the AAAlist - Courier Mail
the AAAlist - Courier Mail
Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer lotersztAin pRof peRRy baRtlett JAson DAy pRof. anton MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson CatheRine MCneil yAron lifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey RobeRtSon & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda lowndeS prof. lArs nielsen dale dUGUid prof ross homel don MoRGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer lotersztAin pRof peRRy baRtlett JAson DAy pRof. anton MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson CatheRine MCneil yAron lifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey RobeRtSon & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda lowndeS prof. lArs nielsen dale dUGUid prof ross homel don MoRGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer lotersztAin pRof peRRy baRtlett JAson DAy pRof. anton MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson CatheRine MCneil yAron lifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey RobeRtSon & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda lowndeS prof. lArs nielsen dale dUGUid prof ross homel don MoRGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA Anth stosur pRof. GeoRGia ia ChenevixChenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie nie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexA Alex AlexAnDer AnDer loterszt lotersztAin pRof peRRy RR baRtlett RRy R Rtlett JAson JA DAy pRof. anton Middelbe MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. pR zee Upton JessicA MCneil ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG Jessic WAtson WAtson WA Atson CatheRine Cathe eil yAron lifschitz ifschitz pRof pR oeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors enors tRaCey tR ey RobeRtSon RobeR & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda dale ross homel don MoRGan moff inda lowndeS lownde prof. rof. lArs nielsen n ale dUGUid prof p d RGan viShal viS MehRotRa Ra & frAnK R K DyKsterhuis DyKsterhuis K Matthew & daniel tobin obin JAson A Ason bAirD RaChael Chael beRMinGhaM beRMin & KiM MCCoSK MCCoSKeR terry erry morris mAcGreGor Dr VictoriA daRCy ClaRKe ClaRK prof. rof. stuArt mA cGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn thAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM poSSin ul reDDell williaM w M baRton R Rton K iller-heiDKe bRian ian SteendyK prof. JAmes J mes DAle aliCia a UttS Dimity GorDon & Dr pAul KAte miller-heiDKe CoUttS DornAn RobeRt Robe t MCviCKeR Alex Gr GrAnsbury GrA nsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o o’neill SpieRiG bRothe bRotheRS yA yAssmin Ab AbDel-mAGieD mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd ylwaRd sAmAnthA sA nthA stosur pRof. pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh Chenevix- enCh KAte KAte KA Ate morton morton pRof ian fRazeR fR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer Alex Der lotersztAin loterszt pRof peRRy RR baRtlett RRy tlett JAson JAs A on DAy As A pRof. anton MiddelbeRG Ay MiddelbeRG prof mich michAel el GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson WAtson WA Atson CatheRine ine MCneil M yAron lifschitz ifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG Gh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey ey RobeRt RobeRtSon R Son Rt & nathan athan Mayfield emmA emm moffAtt off tt linda lownde offA lowndeS prof. rof. lArs nielsen dale ale dUGUid prof p ross homel don MoRGan RGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK frA r nK DyKsterhuis rA sterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin obin JAson A Ason bAirD bAir RaChael Chael beRMin beRMinGhaM M & KiM MCCoSKeR MCCo terry erry morris daRCy y ClaRKe prof. stuArt rt mAcGreGor mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn thAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM poSSin Dr VictoriA GorDon on & Dr pAul reDDell williaM w M baRton KAte miller-heiDKe iller-heiDKe bRian ian SteendyK prof. J JAmes mes DAle a aliCia CoUttS UttS Dimity baRt R on K Rt An RobeRt Rt M R CviCKeR Alex Gr Ansbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRothe yAssmin Ab mAGieD dR Ji DornAn MCviCKeR GrAnsbury bRotheRS yA AbDel-mAGieD JiM aylwaRd ylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pR pRof. of. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KA K KAte Ate morton Ate orton pRof ian fR fRazeR stephAnie tephAnie Gilmore pRof. Ma MaRK Kendall AlexA Alex AlexAnDer AnDer loterszt lotersztAin pRof of peRRy RR b RRy baRtlett tlett JAson Ason D A DAy pRof. anton Middelbe MiddelbeRG prof rof michAel GooD pRof. zee A WAtson WAtson WA Atson CatheRine Cathe eil yAron lifschitz ifschitz pRof pR oeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors enors tR ey RobeRtSon Robe Upton JessicA MCneil ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG tRaCey moff linda lowndeS ross homel MoRGan viShal wndeS prof. lArs nielsen ielsen dale dUGUid prof r omel don MoRG & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer lotersztAin pRof peRRy baRtlett JAson DAy pRof. anton MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson CatheRine MCneil yAron lifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey RobeRtSon & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda lowndeS prof. lArs nielsen dale dUGUid prof ross homel don MoRGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM aylwaRd sAmAnthA stosur pRof. GeoRGia Chenevix-tRenCh KAte morton pRof ian fRazeR stephAnie Gilmore pRof. MaRK Kendall AlexAnDer lotersztAin pRof peRRy baRtlett JAson DAy pRof. anton MiddelbeRG prof michAel GooD pRof. zee Upton JessicA WAtson CatheRine MCneil yAron lifschitz pRof ove hoeGh-GUldbeRG the ten tenors tRaCey RobeRtSon & nathan Mayfield emmA moffAtt linda lowndeS prof. lArs nielsen dale dUGUid prof ross homel don MoRGan viShal MehRotRa & frAnK DyKsterhuis Matthew & daniel tobin JAson bAirD RaChael beRMinGhaM & KiM MCCoSKeR terry morris daRCy ClaRKe prof. stuArt mAcGreGor dR Clinton fooKeS prof. nAthAn efron pRof. hUGh poSSinGhaM Dr VictoriA GorDon & Dr pAul reDDell williaM baRton KAte miller-heiDKe bRian SteendyK prof. JAmes DAle aliCia CoUttS Dimity DornAn RobeRt MCviCKeR Alex GrAnsbury Gail Reid Dr scott o’neill SpieRiG bRotheRS yAssmin AbDel-mAGieD dR JiM Words: Name goes here PhotograPhy: Name goes here PhotograPhy: russell shakesPeare, david kelly, atlas, Chris hyde, roger d’souza, getty images styliNg: kimberly gardNer / arC Creative hair & makeuP: taNia travers / arC Creative achievers the AAA list they’re the high achievers who justify the Smart State tag – the scientists, researchers, medicos, athletes, artists and entrepreneurs whose ideas and innovations are going global. Compiled by Karen Milliner | 15 BQW20NOV10B&B_15.indd 15 12/11/2010 3:06:28 PM C atch your breath. Are you ready? Meet inventor Alex Gransbury, the man trying to re-imagine the earliest utensils in human history. A big ask? Not for Alex. Sit with him at the factory/salesroom/living quarters of his company Dreamfarm at Brisbane’s Breakfast Creek and try not to wilt in the face of his youthful, turbo-charged effervescence. He’s kinetic; hard to pin down and always on the fly. If he had to invent himself, he’d be something constantly on the move with lots of shiny, well-oiled cogs, a long-range lens looking into the future, and a little rear-vision mirror glancing at the past. And he wouldn’t have an off button. Alex and Dreamfarm specialise in giving the world better spoons, tongs, potato mashers, tea infusers, vegetable steamers, knives and pizza cutters. They don’t just call a spoon a spoon, either. The Dreamfarm version is the Supoon (sit up scraping spoon). Tongs are Clongs (click-lock sit up tongs). Mashers are Smoods (smooth mash in seconds). Pizza cutters are Scizzas (scissors cleanly cut pizza). The Dreamfarm range is also beautifully, groovily designed, and of the moment. Fittingly, Gransbury’s conversation is peppered with “cool”, “dude” and “awesome” and he has an accent that is difficult to fathom, like a dish with many complex ingredients. It only makes sense when you learn he is the son of Australian diplomats and was born in London during his parents’ tenure in the Soviet Union. He was an infant when the family moved to Manila, aged one when they shifted to Tokyo, and five when they came home and settled in Canberra. Having no idea what he wanted to do with his life, he drifted into economics at university in Canberra. Bored, he moved across to commerce. More bored, he got to tinkering in his mother’s back shed. Then bang, the Grindenstein was born. “I’d been given an espresso machine for Christmas, and I’d worked in cafes and stuff through university,” he says. “I love good coffee. But there wasn’t anything available to dispose of the grounds, like the massive grind bins in cafes. It’s a big bit of PVC pipe and they drill a bolt through it [to bang the basket’s used grinds into]. I made a miniaturised version of that for myself.” The Grindenstein – named after Dr Frankenstein’s fictional monster’s boxlike head and neck bolts – was unleashed on the world. “Friends came over and said, ‘That’s cool, could I get one of them?’ ” he recalls. “I thought I’d make a few more and sell them at the markets. I think we sold 34 on the first day. I did the numbers for the number of espresso machines sold every year in Australia, and there was nothing available like this. What are the options? Banging the grinds into the sink? It’s oily, so it makes an absolute mess there. Or you try and knock it out in the bin, which is just gross. This’d be a great idea.” It was 2003. By the end of that year Gransbury had 30 retailers carrying the product. By the following year he’d sold 2000 units. Over the next few years he set up Dreamfarm Europe (in the Netherlands) and Dreamfarm USA (in New Jersey). Back at the dawn of Grindenstein, he had notebooks filled with inventions in gestation. He needed another practical idea. Then, living with some uni mates, and naturally there being lots of pizza around the house, he puzzled over the impracticality of the pizza wheel. “A pizza wheel drags the topping from one side to the other,” he says. “It never cuts through. You can’t use it on non-stick cookware because it scratches. We always ▲ used scissors. We ended up wrapping tape around the ends of the scissors, then getting bits of cheesy stuff stuck in the scissors.” Cue the combination scissors and spatula, the Scizzas. Gransbury’s step-by-step kitchen revolution followed. The Smood was born after he noticed a springy metal-coiled egg cup at his mother’s place. Why couldn’t a larger version with a handle produce fluffy potato heaven? (And yes, it works brilliantly.) Why shouldn’t tea infusers be made of squeezable silicone to get your cuppa just as you like it? Why should used tongs mess up a clean bench when you could sit them up on little crinkled elbows in the handle? How do you take a common object that’s taken for granted and make it desirable and more efficient? Dreamfarm, started in a shed, moved to Brisbane in 2008. (Why Brisbane? An ex-girlfriend, Gransbury says, and … well, it’s a long story.) It has six full-time and four part-time staff. It sells its products around the world with an annual turnover of between $1 million and $5 million. And it now has about 300 distributors in Australia alone. The Japanese love the Vebo – a combination boiler/steamer and strainer. Australians can’t get enough of Clongs and Smoods. The Americans adore the Grindenstein. The Swedes and Norwegians love the white Grindensteins; Australians don’t. Kitchen politics is a complicated business. But it’s more than that. “I believe we are here to grow ideas, original ideas, into great products that people use every day and generally think are useful, not just sit in a corner and look pretty,” Gransbury says. “I want people to walk away and go, ‘You know what? I don’t know what I used to do without this MATTHEW CONDON thing. This thing is so cool.’ ” BQW20NOV10B&B_16-17.indd 16 Clothing: jaCket, shoes, the Cloakroom ( 3003 0916 ), jeans, mitChell ogilvie ( 3031 3888) 01 Alex GrAnsbury, 29, kitChenwAre inventor 12/11/2010 11:23:07 AM achievers We’re here to grow ideas into products that people use every day … not just look pretty. | 17 BQW20NOV10B&B_16-17.indd 17 12/11/2010 11:23:25 AM achievers 02 03 02 Dr VICTOrIA GOrDON, 51, & Dr PAUL rEDDELL, 50, fOUNDErs, ECOBIOTICs The company the two scientists founded in Yungaburra, North Queensland, has for the past decade been investigating rainforest plants as potential sources of new drugs. Its most advanced discovery, EBC-46, developed from seeds in the fruit of the blushwood shrub, is seen as a potentially potent weapon against skin, breast and prostate cancer. Trials on melanomas and other skin tumours in more than 100 horses, dogs and cats have caused great excitement: tumours were reduced within 24 hours of the drug being applied and in some cases they were destroyed and the skin healed within two weeks. Through its subsidiary QBiotics, the company is hoping to have the drug commercially available to vets next year. Year ahead: Finalising application to begin the first phase of human clinical trials of EBC-46. 03 DIMITY DOrNAN, 65, HEAr AND sAY CENTrE Being named Queenslander of the Year is among numerous 2010 highlights for speech pathologist Dornan, who has devoted her life to teaching children with hearing loss to listen and speak. She founded the Hear and Say Centre in Brisbane 18 years ago and has just completed her doctorate, a four-year study on children with cochlear implants and digital hearing aids who undergo the centre’s Auditory-Verbal Therapy. The study showed they reached milestones for speech, language, reading and mathematics at the same rate as children with normal hearing. Dornan has made 17 presentations around the world on her preliminary findings, with final results due to be published soon in the US. Hear and Say, which helps 440 children statewide, has also this year translated its face-to-face teaching programs into an online format so they can be delivered to health professionals overseas. Year ahead: Overseeing the centre’s move into new Brisbane premises and expanding services. 05 06 07 the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, UQ. Their tiny patch is packed with microscopic “projections” that can painlessly deliver a vaccine into the body’s thousands of immune cells when placed on the skin for two minutes. It’s been successfully trialled in mice to administer vaccines for influenza, West Nile and Chukunga viruses, and – in collaboration with Professor Ian Frazer – the Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine. Significantly, the Nanopatch produced the required immune response with only 150th of the flu vaccine dose that is standard with a needle. This, coupled with the fact it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, means vaccines could in future be cheaper, as well as easier to administer. Year ahead: Planning for human clinical trials. 05 JAsON DAY, 23, GOLfEr The “next big thing” of world golf well and truly arrived in 2010. The boy from Beaudesert became, at 22, the youngest Australian winner on the US PGA Tour when he took out the HP Byron Nelson Championship in May, earning him $US1.17 million. In only his second “major”, the US PGA Championship in August, Day finished tenth and followed that up with second place in September’s Deutsche Bank Championship, part of the cut-throat FedEx Cup endof-season playoffs. His eighth place overall in the fourtournament event earned him a $US600,000 bonus on top of his $2.9 million season earnings, good enough to rank him 21st on the Tour money list. Year ahead: Guaranteed entry into all four majors – US Open, US PGA, US Masters and British Open. 06 WILLIAM BArTON, 31, MUsICIAN In one ten-day block this year, the travel schedule for this composer and didgeridoo master read “Berlin-Melbourne-Rome”. But the man from Mt Isa has developed the stamina to spend most of each year touring the globe. This year Barton wrote a quartet piece for the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra; toured India at the invitation of the Australian-India Council; and played in Rome during October celebrations for the canonisation of Mother Mary MacKillop. Just as important to him was showing Indian orphans the beautiful music of the didgeridoo. Year ahead: Touring, and preparing a major “William Barton & Friends” concert to be staged in Brisbane. 07 PrOf. ZEE UPTON, 48, BIOCHEMIsT Tissue engineer Upton’s vision of her revolutionary wound-healing formula VitroGro being sold over the chemist’s counter has moved closer with the completion of a clinical trial of 30 patients whose skin ulcers had not healed with conventional treatment. After three weeks applying VitroGro, the ulcers reduced in size by an average 43 per cent with six people healing completely. New trials of a second-generation formula are about to begin. Upton’s work was recognised this year with the 2010 Beckman Coulter Discovery Science Award from the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. As leader of the Tissue Repair and Regeneration Program at QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, she also secured $28 million in federal funds to establish at QUT the world’s first interdisciplinary national wound research centre. Year ahead: Continue with second-generation VitroGro clinical trials in the hope the formula will become available to the public by the end of 2011. ▲ 04 PrOfEssOr MArK KENDALL, 38, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEEr No more vaccination needles? We could see that within a decade, thanks to the Nanopatch developed by Kendall and his world-leading research team at 04 18 | BQW20NOV10B&B_18.indd 18 12/11/2010 11:22:01 AM achievers I 08 Gail Reid, 29, fashion desiGneR n the cool white loungeroom of Roberto Cavalli’s Florentine villa, a young woman perches on a sofa waiting for an interview with the top Italian designer. An assistant enters the room and politely asks: would she like her coffee served with a gold spoon or a silver one? “A spoon would be fine, thanks,’’ replies Gail Reid, momentarily thrown by the offer of precious metals. It’s just another “pinch me’’ moment in the Brisbane designer’s career – one that’s been on an upward trajectory since 2005 but this year shot straight to the stars. Reid eventually declined a consultant position with Roberto Cavalli, but the best was to come. At Milan Fashion Week (MFW) in September, her label Gail Sorronda was a finalist in the prestigious “Who Is On Next’’ event, sponsored by Italian Vogue, showcasing the best emerging designers from around the world. After a group show before thousands at the glittering Piazza Duomo, Reid’s collection drew praise not just from French Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld and Belgian designer Raf Simons, but from influential US Vogue editor Anna Wintour. During MFW Reid was also invited to show at the Vogue Talents exhibition, where Viktor & Rolf owner Renzo Rosso approached her to ask if she might be interested in consulting work with the leading label. This time the Hepburnesque Reid had the perfect answer on her lips. “I die,’’ she replied, which is fashionista-speak for “yes, please’’. While that offer is yet to be finalised, Reid, who with younger sister Fiona was raised in Brisbane by mum Noli, has caught the eyes of design team Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. Speaking from the London flat she shares with fiancé and business manager Atlas Harwood, Reid laughs when she recounts how she thought it was a hoax when she received an email asking if the new Dolce & Gabbana Spiga 2 store in Milan could stock her label. Gabbana told The Wall Street Journal earlier this year: “I love Gail Sorronda. It’s my taste.’’ “They’ve just doubled their order for next season,’’ Reid says, “and that’s unbelievably exciting for me – and also a lot of work to be done to complete it. Generally I don’t get out of bed until about lunchtime, then I spend the afternoon, the evening and into late at night on the sewing machine or doing development on the mannequin. Sometimes I’ll go for a long walk, or up onto our rooftop for inspiration.’’ Her Edgeware Road flat is in a distinctly Arabic part of London, and when she’s not working Reid likes to take friends out to local cafes for “some watermelon and mint shisha and Moroccan tea”. It all sounds terribly glamorous but Reid, who spent 2008 in Paris honing her craft “and eating a lot of Nutella crepes”, still has her feet firmly on the ground. That’s thanks to her mother, after whom the label is named – Sorronda is Noli’s maiden name. “I wanted to honour her,” says Reid. “She brought us up as a single mum and we never had a lot of money, so she taught us how to be very resourceful. One of my earliest memories is going to op-shops with her and re-interpreting garments and integrating them into our wardrobes – we were always the best-dressed family at church.’’ She laughs and adds she’s still being resourceful, delighted with a recent market find: some leftover pieces of fabric, costing £1 a metre, she can use for draft designs (called toiles). After leaving All Hallows’ private Catholic girls’ school in Brisbane (“Mum worked incredibly hard to get me there”), Reid studied town planning and interior design at the Queensland University of Technology before moving into fashion studies. After graduating from QUT in 2004, she wasted no time: her label debuted at Australian Fashion Week the following year. Like all her collections, the entire range was in black and white (though there was a hint of bronze in her latest, Murmur, at MFW). The minimal palette is fast becoming the Sorronda signature. Now with stockists in Australia, Italy, Japan, the US and the Middle East, Reid’s facing an even bigger year next year – she has secured the services of a high-profile European talent scout. “He got Riccardo Tisci his job [as creative director] at Givenchy and Nicolas Ghesquiere his as creative director at Balenciaga … so we’ll see.’’ Meanwhile there’s a wedding to plan. Reid and Harwood, who met when he wandered into her Brisbane concept store in 2007, will be married “the moment we have some time’’. What is certain is that the ceremony will take place in Brisbane (“where our hearts are’’) and the bride will wear white – or black. FRANCES WHITING 20 | BQW20NOV10B&B_20-21.indd 20 12/11/2010 11:24:16 AM achievers 09 Prof. IAN frAZEr, 57, ImmuNologIst Frazer’s research team at UQ’s Diamantina Institute continues to explore the development of vaccines to prevent and treat skin cancers that have a viral link. Work this year has given them a greater understanding of how skin tumours fend off attacks from immune cells. One of the viruses responsible for some skin cancers has been found to be similar to the human papillomavirus, which causes cervical cancer and for which Frazer developed the Gardasil vaccine in conjunction with Dr Jian Zhou. Since that vaccine’s 2007 release, global sales have topped $5 billion. On the personal front, Frazer’s dream of an integrated facility where research can be brought to commercial reality took shape, with construction commencing on Brisbane’s $354 million Translational Research Institute, one of only a handful of its type in the world. Year ahead: Test more effective ways of using the immune system to fight skin cancer. ▲ Dolce and Gabbana have doubled their order for next season and that’s exciting for me. 10 DAlE DuguID, 54, vIsuAl EffEcts ExPErt His name is on the credits of big-budget films such as Superman Returns and Australia. Now the Oscar and Emmy-nominated Duguid will be sharing his several decades’ expertise in visual effects, animation and post-production with Chinese filmmakers and TV producers. In a multimilliondollar joint venture, China’s largest privately owned theatrical exhibitor, SMI Corporation, has taken a substantial stake in Duguid’s Gold Coast company Photon VFX to create a new entity, SMI-Photon. Duguid has started on his first Chinese job – visual effects for a big TV gala. Year ahead: Continuing other projects including a “delightful” animated feature film and TV series. 09 10 | 21 BQW20NOV10B&B_20-21.indd 21 12/11/2010 4:43:53 PM 12 achievers 11 DARCY CLARKE, 40, DEsignER Another who’s leapt out of Brisbane’s deep pool of design talent to make his mark overseas, Clarke was this year invited to represent Australia and the Pacific region in a Designing the World exhibition at Salone Satellite, the premier showcase for emerging designers held in collaboration with the Milan Furniture Fair. Seeing exhibition-goers perched on his Ned stools (the design inspired by bushranger Ned Kelly’s distinctive helmet) beneath his eye-catching Bonito cane pendant lights has given him the confidence to move to the US to start an offshoot there. Year ahead: Launching a new product range to include a bed and steel outdoor furniture. 14 13 six bottles of his winery’s top drop: the Saint Jude’s Road Grand Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 ($390 a bottle and rated 95 points out of 100 by Australian wine writer James Halliday). A shipping container of more modestly priced reds is now heading to China about every two months. Year ahead: “Introduce more people to our wines.” 13 ALiCiA COUTTs, 23, swiMMER A few months ago, Coutts was virtually unknown on the world swimming scene. That all changed at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, where she won five gold medals – three of them individual – and 1 4 /the 1 Australian 1 / 1 0 , flag2at: the 1 3closing P Mceremony. carried Coutts’s resilience was tested by two abdominal surgeries in the past three years, although she puts her recent jump from unknown to Delhi’s queen of the pool down to one thing: confidence. “I felt good after I won my first event and it just grew from that.” Year ahead: July’s World Championships in Shanghai. 14 VisHAL MEHROTRA, 40, & FRAnK DYKsTERHUis, 60, MinD CHALLEngE The Dr Wood Challenge Centre products from this Nerang-based business continue to enthral kids around the world. It’s mathematician and physicist Dyksterhuis who dreams up ideas and refines puzzles and games (with co-founder Dr Mark Wood helping out, but largely retired) while CEO Mehrotra oversees their manufacture and distribution to 28 countries. Three products were launched at last month’s Essen toy fair in Germany: the Flag It puzzle with boards, flags and playing cards; Pixelate, a littlies’ version of the Kaleidoscope Classic, the original Dr Wood puzzle; and Race Around The World, in which “travellers” solve puzzles as they move through countries on maps. Four Tasmanian primary school kids came up with the idea for the latter; the Mind Challenge team refined it and now it’s published in 14 languages. Year ahead: Finishing new products to launch at toy fairs in New York, Nuremberg and Melbourne. ▲ 12 TERRY MORRis, 71, OwnER, siRROMET He built a business empire on data processing and property interests, but the impressive winery he created in 2000 at Mt Cotton, south-east of Brisbane, remains a consuming passion for Morris. When he signed Sirromet’s biggest export deal to date – sending $10 million worth of reds to China over the next four years – he popped the cork not on a red but on a bottle of Sirromet sparkling chardonnay pinot noir. To the chairman of the H E R 1Chinese 7 4 0 company 3 H e r opartnering n HP_ Q p d f he gifted Pa ge inW. the deal, 11 Heron Island. 4 nights from $798pp * Includes all meals. Kids stay free. Heron Island isn’t just another Great Barrier Reef resort. It’s a resort on the Great Barrier Reef, so you can snorkel amongst coral right off the beach. You can go diving, fishing, turtle spotting, take a guided reef walk or even a sunset cruise. Of course, you can always relax at the Aqua Soul Spa or by the pool. Just click or call. 1300 863 917 *Conditions apply. This offer is based on double/twin share (2 adults) and the lead in room type. Kids 12 years and under stay free when using existing bedding. This offer is subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Available for sale until 31 March 2011 and for travel from 11 January until 31 March 2011. Additional person rates apply. Rates available for longer or shorter stays. Airfares to Gladstone and transfers to Heron Island are an additional cost. HER17403 BQW20NOV10B&B_22.indd 22 Immerse yourself in reef life. 12/11/2010 4:52:54 PM achievers O Clothing: suit, shirt, tie, belt, riChards & riChards ( 3211 1000 ) 15 Dr Jim AylwArD, 62, skin cAncer reseArcher n the Sunshine Coast during the Christmas holidays of 1980, Jim Aylward’s mother Edith showed him a newspaper article about a weed that had long been used as a bush remedy for sunspots. The story quoted a Medical Journal of Australia article about a farmer who had presented at Royal Brisbane Hospital with a basal cell carcinoma on his chest. Doctors noted that after the farmer self-treated his cancer with sap from the radium weed, the tumour disappeared. The report added that while it was an interesting case, it shouldn’t be taken as a recommendation for therapy. But Aylward, a biochemist taking a break from his job at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, saw a challenge. If the sap worked on skin cancers, he thought, how did it work, and how active was it against other cancers? Melbourne-born Aylward returned to Australia to take up a lecturing role at Monash University, where he’d received his PhD in biochemistry in 1975. Then in 1981 he was offered a research position at the CSIRO in Brisbane – closer to his parents, who had relocated from Victoria to the Gold Coast. On the weekends, his father Cyril and Edith tended tropical fruit on a farm they’d bought on the Sunshine Coast, and there they planted some radium weed they’d found in northern Victoria. Edith, who had grown up in Rutherglen, had seen many farmers suffer from skin cancer. She was intrigued by folklore concerning the medicinal properties of radium weed, a small bush no more than 30cm high that’s common across Australia and New Zealand. Cyril, who stood 6ft 2in [188cm] in his prime, had been a big, brawny blacksmith’s apprentice but in 1996 he withered away, victim of a type of soft tissue cancer called malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Not long after Cyril’s family farewelled him at Woombye Cemetery near Nambour, Aylward became one of the many scientists to be retrenched by the CSIRO. By offering to study radium weed’s toxic milky sap, he thought he might keep his desk at the CSIRO’s Long Pocket laboratories in the western Brisbane suburb of Indooroopilly, just down the road from the home he shared with his wife Gearty and their miniature schnauzer Maxwell. In May 1997 he took some diluted sap to Professor Peter Parsons at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. Parsons had seen a number of people claiming to have cures for cancers, and he was a little jaundiced. He told Aylward he’d pit his extract against human melanoma cells to see what effect it might have. “We’ll then ring you,” he said. “Don’t ring us.’’ Parsons told Aylward he’d call in four days. He 24 | BQW20NOV10B&B_24-25.indd 24 12/11/2010 11:27:13 AM didn’t. A week went by, two weeks. Aylward studied the employment ads. Then one of Parsons’ graduate students rang from the lab and said: “Jim, you’ve got to come in here quick. We’ve never seen anything like it – you’re turning those melanoma cells back to the appearance of normal cells.” “I ran out of the lab screaming ‘Yahoo!’ ” Aylward recalls. “Everyone must have thought I’d lost it.” The eureka moment didn’t stop him losing his job, but the CSIRO chief at Long Pocket allowed him the use of a lab for six months. With his redundancy money Aylward funded a company, Peplin, and worked on isolating an ingredient in the weed called ingenol mebutate, which he found “was active against every sort of cancer tested, not just melanoma”. The research, initially on human tumours grafted onto mice, quickly consumed his funds until one day, out walking, Maxwell and Aylward met Alice, a Rhodesian Ridgeback whose owner had a friend prepared to invest a quarter of a million dollars in Peplin. But within a year that friend wanted his capital back. Eventually Aylward contacted investment guru Chris Abbott, who had a keen interest in biotechnology. Abbott put in half a million to save Peplin at the eleventh hour, and the company was restructured. Then in September last year Danish multinational LEO Pharma bought it for $US287.5 million, about $A306 million at the time. The cream Aylward has developed from radium weed sap is likely to be on the Australian market by Just one application per day for two days will make a sunspot disappear. ▲ 2012. Just one application per day for two days, he says, will make a sunspot disappear, though he strenuously warns against self-treating with radium weed because of the potential dangers of underlying conditions. The drug will initially be used to treat actinic keratoses – better known as sunspots – but superficial basal cell carcinoma could be next. Professional growers already supply LEO Pharma’s Gold Coast facility, where the weed’s active ingredient will be extracted for export; Aylward expects it will form the nucleus of an expanding biotech industry in Queensland. He is now on the advisory board for iLab Incubator at Toowong, helping early-stage technology ventures. Aylward says Australians punch above their weight in innovative science: “Scientists just need the incentive to turn their discoveries into practical outcomes.’’ Radium weed will help conquer skin cancer, he says, and there’s no telling what other cures are contained in the plants all around us. GRANTLEE KIEZA BQW20NOV10B&B_24-25.indd 25 12/11/2010 11:31:24 AM 16 achievers 16 Prof. MICHAEL GooD, 56, MoLECuLAr bIoLoGIst Recognised by the state government as a 2010 Queensland Great and recently elected a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Good has returned full-time to the lab. He stepped down mid-year as director of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research to take up a five-year Australia Fellowship. Now based at the Griffith University Institute for Glycomics, a world leader in the field of carbohydrate science, Good is aiming to bring to fruition his decades of research into producing vaccines to combat two of the world’s biggest killers: malaria and streptococcus A. Year ahead: Bring the malaria vaccine into a form suitable for phase-one human clinical trials; run human trials on the strep-A vaccine. BQW20NOV10B&B_26.indd 26 19 18 and the Singapore Dance Theatre. Her vision for Expressions to reach new audiences was realised through a collaboration with BeijingDance/LDTX on First Ritual, which premiered in China this month and will be performed at next year’s Brisbane Festival. Year ahead: A new collaboration with a contemporary dance ensemble in Basel, Switzerland. 18 sAMANtHA stosur, 26, tENNIs PLAYEr Stosur made it to her first Grand Slam final and reached a career-high world No 5 singles ranking before finishing 2010 as world No 6. Last month she also became the only player this year to defeat 1 /two 1 world 0 / 1 No 0 ,1s. The 4 : first 1 7 wasP 13-time M Grand Slam 19 Prof. JAMEs DALE, 60, PLANt bIotECHNoLoGY sCIENtIst Bill Gates asked for a personal update when Dale, director of QUT’s Centre for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities, and his team delivered research results at the Grand Challenges meeting of the Gates Foundation in Seattle last month. With foundation funding they have developed bananas with increased levels of pro-vitamin A (betacarotene) and other bananas with extra iron, to address dietary deficiencies in Africa. Some of the first beta-carotene-fortified fruit grown in trial plantings in north Queensland have shown a 12fold increase in the vitamin (the team’s target was a four-fold increase). Trial plantings of these bananas in Uganda will be harvested and tested next year. Year ahead: Trial plantings of the iron-fortified bananas; possibly begin a parallel project in India. ▲ 17 NAtALIE WEIr, 43, ArtIstIC DIrECtor, ExPrEssIoNs DANCE CoMPANY Weir brought with her a wealth of experience when she returned full-time last year to the Brisbane contemporary dance company where she was a founding member – and which provided her first commission as a choreographer at age 18. Since then she’s created more than 150 works for MA C K 3 0 8 1 . including 5 _ Q WE . p d f Ballet P a Theatre ge 1 companies theEAmerican 17 winner Serena Williams, who Stosur swept aside in June on her way to the French Open final. The Gold Coaster was ultimately beaten in the final by Italy’s Francesca Schiavone, but reversed that result at last month’s WTA Championships in Doha. In her next match in Doha, Stosur disposed of new world No 1 Caroline Wozniacki in straight sets. Year ahead: Her own tilt at the world No 1 crown. 12/11/2010 11:32:29 AM achievers Y ou know you’ve made it in Hollywood when the movie geeks are flinging at you the same line they used on the creator of Star Wars. “George Lucas raped my childhood!” the film nerds screamed when über-director Lucas followed up the most sacred film trilogy of all time with a series of prequels resembling the slower episodes of the Teletubbies. Now everybody’s tampering with the sacred reels: Terminator Salvation, Transformers, The A-Team, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Dentures … But you’ve got to be good to be asked to do the tampering. And Brisbane filmmaking twins Peter and Michael Spierig are good. They might be brilliant, in fact. Case in point: the action sequence about two-thirds into Daybreakers (2009), the vampire film they made in Queensland for $20 million that looks like it cost $80 million. In this sequence, Ethan Hawke’s vampire scientist is in the back seat of a sun-blocked speeding vehicle ducking under deadly shafts of sunlight caused by the bullets firing through his windows. The idea was exciting and fresh, and the film grossed $50 million around the world. It also got “generals”. That’s “general meetings in LA”, explains Peter (pictured opposite, at left), sipping a coffee beside Michael in their production house, Blacklab International, at Woolloongabba in Brisbane’s inner east. “We really wanted to meet the people at the Jim Henson Company,” adds Michael, “because we’re such big fans of Henson.” The late American puppetry pioneer extended his range as an innovator from The Muppet Show to 1980s fantasy films The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. “We met [Henson’s daughter] Lisa and we mentioned that The Dark Crystal is one of our favourite movies.” Peter picks up the story: “[The Henson Company] didn’t say much. Then we get a call later and they say, ‘We want you to read something.’ ” It was the screenplay for a big-budget 3D sequel to 1982’s The Dark Crystal – a film considered sacred to Gen X. The Power of the Dark Crystal, directed by the Spierig brothers, is due for release next year. “Don’t you dare rape my childhood!” one Dark Crystal fan roared at the pair at a recent film convention. Another made the same plea. Then another … “When one person says that, you take it on board,” says Peter. “But when a bunch of people say it, you think, ‘Wow, this really means something to them.’ ” Says Michael: “But it means so much to us, so the last thing we want to do is screw it up.” The Blacklab boardroom is a rectangular glass box. Outside this fish tank, staff buzz about making calls, scribbling notes, writing on whiteboards. After Daybreakers, the Spierigs could have worked anywhere in the world; they chose Woolloongabba. They’re passionate about Brisbane and its filmmaking potential. (Their $700,000 breakthrough zombie horror film, 2003’s Undead, was shot largely in the back yard of their parents’ Brisbane home, while in Daybreakers, Queen Street is a futuristic nocturnal streetscape.) In fact, Blacklab was established with one major goal in mind: to bring more work to Brisbane and Queensland. Says company director Tim McGahan: “We need to be able to develop projects and keep projects here. We’re working on all sorts of projects, from light entertainment to high-end TV drama. The boys are sort of the creative directors of the company. Our ultimate goal is just that there’s more work. So there’s an industry, a logical progression ▲ for filmmakers to come through. There seems to be a gap between coming out of uni and making your short film and getting into some music videos or TV commercials. Then where are they gonna go? We’re hoping to develop an industry where there’s multiple tiers for directors and writers. Then we stop the brain drain.” Inevitably, as with most serious discussions among men, it all comes back to Star Wars. “But guys like George Lucas,” says Peter, “were bred in a Hollywood industry that seemed so far away. It all seemed so impossible to achieve.” Then a Kiwi called Peter Jackson went and made a film trilogy to rival Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings had big sets, big sequences, big ideas. And he made it in New Zealand. “You look at any of those visionaries like Peter Jackson and Lucas and Spielberg, they were all creatively driven,” says McGahan. “By leading that creative vision is how you build that infrastructure around you. An industry can happen anywhere.” “We never really thought small,” says Peter. “We’re interested in making films that appeal to Australian audiences, but we want people from around the world to see them. That’s why our ideas and themes are more universal.” But the days are short and the to-do list is long. Right now, the boys are working on puppets. Hundreds of them, in fact. For The Power of the Dark Crystal, they’re staying true to the Jim Henson spirit: more puppets, fewer digital effects. Less Jar Jar Binks, if you like. More Chewbacca. It means more late nights, pressure and time together. Peter looks at his brother. “Well, we’ve spent every other waking moment together,” he says. “I’ll be stuck with him for the rest of my life.” TRENT DALTON Peter SPierig wearS ShoeS by Mitchell ogilvie (3031 3888) Michael SPierig wearS jacket, Mitchell ogilvie (3031 3888) 20 Peter & Michael SPierig, 34, filMMakerS 28 | BQW20NOV10B&B_28-29.indd 28 12/11/2010 12:26:55 PM Words: Name goes here Photography: Name goes here Peter Spierig wears shoes by Mitchell Ogilvie (3031 3888) Michael Spierig wears jacket, Mitchell Ogilvie (3031 3888) achievers We never really thought small. We want people all over the world to see our movies. | 29 BQW20NOV10B&B_28-29.indd 29 12/11/2010 12:27:33 PM achievers 21 NATHAN MAYFIELD, 36, TRACEY ROBERTSON, 43, HOODLuM FOuNDERS Accolades have flowed thick and fast for these Brisbane creators of entertainment for multiple media platforms. The International Digital Emmy Award and Interactive Media Award they brought home this year, along with their nominations for a British BAFTA and UK Broadcast Digital Award, were for Primeval Evolved, which extended online the stories of British TV series Primeval. The Hoodlum team of filmmakers, game designers, writers and story developers has grown to about 30 and the company has increased its presence in the US. This year it delivered trailers and a fan immersion game for Sony ahead of the release of the Angelina Jolie thriller Salt. In Brisbane, shooting has begun on SLiDE, a 10-part teen drama Hoodlum is co-producing with Playmaker Media. It will screen on pay TV channel FOX8 next year with online and social media tie-ins. Year ahead: Developing a number of original productions, including a doco. 22 21 23 25 24 24 pROF. ANTON MIDDELBERG, 43, BIOMOLECuLAR ENGINEER When a new strain of flu rears its head, it takes three to six months using existing techniques to produce a vaccine to thwart its spread. The H1N1 swine flu was a recent case in point. What Middelberg and his team at UQ’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have designed is revolutionary platform technology to enable vaccines to be massmanufactured faster and more inexpensively. Instead of the conventional method of cultivating a virus in chicken eggs, they grow cells in a sugar-based solution. The next step is to apply the technology to making vaccines for specific diseases. Middelberg, named as the 2010 Smart Futures Premier’s Fellow, will collaborate with researchers at China’s Tianjin University to advance that work. Year ahead: Investigate the technology’s effectiveness in making vaccines for influenza and Hendra virus. 23 DR STuART MACGREGOR, 33, GENETIC EpIDEMIOLOGIST Using data collected from more than 1000 sets of twins, MacGregor this year helped identify new genes underlying glaucoma, short-sightedness and optic nerve hypoplasia, the leading cause of blindness in children. The genetic studies are among the first in these eye diseases. MacGregor is involved in other international collaborative work at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research that has made advances in cancer genetics, with major studies into melanoma and ovarian cancer under way. In recognition of his contributions, he was awarded the 2010 Australian Academy of Science Ruth Stephens Gani Medal for research into human genetics. Year ahead: Identifying genes influencing cancer patients’ responses to chemotherapy. 25 ALEXANDER LOTERSZTAIN, 33, DESIGNER The winner of the inaugural Premier’s Smart State Design Fellowship has lately been tasting chocolates in Switzerland – all in the name of research, of course. It’s a collaboration with Nestlé involving a fair trade cooperative in Ecuador. The multinational is one of many companies to seek out the services of the Buenos Aires-born, Brisbanebased designer who also produces his own Derlot Editions range of furniture and lighting. This year he exhibited in Tokyo as part of the Quench collective of Queensland-based designers, and created Haus, a trio of tiny “houses” with bench seating and tables. These attracted “crazy interest”, he says, from several countries at the recent Unlimited: Designing for the Asia Pacific event in Brisbane. Year ahead: A possible hotel collaboration in Singapore, launching Derlot Editions in Europe. 26 26 STEpHANIE GILMORE, 22, pRO SuRFER She needed only to win her quarter-final at this month’s penultimate event of the women’s world tour to ensure a fourth world title in four years on the pro circuit. But Gilmore is not an “only” sort of person. The world crown duly won, the 2010 Queensland Sportswoman of the Year finalist allowed herself a short celebration there in Puerto Rico before switching back into competition mode and taking out the final. Other highlights for the year included being voted Laureus World Action Sportsperson by the world’s sporting media and induction into the Huntington Beach California Surfers’ Hall of Fame – the youngest person to receive the honour. Year ahead: Continue closing in on her idol Layne Beachley’s record of seven world titles. ▲ 22 DR CLINTON FOOKES, 32, COMpuTER vISION RESEARCHER Fookes’s research won the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, striking a chord with voters no doubt because it’s geared towards improving safety in airports, train stations and other public spaces. A senior research fellow in QUT’s Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, Fookes is working out ways to invest computers with the ability to do what people now do: intelligently analyse footage from CCTV cameras. The work – which employs existing biometric technologies such as facial recognition – is supported by a range of security, law enforcement and counter-terrorism agencies. Trials are under way at airports and agencies around the country. Year ahead: Expand reach of biometric technologies and continue to develop surveillance capabilities. | 31 BQW20NOV10B&B_31.indd 31 12/11/2010 4:46:16 PM achievers 27 28 27 Prof. lars nielsen, 45, bioengineer More than 25,000 new jets are expected to take to the skies in the next two decades, adding to an already heavy load of greenhouse gas emissions. Can we find an eco-friendly alternative to aviation fuel? Something that could be manufactured sustainably, cheaply, and in the necessary quantities? Perhaps from sugar cane juice? This is what the consortium project headed by Nielsen at UQ’s Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology is trying to find out. Boeing, Virgin Blue and major US green energy company Amyris are among the big names funding it, along with the Queensland Government. Laboratory work is under way to ferment sugar cane juice into a fuel, while scientists are also looking at other potential fuel sources such as algae and oilseeds. Year ahead: Work to produce enough biofuel from sugar cane to do a test run on a jet engine. 