February 12th, 2006
February 12th, 2006
Page 2 St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church OUR LITURGY In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals a man of leprosy, and also removes the heavy burden of shame that was associated with it. Lepers were required by the ancient law from Leviticus to shout, “Unclean!” before approaching others. Paul teaches that love and charity toward all people are the hallmarks of those who imitate Christ. ALTAR BREAD & WINE Donated in Honor of Julia Pattanella Requested by Tom & Millie D’Agostino REMEMBER OUR DEAD Rose Russo, Raymond Strzalkowski, Sr.,Maria Goncalves, Jacqueline Guzman, Carmella Adiepietro for our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends. REMEMBER OUR SICK Rosemarie Aiello Marie Behling Hazel Boyce Leo Cantelmo Angelina DeSimone Barbara DiGirolomo Geraldine DuBritz Maria Goncaldes Catherine Hickey Matthew Jankay Georgiana Lopez Brett Meyers Grace C Peshkur Richard Rigney Jeanette Schaefer Darryll Smith Lloyd Turnier Dianne Barello Sonny Bock Mr. Michael Boyle Sr Raffaela Capp Nesam Devaraj George Dinger Maggie Errico Raymond Harold Jasper Indelicato Jack Kelleher Michele McGee Sam Monte Leone Joseph Poirot Theresa Ryan Sharon Schneider Jesus Tapel Wallace Williams Rob Barello Oliver Bouchard Dolores Burke Joseph DeMaio Olivia Marie Devine Mary Dougherty Jim Evans Jeanne Hartman Dixon Ingram Joseph Kelly Howard Meeks Timothy M Nigro Christopher Rubino Dawn Saporito Dorothea Slinkoky Stacie Tizzard William Barry PLEASE NOTE: To keep our prayer list current, we will keep names on the sick list for two months. We ask families to return the bulletin cut-out to include names of those who are ill for another two months. OUR PRIEST-CELEBRANTS This Week End Mass Fr Thomas Fr Thomas Fr Tapel Fr Boyle Fr Tapel Fr Boyle 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 5:00 pm Next Week Fr Maffeo Fr Maffeo Fr Tapel Fr Thomas Fr Boyle Fr Thomas IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO BRING UP THE GIFTS AT THE MASSES ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE USHERS WHEN MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 12, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Joseph Hanrahan requested by Michelle Parisi & Dennis Derasier 7:00 Susanna DiSessa requested by Patricia & Paul Fiene 9:00 William Sendlein requested by Louis Antonucci 9:00 Edward Kenny requested by Claire & Jim 10:30 Augusto Lucas requested by Loving Family 10:30 For an End to Abortion 12:00 Matthew DiNardo requested by Lucy Leo 12:00 Barbara A Chliek requested by The Keller Family 5:00 Charles Cervini requested by Diane & Ava Cervini 5:00 Jerry Genovese requested by Loving Wife Monday, February 13 7:00 Jane Favale requested by the Quaranta Family 9:00 Mary Mangiacapra requested by Gloria & Louie 9:00 Claire McQuillan (living) requested by Terri & Eleanor McMurray Tuesday, February 14, Sts Cyril & Methodius 7:00 Harry Ballard requested by Loving Wife & Family 7:00 James Gibson requested by Patricia Brozinsky 8:45 Bridget & Jack McWeeney requested by Loving Daughters Mary & Anne 8:45 Nickolas Robilotto requested by The Hough Family Wednesday, February 15 7:00 For the Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00 Anna Kenny requested by Thomas & Debora O’Brien 9:00 Josephine D Bluemel requested by Mr & Mrs McGregor Thursday, February 16 7:00 For the Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00 Thanksgiving Blessed Mother requested by Anne Bannon 9:00 Tom DuBritz & Family requested by Eileen McLaughlin Friday, February 17 7:00 For the Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00 Rosalie Hoffman requested by Loving Family 9:00 Jane Favale requested by Ct of St Joseph #975 CDA Saturday, February 18 8:00 Anton Prayetz requested by Lisa Alfieri & Ray Borsella 8:00 James Vanadia requested by Rosie Rivo Anticipated Mass for Sunday 5:00 Alissa Rose Newiger requested by Jerry, Veronica, Alexandria & Victoria 5:00 Julie Keller requested by Mr & Mrs Richard Delamater Sunday, February 19, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Frank Spillett requested by Lori Glowacki 7:00 Philip Carlucci requested by Vincent, Lisa & Family 9:00 Robert A