Annual Report - Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture


Annual Report - Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Annual Report
The mission of Stone Barns Center is to create a healthy and sustainable
food system that benefits us all. Located 25 miles north of Manhattan,
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization. We operate an 80-acre farm and work to:
• Increase public awareness of healthy, seasonal and sustainable food.
• Train farmers in resilient, restorative farming techniques.
• Educate children about the sources of their food, and prepare them
to steward the land that provides it.
Nurturing the
Farming–Innovation Connection
Jill Isenbarger
Executive Director
Fred Kirschenmann
In the early part of the 20th century, Charles H. Townes
grew up on a small farm near Greenville, South Carolina.
He picked apples and cotton, roamed fields and streams,
caught turtles and snakes, collected bird eggs and rocks,
raised caterpillars to watch them morph into butterflies,
tinkered with radios and wagons. He later would go on to
be awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, in recognition of his
work in quantum electronics that led to the development of
the laser. From 1933 to 1947, Dr. Townes was a scientist at
the famous Bell Labs before spending the remainder of his
career in academia.
In a new book, The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age
of American Innovation, author Jon Gertner quotes Dr. Townes
as saying that farms and small towns “were perfect ‘training
grounds for experimental physics.’” Writes Gertner: “Such
childhoods, he [Townes] contended, taught a person how to
‘pay attention to the natural world, to work with machinery
and to know how to solve practical problems and fix things
innovatively, with what is on hand.’” Apparently, many Bell
Labs scientists had had similar childhoods.
We love the connection that Dr. Townes makes between
farm life and innovation. On many levels, his story resonates
with us. We agree wholeheartedly that farms, where one
can keenly observe the natural world and what is required
to cultivate the land, can be the ideal breeding ground for
mold-breaking ideas and inventions.
modern, resilient, ecologically compatible agriculture, and
to imagine what the future of eating and growing good food
looks like.
As you’ll read in the following pages, we’re well on the way.
We are bringing together experts and talent from many
fields to experiment with new tools, greenhouses, seeds and
ways of composting and restoring the biological health of
soil, and to help give beginning farmers the resources and
mentorship they need to succeed and invent new paths in
sustainable farming.
We’re proud of what we’re accomplishing—all with your
help and generous support. Take the Slow Tools Project.
Today’s small farmers cannot purchase the equipment they
need to work a 30-inch greenhouse bed, for instance. They
end up having to buy cumbersome, expensive, standard
industrial pieces and adapt them for their needs, hurting
efficiency and very often their backs. But our new adaptable
tractor—the first invention off the block in our Slow Tools
collaboration—is lightweight, ergonomic and affordable and
will serve as the “motherboard” frame to which other tools
can be attached.
These may be small steps, for now, but we know we’re on to
something big—and we welcome the challenges ahead.
Here in the 21st century, in a world where large-scale,
industrial agriculture dominates the farming landscape, we
want Stone Barns Center to be a laboratory for sustainable
agriculture and ideas about a new food future. We want
to be an innovation hub where farmers, chefs, inventors,
scientists and food citizens come together to invent a
to Grow a Revolution
Even today, with the rise of farmers markets and growing demand
for local food, America’s small and mid-size farmers stand at a
disadvantage. The vast majority of attention and investment from
industry and the government is still channeled toward commodity,
industrial agriculture. Those practicing diversified, small-scale
farming are largely ignored by government grant programs, lenders,
insurance companies and manufacturers. Tools don’t fit smallscale farming; markets still cater to the big guys.
The success of young and beginning farmers depends on their access to affordable
innovations that suit their scale of farming and help them bring their products to market.
At Stone Barns Center, we are advancing innovations, research and development, and
partnerships that have the potential to transform small and mid-size agriculture.
The Slow Tools Project is re-imagining and re-inventing farming
tools that have been lost or discontinued since the rise of
industrial agriculture in the 1960s. Led by design engineer
Barry Griffin and organic farmer/inventor Eliot Coleman, the
Slow Tools consortium has identified 34 tools in need of development. All will be appropriately scaled, lightweight, ergonomic,
affordable and available through open-source systems.
The Greenhouse Viability Study aims to help small and midsize farms expand their ability to grow produce throughout the
seasons by documenting and analyzing our own greenhouse
operations and developing a model that farmers can replicate.
The operational parameters we are developing can be adjusted
to suit flower, small fruit and herb production as well.
Through seed trials, we take seeds developed by companies
and universities and grow them out to assess the fruit or
vegetable’s flavor, vigor, disease- and drought-resistance
and appeal to consumers. This work helps ensure that
small and mid-size farmers continue to have access to
a wide variety of crops that are both ecologically and
financially viable.
AgSquared is an online farm-management software tool
designed to help small farmers improve their operations and
build their businesses. Its simple premise is that better plans,
streamlined management and more complete records can
help make farms more productive, profitable and sustainable.
In 2011, Stone Barns participated in an in-depth test of the
software before its launch.
We are producing biochar, a pure form of carbon that is free
of the volatile chemicals and ash found in charcoal, from tree
branches, used paper plates and other biomass on the farm.
Not only have the chefs at Blue Hill cooked with it, but now
Cornell scientist Johannes Lehmann is examining biochar’s
performance in healthy soil.
“Pilot-testing our software with
Stone Barns Center has allowed
us to see our technology in action
on a working farm that is a highly
visible and well-respected model
for sustainable farming, helping
us optimize our software tools for
greater effectiveness and demonstrating the impact those tools
can have on the productivity
and profitability of sustainable
farms everywhere.”
Giulia Stellari
Stone Barns beta-tested
AgSquared’s farm management
software last year.
These innovations can grow a
revolution. Help us celebrate
them, support them and spread
the word.
A Conversation with
Peggy Dulany
Co-Chair, Board of Directors
Stone Barns Center
How did you first become interested in agriculture?
It’s been there since birth. My parents kept a vegetable garden and animals on our
small farm. Nature was part of our upbringing.
“Biochar is a compelling idea, but
only in collaboration with a center
so well settled between innovation
and education as Stone Barns can
we put theory into practice.”