28 Yaron lifsChitZ, 40, artistiC direCtor & Ceo, CirCa You know you’ve arrived, says Lifschitz, when you perform in France, a country with a rich tradition of globally lauded circus acts, and you’re told “you guys have changed French circus – we’ve never seen anything like this”. That’s the feedback Brisbane ensemble Circa received when it took its dynamic modern mix of physicality and theatre to Festival Circa in Auch last month. The core troupe of seven has toured extensively this year – appearing on the main stage at the Barbican in London, hitting Broadway in New York and opening the Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival in Ireland. Back home it premiered a new work, Wunderkammer (“our best ever”, according to creator Lifschitz), at the Brisbane Festival. Year ahead: Lots more touring and adding Wunderkammer to the overseas schedule. I Clothing: dress, shoes, samantha ogilvie (3852 4661) 29 Yassmin abdel-magied, 19, Young Queenslander of the Year f any anecdote gives an insight into the world of over-achieving Queensland teen Yassmin Abdel-Magied, it’s the one she’s telling now about her semi-regular, tea-drinking catchups with Governor-General Quentin Bryce. The meetings started a few years ago when Bryce was governor of Queensland and AbdelMagied a member of a youth group for Muslim women. Now, thanks to her new profile as a charity founder and crowning as Young Queenslander of the Year, the vice-regal visits have escalated to one-on-one affairs when Bryce is up from Canberra. Like her third-year University of Queensland engineering school friends, Abdel-Magied finds herself in a situation that’s hard to believe. If she thought too much about it, it would overwhelm her, so she opts for laughter and self-deprecation instead. Sitting cross-legged on a bench near the university’s Great Court on a break between lectures, she has one arm draped across the backrest, the other animating her story. “So I’m telling all my mates, ‘Oh, you know I’m going to be late to uni tomorrow’ and they’re like, ‘where are you going?’ and I say ‘yeah, having tea with the Governor-General’.” She finishes with a dramatic twirl of her hand and laughs uproariously. Bryce is in fact just one face among a powerful network of contacts the talented teen has amassed thanks to her enthusiasm for any community work she can fit around her university schedule. Her CV boasts her inclusion on the Queensland Design Council, the board of the Queensland Museum and the management committee of the Youth Affairs Network of Queensland. Past roles have included sitting on the Queensland Government’s 2009 Year of Creativity Roundtable, Deputy Chair of the Queensland Youth Council, leading the Queensland Youth Parliament and travelling to Canberra in 2008 for the youth summit running alongside the 2020 Ideas Summit. But it’s her role as founder and president of Brisbane-based not-for-profit charity Youth Without Borders (YWB) that’s commanding attention on the international stage. 32 | BQW20NOV10B&B_32-33.indd 32 12/11/2010 4:47:18 PM achievers ▲ really passionate but then everyone is really possessive about ‘it’s our project’, or ‘this is our problem’. I’m trying to get away from that.” You’d assume she’s blowing the socks off proud parents Midhat Abdel-Magied and Faiza El-Higzi, but she says she’s simply trying to live up to the example they set her. Her father is an electrical engineer with a PhD and MBA who works as a migration officer for the state government, while her mother works for AusAID as the manager for Latin America. They emigrated to Brisbane from Sudan when Yassmin was almost two (her brother was born three years later). She attended the Islamic School of Brisbane, then John Paul College at Daisy Hill, on Brisbane’s southern outskirts, graduating with an OP1. She’s candid about her Muslim faith and her choice to wear a hijab, or headscarf, for modesty reasons. Her wardrobe decisions (she also covers the skin to her ankles and wrists) attract questions – which she happily answers. There are some funny moments. “I’ve heard it all, like ‘do you speak Muslim?’ or ‘you are from Islam, right?’ I’m like, no, it’s a religion, it’s not a country!’ ” she says, breaking into peals of laughter. “On Monday I took my bike to the shop to get fixed and the bike dude looked at me awkwardly and he’s like, ‘I don’t mean to be sounding rude, but do you cycle in all that getup?’ ” Another laugh. “I said ‘no, man, it’s not rude’ and I just explained I have a little mini version [of the hijab] for when I ride.” Her long, loud laugh is one of many delightful aspects of Abdel-Magied’s personality. So are her surprising confessions: her love of cars (she’s a volunteer on the university’s racing team, which requires its members to build and race a car), and her major vice is online shopping. As for her future, she isn’t ready to speculate. She may apply for a Rhodes Scholarship next year and wants to pursue work experience overseas in mechanical engineering. Beyond that, she’s keeping an open mind. “I always want to do work that will help people,” she says. “What is the point of my life if not to make other people’s lives better?” AMANDA WATT Clothing: dress, shoes, Samantha Ogilvie (3852 4661) What is the point of my life if not to make other people’s lives better? While attending the Asia Pacific Cities Summit in Brisbane in 2007, it occurred to Abdel-Magied that “there were all these really passionate people working in different community organisations dealing with the same issues”, but huge numbers of needy people were falling between the cracks. “I thought, wouldn’t it be great if there was an organisation that was purely based around getting these groups to work together to make bigger change – rather than replicating their resources and fighting for funding?” She and three other attendees formed the core of the organisation in 2008 and YWB became officially incorporated in April 2009. Abdel-Magied says it’s about empowering young people to bring about positive change in their communities. “If you have an idea but you don’t know how to make it happen or you don’t have the resources, you can come to us and we’ll link you up with other organisations or people that can help.” The group’s management committee of ten meets every month and is steering about seven projects. One is a mobile library project that started when a 15-year-old Indonesian girl who lived in a city of more than one million people with no public library approached Abdel-Magied for assistance. “We didn’t go to Indonesia but we contacted the embassy over there and they put us in touch with a number of other organisations,” she says, “and now there are boxes on the back of motorbikes filled with books that go around different villages.” YWB is hoping to replicate the project in an appropriate format in remote Queensland indigenous communities. Another young person wanted to send muchneeded sanitary pads to women in Africa. She used YWB’s logo to lend legitimacy to her project and is now running an established operation. Abdel-Magied likes to describe her group’s work as galvanising people around good ideas. “At the end of the day it doesn’t matter who does the work,” she says, “whether it’s Youth Without Borders or another organisation, as long as the people who need to be helped are helped. That’s what frustrates me about community work sometimes – everyone’s | 33 BQW20NOV10B&B_32-33.indd 33 12/11/2010 1:09:39 PM achievers 32 30 30 CATHERINE McNEIL, 21, ModEL Gossip columnists preoccupied themselves with her love life (an engagement, then split, with Ruby Rose), her move from a base in New York to one in London, and the cropping and colouring of her locks from flowing auburn to funky black bob. The catwalk queen herself, ranked 12th by in its global top 50, just got on with the game. Hers was the face (and body) that appeared on the 2010 Pirelli calendar; sold fragrance for Carolina Herrera and Narciso Rodriguez; posed in ads for Saks Fifth Avenue, Givenchy and Gap; and graced the pages of Vogue in Australia, Germany and Britain. The self-proclaimed “bogan from Logan” also strutted her stuff in Oz for Bonds and David Jones. Year ahead: Walking the walk at New York, London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks. 31 PRof. oVE HoEGH-GULdBERG, 51, CoRAL BIoLoGIST A report in international journal Science this year that pulled together leading research showed that greenhouse gases are driving irreversible changes in the functions of our oceans. Hoegh-Guldberg, the report’s lead author and director of UQ’s Global Change Institute, says oceans are the planet’s “heart and lungs”, producing half the oxygen we breathe and absorbing 30 per cent of humangenerated carbon dioxide. The damage we’re seeing is akin to the ocean being made to smoke three packets of cigarettes a day. His own research concentrates on the effect of increasing ocean acidity on coral reefs, and his team is midway through a world-first “tricky experiment”: in small areas of waters off Heron Island, manipulating pH levels to replicate those scientists expect in reef waters midway through this century. Year ahead: Lead writing team for the Oceans chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 32 33 34 35 this year’s Shanghai World Expo opened doors, with multiple commissions in China now in progress. In the Middle East they’re heading a public art strategy for a huge urban renewal project in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while at home they added to the office mantelpiece the top gong and one for business creativity in the Lord Mayor’s Business Awards. Year ahead: Completion of the eight-storey facade of 250,000 suspended aluminium panels on the new carpark at Brisbane airport. 33 PRof. NATHAN EfRoN, 56, oPToMETRY RESEARCHER Already world-renowned for his research into contact lenses, Efron this year took out optometry’s “Nobel prize”: the American Academy of Optometry Glenn A. Fry Lecture Award. It’s only the second time in the award’s 40 years that it was presented to a researcher outside North America. The gong recognises Efron’s discovery of a direct correlation between eye nerve damage in people with diabetes and degeneration of the nerves in their feet and hands (peripheral neuropathy). At QUT’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation he’s working to develop simple, effective tests using ophthalmic microscopes that assess nerve changes, thus giving doctors monitoring the health of diabetic patients and scientists devising drugs to treat neuropathy a precise window on what’s happening elsewhere in the body. Year ahead: Analysing the first data from participants in a five-year study. 