Plantation Living - Hilton Head Plantation


Plantation Living - Hilton Head Plantation
Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Inside Plantation Living:
POA Board Report
President’s Report……..……
General Manager’s Report..
POA Information
CONTEST! – PUPS…..……….
Capital Improve.Task Force
Lowcountry Nature………….
Hilton Head Plantation Clubs
Artists Association…..……….
Avid Gardeners……...……….
Big Wheels…….……………….
Bocce Club………………………
Bridge Winners……………….
Cheers by the Sound……….
Craft Workshop…..………….
Culinary Cut-Ups.…...………
Curtain Calls……....………….
Dance Club..…………….…….
Dog Club………………….…….
Farmers Club…………....…….
Fishing Club……………...…….
Green Thumbers.…...……….
Happy Times Society………..
Island Hoppers………………..
Movie Club………...…….…….
Newcomers Club..…….……..
Sassy Stampers……………….
Tennis Social Club.…………..
Women’s Club..……...……….
Yacht Club……………….……..
Yoga with Ruth………….…….
Recreation Activities
Concert – Headliners..……..
Cruise - Caribbean….……….
Health & Fitness Programs.
Karaoke - Teens……………..
KIDS KAMP……………………..
SL Pool Rules…………………..
Sunset Cruise photos..……..
Feature Article…………………..
Volume 20/Issue 7 – July 15, 2006
Welcome to Your Website!
Results of our recent Opinion Survey will be published as soon as the
data has been collated (and prizes will be awarded to those early birds
who completed the Survey online). Did YOU fill out the Survey online?
Well, not everyone did…although it was SO EASY.
Early indications of the Survey show that not all of our residents are
taking advantage of the wealth of information and services located on
HHP’s Web site, so we’d like to list a few for you here. Log on to It could make your life a whole lot
Visitor passes (easy as 1-2-3)
Classified ads (post your trash & treasures – make some $$)
Community calendar (what’s happening on the Plantation?)
Plantation Living (archive of newsletters)
Email services: Urgent Info. (hurricane alerts, safety alerts,
Plantation activities)
New Residents’ Checklist (who to call for electric, telephone,
beach passes… where’s the library?)
Hurricane Preparation info (Where are the shelters? What
should you pack? When should you leave?)
Recreation & Activities
ARB Standards & Guidelines (Can you add a deck? How about
a fish pond or fountain?)
Map & directions (how to get from one end of the Island to the
Email directory & phone numbers of POA departments and
Plantation facilities
Get online! Welcome to your HHP world!
CONTEST! Where are the 3 P’s?
“Playful Plantation Pooches” – See Page 21
Visit Hilton Head Plantation’s website at
Page 2 – July 2006
POA Board Report
Hilton Head
Property Owners’ Association
7 Surrey Lane – PO Box 21940
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Tel. (843) 681-8800 Fax 681-8801
Board of Directors
Charlie Cherrix
Vice President
Tom Hoppin
Dick Sell
Jim Collett
Dan DuBreuil
Galen Smith
Paul Kopelcheck
Bill Trecartin
Bill Moss
Board of Directors Hotline Ext. 8
POA Staff
POA Service Center
(843) 681-8800
General Manager
Peter Kristian
Ext. 233
Asst. Gen. Mgr. / Administration
Todd Lindstrom
Ext. 239
Activities / Recreation
Arlene Reisner
Ext. 226
Denise McAllister
Ext. 244
Community Relations / ARB
Dick Wirth
Ext. 231
Maintenance – John Ehlers
Ext. 227
Security Director – Art Benoit
Tennis Pro – Keith Ferda
Important Phone Numbers
POA Service Center
(843) 681-8800
Ext. 236
Covenant Enforcement
Ext. 242
Maintenance Shop
Ext. 241
Tennis Hotline
Ext. 300
Vehicle Decals
Ext. 223
Dolphin Head Building
Facility Scheduling
Spring Lake Pavilion
Spring Lake Pool Information
Spring Lake Tennis
Dispatch (24 Hrs.)
Pass Line (24 Hrs.)
Security Office
Fire & Ambulance
Security (24 Hrs.)
