Our New Board Members - Hilton Head Plantation


Our New Board Members - Hilton Head Plantation
Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Volume 30/Issue 4 - April 2016
Our New Board Members
James (Jim) R. Lucas
3,126 votes
Jonathan Doe
2,877 votes
This year’s quorum (51%) was reached before the deadline. The Board is
very pleased with the response and the POA staff is grateful for not having
to make numerous last-minute telephone calls. The POA continued its
incentive program for residents returning the 2016 Ballot and Proxy before
the quorum deadline. And, the $200 incentive worked again!
At the Annual Meeting, Gary Van Dam, Chairman of the Election
Committee, announced the happy winners of this incentive program who
now have $200 to apply towards ARB fees, POA programs, or their 2017
assessment. They are: Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Bruce, Ms. Gail S. Bernstein,
Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacDonald, Mrs. Anne Spencer Gaudreau, and
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pellegrino. Congratulations to the winners! (If
you did not attend the Annual Meeting, your gift certificate will be mailed to
you or you may pick it up at the POA Service Center.)
Inside Plantation Living 
POA Information
General Manager’s Report........3
President’s Report...................2
Hilton Head Plantation Clubs
.................................. 16
Avid Gardeners..................... 11
Big Band.............................. 12
Bocce................................... 11
Book Clubs........................... 13
Bridge.................................. 16
Caregivers............................ 10
Craft Workshop..................... 16
Dance Club........................... 10
Dog Club.............................. 17
Euchre................................. 10
Farmers................................ 12
Green Thumbers................... 14
Happy Times Party................ 10
Kayak Club........................... 15
Knit Wits.............................. 13
Mah Jongg........................... 11
Men's Cooking...................... 12
Newcomers.......................... 11
Out to Lunch Bunch.............. 13
Pickleball.............................. 15
Mary Ann B. Strayer
2,514 votes
Memorial Day
Monday, May 30
POA and Scheduling offices
will be closed. No classes.
SL Tennis............................. 15
Tee Timers........................... 13
Train Club............................. 10
Travel Tidbits........................ 14
Vino Formaggio.................... 14
Women’s Club....................... 13
Women's Euchre................... 13
Yacht Club............................ 17
Recreation Activities
Health & Fitness Programs.....18
KIDS KAMP...........................18
Pool Rules.............................24
Water Aerobics......................23
Lowcountry Nature...................7
Visit Hilton Head Plantation’s Website at www.hiltonheadplantation.com
Page 2 - April 2016
POA Board Report
Hilton Head
Property Owners’ Association
7 Surrey Lane – PO Box 21940
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Tel. 843-681-8800 Fax 843-681-8801
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Board of Directors
Doug Skelly
Vice President
Jerry Cutrer
Lois Wilkinson
Lee Ensalada
Jonathan Doe
James Lucas
John Gilbert
Mary Ann B. Strayer
Michael Keskin
Board of Directors Hotline Ext. 9
POA Staff
POA Service Center
General Manager
Peter Kristian Ext. 233
Asst. Gen. Mgr./Administration
Todd Lindstrom Ext. 239
Chrissy Kristian Ext. 226
Betsy Weppner
Ext. 231
Denise McAllister Ext. 244
Maintenance – David Mills Ext. 227
Security Director – Art Benoit 681-3843
Tennis Pro – Keith Ferda
Important Phone Numbers
POA Service Center
Ext. 236
Ext. 244
Covenant Enforcement
Ext. 242
Maintenance Shop
Ext. 241
Tennis Hotline
Ext. 290
Vehicle Decals
Ext. 223
Dolphin Head Building
Plantation House
Scheduling Office
Spring Lake Pavilion
Spring Lake Pool Information 689-6473
Spring Lake Tennis
Dispatch (24 Hrs.)
Pass Line (24 Hrs.)
Security Office
Fire & Ambulance
Dial 911
President’s Report
Having previously served as your Secretary and Vice President, I now
accept the vote of confidence to be your President. As President, it is a
privilege to serve with this extremely talented and motivated Board.
I welcome new Board members Mary Ann B. Strayer, Jim Lucas, and
Jonathan Doe, and thank Audrey King for committing to run for a Board
seat. She continues to serve the Plantation in her committee work.
Each member of the Board of Directors is also a committee chairperson:
Executive Committee
Nominating Committee, Strategic Plan
Finance Committee
Recreation Committee
Architectural Review Board
Communications Committee
Covenants Committee
Maintenance Committee
Security Committee
Doug Skelly
Jerry Cutrer
Lee Ensalada
Lois Wilkinson
Michael Keskin
Mary Ann B. Strayer
Jonathan Doe
John Gilbert
James Lucas
Additionally, I look forward to working with our General Manager Peter
Kristian and his staff of professionals who perform the day-to-day tasks of
managing our vast and wonderful Plantation made up of 72 miles of road,
over 4,100 homes, and consisting of over 10,000 residents.
And lastly, I’d like to acknowledge the years of time and effort expended
by Harry Meyers, Pat Harlacher, and Ben Letizia whose tenures have now
I look forward to the challenges the year will bring and being your
representative in this regard.
We are interested in your thoughts and concerns on HHP-related issues.
Please feel free to contact the Board at 843-681-8800 ext. 9 or email:
board@hhppoa.org. You may also email me directly at: president@
--Doug Skelly
The new Spring Lake pool
project is moving along!
(above) Peter Kristian
surveys the new boardwalk
and (right) an overall view of
the splash pad.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
POA Information
General Manager’s Report
Welcome Board Members
Congratulations to Jonathan Doe, James Lucas, and
Mary Ann B. Strayer for their election to the POA Board.
I would like to thank outgoing President Harry Meyers
for his leadership over the past year. Harry tackled
several initiatives during his tenure including bringing
AT&T online to the monopine, the sale of Bear Creek
and Dolphin Head Golf Clubs, the Hargray broadband
opportunity, and of course, the beginning of our
collaboration with the Town of Hilton Head on beach
renourishment for Pine Island. Harry also was stationed
at the helm for the start of the Spring Lake Pool
Ben Letizia piloted the Maintenance Committee; his
leadership had us visiting many similar communities in
the area to pick up their best ideas. These nuggets of
information turned into efficiencies and improvements
to our maintenance of HHP. Pat Harlacher steered
the Recreation Committee and worked diligently on
the plans of the new Spring Lake Pool. When it came
time to making the hard choices to cut back on certain
aspects of the project, Pat’s guidance and measured
approach to recommend cost efficiencies were critical
to arriving at the final plan that was approved by the
Board. Each of these leader's time and talents will be
We would also like to congratulate the following
individuals for three years of continuous service
as a member of one or more of the POA’s committees:
Dan Daniels, Communications Committee; Lynn
Gerlach, Election Committee; George Haley, Recreation
Committee; Heidi Huddleston, Communications
Committee; Jim Ogden, Nominating Committee;
Marcia Sullivan, Maintenance Committee; Ellen
Winston, Covenants Committee; James Lucas, Finance
Committee; and Robert Clemens, Covenants Committee.
For six years of service as a member of one or more
of the POA’s committees: Jonathan Doe, Finance
and Recreation Committees; John Holihan, Finance
Committee; Audrey King, Communications and Security
Committees; Dave Morse, Maintenance and Recreation
Committees; Gordon Simmons, Architectural Review
Board; Edna Wilcher, Maintenance Committee; and
Robert Zinn, Architectural Review Board.
For nine years of service as a member of one or
more of the POA’s committees: Richard Whitmore,
Communications Committee.
For 12 years of service as a member of one or
more of the POA’s committees: Margita Rockstroh,
April 2016 - Page 3
Communications and Recreation Committees; and
Gary Van Dam, Election Committee.
For 15 years of service as a member of one or more
of the POA’s committees: Dick Waltz, Nominating
Committee; and Earle Nirmaier, Recreation Committee.
The POA Board also recognized the following members
for making a special contribution over the past year.
The Information Technology Task Force – for
their dedicated and commendable service to bring
state-of-the-art wireless and fiber optic infrastructure
to the Hilton Head Plantation community. HHP
Fishing Club – for their continued support to the
Kids Kamp program, the Boys and Girls Club Outreach
Program, and for their continued contributions to the
Hilton Head Plantation community. Island Hoppers
– for their contribution towards the purchase of
the new note cards, which benefits the Hilton Head
Plantation Conservancy Foundation, and for their
donation to the HHP Kids Kamp Scholarship Program.
Country Club of Hilton Head – for their shared
values and community-minded offer to allow Hilton
Head Plantation property owners to use the Country
Club’s outdoor pool in the fall of 2015 during the
demolition and subsequent renovations to the new
Spring Lake Pool complex. HHP Big Band – for
their professionalism and generous donation of a
community concert for Hilton Head Plantation. The
work of the musicians and orchestrators provided
a memorable evening of entertainment that was
enjoyed by hundreds of residents and their guests.
Ann Martel – for her countless hours serving as the
librarian for the Hilton Head Plantation community.
Ann cataloged books, sorted returns, and shelved new
arrivals and returns. Her volunteerism has benefited
the hundreds of residents who use the library of
books at the Plantation House on a regular basis.
Sgt. Williette Lee – for her continued exemplary
service to the residents of Hilton Head Plantation and
for bringing honor and distinction upon herself, her
fellow Officers, and the entire Hilton Head Plantation
community by being named Officer of the Year by the
Security Directors’ Association of South Carolina and
the Hilton Head Island Rotary Club.
A special recognition to the family of Ernie Elliott
for the many years of contributions to the residents
of Hilton Head Plantation. His work ethic, sense of
community, and contributions serve as a model for
others to emulate.
