Organized? - Sandbook Net


Organized? - Sandbook Net
• Simplicity Embellished
• PenPalling & Letters
• Samantha’s Thoughts
• The Art of Nice and Neat FB’s
Do’s & Dont’s
Lost PenPal
World Traveller
Letter Insider
Samia Oumohand, France
How to keep organized
Gregory J. Lentz, USA
chec k
Raia, Bulgaria
it ?
The art of nice and neat fbs
l i k e
World Traveller: An Authum
in Israel
Cover: Gaya Designs
Editor: Sandbook Net
Graphic Designer: Aspeia Alexieva
IT administration: Jason Dimitrov
Production Coordinator: Raia Alexieva
Junior Associate: Milen Mangarudov
Information is correct at press time.
W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
My Facebook Endeavors
l atest
Penpal Meetings
F R E E B I E S :
Tessa, Netherlands
www . sandboo k . net
Heather Carrabis, USA
Samantha’s thoughts
Hello everyone!
On behalf of Sandbook Net
Team, I would like to welcome
you to our first issue of “PenPal
Sandbook”! Sit back, relax and
start flipping through the pages
of this magazine. We had worked
really hard to promote, collect and
design these pages and we feel
that we managed to exceed the
limitations of time and resources,
and to make a colorful and interesting magazine. At least
we hope so! Make sure you give us feedback, tips and ideas
on how we can further improve it. We relied a lot on the
opinions of our Facebook Friends to decide on the materials
that are published here and also consulted them on regular
bases when we started developing it. We hope that you will
feel this magazine as much YOURS as it is OURS.
Granted, there were hardships along the way of producing
this magazine, but we managed to navigate through
them and we can now proudly present our first issue on
SandbookNet 2nd Birthday! So raise your glasses and let’s
toast for our brand new magazine. We hope to see your
articles, stories and opinions on the pages of the magazine
really soon! Thank you all for your support and love towards
the greatest hobby in the world: PenPalling!
From the Editor
Samantha Stroy, USA
follow us on TWITTER
The Do’s and Don’ts in
Make sure that you stay informed for the latest news
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And join our Facebook Page:
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Visit us on our website: www.SandBook.Net
To be organized
18 Deciding on
PenPalling –
20 True Life Stories:
How someone
become something
Nice and Neat FBs
it ?
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
Samantha’s Thoughts
My Facebook Endeavors
www . sandboo k . net
Do’s and Don’t’s in PenPalling
14 Cover story: The Art of Nice and Neat FB’s
17 Scrapbooking /
Birthday Twins
The Do’s & The Don’ts
Traveller: Israel
22 Relationship / Lost PenPal
23 Bear for an Angel
24 Facebook Discussions: How did you start
26 Facebook Discussions: Why do you
28 My facebook endeavours
30 World Traveller: The unique Autumn in the
Holly Land
32 Send a postcard
33 How do you keep organized?
34 PenPal of the Month Contest
l atest
PenPal Meetings
36 PenPal and Swappers Ads
54 Groups Invites
56 Samantha’s Thoughts
59 Recipe
60 PenPaling Connections
61 Bracelets
62 FUN
63 Imagination Matters
64 PenPal Meetings
65 Quiz results
66 Letters are secrets between friends
70 Fashion
71 La Papierre
72 Cultural event: Halloween
74 Q & A’s / Survey / Subscription
76 Next Issue
Letter Insider: The
Introduction Letter
10 Letter Insider: How to
write a letter
12 Letter Insider: The
chec k
Deciding on Penpalling
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
3 Sandbook Twitter
4 In this Issue
6 Letter Insider: The Good PenPal
w hile
he riti I
th lp ng wa
bu this s th
go e
od iff t
ar in
an re on ticle ing
d nc de I c a
a e
r o b
ba be w uld out
d tw ha n’
pe ee t i t
n n s
pa a
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
chec k
l i k e
it ?
What to be carefu
l about?
- Penpals who ke
ep on asking yo
u one and the sa
aware – he/she is
me question all
not paying attent
over and over ag
ion to you.
ain, be
Don’ be judgementa
l – we are differen
cultures and coun
t people, coming
tries, so you shou
from various
ld expect diversi
thoughts. Be tole
rant towards othe
opinions and
r people’s opinio
ns, cultures, und
erstandings, belie
Write persona
l letters - By
showing interest
personalization of
in your penpal’s
the letters.
life you will also
- DON”T under A
NY circumstance
s send “form letter
make it very perso
s” (even if it is the
nal and intriguing
first letter – you ca
). Form letters are
your life, which so
n still
pre typed letters
me BAD penpals
(Drafts) of what’s
use by changing
contain persona
up in
e “Dear…………
l information, que
….”-lines. They d
stions or answer
you might think
o not
to questions. No
your draft is, a pen
matter how “intel
pal can always fe
never do it!
el the depersona
lization in those
lines! So
Don’t drag peop
le in your drama
Sharing your exp
erience and life is
e thing and dragg
different. Don’t b
ing your friend in
e the grumpy per
your drama is tota
son who makes
a hobby with whi
e letters full of d
ch we want to m
ake our daily lives
a! Writing letters
place here! You ca
n always share yo
e fun and interest
ur ups and downs
ing. Drama has no
she wants to read
, but let your pen
more about it.
pal give you a sign
if he/
Don’t ask for
money! Money
are never enough
don’t ask your frie
for everyone! So
nds for money, so
don’t ask for mon
don’t be a begga
everyone! And if
ey! You
r in front of your
people want to d
penpals! Life is to
onate money, th
so don’t be a vict
h for
ey will use the p
im of your well-b
roper channels (c
eing and politene
away and never
ss. If you get such
respond back! A
a letter – thro th
lso if you have m
report them! Mod
row it
et this beggar on
erators can block
a site/blog/grou
their IP addresses
- just
Make up your
mind, think over
before you speak”
it, then write
! There is truth in
and it applies he
re as well – don’t
the saying “Think
IF you write to so
meone, make su
ge your mind ev
y couple of days!
u have the time an
And if you do dec
ide to stop penp
d resources to su
alling with someo
stain the friendsh
ne – don’t drag it
The big question
: handwritten
tion and make th
v.s typped – is
e letter personal
irrelevant if you ha
hile you type it. Re
ve a good interac
letters, give a chan
member even if
e handwritten personal typed le
hard to read or ot
tters. Some peop
le’s handwriting
rs have disabilities
is and handwritten
an option for them
em off or you mig
not great friend!
ht miss a chance
to make a l i k e
I bet that you
have also tho
ught about th
asked my Face
e topic. So I
book Friends “W
hat makes a pe
one?” as it see
npal a bad
med to me at
the time that it
easier to defin
will be a lot
e what we all
find “bad” in o
ior. For my surp
e’s behavrise in betwee
n, we actually
the topic and
cheered up
started pointin
g out what a g
should be. He
od penpal
re started talk
ing about the
good penpal sh
alities the
ould have.
Write regu
I can’t stress
it enough –
writing regula
have the tim
rly is a must!
e, then don’t
If you don’t
start penpall
wait months
g at all! Nobo
for a letter! Th
dy likes to
palling with
someone new ain rule of thumb is don’t
start penif you already
you are way
have your ha
behind your
mail. There a
ds full or
who would lo
re a lot of pe
ve to write to
ut there
at person! Wri
pals with him
te and be reg
Don’t be a
ular penpenpal col
You should be
able to intera
ct and sustain
ters from dista
a friendship w
nt lands! The
ith the penpa
person is wha
friendship req
l, not collect le
t’s important!
uests/first lett
on’t send out
rs. Take it one
too many pen
lots of invites/
step of a time
pals that you
. You don’t wa
simply don’t re
that they can
nt to end up w
call! PenPal co
brag that they
ectors will on
have a penpa
you back (as th
ly write to you
l in your coun
ey already ha
try or even wo
ve your first le
rse wouldn’t w
tter, in which
ey are mainly
Interract with
our penpal
It’s actually w
ay easier than
it sounds! Wh
-Answer quest
at you should
ions: search fo
r all of the qu
have received
estions that w
and make sure
ere asked in th
you answer th
if it is asked b
e letter that y
em in your rep
y your friend!
ly! No questio
- Ask question
n is insignifica
s in your own
letters – this w
on which top
ay your penpa
ics are interest
l will also have
ing in. Therefo
some guidelin
re, this will en
sure that won
’t end up discu
ing boring topic
- Show interest
in your penpal
life – just like w
h your ordinary
If you r
day-to-day frien
ds – try to con
only fa eive a long le
nect with them!
tter, it is
ir to w
rite clo
se to t
t or eve
more! T
no but(
s) or ma
here are
l atest
www . sandboo k . net
chec k
it ?
l i k e
l atest
maps on his/her speed dial – try to
explain where in this world your life
begun. For instance, I often write
that I am from Bulgaria, which is a
small country in the South–East of
Europe. Then when I write about
my homeplace, I mention that it
is just couple of kilometers away
from Bulgaria’s south border with
Greece and that I love sun bathing
at the White Sea (Aegean Sea) as
the border is open for visitors (EU
countries). So from here, even if
you had no clue where Bulgaria
is you will get an idea about my
corner of the world.
What do you do for a living? What
exactly you study/work? What do
you deal in your daily life? No matter
what you study or do for a living,
don’t assume that your penpal will
Ready? Now get your
mojo working by turning
on the music player
with the tracks that you
enjoy or even light some
aroma scented candles –
whatever works for you.
The point is that you feel
cozy and relaxed. Now
you are completely ready
to start writing your
introduction letter. Keep
in mind that the more
letters that you write, the
better they will become.
It’s all about the practice.
Don’t be disappointed if
after writing pages of the
letter, you still feel that
it is not good enough
and that you are missing
something. In the end,
putting your heart and
soul in a paper is not
easy and your penpal
will appreciate you for
the unique person that
you truly are!
not only adjectives. Let’s look
into the main components of the
introduction letter.
What is easier to write about than
family?! I’d say nothing. Start with
your parents, move through your
siblings, annoying and not so
annoying cousins and finish with
your love life. That way your penpal
will get the idea about the most
important people in your life. Write
names and ages (not that you will
expect your penpal to remember
all that, but he/she will have the
general idea).
Write about each of the cities/
towns you lived in. Write a bit
about their history. Don’t expect
your penpal to be proficient in
geography or to have Google
choose to put it – make
sure you remember to
do so. You may want
to add your location or
your mood status in the
closing as well.
Topics to AVOID
Those are religion and
politics. There are many
people who are very
open-minded, but while
you write the first letter
you simply have no clue
about that. So best peace
of advice is not to engage
in such discussions.
Remember that nothing
good will come off if
you start writing the
introduction letter under
pressure. So relax. Take a
deep breath, hold it and
then slowly exhale. You
will feel how the rush of
adrenaline will slowly
disappear once you
repeat this simple but
yet very useful exercise.
chec k
“Break the ice”
As “Introduction letters” is the first
article in the first issue of our
magazine, I thought that there
will be no better time or place
to start talking about penpaling.
First letters are either something
you are good at or they are simply
dreadful. I think that anyone
can write a first letter which is
intriguing and bubbly. There is no
special formula or magic towards it.
I will only share my way of writing
introduction letters and show you
how you can “break the ice”.
One of the best introductions
letters that I have ever read
sounded like my penpal was not
only introducing herself to me,
but also showing me the dynamic
of her life. So best piece of advice
is use verbs to express action,
concrete ones “Describe
yourself in 3 words”, etc.
Closing words
When it comes to
closing words of the
letter everyone has their
“trade” mark. I usually
end telling my penpals
to ask me anything that
they want. Write it only if
you mean it though. You
may choose however to
use the more “neutral”
closing “That’s all for
now, I hope to hear news
from you real soon”. Then
choose between “Yours”,
“Sincerely”, “Take care” or
“Hugs” before your sign.
Yes, date it! Dates are
really important so that
we can establish a time
line. Don’t skip the dates!
You can either write the
date on top of the letter
or after your signature
– no matter where you
it ?
The Introduction Letter
know exactly what you
deal with. Try to write
about it and show your
penpal your interest in
it, your passion for it and
also at times your hatred
for it (as we know that
both school and jobs are
dreadful at times!).
About you
Write something that
characterizes you as a
person. Try to think about
yourself and figure out
the few things that are
specific for you interests/
likes/dislikes. Don’t be
afraid to even say show
your flaws. For example,
in my first letters I tend
to write about my
likes “candles, castles,
knights in shining armor,
chocolate, red wine, day
dreaming, sculpturing”.
I don’t mind telling my
penpals from the start
that I often jump from
topic to topic – maybe
that’s why my letters get
a bit interactive (or so I
would like to think about
Ask questions to your
penpal – that way not
only will you steer
them in the direction
that you would want
the conversation to go,
but you will also let the
penpal know that you
are really interested
in writing with them.
Questions may vary, from
the creative “What will
you do, if….” to a more
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
topics to discuss
- family (parents, siblings, your marital status
- city (where you were born/grew up/ study/
work now)
- school/ University (what do you do for a living,
what exactly you study/work, what do you deal
in your daily life)
- birthday/hobbies/interests
- write something that characterizes you as a
person – don’t be afraid to even say show your
- questions for your penpal.
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
In this way you will not
only achieve interaction
Don’t forget to
place questions for
your penpal and
most importantly
answer the questions that your
penpal asked you!
with your penpal, but
you will also ensure the
foundations of a great
closing words
They can vary greatly
situation, but I tend to
enjoy those endings that
show a little bit more
about what your penpals
plans are. For example
you can write “I have to
go now so that I can catch
the post office before it
closes down” or “Wow, it’s
already midnight, I am off
to bed”, or “I have to go
take care of ..(the activity
that you are going to do
once you stop writing
the letter). . Take care and
write soon!”.
Check if you have already
placed the time, date
and location in the letter.
If you hadn’t, then here’s
the place for you to do
so. Following these little
tips you will manage to
write interesting and
interactive letters. Letters
that both your penpal
and you will enjoy.
Finally, don’t forget to
use cute stationary. Or if
you prefer to show how
creative you are, simply
pick a blank white paper
and show your own
Place stickers, decorate
with clipping, draw or
write smiley faces all
the way through the
letter. So off you go and
be creative! In the end,
no matter what you do,
make sure that you have
fun! Happy Penpalling!
www . sandboo k . net
glitter pens, etc), make
sure you mention it. You
like it when people give
you a feedback on the
gifts you make, so make
sure you do the same for
your penpals!
BODY of letter
This will be the place
where you write the real
message that you want
your letter to carry. Write
what’s going on around
you, but do not place the
events in the diary style
as that is very boring.
Instead of noting on
facts, express in words
how the events made
you feel, instead of only
it ?
l i k e
l atest
if you date a letter and
then send it through the
post on a later stage.
So make sure you will
place a date either on
top of the letter or at its
end. Moreover it helps
people organize their
If you want to make a
letter creative, draw a
clock then place a semi
column and write the
actual time. You can
also choose to draw
a little picture of the
weather (cloud, sun,
cloud and sun, raining
cloud, snowflakes) – you
don’t have to be an artist
to quickly sketch the
appropriate image. You
chec k
“Dates help people
percept the friendship in a chronological matter. “
can even place a music
note and write the music
you are listening to
while writing your letter
reply. If you want to get
even more personal, you
can also place a detailed
location: “in living room”,
“bedroom”, etc. This way
the letter will be very
personal and it will allow
your penpal to connect
with you while, he/she
develop an idea in what
setting you wrote the
Dear John/Jane
That’s standard but
you can come up with
different ways to greet
your penpal “Dearest…”
or “Helloooooo....!!!” can
bring up some difference
in a long term penpal
Start of the letter
“How are you? Thank
you for the letter…”
That’s how I often start
my letters. The first
paragraph is to establish
a rapport with your
friend – that you indeed
got their letter and that
you are not using those
annoying “drafts”that are
somewhat personalized
afterwards. Your pen pal
is a special person in your
life, and there is no place
for copy-paste in any
friendship. Remember to
thank your penpal for his/
hers letter, or if they had
included something in it
(fridge magnet, stickers,
it ?
the envelope. Moreover,
keep in mind that your
letter is going to travel,
sometimes even half
way across the world and
it may encounter bad
weather and handling.
What if water gets
onto the envelope and
smudges away some of
the letters of the address?
You will be thankful if
your penpal took some
time to write this vital
piece of information
once again.
Nobody will get angry
l i k e
Now that we have
discussed what to write
in introduction letters,
let’s talk about the
structure of each letter.
We will focus on some
of the main sections that
each letter should have.
When you are into
penpalling for long time,
you will get the chance
to read many different
styles of handwritings.
handwritings are not as
easy to actually read as
people might think. In
such situations, you start
wondering if this is “u” or
“n”, is this part of the “c”
or a really weird symbol.
The same also applies
to typed letters, which
contain some fonts that
are hard to read. Some
fonts are simply too
cursive and unclear with
such situation. The only
solution is to compare
the address with another
sample that you have.
Where will you get it
from? Of course, from
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
Of course there are
many more advices
we could share about
article, I would love to
read your own Dos and
Don’ts. So write back
to SandbookNet and
include the name of
this article as subject
followed by your ideas
for Don’t and Do’s.
Guest author: Samia
Oumohand, France
DO consider your
exchange of letter
as a conversation,
not a diary. Yes, that’s
my motto! I mean that
when you write in your
diary, you just let your
feelings out but you
don’t expect an opinion
on them: it’s a one-way
thing. Whereas in a
conversation, it’s a twoway exchange. As for
me, these last few years,
one of the main topic of
Yes, each penfriend is
an individual, so DON’T
write form letters.
Ah, we didn’t have that
problem before copiers
and computers came
in the way. When you
handwrite your letters,
it’s rare that you write
twice the same letter…
But people who type
their letter can generally
be separated in two
groups: the great penpals
who still make you feel
unique and the others
who make you feel…
suspicious. In my penpal
experience, I remember
a time when my penpal
and I were writing to the
same girl. However we
quickly had a strange
DO pay attention to
the look of your letter.
You don’t necessarily
DON’T accept too
many new penpals
at a time. The risk is
that you can quickly
find yourself with more
penpals than you can
handle. I made that error
at a time, and because of
that, I was taking much
more time to write back
and what had to happen
did happen. I lost some
of my favorite penpals
they were fed up that I
wasn’t writing in regular
Do remember that
your penpals have
a life. Of course, it’s
normal to want to
hear about your pals
regularly! But give them
a chance if they’re late
sometimes. There are
people who work, go
to school, are retired or
don’t have to work…
different schedules! Not
to mention that there
are all those things in
life: sickness, exhaustion,
issues… Many things
that could prevent the
best penpal from writing
back in a timely manner.
l atest
In the same kind of
ideas, DON’T collect
penpals! Some people
have enough time to have
a lot of penpals: good for
them ;-) However, there
are still people who are
into a sort of competition
and sacrifice the quality
of friendships to the
quantity of penpals.
