The Navigator - North High School


The Navigator - North High School
“The Navigator”
Principal’s Newsletter
St. Charles North High School
Vol. XVI No. 3
255 Red Gate Road / St. Charles IL 60175
(331) 228-4400
February 2015
Mrs. Audra Christenson
Vocal Jazz Lab Takes Peoria by Storm
For the eighth consecutive year, an ensemble from St. Charles North High School was
invited by the Illinois Music Educators' Association (ILMEA) to perform at their annual
convention. On January 31, the Vocal Jazz Lab class sang a concert program entitled
"No Guys? No Problem!" demonstrating repertoire for all-female vocal jazz ensembles.
Accompanied by Jazz Workshop students Jeremy Benshish and Liam RedmondMattucci, they performed for a packed house in the Peoria Civic Center and received
rave reviews from all in attendance. This group provided a valuable service for the
ILMEA and got a taste of "life on the road" for performing musicians.
STC North HS Vocal Jazz Lab students: (L to R Back Row - Miranda Keigher, Nicoletta Calabrese, Briana
Staheli, Rachael Schwanebeck, Sharon Carlson. Middle Row - Lindsey Gallaher, Carly Heitzler, Skylar
Ratliff, Bailey Ricketts, Ashley Henness, Cassidy Joss. Front Row - Emily Bettler, Aly Bowen, Taylor
Stevens, Abbey Lee, Ellie Tate, Haley Springer).
Page 2
February 2015
Pen of the Principal
This Pen of the Principal is structured a bit differently as I wish to highlight a few items that focus on a few
aspects of the school. While some is intended to be informative, other items such as those related to the parking
lot are intended to result in action as we work together to provide a safe environment for all.
Parking Lot Safety
As an area of concern voiced by students, staff, and parents, I would like to remind all drivers of the traffic flow
pattern in the SCN parking lot. The first four lanes in the parking lot are dedicated to southbound traffic to
provide an outlet from the Red Gate Road entrance, facilitate drop-offs, and minimize congestion in the lanes.
Driving perpendicular to these lanes is not appropriate, as this creates a dangerous situation for other drivers and
pedestrians. I ask that you respect the pedestrian walkway starting at the sidewalk by the circle drive and
running through the center of the lot. While this area is marked, frequently cars have been driving down the
walkway head on into pedestrians.
Standardized Testing
Since I last updated you, a few aspects of this year’s standardized testing have occurred. The following has
stayed the same:
Juniors will be participating in the ACT and WorkKeys testing on March 3 and 4 during the school days.
ALL students are expected to be in attendance on ALL testing days as regular classes for students not being
tested will be conducted.
A change in the participants of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
has occurred. Students enrolled in Algebra I and English 9 (standard and honors) classes will participate in the
PARCC assessments during the week of March 9-13. This testing will take place during regular school days in
the LRC computer labs. Students will be tested in two-period blocks including the subject being tested.
Schedules of when students in Algebra I and English 9 will be tested will be shared in these classes close to the
testing dates.
The scheduling process for the 2015-2016 school year is in full gear. The window for entering course requests
has closed and meetings with counselors are scheduled throughout the month of February. This year’s Summer
School catalog of offerings will contain credit recovery options as well as some elective opportunities. Please
look for the catalog on the website after Spring Break.
As we move quickly into the second semester of the school year, I would like to reiterate my appreciation for
your partnership, support, and trust as we work together to provide our students with the skills and experiences
that will launch them into a successful future.
Mrs. Audra Christenson
Want to keep up with what’s happening at St. Charles North High School? Follow us on
Twitter @StCharlesNorth or on our Facebook page St. Charles North High School.
February 2015
Page 3
College & Career Readiness
Mr. John Peters, Assistant Principal
Registration for 2015-2016
During the month of February, all students will meet individually with their counselors in a highly focused tenminute session to answer questions and confirm course requests previously entered into Home Access Center.
Course verification letters and forms will be mailed home February 27 for students and parents to review and
make any necessary changes. These course request forms must be returned by March 13 if changes are
Please feel free to contact your child’s guidance counselor at any time during this process for further
information or to answer any questions.
The last chance to change course requests is March 13.
Financial Aid Night
Financial Aid Night was January 6. This annual event is meant to assist families in preparing for college costs.
