St.Valentine - Sandbook Net


St.Valentine - Sandbook Net
St. Valentine
cit y of love
• International Couples
• Write Around the World
• Candlemas
• Going Postal
• Fashionista
Guest Authors:
Fabienne Fries
Toy Voyagers
Beauty Brite
Josh Cowan
World Traveler:
St. Kitts
Dear Sandbookers,
It is half way through the winter
and you are with your favorite
Penpal and Swappers’ Magazine:
SandbookNet. On the pages of the
February issue you will find useful
information about Penpalling
and Correspondence, interesting
information about cool websites
and of course articles about the
special events and days in this month. Yes, you have
guessed – St. Valentine is just around the corner and
we have been investigating it and managed to dig up
a lot of amazing information. Are you eager to read it?! I
thought so! Once again, it’s the “Month of Love” as I like
to call it, so we would love to thank you all for the love
and support for our magazine! Without you, there is no
Amour, amour, amour! Love is in the air!
So Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
Raia and the Sandbook.Net Team
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
l a t e s t
n e w s
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Ria Cabral
100% Army Wife
Postcard Story,
Thank you for taking part in
issue 4, February 2011!
Editor: Raia Alexieva
Graphic Designer: Aspeia Alexieva / GAYA DESIGNS
IT administration: Jason Dimitrov
Photography: Manuela Balocco
Production Coordinator: Raia Alexieva
Junior Associate: Milen Mangarudov
Team Authors : Gregory J.Lentz / Samantha Stroy/
Raia Alexieva / Bea from PenPalling and Letters /
Rae from Glass Completely Empty Productions /
Teresa Wodehouse / Melanie Anzalone.
Information is correct at press time.
Make sure that you stay informed for the latest news:
Follow us on Twitter:
Add us as a friend on Facebook:
And join our Facebook Group:
And join our Facebook Page:
Read our blog at:
Visit us on our website: www.SandBook.Net
Rach Gee
Write around the world
The Gift of Giving
Birthday Twins
Going Postal
a t
n e w s
Teresa Wodehouse
t h e
c h e c k
l i k e
i t ?
Erika Millares
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Ideas for St. Valentine
a t
International Couples
n e w s
l a t e s t
100 Ways to Say...
l a t e s t
Samantha’s Thoughts
t h e
Samantha Stroy
Traditions & saint valentine
28 Candlemas
33 Army Wife
34 Romeo and Juliet
46 Ideas for St. Valentine
48 The gift of giving
54 Valentine Photo Share
56 Lost penpal
58 PenPal and Swappers Ads
68 Mercury: PenPalling has its own planet
69 Penpalling Connections
70 International Couples
76 100 Ways to say “I love you”
78 Surviving St. Valentine’s Day
82 Samantha’s thoughts
c h e c k
Tips on Letter Writing
i t ?
Penpalling & Letters
6 Write around the world
10 Going postal
16 Postcard Story
18 Tips on Letter writing
24 Toy voyagers
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Gregory J. Lentz
2 Editorial
4 Contents
photo by Manuela Balocco
91 Gaya Designs
92 World Traveler: Saint Kitts
96 Birthday twins
98 Next Issue
99 Subscribe
Manuela Balocco
Verona: The City of
Romeo & Juliet
Raia Alexieva
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
c h e c k
a t
t h e
n e w s
l a t e s t
l a t e s t
n e w s
a t
t h e
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
“The future belongs to those who
believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
Competition 2
The second competition
works like this:
email me with your name,
age, location and why
you love pen-palling. It
really is that simple!
If you sign up to take part
in the film between now
and March 25th, I will
pick one random person
to receive an envelope of
stationery and stickers.
Signing up is easy! Just
Right now, I’m writing
and preparing to film
the FAQ’s for you. These
videos will show you
have to do basic lighting
using what you have
around your home, as
well as tell you how to
make your video look as
great as possible. It might
sound daunting now but,
trust me, it’s not! It’s really
easy to make a simple
interview look great! If
anyone does have any
questions, the GCE inbox
is always open and we’ll
respond to questions
and requests as quickly
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
c h e c k
a t
i t ?
For the film, and for the
exhibition, we want to use
the cards which are sent
us to create a postcard
wall. We want it to be a
visual, physical example
of how widespread and
popular pen-palling is.
It will also give a chance
to those who may not
have visited a place to see
it. Imagine if someone
looked at the postcard
you sent and decided to
visit for even take up penpalling! We have the power
to touch people’s lives,
to influence and inspire
them! Are you going to
waste this opportunity? I
do hope not.
n e w s
l i k e
On March 11th 2011, I will
spread all the cards out
on the floor of my office
and the first one which
my fickle “office manager”
(aka Office Cat) picks
will win the selection of
l a t e s t
Email me at: rae@
glasscompletelyempty. and include the
subject line “Postcard
Competition”. I’ll reply
with my postal address.
Please include the name
that you sign letters/
postcards with so that we
can identify you if you are
the winner.
Send me a postcard,
preferably of somewhere
in your country (doesn’t
have to be where you live)
with a message about
why pen-palling and
letter writing is so special
to you.
t h e
Competition 1
c h e c k
Unfortunately, I hate telling
people that it could be
several years before the
film makes an appearance.
you can understand why
some people don’t want to
get involved. However, on
the upside, because this
is a small production and
there’s not going to be a lot
of running around trying
to get permission from
various bigwigs of various
companies, the film may
those who are curious,
Write Around The World was
nicknamed Project Y until we
But I’m not making any released the full name of it).
promises so please don’t
take that as gospel! I don’t At the time of writing, the
want to be getting emails numbers of those who are
on August 11th 2012 asking involved are slowly but
where the film is! On the steadily growing. Thank
downside, there are all kinds you to everyone who has
of things which can delay a been in touch and offered
film, from personal problems themselves as interview
down to getting permission subjects. If you do want to be
from someone to use a clip a part of this project, please
of music or footage. I said feel free to get in touch. You’ll
that there shouldn’t be any find all of my contact details
problems in that department at the end of this article. I
but, unlike the fictional films promise that I don’t bite and
that most of us go and see at that I’m actually a really nice
the cinema, you can’t predict person!
how a documentary is going
to work out. I learned this on While we gather people, we
another project (Project X for at GCE Productions (I really
those of you who are part of can’t be bothered to type it
the Glass Completely Empty out every time! I’m loathed
Facebook page). It went into for choosing such a long
pre-production early last company name!) are running
year and stalled because of competitions to keep as all
a communication problem. amused. If you go over to
It wasn’t anyone’s fault; life the Facebook page (search
just got in the way for us all for “Glass Completely Empty
and it’s gone on hold for a Productions” and look for
while. That is the nature of the pink glass. Or follow the
documentary film-making; link at the end of this article),
you have no idea what it will you’ll find the competitions
throw at you next. But, while listed on there. The one we
that Project X still in a holding are currently running is for
pattern somewhere in my an envelope of brand new,
head, there is this wonderful unused UK postcards. And
project to talk about! (For here’s how you can win them!
i t ?
I say this because I adore
receiving emails wanting to
know when the film will be
out and when people can
watch it. It’s fantastic to see
so much enthusiasm from
people who I have never met.
That enthusiasm, passion,
hope, love and support
is what keeps this project
floating along and I thank
everyone who is involved
and who is constantly
walking beside me. You are
all wonderful human beings
and living proof that there are
beautiful, kind and helpful
people out there. Thank you!
well be with us in the next 18
l i k e
Documentaries are a lot of
work and, from the initial idea
until absolute completion, it
can take between 5 and 10
years before a film is finished.
as possible.
I believe that, for now,
is everything. I wish
everyone a good month
and I look forward to
hearing from you all!
Office Cat
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
a t
l i k e
n e w s
l a t e s t
crazy town names:
Hopeulikit, Georgia
Knockemstiff, Ohio
t h e
Mmmmmmm -- I’m
S a n d w i c h ,
Cookietown, Oklahoma
Candy Town, Ohio
Hershey, Pennsylvania
Bacon, Delaware
C h e e s e t o w n ,
Cheeseville, Wisconsin
Cheeseville, California
Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
Bread Loaf, Vermont
Whitebead, Oklahoma
Beans, New Hampshire
Oatmeal, Texas
Two Egg, Florida
Goose Egg, Wyoming
Toast, North Carolina
Chocolate Bayou, Texas
Milkwater, Arizona
Buttermilk, Arkansas
Buttermilk, Kansas
Coke, Virginia
Tea, South Dakota
Coffee City, Texas
Coffee Creek, Montana
Hot Coffee, Mississippi
Pie, West Virginia
Twin Peaks, California
Yum Yum, Tennessee
c h e c k
Chevrolet, Kentucky
Dodge, Massachusetts
Dodge City, Kansas
Ford, Mississippi
Plymouth, Michigan
Pontiac, Michigan
i t ?
Ria has a very interesting
blog which follows the
wonders and challenges
of being a military family:
Our Life As An Airforce
Family at
Such categories and place
http://affamilycabral. names are as follows:
This town’s really
You can follow, view, and alive with activity!
even purchase some of Deadmans, Ohio
her works here: Ria Cabral Deadman Landing, Florida
Photography at http:// Deadman Crossing, Ohio
riacabralphotography. Deadmans Corner,Wyoming
Deadmans Corner, Maine
Dead Mans Crossing, Indiana
A recent interest and Dead Women Crossing,
endeavor of hers is Oklahoma
researching and collecting
post marks and stamps. She Get the bug spray
has collected postcards and Mosquitoville, Vermont
stamps for sometime, but Fleatown, Ohio
has recently announced a Flea Valley, California
desire to create and publish Ticktown, Virginia
a book about the history Tick Bite, North Carolina
of the postal service and to Bug Hill, North Carolina
showcase the varying and Roach, Nevada
interesting postal markings Roaches, Illinois
from all over the U.S. and Cricket Corner, New
abroad! Whether you are Hampshire
an avid pen pal, stamp Cricket Hill, Georgia
collector, or postcard nut, it Grasshopper Junction,
all goes through the postal Arizona
service with stamps and Shoofly, North Carolina
postal makings from their Spider, Kentucky
journey across the world. Spiderweb,
Part of her book will feature Carolina
artistic renders of postcards
with the subject matter Heaven only
of some very differently knows?!
named places such as Angel City, Texas
Deadhorse, Alaska and Angel Fire, New Mexico
Pontiac, Michigan- of which Angels Camp, California
I have offered to participate Angeltown, Tennessee
with. She has created Heavenly Hills, California
several categories of these Heavenly Valley, California
places by which she hopes Little Heaven, Delaware
to send postcards of these Where did I leave
places, to these places, to my keys!?
receive post markings for Accord, Massachusetts
her collection and book. Cadillac, Michigan
l i k e
Ria is also a mother
and wife, her family is
a military family here
in the States and they
have recently located
from New Mexico to the
Minot Air Force Base in
North Dakota (Brrrrr
what a difference I
hare ily
am sure at this point
nt a
r da
be se ple of he own
in the season!). She
il ar
of ma eived an e postcard ything
has met the change
e fo ally rec
e an like
ld of
of local with great
, or
nd sh ce a day! I de gold-f id the ar the letter
n th
st on homema he has s e, within ative and s for
c Tal
e. S
rt, as the pag the enve ple, yet e are the U r own:
al: Fa ing (Part
as an artist
here drawing card- a s edium! H as one of
storie g for
Goin nd Swap tz
(handmade and
serie be look pals
from ldfish-po of mixed rt of as we
Pals egory Le
mon th I wil ld of pen
the g iated piec s she is a p
by G
gspo m/
er a
sblog om/
appr wo projec
g to ld! Each out the
I am ss the w to share
tp://3 ailart365 or.blogsp
t a k i n g
all ac ting stori
Lette 65: http: /riaviewm
ta wh hat’s just
inte apping!
rth D do, but d artist
ilArt ror: http:
of North
r an
. from
and s
Ria C stcard afic tographe ily (on and
th I h and po nted pho and fam ess!
This m en palling also a tale er friends ughtfuln ts and
rters! ases to am reativity a apping ome of yo
a n d
ver ce with her c ng and s deavors s in on! On
h e r
wh ebook)
pen p nteresting want to
m) sh
ded i
inherent talent
Inclu es are two or may triguing p ommit
two c
rror b
ter a d
may View Mi ipating in 65, where st one let create
her R with part so MailArt nding at le se!) and t
postcards for swap
herse ters, and a ting and s 65, of cou
and sale based on her
365L elves to w r (hence
wonderful eye for color
them whole ye
and composition. I
for th
received this MINOT AFB
postcard she had made
from photography and
graphic designs:
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
Do you or anyone you
know live in any of these
places (or close by)?
Are their any creativity individuals
who could offer some amazing
original art based on the names
of these places? If so contact Ria
and maybe you could help out!
It’s a fantastic interest and project
to at least follow if not to be a part
n e w s
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l a t e s t
l a t e s t
t h e
t h e
c h e c k
c h e c k
i t ?
i t ?
l i k e
Lame Deer, Montana
Running Deer, Virginia
White Deer, Pennsylvania
Sleeping Buffalo, Montana
Monkey Box, Florida
Monkey Run, Missouri
Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky
Possum Trot, Kentucky
Possum Grape, Arkansas
Elephant Butte, New Mexico
Elephant Park, Colorado
Bearmouth, Montana
Tiger, Oklahoma
Tiger Bay, Florida
Turkey Scratch, Arkansas
Billy Goat Hill, Alabama
Goat Town, Georgia
Bat Cave, North Carolina
Dogtown, California
l i k e
Cut and Shoot, Texas
Slaughterville, Oklahoma
Jot‘Em Down, Texas
Rough And Ready, California
Faggarts Crossroads, NC.
Coward, South Carolina
Spunky Puddle, Ohio
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Howey In The Hills, Florida
Bug Tussle, Oklahoma
Firetown, Connecticut
Burns Down, South Carolina
Frankenstein, Missouri
Goblintown, Virginia
Monks Hammock, Louisiana
Monks Misery, Maryland
Gun Barrel City, Texas
Humptulips, Washington
Looneyville, Minnesota
Looneyville, New York
Looneyville, Texas
Looneyville, West Virginia
Mormon Bar, California
Nimrod, Minnesota
Scrabble, West Virginia
Snapfinger, Georgia
Cyclone, Texas
Storms, Ohio
Hurricane, Utah
Wind Blow, North Carolina
Tarzan, Texas
Tightwad, Missouri
What Cheer, Iowa
Yazoo City, Mississippi
Zigzag, Oregon
Hooker, Oklahoma
Take that thing outside!
Deadhorse, Alaska
Horse Head, Virginia
Deerhead, New York
Horseheads, New York
Hungry Horse, Montana
Spotted Horse, Wyoming
Buffalo Mop, Texas
Gray Mule, Texas
Mule Barn, Oklahoma
Forked Deer, Tennessee
I have one last story to share
here, and it again it involves...
yehp, Ria! Recently she shared
an incredible story that involves
postcard collecting that I wanted
to include with this article rather
than waiting until next month
because it is just so FANTASTIC!
Ria wrote:
It’s no surprise that I am marking
down 2010 as a year to be
remembered. Although just a
random address on a postcard
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
c h e c k
a t
i t ?
n e w s
l i k e
l a t e s t
The continuation of my
interesting hobby has lead
me to much enjoyment and
a moment I never thought I
would see. All it takes is that
t h e
The memories of many
years ago washed in, and
for a moment I was taken
back, as if awakened from a
dream. It got me thinking
about the curiosity to
explore the postal history
of some of these cards I
With regards to herself.
She is still living in Olveston
in a small bungalow with
quite a large garden.
Bristol is the nearest city
about 12 miles away.
In the (Gloucestershire)
direction is Thornbury,
four miles away. Years ago
it must have been a quiet
market town but now
greatly spread around the
outskirts. She also talked
about the surrounding
area and included some
postcards to give me an
idea of the areas today
that she had mentioned.
Looking more at the
postcards I have in my
collection I recently
discovered that I have
another card which was
also addressed to Barbara,
sent in 1983 I believe(the
year I was born) from a
Jacqueline from a location
in France. I plan to ask her
about that in my next
one special postcard...
Next month for the March
11th Issue #4 I hope to
have some more Fantastic
Tales to share, so please
share with me: Gregory
Lentz @ Facebook (gj.,
with anything out of
the ordinary in the
realm of pen pals and
swapping (letters, postcards,
currency, stamps, craftingswapping..)! I will be sharing
as part of Part 2, about a
Pay It Forward project
that has been passed
around friend-to-friend
via e-mail and Facebook
emailing or posting to
Facebook the status post
of creating a homemade
craft or artwork to send
to five friends or family
members who also pass
it along and get five
more to be involved
(who knows where this
or info?), and a very
interesting artistic and
etymological project
that my dear friend
Georgina dedicates a
part of her day to and
shares with her family
and friends! And also
a little more about
my swapping with
Ana S. from Portugal,
who teaches English,
and shares her cards
with her students to
help them learn the
language and culture!
c h e c k
New Mexico(Nov 2010). I
uncovered my collection
of postcards, both old and
newer, which got me back
in to collecting postcards
again and exchanging with
people via face book and
other online communities.