Dial 911
President’s Report______________
It is with regret that I announce the early departure of Board member
Bill Trecartin. Bill cited his need for personal time and feels he cannot
do justice to his Board functions, so he will move aside for someone else.
Bill has also been Chairman of the Communications Committee since
elected to the Board in 2005.
Dan DuBreuil has decided to leave Hilton Head to pursue a career
opportunity in Raleigh, North Carolina and has submitted his resignation.
Dan was serving as the Chairman of the Recreation Committee.
In selecting replacements, the Board considered length of residency,
service to the Plantation, prior experience, education, any conflict of
interest, and other relevant qualifications. I am pleased to announce that
on June 27, the Board approved Tom Kuczkowski to fill Dan DuBreuil’s
term. With his prior experience and proven dedication to HHP’s quality of
life, Tom will serve the Plantation well. Tom completed his three-year
term this past March serving as Chairman of the Recreation Committee.
Before becoming a Board member he served on the Covenants, Security,
and Finance committees. He is presently our Airport Noise Committee
representative. I have also appointed Tom to Chair the Communications
A property owner will be considered and appointed at the next Board
meeting to fill the unexpired term caused by Bill Trecartin’s resignation
from the Board.
I am proud to announce that our General Manager, Peter Kristian, has
been elected to the Office of President Elect of the Community Association
Institute’s (CAI) National Board of Trustees. Peter will serve as President
Elect during 2007 and will take the office of President in 2008 for a oneyear term.
In other actions, I have appointed Paul Kopelcheck as Chairman of the
2006/2007 Nominating Committee. Paul, along with his Committee, will
be formulating plans for next year’s election. Individual volunteers,
including your Board of Directors, are essential. Let Paul or any member
of the Nominating Committee know of your intention to run. Forms are
available in the POA Service Center.
Highlights of our June 27 Board meeting are:
• Approved appointment of Tom Kuczkowski to fill a Board vacancy
• Approved Capital Items list for inclusion in the draft 2007 Budget
• Approved the Proposed Repair and Replacement items for inclusion in
the draft 2007 Budget
• Approved the appointment of Steve Cunniff to the Recreation
• Affirmed the Communications and Security Committee Guidelines
• Approved the appointment of Jim Collett as Chairman of the Capital
Improvement Task Force and reviewed the Task Force’s May 25, 2006
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Charlie Cherrix
POA Information
General Manager’s Report_________
Coffee with Peter
We will have an afternoon “Tea” on Thursday, July 27, 4:00 PM at the
Plantation House to accommodate those residents who do not find it
convenient to attend our morning Coffees. Our special guest will be Hilton
Head’s Mayor Tom Peebles. The Mayor will bring us up to speed on current
Town issues and will be available for questions. For those of you who are new
to our lovely Plantation this is a great opportunity to get up to speed on the
operation of the POA and to ask any questions.
Vehicle Decals: How to recognize a Restricted Pass vs. a Guest Pass
A resident recently asked how they could tell the difference between a
“Restricted” Guest Pass and an “Unrestricted” Guest Pass. The difference is in
the thick black border around the four sides of the Restricted pass. Restricted
passes are issued to such destinations as the Country Club of Hilton Head, the
Old Fort Pub, the POA Service Center, Oyster Reef Golf Course, Windows on
the Waterway, etc. A restricted pass is only good for the destination written
on the pass. If the subject vehicle is found in an area other than the location
authorized on the pass, the driver and the occupants will be escorted off the
Plantation by Security and may be subject to fines and/or a SC State citation
for trespassing. If you come upon a vehicle displaying a restricted pass or no
pass at all, please notify Security at 681-2459 so an Officer can investigate the
Fire Station at Front Gate
As some folks may be aware, the Town of Hilton Head Fire and Rescue
Department recently went through a process to determine if the greater
community would be better served if the Fire Station at our Main Gate were
moved to a different location. This exercise was prompted by the
determination by Town Officials that the present Fire Station building located
at out Main Entrance had reached the end of its useful life and needed to be
replaced with a more practical and structurally-sound building. We are pleased
to report that the Town has determined that the present location of the Fire
Station is appropriate for the greater community’s needs. The Town plans to
dismantle the old building in two phases. The first phase would relocate the
Fire and Rescue personnel into temporary housing on the site while the
present living quarters are dismantled and a new structure is built on the site.
