CFC`s Connection Volume 2 Issue 2
CFC`s Connection Volume 2 Issue 2
July 6, 2015 Volume 2, Issue 2 CFC’s Connection Your Child and Family Centre Quarterly Newsletter Children’s Mental Health Week Headstrong Youth Summit May 4th marked the beginning of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week across Ontario. This initiative aims to increase awareness of the signs of mental health issues in children and youth, decrease stigma and foster an understanding that help is available, families are not alone in their struggle, and treatment can work. One in five youth has a mental health problem but how many will seek help? The issue of stigma surrounding mental health disorders is serious and requires the utmost attention. This year Child and Family Centre partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), The Greater Sudbury Police Service, Sudbury District Health Unit and the four Sudbury and District school boards to host a Youth Summit. The purpose of the summit was to bring young leaders from the community together in an effort to address the stigma related to mental health issues, and discuss ways we as a community can talk about mental illness. Inside This Issue A Message from the Board ......... 2 MHM: Exercise ........................... 3 The Youth Summit was a part of the Headstrong campaign initiated by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and was attended by 57 enthusiastic youth leaders. Held at Collège Boréal, the summit included CFC’s annual Proclamation Ceremony led by the Honorable Mayor Bigger, and workshops led by CMHA, CFC clinical facilitators and several guest speakers with lived experience. Board BBQ ................................. 4 Child and Family Centre would like to extend a special thank you to all who participated in the event including CFC board member Jaymi Hallows for presenting a video detailing her own personal journey and triumphs with mental illness. The video was inspiring and helped to remind those in attendance that strength and courage can act as a guiding light to see you through the darkest of times. Supervised Access Program ....... 8 F.R.O.G...................................... 5 Elder’s Circle .............................. 6 World Suicide Prevention Day .... 7 Youth Engagement ..................... 9 LGBTQ2S................................... 10 Pow-Wow Trail 2015 .................. 11 A Place for PACE ....................... 12 Special Needs Resourcing.......... 13 Events Calendar ......................... 17 Special Points of Interest #MeTime Beats for Blues CFC Accreditation A Message From The President of the Board Greetings and welcome on behalf of the Board of Directors to the second edition of the second volume of CFC’s Connection. Much has happened since we last went to press and as described herein, Agency personnel have been busier than ever, working hard to provide quality services to the children, youth and families in our service area. Since last time, the Board and it’s Committees have continued to meet in accordance with their governance responsibilities and work plans for 2015/16. The Board has recently approved some minor revisions to it’s governance policies to align them with accreditation requirements, and the new CFC Charitable Fund Oversight Committee has held it’s first meeting. Operationally speaking, the Executive Director and Senior Administrative Staff submitted a proposed balanced budget for 2015/16 which was approved for forwarding on to the Ministry. Staff have been moving forward with initiatives from the 2015/16 Operational Plan, which is pending final approval this month. Things are progressing well with the Moving on Mental health Strategy (MOMH). The Board received a presentation regarding the final report on the achievements of our year one objectives at the end of March. The report received a positive response from the Ministry and we have just recently been informed of their approval of our identified priorities for year two. Guidelines, instructions, and target dates for year two project deliverables have also been received. Did you know? Child and Family Centre has five locations to service the districts of Greater Sudbury and Manitoulin? 62 Frood Rd. Suite 100 Sudbury, ON 705-525-1008 319 Lasalle Blvd. Unit 4 Sudbury, ON 705-525-1008 34 Birch St. E Chapleau, ON 705-864-0860 15 Manitowaning Rd. Little Current, ON 705-368-2002 90 Gray St. Unit 1 Espanola, ON 705-869-1564 You can call us Toll Free at: 1-800-815-7126 2 This year Children’s Mental Health Week activities were held across the province the week of May 3rd and our Agency celebrated on May 5th by hosting a Youth Summit. The Summit was held at Collège Boréal and was part of the Headstrong campaign initiated by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Thanks to all who organized and participated in this successful event. The Board was sad to hear that Norah Dougan would be retiring from the Board at the end of June after almost 8 years of service. While we will miss the benefits of her experience, expertise, and insightful contributions, we wish her well in her future endeavors. With one current vacancy, the departure of Ms. Dougan, and the expiry of the third term of the undersigned in September, we will have 3 vacancies to fill by that time. On a final note, plans have already begun and we are looking forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting in September. . Have a great summer and, until next time, thank you, merci beaucoup, miigwetch! Barry Sullivan CFC Board President From the Desk of Our Executive Director Summer is finally here! It is the time to unwind from our busy schedules, soak in the warm sun, and enjoy some quiet moments. We have been very busy since our last issue. In March, staff from the Children’s Community Network, the Children’s Treatment Centre, Word Play and the Child and Family Centre moved to their new location on Manitowaning Road in Little Current. We are currently greeting clients in our new location. An Open House for families, youth and community stakeholders is scheduled for the Fall of 2015. Mental Health Minute: Exercise How exercise can benefit your mental health: 1. Exercising regularly helps you take charge of anxiety and reduce stress, anger, and frustration. Exercise can also serve as a distraction to your worries, allowing you to find some quiet time and break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression. Along with 14 other Lead Agencies across Ontario, CFC submitted its 2014-2015 deliverables on March 31st. Both the Core Service Delivery Plan and the Community Mental