In my mailbox on
envelope from Bristol
UK with an address label
with the union jack on it.
I couldn’t believe it and
recognized the address
right away. Originally
being from UK myself it
was a very heartwarming
feeling to receive a letter
from the UK.
thanking me for the
letter & enclosure. “How
astonishing that a card
sent to me all these years
ago should end up with
you in America!” she said.
As I read more of the letter
it felt like I was sitting in
her presence listing to her
kind words. She writes
beautifully and from the
sender, “Eddie”
(Edward Button, Now
deceased) was obviously
enjoying his holiday in
Gibraltar. The two of them
met when in a group
visiting Israel. He came
from a large farming family
in the North of England.
Despite being in a “reserve
occupation” he chose to
serve in the army in WWII.
i t ?
I was out in the garage
digging through boxedup
miscellaneous junk when
I came across treasures
(stamps, and Vintage
Postcards. real photo,
color postcards, used
and unused, some with
stamps and postmarks,
all originals). What caught
my eye the most was the
photos and documents
from my collection of family
tree materials (and I have in
my hand postcards that my
great grandfather had sent
to his wife). Included in with
this was the old postcards
won from an e bay auction
shortly before we moved
to North Dakota from
I was even sure of
what to write. So I just
explained that I received
this postcard from an
online auction and that
I was curious to know
about the story behind
the card. Even if I could
touch base with a family
member of whom the
postcard was written to
it would be worth a go.
Chances of receiving
something back were
slim, but out of curiosity
I sent the letter anyway.
l i k e
(that I won from an eBay
auction), I wrote a letter
to the recipient of the
postcard, to find a few
months later a reply was in
my mailbox. Deciding to
send that letter was from
the heart and with a bit of
hope a nice moment was
filled when she decided to
had won from eBay. The
box had faded over the
decades, and the tissue
wrap had yellowed,
but the magnificent
items inside were still
miraculously intact. I
gently examined each
piece, amazed by their
beauty and delicate
But as I was out in the
garage looking at these
old postcards my mind
started to wander, I
picked up just one
postcard out of the pile
which was addressed
to a Barbara MacKenzie
in Olveston, UK (some
30 + years old). I thought
about what was the
story behind the
postcard. How
did they know
one another?
But mostly I
wondered: was
she still alive?
And if so, would
she still be living
in the same
I sent a letter
(along with a
color copy of
I had) to the
particular one
was amongst
the pile of
about 7 letters I
wrote that day.
To be honest
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
c h e c k
a t
i t ?
n e w s
l i k e
l a t e s t
the old postcards won
from an e bay auction
moved to North Dakota
from New Mexico(nov
2010). I uncovered my
collection of postcards,
both old and newer,
which got me back in
to collecting postcards
again and exchanging
with people via face
book and other online
t h e
photo, color postcards,
some with stamps and
postmarks, all originals).
What caught my eye the
most was the photos
and documents from my
collection of family tree
materials (and I have in
my hand postcards that
my great grandfather
had sent to his wife).
Included in with this was
his holiday in Gibraltar. The
two of them met when in a
group visiting Israel. He came
from a large farming family
in the North of England.
Despite being in a “reserve
occupation” he chose to
serve in the army in WWII.
With regards to herself. She
is still living in Olveston in a
small bungalow with quite
a large garden. Bristol is the
nearest city about 12 miles
away. In the (Gloucestershire)
direction is Thornbury, four
miles away. Years ago it must
have been a quiet market
town but now greatly spread
around the outskirts. She also
talked about the surrounding
area and included some
postcards to give me an idea
of the areas today that she
had mentioned.
Looking more at the
postcards I have in my
discovered that I have
another card which was also
addressed to Barbara, sent in
1983 I believe(the year I was
born) from a Jacqueline from
a location in France. I plan to
ask her about that in my next
The continuation of my
interesting hobby has lead
me to much enjoyment and
a moment I never thought
I would see. All it takes is
that one special postcard.
c h e c k
It’s no surprise that I am
marking down 2010 as a
year to be remembered.
Although just a random
address on a postcard
(that I won from an ebay
auction), I wrote a letter
to the recipient of the
postcard, to find a few
months later a reply was
in my mailbox. Deciding
to send that letter was
from the heart and
with a bit of hope a
nice moment was filled
when she decided to
I was out in the garage
digging through boxedup possessions and
when I came across
treasures (stamps, and
Vintage Postcards. real
about 7 letters I wrote that
day. To be honest I was
even sure of what to write.
So I just explained that I
received this postcard from
an online auction and that I
was curious to know about
the story behind the card.
Even if I could touch base
with a family member of
whom the postcard was
written to it would be worth
a go. Chances of receiving
something back were slim,
but out of curiosity I sent the
letter anyway.
In my mailbox on 1.28.2011
was an envelope from Bristol
UK with an address label with
the union jack on it. I couldn’t
believe it and recognized the
address right away. Originally
being from UK myself it was a
very heartwarming feeling to
receive a letter from the UK.
thanking me for the letter &
enclosure. “How astonishing
that a card sent to me all
these years ago should end
up with you in America!” she
said. As I read more of the
letter it felt like I was sitting
in her presence listing to
her kind words. She writes
beautifully and from the
The sender, “Eddie” (Edward
Button, Now deceased)
was obviously enjoying
i t ?
by Ria Cabral
The memories of many
years ago washed in, and
for a moment I was taken
back, as if awakened
from a dream. It got
me thinking about the
curiosity to explore the
postal history of some
of these cards I had won
from eBay. The box had
faded over the decades,
and the tissue wrap
had yellowed, but the
magnificent items inside
were still miraculously
intact. I gently examined
each piece, amazed by
their beauty and delicate
But as I was out in the
garage looking at these
old postcards my mind
started to wander, I picked
up just one postcard out of
the pile which was addressed
to a Barbara MacKenzie in
Olveston, UK(some 30 +
years old). I thought about
what was the story behind
the postcard. How did they
know one another? But
mostly I wondered: was she
still alive? And if so, would
she still be living in the same
I sent a letter (along with a
color copy of the postcard
I had) to the last known
address. This particular one
was amongst the pile of
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
eve and
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
PenPalling and Letters is a blog dedicated
to correspondence.
You can find many interesting articles
there together with polls, so feel free to
voice out your opinion.
There is also a section with interesting
links that you can follow and learn
more about the wonderful hobby of
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l i k e
Find PenPalling & Letters on Facebook:
a t
Renpalling & Letters:
n e w s
As it was told in the
post: “Tips to write a
first letter”, have in mind
that the first letter you
send to a pal may be the
most important one. Why?
Because you have in your
hand that this person replies
to you or not. I am quoting here
one of the paragraphs belonging
to this post: “The first letter is the
key when starting a penfriendship.
In this first letter you have the chance
to present yourself in a way that your
future penpal should think you are a
person worth to be known. Don’t ruin
your only possibility of making a very
good impression of yourself by writing an
uninteresting, awfully boring text or a letter
of a very poor quality”.
It is clear that you have to put in effort when
writing the first letter but don’t become
discouraged if you don’t get any reply. Sometimes,
even if your letter is an interesting one, the
addressee doesn’t reply. This is one of the negative
aspects of penpalling, and not always you get an
explanation why your letter remains unanswered. Don’t
l a t e s t
a t
by Penpalling and
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
l i k e
give up, though! If all of
us who are into letters
would have given up
when something like
this happened, no-one
would be writing letters
by now...
In these new series
of posts about “Letter
writing tips” I will be
presenting tips and
ideas to write successful
letters. They should
be useful and helpful
for everybody, so feel
free to use them to
your advantage when
writing missives.
you found his/her ad
and contact data. I
think that mentioning
this information is
getting in touch with
someone. Since very
Here they go the
few people post their
first ones
postal address online,
you should write and
1. When contacting explain about this when
your new pal, tell where contacting this future
pal through e-mail.
2. Never send mass letters,
neither introductory or the
next ones you are about to
write. Mass letters cause
a very poor impression
and some people insist
on sending those again
and again. Of course the
basics about yourself are
what they are and they
cannot be changed,
3. Don’t forget to
essential information:
gender, age and
location. To some
people those might
not be too important,
but others prefer to
write to people of
their same gender
and in a similar age
range. Please, be
requests and don’t be
annoying. They have
but you are mistaken if
made their
you think you can write
exactly the same text choice. Be sure there are
to everybody. If you lots of people out there
do, you risk not getting willing to have penpals
any reply as people and no doubt you can
won’t be interested in find someone else who
penpalling with you. is interested in being
You should take the your correspondent.
time to add some extra
details to your basics 4. Use the tips I already
and adapt those to each mentioned here to
pal you wish to contact write your first letter.
You don’t have to follow
them step by step, but I
am sure they will be of
great help when trying
to build your future
5. Don’t force anybody
to write you back by
any means. You should
never make anyone feel
obliged to reply to your
letter. They will reply if
they want and wish to
do so. Keep in mind that
all of us are different
and the person who
wrote the ad is the one
who decides whom to
be penpals with. Also,
remember that there
are always reasons
which explain why
people don’t reply and
this does not mean they
ignore you or that they
don’t want to take a few
minutes to reply to you.
6. At the same time
that it is not advisable
to insist too much if
someone does not seem
interested in being our
pal, don’t give up and
don’t feel discouraged
if you receive several
negative replies or you
don’t receive a reply
at all. As I said above,
even if you write a
letter it may occur that
the addressee does
not reply. Don’t blame
yourself, either. There
are many reasons why
people don’t reply: they
already have too many
penpals and don’t wish
to have more, they
consider they have
found better penpal
something else is going
on in their lives and
cannot reply... Also,
some people receive
lots of requests, and
even if a short message
declining the petition
sounds correct, it gets
difficult to send those
to a high number of
w ss aa tt w
w . . ss aa nn dd bb oo oo kk . . nn ee tt
ll i i kk ee i i tt ?? cc hh ee cc kk tt hh ee ll aa tt ee ss tt nn ee w
to. If this person has
written and ad you
already know some
this info you already
know to underline
what attracted your
attention and got
you interested in
this person, why
you would like to be
pals and why she/
he should become
your penpal and start
writing to you...
Once that you have
decided to start writing
letters and got involved
in penpalling, have in
mind the structure of
a letter, learnt how to
address an envelope
and remember some
tips to start with the
first letter and some
other general ones: Tips
on letter writing I you
find yourself in front
of a sheet of paper...
You shouldn’t feel
totally lost because you
know you have help
from the tips we have
already discussed. At
first there is a feeling
of lack of practice for
sure (doubts because
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
you still do not know
how to get started or
what to write) but it
will disappear as soon
as you get immersed
in letter writing and
get confident and
comfortable with your
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
l a t e s t
n e w s
a t
However, you
in mind you
have to write
a clean, tidy,
decent letter.
No-one wishes
to receive a
scribbled letter
in a torn paper.
Be sure that if
you send such
a letter not only
won’t you get
any reply but
your letter will
end up in the
waste bin.
Cute stationery
is one of those
that cannot be
separated from the
However, if you don’t
have the possibility
to get such kind of
don’t worry! (Note:
you can download
and print stationery/
for free by checking
this link: Penpalling
Connections and go
to “Free Stationery”).
After all it is the content
which matters and not
the papers on which
the text is written! As
I said before any kind
of paper is fine as far
as you are clean and
tidy when writing
a letter. The look of
the letter definitely
counts to cause a great
impression to your new
pal or just the opposite!
Do you prefer to
handwrite a letter? Then
make sure that your
handwriting is readable
and neat. If your penpal
trying to decipher your
writing as it would be a
hieroglyphic be careful!
It is possible that she/
he gives up at the first
try. In such a case, I
recommend you to
try to be very careful
and take the time and
patience to write in a
legible way... If not, you
always can type your
letter if this is a good
solution for both your
pal and you!
When writing check
and misspelling. Of
course all of us do
if you are writing in
a foreign language
it can be difficult for
begginners and nonnatives
but a letter full of
mistakes and errors is
not nice to read at all,
especially because of
Be sure it
When writing
a letter never
use that chat
slang which,
you can see
example, in
English: Gr8 2
see u. I would
to a letter
that and I
am sure that
many people
wouldn’t, either.
Such way of writing
harms the eyes as well!
So remember to be
careful and organized
when writing a letter.
It is about to cause a
good impression to
your new pal and get
a reply back! You will
see how much joy and
happiness it will bring
to you!
about it.
much nice places already.
It is wonderful.
When you send an own
toy on its
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
a t
c h e c k
n e w s
i t ?
l a t e s t
l i k e
t h e
yo u r s e l f,
w h a t
is, or? I can tell you a bit
c h e c k
i t ?
community and you can your corner and would
have a lot of fun on this like to show them to
little tourists which
arrive in an envelope?
Do you have a little
Hey folks,
toy that is cute and Why do I ask these
My name is Fabienne you don’t like it too questions? Because if
and today I want to much? But maybe you you answered one of
write something about think it would look these questions with
my favourite website nice on photos? Or you “YES”, then you should
in the World Wide Web. have nice landscapes, visit www.toyvoyagers.
It is not about pen UNESCO sites or other com and maybe even
palling, but it is a great famous places around join it. Now you are
ToyVoyagers - little toys
travelling the world
by Fabienne Fries
What do you have from
it? A lot of fun! I am a
member myself and I can
proudly say that I am at
that website since 2008
and I love it more and
more each year. It is
a great community
and the toys are
so cute. I love
to host them
and I love to
see my own
toys travelling
world. They
saw so
l i k e is the
place for fans of Toys who
want to send little toys
on a travel around the
world and the place for
people who love to show
a little toy around their
place. You can join this
website when you are
over 16 no matter where
you are from. Everyone
is welcome and be sure
that everyone can host a
toy, if they want to. If you
host a toy it means, that
the toy comes to you in
an envelope (or package
if it is a
bigger one) and wants to
stay around a month. It
wants to see where you
life, what you do all day
long and such stuff. You
can take it to work, go
shopping with it or show
it the nicest places around
your home. All you have
to do while doing this
is making photos of the
little toy with the toy and
the other stuff inside the
picture, so you can show
it in the travelog of the
should be aware. Don’t
choose a toy that you
really love. It could get
lost in the mail, it could
happen that it falls out
of the bag of the host
and is lost or it could get
stolen or something like
that. Maybe the host gets
inactive and it stays with
him/her. So you should
really think of which toy
you would like to send
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
on a travel. Cute toys have
bigger chances to find a
host really soon. It shouldn’t
be too big, as it is expensive
to send a package. As long
as it fits in an envelope it is
okay. Some members host
even bigger toys, but I have
to say it is a lot more difficult
to find a host for them.
t h e
l a t e s t
n e w s
a t
I have to say that we have
a lot of members that are
20 and older. We even
have grandmothers in our
community and we all get
along really good. It is a lot
of fun to talk with so much
one theme and we always
have fun. Once in a year the
Golden Bear Award is held.
It is like an Oscar for the best
photos in different themes,
the best travelogs and best
Newcomer. You can always be
proud when you win a price
like this, even if you don’t get
something for it.
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
So if you want to see your
toy travelling and would
love to show a toy around
your hometown and other
nice places, then visit www. and join
the community. The first 5
travellers are free, after that
you have to buy little tags,
but 5 toys are a lot already
and the tags are not that
expensive. I would love to
see you there.
for an envelope with a toy
inside is not that cheap like
a normal letter. You should
think of that before hosting
too much toys at one moment.
Registered mail would be nicer
to send, as the toy is safe then,
so you should think about
your money situation before
hosting too much toys at one
time. There are no other costs!
Only if you want to make more
than 5 travelling toys yourself
or if you have to buy new toys
for it! Postage is the only thing
that is always coming up.
If you have questions after
joining the website, you
can always contact me. My
nickname there is BlackCat. I
would love to know who joins
this website because of this
article, so feel free to write me
a message. I am there for your
questions and open to host
your toy in Germany.
Joining the website is free, Have fun,
but don’t forget that postage Fabienne Fries
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
c h e c k
n e w s
l a t e s t
a t
t h e
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
a t
l a t e s t
n e w s
by Erika Millares
Hello from Mexico! In this
time, I would like to talk about
another tradition in Mexico,
which is the Candlemas or
Candelaria day. It’s a catholic
tradition very popular along
the country and it’s also a
fusion of ancient traditions
with Catholic beliefs, since
Mexico was a Spanish
colony centuries ago. Candle
mass name comes from
the tradition of bringing
candles to the church to be
blessed, and this holiday is
celebrated on Februrary 2nd
every year.
