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INVESTOR SUPPORT SERVICE SECTOR STUDY – Construction in Paraná Brazil4Business | SECTOR STUDY OF PARANÁ 2 ESTUDO SETORIAL | ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS NO CEARÁ 1 INVESTOR SUPPORT SERVICE SECTOR STUDY – CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ Service category: Preliminary Studies INVEST IN PARANÁ | CONSTRUCTION This study presents to foreign companies wishing to establish their business in Brazil, the opportunity to know the state of Paraná and the importance of the construction sector to the local economy, and the opportunities and advantages for investment. KNOW THE STATE WITH INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT VOLUME HIGHER. Paraná is located in southern Brazil, occupying an area of about 200,000 square kilometers.Its prime location makes it a gateway to the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Moreover, it has limits with São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Argentina, Paraguay and Mato Grosso do Sul and also access to the Atlantic Ocean, centered on a market with more than 260 million people. Paraná is known for its multiculturalism arising from strong immigration from various countries like Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Japan, among others, becoming an enabling environment for adaptation of foreigners. In addition, it highlights the quality of life in the state, which has one of the best human development index of the country, 0.749. It is worth noting that despite being one of the smallest states in the country in area, has the 4th largest Gross Domestic Product-GDP and the 3rd largest value added Manufacturing Industry, and the state's fastest growing physical production and manufacturing employment in the regions South and Southeast in the last twelve years.1 Capital: Curitiba Population: 11 million Trade flows in 2013: 37,5 billion 3rd largest domestic product Gross value added in Manufacturing Industry. Strategic position Located in southern Brazil, the state of Paraná has strategic location, being close to major national economic centers such as São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as proximity with the Mercosur countries. Figure 1 – Geographical Proximity 1 Official data from Brazil: IBGE - GDP prepared by the Economic Department - Fiep 2014. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 4 The state has growth above the national average and is characterized by one of the best Brazil's business environment, placing it among the three states in the country that attract direct investment. Our priority is to develop the industry by hand labor skills to increase productivity and improve the quality of life linked to it. INDICATORS OF STATE INDICATOR DATA NATIONAL POSITION NATIONAL INTEREST Area 199 000 km² 399 11 milhões 88% 55 hab/km2 0,749 7,8% 8,6% 6,1 15th 2,3% 5th 6th 6th 11th 4th 21st 21st 8th 7,2% 5,5% - Number of Municipalities Population 2013 Urbanization rate 2013 Demographic Density 2013 Human Development Index 2010 Poverty Rate 2012 Illiteracy Rate 2012 Average Years of Schooling 2012 Table 1 – Paraná State Indicators2 2 Source: IBGE. Population estimate (2013); IBGE. National Sample Survey on Household (2012); IBGE. Population Census (2010); PNUD. Atlas of Human Development in Brazil, 2013, prepared by observatories Sesi/Senai/IEL. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 5 INVEST IN PARANÁ | CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Brazil in its goal of bringing the country to the path of growth, proposed measures intended to increase the production efficiency of domestic enterprises, either through adding value to the products, encouraging companies with potential to join dynamic markets, as well as encouraging the installation of Research and Development centers (R & D) in the country. The plan Brasil Maior (country’s development plan) was organized in five groups, according to their technical characteristics and its ability to transform the industrial structure and specialized services: Block 1: Mechanical Systems, Electronics and Health Block 2: Intensive production systems in scale Block 3: Intensive work in production systems Block 4: Productive agribusiness systems Block 5: Trade, logistics and services The construction fits in Block 3, with the main guidelines for the sector were increasing the degree of industrialization and support to the housing production expansion cycle. Also with regard to government investment in 2007 was created the plan of Aceleração de Crescimento (Growth Acceleration Plan), PAC, thought of as a strategic plan for recovery planning and recovery of investments in structuring sectors of the country. The PAC 2 infrastructure works aimed to boost the economy and expand the range of business opportunities for the private sector, involving six axes: Transport; Energy; Cidade Melhor (Improvement in the quality of life in cities); Comunidade Cidadã (Improvement in health programs) ; Minha Casa, Minha Vida (Facilitate credit for buying a home); and Água e Luz para Todos (Investments to universalize access to water and electricity in the country). The construction of ports, airports, highways, waterways and railroads fueled the development, promoting new regional integration and providing more access to people and products to major centers and the foreign market. In addition, works have been completed in more than 5,100 km of roads, more than 1,000 km of railways and 30 new developments in Brazilian ports. The ability of Brazilian airports was increased by more than 70 million passengers a year, with the completion of 37 projects. Although the main portion of the program's investments focused on the period 2011 to 2014, there is forecast of investments that should be consolidated by 2021, and a significant amount of resources in 2015. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 6 Total investments in works executed by the PAC 2 to December 2014 reached the figure of R $ 802.9 billion, corresponding to 99.7% of the predicted value between 2011 - 2014. There were more than 40,000 enterprises. Only the axis Minha Casa, Minha Vida (MCMV) has completed projects in the amount of R $ 449.7 billion, delivering 1.87 million homes. 3 Added to PAC the Federal Government developed the Programa de Investimento em Logística – PIL (logistics investiment program – LIP) with the main objective to increase the integration of roads, railways, waterways, ports and airports, as well as the articulation of these modes with the productive chains. The program began in 2012 and in 2015 in order to continue the process of modernization of transport infrastructure in the country and resume economic growth, it launched the new phase that foresees an investment of R $ 198.4 billion and investments are divided as follows:4 Roads: R$ 66.1 billion; Railways: R$ 86.4 billion; Ports: R$ 37.4 billion; Airports: R$ 8.5 billion. As for the non-metallic minerals sector, where innovations originate with construction impact, advance the following measures: In the course of the bill in Congress of the new Regulatory Framework of Mining, propose adjustments in the legal text to the requirements of local content in the respective grant strengthen the domestic industry without compromising chain competitiveness. Provide the conditions (infrastructure, regulatory, tax, etc.) necessary for the implementation of ZPTM to the spread of mining-metallurgical industrial centers or local production arrangements (APL) in relevant.5 Among the planned projects, regarding the Paraná, is the provision of infrastructure to expand capacity, recovery, operation, maintenance, conservation, monitoring and implementation of improvements including the BR476 / PR highways, the stretch between Lapa and União da Vitoria and BR-153 / PR / SC (interstate road), in the stretch between the União da Vitória and the junction with BR-282 (interstate road). At the state level it is planned projects Corredor PR-280 (road) which includes providing for the duplication operation, keeping and maintenance of roads 288,23Km; Corredor PR 092 (road) for the duplication operation, keeping and maintenance of PR-092 (Excerpt Jaguariaíva - Sto Antonio da Platina. – Leopoldina Port). Also in the area of infrastructure and civil construction for the management of design, maintenance, conservation Patios Vehicular Integrated and also the recovery, modernization and operation of Ceasas (central supply), providing a new building in Curitiba and renovation of existing infrastructures in Maringa, Londrina and Cascavel.6 The financing lines identified, as well as the planned investments for the coming years, from Brazil Maior plan, the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) and also the investment program in Logistics (PIL), show that although the Brazilian economy, pass through a time of downturn, the future prospects are positive. Investments that should occur in the coming years will be reversed in new business opportunities and provide improvement in Brazil's infrastructure, reducing costs, and making the country more competitive. 3 Market analysis institute constructive engineering innovation Senai Paraná, prepared by Development Coordination, 2015 Website:, access in 2015 Market analysis institute constructive engineering innovation Senai Paraná, prepared by Development Coordination, 2015 6 Paraná Development Agency. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 4 5 7 FDI FLOW IN THE SECTOR The state is among the top three destinations for direct investments in the country, receiving around R $ 40 billion of investments in the last five years. In 2014 several investments both expansion units were recorded, as is the case of Klabin, Cargill Agrícola, Tetra Pak, among others, as well as new industrial plant facilities, such as DAF Paccar, Mars Brasil, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, among other . Noteworthy are also the companies already established in the state as Vivo S / A, Electrolux Brasil, Siemens and others, as well as multinational companies from Paraná of international renown, such as O Boticário, Positivo Informática, Brasil Foods, Angelus Science and Technology, Bematech and Nutrimental. ANNOUNCED INVESTMENTS In addition to specific projects in the infrastructure sector, there are still investments announced in cross sectors that include opportunities for the construction industry in the state of Paraná. Below a private and public investment list announced in September 2015. Date Group 09/15/2015 