T ina W ard-P ugh - Clifton Heights Community Council


T ina W ard-P ugh - Clifton Heights Community Council
Clifton Heights News
Summer 2011
Thank You
PO Box 6714
Louisville, Kentucky 40206-0714
Phone: 502-897-9348
A huge thank you is due our business supporters and advertisers. Without their support over
these eight years, our newsletter could never have even begun. Extra-special gratitude goes to those
who have supported us over all eight years:
9th District Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh
Dr. Joe Deck, DVM
Ed Baumer’s Auto Center
Subway’s owner and long-time manager Ms. C
Pam and Perry Krause’s McDonald’s
The several managers of Kroger
The several manager’s of Brownsboro Road 5th 3rd Bank
Clifton Heights News
Summer 2011
Neighborhood Pedestrian & Bicycle Committee
Is Now a Joint Committee for Common Concerns
For nearly a decade, representatives of the Clifton
Heights Community Council have served as active guests
on the Clifton Community Council’s Pedestrian and
Bicycle Access Committee. However, as the Brownsboro
Road project becomes a reality and residents of both
neighborhoods already are geographically involved with
each other, both boards of directors, earlier this spring
approved the designation of it being a joint committee in
areas of mutual concern, such as this project.
The goal is to ensure that both neighborhoods are
where people can walk and ride bicycles safely and
comfortably. Clifton and Clifton Heights are home
to many pedestrians, some of whom use wheelchairs
(motorized and manual). The 40206 zip code is home to
the largest blind community in the country. Some walk
to their jobs, such as the American Printing House for the
Blind, The Kentucky School for the Blind, LC Industries
and others. Other blind and sighted pedestrians walk to
TARC bus stops.
This so-called “Road Diet” project Brownsboro Road
(in the vicinity of the Kroger store) will install a new,
much needed sidewalk along with road improvements
and new, synchronized traffic signals on the north side
of Brownsboro Road (Clifton Heights) between Ewing
and Lindsay Avenues.
For other projects, such as the Jane Street project
for Clifton, and the Drescher Bridge project for Clifton
Heights, each neighborhood’s committee members will
report activities and actions to their respective boards. Current issues being tracked by this committee:
• Pedestrian access to United Crescent Hill
Ministries (UCHM) on State Street. (Clifton)
• Sidewalk along Jane Street to provide a
safe pedestrian route between Frankfort and
Brownsboro Road just a short distance west of
the busy Ewing Ave. sidewalk. Ewing Ave. will
be eventually impacted by construction related
to the proposed Kroger Gas Station. (Clifton)
continued page 2
Get a FREE Soft Serve Cone with a
purchase of a Soft Serve Cone
Redeemable at:
2314 Brownsboro Road
9254 Westport Road
287 N. Hubards Lane
Louisville, KY
Dolores Collins, President
Gary Emerson, Vice President
Wilma Emerson, Secretary/Treasurer
Anne McMahon, Editor
Angie Bartley, Kevin Downs,
Barbara Henning, William Jaggers,
Donnittia Jarboe, Debra Osoffsky
and Dave Vislisel
Call 897-5031 or 897-9348
with news or to advertise!
Printed by: Corydon Instant Print / Liz Mayne - 895-7495
Tina Ward-Pugh
Published quarterly by
The Clifton Heights Community Council
9th District Councilwoman
Clifton Heights
Neighborhood News
From Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh!
Below you’ll find some upcoming events and activities in the
District for you and your family. To sign up for our weekly No. 9
eNews, email kyle.ethridge@louisvilleky.gov or call 574-1109.
Mark your calendars and check out my updated BLOG for a full listing of
9th District events at https://district9news.wordpress.com.
• Tuesday, August 2: LMPD National Night Out Event from 6:00—9:00 pm at the
Peterson-Dumesnil House. Enjoy food, door prizes and learn about LMPD.
• Friday, August 26: F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hop from 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm along
Clifton Heights
Community Council
Bi-Monthly Meetings
at Mellwood Arts Center
1860 Mellwood Avenue at Delmont
Plenty of free parking
Frankfort Avenue, Mellwood and Story Avenues. www.fatfridayhop.org. Upcoming
Dates: September 30, October 28, November 25
Tuesday September 20 (7 p.m.)