This holiday is linked to
Christmas holidays (yes, we
could say that our holiday
season finishes on February
2nd) and especially to the
Three Kings day, because
on January 6th is when kids
receive presents and also
families get reunited to have
some special bread named
“Rosca de Reyes”. Inside
this bread there are hidden
a few small figurines that
represent baby Jesus and
the ones who find them will
be the ones to make some
tamales (Tamal is a corn
flour dumpling filled up with
pork, beef or chicken and
sauce if they’re salty; and
the sweet ones usually have
pineapple or raisins filling;
both options are wrapped
up in corn husks) and atole
(a traditional Mexican hot
and sweet drink made of
milk and thickened with corn
flour) for everyone on Candlemas
n e w s
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
l a t e s t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
t h e
c h e c k
c h e c k
i t ?
i t ?
l i k e
wonder about the prices,
well I asked inTalavera street
and a ceramic doll of
45cm costs an average
price of $230 Mexican
USD or $14 euros)
but well, it’s not
necessary to buy a
brand a new one
every year. In fact,
the family just
gets one for
several years
(let’s say 1020 years),
if gets a
or the
l i k e
o n e
p a r t
t radition,
Mexico most
of families own
an image of baby
Jesus, in Mexico
is also known as
“Niño Dios”. This
image is a doll made
of ceramic most of
times, it can be small
or big (it may go from
8 cm to 50cm length);
and on Christmas Eve a
is chosen
will have the
to dress up the
Niño Dios with nice
colorful clothes that
may represent a Saint
or just white baby
clothes, for Candlemas
The Godparent has
the mission of buying
the whole new outfit
for Baby Jesus. I don’t
know if it’s the same in
all areas of Mexico, but I
can tell, as for my mom,
that once that family has
chosen the Godparent
he or she will have to
dress up baby Jesus for
the next 5 years in a
row. This year my mom
is going for the 2nd year
dressing up the ceramic
doll of one of her friends.
About the clothes, well
it’s up to Godparent to
choose which ones to
get, but is also nice to
ask to the family if they
have any preference,
they might not be
devoted of a Saint,
only condition is that
clothes must be brand
new and not the same
as previous year.
I like to go with my
mom to see all the
variety of clothes that
some stores sell but
also there are many
stands on the street
selling them from the
first days of January.
In Mexico City, there’s a
street in the center city
(Talavera Street) that
is also known among
people as “La Calle del
Niño Dios” (Baby Jesus
Street in English),
because in this street
there are many stores
specialized in this kind
of outfits. You can find
you need, from the
dress to the socks for
baby Jesus figure,
and they have
plenty of options
to just pick one
whole outfit
or getting
Y o u
p a i n
to pack up
and move so often
but how many people
get to live in as many
different places as we
do? Look at our life
like an adventure story
and you’re the main
character. Your outlook
will determine a good
or not so good ending.
Without doubt, the
military lifestyle can
be very demanding.
Frequent moves, war-
members love us and
want to support us
but, often times, they
just can’t relate. This is
why it is important to
seek out groups that
can provide you the
opportunity to share
common experiences,
and learn about new
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
a t
c h e c k
My husband is very
proud of his job in the
United States Air Force
and I will be there to
support him every step
of the way. He is a hero
that fights for the red,
white, and blue and
proud he should be
because the world will
be safe for both you
and I because of his
sacrifice and dedication
to serving our country.
My mission during our
time as an Air Force
family is to take care of
myself and the kids and
keep things running as
smoothly as possible at
home when
n e w s
i t ?
time tension and anxiety,
living far from family,
and juggling multiple
household roles can
really take a toll on our
physical and mental
well-being. As military
wives, we’re often the
cornerstones of support
and strength for our
husbands. We provide
the continuity for our
homes and families.
But, it’s important to
recognize that we need
support too.
a n d
l a t e s t
Maybe it was his courage
and patriotism, maybe
it was that strong selfconfidence he radiated
or maybe it was how
he looked in uniform. It
was a combination of all
of these and more that
appealed to me the most,
and how I come to
fall in love with
my airman
A i r
Force. I
to throw in
my all with a
military man, and
how to figure out
how to be a military wife
at the same time.
When I married my
husband, lover and
best friend Michael
Andrew, one ordinary
man, with a heart made
of gold, who brings all
his strengths together
when he goes to work
every day, I knew I
married a very special
man. Not only did I
marry him but also
his military career and
everything that comes
with being a military
wife. Between us we
make the best of it and
our life in the Air Force
has been good to us.
The military life is
what you make of it.
There are pros and
cons to everything.
Maintaining a positive
attitude is the key to
being a successful
military wife. Embrace
the good, don’t focus
on the negative, it’s
c o u n t e r p ro d u c t i ve.
Sure, it’s a
t h e
l i k e
b l o g s p o t .
by Ria Cabral
c h e c k
or $3.65 Euros) but she
could include all the
accessories for the same
price if I take it right
away. This is a common
practice in street stands,
and it’s not too hard to
get good deals.
Now, back to the celebration,
when Godparent has got
the outfit, he or she has
to dress up the ceramic
doll on the previous day
to Candlemas. So when
February 2nd comes, the
Godparent and the family
who owns the ceramic
figure, go together to the
church to present baby
Jesus ceramic image
already dressed up with
new clothes, inside of
a basket adorned with
flowers or the figure
can be also sit down on
a chair; and candles, or
even just one big candle,
to get blessed during
the special masses that
are held on this day in
all catholic churches in
After the mass, they go to
Godparent’s place to have
some tamales and atole
to celebrate Candlemas
with family and friends.
And I have to say that
being Godparent of a
baby Jesus is something
that for some families
is like that person was
the Godparent of one of
their children, since it’s
a strong link between
him/her and the family.
i t ?
shoes missing,
costs $85 pesos
($7 USD or
$5 Euros), so I
think is a good
deal, since you
can get the
shoes in any
street stand for
$5 pesos (like
$0.40 USD or
$0.30 Euros).
Of course there
are many other
designs in the
cheapest one
costs $20 pesos
($1.60 USD or
and the most
expensive one I
saw costs $420
pesos ($34 USD
or $25 Euros)
because it has
sew by hand.
Generally, the
street stands sell
all the accessories
fades out through the designs from past years
also whole outfits to lower
years, there are many (every year they release
prices than the stores.
places where people different designs!) to
They are lower quality
restore them for a cheap lower prices. I wanted to
sometimes, but some
price and it will be in compare a little bit, and a
people can’t spend much
perfect conditions again. whole white baby outfit
money for just one day,
About the clothes, there’s 2011 design for a baby
so they’re a great option.
a very wide variety of Jesus of 35 cm costs
I asked for an olive green
them, and the price $200 pesos ($16USD or
outfit size 35, and the
depends also of doll $12 Euros); so I asked
lady who sells them told
size. In Talavera Street in the outlet store for a
me that the price was
there are also some similar one in the same
$60 pesos ($4.80 USD
outlet stores, which sell size, that just had the
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
somewhere. I am going
to make sure that he
doesn’t have to worry
about what is going
on back here. I want
him to be able to stay
mission focused so he
can come back to me
in one piece. That is
the mission I chose as
a military spouse and
I will carry it out to the
best of my abilities.
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
c h e c k
a t
l a t e s t
n e w s
t h e
“O Romeo, Romeo,
Wherefore art thou Romeo?”
l a t e s t
n e w s
W. Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”,
Act II, Scene II, 33-36
a t
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
c h e c k
l a t e s t
a t
i t ?
n e w s
n e w s
l i k e
“Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient gr udge break to new mutiny,
Where civil bloodmakes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of start-cross’d lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents’ rage,
Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.”
l a t e s t
a t
William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”,
Act I, Scene I, Prologue
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
n e w s
c h e c k
l a t e s t
i t ?
t h e
l i k e
c h e c k
i t ?
“One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun
Ne’er saw her match since first the world begun.”
Act I Scene 2
I am Manuela, a penpaller,
swapper and student from
Italy. Last december I won a 3
days weekend to Verona, a city
4 hours away from my home
town and so I’ve got the chance
to visit this beautiful city with
my boyfriend. It was 2 weeks
before Christmas so all the town
was “dressed up” with all the
Christmas decorations, lights
and candles. All was so romatic
and peaceful. There was a
Christmas market coming from
Germany and the traditionsl fair
of Santa Lucia.
But what imemdiately crosses
everyone’s mind when talking
about Verona, is surely the
connection that it has with the
Shakespearian tragedy “Romeo
and Juliet”. Honestly I was all
thrilled to go there in order to
discover all the “places” narrated
in the tragedy.
The city of Verona takes its
origins between the II and III
century b.C. when Romans
founded it. A great testimony
of Romans origins is the
Arena, a building similar to the
Colosseum in Rome, but smaller.
Even though Verona is the main
town of its province, it’s not a
chaotic or busy city as I thought.
It’s plain and with a little map
tourists can easily reach all
the famous monuments and
After a quick tour around the city
and after buying the “Verona
Card” (a card which allows you
visiting all the museums of
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
by Manuela Balocco
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
the town for free paying only the
sum of €10 for 1 day and €15 for
3 days), we went to the so called
“Shakespearian places”….I was
so excited and willing to see with
my own eyes all the things I read
when I was a teen at High School.
The “Casa di Giulietta” (Juliet’s
house) is situaded in the middle
of a shopping avenue. As soon as
you see it, you immediately get
familiar with that little yaerd, and,
if you turn your head a bit up, you
recognize it: the balcony!
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l a t e s t
“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For
I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”
Act I Scene 5
With these words, Juliet was used
to talk from her balcony with
Romeo, who secretly was used to
come there every night to meet
his beloved one.
We all know how the story ends.
This is the “mother” of all the love
stories, the one that wins death,
the one that has as protagonist
the power of Love filled with pure
This is the nevralgic centre of the
whole story, and also, it’s the most
crowded place I’ve seen in Verona.
Three millions of tourists visit
verona every year, and most of
them are people that go there just
to see that Balcony.
Once you enter the house, you
t h e
“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore
art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy
Or if I thou wilt not, be but sworn
my love
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet”
W. Shakespeare,
“Romeo and Juliet”,
Act II, Scene II, 33-36
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t h e
l a t e s t
c h e c k
t h e
i t ?
c h e c k
l i k e
i t ?
According to the story (the real
story), Shakespeare has never been
in Verona and so, I am sorry to say
that, the so-called “Shakespearian
places” are all the fruit of years
and years of idealisation made by
people. Anyway, in this legend, the
real is melted with the imagination.
People from Verona have always
stated that the love story between
this couple really existed.
The first things that has been
“found” was Juliet’s tomb, which is
nowadays situated inside a Gothic
Honestly, I didn’t like this place
just because it was all “written” by
(odd) people, and all around you
see murales, and then because it’s
situated inside a modern building
in which you can’t really feel like
being “in” the story.
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
“What ’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”
Act II Scene 2
immediately have the perception
that there something really
happened. I like to think so. The
house is decorated with real XII
century ornaments and in some
rooms there are the authentic
scenery custumes used in the
“Romeo e Giulietta” 1968 film
directed by Franco Zeffirelli.
In the yard there’s a bronze statue
figuring Juliet. There’s an anecdote
about this statue: the legend says
that touching her right tit brings
luck in love affairs!
Obiouvsly I’ve touched it!
The walls around the yard are (sadly)
all fullfilled with “permanent ink
writings” that lovers made during
the years. There are written love
promises, names of couples and so
There are evn some post-its attached
on the walls with…chewing-gum! I
didn’t like it at all even if iI can see
the “romantic side” of these acts.
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i t ?
c h e c k
l i k e
i t ?
All around the city you can find
extras of the tragedy written on
marble plats. There are many!
For Valentine’s Day the city of
Verona is dressed up with a
million of red hearts that flies
on air here and there, especially
all around Juliet’s house. There
are special offers for couples:
romantic breakfast, lunch and
dinner. In souvenirs shops
you can find a wide variety
of love-related-items such as
magnets, thimbles, postcards,
hats and t-shirts with the
image of Romeo and Juliet at
the balcony.
Thanks to Shakespeare, there
are more than 20 Verona in the
world, especially in USA and
Verona is also included in the
UNESCO World Heritage list
since the year 2000.
So, as Valentine’s Day is just
behind the corner, why don’t
you plan a romantic trip to
the city of Love? Tourists are
always very welcome there!
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
“For never was a story of more woe,
Than this of Juliet, and her Romeo”
Act V, Scene 3
The house was related to Juliet
because on the ensign of this
building there’s a hat (“Cappello”
in Italian) which would relate
the house to the Cappelletti
family (really existed in Verona
in 1300) and so to the Capuleti
of the Shakespearian tragedy.
Shakespeare took inspiration
by Luigi Da Porto who, in the
middle of 1500, wrote a novel
about two unlucky lovers in
Verona. The Sahkespearian
tragedy (written in 1594-95)
takes place in 1303 and it’s
supposed that Juliet was only
14 years old when she met
Romeo, who was 16.
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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t h e
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
a t
l i k e
n e w s
l a t e s t
write a letter to
treat yourselves
your partner
for a coupleEven if you live
together, write a letter
they offer this in most to your darling and put
massage spas, a full body/ it into the mailbox, or
Thai/back/foot massage to his shoe or wherever
for just the two of you he will find it. Write
in the room. Take the about your love and
opportunity to pamper appreciation, or what
you hope for in the
…or do a massage- anything that relates to
spa at home!
you two.
have a blind date
If you find this more
This is actually something romantic (and do creative gifts
that I know my friend not want to spend give
once has done with her your money), you can something
boyfriend – they gave also do the massage- you can get your
cook a dinner
Go shopping together
first and buy all the
things you need for
your favorite dish, and
then make a special
meal of the day for
just to two of you.
And if you have a long
distance relationship,
then do the same over
webcam on skype!
t h e
treat yourselves
to a theater/
Anything that you
normally don’t do but
both enjoy! Make it
special, dress up for
each other. As a longdistance version, you
can also watch a movie
or a concert together
online, each at your pc
but comment on it on
couple-picture printed
on plenty of things
nowadays (anything
from mugs, mouse
pads, t-shirts…to key
rings or chocolate). Or
be creative and make
something at home
(a funny looking cake,
a signature cocktail, a
t-shirt with your handprints on it…).
c h e c k
send her/him a gift/
flowers/card to
work with some
It is something that is
easy to do, nothing so
“original” as an idea, but
most people would never
actually do this. So why
not now? It will definitely
make your loved one
swapping at home.
Nice foot massage
or full body rub is
definitely something
that cannot go too
wrong even if you are
not trained masseur.
And guys! Paint the
toenails of your lady!
Super romantic!
i t ?
Play a guessing
Let each other guess
by giving him/her clues
(even in a audio-visual
form, a short part of
a movie or song, or
pictures…). It is always
fun and it is important
to laugh together,
right? You can easily do
this over the distance
as well.
themselves a budget
to spend on outfits and
agreed to meet at a
certain time at a certain
place. Each of them would
go shopping separately
(or which friends) and
then in the weird unusual
outfits they would meet
at the agreed place. It
actually took them a good
while to recognize each
other (of course, wigs are
l i k e
by Teresa Wodehouse
Maybe the whole
Saint Valentine’s Day
excitement is nothing
for you. Maybe it is an
“imported celebration”
that no one asked for.
But you know what?! It
is a great opportunity
to take the time to
reconnect with your
loved one and spend
some nice meaningful
moments with together.
Here are some ideas
that might give you an
inspiration for a day
or evening with your
sweetheart – and most
of these can be done
with friends as well, so
no restrictions only to
couples! And what the
heck – no restrictions
to Valentine’s – do this
whenever you like!
a gift challenge
Set a budget for the
gifts (5 or 10 USD) and
make it a challenge:
buy as many nice and
actually useful gifts for
each other. But each
separately and then
get together, give
your gifts (wrapped of
course!) to each other
and see who got more
(and what kind of silly
You can do this over
the distance as well
(and then send it to
each other and unwrap
it on webcam!).
by Rae Gee
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
photographer, you might
want to send some of
your favourite photos.
People love seeing where
others live or have been
travelling. They also love
to see those absolutely
stunning photos you’ve
taken. You can either
print them out using your
normal printer and photo
paper or take them to a
local store that prints them
off for you (supermarkets
tend to be cheaper than
specialist photography
shops). There are even
places online which will
print your photos for you
and a lot of them have
introductory offers, say
40 free prints (and you’ll
just pay the postage).
It’s worth a go to be able
to share those special
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c h e c k
i t ?
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
the cost of postage to yourself
and to your pen-pal. Amazon
also allows you to include a
personal message.
There are other ways
to get music to people.
7Digital allows you to
gift music to people. As
long as you have their
email address, you can
add single tracks or full
n e w s
their albums. Or you could
send them albums by your
favourite bands. You never
know; you might convert
them! You don’t even have
to send brand new copies;
you can find cheap copies
second-hand on eBay and
Amazon. Both companies
allow you to send packages
to other addresses saving you
l a t e s t
CD’s and DVD’s.