Once the living quarters are completed, the bays that will house fire and
rescue equipment will be built. The Fire Station will continue to operate during
the construction process.
There is a land issue that will involve the POA in the building process. The
new Fire Station will need some of the POA’s property that is located between
the present station house and Whooping Crane Way. The Town and the POA
Board have determined that the best way to handle this land transaction is
through a “friendly condemnation” process. The entrance and exit to the Fire
Station will be reconfigured to permit easier access for Fire and Rescue
equipment. This entire process will obviously take some time and is not
expected to get underway until, at the earliest, sometime in 2007. We have
invited the Head of the Town of Hilton Head’s Fire and Rescue operations,
Chief Fieldstead, to attend our Thursday, September 28, Coffee with Peter. At
that time, Chief Fieldstead will bring us all up to speed on this process and
provide property owners with a forum to ask questions.
July 2006 – Page 3
Irrigation Systems
With the days getting hotter,,
many of us have kicked on our
irrigation systems. Please take a
moment to observe if the water
from your system is being
deposited on your landscaping and
not the street or unintended open
spaces. A properly adjusted
irrigation system will not only
conserve a valuable natural
resource; it will keep your water
consumption down and your
quarterly bill at a more reasonable
Headliners Concert
This is a great event! Mark your
calendars for Wednesday, July 26
for this outstanding evening of
entertainment. The Headliners,
who are known throughout the
Island for their exceptional music,
will be performing at the Plantation
House. The concert is from 7:00 to
9:00 PM. The Plantation House
parking lot will be turned into both
a dance floor and an outdoor
theater. A limited number of chairs
will be available, so please plan on
bringing your own chairs.
Picnicking is encouraged. Parking
will be available in the field
adjacent to the tennis courts.
Palmetto Electric
Palmetto Electric will be installing a
new underground transmission line
that is intended to provide
improved electrical service to HHP.
Palmetto Electric representatives
have indicated that the additional
main feeder cable will both
upgrade our electrical service and
provide a parallel line in the event
of a failure on the present main
feed. The line will be laid using
directional boring and will be
contained to HHP road right-ofways. The new line will also run
adjacent to some golf course
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
(cont’d. on page 4)
Page 4 – July 2006
General Manager’s Report (cont’d. from page 3)
Please review the Hurricane Preparedness Information insert in this issue. The
guide is meant to be retained for your reference. Extensive and updated
information regarding hurricane preparedness and recovery can be found on
our website: Hover on the Security button on
the left side of the screen and then click on Hurricane Preparation. It is highly
recommended that you print out this important information, read it, use it to
assemble your Hurricane Evacuation Kit, and take the information with you in
the event of an evacuation. If you do not have a computer or Internet access,
you can pick up a hard copy at the POA Service Center. The Plantation’s
Hurricane Re-Entry Hot Line is 1-(877) 264-5267. Please jot this number down
and keep it with your evacuation kit.
Now is the time to organize and get prepared for the possibility of evacuation.
Our Guide will be very helpful in preparing your evacuation kit. In the unlikely
event of an evacuation, remember that upon your return services may be
questionable. You need to make every effort to keep yourself and your family
self-sufficient for as long as possible. That means stocking up on nonperishable foods and stockpiling a supply of bottled water.
If you have mapped out a different evacuation route for you and your family
you must leave before the Governor calls a mandatory evacuation; otherwise,
you will be forced to use the outlined evacuation routes.
The following are the names selected for this year’s tropical cyclones: Alberto,
Beryl, Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Florence, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk,
Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sandy, Tony, Valerie, and
Hurricane Shutters
For those of you who have ARB-approved hurricane shutters, shutters are
permitted to be installed when a Hurricane Watch is issued for our area by
local government. Latitude will be granted on a storm-by-storm basis in
administering the hurricane shutter provisions. Hurricane shutters may not be
installed and left on the structure for the entire hurricane season. Hurricane
shutters shall be removed as soon as possible after a storm has passed and
re-entry into the Plantation is permitted.
