PHoPA Newsletter September 2016


PHoPA Newsletter September 2016
me for the phlock to spread our Wings and phly with
2016 Wings Over Port A “A License To Chill” Our 7th annual Fall Fundraiser to benefit the
Animal Rescue Keep (ARK) Port Aransas Community Theatre (PACT) VFW Post 8967 Building Fund
Fes vi es begin on Friday the 16th ! 530pm Sunset Cruise & Dolphin Watch aboard The Island Queen
7pm Beach Bonfire with beer and spirits
BYOB & chair & roast your own hot dogs
Entertainment by Mango Mani of the SAPHC
The Phun con nues Saturday the 17th ! Morning ARK Sea Turtle Release
(Time to be announced)
1pm Sand Sculp ng lessons by Professional Sand Sculptor
Chip Cooper
(Beach loca on to be announced)
Annual Dinner and Auc ons Port Aransas Civic Center 630pm Cocktail Hour with beer and spirits or BYOB
Dinner catered by Giggity’s
Deno’s Dialogue This month's dialogue is about our annual
fund raising event Wings Over Port A License
to Chill. Several things are going very well
and a few s ll need some work. Our
dona ons seem to be down a bit this year as
with our a endance. I am a ribu ng both to
the change of our date from October to
September. Several people are probably going to contact us a er the event
looking for it. We had to move the date because the Civic Center was booked in
October. The "compe
on" for the Civic Center is strong and many of the
organiza ons have had it for a number of years longer than us. They use
seniority as a criteria for who has priority in ren ng the center. If I can get it
reserved we will put a hold on it for Oct next year. We can discuss this at our
one annual real business mee ng in January. If you have ideas of other fund
raiser ideas we would like to hear them. We want this to be a fun event that
people want to return every year. That is why a "consistent" date is important .
Much of our entertainment is our beach which is why many come here. We
need to keep that in mind. They come to party too. We are s ll a small club
(about 120) in a small venue with only a small group to draw from. Because of
that we feel our dona ons are down a bit. It is s ll early and many are s ll in
the mill. We do have 30 sponsors of at least $250.00, which is good. If you
have friends or members who would like to come, please remember that the
t‐shirt deadline is fast approaching. You can s ll come a er the deadline for the
t‐shirts, you just may or won't get a shirt. To many it does not ma er. We have
a great facility with a great band and great food. We have some cool items for
auc on including a Viking Ship "Red Dragon" for your mantle, 6 large Cra sman
Wet/Dry Vacuums, Hotel stays (for your company) and a beau ful turtle
serving dish, just to name a few. This is to be a party event to raise some
money and we want everyone to have fun. We are going to try to do the
auc ons and raffles early so everyone can have some
me to enjoy the band
and have fun a er the business is done. I hope everyone is signed up
and ready to help.
Deno "Moon Dog" Fabrie
P.S. We have entered our club in the "Golden Coconut" Award, thanks to
Orville Ballard wri ng a masterful ar cle about our club. We cannot disclose it
un l a er the judging (rules) and then we will share it. And we had Rick
Bosworth enter our club news paper in the na onal Parrot Head contest....
We have a first class newspaper very well done and I hope everyone reads it
monthly. There are a lot of items and photos. Keep any photos
and ar cles coming to Boz....
Lines n Lyrics
Can you name this Jimmy Buffet tune from one line or lyric in the song ?
“Come on take a li le taste of freedom,
High up in the cloud land kingdom”
Answer on The Back Page I HEARD IT ON THE COCONUT TELEGRAPH Heard about the Giggity’s menu for Wings Saturday Night ?
Brusche a appe zers, Grilled Chicken Alfredo over Cheese Tortellini,
Caesar Salad, French Bread and Fresh Veggies. ..MMMMMMM !
Check out the Pirates Ball ar cles this month from Je y Lady !
Heard that early vo ng will be 10/24 — 11/ 4 in Nueces County.
Exercise your right. Get out and vote !
Did you hear that cruise ships are one knot closer to cruzin’ the ship channel ?
Wave to the crowds !
Heard a rumor that the recently docked oil rig brought it’s reef life back with it.
