ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST MUSIC FOR THE LITURGY ` Sunday, January 18, 2015 Second Sunday In Ordinary Time 4:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Gathering: FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT If you would like an “end of year” financial statement of your contributions to the parish for 2014, please call the Parish Office at 382-8324. Financial Statements are issued on a request only basis. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED In observance of Martin Luther King Day, the Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 19, 2015. The office will reopen at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, January 20th. All Are Welcome BB 418 Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 100) All the earth proclaim the Lord, sing your praise to God. Preparation Here I Am, Lord BB 378 Mass Parts Mass of Creation BB 881 Communion: The Supper Of The Lord BB 361 Take And Eat BB 366 Recessional: Church Of God, Elect And Glorious BB 417 WORLD MARRIAGE DAY The Church celebrates World Marriage Day on the weekend of February 14-15, 2015 and the faith commitment of countless couples living out the sacrament of Marriage. At the conclusion of all Liturgies that weekend, married couples will be invited to renew their own wedding vows. Please pray for those married among us, and remember those preparing to be married as well. GLUTEN INTOLERANT? The Parish now provides an option for receiving Holy Communion for anyone suffering from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. We have obtained special altar breads that are fully certified for use at Mass by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and laboratory tested to contain only .001% gluten. Please see the Pastor or the Sacristan before Mass about receiving Communion using one of these special hosts. UPCOMING SECOND & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS January 18, 2015 January 25, 2015 February 1, 2015 February 8, 2015 PARISH TITHING January 11, 2015 Offertory Visit our website to view our Weekly Church Bulletin and Upcoming Parish Events:! Fuel Seminarian Fund Property Management Catholic Schools $6,273.00 Thank you for your generosity to your parish. Your weekly contribution helps ensure that the parish remains a vibrant community. Please remember to submit your weekly gift even if you will be away. We depend upon your support! PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office Parish Prayer Line St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Luke’s Food Pantry Preschool Presentation of Mary Convent 382-8324 382-8324 x 314 382-8324 x 315 819-4949 382-9783 382-2744 Fr. Albert Tremblay Cathy Smith Joyce Szczapa Jackie Tremblay Thomas Kondel Val Barczak Robin Thompson Parish Council page one 957 jszczapa@stluketheevangelist,net HOLY IS HIS NAME PARISH NEWS PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, at St. Luke the Evangelist Parish, invites you to join our Prayer Shawl Ministry! Shawls can be made with yarn, quilt fabric, or fleece. They are filled with prayer, care, and love. They will be given to anyone in need of comfort or solace. If you are interested in prayerful camaraderie and in joining the group, or if you or someone you know is in need of the comfort of one of our shawls, scarves, or crochet crosses contact Barbara Metcalf at 603-642-8334 or The Sanctuary Candle in Holy Angels Church will burn this week in loving memory of Medina Arsenault requested by Verna Carbone MARRIAGE IN THE CHURCH Did you know that ALL Catholics are required to be married in the Church as a condition of the validity of their marriage? Any Catholic married in a civil ceremony (JP) or in any religious ceremony other than a Catholic one (unless specifically excepted by the Bishop) is not living out the Sacrament of Marriage in its fullness according to the teaching of the Church. Contact Father Albert at the parish office for more information. SANCTUARY CANDLES The Sanctuary Candles in both Newton and Plaistow may be offered in memory or honor of a loved one. The suggested offering is $10.00. Please call the Parish Office 382-8324. PRAYER LINE St. Luke’s offers a prayer line as a resource for those seeking prayer assistance. Submit your prayer request to or call 382-8324, ext. 314. RETROUVAILLE…A Lifeline Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille weekend. If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help you. Retrouvaille marriage renewal weekends will be held on April 10-12, 2015; and September 11-13, 2015. To register, or for more information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST FOOD PANTRY Food or care items are always needed – donations can be dropped off at Church or are welcome at the Parish Office during regular business hours. Cash donations for food are always welcome – make checks payable to St. Luke the Evangelist Food Pantry. All donations to the Food Pantry go toward helping the needy of our communities. HOLY ANGELS CEMETERY CLOSED The Holy Angels Cemetery in Plaistow is closed for all activity until Spring. This decision comes as result of the real dangers of snow and ice in the Cemetery and the costs to Parishioners to inter during the winter months. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions. Fr. Albert FOOD PANTRY HOURS Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Thursday from 6:00 to 7:00 PM Friday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon For more information call the St. Luke Food Pantry at 603-819-4949. WHILE AWAY THIS WINTER… We appreciate all of you who remember to send in your Parish Offertory during the winter even when on vacation or visiting other parishes. Thank you for remembering that our expenses also continue through the winter months. We invite others to consider doing the same before or even after you return home. page two 957 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, January 18 9:45 AM NO Religious Ed, Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 12:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 6:00 PM NO Confirmation I & II Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow Monday, January 19 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 4:00 PM NO Religious Ed, Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6:30 PM NO Religious Ed, Levels 6, 7, 8 Plaistow Plaistow Tuesday, January 20 9:00 AM Scripture Share – Catholicism 6:00 PM Finance Council Meeting Plaistow Plaistow 9:30 AM 4:15 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:30 PM Wednesday, January 21 Eucharistic Adoration Begins Intercessory Prayer Group Scripture Share – Catholicism St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting Eucharistic Adoration Ends Thursday, January 22 8:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration Begins 7:00 PM RCIA 8:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Ends Saturday, January 24 9:00 AM First Communion Retreat 3:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:45 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Sunday, January 25 Religious Ed, Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Choir Rehearsal Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Confirmation I & II Saturday, January 17 ~ Vigil / 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 4:00 PM Medina Arsenault by Verna Carbone Plaistow Sunday, January 18 ~ Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow 7:30 AM Janice McLean by her sister Kathy White Newton 9:00 AM Thomas Sceggell (Birthday Remembrance) by his mother Newton 11:00 AM Conrad C. DeVeau by Ann Marie & Joe Sheehan Plaistow Monday, January 19 ~ Weekday Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 8:00 AM People of the Parish Newton Tuesday, January 20 ~ St. Fabian & St. Sebastian Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 Newton Plaistow Newton 8:00 AM Medina Arsenault by the Women’s Guild Plaistow Wednesday, January 21 ~ St. Agnes Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 6:30 PM Plaistow Plaistow Mary Denman by Joe & Ann Marie Sheehan Plaistow Thursday, January 22 ~ Day of Prayer for the Unborn Heb 7:25—8:6; Mk 3:7-12 8:00 AM Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow Plaistow Janet Gavin (Month’s Mind) Newton Friday, January 23 ~ St. Vincent and St. Marianne Cope Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 No Mass Saturday, January 24 ~ St. Francis de Sales Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 (Daytime) Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 (Vigil) 4:00 PM Frank Tatarka by his wife Sonia Plaistow Sunday, January 25 ~ Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Drop-a-Dollar in the St. Vincent de Paul box on your way out of church. Remember ~ 100% of your donation is used to help those who need a hand up, not a hand out. 11:00 AM If you’d like to join the St. Vincent de Paul Society and help us help the poor and needy, please come to our next meeting on Wednesday, January 21st at 7:00 PM. We meet downstairs in the Holy Angels Church Hall in Plaistow. New members are always welcome! If you seek assistance or need information about the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Call 603-382-8324 x315. Intentions of Joseph Thompson by his wife Robin Newton People of the Parish Newton John V. Milone, Sr. by Joe and Ann Marie Sheehan Plaistow PLEASE HELP US! As you leave church, kindly take your Bulletin with you – or return it to the basket at the entrance of the Church, return your music book and Mass card to their proper place, and pick up after yourself as you leave. Our Ushers are wonderful and diligent, but they should not have to face a Foxboro aftermath as each Mass ends! Thanks for being attentive and respectful! F. Albert. page three 957 JANUARY 18, 2015_________________________________ FAITH FORMATION & PARISH INFORMATION DISCIPLES ON THE JOURNEY Lent beings with Ash Wednesday on February 18, 2015! This Lent, Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish invites all to renew their faith by participating in the Church’s annual