If you’re feeling adventurous,
you could send them a CD
or DVD that either you
know they want, or you
love and want to share
with them. If you know
their favourite bands,
you might find a band
similar to some they love
and send your friend
t h e
a t
c h e c k
What do they like? Who
are their favourite bands?
Do they have a favourite
singer, film star or idol?
What’s their favourite films
or books? What are their
hobbies? You will probably
know the answer straight
away and you may already
have something in your
house that you can tuck
into a letter and send to
i t ?
it. It makes you feel loved
and appreciated that
has seen something and
thought of you. Perhaps
there’s someone out
there who you’d like to
send a little gift to either
as a thank you or to cheer
them up or just because.
So how do you go about
it? First, think of the person
you want to send a gift to.
l i k e
If you are an avid pen-pal,
then you’ll love getting
things through the post,
be it a letter from a far
flung friend or the latest
order from your favourite
store. We adore getting
mail and I know that there
are people out there who
like to send little gifts, not
just for the holidays, but all
year round.
There’s nothing more
special than a wonderful
letter from a treasured
pen-friend. It’s even more
special if there’s a little,
a w a y
inside of
a t
Project Gutenberg
[Disclaimer from the website: Our
ebooks are free in the United States
because their copyright has expired.
They may not be free of copyright
in other countries. Readers outside
of the United States must check the
copyright laws of their countries before
downloading or redistributing our
l a t e s t
n e w s
n e w s
The Book Depository
(Free worldwide postage and packing)
t h e
i t ?
l i k e
What better to go
with that new book
than a bookmark? You
can find them in most
shops and, if you’re
struggling, take a look
on eBay (Ah, eBay –
the solution to every
shopping nightmare!).
Some bookstores and
online book retailers
give bookmarks away
for free, so take a
look at them as well.
If you’re still finding
it hard to decide,
how about making
bookmarks yourself?
It’s really easy to do and
has the added bonus
of being something
personalised. Just find
some nice card, collect
together the bits and
pieces you want to put
on it and away you go!
Once you’ve finished,
punch a hole at the
bottom and add a
piece of ribbon. And, if
you’re blessed to have
a laminating machine,
why not coat it in plastic
to make it last longer?
“Oh no!” I hear you all
cry. “Books are so heavy
and expensive! I can’t
send them!” Ah, but you
can, and all for the price
of a blank CD or DVD.
And the best part? It’s
completely free and legal!
If you have a friend who
loves reading then check
out Project Gutenberg.
They host over 30,000
copyright free books in
ebook form, all of them
ready to download. Most
modern authors won’t
be hosted on there due
to their books still being
in copyright (copyright
laws vary from country to
country) but if you know
what kind of books your
friend likes to read then
do a search for the subject
or genre. For example,
they might be writing or
researching 18th century
maps. Do a search for
“18th Century maps” and
see if there are any old
atlas’ hosted on there (I
know there are because I have
one I downloaded!). Pick the
files you want (they give you
a choice and have updated
themselves for iPad, Kindle
etc) and download them.
Once you have all the ones
you want, burn them to a
CD or DVD as a data disc
and send it on its way.
However, if you have a
normal book you’d like
to share with a friend,
why don’t you go ahead
and share it? Again, look
on Amazon and eBay
for cheap second-hand
copies. I was able to share
my love of the London
Underground with a
friend in America thanks
to Amazon shipping it to
them for me. Just don’t
forget to add a message!
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
c h e c k
a t
l a t e s t
their tracks as a free download. But
hurry; they’re only available to the
first few hundred downloaders!
And, with over 1 milion members, you’re
bound to find something you both
like! If you’re sending a CD of the music
you’ve downloaded please, please,
please include the track title and
artist name and mention that
you found it on SoundCloud so
that your friend can look for them
c h e c k
t h e
Sending Music Online
and DVD’s so if you see some, pick
up one or two. Who knows what
you’ll discover!
Are you still a bit stuck on the
music you want to send? Check
out SoundCloud. SoundCloud
is a place for up-and-coming and
established artists to début their music.
Search by genre, artist name or
track title and take a listen. Do
you want a free and legal way to
get the music? Some artists offer
i t ?
albums to your shopping basket
and click “Gift This” beneath the
basket. You will then be asked
to sign in and add their email
address, your name and a personal
message. Click “Send” and they
have the music! And it adds no
extra money to the cost of posting
your letter!
Don’t forget that some music
shops, venues, cinemas and
magazines offer free sampler CD’s
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Online Photo Printing
(A lot of supermarket chains also do
online photo printing so check their
websites for details)
You may call them badges. You may call them buttons. You may call them pin-badges. Whatever you
call them, badges are always popular! You can find them pretty much anywhere, from music stores
to book stores to cosmetic shops to jewellery shops. Everywhere seems to sell them and everyone
has their favourites. Cheap and cheerful, they brighten up anyone’s day. Find some you like and start
sending them to your friends. You never know who you’re going to bring a smile to.
a t
l a t e s t
n e w s
n e w s
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
l i k e
If you’re still thinking
of what to send, you
can always turn to our
good friend eBay for
help. Have a good think
about your friend, about
their loves and likes,
and then type it into
eBay. They may be into
Japanese culture, so that
would be your starting
point. Yes, you’ll have
pages and pages to shift
through but think of it as
a treasure hunt. Sooner
or later, you’ll find that
little, inexpensive gift
that can be dropped into
a letter and, not only will
you feel good, but so will
your friend. You don’t
always know what’s
happening in their life
and a little token of your
friendship can make
even the gloomiest of
days feel like the height
of summer.
So there you have it,
more gifts for you to
send! So what are you
waiting for? Go ahead
and make someone’s day
that little more special!
If you have any more
pen-pal gift ideas, please
get in touch with either
Sandbook or Rach Gee.
Crafty Bits and
Do you have a friend
who’s crafty? If they like
their threads, how about
sending a cross-stitch
pattern? Small bags of
glitter and confetti can
be easily tucked into a
letter, as can sheets of
card making adornments.
You can buy card
making materials from
a lot of places, including
discount bookstores, so
you don’t have to break
the bank buying them.
Craft papers are also a
good idea, especially if
you have friends who are
into scrap-booking, cardmaking and decos.
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
t h e
a t
l a t e s t
c h e c k
Hands up who likes the sales?! I’ll admit that I’m not a huge
shopping fan but even I love going to the sales. And with stores
having sales every other month, you may want to pop into the
costume jewellery store, or the stationery shop, or the music store
and see what they have on offer. You never what you may find and
you may wind up surprising both yourself and your friend!
i t ?
Address Labels
Do you have a printer? Do you have blank sticky
labels? Then get creating! Most people seem to
use address labels, either for their envelopes or
for FB’s. Yes, it can take time to put them together
but it’s something hand-made and will mean a lot
to the person at the other end. Find pictures that
they like, or perhaps add in a quote or lyrics that
they live by. The possibilities are endless! Also, if
you sign up to Vistaprint, they have weekly offers
offering things like free address labels so have
some made up for you and some made up for a
friend. And with thousands of designs to choose
from, you’ll be spoiled for choice!
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Tea Bags and Coffee Sachets
If your friend likes to start their day with a caffeine rush, how about sending some coffee? Most supermarkets
sell boxes of single cup sachets of coffee. The same goes for tea. Both of you could try different teas; fruit
teas, herbal teas, teas from around the world and compare your thoughts and feelings on them. I find that
the individually wrapped tea bags travel a lot better than unwrapped ones.
i t ?
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l i k e
Samantha Stroy
a t
n e w s
a t
l a t e s t
n e w s
Ria Cabral
my Everything. My Rock, My Love, My Heart, My Strength.
Without you I am nothing. I have enjoyed many years with
you and wish for many more together. Our children and the
love we have will never go away and I love you with all my
heart and soul. Thank you for always being here and I love
you more then anything. Always and Forever, Your Wifey
l a t e s t
Paula Milburn
friend in the world. I love you
Robert Stroy, you mean the world to me! You are
t h e
belonged to you from the moment we met.
Took 13 (OUR number!!) years to finally be yours,
but I am now, forever and always. Love you
Kittycat x x
Here is my valentines day message for my husband.
Though I know I can express my love for you any day
and every day, yet I would like to take this Valentines
Day’s opportunity to thank you for being such a
sweet, caring and affectionate husband and my best
c h e c k
Joel, My Heart, Mind, Body and Soul
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Happy Valentines to the best husband anyone
could ask for. I love you,
Tanja Reynolds
Happy Valentine’s Day. I can’t believe it will be
almost a year already.
I have loved you since the very first moment spent
together... I love you more and more each passing
day.And I will love you for the rest of my life.
Have you lost a penpal? Yes?!
Then this is the section for
you. Place your story about
your Lost penpal and we will
try to help you reconnect!
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
l i k e
Tammy Albertson Dupont, USA (via Facebook)
I have been looking fofr a friend of mine who I lost contact with
along time ago and I really miss her. Her name is Kim Bear and
she lived in Texas. I would love to get back in touch with her. Her
maiden name was Heiliman.
Jules Muni (via Facebook)
My penpal of 15 years Jacqueline Mcinnus who last known lived
in Kingston, Jamaica.I hope that I will be able to get back in touch
with her.
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Katarina Långdahl, Sweden
I’m looking for my lost pen friend
Yvonne Bell in Miami, Florida. She’s
born 1973.
Marlene Miller, Ohio, USA
Hello, my name is Marlene Miller, 55 and I am in Ohio in United States, have
a favor to ask, am looking for friend I wrote to about 8 yr s or so ago, we
lost touch, when she divorced. Her name was Jennie Smith. She lived in
Australia, has son and daughter ,grown now, We wrote and taped letters
on regular bases. We were doing email then lost my computer( blewup)
and lost contact as well as her addy as never had it when she moved.
Anyone able to help, please email me at
and put in message about her,thanks for any help you can give.
a t
SeongMi An, South Korea
Hello! It’s SeongMi An from South Korea I lost my
penpals for some reasons. I’d love to keep in touch
with you again. Please e-mail me, I miss you guys!
n e w s
Have you lost a penpal?
Tina Jacobs (Nieman) ,USA
I had a pen pal from Greece who
I wrote up to 5 years ago and we
just lost touch. Her name is Helene
Anastasopoulou. I have wrote her old
address a few times and no response.
I have searched her on the internet
and still no success. She is 39 and lived
in Patras as her last address I had. I’m
hoping we can reconnect.
l a t e s t
photo by Manuela Balocco
Beverly Kuttler Rampero, USA (via Facebook)
I’m trying to find a good friend of mine. Her name is Aimee
Plunkett. We have been writing for about 17 years. She use to live
in Tracy, California but then moved away to another state and I
lost her new address. I havent heard from her since.
t h e
Nanda S. Gaikwad (born 24-02-1973)
IND-Bombay (now Mumbai) 400094
India (address valid until 1993)
Additional information: her father
worked at Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre in Bombay (Mumbai).
c h e c k
Maria Nieves (or Maria Neus) Estébanez
Gutiérrez (born 29-03-1974)
Carrer Briquets 1, entlo primero
E-Barcelona 08033
Spain (address valid until 1991)
Samia Oumohand, France
Hi all! I’m looking for my former penpal Jerry Lynn Daniels. She
was a huge fan of French supermodel Laetitia Casta and is from
the USA (from Tennessee, if I’m not wrong). If you know her,
please let me know at:
i t ?
Sonia Hardoin (born 08-08-1973)
461 Rue de la Trapinière
F-50000 Saint-Lô
France (address valid until 1993)
l i k e
Theda, Germany
Katharina Nöhring (was: Melter), Germany
Actually I am looking for a couple of former pals: Nike van Heeswijk
from the Netherlands, Josephine (Joyce) Camilleri from Malta (Gozo
island), Vivienne Hunter from England, Zenildo Rosa Jr. from Brasil.
We lost contact a LONG time ago, and I would love to get back in
touch. Does anyone know about them? Any help is appreciated!
PenPal & Swappers Ads
How to place an ad in the magazine?
Go to and click the Magazine
section. Then simply select “Place an Ad” and you
will have to fill out the form that loads on your
computer screen. Ads placed on pages/groups/
walls on Facebook will not be printed. Please
note that the ads on our website are ads for the
website itself. Unless you fill out the form under
Magazine --> Place an Ad, you won’t see your ad
Who can post an Ad?
Anyone can post an ad in search for swappers or
Our Ad Policy:
1) We are not a dating site/community - write
appropriate ads to have them published.
2) No inmates - we have kid members in our
3) No money requests - such ad will result in your
permanent ban from our community.
4) Snail mail addresses - we are not going to
publish any snail mail addresses for security
reasons. So you are going to be in charge of
sending your home addresses to future penpals.
We will publish your email address.
5) Religious, racial or discriminative materials
would not be tolerated.
6) Any form of abusive or rude language is
forbidden and will result in your ban from our
What is the policy on Commersial
Commercial Ads are paid ads for products or
service that is not classified as a penpal or a
swapper ad or an add from a small business
that provides supplies for correspondence
(stationary, address labels). Such ads are going to
be negotiated with the respective companies. For
more information email magazine@sandbook.
SandBook.Net Team
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l i k e
a t
name : Irene
Name: lesley griffin
Your age : 53
country : england
Ad: place your ad, include
hobbies and interests looking for
penfriends any country and any
name : Tina Bryan
age have been penpalling for
41 years and started at the age
Your age : 36
of 12 my hobbies are computer
Your country: usa, San
and internet and driving and
Diego, cailfornia
eating out photography i live
Ad : hello all,my name is Tina in england message me and i
looking for pen pals that will will write that is 100 per cent i
write to me more then once. answer all letters am married for
my hobbies are making hats 30 years put images or photos on
and scarfs and sell them. my all letters write soon and we can
pen be come good and fond friends.
pals,talking on the phone with Love, Lesley
pals and texting.e-mail if you
want a pal tinabryan23@yahoo. name : Martina
Email : Martina_J_@gmx.
name : Cécile
age : 25
country : Austria
age : 27
Ad : Hello! I love it to find nice and
country : France
long letters in my mailbox... you
Ad : Hello everybody, I’m looking too? - Then we should become
for new penpals from all over penpals. My name is Martina and
the world, no matter where you I am from Austria. I am looking
n e w s
name : Josh Cowan
age : 30
country : USA
Ad : Hello, my name is Josh Cowan. I am 30 years old and I have a
good since of humor. I like snail
mail better then email because
you can send little gifts with your
letters. I am looking for male or
female Penpals age 18- 41 who
can make me laugh or smile. My
hobbies include making my own
greeting cards. jcowan1023@
come from :) I can write in french,
english, spanish or romanian so
feel free to contact me in your
own language if it’s one of above.
I love writing and receiving long
letters. I love swapping things
stationery), sending small gifts
from time to time ... I’m a school
teacher, mum to be (in january)
and I’d love to know you, you
who are reading this ad :) Just
contact me by mail at : ciloune@ and I’ll send you my
snail mail address.
l a t e s t
Gregory Lentz
Email: gj.lentz76@gmail.
Your age : 34
Your country : USA
Ad : Hello! I’d be interested in trying
out some E-Pal correspondences
with folks from all over the world
and all walks of life! I like to learn
about other cultures, a little bit of
a history buff, foodie, self taught
artist and aspiring writer of many
genres. I like to swap postcards,
nothing in particular as long as
they are stamped and written, as I
relish the personal connections as
much as the beauty of the cards.
I enjoy all kinds of movies, tv
shows I keep up with are: any Law
& Order, CSI, Fringe, The Event,
House, Lie To Me, Castle...I’m a
huge Bon Jovi fan, I like to read name : sheri shrader
Stephen King, Dean Koontz, age : 39
and I’m hooked on George R.R. country : USA
Martin’s A Game of Thrones.
Ad : Hi my name is sheri and i
am 39 yrs old,And i am Happily
Your name : Eliska
married and between us we have
Email : 7 children and 1 grandson,I love
Your age : 26
to write and meet new people.
country : Czech Republic
looking forward to meeting new
Ad : Hello everyone, my name people.
Rory Latimer
Your age : 39
country : South Africa
Ad : Hello Everyone I am a 39 year
old Caucasian Male in Cape Town
South Africa. I am hard of hearing
but that doesnt get me down.
I love to write snail mail letters.
That is a hobby of mine now after
9 years. I do have some wonderful
pen pals who have become great
friends. Yes I am single however
all I ask is for friendship, I will be
single until the good Lord takes
me home. I will be a faithful letter
writer and if you would like me
to give you some names of my
penpals to message and ask
for a reference that is fine. you
can message them. I also enjoy
reading, watching a good movie,
Military History, camping and
spending time with a good friend.
I write back as soon as I can after
your letter arrives. I look forward
to hearing from you.
