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INVESTOR SUPPORT SERVICE SECTOR STUDY – Metal Mechanic in Paraná Brazil4Business | SECTOR STUDY OF PARANÁ 2 ESTUDO SETORIAL | ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS NO CEARÁ 1 INVESTOR SUPPORT SERVICE SECTOR STUDY – METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ Service category: Preliminary Studies INVEST IN PARANÁ | METAL MECHANICAL This study presents to foreign companies wishing to establish their businessmin Brazil, the opportunity to know the state of Paraná and the importance of the automotive sector to the local economy, and the opportunities and advantages for investment. KNOW THE STATE WITH INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT VOLUME HIGHER. Paraná is located in southern Brazil, occupying na area of about 200,000 square kilometers.Its prime location makes it a gateway to the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). Moreover, it has limits with São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Argentina, Paraguay and Mato Grosso do Sul and also access to the Atlantic Ocean, centered on a market with more than 220 million people. . Paraná is know for its multiculturalism arising from strong immigration from various countries like Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Japan, among others, becoming na enabling evironment for adaptation of foreigners. It is th worth noting that despite being one of the smallest states in the country in area, has the 5 largest Gross Domestic Product – GDP and the 3 rd largest value added Manufacturing Industry, and the state’s fastest growing physical 1 production and manufacturing employment in the regions South and Southeast in the last twelve years. Capital: Curitiba Population: 11 million Trade flows in 2013: 37,5 billion 3rd largest domestic product Gross value added in Manufacturing Industry. Strategic position Located in southern Brazil, the state of Paraná has strategic location, being close to major national economic centers such as São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso do Sul, as well as proximity Figure 1 – Geographical Proximity with the Mercosur countries. 1 Official data from Brazil: IBGE – GDP prepared by the Economic Department - Fiep, 2014. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 4 PARANÁ GROWS ABOVE THE NATIONAL AVERAGE Comparative GDP Growth Rate 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 Paraná 10,1 5,67 1,26 4,61 Brasil 7,53 2,73 1,03 2,49 Graph 1- Evolution of Gross Domestic Product – GDP annual real growth (%) 2 The human development index is equivalent to the UK, which shows the good quality of life. Our priority and improve the quality of life related thereto INDICATORS OF STATE INDICATOR Area DATA NATIONAL POSITION 199 000 km2 Number of Municipalities 399 Population 2013 11 million Urbanization rate 2013 88% 2 Demographic density 2013 55 hab/km Human Development Index 2010 0,749 Poverty rate 2012 7,8% Illiteracy rate 2012 8,6% Avarage years of schooling 2012 6,1 3 Table 1 – Paraná State Indicators NATIONAL INTEREST 15° 2,3% 5° 6° 6° 11° 4º 21º 21º 8º 7,2% 5,5% - The Paraná socieconomic environment is ideial for the installation of automotive industries, as it holds of skilled labor, availability of electricity in abundance (20% of national production), quality and cheap, many certification for research institutes, testing, training, research and development, as well as dense and consolidated supply chain, with a wide range of suppliers at all levels of the production process, availability of inputs and strong consumer market. In the following chapter the automotive sector will be datailed. 2 Source: IPARDES (preliminary estimates IPARDES), prepared by the International Business Center - Fiep, 2014. Source: IBGE. Population estimate (2013); IBGE. National Sample Survey on Household (2012); IBGE. Population Census (2010); PNUD. Atlas of Human Development in Brazil, 2013, prepared by observatories Sesi/Senai/IEL. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 5 3 POPULATION INVISTA NO PARANÁ | AUTOMOTIVO 4 Figure 2- Density of Paraná. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION On the map below, ypu can see that the highest concetration of the state’s population is in Curitiba and in the metropolitan area, followed by Londrina, Maringa, Ponta Grossa and Cascavel. Figure 3 – Population Distribution 4 Source: Observatories FIEP from IBGE. Estimates of the Resident Population, 2014; IBGE. Population Census, 2010. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 6 INVEST IN PARANÁ | METAL MECHANICAL THE METAL MECHANICAL INDUSTRY SECTOR IN PARANÁ The current configuration of the world’s industrial structure gives the metal mechanical and electronics industry a strategic position in the path of economic growth of countries and regions, as it operates in the generation and diffusion of new technologies to other industrial sectors. In Brazil, the metal mechanical and eletronics sector recorded a negative performance against the global economic crisis that began in 2008. Part of this result can be attributed to the capital goods sector, strongly influenced by the reduction in investments of economic agents. The drop in demand was seen both domestically and in foreign markets, the latter accounts for about 20% of the sector’s revenues. The metal mechanical sector is comprised of a wide range of activities related to processing of metals and therefore is also know as Macro Metal Mechanical Complex. The complex offers a broad and diverse set of industries whose main characteristic is the fact that the main component of the goods (and services) produced contemplate technologies based on knowledge and techniques related to the production, processing and use of metals, especially iron, aluminum and steel, among other metal alloys. 5 In Brazil, the Macro Metal Mechanical Complex consists of 96.35% of Micro and Small Enterprises, 3.16% for Medium and Large Enterprises represent 0.49%. The Paraná is below the national average, representing 97.81% for Micro and Small Enterprises, 1,90% for Medium and 0.28% for large companies in the same sector. In Figure 2 below you can check the flow chart of the production chain of mechanical metal complex: 5 Available in: SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 7 Extractive Industry Transformation Industry Metal products, except machines and equipment Electrical machines, appliances, and materials Production of pig iron and iron alloys Metallic structures and works of heavy furnaces Electric generators, transformers, and motors Steel mills Tanks, metallic reservoirs and boilers Electric batteries and electrical accumulators Production of steel tubes, except seamless tubes Forging shop, printery, powder metallurgy and services of metal treatment Equipment for electric energy distribution and control Metallurgy - non-ferrous metal Knife-making, locksmith, and tool items, Metalworking Heavy war equipment, firearms, and ammunitions Metallurgy Metal products not previously specified Lamps and other equipment lighting equipment Domestic appliances Electrical equipment and appliances not previously specified Electricity and Gas Machines and equipment Motors, pumps, compressor, and equipment for transmission Other Services Other transport equipment, except automotive vehicles Vessel construction Maintenance, repair and installation of machines and equipment Construction of infrastructure works Maintenance and repair of machines and equipment Assembly of industrial installations and of metallic structures Recovery of metallic materials Railway vehicles Installation of machines and equipment Machines and equipment for general use Tractors and machines and equipment for agriculture and cattleherding Aircrafts Military combat vehicles Machine-tools Machines and equipment for use in mineral extraction and in construction Transport equipment not previously specified Machines and equipment for specific industrial use Figure 2 – Flowchart of the production chain of metal mechanical complex: In Paraná, the sector ranks 2nd in number of employees (13.32%) among all sectors of the Paraná processing industry. The main industries in the sector are concentrated in metropolitan region of Curitiba and upstate. They are characterized the cities of Curitiba, Maringa and Londrina as the cities with the highest number of factories in the state. However, other regions have begun to be explored by the industry and have great potential. With respect to spatial distribution, stand out as major cities Curitiba and RMC (with 2281 units and 3143 formal jobs) and Londrina, Maringa and region (with 1074 units and 16,066 formal jobs). It is noteworthy that together these cities account for approximately 54% of jobs created in the sector and 54% of companies, as : SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 8 6 Figure 5 – Geographical distribution map for the metal mechanical industry companies – 2014 Paraná is the 2nd Industrial Transformation Value Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul Minas Gerais Paraná São Paulo Brasil 4.907.034 8.001.863 11.440.174 14.065.818 44.830.708 90.957.078 Chart 2 – VTI- Industrial Units with 5 or more persons employed in the sector- Brazil (2011) The basis of state economy still has a strong agricultural profile, but gradually the metal mechanic sector, which sustains all industrial network, begins to take shape. Between 2007 and 2013, the number of industries in the sector grew 79%, according to the Ministry of Labor, from 5.482 million for 8121 establishments. 