Once again, it’s all about
there’s a person behind
each letter, and I’m sure
you wouldn’t want to be
consider as a number,
would you?
my letters was my love
life. And I can honestly
say that some of my
penpals really, really
helped me by sharing
their opinion and advice.
There is nothing like the
feeling that a penfriend
becomes a real friend!
time when the post office
is full. Then in her next
letter, she replied angrily
that she was upset I didn’t
use nice stamps, and in
conclusion she insisted
on that again… no need
to say my next letter
was the last: I told her
that since she was more
interested in my stamps
that in me, I didn’t want
to be her pal anymore.
(from magazines or your
own pictures/photos):
both people who chose
to handwrite or type a
letter can do this little
Oh, and of course, if
you handwrite, make
sure your handwriting
is readable. You can’t
expect someone who
can’t read your letter to
answer it.
chec k
DO consider having
interested in others. It’s
a very basic advice but
sometimes people forget
about it. I’ve known a
few people who wanted
penpals just for the sake
of it: they didn’t seem
to care much about
the persons behind the
letters. As if the only
thing they enjoyed in
this activity was to say
to their friends: “Hey I
receive letters from the
whole world!”. In my case,
I painfully remember a
lady, who was a stamps
collector. In her first
letter, she asked me to
use only nice stamps.
I replied to her, saying
that I couldn’t always do
that because sometimes
the post office officer
would use printed labels
instead, because it saves
need to buy beautiful
stationery: those can be
pretty expensive! But
if you handwrite your
letter, just use a nice,
clean sheet. If you type
your letter, you may
already know that several
stationeries can be
added or downloaded.
The worst example I ever
had? A former penpal
just tore the envelope
I had sent her and
scribbled one sentence
on the back: “Hello,
I’m happy because my
hockey team won. Write
soon”. No kidding! One
thing you can do to add
some sparkle to your
paper is to add pictures
it ?
feeling that we were
receiving exactly the
same letters. We didn’t
even have to compare
them, because a few
weeks later, I received
“a” letter from this girl…
In fact there were several
letters for several of
her pals in my envie
(envelope): she didn’t
even pay attention to
that! And of course when
I compared my letter to
the others I had received,
they were all the same. I
can tell you it’s not the
best feeling…
l i k e
First of all, a
little explanation
about the title of
this article. Don’t
worry I don’t
claim that I’m
the best penpal
around (far from
that!), nor that
my golden rules
are the only ones
that are worth
following. That
being said, I’ve
been penpalling
since the midnineties and I’ve
things to share
a few tips about
my passion for
THE DO’s and Dont’s in PenPalling
the Art of nice and neat fb’s
l atest
chec k
Figuring out the
right materials
You need cardboard (or
any type of hard cover
sheet of paper).
It can be specifically
bought for the purpose
of making FBs or you can
do it my way (and recycle something). Actually
anything will do the trick
– labels from clothes,
hard covers of stationary
materials, hard-supporting paper behind sheets
Despite of what you may
have heard, size does
matter. You should always keep in mind the
standard dimensions of
an envelope.
Your FB should preferably fit in it. If it doesn’t
– then you risk someone
out there to fold it for
you in two. Which is so
not cool! Another point
that you should consider
is weight. The rule of the
thumb is that your FB
should neither be too
large or heavy, nor too
small that people can
hardly fit their address
labels. So keep it to a reasonable size and weight
as they are interconnected. Remind yourself
about the endless times
that you were fretting
about heavy FBs that
make the postage fee
rise sky high. Acknowledge your attempts to
keep certain heavy and
big swaps domestic or
in worse case within the
same continent, since
you know that overseas
shipping makes your
heart skip a beat!!! For
your FB’s to earn the “attractive” adjective, they
should be easy to swap,
doesn’t weight too much
and of course be nice
and neat.
Nice and Neat
Now that we had made
the FBs’ size to fit into an
envelope it’s time to attach the sheets of paper
that will be used for address labels.
Next you are ready to
use your creativity and
supplies to pimp up the
style of your FB’s. I often
use glitter (in a glitter
glue type or in powder),
You need
1. Materia:
2. Determine
3. Decorate the si
4. Fol
low the
5. Fill
in you guidelines
r FB
confetti (different
sizes, shapes and colors), glitter pens, stickers
(all types), cover sheets
(or you can substitute
them with wrapping paper and recycle it in that
way), ribbons, decorative
sticky tape, etc. You can
make different combinations with the materials
that you have – just take
www . sandboo k . net
of stickers, boxes from
different paints/chocolates/etc. The main thing
is that if the paper is already pre-colored, you
can use it right away and
start decorating it.
that the people after you
may choose to write to
you, or you can choose
to write an introduction
letter to one of the
people/addresses before
it ?
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where it had traveled.
Every single person who
signs a FB places their
address and additional
short information that
they want to share
with potential penpals
and swappers, before
passing the booklet. The
idea behind the FB’s is
chec k
FB’s: definition
Friendship books are
little books that contain
address of penpals and
are passed between
friends in order to find
new ones.
FB’s come in any size
and shape and present
big fun to take a look at
it ?
Cute Friendshipbooks or otherwise known
as nice and neat Friendshipbooks (n&n FB’s)
or high quality FB are the topic of our Video
Tutorial which can find at our website www. This article will show you step
by step the process of making FBs.
I like to reuse materials when I am making my
Fbs. It’s not like I can’t run to the store, which
is right across the street from where I live, to
buy the materials. I do it for the thrill of giving
something the chance of second life. I often
find myself proud of the final Fb, especially
when the main ingredients for it came out
of random stuff, that most likely everyone
throws away on weekly basis. Financially it’s
beneficial, but I do it for a rather inspiriting
motive – if I can make a nice and neat FB out
of scrap material, then it was really worth my
time and energy.
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www . sandboo k . net
time to match
them together.
However, there are some
guidelines that you
should keep in mind
when designing the outlook of your new FB’s:
1. Don’t over decorate
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That’s probably the easiest part of the process of
creating an FB.
You write “Friendship
Book” and then place a
Tag “Made for:” and write
the contact information
of the person for whom
you made the FB (the
owner of the FB). Then
write“Made BY”and write
your own contact information. If you decide to
make it for yourself write
“For and By” before placing your address. Don’t
forget to write a note
at the back “Home? Full
back to.... *name of the
owner of the FB*”. You
can place the address labels inside the cover and
decorate it as well with
glitter and stickers. Then
the FB is ready to be sent.
Special Free Event!
Birthday Twins! What’s more cool than finding
someone who shares the same birthday date
with you? No matter how far away you live from
one another an instant connection is made. On
one and the same day, you party together to
celebrate Your own Special Day!
Sandbook.Net had run a Page for birthday twins
for its beginning. Now in the anniversary of our
2nd year online, we want to spread the love and
celebrations to all of the penpals that are born in
this very special month for us. From the Team of
Sandbook.Net I would like to say a very Happy
Birthday to:
3rd November 1979, Jenna Geissle, USA
5th November 1970, Tanya from USA
5th November 1979, Elizabeth, Trinidad&Tobago
9th November 1998, Lauren, UK
9th November 1979, Jennifer, USA
10th November 1971, Lisa from USA,
11th November 2008, Sandbook Net
12th November 1975, Kerry Ellis-Ouimette, USA
18th November 1962, Susan Dyer , USA
19th November 1985, Rebecca Falz, Germany
22nd November 1973, Maria from Greece
26th November 1974, Sofie from Sweden
27th November 1975, Deidre from Canada
May you all have a wonderful day!
ricanes and can easily be
spoiled by handling over
their duration of time
(it takes approximately
3-5 years for a medium
sized FB to return home
to their owner). So you
have to prepare your FB
for the world, out there.
Fill in your Fb
My scrapbooking experience is based on my
desire to make creative letters and entries in FB’s &
Decos. In order to write this article I signed up for
free scrapbooking lessons at
which is one of the leading websites that deals with
scrapbooking. For the purpose of this column I will
start with some general tips and slowly work our
way to more elaborate projects. I will be also posting
different videos on our site and blog so that you will
not only read about different projects but also be
able to see them.
Every scrapbook entry can be done in different ways,
using different materials. But there are always these
elements when you start designing the entry: 1) title
2) background 3) journal entry 4) photos. There are
different ways to match one and the same materials
to achieve different outlooks of what your final
product will look like. We made these templates to
illustrate to you that concept.
In the following issues, I will be showing you creative
ways to match glitter, paint, paper, clothing pieces,
ribbons, feathers and buttons.
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effect is to use a big size
scotch tape (sticky tape)
across the FB’s cover
(that is if its size allows
such handling). No matter how you achieve the
protective cover, it will
be worth it. FB’s travel
across countries, encounter floods and hur-
Birthday Twins
it ?
the first page – too much
glitter can spoil a good
work and too much
stickers can deflect the
2. Match the colors carefully so that the overall
appearance is nice.
3. For your FB to become
a nice and neat one, you
will need a cover. It will
protect the glitter, stickers and confetti from
falling out and also increase the length of time
for which your FB will be
kept in its original state
and quality. If you don’t
have laminating machine, or you are simply
caught without it, you
can use the old fashion
way of wrapping the
FB in see through baggie (plastic sheet) as I
will show in the photos.
Bent it around the edges, trim then use sticky
tape to place the ends
together. Another way,
of achieving the same
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www . sandboo k . net
To join our birthday twin section you need to
send us your birthday, name, country and email
to To contact any of our
Birthday Twins just look it up on our site!
Deciding on PenPalling - PenPalling&Letters
friend far away who has feelings. Therefore, make
sure about the free time you have to write and stay
in touch with your penfriends. Wouldn’t it be sad
to stop writing to a nice penfriend because you
don’t have the time to do it anymore?
Find more interesting articles at
www . sandboo k . net
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www . sandboo k . net
PenPalling and Letters is a blog
dedicated to correspondence. You can
find many interesting articles there
together with polls, so feel free to
voice out your opinion.
There is also a section with interesting
links that you can follow and learn
more about the wonderful hobby of
Find PenPalling & Letters on Facebook:
5. Make sure about your wishes of swapping
stuff or not. Some penpals do like exchanging
little items together with their letters (postcards,
transportation tickets, stickers...) from time to
time. Other people do heavy swaps of everything
and anything frequently. Therefore speak about it
before a misunderstanding occurs.
Renpalling & Letters:
l atest
1. Think about which way to stay in touch with a
penpal fits you the best. My favourite one are letters,
but some people prefer e-mail, messenger systems,
Skype, social networks, penpalling websites, SMS...
It depends on each individual and what this person
Remember that letter writing requires buying paper,
pen, envelopes and stamps to send the letters. If you
prefer e-mailing or messenger systems... you will
need an Internet connection.
3. Plan how much time you have to do penpalling.
You will need time and dedication as any activity Penpalling implies dedication and commitment. You
would need, will and wishes to write if you are not are going to exchange your thoughts, experiences,
used to, patience, deciding which way to be in touch ideas, dreams, hopes... and even private life with a
with a penpal is the one you prefer, what are you
looking for in a penpal...
chec k
2. Think about what you are looking for in penpalling
and in a penpal. Try to find and get in touch with
someone who is similar to you or that have similar
penpalling ideas. Decide in which part of the world
you would like to have a penpal, which age, gender...
your pal should be, in which language you would
like to correspond, if you would like to talk about
hobbies and interests you are already into and you
like or maybe getting to know someone who has
completely different likings and who is willing to
introduce you in something totally different but new
and interesting for you.
it ?
To start writing a letter you just
need pen and paper, plus and
envelope, plus stamps... Isn’t it
easy? However, you also need to
figure out what you exactly wish
to achieve when penpalling, which
are your expectations when writing
letters and what you are looking for
in these future penfriendships...
4. Before start writing, discuss thoroughly with
your future pals what you are looking for when
penpalling and what you aren’t. Discuss if you
prefer handwritten or typed letters and if you
agree in the more convenient way for both of
you. Mention about the length of letters you are
used to write. Some people is disappointed when
receiving very short missives. Others find that long
letters don’t suit them. So discuss and talk about it
to make things clear before getting disappointed
later on. Also discuss about the frequency you
plan to write and send letters. Some people want
to receive letters every month, other people prefer
one very long, meaningful letter every several
months... Are you using stationery or you don’t
like it? Even if this is not a key point when writing
letters in my opinion, some people is addicted to
write on cute paper. However, remember that many
others don’t have access to those cute papers for
whatever reason. You have to value and weigh the
friendship. In the end you will see that the written
words are the most important part of the letter, not
the papers where those were written. Do you like
asking and answering questions? Make sure your
pal does as well. If you don’t like one-sided letters
and you are looking for continuous interaction and
conversation with your pal don’t be afraid to tell
what you are exactly looking for and expecting.
l i k e
Have you been thinking for
a while to get involved into
penpalling? Would you like to
write letters to people all over
the world but you still need
to be given the last push? Are
you wondering how to get
to a friend of the foster family. I was there
for 6 months and the man hit me. I was
kick out and put in a hospital for 3 months
with no family to call. I went to a boarding
care. I asked someone if they will help me
to move out in to my own place that was it.
She asked if I had any money I told her $ 500
in my bank account and that I had $ 2,000
from a show for college. That was it. But I
needed to get out from my foster mother.
I used my college money to move in to my
first apt in 2003 in San Bernardion. I was
to get my story told through my artwork
and tell more people about child abuse
awareness. Little by little I got my story told
and heard by people. I sold about 8 pieces
of my artwork and opened my own penpal
group on September 27, 2010, called Write
Wing, since I love to write my penpals.
chec k
there for a year. Then I moved to Escondido
and stayed there for 2 years. Eventually, I
moved again to San Diego. I got my first
job at Vons in 2005 and I worked hard. I was
also babysitting, doing house cleaning to
make more money. I started doing artwork
for fun just for me and sold my first art piece
in 2008. I got more inspired into art. I want
it ?
My real name is Rose Valencia but
everybody calls me Angel. Why? Hear I go.
I will start my story from when I was abused
as a child for 11years from age 2 until I
turned 12 years old when I got kicked out
of my first foster home. I had no money at
that time just what I had in my room. That
was it. I was told that I was going to be sent
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TRUE LIFE STORIES: How someone became something
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From Angel
Find Write wings on Facebook:
Do you have a problem or need advise? Help is on
the way. No problem is too big or small. You can
discuss you husband/boyfriend/significant other,
friend, mother, child, neighbor, or anyone else if
they are a problem and you need guidance how
to handle them. You can ask confidentially with
confidence. Your privacy will be respected. Viv is a
licensed psychologist and Davina can give a young
perspective and opinion.
How to contact us?
Log onto and click on the
Magazine Button. The menu will drop and you will
see the form to contact our column. Using the site
as a medium your privacy will be protected as the
mailing system and the SandbookNet Team will
forward your messages to us.
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www . sandboo k . net
bear for angel
Have you lost a penpal? Yes?! then
this is the section for you. Place your
story about your Lost penpal and
we’d all try to help you out.
Marlene Miller, Ohio, USA
Hello, my name is Marlene Miller, 55 and I am
in Ohio in United States, have an favor ask, am
looking for friend I wrote to about 8 yr s or so
ago, we lost touch, when she divorced, her name
was Jennie Smith she lived in Australia, has son
and daughter, grown now. We wrote and taped
letters regular. We were doing email then lost
my computer( blew up) and lost contact as
well as her address as never had it when she
moved. Anyone able to help, please email me
at and put in
message about her,thanks for any help you can
give. Marlene Miller
Samia Oumohand, France
Hi all! I’m looking for my former penpal Jerry
Lynn Daniels. She was a huge fan of French
supermodel Laetitia Casta and is from the USA
(from Tennessee, if I’m not wrong). If you know
her, please let me know at: samgunsjovirow@
Beverly Kuttler Rampero, USA (via
I’m trying to find a good friend of mine. Her name
is Aimee Plunkett. We have been writing for
about 17 years. She use to live in Tracy, California
but then moved away to another state and I lost
her new address. I haven’t heard from her since.
Tammy Albertson Dupont, USA (via
I have been looking for a friend of mine who I
lost contact with along time ago and I really miss
her. Her name is Kim Bear and she lived in Texas.
I would love to get back in touch with her. Her
maiden name was Heiliman.
Jules Muni (via Facebook)
My penpal of 15 years Jacqueline Mcinnus who
last known lived in Kingston, Jamaica. I hope that
I will be able to get back in touch with her.
Hi there!
This is the non-profit organization Bear for an Angel!
We fund personalized teddy bears for families who have had a
miscarriage, still birth, neonatal death or cot death, we rely on
fund raising & donations to do this.
We also sell memorial items including, birth scrolls, bracelets &
lots more. Bear for an Angel can also do personalized memorial
bears for funeral’s or any other loss available to purchase.
The non-profit organization Bear for an Angel was set up by
Michelle Dayson, mother of two angel babies lost to miscarriage.
She wants everyone to have a nice memory of their babies, sadly
gone too soon.
Contact us:
Check our website
You can find us also on our Facebook page
Our email address:
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
I was 12 years old and my friend
sue had started writing to this girl
and she said her cousin wanted
to write to someone too! I said
sure why not. That was over 30
years ago. I still write to my penal
Peter in Australia! I’ve met him
I started penpalling years ago
when I firstly started learning
English. I was 6-7 years old and
I needed a way to practice the
language. I found my first penpal
via the magazine Mickey Mouse,
which had a penpal section. I
started penpalling with a girl from
Lithuania, and although we lost
contact, I got introduced to the
world of Friendshipbooks (FBs)
and I managed to find a lot of new
penpals. PenPalling is my hobby
ever since! Raia, Bulgaria
chec k
I have been penpalling off and on
since 2003. I just decided to look
into it one day online and at one
point I was penpalling 350 people
from all over the world. Rebecca
Sampson Falzarano, USA
it ?
I started penpalling at school, we
each had our own & had to write
in French, that was my very first
one. Rachel Anna Mitchell, UK
several times. He is more an old writing again to each other.
friend now. I love to write to all Maria Gerrald Robertson, USA
my penpals. It’s the best hobby!
Yonnie Stengel Smith, USA
I started at school (age14) and
never stopped, but lost contact
I had my first pen pal when I was with my first pen pals. I still have
14. Through school, when I started my penpals of 20 years, one from
taking German. Our teacher Slovak Republic & one from South
assigned pals for each of us to Africa. Miriam Gerst, Israel
help us learn the language better.
She stopped writing to be after 7 I think I got my very first pen pal
or 8letters. I didn’t start penpaling through school at age 9 but we
again until August of last year. lost touch quickly. Then, I got
But I missed it so much and am another pen pal shortly after that
so very happy to be writing again! through Muppet Magazine, lol.