A process we started in 2001 recognizes POA staff
members for certain milestones of service to the Hilton
Head Plantation community. This year’s recipients
include: For 5 years of service - Cpl. Donald
Martin, Security Department; 10 years of service
- Denise McAllister, Communications Department,
(cont'd. on page 4)
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 4 - April 2016
General Manager’s Report
(cont'd. from page 3)
and Lt. Joseph Farmer, Security Department. For 15
years of service - Betsy Weppner, ARB/Covenants
Department, and Lt. Vanessa Green, Security
Department. For over 35 years of service - Keith
Ferda, Spring Lake Tennis Professional.
May Coffee with Peter
Our next Coffee is scheduled for Thursday, May 26,
4:00 PM, at the Plantation House. As well as our usual
updates, Town Council Members Bill Harkins and John
McCann will be our special guests.
Spring Lake Pool Renovation
* See page 5 for Resident Tour details *
The Spring Lake Pool project continues to move forward
ahead of schedule. Weather permitting, the boardwalk
and dock should be completed, and the Spring Lake
Pavilion and Plantation House will be connected via
newly installed leisure paths. This new pathway joins
the leisure path that paralleled the west side of Spring
Lake and used to terminate at the Plantation House
parking lot, to the new Boardwalk and on to the Spring
Lake Pavilion. We believe this new walkway will be
widely used as a pedestrian connection and also for the
views of the new Spring Lake Pool and Spring Lake itself.
The concrete decks for the pool have been completed
and landscaping is being finalized. Electrical work that
will bring all of the new pool features to life is also
being completed. The bridge over the “Harry Heron’s
Lazy River” is taking shape and the pool shell has been
finished in a coat of new plaster. The pool will have a
cooling element that will cool the water down during the
heat of the summer.
As you may have learned, the two trellis swings that
were eliminated as a cost savings measure have been
added back into the project. One of the swings is being
donated by Joe Nix and his wife Tammy; the other is
being funded from a capital projects account that had
an approximate balance of $18,000 remaining from
the sale of Parcel A in 2003. These two features will
provide additional viewing and resting opportunities at
either end of the new boardwalk. The bathhouses are
being renovated with new lighting and plumbing fixtures,
skylights, as well as additional ventilation. We will
continue to keep you posted as this project approaches
Photo ID and Houseguest Card Stickers
Your Photo ID and Houseguest cards will need to
be validated for the 2016 season. You can get your
cards validated by visiting the POA Service Center at 7
Surrey Lane. To be eligible to receive your validation
POA Information
sticker you must be a member in good standing, i.e.
assessments paid, with no outstanding fines or covenant
Security Gate Roofs
The roofs of both Security Gates as well as the Dispatch
Center have been replaced.
Tennis Gazebo Roof
The old cedar roof shingles on the tennis gazebo
between courts 5 and 6 have been replaced with a
metal roof to match the Spring Lake Pavilion roof.
Plantation House Doors
The Plantation House doors have been a challenge to
bring to closure. The hardware for the doors did not
match and new doors (the supplier had to reorder the
proper doors to match the hardware) needed to be
compliant with all applicable fire and building codes. We
hope to have the new doors installed and this project
behind us in the coming weeks.
Hargray Fiber Optic Installation
Hargray Communications continues to make good
progress with their fiber optic cable installation. For
questions, please call 1-866-854-3720.
Security Special Op
In mid-March, the HHP Security Department ran
a special operation to check the driver’s license,
registration, and vehicle insurance for all commercial
vehicles seeking admittance to HHP. Over the
past several months, our Security personnel have
encountered a rise in the number of individuals who
are driving on our roadways without appropriate
Staff also discovered that some unscrupulous vendors
have been purchasing a commercial pass under their
name with legitimate credentials, and then have driven
off to a parking lot area and sold the commercial pass
to an individual that was not properly licensed and was
driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle.
Our Security checked all of the commercial vehicles
entering the Plantation from approximately 7:30 AM
to 2:00 PM. During that timeframe, our Officers wrote
37 citations for individuals who were driving without
a license. We wanted to send a clear message that if
you drive on HHP’s roadways, you need to be properly
licensed, have a current vehicle registration, and proof
of insurance. This type of operation puts commercial
vendors on alert that we will check on random dates for
proper documentation. This procedure helps protect
all of us from an encounter with an unlicensed driver
who might possibly be operating a vehicle that is
unregistered and uninsured.
Stay Safe
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Peter Kristian
POA Information
April 2016 - Page 5
Security − Road Rage!
Imagine you’re driving off the Plantation by the
roundabout, and, for seemingly no reason, the driver
next to you cuts you off and makes an offensive gesture.
Although your initial gut reaction may be to retaliate,
you are best advised to take a deep breath, count to
ten, and avoid any confrontation.
News reports have shown that some of these types of
aggressive drivers have been known to exit their vehicle
and challenge the other motorist. Some may even be
carrying a firearm. There have been reports of physical
confrontation and, sadly, even fatalities due to road
Unfortunately, incidents like these are becoming more
prevalent in our society. Road rage is national in scope
and knows no economic boundaries – the driver of a
luxury car may be just as likely to become a violent
offender as the driver of a less expensive model.
Don’t give the other driver a reason to escalate their
Follow these simple tips:
1. Drive with courtesy in mind. Use your signal,
don’t tailgate, and don’t become a horn blowing
2. Show some tolerance. The other driver may have
had a bad day, too. He or she could be right on the
edge. Don’t push them over.
3. Know where you’re going. Stopping in the
middle of High Bluff to read an address or street sign
is a sure way to aggravate the person behind you. Pull
over if you’re lost. This sounds simplistic, but we have
seen many instances where a driver will just stop in the
middle of the road to get his or her bearings.
The Security Department suggests that all drivers carry
and use a cell phone to notify Security or the Sheriff’s
Department of any emergency. Get the license number
of the offender. Stay in your car, lock the doors, and
wait for Security or the Sheriff’s Department to respond.
Don’t become a victim of road rage. Use good driving
habits and report incidents of road rage to the proper
authorities. Help the Security Department and the
Sheriff’s Department get a handle on road rage!
Art Benoit, Director of Security
email: abenoit@hhppoa.org
Your interactions with members of the
Security Department and the POA Staff
may be recorded.
Call Dispatch 843-681-2459
for Immediate Assistance
Tours to View NEW Spring Lake Pool!
On Tuesday, May 24 (tentatively), we would like
to invite all Hilton Head Plantation residents to
tour the new Spring Lake Pool & Boardwalk! In
order to facilitate a more pleasurable walk-through, we
are dividing the Open House into three time segments
as follows:
If your last name
Please stop by starts with: between:
A–M 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
N– Z
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Those working or ---˃ 4:00PM–6:00 PM
those who missed the first two time slots
Please take this opportunity to check out the new
splash pad, lazy river, cabanas, updated bathrooms,
and all the other fun new amenities the Spring Lake
Pool has to offer. Also, take a stroll down the newly
opened boardwalk that goes along Spring Lake and
connects the walkways from the Spring Lake Pavilion
to the Plantation House. This is your chance to take in
the new views and get acquainted with our new stateof-the-art pool facility!
Please use the open field next to the Spring Lake
Tennis Center for overflow parking. In case of
inclement weather on Tuesday, May 24, a RAIN DATE
has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 25 for
the same timeframe.
A special thanks goes to Wood+Partners for the
landscape architecture/land planning, to Year Round
Pool for the pool and splash pad construction, and
last, but certainly not least, to Nix Construction for
completing the overall project ahead of schedule and
providing us with this gorgeous facility and boardwalk
that we are so fortunate to have in our community.
As long as the Spring Lake Pool passes all DHEC
and Town of HHI inspections, we are tentatively
planning to open the new Spring Lake Pool
on Friday, May 27 (weather-permitting). We
appreciate the community’s patience as we moved this
major project forward, and we are excited to showcase
the new facility. We hope you will join us on May 24!
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 6 - April 2016
POA Information
“Harry Heron”, the Master Covenants Bird
This month’s focus:
Blinded Larry, “Green all around” Curly, and Trashy Moe
Bright Lights
Occasionally I fly above
the Plantation in the early
evening just taking in the
quiet and darkness. I do
have a few landmarks due
to the “uplighting” rules that
most residents follow when
providing accent lighting to
their homes. Now I have a
very small insight as to how
the crews in B-17s during
WWII felt when they flew
bombing missions over Europe. At times the lights can
be blinding! However, no incoming “flack” has ever been
pointed in my direction. During the day, I just fold my
neck and sit quietly in a well-hidden spot. My avian
cousin Larry Heron said sometimes “down” lights shine
into his nest at night when he’s trying to catch some
zzzz’s. Uplighting (spotlights) is permitted for security
purposes. It also avoids the potential for shining onto
your neighbor’s property. When exterior lights are being
used they must be shielded, directed, and controlled
to prevent any annoyance to neighboring properties.
House mounted downlighting is permitted for temporary
illumination only and is to be used for emergency and
exterior access. Landscape lighting must blend with the
plants and shrubs and be mounted low to the ground.
This type of lighting also must be used sparingly
and friendly to your surrounding neighbors. Colored
landscape lighting is prohibited.
Big Al E. Gator
As the warm season arrives, our wildlife is coming
out of hibernation. Temperatures have been so warm
this winter that most of my avian friends did not even
fly south for the winter season. Alligators are a very
serious matter. They are curious and sometimes
thrilling to watch, but they need to be given a wide
berth and observed from a distance. Do not feed
the alligators… leave them alone. Alligators are
all around us and are most active during the warmer
months; mating season usually occurs between March
and July. They move from one lagoon to another via
our labyrinth of underground stormwater management
pipes, and, on occasion, a resident’s lawn and the
roadways. Do not harass, feed, or annoy an alligator;
stay a safe distance away. Many of our residents fish
in our lagoons. If an alligator is interested and waiting
for your catch, move to another lagoon or cut the line
and go. Do you really want to get into an altercation
with an alligator over a fish? I have lost several avian
friends who were preoccupied with fishing and when
they caught a chordate did not realize Mr. Gator was
close by watching their every move. Take my advice,
chalk it up to nature, and move on. On a more serious
note, for your own sake and safety of your pet, keep
your dog and cat leashed when off your property.
