agreement between - Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos
agreement between - Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Recursos
SCBD AND PARANÁ CARBON EMISSION NEUTRALIZATION PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SECRETARIAT OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND PARANÁ STATE GOVERNMENT BRAZIL November 25th, 2008 Governmental Team Governor of the State of Paraná Roberto Requião de Mello e Silva Secretariat of the Environment and Water Sources Lindsley da Silva Rasca Rodrigues Environmental Institute of the State of Paraná Vitor Hugo Ribeiro Burko Directory of Forestry Development Paulo Roberto Valente Caçola Technical Responsible of the Riparian Forest Program Sérgio Mudrovitsch Bittencourt Forestry Department Carolina Lamkowski Naka Technical Team Sérgio Mudrovitsch Bittencourt Paulo Roberto Valente Caçola Carolina Lamkowski Naka Ana Caroline Alves da Silva Tauane Garcia Barreto Milena Justino Ribeiro Ivaicana Agropecuária Limitada Industry of Sugar and Alcohol Collaborators Antônio Otávio Pietrobelli The Nature Conservancy RBG Conhecimento José Volnei Bisognin José Rosa de Oliveira Ricardo J. C. Santos Valdinei Rodrigues da Silva Maurício Frederico Miguel Antônio de Goes Calmon Gilberto Tiepolo A. STRATEGIC CONTEXT 1. State of Paraná and Sector Issue The Brazil’s history is marked by the degradation of the natural sources and by the forestry exploration. The degradation of the Amazon Forest and the Atlantic Forest Biome has internationally attention because it is one of the most important tropical ecosystems. The Atlantic Forest is the world’s second forest threat to extinction and when the first Europeans arrived in Brazil, it covered 15% of the Brazilian territory, an area equivalent to 1.306.421 km². Nowadays, this forest is reduced to 7,84% of its original area, occupying only 97.596 km², it is found largely fragmented and it shelter more than 20.000 species of which 8.000 are endemic. It is also considered the world’s richest forest in diversity of trees. It is estimated that 1,6 million species of animals can be found in the Atlantic Forest Biome. It has been already catalogued 250 species of mammals, 1.023 species of birds, 340 species of amphibians and 200 species of reptiles. About 120 million people live in this biome, which means that 70% of the population depends not only on the preservation and conservation of the remnant forest, but also the maintenance of water sources that supply cities and communities and helps the climate, the temperature, the humidity and the rains assuring the soil fertility. The Brazilian Civil Code of 1988 puts this biome as a national heritage and the law number 11.428 of December 22nd, 2006 is specific to the Atlantic Forest. The State of Paraná is one of the 26 states of Brazil and it is located in the South region. It is bordered by São Paulo State to the North, Santa Catarina State to the South, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Argentina and Paraguay to the West and by the Atlantic Ocean to the East. It has an area of 199.880 km² and its capitol is Curitiba. Others important cities are Londrina, Maringá, Foz do Iguaçu, Ponta Grossa, Cascavel, Guarapuava e Paranaguá. The Curitiba Metropolitan Area has also cities with economic importance such as São José dos Pinhais and Araucária. The Atlantic Forest corresponded to 97% of the Paraná territory, and today it is reduced to 18% of its original area. The araucaria or araucariapine (Araucaria angustifolia) is considered the tree symbol of the State and it can grow up to 30 50 meters and it can live up to 200 – 300 years. This tree is found in the Mixed Ombrophilous Forest also know as Araucária Forest which had occupied 49,8% of the Paraná forestry cover. Capitol Curitiba Area (km2) 199.880 Population density in 2007 (hab.km2) 51,45 Number of cities 399 Paraná Population in 2007 10.284.503 Brazilian Population in 2007 183.989.711 Percentage in Brazilian Population 5,59 Percentage of urban Population in 2006 84,5 HDI in 2005 0,82 SEMAPR, IPARDES, IBGE. The State of Paraná is located between the latitudes 22º 29’30’’ and 26º 42’ 59’’, and the longitudes 48º 02´24”” and 54º 37” 38””. According to the Köppen system, the climate in the North, Northeast and West Paraná is classified as Cfa, where the weather is temperate and humid with a hot summer. The reforestation of the project occurred in regions with this type of climate. In the South and Southeast Paraná the climate is Cfb, where the weather is temperate, humid with a soft summer and with the