Penpaling is one of my favorite Later on I would write to people I
things to do and I just LOVE mail!:) saw in the pen pal sections of Bop
Christina Nail, USA
magazine, Teen Beat, Superteen,
etc. and I’m still in contact with
I have been pen palling since the a few of those gals! After that I
early 1980’s and how I started was would get pals through FB’s and
through Bon Jovi’s fan club called through other pals so a lot of the
The Secret Society, oh wow I am pals I wrote to and still write to all
surprised that I know that, lol. know each other somehow. I have
Anyways, I have been writing for had palling “breaks” throughout
over 20 years now and am always the years and just ended another
looking for pen pals ! :) Amy (and hopefully my last) break. I
Stefanik, USA
have gotten in touch with a few
old pals and we’re writing again
I had my first when I was 13 she which is great. :) I hope to find a
was from Japan at the time I was few more pals in the near future.
taking Japanese & the teacher Charity Marie Ortiz, USA
got us pen pals but that only
lasted a few letters. Then when I started when I was 11,I found
I was 16 a friend gave me a few some addresses on the Barbie
of the pen pals she had as they magazine. I never really stopped
weren’t writing as often as she since then but I lost contact
liked. I am still pen pals with one with my first pen pals! Mirja
of them today nearly 11 years Colombari, Italy
later. Danielle Henderson, New
I’ve been penpaling since I was
12. I started when I was on this
I started back in 2003 by writing website
a lady I got an address from a com and I met this girl and she
crafts’ magazine. Even though, suggested we become penpals
we lost touch for a few years, I and we still are lol:) Britannia
recently found her and we are Mosely, USA
l i k e
I started pen palling in 1999
when I was in junior high. Our
geography teacher had us fill out
some questions to get us each
a pen pal. From then on I began
finding penpals all over the world.
Penpals come and go but some
left a print on my memory. Some I
will miss but apparently they had
gotten busy with their lives. I hope
the best for all who find penpals.
Lisa Oaks, USA
Why do you penpal
www . sandboo k . net
Facebook: “A friend of mine
asked me “Why do you penpal?”,
I was stunned from the question
and I replied that it gave me
the chance to travel around the
world and meet new people and
cultures. But it is a lot more than
that! So the question is, why do
you penpal?
l atest
To get to know people in other
countries and learn how they
live. To get friends for life. And no,
writing e-mails doesn’t give me
the same satisfaction as sitting
down with nice stationery and
a good pen. And, seeing other
people’s hand-writing makes it
all more real. Rebecka Carlsson,
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it ?
chec k
My fiance asks this all the time.
With penpals I have a chance to
be friends with people who would
normally be my friend. When he
says but u never know that person
100% I say I know the person that
writes the letters even if they
don’t be them self 100% hope
that makes sense. I like to hope
my penpals are true to themselves
but of not it don’t matter x Emma
I love to meet new people,
letters are more personnel touch,
emails ok for catch up, i put more
information in my letters. Alison
I love to write old fashioned letters!
And have made some wonderful
friends around the world. Kari
Conroy, USA
Give me a chance to make new
friends learn about all different
parts of the world plus it’s nice
to get mail beside bills. Julie
Stephens, Australia
Why do I have friends? ;) Would
be the same question :D! I love to
write, I love to exchange stuff and I
love the people behind the letters!
:) Fabienne Fries, Germany
I get asked that a lot. I enjoy
meeting people from all over the
world. I love to know about other
people in other countries that are
around my age. It’s interesting
I love to experience what is to see the things that we have in
between the lines..behind the common and things that we do
words and whom I am writing differently in our everyday lives. is indeed an adventure that It’s a great chance to learn about
gives pleasure in many ways :O). another culture. I think you can
Birgitha Persson
learn things from your penpals.
Also, I enjoy writing and receiving
Gives me a chance to meet other letters in the mail. Jaimie Alliel,
people around the world, love USA
to receive letters through my
mailbox & you can write more in PenPalling is a form of meeting new
a letter than you can ever write people. It goes beyond the going
in an email. I also write to some out with friends to the local pub.
prisoners & it gives them contact It helps me see the world through
with the real world, as unlike most different prospective, learn from a
people, they do not have access to native speaker what’s it like to live
the Internet, so can’t send emails. in distant countries and discover
Maria Defriez
how big and yet small our world
can be. Feye Sheanz, Ireland
I practice English and German
through my correspondence as I think of my penpals like any other
they are both foreign languages friends that I have. I enjoy opening
for me. I also get to experience my mailbox and discovering mail
different cultures, exchange from countries that I have never
souvenirs and enrich my day-to- visited. I love to daydream that
day life. Anne, Finland
one day I am going to make a trip
around the world and finally meet
Makes me learn much about other in person most if not all of my
cultures. Fanuel K Amanya
penpals! That would be such an
adventure! Elena, Greece
My Facebook Endeavors
www . sandboo k . net
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and promote some
goodwill. It is my hope
that through this project
I could earn a living
reporting on all things
where I may, to be an
ambassador for peace
and tolerance among
our varied world cultures.
Perhaps one day the
Project could become
an organization to help
fund other *Vagabonds
*to travel and continue
to spread the education
and understanding we
need in this world to
make it a better place...
www . sandboo k . net
members who will share
the idea, and through
social networking via
Facebook, garner the
interest and support
required to take that first
worldly journey.
As a *Vicarious Vagabond
*it is my goal to be able
to fund an initial year
long journey around
the world, through
page, having forged an
invested community on
Facebook who would
vicariously experience
all the world has to
offer as I post pictures,
video, and articles of all
things cultural. I want
to have people involved
in all ways, to educate
I have an interest in
world cultures, histories,
and current worldly
issues, so I thought to
combine all of this and
with Facebook as a
center piece, I created
The Vicarious Vagabond
Project on Facebook
to try and realize this
The “Project” is first
and foremost a means
to connect Facebook
members in the spirit
of cultural tolerance
and education. One
day, I hope to travel
the world, and share
the world with those
who cannot through
my Facebook Page. I
hope to gain a million
it ?
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Groups. I do love fan
fiction; it is a culture of
expanding upon the
concepts of fan’s favorite
movies, books, or comics.
I personally like science
fiction and fantasy genres
like Battlestar Galactica
or George R.R. Martin’s A
Game of Thrones.
I do have an interest
in becoming a “real”
writer; I would love to be
published one day, but I
would also be happy to
make a living selling my
ideas as a ghostwriter. I
have an autobiography
in the works, through
c o m / W E b o o k .
community) , a resource/
group I discovered on
Facebook. I hope to
catch the interest of
an agent through the
WeBook site once my
manuscript is complete.
I also have been working
on a compilation of
chec k
“Friendship Room” on
Facebook, where she
promotes the culture of
online social networking
providing a page to
make new friends and
share your lives and
interests with others on
So I created my own page
of Facebook:
“Fan Fiction on
Facebook w/ G.J.
to share my fan “fix” with
others. I have an open
invitation to all who like
to write fan fiction of any
genre, or for those who
just like to read them. I
have long had a passion
for writing; I have joined
many different writing
groups all over the
internet, from PBeM
(play by email, a sort of
role-playing fan fiction
concept), to various fan
fiction genre groups
on places like Yahoo!
fantasy short stories
based in a realm of my
own creation called
Terra). My baby though
“write-now”, is a complex
time-travel piece based
on an element of String
Theory with inspirations
from the novel and also
released as a movie
Timeline, and the TV
show Fringe.
I decided to create a
page on Facebook to
share my journey and the
processes of writing and
Titling it after myself,
G.J Lentz,
share my ideas and
elements of creating
my aspirations and
frustrations, and the
process of trying to get
“The Vicarious
Vagabond Project”
mine involves my love
of photography, my
interest of being a writer,
and the desire to travel
the world. I thought one
day, in the frustrations
of daily life, how great it
would be were it I could
just pack a bag and just
go...anywhere...but to
report back via Facebook,
posting pictures, video,
and blog notes about my
travels and experiences.
it ?
is the owner/founder of
this social network.)
I started using Facebook
to reconnect with friends
from the past, and family
who I have not seen
and live far away...I have
used it to share my
”likes” and to pass time
with fun applications
like Farmville and Social
City...but they grew tiring
and mundane for me.
Instead, I have recently
started a few pages on
Facebook to devote more
time to my interests,
and to share them with
friends, family, and to
broaden my online social
I first started getting
involved with Facebook
communities through a
Facebook friend, Anna,
who is from the U.K.
She started a postcard
swapping page,
“I Love Postcards”,
where I have been
sharing postcards and
pen paling with new
friends from all over the
world. I also joined her
l i k e
I, like 500+ Million
“Facebooker”. I have
many, varied and
evolving interests,
that I like to share
with the world,
and I do so through
Facebook. I have yet
to see the movie,
The Social Network
but it looks pretty
interesting. I know
who the “Zuck” is,
but have never
really had much
of an interest in
or the history of
concept we know
as Facebook.
(Editor’’s note: the guest
author is referring to
the movie “The Social
presenting how the
concept of Facebook
was born, developed
and produced to the size
and variety that we now
know it. The author refers
to Mark Zuckerberg,
known as “Zuck”, who
Guest author:
Gregory J Lentz., USA
l atest
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it ?
chec k
www . sandboo k . net
“guests”. On its head and under its neck, there is a
black big stain. It looks like the bird has a little hat
and an apron, ready for a traditional meal.
The yellow flower in this page is called Helmonit
because the yellow colour part of the egg is
l atest
international botanical
The pink flower is
called here ‘Sitvanit
name: colchicum steveni)
because Autumn in
Hebrew, our language is
Stav, and the first rain is
calld Yoreh .
This bird
(wagtail or motacilla)
is one of our favourite
feed or rest for a while,
before continuing their
journey to the south.
Of course, in the Spring
season we’ll see them
again, on their way back,
from the south to the
The ‘tall‘ flower is called
here ‘Hatsav‘. Because
of its height, it can’t be
missed and so we see it
immediately and know
that Autumn is here. Its
chec k
The season Autumn in
Israel is a little different
Autumn that is seen in
Europe or in the U.S.A..
The Autumn in the Holy
Land - the land of Israel
is not about the yellow,
orange, red and brown
changing colours of
leaves in ‘ Fall ‘. It’s more
about the special flowers,
that when appearing,
simply tell us “Autumn
is here”. It is also about
the thousands of birds
that are passing by
on their way from the
north (Europe, Russia)
to the south (Africa)
escaping the freezing
temperatures of Winter
there. Some of the birds
‘decide ‘ to stay in Israel,
the Winter,
others just stop to
it ?
will be taking you
on a trip Across
our Magazine, a
Different Country
will Be featured
seen through the
eyes of a native
I nteresting ?
Contact us right
you can be the
next author to
speak about their
This is the perfect way to
travel - no annoying visas,
no travel expenses, no
packing and unpacking.
Welcome to Israel, the
Holly Land.
Miriam, Israel
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www . sandboo k . net
called helmon. Its international botanical name is
sternbergia clansiana. The white flower above the
Helmonit is called Havatzelet Hahof (pancratium
maritimum) I think that this is the flower mentioned
in the Bible in the book ‘ Song Of Songs ‘ as a symbol
of the beloved woman.
Then there is again the tall Hatsav and to its right
side its ‘ more ellegant cousin ‘…
(white flowers)
Hof is a shore in Hebrew and this flower is seen now
all along the sea shores of The Mediterranean Sea.
Soon the real autumn flowers will appear.
Send a postcard
www . sandboo k . net
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www . sandboo k . net
chec k
l atest
it ?
l i k e
chec k
you can brighten up a child’s life. I can honestly
say I do this once a year, I send 5 cards and a small
gift to a child, so I think sharing this with everyone
would be appropriate. I have children myself and if
it were reversed in a situation and my kids were hurt
and I couldn’t afford even a card for my children, I
would hope someone would cheer up my children
with just a simple Merry Christmas Card or Happy
Holidays! To make it interesting I usually send a
few Christmas doodles on the card, and I include
a sheet of stickers or a small coloring book and
crayons. It means a big deal to me for anyone who is
Since this is a pen-palling magazine and we send interested to send something to these unfortunate
letters and gifts to our friends anyways, why not children. Even if it is just a card, we can all afford a
cheer up a child for one day out of the year and stamp, right?
make them feel special. Please take your time to Thank you for reading!
read the instructions on the website to see how Guest Author: Samantha Stroy, USA
reply I have one available.
There is nothing worse
than not being home
and finishing a letter and
you can’t mail it because
you don’t have a letter.
Wait yes there is! NO
STAMPS!!!! Before the
letters get filed I write on
top of the first page as
to who mailed the letter.
This is in case I can’t get
to filing right away once
I toss the envelope.
I think using file folders
is the easiest way to
keep all my letters in one
spot. I haven’t decided
what I will do when my
draw get to full. I will
cross that path when it
My latest way of keeping
addresses and my mailed
and received dates is
index cards. Person’s info
and notes to myself on
the front and the dates
in the back. I find this to
be the easiest way (so
far) to keep them with
me and I can also keep
the names in order when
I get new pals.
I have a few bags that
I keep my pen pal
possessions in it. I don’t
have one spot that I do
my writing. That varies,
it’s usually when I can
find the time and have
the space to do it. I
write: at home (all over
the house), at work,
while babysitting, at my
brother’s, while camping.
Basically if I can find a
place to write I will.
it ?
I would like to recommend a website to help those
less fortunate receive Christmas cards and gifts.
These kids are in a hospital and are very sick and
what joy you can bring to their life with just one
Christmas card or a gift that their parents can’t
afford. Some of the kids don’t have parents. This
website has truly touched my heart and I hope it
does to you too. All it takes is a Card to brighten
up a little kid’s eyes and see the smile on their face
come Christmas Day! If you are interested please
Do you ever look at your
pen pal possessions
and wonder: “Why can’t
this be a little more
organized?” “I know I
had more paper, now
where is it?” “Crap! I can’t
remember if I replied to
so-and-so.” “Crap! What
did I do with that letter
that came in yesterday?”
Maybe Suzie Smith or
John McGee asked: “Did
you get my letter?” ,“Do
you know when you
mailed my letter?”
Well I hope that by the
end of this article you
will have a few ideas if
not e-mail me and I can
talking about?” I kept
ALL letters in a 5 inch
binder. In order as to how
I got them in. They were
in alphabetical order
(thanks to those tabs)
Then September the
binder was getting too
small none of the letters
were fitting in it anymore.
So I had to change how I
kept organized. I decided
to go to file folders. I also
decided at this point to
stop keeping a copy of
the letters I sent out (it
was just getting to be
way to much work to
be THAT organized). At
this point I also started
to keep track of when
I received and mailed
letters. I ended up using
the same notebook from
the addresses and next
to the person’s name I
made 2 columns. One
for received and one for
Since then I have changed
this a little bit. I still keep
the file folders. They are
filed by first name in
alphabetical order and
the most recent letter
goes in the front of the
folder. On the tab I write
the person’s name and
also the country that
they are from.
When I get a letter in I
write on the envelope as
to when it came in, so I
can remember who to
reply to first. Then it goes
to the back of the pile.
I also put an envelope
with it so when I go to
l i k e
Heather Carrabis,
Since I have O.C.D.
tendencies I’m always
thinking of new and
better ways to keep
organized and not lose
what little mind I have
left. Hehe. I also ask my
pen pals how they keep
organized. There are so
many different ways to
do it!
When I first started pen
palling it was around
June or July 2009. I
couldn’t think of ONE
decent way to get
organized. At first I just
wrote all the names and
addresses in a notebook.
At this point I wasn’t
keeping track as to when
I mailed or received a
letter. I kept a copy of
my outgoing letters
(never know when the
post office will lose the
letter or when someone
will say “OMG! I know! I
felt the same way!” and
you’re sitting there going
“What on earth are they
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it ?
l i k e
of the packs in which
Susi sent the invitations
got “lost” at the post and
arrived only after about
1.5 months! That was a
real adrenalin bit in the
wedding preparations!
By that time Susi started
making more of them
to make up for the lost
l atest
(for October 2010 there
were 31 different nominations) and you have
won....” Being nominated
Susi’s great talent is
in artful card-making.
Anyone who has received
her B-day or Christmas
card must agree. She is
really a master of handcrafted cards. That is
why I asked her if I could
order some cards from
ones...and those lost
ones appeared after she
sent the newly made!
So I ended up with 150
pieces! Crazy! :) I invited
a whole world. :) Sadly,
Susi couldn’t come to
the wedding as she had
to work (and yes, we live
in different countries). :(
Writing with Susi is a
great pleasure for me, her
letters are long, sweet,
funny...and we also
write in a mix of several
(which we
have started
doing some
time back
just for fun).
Apart from
earrings and
sweet little
gifts that we
send each
other, the
part is of
course the
In the world
Fa c e b o o k ,
SMS, Skype,
Myspace and
all the other virtual ways
of keeping in touch, the
art of a pen and paper
is hard to find (as we all
well know). Finding a
person to share this “art”
with is great - but to find
a real friend in this way is
really a blessing! Thank
you! :)
“I had no clue”
an angel of a friend! And:
it’s Susi’s B-day this Thursday!!! so this is a great timing, Raia!”
That is how Teresa Wodehouse from the Czech Republic started her email
to us. In the following exclusive interview with her
as a Penpal of the month
winner October 2010,
Teresa Wodehouse,
she states: “I think this
the Czech Republic,
(the contest) is a great
PenPal of the month way to honor your friend/
penpal - an easy way to
October 2010
“What a great surprise put a smile on someone’s
to find your email in my face! :)”.
mailbox! And I am really So why are you waiting
excited to know that Susi for? Go on our weband I were chosen as the site www.sandbook.
“Penpals of the month” net and let a friend
and will even get an know how much they
award! I am really, really really mean to you!
happy to know that Susi’s read the following
great friendship has been article for the friendmade public as she truly is ship of our winners.
her as my wedding
invitations. Susi agreed
in a heartbeat, refusing
to take any money for
that (I tried to make up
for it with gifts, but still!).
Those invitations were
really the best! My
friends from all over
the world have been
stunned and expressed
how wonderful those
cards were! A little
adventure that no one
really knows is that most
chec k
“.... You receive a message
from the Sandbook Net
Team letting you know
that you have been selected among the applicants
“I think this is a
great way to honor your penpal”
Despite our seemingly
different lifestyles, we
click instantly. The sense
of humour, the way of
being thoughtful of
each other and sharing
everything in our letters
makes our friendship
very strong. When we
chat on Skype, it is so
hard to stop, we keep
chatting away as if we
have known each other
(personally) for ages. Yet,
we have never met till
it ?