Sabatino requested by Kristine Teemer 9:00 Joseph Onufrak requested by Loving Wife & Family 10:30 Rita Meehan requested by Claire & Jim 10:30 Ann Giordano requested by The Tucker Family 12:00 Frances Panella, Leon Moscato & Veronica Kelly requested by D’Agostino Family 12:00 Ann W Baron requested by the Keller Family 5:00 Ralph Perillo requested by Annette Perillo & Family 5:00 William Batewell requested by Barbara DeNoto Page 3 Sunday, February 12, 2006 FROM THE DESK OF FR. MIKE “Listen I’ve got a secret, don’t tell anyone!” With these words, many a “so-called” secret has been told to the whole world. Maybe you know somebody who can’t be trusted with a secret, maybe you are that somebody! We know that when we tell somebody else’s secret or somebody tells our secrets there usually is trouble and mistrust. Little children are very good at telling what they know, not because they wish to betray a trust, but because they are innocent and can’t help but always tell the truth. The man cured of leprosy was just like a little child, in fact he was as happy as a child on Christmas Day or his/her Birthday, as to now he was given his life back physically and spiritually (remember what was written last week in this space). This story is typical for Mark’s Gospel, as a central feature of the Gospel is the Marcan or Messianic Secret. Jesus often tells those whom He has healed not to tell anybody for several reasons. One is look at the effect of the man telling everybody about what Jesus did for him. Now, Jesus cannot enter into a town without a crowd waiting for Him. Of course, Jesus probably wanted this to happen on the one hand because time was short for the public ministry, so Jesus was happy that He got the people’s attention. But on the other hand, Jesus being a human being, just like us, probably got tired and most likely would have preferred a day off-oh well! Jesus, of course wanted people to come and see, and be healed. He also did not want people to come to know Him simply as a wonder-worker and not come to a deeper conversion and belief in Jesus as the Messiah-the Savior of the World. Remember as we wrote a few weeks ago, the people who only knew Jesus as a wonder-worker and not as The Son of God, were the same people whowould cry out for His death on Good Friday. So, what do we do now? Well like the man cleansed from leprosy, we are to tell everyone how God has helped us. While we may not have as amazing a story as the man in today’s Gospel or like people who we know who have experienced a miracle cure, we most likely have some experience in our lives where God/Jesus has been there for us or those whom we love. Maybe, we are not aware of these times, but I assure you they are there. How can we tell? Perhaps the best way is to see what is about Jesus that attracts you. What is it about Him that you would like to know more about? How can you allow Jesus to be more and more a part of your life? These are some ways and there are of course more, that will allow us to see where Jesus has been active in our lives and what He has done for us. When we can see this, then we can share this with others. This Sunday at the 12 Noon, Mass we will celebrate Scout Sunday with a special blessing for all the young people and adults involved with Scouting. We are very pleased to sponsor several Scouting Troops at St. Joseph’s, as well as a new Venturing Group for our Young People Grade 8 and above, both Boys and Girls. This group along with our 5PM Sunday Youth Mass will provide our young people both Spiritual and Communal Growth and offer them many opportunities for service and fun. We are grateful to all of our adult leaders who are involved in Scouting. On Thursday February 16th, we will sponsor a Welcome Home Evening to answer any questions people might have or try to help with any problems or situations that may have kept people away from god and or the Church for years. This will take place in the Church-see the bulletin for more details. Please also see the bulletin for details about the Catholic Ministries Appeal and how this worthwhile appeal is helping our brothers and sisters throughout the Diocese and the people of St. Joseph’s. If you have not made a pledge to this