6 Source: Observatories from IBGE (2013). SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 9 For the same period, the municipality of Curitiba was responsible for 25.8% of the sector. Of the ten cities that have branch companies, five are part of the Greater Curitiba accounting for 34.19% of the sector. The expansion of the area inside is restricted to North, West and Campos Gerais. Together, Londrina and Maringá represent 10.79% of the total metal mechanical companies in the state. Cascavel and Ponta Grossa exhibit percentage around 4% and 3% respectively. Ten largest cities by number of establishments - 2013 Total Paraná Curitiba Maringá Londrina São José dos Pinhais Pinhais Cascavel Colombo Ponta Grossa Araucária Toledo 8.121 1.557 444 433 393 321 292 240 234 188 168 Participation % 19% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 10 FDI FLOWS IN INDSUTRY It is expected to be received approximately R$1.5 billion investment over the next two years in the state of Paraná to the metal mechanical sector. Were recorded several investments of expansion units, as is the case of Aker Solutions Brazil, Electrolux, Conduspar, Wittur, Romagnole among others, as well as new industrial plant facilities, like the case of Hübner and Metalkraft. Noteworthy are also companies already operating in the state as Vivo S/A, Electrolux Brazil, Siemens and others, as well as multinational Paraná companies internationally renowned as: O Boticário, Positivo Informática, Brasil Foods, Angelus Ciência e Tecnologia, Bematech e Nutrimental. FOREIGN COMPANIES IN PARANÁ Over the years the Paraná mechanical metal sector gained interest and importance, consolidating itself as one of the main centers of the country. Meet the main companies of the electro mechanical metal sector of Paraná, as well as its location: Aker Solutions City: Curitiba Website: Products: Equipment for drilling and oil drilling, wet Christmas tree. Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional City: Curitiba Website: Products: Galvanized steel coil and pre- painted steel.. AecelorMIttal City: Curitiba Website: Products: Sheet steel and slitter. HüBNER FUNIDÇÂO City: Ponta Grossa Website: Products: Iron and steel, mining and construction equipment, Machines and Equipment. Electrolux ELECTROLUX City: Curitiba Website: Products: Appliances, Electronics. MONTANA INDÚSTRIA DE MÁQUINAS City: São José dos Pinhais Website: Products: Agricultural sprayers and harvesters. PADO SA PERFIPAR MANUFATURADOS City: Cambé City: Curitiba Website: Website: Products: Padlocks and locks. Products: Steel tubes and profiles, rolled and profiles. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 11 ROBERT BOSH DO BRASIL City: Curitiba Website: Products: Pumps and nozzles for diesel vehicles. FURUKAWA PRODUTOS ELÉTRICOS City: Curitiba Website: Products: Structured cabling, wire and cable manufacturing conductors. THYSSENKRUPP SOFEDIT INDUSTRIAL GERDAU AÇOS LONGOS City: Curitiba Website: City: São José dos Pinhais Website: Products: Bundles of coil springs. Products: Iron for construction. TOSHIBA SISTEMAS DE TRANSMISSÃO City: Curitiba Website: Products: Disconnecting switches, the gas circuit breakers, transmission lines Legrand Eletroeletrônicos City: Campo Largo Products: Switches and eletrical outlets. and substations works. INVISTA NO PARANÁ | METAL MECÂNICO SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 12 INVEST IN PARANÁ | MECHANICAL METAL KEY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Infrastructure Well-developed infrastructure, focused on the production and marketing, it’s a differential of Paraná. All regions have easy access to domestic and international markets. Barr. Rosana Bar Taquarr. uçu SÃO PAULO Barr. de Capivara Diamante Terra Rica Porto do Norte Porto São José Porecatu Primeiro Inajá de Maio Cameliano S. João Rio Paranapanema Colorado do Caiuá Barr. de Porto Bela Vista Paranagi Salto Grande Porto Rico Guairaçá Loanda do Paraíso Itambaracá Guaraci Brasílio Paranacity Sertaneja Cambará Amaporã Querência S. Izabel Santa Fé Paranavaí do Norte Andirá Sertanópolis do Ivaí Nova Jacarezinho Bandeirantes Rio Ivaí Esperança Mirador Cornélio Jataizinho Represa de Procópio S. Antonio S. Carlos Tapira Rolândia Chavantes da Platina do Ivaí Platina Mandaguaçu Cidade Gaúcha Porto Icaraíma Londrina Assaí Antônio Nova Figueira Rondon Doutor da Platina Fátima Sarandi Ivaté Arapongas Maringa Carlópolis Camargo Nova Apucarana Mandaguari Olímpia Itambé Jandaia Congonhas Cianorte Terra Siqueira Xambrê Jaboti do Sul Cruzeiro Bom Boa Campos do Oeste Sucesso Eng. Pérola Tuneiras Beltrão Figueira Umuarama Kaiorê do Oeste Ibati Altônia Fênix Peabiru Venceslau Alto Sapopema Moreira Bráz Campo Iporã Piquiri Faxinal Sales Guaíra Mourão Sengés Curiúva Francisco Janiópolis Arapoti Rosário Ortigueira Alves do Ivaí Goioerê Ivaiporã Ventania Arapuã Telêmaco Jaguariaiva Palotina Luziana Borba Jesuítas Iretama Imbaú Jurandá Nova Manoel Mal. Cândido Cândido Aurora Ribas Tibagi Nova Rondon Piraí do Sul de Abreu Cantu Roncador Anahy Jardim Olinda Rio Pa ran á MATO GROSSO DO SUL ib Rio T PARAGUAI agi Toledo Ouro Verde Santa Helena Represa de Itaipu Cascavel Missal Pitanga Quedas do Iguaçu S. Miguel do Iguaçu Foz do Iguaçu Dois Vizinhos Capanema Planalto Pérola D’Oeste Pranchita Sto. Antônio do Sudoeste Realeza S. Isabel Veré do Oeste Francisco Beltrão Marmeleiro ARGENTINA Ivaí Ipiranga Marquinho Medianeira Barracão Rodovia Federal Prudentópolis Pinhão São João do Triunto Inácio Martins Rio Azul Chopinzinho Mangueirinha Honório