Johannes Lehmann
Cornell University
Johannes partners with us in
developing biochar, a purecarbon, chemical-free alternative
to charcoal.
You founded The Synergos Institute to help change the systems that keep people in
poverty. Do you think the advancement of resilient agriculture can reduce poverty
and hunger?
This is definitely the case. In Africa, for example, most people live off small-scale
agriculture and 80 percent of small farmers are women. It’s organic agriculture, you
could say, because they’re not using external inputs. But before we will see an impact
on poverty levels, some things need to change. While it may be important to make
fertilizers available in the short term to stimulate more food production, farmers also
need to immediately develop systems that enable wastes to be incorporated into the
soil to restore its biological health so that it becomes self-renewing. We need to help
farmers transition to perennial crop varieties—which can be more drought-tolerant
and enhance the soil—so they do not need to plant new seeds every year, and we need
to encourage farmer learning networks.
Do you think regional and local agriculture can help feed a planet of 9 billion people?
Yes. As oil prices rise in the Northern Hemisphere in the coming years, food prices
will also rise. For food to be affordable, it will have to be local. Most people around the
world eat locally anyway. In some developing countries, famine and drought will get
worse. They will have to import more food until a more sustainable system can be put
in place. The faster the world can get on a more localized food system, the better.
How do you think technology will help us transition to
a successful and sustainable agricultural system of the
Technology must aim for long-term resilience. A lot of
research has gone into mass production and monocropping. But if technology is used without regard to the
renewal or resilience of the soil, then we’re not on the
right track. At Stone Barns, I’m excited by the Slow Tools
Project—the development of appropriate tools for smallscale and local agriculture. Technology needs to suit the
needs of farmers.
As a co-founder of Stone Barns Center, what do you hope our legacy will be in 50 years?
Stone Barns is in the early stages of becoming a place where alternative methods are
being demonstrated and will continue to explore and demonstrate this alternative food
system. In 50 years, I would hope we’ve been a major player in enabling more farmers
to have access to private land on a lease basis in the Northeast; that we’ve helped
farmers produce more food locally—in rural, suburban and urban areas; that we’ve
positively influenced policies that support resilient agriculture; and that our education
curriculum is distributed more widely so that more families can eat well and locally
and be healthy.
“From my earliest memories
growing up on a small family-run
oyster farm, I have been drawn
toward communities balanced
by responsible stewardship of
natural resources. To engage at
the end of my design engineering
career so close to the values of
my childhood and early mentors
is exceptionally satisfying.”
Barry Griffin
BA Griffin Associates
Early blueprint sketch of the
Slow Tools T-30 tractor.
As founder of the Slow Tools
Project, Barry leads the design and
engineering of the T-30 tractor.
David Rockefeller
Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Stone Barns Center,
on the Legacy of the Green Revolution
“The business model developed
through collaborative research with
Stone Barns Center is very exciting
because it shows that sustainable
production practices are economically
viable and desirable. We’ve learned
that soil-based organic production of
specialty crops in greenhouses, when
accompanied by an appropriate
business plan, can be quite profitable
to farmers in the Northeast.”
Miguel Gomez
Cornell University
Miguel is working with
us on the Greenhouse
Viability Study.
The Rockefeller Foundation was a major supporter of the scientific and technological
advances underpinning the Green Revolution. How did that movement change the world?
World food supplies have increased at an exponential rate over the past half-century, the
result of what we have come to know as the Green Revolution. Beginning in the 1940s,
a small group of American experts applied scientific knowledge—particularly advances
in molecular biology, genetics, plant science and allied fields—with mechanization and
new technologies to revolutionize agricultural practices and crop yields, first in Mexico
and then in a number of other countries. Their success has had an enormous and, on
balance, positive impact on most human societies, alleviating the threat of famine, helping
increase life spans and improving the general health of people worldwide. I am extremely
proud of the pioneering role played by the Rockefeller Foundation, headed at the time
by my oldest brother, John D. Rockefeller III, in this unprecedented transformation in
the fundamental structure of human societies.
“Balancing the economics, the
flavor and the ecological imperatives
of the farm is what makes this work
interesting, and delicious.”
Now that we can look back with some degree of objectivity on the Green Revolution, do
you think the good it did outweighs the environmental and social troubles it engendered?
We now know this historic achievement came at a cost. The over-reliance on monocultures for the world’s major cereal crops, sustained by pesticides and chemical inputs,
has degraded the environment, contributed to the wholesale shift of rural populations to
urban areas and raised serious concerns about food security. We will now have to shift
our focus to dealing with these new challenges, while retaining the best aspects of the
older systems that brought so many benefits. In particular, we need to concentrate on
making agricultural systems more resilient and our food production more sustainable and
local. This will necessarily involve a certain amount of rethinking and retooling of the way
farming and other agricultural activities are structured, at the same time that the broader
economy in which it is integrated also adjusts in response to new global challenges
related to climate change.
How do you think Stone Barns Center can help solve the 21st century’s agriculture
We need examples of how to approach agriculture differently—and successfully. Stone
Barns will be one of the places where new ideas and techniques are tried and tested over
the coming decades. Hopefully, our successes will then be adopted more widely. The fourseason farm and pasture-raised agriculture program are doing very sophisticated work
and beginning to have an impact with farmers and consumers. I am very excited about
their potential.
Dan Barber
Blue Hill and Blue Hill at
Stone Barns
Dan and both Blue Hill restaurants
are key partners in our farm experiments and education efforts.
“As a vegetable breeder, I get to work
with a seemingly infinite array of
genetic diversity and craft these traits
into new cultivars with resistance to
new diseases and improved quality.
Stone Barns Center and Blue Hill
engage me with a community that
is eager for new strains of vegetables
and, in turn, inspires and encourages
my creativity.”
Michael Mazourek
Cornell University
Michael partners with us
on seed trials.
Highlights from 2011
A Year of Experimentation, Exploration and Discovery at Stone Barns Center
18 apprentices received
hands-on training here in
2011. Almost 50 have been
educated here since 2004.