We have been advised that only residents/property owners will be allowed to
re-enter the area after it has been deemed safe by Emergency Management
officials. To that end, you will need a valid driver’s license indicating your HHP
address or your HHP photo ID card indicating you are a property owner.
Tropical Trash Rate Increase
Representatives of Tropical Trash, the POA’s preferred trash hauler, have
indicated that they will need to raise their rates due to two factors: the cost
of diesel fuel and increased costs of labor. Residents that use Tropical Trash
as their hauler should have received a letter from the company explaining the
need for the rate increase and what the rates for the various categories will be
for the next quarter.
POA Information
RV/Boat Storage Expansion
POA Staff is contacting individuals
on the waiting list for the RV/Boat
storage area to see if they are still
interested in leasing a space. If
you are not already on the waiting
list, please contact the POA Service
Center to make sure you name is
added to the list.
Roadway Resurfacing
The roads identified for seal
coating have been completed.
The smaller directional signs along
Whooping Crane Way and
Seabrook Drive will be the next
targets for our sign rehab crew.
Flag at the Plantation House
We are almost at our goal of
$2000 to pay for the purchase and
installation of a flagpole at the
Plantation House. If you would like
to contribute to this project please
send your check to Arlene Reisner
at the POA Service Center,
7 Surrey Lane, HHI, SC 29926.
Checks should be made out to
Note Cards
Due to the success of the note card
program (which sold out) instituted by
the Women’s Club to benefit the
Conservancy Foundation, the Board of
Trustees of the Conservancy
Foundation has authorized the
purchase of new note cards. The note
cards have pictures taken by HHP
residents of HHP scenes. There are 12
to a package, including envelopes, for
a cost of a $7.00. These note cards
make great gifts and excellent stocking
stuffers. The name of the photographer is displayed on the back of
each card.
Stay Safe
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Peter Kristian
POA Information
July 2006 – Page 5
Security – Emergency Contact Info
“Tea” with Peter
The HHP Security Department has instituted a new program which will
provide our Officers with a more effective means of contacting our
residents’ family members or friends in times of an emergency.
Currently, the Plantation Emergency Contact system contains outdated
information. The new program will enable Security to retrieve resident
information 24 hours a day, seven days a week from our database.
Date: Thurs. July 27
Time: 4:00 PM
Place: PH
We are asking all residents who live in the Plantation to help
us help you. Please fill out the Emergency Information Card below
and drop it off at the POA Service Center. You can also access from
our Web site (under Security –
Emergency Information on the left-hand navigation), print, complete
the form, and drop it off at the POA Service Center. Please submit the
form within the next 30 days. Thank you.
Please Print (Return to POA Service Center, Main Gate, or
Cypress Gate)
Please Provide Family Information for the POA Use In Case Of Emergency
When speaking to a
member of the Security
Department, your
conversation may be
recorded for quality
Name: ___________________________ Account#:__________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Cell: _______________________
Person(s) to contact in case of emergency: Please list name and
phone number.
1. Contact Name________________________ Phone:________________
2. Contact Name________________________ Phone:________________
Validate your
Photo ID & House
Guest Cards for 2006
at the POA Service
Homeowners Signature: ______________________ Date:____________
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 6 – July 2006
Capital Improvement Task
Recently a property owner emailed the Task Force members with
a series of excellent questions. Although many of the questions
raised had been answered in previous editions of Plantation
Living, all of the issues were not covered in one article. The
exchange presented an opportunity to share new, and review
previously presented, information.
If adopted, how much revenue will a ¼ of 1% transfer fee
raise annually? According to our real estate contacts, the
average price of a home in HHP is roughly $500,000 and
approximately 400 homes turn over each year. That would
generate $500,000 ($500,000 X .0025 = $1250 X 400 =
$500,000) each year to pay for capital improvements. A similar
sum of money, if raised annually from assessments, would
amount to approximately $125 ($125 X 4000 homes = $500,000)
annually per property owner. * Please note, the numbers used
are rounded and approximate.