Appeal that supports all of the ministries throughout the Diocese there is still plenty of time, and remember you have 10 Months to fulfill a pledge-so a $100 or $200 pledge can be paid off with $10 or $20 a month. This is not a lot, but it goes to helping a lot. Thanks! We close with this quote from Dostoevsky. “I believe there is no one lovelier, deeper, more sympathetic, and more perfect than Jesus. I say to myself that not only is there no one else like him, but there never could be anyone like him.” May God bless you always! Fr. Mike Page 4 Sunday, February 12, 2006 SAY A PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Please continue to remember them in your prayers. CPL Deborah Alfieri SGT Dennis Bailey Tech SGT Louis Barletta PFC Justin Browne PC Michael Dean Cantley SPC Thomas E. Corcoran SGT Ryan Delaney LTCOL Kurt Diehl SGT Stephen G DiGirolamo SSGT Tony Elliott CPL Keith Flick PFC Adam Franciosa RCT Michael Gabriellini PVT2 Edward Johnston SGT John W Keohane SGT Steven Knight CPL Andrew Kochman 1SGT John Krumholz SSG Stephen LeGrady PFC Edward McGinn SGT Patrick McNally PFC William Meyer Andy Mezador SGT Glenn Miller SGT Daniel Montville SSGT Brian Moran CPT Gregory Mueller LCPL Thomas Napolitano LCPL Michael Napolitano LCPL James Neubauer LCPL Anthony Notaroberta SGT Brian Pacella N/Seal Paul Padro ENS3 Lucy Padro CPT Michael Parisi 2LT Anthony Parisi MAJ Paul E Pinaud SGT Edwin Rivera, II SSGT Jason Schiavo RCT Brian Schildt LCPL W.Mason Shehan SPC James Stanek SSGT Nick Vicale SGT John Thomas Vogt SGT Randolph Weaver CPL. Glenn Clacher (If you would like to include a soldier from your family who is serving, place their name and rank on a piece of paper and put it in the collection basket) Religious Education Monday and Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM Tuesday and Wednesday 10AM to 3:30 The office is closed on Fridays. Reminder for Level 1 Activity will be held on Monday, February 13th in Auditorium at 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. You may take your choice of time. Reminder for Level 3 - Reconciliation will be held on Monday February 13th. Students who attend classes on Tuesday please arrive at 7:15 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday students arrive at Church at 7:45. Reminder Week of February 20 is Winter Break, there will be no classes that week, there will be no classes on February 28 and March 1st (Ash Wednesday) Classes will resume on March 2nd. St Joseph’s School A tremendous THANK YOU ! to all who helped us in any way during Catholic Schools Week. The week was a great success. The students, parents and faculty enjoyed the activities that were scheduled for the week. Our school looks beautiful, inside and out! Keep up that great St. Joseph pride. Registration is well underway. This week we had registration on Tuesday and Wednesday for September 2006. We registered new students in grades Nursery—8. Many people were excited to register for our new 5 day, full-day, Pre-kindergarten program for 4 year olds. We also offer many options for our 3 year olds. Give us a call and we will give you a tour of our programs. Tickets are now on sale for our Fashion Show. This is a great event for the school and parish. There are already many wonderful prizes in store. Do not delay order your tickets as soon as possible. Ordering by table is also available. Contact the school office or rectory for more information. Seats are still available on the bus for anyone interested in attending the rally on Albany for Education Tax Credits. Everyone benefits from tax credits. Public school districts spend 3 to 4 times as much money as Catholic Schools to educate children. Our children score higher on NYS testing and also standardized testing across the nation. You can control this miss appropriation of funds. Contact the school office for more information. Outreach For the month of January we serviced 187 clients. Financial assistance amounted to $ 4,294. There were 0 new clients added and total services and referrals provided were 359. This included food, living needs, Health Care information, advocacy and housing. Your continued support of the Outreach Program makes all of this possible. Thank