More than 100,000 visitors
contemplated their relationship
to the land here.
A multi-year U.S. Department of Agriculture
grant is helping us expand programs, training
and resources for young farmers around
the country.
Raspberries, elderberries and
other edible natives grow here.
The new compost energy generator
started operating here.
The organic matter in our fields
and pastures has increased
1.5% since 2007, according to
an independent analysis.
Dooryard Garden
A purple snow pea, a hull-less
seed summer squash and other
vegetables grew here as part of
seed trials.
More than 300 farmers attended
the 2011 Young Farmers Conference
in December.
Newly designed lightweight tool
carrier took its maiden voyage here.
Vegetable Field
Some 250 people attended the
Farm-to-Table Cooking Series.
More than 10,000 schoolchildren harvested beets,
carrots, potatoes and
tomatoes here.
Honey Bees
More than 50,000 people enjoyed the
bounty of the farm and the region when
they dined at Blue Hill at Stone Barns.
Our bees are helping NASA study
the effects of climate change on
plant pollination.
Tomorrow’s Harvest lecture series
drew more than 1,000 people to
engage with Bill McKibben, Michael
Pollan and other thought leaders.
Our Chicken and Eggs Program
teaches kindergarteners and
first-graders about the life cycle
of poultry.
Main Entrance
Poultry Processing Facility
Youth Corps brought
high school students
to the farm for paying
after-school jobs.
Our Supporters 2011
We are grateful for the support of the following individuals and institutions. This report
recognizes gifts and grants made between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011.
Caretaker ($5,000 – $9,999)
Richard and Carmen Cataldo
Patricia Laskawy
Norma and Todd Boccabella
David Rockefeller
Benjamin Moore Paints
Gail and Charles Caulkins
Jennifer and Beau Lescott
Lisa Brucchieri
Peggy Dulany
Phyllis Cope
Jonathan J. Cohen
Patricia and Richard Levinson
Krista and Brian Callaghan
Amy Falls and Hartley Rogers
Patricia Cook
Hans and Jennifer Li
Carol Canfield
The Fine and Greenwald Foundation, Inc.
Susan and Christopher Cowie
Susie and Rene Lopez
Carty Family
James and Rebeca Ford
CulinArt, Inc.
Emily Malloy
Eve and Ed Colloton
Fujisankei Communications
International, Inc.
C.C. Culver
Kathryn McCormack
Carrie and John Corcoran
Connie and John Curran
Robert B. Menschel
Brandee and David Dallow
Agnes Gund
Adam and Lola Danforth
Lee Michel
Lia and Joe Del Toro
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
Mary and Kenneth Edlow
Kathy and Alan Murray
Serge Dore
Maurice Amado Foundation
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Joseph Nakhosteen
Lynn Dreifus
Roberto and Allison Mignone
Mr. and Mrs. George D. O’Neill
Christopher Ferrara
Christina Panas
Tatum Fichthorn
Farmer ($100,000 and over)
Mrs. Shelby Cullom Davis
Beginning Farmer and Rancher
Development Program of the
National Institute of Food and
Agriculture, USDA
Shepherd ($50,000 – $99,999)
The Merck Company Foundation
Harvester ($25,000 – $49,999)
Organic Valley Family of Farms
Foundation for Sustainability
and Innovation
David Lyons
Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller
Sue Fuller
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Eric and Linda Perlmutter
First Cornerstone Foundation
Susan Cohn Rockefeller
Amy and Jonathan Gallen
Mrs. Rodman C. Rockefeller
Charlotte Ford
Cecily and Gordon Grand
Lela Rose
Sue and Ken Fuirst
Eileen and Paul Growald
Juliette Saisselin
Nancy Galdi
Guarnieri Family
Debbie and Jeff Samberg
Aurora and Gabe Gelman
Lisa and Robert Halmi, Jr.
Kimberly and Josh Schwab
Jean Godfrey-June and Gary June
Irene Hamburger
Joseph Silvestri and Carolyn Risoli
Dawn and Brian Gonick
Donald and Frances Herdrich
Catherine Skove
Rachel and David Gordon
Margaret Finan Hobson
Adam and Lori Gottbetter
Mrs. Frank W. Hoch
Diana M. Sattelberger and
James S. Sligar
Jill Isenbarger and Keith O’Connor
Sarah and Howard Solomon
Green Meadow Waldorf School
Dawn and Peter Johnson
Leslie Sutton
Louise and Jim Hagan
Keeper Springs
USDA National Resources
Conservation Service
Suzanne Harwood
Sarah Rosenwald Varet and
Jesse Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Herlitz
New World Foundation
The Newman’s Own Foundation
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Grower ($2,500 – $4,999)
Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation
Steward ($10,000 – $24,999)
Judy Bernstein Bunzl and Nick Bunzl
Christina and Anthony Giammalva
Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Lyden
Dorian Goldman and Marvin Israelow
Gerry Marzorati and Barbara Mundy
Tina Fischer and Douglas Polaner
Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin
Julia D’Amico and Stuart Rockefeller
Beth and Rick Schnieders
Cultivator ($1,000 – $2,499)
Jane and Stephen Kim
Steven Apkon and Lisa Hertz Apkon
Christopher Krantz
Westchester Community Foundation
Lori Bailey
Wendy and Doug Kreeger
Whole Foods Market
Seema Boesky and Kent Karlsson
Dorothy S. Lakner
Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky and
Jim Hamilton
Wegman’s Food Markets
Ronan and Martine Wicks
Fredric and Ann Yerman
Andrea Gottfried
Carol Helms
Michele Hertz and Lawrence
Abigail and Steven Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacobs
Why does sustainable agriculture matter to you?
Sara Zion
Sustainable agriculture matters on a personal level about
what we eat today, and on a global level about what each
of us will eat over time.