• Friday, September 9: 12th Annual Back-to-School Block Party from 6:00—9:00 pm at
Tina Ward-Pugh,
9th District Councilwoman
the Mary T. Meagher Aquatic Center, 201 Reservoir Avenue. Enjoy free swimming,
pizza, door prizes and family fun!
• Tuesday, October 11: SAVE THE DATE for 9th District Community Forum
• Friday, October 21: FREE mammogram screenings at the Clifton Center, 2117
Payne Street from 8:30 am—3:30 pm. Call 574-1109 to make an appointment.
• Friday, November 24 & Saturday, November 25: Metro Offices are Closed.
Collection of all garbage, yard waste, and recycling is delayed by one day.
Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh
502.574.1109 office
Tuesday November 15 (7 p.m.)
David Nicholson, Circuit Court
County Clerk
Tuesday January 17 (7 p.m.)
Todd Hollenbach,
Kentucky State Treasurer
Clifton Heights News
Joint Committee for Common Concerns.......from cover
• Kroger Gas Station along the south side of
Brownsboro along with improvements on Ewing
Ave. (Clifton and Clifton Heights)
• Car-Free Guide to Clifton (which includes a map
for Clifton Heights and bus routes).
• Sidewalk access along Frankfort Ave. (and
eventually along Brownsboro Road) as eateries
set out tables and chairs blocking sidewalks
for wheelchairs and creating hazards for blind
pedestrians. (Clifton and Clifton Heights)
• Notice to blind community when sidewalks have
barriers during repaving, replacement of utility
poles that now create barriers, and ultimately,
their plans during Brownsboro Road sidewalk
construction. (Clifton and Clifton Heights)
• Related sidewalk access in Clifton Heights where
problems exist, such as along Mt. Holly Ave.
Without an upgrade, wheelchairs coming down
Mt. Holly to the new Brownsboro sidewalk would
still have to ride in the street for part of the way.
Currently, blind pedestrians cannot use this quick
but hazardous access to Brownsboro Road.(Clifton
This committee would like to note its appreciation to
Dirk Gowin, Executive Administrator, for the Public Works
and Assets Department of Metro Government. His tireless
and patient answers to the committee’s questions for the
past year have greatly improved our neighborhoods’ work
with his department.
By Ann McMahon
Members of the joint Pedestrian and Bicycle Access
Committee include Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh,
in scarf center, and Clifton Height Board members
Ann McMahon, far right, and Barbara Henning, third
from right, and her dog Loma, hidden below table.
Summer 2011
Clifton Heights News
Summer 2011
eyedia - “Take A Seat”
Dog Days of Summer are Here;
Be Aware of Pets’ Stress
As you may already know, the dog days of summer are
upon us. Temperatures are supposed to be well above 90
this week with the heat index creeping above 105, which
can be dangerous to humans and pets. We ask that everyone
please take precautions during the heat wave and please
restrict or at least closely monitor your dogs when you go
to the dog runs. Here are some signs to look for to see if
your pet may be overheating: Signs of Heat Stroke
The following signs may indicate heat stroke in a dog:
· Increased rectal temperature (over 104° requires action, over 106° is a dire emergency)
· Vigorous panting
· Dark red gums
· Tacky or dry mucus membranes (most of all the gums)
· Lying down and unwilling (or unable) to get up
· Collapse and/or loss of consciousness
· Thick saliva
· Dizziness or disorientation
What to do if You Suspect Heat Stroke
If you have even the slightest suspicion that your dog is
suffering from heat stroke, you must take immediate action.
1. First, move your dog out of the heat and away from
the sun right away.
2. Begin cooling your dog by placing cool, wet rags
or washcloths on the body – especially the foot pads and
around the head.
3. DO NOT use ice or very cold water! Extreme cold
can cause the blood vessels to constrict, preventing the
body’s core from cooling and actually causing the internal
temperature to further rise. In addition, over-cooling can
cause hypothermia, introducing a host of new problems.
When the body temperature reaches 103°, stop cooling.
4. Offer your dog cool water, but do not force water into
your dog’s mouth.
