, and vendors were all classy and
put that extra personalized touch on the
festivities. See everyone in Chicago!”
~Tony Aiello
Manny and Lydia Romo with their
granddaughter Lucia Benita Romo Murillo
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Mario Veltri
Dorothy Bishop
Mike Neish, Tony Aiello and Jimmy Collins
Open A Winning Teams
Gold - Renewal By Anderson (Sacramento, CA)
L to r: Bob Kennedy, Vern Cooper and David Canclini
(missing from photo; Kurtis Jahn)
Silver - Los Amigos di Los Gatos (Los Gatos, CA)
L to r: Rolando Negrini, Rick Taormina,
Mario Veltri and John Contreras
Bronze - Lady Sopranos (Stockton, CA)
L to r: Norma De Pauli, Judy Canclini,
JoAnn Jacobs and Sharon Cooper
4th - Cinque Quattro Nove (Gresham, OR)
Mike Neish, Larry Cereghino,
Tony Aiello and Jerry South
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
We report with sincere apologies that there was no photographer on site to take
photographs of the Open B Tournament. Below are the only photos available.
Greg Chan and Ron Wessels
Greg Chan and Ron Wessels
Open B Winning Teams
Gold - Quattro Amici (Concord, CA)
Greg Chan, Ron Wessels,
Don Garofalo and Scott Hickman
Silver—Scotts Valley Bocce Club (Scotts Valley, CA)
Al Telles, Steve Bogner
Jim Minor and Kermit Olson
Bronze - La Bocce Vita (Stockton, CA)
L to r: Mini Velazquez, Joyce Aschenbrener
and Susan Stein. (Rosalie Aragaon not in photo)
4th Place - Squali (San Rafael, CA)
Stan Koloski, Tommu Pitre, Bill Baker
Al Brewster, Carmen Bottiglieri and Rick Nuckles
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Diana Pelligrini
Dorothy Cevasco
JoAnn Jacobs
Lydia Romo
“I had a good time playing the
matches, it was more focusing
than usual and stressful making the game transitions. I
had fun with the doubles when
time was running out. It was
do or die time and it sharpened my game. I learned a lot
about the game and strategy, I
would recommend it to anyone
who plays tournaments. The
triples format and working as a
team will help me with my
games from here forward.”
~Lisa Dobeck
Ursula Hansen
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Colleen Randazzo
Judy Canclini
Martha Crosley
Sharon Cooper
“The 2016 U. S. National Bocce Championships, hosted by Campo di Bocce
of Livermore, CA, was by far the best National I have ever participated in.
Thank you so much to Ben Musolf and Margaret Shindelus for running an
awesome National. Heather Veon came in at 6:30 a.m. to open the facility so
players can practice before the competition. It was so nice that Lillian Steinle
provided fresh pastries and fruits, coffee, and juices to players everyday.
There was a total of $11,000 for the Dash for Cash Money Tournament for
the top 4 teams. I had a fantastic experience seeing and visiting with my
family and friends at the National and the camaraderie of players. The facility, the bocce courts, and the food were outstanding. I liked the format for the
Women's Punto, Raffa, Volo Tournament. Since there were only 6 women's
teams, we played each team, and there was no playoffs. The top 4 teams
received medals. It was a joy for me to share with spectators in the stands
the rules and how to play PRV. They were very interested and started to understand the game better. I look forward to participating in future Nationals.”
~Joyce Woo
Margaret Shindelus
Teresa Rea
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Carol Del Prete
Dorothy Cevasco
Colleen Randazzo
Women’s Raffa Winning Teams
Gold - Finezza (San Rafaer, CA)
L to r: Diana Pellegrini, Teresa Rea and Carol Del prete
Silver - Campo di Bocce of Livermore (Livermore, CA)
L to r: Margaret Shindelus, Laura de la Rosa,
Jean Godin and Navina Bernardi
Bronze - Triple Threat (Livermore, CA)
L to r: Joyce Woo, Lisa Dobeck and Ursula Hansen
4th Place - Una Alla Volta (Stockton, CA)
L to r: Emi Fujii, Vera Scatena and Nancy Martignago
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Pierino Guglielmetti
Ted Nicholson
“The nationals seemed to take so
long to get here, then we were immersed in them, now they seem to
be over to soon. What great tournaments! All the people of Campo at
Livermore kept the games moving
smoothly and were always welcoming and helpful. Meeting and playing
against people I'd only heard of,
such as Dr. Cordono was a high
point. Playing singles raffa, whether
I won or lost, was always fun. I even
enjoyed spending some of my money on new bocce balls and a bag.
Looking forward to the next nationals.”
~Brian Peterson
After 20 years of Nationals, I'd have
to say the 2016 USBF Nationals at
Livermore Campo di Bocce ranks as
one of the best, if not the best, organized tournaments in which I've ever
been involved. Absolutely spot on.