How would the transfer fee be calculated? The Transfer Fee
would be based on the sales price of the property. If a property
sold for $600,000, the Transfer paid by the buyer would be $1500
(.0025% X $600,000 = $1500). The Fee would be collected by
the closing attorney and sent to the POA.
Don’t we have a Repair and Replacement Fund to pay for
these types of improvements? The POA has always had
forward thinking Boards. Previous Boards established both a
Repair and Replacement Fund (R&R Fund) and a Weather
Casualty Fund to pay for the repair, replacement, or, in the case
of a storm, the clean up of our existing assets. However, these
funds were not established to purchase new assets or to replace
entire buildings such as the Plantation House, the Spring Lake
Pavilion, or the Dolphin Head Pavilion. The R & R Fund was set
up to replace the components of these buildings such as the roof,
flooring, lighting, siding, plumbing, HVAC equipment, appliances,
etc. The Weather Casualty Fund was established to clean up the
Plantation from storm debris, purchase hurricane preparationrelated equipment, and to help repair damaged infrastructure not
covered by insurance.
Why is a Capital Transfer Fee needed now? The Board, in
looking five to ten years into the future, has determined that
major capital improvements will need to be addressed. Many of
these improvements have been discussed in previous articles.
The time to start setting up a funding mechanism for some of
these inevitable projects such as dredging our lagoon system, renourishing the Pine Island Spit, and reinforcing the Bluff with
POA Information
Armor stone is rapidly approaching.
Other projects that are being
discussed include replacing the
Spring Lake Pavilion with a new
multipurpose facility and expanding
the Cypress Gate to include an
additional inbound lane. With new
communities coming on line every
year, the marketplace for
homebuyers is very competitive.
One of the components necessary to
maintain the Plantation’s property
values is keeping our amenities and
open spaces fresh and attractive.
What are other communities in
our area doing? Shipyard
Plantation just adopted a ½ of 1%
Community Enhancement Fee,
Kiawah Island also has a ½ of 1%
Transfer Fee, Brays Island has a
1.5% Transfer Fee, and Sun City has
a 1/3 of 1% Transfer Fee. Indigo
Run has a flat rate that is equal to
½ of their assessment at the time of
purchase; Colleton River has a Flat
Transfer Fee of $15,000, as does
Long Cove. Belfair has a Transfer
Fee of $15,800 and Dataw Island
has a flat $1000 Transfer Fee.
Palmetto Dunes will be voting on
implementing a ½ of 1% Transfer
Fee at their next annual meeting.
Palmetto Hall, Sea Pines,
Leamington, Port Royal, and River
Hill are in various stages of
community dialogue on the possible
adoption of a Capital Improvement
Transfer Fee.
The next article will cover in detail
the purpose and the revenue
mechanism associated with each of
the POA’s present funds. As always,
your comments are welcome and
can be emailed to the Capital
Improvement Task Force at
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Lowcountry Nature
July 2006 – Page 7
Lowcountry Nature: Opossum – Our Ancient Visitor_______________
You have probably seen
this nocturnal visitor in
your headlights or in your
yard at night. There are
many varieties of
opossums, but the one
that ranges throughout the
southeastern United States
is known as the Virginia
Opossum and is the only
marsupial (it carries its young in a pouch) found in North America.
They are mammals about the size of a house cat and are
generally gray in color with very coarse looking hair. The tail is
long and hairless and might, at first, make you think the animal is
a rat. Fossil remains found from 70 million years ago confirm that
this animal has been around since the age of the dinosaurs! They
have managed to survive among human populations because of
their wide range of food preferences.
This interesting animal gives
birth to her young in an almost
embryonic form and they are
nourished in the mother’s
pouch for about two months
before they emerge. For the
next month or more they are
carried on the mother’s back
and are not weaned until they
are about 100 days old. At
that time, the young become
independent. Females may breed twice a year and give birth to
12 or more young. She can nurse only 13 young so it is likely
some of them do not survive if she has a larger brood. Opossums
are slow movers and frequently are hit by cars while crossing the
street. Their high mortality rate means that the average animal
probably only lives for a year.