frequent occurrence of frosts. The State is formed by different phytogeographical regions resulted from geomorphological and climate peculiarities of each region. The floristic composition is composed by the Atlantic Forest Biome, which corresponds to different ecosystems, such as Ombrophilous Dense Atlantic Forest, Mixed Ombrophilous Forest, Semideciduous Seasonal Forest, Steppe (Fields), herbaceous vegetation, mangroves, “várzea” and rupestrian vegetation. There is also a remnant of the “cerrado” with savanna vegetation. The State of Paraná has 16 hydrographic watersheds: Cinzas, Iguaçu, Itararé, Ivaí, Litorânea, Paraná 1,2,3, Paranapanema 1,2,3,4, Piquiri, Pirapó, Ribeira, Tibagi. Historically, the State of Paraná has the land use based on agricultural activities of corn, soy, sugar cane, wheat cultivars and pasture areas, actions that had contributed for the degradation of the soil and the forests. The unsustainable land use, especially the riparian forests have affected not only the ecosystems but also the loss of biodiversity, increased carbon emissions and others ecological and socioeconomic impacts. The riparian zone has a range of environmental functions such as the maintenance of the soil stability and the balance of the microclimate. It also facilitates the infiltration of the rainwater, regulates the cycle of water and prevents the erosion and floods. The Brazilian Forestry Code (Law number 4.765/65) defines the riparian zone as “permanent preservation area” and the length of the riparian forest that must be preserved changes according to the width of the water body. The State of Paraná is the only state in Brazil with a governmental program specific to perform the restoration of the riparian forests. 2. Riparian Forest Program of the State of Paraná The Riparian Forest Program (RFP) of the State of Paraná began in 2003 and it does the riparian forest recovery through the native seedlings planting and with the abandon of the area so that the vegetation can be recovered naturally. Until now, more than 10.000ha was abandoned to natural recovery, more than 84 millions native seedlings were planted improving the environment and benefiting more than 125.000 farmers in all over the state. Besides these direct results, the RFP’s characteristics and size also have indirect results such as the involvement and awareness of the society to the importance to accomplish activities to the environmental recovery. The RFP has already formalized more than 300 partnerships with cities, agricultural schools, Universities, Centers for Juvenile Offenders, penitentiaries, The Sanitation Company of Paraná, and others private and public institutions which allowed the construction of 350 nurseries that together produce 20 million seedling per year. To perform the reforestations, it is organized annual campaigns, which involve more than 800 technicians and farmers in the State of Paraná. To obtain the seedlings and the technical support, the Environmental Institute of the Paraná State, the cities or the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute register the farmers with the information about the area (address, size, GPS location) and with information about the landowner (name, identity number). This information goes to an online database, which is used to control and manage the seedling planting and give support to the inspections and the monitoring activities. To evaluate the efficacy of the seedling planting, the RFP performed a forestry inventory in 247 farmers, which identified the seedling survival index of 58,4% and the capture of 0,0044ton CO2 per individual per year. This value was obtained of 81 native species and the plants originate from natural regeneration was disregarded. Although the main action of the RFP is the seedlings planting, the abandon of the areas with remnant native vegetation nearby is also important to create a seed bank on the soil and to assurance the genetic quality of the new growing forest. 