COPEL 09/25/2015 A. Yoshii 09/14/2015 Compagás Municipality Announced Value (in R$ millions) Copel will invest R$ 28.6 million in exchange for old bulbs. (Source: Exame Magazine, 9/15/2015) Paraná 28,6 A. Yoshii plans to invest R$ 350 million in new construction projects in Curitiba. (Source: Gazeta do Povo, 9/15/2015) Curitiba 350,00 Araucária, Lapa e São Mateus do Sul 230 Ponta Grossa e Paraná 10,00 7,00 Description Compagás will invest R$ 230 million in a project that will bring natural gas to the Lapa and São Mateus do Sul, starting the expansion of the distribution network in Araucaria. (Source: AE News, 9/14/2015) Bunge Alimentos is an industry in Ponta Grossa, which received R$ 10 million of tax incentive program - Paraná Competitivo - from state government. Another company arm operates a terminal at the Port of Paranaguá, in emergency contract system. 09/30/2015 Bunge Alimentos 09/14/2015 Brafer Brafer, manufacturer of steel structures, will invest R$ 40 million in new plant in Araucaria, focused on steel galvanizing. (Source: Gazeta do Povo, 9/14/2015) 09/16/2015 Paleteca Paleteca, Curitiba brand of Mexican popsicles, invested R$ 7 million to expand the plant in Pinhais and new products and markets. (Source: Gazeta do Povo, 9/16/2015) Pinhais 09/16/2015 UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) The government of Paraná signed an agreement with Russian aircraft manufacturer Irkut to deploy in Maringa parts manufacturing units and aircraft and operation centers to attend Brazil and Latin America. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/16/2015) Maringá 09/30/2015 Odebrencht, Neonergia e Copel Odebrecht invested R$ 1.32 billion in contract with Neonergia and Copel dealership, partners in enterprise for construction of the HPP Baixo Iguaçu, between Captain Leonidas Marques and Capanema. (Source: Gazeta do Povo, 9/30/2015) Capitão Leônidas Marques e Capanema 1,320,00 Copacol and Coagru The Copacol invested R$ 390 million to expand poultry processing capacity and feed fabrications and refrigerated warehouse installed in the Cafelândia, Aurora and Ubiratã. From this amount, Copacol will invest R$ 120 million in three factories in Cafelândia and Nova Aurora. The others R$ 270 million will be invested in a poultry refrigerated that the group has in partnership with Coagru, cooperative Ubiratã (PR). Cafelândia, Nova Aurora and Ubiratã 390,00 09/24/2015 Table 2 – Private Investments set/2015 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 8 Date Group 09/01/2015 Paraná Government 09/17/2015 APPA 09/17/2015 SANEPAR Municipality Announced Value (in R$ millions) PR 5,3 Richa7 authorizes R$ 183 million in the modernization of the Port of Paranagua. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/17/2015) Paranaguá e Antonina 183 Barigui Water Treatment Plant: Almirante Tamandaré gets new water treatment plant, with an investment of R$ 9.88 million. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/17/2015) Almirante Tamandaré 9,88 Engenheiro Beltrão, Peabriu, Floresta e Campo Mourão 210 Apucarana 32,5 Campo Mourão 18,9 Pato Branco 5 Goioerê 2 Description In eight months, national taxes transfers totaled R $ 5.3 billions. ( Source: AE Notícias, 9/01/2015) Richa delivers over 11 km of duplication between Engenheiro Beltrão and Peabriu. The work is part of the state highway duplication program and includes the construction of double track along 53 kilometers between the towns of Floresta and Viapar and Department of Campo Mourão, which should be completed in the coming 09/03/2015 Paraná Highway months. The total investment is R$ 210 million, made by Viapar. The work is being carried out before the period specified in the contract, through negotiations between the Department of the Paraná Highways (DER-PR) and the concessionaire. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/03/2015) 09/25/2015 Government of Parana, BB and Apucarana Prefecture invest Paraná Government, BB8 R$ 32.5 million for the construction of 500 houses of the and Apucarana Housing Solo Sacred Set in Apucarana. (Source: AE Notícias, Prefecture 9/25/2015) 09/18/2015 Paraná Government and Santa Casa9 of Campo Mourão The state has invested R$ 18,9 millions in Santa Casa of Campo Mourão. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/18/2015) 09/16/2015 Pato Branco Prefecture and Parana Government Richa transfers R$ 5 milhões for investment in Vitório Piassa park in Pato Branco. (Source: AE Notícias, 9/18/2015) 09/17/2015 Paraná Government and Goioerê Prefecture The Paraná Government will invest R$ 1.9 million in the construction of a modern surgical center at Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Goioerê. Table 3 – Public Investments set/2015 Richa – Roberto Richa, Paraná Governor BB – Banco do Brasil 9 Santa Casa – Public hospital 7 8 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 9 INVEST IN PARANÁ | CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SECTOR IN PARANÁ The construction industry comprises construction divisions of buildings, infrastructure works and specialized services for the construction, according to the National Classification of Economic Activities. The activity of Construction has 21,887 establishments in the Paraná according to data from RAIS (2014), and 18.9% of them are concentrated in Curitiba, 6.5% in Londrina, 5.9% in Maringa, 4.8% in Cascavel and 3.4% in Ponta Grossa. The number of jobs in the activity follows a similar distribution, only Curitiba concentrated 28.59% of Paraná labor in Construction, followed by Londrina (9.54%), Maringa (8.07%) and Cascavel (5.28 %) in the month of July 2015.10 Figure 2 – Construction chain comparative between Brazil x Paraná The Construction Industry Trade Unions are located in Curitiba, Londrina, Maringa and Cascavel, main cities for the sector in terms of establishments and employment. The number of establishments in 2014 in civil construction activities in each of the Unions area of operation is indicated by Figure 3. 