While opossums may appear vicious when confronted, they
actually are shy. They may hiss and show their teeth, of which
there are 50, but more often they will sometimes appear to be
dead. Our expression “he’s playing possum” has come from this
habit; as soon as danger is past, the possum will revive and move
on his way. Females tend to stay in limited areas but males
appear to wander continuously in search of food. They are
solitary animals and tend to avoid each other unless it is breeding
Opossums may sleep in dens under
brush piles during the day. They are
also excellent climbers and often
spend the day hiding in tree dens,
old squirrel nests, or nests they build
themselves above ground. Their
tails can support their weight for
short periods of time, but when
hanging from a limb they usually
also keep a foot attached for
Finding an opossum in your yard
should not be a great concern. They
usually will eventually move on and
not be a threat to you. If they are
found under a porch or deck, try
spraying a mix of 8 oz. of dish
detergent, 8 oz. of castor oil, and 1
gallon of water around the area. To
determine if they have vacated, stuff
the entry hole with newspaper. If
the animals are still using the entry,
the paper will be pushed out in 24
hours. To keep them out
permanently, seal off the entry with
chicken wire or hardware cloth, first
making sure no animals are left
inside or they will starve to death.
As an additional deterrent, keep
garbage cans securely closed and
pick up food bowls if pets are fed
-- Miriam Waterhouse
Topsy turvy world …
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 8 – July 2006
Plantation Golfing
Plantation Golfing________________________________
by Gary Hooper
The Ladies’ Member/Member Tournament was won by Didi Semmes and Joyce Murphy.
Sixty ladies participated in the Susan G. Komen Rally For A Cure Charity Tournament. This is a longstanding fundraiser for the Cancer Foundation to eradicate breast cancer, chaired by Ida Ruth Citron and
Joanne Kamaras.
The Annual Ladies’ Invitational had a Holiday Par-Tee theme. The Champions were Arline Levit/Guest
Marian Unger and Anne Reed/Guest Judy Hobbs. Second Place winners were Bobbe Carota/Guest Betty
Fenlon and Mary Johnson/Charlotte Winter.
Labor Day
Jim & Don Muehlberger
May Day
The Annual Men’s Invitational was a great success.
The Overall Winners were Member Jim Muehlberger and
Guest Don Muehlberger. Flight Winners were: Clark
Rieck/Bill Mackey (Augusta); Warren & Erik Baudendistel
(Winged Foot); Stan Weissman/Jack Lidinsky (Pine
Valley); Don Kennedy/Charlie Meter (Congressional);
Dave Train/Al Sullivan (Pebble Beach); Ron Carzoli/Ken
Johnson (Doral).
The 2006 Men’s Invitational was won by Member John Schlectic and Guest Bryan Jacoby. Flight Winner’s
were: #1: Bob Rusche/Rob Rusche; #2: Tom Hyde/John Winnestaffer; #3: Schlectic/ Jacoby; #4: Ron
Mather/Bob Marcis; #5: Jerry & Eric Dees; #6: Steve & Greg Joss; #7: Tom Spinello/Dick Markson; #8: Don
Van Niel/Glenn Wagner.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
July 2006 – Page 9
Bridge Winners________
PH Dinner Bridge
PH – 1st Tuesday
Thank you to Billie Hodges and
Gloria Campeau for organizing in
the past. We’re looking for
volunteers and increased
participation. We no longer have
our caterer, so we will not have
dinner and will begin at 7:00 PM.
PH Ladies Bridge
June 9 Winners
1. Barbara Edwards
2. Cira Roche
3. Dolores Kanski
4. Olive Faust
June 23 Winners
1. Dolores Kanski
2. Gloria Campeau
3. Hettie Collins
PH – 2nd & 4th Friday – 10:30 AM
Call Sue Creighton (682-2886)
or Ethel Clarke (689-2566).
PH Informal Bridge
Did not play in June
PH – 4th Tuesday – 7:15 PM
Call Joan Harnishfeger – 681-7229
or Rita Philippon – 681-6635.
PH Slammers
June Winners
1. Norm Wolff
2. Mary Priestman
2. Bob Martin
3. Mary Jo Herdman
PH – 2nd Wednesday – 7:00 PM
Call Rick Perrini – 689-5025.
