Cover - Canadian Ski Museum
Cover - Canadian Ski Museum
SEASON 1928 CJ 1929 PRICE, 25c. , ( ,:1 ; , • •• f ., : . t, • - ; I , -and I like them because they are - blended right. Twenty jor 25c • Inc ester CIGARETTES SAVE THE "POKER HANDS" DAOUST, LALONDE SKI BOOTS were origina ted by us in Canada, makers of ski boots for over seventeen years. Our boots are used and approved by the most noted skiers in canada. This boot can be had at all leading shoe and sporting goods stores in Canada and The United States, made in high a nd low c u t, for men, women and children. Look for this "Trade Mark" ~, ' ~ Nol e the special grooved heel which fits the harness closely 1/ has a straight sale which gives that rocking motion It is double stitched reinforcing Ihe sole Made to fit the new patent~d harness DAODST,LALONDE&CO. LIMITED 935 to 939 Victoria Square MONTREAL " I q:;HE Birks Collection of Fine Jewellery will be found worthy of note, not alone for extent and cosmopolitan distinction, but for sound value. s .. HENRY BIRKS fS SONS LIMITED MONTREAL RYRIE'BIRKS LIMITED' TORONTO ! i " THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS Made from the finest Hickory, Ash, Maple and Southern Pine. All lumber is air dried from three to five years . There are no or twisted Northland Skis . Paired and thoroughly inspected by experts. Beautifully finished . A wide variety of high grade accessories . ELITE BAMBOO SKI POLE HAUG SKI BINDING , , ! ADJUSTABLE SKI BINDING Hickory Jumping Ski Write for new catalog Hickory Racing Ski Northland Ski Manufacturing Co. Largest Manufacturers of Skis in the World ST. PAUL, MINN. 19 ST. ANTHONY PARK 111 Matchless * element Jo-day_and EVER SINCE 1779you find it in Tbjl leal ba a be en an unfailing emblem of Quality to drinkers of Scotch Whieky .ieee 1779. ~There is no element so Jar above price as the good npme arul reputation. of lhe maker." There should he no prohle~ to the selection of GOOD whisky ••• let your good sense dictate thc maxim known in every corner of the world for over 150 years .•• the name USHER'S GREEN STRIPE has always heen p(jsitive "assurance of the utmost quality. In all these years the unsurpassed quillty that estahlished this reputation has heen as constant as it is superior ••• that is the "matchless element" you will find in USHER'S GREEN STRIPE whisky alone. IV I>URNETTS , , Just that much IS D~TTI;" ESTABLISHED 1770 v . PALMER'S BETTER SKI BOOTS "APPROVED NORWEGIAN" Look for the MOOSE HEAD TRADE MARK BEST SINCE 1877 Palmer's Ski Boots are the result oJ years of research and careful experimentation, and they are now well and favourably known by skiers of note from coast to coast. These Boots are scientifically constructed and appeal to professionals as well as amateurs, as they fit not only the foot but the ski harness. Boots of this type give one that feeling of "control" so essential in ski-ing. Insist on PALMER'S APPROVED NORWEGIANS. For sale in the leading ski centres, both in Canada and United States. JOHN PALMER CO. LIMITED FREDERICTON, N.B. CANADA vi LUND SKIS Meet every requirement of Experts Lund Skis are made of finest rna terials, . by skilled N orwegian craftsmen, with genera tions of Ski making and Ski running behind them. The LUND Expert Jumping Ski Selected a ir-dried hickory- perfectly designed and very strong. W rite for circula r describing the Lund L ine of Skis, T oboggans, Snow ~hoes, Hockey S ticks and accessorIes. C. A. LUND COMPANY 1200 Main St., HASTINGS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR ALL WINTER SPORTS / Minnesota GOING SKI-ING ;:/ USE THE BEST WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE W ORLD RENOW NED GRESVIG SKIS FINEST HICKORY WITH GRESVIG P ATENT HARNESS ARLINGTON CYCLE & SPORTS LIM.ITED 1194 UNIVERSITY STREET Canad a' s Pion e er Ski Deale rs ESTABLISHED FOR OVER