here - Church of the Good Shepherd
here - Church of the Good Shepherd
Church of the Good Shepherd Pastor’s PerspecƟve 2 Retirement Most everybody knows that I'm retiring from parish ministry here at Good Shepherd at the end of this month - just a few weeks away. I've made no secret of this during the past year. But there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about how priests retire, or even whether priests can or should retire. Back in the days when I was growing up (1940s-1950s) it was almost unheard-of for priests to actually retire. But in those days, there were a lot of priests to go around - often three or four in each parish. Usually what that meant was that a pastor would remain "on the job" until he became sick or died, but doing very little, while the other priests did the actual work of ministry. Those days are long gone. Today, not only are there fewer priests, but more is expected of pastors, not just to preach, celebrated Mass and the sacraments, and be available for "sick calls." Back then all parishes were pretty much run the same way, and little was needed to keep it going beyond counting and depositing the collection and paying the bills. The school was run by nuns, and the pastor had little involvement other than to send his assistant priests over to teach religion occasionally. CCD (religious education for children not in the Catholic school) was done by the nuns on the weekend. Staff consisted of a part-time secretary, a house keeper-cook, and a janitor. It was actually a nice, well-functioning system, but totally closed in upon itself. That's the world I, and some of the "elders" among us, grew up in. For better (witness the revelations of significant abuse that was much too widespread in those days) and for worse (complexities of civil and ecclesiastical policy, insurance, liabilities, regulations, etc.), things are no longer what they used to be. There is no such thing as retiring from the priesthood. I am and will remain a priest for the rest of my earthly days - after that, it's all in God's merciful hands. After 47 years in the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, 21 of them as a pastor, plus another 11 as campus minister (CSULB Newman Center and administering the Archdiocesan office) in addition to serving in four parishes as full time associate pastor, I'm finding that trying to balance the many leadership and management responsibilities of pastor with the kinds of ministry to individuals and communities as they seek to allow God more deeply into their lives, and explore what our faith and heritage teach us about being a disciple of Christ today. In today's Church, the time and energy of fewer numbers of priests have to managed in a way the if most effective for the greater good, not merely stretched by piling on tasks. It is time for a much younger spirit to take the lead, and Fr. Ed Benioff, almost thirty years younger, is the perfect candidate. I trust that you will love and support him as you have me. So, where am I going and what will I be doing? I will live at Nazareth House, a lovely retirement community on the south end of Cheviot Hills. I will not be far. I plan to do as little as possible during the summer. I need to rest and to become accustomed to a new pace of life. After a few months, I will begin to plan what my own ministry priorities will be: in what ways do I feel the Lord is calling me to be of service to his people. If the past can serve as a model for the future, this will probably involve some of the following: developing habits of prayer that can better nourish me and others to discern how God is working in our lives through spiritual direction; pursuing my own study programs of our history and heritage as Christians, as well as Scripture, liturgy and theology; vigorously engaging in teaching, writing, and other forms of communication through the wonders of the internet, simple video technology, and wide-ranging social media; leading pilgrimages to various places, including my beloved Early Christian World Pilgrimage to Turkey, which will mark its tenth anniversary next year; designing "virtual pilgrimages" in which I can lead others to drink from the spiritual wellsprings of significant places without actually having to go there; and more . . . or less . . . that's up to God more than you or me. If you want to stay in touch with me, please do so through my website, By the end of June, all the information you'll need will be there If you want me to stay in touch with you, I plan to write a regular (at least weekly) newsletter to keep you in touch with my comings and goings. You can also sign up for these regular emails at In my 47 years as a priest, I have had to say goodbye to about a dozen different