Susanne Schulz,
Germany, PenPal of
the month October
as a penpal of the month
you may not have a clue
neither about the website itself, nor about the
contest. That is how I felt completely puzzled that I
have won something that
I had no clue that I was
running for. The email that
I received went on about
how this was not a scam
and that my friend Teresa
had nominated me! I was
flattered, honored and
happy about the award
- stationary! Yeah!!! :) You
can never have enough of
those, can you?
The correspondence that
followed was mainly to
establish my snail mail
address to receive the
goodies and of course to
fill out the questionary
about my PenPal of the
Month Page! Moreover,
I got to share my happiness with all of you, the
readers of SandbookNet‘s
PenPal Magazine!”
When I come to think
of it, I do not know who
was the first one to write.
However, I remember
that a German girl living
in France and a Czech girl
living in The Netherlands
started being penpals
in 2003. Susi has been a
great friend to me many
years and I do not think
of her as a penpal, but
as a friend. Her letters,
always nicely decorated
from the envelope to the
last page, have
been bringing
a smile on my
face anytime
I find it in my
can say that
our daily lives
many ways:
Susi likes to
relax at home
after work with
letters, making
her amazing
cards, listening
drinking tea
pig Chouquette (hugs
to the little princess
through this article :)).
On the other hand, I
enjoy being out a lot,
hanging out with my
friends in tearooms,
hiking at the weekends...
basically lots of social
and outdoor activity.
l i k e
It all starts with a quick filling out of a blank that’s offered on the website
and your nomination is done in no time.
“Hi Sandbook team!
I would love to nominate my dear Susi for the Penpal of the Month Award. Let
me share some of the interesting and I think unique points of our penpal-friendship: Susi and I have been penpalling since about 6 years. Our friendship has
grown tremendously since then. When we started penpalling, we were both
living in a county different than where we came from. We don’t only write cute
snail mail letters, but also write sms daily for good morning and to tell any news.
Susi and I write to each other in 4 different languages (English, French, German,
Spanish) mixing them in the sentences randomly in every single letter. Susi is a
master of stationeries and hand-made cards for any occasion. I recently got married, and she was so wonderful as
to make 150 wedding invitations for our wedding!!! 150 hand-made cards with a design that we had discussed. :)
Plus, she also sent a monetary gift for our wedding (she is seriously a crazy pallie). Susi and I have never ever met,
nor spoken to each other on the phone! and yet we have such a strong friendship! She truly deserves the award of
the month!!!” Then you visit more of the pages, read the blog and go on with your daily life until one day....
Our PenPals of the month October 2010
PenPal & Swappers Ads
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it ?
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SandBook.Net Team
What is the policy on Commersial
Commercial Ads are paid ads for products or
service that is not classified as a penpal or a
swapper ad or an add from a small business
that provides supplies for correspondence
(stationary, address labels). Such ads are
going to be negotiated with the respective
companies. For more information email
chec k
Our Ad Policy:
1) We are not a dating site/community - write
appropriate ads to have them published.
2) No inmates - we have kid members in our
community! Don’t refer neither our website
nor our magazine to inmates.
3) No money requests - such ad will result in
your permanent ban from our community.
4) Snail mail addresses - we are not going to
publish any snail mail addresses. We don’t
want others to abuse the addresses that
are published here. So you are going to be
in charge of sending your home addresses
to friends. We will only publish your email
5) Religious, racial or discriminative materials
would not be tolerated.
6) Any form of abusive or rude language is
forbidden and will result in your permanent
ban from our community.
it ?
Who can post an Ad?
Anyone can post an ad in search for
swappers or penpals.
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How to place an ad in the
Go to and go to the
Magazine section. Then simply click “Place
an Ad” and you will have to fill out the form
that loads on your computer screen. Don’t
forget to give us feedback on what you
think about the magazine so far.
PenPal and Swappers Ads
Tatjana, Germany
tat j ana _ 2 0 3 tp @
Virginie, Germany
bosieoscar @ web. My name is Tatjana, I’m 27
years old and I live in the
I’m 31 and very much middle of Germany. I’m
into travelling, especially looking for female snail
to Ireland, but also writ- mail penpals around my
ing, Indie - music, going age. I like reading, music,
to concerts, pubs etc. I of course writing letters
have studied German and I am interested in
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
Charity Ortiz, USA
Hello all! I’m 35, from
Southern California, USA
and going to be a firsttime single mommy in
early March. I’d love to
hear from new moms
or moms-to-be (esp.
single moms), ages 25
and up, in the U.S.A. only
who write long letters
regularly, want long-term
friendship, are friendly,
positive, open, honest,
who like to swap nice
Mom FB’s (will gladly take
your excess), stickers,
and other fun things
that fit into an envelope,
who I have at least a few
things in common with &
don’t mind typed letters.
I have MANY interests
such as reading, writing,
animals, movies, music,
Sanrio, GOD, Marilyn
Monroe, James Dean, the
entertainment industry,
cook and bake, scented
candles & tarts, and
more. Please send me
www . sandboo k . net
Anna Oldani, Italy
anna . ann u ccia @
Hello everyone! I’m Anna,
29 y/o from Italy... I’m
searching new friends
near my age all over the
world... I love snailmail...I
love foreign languages
and foreign cultures... I
like to share cultures but
also to talk about daily
life.. I think it’s the best
way to know each other
and becoming friends
and in the same time
learning how people can
live at the other side of
the world... I also swap
postcards and FBs with
my letters. I collect postcards that are my great
love and I love postcrossing, too. Please contact
me by e-mail: or on
facebook Anna Oldani.
learning about different
countries and cultures.
You can write me in English, German or French.
My email-address is
com. I’m looking forward to your message,
so that we can exchange
our postal addresses and
start writing letters.
l i k e
and English literature,
so I have a passion for
books and reading. I am
interested to get to know
new people, no matter
where they are from nor
how old they are.
and therefore you may
be interested in becoming snail mail pen pals,
please send me a long
e-mail to introduce yourself and I will forward
you my mailing address.
Please write more than
just few lines so I can get
a picture of who you really are! :) I would prefer
you write the first letter,
but it’s not a demand, so
just let me know what
you are comfortable
with! Please note that I’m
not looking for someone
who just wants to collect pen pals or writes
the same letters to everyone! I’ll accept typed
letters, though, because
when I’m really busy I
love to take advantage
of technology and tend
to often type my letters as well. And I look
for friends who write
long letters on a regular basis, not someone
you hear from every 5-6
months! Please, no men,
no romance, no money
requests, no spammers!
Please no religious mail.
Thanks a million for reading this ad!
l atest
hear your stories about
motherhood! But it isn’t
a must... I’ll be happy to
write to all people I judge
interesting enough!! :)
I love writing very very
long chatty letters putting lots of passion and
creativity in it, running (I
managed to run my first
marathon in November
2007 and would like to
train for another one
in the near future), hiking, snowshoeing, cross
country skiing, keeping
fit in general, being outdoors, spending time
with my husband and
son, reading books both
in Italian and in English
language to improve
it, photography, listening to music, Take That,
surfing the net, cooking,
baking, creativity, crafts,
travelling, Ireland, Sweden, shopping, receiving/collecting postcards,
nature, gardening, orchids, learning foreign
languages and getting
to know other cultures,
history, animals (I have
a “Calico” cat), watching
soccer matches, long
conversations with my
friends, dancing, drinking good red wine,
Christmas markets, Winnie the Pooh, Diddl writing papers… Actually,
my interests and passions are sooooo many,
I can’t name them all! If
you think we could “click”
in English, but I want to
improve my skills in these
languages). Also looking
for pals for journal type
project: to exchange illustrated letters telling
our life feelings and so
on with or without a few
words. Ideal is if you like
swapping too.
I am looking also for a
few new swappers. I swap
nice and neat fb’s, slams,
decos, label and goodie
bags, sometimes lyrics. If
you are interested I can
S ini / 2 7 / F in l and also swap little goodies like stationery, stickers,
I am interested in psy- memo sheets, matchchology, another cul- boxes, ATCs, inchies,
tures and countries, sec- used stamps, chocolade
ond hand, vintage, street bars and little surprises. I
fashion, literature, every look for honest and loyal
day philosophy, art, re- swappers who are willing
ligions, voluntary work, to send first (sorry, have
maps, human rights. My had some bad experienchobbies are adventurous es). Around 100 gr once in
travelling with a back- 1-2 months. World wide.
pack, playing with my
little nephews and niece, Sara
being in nature, long
chats, nice cafes, cook- Greetings all of you feling, international proj- low snailmail long letter
ects, some sports, swap- lovers!
ping and crafts, classical I’m a 32 years old happily
music and reading good married mum from Italy
books. I am looking for and I would like to find
penpals around my age some more dedicated
with similar interests. and sincere snail mail pen
World wide and friend- pals around my age that I
ship only. I can write in can develop a friendship
English or Finnish, but es- with and deeply get to
pecially I look for people know. Other mums are
who can write in Swed- very welcome, especially
ish, Estonian, German or considering I’m a mum
Czech (though possibly I as well and I’d love to
must answer you at first share experiences and
chec k
Hi y’all, Isn’t it nice to find
a nice, fat envelope in
your mailbox? And when
you open it, you’ll find a
chatty, long and decorated letter. Love it? Me
too! My name is Rosina,
I’m 29 years old an I live in
the Netherlands. I’m the
kind of person who loves
to write nice, decorated
en chatty letters, and for
that reason I’m looking
for penpals around my
good thing, it keeps me
from buying too much),
but when I find cute stationery on the internet or
in a shop, I can’t stop staring at it... I want it, want it,
WANT IT! Well I could tell
a really long story about
me, but I think it’s better
to save some information for in our first letters. Getting interested?
Please contact me at nijntje_pluisss@hotmail.
it ?
Annelies, Belgium
anne l ies . tiebe @
I like crafts, reading, collecting empty teabags
and stamps. I enjoy nature, photography and
walking. I have 1 son,
called Tiebe and he is
4 years old. Facebook:
Annelies Wouters Write
age from anywhere in the
world (female penpals
only, I’m happily married,
I’m sorry guys!). I’m looking for the kind of penpal
who loves to write about
anything. Fun stuff, but
also the more serious
about our countries, our
habits and our cultures,
our interests, news subjects, just anything that
keeps you busy. And
maybe sometimes we
could even exchange
some little gifts. Some
of my interests are (of
course) penpalling, shopping, surfing the internet,
traveling and making
daytrips, photography,
reading.... As you can see,
I’m quite a calm person, I
don’t go out very often.
Well, I don’t go out very
often in a discothequeway, I mean. I really do
love to go out to a nice
and cozy restaurant or the
cinema. I’m the kind of
person who is sometimes
quite insecure about herself, and for that reason I
don’t have lots of friends.
I think for me, that’s why
penpalling is a better
way to make contact to
people and to build up
a friendship. I love everything cute and kawaii,
and I must say that I am
one big stationery addict. Unfortunately bank
account does not allow
me to buy a lot of stationery (or maybe... that’s a
l i k e
I am 31 years old and
would like only snailmail penpals, preferably
female. My hobbies are
watching movies, reading
( vampires, comedy, mystery), shopping, traveling
and so on. Hand-writing
letters preferred. Would
like to share daily lifes,
culture shocks, whatever
talks and even discussing how good single life
is, lol.
PenPal & Swappers Ads
an email or message me
on Facebook and tell me
a little about yourself if
interested. Hope to hear
from you soon! Facebook
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
www . sandboo k . net
Heidi Weand, USA
h j weand 1 9 7 0 @ Find me on
Lisa Oaks, Utah USA
My name is Lisa Oaks. I
live in Utah USA. I would
love female pals from all
over the world between
ages of 18 and 30. I am
into: paranormal, haunting, hiking, camping,
writing, crafts. I am married with 3 boys and a
boy due February 13,
l i k e
trace _ watt 1 @
Hi Im looking for people
who enjoy writing long
letters and enjoy writing regular. My name is
Tracey and I am 26 from
Aberdeen, Scotland. I am
willing to write to people
from all over theworld.
pals. I am looking for
women aged mid 60’s
to mid 70’s. If you were
born on June 22, 1941, I
would love to hear from
you. I am a counted cross
stitch addict. I always
have two books on the
go and my favorite authors are Archer Mayor
and Jodi Picoulet.I have
been a school bus driver
for 32 years, but after this
school year I am being
forced to retire because
of my age. I am involved
with the school as an in
school mentor with Big
Brothers and Big Sisters. I
am a divorced Mother to
three brilliant children, all
in their 40’s, and I have 4
awesome grandchildren.
If I interest you, then
drop me a line. My e-mail
address is Thank you all
for reading this
l atest
Donna Walk, 33, USA
I’m looking for fun long
letter pals who love to
swap sparkly and cute
decos. I’m a 33 year old
Kara Lauzon, 34 female who loves spendyears old, Canada
ing time with my boyk l l a u z on 7 6 @ friend, my family, my job
at the daycare, photograMy name is kara Lauzon. I phy, scrapbooking, hallive in St. Catharines, On- loween, bats, owls, hair
tario, Canada. My email dye, hello kitty, badtz maru, japan, kawaii, gliitI am 34 yrs old and I am ter, stars, the 80’s, all 80’s
looking for pals around cartoons, horror movmy age who are willing ies, plastik/pvc, cherries,
to write.
babies, facebook, domo
kun, cpk, vintage, flea
Hazel, 29, England markets, pinkness, polkahorseaddict @ dots, festivals,concerts,
and loads more. I answer
Hi, my name is Hazel and most.
I am looking for new penpals all around the world. Norma Trevino, USA
I am 29, my hobbies in- normababy.trevino1@
clude horses, dogs, card
making, scrap booking, Hi I am Norma Trevino
music, movies, TV, jour- from Wheeling WV. I am
nalling and writing let- 43 married and mom to
ters. I would love to swap 3 spoiled cats and god
fb’s etc, but have not re- mom to a little month
ally done swaps before. and a half little boy. I
Write soon!
enjoy reading, crafts,
music, movies, thrift
A nggraeni stores, animals, volunteer
Wulandari, Indonesia work, making labels and
stationery, the outdoors,
cooking, baking, the
holidays, being creative,
friendship, my family
and just tons more. I am
looking for sincere pen
pals and swappers of
stationery and stickers.
Email me at: normababy.
21years old, England
can . i . te l l .
y o u . a . stor @
hotmai l . com
I am interested in photography,
animals - guinea pigs/
Hi. I’m Wulan, 19.y.o. I
love nature photography,
drawing, and gardening.
Now, I’m in university.
Age, gender, religion, etc
doesn’t matter for me, so
let’s be penpals.
chec k
Robin Currie, 27,
USA, Swapfanatic@
Looking for female pals
in the USA any age is fine.
I have lots of different
interests and love getting
to know new people.
dogs, psychology, travel,
charity and volunteering,
cooking and exercise, I
have lived on my own
since I turned 17 and
have been to college to
study to be a counsellor,
I am now volunteering
before looking for a job.
I’m not very girly but far
from a tom boy, I love
the countries Finland,
Iceland, Estonia, Russia
and France. I walk dogs
for the elderly.
it ?
Sandra Lundberg,
I’m 21 year old girl from
Sweden and I am looking
for pen pals from all over
the world. But especially
from England, Germany,
Japan and New Zealand.
Around 17-25 years old.
My interests: Obviously
writing and reading but
also movies, other languages, history, paranormal and so much more
that I can’t come up with
now. I love The Vampire
Diaries. I’ve seen the serie and I’ve started to
read the books. I’m on
book 3 right know and
on season 2. MOVIES I
LIKE The Twilight saga,
Paranormal activity, Remember me, American
Pie, Pirates of the caribbean (all 3), The fast and
the furious movies and
Vampire Diaries, Viva la
Bam, Jackass, True Blood,
from all over the world!
I’m fairly easy to get
along with, and I’m also
realistic (life isn’t a box
of bliss). For a pessimist,
I’m pretty optimistic! :D
Anyways, I’m 19 and one
of 8 siblings. I like people
of all backgrounds and
sexual orientations. I
want a penpal I can write
to, opposed to e-mail.
Of course we’d start off
with e-mail, but then
it’d be snail mail! Hmm,
my interests are: writing,
reading, poetry, drawing,
lolita and gothic fashion,
hair dye (my hair’s
black), and I like: learning
languages, rock music,
K-pop, Asian drama,
movies, dark literature.
I like writing stories and
would love to become
a novelist someday! If I
peak your interests, feel
free to contact me!
l i k e
Jeremiah Benard, 20,
Uganda, jeremiah.
I would love to meet new
friends from all over the
world. Email me.
er and later we can write
letters ;) You should be
around my age and
also like to write much.
I would prefer to get to
know somone from a
Spanish speaking country to try to improve my
Janis, 43, England, Spanish, but everyone is
welcome! So, come one
My name is Janis and I and write to me! :-)
am 43. I am looking for
penpals from all over Michele Hardin /33/
the world. My hobbies USA,
include collecting post-
cards, fridge magnets I am a SAHM of a 13 year
and cross stitch. I would old. I am happily married
also like to swap with to John and we have
people and swap post- been together for 9 years.
cards, pretty paper pens I have many hobbies,
stickers and anything including
else that will fit in an en- writing, photography, the
paranormal, gardening,
Berit, 18, Germany tattoos,
berit-ziermann@web. and many more. I want
to make friends that
Hello, My name is Berit will continue to write
(18y.o.girl from Germa- and will write about
ny). I still go to school anything,their day, their
to get my ABI, which is family, their hobbies,
the German qualifica- etc. I promise that I will
tion to go to university. continue to write to you.
I speak German, English I also like to swap things
and some Spanish (I am with my letters such as
still learning). My hob- FBs, stickers, stationary,
bies are meeting my recipes, comics, whatever
friends, writing mails/ you want. Feel free to ask
letters, judo, singing me anything.
and lots of other funny
things :) I would like to Jamara Jones, uSa
get to know some nice Jampara j u l iet @
pen pals that don’t stop
writing after the 2nd or Hi everyone! My name
3rd letter/email. I would is Jamara, or Mara for
prefer writing emails first short, and I am 19. I’d
to get to know each oth- love to have penpals
Lost, Haunted houses,
Miami ink.... Write me a
mail if you’re interested
in writing to me. Only
snailmail after the email.
Naoko Oishi, Japan
Hobbies and interests:
Music, movies, dogs,
FB swapping, foreign
languages, Spain and
South Korea. New Pen
Pals Wanted, especially
from Europe and Englishspeaking countries. Write
real soon!
Alison, 43, UK
ma l in @ ma l in .
Sally, 59, Canada
j od y spa l @ I am Alison, mum to 4 from
Hull UK. Hobbies: writing
My search is for specific letters travelling music
PenPal & Swappers Ads
reading TV computer
family, UK and abroad,
from 26 upwords.