Forager ($500 – $999)
Jill and David Kaliff
Anonymous (2)
Fred and Carolyn Kirschenmann
Denise and Stephen Adams
Sarah Kowitz
Susan Anthony
Pamela and Ron Lake
Kathy Murray, Stone Barns member
Matthew and Lina Bancroft
Jenna and Michael Lebowich
David and Laureen Barber
Haidee Lee
Frances Bassett
Joyce Lee and Robert Brackett
Pamela and Bob Beck
Toni and Paul Lubetsky
Joseph Johnson
Joella and John Lykouretzos
Michael A. Baker
Sheila and Martin Major
William F. Beck and Joanna D. Murray
Rhoda Maletta
Ruth and Bruce Bergquist
Jamie and Georgie Marley
Nadia Bernstein
Josephine Merck
Yasmeen and Ralph Bernstein
Clara Miller
Bisram Bhagan
Katie and Joe Morford
Nicolas and Teresa Black
Jenny Mui
Botti Family
Lizbeth Neumark
Kathleen Brady and John Campos
Annette Orenstein
Robert Brenner
Nina Orville and Ed Nammour
Marianne and Patrick Brown
Andreas Papadatos and
Brenda Thickett
Whitney Brown
Laura Taft Paulsen and William Paulsen
Wendy Carrus
Bianca Pendziakow
Mary Jane Cassaro
Marnie Pillsbury
Anne and Warren Caywood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rockefeller
Amy Chender
Sydney and Josh Rosenkranz
Pam and Ross Cole
Ann Sawyer
Lynne Schultz
Ellen Rouse Conrad and Winthrop B.
Conrad Jr.
Nicole Shahida
Cooper Family
David Skorton and Robin Davisson
Carla De Landri
Maida Snapper
Maarten de Ruiter
Lynn and Eric Sobel
Nancy Dearborn
Kristen and John Staikos
Ruth and Chris DeLorenzo
Karen Doeblin and Rob Lacy
Lauren Thaler and William Null
Frederick Scott Duffy and Monique
Lynda Vrooman
Rosie Carlino
What is one thing that all of us can do to advance a
healthy and sustainable food system?
We can all plant a garden or grow food to create a
greener future.
Devin McManus, Stone Barns Youth Corps student
Sherry Lambert Halpern
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Odell
Shanna and William Sullivan
Maureen Hanagan
Gloria Pacchiana
Katherine Harman
Marianita Perlstein
Margaret Sung and Michael
Hedy Hartman and Andrew Chait
Gretchen Pingel
Kristin and Nikhil Hattiangadi
Michael Pollan and Judith Belzer
Kaia Heimarck and Chip Gibson
Philippa Portnoy
Paul Henninger
Mary Beth Powers
Gretchen Hoffmann
Richard T. Preiss and Carolyn B. Levine
Lisa and David Jacobsen
Dan Pullman
Julie and William Jarosz
Susan Quillin
Gwenyth Jones and Eric Knoff
Diane D. Rapp
Barry L. Kasoff
Lexann and Andrew Richter
Jana Klauer, M.D.
Joan and Howard Rothman
Barbara and Leonard Kobren
Jane Ruman
Karen Kowgios and Robert Fried
Christian Salomone and Suzanne Fine
Lindsay and Craig Warnke
Stephen Laczynski
Nick Samuels and Amy
Danielle and Matthew Watson
Robert Welsch
Sunil Savkar
Robin and Phil Whitney
Danielle and Evan Eason
David Lamb and Lori West
Holly and Joe Eiden
Barbara Landau
Jon Williamson
Diane Elam
Ronni and Philip Levine
Yolanda Willmore and Jean-Pierre
Lisa and Neal Elkin
Kristina Lindbergh
James M. Fallon
Tony Lozina
Tina and Ian Winchester
Maxine and Jonathan Ferencz
Suzanne Malloy
Nellie Wu
Mara Flanagan
Julia McAskin
Barbara and Mark Zand
Allison Forstmann
Pamela McGuire
Alexa and Stephen Zannetos
Jessica Fox
William R. McIntyre
Chris Zuehlsdorf and Anita Suchdeo
Jen and Paul Giacopelli
Rachel Mears and Farzin Firooznia
Lee Golden
Deborah Mollo, M.D.
Sam Gonzalez
Kimberly Monroe
Alice and Gary Gordon
Prudence K. Montgomery
Charles and Maria Granquist
Ellie Moschos
Marshall Green
Evelyn Nagel
Margie Greenberg
Victoria and Wilson Neely
Sara J. Hadad
Cynthia New
Sherrie and David Westin
Michael Williams and Sally Russ
Gardener ($250 – 499)
Kate Adamick
Beverly Aisenbrey
Nelly and Michael Arougheti
Cynthia Avellino
Susan Babcock
Simon Schama
Jill Scheuer
Gail and Max Schwartz
Patricia Scott
Richard and Christine Semsel
Virginia Sesler
Russell and Cheryl Sharman
Joseph Sheehan
Dr. Mary Siemes
Lizz Smith
Wendell and Judy Smith
Cheryl Sparkes
Christine Spears and Andrew Decker
Neil Stahl and Jayne Raper
Beverley and Sabin Streeter
David Swope
Andrea Taber
Tapani Talo
Diana Tapper
Howard and Mimi Godwin
Nancy Taubenslag
Lauren and Mark Thompson
The Thursday Club
Vanetta Vancak
Donna Vilardi
Dagmar Walter
Seedling ($125 – $249)
Ann Acheson
Myra and Dale Addington
Loring Allen
Simone Almeida
Stephanie and Don Altman
Manuel Aluma and Paul Rinaldi
Christine and Andre Audant
Susan Bandes
Lucia Banko
Jake Barton
Isaac and Conrad Bauer
Mark and Nicola Baxendale
Deborah and John Beach
Our Supporters 2011
Myriam and Lawrence Beck
Ellie Becker and Norman Parton
Thomas Becker and Justine Fontinell
Linnea Beckwith and David Waverly
Pat Belanoff
Hillary Bell-Mendez
Mary Jane and Michael Bergen
Margo Berger
Andrew Berman
Shirley Culman
Hilary and Angelo Grasso
Catherine Kelley
Patrice and Robert Martin
Margaret and Michael Curry
LaRuth Gray-Morgan
John and Anne Kelly
Monica Mattimore
Joseph Francis Curto
Susan and Donald Greenwald
Judith Kelson
Autar K. Mattoo
Nancy D’Ambrosio
Silvia and David Grendze
Ingrid Kemperman and Simon Spivack
Barbara Mautner
Christine and Richard Daillak
Kathryn and Paul Grieco
Lesley and Bill King
Mary McEvoy and Lisa Johnston
Cecilia Davis
Joanna and Andrew Gurley
John Kinsella
Bill McGrath and Antoinette D’Orazio
Thomas Deacon and Mary Mazzella
Glenn and Ann Halloran
Lynn M. Klein
Dr. James G. McMurtry
Jocelyne Denunzio
Suzanne Hasz
Tamara and Derek Koton
Zahra Mehta
Michelle Dhanda
Hawkes Family
Steven P. Kowalczyk
Ann Melvin
Salvatore DiCostanzo
Anita Hegarty
Laura Kreft
Richard Merbaum
Melanie Dodson and David Granger
Denise L. Helmke
Nancy Krim
Marti Meyerson and Jamie Hooper
Andrea Dorian
Erica Helms and Andrew Krause
Mrs. George Kruger
Tatiana Mischenko
Luisa and Joseph Mortelliti
Lynne and Joshua Berrett
What is one thing that all of us can do to advance a
healthy and sustainable food system?