Health Plan were developed in consultation with community stakeholders, service providers, families, and youth through a series of discussions across the Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin. The purpose of the planning was to gather information from key stakeholders, youth and families about the current state of child and youth mental health services across our districts for the identification of three priorities for implementation in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The three priorities include: streamline access and pathways to address service quality and responsiveness; the development of brief services including the enhancement of the Walk-in service; and the improvement of the response time to services. As we move closer to the fundamental goal of the “Moving on Mental Health” strategy which is “building a stronger, more coherent and accountable system of care that will ultimately support improved mental health outcomes for children and youth in Ontario” the next year promises to be an exciting one. 2. Exercise releases endorphins - powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good. 3. Sharpening brainpower. The same endorphins that make you feel better also help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp for tasks at hand. Exercise also stimulates the growth of new brain cells and helps prevent age-related decline. 4. Increasing self-esteem. Regular activity is an investment in your mind, body, and soul. When it becomes habit, it can foster your sense of self-worth and make you feel strong and powerful. In April, Clinical Manager, Heather Haynes and I had the pleasure of accompanying Child and Youth Worker, Rose Haskin to receive her award as nominee for the Krista Sepp Memorial Award in the Mentorship category for Child and Youth Counsellors. The Krista Sepp Award is given each year, to honour the work of child and youth workers/counsellors in Ontario (read more on page 7). 5. Even short bursts of exercise in the morning or afternoon can help regulate your sleep patterns. If you prefer to exercise at night, relaxing exercises such as yoga or gentle stretching can help promote sleep. From May 3rd to 9th CFC was joined by the Canadian Mental Heath Association (CMHA) and its community partners to recognize Children’s Mental Health Week. Children’s Mental Health Week is a provincial initiative aimed at increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health issues, decreasing stigma, and understanding help is available and treatment can work. This year CFC partnered with CMHA in hosting “Headstrong” - a Youth Summit sponsored by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. More than 100 youth attended the event at Collège Boréal. The success of the event would not have been possible if it was not for the support of the four local school boards, Collège Boréal and the Sudbury and District Health Unit. 6. Boosting energy! Increasing your heart rate several times a week will give you more get-up-and-go. Start off with just a few minutes of exercise a day, and increase your workout as you feel more energized. 7. When faced with mental or emotional challenges in life, exercise can help you cope in a healthy way instead of resorting to negative behaviors that ultimately only make your symptoms worse. 8. Regular exercise can help boost your immune system and reduce the impact of stress. In June, we welcomed Will Morin, a local Ojibway artist, educator, and cultural practitioner and Winnie Pitawanakwat: Yupik Elder and Traditional Teacher to facilitate the first in a series of four workshops. The June session focused on Spring teachings, involving the medicine wheel, colonization and its ongoing impact. This was complimented by a BBQ hosted by the Board of Directors. I also want to remind everyone that the CFC Annual General Meeting will be held on September 23rd. Details to follow. I will end by thanking all CFC staff for their hard work and dedication providing mental health services on a daily basis to children, youth and families. Have a wonderful summer vacation and travel safely. Linda Dugas Executive Director Use the summer weather to get up, get out, and get active! Exercise is an important example of self-care, not just for your body, but for your mind! Article credit: 3 Board BBQ 2015 The Annual Board Barbeque was held on Thursday June 18th. Thank you to our Chefs Board President Mr. Barry Sullivan, and Board Director Mr. René Quesnelle! Smile! Q: Why should bananas wear sunscreen to the beach? A: Because they might peel! Health and Safety Hold your phone and tablet at eye-level, new research suggests. Looking at a tablet computer puts 3 to 5 times more strain on users’ neck muscles than when the neck is not bent, recent research from Washington State University indicates. The extra strain on the neck can result in pain and fatigue. Researchers studied approximately 30 college students and teachers who typed and read on tablets for several minutes. “Gravitational demand” on the neck was lowest when the tablet computer was held up high compared to laying it flat on a surface. The “most flexed” position involved holding the tablet low in the lap, while the “least flexed” position occurred when users put the tablet high on a desk, researchers found. Article credit: 4 Continuous Quality Improvement: Performance Indicators: More Than Just Numbers In addition to rolling out a new Child and Youth Mental Health Service provincial framework, the Ministry was also able to identify a set performance indicators that must be reported by all Lead Agencies on a quarterly basis. Performance indicators are measures that help agencies define and measure progress towards their objectives. Put another way, performance indicators are the most important information to understand whether an agency is on track or not. Considering that most mental health agencies collect a vast sea of information, identifying the right set of performance indicators was no small feat for the Ministry as it required scouring the research, engaging stakeholders from various sectors (youth justice, child welfare, etc.), examining what the field is already collecting, as well as additional indicators that child and youth mental health agencies could or should collect. The results of this exercise produced a set of performance indicators that assist the field with answering the following questions: 1) Who are we serving?; 2) What are we providing?; 3) How well are we serving children, youth and families?; and 4) How well is the system performing? As well as answering these questions, the data will