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
Kassy Davis, 25, USA
maddyand j ay 57 @
hotmai l . com
My hobbies and intrest
are writting letters . cooking ,swapping fbs and
recipes . listing to music.
email maddyandjay57@
Heidi, 41, Australia
Heidi Maier
14 Westcombe Place
Rooty Hill NSW 2766
Have been palling for
over 15 years now. I am
41 years of age. Hobbies
include travelling, writing to pals, swapping
FBS and Slams, collecting
souvinor spoons, reading, listening to music,
watching TV and Movies and lots more. Would
love more pals from any
state in the USA, Japan,
Hong Kong, Ireland,
Scotland and Moscow.
Will answer all who write.
Prefer snail mail.
Maria Stewart, UK
stewart . c l an @
y ahoo . co . u k
My names Maria, I’m 46,
married and from the UK.
I’m looking for female
Heather Carrabis
Hello, my name is Heather
Carrabis. I’m 27 from
Worcester, MA (USA). I
enjoy reading, writing,
watching TV & movies,
walking and many more.
I enjoy swapping, FB’s,
slams, deco’s, label bags
etc. E-mail is heather.
Hope to hear from you.
sari u x @ l ibero. it
My name is Sara, I’ m 31,
married, no children. I’ve
3 cats and 1 dog. I’m from
Italy and I speak English,
french, spanish and a little bit of german. I’d like
new pen pals from all
over the world near my
Lesley Griffin, USA
l j griff 3 4 @
gmai l . com
PROFILE my hobbies are
writing and computer
works driving and i am
married -53 years of age
I am looking for some
Colleen, 45, USA,
Hi everyone!! My name
is Colleen. I am 45 and
from the USA. Love reading, 60s and 70s music,
crafts, journals, mysteries, cooking, old movies,
hiking, stationary, anything celtic, fairies, pixes, writing, penpalling,
swapping fb’s/stickers/
stationary. Male/Female
welcome from all over
the world. Email:
Dave Stewart UK
stewart . c l an @
y ahoo . co . u k
Facebook ID: Stewart Clan
My names Dave, I’m 46,
married and from the UK.
I’m looking for male snail
mail penpals, that aren’t
going to disappear after
the first couple of letters.
I should mention I have
to type my correspondence, due to arthritis ~
I hope this wouldn’t be a
problem :o) Some of my
interests include football,
miliataria, rugby, travel
and loads more :o) If you
feel you’d like to embark
on a life long friendship,
please feel free to drop
me an email and/or send
me a message and add
me as a friend on Facebook :o)
Wanted: Penpals and
Stamp Collectors.
My name is Kassy Davis.
Just turned 25. Single.
Look me up on Facebook. You’ll know me
when you see my weird
toes. I started collecting
stamps a few months
ago, just started making FB’s, I trade stickers
and travel brochures
for stamps. Looking for
penpals and stamps collectors from all over the
world. You may contact
me through Facebook or
email me at:
l atest
sandy martin, UK
I am looking for high
quality fb and deco swappers worldwide. if interested email me. no men!
or time waisters please!
My hobbies are (sweeming, reading novel,footb
snail mail penpals, that
aren’t going to disappear
after the first couple of
letters. I should mention
I have to type my correspondence, due to arthritis ~ I hope this wouldn’t
be a problem :o)
Some of my interests
include animals, arts &
crafts, reading, travel
and loads more :o)If you
feel you’d like to embark
on a life long friendship,
please feel free to drop
me an email and/or send
me a message and add
me as a friend on Facebook :o)
Rose Valencia, USA
rosev 4 4 8 @ gmai l .
My interests, love to play
on line game, I am a artist, love to write to my
penpals love going on
Carol McNatt
Collect postcards, windchimes, magnets and
stickers. Prefer pals near
my age. Love the paranorma, history, reading,
penpals, crafts.
SwtBtrCup on Facebook.
Swap postcards, FBs, etc.
No inmates.
new penpals i have got
some i have written to
for years and i have been
penpalling long before
the facebook and the internet were ever heard of
i was 12 at the time and
i remember sitting in my
bedroom writing letters
on what would be at the
time the old typewritter
well would love to get
some new penpals love
lesley and thanks for all
you are doing.
chec k
Cathy W, 24, USA
I’m 24 going on 25 in
april, Im looking for New
penpals, No men, sorry
guys, in a committed relationship.
my space/facebook,love
to chat,i have a lot of
interests. Hobbies love
walking, bakeing, love
the beach like alot lol
it ?
ing, card making, bookmark making, I love to
play MPRPG~Runescape
Collects~ stickers, stationery, postcards, fairies, butterflies, dragonflies, dopey, tweety bird
, ty bean babies, wind
chimes. I also collect celebrity autographs!!
Swaps~ f.b.‘s, f.s.‘s, postcards, stickers, stationery.
Favorite Authors~ R.L.
Stine, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Stephenie Meyer, Kim Harrison,
V.C. Andrews to name a
few. I also run a facebook
group for twilight fans
into pen palling called
Looking for pen pals in~
Europe, South America,
Asia, & Hawaii. Will not
respond to anyone from
l i k e
My myspace:
Leann, 30
P en Pa l l ing F oo l @ angelbabyann23_
For sale items:
Hello my name is Leann
Francis and I am 30 and a t a g g e r g u r l / f o r - s a l e married mom of 2 boys. I items/_
currently work part to full My google account:
time hours and am a full _http://w w
time college student and com/profiles/OneNOnwould like others to talk lyLeeLee_
to. I also make and sell My Tagged:
items such as stationary _http://w w w.tagged.
address labels and more. com/sweet_n_sassy_
If interested in writing to babe_
me or even in items I sell
or swap please email me Lissa, 21, England
for my address at _Pen- k awaii 1 9 8 9 @
I make n sell address I am 21 and female livlabels stationary and ing in Brighton, England.
I am looking for penpals
WANT new Pals: I have who will stay in touch via
a new pen pal news let- email. I would also like
ter contact me for more penpals from Japan as
I am learning Japanese
My new pen pal website: and would like to make
h t t p : / / p e n p a l s f o r - friends with some Japae v e r a n d a l w a y s . w e t - nese women. I am not
p a i n t . c o m / ? u t m _ interested in penpalling
source=Wetpaint&utm_ with men.
t e r m = A l e r t s & u t m _ k err y bear 7 @
Join my groups:
Ellis-Ouimette, 34, USA
com/group/FunSwaps- I am married to Jason
since October 29th 2005 Loves~ NKOTB~Jon &
com/group/TaggerGurl- Twilights ~”Jasper” aka
Jackson Rathbone
be sure you mention Loves~ reading, writing,
that you saw it on my pen pal letters, stories, poemail when joining hugs ems, internet, scrapbook-
Estela Edo, Spain
j j roda @ terra . es
I swap labelbags and FBs.
I am always searching for
new swappers. I collect
viewcards (postcards).
You can contact me on
my facebook (search for
my name or email there)
as well as via email.
PenPal & Swappers Ads
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
Magalie (france), 26,
Kathy Moss, 59, USA
g k athymoss @ att.
I am 59 and I live in USA.
My hobbies are of course
the computer; reading
listing to music; doing
search a words, penpaling scrapbooking and TV.
I have a pet called Lou.
l atest
from all over the world. I
mostly swap celebrity
clippings. I have A-Z files
on many of your favourite
stars. My magazine collection goes as far back
as 1983. Here is a list of
things I collect:
1- Stickers
2- Stationery and Greeting Cards
3- Madonna
4- Gerard Butler
5- Matt Passmore (actor
from the tv show “The
6- Buttons
7- Seed beads
8- Cross-stitch patterns,
magazines, books
9- “The Outsiders” (movie from 1983 starring
C.Thomas Howell, Matt
Dillon and Ralph Macchio)
10-Jigsaw puzzles (100300 pieces)
12-Carey Mulligan
13-Ginnifer Goodwin
14-Halle Berry
Please send me an E-mail
with your list and we can
start swapping!
Karina, 31, Canada
My name is Karina, i
am from Canada. IM 31
years old married with
3 kids from 9 years to
2 months. I would like
to have penpal from
all over the world. I like
cooking, photography,
penpalling, horse riding,
dolphing, twilight and
many more. If you are interested drop me some Joy wreede, 38, USA,
line in my email karin- j oy ly nnwreede @
I am a 38 yr old mom/wife
of over 20 years. i have
Viv, 38, USA
a great husband, 3 kids and 3 dogs. i am fully
Hello. My name is Viv disabled and bed ridden
and I’m a 38 year old and on oxygen most of
lady living near Florida, the time. i am not one to
USA. My email address want sympathy just epals
is: to help pass the time. i
I love music, travel, art, love to read, listening
fashion, writing, mov- to country music, being
ies, gardening, cooking, online, alot of tv shows in
snailmail friends from all Galina from Russia
over the world - particu- ga l pi k a - 2 0 0 7 @
Tionna Mosley, 27, larly Iceland, India, Po-
USA, mzangelkiss@ land and Nepal.
I’m searching for friends
y ahoo . com
around the world. My
Hello everyone, I’m Tion- Anna, 26, Sweden hobbies are collecting
na. I’m looking for pen- vegetarianna 83 @ postcards stamps and
pals between the ages
little souvenirs like nice
of 25-55.I am not mar- Hi! My name is Anna and greeting from friends. I
ried, no kids yet.(not ex- I’m from a city named enjoy writing letters and
pecting) I want to write Malmö in Sweden. I’m doing swapping. I’m insomeone who has things 26 years old and I’m still terested in traditions very
in common with me. My studying. My interests much and I like travelling.
hobbies are writing let- are: theatre, travelling, I could write you a lot of
ters, sending small gifts, reading book, writing let- interesting information
swapping, reading urban ters, sing and sew. As for about Russian lifestyle
fiction, video games (the my education, I’ve been and will be waiting for
sims2,and xbox), bowl- studying a long while your ideas about great
ing, movies (Disney and know and also been post-crossing. Best wishany others), collecting working. For 3 years when es Galina
DVDS, making address la- I was around 19 years old
bels on my home PC, tex- I started to study theatre Lisa Porche, 40, USA
ting, facebook, cooking, and it has been my favor- pin k stitchings @
shopping, dancing, and ite thing for a long time y ahoo . com .
anything fun. I am open and it still is, but I haven’t Hi, my name is Lisa. I am
minded and sincere. I pre- got enough time for it 40yrs. old & a SAHM of 3
fer to hand write my let- now. At the moment I’m kids (‘90,’92,’99). I have
ters but sometimes I type writing my thesis in li- been married for 11 1/2
too. I love nature, animals, brary and information yrs. I enjoy swapping
art, poetry, candles, body science. I really enjoy Friendship Books, Label
lotions, purses/bags, and travelling, I’ve been to In- bags, postcards (from my
decorating my apart- dia, Japan, Egypt, Russia home state & city), ATCs
ment. I’ll tell you more if and almost every coun- & sticker bags. I started
we become friends, hope try in Europe. I’ve been swapping about 2 yrs.
to hear from you.
working at libraries, cafés ago but stopped last year
and with mentally dys- & then started up again
48, function/disorder. I like about 4 months ago.
S cot l and making dresses on my NSW, NPW, A/M, USA Only,
scot l andforme @ sewing machine too :) I’m NO inmates/ No Men.
y ahoo . co . u k looking for pen pals in
Hello. scotlandforme@ya- USA, Canada and Europe. Lisa
Overduin, I’m in Scotland, I’m happy to receive let- 40,
48 years old and like all ters from all the world, so l isaoverd u in @
sorts of things from read- don’t hesitate to write. If
ing to travelling when I you’re an interesting per- 5PrickedFinger5.etsy.
can. I’d love to hear from son I’ll answer!
some female email or
I am looking for swappers
a friend ♥
chec k
Stefania / 30 / Italy /
My hobbies are penpalling, reading, listening to music, collecting
(postcards, fridge-magnets, coins, banknotes,
stamps, phonecards.),
travelling, taking photos.
I love stationery, stickers, gelpens, decotapes,
etc. and I like swapping
with my pals. I’m looking
for some sincere regular
snail mail pals or swappers just around my age,
no men or prisoners.
the evening, and much y ahoo . com
more. I collect several Hobbies: music, sports,
things which include: movies, concerts, scrapangels,
bookmarks, booking,
candles, dolphins, teddy internet,
bears, white tigers and swapping, tv, travelwolves. I am not one ing, tattoos, outdoors,
to talk about politics or tanning, and lots more.
religion. I would prefer Swaps: fbs, crams, slams,
female epals only who stationary, stickers, postare possibly married cards, sticker bags, and
or has kids so we have label bags. Collects:
something in common. frogs, candles and beanI am really laid back and ie babies Penpals: ages
rather easy to get along 20-40 usa and canada
with as most say. Feel only, no prisoners
free to ask me anything
which you would like I Amanda
am rather open about Australia,
my health and many
other issues.
I’m a happily married
Christian Mama with 4
Amy, 41y.o., USA, precious children aged
stefani k . am y @ 18mths, 32mths, 14yrs
and 18yrs. My interMy name is Amy Stefanik ests include baking and
and I am 41 years old. my cooking, creating pixel
hobbies include : walk- graphics, reading, muing, pen palling, reading, sic (anything other than
scrapbooking, shopping, heavy metal, and I’m
surfing the net, listen- not into 50 cent, 2pac,
ing to music, writing etc.), gardening, spendpoetry, watching tv and ing time with my family
dvd’s, traveling, hanging (they are my world), paout with friends and so per crafts, and writing to
much more. I love to col- my penpals. I’m looking
lect : unicorns, fairies, an- for female friends only,
gels, teddy bears, web- (no offence), someone
kinz, pens, bookmarks, who would like to swap
mangets, recipes with me would
keychains and whatever be great :) but it’s not a
else I find interesting. requirement. I’m really
Feel free to ask me any- looking forward to makthing. :)
ing some new friends,
nothing beats the feeljeanie schade, 31, ing of opening you mail
usa, jeanieschade@ box to find a letter from
it ?
magazines, animals, and
more. I swap postcards,
regular and nice and neat
friendship books, and
stationery or stickers. I’m
seeking sincere ladies to
write to in postal mail
who are also looking for
friendship. I am a loyal
friend and honest swapper. I hope to hear from
you. :)
l i k e
Looking for penpals to
snail mail and swap with,
I enjoy gardening, Writing and Getting letters.
I enjoy card making and
Book mark making I am
into crafts. I am disabled
as I am half Blind. But I
write with pen except
for the bad days when I
used computer. I am willing to write first letter.
My email address is
PenPal & Swappers Ads
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
25, Florida, USA
Hello. I’m a Pisces. I’m
married! I’m in my area’s
orchestra, playing clarinet. I also played tenor
sax. I crochet. I am learning knitting and how
to spin (fiber into yarn).
I got into ATCs (art-
ist trading cards) and
I ADORE making (and
receiving!) them :). I am
doing my first altered/
chunky book. I love animals and have owned
many over the course
of my life. I have a little
boy, who is currently 3
and SO much fun. I love
everything to do with
Ireland. I love history. I
love horror and comedy
movies. I watch quite
a bit of TV... too many
shows I follow to name,
but here’s a few: The Big
Bang Theory, Mad Men,
Family Guy, Futurama,
White Collar, Psych, Burn
Notice, Modern Family,
The Office, and many
more lol. I play games
on my Playstation 3 and
on the computer. I love
playing games -it is just
a fun thing to do. I am a
book fanatic. I like Anne
Rice, Phillipa Gregory,
Laurell K Hamilton, Angie Sage, Rick Riordan,
and Sherrilyn Kenyon....
to name a few. I am obsessed with Superman. I
collect anything and everything on Superman!
I love old movies. Gene
Kelly, Tony Curtis, and
Cary Grant would have
been all over my walls.
I love vintage- vintage
ads, pictures, postcards,
books, etc. Email me at:
and live on my own with
my son who is 15.
I am looking for somewhat long letter pals
who have similar interests to mine. Some of
mine include: reading,
fishing, gardening, bird
watching, animals, the
outdoors, going shopping, crafting, (rubber
stamping, scrapbooking, latch hook, plastic
canvas, stamped cross
stitch) to name some. I
have some collections.
They include postcards,
rubber stamps, decorative hole punches,
and country decorating
items. I am only looking to write to people in
Canada and the U.S.A.
due to high postage
rates. Also ladies between the ages of 30 to
50. If I sound like someone you would enjoy
writing...please drop me
a line and start a friendship. Hope to hear from
some of you soon.
many so always looking
for a movie fanatic to
discuss movies. Reading. I pretty much just
read Nicholas Sparks. I
collect coins, and bank
notes, so if you are one
of those I would love to
help that way as well.
I am getting so many
countries, and I guess
by writing brought
the love of collecting
cards and currency to
my attention. I do swap
friendship books. I don’t
like tons at a time but
enough to swap. I am a
pen pal that works hard
to stay in touch, and
looking for people who
have the same interest.
I am open minded! I am
just looking for fun, and
learn about countries
Jessica L. Helms, and other part of the
USA, world! I am also lookhelmzie21@gmail. ing for scouting patches
from all over. Scouting
Hi everyone! I am look- Patches from the Boy
ing for pals from every- Scouts of American and
where! I love writing similar groups from all
and have been doing it over the world. I willfor many years, and one ing to swap anything of
to always write back. I your interest. If you can
want a pal who is look- help out I would really
ing for a long term pal. I appreciate! Ciao!
love postcards, so if you
are interested in post- Karen MacDonald,
cards. I have been trying 41,
to get one from every
country! I have many, Hi everyone! My name
but I am very interested is Karen and I am from
in the adventure I find Canada. I have been
ahead with getting as pen-palling for many
many cards as possible. I years and enjoy it very
also enjoy movies. I have much. I am 41 years old
l atest
Mirjan Dekker, 31 (32
on november, 3 rd)
The Netherlands
Hello long-letter pals! I
am a 31 years old Dutch
woman looking for a few
new female (snailmail)
penpals around my age
(from 20-35 years old)
from all over the world.
I love to write on cute
stationery as it’s great to
receive cute and fat mail:-)
And because I have loads
of cute stationery lying
here that I think I will use
this collection for many
years from now on.
I am looking for
someone who will try to
write on a regular basis
(around once a month
for example) and your
letters have to contain
at least 5-6 (both sides)
A5 pages and up. They Beatriz,
have to be written from Birth year: 1980.
the heart! I have been penpallingandletters@
into penpalling for a very
long time now and it is writing letters, reading,
music, playing piano,
sports, animals, flowers,
plants, nature, art, photography, mythology,
history, literature, cooking, ancient civilizations
(Greece, Egypt, Rome),
archaeology, historical/
ancient buildings and
sites, literature, landscapes, architecture, the
sea, the beach, walks
in nature, astronomy,
maps, tulips, snow, drawing and painting, arts &
crafts, geography, postcards, stamps, yoga, jogging, seashells, sunsets,
sunny days, quotations,
cinema, languages, travelling. I have a blog: Penpalling & Letters http://
Laura, 24, UK
My name is laura lou,
im 24, from the uk
and my email addy is I love writing,
drawing, reading, listening to music, penpalling,
Harry Potter and many
really fun to do. I might
be a bit picky but I have
met different kinds of
pals in the penpalling
I have got such nice
friends now even there’s
a distance between us.