3. The Agreement between the State of Paraná and The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity During the COP8 in March 2006 in Curitiba, Paraná it was initiated agreements between the Paraná State Government, through its Governor Mr. Roberto Requião and the Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention to Biological Diversity (SCBD) Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf. The negotiations culminated in the development of activities of the Riparian Forest Program and the planting of 8 million native seedlings in Paraná on that year. Due the size and magnitude of the RPF actions, those negotiations culminated in the sign, during COP 9 in Bonn, Germany, in 2008 of the agreement between the Paraná State Government and SCBD. B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Project Development Objective • The State of Paraná will, through its Riparian Forest Program, offset SCBD emissions from 2008 to 2010, estimated at 10.100 equivalent tones of CO 2, by planting approximately 100 hectares with native trees (72 hectares will be planted with up to 67 native species, the remaining 28 hectares will preferably regenerate naturally) in the State of Paraná. • Paraná will certify this offset internally, through inventories reported by the government of Paraná through the State Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources to the Secretariat once a year. • The offset period for calculations will be 30 years, although the State of Paraná commits to support the reforested areas in permanence. • The Paraná State, through the State Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources will send the SCBD all relevant information on the area and the planting, including the geographical coordinates of the forested area, description of procedures and species used, images of the activities and area and a copy of the contractual arrangement with the landowner(s), by October 2008 • The SCBD will pursue options to identify a specialist to certify Paraná's Riparian Forest Program for the voluntary carbon offset market and to facilitate Paraná’s participation in the market under the most favorable arrangements. • The SCBD proposes to use the Riparian Forest Program as a case study for the 2010 biodiversity target. To this end, the State of Paraná will document this offset, and the entire program, so that it can be presented jointly at COP 10. The longterm restoration proposed by this project will provide the development of tools and mechanisms to improve the social economic livelihoods of the rural communities leading to a sustainable land use. The reforestation and protection of the chosen areas will protect innumerous wildlife species that live in these last remnants ecosystems. The State of Paraná will be benefit by the increase of the forestry cover and the maintenance of the water sources. The Paraná will also gain the experience of making a neutralization carbon project that can be use an example to further initiatives. The global gains of this project are the adoptions of sustainable actions, especially land use actions and the awareness of the population to the importance of protecting the water sources. Besides, this project will provide as direct result the carbon sequestration reducing the negatives effects of the global warming. C. IMPLEMENTATION 1. Partnership Arrangements The farmers and the Secretariat of the Environment and Water Sources signed a cooperation term to guarantee the landowner’s participation in the reforestation activities and maintenance of the conditions that allow the development of the seedlings. 2. Location All areas of this project are located in the riparian zone of the Atlantic Forest Biome, in the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest ecosystem which has as main characteristic the occurrence of two defined seasons, one rainy and other dry. Due the alternating of a hot and rainy summers to cold and dry winters, about 20 to 50% of the trees are deciduous and loses their leaves in response to the water deficiency and the decline of the temperature during the coldest months. In the State of Paraná this ecosystem originally occupied 37,6% of the forestry cover and it has been already catalogued 213 species of trees of which 20% are exclusive to this type of forest. The reforestations occurred in 3 different regions of the State of Paraná: IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor, Piquiri Watershed and Ivaí Watershed. The planting is located in 58 different properties, in 4 cities and it totalizes 118,165ha. 2.1 The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor is located in 26 municipalities in Southeast and West Paraná and it is visually fragmented in 3 portions that are connected to the Iguaçu Nation Park. The fragmented forests that can be visualized are the Cabeça de Cachorro State Park and the Rio Guarani State Park. The economic activities are based on agriculture and livestock. The watersheds found in this biodiversity corridor are the Iguaçu Watershed and the Paraná III Watershed. Thus, The Iguaçu Paraná Biodiversity Corridor is located in the transition of the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and