Your name : Anita
s c h u t z e n g e l . a n i ta 33 @
age : 34
country : Austria
Ad : Hello my name is Anita and
im searching for nice female Penpals, Epals and Swapper from all
over the world. My name is Anita,
my Nickname “Angel” im married
and my sign is libra. I live with my
husband in Austria. My hobbies
are: reading, writting letters and
emails, skype, Facebook, Internet, Photography, playing saxophone, cooking, Music, Concerts,
Formula 1, Soccer, Esoterism,
Religion, Gothic, Middle Age, history and more. Im a very funny
and helpful person. My job is
nurse for elderly and I work with
Alzheimer Patients. Hope to find
nice female pals between 20 to
? years. Nice to meet you send
a email to schutzengel.anita33@
age : 23
country : Italy
Ad : Hey Everyone my name’s
Irene 23 y o living in Milano, Italy.
I love penpalling and meeting
new friends around the world.
I’m studying veterinary medicine. I love animals. I’m vegetarian. My interests are long distance
running (marathons and getting
statted with ultramarathons)
hiking and climbing mountains,
penpalling, collecting postcards
(I’m also looking for postcard
penpals), surfing the internet, decoupage, watching tv, traveling. I
like writing to both male and female but no dating please, I have
on bf and I find that enough! I
hope I can find many good and
long lasting friendships.
t h e
name : Elizabeth Rahuba
age : 56
country : USA
Ad : My name is Liz and I am 56
years young(Aug. 15, 1954),
originally from New Jersey,
now living in Chicago, Illinois.
Before moving here, I lived in
Salt Lake City, Utah(4/86-2/87),
then Houston, Texas(3/87-7/99).
I have one brother, aged 44,
still living in New Jersey. I am
divorced and never had children/
grandchildren. I consider myself a
positive, straightforward person,
with a good sense of humor. I
am honest and non-judgemental
and am patient, plus I will usually
give a person the benefit of
the doubt. I am disabled with
Bipolar Disorder, Depression and
Degenerative Arthritis(back), as
well as Arthritis in other joints,
requiring me to use a walking
cane. I have been on disability
(SSDI), since the year 2000. My
hobbies/interests include Pen
Pals, Acting, Digital photography,
the Internet, chatting on YIM/
AIM, trivia, crossword, acrostic
and word puzzles, Traveling,
is ELiska I am 26 years old, I am
looking for penpals, as I like
writting (and also receiving letters
:-) ) so much. I am taking care of
my little girl at home. I will be glad
to find new penpals! See you!
c h e c k
events (news). I am also what
you would call a railfan, as I love
trains and train travel. I am also
into Star Trek RPGs/Simms, as
I am a fan of Star Trek. I collect
stickers, especially transparent
ones, fridge magnets, postcards,
keychains and coffee mugs. I also
swap FBs Slams, SS’s, etc. I am
looking for lon-term, long letter
wrters, who will not stop after just
a few letters.
i t ?
name : Mandi Moore
age : 23
country : USA
Ad : Seeing long letter pals worldwide, ladies only. Hobbies: Reading, TV & movies, music, photography, scrapbooking, playing
computer games, etc. I have one
son, 17 months old. Swaps: FBs,
Mommy FBs, slams. Please email
me for address! mandi.moore87@
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
PenPal and Swappers Ads
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
name : Angela Benton
Email : nkotbfan@live.
age : 29
country : United States
Ad : I am 29 years old. Married
and have 3 kids. I love nkotb.
Facebook. Making new friends.
Hot summer days, swimming,
and birds chirping. I have 2 cats.
I enjoy taking pictures. I enjoy
concerts. I love music videos.
Your name : Bev
Your name : Petra
Email : p.schmied02@gmx.
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
name : Anastasia
Email :
age : 29
country : Russia
Ad : Hello people! I’m an active
penpaller for many years already
and used to have many penpals
but recently most of them
stopped writing me or writing
too seldom because they are
too busy and I understood that
I have only a few left. Thought
these ones are very important for
me, I still want to find some new
friends About me: My name is
Anastasia, I’m 29y.o. and I come
from Saint-Petersburg, Russia
but I’d love to move to Europe
at least for some time soon.
For sure, I like my country but it
would be exciting to live in other
places of the world to see how
people live there. At the moment
I’m working as a secretary. I have
lots of hobbies, just a few to
mention: watch movies, tv, read
books, write letters, meet my
friends or chat with them online,
a t
name : Gina
Email :
name : Katarina
age : 41
country : Sweden
Ad : I’m looking for pen pals
aged 25-55, esp. from USA, New
Zealand or the Latin American
countries. I love cats, writing
letters and swapping. I enjoy to
go shopping, watch TV, search for
ancestors, read books & cartoon
magazines and just have a nice
paranormal things, etc. I’m quite
open-minded and chatty girl, so
I can talk about almost anything.
Just give me a subject^) I’m not
very much into clubbing and
prefer an evening with a good
book or movie but sometimes it’s
a real fun to go out I’m looking for:
I am looking for female penpals
at any age from everywhere, with
absolutely different hobbies,
who write long letters (e.g 2
pages of A4 papers or 2-4 pages
of B5 papers, well it depends on
how your life is) at least once in 2
months and I won’t stop writing
after a few letters. The way of
a letter may be quite long but
there’s nothing we can do With
my future penpal I’d love to
discuss not only life events, but
also share our ideas, thoughts,
dreams, feelings and everything.
With whom we’d share our
attitude to events, happening in
the world around us. There are no
forbidden topics for me and I love
ask and answer tons of different
questions. I love letters in a form
of a conversation. I don’t mind
typed letters, if they stay sincere
and personal. I can play stamps
back, if you ask me. If you like, we
can exchange postcards, photos,
fbs and other small things. I
would prefer, if you speak fluent
English or German and won’t
have troubles expressing your
thoughts and feelings. So, this
was my introduction and now I’m
waiting for a letter from you
n e w s
Name: Kimi
Age: 19
Country: Australia
E-mail: kimberley.
Hello, potential future penpals!
I’m Kim from Australia. I’ve been
pen palling since I was 9-yearsold, and I’m looking for serious
pen pals of any age, sex, race,
religion and species (I welcome
you, extra-terrestrial friends!).
Ones who won’t stop writing but
Email : BlondieBear75@
age : 35
country : Australia
Ad : Hi All.....I am a stay at home
mom of 4 from sunny Qld who
would love to write to other
Aussie’s. I have a wide range of
interests and hobbies including
reading, scrap booking, card
making, pen palling, spending
time with my hubby and children
and heaps more. I am willing to
write to both men and women.
Look forward to hearing from
l a t e s t
name : Natalie
Email: natkenfloppy@
age : 37
country : Canada
Ad : Hi my name is Natalie and I’ve
been paling for about 25 years
(started when I was in grade 6)
I like snail letters (I do still swap
Fbs from time to time) and
emails so either way is perfect
for me. I love hearing from new
people. I am married and have a
age : 21 (close to 22)
country : Greece
Ad : Hi! My name’s Gina, I’m 21,
Greek, rather humorous and a
senior-year student of Ancient
Greek & Latin Literature. I’m
looking for fellow female penpals
from any countries that speak
English or French. Apart from
penpalling, I love heavy metal,
collecting postcards and vinyls,
reading international literature,
writing poetry and crime novels!
Looking forward to hearing from
t h e
name : Jolene
Email : Whiterose232006@
age : 28
country : USA
Ad: Hello Everyone, I’m looking
for new pals & swappers. I swap
anything from FBs to Stickers. I’m
not accepting any new penpals
from overseas at this time but
I take any amount of pals &
swappers. I’m always taking new
pals from Canada & USA. So feel
free to drop me a line & I’ll get
back to as soon as I can. My email
Thanks, Jolene
Name: Radhia
Age :42 (soon to be 43) in
Country: Tunisia
A warm hello to you all! Is there
anyone who is interested in snail
mail penpalling?
I am a Tunisian woman, happily
married, have only one daughter;
I am stay at home mom, looking
for FEMALE snail mail pals from
all over the world. I like movies,
reading; crocheting, cooking,
listening to music, postcards,
stickers, Kawaii things, writing
letters and swapping; I like
sending and receiving little
surprises in the letters. There’s
nothing more joyful than getting
a letter from a friend ;Enough of
bills in
who aren’t overly demanding,
either - life does get in the way of
things, sometimes. Intelligence
and/or open-mindedness is
always a plus in my pen pal
searches, too! ^__^
Here’s a little bit about me. I am a
female (I had to specify because
I once had a penpal when I was
younger, and her mother said
we couldn’t write anymore
because she thought I was a
male due to my uni-sex name)
and I’m 19-years-old. I major in
Linguistics and the Indonesian
language at university. I love
languages. Biiiig fan.
My hobbies and interests are:
crafting, sewing, listening to
music (indie rock, indie pop,
alternative, classic rock, etc.),
watching films, thrifting, kawaii,
going to alternative music
festivals, politics, designing my
own clothing, cooking, vintage,
anime, culture, travel, languages,
history, science, religion (I’m an
atheist, however), philosophy,
kitsch and geeky things like
(Though I don’t know how, argh!
I just think it’s great.), studying
voluntarily and video/computer
If you’re interested in my attempt
at an appealing pen pal ad, don’t
be afraid to send me an e-mail!
Though, I will get a tad grumpy
if I receive requests for romance
or money. I have a boyfriend, and
I’m a poor university student. :D
c h e c k
l i k e
3.5 year old daughter who is the
apple of my eye. Please email me
and we will go from there. Hope
to hear from you soon. Please no
i t ?
for penpals around my age from
anywhere in the world (female
penpals only!). My hobbies/
interests include: writing/reading
letters (of course), shopping,
surfing the internet, traveling (I
LOVE it), reading, movies, PS3,
Wii, Nintendo DS, spending
time with my boyfriend, going
out and lots of other things...
Interested? - Please contact me at I am looking
forward to hear from you!
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
PenPal & Swappers Ads
Name : alison hepworth
Email : malin@malin.
Age : 44
Country : england
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
i t ?
Name : Mandee
Email : southernfaith@
Age : 27
Country : usa
Ad : I’m Seeking To Make New
E-Pal Friends And New Facebook
Pal’s Aswell. Send Me Msg If Your
Seeking The Same Or Like To Be
Name : John Ferguson
Email : jferguson92200@
Age : 26
Country : USA
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Name : Henry
Email : hbaker@
Age : 57
Country : USA
Ad : I am disable gentleman
looking for e-pals in USA only,
I like WWE wrestling, and law
Name : Stephanie Fatta
Email : aveggiemom@
Age : 30
Country : USA
Ad : Hi everyone! I am a married
mom of one son. I love pen palling
and looking for new pen pals from
the USA only please. I am looking
for long term/sincere pals around
my age. I enjoy reading, travel,
pen palling, working out, healthy,
beauty, blogging, houseplants,
and so much more! Email me for
my address if you are interested!
Name : Samantha Stroy
Email : itsapenpalworld@
Age : 27
Country : USA
Ad : Hello everyone, Im looking
for some long letter penpals
who enjoys a little bit of
numerology,astrology,tarot, and
twilight and vampire novels.
SOmeone who likes to swap
various things that fit in an
envelope. I am a married stay
at home mom of 3. I promise to
write back. Long letter pals only
please.. I love reading,writing,s
and so much more.. Hope to hear
from you all soon.
a t
name : Louise
Email : louisexmarie@
age : 21
country : UK
Ad : Hello! Hobbies; reading,
music, films, walking, socializing,
drawing. I am looking for email or
snail mail. I’m looking for a penpal
that will write for a long time as
i’m hoping to form a long-lasting
friendship. I’ve never swapped or
collected anything but if you want
to send me something then feel
free. Anyways, email me and we
can chat some more :) Everything
Name : Phyllis Estep
Email : phyllisestep@live.
Age : 60
Country : usa
Ad : Hello I am a 60 year old wife,
mother and grandma. I would like
pen pals any ages. I will answer
all. I will also swap fb, slams, post
cards, recipes and many other
things. write me if you want a
faithful pal. phyllis Estep P.O. Box
6311 christiansburg, va. 24068
Name : Rosita Druijf
Email : roos.chimene@
Age : 38
Country : the
Ad : hello penpalfriends , im
looking for long letter penpals
who write regular about anything
, love to hear your story`s . im
almost 38 years old (12 february) ,
but feel more like 30 hahaha . my
hobby`s and likes are : writting
letters , swapping , walk with my
dogs , photography , facebook ,
kawaii , diddl , disney and manny
more , i will tell that in my letter .
if you want to write with me , give
me a message . happy writting
everybody . greetings Rosita
Ad : hi there i am alison 44 mum to
4 23 to 16 live in town called hull
uk hobbies are palling travelling
reading music tv computer family
i am after pals to wrtie from asia
all europe usa canada australia
new zealand, worldwide females
for now.
n e w s
name : John Ferguson
Email : jferguson92200@
age : 26
country : USA
Ad : I like snail pen pal only in the
USA, & e-mail pen pal from all
over. My hobbies are collecting
postcards, collecting wrestling
cards, & many more. Especially
writing to people.
name : Colleen
contact me at: Colleen
Penpal on Facebook. Add
Your age : 45
Your country : USA
Ad : Hello Friends... Colleen from
the USA saying hi to everyone!!
Love this magazine!! I am 45 and
am from Wisconsin in the USA.
I have been penpalling on and
off since 1989. It’s an awesome
hobby. I love reading, 70s and 80s
rock music, crafts, scrapbooking,
journals, history, thrift stores,
penpalling, and swapping fb’s/
stickers/stationary. I also swap
postcards. Short or long letter pals
welcome. Hope we can meet....
books and action movies and
country music
l a t e s t
l i k e
name : Meli
age : 28
country : Germany
Ad : Hey everyone, I’m looking for
pen pals from New York, Las Vegas
and the Bay Area - California. I
love long handwritten letters,
swapping, horses, traveling,
stationary, crafts and the USA.
Feel free to email me.
isn’t going to fit in here. Louise x
t h e
name : Yvonne
age : 37
country : Netherlands
Ad : Hiya! Thought I would give
this a try as I am looking for a
few new pals :). I am specifically
looking for long letter and
somewhat regular pals from Italy,
*grin*. If it did get you interested,
I would love to hear from you!
Have a great day!
c h e c k
name : Victoria G
age : 18
country : California USA
Ad : Hello im from socal! I love
all kinds of music im looking for
all postcards and basically to
start swapping picture clippings
stickers surprise donated books
anything really for my penpal
swapper scrapbook to remember
my youth when i age. Here’s
my main interest: Hannah
bands John Waters! Courtney
Love Kurt Cobain & Nirvana Seria
Killer(anything works) Bette Davis
Ariel(the little mermaid) anything
1950s anything is welcome
and appreciated email me:
Portugal, the Middle East (Iran
in particular) and Asia, Japan in
particular but all countries are
fine :) as long as have something
in common. My only request
being you can express yourself
in English or Dutch well enough
to have a decent conversation.
I don’t want to get stuck in sole
conversations about the weather.
As for the meaning of regular, I
don’t expect you to write every
month but I do like to receive (at
least) 3 to 4 letters a year so I guess
I’d like you to write - and I will do
the same :) - once every two to
three months. If you are more
regular, then so am I :). Also I like
you to ask and answer questions
and I can tell you upfront I tend to
ask many questions - you’d better
be prepared *LOL*.
A quick word about me, I am
in my late 30s, married without
kids and work fulltime. When I
am not working I have plenty to
keep myself busy with *laugh*.
I love books and would not be
able to live without them. They
are great way to relax as well as
to learn from! I enjoy watching
movies though I find that at this
stage of life, I need to see them
in the cinema as I am not having
peace of mind watching them at
home :(. Also I love cooking and
like to experiment with different
ingredients, I love walking, taking
photos, travelling, keeping up to
date with (and form an opinion
about!) what is happening in this
world, I enjoy going to the theater,
like to listen to music, socializing
with family and friends. Quite
a normal person I would think
i t ?
age : 40
country : Austria
Ad : Hi, I am a 40-year-old Austrian
with an 8-year-old daughter. I love
snail mailing and have various
interests including travelling,
reading, dancing, languages
(German, English, French and
some Spanish), sports etc. Please
send me an email if you are
interested and I will send you my
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
PenPal & Swappers Ads
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
a t
Name: Lisa
email: lisaluvsfbs@aol.
Age: 45
Country: usa
My name is Lisa and i am 45 years
old USA mother to two (ages 12
& 18)
I am Native American/German/
Irish lady. I love making friends
with ladies all over the world. I
enjoy photography, swapping
fbs, phone calls, music, family,
God, learning about other
cultures. I am especially looking
n e w s
Name : Nelda Dunlap
Email : rosepetunia69@
Age : 42
Country : USA
Ad : Hello all my new friends. Are
you looking for a devoted snail
Name : Katka Louzilova
Email : katerina174@post.
Age : 34
Country : Czech Republic
Ad : Hi, my name is Katka, I am
34, have 2 children, living in
Prague. I love to write and recive
letters , I would love to find
penpals from all over the world.