VII - - MONTREAL Telephone LAncaster 6774 THIRTY YEARS COATS & JUMPERS MADE FROM THE FAMOUS HUDSON'S BAY POINT BLANKETS Procurable in any of the well known Blanket Colors: White, Striped, Scarlet, Green, Empire Blue, Camel, Khaki and Grey. As Hudson's Bay Point Blankets are guaranteed to shed water for 24 hours the Coats and Jumpers are Water Proof. NONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT THE "SEAL OF QUALITY" LABEL Vlll THE QUEEN'S offers you a place to dine, in every mood, on every occasion. Whether in the Grill or the Cafeteria-at one of the Dinner Musicales or a private function-you are assured of that delicious food and excellent service which have gained for The Queen's such an enviable reputation. ADELAR.D R.AYMOND - - Vice-President ~ Managing Director For a more pleasant Sunday Ski Day RIVE down to the Station in your own car in the morning , leave it at the ROYAL GARAGE, then pick it up on the way in at night. At the door of the Tunnel Terminal Station, convenient to the Windsor Station. Many now make use of this service and a trial will demonstrate its advantages to you, D ROYAL GARAGE FOOT OF McGILL COLLEGE A VENUE MONTREAL IX or1htrn1Jiobt~ ts?lortbtrn i1gbt~ atthe MANOIRRICHELIEU ~urray 13ay, Province of ff(uebec A MID the wild winter beauty of M urray Bay stands a vast chateau. F rom its great chimneys blue smoke rises straight into the still, clear air. An army of blue-green pines, snow laden, marches up the sweep of mountain background. And this is the picture which greets those merry CCvoyaguers" who will make the MAN OIR RICHELI EU their headquarters for winter sport. Here sumptuous comfort prev ails. Birch logs crackle their happy song. Around the hearth gather groups of fashionable folk, in colourful outdoor dress. There is a touch of that old Seigneurial grandeur of other days - as though Richelieu himself might be your host. fl. Why not gather a few of your most intimate friends - those who can ride the flying ski or steer the racing bobsled-and en train for this near Switzerland of ours. Win ter sports on a grand scale will be your reward. F or full information , illustrated booklet, rates, reservations, etc., apply to y our own tourist agent, any Canadian Nat ional R ailways office, any of our own agents (located in leading cities i n the United States and Canada) , or the head office of CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES 715 VICTOR I A SQUARE, MONTREAL, P.Q. ON DOMI N ION SQUARE MONTREAL T HE Restaurant business of The Windsor has been developed through its ' good foods and kindly disposed service Dancing in the Grill during Dinner and Supper hours D. B. MULLIGAN Vice-President g Managing Director ~·FJ:2 1.IMITE With the Compliments of CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED which operates the following Divisions:CANADIAN EXPLOSIVES DIVISION DOMINION AMMUNITION DIVISION FLINT PAINT & VARNISH DIVISION CANADIAN FABRIKOID DIVISION PYRALIN DIVISION TRIANGLE CHEMICAL DIVISION HEAVY CHEMICAL DIVISION Head Office: - BEAVER HALL BUILDING, MONTREAL Xl INSTRUMENTS FOR SKI-RUNNERS THE SIMPLEX SKI CLINOMETER Th e Inve ntion of a w ell-kno wn Ski-Runn er Length 4 72 ins. Weight 272 ozs. Can be used for taking angle of sl opes, either in declination , in clination, or in profile ~5 oS.a.f~t .' . .~~g~~~ Mark Jl'toF~~o ~~~I.~S .. .f~~~ $4.00 $4.75 Solid !:~~~~~ . ~~s~ .~i~~e~ $ 1.15 Mark ls o :' ANEROID BARO METERS OF PRECISION for mountain measuremen t Watch Size, 2 inches diameter To measure heights up to 1 2,000 feet reading to 50 feet or 4,000 metres reading to 10 metres .... . .... . . . $ 24.00 To measure heights up t o 15,000 feet reading to 100 feet or 5,000 metres reading to 20 metres . . . ... .... . . $25.5 0 POCKET COMPASSES for MOUNTAINEERING Pocket Com p ass, in metal hunter case, 2 inches diameter and 7/10 inch thick. The compass dial ft.oats i liqu id , and i s in consequence excee dingly steady, so that bearings can be r eadily taken when on the march. A lubber's line is :~~~e~so:i;!