34 PRof. RoSS HoMEL, 61, CRIMINoLoGIST It wasn’t a single achievement that saw the director of the Griffith Institute for Social and Behavioural Research recognised this year with an American Society of Criminology award. It was his body of work over decades into the causes of crime and violence and ways to prevent it. Homel’s early research led to the introduction here of random breath testing, which has changed driving culture. A central passion now is continuing Pathways to Prevention, the early intervention program for families that he developed in partnership with Mission Australia and Education Queensland in 2001. This program targets antisocial behaviour in young children to forestall more serious problems that cause, as Homel says, “a lot of pain”. Year ahead: Follow-up work with children from seven Brisbane schools who undertook a Pathways to Prevention program in 2002 and 2003. 35 KATE MoRToN, 34, AUTHoR If history repeats itself, Morton’s just-released third novel The Distant Hours will be sitting on bestseller lists until Christmas. Her second novel, The Forgotten Garden, spent two months on the New York Times list and to date, her first two books have recorded sales of more than 3 million copies in 37 countries. Completing The Distant Hours, a tale that’s set in an English castle and weaves through family secrets from the war years, consumed much of the year for the Brisbane “gothic sensation”. Now that it’s on shelves around the world, she’s off on a sixweek world promotional tour. Year ahead: Thinking about a novel set in Australia. ▲ 32 MATTHEW & dANIEL ToBIN, 41, PUBLIC ART ENTREPRENEURS The Tobin twins have been driving the global expansion of their Brisbane company Urban Art Projects, with Matthew leading the Shanghai office and Daniel relocating to the US to open a UAP studio in Houston, Texas. It was a bumper year for the duo and their team of 65 designers, artists, metalworkers and other craftspeople who devise and install large-scale works for architectural and landscape projects. The artworks they created for 31 | 35 BQW20NOV10B&B_35.indd 35 12/11/2010 4:48:33 PM achievers 36 DON E. MORGAN, 62, iNvENtOR It’s taken the better part of two decades but the Brisbane physicist is finally seeing his revolutionary, shock-absorbing foam lining for helmets out in the marketplace. The “cone-head” design, which won Morgan the 2007 Invention of the Year on ABC-TV’s The New Inventors, incorporates a series of cones of differing density, providing greater protection for the delicate areas of the skull. He describes it as a “crumple zone in a helmet”. A global licensing deal with Hong Kong-based Strategic Sports Ltd, one of the world’s largest helmet manufacturers, has seen the design incorporated into motocross, road motorbike, bicycle and skiing helmets distributed under various brands including Kali Protectives, Scott, Uvex, Motovan and Head Sport AG. Already winning fans in Europe and North America, helmets with the cone lining will soon hit our shores. Year ahead: Hoping to see his technology adapted to baby capsules and child car seats. 37 EMMA MOFFAtt, 26, tRiAthlEtE Second place behind reigning Olympic champion and former training partner Emma Snowsill at September’s World Championship Series grand final in Budapest was enough for Moffatt to make it back-to-back world titles. It was a hard-won honour for the Brisbane-based triathlete, who failed to win an event in the series but topped the overall point score through determination and consistency. The win was particularly sweet for the Beijing bronze medallist after she started the year with a seriously injured shoulder following a bike crash. Year ahead: Going for a third-straight world title on the way to the London Olympics. 38 JASON BAiRD, 43, MAkEup ARtiSt “And the Emmy goes to … ” In August, Gold Coaster Baird heard his name added to that sentence when the 2010 Creative Arts Primetime Emmy Awards were handed out in Los Angeles. The win was for most outstanding prosthetic makeup in a series, miniseries or movie, and Baird shared it with several members of the 40-plus team he led for the Steven Spielberg/ Tom Hanks World War II miniseries The Pacific, shot around Queensland in 2007. To Baird, the statuette is acknowledgement not only of his work on the epic, but a 22-year journey through the film and TV world. Baird established his own makeup effects studio JMB FX in 1996, doubling it in size over the years. The studio’s film credits include Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions, Daybreakers and The Ruins. Year ahead: Complete work on Spielberg sci-fi TV series Terra Nova. Fox will air a sneak peek in May. 39 36 37 38 40 40 pROF. pERRY BARtlEtt, 63, NEuROSciENtiSt Building relationships with contemporaries in China has borne fruit for Bartlett this year: the director of UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute engineered a joint neuroscience laboratory with the Institute of Biophysics within the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. In a bid to increase our understanding of diseases such as dementia and schizophrenia, scientists in the joint lab will progress world-leading research on the mechanisms and genes involved in learning and memory. Bartlett’s research team has been building on his joint discovery nearly two decades ago that cells in the brain can make new nerve cells (neurons). Researchers are hoping to soon show that kickstarting the relevant brain cells with drugs or environmental stimuli to produce new neurons can slow down, if not reverse, the memory and cognitive loss of ageing and dementia. Year ahead: Hopes for a joint laboratory in Shanghai focused on genes involved in the progress of motor neurone disease, epilepsy and schizophrenia. 41 liNDA lOWNDES, 43, MicROSkiN iNvENtOR & DiREctOR This year, Lowndes was recognised with a Rotary award for using her spray-on, colour-correcting simulated skin to help disguise the scars of two badly burnt Indonesian girls flown to Australia for treatment. Just as rewarding was the opening of the first overseas Microskin clinic in New York – and her product subsequently being named by America’s Allure magazine as one of 2010’s top 12 ingenious beauty breakthroughs. Another highlight has been working with child burns patients in Australia and New Zealand as part of a study into Microskin’s psychological effects. At her Brisbane HQ, Lowndes has been busy completing testing on a sunscreen product and putting the finishing touches on a spray-on retail line in 14 shades for minor blemishes. It should be available by Christmas. Year ahead: Looking at opening two more US clinics and others in Canada, Wales and London. ▲ 41 39 thE tEN tENORS, vOcAliStS They’re ten blokes with glorious voices who can belt out Puccini’s Nessun Dorma in one breath and AC/DC’s Thunderstruck in the other – plus they look sharp in suits. No wonder they’ve hit the heights. Formed in Brisbane 15 years ago, still managed from here and with a couple of Queenslanders still in the line-up, the Ten Tenors are one of Australia’s longest continually running live music exports. They have platinum and gold albums and DVDs to their names and tour overseas up to ten months a year. The global financial crunch saw their travel pared back this year, although they found new audiences in Sweden and the Ukraine and doubled dates in Peru. Year ahead: Hit stages for the first times in Japan, China and India, and release two new albums. 36 | BQW20NOV10B&B_36.indd 36 12/11/2010 4:49:32 PM achievers 42 ScoTT o’Neill, 48, deNgue fever reSearcher T o pinpoint the genesis of Scott O’Neill’s groundbreaking work on dengue fever, you need to go back to the ’80s when he was a PhD student living in Brisbane hovels and slogging away on experiments that just kept failing. For five years, the view in O’Neill’s microscope was of an ancient bacterium with feminist tendencies called Wolbachia that simply refused to respond the way he and his supervisor expected. Writing a PhD about failed experiments had the budding entomology scientist frustrated, annoyed – and obsessed. “I think I have a bit of a problem with obsession; most scientists do,” says O’Neill, now the Head of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland. “So you have to keep your motivation up by grabbing on to the few experiments that work – they keep you going over the dry periods.” It’s an obsession the world may soon have cause to celebrate. After 25 years teasing out the secrets of Wolbachia, O’Neill is about to release mosquitoes infected with the little bug into two Cairns suburbs with the expectation that it will dramatically reduce the spread of dengue fever. If those field tests go well, it will be trialled in Vietnam and Thailand using some of the $10 million in funds O’Neill has attracted from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his work. If he runs short, he can dip into the $1.95 million grant the Queensland Government recently gave him and his Eliminate Dengue team. “To have this sort of success has exceeded our expectations,” O’Neill says. “It’s just a great ride to be on at the moment. It’s not enough for me to be obsessed about something that’s completely curiosity-driven – I like there to be some kind of beneficial impact out of what I’m doing.” And what an impact that could be. The World Health Organisation estimates 2.5 billion people – about two-fifths of the world’s population – are at 38 | BQW20NOV10B&B_38-39.indd 38 12/11/2010 1:10:37 PM achievers risk from dengue fever, a potentially fatal mosquitoborne disease. There are about 50 million infections every year. Far north Queensland in 2008-09 had a large dengue outbreak that infected more than 1000 people and contributed to the death of an elderly woman. Back in 1985, Gosford-born O’Neill was stuck in a curiosity-driven PhD project at UQ, trying to learn something about the evolutionary journey of Wolbachia. A prehistoric and microscopic bacterium, it had come to the world’s attention in the 1920s but once scientists worked out it wasn’t infectious to humans, they’d largely ignored it for decades. O’Neill might well