My hobbies include reading,
cooking, travelling.
for Middle Eastern ladies to
correspond with, I traveled to
the Middle East in
2007 and loved the people I met
there. I am not looking to push
religion, just make friendships.
Would love to hear from other
moms anywhere.
l a t e s t
Name : Tonya Cassell
Email : tazzymania2001@
Age : 36
Country : United States
Ad : I love photography, pen
paling, and collecting celebrity
autographs. I collect celebrity
autographs, Christmas village
pieces, china dolls, stuffed
animals, and crystal figurines
Name : Sandra Walker
Email :
Age : 59
Country : USA
Ad : hobbies: collects postcards
and foreign coins. Loves to read.
Likes to cook. Married, 2 sons
(grown-NO grandchildren or
pals who like to write more than
a paragraph. NO religious stuff
please (I have my own religion). I
have 3 dogs. Much more but will
tell when you write.
t h e
Name : barbara
Email : yumyum1948@
Age : 62
Country : united states
Ad : Hello from Wisconsin.I am
62 a Type 2 Diabetic also am
disabled.Looking for women
from 35 to 80 to write to by snail
mail.My interests are counted
cross stitch, needlepoint, plastic
canvas, knitting, latch hook,
reading, gardening, cooking,
puzzles and collecting postcards.
Want worldwide penpals.
mail penpal? One who will not
stop writing after a couple of
letters or who only writes twice
year? A penpal to talk with about
everything from the sublime to
the ridiculous? A penpal who
enjoys stuffing letters, decorating
envies and getting something in
the mail besides bills? Then look
no further! For the low price of
postage, you can have all this in
the form of a long letter life long
snail mail pal who loves - loves,
I say! - who loves the written
word in all its guts and glory. I’m
41 with two grown children in
college and an ornery old hubby
I’ve had for 21 years. We have 1
black cat who’s 13 years old and
a loveable crab apple. I enjoy
so many things I can’t begin to
list them but here a few of the
highlights: Kawaii, penpalling,
family, animals, ancient history,
Regency romances, Dr. Who,
AGT, sticker, Facebook, sci-fi,
writing... I collect Kawaii, Hello
Kitty, stickers, s/p shakers, pens,
postcards, FBs, LBs, SBs. I swap
postcards, FBs, LBS, SBs and take
all excess. I’m looking for ladies
only 30-50 from anywhere,
especially UK, Ireland, France,
Spain, Japan, Scotland. As
always, no men(happily married)
,cons, Africa/Ghana(I’m no fool
and I don’t have money to spare
so forget it). Please put penpals
and this site name in the subject
line so I don’t think you’re spam
and delete you. I look forward to
hearing from all my new friends.
Nelda Dunlap 316 W. Tyler Av
Charleston, Illinois 61920 USA
c h e c k
l i k e
hobbies are making new friends,
facebook, watching tv/movies,
listen to music, penpalling, and
hanging out with family and
friends. Please email me if you
want to pen pal with me. Sorry
no prisoners or men plz.
i t ?
Ad : collecting postcards, history. I prefer my postcards
collecting wrestling cards, listen written and stamped, not in an
to music, reading, coloring, play envelope.
my ps2, collecting wrestling
magazines, & much more.
Name : Fabi
Email : writing-fabi@web.
Name : Karen
Email : leahrosesmom@
Age : 23
Country : Germany
Age : 48
Ad : Hello everyone out there, my
Country : Middle Georgia name is Fabienne, but everyone
says Fabi. I am 23 years old and a
Ad : Hello, my name is Karen. I am female. I am searching for LONG
a 48 year old single mom of a 7 LETTER pen pals. No matter
year old daughter and a 23 year where you are from. My hobbies
old son, living in Middle Georgia are writing, photographing and
USA. I am new to penpalling a lot more. I don’t mind your
and hope to share this hobby age or your gender. Just write
with my 7 year old daughter. I me an email which makes me
love reading books (and reading want responding right away.
long letters), classic rock music, And mention Sandbook in your
arts & crafts (making jewelry, email (best would be: “Sandbook
crochet & cross stitch), and - pen pal” as your email subject).
blogging. I write poetry and I I would love to get to know you
love to take digital photographs. before writing letters to you.
I hope to eventually swap FBs, I am not sure if I can answer all
and postcards. I am looking messages, but I will sure try to.
for a female penpal, preferably Write me a long email and your
around my age, in the US, a chances are getting better. I
mom and a Christian is a plus. I hope I will find some nice friends.
can write short, long or medium
letters. I can be reached at Name : Melissa G Holland Thanks! Email : melissagholland@
Name : Stefanie
Age : 35
Email : stef.langenberg@ Country : USA
Ad : Hi my name is Melissa
Age : 45
and I’m 35 yrs old. I’m looking
Country : Germany
for new pen pals in the USA
Ad : I am looking for poeople only for right now. I enjoy
from around the world to collecting
swap postcards with. Besides postcards,recipe
in swapping postcards I am stationary, Hello Kitty items,
interested in reading, travelling, and so much more. I have been
photography, genealogy and penpalling since 2006. My
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
PenPal & Swappers Ads
PenPalling Connections:
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Yahoo Groups that you might want to join:
n e w s
booklet coming out february 21, 2011
l a t e s t
mercury: penpalling has its own planet
t h e and gaya designs present: Georgia Mystrioti’s
c h e c k
PenPal Directory and Newsletter
Hi! I am Tracy. I sell stationery address and stickers. I
also have a penpal Directory and a newsletter. Take
a look at my links if interestered. My new thing is
making a catalog of all my designs:
For more information contact:
Tracy Sanders,
My name is Maxine. I’m the owner of
As the names suggest, the former
focuses its attention on penpal
newsletters and magazines, and the
later - on FB’s - what are they, how to
make them, how to swap them, etc.
Follow the blogs to learn all the cool
stuff that I have prepared for you!
i t ?
Penpals ‘nd Swappers magazine
Penpals `nd Swappers is a new magazine for people who like to write letters and swapping, also
for people who are looking for new penpals and
swappers. In this magazine there are PenpalAdds
and SwapperAdds, all around writing letters and
swapping and many many more. How can I order
it? Just send an e-mail to penpalsandswappers@ with your name and e-mail address. You get your magazine by e-mail. How to
get my PenpalAdd/SwapperAdd in the magazine?
Please, send your PenpalAdd or SwapperAdd via
e-mail to:
Please do not forget your address or e-mail address.
l i k e
Pen Pal Book
C/O Kimberly Garigin
3726 Green Pond Rd
Gray Court, SC 29645
One issue is $12 black or $18 color. Subscription for 4 issues is $20 black or $25
color. Its like buying two and getting two
FREE. Comes out Jan. Apr. Jul. & Oct. I take
Cash, checks & Money orders in my name.
It is non-profit!! Pen Pal ads to be put in is
FREE starting with Jan 2011. Business ads
r 5 cents per word/symbols & count your
name & address. Add $2 more for Canada
or $4 more for Over seas. I use quick print
to see the darker print its $4 per issue or
$16 for 4 issues. No Inmates!!!
For more information contact:
Kimberly at
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whenever free, exchanging letters and sending
each other gifts through mail. Could there be
We don’t choose our partners anything more romantic than this? It brings us
according to their nationality. Yet, in back to the time where paper correspondence
many cases it happens that people between the couple would be the pinnacle of
from the opposite side of the romance and love, before the two are united.
world (or maybe just from across Since there are many bigger or smaller obstacles
the boarder) feel the butterflies so in international relationships, the love tends to
strong and they fall in love.
be so incredibly strong that it overcomes all the
Instead of writing this article just possible problems. And when love is so strong,
based on my present marriage it can move the mountains - nothing can stop it.
and past relationships, I wanted to
make this much more objective, LEARN
interesting and interactive: I have If something is different than what we know, we
collected information on the topic either reject it, ignore it, or learn about it. If asked
from 11 women (8 nationalities) about the biggest advantage of having a partner
from all over the world who are in from a foreign country, 100% of our survey
love relationships.
respondents unite and say: the #1 advantage is to
Against the odds of the distance, be able to learn about another culture, traditions
language, race, religion or culture, and customs of the partner’s country. This is a
the bonds hold very strong. So what knowledge you cannot obtain from books, or
is it like to be in an international even if you went to spend holidays in the country.
The best teacher by all means is love and affection
The 3 L’s: Love, Learn & Laugh
– and the foreign culture becomes a part of your
life in the most intimate way. This might also be
the reason why none of the surveys mentioned a
It is pretty simple: girl meets a guy, cultural reason for a conflict. Suddenly, you have
they fall in love and then…well, wait one more home somewhere far away, you have
a second, it’s not that easy. How do another family, celebrate new traditional festivals,
they meet? How do they fall in love? or you end up with several ways of celebrating the
Interestingly, a lot of the “falling same holidays. You taste many new kinds of food
in love” is happening over the (and home-made tastes always the best, right?),
distance (and we are back into our might learn a new language, see different movies,
good old penpal world). It can be sing different songs, and last but not least, you
meeting on chatting programs, also learn about your own culture and country.
interpals, through a friend… As you introduce your own customs and culture
but at the beginning, the written to your partner, you inevitably need to reflect on
communication is very frequent and what has been very natural to you all your life.
that is what makes people open up, Suddenly some of your own habits and cultural
get personal and eventually intimate behavior might become more meaningful as
with each other. Writing several you understand them better. With a partner from
long emails a day, chatting through another country, you’ll never stop learning!
late nights (don’t forget the different
time zones), skyping like crazy LAUGH
l i k e
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by Theresa Wodehouse
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Couple: Erika and Kris
Nationalities: Mexican and Polish
Photo taken: July 1st, 2009
l a t e s t
Couple: Gergana and David
Nationalities: Bulgarian and Finn
Photo taken: Christmas time, 2010
t h e
t h e
Just as much as number one advantage
is to learn, the biggest difficulty that we
have with international relationships is
the distance – and patience to overcome
that. Ok, I have disguised the word
“distance” into “patience” so that it does
not hurt so much to be reminded of it.
Unfortunately, in the relationship with
a foreigner, there is always a distance
problem. Either you live far away from
each other (sometimes it does not mean
how geographically far, but the fact you
cannot see each other at least every
other weekend); or you stay together,
but at least one of you have a family and
friends far away. There is always patience
that we need to practice when in
international relationship. If you take the
better aspects of this – the long distance
relationship is based on communication
(and no physical contact), so we become
really good at expressing ourselves. We
also find creative ways to express our
love through the distance (listening to
music together over the phone, having
lunch/dinner together over the video
chat, getting wildly intimate over skype,
going as far as audio and video tapes,
slideshows and creative letters to send
to each other). The patience brings its
fruit – when you are finally together,
the amount of passion, understanding
and strength of the bond is next to
c h e c k
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The 3 P’s: Patience, Piggybank & Paperwork
i t ?
i t ?
I also like the fun way of shocking
and embarrassing people when
understanding their conversations when
they think you really don’t (just because
you speak a different language).
A boundless bunch of similar examples
wherever you look. So love, learn and
laugh with your sweetheart!
l i k e
l i k e
Since laughing is one of the ways to
prolong your life, the international
couples might live to be hundred years
old. So many funny situations that can
arise from the differences of cultures will
definitely keep your life interesting. One
of the funny points is the language. Even
if you are from two similar language
groups, there are some words which will
mean something funny or often vulgar
in the other’s native language. To take an
example from one of the surveys: Italian
pasta “penne” if pronounced differently
can mean a “certain part” of male body
– which is definitely something that you
would not be cooking.
When we are talking about food,
there are many food items which you
simply cannot get in your country and
it is typical for your partner’s country.
Example: how can a European girl know
that something which looks like a tree
stump is actually edible and delicious
when cooked? (=yam ).
I personally think that my food-item
dictionary has doubled since I’ve been
with my husband (who is from India).
Another laughing point is around social
customs. How many times do you kiss
someone on the cheeks as a greeting?
Or do you kiss them at all? Do you
finish your food when served by your
partner’s mom? Will she get offended
when you don’t finish it? Or will she give
you another portion even if you insist
you had enough? Why do you need
to take your shoes off when you enter
someone’s home? And if you do take
your shoes off, why is it unacceptable to
be in your socks only? When you serve
food, do you prepare a knife and fork?
Or fork is enough? Or just don’t bother
about cutlery, hands are enough? If you
eat at 4 pm – is it a dinner, lunch or a
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This is an issue that was not mentioned in the
surveys too frequently - maybe because not
many people feel it as a difficulty (yet). We can
start with getting a visa – in case you need one
to visit your sweetheart. That alone can cause
sleepless nights and worries. Plus, additional
money (added to the piggybank above).
But even if you don’t need the visa to travel,
once you decide to move in together and live
in one country, there is a huge paperwork
to get through. Now there comes the issue
of e.g. work visa, fiancée visa, student visa,
entrepreneurship license…and ultimately
a marriage and residence permit. Actually,
the whole marriage paperwork is a chapter
in itself. I have recently gone through it and
everyone who knows me (and you know
who you are, reading this) can remember my
insanity in those months. Try dealing with two
completely different bureaucratic systems.
Madness! I have never seen a bigger mess. And
I keep seeing the same thing in international
relationships around me (with different
countries involved!). So brace yourselves and
know that once this is over, your bond grows
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Yes, this is the number 2 problem connected
to the distance. If you fancy an international
relationship, you better get a big fat piggybank!
The amount of money that you will be likely
spending on travel expenses is crazy. And if
you live together, how much does it cost for
you to visit your two families? Of course, the
positive aspect is that you don’t usually pay
for accommodation in either of the countries
but the ticket across the world is expensive
Being able to save money is definitely a good
habit that will help with having a household
together in the future. At the same time, you
can enjoy shopping in the cheaper country
of the two (a lame excuse for the expensive
travel ticket, I know!). The simple rule is: enjoy
the small inexpensive things in your life (like
penpalling or reading great books instead of
crazy shopping sprees), have saving targets
and of course – it’s a game for two. You are not
alone in this.
Couple: Leonard & Vendy
Nationalities: Haitian American and Czech
Photo taken: December 19th, 2010
a t
impossible. It bursts in flames and we need to
be careful not to burn ourselves to be able to
overcome another long period of waiting to
see each other again.
There is a beautiful quote to help us with the
heartache: “Distance is just a test to see how
far love can travel”.
Couple: Teresa and Donovan
Nationality: Czech and Anglo-indian
Photo taken: September 3rd, 2010
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Couple: Elina & Anton
Nationalities: Finn and Russian-Polish
Photo taken: Wedding day 24.3.2006
even stronger, as you really have to fight to be
together (on paper).
And all’s well that ends well.
Now that is how we – the girls from international
relationships – see it.
Having a partner from another country means we
will be always entertained, fed with good food,
have lots to learn (and our brains will not get rusty
with boredom ever), have great opportunities
(choice of which of the two countries we want to
live in, having bilingual children, combining the
best of each culture) and have great stories to tell
our grandchildren one day.
Thanks to everyone who helped with their views
and experiences: Raia & Geri from Bulgaria, Erika
from Mexico, Melanie from Germany, Veronica
from Argentina, Elina from Finland, Magdalenka
from Poland, Yuki from Japan, Vendy & Zuzka &
Helenka from Czech Republic.
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Romanian - TE IUBESC
Roman Numerals - 333
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Rwanda - Ndagukunda
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
n e w s
t h e
wa xox
hu ove
A I l
l a t e s t
c h e c k
Tajik Man turo Dust Doram
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua HereVau Ia Oe
Tamil - Naan unnai kathalikiraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to
Welsh - ‘Rwy’n dy garu
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe
Zimbabwe - Ndinokuda
t h e
i t ?
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents
position of fingers when signing
‘I Love You’
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
c h e c k
l i k e
Navaho - Ayor anosh’ni
Nepali - Ma Timilai Maya Garchhu
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Cie
Portuguese - Amo-te
i t ?
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
Albanian - Te dua
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M’bi fe
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hai
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Icelandic - Ég elska þig
Bosnian - Volim te
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Indonesian Saya cinta
Cambodian - Bung Srorlagn Oun padamu
(to female)
Inuit - Negligevapse
Oun Srorlagn Bung (to male)
Irish - Taim i’ ngra leat
Cantonese/Chinese Ngo oiy ney a Italian - Ti amo
Catalan - T’estimo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Kannada Naa ninna
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Kapampangan - Kaluguran
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Kikongo - Muke zolaka nge
Czech - Miluji te
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Konkani - Tu magel moga
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Elmer Fudd - I wove you
Korean - Sarang Heyo
English - I love you
Latin - Te amo
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Lebanese - Bahibak
Ethiopian - Ewedishalehu : male/ Lingala - Nalingi yo
female to female
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Ewedihalehu: male/female to male. Macedonian Te Sakam
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Malay - Saya cintakan mu /
Farsi - Doset daram
Aku cinta padamu
Filipino - Mahal kita
Malayalam - Njan Ninne
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Maltese - Inhobbok
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Georgian - Mikvarhar
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
German - Ich liebe dich
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Greek - S’agapo
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Gujarati - Hu tumney prem karu Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
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w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
By Samantha Stroy
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Surinam- Mi lobi joe
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ig liebe di
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By Rach Gee
It’s not all hearts
and flowers for
some on Valentine’s
Day. As Christmas
is fading away, the
shops are suddenly
filled with cards,
gifts and flowers
ready for a day that
many look forward
to. A day when
they can show their
partners how much
they love them. For
others, it’s a day
that can be one of
frustration, anguish
It’s not just those
without partners
who may dread the
day; it’s those who
were born on Valentine’s
Day as well.