also be used by the ministry to inform changes to policy, strengthen transparency and accountability across the sector, and ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and efficiently. Forever Recognizing Others’ Greatness The Krista Sepp Memorial Awards 2015 Each year, the awards are held to honour the work of child and youth workers/ counsellors in Ontario and are a meaningful celebration for all child and youth service agencies across the province. The Krista Sepp Memorial Awards were established in 1991 to honour the memory of Krista Sepp, who lost her life on February 3, 1989, while performing her duties as a child and youth worker (CYW). Congratulations to Rose Haskin for her award as nominee in the Mentorship category for Child and Youth Councilors. Rose has been employed with the Child and Family Centre for 10 years and working as a Child and Youth Worker for more than 30 years. A colleague had this to say of Rose’s dedication to her work: “Rose is still passionate and immensely dedicated to her clients and her field of work. Her supportive, caring and non-judgmental ways, along with her amazing spirit allow her to build great rapport with everyone she comes in contact with—be it clients, community partners or co-workers… you feel supported and listened to…and always leave feeling better”. Thank you to Heather Haynes for leading the nomination, and a special thank you to everyone who contributed their input in the submission document. Farewell Cleo Miller Retiring July 31st after 25 years of service Other Recognitions: Rod Bazinet was the successful candidate for Lead Hand – Youth Engagement! Basem Gohar was the successful candidate for the Full-time permanent Clinician Posting Welcome Alana Jackson (Left to right) Heather Haynes, Rose Haskin, and Linda Dugas at the Krista Sepp Memorial Awards in Richmond Hill April 23rd. Clinician in Espanola . Lise Anne Longpre Clinician in Chapleau Years of Service Celebrations! . Melissa Cryderman Promotion/Fundraising Intern Debbie Somek - 15 years in June Marcia Jessop - 25 years in August . Tracy Bracken Secretary Receptionist Colette Graham - 10 years in September Rod Bazinet - 15 years in September 5 National Aboriginal Day 2015 This year’s National Aboriginal Day was held at O’Connor Park in the Flour Mill. The theme was “Honouring our Families”. Partnering agencies included Better Beginnings Brighter Futures, Sudbury Best Start, Aboriginal Peoples’ Alliance Northern Ontario (APANO), Metis Nation of Ontario, Shkagamik-kwe Health Centre, Child and Family Centre, Greater City of Sudbury Police, The Greater City of Sudbury, Jubilee Day Care Centre, and N.O.A.H’s Space. Elder’s Circle: Smudging Ceremony The smudging ceremony can take place anywhere and anytime it is felt to be needed. Smudging will usually take place before a meeting, gathering or Grand Entry at Pow Wows. Pipe carriers and Elders recommend that this ceremony be done if negativity enters a discussion or disagreements erupt at the workplace or at home. The sacred medicine is lit with a match, and some will use wood from a sacred fire. The smoke from the sacred medicine purifies and helps focus the mind, body and spirit. People will use smudge when they hear bad news, such as a death or illness. Some may smudge as a way to focus on problem solving, or when struggling with a personal issue. Some also smudge daily as a means of prayer. Most who smudge use a shell (abalone shell) as a smudge bowl, and eagle feathers are used to fan the medicines. If a person does not have eagle feathers, then other feathers can be used, The ashes that are left from the medicines are never thrown away, they are scattered by the entrance of doorways to symbolize that bad thoughts, words and feelings are not welcome inside. The activities began with a welcoming ceremony at 8:30 a.m. by Elders Winnie and Bill Pitawanakwat at the sacred fire, with smudge, prayers and Women’s hand drum song which welcomed the morning and the participants. Afterwards everyone was invited to a pancake breakfast, then participants enjoyed a variety of child and family focused activities including face painting, hand drumming and singing, arts and crafts, and traditional Aboriginal storytelling with Will Morin. A closing ceremony was held at noon with prayers and smudge, the “Black Moose Singers” men’s drum honoured the day with two songs and the Women’s hand drum circle closed off the morning’s activities with the Travelling song. I would like to take this opportunity to thank CFC staff Connie Caskanette, Jenna Guignard, John Armstrong, and CFC friends Kayla Maloney and Lise Armstrong. Amazing photos by John Armstrong and Lise Armstrong. The Native Skills Room Have you seen the beautiful addition to our Native Skills room at Frood? Not only is it functional, but a great teaching tool. On this rug we see depicted the seven grandfather teachings, the four directions, and clan animals. It’s also a medicine wheel with a dream catcher centre. A fantastic find. 6 CFC Accreditation The agency is currently engaged in a yearlong accreditation process. The accreditation process ensures that the agencies policies, practices, and outcomes are aligned with Ministry and Accreditation standards, ensuring that community children, youth and families receive effective mental health services. The accreditation focus over the past few months has been on aligning agency policies with the new Ministry Child and Youth Mental Health Service standards; Governance and Bylaws, Administration, Human Resources, Health and Safety, Information Technology, and Clinical policies have been reviewed and are in the process of being integrated into our current service delivery systems. To assist in the implementation of these newly reviewed policies, and to prepare the agency for the on-site Accreditation visit set for January 27th, an Accreditation Championship Team has been recruited and consists of the following members: Chantal Francoeur, Frank Battaion, Holly Graham, Kelsey Weisner, Krista Teeter, Melissa Cryderman, Nicole Vaillancourt, Rose Haskin, Sue Tassé, Alex Clement, Julie Rainville, Hélène Démoré, Melissa Anderson and Mark Fraser. Stay tuned for more accreditation updates in the next CFC newsletter! World Suicide Prevention Day: Thursday September 10 2015 The North East Suicide Prevention Network (NESPN) is hosting the second annual community butterfly release for World Suicide Prevention Day on Thursday Sept. 10, 2015 from 5:00pm to 7:00 pm at the gazebo near the Grace Hartman Amphitheatre located at Bell Park at 900 Paris Street. (Save the Date!) What is World Suicide Prevention