retreat time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We are pleased to once again utilize the “Disciples On The Journey” book for our text. Consider joining a small group. Groups meet during Lent to discuss the upcoming Lenten Sunday Readings and to share experiences of discipleship. We will use a text that follows the Sunday Lenten readings published by the Office of Catechetical Ministry of the Diocese of Victoria, TX. Adults, families, and youth will learn more about Scripture, participate in interesting discussions, meet some wonderful people, and have the opportunity to build up the Body of Christ. Beginning next weekend, registration forms for Disciples On The Journey will be available in the bulletin. You will also be able to find them on our website ( under “News and Events.” Group meetings will begin during the week of February 15th. We hope you will join us!!!! FREE Teen and Family downloads are available for Disciples On The Journey by visiting tm. ADORATION We are truly blessed to have times for perpetual Adoration of Our Lord in our Parish. This time of prayer and intercession is not only a source of great grace for the individual, but it is a great source of grace for us as a parish family, as well. We have many who have made the commitment to spend an hour each week with our Eucharistic Lord. If you can commit to one hour a week in Adoration of our Lord, please contact Cathy Smith at 603382-8324 or email her at RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. RCIA is intended to serve: • • • Those not Baptized who would like to learn more about the Catholic religion. Those Baptized in another religion who think they might like to become Catholic. Those Baptized Catholic but have not been raised in the Faith. If you or someone you know is interested in inquiring about becoming a member of the Roman Catholic Church, please call Cathy Smith at 603-382-8324 or email: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Norman Ducharme Come join us on Friday, February 6, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Church Hall for Ultreya. The format of the Ultreya is designed to create an atmosphere of sharing with each other our life as a Christian and witnessing to each other how Christ is working through us in our families, neighborhood, and other environments. The Ultreya provides the ongoing conversion process that started in the three-day Cursillo weekend. If you have any questions about Ultreya or Cursillo, please contact Cathy Smith at or call 382-8324. ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you an adult who has been Baptized and received Eucharist, but has not celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation? The adult Confirmation process is an opportunity to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. If you would like to prepare for Confirmation, or if you have any questions, contact Cathy Smith at 603-3828324 or email her at PARENTS BAPTISM PREPARATION SESSION The monthly preparation session for infant Baptism will be held after the 11:00 AM Liturgy on Sunday, February 1st in the Parish Office living room. All parents planning to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism are welcome. Families wishing to celebrate Baptism in the Church must be registered (according to Church Canon Law) and practicing (attending Sunday Mass) for 3 full months before a Baptism can be scheduled. The use of the envelope system is always optional; however, it does guarantee a manner of accountability. For most families, the Pastor or staff can easily verify attendance during these three months. Baptismal sponsors (godparents) are also regulated by Church Canon Law. Sponsors must be at least 16, fully initiated (having received Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), and be practicing Catholics living Christian lives consistent with the Church’s teaching. Please see Fr. Albert with questions. page four 957 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Youth And Parish News COLD AND FLU SEASON Feeling a little sniffle coming on? Everyone should have a sense of prudence about safe health practices at all times of the year. If someone is truly ill, the obligation to participate in Sunday Liturgy does not apply. Those who are sick should refrain from receiving from the cup at communion – remembering that the Risen Lord is truly and completely present in both the host and cup. While precautions and practices are a necessary part of the cold and flu season, it’s always important to be reasonable and prudent when we are ill. Our care for each other also extends to making sure everyone is attended to in the best way possible. And remember… bed rest and chicken soup can sometimes be a “sacramental” experience! OPEN HOUSE St. Joseph Regional Catholic School St. Joseph Regional Catholic School in Salem, NH, will hold Open House tours for prospective students and their families during Catholic Schools week January 26-30 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM each day. Invest in your child’s