5. Call or visit your vet right away - even if your dog
seems better. Internal damage might not be obvious to the
naked eye, so an exam is necessary (and further testing may
be recommended).
One interesting tool to check out is weather.coms PetCast,
which you can customize to the size/type of dog you have. Just go to the link below, make selections and enter your
zip code to get some useful information. www.weather.com/activities/homeandgarden/pets/
(Courtesy of Louisville Dog Run Association Newsletter)
Chair Makeover Contest
Your votes benefit AIDS Walk
Louisville’s most creative artists and designers are
working in their studios transforming trash into art
treasure for the eyedia, design it again AIDS
Walk fundraiser. Art lovers and shoppers will vote
for their favorite chair and all will be able to bid on
the chairs at a live auction during September’s FAT
Friday event.
 
 
 
The chairs, conventional dining room chairs with popout seats, are all structurally sound but ugly enough to
be classified junk. Each artist decides if the chair stays
a chair, made beautiful for dignified display and use,
or becomes a work of art. The chairs will be displayed
at eyedia, 1631 Frankfort Ave., from Sept 26 to 30,
where shoppers, friends and family will vote for their
favorites with dollars. Chairs will be displayed with
their “before” photos.
The winning chair will be announced at 7 p.m. Sept
30, during the Friday night trolley hop, at which time
visitors will be encouraged to “Take a Seat” at a live
auction, bidding on the chairs. All proceeds from vote
jars and auction will benefit the AIDS Walk. VOICES
of Kentuckiana chorus will provide live music and
snacks will be served.
Buying used household items reduces consumers’
cost while reducing their carbon footprints. eyedia
design it again, at 1631 Mellwood Ave., is a unique
consignment store whose 7,000 square feet of retail
space shows extraordinary consignment household
items in room-like setting while featuring new gift
items and lamps.
 
1979 Brownsboro Road • 897-6811
Clifton Heights News
Summer 2011
The Green Triangle (and You!) Can Improve Our Lives
Enjoying the heat yet? This year’s floods, heat and humidity, following last year’s extended drought and heat, seem
to be a taste of what is forecast to come. And that makes the Ninth District’s Green Triangle movement, initiated in 2009
by our Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh, so very timely and welcome. So here is the story, in her own words!
Since last May when we announced the 9th District Green Triangle Vision, we’ve been very excited about the
opportunities for everyone to be a part of making our neighborhood increasingly more green and clean. Through the initial
Green Triangle survey of your opinions and working with your neighbors, we created the vision statement below.
Imagine Individuals, Businesses, and Government working together to create a 9th District of:
* Green spaces for people to connect with nature and each other;
* Green options for transportation; and
* Green thinking that promotes the conservation of resources and our small neighborhood feel.
One of the keys to making this vision a reality is to measure our impact. On August 18th we will launch a powerful tool
to do that. The Green Triangle website will be a hub for green activity in the District. One of the most important features
of the site will be our ability to track and measure our progress. It will allow residents to identify sustainable goals that
are important to them, and then provide the opportunity for people to report on their progress toward their goals. Are you
interested in reducing the amount of energy you use at home? Set a goal around it, and then show off how much you’ve
done! We’ll take your information and put it together with your neighbors’ to get an overall picture of all the greening
of our community. All of us working on our own, and together, will create a huge difference in our in our neighborhood.
In addition to tracking our impact, my office is trying to bring green thinking to everything we do. A great example of this is the
recent expansion of our recycling program. People in the 9th District are some of the most active recyclers in the city, so why not
make it easier for them to do? Building on the success of the Frankfort Ave. Business Recycling Project, we are now offering 95
gallon recycling bins to all businesses AND residents in the 9th District. For a nominal one-time fee, businesses receive a 95 gallon
(orange) cart, and residents get an orange lid to convert their current 95 gallon cart to a recycling cart, plus a new 68 gallon
black garbage cart. After all, more recycling (and, for some folks, composting) can help reduce their garbage-trash volume.