Linda Berry
Maren Berthelsen and Jesse Karp
Jennifer and Paul Bianco
Be conscious consumers. Ask questions about our food.
Simply choose to purchase seasonal foods and not
demand tomatoes in December.
Ellen Blye
Jeanne and Murray Bodin
Justin and Maura Bohan
Aaron T. Bouska
Jason Grauer, Stone Barns farm apprentice
Mary Breslin
Jessie and John Brine
Steven Moy
Patricia Mulvey and Michael Cornman
Peter Nager
Rosalie Nathan
Marcelle Nesci
Diem-Phuong Nguyen
Carrie O’Brien
Ken O’Brien
Dr. Kerin and John Orbe
Dr. Keith and Brenda Brodie
David Brody and Barbara Mendelson
Barbara and Van Mow
Dorothy Osborne
Kathryn and Ludger Hentschel
Dory Kurowski
Ann Patton
Martin Burkhardt
Katherine du Quesnay and
Richard Dresner
Ellen Hilburg
Catherine Ladnier
Gouri Edlich
Kathi Pavlick and Bill Aguado
Lisa Cali
Cari and Allen Hochman
Kim Larson and Gary Knell
Sherry Ellenzweig and Frank Horvath
Ann Pedersen
Louise Callahan
Mary Lazin
Eric Feinstein and Lauri Nemetz
Christine Pepper
Vivian and John Cannon
Kathryn Hoenig and Douglass
Jae Hyun Lee
Rona Carr
Justin Fetridge
Lara Holtz
Arlene and Michael Leichtling
Pierrette Pillone and Sandeep
Allison Cassese
Judy Fink and Rob Freeberg
Mary and Don Homer
Eugene and Maxine Levy
Susan Porcino
Barbara Cervasio
Catherine Fisher
Addi Hou
Nomi Levy-Carrick
Rhonda and Henry Powell
Amy Chan
Mary Flanagan
Shu Huang and Ricardo Murcia
Yvette Lin and William Banko
Suzanne Raffalli
Gigi Lee Chang
Marcia Fosnot
Gayle Kenigsberg Hutcher
Mary A. Lincoln
Marian Randazzo
Sungja Cho
Frank Franklin
Ivy Hwang
Michelle and Jeremy Lipkin
Amy Richards and Peter Sloan
Susan Chung
Suzie Fromer and Andrew Hyman
Michael Isberg
Robert Lockhart
Katherine Roberts
Joan and Bill Clifford
David Gaffen
Beverly and Terry Isenbarger
Kristina Loock
Natasha and Stephen Romagnoli
Delina Codey-Barrachin and Marc
Elizabeth Galletta
Jeff Jacob
Beth MacDonald
Jennifer Rossano
Susan P. Geffen
Toni and Walter Janeczko
Iris Cohen
Keri Mackiewicz
Christine Gehrig
Pat Jones
Sarah Cohen
Jessica and Rob Malionek
Patricia Kenney Rubertone and Dan Rubertone
Karen and Joseph Gershman
Irene Jong
Michaela Cooke
Kim and Brenden Maloof
Martin Gilmore and Amy Bohannon
Susan and Mark Kaminsky
Diana Costantino-Edelstein
Edward Manley
Melinda Gordon and David Farman
Randi Kapelman
Jacqueline Cottrell
Julia and Steven Gosset
Nancy Karch
Sonj Gurian Marquardt and Wolfgang
Jenna and Cornel Crabtree
Liz Gotlieb
Laura Kelleher
Ilona Marsh and Mark Stein
Cynthia Schames
Jill Lakin Schatz
Gina Sebastiano
Laurie Seeman
Jennifer Servedio
Julie and Doug Shapiro
Marina Volchegurski
Marilyn Andersen
Patricia Butter
Lynn and James Demitrieus
Stuart Shepetin and Anne van der Voort
Birgit von Roemeling
Sue Andres
Monica Buller Cabral
Nancy Denion
Andrea Sherman
Kristine Voss
Helen and Leonard Andrew
Anna-Christina Cabrales
Connie DePinho and Gerald Ardito
June Sidman
Carolyn Wade
Anton Angelich
Mabel W. Cahill
Diane DeVries
Joni Siegler
Stephen and Evelyn Wall
Dr. Linda L. Anstendig
Jean-Claude Canfin
Corrinne DiVestea
Anne-Marie Siess
Barbara Warren
Andrea Bastiani Archibald
Susanne Caramanica
Jean Divney
Mary V. Simmons
Nina and Paul Warren
Farhad Arjomand
Edgar Caro
Ashley and Stephen Dolan
Stephanie and Nathaniel SmithMarrone
Susan F.C. Weil
Rachel Arnold
Aimee Carpenter
Ralph Donnell
Eileen and David Weiner
Pamela Aviles and Daren Woodward
Anushka Carter and Andrew Paris
Nina and Brent Dorsett
Helena and Steve Sokoloff
Roslyn Weinstein