education from preschool through grade 8 with our strong academic curriculum intertwined with spiritual formation and a range of enrichment and athletic programs. For instance, SJRCS sent three teams to the NH Robotics finals and 1 to the MA finals, with their award winning coach and technology teacher. SJRCS incorporates technology for all with interactive whiteboards for lesson planning, virtual field trips, and include 1-1 ipads and robotics in grade 8. Check out their website at You may visit unannounced within the times listed above or call ahead at 603-893-6811. ALZHEIMER’S CAFÉ The Alzheimer’s Café at the Atkinson Country Club is a welcoming place where people living with dementia, along with their care partners and family members, come together for a casual social gathering each month. Spend a morning enjoying interesting conversation with new friends who are experiencing similar circumstances. The Alzheimer’s Café happens on the third Monday of each month from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Atkinson Country Club. Refreshments are served. No reservations are necessary. For more information, contact Elaine Lawrence at 603-819-4599. HOSPITAL VISITATION If you or someone you know is in the hospital and wants to receive a visit, please contact the parish office at 382-8324. If you or someone you know faces a hospital admission, make sure they know to inform the hospital that they are Catholic and are members of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. If a person cannot make this information known at the time of admission, a family member may be able to make that information known to the hospital staff. HOLY ANGELS PRE-SCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN THANK YOU! St. Luke the Evangelist Youth Ministry WARMLY thanks everyone who donated blankets. Because of you, 59 blankets were delivered to the Emmaus House in Haverhill. Families are now cozy and warm due to your generosity. Thank you!!!!!!! Holy Angels Preschool and Kindergarten is now accepting registrations for the 2014-2015 school year. There are openings in the Three-Year-Old Program, Four-Year-Old Afternoon Program, and half-day or full-day Kindergarten Programs. We have flexible hours and we offer Kindergarten Enrichment after the public Kindergarten day ends. All teachers are licensed and certified and we offer a welcoming environment. We are based upon a "hands-on learning" approach which promises a well-rounded beginning education for your child. We are located in the Parish Center of Saint Luke The Evangelist Parish in Plaistow, NH. Please call Jeannie at 382-9783. page five 957 Out of respect, please remember to silence or turn off your cell phones during Mass. Thank you! Do Something for Lent. Renew your faith. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015! This Lent, Saint Luke the Evangelist Parish invites all to renew their faith by participating in the Church’s annual retreat time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This year we are pleased to, once again, utilize the “Disciples On The Journey” book for our text. What is the Lenten Journey about? It is about prayer! Today we begin with prayer as our 2015 Lenten Journey program gets underway. Begin to pray in an active way about the upcoming Lenten season. Ask for the Spirit’s guidance as you consider your involvement; pray that our Parish’s Lenten Journey through the desert be blessed. Consider a small group! Groups meet during Lent to discuss the upcoming Lenten Sunday Readings, and to share member’s experiences of discipleship. We will use a text that follows the Sunday Lenten readings published by the Office of Catechetical Ministry of the Diocese of Victoria, TX. Adults, Families and Youth will learn more about Scripture, participate in interesting discussions, meet some wonderful people, and have the opportunity to build up the Body of Christ. FREE Teen AND Family downloads are available for Disciples on the Journey by visiting El website para Disciples on the Journey proporciona secciones additional gratis para jóvenes y familia. What else? During Lent, special Paschal Mission inserts in the weekly bulletin will focus on the Lenten Scriptures and on discipleship in the real world. Sunday Homilies will touch on living Jesus’ Gospel and on the questions discussed at Group meetings. Small Group sign-ups begin next weekend, January 24, 25! Small Group sign-ups Forms begin the of bulletin. January 28, 29! Registration willweekend be in the Group Meetingsbegin begin the 19.15. Group Meetings the week weekofofFebruary February PARISH MINISTRIES & INFORMATION JOIN THE CHOIR! Why not join the Choir? We have lots of fun, work hard, and singing is a great way to worship! We rehearse on Sundays following the 11:00 AM Mass in Plaistow. You don’t have to know how to read music to join – come on down! ALTAR SERVERS Students wanting to become Altar Servers at Liturgy are welcome to see Father Albert for more information. We welcome any student who has celebrated their First Eucharist to become