Our speaker this year was Ruth Pusich, Financial Director at Elmhurst College. This presentation was open to
all parents and students since it’s never too early or too late to learn and plan. One item Ms. Pusich mentioned
in this meeting was the importance of families of seniors filing their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal
Student Aid) application as soon as possible following January 1. For more information, go to
Any students applying to colleges via the Common Application who are still being considered for admission will
be required to submit a mid-year report and a semester transcript. Students applying to colleges and NOT
using the Common Application do not need to submit a mid-year report and semester transcript unless
specifically requested by the college or university. To request a mid-year report:
1. Log into Naviance Family Connection and Request a Transcript.
2. Complete a Transcript Request Form, available in the Guidance Office or on the SCN website
under “College & Career”, indicating the record be sent “after 7th semester” and submit this
form to your counselor. Counselors can then submit the mid-year report and transcript
electronically to the respective college. If you have any questions, see your counselor.
If your family is looking for more information about financial aid, check out one of the following web resources
or make an appointment with your son/daughter’s counselor.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission:
Naviance Family Connection:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid:
On Wednesday, January 28, during the tutorial period, all seniors attended the Senior Exit Planning Meeting.
Here they received information on end-of-year events including graduation and other senior activities.
Guidance counselors explained the importance of finishing strong and staying on target academically. A
representative from Herff-Jones distributed packets containing information about graduation announcements
and senior gear.
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February 2015
During the week of February 2, juniors will be individually called out of class to meet with their counselors in a
highly focused ten-minute session to answer questions and confirm course requests. The schedule for these
meetings is on posters throughout the building. Students are to show up at their scheduled time. Passes will
not be issued. On February 27, course verification letters and forms will be mailed home for students and
parents to review and make any necessary changes. If any changes are necessary, these forms must be
returned by March 13, otherwise no action will be needed.
On March 3 & 4, juniors across the State of Illinois will be taking the ACT plus Writing and WorkKeys
assessments. The score received may be reported to colleges. There is no cost for these exams. Registration
for these tests as well as the tests themselves will take place during the school day.
Beginning in March, counselors will be meeting with juniors individually to discuss their post high school plans.
Parents will be invited to join the conversation. Please note that all meetings will take place during the school
During the week of February 9, sophomores will be individually called out of class to meet with their counselors
in a highly focused ten-minute session to answer questions and confirm course requests. The schedule for
these meetings will be on posters throughout the building. Students are to show up at their scheduled time.
Passes will not be issued. On February 27, course verification letters and forms will be mailed home for
students and parents to review and make any necessary changes. If any changes are necessary, these forms
must be returned by March 13, otherwise no action will be needed.
During the week of February 17, freshmen will be individually called out of class to meet with their counselors
in a highly focused ten-minute session to answer questions and confirm course requests. The schedule for
these meetings will be on posters throughout the building. Students are to show up at their scheduled time.
Passes will not be issued. On February 27, course verification letters and forms will be mailed home for
students and parents to review and make any necessary changes. If any changes are necessary, these forms
must be returned by March 13, otherwise no action will be needed.
Events and Dates to Remember
February 2, 2015
Last day to add a class (other than study hall), provided
there are available seats and the class meets the same hour.
February 9, 2015
Last day to drop a class without penalty. Students must still have six or more
credit-producing classes.
March 3, 2015
ACT Testing during the school day for all juniors.
March 4, 2015
WorkKeys Testing during the school day for all juniors.
March 9-13, 2015
PARCC testing for all English 9 and Algebra I students.
Wouldn’t it be great if it were that easy? In our Guidance Office, we have a scholarship file that has many local
scholarships for seniors to apply to. We will have numerous medical and teaching scholarships as well as the
St. Charles North PTO, Greater STC Education Foundation, Harris Bank, Kiwanis, and many others. For most
applications, you will need to write an essay and have two letters of recommendation. The current list is
available on our school website under “College & Career” as well as in the Guidance Office. Last year, the
senior class received over $5 million worth of college and local scholarships, and this year’s seniors can do the
same or better!
February 2015
Page 5
PARCC Testing
Public school districts in Illinois are required to assess students for the purpose of educational accountability as
mandated by the United States Department of Education. This year, the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments will be administered in place of the Prairie State
Achievement Examination (PSAE). The PARCC assessment will measure student proficiency relative to the
Common Core State Standards, which were adopted by the Illinois State Board of Educations in 2010.