you. Carla Emicela Morataya Banns of Marriage (Second Time) Christina Vecchiarelli and Chad Caporaso both of St Joseph’s In Memory Kelly DiUbaldo of St Joseph’s and Many parishioners have expressed a wish to donate funds Timothy Drechsler of Lake Ronkonkoma in Jane Favale’s memory. Jane’s family will be Christine Rossi of St Joseph’s and establishing a fund to help Katie, Danny & Tori meet their Hassan Handy of Nesconset financial needs. If you are interested in donating to this Kimberly Misciagna of St Joseph’s and fund please make your check out to St Joseph’s with Angelo Ficarrotta of St Patrick’s Jane’s name on the memo line. We will then write one Page 5 Sunday, February 12, 2006 RESPECT LIFE Congratulations to all who wrote, called, and e-mailed your feelings to American Girl, the maker of the very popular American Girl dolls – you spoke, they listened, and now they have ended their sale of the “I Can” bracelet, which funded Girls, Inc., an organization that supports abortion. According to Pro-life Action League, which spearheaded the boycott and protests at the American Girl stores in Chicago and New York City, pro-life voices were effective because Bath and Body Works, which carries American Girl products, quit the “I Can” bracelet program in November. We hope that the parent company, Mattel, and American Girl have gotten the good news of the pro-life message, but we should still be on watch for corporations who could deliberately or unknowingly serve the pro-abortion agenda. Boycotts are an effective weapon, and though they are not meant to be vindictive, they are a last resort to effect change within a corporation when education and dialogue have failed to produce the desired change of hearts and minds. Consumers need to remind companies regularly that their products are being boycotted, and the way to do this is to simply clip out a coupon for that product, cut it in half and send it in to the manufacturer with a short note telling it why you are taking this action, and why you are not buying their goods. This we know is effective. Life Decisions International (www.fightpp.org) producers of “The Boycott List” (companies which fund Planned Parenthood) announced in November 2005 that Prudential Financial Group has agreed to stop funding PP and has been taken off the boycott list. However – and it’s a big however – these companies were added to the boycott list: Circuit City; Tommy Hilfiger; Nike; and Altria Group. Now you may not have heard of Altria Group, but you surely have heard and used their products which include Post cereals; Capri Sun drinks; Kool-Aid; Maxwell House coffee; Cream of Wheat cereal; Breakstone’s butters; Breyer’s ice cream; Lorna Doone cookies; Jello-O; Polly-O cheese; Minute Rice; Oreos; Triscuits; Oscar Mayer meats; Athenos cheese; Planters nuts; and Miracle Whip. Please consider boycotting Altria products as listed above, and let the company know what you are doing and why. And that’s only fair, to put them on notice. Here’s an address for you: Altria Chairman & CEO Louis C. Camilleri, 120 Park Ave, Floor 11, N.Y. 10017 Or call Altria at 917-664000. The pro-life community, adults and students are invited to attend NYS Catholic Conference Public Policy Day on Tuesday, March 14 in Albany, N.Y. For more information contact the Respect Life Office, Diocese of Rockville Centre at 516-379-8292 ext. 215 or watch this space in the weeks to come. Life news, February 2006 PREGNANCY CRISIS HOTLINE - We are here to help you. Please call 981-6888. Weekly Offering February 5, 2006 Offerings Same collection last year Number of envelopes Poor Box last weekend Fuel Collection Education Collection Our School receives 1/2 of this. 725 $18,657 18,053 $392 $8,100 3,004 Thank you for your continued generosity. God Bless You Always, Fr Mike Pascal Candle Memorials Anyone who would like to memorialize the Pascal Candle for the upcoming year please fill out the information below and return it with your payment of $100 to the Rectory. In Memory of: ________________________ From: ________________________ Telephone: ________________________ St Joseph’s Troop 272 Ronkonkoma Annual Pancake Breakfast March 5,2006 8 AM - 12 Noon Mark Your Calendars Feb 