communities. It is never easy, for me or for you. But, as a bit of each community still resides in my heart, so will you. I love you. Fr. Tom Welbers Around the Parish 3 Farewell Reception for Father Tom The Farewell Reception for Father Tom is on June 28th after the 12:30 p.m. Mass. If you are interested in helping with the preparation of this event, please contact Elizabeth Nguyen at Organ Recital June 14 Priest ReƟrement Fund This weekend a special collection will be taken up for the Priest Retirement Fund. The Priest Retirement Fund offers us a way to give back to our Catholic priests who have served us so faithfully. Your contributions will help archdiocesan priests live modestly and peacefully in retirement. Help us offer thanks for their years of devotion to God and faithful service to our parish communities. The envelopes are available in the pews. Cantribution Weekend This weekend is Cantribution Weekend. Please bring your bags of non-perishable food to help the poor. "The Single Parents Ministry will be hosting an event, "3 Ways to (re-)Connect", on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Good Shepherd room. Santa Monica psychotherapist, Thomas Simon, will be speaking about improving family relations with a particular emphasis on avoiding negative impacts to children when having domestic disputes. All parents are welcome. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Please see the bulletin for details and to RSVP." Financial Report : May 25—31 Total Cheryl resides in Richmond, VA, and is active as a church musician. Besides having a Masters in Organ Performance & Church Music from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, she has had further instruction from outstanding teachers around the USA & Canada. There will be a suggested minimum donation of $10 collected at the door. Professional Entertainment Fellowship Single Parents Ministry Mass Collections Parish Center Donations Sunday, June 14, at 3 p.m., Cheryl Van Ornam will present a recital that includes music by 17th & 18th Century composers of Germany, France, & Italy, also 20th Century composers of England, France, and the USA. $8,911.00 $1,872.00 $10,783.00 Thank you for your generosity. "A big thank you to everyone who helped out and attended the Professional Entertainment Fellowship event last weekend with Robert King from "The Good Wife". We packed the hall and many were inspired to hear Mr. King speak. A special thank you goes out to Father Tom for bringing Mr. King to the Fellowship table and Michael Caraway for making the event a logistical reality. God bless all our volunteers, service providers and attendees who, together, made the evening with Mr. King one of most (if not the most) well attended event in our 2 year history. We are ever grateful. Jonathan Roumie, Chairman; Richard WinterStanbridge, Co-Chair. For more info on our ministry please go to: or e-mail us at Spirituality, Prayer and Worship 4 Save the Date! Sunday, July 19 ImmigraƟon Mass 2015 “Our Lady of the Way,” painted by Last year, thousands came from the Archdioceses of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino to fill the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels for Mass in Recognition of All Immigrants. Please join us this year on Sunday, July 19, at 4 p.m. for Mass with Archbishop Gomez. Prayer for Our Family Loving God, Help me to always work for the dignity of all my brothers and sisters, including immigrants, for all of us are citizens of Your family. May I live out my commitment to attend a Mass in celebration of our common membership of Your family at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Sunday, July 19, at 4 p.m. with Archbishop José Gomez. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Rosary The Rosary is being recited Tuesdays immediately after the Noon Mass in the Sacred Heart Chapel located in the Parish Center from 12:45 - 1:15 p.m. All are welcome. MeditaƟon The Meditation Group meets three times a week. Please come, join us and experience great moments of serenity through Meditation. We meet in the Sacred Heart Chapel located in the Parish Center. Tuesday: 7 - 8 p.m. Thursday: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday: 9 - 10 a.m. Divorced and/or Separated Just a gentle gift to you if you have been through a divorce or are feeling separated from your partner. There is a place to meet with a qualified therapist. The place is here, at Good Shepherd Parish Center on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. For more information please call Rebecca at (310) 402-6385 or e-mail and reserve your place. Drink from the cup of salvation Immaculate Heart Catholic Radio An English speaking Catholic radio is on the air each day at KHJ 930 AM and reaches over 15 million people. We also have 2 online music streams: contemporary Christian music with Catholic values sacred music Parish Ambassador needed. A Parish Ambassador is one that will help raise awareness and get the word out in our Parish Community that, the Immaculate Heart Catholic Radio does exist. If you wish to get involve and become the Parish Ambassador, please call the Parish Center Office at (310) 285-5425 for more details. 