Sharon AvRutick
Wendy Weaver Chaix
Nancy Dotlo
Emmet Harn Soper
Ayelet Wiener
Jean Barden
Stella Chang
Cristina Driver
Polly and Joe Sorrentino
Kit and Barry Williams
Frank H. Becker
Diane Chapman
Julie and Mark Duffy
Alaina Sparks and Ron Klein
Wood Family
Lucy Bedell and Family
Samantha Chapnick and Jimm Meloy
Sejal Tailor Srinivasan
Melodie Woods and Robert Leung
The Bedford Farmers Club
Caroline Chester
Arvydas Dziugelis and Gita
Kathleen and Darwin Stanley
Anne and Chris Wyser-Pratte
Cindy Beesmer
Stacey Chin
Scott and Monica Steele
Deborah Miller Young
Steve and Audrey Bender
Rebecca Chynsky
Lisa and Stuart Sternberg
Donna Young
Michelle Benner
Arleta-Helena Cincio
Andrea and Jeff Stewart
Jennifer Young
Matthew and Heather Benson
Judy Clark
Laura and Michael Strober
Fortunato and Maria Zanghi
Andrea and Philip Benza
Kimberly Clark
Jean Summers
Frank K. Zovko
Doris Bernacet
Melissa Coad
Betty Bernstein
Mara Cohen
Maria Betancourt and Jeffrey
Fiona Collins
Suzanne D. Bethel
Toni Confalone
Ann Marie Beurle
Didi Conn-Shire
Lydia and Ron Blake
Adam Conner-Sax
Pamela Blank
Russel Considine and Margaret Waters
Alexa Brandenberg
Lisa Coplit
Jackie Brandt
Tori and Douglas Cronk
Jill and Adam Breen
Brian and Laura Crowley
Ellen Brooks
Karina Cruz
Marechal Brown
Carolyn Cryan
Mary and William Brown
Marcie Cuff
Barbara S. Brundage
Marie Currim
Eva and Stanley Taben
Tara Tamny-Young and Matthew Young
Kim and Jeffrey Taras
Nobuyo Tashiro
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M.V. Tatnall
Patricia Tetlow
Robin teWildt
Janine and Joe Thompson
Tracy and Chris Turner
Unity Mechanical Corp.
Thomas and Elizabeth Vales
Drusilla R. Van Hengel
Leeana Vidlock
Linda and Jack Viertel
Sprout ($75 – 124)
Jonathan Abady and Bonnie Stelzer
William Abbott
Hidenao Abe
Madeleine Aberg
Rebecca Adams
Indiana Affleck
Seta Albrecht
Amanda Allen
Laetitia Allexant
Cynthia Bronson Altman
Lauren Amsterdam and
Michael Wilson
What is one thing that all of us can do to advance a
healthy and sustainable food system?
I am encouraging my family to prepare and eat simple, unprocessed, real food. My 8- and 11-year-old children now love
to cook and have learned about new and interesting foods.
Every now and then, they actually eat a vegetable!
John Kinsella, Stone Barns board member
Andrea Colombel
Katherine Curry
Sumy C. Daeufer
Christine and Eric Dammann
Marcia Darrow
Jessica Davis
Michelle Decker
Deborah and Russell Dekker
Kristen and Robert Delamater
Inara deLeon
Carmela DeLuca
Lynn Easterling
Amy Echelman
Masae Ehara
Suzanne and Jonathan Ellenthal
Jay Engel and Consuelo Lamphere
Eileen Evans
Stephanie H. Ewen
Bea and Kevin Farley
Farm Family Insurance
Julie Felder
Michael Fenlon and Dana Wu
Sonia and Frank Fernandez
Janet Ferrante
Bonnie Ferrick
Maryann and Nicholas Fiebach
Julie Fields
Mary Frances Finnerty
Nicole Fischer
Arlene Fishbane
Drew Fixell and Victoria Hudson
Jeanne Fogel
Susan Fox
Sally Frank
Erin and Jay Fraser
Sonya and Michael Gaffney
Robin and Robert Gaines
Kim Galavan
Leana Gallagher
Mrs. James Gallatin
Jean and Bruce Gavril
Laurie Gentile and Scott Friedland
Our Supporters 2011
Jack Hidary
Why does sustainable agriculture matter to you?
Cathy Hildenbrand
Martha Hodgkins
Industrial farming practices have created major issues, from
destructive land use to devastating health problems. We
need to look at the causes of these issues, not the symptoms,
and the solutions begin with the soil and how we use it.