Day? It is an opportunity for all sectors of the community - the public, charitable organizations, communities, researchers, clinicians, practitioners, politicians and policy makers, volunteers, those bereaved by suicide, other interested groups and individuals - to join with the International Association for Suicide Prevention and the World Health Organization to focus public attention on the unacceptable burden and costs of suicidal behaviors with diverse activities to promote understanding about suicide and highlight effective prevention activities. To purchase your own butterfly to release in honour of the event, or for more information about this special evening, please contact one of the following: Eva Neufeld at Barbara Makela at Sue Tassé at Commemorating 400 Years of Francophone Presence in Ontario The Banquet des FrancoOntariens provides an opportunity for Sudbury's francophone community to celebrate its Journée des Franco-Ontariennes et des Franco-Ontariens. This banquet will be held on September 24th at Collège Boréal; tickets are $100 per person. The banquet will feature a decor highlighting the 400th Anniversary celebrations. This event will close the 400th Anniversary celebrations of the ACFO of the Greater Sudbury Area. In addition, ACFO's winner of the franco-ontarian personality of the year award for 2015 will be presented at the banquet. For more information, please contact ACFO Sudbury's Web site at http:// For more events in your area visit: http:// Like NESPN on Facebook at 7 Supervised Access Program SAP Resources Below are some of the resources found in the Supervised Access office that could be of assistance to any client that is involved with Separation or Divorce: Booklets (available in English and French) include: 1. What Happens Next: Information for Kids about Separation and Divorce 2. Making Plans: A guide to Parenting arrangements after Separation or Divorce 3. Because Life goes on: Helping Children and Youth Live with Separation and Divorce Books: 1. Divorce Me Not Our Kids by Mary McNeil 2. The Visitation Handbook by Brette McWhorter Sember (One side for Custodial Parents, One side for Non-Custodial Parents) 3. Does Wednesday mean Mom’s house or Dad’s? by Marc J Ackerman 4. Making Divorce Easier on Your Child: 50 Effective Ways to Help Children Adjust by Long Forhand 8 The Sudbury Supervised Access Program (SAP) is funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Office (MAG) and it is the only Supervised Access program of its kind in the Greater City of Sudbury. We also have a satellite site in Espanola. Since we do not have colleagues in our cities, the Ministry pulls all coordinators from across the province together once per year so that we can have the same opportunities to share and learn from each other that most workers are afforded on a daily basis. We also participate in many Ministry driven workshops. This spring the focus was on self-care and therefore we received presentations such as “Burnout: Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care”, “Lighten Up Your Day”, and “Self-care Strategies in Action”. The second workshop item concerned Succession and Knowledge Transfer planning, and lastly we heard about Making SAP a Positive Space for LGBTQ Families. As usual it was an interesting and stimulating action packed 3 days! The Supervised Access Program has an Advisory Committee that is chaired by one of CFC’s board members. Its members consist of many community partners from related fields such as police, lawyers, Office of the Children’s lawyers, social workers, and Victim Services to state a few. Recently an advisory meeting was held where personnel from MAG SAP program participated as well as CFC’s Linda Dugas. The SAP Manager at the Ministry level shared and explained the difference between our program and the Access Program at Children’s Aid Society (CAS) with the members and provided clarity as to the role of the Advisory Committee. Linda also explained the logic model that she has produced on the Supervised Access Program. * See left column for resources. Family Engagement As an important part of the Ministry’s Move on Mental Health, Child and Family Centre recognizes family engagement as an essential component in delivering services to our children and youth. In partnership with the Centre of Excellence, Child and Family Centre was able to give a voice to parents and caregivers by means of group consultations and surveys. Over 63 family members, English and French speaking families as well as the First Nations community were consulted. Families in the Sudbury region have identified some very important emerging themes: wait times for services; need for continuous service; increased awareness of crisis services; need for culturally sensitive services, and the continued opportunity to meet with other family members. These emerging themes correspond with Child and Family Centre’s three identified priorities for service delivery: access to services, brief service model and client wait times. As we move forward in responding to these priorities we will again reach out to our families, inform them of the results, and continue engaging. This is just the beginning for Family Engagement and we look forward to consulting with them, hearing them, and bringing them together to better serve the children and youth in our community. Youth Engagement: Looking Forward I’m pleased to announce that effective March 30th Clinician Rod Bazinet assumed the position of Youth Engagement Lead Hand to further the agency’s commitment to elicit the youth perspective on CFC services. With this important perspective we are better able to address youth needs in ways that are more effective and meaningful to them. Rod brings a wealth of experience to this position and has worked collaboratively with community partners over the years to enhance youth access to structured and supervised activities, groups and programs that foster youth interests and passions as well as social inclusion and mental wellness. Rod currently sits at many community tables including the Police Chief’s Youth Advisory Council, the Community Impact Coalition with the City of Greater Sudbury and the Arts and Culture Roundtable with a focus on collaborative partnerships and an eye on shared planning of future youth-focused events and activities. The Child and Family Centre has already engaged in a “constellation model” of partnerships with Sudbury Youth Rocks, Myths and Mirrors, N’Swokamok Friendship Centre, Noah’s Space, the SPOT Youth Centre and Theatre Cambrian Youth Company, all of whom were instrumental in the success