Serpa Cruz Machado Bituruna Clevelândia Palmas General Carneiro São Mateus do Sul Paulo de Frontin Lapa Guaraqueçaba Pinhais Antonina Paranaguá Pontal do Paraná Contenda Mandirituba Mantinhos Guaratuba Agudos do Sul Antônio Olinto Paulo Freitas União da Vitória Bocaiúva do Sul Araucária Campo São José Morretes Largo dos Pinhais Irati Foz do Jordão Bom Sucesso Pato Branco Vitorino Colombo Almirante Tamandaré CURITIBA Palmeiras Laranjeiras do Sul Sede Sulina Rio Branco do Sul Ponta Grossa Imbituva Guarapuava Cel. Vivida Cerro Azul Carambeí Sta. Maria do Oeste Nova Laranjeiras Catanduva Adrianópolis Castro Palmital Campo Bonito Ibema Céu Azul Parque Nacional Altamira do Paraná Corbélia Rio Negro Piên Duplicada Oceano Atlântico Em duplicação Pavimentada Em pavimentação Em Leito Natural SANTA CATARINA Rodovia Estadual Rodovia Duplicada Rodovia Pavimentação Rodovia em Leito Natural Implantadas (pavimentação não finalizada) Ferrovias Hidrovias Portos ESCALA 1: 1.40.000 Aeroporto Internacional 15 km 0 15 30 45 60 km Aeroporto Nacional Projeç˜Ao transversa secante conforme Gauss-Kruger (Sistema UTM) Cidade com mais de 100 mil habitantes Fonte: Dnit e IBGE Figure 7 – Paraná Logistics Infrastructure.7 7 ANTAQ. Rodovias, 2013; DNIT. Ferrovias e Aeroportos, 2013, elaborado por Observatórios SESI/ SENAI/ IEL. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 13 Airpot Structure: 6 airports with regular lines, 2 International (Curitiba and Foz Iguaçu); 33 airports with no regular lines, Capacity 13 million passengers per year. Highway Network: 19,000 kilometers of paved network (10% of total Brazilian network); 96,000 kilometers of network deployed (in deed and/or unpaved). Railroad Network: 2000 km network Brazilian network); (8% of total 2 operators (América Latina Logística e Ferrovia Paraná). Port Handling: 2 ports arranged in Paranaguá and Antonina representing 13% of the cargo movement in Brazil; 1 of private-use terminal (Catallini).1 SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 14 Market The location of Paraná is favorable both to explore business opportunities with the internal market, and to the international. In addition to the listed infrastructure advantages, the proximity to strategic regions is a beneficiary factor. As an example, the state borders São Paulo, 1st place in the share of national GDP, Santa Catarina 6th For the vice-president of Electrolux operations, several positive factors have led to Electrolux to choose the city of Lapa.’’We emphasize the quality of the land, which greatly facilitates the construction and the close geographic location to Curitiba, which allows you to optimize resources by using the same suppliers who provide services to the existing plant in the region”. place; as well as being close to other important national economies, as is the case of Minas Gerais, 2nd and Rio Grande do Sul 4; and these states, reference in the distribution of industrial units of automotive parts. Is is worth noting that Brazil is a growing market for the automotive industry, since it has 5.3 inhabitants per vehicle on average, while in developed countries the ratio is 1.5. Strategic geographical positioning: Proximity to the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay); Limits with São Paulo (north and east), Santa Catarina (southwest), Paraguay (west) and Mato Grosso do Sul (northwest); Centralized in a market with more than 220 million people. Figure 3 – strategic geographic positioning of Paraná.8 Another important factor in relation to the potential market served by the Paraná, it is the proximity to the Southern Common Market countries- MERCOSUR, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The existing integration between these countries generates tariff and trade benefits that result in increased competitiveness for companies installed here. Argentina, for example, imported from Paraná the amount of US$ 886,847 million for vehicles and their parts, nuclear reactor and their parts, among other industry products electro metal mechanical pair in the year 2014. Together Paraguay, Venezuela and Uruguay imported from Paraná US$ 205,747 million. 8 IPARDES, 2014. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 15 Other countries not members of MERCOSUR that are nearby Paraná such as Chile, was responsible for the import of US$ 120,527 million electro metal mechanical sector for the year 2014. State tax incentives The state program known as Competitive Paraná is an important tool within the new wave of state’s industrialization. It benefits all regions of the state and already has the creation of more than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs. The program was created in early 2011 to reinsert the Paraná on the agenda of local investment, national and international. The Program includes a series of measures through the grace periods for payment of ICMS, investments to improve infrastructure, foreign trade, bureaucracy and professional training, to make the attractive enterprises that generate employment, income, wealth ans sustainable development throughout the state. The benefits are based on Decree No. 630 of 14/02/2011, as Figura 4 below, and techically they are defined in terms of the State’s priorities as the type of investment, job creation, economic impact, environment and degree of innovation. The more poor and needy for a region, the greater the incentives granted by the State of Paraná. Know more in: Time limits extension Implementation ,Expansion , Industrial Reactivation or Industrial Reorganization % of the ICMS generated with dilated term 10% to 90 % independent of the municipality % will be set case by case, by analysis from the Decision Committee (SEIM, SEFA, SEPL) IN PARANÁ SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL based on the opinion of the Technical Committee 16 Concession Criteria It takes into account state interests: -Type of Investment -Amount Invested -Economic Impact Ability to Generate Income, Jobs and Taxes -Location (internalization) -Environmental Impact -Originality and innovation Benefit of the Term Electric Power ICMS 2-8 years of postponing +2 to 8 years for payment Committees Decision Renewable once ICMS dilation follows the same periods of the benefits granted only to distributors installed in Paraná Grants equal benefit to the ICMS natural gas Figura 4- Decree no. 630 02/14/20119 Labor Paraná currently holds 5.8 million economically active persons, representing 6% of Brazil’s total. Of this amount, 46% are concentrated in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. Regarding the status of that labor, it turns out that the state has more than 85,000 enrollments in vocational education, which puts the state in fourth place among the largest professional manpower bidders in Brazil, representing 6% of total Brazilian. With regard to higher education, there is a similar dynamic: Paraná also focuses almost 7% of enrollments in undergratuate courses and Postgraduate Brazil. This scenario has a direct impact on Paraná contingent currently in high School and Higher. The state of Paraná Federal University is the oldest in Brazil, founded in 1912 and is a reference as one of the best higher education institutions in Brazil. Similarly, the UTFPR- Paraná Technological University stands out since it was created to meet the market demand for professional technical training, currently assisting secondary education, undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. Senai has na essential role in manpower professionalization, since it has the largest complex of Vocational and Technological Education, Industrial Senai 9 Paraná State Government SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 17 Technology and Innovation of Paraná, which makes reference to support the development of state industry. The technology platform of metal mechanical of Senai comprises the activities of Mechanical Manufacturing (for machining, cutting, welding, conformation cold and hot, injection and extrusion of metal and Polymer alloys), Metallurgy, Additive Manufacturing (3D printing), Mechatronics and maintenance. Has focused on technological development of new products through applied research, innovation, technology transfer, consulting, professional education, technical services and laboratory tests. Promotes efficient, competitive practices and high performance for the improvement of products and processes in the production chain of the metalworking inudustry, including raw materials, specific equipmentand machinery. Use of high- perfomance software for design, engineering products and meterials in the manufacturing process, quality control and maintenance. In 2014 there were around 12,000 enrollments based units in several cities such as Apucarana, Araucária, Assaí, Curitiba, Campo Largo, Campo Mourão, Cascavel, Cianorte, Dois Vizinhos, Foz do Iguaçu, Francisco Beltrão, Guarapuava, Jaguariaíva, Londrina, Marechal Cândido Rondon, Maringá, Palmas, Paranaguá, Paranavaí, Pato Branco, Pinhais, Ponta Grossa, Quatro Barras, Rio Branco do Sul, Rio Negro, Santo Antônio da Platina, São José dos Pinhais, Telêmaco Borba, Toledo and União da Vitória, in other words, covering all regions of the state with qualification and technical capability. Research and Development Paraná universities are reference in enginerring and are engaged in projects through partnerships with various research and development institutions: SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 18 Figure 5– Distribution Degree and Graduate10 Postgraduate Higher Education High School Complete Primary Education Incomplete Primary Education Illiterate Figure 6 – Comparative education PR X BR11 The state moreover, has more than 30 technology incubators gathered in Paranaense Network Technology & Innovation – REPARTE- civil non-profit association, with administrative and financial autonomy and its associated running, promote, encourage and support education, development institutional innovation and scientific and technological development and immediate application in the creation and/or development companies and technologybased enterprises, as well as management activities and technology transfer and promotion of human capital, through appropriate actions, aiming at sustainable development and the inclusion of state economy more properly. Know the members: 10 11 Source: IBGE. Population Census, 2010, prepared by Observatories SESI/ SENAI/IEL. Source: IBGE. Population Census, 2010. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 19 Figure 7 - REPARTE – Paranaense network of Tecnhology and Innovation.12 The Lactec institutes are at the service of the market and society by offering innovative solutions from the science and technology focusing on applied research to industrial development. Its performance is focused on the development , improvement and application of technological solutions , promoting scientific, economic and social progress . As a private research center non-profit acts as a center for scientific dissemination and transfer of technology through provision of services in the areas of R & D , laboratory tests , projects and consultoriais for various sectors. The Paraná Institute of Technological - TECPAR offers specific tecnhological solutions for companies from different areas, with services that include development projects in artificial and computational intelligence, tecnhological intelligence, tecnhological tests, industrial measurement, applied research, strategic studies, certification, among others. In addition to the training courses, Senai also offers technical and technological solutions and provides consulting services, industrial laboratory testing and techological support. The institution has the largest private network of integrated laboratories in the country and gives support to the development of innovation in cooperation with industry. It has more than 40 units distributed in the Paraná and maintains National Centers of Technology in several areas of industrial action. 13 12 REPARTE – Paranaense network of Technology and Innovation, 2014. Available in: <, prepared by Observatories Sesi/ Senai/ IEL. 13 SENAI. Available in:, access on December 15, 2014. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 20 INVEST IN PARANÁ | MECHANICAL METAL SOLID ECONOMIC GROWTH AND NATIONAL AVERAGE ABOVE: The state since 2010 has shown growth rates above the national CIN network average, which places it among the leading economies of Brazil, being the 5th largest Gross Domestic Product – GDP and the 3rd largest in values added Manufacturing Industry. STRATEGIC LOCATION FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE; The state’s localization in addition to a well-developed infrastructure ensures easier access to the South, Southeast and West regions of Brazil beyond the countries of South America and Mercosur. Coordinated nationally by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), and created with support of the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (APEX), the Brazilian Network of International Business centers (CIN Network) supports foreign investors in severeal ways: ONE OF THE LARGEST INDUSTRIAL HUB OF BRAZIL; The two major state industrial areas are concentrated in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, the state capital, and the cities of Londrina and Maringa, but are also distributed in various regions of the state, totaling 46,000 industries that generate 820,000 jobs and are accounted for 30% of the state GDP. RENEWABLE ENERGY IN ABUNDANCE; Paraná has the largest hydroelectric plant in the world in power generation in addition to your development project includes new technologies for generating renewable and clean energy, such as projects that use biomass, wind, photovoltaic and others. Providing general information on Brazil and Brazilian Industry Provision of information on administrative procedures to settle in Brazil Support in obtaining licenses and documents required Contact Facilitation to define incentives Availability of contact partners (suppliers, service providers, potential partners) Support in supplier selection Outhers Contact CNI - Confederação Nacional da Indústria SBN SBN - Quadra 01 - Bloco C - Ed. Roberto Simonsen Brasília - DF - CEP 70040-903 +55 (61) 3317-9000 CIN-Paraná - Centro Internacional de Negócios do Estado do Paraná Rua Cândido de Abreu, 200. Curitiba- PR – CEP 80530-902 +55 (41) 3271-9100 E-mail: QUALIFIED HAND WORK; 4th largest professional manpower offered in Brazil, highlighting the qualifications made possible by the various higher education institutions (195 universities), national reference research institutes, as well as strong performances in technical training offered by institutions such as the Technological University of Paraná and Senai. SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 21 Support System Fiep Federation of Paraná State Industry: Fiep Development Coordination. Website: Economic Department of Fiep. Website: Observatories Sesi /Senai/ IEL. Website: SECTOR STUDY | METAL MECHANICAL IN PARANÁ 22
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