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LHCP Update
Summer 2014
LHCP Honorees: Shipments Honor the Fallen
And Combat Support Hospitals in Afghanistan and the Middle East
— Calvin Coolidge
“The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.”
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project
Supporting America’s Largest Overseas U.S. Military Hospital
Since its inception, each month LHCP has honored a military service member who
gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Every box which is shipped from LHCP is
labeled with information about the Honoree. The monthly Honoree’s story is attached
to the box so others can read about those who have sacrificed their lives for our
freedom. The only real criteria for the selection process is that LHCP has attempted to
select a Fallen Hero from all 50 states and territories and from every branch.
One of our contacts at the stateside VA hospital recently told me that they get cold
chills reading the Honorees stories and share it with the veterans at the hospital. This
spring I labeled 72 boxes to take to the VA Hospital using the attached Honoree
shipping label. And with each label I taped on the box, I felt that U.S. Marine Lance
Corporal Camero was looking down on me and telling me “thank you for sharing my
story.” It was my honor to salute this Fallen Hero and it is LHCP’s honor to salute a
Fallen Hero each month.
Very respectfully,
Sharon Buck
LHCP Treasurer
Honoree shipping label
LHCP Board of Directors
Inside this issue:
Thank You Notes from Recipients
Norwich and Healing Heroes Benefits
Wreath Laying at Arlington
Mail Call: Special Delivery
Shipping Summary and Needs
LHCP Sponsors
2013-2014 CFC Sponsors & Agencies
Honorees for 2nd Quarter 2014
Karen Grimord
Donna Bolen
Sharon Buck
Rachel Braband
Newsletter Editor:
Rachel Braband
Thank You Notes from Recipients of Our Donations
The wonderful email and “snail”
mail we receive is posted on our
website. Click on the “Troop
Thanks” button to read more thank
you notes that come to LHCP.
April 2014
I received five boxes a few days
ago and the snacks and pillows
were a hit as I remember with my
last deployment. The big pillows go
VERY quickly as do the blankets. I
appreciate you sending the items to
my Soldiers and me. It is nice to see
the smiles on their faces when they
come by and pick up some of the
“goodies.” Since I work the night
shift here, I don’t get my mail until
the end of my shift when the
mailroom opens, and I believe that I
have some more boxes from you
waiting for me to pick up in the
morning. Again, thank you for all
that you do to support the troops to
include myself and my Soldiers.
Have a wonderful day.
made life here significantly better.
Many troops, including myself,
were using a sleeping bag before
they arrived. Thanks again for all
you do, and please know your
efforts have been a real help to the
troops in our unit.
V/R, 1LT
Sincerely, CDR Rich
May 2014
CMD Surgeon office
I wanted to send a personal thanks
from our unit to you and your
organization. We have been
receiving your care packages and
they always seem to come at just
the right time. The blankets were
especially well received and have
Best wishes, Tim
Received a box of blankets, clogs,
snacks and toiletries today. Thank
you very much for the package. All
the stuff got distributed quickly.
Thanks for your continued support.
v/r, Medic
Respectfully, CDR USNR
Thank you so much for all your
work. I always love the quote that
“work is love made visible”, and
this is certainly true of what you do.
June 2014
Thank you for the BBQ items. We
had a command social engagement
last night, went well, and there was
much surprise and appreciation for
the Weber mini-smokey-joes.
Received the package yesterday,
and again thank you very much.
The socks are great and the coffee,
well what can you say about coffee.
We here thank you from the bottom
of our tired, but comfy feet to the
top of our full stomachs.
Shower shoes also mostly gone now
except for the extreme sizes.
“I always love
the quote that
‘work is love
made visible,’
and this is certainly
true of what you do.”
We got more stuff today, more than
I ever expected (like 10 more
boxes) of pillows, razors, backpacks, tide soap, etc. That was 5
hours ago, and most is already gone
through our distribution (madness,
happiness, and many comments of
thanks to you and your group).
Three boxes of odds and ends still
remain for the pickers.
You got the photos I sent earlier I
hope? Well today looked very much
the same. The back-packs were a
big hit and the first thing gone. The
bar-soap was also gone ASAP.
Shipment arrived in Afghanistan
Benefits Let Our Troops Know They Are Remembered
Norwich Annual Poker Run
Healing Heroes
Norwich, NY
Franklin, TN
by Donna Bolen
LHCP Vice President
The weekend of June 21 and 22,
Grace Chapel in Franklin, TN
hosted two events to support
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project.