~ . ~la~~: . ~~d. ~'.S ~~~. ~~.t . ~~ . ~~~ . ~i~~ .~~~ . ~i~. ~~ $1 2.50 Th e above in struments sent post-free o n receipt of cash COMPL ETE ILLUSTRATED LIST ON REQUEST J. H. STEWARD, LIMITED Scientific Instrument Maker s 406 STRAND & 457 WEST STRAND, LONDON, ENG. Established 1850 X II Service to the Ski- jump! If you wish to travel de luxe with your own party you can charter a special private bus . Forrates and details ask for Charter Coach Department. When the big competitions call the crowds of ski-fans to t he big jump, GREY LINE BUSES will operate a special service for their accommodation, starting from Mount Royal and Windsor Hotels at convenient hours . Telephone PLateau 7141 GREY LINE BUSES Operated by Provincial Transport Company 1227 Phillips Square, MONTREAL PLateau 7141 Old Stock Ale litt., matutvd X III LIMBERLOST LODGE For Sport and Comfort in the Backwoods SEPARATE LOG CABINS COBBLESTONE LODGE ~~';f~1i~~ , Cross C untry Ski-runs in Real Bush Country. Ski Slides Down Steep Hills in Old Deserted Clearings. Ski-J oring with Ponies, Snowmobile and plane. Toboggan Run. Snow from Christmas unti.l Easter. SPECIAL RATES to Parties of 10 from Ski Clubs. Aerial Transport from Toronto or Huntsville to Lodge COME WHERE THE SNOW LIES DEEP ~~ ~ -' I ,-,' ~~ l11ustrated BQoklets at C.N.R. Offices or Write, Telephone or Telegraph LIMBERLOST RESORTS, LIMITED via HUNTSVILLE, MUSKOKA, ONTARIO XIV FURS With a reputation older than the century for fine quality ... with style whose distinction is evident at a glance ... no wonder Alexandor Furs are famous wherever fine furs are known. Uptown Showrooms: Downtown Showrooms: 1171 St. Catherine West 464 McGill Street MONTREAL WINDSOR LOND ON HAMILTON OTTAWA QUEBEC HALIFAX c;;1e older Ihe helfer' DAWES BLAC~ORSE 1Iu~ .cltl./M xv Pc}pu/ar lor ;nore Ihan a Cenlury! RITZ-CARLTON' HO'T EL MONTREAL , EARL MELLWAY and his CANADIAN ORCHESTRA I N ATTE N DANCE DANCING EVERY EVENING (except Sunday)-10.30 until closing TEA DANCE- Saturday at 4 .30 p.m. PALMQUIST SKIS ARE BETTER THAN EVER HIGH GRADE SKI POLES AND HARNESS " NORSK SKI WAX " WH OLESALE AN D R,ETAIL SWEDISH CANADIAN SKI CO. Telephone MArquette 6664 - - 270 Queen Stre et, MONTREAL (Off W ellington St.) ASK FOR MOLSON'S ALE BREWED IN MONTREAL FOR 144 YEARS THE ALE ,YOUR GREAT GRANDFATHER B E A Specialty Shop for Boys 11 ' co ~ t '. PAN ... t T £: ci Importers a nd Outfitter s 1239 St. Ca therine Street West MONTREAL XV) DRANK Ride on the wings of winter with BLU[NOSE SKIS Nova Scotia selected birch and maple have no superiors in woods for skis. Swift as a swallow-curved with a precision that makes them responsive to the finest graduation of turn-balanced like the hair-spring of a watchtough as tempered steel-fashioned in the true Norwegian manner of selected, seasoned Nova Scotia birch and maple. Enjoy the zest and exhilarating thrill of ski-ing as you never did beforeBluenose skis make experts of beginners-practised skiers revel in their lightning velocity-models are made for cross-country, racing, and jumping -ask your Sports Goods dealers to show them to you. XVII ~ .---------~--.------. .. 0"... From lit.