Alligators may look slow, but they are very fast for short
distances and their jaws are no match for the largest of
dogs when they are in their element. Remember, you
have the ability to provide your pet with a safe walk and
return home. We don’t want little “Fluffy” (or “Curly
Kittie”) to turn up missing because he or she was let out
unleashed and able to walk the lagoon banks or, worse
yet, swim in a lagoon with Mr. Gator. Many a member of
my avian family has come to be an easy catch.
Not your Trash Can
Recently I received a complaint from Moe who is
concerned about residents discarding PERSONAL TRASH
into the POA dumpsters (Plantation House and Spring
Lake Pavilion) ‒ trash receptors utilized for doggy
bags only. The POA is aware (as I am their “eye in
the sky”) that some inconsiderate residents may, on
occasion, dump their personal household trash (and
some landscaping debris as well) into these containers.
Residents like Moe (and me, too) will often report this
activity, citing the license plate and description of the
vehicle; some will go so far as to follow the individual for
an address. The POA will respond with a letter noting
the offense or may even fine the resident. My advice to
those who think no one is watching ‒ think again. The
POA provides the landscape dumpsite near the Farm for
your landscaping debris and Beaufort County provides a
trash dumpsite on Dillon Road for your personal trash.
If you do not have your own private trash service, please
use the transfer station on Dillon Road for the disposal
of your personal household trash. In fact, most folks
that use the transfer station bring their canines or felines
(like Fluffy and Curly) to keep them company.
Harry’s Lazy River!
I am pumped beyond excitement about the debut of
my namesake lazy river feature at the new Spring Lake
Pool. The new pool is slated to open over Memorial
Day weekend. See pages 4-5 for more details on the
opening. You will note a bronze statue of my likeness in
the center island of the lazy river! Noodles for everyone!
--Harry Heron
843-681-8800 ext. 242 mchisolm@hhppoa.org
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Lowcountry Nature / ARB
Page 7 - April 2016
Lowcountry Nature: Pluff Mud
People either love the smell ‒ or they hate it. If you grew up in the
Lowcountry, the pungent odor of pluff mud may be the essence of home, but
even to many Northerners, this rank, salty aroma has a certain primordial
Pluff mud is darker, richer, smellier, and stickier than most other muds.
Oysters and clams settle on it; fiddler crabs scuttle across it; marine worms
burrow into it. But beware of venturing onto it yourself ‒ you may sink down
to your ankles, perhaps to your knees. Pluff mud has claimed countless
boots and sneakers, sucking them down forever, like quicksand. Local news
stories include reports of people, boats, and even a horse needing rescue
after being mired in mud.
(above) photo of pluff mud
by Vicky McMillan
But pluff mud is the heart of our salt marshes and estuaries, essential to the nourishment and productivity of the
Lowcountry. Much of this odiferous, oxygen-deficient muck consists of fine sediments mixed with decaying spartina grass
(Spartina alterniflora). Also present are bits of dead crabs, shrimp, snails, worms, fish, and a host of other decomposing
marine organisms.
The rotting odor of pluff mud comes from anaerobic bacteria that gradually break down this rich organic stew, releasing
hydrogen sulfide in the process. The smell may be overpowering, but it’s a sign of a healthy marsh.
--Vicky McMillan
The ABC’s of the ARB (Architectural Review Board)
In the October issue of Plantation Living, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) informed our residents of current
trends and updated building procedures for homeowners to consider when pondering the idea of moving and/or
building a new home. In October there was an upsurge of new ownership. Today, several months later, residents are
inquiring about enlarging possibilities, enclosing screened porch additions, adding detached garages, and more. As we
all know, dreams do come true, provided the charted path is followed.
With the arrival of warmer weather, several issues play on residents’ minds: remodeling projects and summer
activities for the family. Planning for most home remodeling projects may involve contacting the ARB to inquire about
the submission process and fees. Currently, residents are interested in increasing their living space whether it be
inside or outdoors ‒ the screened porch/Carolina room addition has been very popular. Some are adding a garage or
enlarging an existing garage for additional storage. Others are enjoying the outdoors by replacing concrete driveways/
walkways with interesting paver combinations, adding fire pits, or enlarging pool decks.
The submission process involves submitting the following items for review:
A current As-Built Survey, less than three (3) years old, is necessary.
A partial survey may be sufficient depending on the project.
Complete set of plans
Detail and schedule pages
Photographs of construction site
Landscape plan
Application form
Submission fee
Lately, many homeowners are choosing to remodel existing homes. This is a good time to explore your options. The
ARB meets on the fourth (4th) Thursday of every month. If you are considering any type of exterior improvement to
your home, please contact the ARB (843-681-8800 ext. 231) for advice on how to proceed with your ideas/or repairing
the existing homesite. Future articles will cover procedures on building, adding additions, landscaping, painting, tree
removal, and many others, including the necessary permits needed for approval. Our main focus is property setbacks
and aesthetics. We look forward to working with you on your upcoming exterior home improvement projects.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 8 - April 2016
Plantation Golfing / HHP Clubs
Plantation Golfing
by Jerry Cutrer
Bear Creek Golf Club
Bear Creek members enjoyed a St. Patrick’s Day Twilight Mixer.
(right) Marion Foster “wearing the green.”
Country Club of Hilton Head
The Country Club Women’s Nine Hole Association held a Mardi Gras Masquerade Tournament. The winning team was
composed of Peggy Alexander, Juliann Wallis, Jane Clarke, and Terri Jones.
(left, L-R) Mardi Gras Masquerade winners Peggy Alexander, Juliann Wallis,
Jane Clarke, and Terri Jones.
CCHH’s Men’s Interclub team wrapped up its 2016 season with a fourth
place finish in the nine team league and celebrated with a team dinner
at Bella Italia. Jim Malcolm and Bill McCourt were co-captains of the
24‑man team.
(above right) CCHH Interclub Team in alphabetical order: Don Bainbridge, John Batten, Chris Bistany, Jerry Cutrer, Jim
Donham, Jeff Epstein, Dwight Hunting, Bill Junga, Earl Keese, Dave Lunka, Jim Malcolm, Bill McCourt, Kevin Meridith,
Nathan Mitchell, Mike Nelson, Dave Palmetier, Dave Rounds, John Rychak, Ed Sessler, J. B. Trew, John Vargo, Tom Vater,
Bob von Bremen, and John Winnestaffer.
Plantation Living is a monthly newsletter, published
by the Hilton Head Plantation Property Owners’
Association. Deadline for news and ads is the 15th
of the month preceding the publication issue. Submit
electronically, if possible: Email: dmcallister@hhppoa.
org. For information about newsletter articles or
newsletter or Web advertising, please contact Denise
McAllister at 681-8800 ext. 244.
Advertisements in the Plantation Living newsletter
should not be viewed as an endorsement from
the Hilton Head Plantation Property Owners’
Association, Inc.
The Association claims no liability
for content of any ads.
Ads are accepted on a space available basis.
We meet on the 3rd Monday,
7:00 PM, at Dolphin Head Rec
--Joan Heller 843-681-4720
Woodcarvers have many projects
in the works – birds, figures,
bas-relief, etc. Come spend some
time with us. Experience is not a factor; we learn
from one another.
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Dolphin Head Rec Area
Contact: Jim Gorddard 843-689-3273
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
April 2016 - Page 9
HHP Softball Club
Fishing Club
The April meeting of the
Fishing Club will take place
on Wednesday, April 27,
6:00 PM, at the Plantation
House. The dinner theme
is seafood and our speaker
will be Tonya Hudson of the Hudson Fish Market. Tonya
will discuss “Buying and Preparing Seafood.”
This meeting is going to be special! Not since 2004
has the club welcomed a new President-Elect. That’s
right! After 12 years of tremendous service, Dave Morse
will "retire" from being President, but he will remain
on the Fishing Club Board so we won’t lose his service
and enthusiastic presence. Terry Howland, our new
President, will be taking over the responsibilities that
Dave handled so well. Come out to welcome the new
President and several new Board Members.
Some activities coming up include our Fishing Seminar
on Saturday, April 30, 1:00 PM, at the Plantation House
and Spring Lake lagoon. It’s open to all HHP residents.
We’ll be needing a few volunteers on Saturday, May 14
when we host the Hilton Head Chapter of American
Heritage Girls. We’ll be teaching the young ladies
a few things about fish and fishing as well as giving
them some hands‑on fishing experience. We’ll then
accompany them to the Waddell Mariculture Center for
a tour.
If you haven’t signed up with Richard Fitzgerald to
volunteer for Kids Kamp, please do so he can make sure
we are properly staffed throughout the Kamp season.
Kids Kamp starts on June 13.
Four members of the Board met with Al Stokes,
manager of the Mariculture Center to discuss our two
saltwater lakes. We want to make sure we’re doing
everything we need to do to maintain these waters in a
healthy habitat for our saltwater species. As a result of
one of Al’s recommendations, the club has purchased
a refractometer. That’s an instrument which will allow
us to monitor the salt content of the water in the
lakes. While we get some saltwater flowing into the
lakes during full and new moon high tides, that water is
balanced against rain water and, in the case of Spring
Lake, a freshwater spring. When we accumulate some
data through some monthly tide cycles, we’ll meet with
Al again to discuss results.
Call Richard Fitzgerald with your fishing questions or to
ask for some help (843-715-8287).