an Altar Server. Training typically begins with the new server being an “observer” until they are ready to function as servers. Parents – call the Parish Office for more information at 382-8324. READERS WANTED Our Parish community is in need of new READERS for weekend and weekday Liturgies. Readers proclaim the readings and lead the Assembly in the General Intercessions on Sundays. A good heart and clear speaking voice are the only qualifications needed – all other training and materials are provided. Any adult or high school age student is welcome to become a READER. Anyone who is interested can see Father Albert. Prospective READERS can also call the Parish Office for more information at 382-8324. GREETERS AND USHERS WANTED Our Parish community is in need of GREETERS and USHERS to assist us at the weekend liturgies. Greeters are principally concerned with offering a welcome to all who come through the doors of our churches, distributing the weekly Bulletin and making guests feel part of our Parish. They also help designate people to bring up the gifts during the offertory. The ministry of Usher is also concerned with hospitality; helping with the collections at Mass, helping people who need handicap access to the church in Plaistow, and helping to designate people to bring up the gifts during the offertory. Couples or families are invited to serve together! Anyone who is interested can see Father Albert. Prospective GREETERS and USHERS can also call the Parish Office for more information at 382-8324. ALTAR FLOWERS Altar Flowers are a special opportunity for remembering a departed loved one or offering thanksgiving for a blessing or family event. A floral arrangement placed in front of the altar for the Sunday Liturgy can be purchased for an offering of $50, with an accompanying announcement in the weekly bulletin. Availability is limited according to the Liturgical Calendar. Offerings can be reserved on a first-come basis by contacting the Parish Office at 382-8324. HOSPITAL VISITATION If you or someone you know is in the hospital and wants to receive a visit, please contact the parish office at 3828324. If you or someone you know faces a hospital admission, make sure they know to inform the hospital that they are Catholic and are members of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. If a person cannot make this information known at the time of admission, a family member may be able to make that information known to the hospital staff. PRAYER LINE St. Luke’s offers a prayer line as a resource for those seeking prayer assistance. Submit your prayer request to or call 382-8324, ext. 314. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST JUDE COUNCIL #6617 SEEKING NEW MEMBERS The St. Jude Council is a vital part of your parish. We are a Catholic men’s fraternal organization whose main purposes are charitable works and supporting our parish and community. We are involved with many activities during the year, including: A yearly Golf Tournament to raise money to help local families in need; Blood Drives; A Wedding Vows/Valentine’s Day Meal & Dance; Food Baskets; Family Pool Party & BBQ. This is just a small sampling of the many activities of the St. Jude Council. We offer opportunities not just for the men, but for our members’ entire family, including a Squires Club for young men between the ages of 10 and 18. The only requirement for membership is that you are a practicing Catholic who wants to join other men and their families of the parish to help those who are in need, support your parish, and enjoy the fellowship of other members and their families. If you would like to find out more about the Knights, please contact Bernie Gosselin at 603-6424012. AROUND THE DIOCESE MARRIAGE IN THE CHURCH Did you know that ALL Catholics are required to be married in the Church as a condition of the validity of their marriage? Any Catholic married in a civil ceremony (JP) or in any religious ceremony other than a Catholic one (unless specifically excepted by the Bishop) is not living out the Sacrament of Marriage in its fullness according to the teaching of the Church. Contact Father Albert at the parish office for more information. The Pregnancy Care Center The Pregnancy Care Center is a non-profit organization that offers its confidential services at no cost to its clients. We are committed to promoting the culture of life by assisting expectant parents in the birth and subsequent development of their child during his or her first year of life. We are also committed to helping young people embrace the virtues of chastity and continence as a sign of their Christian dignity. Main Center 496 Main St., Haverhill, MA (978-373-5700) Helpline: 866-254-4440 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER STAY INFORMED WITH FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP NEWS The Diocese of Manchester wants to inform Catholics about important public policy matters facing our elected officials. Faithful Citizenship News provides briefs on legislation as well as information about