Information about the PARCC assessment, including format, sample test items, and information about scoring,
is available at
This March, all students enrolled in English 9 and Algebra I, regardless of grade level, will be taking the
PARCC Performance-Based Assessment (PBA). In April, the same group of students will be taking the
PARCC End-of-Year Assessment (EOY). More specific scheduling information will be mailed home
The PARCC test will be taken electronically on computers in our LRC and using laptops at various locations in
the building. Students taking the ELA test should bring wired headphones, such as “earbuds”, for those testing
days. Students not testing on these days (i.e. all students not in English 9 and Algebra I) will attend their
regularly scheduled classes.
Ms. Sharon Stec, Assistant Principal
News from the Nurses’ Office
I hope 2015 is off to a healthy start for you and your family. Once again the BIG news in the Nurses’ Office is
the changing immunization requirements for school attendance.
In the fall of 2015, all students entering grade 12 will be required to receive the Meningococcal Vaccine
(MCV4). In the past, this vaccine was given to students entering college, but a new law (Public Act 90-0607)
now requires students entering grades 6 and 12 to receive it.
The new requirement consists of one dose of MCV4 for entry into 6th grade and two doses for entry into 12th
grade. One dose is sufficient if a child receives MCV4 after they turn 16.
Proof of receiving MCV4 will be required for all seniors prior to the first day of school in August. Students
without proof will be excluded from school unless there is an approved medical or religious exemption on file
with the school nurse or an appointment to receive the MCV4 is documented by the student’s healthcare
I would encourage you to mention this vaccine when you make the next appointment for your child’s athletic or
complete physical. If you would like to know more about meningitis and the reasons for the new requirement,
please visit the Centers for Disease Control website
Please contact me with any concerns related to your child’s health.
Amy Boynton – School Nurse
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February 2015
Mrs. Heather Kincaid, Assistant Principal
VEI Mid-West Regional Trade Show
The St. Charles North High School Virtual Enterprises International (VEI) Students attended
the VEI Mid-West Trade Show in Pigeon Forge, TN, on November 22-24. At this event,
students set-up a trade show booth to “sell” their virtual products to the over 100 other virtual
firms and 1000 high school students from TN, NC, SC, MI, and IL. Through this event, students
develop leadership, sales, and networking skills. In addition, firms compete in marketing
competitions such as business card, brochure, and flyer. This event allows students to apply
learning from the classroom and develop skills needed in the workplace while still in high
VEI is an in-school, live, global business simulation that offers students a competitive edge
through project-based, collaborative learning, and the development of 21st-Century skills in
entrepreneurship, global business, problem-solving, communication, personal finance, and
technology. For more information about this program, please contact Mrs. Kendra Lee
( or Mrs. Barbara Schmit (
VEI students attended Mid-West Trade Show: (L to R) Front Row - Mrs. Kendra Lee, Jarron Gandy, Cory Wright, Brian
Toman, and Joey Rangel. 2nd Row - Chris Watson, Jacob Principato, Casey Walters, Jacelyn Maher, Jackie VanDyck, Jake
Jozefowicz, Hank Zimmer, Liam Smith, Carter Stibgen, and Mrs. Barb Schmit. 3rd Row - Parker Binning, Sean Piernick,
Tharyn Duncan, Jeff Reichling, Blake Kastein, Liam Flood, Connor Jones, Jake Shiltz, and Brandon Strzelecki.
February 2015
Page 7
VEI IL Business Plan Competition
On Tuesday, December 9, St. Charles North High School
hosted the IL VEI Business Plan Competition. All three of
the SCN firms (aWAKEn, Skyline Entertainment, and Star
City Sports) competed in this event. There were 21 teams
from 14 different schools in attendance. Students
submitted a 20-page business plan developed in October
prior to the competition. The day of the event, students
presented their business plan to community leaders who
evaluated the business plan and performance. In addition
to competition, students participated in roundtable
discussions with other VEI students to discuss strategies
that are working well in the VEI firms and strategies to
handle challenges.
Skyline Entertainment Firm: (L to R) Jake Shiltz, Val Tarka, Jake
Jozefowicz, and Tharyn Duncan.
Congratulations to Skyline Entertainment, who took 5th
On Thursday, January 22, the Spanish IV Honors classes participated in a half-day immersion experience,
followed by a half-day visit to a “tapas” restaurant in Naperville.
The morning activities included visits to six stations which included a virtual tour of the Prado Museum in
Madrid, a virtual tour of the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, question and answer sessions with
Spanish-speaking students from both Spain and Mexico, and historical (video and power point) tours of
Spanish and Mexican cities.