--Earle Nirmaier
The HHP Softball Club
continues to perform well on
the field in our weekly games
and practices. We’re having
a lot of fun out there and
would like to invite potential
new players to come and join
us and see if he or she is interested.
The club holds a weekly practice on Tuesdays at
1:00 PM. We get together, throw the ball around,
and work on basic fundamentals of the game
including hitting, fielding, and base running. Our
practices are fairly low key, and generally a great way
for the players to work on their game and socialize at
the same time.
In terms of games, we don’t play in a league, but are
able to play a game almost every week against teams
from Sun City and the Landings (Savannah). The
games are great fun, we have solid competition, and
we’ve met a bunch of great people along the way.
We would love to attract new players to the team.
You can practice or play as much or as little as you
want. If you’re interested, please feel free to contact
Bob Huisman at modybloo@Hotmail.com or come out
and join us or watch a future practice.
Softball is fun!
--Rick Sarcione, President
617-513-0234 mobile
HHP “Sluggers” Softball Team (above):
Kneeling from L to R: Joe Spingler, Jim Skarkus,
John Gilbert, Mendie Jenkins, Rick Sarcione,
Mike Bugg, and Rod Steinbeiser.
Standing from L to R: Tim Collins, Donnie Edwards,
Gerry Costa, Mike Harris, Bob Huisman, Scot Jenkins,
James Maughlin, and Tom Oliver.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 10 - April 2016
HHP Clubs
HHP Train Club
Caregivers Support Group
Our meeting this month was a
road trip to visit the Sun City
Model Train Club. They have
a full layout versus what we have ‒ individual home
layouts, a few of which we have visited.
Our support group
for family caregivers
in HHP is surely
needed and continues
to expand! What a
wonderful group of
caring loved ones who
are always helping each other. That’s what a mutual selfhelp group is all about. You get some time out (respite)
from your caregiving and you connect with others who
have similar challenges. The benefits are many: a
sharing of laughter and some tears, you attend to your
personal needs (feelings, spirit, and challenges), and you
can reach out and help another. This group is always a
value to your personal wellness, as well as your loved
one’s care.
Our meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the
month from October to May, 7:00 PM, at the Plantation
House. Whether you like big trains or small trains, we
have something for all. Plan on joining us.
For more information, contact Don Fellner
843‑290‑5353 or email: hhptrainclub@gmail.com.
Dance Club
Dancing is a great way to keep
your body and mind healthy.
Why not learn a new skill or
improve your technique and
have fun doing it?
Classes are taught by an
instructor from the Fred Astaire
Studio and include shag, swing,
salsa, and tango. All skill levels are welcome and you
don’t need a partner. There is a nominal fee of $8.00
per person per class to cover expenses.
Join us this fall. Classes are held at the Plantation
House, 6:15-7:30 PM, every other Wednesday,
September 30 through May 4.
If you have an interest in joining us or would like more
information, please call:
--Veronica Schaffner 843-715-8163
The Happy Times Party
One Sunday a month, amiable
HHP folks gather to share food,
drink, conversation, and one of
the Plantation’s loveliest spots,
Dolphin Head. No reservations, no RSVP, no meeting,
no agenda, no dues ‒ just a good time. Bring your
own beverage and a contribution to the finger food
table. Ice provided.
4th Sunday of the month
(except December)
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Dolphin Head Recreation Area
For more information, call Dottie Distelheim at
843-342-6828. To get a monthly reminder, email:
You will benefit from a professional support person, Ann
Martel, M.S.W., LISW (HHP Resident). Ann has over
35 years’ experience in Healthcare, Mental Healthcare,
Senior and Hospice Care, and private counseling related
to illness, major transitions in life, stress, grief, and
caregiving. Ms. Martel consults with families and patients
privately, making home visits to HHP residents on a
referral and private fee basis.
The group meets once a month, 3rd Friday of the month,
11:00 AM at The Cypress Clubhouse - TV Room, just past
the concierge. This group is free of any cost. E-mail Ann
Martel for more info. and to request inclusion in her
E-mail notification list: amartel@hargray.com or call
See Ann’s helpful blog by going to www.annscaregiver
Euchre Club
We meet on the
3rd Friday at Spring
Lake Pavilion (except
6:15 PM. The game
is easy and lessons are taught. If it sounds
like something you’d be interested in, call
843-715‑2529 or email: chuck.stewart@
--Chuck Stewart
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
April 2016 - Page 11
Newcomers Club
The Avid Gardeners (TAG)
March Madness, Super
Tuesday, and the “Wearing
of the Green” added to
the fun and success for
our March event ‒ Taco
Trivia Tuesday. Many kudos to our Board for making
sure everything runs like clockwork. We also would
like to thank the crew from Java Burrito ‒ the food was
outstanding ‒ Trivia DJ, Carl Young from JLK Events, and
our sponsor ‒ The Greenery ‒ Tim Drake, Melissa Brock,
and Vanessa Whittaker.
The Avid Gardeners’ triennial
Flower Show held April 8-10
is now “in the books”. TAG
members’ diligence, dedication,
and creativity in the design and
preparation of the displays was
evident in the extraordinary
exhibit. All members of the club
participated – on stage or in the wings. As a huge
joint effort, the Flower Show always creates a strong
bond between TAG’s members.
On Tuesday, April 19, Joe Moffo with Critter
Management will present “Everything you want to know
about gators and snakes in your backyard.” WATCH
WHERE YOU STEP. Our menu for the evening will have
a Caribbean flair. Dress code for the event is Island
shirts and flip flops. There will be a prize for the most
colorful shirt.
Nadine Korosi, Sandy Stern, and their committee are
constantly introducing projects for the gardening
students at the School for the Creative Arts. The kids
prepared animal collages from leaves, which were on
display at the TAG Flower Show.
The Newcomers Club’s final event of the year is our
Sunset Cruise on Tuesday, May 17 leaving from Shelter
Cove. This event is always sold out so watch for the
email blast. The cruise is a 2-hour event with a boxed
dinner and entertaining facts by Captain Mark and crew.
We are still in need of some new Board members to
carry on this fun-loving and entertaining club. Please
consider taking a position on the Board; there are lots of
us who will help you with your new position.
For more information, contact Mary Wilcox, president,
--Cathi Sansone, Publicity
Bocce Club
The plants in the 3-Point Reflective Garden at the
intersection of Seabrook and Dolphin Head bloomed
on time to welcome spring. In addition to having
developed, and now maintaining this plot for the
benefit of all HHP residents, TAG members also
developed and maintain the General Davis Island.
TAG’s activities are slowing down. Our April meeting
will include a visit to the Georgia Botanical Gardens
(formerly the Bamboo Garden) in Savannah. In May
we hold our end-of-the-year luncheon at which next
year’s officers are installed, and a tour of members’
gardens follows. A potluck lunch held at Dolphin Head
in June will finish out our fiscal year.
We meet in the Spring Lake Pavilion on the third
Friday of the month at 9:30 AM. A coffee/social
is followed by a short business meeting, and then
the speaker of the day. Phone Corliss Zampino at
843‑681-6062 for further information.
--Mary Ellen Phillips
The spring bocce season is in full swing, or better yet,
in full roll. Thirty-two teams, three
of which are new to our league,
have been competing since midMarch. And, players are already
keeping track of their wins and
losses to determine their chances of reaching the
play-offs that begin the week of May 9.
Please mark your calendars for our Awards Potluck
Dinner on Saturday, May 14 at Spring Lake
Pavilion, 6:00 PM. Members will be notified via
email as to what food to bring.
Enjoy the rest of the season and good luck.
--Sandy Stern
Mah Jongg
We meet every Tuesday in
the Dolphin Head Recreation
facility, 1:00-4:00 PM.
Everyone is welcome to play,
but please commit to play
each week so that we have an idea of how many
game sets and tables are needed. A current year
game card available online from the National Mah
Jongg League is necessary to play.
Interested parties, please email:
--Judy Finney judyLfinney@gmail.com
--Ellie Linscott linscott9070@roadrunner.com
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 12 - April 2016
HHP Clubs
Farmers Club
HHP Big Band
Oops – I was wrong about
plots still being available.
This article is written 30
days ahead, so some things
change by the time it comes
out. But get on the wait list,
and you may be surprised at
how soon a plot becomes available.
The HHP Big Band continues to
entertain audiences in April and
May. We are doing our first outdoor
performance at the Country Club
of Hilton Head this month (weather
permitting) and then closing out April
at TidePointe. Plans are in the works
for another outdoor summer show at
the Plantation House. Last summer it was a perfect
night and the
crowd enjoyed
a relaxing
evening of
tunes that
spanned over
five decades of
(above) Photo by Bob Sandin
It’s awesome April again, and there is so much to be
done at the farm, you may be there every day for at
least a few minutes – picking or planting some of the
heat loving veggies like lima beans, okra, field peas
(we like pinkeyes), and peanuts. Your children and
grandchildren will love digging them. They also like
digging for potatoes if you turn it into a treasure hunt.
Sweet potatoes can still be planted as well, but need
plenty of space to roam.
Asparagus has its own bed of course, and here is a
good method of cutting it. Divide the plot mentally
into 4 sections. Cut all of the spears in the first
section for 6 weeks. Then cut down the plumes in
the second section, which will cause it to send up new
shoots which you can cut for 6 weeks, then do the
same with sections 3 and 4. If your plot is very large,
you may want to divide it into 6. The plumes last a
very long time when added to a flower arrangement,
and the spears have incredible nutrients when eaten
Weeding well is imperative now. If you let them go,
your plot will be a jungle by June. Weed-B-Gone
seems to work well, but pick a windless day to use it,
and be sure to follow all directions carefully.