of our February Youth Engagement event. In addition, Rod has helped facilitate several youth events including “Courage to Stand” and “Headstrong” and represented CFC at the “Youthink” symposium in early June. In planning for the upcoming year we hope to host a Youth Engagement event in Espanola, similar to the one held in Sudbury in February, and with enough youth support, re-establish our YOUth Matter group through regular meetings and events. Thank you Rod for your commitment to the youth of our community! Human Resources: EAP LifeWorks, your Employee Assistance Program (EAP), is a free confidential resource program available to help you and your dependents manage personal issues at work or at home. Employees can call 1-877-207-8833 / TTY: 1-877-371-9978 or visit their website at LifeWorks consultants are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. LifeWorks also provides access to experienced, professional counsellors by phone, by video (live via Webcam) and in-person. No matter where you're located or the type of challenge you're facing, their network of counsellors can provide you with high-quality support. Please contact your manager or Human Resources for your username and password. Looking Good Lasalle! Child and Family Centre’s site located at 319 Lasalle Blvd. saw a marked improvement to its waiting room in March with new chairs and an updated bulletin board. Going Forward Group The Going Forward Group has been diligently working on developing the agency Code of Conduct. The agency Code of Conduct will reflect a condensed version of areas of our Polices and Procedures. Presently, the draft form of the Code of Conduct is completed and in the revision stage. Our Group has also re-initiated the Pay It Forward campaign this year as it was a success last year. This campaign promotes anonymous acts of kindness amongst coworkers. This is an international campaign which CFC has adopted to implement over the past year. The general feedback from staff is that the small token of kindness warms their heart and puts a smile on their face! 9 LGBTQ2S: History of the Pride Flag The rainbow flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements. It has been used since the 1970s. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community. As of 2008, the most common variant consists of six stripes, with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The flag is most commonly flown horizontally, with the red stripe on top. The original gay pride flag flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978 and was designed by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker. Baker is said to have gotten the idea from the “Flag of Races” (also called the Flag of the Human Race) in the 1960s which was carried in demonstrations for world peace. It featured five horizontal stripes (from top to bottom they were red, black, brown, yellow, and white). The first pride flag consisted of eight stripes; Baker assigned specific meaning to each of the colors: The CFC Walk In Service In an effort to increase awareness of the Walk In Service, Child and Family Centre placed an ad with Outdoor Exposure for four consecutive weeks on a revolving electronic billboard on the Kingsway in Greater Hot Pink: Sexuality Red: Life Orange: Healing Yellow: Sunlight Green: Nature Turquoise: Magic/Art Blue: Serenity/Harmony Violet: Spirit Thirty volunteers hand-dyed and stitched the first two flags for the first parade. Sudbury. The electronic ad has been followed up with regular Facebook Posts and magazine ads with Sudbury Living Magazine (Parent and Sport) Sudbury. and CFC Downtown is Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sudbury Pride Week, July 19-26th 2015! For up-to-date information about the events, visit: looking forward to further promoting this service with radio ads later in the year. Take Some #MeTime Child and Family Centre believes in the power of taking time to ones self to promote positive mental health, so when Collège Boréal asked CFC to get involved with their new hashtag campaign we jumped at the opportunity! Jean Cotnoir, Director of Marketing with Collège Boréal will officially launch the #PourMoi (#MeTime) campaign in September 2015 as a reminder to students entering college to take time for themselves. This campaign is important and timely as schools across the country are beginning to understand and implement mindfulness in the classroom. Collège Boréal and the Child and Family Centre invite you all to share with us how you enjoy your #MeTime using this hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! 10 Pow-Wow Trail 2015 The following is a listing of a few local Pow-wows (Cultural Festivals). For a complete listing of all Pow-wows in Ontario, visit Sheguiandah (Manitoulin) July 4 – 5 Sagamok First Nation (Massey) July 11 – 12 Atikamiksheng (Naughton) July 24 – 26 Wikwemikong (Manitoulin) August 1 – 3 Wahnapitae (Wahnapitae) August 15 – 16 M’Chigeeng (Manitoulin) September 5 - 6 Pow-Wow Glossary Arbour – central area of the Pow-wow an Elder in his/her language. The Eagle grounds where the drums and singers are Staffs and the flags are then placed by the situated arbour. Bustles – made from feathers which are arranged together in a radial manner. They are now usually worn by men’s traditional and fancy feather dancers. Fancy feather dancers use turkey, hawk, or Eagle feathers, while men’s traditional dancers almost always use Eagle feathers Honour Songs - requested to honour a person for almost any reason including a deceased person. People are requested to stand during honour songs. Inter-Tribals – songs which belong to no particular nation. Most inter-tribals are sung with vocables instead of words. They have Giveaways – a universal custom among become very popular because anyone can the peoples of Turtle Island. Turtle Island dance to these songs, which results in societies believe that a person who is being more people dancing. honoured should provide gifts to other Two-Step – the head men’s dancer and the members of the society. Giveaways are head women’s dancer dance together and appropriate for the big events in a person’s lead a long string of paired dancers. The life, such as being head dancer or entering women usually ask the men to dance, and the dance area in regalia for the first time. the men must dance when asked. The two Giveaways by people being honoured or in step can become very intricate, with the honour of someone else are common at pairs splitting apart for a time and then repow-wows. joining later. People usually end up laughGrand Entry – the parade of dancers ing