\- , One Mount Royal TO Another SPE AKING of ski jumping , it would be quite a jump that would carry you from the Lookout on Mount Royal to the roof of the Mount Royal Hotel. But it looks possible . And, if you can't make it in one " yump, ' 'make it in two . MountRoy-alDGtel MONTREAL VERNON G . CARDY Managing Dir ector D i rection : United H ot e ls Company of America _________ .. _w _____ M _ a M _ __ The Best in the West - and Anywher e ! We are exclu sive distributors of Hagens , Oslo , " Best in the World" brand racing, j umping , and cross-country high-grade skis. 12 % DISCOUNT: to all members of Ski Clubs affiliat e d With] [ WESTERN BRANCH, Canadian Amateur Ski Association. Oscar Mathiesen, professional world champion, and Claes Thunberg, amateur world champion speed skaters for many years use Hagens world-famous speed skates exclusively. (Weight of skate and boot only one pound , three ounces . ) FOR. S ALE HER.E Our own b r and Canadian Model Ice Ho ckey Skates (VERNE-Model) , manufact u red by Gillberg & Company, Stockholm, Sweden , of the world's best steel. New Model figure skate, designed by R. J. Verne, Champion Figure Skater of Western Canada, will be available this season at a very moderate price. Exclusive Agents for the world -famed Genuine Norwegi an - B ergans , Meis & Rucksack; over 300,000 in use the world over. Hunt 's British-made Flashlights and torches with Hellesen' s of Copenhagen D ry Cells ; last for years ! International Ski Federation' s Rules and Regulations for Ski- Competitions (in English) obtainable here. Canadian Scandinavian Import & Export Co. Rudolph J. Verne , Manager R egistered office : Suite 56 , 615-Hastings Str eet W e st Canadian Amateur Ski Association VANCOUVER, B .C . 6 15-Hastings St. West. - Vancouver X Vlll W E STERN B R ANCH PETERBOROUGH SKIS THE REAL QUALITY LINE Correct in Design and Balance "PETERBOROUGH " SKIS are made in the OVAL TOP and DOME TOP Designs as well as in the regular flat top style STANDARD TELEMARK SEMI-RACING and RACING Models Made from selected White Ash and Hickory on either natural or stained finish "PETERBOROUGH " Skis like " PETERBOROUGH " Boats are built with " QUALITY" as the first consideration and are guaranteed to satisfy. "PETERBOROUGH " Skis were selected by KENELM T. HULME and JACK FORBES for their famous SOO-mile Ski Marathon from Timmins to Toronto last year. Read what these experts have to say about their " PETERBOROUGH" Skis which were supplied from regular stock without any particular attention to selection. The Peterborough Canoe Co., Peterborough , Ont o Toronto , February 20 , 1929. Dear Sirs :You being in the ski manufacturing business are no doubt aware of the fact that we have completed the SOO-mile Ski Marathon from Timmins , Northern Ontario, to Toronto City Hall. I want to mention that my skis also those of my partner Jack Forbes were made in your factory, one pair being hickory and the other ash. Both pair were your semi-racing model. These skis were subjected to the hardest usage , on icy highways, cindery railroad tracks and sanded hills. They have outworn three sets of harness and in my opinion could wear out a dozen more. The mileage covered is about equal to that made in from five to seven years by the average skier. The trip was done in an effort to popularize ski-ing as t he clean healthy outdoor winter sport which it is and I sincerely trust that through this hike we can get everybody on skis . If this letter will be of any use to you in advertising, you may use it, as a well-made product should be well recommended. Sincerely yours , Signed : KEN ELM T . HULME. Peterborough Skis are handled by the leading Sports Goods Dealers PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO., Limited PETERBOROUGH, CANADA XIX GINGER ALES Plan your Christmas or Week End Holidays at ADDITIONAL COPIES Muskoka Beach Inn Limited Canadian Ski Annual OF THE W. H. ALDERSON, President Muskoka Beach, Ontario can be obtained from the Publishers (Take train to Gravenhurst) SKI-ING Skating - Tobogganing INN and CABINS John Lovell & Son Steam Heated LIMITED Ideal Weather Conditions From Decemb e r to March 423 St. Nicholas Street " Serving Lovers of Muskoka the Year Arou nd " MONTREAL Telegraph or Telephone for ReservatIons. PRICE: 25c. per copy Phone Muskoka Beach 29 xx