My father likes to tell a
story to people he meets.
“We started dating on
Valentine’s Day, we got
engaged on Valentine’s
Day and, in 1981, our
first child was born on
Valentine’s Day.”
It’s a story I’ve heard a
million times but one
which I still love to hear.
He tells how he got my
heavily pregnant mother
out of bed on a cold and
snowy February morning
to help him get their car
started. I was due to be
born two weeks later, on
the 28th but, through
some odd insight, my
father was convinced
I’d be born on the 14th.
Several hours later and
many frustrated phone
calls (this was before the
days of mobile phones
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i t ?
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Ignore Everyone
Seriously, just ignore
the loved up people. It’s
your day and your time
to have fun. They may
not even be together
next year but February
14th will always be
your birthday, your
special day. Celebrate
it however you want to
celebrate it. And, if you
have any other ideas for
celebrating a birthday
on Valentine’s Day, feel
free to email me! ( rae@
glasscompletelyempty. )
l a t e s t
to pick their partner
over you so, unless
Valentine’s Day actually
falls on a weekend,
then it’s harder to get
people together to do
anything. Sometimes,
especially if it’s on a
Saturday, people will
meet up for a party
after they’ve been
out for dinner or to
Single Friends
Seriously, if you have
any, GRAB THEM! About
a month before, go
around your single
friends and ask them
what they’re doing for
Valentine’s Day (You
never know; they may
have someone they’re
keeping in the dark
for the moment). If
they say “Nothing”,
start arranging to do
something. Having a
movie night at home
is always a good one.
Find a couple of movies
none of you have ever
seen, make a table of
nice food (chocolate,
popcorn, fizzy wine,
soft drinks – all the
foods you wouldn’t
normally eat) and have
a blast. If you’re with a
bunch of girl friends,
do each others nails or,
if you all dye your hair,
do that as well! If you’re
feeling up to it; have a
slumber party. Believe If You’re By
me, you’re never too Yourself
old to act like a child! It’s Retail therapy. Pure and
something I’ve learned simple. Doesn’t matter
t h e
seemed to forget that
it was actually my 21st
birthday, I promptly
dumped him. Well,
wouldn’t you?!
It’s a hard compromise
to make. On one
hand, you want to
spend your special
with your friends and
family. On the other,
they’re always going
Your Mother
If your single friends
got someone and
you’re feeling a bit
Bridget Jones, grab
your mother. I know it
sounds like a world of
dread for some but, if
your mother is anything
like mine, the attraction
of Valentine’s Day wore
off the day she spent
goodness knows how
many hours in the
hospital pushing you
out. Trust me on that
one. Go out for lunch,
go to the cinema, go
do a bit of shopping.
Or have a movie night.
If you’re male and born
on Valentine’s Day,
round up any male
siblings and friends
(and not forgetting
someone has to reward
him for the 5 minute
he spent creating you!)
and go paint-balling or
go-karting. I’ve known
those ones to be done
as well!
if you’re male or female,
a bit of shopping and
a nice cup of coffee
(or a swift pint in the
pub) can work miracles.
Seriously, go out, find a
nice outfit and perhaps
go and paint the town
red. Or hang out in your
favourite coffee house,
bookstore etc.
c h e c k
birthdays; full of fun,
gifts and cake. But, as
I grew older, I found
myself on the edges
of society, a cast off
as my friends decided
to spend the day
with their loved ones
instead. I remember
trying to spend a day
with my partner at
the time but, when he
over the years; never let
go of that inner child
because you never
know when you might
need them!
i t ?
and the internet,
remember!) my father
arrived at the hospital,
all smiles as he said to
my mother, “I told you
Being a Valentine’s baby
never really bothered
me when I was younger.
Well, it had no need to,
did it? Instead, it was
like everyone else’s
Of course, there are
the upsides to having
a birthday on February
14th. When people ask
how many cards I’ve
had, I always answer
with a big grin and the
words, “Too many to
count! Perhaps twenty
or thirty.”. Of course,
this only really works
if people don’t know
or realise that your
birthday is Valentine’s
Day. People do send
me flowers, something
I greatly appreciate as
all the partners I’ve had
always seem to buy me
techy gifts. Not that
I mind; I’m forever in
need of a new camera
lens or MP3 player!
Over the years, I’ve
pretty much written the
survival guide to having
a Valentine’s birthday.
I’ve discovered it’s also a
survival guide to being
single on Valentine’s
Day (double whammy
for me, seeing as I’m
also single!).
l i k e
the cinema but, I’ve
discovered, it’s often
easier to celebrate
my birthday on the
weekend. That way, the
dreaded day is out of the
way and everyone’s free
to do something. Most
of the time, I celebrate
it the weekend after
Valentine’s Day because
at least I’ll actually
have had my birthday
and won’t be stressing
about growing older!
(Which, as many people
tell me, I’m not. I’m a
spring chicken to them
and besides, we’re only
as old as we feel!)
Lastly, if Valentine’s Day
is your birthday...
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear
Valentine’s babies!
Happy birthday to you!
I hope you all have a
great day and I wish you
a lot of luck, happiness
and prosperity for the
Happy Valentine’s Day also Feliz Dia De San
c h e c k
t h e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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l a t e s t
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l i k e
Wow, we have come a long way since
November 2010, and I wish for many more
issues to come as well. Just a shout-out to
everybody who makes this magazine possible,
Raia, for her idea to start an online penpal
magazine, the people behind the layout and
design (the Sandbook Net Team and of course
Gaya Designs), the authors of the articles who
submit monthly and give much thought and
effort into each and every article we write, and
to all the newcomer’s who will write future
article’s for this amazing magazine. That is
what makes this magazine worth reading and
writing for, in my opinion. With that out of the
way, we come to what Valentine’s Day means
to me.
n e w s
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c h e c k
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w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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n e w s
Saint Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day has always been special to me.
As a kid, our whole class would use brown
paper lunch bags, glue, glitter, markers,
stickers, and cut out hearts to decorate them.
Then, when we were done, we would tape a
part of the open side to the outside our desks.
When we would come inside from recess, our
teacher had already added a sandwich bag of
goodies for us containing candy, pencils, pens,
heart shaped erasers, and mini notepads.
Then, it was the students’ turn. To run around
the classroom and put our valentine’s day
cards in each person’s lunch bag. Nobody got
left out. There were at least 30 kids to our class
back in elementary school. Sometimes you
would get a letter from a boy who has a crush
on you and signed “ Your secret Admirer.” The
girl’s would color Disney princess coloring
pages for each other or something with
princesses on them, and the boy’s would
include mini hot wheel car’s for the boys. It
was fun as a kid.
still has the same tradition she follows every
year in her classes. I love it. She always makes
me a special card at home, which I add on our
l i k e i t ? c h e c k t h e l a t e s t n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ? c h e c k t h e l a t e s t n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
here we are married for
7 years (this July 4th),
and three beautiful,
talented, smart and
a t
share Valentine’s Day
with s group of friend’s
and have a party, or
take advantage of the
sales and go shopping,
go clubbing with the
n e w s
a card, write him
a poem of how I feel
and get him a “manly”
stuffed animal. This
year the kids and I are
going to make some
girls, have a pajama
movies, play games,
drink some wine, and
eat chocolate, but most
of all have fun.
This year if my husband
has to work, I got my
three girls to keep me
company and have our
own pajama party, eat
popcorn, watch a movie
or listen to music (this
year it’s all about Justin
Beiber) and sing and
dance until we get tired.
Happy Birthday to all
those born in the month
of February. As soon
as I get my blog up
and running, you will
be able to comment
and leave suggestions,
recommendations, and/
or answer the questions
I usually ask throughout
my article. So, please
bear with me while I
work on getting it up
and going. The link is
at the bottom of the
I will be adding older
previous articles of
Samantha’s Thought’s,
so you can go back and
answer those questions
also. Which brings me
to my first question
to be answered on
my blog: What do
Prince William and
Katherine Middleton’s
engagement? Why do
l a t e s t
craft’s, sit back and
watch a movie together
as a family. We pick
“Tangeled,” this year for
our family movie and
for the adult’s, we will
have some wine and sit
back and either watch
“Letter’s To Juliet,” or “
Dear John.”
Valentine’s Day isn’t all
about being married
or having a boyfriend
or girlfriend. You can
t h e
w o n d e r f u l
princesses of our
own. We are living
our own love fairy
Every year my
me a dozen long
stem roses and a
big heart shaped
box of yummy
chocolates with
a beautiful card
and teddy bear.
It’s kind of a ritual.
I always get him
c h e c k
card it read “Happy
Valentine’s Day! I really
like you! Will you be
my girlfriend?” Can
you guess who it was
from? None other than
the man I am married
to today.
It’s amazing what a
little puppy love can
make you do. I had
made him a card
saying I would be
his girlfriend, and he
kissed me on the cheek.
Fo u r t e e n
i t ?
homemade Valentine’s
Day cards just to show
their appreciation just
for me. It was so sweet
and melted my heart.
When I was 13, I
received my first
Valentine’s Day card
from a blonde haired,
blue eyed boy who
liked me. I still have it
in fact. The card has a
floppy eared bunny
holding a box of
chocolates shaped as
a heart saying “Be
Mine.” When,
I opened
t h e
l i k e
I volunteered for her
all of last year and
her whole class,
the teacher
me with
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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c h e c k
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w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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a t
Personal Valentine’s
Day Numerology is a 1
It is more than likely that
you will be spending this
Valentine’s Day alone.
However you may not
be that unhappy about
it as you may be busy
making money or away
on a trip. It can also mean
that you will be single this
year. Instead of partying
or going to a “meet
market” of some kind you
might prefer to spend
time alone pampering
yourself at a spa or simply
going to bed early and
reading a good book.
n e w s
First of calculate your
Life Path number. This
is easy enough as all
it entails is adding up
the numerical digits in
your birth dates and
reducing them to one
For instance, let’s say
your birthday is June 7,
1960. The calculation
for your Life Path
Number would be
6+7+1+9+6+0 = 30 =
3+0 = 3
Keep whatever number
you arrive at in mind
as you will need it late
to figure out your own
l a t e s t
Your Personal
Valentine’s Day
special day is called
event numerology.
Here is a look at what
the numbers reveal for
you this Valentine’s Day
and what they forecast
for you in terms of
love and romance. All
it takes to figure out
your own personal
day numerology for
Valentine’s day, 2011 is a
few simple calculations
that you will be walked
through in this article.
This year’s Valentine’s Day
equates to being February
14, 2011 which translates
numerological to being –
1+1+4+2+0+1+1= 9
The event number for
Valentine’s Day 2011 is 9.
To arrive at your own
event numerology for
Valentine’s Day you
would add your Life Path
number to the 2011
Valentine’s Day number
of 9. So in the case of
the birth date example
above that would be 3 +
9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
Once you have done your
personal numerology
for that day you can
then look up the
interpretations below
to find out how your
Valentine’s Day will go.
t h e
Lost PenPal
Personal Valentine’s Day
c h e c k
Here is something I
found just browsing the
internet the other night
that I think will be fun
for everyone to do for
Valentine’s Day.
i t ?
Here in the USA, we are
getting ready for the
Superbowl. It’s good
American football and
we have The Greenbay
Packer’s (Go Packer’s)
and The
against each other.
Whichever team wins
will get a lot of money
and a trophy as well
as a Superbowl Gold/
Silver and diamond
ring. Most people go to
Disneyworld and take
their families when they
win. I watch football
with my husband and
we are big Packer’s
Recently, (well placed
in previous issues) I
placed a “Lost a penpal,”
ad for the magazine.
She was my first penpal
ever, when I first got
the internet at age 14.
Well, somehow over
the years we had lost
touch and that’s why I
placed the ad looking
for her. She somehow
came across Sandbook.
Net and noticed I was
looking for her, and she
contacted me saying
she was wondering
what happened and
why we lost touch
and still wants to be
penpals. We exchanged
addresses again and
now we will write to
each other again. Isn’t
that exciting? I really
missed her and I’m glad
this magazine helped
me find her find me,
and me being able to
place an ad to find her.
So, if you think the “lost
a penpal” ad doesn’t
work – I can assure it
Is anyone on Interpals
anymore? I have a very
informative profile on
there that tells more
about me if anyone
is willing to check it
out and add me as a
friend. I am curious to
see your profile’s also
and just link me to
yours. Here is my link
w w
foundmyangelnow .
l i k e
you think he chose her
out of every girl/woman
he has dated, and
proposed to her with
his belated mother’s
engagement ring? Do
you think the ring could
be cursed? I only say
that as the relationship
between Princess Diana
and Prince Charles
wasn’t a good marriage.
I was always raised to
never use an old family
engagement ring, if the
marriage didn’t work
out. You can follow up
on my blog very soon. I
would like your honest
and true opinions and
answers from your
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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i t ?
n e w s
l i k e
l a t e s t
Numerology is a 3
Valentine’s Day that
might possibly find
you torn between two
people. The 3 is the
ultimate number that
denotes a love triangle.
There may be a question
of commitment or
loyalties. Indecision or
a fear of offending one
party or another often
leads the person to
attend a party in order to
having to face any type
of dilemma where they
t h e
could happen for you
this Valentine’s Day. If
you entered this year
single, it is possible you
could, through a lucky
coincidence, meet the
right person on St.
Valentine’s Day. Your
chances are doubly
assured of this if you do
something you really
love that day; even if you
are by yourself as that is
one sure way to attract a
soul mate.
P e r s o n a l
Valentine’s Day
Numerology is a 5
This holiday you are
going to feel like you
might want to strike
out on your own and
experience life’s sensual
pleasures to the fullest.
Valentine’s Day
This is okay if you are
Numerology is a 4 single but even people
You are not likely to who are not single might
make much of this decide to create a bit of
year a crisis with their loved
whether you are with ones so they can see
someone or not. It what else their options
is not that you don’t might be when it comes
have something to to love and adventure.
celebrate, it is just that Five is a restless, reckless
you may be held back number that takes
by a lack of money, a chances on love and acts
great distance between from the groin instead
you and a loved one or of the head. It is also the
even a health problem. number of the addict
When Valentine’s Day that indulges too much.
event number is a 4 it Overdoing it when it
means that there is little comes to partying is a
room for a relationship definite likelihood for Personal
that excludes others. the person with the Valentine’s Day
You may have to 5 Personal Valentine’s Numerology is a 7
work late or include Day number. The good It is highly likely that you
will be spending this
Valentine’s Day alone and
more than likely that you
will be suffering from
some kind of unrequited
love or heartbreak. The 7
is a very obsessive number
and it may take all of your
strength not to contact
an ex or give into feelings
of despair. Although it is
advisable for you to spend
the day with friends, it
is not advisable to go to
romantic places if you are
alone or recently separated
as it could depress you.
If you are attached you
might simply just feel
depressed and more like
doing simple things like
watching television or
surfing the internet. The 7
energy is not that romantic
however it is creative.
Finding a way to express
yourself through music or
art is highly recommended
on a 7 personal day.
Time alone pampering
oneself and shopping
for a new wardrobe is
recommended to lift the
c h e c k
P e r s o n a l
Numerology is a 2
You are bound to spend
a very loving and special
Valentine’s Day with the
one you love. It is not likely
that the two of you will go
out in public. It might be
a memorable time spent
between the sheets
or doing something
together that the both
of you love like taking a
long walk in nature or
cooking a delicious meal
for each other. The other
nice thing about this 2
energy is that it denotes
commitment and it is
quite possible that a
proposal or engagement
news though is that it
is a very sexual number
and there is likely to be
some kind of romance
finishing off the evening
for you.
Valentine’s Day
Numerology is a 6
You are destined to spend
your Valentine’s Day
with family and friends.
This is likely to be a social
event that includes quite
a few people, which
does not make it such a
romantic one. If you are
experiencing this number
on February 14th it is highly
likely you are expected
to babysit kids or look
after elderly people. You
might also find yourself in
the position of hosting a
dinner party. The 6 vibe is
very domestic and dutiful
and not that concerned
with courtship or sexual
adventures, however if
you are attached you
may have sex with your
husband or wife simply as
a way of acknowledging
the tradition of romance
However it is more likely
that fatigue from putting
everyone else first and
being responsible is likely
to make too tired to care
whether you are desirable
or not.
i t ?