Small round holes in the
leaves of potatoes and
eggplants indicate flea
beetles which can greatly
harm the plants. Spray
or dust with Sevin or use
Neem oil if organic control is
desired. And aspirin water
works well on puny plants.
It is made by mixing ¾ of a
pill with 1 gallon of water.
When the market opens
(above) Chuck Mainenti, the first Saturday in May,
the Plot Coordinator
we would appreciate any
produce or flowers you can
give us. We have a great time doing this, so come by
and visit even if you don’t have anything to share.
--Diane Middleton 843-342-5884
You can find us on Monday nights practicing at the
Plantation House from 7:00-9:00 PM unless we're
performing. Please feel free to stop in and listen for
a bit. If you’re interested in finding out how you can
become part of the band, let me know. And if you
have an event where you think we might be able to
play, please contact me.
--Mike Nicastre
Men’s Cooking Club
Men's 2nd Wednesday
Cooking Club
Noon until 2:00 PM, at
Spring Lake Pavilion. We
each demonstrate our
favorite meals on a rotating basis. Can’t cook?
Come anyway! For more information, call Joe
Sanker at 843-682‑2615.
Men's 4th Tuesday Cooking Club
While the meeting place will generally be at
Spring Lake Pavilion, some members elect to
host their cooking presentation at their respective
homes. For information, call Steve Strom at
NEW! Men's 3rd Wednesday Cooking Club
There is a NEW Men's Cooking Club, meeting the
3rd Wednesday at Spring Lake Pavilion, Noon until
2:00 PM. For more information, call Craig
Cleveland at 843-540‑5240 or craigcleveland@
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
April 2016 - Page 13
Women’s Club
The Hilton Head Plantation
Women’s Club invites
you to our Spring “Tea”
Luncheon on Tuesday,
May 10 at the Sea Pines
Country Club. Social time
will begin at 11:00 AM with lunch following at Noon.
There will be Gathering Music by Karen Attaway and
Trish Elliot. Mr. William Hall, world-renowned Tea
Taster and part owner of Bigelow Tea of the Charleston
Tea Plantation, will be our speaker.
Invitations with additional information were sent out
during the month of March. If you have not received
yours, please contact Margaret Melick. Reservations
and checks of $26 per member or guest need to be
mailed to Margaret Melick, 3 Towhee Rd., HHI, SC
29926 by April 26. No cancellations or refunds after
April 30.
The luncheon marks the end of our 2015/2016 club
year. Please consider assisting in club activities and
events to ensure that the current level of programming
is continued. Volunteers are always needed and
welcomed. You may indicate your interest by
completing a HHPWC volunteer form. There will be a
table at the luncheon with membership and volunteer
forms. The 2016/2017 membership fee remains at $15
per person. You will also receive these forms by email
or mail.
Watch for information in July’s Plantation Living
regarding our first event of the new year held in
August. The August event provides an opportunity
to learn about and join various activities that are
sponsored by the Women’s Club.
--Denise Sweeney
Women’s Euchre Club
The Women’s Euchre Club will be meeting year round
every other Monday, 1:00-3:00 PM, at the Plantation
House. We invite all experienced players to join us.
You must be a member of the HHP Women’s Club.
Please email Jean Conroy at jac37@icloud.com if
you are interested.
--Jean Conroy
Knit Wits
This friendly group of
women welcomes all skill
levels of knitting. The group
meets every Wednesday,
2:30 PM, at the Dolphin Head building. No fee
is required, although you must be a current member
of the HHP Women‘s Club. Come, have fun, laugh,
knit, purl, and relax. For more information, contact:
--Ceil Meyers 843-342-2185
--Barbara Bitner 843-341-3304
Tee Timers
The Tee Timers have
been filling 4 tee times
(14-16 golfers) each
Wednesday at either
Oyster Reef, Bear
Creek, or Dolphin Head
Golf Clubs. We play 9 holes in the
afternoon, with some going on to play
18 holes. The clubs have been very welcoming to our
group and have graciously given us a group rate.
We welcome new members. Please email Carole Ide
at: carolehhi@me.com if you are interested in
joining and playing actively. You must be a member of
the HHP Women’s Club to join the Tee Timers.
--Carole Ide
Out to Lunch Bunch
We’ll be going to Sigler’s
Rotisserie & Seafood Restaurant
on April 20.
Please join us for great food
and companionship. Please contact us if you would
like to join and to get the menu and pricing. Looking
forward to seeing everyone there. You must be a
current member of HHP Women’s Club to attend.
--Claudia Woods 843-681-7639
--Mae Graziano 706-860-8402
HHPWC's Book Clubs
Happy reading! You must be a
member of the HHP Women’s
Club to join this group.
--Margita Rockstroh
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 14 - April 2016
HHP Clubs
Green Thumbers
Vino Formaggio Group
Freshly harvested herbs can
soothe dozens of common health
problems besides adding another
dimension to your cooking. If you
want to learn more about nature’s
“health and beauty” aids, come to
the last meeting of the season for
the Green Thumbers on May 9 at
the Spring Lake Pavilion.
The Vino Formaggio Group will
end this membership year with a
wine tasting event on Sunday,
April 17, 5:00 PM, at the Spring
Lake Pavilion.
In a lecture entitled “Fun Things To Do With Plants,”
our guest speaker, Lyn G. Taylor, will discuss using
plants for first aid, beauty aids, insect repellents, and
more. In a change from our normal sequencing,
coffee and cake will not be served at the beginning
of the meeting. Instead, the meeting will start at
10:00 AM with our speaker. The lecture will then be
followed by a catered lunch. This meeting is only open
to paid members of Green Thumbers.
In order for the Green Thumbers to continue as a
viable club, we need volunteers to serve on the Board.
For the next year 2016-2017, there are two positions
open on the Board. The positions are President and
Publicity Chairperson. The Publicity Chairperson writes
the articles for Plantation Living and works with the
Communications Chairperson on the monthly email
notification to members. The President, after input
from the Board, contacts potential speakers, and
coordinates the monthly meetings/field trips. The
other three Board positions, which are Treasurer,
Communications, and Hospitality, already have a
volunteer willing to serve. However, any of the above
positions can use additional help and may be cochaired.
If you are interested or need more information, please
contact Edna Coombs at 843-342-7184 or see any
of the current Board members at our next meeting.
Thanking you in advance for your consideration to
--Gerry Jagen
For Juniors
Now taking sign-ups.
Ages 7-17
Where: Spring Lake Tennis Center
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
*For details, call: Lou Marino
843-301-4453, or Spring Lake
Tennis Center 843-681-3626.
Each current member will receive
an announcement via email
notification about this spring theme
event. To make a reservation, please send cash or
check, payable to Mary Marquis, 26 Crooked Pond
Drive, HHI, SC 29926. The cost of the tasting is $21,
which covers the wine tastings, food pairings, supplies,
and insurance. Payment should be sent at least seven
days in advance. Once paid, there are no refunds.
Questions about membership may be directed to
Susie (Mary) Marquis at 843-341-5777 or via email:
--Linda Watts
Travel Tidbits
The HHP Women’s Club has a new interest group called
Travel Tidbits. We meet the
first Thursday of the month
at the Spring Lake Pavilion
from 10:00-11:30 AM.
Earlier this year we had
presentations about cruises,
day trips, and activities to do
when grandchildren visit.
Our meetings are very
casual. We do not have yearly dues and we do not
provide refreshments. Attendees are invited to bring
their own beverage. Every resident is invited to attend
as long as they are a member of the Women’s Club.
We’re planning a day trip with Scottie Davis to Jekyll
Island, Georgia on Thursday, May 12. We will have
a 90-minute trolley tour of the Historic District on the
Island and also visit the Georgia Sea Turtle Center.
Space is limited, so if you’re interested in joining us,
please call Mary Lou Carroll for additional information
and to reserve a seat.
--Mary Lou Carroll 843-341-2366
--Shirley Bourgaux 843-681-4085
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
April 2016 - Page 15
NEW HHP Kayak Club
Spring Lake Tennis Club
The Kayak Club is for HHP owners/
residents and their families. We
launch/retrieve kayaks at multiple
locations on the Island for club
scheduled weekly and monthly
day-trips. We welcome new members of all ages and
skill levels including those who already own a kayak, as
well as those who are still considering their first kayak
As of press time, Spring Lake
has four teams in first place in
the Local USTA Spring League:
Men’s 55 & Over 3.5 division “SL Lakers” (captain Tom Larkin),
Men’s 70 & Over 3.5 division “SL ASPS” (captain Greg Smorol), Ladies 70 & Over
3.5 division “SL Stingers” (captain Mary Ellen Arboe),
and the Ladies 70 & Over 3.0 division SL “...But
Goodies” (captain Rosanne Ball).
As of March 2016, the Kayak Club now has 89+ HHP
households comprising 119+ total members. But, there
is still room for you! Please consider joining us!
Our 2016 kayak program is well underway with various
speakers/events and educational programs planned
for new and experienced kayakers. In February we
had a kayak outing at Outside Hilton Head for tips on
choosing a kayak. In March we had a kayak outing,
again with Outside Hilton Head, where we had an
“on-water, Try‑out & Buy a Kayak” event (mini-paddlefest). We hope to have on-water events for beginners,
intermediate, and advanced kayakers this spring/
summer. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday,
April 26, 6:30 PM, at the Plantation House. The
meeting topic will be “Kayak Storage, Transporting &
We’re also still looking for a few more experienced
kayakers who would volunteer to be “kayak guides” and
“kayak mentors” for some of our upcoming 2016 kayak
outings and meetings.
Please contact Bill Pulkowski at the Kayak Club’s
email: kayakclubofhhp@gmail.com or call
804‑464‑8141 if you’re interested in joining or
learning more about it!