have left it languishing again after his frustrating experiments, if not for a trip to the US to clear his head. There he contacted the University of Illinois, a leader in entomology research, and got a job. He was employed to look at fruit flies but something just kept pulling him back to Wolbachia. He was now armed with up-to-the-minute techniques, and success started coming his way. Scientists had already discovered that Wolbachia caused mating incompatibilities in insects; O’Neill now found that the bacterium could actually turn males into females. “All sorts of other effects that had been seen in other insects … were related to this infection with this one bacterium which was incredibly common in insects,” he says. “I’d gone from years of nothing working to suddenly everything I touched worked. The Midas touch. It was just incredible.” Yale University noticed, and soon O’Neill had a one-year contract with the Ivy League institution. He was there for ten years. “I was successful in writing grants and got promoted into the system … I got money, and with money came a more permanent job.” Not that his work was always successful. The rollercoaster of scientific endeavour went into one of its downward slides and the eureka moments faded. As did the appeal of life in New Haven, Connecticut, “one of the very poor cities in the US. New Haven is the place where I learned what handguns sounded like.” O’Neill arrived in Queensland to take up his post at UQ just weeks before September 11, 2001. Almost as soon as he put his new lab coat on, he began a line of research that finally led to the dengue breakthrough. Although Wolbachia has found its way into a host of insects over the millennia, it did not occur in the dengue-spreading aedes aegypti mosquito. After years of painstaking lab work, O’Neill and his team managed to get it into the tiny insect. The theory was it would shorten the life of the mosquito and therefore reduce its ability to pass on dengue, since only older, female mosquitoes transmit the disease. Sure enough, O’Neill’s work did shorten the mosquitoes’ lifespan. But something even more spectacular occurred. “We found that Wolbachia in the mosquito actually makes it unable for the dengue virus to grow in the mosquito.” The hope is that by releasing Wolbachiainfected aedes aegypti into the wild population, the infection will gradually spread and dengue will lose its grip on its hosts. After 25 years of obsessing about this ancient bacterium, O’Neill could be on the brink of ridding the world of one of its worst insect-driven diseases. So high has his star risen since those gloomy PhD days, he’s now been headhunted by Monash University to be its new Dean of Science, taking the Eliminate Dengue project and some of the team members with him to Melbourne in June next year. Alongside him will be his scientist wife Dr Beth McGraw and their daughter Marli, 5. (His son from a previous marriage, Myles, 19, is studying science and daughter Kathleen, 17, is interested in journalism.) While the move is a drain on the intellectual pool of Brisbane, it must surely count as inspiration for all those lab-bound PhD students who wonder if their repetitive work will LEISA SCOTT ever amount to anything. 44 KATE MILLER-hEIDKE, 29, SINgER-SoNgwRITER A music critic for The New Yorker magazine described Miller-Heidke’s album Curiouser, already a platinum seller in Australia, as a “gem” and “a big clutch of Pantone swatches”. Generous praise indeed for the Brisbane songstress, who spent the bulk of the past year overseas, touring the album through North America, acting as support for Ben Folds, and in London treading the boards of the Sadler’s Wells Theatre in the musical review Shoes. She wasn’t forgotten back home, though: she was a finalist for the 2010 APRA Song of the Year with husband Keir Nuttall for her hit single The Last Day on Earth; she joined Canadian Sarah McLachlan for a slice of the Australian A Taste of Lilith tour; and she scored ARIA award nominations in three of the fan-voted “most popular” categories. Year ahead: Taking the stage at this year’s Woodford Folk Festival (December 27-January 1) and writing material with Nuttall for a new album. ▲ ClothiNg: jaCket, t-shirt, shoes, WitChery maN ( ) Words: Name goes herebelt, PhotograPhy: Name goes here I’d gone from years of nothing working to suddenly everything I touched worked. The Midas touch. It was just incredible. 43 BRIAN STEENDYK, 40, ARchITEcT & DESIgNER It’s been a busy year for Steendyk: in April it was a showing at the Milan Furniture Fair, then in September he headed to the London Design Festival to launch several of the ANONandCo products from his Brisbane design studio. There was strong interest in the Coral seating and planter range, Chuckel and Dove stools and Yhi pendant lamps, and he’s in follow-up talks with UK stockists. Back home he was shortlisted for the Queensland Smart State Design Fellowship, was a finalist in the Belle magazine/Georg Jensen product design awards, and won gongs from the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the Australian Steel Institute for his conversion of a Spring Hill worker’s cottage. Year ahead: Expand the product range and present at the agIdeas 2011 international design festival in Melbourne. 43 44 | 39 BQW20NOV10B&B_38-39.indd 39 12/11/2010 4:50:21 PM 45 46 48 47 49 50 45 Prof. GEorGIA CHENEVIX-TrENCH, 51, CANCEr GENETICs rEsEArCHEr Genetic links to breast and ovarian cancer continue to be uncovered by the research teams Chenevix-Trench participates in or leads. This year the head of the Cancer Genetics Laboratory at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research helped identify five different DNA segments containing genetic variations associated with ovarian cancer risk. Chenevix-Trench describes it as like picking up “five individual spelling mistakes in over 200,000 pages of text”. Year ahead: Continue research to uncover genetic changes that affect health – work that could pave the way for new cancer screening and treatment. Right now everyone can save 15% on their travel insurance. Simply buy online and you can save 15% on cover that’s already great value. With Medibank Travel Insurance you can get comprehensive cover for the essentials like luggage, credit cards and cash, plus cancellation and travel delay. But more importantly, your health is covered with unlimited overseas emergency medical cover, 24/7 assistance and a worldwide hotline. All from around $1.15 a day * and you don’t have to be a Medibank member to enjoy the benefits! 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His Brisbane-based industrial catering, accommodation and facilities management firm, Morris Corp, has since 2003 provided meals – about 18,000 a day now – and other services to US troops in Iraq. McVicker, who started as a kitchenhand in the ’70s, spends the bulk of his time in the Middle East (his wife runs her own business providing hospitals built from shipping containers), while his executives manage Australian operations, mostly in the mining sector. The couple will soon be spending their downtime in a new home at Sanctuary Cove on the Gold Coast. Year ahead: Public float of the company. 47 DENNIs NoNA, 37, ArTIsT His intricate linocuts, etchings and sculptures drawing on the rich traditions and legends of the Torres Strait Islands have won Badu Island-born Nona a clutch of awards. This year he added to his CV the Works on Paper gong in the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, and showings in the US and in Paris. But the biggest feather in his cap may be a $1.5 million commission for the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. Depicting a hunter, canoe and dugong, the sculpture is bigger than Nona’s striking 7m-long cast bronze canoe commissioned for the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. Year ahead: Solo shows at the Australian embassy in Paris and the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Rochefort. 48 rACHAEl BErMINGHAM, 40, KIM McCosKEr, 40, CooKBooK AuTHors They began a little over three years ago, and now the Sunshine Coast cooks preside over a 4 Ingredients empire. Their fourth book, Fast, Fresh & Healthy (with Deepak Chopra), came out this year and one for kids is on the way. They’ve sold rights to 12 countries and are now moving into the US market. Then there’s a DVD, TV show, iPhone app, cookware … “Who’d have thought,” says Bermingham (pictured left), “one in 11 homes in Australia would have a 4 Ingredients cookbook, and you’d see us on TV in Mexico?” Year ahead: Tours of the US, UK and launch of the new book for junior cooks. 49 JEssICA WATsoN, 17, sAIlor The Sunshine Coast teen didn’t get an “official” world record since the World Speed Sailing Record Council doesn’t recognise record attempts by sailors under the age of 18, but there’s no disputing that she’s the youngest person to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world. Honours and awards have flowed in the wake of her nationally televised return in May: among them, the Sport Australia Hall of Fame Spirit of Sport Award, and the Australian Geographic Society Young Adventurer of the Year. Year ahead: Plugging her book True Spirit … and she’s a shoo-in for Young Australian of the Year. 50 Prof. HuGH PossINGHAM, 48, CoNsErVATIoN sCIENTIsT & MATHEMATICIAN Already he’s seeing Marxan, the conservation planning software he and his UQ team developed, used to protect about 5 per cent of the planet’s surface. Now, thanks to $12 million in federal funding to establish an Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, Possingham hopes the researchers will have a greater impact on global policy. As centre director he’ll oversee collaborations between Australian and international agencies to help governments best spend their conservation dollars. Year ahead: Opening the ARC centre; developing Marxan to deal with issues such as coral bleaching. n 12/11/2010 4:51:15 PM