10 Market analysis and competitiveness prepared by Development Coordination, 2015. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 10 Figure 3 – Territorial Base Construction The Industrial Union of Heavy Construction in Paraná State concentrates, according to 2014 data, most of their establishments in Curitiba (14.93%), Londrina (5.57%), Cascavel (3.98%) and Maringa (3.87%), as shown on the map, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 – Concentration of establishments of heavy construction Regarding employment, heavy construction, is in Parana only about 5600 active employees working in the field in about 1600 active companies, only Curitiba concentrated 37.78% of Paraná labor in the Heavy Construction, followed by Ortigueira (6.25 %), Maringa (4.92%) and Ponta Grossa (4.41%) in July 2015. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 11 With regard to the size of the construction, 93.1% are classified as small (up to 19 employees), while 5.9% are small (between 20 and 99 employees) are averages 0.9% (between 100 and 499 employees) and 0.1% are large (over 500 employees). The distribution of these industries in Paraná according to their size can be seen in the charts below.11 Table 4 - Distribution of micro construction companies in Paraná 12 Table 5 – Distribution of small construction companies in Paraná13 11 Market analysis and competitiveness prepared by Development Coordination, 2015. Source: MTE / RAIS. Prepared by Development Coordination, 2015 13 Source: MTE / RAIS. Prepared by Development Coordination, 2015 12 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 12 Table 6 – Distribution of medium construction companies in Paraná14 Table 7 – Distribution of large construction companies in Paraná15 The Total Gross Revenue of Paraná in relation to the construction market in 2014 was approximately R $ 7.1 million and net revenue was approximately R $ 6.6 million, as the Gross Value Added of the building has maintained the participation of 6.5 % of total GVA of the economy in 2014 and the latest available year had a growth rate of 2.4%, higher than the industry (-2.48%) and the VAB Brazil (1.56%), as shown Table 2. GVA 2014 prices - in R$ millions Year Brazil Construction Construction Participation Industry Industry Participation 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4,177,253 4,439,605 4,477,565 4,646,366 4,718,904 261,139 278,156 294,244 300,255 306,675 6.3% 6.3% 6.6% 6.5% 6.5% 1,142,695 1,206,164 1,135,488 1,132,797 1,104,721 27.4% 27.2% 25.4% 24.4% 23.4% Table 8 – VAB Construction, industry and participation in the VAB Brazil 16 14 Source: MTE / RAIS. Prepared by Development Coordination, 2015 . Source: MTE / RAIS. Prepared by Development Coordination. 16 Source: CBIC. Prepared by Development Coordination, 2015. 15 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 13 STATE COMPANIES Over the years, the Paraná construction sector gained participation and importance. Meet the main companies of the construction sector of Paraná, as well as its location: Companies: EMPO ENGENHARIA City: Curitiba Website: Services: Construction, Dredging, Draining, Art Works, Landscaping, Flooring, PCHS, Earthmoving. GÊNOVA City: Curitiba Website: Services: Development and Project Approval, Works Residential, Commercial and Corporate Works, Maintenance and Retrofit Building, Industrial Construction and Infrastructure, Housing Popular. CROMO PLANNER City: Curitiba City: Curitiba Website: Website: Services: Industrial Units/Commercial, Concrete in Structures, Expansions in Services: Construction, Building Maintenance, Earthmoving, paving. General Structures Recovery, Execution bases and Special floors. ENGECRAM City: Curitiba Website: Services: Studies and Projects, Road Works, Works of Art and Special Chain, Environmental Works, Construction, Fleets, Machinery and Equipment. Joama City: Curitiba Website: Services: Residential construction. ENGEFAN INOVE City: Curitiba City: Curitiba Website: Website: Services: Commercial and Residential Construction, Steel Construction Prime. Services: Residential construction. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 14 BAÚ CONSTRUTORA CONSTRUTORA ELEVAÇÃO City: Curitiba City: Curitiba Website: Website: Services: Residential Construction Services: Sanitation, Gas, Construction and Telephony CASTELLAR ENGENHARIA City: Curitiba Website: CESBE ENGENHARIA E EMPREENDIMENTOS Services: Earthworks, Maintenance, Special Work of Art, Signs, Flooring, City: Curitiba Containment Work and Current Work of Art Website: Services: Power Generation, Industrial Works, Urbanisation and Roadway Works, Buildings, Sanitation and Environmental Protection SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 15 INVEST IN PARANÁ l CONSTRUCTION KEY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Infrastructure Infrastructure well developed structure, focused on the production and marketing, is another differential of Parana. All regions have easy access to national and international markets. Barr. Rosana Ba Taquarrr. uçu SÃO PAULO Barr. de Capivara Diamante Terra Rica Porto do Norte Porto São José Porecatu Primeiro Inajá de Maio Cameliano S. João Rio Paranapanema Colorado do Caiuá Barr. de Porto Bela Vista Paranagi Salto Grande Porto Rico Guairaçá Loanda do Paraíso Itambaracá Guaraci Brasílio Paranacity Sertaneja Cambará Amaporã Querência S. Izabel Santa Fé Paranavaí do Norte Andirá Sertanópolis do Ivaí Nova Jacarezinho Bandeirantes Rio Ivaí Esperança Mirador Cornélio Jataizinho Represa de Procópio S. Antonio S. Carlos Tapira Rolândia Chavantes da Platina do Ivaí Platina Mandaguaçu Cidade Gaúcha Porto Icaraíma Londrina Assaí Antônio Nova Figueira Rondon Doutor Fátima da Platina Sarandi Ivaté Arapongas Maringa Carlópolis Camargo Nova Apucarana Mandaguari Olímpia Itambé Jandaia Congonhas Cianorte Terra Siqueira Xambrê Jaboti do Sul Cruzeiro Bom Boa Campos do Oeste Sucesso Eng. Pérola Tuneiras Beltrão Figueira Umuarama Kaiorê do Oeste Ibati Altônia Fênix Peabiru Venceslau Alto Sapopema Moreira Bráz Campo Iporã Piquiri Faxinal Sales Guaíra Mourão Sengés Curiúva Francisco Janiópolis Arapoti Rosário Ortigueira Alves do Ivaí Goioerê Ivaiporã Ventania Arapuã Telêmaco Jaguariaiva Palotina Luziana Borba Jesuítas Iretama Imbaú Jurandá Nova Manoel Mal. Cândido Cândido Aurora Ribas Tibagi Nova Rondon Piraí do Sul de Abreu Cantu Roncador Anahy Jardim Olinda Rio Pa ran á MATO GROSSO DO SUL ib Rio T PARAGUAI agi Toledo Ouro Verde Santa Helena Represa de Itaipu Cascavel Missal Pitanga Céu Azul Foz do Iguaçu Dois Vizinhos Capanema Planalto Pérola D’Oeste Pranchita Sto. Antônio do Sudoeste Realeza S. Isabel Veré do Oeste Francisco Beltrão Marmeleiro ARGENTINA Ivaí Ipiranga Nova Laranjeiras Quedas do Iguaçu S. Miguel do Iguaçu Barracão Rodovia Federal Prudentópolis Pinhão São João do Triunto Inácio Martins Rio Azul Chopinzinho Mangueirinha Honório Serpa Cruz Machado Bituruna Clevelândia Palmas General Carneiro Paulo de Frontin São Mateus do Sul Lapa Guaraqueçaba Pinhais Mandirituba Mantinhos Guaratuba Agudos do Sul Antônio Olinto Rio Negro Paulo Freitas União da Vitória Bocaiúva do Sul Antonina Araucária Paranaguá Campo São José Morretes Largo dos Pinhais Pontal do Paraná Contenda Irati Foz do Jordão Bom Sucesso Pato Branco Vitorino Colombo Almirante Tamandaré CURITIBA Palmeiras Guarapuava Sede Sulina Rio Branco do Sul Ponta Grossa Imbituva Laranjeiras do Sul Cel. Vivida Cerro Azul Carambeí Sta. Maria do Oeste Marquinho Catanduva Adrianópolis Castro Palmital Campo Bonito Ibema Medianeira Parque Nacional Altamira do Paraná Corbélia Piên Duplicada Oceano Atlântico Em duplicação Pavimentada Em pavimentação Em Leito Natural SANTA CATARINA Rodovia Estadual Rodovia Duplicada Rodovia Pavimentação Rodovia em Leito Natural Implantadas (pavimentação não finalizada) Ferrovias Hidrovias Portos ESCALA 1: 1.40.000 Aeroporto Internacional 15 km 0 15 30 45 60 km Aeroporto Nacional Projeç˜Ao transversa secante conforme Gauss-Kruger (Sistema UTM) Cidade com mais de 100 mil habitantes Fonte: Dnit e IBGE Figure 6 - Paraná Logistics Infrastructure.17 17 ANTAQ. Highways, 2013; DNIT. Railways and Airports, 2013 prepared by Observatories SESI / SENAI / IEL. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 16 Airport structure: 6 airports with regular lines, 2 International (Curitiba and Foz do Iguaçu); 33 airports with no regular lines, capacity of 13 million passengers per year. Highway network: 19,000 kilometers of paved road network (10% of total Brazilian roads); 96,000 kilometers of deployed road network (works and / or unpaved). Rail network: 2000 km rail network (8% of total Brazilian network); 2 operators (America Latina Logistica and Ferrovia Paraná). Port Handling: 2 ports arranged in Paranaguá and Antonina representing 13% of the cargo movement in Brazil; 1 terminal for private use (Catallini). SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 17 Market The location of Paraná is favorable both to explore business opportunities with the internal market, and for the international. Besides the already mentioned infrastructure advantages, proximity to strategic areas is a facilitating factor. As an example, the state borders São Paulo, 1st place in the share of national GDP, Santa Catarina 6th place; as well as being close to other important national economies, as is the case of Minas Gerais, 2 nd and Rio Grande do Sul 4th. It is worth noting that the state of Paraná is the sixth most populous with about 11 million people presenting 5.5% of the total population of Brazil in addition to an increase of 6.9% of people in the past five years, only in Curitiba were offered about 3000 new homes in 2015. Another important factor in relation to the potential market served by the Paraná, it is the proximity to the Southern Common Market countries - Mercosur, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The existing integration between these countries generates tariff and trade benefits that result in increased competitiveness to companies installed. Moreover, the markets in question have progress indicators for construction. Considered the largest Foreign Direct Investment destination (FDI) in South America, MERCOSUR turnover of approximately US $ 59.3 billion in 2013. In 2014, Brazil recorded a $ 6 billion surplus in trade with the countries of the bloc. Companies that set up in the state have easy relations between MERCOSUR countries, enabling business expansion, new investments, and to provide service in the international market. Strategic geographical position: Proximity to Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay); Limits with São Paulo (north and east), Santa Catarina (south), Argentina (southwest), Paraguai (west) and Mato Grosso do Sul (northwest); Centralized in a market where live more than 200 million people. Figure 5 – Strategic geographical position of Paraná.18 18 IPARDES, 2014. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 18 State Tax Incentives The state program known as Competitive Paraná is an important tool in the new wave of state industrialization. It benefits all regions of the state and already has the creation of more than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs. The program was “We are investing for a long time. We have done in recent years, large investments in the plant and continue to invest for the future, because we believe in the Brazilian market, and especially in this Paraná plant, which not only meets the Brazil but South America as a whole”. – Carlos Morassutti, Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs at Volvo, said unit expanding investment in Curitiba created in early 2011 to re-enter the Parana on the agenda of local investment, national and international. The program includes a series of measures through the grace periods for payment of ICMS, investments to improve infrastructure, trade, bureaucracy and professional training, to make the state attractive for new productive enterprises that generate employment, income, wealth and sustainable development throughout the state. The benefits are based on Decree No. 630 of 02/14/2011, as shown in Figure 7 below, and are defined technically taking into account the state's priorities as the type of investment, job creation, economic impact, environment and the degree of innovation. The more poor and needy for the region, the greater the incentives granted by the Government of Paraná. Know more in: SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 19 Waiting period for payment of part of the ICMS generated I Implementation, Expansion, Industrial Reactivation or Industrial Judicial Recovery. Award Criteria It takes into account state interests: - Type of investment - Investment Value - Ability to generate income, jobs and taxes. -Location (internalization) - Environmental impact - Originality and innovation % Of ICMS generated with extended term 10% to 90% independent of the municipality. % will be defined on a case by analysis Decision-Making Committee of the Government based on the opinion of the Technical Committee (Departments of Development Agency and Federations – FIEP, FAEP, Fecomércio, Fetranspar, Fecoopar). Flexive Percentage ICMS of Eletricity Term Benefit 2-8 years of delay + 2 to 8 years for payment. Decision of the Committees Renewable once ICMS dilation follows the same terms of the benefits granted only to distribution companies installed in Parana. Grants same benefit to the ICMS natural gas. Figure 6 - Decree no. 630 02/14/201119 19 Paraná State Government SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 20 Labor Paraná currently holds 5.8 million economically active persons, representing 6% of Brazil’s total. Of this amount, 46% are concentrated in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. Regarding the status of that labor, it turns out that the state has more than 85,000 enrollments in vocational education, which puts the state in fourth place among the largest professional manpower bidders in Brazil, representing 6% of total Brazilian. With regard to higher education, there is a similar dynamic: Paraná also focuses almost 7% of enrollments in undergratuate courses and Postgraduate in Brazil. This scenario has a direct impact on Paraná contingent currently in high School and Higher. The state has more than 30 universities with the civil engineering course such as UFPR (Federal University of Paraná), UEM (State University of Maringa), UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), UNIOESTE (State University of West Paraná), UEPG (Federal University of Ponta Grossa), PUCPR (Catholic University of Paraná) and UP (Universidade Positivo) are references in Paraná and in Brazil in Civil Engineering. In addition, the State of Paraná Federal University is the oldest in the country, founded in 1912 and it is a reference to one of the best higher education institutions in Brazil. Similarly, UTFPR - Paraná Technological University stands out since it was created to meet market demand for technical training, currently attending secondary education, undergraduate, graduate, extension courses and lines research that has the Senai intention to develop innovations in the construction industry. Such as: Geotechnical and Structures; Materials and Building Components; Production systems. SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning) has an essential role in labor professionalization meeting the demands of Trade Unions of Industries Construction. As an example, one can mention the partnership with Sinduscon for the development of Qualify, a program that aims to qualify the workers in the customized way sector, meeting the technical aspects and the management in order to ensure the motivation of workers, reduce staff turnover and ensure the productivity of companies. Moreover, Senai offers more than 50 courses related to chain Construction in professional training modalities, basic industrial training, technical qualification, training and professional development that registered in 2015 more than 13,000 enrollments across the state, in the cities of Ampére, Apucarana, Arapongas, Assaí, Bandeirantes, Bocaiúva do Sul, Boqueirão, Campo Largo, Campo Mourão, Cascavel, Castro, Cianorte, Foz do Iguaçu, Francisco Beltrão, Guarapuava, Irati, Londrina, Mandirituba, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Maringá, Palmas, Paranaguá, Paranavaí, Pato Branco, Pinhais, Ponta Grossa, Gate, Quatro Barras, Rio Branco do Sul, Rio Negro, Rolândia, Santo Antônio da Platina, São José dos Pinhais, Telemaco Borba, Toledo, Umuarama e União da Vitória. Listed below are included courses: SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 21 Almoxarife Works Improvement in Ceramic Coatings Applications Improvement in Ways Carpentry Improvement in Civil Construction Improvement in Hydraulic Installation Improvement in Molds Assembly and Frame Irons Improvement Works in Painting Improvement in Locksmiths Aluminum Application Eterplac Wallpaper Application Ceramic Coating Application Update on Kit Installation Port-ready Update for Foreman Update for Mason, Tugboat and tiler AutoCAD Electricity Auxiliary Building Maintenance of Auxiliary Building Mason Assistant Aveva Pdms Foundations & Pipework Modeling Cadista for Construction Roof Structures Carpentry Works Carpenter Construction - Occupation and Market Building in Light Steel Framing Designer Technical Building Architectural Design - Soft Skills Basic Electricity Building Basic Electricity Residential Electrician Installer Building Electrician Residential Installer Building Electrician Plumber Installer Building Specifications and Works Budgets Training of Internal Auditors for Quality Systems Ceramic Coatings Applications Fundamentals Doors and Windows Installation System Installation Constructive Dry Plumber Introduction to Basic Residential Electricity Gardener Reading and Construction Project Interpretation Foreman SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 22 Scaffolding assembler Assembler Form Installation of Steel Frame Construction System Official Building Maintenance Masonry Mason Building Mason Coating Mason in Mortar Painter Real estate Works Planning and Building Control Locksmith Aluminum Techniques Conventional Plaster, Drywall and Wireframe Technician Buildings Facilities Training Building Services It is also worth highlighting the technological graduation modality that offer the Course of Technology in Construction Control, present in Curitiba and Maringá and Postgraduate in Building Works Management in Curitiba, both courses totaled in 2015, 164 registrations. Considering all the educational institutions, the state of Paraná has a high number of students and graduates in the construction industry as can be seen in the table below: Construction Incomplete Higher Complete Higher Total Real estate developments 373 984 1.357 Construction of buildings 1.004 2.757 3.761 Construction of highways, railways, urban works and special works of art 406 1.452 1.858 Infrastructure works for electric power, telecommunications, water, sewer and pipeline transportation 216 631 847 Construction of other infrastructure 188 643 831 Demolition and site preparation 79 243 322 Electrical, hydraulic and other installations in buildings 398 731 1.129 Finishing work 102 122 224 Other specialized services for construction 128 323 451 2.894 7.886 10.780 Total SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 23 Research and Development In Paraná, we can find 56 institutions engaged in undergraduate, graduate, master's, doctoral and technical courses in construction. In 2014 they were offered 715 scholarships for master's, doctoral and postdoctoral studies for the engineering branch, 454 for Masters, 219 for Doctorate and 42 for Post-Doctorate. Besides having the exact area with 317 active doctors at the Federal University of Parana. Figure 7 – Distribution Degree and Graduate 20 20 Source: IBGE. Population Census, 2010, prepared by Observatories SESI / SENAI / IEL. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 24 Postgraduate 0.1% 0.2% 6.9% 8.0% Higher Education 45.6% 44.9% High School 26.5% 24.7% Complete Primary Education 20.5% 21.6% Incomplete Primary Education Illiterate 0.4% 0.7% Paraná Brazil Figure 8 – Comparative education PR X BR The state moreover, has more than 30 technology incubators congregated in Technology & Innovation Network Paranaense (from Paraná) - REPARTE- civil non-profit association with administrative and financial autonomy and its associated running, promote, encourage and support education, development institutional innovation and scientific and technological development and immediate application in the creation and / or development companies and technology-based enterprises, as well as management activities and technology transfer and promotion of human capital, through appropriate actions, aiming at sustainable development and the inclusion of the state economy with more property in the global context. Meet the members: Figure 9 - REPARTE – Paranaense Network Technology and Innovation 21 REPARTE - Paranaense Network Technology and Innovation, 2014. Available at: < prepared by Observatories SESI / SENAI / IEL. 21 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 25 The LACTEC institutes are at the service of the market and society by offering innovative solutions from the science and technology with a focus on applied research to industrial development. Its performance is focused on the development, improvement and application of technological solutions, promoting scientific, economic and social progress. As a private research center non-profit acts as a scientific dissemination center and technology transfer, through the provision of services in the areas of R & D, laboratory tests, projects and consulting for various industries. Paraná Institute of Technology - TECPAR offers specific technological solutions for companies of different areas, with services that include development projects in artificial and computational intelligence, technology intelligence, technological tests, industrial measurement, applied research, strategic studies, certification, among others. In addition to the training courses, Senai also provides technical and technological solutions and provides consulting services, industrial laboratory testing and technical support. The institution has the largest private network of integrated laboratories in the country and gives support to the development of innovation in cooperation with industry. It has over 40 units distributed in the Paraná and maintains National Centers of Technology in several areas of industrial action.22 22 SENAI. Available in:, accessed December 15, 2014. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 26 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 27 INVEST IN PARANÁ | CONSTRUCTION ECONOMIC GROWTH CONTINUED AND ABOVE NATIONAL AVERAGE: The state since 2010 has shown growth rates above the national CIN Network average, which places it among the leading economies of Brazil, being the 5th largest Gross Domestic Product-GDP and the 3rd largest in value added Manufacturing Industry. STRATEGIC LOCATION FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE: The location of the developed infrastructure to aggregate state allows easier access to the South, Southeast and West Central Brazil in addition, the countries of South America and Mercosur. ONE OF THE LARGEST INDUSTRIAL POLE OF BRAZIL: The two major state industrial areas are concentrated in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, the state capital, and the cities of Londrina and Maringa, but are also distributed in various regions of the state, totaling 46,000 industries that generate 820,000 jobs and are accounted for 30% of the state GDP. RENEWABLE ENERGY IN ABUNDANCE; Paraná has the largest hydroelectric plant in the world in power generation, in addition, the development project includes new technologies for the generation of renewable and clean energy, such as projects that use biomass, wind power, photovoltaic and among others. Coordinated nationally by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), and created with support of the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (APEX), the Brazilian Network of International Business centers (CIN Network) supports foreign investors in several ways: Providing general information on Brazil and Brazilian Industry Provision of information on administrative procedures to settle in Brazil Support in obtaining licenses and documents required Contact Facilitation to define incentives Availability of contact partners (suppliers, service providers, potential partners) Support in supplier selection Others Contact CNI - Confederação Nacional da Indústria SBN SBN - Quadra 01 - Bloco C - Ed. Roberto Simonsen Brasília - DF - CEP 70040-903 +55 (61) 3317-9000 CIN-Paraná - Centro Internacional de Negócios do Estado do Paraná Rua Cândido de Abreu, 200. Curitiba- PR – CEP 80530-902 +55 (41) 3271-9100 E-mail: SKILLED LABOR; 4th largest professional labor offerer in Brazil, highlighting the qualifications made possible by the various higher education institutions (195 universities), national reference research institutes, as well as strong performance in technical training offered by institutions such as the Technological University of Paraná and Senai. SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 28 Support System Fiep Federation of Paraná State Industry: Fiep Development Coordination. Website: Economic Department of Fiep. Website: Observatories Sesi /Senai/ IEL. Website: SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 29 SECTOR STUDY | CONSTRUCTION IN PARANÁ 30
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