Over 100 people gathered May 17,
2014 for the Norwich Annual Poker
Run in Norwich, NY. Sponsored by
the American Legion Riders
Post 189, Legionnaires and friends
rode through the chilly morning to
support Landstuhl Hospital Care
Project. Over $5000.00 was raised!
Bill Fowler, Sergeant at Arms,
American Legion Riders Post 189,
stated, “We will ride in Honor of
America’s Heroes and in support of
those same sons and daughters of
this great land that have been
wounded on battlefields far from
their homes. These great men and
women were not drafted or
conscripted into service—they went
because they love America and
know they live in the greatest
nation to ever exist on this planet.”
Thank you to all of the riders and
supporters who made this year’s
American Legion Riders benefit for
LHCP a success.
The weekend began with a
motorcycle ride. There were 22
bikes with 26 folks participating in
the 96-mile ride. It was a beautiful
summer day for a ride through
winding Tennessee country roads.
After the ride, 24 of the riders
stopped for a BBQ lunch.
Many thanks to all who gathered!
On Sunday, June 22, the
Songwriters Spotlight presented a
concert to support of Landstuhl
Hospital Care Project. Victoria
Jackson was the Emcee for the
concert at Grace Chapel in
Franklin, TN. Concert attendees
were entertained by four nationally
known songwriters, artists, and
entertainers. Featured were Leslie
Satcher, Paul Aldrich, Casey
Beathard, and Ed
Hill. They sang and
performed songs
from their repertoire
that are familiar to
all and can be sung
along with on the
radio. Landstuhl
Hospital Care
Project and the
troops they serve are
immeasurably grateful to Grace
Chapel for hosting this event. This
is the third year that the Songwriters
Spotlight shared their talents to help
LHCP provide needed comfort and
care items for our troops serving so
far from home. It was a successful,
supportive of our military, great
music and talent, and much
appreciated event.
2014 Wreath Laying at Arlington National Cemetery
by Donna Bolen, LHCP Vice President
May 10, 2014 was the annual LHCP Wreath Laying at
Arlington National Cemetery. 21 people gathered at
Arlington National Cemetery. Participants this year in
laying the wreath were Mr. David Buck, Petty Officer
First Class Jeremy Grimord, TSgt Jason Kingham, and
Mr. George Gray.
experience. Casey and Debbie stated they were very
proud and deeply moved to witness their son, TSgt.
Jason Kingham, lay the wreath at the Tomb of the
When asked about the day in general, the group
responded that it was a special day to remember. The
Tomb of the Unknowns, the sentry’s watching over
those known only to God, shows a dedication to the
people who serve our country and shows what it
actually means to love your country.
Mr. David Buck, Petty Officer First Class Jeremy Grimord,
TSgt Jason Kingham and Mr. George Gray.
As is the tradition with LHCP, we lay a wreath at the
Tomb of the Unknowns and then lay flowers at the
gravesites of men and women who have given the
ultimate sacrifice in defending our nation, including our
Honorees who are buried at Arlington.
The group reflected on their feelings about the day.
At the end of the day, the group paid their respects at
the Pentagon Memorial. It was a touching moment of
reflection to finish this day.
Jason and Jennifer Kingham said they were “honored to
commemorate our fallen warriors at the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier.” George Gray stated, “It was a
privilege and honor to lay the wreath and remember the
sacrifice of those buried in this hallowed place.”
David Buck said “it had to be the experience of a
lifetime.” Michelle said that today rekindled the pride
that she felt the first time she put on her uniform. Jo
Ann stated it was emotional and a lovely recognition of
people. Brittney said it leaves you with a loss of words.
Asked about the most memorable part of the day, Jason
and Jennifer responded that Section 60 was special.
Section 60 is dedicated to those service members who
have given the ultimate sacrifice in Operation Iraqi
Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Reading the
biographies of each fallen warrior gives us a glimpse
into their lives, which made it a more personal
Pentagon Memorial, where flowers are left in remembrance of
LHCP’s first Honoree, Naval Petty Officer 3rd Class Daniel Martin
Caballero, who died in the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon.
Mail Call: Special Delivery
Why We Repack:
Incoming Mail to LHCP
Vehicle Donations
LHCP has a
Vehicle Donations to Any Charity
(VDAC) where we can accept
vehicles from anywhere in the
United States. VDAC will handle
the towing, issue a charitable receipt
to the donor, auction the vehicle,
handle the transfer of title, etc.
Ordered and donated items to
LHCP do not always arrive in
boxes that can be shipped overseas.
That is why LHCP uses doublewalled boxes that stand up to longdistance shipping.