the Mixed Ombrophilous Forest. There are 9 reforestations areas located in the IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor and they belong to the Corvo Branco River. This river is connected to the Itaipu Binacional Poligonal and to the Cabeça do Cachorro State Park and it establishes a biodiversity corridor with the Iguaçu National Park. These areas are situated in 2 cities, Diamante D’Oeste and São José das Palmeiras. It was planted 23.932 seedlings in 55,27 ha. GPS Number of Landowner Josuel Francisco Coordinates 24 50 16 S Medeiros Santo Dalbosco 54 12 15 W 24 50 02 S Sobrinho Agenor Francisco 54 12 13 W 24 49 55 S Medeiros José Antônio 54 11 46 W 24 53 30.03 S City Seedlings Survival Index São José das 1.666 98% Palmeiras São José das 2.000 95% Palmeiras São José das 1.166 100% Palmeiras Diamante 1.100 98% D'Oeste Diamante 2.000 100% D'Oeste Diamante 4.000 100% D'Oeste Diamante 4.000 100% D'Oeste Diamante 4.000 95% D'Oeste Diamante 4.000 100% D'Oeste TOTAL 23.932 Fernandes 54 4 27.35 W Laércio Borges dos 24 53 7.58 S Reis 54 4 30.66 W Laércio de Souza 24 52 43.13 S Ribeiro 54 4 16.14 W Laércio de Souza 24 52 31.31 S Ribeiro Flávio Antônio 54 4 19.55 W 24 52 10.03 S Schuster 54 4 42.56 W 24 52 46.17 S Konrad Kranich 54 5 36.69 W Seedling Table 1. Landowners of The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor 2.2 Piquiri Watershed The Piquiri Watershed has an area of 24.731 km². It is composed by the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and the Mixed Ombrophilous Forest. There are 40 reforestation areas located in the Center West region, in the city of Goioerê on the bank of the Águas Claras River. These areas are situated in an ecological corridor with 26,5 km of extension and it connects two Natural Patrimony Private Reserve to the Antonio Sestak Municipal Natural Park. One Natural Patrimony Private Reserve is Moreira Sales, with 219,6ha of native forest remnant of the Semidecidous Seasonal Forest and another one is Monte Cristo, with 510ha of native forest remnant. It was planted 61.650 seedlings in 22,233 ha. Landowner Clovis Tiossi José Devecmi GPS Coordinates 24 6 49.02 S 53 0 28.34 W 24 7 27.97 S Neto Leônidas Alves 53 0 59.16 W de Oliveira Oscar Barbosa 53 1 15.47 W Bueno 53 1 13.25 W 24 8 9.91 S 24 8 5.72 S Sebastião 24 7 59.39 S 53 1 4.79 W 24 7 44.41 S Ramos de Souza 53 1 1.90 W Luiz Aguilera 24 7 45.87 S 53 0 47.72 W 24 7 4.95 S Adélio Amadeu 53 0 37.69 W 24 7 23.41 S Moacir Bueno 53 0 55.26 W Valdete Cruz dos 24 7 26.97 S João Ferreira Santos Valdenei Vitoriano de 53 0 58.40 W Number of Seedling Seendlings Survival Index Goioerê 500 100% Goioerê 300 100% Goioerê 200 95% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 50 100% Goioerê 600 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 200 100% Goioerê 200 100% Goioerê 100 100% 24 7 23.63 S 53 0 55.66 W Andrade José Carlos 24 10 52.86 S Medeiros 53 0 19.79 W José Alves de 24 10 7.72 S 53 0 34.18 W 24 10 35.80 S Souza 53 0 34.62 W Luis Silvestre City Lorival de Mora A .A . B .B Presidente Nivaldo Associação da Coagel Geralda Jacinta 24 11 0.99 S 53 0 24.74 W 24 10 47.96 S 53 0 24.53 W 24 10 20.76 S 53 0 36.15 W 24 10 47.96 S 53 0 24.18 W Marta Vicente Bernardo 24 9 16.78 S de Souza 53 0 52.08 W Aldo Jorge 24 8 33.27 S 52 59 47.43 W 24 9 28.86 S 53 0 48.66 W 24 10 37.10 S Farias 52 58 10.19 W Israel Brito Jacó Milani Nelson Dominichi Fernando 24 10 2.12 S 52 55 48.48 W 24 9 56.78 S 52 55 51.77 W Moreno Pedro Rodrigues 24 10 2.52 S Santos João Antonio 52 56 36.24 W Bessão Luis Roberto 52 56 38.21 W Costa Adélia Weiss 52 58 48.85 W Sandri Manoel Nunes 53 0 12.31 W de Almeida 52 59 3.57 W 24 9 59.05 S 24 7 42.55 S 24 6 36.10 S 24 11 3.68 S Goioerê 50 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 200 100% Goioerê 50 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 300 100% Goioerê 500 100% Goioerê 300 100% Goioerê 100 100% Goioerê 200 100% Goioerê 50 100% Goioerê 50 100% Goioerê 5.000 95% Goioerê 8.000 100% Goioerê 5.000 95% Adalberto 24 9 31.54 S Cordeiro de 53 5 8.28 W Almeida Julio Cezar 24 8 39.11 S Rosseto Jhonatan Diego 53 4 28.47 W Cavalieri José Wilson de 53 1 1.58 W 24 8 16.99 S Carvalho 53 3 49.04 W Cidines Cavalieri Antonio 24 7 35.64 S 24 8 31.24 S 53 1 34.61 W 24 10 11.86 S 52 59 36.53 W Gonçalves Cleberson Goioerê 600 100% Goioerê 12.000 100% Goioerê 1.000 100% Goioerê 2.000 90% Goioerê 8.000 100% Goioerê 7.000 100% Goioerê 2.000 100% Goioerê 2.500 100% Goioerê 1.500 100% Goioerê 300 100% Goioerê 2.000 100% TOTAL 61.650 24 10 12.27 S William Rodrigues 52 56 