HHP Pickleball Club
The club has flourished
over this last year with
the support of the Island
Recreation Center and new
players from all over HHI.
This game is easy to learn
and great fun to play while you’re getting your cardio
workout in for the day. Come by and use our demo
equipment to try it live!
Contact BC Huselton at 843-342‑5471 or
email: bchuselton@gmail.com if you’d like to be on
the distribution list for scheduled play times at the
Recreation Center. The typical schedule starting time is
9:00 AM on Monday through Friday for all levels.
--BC Huselton
Mark your calendar: Spring Lake will host its
Annual Wimbledon Team Tennis Tournament
on Friday, May 20, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, with
the traditional awards ceremony to follow around
Noon. The draw party and exhibition will be on
Wednesday, May 18, 5:00 PM.
We put a real Irishman in charge as co-host of our
annual Luck of the Irish Social on March 11. No
wonder it was so much fun. Thank you for helping
make it such a successful and memorable event,
Mike Riley.
The 5th Annual Plantation Court Challenge between
players representing the Country Club of Hilton Head
and the Spring Lake Racquet Club (SLRC) has been
rescheduled for Saturday, April 23 (rain date:
Sunday, the 24th). Again, Men’s, Women’s, and
Mixed Doubles pairs will play 10 game pro sets, with
each game counting toward the club’s total score.
Matches will be played at both clubs with a social on
the patio outside the Pro Shop at the Spring Lake
club after all matches have been completed. If you
haven’t already signed up to play for your favorite
team, there may still be time to do so. Please check
with your Pro Shop as the teams may still be looking
for a few more players to fill their rosters. Let’s have
fun and may the best team win.
--Lee Hakala
For Adults
Saturday, 11:00 AM
at Spring Lake Tennis, court 2. To sign up,
either call the Club at 843‑681‑3626, or call
Lou Marino, USPTA Cardio Tennis Coach,
cell 843‑301‑4453 (til 9:00 PM), lwmarino@
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 16 - April 2016
HHP Clubs
Saturday, April 16
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Spring Craft Sale
The Plantation House
You and your friends are invited to…
Sunday, May 1
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Plantation House
Meet the artists and cast your vote for
the People’s Choice Award .
Refreshments will be served!
FRIENDS. And, if your friends are not residents of
Hilton Head Plantation, please be sure to call in a
pass for them.
Something new, unique, or fascinating will be
awaiting you at our Craft and Bake Sale.
This is a wonderful opportunity to do your gift
shopping for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays,
showers, graduations, weddings, and other special
occasions. You will also find beautiful gift cards to
go along with your gift purchases. If you’re not
looking for gifts there will be items that you might
find useful in your kitchen, bath, and garden. Or,
perhaps a novelty item might appeal to you for
yourself, a favorite child, or pampered pet. Make
your shopping list now!
And, don’t forget our “sell out” Bake Sale where you
can purchase delicious home baked goodies. The
cakes are cut in halves or quarters and cookies are
packaged in smaller quantities so you can mix or
match to your particular taste.
--Jean-Marie Côté
President, HHP Artists Association
Bridge Winners
PH Team Bridge
March 1 - Winners
1. Christel & Norm Kronenberg
2. Don & Barbara Edwards
3. Peggy & Dave Alexander
PH - 1st Tuesday - 7:00 PM
Call Barbara/Don Edwards 843-689-3311
PH Ladies Bridge
March 1 - No play
March 15 - Winners
1. Gloria Campeau
2. Mary Lou Meinholz
3. Jane Groh
PH - 1st & 3rd Tuesday - 10:00 AM
Call Mary Lou Meinholz 843-342-9652
Friday Men’s Bridge
PH - Fridays - 12:30 PM
Call Donald Edwards 843-689-3311
Most importantly, the proceeds of this sale will
benefit Hospice Care of the Lowcountry. We
appreciate your support.
--Dawn N. Edgington 843-689-9391
email: dnedgin@aol.com
Spring Lake Tennis Drill Clinics
Tuesdays 11:00 AM
Forehand and Backhand Groundstrokes
Fridays 11:00 AM
Volleys and Overheads
Call Spring Lake Tennis Center
843-681-3626 or Lou Marino 843-301-4453
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
April 2016 - Page 17
Dog Club
Yacht Club
Our Potluck Dinner featuring
member boating experiences was
held on February 18. Paul Koepke
stole the show with his stories of
a boat trip to Canada from HHI.
Activities are really beginning
to heat up for the year so keep posted and look for the
members enjoying our
monthly meetings are:
(top left) Paul Koepke;
(top right) new members,
Kathy and Phil Shea; and
(bottom) Larry Proto, Joe
Mazzei, Mary Kay Hoffmann, and Susan Proto.
Sailors: On April 18, we’ll have a shakedown cruise in
Port Royal Sound followed by cocktails and snacks on the
Village North Dock.
On April 21, 6:30 PM, our regular meeting will feature
our own Jim Alberto discussing his experiences living and
teaching on Daufuskie Island. Dinner, including pork loin
and fried chicken, will be provided by Kelly’s Tavern.
The action continues with our Southern Rendezvous on
April 28-29, including a dock party Thursday and a
dinner Friday. Even if you don’t have a boat ride, please
drive down to St. Simons and enjoy this great event.
Back home, our annual Commodores Ball will be
at CCHH on May 5 and feature the Hollywood Band.
Another event which is open to all HHPYC boaters and
their guests is the May 11 Daufuskie luncheon and
overnight. All are welcome to participate by boating
to the Freeport dock and lunching with the group.
Overnighting on the hook in Bull Creek is optional.
All property owners with boats registered in SC are
encouraged to join our fun-loving association of boaters
immediately. Social Membership is available, although
there is a short waiting list. Please contact Membership
Officer Rae Scott at 843-681-8682 or visit the Website:
--Ann and Steve Schwab
Hello, Dog Lovers! The 2016
HHP Dog Club activities are off to
a successful start! Club members
enjoyed a demonstration
of grooming techniques on
March 15. Janet Tarrant, owner/
operator of Groomalon Pet Salon,
was assisted by Thalia Rosso
as she snipped and clipped
Anne Hakala’s German
(above) Thalia Rosso,
Shepherd, Mary Goodrich’s
groomer; Janet Tarrant,
Standard Poodle, Maxine
owner, Groomalon Pet
Uttal’s Chihuahua, and
Barbara Loosbrook’s Golden Salon; Sweet Pea; and
Maxine Uttal, owner of
Janet shared a wealth of
information, including:
Sweet Pea.
● Your dog should never be shaved for hot weather
because fur acts like insulation, keeping dogs cool in
summer. Canine skin is only 3-5 cells deep (human
skin is 10-15 cells deep) so bare canine skin will easily
become sunburned, often resulting in skin cancer.
● Your dog’s nails should always be trimmed to avoid
the development of arthritis in the paws. The use
of a dremel is preferred over clipping because you’re
less likely to damage the quick.
Groomalon provided a basket of goodies, including
a free bath, won by lucky club member Chris
Cherrington. We greatly appreciate the generosity
and expertise of Janet Tarrant of Groomalon.
Mark your calendars now! All events start at
6:00 PM. Tuesday, May 10 - Dog Training
with Jeanne Daly, Plantation House parking lot;
Wednesday, July 13 - Goodies for Doggies, Spring
Lake Pavilion; Friday, September 23 - Cocktails and
Dogstails, Dolphin Head (rain date, September 30);
Tuesday, December 6 - Caring for Aging Dogs with
Dr. Dixon, Spring Lake Pavilion.
And don’t forget to support HHHA’s Dog Walk on the
Beach, Saturday, April 30, 8:30 AM.
PS: The good people who are striving to save North
America’s shorebirds are asking that you don’t let
your pets chase shorebirds or disturb nests on the
beach. We must work together to save our wildlife
Happy Dog Walking,
--Helen Collins Secretary/Treasurer
tel. 843-689-9303 hmcollins@hargray.com
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 18 - April 2016
Recreation Activities
Chair Yoga
Gayle Caporale
4:00 - 5:00 PM
Gentle Yoga
Gayle Caporale
Tues. & Thurs.
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Holly Wright
Tues. & Thurs.
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Beginner Pilates
Holly Wright
9:40 - 10:40 AM
Louise Lund
Mon. Wed. Fri.
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Total Body
Louise Lund
Mon. Wed. Fri.
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Total Fitness
Burn at the Barre
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Total Fitness
Total Body Sculpt
Jackie Spindel
5:30 - 6:30 PM
2016 Fees
$5.75 = 1 ticket
$52.50 = 10 tickets
$95.00 = 20 tickets
$135.00 = 30 tickets
$170.00 = 40 tickets
You must use a 2016 Universal Fitness Ticket in order to attend the above classes.
Tickets are available for purchase at the POA Service Center and the Plantation House.
(* 2015 Universal Tickets will not be accepted. *)
Established in 1987, Kids Kamp has grown to accommodate more than 300 of our Plantation’s children each summer.
Based at the Spring Lake Recreation Area, our expansive Kamp grounds provide a safe and comfortable environment
where Kampers can play, learn, and grow together. Children are grouped according to age and grade. Each group’s
Counselor Team plans the daily activities according to a weekly theme and the group’s ability. Previous Kids Kamp weekly
themes include “Wild, Wild West Week,” “To Infinity & Beyond,” “The Great Outdoors,” “Ocean Commotion Week,” and
“Blast from the Past.” On Wacky Wednesdays, all Kids Kampers and staff show off their creativity by dressing according
to the theme. On Fridays, the entire Kids Kamp comes together for a special event to wrap up the week with an exciting
themed activity. Regularly scheduled activities include swimming, arts & crafts, field games, and fishing. Cooking,
music & puppets, and nature are also incorporated into group schedules. Counselor to Kamper ratio = 1:10. Regular
REGISTRATION began April 1 at the POA Service Center for the entire Kamp (8 weeks) or for one or more weeks.