I also love to exchange
cute stuff like stationery
or stickers and it would
be great if you loved
it too! But that is not a
must as long your letters
are long and personal.
Besides penpalling, I also
like travelling, going out,
reading books, making
cards, shopping, cute
stationery, watching TV,
doing fun stuff with my
dear friends, listening to
some great music and
much more. I love my
cats! I am a real cat woman, I always talk to them,
hehe;) I see them as my
If you are a female
around my age from all
over the world that likes
cute stationery and willing to write on a regular
basis, please write me
an e-mail with a long
introduction of yourself!
Dutchies are welcome as
well :-) Can’t wait to find
some new sincere penpals and start writing!
Hugs Mir
chec k
j cowan 1 1 0 0 @
Hello, my name is Josh
Cowan. I am 30 years old
and I have a good since
of humor. I like snail mail
Romania, better then email be31, tilli_trotter@ cause you can send little
gifts with your letters. I
...a friend ... half of your am looking for male or
heart, The half who is female Penpals age 18-
41 who can make me
laugh or smile. My hobbies include making my
own greeting cards.
it ?
laughing with you, who
is taking you in its arms
when you cry, who supports you when have
problems, who is fighting with you when you’re
wrong or you’re about to
make a mistake. The half
who is crying with you
when you are in trouble
,who sais huray when
you are successful. The
half who is doing anything it can for you to
see the right path in life.
The half that although is
in another body, is beating in the same rhythm
with your heart! This is a
friend to me!
More about me ... I love
writing letters , I am doing this for more than
17 years now , and even
if i found over the years
many types of people, I
still believe in humans,
and still want to know
have been for me like
the air I breath ... and all
I want from them is respect!
l i k e
mio u z ic _ addict @
I have tons of celeb/
band stuff such as posters, magazine articles
and even cds for some
that I want to get rid of.
I have stuff on Boyzone,
a lot on Britney Spears,
tons of stuff on Hanson
(more than 100 posters,
cds, video tapes, real
pictures and tons other,
as I used to be a huge
fan of them) also on 30
Seconds to Mars, Spice
Girls, Madonna and a lot
of others... If you are interested, send me a message and I will tell you if
I have stuff on your fave
I would like to have in
exchange stuff on Nine
Inch Nails, on some tennis players (especially
on Richard Gasquet),
Killing Joke and other
post-punk bands, Emilie
Autumn etc. If you have
nothing on them, you
can send me stationery
instead. I am also willing
to sell them, especially
on Hanson as I have really a lot on them, including cds, real photos and
tapes. Ok, I hope some
people are interested
and that we can do some
nice swaps. :)
Hayes /19/
PenPal & Swappers Ads
female regular swappers
worldwide are also welcome, but no men, i can
also send stamps back,
just ask about any kind of
swapping. My nickname
on swapbot is hkso and I
use the same nick name
for postcrossing. Email
pals and Facebook pals
are also welcome.
l atest
www . sandboo k . net
chec k
it ?
l i k e
latimerj@ Windows Live Group:
http://blogaprendiendoMy name is Rory Latimer.
I am a 39 year old Male Page Facebook:
from South Africa. I en- http://www.facebook.
joy writing letters and com/AprendENGLISH
getting to know people. Twitter:
All I ask for is friendship h t t p : / / t w i t t e r. c o m /
from around the world. aprendENGLISH
Please contact me and
I will send you my snail Donna Lueken, 49,
mail address.
donna . l u e k en @
Noelle, 30, SPain
san z _ noe l ia @ MY NAME IS DONNA, I AM
My name is Noelle, I’m AT THE HOSPITAL AS an
thirty years old. I’m ENVIROMENTAL SERVICE
Spanish and I want WORKER, I BEEN THERE
Practise with you. I FOR 5 YEARS NOW. I HAVE
can write in English for ONE DAUGHTER SHE IS 29
my practice and after YEARS OLD.I ALSO HAVE
translate to Spanish for ONE GRANDDAUGHTER
I’d like to meet people IS IN GRADE 2. SOME OF
from around the world MY INTERESTS ARE WRITand all cultures and ING LETTERS, COOKING,
customs. They tell me WALKING,
their experiences, and TV,LISTENING TO MUSIC.
I mine it. I love reading, MY HOBBIES ARE DOING
music, CRAFTS .
hanging out with friends
and if not, stay home with Tracey Lewis, 44,
my boyfriend watching a Indiana USA
good movie. I also love alwaysmessinup2001@
to spend time learning
English and share with My hobbies and interthe world through my ests are snail mail scrapblog. If you want to know, booking and journaling
write me.
as well as making handI hope read you soon.
made crafts. I’ve been
You can practice the ex- penpaling since I was
change of English / Span- 12 and for the past 19
ish with me at:
years it was also a way for
My blog:
me to tell of how I dealt
l atest
Danny, 25, India
dan y _ k a l l er y @
Hi, I am Dany from India.
Male 25yrs, searching for
some Long time Penpals
from all over the world.
I don’t have any preference for your language,
country, color, or age.
If you interested then
please give me an email.
I am working as Linux Engineer at the same time
student of Computer Applications, living with parents and Sister in one of
the most beautiful place
in India called Kerala. in
map, Southern end of India covered with Arabian
Sea. Kerala is one of the
famous Tourist places in
India Called God’s own
Country because of its
natural Beauty.
Hobbies: Most of my free
times I will watch TV or
Movies. I really love Animals and I have a Dog,
Cat and some birds. I like
to read IT related Subjects
because it’s a part of my
life and profession. Other
topics are History, Travelogues, Historical Incidents or about Legends.
I like to watch sports in
TV, especially Cricket
and Soccer. I would like
to be a Wildlife or nature
Photographer. I love photography very much. I
like to hear about other
countries, culture, nature,
festivals or celebrations,
people and life. I would
love to meet people from
other countries. That will
help me to learn lots of
things about them or
that country. Penpal
Requests: Looking for
only longtime friendship. I prefer Snail Mails
because it gives us a real
feeling of that friendship and also it would be
more sincere than Emails,
will be a great remembrance for us till the end
of life. I am not a Penpal
Collector or I don’t need
many people but I only
need that person who is
having the same thinking or opinions of mine in
Penpalling, like Longtime
and Sincere Friendships.
Anybody who loves to
know about India or anything related to India can
mail me. I will help you by
giving my best. I don’t expect anything like money,
marriage or any relationships so I can offer sincere longtime friendship
from my side.
If you found anything
common in me or if you
think that I will become a
good friend of yours then
don’t hesitate to mail
me. Please add “Penpals”
as Subject to your mail. I
can easily find all my Personal (important) mails
from SPAMS or Advertisements.
Elizabeth Thomas,
31, Trinidad And
Tobago, lizzyt55@
who is addicted to
cheesy romance novels
Crystal, 33, Canada
and country music, with
smo k e y s l ove @
a witty sense of humour
and a tad bit sassy. I am
Calling all snail mail
looking for like-minded
penpals. Hello there.
penpals. All are welChiaki, Japan
28, I’m a 33 year old female
comed whether snail or
c_crystals@yahoo. from Brockville Ontario
email pals. Trades FB’s,
Canada. I’m looking for
recipes, romance novels
Hello! I’m Chiaki, a 28- some long letter pals
in e-books format, music
year-old female from who enjoy writing. I have Heidi Karin Søvik 33, in mp3 format, stickers,
Japan. I’m looking for 2 children and a bunch Norway o-rensoe@ poems, short stories and
female snail pal from of pets. I love animals,
all over the world to travelling,
swimming, I’m looking for sincere fetalk about many things soap operas, country male penpals worldwide Paula, 37, England,
through letters! I like music, going for walks, from 30 years old and pin k l ioness @
travelling, playing with spending time with my up to 100, who can write
cats, laughing, sleeping... family and just having often and regularly. I am I’m Paula Milburn, 37
I also like exchanging fun. I’m hoping to meet happily married, no kids, years old. I live with my
postcards, so please tell some chatty pals who but we have two small husband in the North
me if you want to talk always have something dogs. I love our dogs, East of England. I like
over the cards! It would to write about. I don’t scrapbooking, a little collecting
be nice if you are learn- mind signing Fbs but gardening, camping in and thimbles. Can write
ing Japanese, having please no slams. Look our caravan, Facebook, in English, German or
interests in Japan! But forward to hearing from internet etc.
French, read lots of
it’s OK if you don’t know you soon. Hugs
I also love collecting and other languages. I’m
about Japan well, you’ll
swapping postcards, sta- learning Afrikaans at
know about it talking Jaimie / 2 5 / U S A / tionary, stickers and also the moment. If you’d
with me!!! I’m waiting for pyari1985@ gmai l. lot of other things. New like to be penpals email
me first on pinklioness@ for more
chec k
Lisa, USA
immormino @ att.
I am a married mother
to a 5 yr old daughter. I
like penpaling, reading
books, being on the
internet. It will take me
awhile to write back to
you but I will write you.
I am really busy with my
daughter and work. I love
camping, scrapbooking,
Harry Potter, Twilight
collecting postcards and
Hello! My name is Jaimie,
I am a girl, and I live in
Florida, USA. I am looking
for some International
snail mail pen-pals. It
does not matter where
you are from. I am
looking for someone
around my age. I also like
to swap post cards and
currency (bank notes
and coins). My hobbies
include: photography,
shopping, music, movies,
the beach, traveling, and
hanging out with friends.
I am currently a student.
I’m going to school
to become a cultural
anthropologist. I also
work in manufacturing. If
you would like to be my
pen-pal, then send me
an email. Hope to hear
from you soon!
it ?
www . sandboo k . net
your message!
l i k e
USA amber1991_13@
Hey there!! I am Amber
(also know as) Kiva. I am
19 years old and I would
like to make friends with
anyone!!! I like boys,
shopping, TV. , track,
basketball, reading, computer , friends and family. I live in the USA and
I can speak English but
I am learning Japanese.
But I will talk to anyone
because I love to make
new friends and learn
about new things . If you
want to talk to me just
say hi or something. I
like to SWAP so if you are
into that I can swap too!!
I also like to write poems,
stories, and things.
PenPal & Swappers Ads
ries. I want a friend and
I don’t really care where
you are from. Also I think
I’m quite good at English, but it still fails sometimes, so I’m sorry for the
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
www . sandboo k . net
Debra Tatnell, 46,
writing and
receiving long letters,
reading, collecting items,
Leo Probyns, 28,
l eoprob y ns @
acco u ntant. com
I’m Leo Probyns, 28. I
came from a small family
of two. I am a friendly guy
who believes that true
and real friendship has
got a modest role to play
in our personal lives. Really, I must let you know
that my interests are buried deep down in snail
mailing, friendship, family, traveling, camping,
swimming, watching soccer and basketball, movies, reading and cooking.
But on the contrary, I hate
lies and delays as they
are both procrastinating,
and as such, could not in
any way help build up a
good friendship. I also
hate people who pose
or pretend to be whom
they’re not. I simply like
simple people.
Personally, I think true
friends are the embodiment of our souls that
gives us security, warmth
& comfort when we seem
to be scared, lonely, jilted and even Battered!
That we can say what
we think, write what we
cabha l l @
hotmai l . co m
I am a unemployed,
divorced empty nester.
I have cyclothymia...
which is a mild type
of bipolar. I would like
penpals and postcard
swappers. I also swap
stickers and friendship
books. I like movies,
animals, walking, hiking,
geocashing, facebook,
crafts,nature, postcard,
stickers, crafting supplies,
day trips, traveling,
friends, etc.
animals, cats, spending
time with family and
friends, old buildings,
countryside, seaside, etc.
I live in England near the
sea with my husband and
two cats. I love writing to
people. Females only.
l i k e
have many interests, but
will save them for snail
I am looking for open
minded and sincere
penpals who won’t stop
writing after 1-2 letters
and who are up for
discussing everything
and anything...preferably
with similar interests as
me, but will give anyone
a chance. At this point I
am only looking for pals
in the USA and Canada
due to postage. Hope to
hear from great people
l atest
my son are my best
friends but I have room
for friends that want to
USA, maintain long-term reladresdendo l l 5 4 @ tionships and are willing
to listen to my ups and
My name is Marci Skin- downs without judgner. I am 56 years old ment.
with the mind of a 30 Looking forward to meetsomething. I live in Iowa, ing a lot of terrific people
USA...the Midwest. My through this venture.
email address is . I am Alison Hepworth,
Mom to a 22 y.o son... UK malin@malin.
stepmom to three adult
children...and fur Mom Mum to 4 from hull uk.
to 2 cats and a Siberian Hobbies are palling travHusky. I love animals, elling music tv computer
real and ficticious...I love family, collecting postdragons as well as tigers cards, reading, going out
and polar bears---buffalo for meal, drinks and cineand most wildlife.
ma. I am looking for snail
I love to read. My greatest mail pals uk and abroad
problem is that I never from 26.
want to get rid of a good
book. I am a frequent Lisa
visitor at our local library Canada,
so that I have to return l isa _ sabo _ 2 0 0 5 @
the books.
I love to write. I still prac- I am a mommy of a 6 yr
tice the art of snail mail- old little girl, living on the
ing and I love to create island of Newfoundand.
my own stationary and I am a big animal lover,
small cards using rub- especially pet rats and
ber stamps. I journal on dogs. I currently have
a regular basis...have 11 pet rats and am an
never gotten into blog- advocate for them. I
ging though...I prefer promote them as the
paper. Poetry has always great pets they are,
been a love of mine and educate on proper care
occasionally I will write and dispel the myths. I
for others but usually it is also do rescue and foster
just a part of my journal. rats in need.It is my
I believe that the world passion. I am bisexual,
lacks color and joy with- vegetarian and very
out friends to share life open minded. I have 7
with...My husband and tattoos & 7 piercings. I
Gregory Lentz (gj.
l ent z 7 6 @ gmai l .
com), 34, USA
I have joined your Operation Bring Back the Blog,
where I share my various interests of reality
TVshows, books, current
issues, the Facebook culture, and a little random
madness. I enjoy sharing
my interests through Facebook and making new
friends and connections.
One of my passions is
swapping postcards and
making pen pals from
all over via Facebook by
swapping postcards. I
started this on my friend
Anna’s Facebook page, I
Love Postcards.
I share my interests
through my own blog: as well
as through several Facebook pages: The Vicarious Vagabond Project on
Facebook (a world travel
project I have created
to generate interest and
support in my desire to
travel the world, educate
others via Facebook, and
promote tolerance of
world cultures), Fan Fiction on Facebook w/ G.J.
Lentz (a page dedicated
to sharing the culture
and love of fan fiction),
and my own personal
page, The Works of...G.J.
Lentz (where I share my
experiences and the pro-
cesses of trying to become a writer).
chec k
Valentina Pireddu
(aka Tinetta) Italy
- b.d. 03.03.86, age
24 turn on25!!!
I love swapping and penpalling, especially with
people that comes from
outside Italy! I love foreign languages and cultures, in fact this is my 1st
year at university, foreign
languages (English and
German!!!), so I’d like to
have more friends from
UK/Ireland and Germany,
to improve my language
I’m totally crazy for cats,
manga,anime, Asia, drawing, decoupage, dancing, painting on stones.
I swap fbs (of any kind),
labelbags, slams, bags,
postcards, stationery &
sugar packets.
I’m also a address labels
maker. I collect full sugar
packets from all over the
world, postcards and stationery (letter sets, letter paper, memopads,
notepads, loose sheets).I
like reading books! My
fave writers are Nicholas Sparks and Sophie
Kinsella!I ‘ve started to
read their books in English and German :-S I’m
also a volounterr in a colony of stray cats in Cagli-
ari. :)=^_^=
it ?
Marion Norrgård,
22years, Finland,
I’m born and raised in
the forests of Finland. My
mother tongue is Swedish but I can also speak
Finnish, English and German. I enjoy dancing,
acting, singing, reading
fantasy, folklore, psychology, true stories, horror),
writing, clubbing, nature, animals. Love writing letters and exchanging postcards. I listen to
Aurelija, Lithuania, all kind of music from
adamantine . gd @ techno to death metal
to classical to hip hop. It
I am 15y.o and quite just need a good rhythm
friendly but shy. I’d like to or good lyrics. I’m openhave a friend who I could minded and wanna learn
talk about anything with. about the world and the
I’m interested in music, humans living in it. I am
books, writing/receiving hoping to have, or had, a
postcards and letters, penpal in every country
science (though I’m not of the world! Take Care
good at it if we’re speak- everybody!
ing about school :P),
psychological movies, Wilson Kisanga
middle ages, paranor- kisanga9@gmail.
mal stuff, dreams, LOTS com, 30, Zambia
OF RANDOM STUFF. I’m I am Wilson, aged 30
this girl who’s interested from Zambia(Southern
in everything. XD I play Africa). I am looking for
basketball, volleyball and female penpals(E-pals) of
table tennis, I write sto- any age from anywhere
across the globe. I like
reading, writing, listening
to music and swimming.
Anybody interested can
contact me via email.
l i k e
with the abduction of
my son who I only knew
the first 6 months of his
life. Through my journey
and writings we have
now found each other
and he will also become
one whom I will write to
because he’s 14 hours
from me. We haven’t met
face to face yet but we
are working at when we
both can. Not only can
penpaling bring us close
to others we don’t know
in person, it helps to let
others know that we are
all friends/family and
may have what another
may be needing. It led
me to my son and even
though it took 19 years it
was also the prayers and
help of pals who kept me
from giving up.
PenPal & Swappers Ads
know, but can’t do without real friends (even
though we might have
some, but most seems
to fade away.
www . sandboo k . net
l atest
chec k
it ?
www . sandboo k . net
l i k e
Veronika, Germany
V roe S craps @
I am Veronika from
Germany, I´m looking
for new PenPals from all
Joyner, over the world esp. from
35, United states Sweden and Germany.
cha k l i u k @ gmai l . I take any excess of n&n/
HQ FBs only and Slams.