This number means that
you will prefer to spend
your time loving yourself
and doing things that
interest you and increase
your sense of self-esteem
and self-worth. It is likely
to be a quieter, more
Day for you but there is
nothing wrong with that!
coworkers or family in
your plans, if they do
happen to develop. It
is also more likely that
if there is any kind of
the holiday that it will
be celebrated at home.
Although the number
is friendly, it is also not
that friendly or romantic
so don’t get your
expectations up too
high when it comes to
Valentine’s Day this year.
l i k e
feel torn. In some cases
the 3 event numerology
can indicate some
pretty kinky sexual
with someone who is
also experiencing a 3
personal event day or a
5 day. Yet another thing
that could happen
on this day is an overindulgence in alcohol
or food that further
sabotages you from
moving forward with
plans with someone,
prevents sex or prevents
commitment. Still the
wildness of the evening
will prove to be a great
deal of fun, no matter
where you end up.
Valentine’s Day
Numerology is 8
This Valentine’s Day is one
that is likely to be enriched
by the presence of
someone who truly loves
you and wants to celebrate
it in the traditional manner.
It is likely you will be going
out to dinner with that
special someone, drinking
n e w s
a t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
champagne and then
going home together. If
you have been attached
for a long time the two
of you could be enjoying
discussing your future
together. If you are single
you could meet someone
unique or new quite by
accident. This is one of the
nicest numbers to have
on a Valentine’s Day as it
is all about loyalty, unity
and a commitment that
lasts forever. The number
8 can also signify finding
or celebrating a partner
who is both emotionally
and financially completely
secure and who makes you
rich by association.
l i k e
i t ?
c h e c k
t h e
l a t e s t
Valentine’s Day
Numerology is a 9
You are likely to perceive
this holiday as being too
commercial for you to
celebrate in the traditional
day and want to opt instead
to do something private
and empowering with
the one you love. You may
have a ritual that is shared
only between the two of
you that will cement your
bond such as exchanging
sentimental objects or
taking each others picture.
If you are single you will not
be seeking out a kindred
spirit as you will feel just
as happy to be alone this
year. In fact you may make
it your mission to be selfsatisfying and throw a party
for all of your single friends,
not with the intention of
matchmaking, but more
to be altruistic on this
holiday to show that love
should be inclusive and
unconditional in nature.
By being positive, you may
attract a wonderful new
relationship to you or enjoy
even more enriching times
with your current partner.
Now for a word about the
Numerology number for
the Event which we have
calculated as being a 9.
This means that the overall
tone of this year’sValentine’s
Day celebrations will be
a little less focused on
the importance of being
a couple or one’s own
story when it comes to
love and more focused
on making sure that
everyone is taken care
of and his having fun.
The 9 energy also means
that the parties will be
less focused on sex and
romance, more about
family and children
and that there will be
less parties in general.
This is not a very erotic
influence but it can
be fun because it is
not all about money,
impressing people
or being competitive
I am always looking
for some good book
anything. Love, ghosts,
Vampire Novel’s, anything
by your favorite author’s.
Link me to the book’s
amazon page, please.
So, please go to my blog
and subscribe as soon as
possible so I can approve
it. There’s not much there
now but very soon there
will be. I will follow anyone
back that follows me also.
In a separate article,
possibly March’s issue, I
am going to be setting
up (with Raia’s help)
a children looking for
penpal’s section. I have a 7
year old that can read and
write, a 4 year old that can
color, and a 2 year that can
scribble. We can always
help our children make
crafts, send stickers or
postcards or coloring
What am I reading at
the moment: Numerous
things that you can get a
description from Amazon.
Angel Magic- Cassandra
The Vampire diarie’s:
Stefan’s Diary by L.J.Smith
Lillian Too’s Guide to
Faerie Path- Frewin Jones.
Well, I hope you have a
very great Valentine’s Day.
If your single, don’t stay
home, go out and have
some fun!
w w w.facebook .com/
w w w. t w i t t e r. c o m /
Any ideas for my next
article to write about
in March? I am Irish,
so my family and I
celebrate St. Patrick’s
By Josh Cowan
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
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n e w s
l a t e s t
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c h e c k
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
i t ?
a t
l i k e
shade tree, opened our
cooler of beverages and
settled in for a delightful
afternoon. It seemed a bit
irreverent for observers
to be draped all over the
gravestones and markers
but apparently it is
accepted and, I suppose,
enjoy being part of the
festivities now, as they
were in the past.
This Grand Parade was
totally different in that it
began with a children’s
parade which then led
into a more ‘adult’ parade,
all originating from the
same location. I guess
the most amazing thing
to me was the thought
that every feather, ruffle,
sequin, boa, and yard of
cloth had to be ordered
and shipped in. The
costumes were awesome
creations made up of
things not to be found
anywhere on the island.
There are no Michaels’
Craft or Joanne’s Fabric
stores to bop into when
one more package of
spangles was needed!
Many of the big truck/
floats were used again
to provide music-and
booze-for the troupes! So
unlike our parades in the
States anymore where
we are lucky to have
even one or two bands
playing-and no drinks!
n e w s
from masquerade balls
of the French, the slaves
would stage their own
mini-carnivals in their
backyards — using their
taped music--loudly. Each
of the trucks dispenses
beer or rum or hard wine.
The truck/float is decked
out in a particular color
as are all the many, many
folks dancing along the
street with it. So, those
folks dressed in purple
walking with the purple
truck, music blaring, start
from their town and wind
their way along a route
towards the center of
town, while a red group
comes from another
area, and the yellow
group comes from a
different area, etc.. They
all, eventually, converge
along Basseterre’s center
streets going around
and around, dancing
Sugar Mas Grand Parade.
We watched the Sugar
Mas Grand Parade and,
WOW, grand it definitely
was! While J’ouvert was
a parade of ‘excess’ this
parade was a visual
delight. We have never
seen such an array of
gorgeous colors and
inventive costuming....
and endless entries! This
parade went past us for
three hours...and we were
on the beginning part
of the route! We were
told by locals that the
best viewing spot was
up in the cemetery, so
it was there we plunked
our chairs under a
l a t e s t
his very tall elf with a
bullhorn! Santa had the
requisite red velour suit
(hot, hot, hot!!) but was
own rituals and folklore,
but also imitating and
their masters’ behavior
at the balls. The origins of
street parties associated
with J’ouvert coincide
with the emancipation
from slavery in 1838.
Emancipation provided
opportunity to not only
participate in Carnival,
but to embrace it as an
expression of their new
that some J’ouvert
carried forward in
civil disturbances in
Trinidad when the
themselves with oil
or paint to avoid
being recognized. It
would normally be
held on the day after
Christmas but with
that being Sunday
this year, J’ouvert
was changed to the
Monday morning
after Christmas. It
started about 2AM
Monday and was still
going strong when
we arrived at 10AM!
Each area (town?) has
one of the huge truck/
floats with amps and DJ’s
and folks playing electric
guitars along with the
t h e
family members.
Events we participated
in while on the islands
in several events.
also sporting sunglasses
and was in his bare feet!
It was a kick to see him
coming along the beach
with all the kids in tow!
J ’o u v e r t - J ’o u v e r t
(contraction of French
words meaning dawn/
break of day) is kind of
a ‘battle of the bands’
type parade to see in the
new dawn. Carnival was
introduced to Trinidad by
French settlers in 1783, a
time of slavery. Banned
c h e c k
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve-beach
style! Reggae Beach
Bar put on an evening
BBQ with Santa! When
it got dark, Santa came
ashore way down the
beach. The kids were
all standing out on the
sand watching and
waiting. Suddenly Santa
was spotted and the kids
shot down at the water’s
edge to greet him and
i t ?
using different calls
for different predators.
Monkeys scream when
they are disciplined by
members of the troop.
Facial expressions and body
tools. Their social interactions
are highly complex. Where
alliances can be formed
for benefit, deception
is sometimes used.
Physical affection is
l i k e
We have packed up
everything we could
fit into a rollerbag and
a duffle bag each for
our two month stay on
the island of St. Kitts in
the Caribbean, West
Indies. Luckily, American
Airlines allows 2 checked
bags at no cost for
travel to the Caribbean,
though there is a bag
embargo over the
holidays so they cannot
be overweight and you
cannot pay for a third
bag like my sister and
my brother in-law each
had to move to St. Kitts.
Arriving in St. Kitts is
The airport is pretty
shabby and outdated.
At least this trip we
were prepared for it and
the whole atmosphere
didn’t concern us a bit.
We finally got to hug
the kids which was so
wonderful! It seems
forever since they
moved here, and yet, it
is hard to believe that
eight months have
We met Miss Moore. My
brother in-law brought
us to her little food
stand down in port. It is
tucked in an alleyway
and certainly is not a
place we would have
stopped at on our own.
Saint Kitts has a species
of Monkeys called
green Vervet monkeys.
I have included some
information about these
monkeys. Chlorocebus
monkeys live in large
groups, which can
consist of some males,
many females and their
offspring, and can be
as large as 80 animals.
The group hierarchy
plays an important
role: dominant males
and females are given
priority in the search for
food, and are groomed
members of the group.
While young males
must leave their group
once they are fully
mature, females remain
and take on the role of
their mothers. These
monkeys are territorial
animals, and a group
can occupy an area of
approximately 0.1 to 1
km². They use a wide
variety of vocalizations.
They can with warn
off members of other
groups from their
territory, and they can
also warn members
of their own troop of
dangers from predators,
by Stephanie Fatta
http://bea u t y br i te.
more! Feel free to stop by
and leave a comment. If
you have a blog, I would
love to exchange blog
Hey everyone!
It’s links or buttons with you.
Stephanie from Beauty I hope everyone is having
Brite here! Be sure to a good 2011 so far! A new
visit my blog at www. year comes new things,
beautybrite.blogspot. and I am still hoping
product something good happens
giveaways, for us. In the meantime,
beauty recipes, and I am always looking for
ways to save money. I
recently made my first
batch of homemade
shampoo. I’ve wanted
to do this for awhile and
finally gathered all of the
ingredients together. I
wanted to make my
own shampoo because
my hair can feel frizzy,
dry and crunchy, and
worst of all full of static.
I have been using my
homemade shampoo for
about a week now and
love the results.
I found 2 homemade
shampoo recipes and
they only have 3 or 4
ingredients. If you are
looking for all natural,
environmentally friendly
shampoo, you may want
to try either of these
Both recipes make a
great 2-in-1 shampoo
and conditioner as well!
As you can see, both
recipes are customizable
and you can even
create your own “herbal
shampoo” by adding
your favorite essential
oils. If you can do
without the name brand
label or fancy bottle, this
could be for you.
You can find Dr. Bronner’s
castile liquid soap and
apple cider vinegar at
any health food store.
Otherwise, you can
find both online!
I made the first recipe,
but I used ½ cup of
liquid castile soap.
You can adjust the
ingredients to your
own desire. Instead of
a spray bottle, I used
one of those soap
dispensers that make
liquid soap come out
foamy and it works just
as well. I don’t mind
the liquidy feel of the
shampoo. I am actually
tired of the store
because they make so
many bubbles and strip
my hair of its softness.
Since I started using
my own shampoo, my
hair feels so soft, full
of volume, much less
static too! I do not
have to use a separate
conditioner either! I
also love that I am
saving money!
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
Make your own shampoo
Homemade Shampoo #2
¼ Cup Water
¾ Cup Dr. Bronner’s organic castile
liquid soap
4 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a spray
a t
l a t e s t
n e w s
t h e
l a t e s t
c h e c k
Combine together and store in a
spray bottle. You can also add your
own fragrances you desire, such
as lavender, peppermint, etc. This
shampoo will be more liquidy than
your standard shampoo. Rubbing
your hair first works well to activate
the suds and then scrubbing into
scalp. Your hair will feel slightly
more greasy than normal, but that is
actually more natural anyway. Most
modern shampoos actually dry out
your hair, removing the natural oils.
t h e
i t ?
c h e c k
l i k e
for its
i t ?
1 cup Dr. Bronner’s organic
liquid soap (use baby mild
versatility - works for the
2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
¾ Tbs tea tree oil
¼ cup water
1 (16 oz) spray bottle or
container for application
l i k e
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
Homemade Shampoo #1
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t
a t
n e w s
l a t e s t
t h e
a t
c h e c k
n e w s
i t ?
l a t e s t
May you all have a wonderful
To join our birthday twin section,
send us your birthday, name,
country and email to our email: fun@
To contact any of our Birthday Twins,
log onto our website and look at the
BirthdayTwin Section.
t h e
Levin, USA
16th February 1985, Choi, Ji
Hye, South Korea,
22nd February 1974, AnneBritt Eide, Norway
23rd February 1963, Susan
Campbell, USA
24th February 1981, Guilia
Aliberti, USA.
c h e c k
21st February 1943 – David
Geffen (Record executive and film
22nd February 1978 – Jen Frost
22nd February 1810 – Frederic
Chopin (Composer)
23rd February 1995 – Daokta
Fanning (Actress)
23rd February 1944 – Johnny
Winter (Musician)
24th February 1966 – Billy Zane
24th February 1873 – Enrico Caruso
(Operatic tenor)
25th February 1964 – Lee Evans
25th February 1901 – Zeppo Marx
(One of the Marx Brothers)
26th February 1972 – Erykah Bady
26th February 1928 – Fats Domino
27th February 1981 – Josh Groban
(Classical performer)
27th February 1932 – Elizabeth
Taylor (Actress)
28th February 1973 – Eric Lindros
(Hockey player)
28th February Mario Andretti
(Formula 1 driver)
i t ?
1st February 1968 – Lisa Marie
Presley (Daughter of Elvis)
1st February 1901 – Clark Gable
2nd February 1977 – Shakira
2nd February 1947 – Farah Fawcett
3rd February 1976 – Isla Fisher
3rd February 1918 – Joey Bishop
4th February 1948 – Alice Cooper
(Rock Musician)
4th February 1940 – George A
Romero (Film Director - “Night of
the Living Dead”)
5th February 1962 – Jennifer Jason
Leigh (Actress)
5th February 1940 – HR Giger
14th February 1942 – Michael
Bloomberg (Mayor of New York)
14th February 1913 – Jimmy Hoffa
(Teamsters Union leader)
15th February 1971 – Renee
O’Connor (Actress)
15th February 1954 – Matt
Groening (Creator of “The
16th February 1959 – John
McEnroe (Tennis Player)
16th February 1921 – Vera-Ellen
17th February 1991 – Paris Hilton
17th February 1972 – Billie Joe
Armstrong (Musician)
18th February 1974 – Jillian
Michaels (Personal trainer)
18th February 1933 – Yolo Ono
(Artist and musician married to
John Lennon)
19th February 1985 – Haylie Duff
19th February 1473 – Nicholas
Copernicus (Scientist)
20th February 1967 – Kurt Cobain
20th February 1902 – Ansel
Adams (Environmentalist and
21st February 1989 – Corbin Bleu
l i k e
If you’re born in February you’re in
luck!There’s a wealth of knowledge,
humour, talent and music sharing
your birthdays. Brighten up your
February and check out some of
their work! If you want to find out
who else shares your special day,
check out the Famous Birthdays
website at:
6th February 1962 – Axl Rose (Rock
6th February 1895 – Babe Ruth
(Baseball Player)
7th February 1965 – Chris Rock
7th February 1960 – James Spader
8th February 1932 – John Williams
8th February 1931 – James Dean
9th February 1945 – Mia Farrow
9th February 1874 – Amy Lowell
10th February 1991 – Emma
Roberts (Actress)
10th February 1962 – Cliff Burton
(Bass Player)
11th February 1992 – Taylor
Lautner (Actor)
11th February 1847 – Thomas Alva
Edison (Inventor of of the lightbulb, phonograph and movies)
12th February 1980 – Christina
Ricci (Actress)
12th February 1809 – Abraham
Lincoln (16th US President)
13th February 1974 – Robbie
Williams (Singer)
13th February 1892 – Grant Wood
l i k e
Birthday Twins
Birthday Twins! What’s more cool
than finding someone who shares
the same birthday date with you? No
matter how far away you live from
one another an instant connection is
made. On one and the same day, you
party together to celebrateYour own
Special Day!
The Team of Sandbook.Net
would like to say a very Happy
Birthday to:
5th February 1991, Georgie
Freestone, UK,
13th February, Latoya Warren,
14th February 1979, Rachael
Gilliver, UK
15th February 1981, Robyn
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The published ads are in agreement with our policy: articles is the 30th of each month. If we receive the
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l a t e s t
What can I do to help with the
t h e
How to place an ad in the
c h e c k
Yes! So go ahead and tell all of your penpals and
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more, the merrier!
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have one and the same stories printed under variation of names. The deadline for all articles is the end
The “Subscribe” area on our website collects of the month (Nov 30th, 2010). Any articles submitinformation such as your name/nickname and an ted after the deadline with be either published in the
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i t ?
March 1st: Happy Baba Marta
March 8th: International
Woman’s Day
World Traveler
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