28.35 W Correa Coagel 24 9 48.67 S Cooperativa 52 57 54.93 W Agroindustrial 24 10 12.35 S 52 56 27.57 W Celso Gonçalves 24 10 16.76 S Adauto Mazonas Correia Maria Cleonice 52 55 57.28 W Canato Ferrari 52 56 38.79 W 24 9 59.69 S Table 2. Landowners of the Piquiri Watershed 2.3 Ivaí Watershed The Ivaí Watershed has its entire extension included in the Paraná territory and the original forest was the Semidecidous Seasonal Forest. Nowadays the riparian zone is largely fragmented because of the progress of the secondary vegetation originated from the land use by agricultural activities and livestock. The reforestations areas are located on the riparian forest of the Barbacena River and São Carlos River, both supply the city of São Pedro do Ivaí. They are also situated in the Barbacena Natural Patrimony Private Reserve, which surrounds Ivaicana Agropecuária Limitada Industry of Sugar and Alcohol. It was planted 78.145 seedlings in 40,662 ha. GPS Landowner Jayme Watt Coordinates 23 51 2.69 S City São Pedro Longo 51 53 57.10 W Jayme Watt 23 49 28.97 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo 51 54 55.58 W Jayme Watt 23 49 29.48 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo 51 53 27.33 W Jayme Watt 23 49 6.77 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo Jayme Watt 51 54 3.19 W 23 49 14.22 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo 51 53 41.12 W Jayme Watt 23 49 53.34 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo Jayme Watt 51 55 8.26 W 23 50 39.48 S do Ivaí São Pedro Longo 51 55 34.82 W José Cristiano 23 50 41.57 S do Ivaí São Pedro Saddi Anderson 51 55 38.86 W 23 51 3.26 S do Ivaí São Pedro Stein 51 57 30.48 W do Ivaí TOTAL Number of Seedling Seedlings Survival Index 7.260 90% 13.325 90% 4.260 80% 3.520 85% 14.075 90% 3.250 90% 3.900 85% 7.380 95% 21.175 90% 78.145 Table 3. Landowners of the Ivaí Watershed 3. Carbon Sequestration and Eligibility Analysis To restore eligible sections as Permanent Protected Areas (riparian forests) for forest carbon projects the carbon sinks considered in this project to estimate the carbon neutralization project are listed in Table 4. Carbon Sinks To Measure Above ground biomass Yes Below ground Biomass Yes Dead wood Litter Soil No No No Justification Carbon Sink is part of the project´s activities Carbon Sink is part of the project´s activities Conservative approach Conservative approach Conservative approach Table 4. Carbon sinks used to estimate the total carbon for the project The following parameters were considered in calculating carbon benefits: • Project size: 100 ha under restoration in the riparian forest • Project duration: 30 years • Planting duration: 1 years A baseline was established by assessing current land use and tree cover and how they have changed during the last 16 years (1990). With that knowledge, we were able to locate areas eligible for carbon projects and to determine the rate of deforestation and regeneration in the project area. Scenarios for Land Use Change With Project and Without Project: To determine the baseline Without Project (business as usual) scenario, we tested and applied a simple land use change detection methodology for the 16 years from 1990 to 2006. Without Project Deforested / degraded areas, where economic activities have already been developed, tend to remain deforested. With Project Restore deforested / degraded areas. Table 5. Scenarios for Land Use Change with and Without Project Eligibility Analysis: Based on CDM eligibility rules, no forest can be present within the project boundaries between December 31, 1989, and the start of the project activity. Proof of forest absence could take the form of aerial photographs or satellite imagery from 1990 or before, or official government documentation confirming the lack of forests. Where proof does not exist, multiple independent, officially witnessed statements by local community members are sufficient. Evidence of continued forest absence since 1989 will also be needed using similar forms of proof. From the 19902006 crosstabulation (multitemporal analysis), we have not been able to identify deforestation and natural regeneration in the project area. This happened because the resolution of 1990 satellite image it not good enough to detect deforestation in small plots The planted area has the same width as one pixel of the satellite image. To confirm the eligibility of the selected areas it was carried out a survey with local residents. Through this search was confirmed that deforestation happened before 1990 in the region and therefore, we can