Interests: cats, 80’s music, I´m in need of n&n/HQ
foreign movies, city of FBs, Slams and all kind of
Paris, weird and unique bags!
art, stickers, stationary, Please no tatty and
fairy tales, folk tales, sloppy FBs and sheets. I
anything supernatural. also have a lot of normal
FBs and Sheets to pass
Write soon!
on. In return I would cute
veronica stationary, Hello Kitty
mattlin, 42, USA Items and DecoTapes.
veronica.mattlin@ A big „Thank You“ in
I am a 42 year old female Please e-mail me first:
looking for pen pals VroeScraps@googlemail.
from all over the world. com
I enjoy writting long
letters, collecting on Malisa Karn
my favorite celebrites, USA
cross stitching, cats/ ma l isa . k arn @
animals, collecting stuff gmai l . com
on: cats, crosses, winnie I am a home health aide.I
the pooh, beanie babies, am going to school to
stickers, get my Associate Degree
stationary,etc. I also in Medical Billing and
enjoy swapping/trading Coding. My hobbies are
from all over the world. pen
send me your complete online, reading, camping
want/collection lists and and bowling.
Samantha Stroy 26
I’m looking for long letter
pals, who won’t stop
UK writing after one letter.
S i lvercatbabies @ Someone easy to talkk
to and share our daily
I am a married mum to lives with. I love writing,
6 Children, I love Soap drawing,
Operas, Witting letters novels, texting, etc. I’m
by hand, Swapping stuff a marries stay at home
I’ll send you mine. Would
perfer long letters and
long term friendship
worldwide! No men
please, only females as I’m
happily married. looking
foward to hearing from
you soon...
Nancy Lawson,
61, USA,
Hi I am a grandmother
of 5 and have 3 adult
children, happily married
( no men to respond
Please) I am not working
right now. Do also have
3 step-children. Like to
do scrapbook, crafts of
all kinds, enjoy pen-pals
. Have done genealogy,
like to read, listen to
music, also garden a
bit. Love animals and
nature. Enjoy watching
movies and some T.V. I
collect postcards, salt
and pepper shakers, and
teddy bears. Also have a
collection of frogs,some
that go outside. Would
love to write women of all
ages all over the world.
mom of three. I am openminded and I love a good
c o nv e r s a t i o n . LO V E S :
Starbucks and tea.
I swap anything and
EVERYTHING that fits in
an evelope. I swap books,
stationary, FBs, Slams,
stickers, etc. I am always
looking for clippings
of celeberties, words,
quotes, etc. Hope to meet
some great friends that
will last for a lifetime.
l atest
Lisa, 37, USA
l isavantress @
Hello my name is Lisa Van
Tress, i am 37 years old
from Holland Michigan.
I have two children and
married. I am seeking
penpals from all over the
world. I just started to
penpal couple of weeks
ago. No males please as I
am married.
I like to swap postcards,
stickers, and friendship
books. I am going to
make one of my own to
soon. I enjoy reading,
bike riding, going to the
lake etc.:)
including Fb’s and Label
Bags. I am looking for
Snailmail Penpals from
UK only, Females over
18yrs old please. Write to
me if interested.
I’m a 32 y.o French woman
looking for penpals and
swappers worldwide! I
like long-letter pals, am
very curious about other
way of life, open-minded
and I’m into music,
movies, fashion, crafts,
travels. I swap Fbs, decos,
slams and lyrics mainly.
I’m also looking for
people to swap celebrity
stuff with (send me your
wish list and I’ll send mine
back). If you’re interested,
feel free to email me at:
chec k
38, Scotland, Uk
I would love epal or
snail pal very much.
My email address is
duranduranfan1980@ My hobbies
are penpalling,i have
penpalled for over 20
odd years and still write
too my very 1st penpal
who I havve know for
7 years now she a very
myself. I can openly &
comfortably carry on an
intelligent conversation.
I reside in Kampala,
Uganda in the east Of
Jennifer, 31, USA Africa (Pearl of Africa).
es 0 3 2 3 0 9 @ I
V irginia.U S S w i m m i n g , S i n g i n g ,
Hello my name is D a n c i n g , Tr a v e l l i n g ,
Jennifer, I will be 31 this C o o k i n g , C a m p i n g ,
Nov 9th . I am happy R e a d i n g, C o m p u t e r s ,
married, and have four movies etc. Email me:
children. I live in Virginia,
USA. I love to write and
email. Facebook, cafe Alisa, 29, The
mom, I love true blood, Netherlands
twilight, soap operas.
I love mail that isn’t My name is Alisa and
junk or bills lol. I love Iam looking for penpals
postcards, I am willing to all over the world. Let me
send some myself since introduce myself to you
I live real close to DC. all. I am a 29 years old
We just recently moved women and I live in village
from Va beach, I love the Annerveenschekanaal,
ocean and shells. If your that’s in The north of The
interested in emailing or Netherlands.
even snail mail pals send I’m
me a email at es032309@ Richard and mother of
2 children. My hobbies
are: writing letters,
Olinga swap FB’s, playing the
Uganda clarinet, music, animals,
Hi there my name is from the animal giraffe,
Moses Olinga, 32 yrs of making jewellery’s. And
Margo V. , 11-08-71
age, thanks for stopping much more.
39, United states
by. I am interested in I’m
margosug@yahoo. finding and keeping mantally
real Pen pals / friends. I people. If you would like
Hi everyone my name enjoy bringing a smile to know me better feel
is Margo I am 38 and to peoples faces, even in free to sent me a e-mail
looking for pen pals I this place, life can be such
love snail mailing. I have a rat race. I love to learn
3 girls lots of interests. I and explore and to teach. Samia Oumohand,
love shopping, Writing, I’m a practical man and 32,
making and collecting enjoy fixing things and s a m g u n s j o v i r o w @
jewelry and much more making improvements
it ?
shaw . intense .
I’m Rocio, female. My
hobbies are: cine, read,
music, origami 3d, paint
shop pro, pepals. I love
to collect dvds, postcards
and bookmarks. Also
love to swap fbs. Always
looking for pepals! I do
speak/write in English
and Spanish.
hope to hear from you.
Margo In New York. and
l i k e
gertr u deggg @, South
Hi im looking for female
friends around the world
my name is Gertrude i live
in South africa searching
for friends between age
32 to 40. Write soon!
dear friend too me.i love
reading esp the twilight
novels I am a huge
twilight fan(GO TEAM
EDWARD) lol. Music iam
a big fans of the 80s esp
duran duran,i also am a
huge boyzone fan have
seen them live about 8
times over the years and
have also met them few
times,take that,kings of
leon,alexander burke,lot
of others i like any kind
of music really,I also
love travelling,cinema,s
hopping,collecting and
swapping stationary and
stickers.chatting on msn/
texting. I am engaged too
fantastic man who ive
know for nearly 2 years.
were getting married
exciting. I will reply too
any penpals worldwide.
Sorry no male pals or
pals in Africian counties,
prison mail either would
love penpals in any
Canada, Japan, Spain.
I hope too hear from you
Groups Invites by Paula Milburn
Have you ever joined a
group to swap postcards
and then found that the
group does recipes and
household tips and swaps
everything including the
kitchen sink?? And all you
wanted was somewhere
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
Here is place.. where every week you will get a
buddy, and you will gather tags for them.During
the week you can send in
your tags to let your buddie know who they had.
18+ and please have profile filled out and please
have fun .. getting taggys
from your secret buddy.
www . sandboo k . net
Recycling is Fun
We swap ONLY FBs, Decos, Slams. Occasionally at festive times we
might extend to sending
a greetings card. We’ll
encourage members to
send birthday cards too.
In general our group is
exactly what it says. A
While we all know that we group for people who
should recycle our rub- love FBs swapping &
bish/junk etc and “Slim want to make, swap &
our bins” how many of us send more!!
This is a group to get rid
of everything you have
cluttering up your home.
You may swap, sell (as you
would at a garage/yard
sale)or giveaway (usually
for the price of the postage).ANY item that can
be posted that is in usable condition. We operate a ‘sold as described’
policy so if you are giving
away a hand made sweater for example that has a
hole in it and cannot be
salvaged for wearing but
the yarn is still good then
say it: ‘Large Men’s handknit sweater in red. Large
hole in side which cannot be repaired. Swapping/selling for yarn only,
must be about 1000gms
of yarn here! Will swap
for.....’ The name of the
group is NOT indicative
that we are a swap group
in the conventional sense
i.e. postcards, thimbles
You’ve made the first step
to living longer.... taking
a step towards trying to
eat healthier!
We stress that we are
NOT professionals - if in
doubt PLEASE contact
your physician. We are
just a group of likeminded people passing on
healthy recipes and good
advice gleaned from
reputable sources. Where possible we will always
co m / gro u p / L- I - N - K- S quote those sources be
it internet, personal family doctors or personal
experience. We do not
claim that we’ll be able
to make your illnesses go
How many times have away, we do not promise
you gone to your book- that you will lose weight
marks only to find that - that has a lot to do with
you can’t find ‘THAT’ link YOU... but we do hope
that you wanted. How that the information and
much easier would it be recipes on this group
to have all your links un- will help you become
der one organized ‘roof’ healthier and feel better
look no further. We have within yourself. We have
How many of us have
thousands of links to
craft patterns sitting unorganized in our favourite bookmarks list?! Well
now you can get them
organized and know
where they are always!!
Please try to keep to the
categories, if you aren’t
sure where it should go
stick it in the ‘Unsorted’
& we’ll sort them. Please
note this is ONLY for
CRAFT links - these can
be patterns, places to buy
supplies, groups, pattern
Postcard Pals
to join a few postcard swaps. Then this is the
com/group/PostcardPals group for you. We deal
in 100% POSTCARDS.
There will be organized
swaps every month both
regular ones of UNESCO
or Maps, States etc... you
know the ones everyone
wants and some fun ones
We are a fun group of like oversized, spelling
people who love snail games, Round Robins,
mail & also collect post- but we promise ONLY
cards, friends & just postcards!! The only exabout anything that you ception to our rule is
can send thru the mail! at Christmas when we
We have recently started might relent and have a
doing a lot of FBs swaps! Christmas card swap. So
We don’t have many welcome to the wonderrules, any age, just keep ful world of postcards!
the group clean, normal Wait and see your collecstuff no naughty stuff, no tion GROW!!!
bad language, respect
everyone & no discrimi- ISLAND OF SECRET
nation of any kind. All are SHARES
welcome, grab a coffee http://tech.groups.yaand browse the group.
l atest
MultiCultural Swap
Shop http://uk.groups.
actually do it? How many
is it just ‘too much trouble’ for?? Well this is the
group for you, for Recycling Queens and people
who just need that bit of inspiration. We guarancom/group/R-E-C-I-P-E-S tee that before a month
is out you will not be trying to stand on your bin
to push down the rubbish in it to get more in,
we’ll even be showing
you how to turn your
trash into gifts! How’s
The actual name of this that for being green,
group is Recipes Eat- saving money and the
ing Cooking Ingredients environment in one fell
People & Extraordinary sweep?!
Sites (i.e. R-E-C-I-P-E-S)
but Yahoo! wouldn’t let WWFBDO - Wordwide
that fit! But the title just FB&Deco ONLY
about says it all. It’s a site
for recipes, links to reci- com/group/WWFBDO
pes, links to sites, links
to places to buy equipments and recipes, chef’s
blogs, chef’s biographies,
culinary hints and tips...
it is or will be HERE!! Bon
Live for Life
and crafts. However if
you make crafts then you
are welcome to sell NEW
stuff on here just made.
chec k
sections also for those
unfortunate enough to
suffer from dietary intolerances, these are aimed
only as suggestions.
it ?
We love everything about
~Amigurumi – those little creatures made with
adorable faces in single
~Squares – all sizes, all
shapes, traditional grannies or not
~Kitchen Items – potholders, towel toppers, placemats, and casserole covers
~Doilies – vintage or
new, thread lovers are
welcome here
~Wearables -- shawls,
jewelry, scarves, hats,
slippers, socks, sweaters,
totebags, etc.
And anything else we can
take a hook to! We will
have patterns, games,
crochet-alongs, challenges, swaps and whatever
else we can think up! We
have lots of fun with our
love of Crochet In Common! We have Long term
Crochet-a-longs going on
in here.....and this GORGEOUS afghan was done
by our member/moderator, Barb...this was the 63
Heirloom Afghan.
links to everything here,
except recipes & crafts. If
you want gifts, tv guides,
electronic goods - this is
the place to find them!!
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
com/group/crochet_in_ com/group/C-R-A-F-T-S
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
it ?
chec k
l atest
chec k
it ?
l i k e
Then over the years I
have learned about different types of penpals
and a variety of things
people look for in a person to write to. People
have become picky and
yes, I admit, I have to. In
the beginning I wrote
anyone who wrote me.
At the age of 16, a married couple (age was
never an issue to whom I
wrote to) wrote me from
Canada and asked me
to send them a picture
of my feet. Yes, you read
that right. It was a fetish
they had. I never wrote
them back as I didn’t feel
right about it. I still have
that letter. LOL. Overall,
I have been penpalling
for 13 years. That number makes me feel old.
Then my nanna (my
grandmother) told me
when I was old enough
to write at age 4, I would
write to my friends in
Reno, Nevada when my
summer’s ended and we
kept in touch, so I guess I
never realized that it was
considered penpalling,
to me it was just keeping
in contact with friends
that have grown to be
my sisters. From being
a teenager looking for
penpals around my age
to finding penpals now
that I am a mom so we’d
have that in common
has changed a lot of who
I look for to correspond
Penpalling has really
changed my life. For a
long time I had a few different types of depression that I dealt with for
many years. Being able
to write out my feelings
and talk to someone
who understood how I
felt across the other side
of the world made me
feel happy and excited
to wake up and check my
www . sandboo k . net
high school. So, I was put on Independent Studies
which was a way I could catch up with my studies
and get the credits I needed to graduate. That was
6 years ago.
I met my first penpal in a Yahoo Group online when
my mom first got me the internet. She was the same
age as me but she lived in Germany. We had so much
in common and we swapped FB’s (friendship books).
Our letters got very long over time. We would talk
about daily activities to problems that needed advice and we confided in each other. Even though we
have lost contact over the past couple years, I will
When I was asked to be a part of this magazine, I never forget her (Diana Sailmann from Germany, if
couldn’t pass it up. Writing is a passion of mine and you read this contact me, I really want to get our
at the age of fourteen, somehow I had lost my way in friendship started again).
l atest
Welcome to my little corner
in the world I call Samantha’s
My name is Samantha, 26 years
old, Sagittarius. I am married
to my childhood love for 6
years, together for 12 years.
Our families grew up together.
We have three wonderful children ages 6, 4 and 2. So, yes at
times I have my hands full.
l i k e
it ?
chec k
l atest
www . sandboo k . net
mail as soon as I woke up.
I still feel excited when
the mailman leaves
mail in my mailbox. I
have about 20 long letter penpals. We write
anywhere between 10
and 20 pages to each
other about everything
in life. Then, I have a
few penpals that like to
swap friendship books
with, a 2 page letter,
or a few that prefer to
email back and forth. Either way the friendships
I have made over the
years until the present
time has really help me
see the world in a way I
could never in a million
years be able to afford
to go to these places. I
have learned different
languages with words
and helped others learn
English better. I have
seen the world through
postcards, actual photographs sent to me of
my penpals and their
families and towns they
live in.
Penpal is more than just
a word. There is a lot of
respect, joy and passion
behind it. When you
get passed the introductions and actually
get to the actual letters
and share your life with
them and they share
their lives with you, the
word Penpal is changed
to Friendship. I can honestly say that the people
I have met that we still
write each other have
become more than just
a letter, envelope and a
stamp to mail to a penpal, they have become
my confidants and
best friends. Those are
hard to come by. Some
people don’t write back
after a few letters and
they just don’t have
time or just don’t write
anymore. Yes, I have
had quite a few just
disappear and now we
talk on Facebook. I do
have a selected number
of friends that we write
regularly and keep in
touch via emails, Facebook, text messages
and phone calls. Right
now, I’m looking for
long letter penpals. I
find that penpals in other countries write longer letters then those
in the USA. My personal
opinion is that people
in other countries seem
to love to know what
it like in the US, as we
want to know what it’s
like in their country. I do
have a few long letter
penpals in the US also. I
want to clarify that :)
What to expect
next time here
on my pages?
Numerology Read-
ings: For the last
14years, I have been
studying and doing
Numerology readings.
It sounds interesting,
right? I can help you
understand why a person is great to write to
or why you didn’t “click”
with someone. I am offering to do a Numerology reading for those
who are interested in
discovering if you and
the person you are writing the first letter to
will be good friends or
to not even write at all.
Then again, it will help
you know if the penpals you have and are
good friendships, if you
are compatible or not
to continue writing or
to make the decision
to find another penpal.
For this I will need YOUR
BIRTHDAY (month, day,
and year) and YOUR
month, day, and year). I
don’t need a name of your
penpal, but I do need a
name if you are the one
interested in the reading.
Now, you don’t have to
use your real name, just
your REAL birthday. You
can call yourself SpiderWoman if you want, and
only you will know when
you read the response in
the magazine the answer
to your question is for
Decorated envelopes: I
would also love to see envelopes that you decorate
before you send, or envelopes you receive that
have artwork, kawaii collaging, etc. You can send
the images to my email
address, and we’d publish
the best ones here (don’t
forget to leave us your
name, state/country).
PenPal Zone: I do have
an ad placed in the penpal section if by chance
you would want to be
penpals. I am very dedicated to each and every
one that writes me and
/or swaps with me. I am
also interested in reading
how you got started in
penpalling. Please share
your experiences with
me good or bad, (please
do not include names if
it’s a bad experience because we don’t want to
offend anyone or hurt
their feelings.) If I get any
responses I will publish a
few at a time.
Sites, blogs, online
stores: You can also
send me links to a favorite website due to divination (fortune telling),
penpalling store you run,
forums, etc. Also, I am
looking for people who
run a penpalling type of
online store or blog to
contact me if you would
like to be interviewed and
promote your website as
well as help us promote
our magazine.
Feedback & ideas: If
you have any ideas you
want to see in my pages
here in the coming issues, or if you want to
give me feedback on
my articles, please feel
free to contact me. If any
ideas or thought of yours
about these pages get
published, you will be
given the credit for. Let
me know if there’s something else that you would
you like to see in future
issues of this column.
Well, here is where I end
this article. I hope I did
good enough for those
to enjoy and want to
read my thoughts and future articles. Have a nice
November and Happy
Thanksgiving to those
who celebrates it. Until next time, Thank you
for reading Samantha’s
Thoughts. Contact author at itsapenpalworld@,
This section will view recipes send by you, our
readers. Soon we will be able to cook some really
interesting and very diverse dishes coming from
all the corners of the world. Robin Trostel from the
USA submitted this nice and easy recipe that she
came to know through
Hello, everyone! Here’s a quick and easy recipe that
my family loves in the cooler weather. It’s really
good, too!