as they do the two-step! which opens each pow-wow session. The Eagle staffs are carried first into the circle, followed by the national flag and any other flags. The head dancers, along with princesses or princes in attendance, and invited dignitaries followed by the... Pow Wow Etiquette Pow-wows are fun events, but they are also sacred events. Ceremonial songs and dances, which are sacred, are performed from time to time throughout the pow-wow. People should stand during all ceremonial songs and dances. These include the Grand Entry, Flag Songs, Veteran Songs, Honour Songs. Do not take any photos or video or sound recordings of ceremonies without asking permission from the person or group you are recording. Some areas of Turtle Island do not allow the recording of ceremonies at all. The dancers wear regalia while they are dancing, not “costumes”. People should not touch regalia. Do not hold children while dancing in the dance area. The child may be construed as a gift to the Creator. Do not run around the dance area. Always walk in a clockwise direction when you are in the area. Do not bring any alcohol or drugs to a pow-wow. Do not come to a pow-wow while intoxicated. Dogs are not allowed around the pow-wow area. Bring your own chairs. Remember that you are a guest. Be respectful, have fun, ask questions, and meet people. 11 A Place for PACE ‘There are no known treatments or training materials that will achieve their goals in the absence of trained and committed staff with adequate resources and managerial support.’ - McGuire 2001 June is filled with more SFBT training! Module 3: Solution Focused Approaches for Anxiety has been rescheduled to June 11 and 12. This will be followed by Module 4 training set for June 25 and 26. Staff participating in these trainings are encouraged to review the refresher of Module 1 located on the Shared Drive under ‘SFBT.’ Visit Us on Facebook The Child and Family Centre is entering a new and exciting time in social media! The number of individuals who follow our Facebook page is at an all-time high and we hope to increase our numbers throughout the year. Our goal in using social media is to further engage our youth and to inform our clients of interesting local programs or mental health related tips and information. If you have an article related to child and youth mental health that you would love to share, please contact Marketing Intern Melissa by email at Don’t forget to ’like’ our page on Facebook! CFCSudburyManitoulin As training proceeds, the PACE project has moved through Year 1 Planning and Year 2 Implementation; and is now in Year 3 of Sustainability. The project is utilizing the Walk in Service to gather data and evaluate single session solution focused brief therapy (SFBT). We look forward to sharing our results as we move through this project with all of you! The CFC PACE team thanks you for your interest in the program and encourages you to contact them with any questions and feedback you may have. Program Profile: School Based Mental Health The Child and Family Centre launched its School-Based Mental Health Program (SBMH) in September 2011 with the goals of increasing youth access to mental health supports, decreasing barriers such as transportation and location of services, and increasing student’s overall functioning. In partnership with Sudbury’s four school boards, SBMH was initiated in six secondary schools offering mental health treatment to youth ages 12 to 18. In a typical school year 87 students are serviced by two full-time Clinicians with the ability to continue treatment during school holidays. About two-thirds of students accessing SBMH are female with most referrals being made due to anxiety/worry, motivation and mood. Social withdrawal, tendency to gravitate toward negative peers and preference to be alone are also cited as significant concerns. The primary treatment modalities utilized are Cognitive Behavioural Therepy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) (eg. emotion regulation, distress tolerance, mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness) - based, with about 6 sessions provided per student on average. Students are also able to access additional services internal to CFC such as psychological and psychiatric assessment and consultation. The School-Based Mental Health Program utilizes the Children’s Hope Scale (C.R. Snyder) as a pre- and post- self-assessment measure of youth’s ability to problem-solve and cope. At closure, youth are shown their initial and final ratings and most recognize the significant improvements achieved in these areas. The CAFAS is also completed, demonstrating lower total scores overall by the end of treatment. With a significant return rate on Client Satisfaction Questionnaires, SBMH has demonstrated itself to be overwhelmingly successful by students themselves, with 97% confirming satisfaction with the services received. Convenience of location and times of service availability, being treated with respect, having someone to talk to when troubled and helping to choose services and treatment goals were also highly rated. Thank you to Holly Graham, Valerie Lariviere and Sue Tasse for another successful SBMH year! 12 Special Needs Resourcing Program Family Fun Day The Special Needs Resource Services, in collaboration with the Manitoulin Service Provider Network, planned a Free Family Fun day! The event was held at Manitoulin Secondary School in M’Chigeeng on Saturday April 18th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Service Providers set up information booths to share information with families regarding services in their communities. The Child and Family Centre was represented by Cora Caibaiosai along with Greg Lockeyer who also provided information about Triple P. Other service providers present were the Children’s Community Network, the Sudbury and District Health Unit, the Gore Bay Child Care Centre, Manitoulin Family Resources, Manitoulin Supervised Access Centre, Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board, Rainbow District School Board and Mnamodzawin Health Services Inc. Free transportation was provided to families across Manitoulin Island to participate in the event, and over 200 participants enjoyed the day! Families enjoyed a variety of free activities including pick-up hockey, Karate, Hula Hoop Dancing, Yoga, Zumba, Story Telling, face painting, and crafts. A free lunch was also provided to families, and they had a chance of winning several door prizes. Many families expressed how much they enjoyed the day and would like to see this as an annual event! What’s New in Rural? New