After reviewing information about Spain and learning new information about Mexico, the students boarded two
school buses to Meson Sabika Tapas Restaurant. The menu included two cold tapas, two hot tapas, paella,
and a yummy chocolate-covered profiterole. The students and teachers concluded the day with a group photo
outside the front of the restaurant.
Spanish IV Honors classes enjoyed a meal at Meson Sabika Tapas Restaurant in Naperville.
Page 8
February 2015
Course Selection Process for 2015-2016. . . Why take an Art Class?
Here is what research concludes. . .
The report “Critical Links” contains 62 academic research studies that, taken together,
demonstrate that arts education helps close the achievement gap, improves academic skills
essential for reading and language development, and advances students’ motivation to learn.
The report “Living the Arts through Language + Learning “showed that young people with high
arts involvement were:
Four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement.
Four times more likely to participate in a math and science fair.
Three times more likely to win an award for school attendance.
Three times more likely to be elected to class office.
“Ready to Innovate” asked superintendents, as well as business leaders, how to ensure the
children of today will be successful members of the workforce tomorrow. Seventy-two percent
of business leaders said creativity was the number one skill
they look for when hiring. Yet many of the courses that
help develop the creative skills employers seek aren’t
required in high school.
While employers say creativity is of primary concern when
they’re hiring, 85 percent of these employers can’t find
the creative applicants they seek.
February 2015
Page 9
ART NEWS (cont’d)
Art Student Awards
Students in the AP Studio Art Photo/Digital Media course took part in the Kane County Student
Photography Contest throughout first semester. Several students’ photographs were selected for the
top ten each week. Below is a list of North students who won awards. On December 16, the Regional
Office of Education hosted a reception and viewing of the artwork. Attendees enjoyed music from a
string-trio, while enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres prepared by the Geneva Culinary Club. The contest
was a great way for our students to connect with the community and share their talents at the county
Visit the link to view the final list of award winners and photographs.
(L to R) Mike Norton, Sean McCarthy, Bailey Moberly, and Jon Washington standing
with Devon Kellums’ photograph at the artist reception at the ROE on December 16.
Devon Kellums’ Week 7 first place
photograph is framed and will hang at the
ROE for years to come.
Art Department Upcoming Events
EMPTY BOWLS, Tues., March 4, 2015; 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Attend this outreach event and support our local homeless shelter, the Lazarus House. Buy an
authentic ceramic bowl and enjoy some delicious soup.
EAST & NORTH FILM FEST (Hosted by SCN North H.S.), May 6, 2015, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Enjoy student productions in video, animation, motion graphics, time arts, and more. Refreshments
will be provided in the lobby of the auditorium.
SPRING GALA, May 12, 2015; (Hosted at E.C.C., Fine Art Bldg.)
Feast your eyes on our AP Studio Art Students Portfolio Displays and attend concert of our SCN
musicians. There is an admission cost to attend the concert.
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February 2015
Mr. Dan Dolney, Athletic Director
This year’s Kick-a-Thon was held on October 6 at North High School. The St. Charles North and St.
Charles East Drill Teams unveiled the amount raised on Dec. 6 during a break in the action of the
girls and boys "Crosstown Classic" basketball games between the two schools at St. Charles East.
The Drill Teams set a new Kick-A-Thon record for the second straight year and three of the last four,
donating $100, 021.14. The money will be split three ways this year between the American Cancer
Society's Fox Valley Region, the LivingWell Cancer Resource Center in Geneva, and, new this year,
Fox Valley Food for Health.
The 21-year total donated to charity through Kick-A-Thon now stands at an awe-inspiring $878,040.
The SCN Drill Team also just returned from the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida. They were selected to
be a part of the half-time performance featuring the group “Little Big Town”. They also had an
opportunity to work with famed master choreographers such as Tyce Diorio, Dee Caspery, Luther
Brown, and Kevin McAndrews. The Drill Teams spent five days dancing and getting ready for their
performance on New Year’s Eve.
North & East Drill Team Members continue to raise money to help fight cancer.
February 2015
Page 11
Mrs. Melinda Roberts, Assistant Principal
The Breakfast with the Stars Program honors individual stars within our school community. Some of
the individuals nominated are out there for all of us to see and congratulate. Others are behind the
scenes or who, in their quiet way, demonstrate a level of excellence through service, academics,
competition, or simple kindness. Some of these students give of their special talents on a day-to-day
basis in the classroom and some of them excel in our extra and co-curricular activities. Each student
is unique and special in the way they share and develop our school community.