Ben, Margaret, and all the staff (from
Heather at the front door to the
chefs in the kitchen) made for a
flawless experience. My only complaint: no medal, no money.
~Dick Gomez
Ron Jacobs
Luca Fontana, Benedetto Nicosia,
Paolo Pro and Ben Musolf
Mike Grasser
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Jack Woo
Chris Bond
“First time to Nationals in
over ten years! What a great
experience it was. The Nationals were put together
very well by Campo Di Bocce and Ben Musolf. I've
learned a lot in the week. I
made new friends, made a
few mistakes on the court
and had a game winning
shot that I will never forget!
Anything can happen in bocce especially PRV. I'm happy that I was in the top four
and looking forward to Nationals in the next coming
~Ben Campbell
David Canclini
“These last few weeks have been incredible for me. I have knocked off two
huge bucket list items in my bocce career. First of all, the Madden/Mariucci
bocce classic. And now the USBF National Open A, and the Punto, Raffa,
Volo tournaments. The schedule was a
little grueling, but overall my experience
was none other. Thanks to the great job
done by Campo Di Bocce of Livermore
and their staff members. I was able to
see and hang out with many of my bocce friends from all over the United
States, and I met several other new
friends to add to my ever growing BOCCE FAMILIA!! I really look forward to
future National Events. So until we
meet again...Much LOVE to all.”
~Will Kesler
Stefano Landini
Pete Cardinale
Gerald Gilligan
John Dine
Brian Peterson, Ken Gorny and Bob Kennedy
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Bill Carey
Manny Romo
Ken Ervin
Men’s Raffa Winning Teams
Gold - Renewal By Anderson - Sacramento, CA)
L to r: Vern Cooper, Bob Kennedy and David Canclini
Silver - The People (Livermore, CA)
L to r: Gerald Gilligan, Dario Bernardi and Joey Bernardi
Bronze - Team Napoli (NorCal)
Bob Faraone, left, and Giovanni Napoli
(missing from photo - Ben Campbell
4th Place - Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos (Los Gatos, CA)
L to r: Ben Musolf, Beneddo Nicosia and Paolo Pro
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
An Awards Banquet Befitting the National Championships
by Margaret Shindelus
The 2016 United States Bocce Championships
recently concluded with the awards banquet on the
evening of July 2. The mild weather, great food and
friendly atmosphere was wonderful as the competitors came together after a week of tough competition. After dinner USBF President Jerry South and
USBC Tournament Director Ben Musolf presented
the awards and recognized individuals who contributed in making the tournament a success.
Tom Albanese, owner of Campo di Bocce, was
recognized by the United States Bocce Federation
as five time host of the national championships and
other international events. Tom was also recognized
for exposing bocce to so many people and for using
bocce as a way of raising funds for non-profit organizations. I would also like to personally thank Tom for
his support in hosting nationals.
Jerry South also presented commemorative
gifts of appreciation from the USBF to both Ben Musolf and I for our efforts as tournament directors. In
accepting the award Ben said that in 2015 I had
“begged” him to host the nationals at Campo di Bocce of Livermore. This is actually true and at this time
I would like personally to thank him for taking on the
nationals and for his continual support.
Both Ben and I know well that all of the compliments and recognition we received throughout the
week are to be shared with many other individuals
that helped us out. We are very appreciative of all
the assistance and support we received in the
months, weeks, days and even minutes leading up to
and during the event.
At the banquet Jerry South also announced
the 2016 USBF nationals will be held at in Highwood,
IL. Having played there in 2008, I am looking forward to a return trip to compete on their new court
surfaces. As players please keep in mind when you
attend future USBF nationals that a tremendous
amount of time and effort goes into the each event.
As such, please continue to extend compliments and
thanks to the future hosting clubs and to the volunteers that make it possible.
Also, whether you win a medal or not attending
the closing ceremonies is a great way to end the
week and say goodbye to friends you have made
playing this great sport. I always enjoy seeing those
wearing “red jackets” at the event. It was inspiring to
see all the individuals who have played or coached in
the prior CBI world championships stand together
and be recognized for their accomplishments. As we
look to the future, it was also wonderful to see a little
girl named Gigi proudly wearing a gold medal around
her neck and her father’s red jacket.
Ben Musolf, Tom Albanese and Margaret Shindelus were presented with gifts of appreciation from President Jerry South.