Janice and Doug Hopkins
Natasha, Beatrice and Gwen Georgiades
Steven Hornsby
Rosanne and Michael Geylin
Melissa and Joshua Howard
Nadia Ghannam
Signe Sisko Howard
Katie Alice Gibson
Elaine Howe
Jed and April Gidaly
Eric Isenbarger
Naomi and Martin Gilbert
Wes Jackson
Rebecca Glen
Katherine and Matthew Jacobs
Adam Glenn and Mrinalini Rajwar
David Janes
Bettina and Robert Gold
Craig Edward Jenest
Donna Goldsmith
Hardeep Johar
Anne Goodnow
Carolee and Charles Jones
Carolyn Gray and Marc Garlasco
Jean Crum Jones
Jayme Gray
John W. Jones
Sascha and Evan Greenberg
Stephen Jones
Jane Greenwood and Maria Canales
Carroll Joynes and Abby O’Neill
Lisa and Mark Griffin
Susan and Dan Juechter
Claire Griffiths
Jesse Kaczmarek
Amy Grossman
Brian Kaminer
Kerry and Stephen Guihan
Caroline and Andrew Kaplan
Janine Gunderman
Richard Kassel and Penny Venetis
Olga Gutman
Deborah Keeley
Karen B. Guttmann
Meredith Angert Kenna
Brenda Haas and Rich Albert
Sandra Keyhani
Robert Hager
Esther and Jon Kinderlerer
Trisha and Karl Hagstrom
Marisa Kirchmann
Erica and Eli Halliwell
Rena Kirsch
Lisa and Gerard Hanabergh
Marguerite Kissane
Elizabeth Hand-Fry and John D. Fry
Hilde and Fred Klinger
Lauren Handel
Liz Knobler
Rachel Hansen and Patrick Martin
Mark A. Koch
Karla Harwich
Robyn and David Konrad
Maureen Hays
Joseph Kopser and Family
Irene Hecht
Jonalie and Michael Korengold
Heider Family
Oleg Kostko
Susan Hendricks
Paul Kramer
Carole Herman
Eileen Kreisle and Vincent Panasside
Pam and John Hersperger
Laura Krey
Jonina Herter
Anna Kropp
Graciela Heymann
Joanna Krsulich
Joanne Hickcox
Judith Labiner-Wolfe
Jennie Lyons, Stone Barns volunteer
Maciej Labinski
Lori Master
Anne Owen
Alison Laden
Nancy Mayers
Robin Page
Polly Lagana
John McBride
Michelle and Sung Pak
Mary LaLonde and Doug Bramel
Winifred A. McCarthy
Susanne and Richard Pandich
Kathy Landau and Michael Kantor
Scott B. McClintock
Christa Paolillo
Kristin Lang
Shelley McDonald
Christopher Papagni
Jeanne Lapsker
Amy McFadden
Pare Family
Lori Lavine
Christine McGuinness
Florin and Steluta Pascu
Todd Lawlor
William and Francesca McHale
Melissa and Nirav Patel
Pam and Ray Lawrence
Allister McRae
Julie M. Peet
Phyllis and John Leary
Katy Mendez
Sharon Peng
Lori Ledyard
Jessica Meth
Jane and John Phelan
Dianne Lee
Allison Meyler
Caroline Pieper-Vogt and Harald Vogt
Tammy Lee
John Migotsky
Lindsay Pilliod
Wendy Lee
Regina Milano
Vanessa Pineda-Fox
Christa M. Leonard
Dickerson and Jennifer Miles
Dominic Pisciotta and Andy Berg
Matt Leonard
Marjorie Miller and Sheldon Goldman
Ruth Planos
Beth and Richard Lewis
Renata and Jethro Miller
Teri Pondok
Virginia Lieberfreund
Deepika Misra
Ruth and David Post
Annette Lintz
Lee H. Moody
Marilyn Power
Trish and Eric Lobenfeld
Inese Moore
Brigid and Donald Quadrino
Maria Lomanto
Holly and Rob Moskow
Lesley and David Quattrone
Karen Lometti
Stacey Nachtaler and Daniel Callaway
Christine and Emilio Quines
Kerri and Andrew Lowe
Joan and Mal Nechis
Nancy Raider
Desmond and Kerry Lyons
Leslie Needham
Raphael Family
Stephanie Makowka
Tom Newman
Daniela Raz and Crispin Roven
Tina and Edward Malone
Mei and Mitsuyasu Nishiwaki
Jeanne Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Mancini
Mayuka Nobuta
Holly Reynolds
Amanda and Joshua Mandel
Suzanne Novak
Wendy L. Riggs
Nicholas G. Markoff
Ilona and Peter O’Connor
Sujean Rim and Bob Bianchini
Linda Marr
Patrick O’Neill
Charlotte Rizzo
Naomi and Paul Marrow
Cynthia and Abraham Ofer
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Margaret Masiello
Senator Suzi Oppenheimer
Jennifer Rohr and Prasad Jallepalli
Marnie and Mark Rosenberg
Rhonda Spevak
Andy Woo
Danielle McClain and Jay Berey
Broadway Party Rentals
Jennifer Ross
Ann Sprayregen
Mai Yeng-Tse Wu
Peter McHugh
Brooklyn Historical Society
Karla Shepard Rubinger
Edward Michael Steen
Pamela Yee and Charles Paolino
Barbara and Paul Meberg
Captain Lawrence Brewing Co.
Jeanne and Oleg Rupchin
Sara Stemen and Nicholas Leahy
Harper and Lucy Yellon
Renata and Jethro Miller
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Dawn and Thomas Ryan
Debra Stewart
Ruth Zatrapeznoff
Jonnifer and John Moorhead
Color Tone Audio Visual
Alice Sabia
Philip Stone
Charlene Zhao and Peter Gross
Lisa H. Newton
Defiant Brewing Co.
Michele Saferstein
Brent Stringfellow and Susan Kart
Lana Pattinson
Edible Brooklyn
Jacalyn and Ed Sala
Laurie Sullivan
Martina Zolldahn-Brown and
Todd Brown
Paula and Edward Peck
Edible Manhattan
Samantha Samuels
Ronald Swanger and Diane Crecelius
Amanda Zorumski
Jean Penrod
John Duvall
Susan Sandberg
Tara Tanico
Supporter (up to $74)
Rita and Michael Plansky
Historic Hudson Valley
Kimber Frank Sanseverino and Ray
Benay and Steven Taub
Amy Adler
Valerie and Thomas Pye
Honeydrop Beverages
Hudson Pines Farm
Marianne Santee
Donna Agajanian
Adam Reagan
Ellen Thomas
Zina Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Amorello
Lisa Saiman
Kristina Thorstenson
Barbara and Michael Satow
JetBlue Airways
Janet Sapir
Patti and Robert Balog
Richard Tom
Rosamaria Scasserra
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Katherine and Drew Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bish
Lisa Torell and Mark Finerman
Catherine and Eric Scholz
Jonathan Young Weddings
Ivy Becker Schaeffler
Joann Carrell
Linnet Tse
Keeper Springs
Marilyn Scharbach
Angela and Michael Clofine
Scott Sears and Paula Horrigan
Betsy Tumbas
Kelso of Brooklyn
Emily Schmalholz
George Edwards
Diane and Peter Seller
Anne Turner
King Arthur Flour
Katarina Schuring
Cynthia Ehrenkrantz
Karen and Herbert Sensi
Anita Vargas
Karen Seo
Landmark Print Inc.