Location in Little Current The CFC site in Manitoulin has re-located to a new site in Little Current. We are very pleased to announce this move for staff and for our clients across Manitoulin Island. The Child and Family Centre shares space with various service providers in the area including Children’s Community Network (CCN), Wordplay, and Children’s Treatment Centre (CTC). Pictures have been included to showcase our new office space! Technology Tip (and general good advice) Tip 1: Don't run with a lollipop in your mouth. Tip 2: When copying text from another document, or Internet web page, and pasting it into Microsoft Word, Word will keep the formatting of the text. In most versions of Windows to remove the formatting press: Ctrl + Windows Key + V and it will paste as plain text. The Manitoulin site also welcomes Ed Didur back to the Child and Family Centre as a Clinician. Ed is presently working in both the Intensive and Counselling and Therapy services. Welcome back Ed! Little Current Address 15 Manitowaning Road P.O. Box 269 Little Current, ON P0P 1K0 Tel: 705 368-2002 Fax: 705-368-2032 13 Community Drum Feast This year’s CFC’s community drum is coming to an end for the summer. As is tradition, CFC provided a final feast for our drums and community on Tuesday July 28 th. This year the Drum Circle requested “Indian Tacos” for the final feast. The feast was prepared and served by the Anishnaabe Staff. The community drum circle ran from September 2014 to June 2015 and was a huge success with over 30 community members attending the bi-weekly Circle. CFC’s Bev Maloney wishes to acknowledge and express our gratitude to the following individuals who helped to make the Community Drum a success this term: Connie Caskanette, Debbie Lemieux, Genevieve Solomon-Dubois, Luc Lefevre, Claude Chenette, Tammy Gordon, Jenna Guignard, Elder Winnie Pitawanakwat and Traditional Teacher Jim Eshkawgogan. We’ll see everyone back in the Circle on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Be Safe App For many teens their life revolves around the information they receive from their cellphone. Now, they can access key health information there too through a mobile app called, Be Safe. Be Safe was created by a dedicated team of youth with lived experience in partnership with mindyourmind, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and the Systems Improvement Through Service Collaboratives Initiative in London, Ontario and surrounding areas. The purpose behind the app is to improve access and coordination of mental health and addictions services for children, youth and families. The mobile app is paired with a paper-based “pocket guide” companion and is designed to help youth manage mental health and addiction crises, as well as identify services available in their area. The app now offers available services in the Greater Sudbury, Chapleau and Manitoulin districts. It is a free download available on both Android and Apple devices. For more information about the app visit: 14 Aboriginal Cultural Sharing On Thursday June 18 2015 Child and Family Centre held its first session in a series of four sessions of Aboriginal Cultural Sharing. This session’s topic centered on Anishnaabe Spring teachings and Canada’s history of colonization. The morning and afternoon sessions were equally powerful in the positive response from the CFC staff to the presentations of our facilitators, Will Morin and Elder Winnie Pitawanakwat. We look forward to the next session in September. CFC wishes to say Chi-Miigwetch to Traditional Anishnaabe teacher Jim Eshkawgogan for his presence and support, and the helpers Connie Caskanette, Jenna Guignard and Tammy Gordon. Triple P Second Annual Triple P Conference During the first week of May, CFC employees, Cora Caibaiosai, Nicole ChretienShamess, Rose Haskin, Lynn Belair and Greg Lockeyer, attended the 2 nd Annual Ontario Triple P Conference in Sault Ste. Marie. This three-day event was hosted by Sault Ste. Marie and area social service agencies and was packed with great speakers, plenty of information, resources and networking opportunities. It was a huge boost to the knowledge base of those attending in regard to the Triple P Program and how it is working worldwide. The main attraction of the Conference was the opportunity for everyone to meet, in person, the world famous parenting guru and founder of the Triple P Program, Dr. Matt Sanders, of Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Sanders is a Clinical Psychologist and is Director of the Parenting and Family Support Centre at the University of Queensland. Dr. Sanders has also consulted with governments at senior policy levels around the world. Dr. Sanders’ presentation highlighted that the Triple P Program is now in use in 25 countries, has been translated into 18 languages, has just over 60,000 practitioners and has been delivered to over 7 million families worldwide. In Ontario, the Triple P Program is being delivered by 2000 practitioners representing 100 agencies. . Also presenting was Dr. Ron Prinz, Professor of Psychology at the University of South Carolina. His presentation focused on parenting and family issues as well as population based prevention of child abuse. Dr. Michael Ungar, therapist and scientist at Dalhousie University, delivered an inspiring presentation on identifying the most important factors that influence the resiliency of children, youth and families. Dr. Ungar’s message reinforced why we need to work just as hard at changing the environment that surrounds children as we do at changing children themselves. The final presenter was Mr. Ron Morrish, educator and behavioural specialist from Southern Ontario. His two part presentation entitled Positive Discipline at Home and School, and With All Due Respect. Mr. Morrish challenged everyone to look at their past discipline practices and how we adapt to the new wave in life. Participants came away from this conference with many new ideas, resources and appreciation for the tremendous influence that the Triple P Program has not only locally, or at CFC but also around the world. Cora, Nicole, Rose, Lynn and Greg would like to thank Melissa Anderson and CFC for the opportunity to attend this fantastic conference! Beats For Blues Child and Family Centre is excited to announce this year’s Beats for Blues 2015 concert event entitled No One Deserves to Hurt. Proceeds from this event will be generously donated to CFC. For more information on how you can purchase tickets or become a volunteer please visit their website CFC’s Triple P: Fall Line Up 2015 Triple P Group 0-11 Date: Tuesday