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Gigi and Ben Musolf
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Quattro Amici
(Concord, CA)
Ron Wessels
Greg Chan
Don Garofalo
Scott Hickman
Scotts Valley Bocce Club
(Scotts Valley, CA)
Al Telles
Steve Bogner
Jim Minor
Kermit Olson
La Bocce Vita
(Stockton, CA)
Mini Velazquez
Joyce Aschenbrener
Rosalie Aragon
Susan Stein
(San Rafael, CA)
Stan Koloski
Tommy Pitre
Bill Baker
Al Brewster
Carmen Bottiglieri
Rick Nuckles
Renewal By Anderson
(Stockton, CA)
Vern Cooper
Bob Kennedy
David Canclini
Kurtis Jahn
Los Amigos di Los Gatos
(Los Gatos, CA)
Rolando Negrini
Rick Taormina
John Contreras
Mario Veltri
Lady Sopranos
(Stockton, CA)
Sharon Cooper
JoAnn Jacobs
Norma DePauli
Judy Canclini
Cinque Quattro Nove
Mike Neish
Larry Cereghino
Tony Aiello
Jerry South
(San Rafael, CA)
Teresa Rea
Diana Pellegrini
Carol Del Prete
Campo di Bocce
(Livermore, CA)
Navina Bernardi
Laura de la Rosa
Jean Godin
Margaret Shindelus
Triple Threat
(Livermore, CA)
Joyce Woo
Ursula Hansen
Lisa Dobeck
Uno Alla Volta
(Stockton, CA)
Nancy Martignago
Emi Fujii
Vera Scatena
Renewal By Anderson
(Stockton, CA)
Vern Cooper
Bob Kennedy
David Canclini
The People
Livermore, CA)
Dario Bernardi
Joey Bernardi
Gerald Gilligan
Manny Romo
Team Napoli
Giovanni Napoli
Ben Campbell
Bob Faraone
Stefano Landini
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Campo di Bocce
(Los Gatos, CA)
Ben Musolf
Paolo Pro
Ben Nicosia
Luca Fontana
1ST PLACE - $5,000
Scotts Valley Bocce Club
(Scotts Valley, CA)
Brian Peterson
Alan Knox
Robert Lowe
Dave Imwalle
2ND PLACE - $3,000
Cinque Quattro Nove
Mike Neish
Larry Cereghino
Tony Aiello
Jerry South
3RD PLACE - $2,000
Team Napoli
Giovanni Napoli
Bob Faraone
Ben Campbell
Drew Page
Stefano Landini
4TH PLACE - $1,000
Double Shot
Tony Randazzo
Denny Kinsel
Jack Woo
Ted Nicholson
GOLD – Ursula Hansen (23) – Stockton, CA
GOLD – Brad Thayer (19) - New York
SILVER – Teresa Rea (19) – San Rafael, CA
SILVER - Chris Bond (19) – Sacramento, CA
BRONZE – Lisa Dobeck (10) – Sacramento, CA
BRONZE – Dario Bernardi (17) – Livermore, CA
Open A Roster
Mezzanote Luna
Frank Rivera
Cynthia Rivera
Karen Corlet
Chuck Lomey
Diane Kelley
Una Alla Volta
Nancy Martignago
Emi Fujii
Pat Ross
Vera Scatena
Colleen Randazzo
Lydia Romo
Dorothy Cevasco
Brad Thayer
Scotts Valley Bocce
Ken Gorny
Brian Peterson
Alan Knox
Robert Lowe
Brothers Plus
Vince Passanisi
Rich Passanisi
Bob De Martini
Tim Ceppi
Theresa Rea
Diana Pellegrini
Carol Del Prete
Susan Flyn
Pitt Pirates
Jess Quesada
Will Kesler
John Lopez
Steve Castellano
Renewal by Anderson
Vern Cooper
Bob Kennedy
David Canclini
Kurtis Jahn
Los Amigos di Los Gatos
Rolando Negrini
Rick Taormina
John Contreras
Mario Veltri
Quadruple Threat
Joyce Woo
Natalina Bernardi
Lisa Dobeck
Ursula Hansen
Woodland Park Bocce
Greg Singleton
Mark Reed
Pat Henry
Bob Sheffels
Anybody’s Guess
Ken Ervin
Mark LaFluer
Dorothy Bishop
Jim Collins
Cinque Quattro Nove
Mike Neish
Larry Cereghino
Tony Aiello
Jerry South
Lady Sopranos
Sharon Cooper
JoAnn Jacobs
Norma De Pauli
Judy Canclini
Hone Dogs
Joe Russell
Ahern Trumble
Jefe Henry
Adam Forni
Cante Swearington
Mark Baeta
Joe Malfitano
Tracy Benetti
Al Piriano
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Open B Roster
Crockett di Boccery
Christine Scott
Christina Currington
Marianne Clark
Shannon Grosenheider
La Bocce Vita
Mini Valezquez
Joyce Aschenbrener
Rosalie Aragon
Susan Stein
Double Barrel
Ryan Howard
Robert Armstrong
Pat Tripp