5 Have You Heard The News? Calling All Parents! On June 30, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Good Shepherd Room, the Single Parents Ministry will be hosting our very first event, and it is open to all parents! Thomas Y. Simon, MFT, is a Santa Monica psychotherapist seeing couples and individuals. He specializes in helping couples improve communication, and works with individuals to help resolve anxiety, depression, and problems with career, family, and low self-worth. Learn more at He will be presenting “3 Ways to (re-)Connect…” A conversation about how to better manage couple conflict in our families. Is this an issue for you? Would you like to have some tools to help resolve bad feelings between partners and increase harmony, warmth and cooperation in the whole family? The conversation will also address ways to prevent parent conflicts from negatively impacting the children of the family. Please RSVP by June 21, 2015 so we know how much food to bring and how many chairs to set up. This conversation is designed for parents only, no children will be permitted. If babysitting is a problem, please let us know so we can plan for that service. RSVP to or Looking for service opportunities for your parishioners and students this summer? The Special Olympics World Games are coming to LA July 25th through August 2nd. Be a "Fan in the Stands" and show your appreciation for these worldclass athletes! Volunteer AppreciaƟon RecepƟon Tuesday, June 9 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall RSVP to Have You Remembered Good Shepherd Church/School In Your Will Or Trust? For further information, please contact the Parish Center at (310) 285-5425 or H. Richard Closson, Director, Trust and Estate Programs, (213) 637-7472. or Our correct legal title is: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole, for the benefit of Good Shepherd Church/School. Did You Know? Safety is an important part of summer fun Summer is almost here. School is almost out, and many new opportunities for recreation and relaxation await. Maybe you are sending your children to a music or sports camp? Or maybe they have been invited by their friends to go camping in the mountains or at the beach? Whatever the situation, it is important to remember that parents have the responsibility of controlling access that new people will have to their children. If your child will attend a summer camp, insist that counselors or anyone else who might have access to your children have undergone an application process that includes a criminal background check and reference checks. Learn more here: child-abuse/standards Anyone over the age of 14 can be a Team Leader and earn service hours while cheering on Special Olympians. See the below information and sign up your students, youth ministry, or parish group today! For more information on how to be a "Fan in the Stands" please visit: or email 6 Outreach, Service and Social JusƟce Get On The Bus Wow! What a wonderful day the children had with their fathers last Saturday, May 30th. Thanks to you, our amazing parish family who donated funds and other items for the trip, our Get on the Bus Team was able to send 16 children and their caregivers to San Luis Obispo’s California Men’s Colony for a special Father’s Day visit with their dads. The children enjoyed quality time with their fathers, including playing games, face painting and sharing a meal. Above all, they got to receive hugs and kisses! The day couldn’t have been better – it was warm and sunny with gentle breezes, which made enjoying each other’s company in the outdoor courtyard a pleasant experience. At the end of the day, each child received a framed family portrait with their dad, as well as a book of stamps and stationery, so that they can keep in touch once they return home. On behalf of the Get on the Bus Coordinators, Betty Nguyen and Melanie Overby, we wish you an extremely heart-felt Thank You for making this year’s event another success! We especially want to extend our deepest gratitude to our amazing volunteers who helped with the travel day event, including helping transport participating families to Good Shepherd at 3:30 am and back home after the trip at 7:30 p.m. Our Parish Staff Family Check-in Photographers Breakfast Servers Fr. Tom Welbers