Once the vehicle is sold, LHCP
receives the proceeds. Donations
can be accepted online, or via a toll
free number. Donors can go to
http://www.v-dac.com to donate the
Please consider LHCP when you
are trying to sell your old vehicle.
Welcome Home Baskets
Our deepest appreciation to Clarence
Mays, the Postmaster who has overseen
our shipments over the years at the
Garrisonville Post Office. We wish him
success in his new position.
New York State
LHCP donated goods to fill laundry
baskets of starter household items
for homeless veterans moving to
apartments in the state of
New York. These were hand
delivered in person.
885 pounds, 6 contacts
1194 pounds, 8 contacts
1609 pounds, 8 contacts
Apr 171 pounds, 2 contacts
May 624 pounds, 2 contacts
June 1612 pounds, 2 contacts
231 pounds, 1 contact
433 pounds, 1 contact
903 pounds, 1 contact
May 63 pounds, 1 contact
Hand off of baskets for delivery
June 340 pounds, 1 contact
Needed Items
for the Wounded
at LRMC and CSHs
At this time, we are placing
emphasis on receiving monetary
donations. Unit needs are fluid, and
we can more quickly respond by
using cash donations to purchase
requested items.
Please make checks payable to:
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project
and send to:
Sharon Buck, LHCP Treasurer
4204 Summerville Road
Phenix City, AL 36867
Needed items are still
posted on our website.
Mail packages of
requested items to:
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project
Attn: Karen Grimord
29 Greenleaf Terrace
Stafford, VA 22556
LHCP is a 501(c)(3) taxtax-exempt nonprofit
LHCP Sponsors — Thank you for your generosity!
2nd Quarter Sponsors
Individuals & Families
Abernathy, S. & G., MS
Alcon, S., CO
Allsbrooks, S., TN
Arseculeratne, R. & C., VA
Ashcraft, J., MD
Auman, C., PA
Badgley, J., MI
Baggett, K., TN
Barrionuevo, R., TN
Barry, D., TN
Barton, K., TN
Beathard, K., TN
Berger, R., TN
Best, R., TN
Bliss, S., NY
Bloodworth, T., TN
Boer, M., TN
Bolen, P. & D., SC
Bolen, P., TN
Bonilla, L., FL
Bouler, J., FL
Bradshaw, W., CA
Brandl, D. & A., WI
Bridges, J., TN
Brown, B., TN
Brown, B.J., TN
Brown, C., CA
Brown, S., TN
Brynes, E., PA
Buck, S., AL
Burkel, D., MN
Buschini, M., TN
Campbell, J., FL
Cantrell, S. & S., TN
Capraro, B., TN
Carlough, I., TN
Casali, L., FL
Childress, K., TN
Clark, S., TN
Cockrell, C., TN
Collins, J., TN
Constantine, A., TN
Cooper, C., NC
Cox, M., TN
Crist, M., TN
Cunningham, N., TN
Davis, J., TN
Davis, J., TN
Diaz, P., FL
Dick, A., TN
Eanes, L., VA
Elledge, C., MS
Engberg, B., TN
Evans, M., TN
Ewens, M., CA
Freeman, K., TN
French, B., TN
Fuller, R., NY
Gentry, M., TN
George, M., CA
Gill, N., TN
Gonser, L., TN
Gouge, R., TN
Granquist, K., SD
Gray, K., FL
Gregory, K., TN
Grimord, K., VA
Haack, L., TN
Hardin, D., TN
Hargis, M., TX
Harris, M., TN
Harrison, S., TN
Harvey, J., TN
Hasty, P., TN
Hearne, C., TN
Hembrough, W., TN
Herbster, J., FL
Herrmann, S., WI
Horan, L. & F., CA
Jansen, S. & S., MO
Jenkins, T. & R., TN
Johnson, B., TN
Jones, E., MN
Jones, J., TN
Jordan, C., OR
Jordan, S., TN
Kesterson, B., TN
Knox, K., TN
Kuhn, L., TN