PH Ladies Duplicate Bridge
June Winners
1. Ingrid Zenker
2. Mary Jo Herdman/
Gloria Campeau
PH – 4th Monday – 10:30 AM
Call Bev Newcomb 681-6496.
SL Ladies Bridge
June 6 Winners
3. Dorothy Feind
4. Gloria Campeau
5. Barbara Edwards
6. Sue Creighton
June 20 Winners
1. Dorothy Feind
2. Flo Thompson
3. Gloria Campeau
SL – 1st & 3rd Tuesday – 10 AM
Call Jeanne Napier 681-1866.
SL Second Tues. Bridge
May 9 was the last 2nd Tues.
Dinner Bridge. Our caterer of
many years has resigned her role,
and participation has fallen off.
Happy Times Society____
The Happy Times Society is a social
group for all HHP residents. Happy
Times Society meets each month at
Dolphin Head for refreshments.
4th Sunday of the month
5:00 - 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head
Please call and make a reservation
for cocktails and dinner and bring
your own utensils, plates, cups,
napkins & beverage. For reservations, call Emily Eastman at
-- Galen Smith
Yoga with Ruth______
This class will resume in
September with a new instructor.
Many thanks and appreciation to
Ruth Palmer who has been
teaching yoga since 1986.
Big Wheels Club_______
The Big Wheels Bicycle Club is a
wonderful way to get out in the
fresh air, get some exercise, and
socialize with friends. We meet on
the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every
month. The 1st Thursday we bike
to Dolphin Head, bringing a brown
bag lunch, meeting at 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. At that time, we decide
what restaurant we will meet at for
the 3rd Thursday. After lunch we
have a planned bike ride for those
who want to ride.
Contact Joan Henry, 689-5649;
Kathleen Krizner, 681-2929;
Jeri McDonnell, 682-3815; or
Ann Hakala, 342-5711.
Bunco will be around this summer
for your delight and entertainment. Please join us at Dolphin
Head on the 3rd Monday of the
month at 7:00 PM. Please bring
$5 in singles. Lots of fun and cash
prizes. Not all members are able
to play each month, so chances of
playing are almost guaranteed.
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec
-- Carol Katz 681-8288
Green Thumbers_______
Our new co-chairs, Kathleen
Manning and Eleanor Moore, look
forward to welcoming previous and
new members on Monday,
September 11. Anyone interested
in learning about yards, gardens,
and plants for this area, as well as
visiting unique places on field trips,
is encouraged to join us the second
Monday of each month at Spring
Lake at 10:00 AM.
-- Marty Waltz
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 10 – July 2006
Fishing Club___________
Our next meeting will be on
Wednesday, September 27. There
will be no meetings in July and
August, but the Board will continue
to meet on the 2nd Thursdays of
each month.
July and August are two of the
worst months for fishing in the
Plantation as the fish have headed
for deeper water to stay as cool as
possible. In the larger lagoons, it
may not be possible to get your lure
where it needs to be. Largemouth
bass being caught this year seem to
be significantly smaller than in the
past with most catches (and
releases) being in the 12-14 inch
range. Very few 20-inch fish have
been landed. A fish that large is
probably 7 or 8 years old. A 12inch fish is probably going to be 3
years old. Much depends on the
food supply in the individual
A largemouth will take almost any
type of food that it considers to be
alive including worms, frogs, insect
larvae, crayfish, and smaller species
of fish, even their own. Half the fun
of fishing for these fish is trying to
figure out what they are eating this
week. What worked last time isn’t
necessarily going to work this time.
Don’t be afraid to explore new
lagoons. We see a lot of anglers
fishing in Seabrook Lagoon because
it’s so visible and easily accessible.
That doesn’t mean it’s a good place
to fish. Because of its size, it’s hard
to reach all parts of the lagoon.
Check your Plantation map, which
clearly shows which lagoons can be
fished and where the access points
are located.
If you need help in getting started
to fish in the Plantation, call Gary
Turner at 342-3254. He has offered
to help anyone who asks and is very
knowledgeable about where the
best spots are.