Karen Boyle Anne Czarkowski Shirley Ephraim Sister Virginia Anna Grimm Ana Greenwood Margaret Kame Wendy Rappé Christine Elisabeth Claudio Ludovisi Andres Orejuela Brenda Valdez Lisa Manesh Susan Kelsey Kate Martin Morning Event Managers Transportation Adriana Frausto Parking Greeters/ Caterers Escorts Pierre Schillinger Sharon Monroe Aurora Manabat Marcus Anderson Lee Reed Jamie Murphy Eric Cansler Severin Nesselhauf Ron Greenwood David Treviño Tom Haberkorn Alan Traynor (Crack of Dawn Catering) Gerry Hoyme And, to our wonderful special angels who contributed the funds to meet our $10K goal, we are grateful for your generosity! Are you interested in helping Get On The Bus 2016? Please join us for a planning meeting on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 a.m., in the Parish Office-Good Shepherd Room. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP to David at You could be our next Bus Coordinator! Community Life 7 PARISH STAFF Monday, June 8 6:30 a.m. Fr. Colm O’Ryan - Birthday 12:05 p.m. William M. Keck II - (D) Tuesday, June 9 6:30 a.m. Rita De Cassia Nunes de Silva 12:05 p.m. Dr. Edwin Williams - (D) Wednesday, June 10 6:30 a.m. Catherine Lizzio - (D) 12:05 p.m. Marina Pereyra - (D) Thursday, June 11 6:30 a.m. Valeri G. Dean - Birthday 12:05 p.m. Tina Falcone Deufemio - (D) Salvatore Lizzio - (D) Friday, June 12 6:30 a.m. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 12:05 p.m. Robert Francavilla - (D) Saturday, June 13 5:30 p.m. Paulo Perry Tolentino - (D) George Stoltz - (D) We're So Close To Reaching Our Goal of $6,000 for Our Summer Program! We are half way there! Thanks to so many generous donations, we are so close to reaching our goal of $6,000. Your contribution to this year's summer program will bring performing arts to Good Shepherd Shelter. There's so much healing in expression and art. The students will experience script writing, set and costume design, acting and more! Adding the Performing Arts Camp provides more opportunities for growth! Donate Now. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Good Shepherd Shelter Rev. Msgr. Thomas Welbers, Pastor Rev. Colm O’Ryan, Pastor Emeritus Rev. George O’Brien, In Residence Deacon Eric Stoltz Michael Caraway, Director of Administration Sr. Virginia Stehly, C.S.J., Director RCIA Joan Vos, Director of Liturgy & Music Wendy Rappé, Director of Faith Formation Terry Hicks, Organist / Choir Director GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL Grades: Pre-K to 8 148 S. Linden Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.275.8601 Danielle Colvert, Principal Lisa Widmann, Vice Principal PARISH CENTER 504 N Roxbury Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Office: 310.285.5425 Fax: 310.285.5433 Visit us on Facebook: PARISH CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed on Sundays MASSES Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.,12:30 & 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Vigil Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. CONFESSIONS Friday 11:40 a.m. Saturday 4 - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment. Call the parish office. BAPTISMS ONLY on the 4th Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Office regarding preparations. No Baptisms during lent. MARRIAGES Please make an appointment with the Pastor six months prior to your wedding date. 8 Good Shepherd School Banquet of the Word 9 Prepare to celebrate next Sunday's Mass by reading, studying and praying the Scripture Readings Please note that what's printed below are not the Scripture Readings for this day, but a commentary on the Scripture to help you read and understand them. Please refer to the Scripture passages in your own Bible. Because of my impending retirement, the Banquet of the Word will no longer be carried in the Good Shepherd Parish Bulletin as of the end of June. The entire Banquet of the Word series of commentaries on the Sunday Scripture readings, which originally appeared in as a book in the mid-1980s, is fully available online at my website, Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Next Sunday, June 14, 2015 THE SEED OF GOD’S REIGN Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 The parables of Mk 4 concern the establishment and growth of God’s kingdom. The first lengthy parable of the sower and seed, and its explana on, is read in Year A, Fi eenth Sunday, in the somewhat more developed version found in Mt 13:1-23. Vv 21-25 explain how these parables are to be heard — they must be received and pondered with an open heart in a way that allows them to illumine the course of our lives. Only when we have made them our own can we begin to share their insights with others. cedar is the old Israel, nearly destroyed by its enemies. But God himself will save a remnant — a ny twig — and transplant it so that it might become a tree that will spread its branches over the whole earth. The li le twig, however, is fragile and will grow only under the power and protec on of God. The new Israel — the Church — is born in weakness and insignificance, yet spreads throughout the earth under God’s care. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 This song of praise recounts the response of both the wicked (vv 6-12) and the just (vv 13-16) to God’s goodness. Response: "Lord, it is good to give thanks to you." Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 The two parables of the liturgical reading run counter to our desires for instant results. The seed when planted is gone from sight, but that does not mean nothing is happening. Similarly, the work of Jesus, as well as our ministry as his followers in God’s kingdom, cannot be measured by immediate and observable results. Chris ans have to resist the tempta on to apply cost-efficient standards to ministry; we cannot let our share in the work of Christ be measured by outward evidence of success. Seeds that we plant will bear fruit in the Lord’s me by his work. Our task is to plant the seeds, and to plant them well. We cannot use God’s power to accomplish his work as an excuse for lazy ministry or shoddy work either. The strength of Chris an hope puts the rest of the world in perspec ve. On the one hand, the Chris an cul vates a certain indifference toward his or her own posi on in the world. On the other hand, the world becomes extremely precious as the scene in which salva on is accomplished and God’s order restored. The use of parables in itself is a lot like plan ng seeds. A parable is not a lesson like "Today I learned that the kingdom of God grows slowly." Instead, a parable is a story that draws the learner into it, and invites exploraon of its meaning. Parables bear repeated telling and hearing, and each me new insight can be discovered. Young Adults Group First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 This poem is also a parable. The figure of a tree is strong and o en used in the Hebrew Scriptures. Here, the old QuesƟons for thought, discussion, and prayer: 1. In what way could we say that pa ence is one of the most important requirements for Chris an ministry? 2. Does storytelling have a place in your life as a follower of Jesus? Why or why not? Calling you — yes you—the 20 - 30 year olds. Help this group become vitally Alive—Energetic— and a Dynamic Spirit of life in our Parish. Will you have the courage to step forward —you – your friends and make this happen. Please call the Parish Office (310) 285-5425 for more information. 12 Parish Calendar For complete calendar: A Week At A Glance / Sunday, June 7 – Sunday, June 14, 2015 JUNE Sunday, 7 Corpus ChrisƟ Monday, 8 Tuesday, 9 Wednesday, 10 Thursday, 11 Friday, 12 Saturday, 13 Sunday, 14 Flag Day Time 8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. At the 10:30 a.m. Mass 3 - 4 p.m. 6:30 - 8 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. 12:45 - 1:15 p.m. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 7 - 8 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. 7 - 8:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. 11a.m. - 12 p.m. 7 - 9 p.m. 5 - 10:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. 11:40 a.m. 8 a.m., 5:30 p.m. 9 - 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 4 - 5 p.m. 8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. At The 10:30 a.m. Mass 3 - 4 p.m. Event Facility Sunday Masses Church Coffee & Donuts Parish Hall Children's Liturgy of the Word Parish Hall Small Room G.S. School 8th Grade Gradua on Church An Evening of Peaceful Prayer Church Mass Church Mass Rosary Volunteer Recep on Medita on Mass Lector Training Mass Medita on Choir Rehearsal Martha's Kitchen (Volunteers) Mass Confessions Mass Medita on G.S. Bereavement Group Confessions Sunday Masses Coffee & Donuts Children's Liturgy of the Word Organ Recital Church Sacred Heart Chapel Parish Hall Sacred Heart Chapel Church Conference Room 3 Church Sacred Heart Chapel Parish Hall Parish Hall Kitchen Church Church Church Sacred Heart Chapel Conference Room 1 Church Church Parish Hall Parish Hall Small Room Church Handicapped Accessible Our parish facilities are handicapped accessible, via ramps and parking spaces. We welcome everyone. Beverly Hills Public Library Program This program helps adults learners improve their reading, writing, and comprehension skills. You would need to complete the two hour Tutor Training Workshop and, after being matched with an Adult learner, tutor once a week for a minimum of six months. For more details please call (310) 288-2207.