Red snapper in the ship channel !
Heard some of the phlock phlew to see JB’s
I Don’t Know tour in Chicago !
Phins Up !
Ahoy Pirates, Parrots and Phriends !
Jetty Lady
Pirates Ball 2016 was a huge hoot and a great money maker for our phriends in Aus n to benefit
their charity,...BIG LOVE
We sailed our ship to Aus n on Friday August 19 to par cipate in phun, phes vi es and phrolic.
We succeeded. This is one event, that if you have never plundered into the Pirates lair here in Aus n,
you really should. There were three 'Pirate Ball Virgins' among us, and we phlaunted the phact. We hung the sign
phrom the umbrella above our pool perch and quickly were the most popular place to take a picture.
Phor 3 days we joined pirates and wenches, captains and their crews, along with many tropical shirts and various
ou its that only seasoned parrotheads can create. There were ParrotHeads from San Antonio, Seguin, Port Aransas,
Canyon Lake, Dallas and more, I am sure, that I missed.
Phriday arrival was met with people already in the Pool, the Tiki Bars being erected and music blaring. A er a bit,
those going on the Boat Cruise le to ply the rainy waters of Lady Bird
Johnson lake and check out the bat's exit from the Congress Street
Bridge. The cruise was accompanied by the great Donny Brewer and
Reggie Starre . Great musicians and ParrotHead phavorites.
A fine me was had by all.
Saturday dawned cloudy, but the pirates were not deterred. Everyone
met poolside and the drinking, I mean party, began. We were graced by
Master Griff, Pirate Extraordinare. Regaling us with his tales of plunder,
thunder and grog. The weather held off and at 12 pm, we had one of
the greatest duos in Texas, The Deten ons, play music for us. Peeps, you guys need to hear them, cheer them and
follow them. They are the real deal and sing so passionately about our li le island. ( See separate ar cle)
The music was halted only briefly, phor the serious delay of pool games...a balloon pop, which yes, yours truly with
her competent partner, Julie Weseman Jones took phirst place!!! We didn't do so well in synchronized drowning, I
mean swimming. It was so much fun, ll the rain came rolling in and drove us to a nap.
Never have I experienced the crazy amount of amazing costumes strolling into the
ballroom. I mean wow. Serious dressing here. Ladies, there were a few Johnny Depp
look alikes too, yes I no ce these things.
The ballroom was all agli er with lights and decorated tables. We had great
appe zers and a fully stocked bar. The auc on table was filled with boun ful booty.
Music was by the Dennis Davis Band, who kept us dancing un l the ship sailed.
A great event that every PHOPA needs to experience. Let's all go next year!!!
*If There Is A Li le Less Beer On The Island*....
You Might Blame It On The Deten ons !
The Walk The Plank Pool Party at this year's Pirates Ball was taken to
great heights by the phabulous music of the Deten ons!
Since so much of the Deten on's music centers around our own li le
island, I had previously arranged an informal interview, to introduce
them to the Parrotheads who have not had the pleasure.
Their songs "Coast", "Sunburned" , and probably, "There's A Li le Less Beer On The Island" were
wri en with our li le piece of paradise in mind.
The duo, made up of Chris Hillar and Dan Sullivan, have just been nominated for Trop Rock Duo of the
Year. Asked if they had any idea they would be here, they both very humbly said
"never in a million years".
A er mee ng in the men's room of the middle school where they were both teaching, they began to
play and write together at faculty func ons and eventually in venues around Aus n/ Round Rock.
Healthy success took them to a Wounded Warrior Benefit, where they were heard by a very big Parrot
Head, who then passed their music on to Kirsten, an a ernoon DJ for Radio Margaritaville. She loved
it and started giving it air play. It quickly caught the a en on of Parrotheads everywhere, and the cra‐
ziness was on. Dan said, "We used to prac ce twice a week", now we only see each other on week‐
ends when we play." They both are s ll teaching, and playing larger and larger events every month.