Lacey, B., TN
Lacey, K., TN
Lane, D. & F., CA
Lanham, B. & B., TN
Lantz, B. & S., TN
Lawrence, D., TN
Lee, S., TN
Lilienthal, B., NV
Maderer, B., TX
Marion, D., TX
Marshall, J., TN
Marti, C., TN
McInnis, K., TN
McKay, A., AZ
Mendez, C., TN
Meyers, R. & M., TN
Miley, M., TN
Nekrasov, R., TN
Nichols, L., TN
Nierstedt, C., NJ
Nock, B., TN
Norris, M., FL
O'Neal, S., TN
Oppold, K., FL
O'Rourke, C., TN
Orr, M., TX
Orrico, E., WA
Perry, J., WA
Perry, L., TN
Peters, R., FL
Pineau, B., France
Pray, H., TN
Privette, D., TN
Reeves, D., AL
Rice, B., TN
Rice, L., TN
Rice, P., TN
Roberts, G., TN
Salerno, N., TN
Sanders, M., MS
Seljeskog, M., SD
Serafini, M., CT
Sipkovsky, R., TN
Siren, R., TN
Skoglund-Adams, P., CA
Smith, B., FL
Smith, R., TN
Smith, V., TN
Spliedt, J., ID
Stodola, M., TN
Strobel, S., KS
Suddleson, E., CA
Timmons, J., TN
Titus, W., TN
Van Hoesen, P., TN
Vanden Oever, J., TN
Waddell, C., NC
Weaver, J., TN
White, D., TN
Wilkerson, K., TN
Williams, L., TN
Wolford, C., PA
Wood, K., TN
Woolard, W., TN
Worley, D., VA
Wright, C., TN
Zachary, T., TN
Business & Civic Organizations
ABATE of Florida Inc, FL
Alabama Baptist Children's Homes, AL
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 112, MI
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 132, OH
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 135, FL
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 364, VA
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1976, VA
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1995, VA
American Legion Chenango County, NY
American Legion Post 74, FL
American Legion Post 74 Sons SQD 74, FL
American Legion Post 189, NY
American Legion Post 783, CA
American Legion Post 2003, VA
American Legion Riders Post 189, NY
AmVets Ladies Auxiliary Post 21, FL
AmVets Post 21, FL
Anita's Pettie Fleur Ltd, VA
Blue Star Moms CH18, MN
Blue Star Mothers of Northern Virginia, VA
BNY Mellon Community Partnership, NJ
Bosworth Appraisal Services, TN
De Lisi & Ghee Inc., RI
Everglades Food, Inc., FL
Florida Police Benevolent Association, FL
Gamma Sigma Sigma, PA
Gateway Technical College, WI
Gettysburg Luth. Retirement Village, PA
Global Impact, VA
Good Samaritan UMC, MN
H.O.M.E., TX
Hillshire Farms, GA
Immaculate Conception Youth, WI
Jackson Creek Estates, FL
Lampe & Kiefer Hearing Aid Ctr, Inc., FL
Major League Baseball, NY
Season, NY
Six Diamonds LLC, TN
Songwriters Healing for Heroes, TN
Sons of AmVets Post 21, FL
St. Bernards, WI
United Way California Capital Region, CA
VFW Men's Auxiliary Post 4300, FL
VFW Riders Post 4300, FL
Virginia Girls State, VA
2013-2014 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
CFC Sponsors
Adams, C., CO
Bacon, M., MA
Bartley, N., AL
Born, K., VA
Bracey, B., MD
Bremzel-Radojevic, D., APO
Brett, J., DC
Brett, K., MD
Buck, T., AL
Carlson, E., CT
Carver, C., CA
Chambers, L., TX
Cira, W., VA
Craycraft, B., APO
Danburg, M., CA
Dehard, H., TN
Denley, J., Unk
DeVincent, P., NH
Duffy, A., NC
Duran, M., NC
Dykes, J., MS
English, J., NM
Ferguson, I., OH
Flegel, W., MD
Gittelman, S., FL
Harm, R., VA ????