OCTOBER Breakfast with the Stars Award
DECEMBER Breakfast with the Stars Award
Mr. Brian Callahan
Mrs. Dina Johnson
Mr. Matt Johnson
Mrs. Lori Keough
Mrs. Jenny McCall
Mrs. Nancy Prentiss
Mr. Christopher Cloy
Mrs. Cyndi Mihalik
Mrs. Lane Nellinger
Mrs. Elizabeth Battaglia
Mrs. Kandace Brink
Mr. John Meggesin
Mr. Rob Pomazak
Mrs. Sally Vincent
Mrs. Lisa Mack
Michael Messacar
Michael Norton
Hannah Spejcher
Sara Engstrom
Christian Hegedus
Morgan Lain
Steve Lewandowski
Bailey Moberly
Alyssa Dietz
Michael Druck
Athena Galanos
Lance Herning
Laura Robbins
Aliza Siddiqui
Andrew Winkelman
NOVEMBER Breakfast with the Stars Award
JANUARY Breakfast with the Stars Award
Mrs. April Missak
Mrs. Denise Leatherman
Mrs. Sarah Scheifele
Mr. Brian Maloney
Mrs. Bethany Herrera
Mrs. Melinda Roberts
Ms. Megan Streid
Mrs. Shari Hayes
Mrs. Amy Litke
Mrs. Marcella Sheler
Mrs. Jennifer Shoaf
Mr. Matt Johnson
Mr. Justin Moriarty
Mrs. Kendra Lee
Tyson Jenkins
Joshua Nelson
Sean Nemetz
Marissa Neradt
Katelyn Olsem
Armon Osborne
Christian Sidoti
Anthony Zaldivar
Mrs. Sarah Migliazzo
Ms. Becky Brown
Mr. Jim Stombres
Ms. Julie Barnes
Kelli Corcoran
Tessa Fahey
Jacob Kadolph
Jacelyn Maher
Casey Walters
Gabrielle Reeder
Maggie Rasmussen
Sarah Bennett
Mark Frank
Ingrid Gross
Jacob McCoy
Tyler Stokes
St. Charles North High School
255 Red Gate Road
St. Charles, IL 60175
A 2010 United States Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(Sometimes dates/times change….check school website often @
Feb 9
Feb 9
Feb 11
Feb 12
Feb 14
Feb 16
Feb 18
Feb 19
Feb 20
Feb 21
Feb 21
Feb 24
Feb 26
Feb 27
Mar 3 & 4
Mar 4
Mar 4
PTO Mtg., 7:00 p.m., LRC
BOE Mtg., 7:00 p.m., Admin. Bldg.
Future Freshman Athletic & Activity Info Night, 7:00 p.m.
Breakfast w/Stars, 6:45 a.m., LRC
North Star Olympics, 12:00– 4:00 p.m.
Schools Closed – Presidents’ Day
SCN Variety Show, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Wind Ensemble & HMS Bands Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Winter Recognition Assembly
Kickin It in the Caribbean Dance, 8:00 p.m.
Greater STC Ed Foundation Jazz Event 6:00 p.m., Royal Fox CC
Winter Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Symphonic & Concert Bands Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
No School – Teachers’ Institute Day
ACT & WorkKeys testing
Empty Bowls, 5:00– 7:00 p.m., AUD Foyer
Choirs in Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Mar 5
Varsity Band, Wind Symphony, Concert w/TMS Band, 7:30 p.m.,
Mar 9
Spanish Nat’l Honor Society Induction Ceremony, 6:30 p.m.
Mar 9
PTO Mtg., 7:00 p.m., LRC
Mar 9
BOE Mtg., 7:00 p.m., Richmond Intermediate
Mar 9-13 PARCC Testing
Mar 10 Big Band Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Mar 12 Breakfast w/Stars, 6:45 a.m., LRC
Mar 12 Jazz Workshop & HMS Jazz Bands Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Mar 17 Chamber Orchestra & HMS Orchestras Concert, 7:30 p.m., AUD
Mar 18 Unsung Heroes Presentation, 7:15 a.m., AUD
Mar 20 End of 3rd Qtr.
Mar 26 Silent Auction, 5:00 -6:30 p.m., AUD Foyer
Mar 26 Mr. SCN, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AUD
Mar 30-Apr 3 Spring Break
Apr 6
School Resumes
Apr 8
Wellness Fair