say that all the planted areas are eligibility of the forest carbon project under the CDM eligibility rule. Carbon Sequestration Potential: To establish the project baseline and to calculate carbon sequestration for the Without Project scenario, an average carbon increment of 2,85 equivalent tons of CO2 per ha.year was used. Growth rates were based on available information about the region. The total amount of CO2 estimated to be sequestered over 30 years by planting native species or assisting regeneration in riparian zones is 10.100 equivalent tons of CO2. The annual carbon increment (2,85tCO2e ha.year) was obtained dividing by the total volume of the emissions (10.100tCO2 e) that will be offset by this project by the restoration area and by the 30year interval. 4. Monitoring and Evaluation Before the reforestation, the areas located in the IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor were used to livestock, and the areas located in the Piquiri and Ivaí Watershed were used to cultivate corn and sugar cane. Those riparian zones are surrounded with a native forest remnant largely fragmented disrespecting the minimum length of the riparian forest that must be preserved permanently according to the Brazilian Federal Forestry Law. After this prior diagnostic it was defined two main strategies to perform the recovery of the degraded areas. One is the isolation with wire fences and the seedlings planting in partial area and another is the seedling planting in total area. It was done the isolation with wire fences and the seedlings planting in the pasture areas situated in the IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor. The fences guarantee that no cattle or bull transit in the areas destroying the seedlings and it delimit the length of the riparian forest that must not be use to agricultural activities. Natural recovery was found in several stages and the seedling planting was done to accelerate the recovery process. The isolation of the areas with wire fences was an incentive of the Biodiversity Corridor Program of the Paraná State, another governmental program that works in partnership with the Riparian Forest Program. The agricultural activities in the riparian forests of the Piquiri and Ivaí Watersheds were removed to allow the seedlings planting. The isolation with wire fences was not necessary because of the absence of the livestock. Although these areas are surrounded with a native forest remnant, the natural recovery is still in early stage because of the intensive agricultural activities and unsustainable land use. The reforestations happened in May 2008 and after 3 months an inspection identified the seedling survival index of 98%, the total of 163.727 seedlings planted and 118,165ha of riparian forest were reforested. The Native Forestry Species The forestry species used to do the reforestation respect their natural occurrence and 37 different native species was planted. Popular Name Scientific Name Açoita Cavalo Luehea divaricata Amendoim Bravo Pterogyne nitens Angico Anadenanthera sp. Araçá Vermelho Psidium cattleianum Aroeira Pimenteira Schinus terebenthifolius Bracatinga de Campo Mimosa flocculosa Mourão Canafístula Peltophorum dubium Capixingui Croton floribundus Capororoca Rapanea sp. Casca D'Anta Rauvoltia sellowiii Cebolão Phytolacca dióica Cedro rosa Cederla fisiilis Cereja Eugenia involucrata Farinha Seca Albizia hasslerii Campomanesia Gabiroba xanthocarpa Guajuvira Patagonula americana Guaritá Astronium graveolens Gurucaia Paraptadenia rigida Ingá Inga sp. Ipê Amarelo Tabebuia ochracea Ipê Rosa Tabebuia heptaphylla Ipê Roxo Tabebuia avellanedae Jangada Heliocarpus americanus Jequitibá Cariniana estrellensis Jerivá Syagrus romanzoffiana Juqueri Mimosa regnellii Leiteiro Peschieria fuchsiaefolia Louro Branco Bastardiopsis densiflora Louro Pardo Cordia Trichotoma Maricá Mimosa bimucronata Marmeleiro Ruprechia loxiflora Pau D'alho Gallesia integrifolia Pau Pólvora Trema micrantha Pitanga Eugenia uniflora Sapuva Machaerium stipitatum Tapiá Alchornea triplinervia Tucaneiro Cytharexylum myrianthum Table 6. Native Forestry Species 5. Images Image 1. Nursery of the Riparian Forest Program Image 2. Nursery of the Riparian Forest Program Image 3. Seedlings of Araçá (Psidium cattleianum) Image 4. Seedling planting performed in Goioerê (Piquiri Watershed location) in May 2008 Image 5. Seedling Planting performed in Goioerê (Piquiri Watershed location) in May 2008 Image 6. Reforestation Area of Goioerê (Piquiri Watershed location) Image 7. Reforestation Area of Goioerê (Piquiri Watershed