Haydon, E. NM
Henderson, J., CA
High, W., Unk
Hinesly, H., CA
Hodge, D., HI
Holmgren, R., IN
Huber, C., NJ
Hughes, G., HI
Huntt, T., NJ
Jackson, S., UT
Jennings, R., OK
Kieffer, S., Unk
Kimmich, J., CA
Lampley, K., CA
Landry, R., VA
Lawson, J., KY
Lordan, D., AL
Lovelace, B., AL
Lucas, D., TX
Lynn, K., TN
Lyons, D., TX
Mahon, C., Unk
Maswena, B., TN
Mooney, M., SC
Morgan, T., NE
Mullen, M., FL
Murphy, M., Unk
Norfolk, C., NM
Nouiwinzsci, D., KS
Park, J., NC
Parker, J., NC
Perisic, J., KY
Petrohoy, S., Unk
Pickett, M., MD
Pogue, B., CA
Radoslaw, R., VA
Richardson, A., AL
Rivera, O., TX
Robinson, A., APO
Schaeffer, S., MI
Schenk, E., CO
Sensenig, S., APO
Skagawa, G., HI
Smith, J., AL
Sockalosky, C., FL
Stacks, S., MO
Stallings, C., MD
Staples, B., VA
Stefanski, R., CA
Steinberg., J., MA
Stewart, C., MD
Stuard, N., Unk
Svetaka, P., MA
Tarrant, M., GA
Thomas, D., OK
Thornton, J., OK
Todd, M., TX
Trace, N., TX
Trujillo, J., FL
Tupper, C., SC
Ward, B., FL
Wilson, P., NY
Wolfgeher, S., AZ
Woodson, B., OK
Woody, E., OK
Ziolkowski, P., ND
CFC Agencies
Abilene Area CFC
Arizona CFC
Central & Northern
New Mexico CFC
Central Alabama CFC
Central Indiana Area
Central Oklahoma
Central Savannah River Area CFC
Central Virginia Area CFC
CFC of Central Arkansas
CFC of Eastern Massachusetts
CFC of Eastern Wisconsin
CFC of N. Central KY-S IN-Ft.
CFC of New York City
CFC of the National Capital Area
CFC of the Pikes Peak Region
CFC of Western North Carolina
Chemung & Steuban Counties
Chesapeake Bay Area CFC
Cincinnati Metro Area CFC
Coastal Bend Area CFC
Coastal Georgia CFC
Columbia Area CFC
Columbia River/Williamette Valley
Fort Campbell CFC
Fort Hood CFC
Fort Sill-Lawton CFC
Gateway CFC
Greater Harrisburg Area CFC
Greater Los Angeles Area CFC
Greater New Orleans Area CFC
Greater Southeast Texas CFC
Hawaii-Pacific Area CFC
Heart of Ohio CFC
Heart of the Midlands CFC
Heartland CFC
Kalamazoo Area CFC
King County CFC
Long Island CFC
Maricopa County CFC
Metropolitan Atlanta CFC
Metropolitan Denver Area CFC
Miami Valley CFC
Middle Georgia Area CFC
Midlands Area CFC
Minot Area CFC
Nashville & Middle Tennessee
NE Florida/SE Georgia Regional
New Hampshire-Southern Maine
Niagara Frontier CFC
North Central Texas CFC
North County CFC (NY)
North Texas Area CFC
Northeast Ohio CFC
Northern New Jersey CFC
Northwest Louisiana CFC
Okaloosa-Walton Counties CFC
Onslow County CFC
Overseas Area CFC
Philadelphia Area CFC
Pioneer Valley CFC
Quantico CFC
Research Triangle Area CFC
San Angelo Area CFC
San Antonia Area CFC
San Diego County CFC
San Francisco Bay Area CFC
Smokey Mountain Region CFC
South Central Kansas CFC
South Hampton Roads CFC
Southeastern Michigan Area CFC
Southeastern North Carolina CFC
Southern Mississippi CFC
Southern Nevada CFC
Southwest Florida CFC
Suncoast CFC
Tennessee Valley CFC
Texas Gulf Coast CFC
Three Rivers CFC
Tri-Community CFC
Tri-County CFC (FL)
Trident Area CFC
Utah/SW Region CFC
Virginia Peninsula CFC
West Point Orange Rockland Sullivan
Western South Dakota CFC
LHCP Update
Landstuhl Hospital Care Project
29 Greenleaf Terrace
Stafford, VA 22556
Army 1st LT Jason Togi, age 24, of
Pago Pago, American Samoa; assigned
to 2nd Brigade Special Troops
Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team,
1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood,
Texas; died Aug. 26, 2013 in Hasan
Karez, Afghanistan, of injuries caused
by an improvised explosive device.
Army SGT Faith R. Hinkley, age 23,
of Colorado Springs, CO.; assigned to
502nd Military Intelligence Battalion,
201st Battlefield Surveillance Brigade,
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.;
died Aug. 7, 2010 in Baghdad, of
wounds sustained when insurgents
attacked her unit in Iskandariya, Iraq.
Honorees for 2nd Quarter 2014 Shipments
Army CPT Jennifer M. Moreno,
age 25, of San Diego, Calif., assigned
to Madigan Army Medical Center,
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.;
died Oct. 6, 2013, in Zhari District,
Afghanistan, of injuries sustained
when enemy forces attacked her unit
with an improvised explosive device.
Also killed in the incident were SGT
Patrick Hawkins, SGT Joseph Peters,
and PFC Cody Patterson.
For more information on our Honorees, go to: