Northern Paraná - Portal da Indústria
Northern Paraná - Portal da Indústria
THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF Northern Paraná November 2015 A Few Highlights - STRATEGIC POSITION - QUALITY OF LIFE - INFRASTRUCTURE - STRONG ECONOMY - CONTACTS STRATEGIC FAVOURABLE LOCATION STRATEGIC LOCATION 13 TOWNS Londrina – Maringá – our region CAMBÉ IBIPORÃ MARINGÁ ARAPONGAS LONDRINA SARANDI ROLÂNDIA MANDAGUARI PAIÇANDU JANDAIA APUCARANA MARIALVA CAMBIRA THE REGION •211 cities; •13 cities with population over than 50.000 inhabitants; •Approx. 3.8 mi inhabitants; •Twice the area of the Netherlands. Northern Paraná: 70 years ago Northern Paraná: 50 years ago LONDRINA LONDRINA ROLÂNDIA ROLÂNDIA APUCARANA CAMBÉ MARINGÁ MARINGÁ HISTORY An European and Asian Colonization, planned and successful. 1934 LONDRINA 1943 APUCARANA 1947 ARAPONGAS CAMBÉ IBIPORÃ MANDAGUARI ROLÂNDIA CAMPO MOURÃO 1950-1955 JANDAIA MARIALVA MARINGÁ UMUARAMA PARANAVAÍ CIANORTE 1960 PAIÇANDU 1961 CAMBIRA 1981 SARANDI POPULATION An European Mentality LONDRINA 507.000 MARINGÁ 358.000 APUCARANA ARAPONGAS CAMBÉ ROLÂNDIA IBIPORÃ SARANDI CORNÉLIO PROCÓPIO MANDAGUARI 35.000 MARIALVA 30.000 Region Londrina – Maringá 1.6 Million Expanded region 3.8 Million 100.000 UMUARAMA 507.000 CIANORTE JANDAIA DO SUL 20.000 Average age 25 years CAMPO MOURÃO 100 – 360.000 Life expectancy 74,10 years PARANAVAÍ Growth Rate of 2,5% / year 50 – 100.000 5 – 50.000 Source: IBGE/Ipardes CULTURE and ENTERTAINMENT Eclectic offers, in a pleasant atmosphere International festivals: Music, Dance, Theatre Exhibitions and Trade fairs 54 Kinos 17 Teater Internationale Musik und 17 Theatres Theater festivals 404 Golf klubs Golf Clubs Ausgeglichenes 56 Cinemas Klima 01 Speedway Grünflächen satt 300 Restaurants Oktoberfest in Rolândia CULTURE ENTERTAINMENT A well balanced and pleasant climate Surrounded by nature, forests and plenty of water CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT SAFETY The Federal, Civil and Military police, works in a complementary way, creating an efficient public safety system. -Inter-Municipal Safety Consortium -Municipal Safety Councils -Municipal Guards -Maringá was considered the safest city in the country (by Veja magazine) BASIC EDUCATION and HEALTH CARE At the highest stage in Brazil 1 % illiterates of the working population 154 technical schools 3,364 schools* More than 780,000* children and teenagers studing - Mechanics - Electrotechnology - Health - Carpentry - Agriculture More than 22,585* students 60** Hospitals 300** medical clinics 1 doctor per 400 inhabitants 150 language schools 90 IT Schools Basic education Technical – and professional teaching *Source: Ipardes More than 20,000 people learning English 112 specialized doctors Health care **Source: DataSUS Two International Schools, with Mandarin classes UNIVERSITY EDUCATION State Universities of Londrina and Maringá among the best in Brazil. 140,000 students 59* Universities 289 study courses therefrom, In all colleges 49* Private Universities 6 State Universities 4 Federal Technical Universities Universities Special focus - IT - B.Sciences - Medicine - Agronomy - Social Sciences - Human Sciences Sciences 67 postgraduate study courses - 50 Master study courses More than 10,000 engineering and IT students in the region 7,982 professors - 17 PHD courses Students that study and work at the same time Postgraduate Studies *Source: Ipardes HIGHER EDUCATION University and College Registrations *Source: Ipardes INNOVATION Research and Development More than 2000 scientists researching in all major fields at the local universities UNIVERSITIES Research Institutes like - IAPAR - EMBRAPA - EMATER - FUNDAÇÃO MERIDIONAL Focusing on agronomy, biotechnology, food technology RESEARCH INSTITUTES TECHNOLOGY Technology Centers and Incubators connected with universities 2 technology centers are being built at the moment LONDRINA Information Technology MARINGÁ Information Technology Fine chemicals Biotechnology 2 Industrial Incubators INFOMAR - Maringá Information Technology Software AINTEC - Londrina Information Technology Software and Hardware ; Biotechnology Nanotechnology sector Research in Brazil 833 articles from 2.242 researchers related to 542 institutions and 469 research groups (from 2005 to 2008). Paraná: UFPR – Nanoglicobiotecnology; Market: Londrina: UEL – Chemicals , Unopar - Odontology • In 2010 reached R$115 million; • 0,03% of the world market; • Appr. 150 industries use nanotechnology; • Appr. 20 national industries develop and commercialize nano products. Londrina highlights: • Embrapa Soybean – Link to more than 35 units of Embrapa – Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation; • Angelus – Odontology Products Source: MCT and ABDI TRANSPORT Modern Transportation Facilities Two airports 5 airlines Several daily connections to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba etc Air facilities Mainly by Trucks 86% paved roads 2 waterways: Transport of 1.681 Tons of goods Linked to the ports of Paranaguá and São Francisco do Sul (SC) Road facilities Railroad facilities Hidrovia Tibagi and Ivaí Connection to the main waterway TIETÊ-PARANÁ Waterway facilities HARBORS and ENERGY An infrastructure for the future The future energy supply is assured 2 main harbors in Paraná - Paranaguá - Antonina at 500 km of distance connected by railroad and highways 02 Container Terminals in Maringá and Cambé. 1 Container Terminal planned in Londrina HARBORS Strategically close to Hydroelectric power stations - Capivara - Rosana - Itaipu ENERGY In a radius of 500km is produced 33% of the Brazil electric power. Paraná State has a high potential for hydroelectric and biological energy. LOGISTICS Dry Ports, International Air Cargo Terminals and Railroad System in Maringá and Londrina Efficient and low-cost operation, connected with the main seaports in South/Southeast Brazil. LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE Source: Ipardes LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE TELECOM SERCOMTEL – S/A Telecommunications – is a public company, its shareholder is 55% Londrina city hall and 45% COPEL - Electric Power Company of Paraná, also a public company. -Sercomtel and Copel have an agreement to transport voice and high speed data on the state. COPEL Telecommunications Fiber Optic Network Covering 100% of the Paraná State ECONOMY Strong growth 515 Bank Agencies* GPD per capita* GDP US$9,032 26% of the GDP of the state of Paraná LABOUR COSTS p/ year: R$ 75 billion unskilled labour US$11.250 Equivalent to US$ 19.5 billion Source: IPEA 2013 skilled labour US$24.000 *Exchange Tax:: US$1,00=R$4,10 *Source: Ipardes ECONOMY GDP growth in Northern Paraná Fonte :Ipardes ECONOMY FURNITURE INDUSTRY – Gross sales Arapongas cluster (200 companies) The biggest furniture cluster in Brazil. *Fonte : SIMA Arapongas ECONOMY FURNITURE INDUSTRY Exports *Source : SIMA Arapongas ECONOMY Northern Paraná Balance of Trade FOREING TRADE Exports of more than U$5,5 bi in 2014* • Main products exported: •Agribusiness: coffee, soybean and derivatives, tobacco, ethanol, sugar, frozen beef, pigs and poultry, leather, wood, etc. •Metal and Machinery: elevators, refrigeration, automotive parts, etc. •Others: furniture, clothing, chemicals (fertilizers), automotive batteries, packaging etc. *Source: IPEADATA ECONOMY Main clusters FURNITURE TEXTILES & CLOTHING 1,841 companies 4,012 companies 2,170 companies 29,568 employees 57,065 employees 97,908 employees METAL INDUSTRY 2,610 Companies 25,255 employees CONSTRUCTION 7,515 companies 35,927 employees FOOD RETAIL 45,011 companies 222,886 employees *Source: Ipardes ECONOMY ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Main Products Animal Genetics Coffee Sugar Soya Frozen Beef Wheat Leather Poultry Pork Tobacco Ethanol Wood ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Production (2012-2013) Product Coffee Northern Paraná (tons) Paraná State Ranking in (tons) Brazil 92,490 94,718 5th Corn 6,974,426 17,348,406 1st Soybean 6,938,147 15,944,192 2nd 46,968,381 47,261,025 4th 463,160 1,906,441 1st Sugar Cane Wheat Source: SEAB ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Research & Development Institutions Paraná State is a technological reference in agribusiness. The major Research Institutions are: • IAPAR – Agronomic Institute of Paraná • Embrapa Soya – Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research • UEL – State University of Londrina • UEM – State University of Maringá • UTFPR – Federal Technological University of Paraná Main Agricultural Cooperatives in the Region COAMO, COCAMAR, COCARI, CONFEPAR, INTEGRADA ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Related institutions • FAEP – Federation of Agriculture of the State of Paraná • FAPEAGRO – Foundation for Agricultural Research • EMATER – Paraná Institute of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension • OCEPAR – Organization of Cooperatives in the State of Paraná • SENAR – National Rural Apprenticeship Service • SRP – Rural Society of Paraná State Universities and Courses Universities and Colleges of Northern Paraná are among the best in Brazil Courses: Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine; Animal Husbandry; Chemical Engineering; Production Engineering; Food Technology; Environmental Technology. ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Agribusiness Fair - Expo Londrina Organized by Rural Association of Paraná 2015 report: -55rd Edition; -US$183 millon sales; -539,000 visitors. ECONOMY - AGRIBUSINESS Highlights • Brazil reaps the largest grain crop in history in 2013, a production of 188.2 million tons; • Brazil Agricultural Production expected to grow over 29% in the next 10 years: soybeans, corn, wheat, meat, ethanol, soybean meal, oils, and milk are the agricultural products with greater growth potential; • Paraná responses for 28% of national grain production and is the largest producer in Brazil; • According to a study by WWF, Brazil can double its agricultural area without destroying any of conservation area, by regenerating degraded land; • Credit for investments in 2013/2014: 61.8 billion dollars. ECONOMY Future Growing Sectors AGRIBUSINESS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY AGRI-FOOD Functional foods Genetic Improvement Organic products Research Institutes Technology for storage and packaging Cooperatives FINAL GOODS Furniture Clothing Electronics HEALTH Center of high capacity Training ENERGY Technical schools Bio-fuel Events Energy for buildings Improved usage *Source: FIEP ECONOMY IT sector in expansion →Information and Communication Technologies 3017 Companies SERCOMTEL EXACTUS SFTWR BSI TECNOLOGIA NETWORKS there of 763 Software Development And 1876 Service companies GELT TECNOLOGIA →Important presence of IT in the Health sector TELCOR TOTVS JABUR INFORM. RM SISTEMAS → Consortium of Companies to foster process maturity, based on CMMI model DATASUL BENNER ATOS CONSYSTEM DIFFERENTIALS Cost competitive Comparative values between Paraná and São Paulo Resources Measure Authority in Paraná Electric Power Drainage (water supply and sewage) Gas US$/MW-hr. COPEL 95.45 Price in São Paulo US$ 103.64 50 m³ Sanepar 215,45 706,36 m³ Compagás 0,68 Positions / Salary* Production assistant Administrative assistant Manager Director Price in Paraná US$ 2,5 Paraná US$ 398 402 São Paulo US$ 504 463 1,167 3,906 2,567 8,621 % Advantages Paraná 8%cheaper 70%cheaper 73%cheaper Source: Salariometro *Not considering taxes and benefits Exchange Tax:: US$1,00=R$4,10 COST OF LIVING A Good Cost-Benefit Relation Cost of living* Apartment rent (150m2) 475 to 687,5 Private health-insurance 75 Restaurant Meal / Person 6 to 15 Private Education primary school 375 Semester at Private University 4125 US dollars* Cost of living : 30% less compared to large centres like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Londrina and Maringá – National Highlights • Londrina is in the 29th position between the 100 best cities of Brazil and is in the top 5 of country's south region to make a career*; •Maringá ranks the 38th position of the same national ranking. Besides that, Maringá is considered the safest city in the country**. Sources: * Você S/A – FGV * * Veja Magazine INCENTIVES State Incentives -Projects will be studied by a state government committee. If the proposal is considered a strategic project to Parana State, the taxes (ICMS, similar to VAT) can reach 3% on the sale of the product, instead of the standard 18%. -The incentives plan can reach zero of state taxes, including the generation of credits, taxes return, for the company at the end of the production cycle. -Suspension of ICMS due on import of machinery, equipment and raw materials, packaging and intermediate products for exclusive use in the production process, whose entry into the territory of Paraná, as long as provided with certification of origin from South American countries. *It is offered the exemption from ICMS water bills, to be supplied by SANEPAR – the state water company. *It is offered the deferment of ICMS payment of electricity and gas bills until 08 (eight) years, provided by COPEL – the state electricity company and COMPAGAS – the state gas company. INCENTIVES Municipal Incentives -Promotion of incentives for companies to acquire land; -Tax exemption for the Urban Land Property Services Tax; -Reduction from 5% to 2% of ISS (service tax); -Implementation of the tax system, with 50% (fifty percent) discount based on calculating the tax on the Transfer of Real Estate; -Implementation of primary infrastructure on land for the construction of the projects; -The execution of infrastructure works in real estate, lands, parks or condominiums, such as opening of public roads, squares and land plot demarcation, for sewers, curbs, paving and tree planting. AREAS Incentives and Infrastructure for Investments AREAS Metropolitan Linear Region The most of available areas in the region are integrated with highways and railroad, connecting to large urban centers, terminals and seaports, and has close access to airports and dry ports, qualified workforce, universities and service providers. AREAS INVESTMENT NORTOX INVESTMENT ATLAS SCHINDLER Moved from SP to Londrina in 2000 Number of employees 400 Gross Sales 359 Million USD INVESTMENT MILENIA AGRO SCIENCE Since 1970 Number of employees 840 Gross Sales 314 Million USD INVESTMENT Sandoz do Brasil (Novartis Group) Moved from SP to Cambé in 2003 Number of employees : 550 Gross Sales : 70 Million R$ INVESTMENT of HEXAL Reasons for locating HEXAL (Sandoz) in Northern Paraná 1. Labour, market and environment: Good universities and schools, people qualified, motivated and eager to learn on a lower wage and cost level than big cities, attractive and safe environment. 2. Logistics: Be close to the major market in São Paulo, connected by good infrastructure (roads, nat./ intern. airports and harbours) in a growing region 3. Benefits, stability, low cost: Federal state investment benefits, political awarness, economical stability (power supply), lower cost for real estate and maintenance costs. Northern Paraná has exceeded our expectations ! We got great support from local institutions and hired outstanding labor force in all levels. The choice for this region has confirmed to be the right one ! Dr. Thomas Strüngmann FUTURE PROJECTS -Light Rail system: connecting the cities of Londrina-Maringá axis, comprising 13 cities and more than 2 million people. -Expansion of Maringá Airport: Renewing and resizing the infrastructure for international cargo flights and passenger terminal. The runway will be 3,8 kilometers long. -Aerotropolis Arco Norte: an Airport City for cargo and passenger international flights in an area of 5,700ha. Future development in Northern Paraná • Several organizations to promote regional development • Diplomatic representations in different countries: Germany, Spain. Italy and Portugal; • Contacts with bilateral Chambers of Commerce: Germany, Italy, China and India; • Several clusters in development • Logistic, environmental and cultural integration -Hub Airport and Railroad -Treatment of urban waste -Sport centre and development of educational capacities BRAZIL, a country with Large domestic market Young and flexible population Strong economic growth potential Gateway to Mercosul Northern Paraná, a region with Young people and good infrastructure, Strategic geografical location, Safety and high standard of living, Favourable climate, Strong growth potential ! Terra Roxa – Development Agency of Northern Paraná State -Non-profit organization- OUR MISSION Be an independent agent to promote businesses and to attract new investments, integrating and developing the economics sectors of Northern Paraná PARTNERS PARTNERS PARTNERS COME TO NORTHERN PARANÁ WE WILL SUPPORT YOU ! José Carlos Valêncio President +55 43 3255 3131
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