Summer 2011
Clifton Heights News
Missing in America Project
Honors Resident’s Father
No one was more surprised than Fred McMahon of
the Heather Hills neighborhood when the caller began
to ask permission to reintere the cremains (cremated
ashes) of his father, M. Lindsey McMahon, Lt. Jg., at
the Veterans Cemetery at Ft. Knox. Mac McMahon
had been buried 23 years ago with a proper Catholic
service at Eastern Cemetery. Veteran Dale LeMond, of
the Missing in America Project (MIAP), explained that
Fred’s father’s ashes were among the recently identified
rescued cremains from the abandoned and vandalized
Eastern Cemetery’s storage vault. Vandals had been
stealing the urns from that Cemetery for their metal
The remains had been stored at the University of
Louisville’s Archeology Department for over 20 years,
according to a WHAS11 story a year ago. In 2010, 32
veterans had been re-interred at the Veterans Memorial
Cemetery at Ft. Knox.
YOUR Neighborhood Store
Senior Citizen 10% savings
1st Wednesday of each Month
2200 Brownsboro Road • 897-1133
Hours: 7am to Midnight 7 days a week
FAX 502.895.3680
Scooter Davidson, Retail / Marketing Specialist
As the funeral procession left the Owen Funeral
Home on Dixie Highway for the solemn journey to
Ft. Knox, they were escorted by pairs of motorcycleriding veterans who later stood at attention as an honor
guard as the colors were presented. A lone bagpiper
played “Amazing Grace” leading the procession of
two U.S. Navy sailors and two U.S. Army soldiers
carrying the urns and flags of the deceased veterans.
Fred McMahon received the memorial flag honoring
his father. M. Lindsey McMahon had served as a
fueling office in the U.S. Navy during World War II.
After the certificate and flag was presented to each
family, each urn was placed solemnly in the crypt.
By Ann McMahon
Another example of new green solutions to a traditional infrastructure issue is the routine flooding and drainage problem at the
top of Warren Road. The traditional answer to this kind of problem is to repave the road and curb-culvert the water to the storm
drain. But doing this increases the amount of water in the combined sewer system and increases the chances of contaminated
water overflowing into Beargrass Creek. So instead, we are creating a gentle, tapering flow-off into a neighbor’s tiny wooded
lot, and two rain gardens, and then paving the road to divert the storm water into the two gardens instead of the combined
sewer. In addition to being a beautiful natural addition to the neighborhood, these gardens are specially designed to absorb
large quantities of storm water. We are also able to quantify the amount of water that these gardens keep out of the sewer
system, thus helping us meet EPA standards and bring funding back into our community. So these gardens solve the drainage
problem, decrease the chances of polluting Beargrass Creek, and help bring needed resources back to Louisville. Win, win, win!
For more information about any of these projects, to get on the expanded recycle list, or to get involved, please contact…
Special Projects Coordinator David Caldwell at david.caldwell@louisvilleky.gov or 574-1109.
Local Businesses
On May 10, 2011, four additional veterans were so
honored, as the veterans associated with the MIAP project
identified their remains as veterans and notified the families.
Deck Veterinary
Joseph S. Deck, DVM
Baumer’s Quality Auto Care, LLC
Please call for Appointment
Mon & Thurs
Tues, Wed, Fri
Phone: 721-9383
Fax: 721-9385
Ed Baumer, Owner
2409 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40206
Email: JSDeckDVM@aol.com
(502) 897-9288
1757 Mellwood Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
Clifton Heights News
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advocates
Thrilled that Road Diet
Plan Is Approved
When the Metro Council approved the Brownsboro
Road Configuration Plan (also known as the Road Diet),
9th District Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh stood to
explain the advocacy efforts over many years by members
of the blind community and the representatives of both
the Clifton Heights and Clifton Community Councils. Tina had those supporters (all wearing “I support the
Brownsboro Road Sidewalk” badges) in the Chamber
stand and all were applauded by the Metro Council.
Then the next two months of detailed government
approvals began. On July 14, the Neighborhood
Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Committee were notified
that the Memorandum of Agreement, with its Louisville
Metro signatures from the Finance and County Attorney
departments, as well as Mayor Greg Fischer, had arrived
at the District 5 office for signature and then on to
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet will provide up
to $257,480 in reimbursable funds to Metro Louisville
and Louisville will provide 20% in matching funds or
other costs to fulfill this project. Once all is approved
in Frankfort, the project will be advertised for bids for
three weeks. At press time for this newsletter, the project
is expected to be in its advertising of the bid phase for
three weeks, so we do not know the contractor nor when
the project will actually begin.