They have recently released their third album aptly called "Three"
Check out some of their tunes on iTunes, You Tube or click their pic above ! Jetty
Inspired by Naked Came the Sharks by Jed Donellie and Devorah Fox
© Copyright 2016 by Orville Ballard and Devorah Fox
In previous episodes, Cheri Bradshaw, a student at the Intracoastal Marine Institute in Turtle Point, has been helping
with a team excavating the skeleton of a whale buried in the dunes and has uncovered a human skull. Cheri, fellow
student Corny, freelance journalist Tool, local law enforcement, and the director of the IMI all want to know to whom
did the skull belong and how did it end up buried on the beach.
When we last saw Cheri and report Tool were debriefing her impromptu lunch with high powered
Paradiso Development company execs at one of Turtle Point’s premier restaurants.
Tool frowned and waved for Cheri to follow him outside the library. “Let’s find someplace where we can talk,”
he whispered.
He started down the corridor. “I don’t know what Paradiso Development’s interest in that buried whale skeleton could be.
You can bet I am going to find out.”
Realizing that Tool had fallen behind, she shortened her stride. His gaze unfocused, Tool walked so
slowly he was almost standing still. “That’s why I asked,” Cheri said. “They get very good press. The
media around here sings their praises, like Starfish Sands is really going to be a boon to Turtle
Point.” Cheri had to chuckle. Speaking of starfish, she and Tool had come to a halt midway down
the corridor where behind them, a display of seashells found in the area provided the background.
“It’ll mean lots of jobs. That’s a good thing, right?”
Tool snorted. “Jobs, right. It will mean lots of jobs, but anyone who thinks they’ll be going to locals
hasn’t been paying attention. The management is all from out of town. Construction, landscaping,
it’ll all be done by mostly illegal aliens, along with maintenance and housekeeping for any rental
units. Tool’s fair cheeks reddened. “I know, I know. That sounds racist but the facts bear it out.
This area thrives on the underground economy. All that labor that no one’s paying payroll
taxes on, or worker’s compensation. And let’s not even talk about the health care benefits
that the workers aren’t getting. The only place you’ll read about that is in The Pelican, and
even I have to be super-diligent about documenting my stories. Holly Rivera, the publisher,
doesn’t doubt it’s true, but reporting it is dicey. Stories like that alienate so many advertisers,
“And while I’m on the subject of advertising, Paradiso Development uses an
out-of-town company. And all that fine press is generated by an out-of-town public
relations firm.” Tool moved on down the corridor.
“OK, but once people buy lots and build homes in Starfish Sands, they’ll be
paying property taxes. That helps Turtle Point, doesn’t it?”
“Some. Some goes to the county and the city and other taxing entities like the local
junior college district, hospital district but those are fairly minimal. Some goes to the
local schools but not all of it. We’ve got this school-funding system where the local
school district is only allowed to keep about 30 percent of the money collected and the
rest goes to the state.
“Theoretically it goes to help poorer schools but there is
no proof that that actually happens. Irrational as it might
seem, the more money the local school collects, the
higher percentage the district has to send to the state.
Most of the homes being constructed are owned by
people from out of town so they don’t add to the
enrollment of the school which makes the ratio of
collected taxes that goes to the state even higher.
Do I have you totally confused now? ”
Cheri found herself frowning, uncertain as to how she felt about that.
“Well, the investors, they’ll pay taxes on what they make, won’t they?
They’re all local.”
“Are they? I doubt it.”
“You don’t think any of the Paradiso Development investors are from Turtle Point?”
“You don’t know? I would think that would be something you would know.”
“It’s not easy to find out who the investors are. Sometimes it’s a shell corporation, a
company that doesn’t really conduct business; it’s just formed to
disguise who the owners are.”
Cheri wasn’t ready to give up. “Surely, local people will benefit someway.
Now it was Tool who frowned. “I don’t know for sure. Some local realtors may make some
money but as I understand it the development company is going to handle all sales
themselves. They also are only allowing a small handful of construction
companies to build in the development.
“I wonder what you have to do to be approved as one of those contractors,”
Tool said with a smirk.
“I guess if they’re not local, that would explain why they don’t get how wrong it would
be to build on the dunes or worse yet destroy them.”