location) Image 8. Seedling Planting performed in Diamante D’Oeste (The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor Location) Image 9. Reforestation Area of Diamante D’Oeste (The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor Location) Image 10. Reforestation Area of Diamante D’Oeste (The IguaçuParaná Biodiversity Corridor Location) Image 11. Reforestation Area of São Pedro do Ivaí (Ivaí Watershed) Image 12. Reforestation Area of São Pedro do Ivaí (Ivaí Watershed) 6. Maps D. REFERENCES Atlas dos remanescentes Florestais da Mata Atlântica 2000 – 2005. SOS Mata Atlântica. Bacias Hidrográficas do Paraná – Uma série Histórica. SEMA – Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos. Biodiversidade – Conceitos e práticas para a Conservação – Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos. Projeto Paraná Biodiversidade, 2007. Dados do Paraná – Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social. available on Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – available on Informações sobre coleta de sementes para produção de mudas nativas. Programa Mata Ciliar, Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (IAP), 2008. Matas Legais. Klabin, APREMAVI, MPSC – Centro de Apoio Operacional ao Meio Ambiente. MAACK, R. Geografia Física do Estado do Paraná. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria José Olympio Editora, 1981 RENNER, M., OLIVEIRA B. E.,BITTENCOURT S., NAKA C. Estimativa da sobrevivência em campo e do estoque / incremento de carbono das espécies nativas plantadas pelo Programa Mata Ciliar no Estado do Paraná. Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (IAP), 2008. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and The Governor of the State of Paraná of the Republic of Brazil Recalling the commitment of the Secretary General of the United Nations for carbon neutral operations of the United Nations, Recalling the Greening Strategy of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a report on which will be presented to the Parties at COP 9, Recalling the memorandum of understanding between the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and His Excellency Mr. Roberto Requiao, Governor of the State of Paraná, Brazil, on offsetting the environmental impact of the third meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the CBD, signed in Curitiba, Brazil on 31 March 2006; 1. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Governor of the State of Paraná hereby agree that the State of Paraná will, through its Riparian Forest Program, offset SCBD emissions from 2008 to 2010, estimated at 10,100 equivalent tonnes of CO2, by planting approximately 100 hectares with native trees (72 hectares will be planted with up to 67 native species, the remaining 28 hectares will preferably regenerate naturally) in the State of Paraná. 2. Paraná will certify this offset internally, through inventories reported by the government of Paraná through the State Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources to the Secretariat once a year. 3. The offset period for calculations will be 30 years, although the State of Paraná commits to support the reforested areas in permanence. 4. The Paraná State, through the State Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources will send the SCBD all relevant information on the area and the planting, including the geographical coordinates of the forested area, description of procedures and species used, images of the activities and area and a copy of the contractual arrangement with the landowner(s), by October 2008. 5. The SCBD will pursue options to indentify a specialist to certify Paraná's Riparian Forest Program for the voluntary carbon offset market and to facilitate Paraná’s participation in the market under the most favourable arrangements. 6. The SCBD proposes to use the Riparian Forest Program as a case study for the 2010 biodiversity target. To this end, the State of Paraná will document this offset, and the entire programme, so that it can be presented jointly at COP 10. Signed this twentyseventh day of May 2008 in Bonn, Germany, at the margins of the ninth Conference of the Parties to the CBD. For and on behalf of the Secretariat of the For and on behalf of the State of Paraná Convention on Biological Diversity H.E. Mr. Roberto Requiao Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary Governor, State of Parana Riparian Forest Program CONTACTS Secretariat of the Environment and Water Sources Environmental Institute of the State of Paraná Riparian Forest Program 55 41 32133714