Amber Ahlborn
Scotts Valley Desperados Scotts Valley Bocce Club
Al Telles
Tom Walsh
Steve Bogner
Jim Minor
Kermit Olson
Bruce Anderson
Quattro Amici
Ron Wessels
Greg Chan
Don Garifalo
Scott Hickman
Stan Koloski
Tommy Pitre
Bill Baker
Al Brewster
Carmen Bottiglieri
Women’s Pool
Lady Sopranos
Sharon Cooper
JoAnn Jacobs
Norma De Pauli
Judy Canclini
Campo di Bocce of Livermore
Natalina Bernardi
Laura de la Rosa
Jean Godin
Margaret Shindelus
Colleen Randazzo
Lydia Romo
Dorothy Cevasco
Martha Crosley
Quadruple Threat
Joyce Woo
Lisa Dobeck
Ursula Hansen
Una Alla Volta
Nancy Martignago
Emi Fujii
Vera Scatena
Theresa Rea
Diana Pellegrini
Carol Del Prete
Susan Flyn
Men’s Red Pool
Renewal by Anderson
Vern Cooper
Bob Kennedy
David Canclini
Kurtis Jahn
Schrodinger’s Cat
Frank Rivera
Chuck Loney
Brad Thayer
Ken Ervin
Ron Jacobs
Will Kessler
New Friends
Jerry South
Tim Ceppi
Dr Angel Cordono
Angelo Cordono
The People
Dario Bernardi
Joey Bernardi
Gerald Gilligan
Manny Romo
Scotts Valley Bocce Club
Ken Gorny
Brian Peterson
Alan Knox
Men’s Green Pool
Robles Rollers
Phil Roble
Bill Carey
Ron Fideldy
Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos
Ben Musolf
Luca Fontana
Ben Nicosia
Paolo Pro
Da Vinci Bocce
Mike Grasser
Sal Lini
Pierino Guglielmetti
John Dine
Dick Gomez
Pete Cardinale
John Lopez
Team Napoli
Giovanni Napoli
Stefano Landini
Ben Campbell
Bob Faraone
Double Shot
Tony Randazzo
Denny Kensil
Jack Woo
Ted Nicholson
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Dash For Cash Roster
Woodland Park Bocce
Greg Singleton
Mark Reed
Pat Henry
Bob Sheffels
Una Alla Volta
Nancy Martignago
Emi Fujii
Pat Ross
Vera Scatena
Team Napoli
Giovanni Napoli
Bob Faraone
Ben Campbell
Mario Veltri
Drew Page
Stellar Bocce
Ginny Nelson
Mark Baeta
Kathy Brocca
Don Brocca
Young Guns
Gerald Gilligan
John Contreras
Jacob Kiley
Ryan Howard
Colleen Randazzo
Lydia Romo
Dorothy Cevasco
Brad Thayer
Ono B’s
Kym Hawkes
Craig Kawaguchi
Pat Kawaguchi
Reiko Kawaguchi
John Dine
Dick Gomez
Pete Cardinale
Drew Lozoya
Let’s Roll
Ron Wessels
Greg Chan
Don Garolalo
Scott Hickman
Campo di Bocce Livermore
Dario Bernardi
Navina Bernardi
Laura de la Rosa
Jean Godin
Margaret Shindelus
Lady Sopranos
Sharon Cooper
JoAnn Jacobs
Norma De Pauli
Judy Canclini
B Street Boys
Stan Koloski
Al Brewater
Carmen Bottiglieri
Rick Nuckle
Campo di Bocce Los Gatos
Ben Musolf
Luca Fontana
Ben Nicosia
Paolo Pro
Campo Crew
Heather Veon
Kelly Moriarty
Juan Escoto
Patrick Rangel
Marin on Purpose
Gina Silvestri
Steve Bettis
Jim Fox
Tim Uelk
Pitt Pirates
Jess Quesada
Will Kesler
John Lopez
Terry Santos
Mezzanotte Luna
Frank Rivera
Cynthia Rivera
Karen Corlett
Chuck Loney
Diane Kelley
Ron Jacobs
Albert Leonardi
Manny Romo
Norm Freschet
Joe Ashcroft
Phil Roble
Jim Magnuson
Bill Carey
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation
Brothers Plus
Vince Passanisi
Rich Passanisi
Tim Ceppi
Bob DiMartini
Cinque Quattro Nove
Mike Neish
Larry Cereghino
Tony Aiello
Jerry South
Renewal by Anderson
Vern Cooper
Bob Kennedy
David Canclini
Kurtis Jahn
Scotts Valley Bocce
Brian Peterson
Alan Knox
Robert Lowe
Dave Imwalle
Double Shot
Tony Randazzo
Denny Kinsel
Jack Woo
Ted Nicholson
Although several people contributed photos to the
U.S. Nationals article, the majority of them were taken by
Mr. Bill Nale. You may go to his eLivermore site to see more
photographs of the event by clicking here.
Questions? Email me at: bill@nale.org
All Rights Reserved - Copyright 2016 - United States Bocce Federation