Daphne and Peter Schwab
Maggie Favretti and Paul Duddy
Joyce Vastola
Heidi and Robert Schwartz
Doug Vaughan
Susan and Wolfgang Schwarz
Kathleen Lepore Vestal
Christine Scoppetta
Alice Victor
Nina Segal and Will Kennedy
Sherri Brooks Vinton
Nicole Servello
Susan Wahl
Iris Shafer
Barbara Walkley
Charlie Sheerin
Anne and Stacy Wall
Lori Sherman
Suzanne Walsh and Joseph Montuori
Kathleen Siegel
Deborah Elizabeth Ward
Nancy and Marvin Siegel
Jennifer Ward
Jennifer Silverman
Sally and Jonathan Waxman
Jeanne and Leonard Simchick
Dolores and Craig Wayman
Carter Simonds
Angelina Ferolie
John Weale
Hayley Marcus Simpson
Linda Fetridge
Lisa and Peter Weidner
Norman and Charlotte Sissman
Viktor Geller
Danielle Weisberg
Grace and Fred Sisto
Debrah Gershner
Anna and Jon Weiss
Laine Slatton
Emily Grant
Mitzi Weissman
Laura and Eric Small
Carole Griffiths
Dawn Werle and Tom Klett
Takiema Bunche Smith
Jerome Henkin
In-kind donors
Lynn Wiebe
Samara Solan-Weinberg and
David Weinberg
Colette and Brian Hillman
Bagel Emporium
Jennifer Wilkins
Janet and Thomas Himmelright
Rebecca Wipfler and Mike Kim
Kathleen Carroll Ketchem
Benjamin Moore Paints
Woerner Family
Maria and Daniel Laguardia
Blue Box Dumpster Rentals
Victoria Wong
Brady Leet
Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Jason Soloway
Judy Spaulding
Karen and Steven Sperber
Kalpana Telikepali and Ramesh Karri
What is one thing that all of us can do to advance a
healthy and sustainable food system? I used to throw my stuff out in the trash but now I take the
time to separate the recycling and the organic materials
because I understand how important it is to compost.
Emily, age 12, Farm Camp camper
Howard and Beverly Smith
Mod Photography
Joyce Tichy and Juan Zapata
Nicole Franzen Photography
Joshua Turney, Sr. and Eva Turney
Organic Valley Family of Farms
Jennifer L. Vercelli
Party Line Rental
Kerry Walton
Rose Press, Inc.
Sign Extreme Inc.
Tarrytown Music Hall
Technical Electronics
Tree Falls Photography
VerTerra, Ltd.
Whole Foods Market
Board of Directors
David Rockefeller, Co-Chair
Peggy Dulany, Co-Chair
Founder and Chair
The Synergos Institute
Fred Kirschenmann, President
Distinguished Fellow
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Iowa State University
Jill Isenbarger
Executive Director
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
Charles Granquist
Executive Director
The Pocantico Center
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Janet Hawkes
Managing Director
Peter Johnson
Rockefeller Family & Associates
2011 Income
Government in thousands
Individual Contributions
Corporate & Foundation
$827 18%
$624 13%
Other (incl. Rentals, Store, Investment)
$853 18%
John Kinsella
Vice President/Senior Consultant
Brian Lindquist
2011 Expenses
David Barber
Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Gerry Marzorati
The New York Times
Farm and Research Programs
Educational Programs
James Ford
Chairman and CEO
Scarabee Holdings, LLC
Richard Schnieders
Chairman and CEO (retired)
Sysco Corporation
General and Administration
Dan Barber
Executive Chef and Co-owner
Blue Hill at Stone Barns
Stone Barns Center is grateful to the more
than 100 volunteers who contributed their
time and talent in 2011. Volunteers are integral
to all that we do, from washing fresh eggs
to leading tours to keeping the greenhouse
weeded and the gardens flourishing. The
Center’s work would not be possible without
their enthusiastic support.
in thousands
Above figures are based on audited financials and exclude depreciation expense.
This report was prepared with great care, but if errors have occurred, please contact
Erica Helms, Director of Marketing and Philanthropy, at 914 366 6200 x121 or at
Photos: Local Projects, Catherine Yrisarri, Barry Griffin, Peter Zander, Jonathan Young,
Nicole Franzen
Now Blooming in 2012
Projects, products and produce
we’re growing this year.
People are discovering the farm through an app. You can now
visit the farm from virtually anywhere—virtually! We designed
the new Stone Barns Center iPhone app to help on-site visitors
self-guide around the farm, while giving people everywhere
a tool from which to glean lessons about food and farming.
Download yours free at the Mac App Store.
We’re creating an online hub for farmers. Historically, most
American farming communities had grange halls where
farmers would gather together to socialize, organize and
share information. But as small farms have disappeared
over the years, so too have these community centers. Now,
we’re helping reinvent that sense of community among
small, far-flung farmers through a new branch of our website
where young and beginning sustainability-minded farmers
can learn from experts and one another, whether down the
road or around the world.
Our farmers are growing delicious, nutritious experiments.
Among them: grafted tomatoes, which marry a hardy rootstock with more delicate heirloom varieties to out-produce
and out-last regular plants; ground-nesting Toulouse geese
(for natural foie gras); and a kaleidoscope of hybrids from
squash to peas, from turmeric to Thai ginger—plus new
varieties of apples, figs, grapes and paw paws.
We’re helping institutions develop sustainable food services.
Early next year, Stone Barns Center will host the Summit on
Sustainable Food Service, together with Rockefeller Brothers
Fund and the Institute at the Golden Gate. The conference
will bring together schools, national park units, companies
and others to devise practical solutions to common challenges
inherent in developing sustainable, healthful and scalable
food services for institutions.
Join us as we work with
our natural environment
to improve the way
America eats and farms. Explore our fields.
Stroll through our pastures.
Walk our woodlands.
Talk with our farmers.
Support our cause.
630 Bedford Road
Pocantico Hills, NY 10591
914 366 6200
Printed on Mohawk Options, 100% post
consumer recycled fiber manufactured entirely
with wind energy.

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