Time/Days: 9:00 AM – 1:00
Non-Refundable Deposit:
Age/Grade Req.
Began April 1
PM; Monday – Friday Registration:Began April 1 at the POA Service Center
Full Session - $100 per child; Weekly - $50 per child
Available at the POA Service Center or Plantation House.
Children who will enter Kindergarten in the fall of 2016 or who are five years old by
November 1, 2016, to children who will enter 8th grade in the fall 2016.
Must be a child or grandchild of an HHP property owner or resident.
Full Session
1 Child: $500
2 Children: $795
3 Children: $960
4 Children:
5+ Children: $1,290
Weekly 1 Child: $105
2 Children: $200
3 Children: $295
4 Children: $390
5+ Children: $485
Week #
Kids Kamp Cookie Social
June 13 - June 17
June 20 - June 24
June 27 - July 1
July 5 - July 8
(No Kamp July 4)
July 11 - July 15
July 18 - July 22
July 25 - July 29
August 1 - August 5
The Activities Department and the Kids Kamp Staff are hosting a Cookie Social for the new
and returning Kids Kampers and their families. This is a great opportunity to meet the
new and returning staff for Kids Kamp 2016! Refreshments will be available, so stop by
and spend a few minutes with us. We’ll be there to answer any questions you might have
about the Kamp Program. Look forward to seeing you there!!!
Sunday, June 12
Fee: FREE!
1:30 – 3:30 PMPlace:
Spring Lake Pavilion
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Recreation Activities
Cooking Live Program
Just a reminder for those signed up for our Cooking
Live classes. The remainder of the schedule is as
April 20 Skull Creek Boathouse (*SOLD OUT*)
April 27WiseGuys (*SOLD OUT*)
May 4
One Hot Mama’s (*SOLD OUT*)
May 18 Marley’s Island Seafood Grille
April 2016 - Page 19
Memorial and Honorarium
For residents who wish to support the Spring Lake
Pool and Boardwalk project in a more meaningful way,
the Recreation Committee would like to provide the
opportunity to make personal contributions towards this
project through our Memorial and Honorarium Program.
Gifts of any amount are welcome and can be targeted in
many ways according to your desire.
All classes will be held at the
Spring Lake Pavilion on
Wednesdays at 11:00 AM.
All of the sessions are currently
SOLD OUT. If you would
like to add your name to the
waiting list for a particular
date, please contact Sherrie at
the Scheduling Office at 843-681-8090.
Qigong Class
New 6-Week Session
Qigong (chee gong) is an ancient Chinese healthcare
system that was developed before the written word
in Chinese monasteries, hospitals,
and imperial courts. It integrates
movements, breathing techniques,
focused attention, and self-applied
massage. Qigong means cultivating or
working with energy and is practiced
for health maintenance, increased
vitality, and inner peace.
Our instructor, Benedicte Gadron, will be teaching
a six-week session beginning Monday, May 9.
If interested, please sign up with Sherrie at
Mondays, May 9 - June 20
(skipping May 30 - Memorial Day)
4:20-5:20 PM
Cost: $40/person
Spring Lake Pavilion
Instructor: Benedicte Gadron
Qigong’s great appeal is that anyone can benefit from
practicing it, from the very young to the very old. The
movements are easy to learn. They can be performed
standing, sitting, or lying down, and can be adapted
for physical limitations. No special equipment or
clothing is required. A minimum is needed in order to
have this class so sign up today!
For donations made towards certain outdoor elements
along the Boardwalk, a plaque will be placed on or
near the item listing the name of the donor(s) and/or
recognizing an individual or family. For donations made
towards specific outdoor elements at the Spring
Lake Pool, a single plaque will hang at the NEW Spring
Lake Pool listing the item as well as all of the names of
the donor(s) and/or recognizing the individual or family
for whom the donation was made.
For residents wishing to make a general contribution
towards the project, the Recreation Committee has
developed five levels of giving which are:
Magnolia Level
Live Oak Level
Red Maple Level
Southern Pine Level
Sycamore Level
$5,000 or more
$1,000 - $4,999
$500 - $999
$100 - $499
$99 or less
Any resident who chooses to make a general
contribution donation will be listed on a plaque, which
will also hang at the NEW Spring Lake Pool. Each
resident or family will be listed according to the
appropriate donor level. The name of the person
honored or memorialized will also be listed. If you
have any questions or would like additional information
regarding specific outdoor elements and the cost
associated with each, please contact Chrissy Kristian,
Director of Activities, at 843-681-8800, ext. 226.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Page 20 - April 2016
AARP Driver Safety Course
The Activities
Department is excited
to be partnering with
Susan Litherland, local
AARP Instructor, to bring
you the AARP Driver
Safety four-hour course
on Tuesday, April 19,
and Friday, April 22.
Class participants will receive course workbook, class
instructions that include defensive driving techniques,
proven safety strategies, new traffic laws, and rules of
the road. No tests to take – simply sign up and learn.
Certificate of completion is given and participants will be
eligible for an insurance discount (consult your insurance
company for details). This class is designed for drivers
ages 55+. Class participants will only have to attend
one of the 4 hour classes! Because seating is limited, we
are offering two different days for each class, so sign up
today to reserve your seat!
Tuesday, April 19 OR Friday, April 22
12:00 – 4:00 PM
*Please arrive 15 minutes early for check-in
Spring Lake Pavilion
$15 per person – AARP members
$20 per person – Non-AARP members
(checks made payable to AARP)
Instructor:Ms. Susan Litherland
Sherrie at (843) 681-8090
If interested, please register with Sherrie at the
Scheduling Office. You MUST pay by check or cash at the
time of registration.
Recreation Activities
NEW Home Sense Series
with The Home Depot
Topic: “Weatherizing
Your Home”
The Activities Department is
teaming up with The Home Depot
to offer a series of FREE HowTo Clinics throughout the spring
months which will be held at the Plantation House on
Thursdays – April 21, May 19, and June 30. This first
topic – Weatherizing Your Home – will provide tips
on your windows, doors, and insulation.
Thursday, April 21
10:00 AM
Plantation House
If interested in attending, please contact Sherrie at
843-681-8090 to reserve your spot today. The clinic
will last approximately 1 hour with a Q & A period at
the end.
Upcoming dates/topics:
(same time and place)
Thursday, May 19
Changing Lighting
Fixtures, Fans,
Switches, and Outlets
Thursday, June 30
Tips on Utilizing Space
throughout the Home –
including garages, closets,
and kitchens
Questions? Call 843-681‑8090.
“Top IRA Mistakes” Seminar
Please join the Activities Department and Danielle Jeffcoat, a Financial Advisor with
Edward Jones, on Thursday, April 28, for an exclusive event that could help you avoid
being derailed by commonly-made IRA mistakes. Learn how to seek the most from your retirement planning and
investment opportunities. Danielle will share proactive ways to address key risks you may encounter and strategies to
help prepare for and live in retirement.
Thursday, April 28Time:
12:00 Noon
Plantation HouseCost:
Sherrie at 843-681-8090
Danielle Jeffcoat
Financial Advisor with Edward Jones
If interested in attending, please call Sherrie at the Scheduling Office, 843-681-8090. Lunch will be provided so sign
up early! Seating is limited. We hope to see you there!
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Recreation Activities
April 2016 - Page 21
Spring Lake Spa Day
Still searching for that perfect
gift for Mother’s Day? Or, just
in need of some much deserved
spa pampering? Then look no
further! Please join the Activities
Department and Lin and Lindsay
from The Lavender Day Spa on
Monday, May 9, for the Spring
Lake Spa Day. We will be
offering appointments for Mini Massages, Mini Facials, and Happy
Hands & Happy Feet. The serene atmosphere will lift your spirits and
put your mind at ease.
Please call for an appointment to schedule one of the many packages
available. If Monday becomes completely booked, we will offer a
second day of appointments on Tuesday, May 10. Appointments will
begin at 11:00 AM and run through the early afternoon. Packages
1 and 2 are each 60 minutes and Packages 3, 4, and 5 are each 30
Packages available include:
Friday, September 30
Health Fair
Country Club of Hilton Head
8:30 - 11:00 AM
Flu shots, screenings, etc.
Easter Festivities
What Fun!
Package 1
Package 4
Deluxe Package One
Mini Massage
Mini Massage & Mini Facial
Package 2
Package 5
Deluxe Package Two
Happy Hands & Happy Feet
Mini Massage OR Mini Facial
Gentle hand massage with
scented lotion
Happy Hands and Happy Feet
Followed by peppermint foot soak
Package 3
Mini Facial
Replenish your soul and enjoy bottled water, herbal teas, and light
refreshments after your appointment. Space is limited so schedule
your appointment today!
Monday, May 9
Tuesday, May 10 (if needed)
Appointments will be available between
11:00 AM and 3:00 PM
Spring Lake Pavilion
Call the Scheduling Office for an appointment
Packages 1 and 2 - $78 each
Packages 3, 4, or 5 - $43 each
Provided by: Lin & Lindsay from The Lavender Day Spa
Professional Massage & Esthetician
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Page 22 - April 2016
Recreation Activities
Music & Sunset Concert:
Robert Ingman
British Soccer Camp
coming to HHP
The Activities Department is excited
to bring you the first entertaining
outdoor concert of the year to be
held at Dolphin Head Recreation
Area at no cost to property owners
and their guests.
The Activities Department
is excited to be teaming
up with Challenger Sports
this summer to offer a
British Soccer Camp from
June 6-10. The soccer
camp will take place at
the POA ball fields located
next to the POA Service
Center. Please note: This is the week BEFORE Kids
Kamp officially begins. Several camp programs will
be offered including:
ROBERT INGMAN, well-known
Island entertainer, will provide an
evening of great listening music
featuring your favorite ballads, melodies, etc., and lots
of sing-along music! We welcome Robert back and
hope you’ll join us, too!