“I doubt if they care a hoot about destroying the dunes. If the dunes are destroyed and a
hurricane with a strong storm surge comes along—and I really shouldn’t say ‘if,’ I should say
‘when’— and the whole development washes away, the developers will have already
pocketed their profits and the owners of all the condos and homes will be left holding the
bag along with their insurers and the state and federal government.
“A local joke going around,” Tool continued, “is that a hurricane will wash the whole
development across the island and clog up the ship channel leading into the local port
shutting down import and export of more than a tenth of the nation’s petroleum products.
“To be perfectly fair—and as member of the fourth estate, I sure wouldn’t want to be accused
of slanted coverage—they do have a fellow on their staff that has some environmental
sensitivities, their Chief Environmental Development Officer. Funny, haven’t heard anything about or from him in a while. I wonder if he’s still there.”
“Well, he wasn’t one of the execs that I met at lunch.” Cheri realized that
Tool no longer walked beside her and turned to see him standing in the
corridor, hands thrust into his shorts’ back pockets, rocking on his heels.
He had that faraway look in his eyes again. “What?”
Tool returned to Earth and caught up to her. “You got me wondering who
is fi-
nancing Paradiso Development. I think it is time that we start connecting some dots.
The problem may be finding out who the “dots” really are.”
Cheri propped her hands on her hips. “What you mean we, kemosabe?”
Next: From excavating a buried whale skeleton to digging into corporate shareholding,
Head Phlocker — Deno Fabrie
Veepoda Phlock — Randy Hansen
Chief Squawker — Sharon Stricker
Keeper o’da Phunds — Anita Krampitz
Da Sarge — Bill Thomas
Public Squawker—Diana Fabrie
Keeper o’da Scrapbook — Brenda Porter
Phounder o’da Phlock—Lu Ann Ferguson
Is that a
Palm ?
Have an idea for a pheature, phun phact, lyric, photo, etc.
phor the Island Poop ?
It’s your newsle er so please pheel phree to
share any and all ideas to:
We would love to hear phrom all of
our Parrot Head Phriends !
The Pirates Ball Virgins ? Anyone up for a Jello Shot ? PHINS UP ! Let’s all form a Conga Line ! Wait...they’re not naked ! Arrr you ready for the Ball ?
September 2016
Trips Around The Sun
Stoney McGerald
Andrea Bussey
Gerry Gage
Cindi Bosworth
John Krampitz
Denise Christopherson
Sharon Stricker
Joyce Walters
Jay Honeck
Joel Block
Wings I've been up around the stratosphere at 31,000 feet
I'm gonna fly on out of here on wings that you can't see
If you're gonna fly high without fear
You're gonna have to learn to love the atmosphere
And you go a learn to use those wings that you can't see
I been shreddin' on the mountains of the moon on a weekend whim
I been looking out for life on Mars, ground control to Major Jim
All these things could be yours too
If you'd just take another point of view
Everybody's got a pair of wings that they can't see
I've got wings that you can't see
I have wheels on my feet
Way up high I feel free
On these wings you can't see
I don't need no runway, I’ve got fuel here in my bong
I can buzz at treetop flyer level all day long
Now I'm looking down on ny cars
Tiny swimmers in the water and ny beach bars
And all because of these wings that you can't see
I've got wings that you can't see
I have wheels on my feet
Way up high I feel free
On these wings you can't see
Maybe if you open up your mind you might learn some things
God only knows what you might find floa n' on those wings
You can try to fly away from all your problems
I'm here to say that ain't the way to solve them
I can only help you with the wings that you can't see
We have wings that we can't see
We have wheels on our feet
Way up high we'll be free
On these wings we can't see
You have wings look and see
Silver wings like Merle and me
Come on up to Cloud 9B
Come on take a li le taste of freedom
High up in the cloud land kingdom
Take a li le trip on wings that you can't see
Lines n Lyrics Wings Buffet Hotel 2009 Click The Hemisphere Dancer To Listen September 2016 Sun Mon 5
Tue 6
Wed 7
Thu Fri Sat 1
Island Hotel
Moon Fire
BM 25
Na onal
Happy Hour
Moby Dicks
Phi h Thursday
Treasure Island