12 Scout Sunday 12:00 Mass Feb 13 Baptism Class 8PM Rectory Meeting Room Feb 18 Defensive Driving Course Feb 20-24 Winter Break - Schools Closed Feb 25 Right to Life Newsletter Folding 8AM-12:30PM Auditorium Page 6 Sunday, February 12, 2006 Rock & Roll 50’s Fashion Show : Sponsored by St Joseph’s Home School Association Wednesday, March 29,2006 At Villa Lombardi’s Holbrook 7PM to 11PM *Raffle Baskets* Door Prizes* Grand Raffle Baskets* **50/50 CASH PRIZE $50.00 per person includes: Salad, dinner, dessert, coffee/tea/beer/wine/soda & valet parking To purchase show tickets please remit your name, return address, number of tickets requested and check made payable to St Joseph’s School to: St Joseph School 35 Church St Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Attn: Ann Ambrosio, HSA Treasurer **If there is a specific group you would like to sit with, please submit request with above information. We will try our best to accommodate you. **If you are a school parent, please note your child’s name & phone number along with the above information. ********Absolutely no tickets will be sold after March 24, 2006********** Page 7 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2006 A large portion of our donation is utilized for Catholic Education. Let’s take a look at how our money is utilized. Education 20% OUR PROGRESS Pledges as of February 7, 2006: Catholic Charities 22% Parish share 20% 25,414 ___________ Fromation 18% Education 20% Pastoral Outreach 20% Our goal is: 74,800 ____________ After 4 weeks we have 1/3 of our goal. Thank you! 2006 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Diocese of Rockville Centre - PO Box 4000, Rockville Centre, NY 11571-4000 P 516-379-5210 ext. 2 F 516-379-5043 e-mail catholicministries@drvc.org Thank you for your support. Please make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge $_____________Payment $______________Balance $___________ Touching the lives of many through Diocesan & Parish ministries and services. Name:___________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ City:_________________________State:_________Zip:_______________ Telephone:________________________ Parish: 146-St Joseph Every Gift Counts! Can we count on you? Pledge $5000 2500 1500 1000 500 300 200 100 10 Payments $500 250 150 100 50 30 20 10 A GUIDE TO GIVING Page 8 Around The Parish FASHION SHOW St. Joseph’s Fashion Show . Tickets are now on sale. Do not delay order your tickets as soon as possible. Ordering by table is also available. Contact the school office or rectory for more information We have received so much from the good Lord that we wish to encourage others to experience His love for them through our ministry of assistance. St Joseph's Play Group Calling all babies, toddlers and Pre-schoolers ! Come meet new friends at the St Joseph’s Playgroup! Bring your Mom, Dad, Grandparents or caregiver to Father Carew Hall on Friday mornings at 9:30 AM. You’ll meet other St Joseph’s families & spend an hour of fun with other children from ages birth to 5. For more information please call Sally Miller at 737-5120. Hope to see you there! Courtesy Announcements Diocesan Conference for the Separated and Divorced “ Finding Peace, Purpose & Joy” will be held at Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale, on Saturday, March 11th from 9AM to 4:30 PM. For registration & more information, call 516-678-5800 x 508 or email clok@drvc.org The Beginning Experience Help for the heartache of divorce, separation, and widowhood. A weekend away for a lifetime of change. The next weekend will be February 17-19th. For more information and reservations, call Tish at 718-845-8087 or Mike at 516-812-6417. Parenting (Grandparenting/Godparenting) the Christian Family back by popular demand, we will be meeting monthly in the parish center meeting room at St Thomas More, Hauppauge from 7-8PM. Seminars scheduled: “Living Gospel Values” March 2 and “Improving Family Time” April 6. Activity, prayer, & discussion serve as components of each seminar facilitated by Dr Joan Dorr.Pre-registration is appreciated 234-5551. Professional Therapy and Counseling provided by NYS licensed psychologists are available to our parish through