Date: Tuesday, May 17
Place: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Cost: FREE
Dolphin Head Recreation Area
Rain Date: Wednesday, May 18
The Activities Department will be selling popcorn,
candy, and soda/water for $1.00 each. You may
also wish to bring your own picnic dinner! Just don’t
forget to bring a lawn chair and bug spray!!
Summer Concert Deas-Guyz
The Activities Department is proud to present another
exciting outdoor concert for the whole family! We would
like to welcome back the
fabulous Deas-Guyz!
They specialize in a mix
of Old Motown, Rhythm &
Blues, Pop, Rock, Reggae,
and dance beats. DeasGuyz formed in 2000
with each of the six guys
bringing a unique feature
to the band. They play all over the Island as well as
weddings, charitable events, and other special events.
You will be amazed at the wide range of musical talent
they bring to the Island. This is truly a night you won’t
want to miss!
Wednesday, June 15
Rain date: Wednesday, June 29
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Cost: FREE!!!
Place: Plantation House Parking Lot
Bring your family and friends, food, drinks, chairs, and
dancing shoes for a night to remember! The Activities
Department will also be selling refreshments – pizza,
popcorn, candy, soda and bottled water. Oh, and don’t
forget your bug spray!
First Kicks Camp – Ages 3-4 years
9:00-10:00 AM for 5 days - $95/child
Young players are introduced to game basics through
fundamental activities, games, and fun soccer
challenges. Parents are encouraged to join in.
Mini-Soccer Camp – Ages 4-5 years
10:30 AM-12:00 PM for 5 days - $105/child
Fun games, competitions, and skill-building activities
are designed to enlighten and develop young players.
Half-Day Camp – Ages 6-14 years
9:00 AM-12:00 PM for 5 days - $150/child
Emphasis is placed upon skill development and
mastery of core techniques through individual, and
small group practices, and coached games.
If interested in signing up, please contact
Chrissy at 843-681-8800, ext. 226, or stop by
the POA Service Center with your check (made
payable to HHPPOA).
Each camper will receive a free soccer ball, t-shirt,
player evaluation, and soccer poster. All campers
registered by April 22 will also receive a free British
Soccer jersey! For any camper registering 10
days or fewer before camp, there will be a $10
late fee charged. Any camper wishing to cancel
10 days or more prior to camp will be subject to
a $40 non-refundable deposit. Refunds will not
be provided within 10 days of camp. For more
information about British Soccer Camps, check out
Free British Soccer jersey for
those campers registered by
April 22!
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Recreation Activities
Water Aerobics is Back!
Kick off the summer right with Water
Aerobics! Starting Wednesday, June 1,
our morning Water Aerobics class will
not only keep you cool, but also benefit
your body. Gretchen Spiridopoulos will
be conducting a cardiovascular and
strengthening Water Aerobics class, which
is one way you can burn calories and build
muscle without breaking a sweat! So dig
out the swimsuits and take advantage of
this class!
Monday – Wednesday – Friday
Wednesday, June 1
Spring Lake Pool Time: 8:30-9:30 AM
See Universal Ticket Matrix
for prices on page 18
Gretchen Spiridopoulos
Universal Fitness Tickets from 2015 are not valid
or exchangeable!! You must use a 2016 Universal
Fitness Ticket in order to attend the class.
Spring Lake Caribbean
Pool Party
Come and join the
Activities Department
on Saturday, June 4,
for a CaribbeanStyle Pool Party!
We’re kicking off
the summer (and
celebrating the NEW
POOL) with a party featuring one of Hilton Head
Island’s favorite entertainers…
Positive Vibration
Page 23 - April 2016
Deep-End Water Aerobics
Are you ready to get wet this summer?
The Activities Department will be offering
an evening Deep-End Water Aerobics
class on Tuesdays and Thursdays
beginning Thursday, June 2. The class
runs from 5:30–6:30 PM and will be held
in the deep-end of the Spring Lake Pool.
Deep-End Water Aerobics will be a nonimpact aquatic class with water resistance
for overall conditioning using vertical positioning.
Jogging and specific exercises will strengthen the back
and abdominal muscles for a total body workout. This
class will be a wonderful way to strengthen and tone
your body!
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Thursday, June 2
Spring Lake Pool Time: 5:30‑6:30 PM
See Universal Ticket Matrix
for prices on page 18
Gretchen Spiridopoulos
Universal Fitness Tickets from 2015 are not valid
or exchangeable!! You must use a 2016 Universal
Fitness Ticket in order to attend the class.
Shamrock Shuckin'
(left) The winners of the 9-Hole
Golf Tournament at Bear Creek
Golf Club, L-R: Hilton Klein, Dale
Martin, Steve Heinel, and Milton
Admission is FREE! The party starts at 1:00 PM,
and you won’t go hungry either! You’ll be able to
purchase hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza, popcorn, Snocones, and soda/water.
Saturday, June 4
(Rain Date: Sunday, June 5)
Spring Lake Pool
1:00 – 3:00 PMCost:
Positive Vibration is a Steel Drum Band that plays a
variety of Calypso, Reggae, Beach, and Soca music.
Pool games, prizes, and just a tropical fun atmosphere
will relax you into paradise! In case of inclement
weather, the party will be moved to Sunday, June 5,
at 1:00 PM. For questions, contact Sherrie at
843-681-8090. We hope to see you there!
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.
Page 24 - April 2016
2016 Spring Lake Pool Rules
With the construction of the NEW Spring Lake Pool
underway, the Board of Directors (working with the
Recreation Committee) adopted a NEW set of Pool Rules
for the 2016 season. As in the past, lifeguards will
not be on duty during all hours that the pool is open.
Swimmers assume responsibility for their own safety
and that of their families. The pool will be equipped
with a self-locking gate, an emergency telephone, and
a first aid kit at the Guard Office. As in previous years,
report problems to Security – (843) 681-2459. Also,
DHEC will inspect for fecal contamination and other
violations. If DHEC finds any contamination, they will
shut down the pool immediately. Please be courteous
and if you have a child that is NOT potty-trained, he/
she MUST wear a secure-fitting, waterproof swim diaper
at all times. For questions, please contact the Director
of Activities at (843) 681-8800, ext. 226. Thank you for
your cooperation. To ensure all Property Owners have
an ample opportunity to enjoy the new pool facility and
to limit potential overcrowding, we will be limiting the
number of guests the first two months of operation.
Please note these new limitations below.
Spring Lake Pool Regulations
1. HHP Property Owners, their family members, guests, and
tenants with leases of at least nine months may use SL Pool.
2. Spring Lake Pool users must present their validated Photo
ID Card to the pool staff when using the facility.
3. During the months of June and July, 2016, ONLY
Property Owners with validated Photo ID Cards may bring four
(4) guests to the pool. No HHP Guest Cards will be accepted.
4. Beginning August 1, 2016, Property Owners with
validated Photo ID Cards may bring four (4) guests to the pool.
Guests, 17 years or older, with a validated HHP Guest Card
may bring two (2) guests. Children age 16 years or younger
are prohibited from bringing guests to the pool.
5. Spring Lake Pool users and their guests must adhere to
a proper code of conduct and follow instructions from the
lifeguards. Appropriate conduct and rules include, but are not
limited to, the following:
• Lifeguard approval of all floatation devices. (Floatation devices must be Coast Guard approved.)
• Using earphones with audio equipment.
• Placing trash in receptacles.
• Smoking is not permitted within the Spring Lake Pool compound at any time. (This includes E-cigarettes.)
• Wearing swimwear at all times.
• Showering prior to entering the pool.
6. Children age 16 years or younger MUST be accompanied by
a parent/guardian (17 or older).
7. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that
children not potty-trained must wear secure-fitting, waterproof
swim diapers at all times.
8. The following is prohibited in the Spring Lake Pool
• No solo swimming
• No animals or pets of any kind
Recreation Activities
• No glass containers
• No spitting, blowing nose, or individuals with skin, eye, ear, or respiratory infections, diarrhea illness, or nausea
• No diaper changing on deck
• No bikes, skateboards, skates, or rollerblades
• No diving
• No one with communicable diseases
• No one with open lesions or wounds
• No running, boisterous, rough play
• No alcohol or drugs and no one under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• No rings, body floats, rafts, and other such devices
9. In the zero-depth area of the pool, infants will be
permitted to use a baby ring as space dictates but they
MUST be under direct supervision of a parent/guardian at all
10. Adult swims will be called at the discretion of the
11. Pool noodles are permitted but they are to be used for
floatation only.
12. Coolers are permitted but they are subject to
inspection. All food/drinks must be kept at least ten
(10) feet from the edge of the pool. Alcohol is NOT
13. No climbing is allowed on the island in the middle of the
lazy river.
14. Children wearing Coast Guard approved floatation
devices in the lazy river or the deep-end area of the pool
MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times.
15. Spring Lake Pool may not be used for personal profit or
commercial purposes.
16. Lounge chairs, cabanas, tables and other pool
equipment may not be reserved. They may be used on a
first come, first served basis. Property Owners and guests
should not leave personal items unattended. The HHPPOA
accepts NO responsibility for any item left unattended.
17. Lifeguards have the authority to expel violators. They
may also create and enforce other safety rules, as necessary.
Summer Job
Kids Kamp Counselors,
Spring Lake Lifeguards and
Pool Attendants
needed for this summer!
If interested, contact
Chrissy Kristian,
Director of Activities,
(843) 681-8800, ext. 226,
or email:
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Sherrie at 843-681-8090.