September 15 to November 3 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Location: CFC Frood Facilitator: Rick B. (CFC) . Group Teen Date: Thursday October 15 to December 3 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: CFC Frood Facilitator: Nicole C-S (CFC) Triple P Group 0-11 Date: Wednesday October 21 to December 9 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: Child and Family Centre (Frood Site) Facilitator: Debbie S. (CFC) If you have questions about these, or other Positive Parenting Programs, please contact Triple P Sudbury at 705-5663416 or visit our website at .. . /triple-p/ 15 Recognizing Our Friends and Donors In the Community On May 20 2015 Cora Caibaiosai, Keileigh BarettHarvey, and Greg Lockeyer provided a community information table for the LaCloche Service Provider Network in Espanola as they held an Early Years Screening Clinic. Children’s Mental Health Week CFC would like to thank all the community agencies who assisted in making this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week a great success. We value your support in promoting child and youth mental health, and we look forward to continued partnerships! Lively Heritage Arts Guild CFC is honored to announce that the Lively Quilting Guild has chosen to donate the proceeds from their yearly Quilt Raffle to the Child and Family Centre Charitable Fund! The Child and Family Centre is very grateful to the Guild for making such a wonderful donation. Paying It Forward The Pay It Forward initiative was given a boost on Friday May 29th at the 319 Lasalle site office. Coffee and treats were left anonymously for staff to enjoy along with copies of the Pay It Forward card so that they may in turn ‘pay it forward’ to someone else. What a lovely treat on a Friday! Thank you for your anonymous kindness! The quilt (see photo left) is Queen sized and tickets are $1 each. If you are interested in the raffle please contact Marketing Intern Melissa at For more information about donating to CFC’s Charitable Fund or sponsoring our next event please visit our website or call us at 705-525-1008. We’ll be happy to discuss donor recognition and promotional opportunities with you! 16 Event Calendar: July 1 - November 1 Holidays, Events, Observances, and Staff Calendar Wednesday July 1 Canada Day July 19 - 26 Sudbury Pride Week Thursday July 30 International Day of Friendship STAFF SAVE THE DATE Child and Family Centre Annual General Meeting September 23 2015 Wednesday August 12 International Youth Day Monday September 7 Labour Day . Tuesday September 8 Back to School Thursday September 10 World Suicide Prevention Day Wednesday September 23 Annual General Meeting Saturday October 10 World Mental Health Day Monday October 12 Thanksgiving Day Saturday October 31 Halloween Editor’s Note Thank you for reading! We’ll be testing new release dates for CFC’s Connection over the next few issues. We want to ensure that we are covering all of the events we can and that our contributors have the time to write and publish the best possible articles to keep our community informed. Our next issue will be available on November 2 2015. In the meantime, enjoy the summer sun! Relax, recharge, and don’t forget to subscribe to CFC’s Connection online so that you never miss an issue! Sunday November 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends Kayla Maloney Managing Editor/Writer 17 Make a difference in a child’s life by becoming a member of CFC’s Board of Directors! Composition of the Board The Child and Family Centre (CFC) Board is composted of 11 directors who are providing governance to the Centre. The Directors represent the English, Francophone, and Aboriginal communities as well as the community at large in the Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin. The Board seeks individuals with the following mix of skills or experience: Board governance, Senior management, Social or mental health or public education services, A former client whose client relationship with the Centre terminated at least two years prior to appointment to the Board, Financial management, Labour relations, Law, Other. Exclusion: The following persons are disqualified from being a Director of the Corporation: A person who is under 18 years of age, A non-member of the corporation as of the record date, Anyone in a direct relationship with another director, An employee of the Corporation, A former employee or client with less than 24 months separation from the Corporation Current clients of the Centre, Anyone having a criminal record that may adversely affect the Centre’s public image or would be viewed as unacceptable to the Board, Anyone acting for the Corporation or for any party adverse in interest to the Corporation, A person who has the status of ‘bankrupt’, A person who has been found under the Substitute Decision Act 1992 or under the Mental Health Act to be incapable of managing property, A person who’s been found to be incapable by any court in Canada or elsewhere. Election Successful candidates will be nominated and appointed to the Board on an interim basis during the year, pending a formal election at the Annual General Meeting which takes place in September. Roles and Responsibilities: Applicants will demonstrate the following: A genuine concern for, and interest in, the mental health of children and youth, A commitment to dedicate the time required to attend Board meetings, participate on various committees and attend annual events, An understanding of Board governance, principles, and policies, The knowledge to participate in informed and critical discussions about policy issues, and the ability to offer expertise in specific areas, An absence of a real or perceived conflict of interest. Application Process Applicants will be required to submit a brief resume along with a completed Board member application/profile form. The Board Member Nomination Committee will screen all applications for prospective candidates and interview those to be considered further. Successful candidates will require completion of a Canadian Police Check (CPIC) prior to becoming a member of the Board of Directors. To submit an application, or for further information, please contact the Executive Assistant at the Child and Family Centre by calling 705-566-5866 ext. 2503 or by sending an email to Vision: Healthy children, youth and families in a responsive, culturally sensitive and caring community.
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CFC`s Connection - Child and Family Centre
and Treasurer, respectively. Thank you
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