Clifton Heights plans to publish further road diversion
and suggestions on its website as this project continues. Log on to: www.cliftonheightsnbrhd.org and click on
Brownsboro Road.
By Ann McMahon
Clifton Heights News
Summer 2011
Free Mammogram Screening
available in October
From the Office of 9th District
Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh
Women over 40 may want to schedule their annual
mammogram when the Mobile Mammogram Unit makes
its stop on Friday, October 21, at The Clifton Center,
2117 Payne St., from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., according
to Rachelle Seger, Program Coordinator for the U of L
Kentucky Cancer Program. This session, sponsored by
9th District Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh, is open to
uninsured, program-eligible women, age 40 and over, who
may qualify for the Kentucky Women’s Cancer Screening Program which will pay for the screening test and any
needed diagnostics or cancer treatment. Insured women
may bring their card and take their annual screening
On October 1, please call the Councilwoman’s
office at 574-1109 to schedule an appointment.
The Brownsboro Road Configuration (Road Diet)
was approved by the Metro Council on Thursday,
May 26, 2011. The Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) has been signed by the Mayor and will be
sent to the State for forwarding to the Secretary’s
Office for execution. Once the agreement is signed
by the Transportation Secretary, the State will
be notified and he will authorize the funding and
grant approval for Metro Public Works (MPW) to
advertise the project for bid. This process typically
is a 3 week process from the time the State forwards
the agreement. The project must be advertised for
a minimum of 21 days. MPW expects to evaluate
the proposals and recommend an award within one
week of bid closing. Purchasing will then begin to
coordinate with the selected contractor to obtain all
the necessary bonding and insurance information. This typically takes 2-3 weeks. MPW expects
construction to last 60-90 days, weather permitting.
On a more disappointing note, due to reduced
revenues and our stagnant economy, I was unable to
secure additional funds in the FY 11-12 Budget for
the Drescher Bridge sidewalk project. This project
is still one of my top priorities and if Metro receives
an influx of revenues I will be asking for funds to be
appropriated for this project.
It is with deep sadness that our office will be
losing David Caldwell on August 26th. He has been
accepted to a 2-year MBA program in Edinburgh,
Scotland. Please let him know your well wishes.
As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to serve
New Restaurant Joins the Clifton
Heights Neighborhood
I Sushi & Teriyaki!! You don’t???? You might if
you try the newest Clifton Heights restaurant, I  Sushi
& Teriyaki, at 2017 Brownsboro east of Rally’s.
The not-too-long, not-too-limited menu includes lots
of options for those new-to-sushi as well as the fanatics. If you’re new, try the yakitori (chicken shish-ka-bob like
treats), gyoza (steamed dumplings), or the yaki soba or
yaki udon noodle dishes—they might seems familiar.
Along the “special rolls,” some spectacular favorites
include the Tom and Jerry, Mango Crunch and Brownsboro
Road. The “spectacle”” comes as you watch the deft sushi chef construct each piece of sushi art before your very
With every entry you will be offered a delicious house
salad with the light ginger-soy dressing, a lovely bowl of
miso soup to whet your appetite, and a surprise dessert.
Stop in and enjoy the cool, calm ambience, or get carry-out for home, but don’t miss our newest Clifton Heights
Stephen P. Imhoff
Attorney at Law
2843 Brownsboro Road
Louisville, KY 40206
(502) 899-2414
2017 Brownsboro Road • Louisville, KY
Personal Injury Claims, Estae Planning, etc.
Warren Road Rain Gardens:
Drainage Disasters
to Wonderful Wildflowers
One of two sites of frequent pooling
and winter ice jams.
MSD contracted with
Leong Landscaping to excavate
out the 5 x 25 x 4.8 foot rain garden beds.
Layers of drainage
rock, sand, compost,
topsoil and mulch
later, a mix of nodding onions,
butterfly weed,
coneflowers, blazing
stars, lobella,
blackeyed Susans
and cardinal flowers
await the next
downpour to do
their drainage job.