2 c. cooked ham
1 c. grated cheddar
1/4 c. chopped green pepper
2 c. cooked rice
2 tbsp. milk
1 can mushroom or cream of chicken
1/8 c. onion
Mix all ingredients together. Bake in two quart
casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees about 30
Prep time : 30 min
Cook time: 40 min
l atest
chec k
it ?
www . sandboo k . net
l i k e
spaced out correctly on
the Bracelet as I don’t
want it to look uneven
in any way! After I get
the bracelet to the correct size I then tie place
the Barrel on and tie the
ends of the elastic off.
This is what the bracelet
would like on the wrist.
I make sure that the
Brace let is
s a f e
a n d
I then
bag a
o n e ,
Then usually wrap the
bracelet up in some nice
paper, If I am told who
and what occasion and
place a nice homemade
tag on the present.
I like to think that when
The bracelet is received
it arrives in the perfect
condition it left me in!
And you can see the love
and attention that has
beads on usually 2 or 3 gone into the making of
depending on how big the bracelet.
the Bracelet needs to be, I try to make sure that evIt all depends on how ery bracelet is up to my
long the Bracelet needs High standards of makto be to how many beads ing them.
are Placed in between This is my first try at writthe Charms, I always to ing an article I hope that
try to make it even.
it has been helpful.
I always try to make sure SandyXrs,
that the Charms are
l atest
try to make Bracelets at least 40 beads and 6
to everyone’s favourite Charms, and a Tibetian
colours. I have all my Barrel to seal the Brace-
let, I make sure that I
have set and laid all the
beads out as I keep them
in containers.
I look for what I have
been asked to make in
more ways that one.
I make sure that the
beads are ready, I tie one
end of the elastic off,
And start by putting the
PenPal Directory and Newsletter
Hi! I am Tracy. I sell stationery address and stickers. I
also have a penpal Directory and a newsletter. Take a
look at my links if interested. My new thing is making
a catalog of all my designs:
For more information contact:
Penpals ‘nd Swappers magazine
Penpals `nd Swappers is a new magazine for people Tracy Sanders,
who like to write letters and swapping, also for people who are looking for new penpals and swappers. Yahoo Groups that you might want to join:
In this magazine there are PenpalAdds and Swapper-
Adds, all around writing letters and swapping and
Crafts making for Bracelets on a shelf unit near
where I sit in the front
room. I will add more
Photo’s as I do more. I always use the best beads
going I try to buy good
quality beads as I want
the bracelets to last a
long time. Every Bracelet
is sealed with a Tibetan
Barrel to hole the ends in
These Bracelets make
good Birthday, Valentine,
Christmas Gifts as Wedding Favours and many
other occasions.
I start off with some
elastic cord measuring
at least 9 Inches I select
chec k
many many more. How can I order it? Just send an email to with
your name and e-mail address. You get your magazine by e-mail. How to get my PenpalAdd/SwapperAdd in the magazine? Please, send your PenpalAdd
or SwapperAdd via e-mail to: penpalsandswappers@ Please do not forget your address or
e-mail address.
Hi Everyone! I make
Charm/ Bead Bracelets.
I have been getting a
stock together for the
last year or two. I have all
colours that Range from
Pink to Black.
I also always put 6 Charms
on the Charm Bracelets,
All my Charms are Tibetan Charms, They Range,
From Angels, Teddy’s,
Shells, Turtles, Dolphins,
Stars, Moon and suns,
Love hearts.
I start off with Some Elastic cord, It Ranges from
0.5 to 1inch Thickness
depending on the Beads;
I use Spacer Beads on
some of the Bracelets.
This is 2 Pictures of Children’s Charm Bracelets
that I made for a Friends
wedding as Gifts
I have also made some
Charm Bracelets with
Beads, I can make most
colour’s up! These are always available; I always
it ?
Pen Pal Book
C/O Kimberly Garigin
3726 Green Pond Rd
Gray Court, SC 29645
One issue is $12 black or $18 color. Subscription for
4 issues is $20 black or $25 color. Its like buying two
and getting two FREE. Comes out Jan. Apr. Jul. & Oct.
I take Cash, checks & Money orders in my name. It is
non-profit!! Pen Pal ads to be put in is FREE starting
with Jan 2011. Business ads r 5 cents per word/symbols & count your name & address. Add $2 more for
Canada or $4 more for Over seas. I use quick print to
see the darker print its $4 per issue or $16 for 4 issues.
No Inmates!!! For more information contact: Kimberly
l i k e
www . sandboo k . net
PenPalling Connections:
www . sandboo k . net
it ?
chec k
W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
l atest
F R E E B I E S :
l i k e
2. a circle of friends
5. an errasable writing tool
7. way of communication; symbol
8. a viewcard
9. crafting, scrapbooking
11. the place where letters arrive
14. a layout, a desgin, a vision
16. your searching tool for new penpals
17. a writing tool
1. a snail mail friend
3. the month of Halloween is
4. a person who is born in the same day as you
6. something sweet
10. a symbol of Halloween
12. a relationship between two pals
13. exchange of goods
15. friendshipbook is abriviated to
by Tessa Rondberg,
2. community
5. pensil
7. letter
8. postcard
9. decoration
14. template
16. sandbooknet
l atest
chec k
W W W . D E S I G N F R E E B I E S . O R G
it ?
l i k e
F R E E B I E S :
ately! The first thing we
did was having a lunch
and after that my penpal
gave me a tour through
Gent. It was nice. We talked a lot. In fact, we just
kept talking. There were
no uncomfortable silences! After the city walk,
we went to her house,
because the next day I
would go the museum
where my penpal works.
It was strange: to stay
with someone I hardly
knew. We only knew each
other through the long
letters we had written. We
only knew each other for
a couple of months, but it
felt like if we had known
each other for years! The
next day we went to the
museum where my penpal works. That was nice.
After the museum visit I
went back home. It may
sound strange: to stay
with a person that you
barely know, only through
letters. But from the first
moment we started writing it felt like finding a old
friend back.
As you can read, I had
very good experience
with meeting my penpals
and still write with them.
I consider my penpals as
good friends. And meeting them have giving our
penpalling friendship an
extra dimension! I’m happy that I’ve found such a
wonderful girls with who
I write wonderful letters
with and with who I can
share everything!
was no reason to be
nervous. We recognized
each other immediately.
From that moment, we
kept on talking and
talking. The language
wasn’t a problem at all
and we had enough to
talk about. Eight months
after our first meeting we
met again. And just like
the first time we kept on
talking and talking!
A couple of months ago,
I’ve met my Belgium penpal. This meeting was a
very special one. I went
to her hometown and it
took me a very long time
to get there because of
troubles with trains. I had
to take the international train to Belgium, but
that train was canceled!
The next international
train would leave a hour
later with the result that
I would arrive one hour
later. So I tried to call my
penpal, but the mobile
number that I had wasn’t
correct. Thanks to the
Internet I found the telephone number from her
house and I called that
number. The mother of
my penpal answered the
phone and she was really
surprised that I called her.
I explained who I was (she
knew that I was coming
to visit) and why I called.
Finally I reached my penpal and told her the problem. After one and a half
hour delay I finally arrived
in Gent. Luckily we recognized each other immedi-
was with S., one of my German
penpals. We met for the first time
in the fall of 2009. Meeting her was
really exciting: we had never spoken
before on the phone (before I met
my Dutch penpal, we had spoken on
the phone before). We only had sent
a letter every month, some e-mails
and a couple of text messages. And
of course the language: she doesn’t
speak much Dutch and I’m not very
good in speaking German. So we
had to speak English. S. lives close to
the border, so we met in Enschede,
a big Dutch city close to her
hometown. For me it was a 3,5 hour
journey. I was really nervous the
whole journey: would we recognize
each other? Will the language be
a problem? What if we don’t have
a thing to say to the other? There
she lives only 30 kilometers from my
hometown. The first time we met, in
the summer of 2009, we assembled
at a cinema in Rotterdam, a city
Meeting a penpal in real live can be close to both of our hometowns. We
tricky. What if there is no click when toughed if we don’t have anything
you see each other? Will you keep to talk about, we can talk about the
on writing with that penpal then? Is movie. After the cinema we went out
your penpal really the person who for some dinner. Out first meeting
was nice and chatty. We had enough
she writes she is?
When three of my penpals wanted to talk about. From the first moment
to meet, I wasn’t asking myself these when we saw each other, it felt like if
questions and I wasn’t afraid that a we had known each other for years
meeting could be the end of the instead of months! But on the other
penpalling friendship. I thought it hand, that is no surprise. We wrote
would be a wonderful experience each other a letter every week for
and that it would lift up our several months. Since the summer
penpalling to an other level. And I of 2009 we became good friends
and now a day, we try to meet each
was correct.
The first penpal I’ve met was one of other at least every two months!
my Dutch penpals. Her name is E. and My second meeting with a penpals
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1. penpal
3. October
4. birthday twin
6. chocolate
10. pumpkin
12. friendship
13. swap
15. fb
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Simplicity Embellished is a prominent letter-writing blog curated
by Cole Imperi. Featuring articles on letter writing, home & garden,
cooking & recipes and health, Simplicity Embellished is an online
haven for those who appreciate epistolary delights.
And I had the pleasure of reading four full pages.
How lucky am I?
She’s inspired me to have a go at rubber stamps.
I loved how she used various stamps but used a
really unique ink color- hot pink. I am currently
searching for letter-related rubber stamps and
then I’ll put them to work. They really livened up
this letter and made it all the more special.
And you know what else she included? Some fantastic Victorian-esque stickers and a feather. Feathers are my favorite. I love feathers. When I got married, I had a bouquet made of feathers instead of
the more traditional flower bouquet. THAT’S how
much I love feathers.
Has this letter inspired you? It sure inspired me. And
it reminded me why I treasure the art of letter writing so much. Because you end up with things like
this. Things I store away in my hollowed out books
to refer to sometime in the future. Things I know
my future children will enjoy reading through on
a rainy Sunday afternoon. Things I know are there
from my friends so far away.
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At least, that’s what I believe.
The friendships you develop among pen pals, and
what I mean by that is people you exchange more
than just a postcard with one time, is really special.
When you take time to write several pages out to a
pen pal far and away, you are sending a little piece
of yourself. It’s more of an investment than, say, an
email. Or even just a postcard. (not to knock postcard enthusiasts in the least!).
I received this beautiful letter from a new correspondent. She wrote her first letter out on vellum
paper and used Noodler’s Black Ink. The stamps
she used throughout to embellish the letter were
done in a bright, hot pink ink which looked absolutely phenomenal.
This was the front of the envelope (above). She
used a piece of packing tape to preserve the address in case it got wet, which for those of us who
have relied on USPS for anything have likely encountered.
Her penmanship was beautiful too. Something I
think we all can try to aspire to, no?
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Find your stationery:
Coming up Nov 2010
F R E E B I E S :
chec k
La papierre!
it ?
l i k e
of blue jeans. Initially,
jeans were simply sturdy
trousers worn by workers, especially in the
factories during World
War II. During this period, men’s jeans had the
zipper down the front,
whereas women’s jeans
had the zipper down
the right side. By the
1960s, both men’s and
women’s jeans had the
zipper down the front.
Historic photographs
indicate that in the decades before they became a staple of fashion,
jeans generally fit quite
loosely, much like a pair
of bib overalls without
the bib. Indeed, until
1960, Levi Strauss denominated its flagship
product “waist overalls”
rather than “jeans”.
After James Dean popularized them in the
movie Rebel Without a
Cause, wearing jeans by
teenagers and young
adults became a symbol
of youth rebellion during the 1950s. Because
of this, they were sometimes banned in theaters, restaurants and
During the sixties the
wearing of jeans became more acceptable,
and by the seventies it
had become general
fashion in the US and all
over the globe for casual
If there is fabric beloved
and recognized all over
the world that would
definitely be the jeans!
They never get old.
A bit of history
The word “jeans” comes
from the French phrase
bleu de Gênes, literally
the blue of Genoa.
Riveted jeans
Dry goods merchant
Levi Strauss was selling blue jeans under
the “Levi’s” brand to the
mining communities of
California in the 1850s.
One of Strauss’ customers was Jacob Davis, a
tailor who frequently
purchased bolts of cloth
from the Levi Strauss &
Co. wholesale house. After one of Davis’ customers kept buying cloth to
reinforce torn pants, he
had an idea to use copper rivets to reinforce
the points of strain, such
as on the pocket corners
and at the top of the
button fly. Davis did not
have the required money to purchase a patent,
so he wrote to Strauss
suggesting that they
both go into business
together. After Strauss
accepted Davis’s offer,
the two men received
U.S. Patent 139,121, for
an “Improvement in
Fastening Pocket-Openings,” on May 20, 1873.
In popular culture
Copper rivets for reinforcing pockets are a
A ng
r Ma
nga C
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it ?
Erica M., Mexico
Aia, Bulgaria
Katey & Pete,U
Gypsy & Reaper
www . sandboo k . net
Rylee W., USA
Lisa. P, USA
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it ?
Raia A., Bulgaria
Halloween (or Hallowe’en) is an annual holiday observed on
October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holiday All Saints’ Day, but is today largely a
Common Halloween activities include trick-or-treating,
wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-
o’-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunt
ed attractions, committing pranks, telling ghost stories or other frightening tales, and watching horror films.
Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, the occult, magic, or mythical monsters. Traditional
characters include ghosts, witches, skeletons, zombies, vampires, werewolves, demons, bats, spiders,
and black cats. Black and orange are the traditional Halloween colors and represent the darkness of
night and the color of bonfires, autumn leaves, and jack-o’-lanterns.
Take a look at how people celebrated Halloween around the globe!
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Anyone can post an ad that is in agreement to our
1) we are not a dating site/community - write
appropriate ads to have them published
2) no inmates - we have kids that are members in
our community!
3) money requests - such ad will result in your
permanent ban from our community.
What is the policy on
commercial Ads?
Commercial Ads are paid ads for products or service
that is not classified as a penpal or a swapper ad or an
add from a small business that provides supplies for
correspondence (stationary, address labels). Such
ads are going to be reviewed and negotiated with
the respective companies. For more information
Make sure that you stay informed for the latest news
Follow us on Twitter:
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And join our Facebook Page:
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Visit us on our website: www.SandBook.Net
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Who can post an Ad?
name of the topic that you want to write about. If it
is not already taken, we’d give you the go ahead to
write it. We are doing that simply to ensure that we
don’t have one and the same stories printed under
variation of names. The deadline for all articles is
the end of the month (Nov 30th, 2010). Any articles
submitted after the deadline with be either published in the next issue (December one) or will be
left for the one after it (January 2011 one). It’s done
simply to ensure we have enough time to design
your pages so that they will have the look that we
all will enjoy. Thank you for your understanding.
it ?
How to become a guest
l i k e
How to place an ad in the
l atest
How to subscribe for the
following issue?
Yes, that’s one of our long term
missions - becoming a paper
magazine. But before we can
make any plans for those future
In our post we have offered to times, we want to estimate your
print the ads for 1-2 or 3 months. interest towards such a paper
We have chosen such durations magazine, the number of issues
that we will need to have in stock
1) Our initial idea was to make and of course the price beyond
three issues of the magazine and which the magazine should not
then decide whether or not we go over.
will continue doing the maga- If we move to become a paper
zine. When we started promot- magazine we will be printing
ing and collecting the ads, we re- it out in an Agency, not on at-
1) Promote us - tell your penpals
and swappers about the magazine.
2) Give us feedback - either on
our website
or through Facebook/Twitter.
3) Fill out our survey and help us
decide the fate of the magazine.
You can find the survey in question on the magazine section at
our website. The survey will be
active until Dec 11, 2010 when
issue 2 will come out. You can
submit the survey anonymously
or if you decide to leave us a way
to contact you back (email address and name) you will be included in the list from which we
will draw a lucky winner who will
take home our Survey Award.
4) Become a guest writer - Contact us with your idea of an article. We need to make sure that
the topic is still not taken by
someone else. We don’t want
to print out articles with similar
content. Deadline of all articles
is the 30th of each month. If we
receive the article after that date
- your article is going to be run
in the next issue. If you decide
to send any pictures with your
article, you will need to have the
rights to that image and the image needs to be with a minimal
resolution of 800x600.
How will I receive the
Yes! So go ahead and tell all of your penpals and
swappers about it. Promote the magazine so we
can choose from various penpals and swappers There are two options currently available:
1) You can subscribe - log onto our website and fill
ads. The more, the merrier!
out the subscription form which will ask you for you
name and email address. They will not be released
to any third parties. When the magazine is released
you will receive it either as an attachment or as a
link to our secure website location where you can
Go to and then to download the magazine. Whether or not we will
Magazine section and then click “Subscribe”. attach the magazine to the email depends on its
overall size.
2) You can download the magazine from our website - we will keep a copy of it online so that you can
download/read it any time.
Go to and go to the Magazine
section. Then simply click “Place an Ad” and you will
have to fill out the form that loads on your computer
screen. Don’t forget to give us feedback on what
you think about the magazine so far.
Again, get in touch with us and let us know the
chec k
Why can’t you
run my ad for 20
Isn’t there an option for a paper version?
What can I do to help
with the magazine?
Is the next issue free?
it ?
Who are You?
home-printer. We want to be
printed on stylish paper with
true colors, not a faded blackand-white paper magazine.
l i k e
ally didn’t have a clue how many
people will actually be interested in reading such a magazine.
Hence why, we wanted to have a
test-drive period to see how we
can handle doing a magazine. So
yes, your feedback on it matters!
2) 3 months is a long time for an
ad to circulate. We don’t want
to have a progressively increasing number of ads that are simply copy-pasted from an issue
to an issue - that will be boring,
The Sandbook.Net Team is be- don’t you think? That’s why the 3
hind this adventurous project. month limit is what we set out to
We started this idea quite impul- be. After the 3 months are over,
sively and as some of you already you can resubmit your ad - by
know from our status changes then you might have a new hobon Facebook - we are making the by, decide to edit your own, etc.
magazine as go. That gives us We are not going to turn your ad
the unique opportunity to fully down because we know you had
include you the readers of this posted previously with us. We
magazine in the decision mak- only wish to bring a bit of divering - which section, articles and sity here and there in the coming
stories we should run or not. So issues.
yes, we don’t have a whole concept or a business plan behind
the magazine, but we our enthusiasm.
We have received numerous
questions about our magazine whether or not we are going to
do it on paper or keep it strictly
digital. How come it’s free? How
long we can run it? We will address all those questions and
more on this page. Hopefully by
reading this you will have a clearer idea about our magazine.
www . sandboo k . net
Samantha’s thoughts
Relationship Advice
Lost PenPals
Birthday Twins
PenPal Meetings
Penpals & Swappers Ads
PenPal of the Month Winners
Ready for the Holidays?
Xmas and NYE Special
Mega Holiday Give Away
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You have spoken
Travel guide
Simplicity Embellished
PenPalling and Letters
Fashion & Fun Pages
The Postal Service
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F R E E B I E S :
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