Catholic social teaching on some of today’s pressing issues. To read the current issue of Faithful Citizenship News and to subscribe, visit CATHOLIC CHARITIES COUNSELING New Hampshire Catholic Charities provides individual, marital, family, and couples' counseling, helping people with a variety of personal difficulties, including: Depression, Stress, Family Conflicts, Relationship Problems, Anxiety, Substance Abuse, Life Adjustment Issues, Grief and Loss. Counseling also helps individuals and families strengthen communication skills in order to build and sustain healthy relationships and live more satisfying lives. A sliding scale fee is offered. Contact Arlene Dody, LCMHC in Salem at 603-893-1971 for more information. HOW TO MAKE A REPORT OF SEXUAL ABUSE Child sexual abuse is a crime in the State of New Hampshire and the Church. New Hampshire law requires that anyone who has reason to suspect that a child is being or has been abused or neglected must make a report to the Division for Children, Youth & Families (“DCYF”) of the State of New Hampshire, 1-800-894-5533. Any person who suspects or alleges child abuse on the part of a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of a parish, school, or institution of the diocese of Manchester is also encouraged to make a report to the Office for Ministerial Conduct, 603669-3100. Church personnel – clergy, paid employees, and volunteers – have additional reporting requirements if they believe that Church personnel have sexually abused a child. You can learn more about these reporting requirements on the diocesan website at or by speaking with our Parish Safe Environment Coordinator, Cathy Smith at 382-8324. Don’t you and your spouse deserve a beautiful, romantic weekend away together? Get away from all those worldly anxieties and take time to just focus on each other by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance, and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in New England. For more information, call Ralph & Jane Becker at 1-800-710-9963 or visit NH COUPLE ENRICHMENT CIRCLE Have you attended a Marriage Encounter Weekend? If your answer is yes, you are invited to participate in the NH Couple Enrichment Circle to continue to strengthen your marriage relationship. For more information, contact David and Karen Demers at 617-480-9989 or RETROUVAILLE…A Lifeline Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille weekend. If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help you. For more information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit SUPPORT FOR DIVORCED AND SEPARATED Divorce and separation can be painful experiences. Support groups are available to those who are seeking healing, comfort, and empowerment. Visit for a listing of groups. Now from Liguori Publications! Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Do You Know Jesus? By Janel Esker “ T he Lamb of God,” “the one who takes away the sin of the world,” “a man who is ahead of me because he existed before me,” “the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit,” and “the Son of God” are some of the profound descriptions for Jesus we hear from John the Baptist in today’s Gospel. John could have added “my cousin” to the list, but clearly he wished to draw attention away from himself and only to Jesus. Sunday Readings 1 Samuel 3:3–10, 19 Samuel, hearing the Lord in the night, goes to Eli three times, thinking he had called him. Eli directs him to reply, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Corinthians 6:13–15, 17–20 Saint Paul teaches that the human body is “a temple of the Holy Spirit” and exhorts the Church to morality regarding others’ bodies and our own. John 1:35–42 Seeing Jesus, John the Baptist says, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Hearing that, Andrew and another disciple of John’s part to follow Christ. I wonder what other descriptions we might add to the list. If someone asked you to describe who Jesus is, what would you say? Could you speak from your personal experience of Jesus? I think sometimes, as Catholics, we miss opportunities to really get to know Jesus on a more personal level. We relate to God, the Trinity, as a whole, but we may forget to spend time with the second person of the Trinity, Jesus—who, of course, fully experienced our humanity by becoming one of us. This week we begin the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, and we’re probably back into patterns of our “ordinary” lives after holidays—back to school, back to work, back to having Christmas decorations packed away. But even in this most ordinary of times, we have a tremendous opportunity to come to know Jesus on a deeper level. Yes, he the Lamb of God, the one who takes away the sin of the world. But might we through prayer, conversation, and reflection also come to know Jesus as brother, partner, healer, motivator, confidant, supporter? If we spend some “ordinary” time with Jesus this week, we may come to know him in a whole new and not-so-ordinary way. † Liguori Publications l • How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? • Do we treat the human person and body as holy and having dignity? Prayer for Christian Unity Lord Jesus, we pray that all Christians may be one. Grant us the freedom and courage to see our common purpose, to serve others in your name, and to witness to the Good News. —Adapted from Let’s Begin With a Prayer: 101 Prayers for Meetings by Sally Macke The Sages of Various Gray Matters By Fr. Kenneth G. Davis, OFM By Fr. Rick Potts, CSsR T C easing Sister Veronica on her sixtieth birthday, I asked if she was going to dye her hair or get a face-lift. “Oh, no!” she countered. “Those are my badges of honor, my medals for having fought the good fight.” Now that I qualify for AARP, I recall Sister’s wisdom. The most interesting faces, like the most appealing landscapes, reflect the turbulence of time. Flat and featureless expanses, perfect for corporate farms, are dreary for the driver who endures yet never enjoys such visual deserts of straightness and sameness. Although tractors purr through topography without rock or stump, painters stir through terrain where glaciers once trudged or lava steamed. Time-trudging and passions-steaming mark faces like places. Just as ridges ripple the sunshine, wrinkles crinkle the laughlines. Hollows dapple shadows as dimples brindle smiles. The fascination of a landmark, like a birthmark, is its individuality. Yet while organizations rail when a landmark is overwhelmed by development, industries race to vanquish a birthmark with any dermatological advancement. Oddly, our culture markets individuality by selling sameness. Contestants at a beauty pageant only differ in the degree by which they conform to a single standard of attractiveness. The unexamined paradox is that all models must conform to one standard to market “be yourself” nonconformity. WEEKDAY READINGS January 19–24 Mon. Tue. Wed. Even in writing this piece, my attempts at a contradistinction to beautiful prove my point. Antonyms include plain, but that means featureless, which is what the beautiful strive for with cosmetics injections. Other opposites are regular or common, but again commonality describes those who have had plastic surgery to realize a shared aesthetic, not those of us content with our inherited genetics. So we children of the counterculture continue to be today’s real mavericks. Sister Veronica was right. Our distinctive laughlines and receding hairlines, like whorls and beauty marks, make us unique and nonconformists. By giving up the fight for “perfection,” we are revolutionaries. Because we cooperate with nature rather than attempt to dominate it, we are all still distinct and varied. This is just as relevant now as it was in the Age of Aquarius! † Hebrews 5:1–10 / Mark 2:18–22 St. Fabian, St. Sebastian: Hebrews 6:10–20 / Mark 2:23–28 St. Agnes: Hebrews 7:1–3, 15–17 / Mark 3:1–6 Thu. Fri. Sat. hoosing the right thing to do is rarely simple. Yet it seems many wish to reduce issues to black and white. It is easier to flip a coin, but rarely does the problem stop there. In the Bible, the Sadducees and Pharisees confront Jesus continually on points of law being ignored, such as not pulling the grains of wheat or not healing on the Sabbath. They say: It’s the law, so we need to obey it. Period. Jesus didn’t think Sabbath regulations were silly or unimportant, but he realized some things were more important than others. Most decisions involve compromise, but not abortion. It is squarely wrong. Abortion is an individual sin and a communal sin. It illustrates the low value we often place on human life, not just that of the unborn. It speaks of frightened people making desperate decisions. It can also speak of decisions made for the sake of convenience. We must end legalized abortion. As a community, we must decide how to respond to the circumstances that lead to unwanted pregnancies. How do we teach young people to understand the sacredness of life? How do we help them meet all the needs of unexpected parenthood? What about when the life of the mother is in jeopardy? If even apparent black-and-white moral issues are shrouded in gray, how do we decide what to do? As Catholic Christians, our chief measuring stick must be the Gospel. We must always ask ourselves, as Jesus did, “What serves the greater good? What is the loving thing? And of course, What gives greater glory to God?” † Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children: Hebrews 7:25—8:6 / Mark 3:7–12 St.Vincent, St. Marianne Cope: Hebrews 8:6–13 / Mark 3:13–19 St. Francis de Sales: Hebrews 9:2–3, 11–14 / Mark 3:20–21 Copyright © 2015 Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057. 1-800-325-9521. • Editor: Julia A. DiSalvo. Designer: Mark Bernard. • Scripture quotations in this publication are from New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. • For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488. • All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders. BHW001 January 18, 2015
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