the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies are honored. For confidential information and appointment, call Dr.Giuliani at 243-1550. “Living Independently” a free educational workshop for Seniors sponsored by St Patrick’s Family Outreach on Tuesday, February 14th from 10AM to 12 Noon at St. Patrick’s Church in Bay Shore. Topics include: Developing a Support Team, Important Documents you Need, Medicare & Medicaid Benefits Explained and Health Care Coordination. Please RSVP Catherine Dennis at 665-7216. Bishop Murphy’s Lenten Vocation Retreat Weekend will be held March 10-12th for all men interested in a priestly vocation. This weekend will offer time for prayer, Mass and socializing, along with open discussions of the priesthood. For more information or to register please contact the Vocation Office at 631-424-9888 or e-mail Vocations@drvc.org. Page 9 Page 14 PARISHIONER REQUEST FORM I/we would like to register as members of St. Joseph Parish. NAME (s): ____________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________ _________ PHONE: _______ - _____________ unlisted? (Yes) (No) I/we would like become members of the parish. ( ) Yes I/we would like to receive contribution envelopes. ( ) Yes ( )No We make our donations each Sunday ( ) Weekly We make our donations once a Month ( ) Monthly ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) I would like to become an usher ) I would like to become a lector. ) I would like to become an altar server. ) I would like to become a Eucharistic Minister. ) I would like to become a choir member ) I would like to become a Catechist ) I would like to help maintain the parish plantings ) I would like to offer my following talents to the parish (Please return to the Church Office or place in Collection Basket) REMEMBERING THE SICK Please include the following in the bulletin sick list: ______________________________ We’re Looking For… BOX TOPS from cereals for Educational purposes are always welcomed. Please drop them in the collection. DEPOSIT BOTTLES AND CANS—Please place them in the baskets that are located on the school side of the Church on weekends or behind the rectory during the week. CELL PHONES—Please bring your no longer used or needed cell phones and deposit them at the Scrip table in the Church lobby. Even Used Inkjet Cartridges, Have Their Uses We have found a way to help St Joseph and keep those complicated pieces of plastic, metal and printed circuit boards out of the land fill. Drop them off (in a plastic baggie) when you come to mass. We will send them to a company who reuses them and gives the parish a bounty for each. One note, to clear confusion, if it is larger than a fist, it is not an inkjet cartridge!!! Cub Scout Pack 272 Boy Scout Troop 272 St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272 have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys, age 7 through 17 (first grade and up). For more information or to enroll your child, contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428 or e-mail JoinScouting@StJoRonk.org. Name of person who is ill: _____________________________ Person making this request: ____________________ Relationship to ill person Your Phone #: _____________________ (Please place in collection basket or return to Church Office) PARISH RESTORATION FUND I/we wish to pledge (or increase our pledge to) ___ $5,000 ___ $4,000 ___ $3,000 ___ $2,000 ___ $1,000 to St. Joseph’s Parish Restoration Campaign. I/we would like to make payments ___Annually ___Semi-Annually ___Quarterly ___ Monthly spreading the payments over ___One year ___ Two years ___ Three years ___ Four years NAME (s): ________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________ _______________________________________ PHONE: ______ - _________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED NOW: $ ________ (Please return this form in the collection basket or to the Church Office) Sport for all Seasons ST JOSEPH CYO Travel Soccer: Gene 467-0541 Intramural Soccer: Beth 737-6299 Track Karen 588-8636 Chairman: Henry Baseball: Gene 588-1879 Girls Basketball: Christine 737-3142 Boys Basketball: Frank 585-6921 Melchiona 467-6091
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