HHP Clubs
While there’s not much point in
joining a club that won’t be meeting
for another two months, prospective
members should call our president,
Dave Morse at 682-2356 or
membership chairman Richard
Austin at 689-6841 for information.
-- Earle Nirmaier
Artists Association_____
Newcomers Club_______
Clayton Kittinger - "Hendersonville,
SC Church"
The Newcomers Club is on
summer hiatus until we meet
September 19 at the Plantation
House. Look for details in future
issues of Plantation Living as well
as e-mail alerts.
The HHP Artists Association is
continuing the coverage of its
Annual Juried Show.
The following artists and their
paintings were presented with an
Award of Excellence:
Dorothy Steelman - "Still Waters
Run Deep"
Elizabeth Waite - "Make Way"
Your Board has been busy this
summer meeting to place new
leaders in position and planning
great events for this coming fall
and winter.
Mary Lou Westmaas - "Water
Patterns Number 5"
All HHP residents of fewer than
three years are automatically
members of our Newcomers Club.
Attending meetings provides a
great chance for you to meet and
socialize with your neighbors,
become more educated about our
Island, and to participate in feasts
and fun activities. If you would
like to take an active part in
planning and carrying out the
events, please watch for
information or sign-up at the next
-- Steve Schwab
The Jack and Cecile Purcell
Golden Palette Award is given
to the artist showing the most
improvement in their art. The
winner this year is Barbara
Ann Weisner - "On the Jordan
River, Maine"
The People's Choice Award,
which was for the 2005 Juried
Show, was awarded to Dorothy
Steelman for "Summer Sentinels."
Congratulations to all the artists
who participated, as well as to the
winners. The quality of art
presented is a tribute to the artists
living in Hilton Head Plantation.
Woodcarvers have many projects
in the works – birds, figures, basrelief, etc. Come spend some time
with us. Experience is not a
factor; we learn from one another.
Days: Mondays
Time: 7:15 PM
Place: Spring Lake Pavilion
Contact Jim Gorddard at
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
--Sandy Campoli
HHP Clubs
Page 11 – July 2006
Dog Club_____________
The Dog Club will not meet again
until September, but stay tuned
here for some useful information
(hopefully), throughout the
Dogs and their people live longer,
healthier and happier lives if they
exercise, so why not try to do it as
a team? Dr. Nicholas Dodman,
DVM, in his book If Only They
Could Speak, offers some helpful
hints. There are several things to
consider when contemplating an
exercise program with your dog.
First, take into account the dog's
breed and personality. Some highenergy dogs, (like Dalmatians, and
Border Collies) can run with you, if
you jog, bike or skate, whereas,
your St. Bernard, or Chihuahua
might prefer it if you walk instead.
Second, start slowly and build up.
A good rule of thumb is to walk
your leashed dog a block (or 300
yards, approximately the length of
3 football fields) for every 10
pounds of the dog's body weight,
twice a day. Gradually increase
the distance and speed as you
both become fit. Vary your
workouts by altering the terrain.
Third, watch for signs of fatigue,
such as panting, seeking shade, or
lagging behind. Take a break, and
make sure you have plenty of
water for both of you.
Load on the praise…make sure
your dog knows that you are
enthusiastic and she'll learn to get
excited about it, too. Don't let
rainy days stop you. Outfit
yourself and your dog for the
inclement weather, or find an
indoor place where your dog is
allowed, and do your workout
Don't have a dog? Why not borrow
one? I'll bet there are plenty of
people who would probably
appreciate having someone exercise
their dog, when they are too busy.
If you have any questions,
suggestions or you’d like to know
more about the Dog Club, call 3429911, or check out our Web site at
Remember, when you are out and
about, please pick up after your
dog. Let’s keep our Plantation
looking beautiful.
Quote of the month: If your dog is
fat, you aren't getting enough
exercise. ~ Unknown.
--Rosemary Sparacio
Max says, “Look into my soulful eyes…”
Tennis Social Club_______
Thanks to the Hoesels and the
Myers who hosted “Summertime &
Flowers” on June 17. A large group
of players turned out to enjoy the
round robin and delicious breakfast.
Start saving your giveaway items for
the SLRC table at the Trash &
Treasure Sale on November 5 from
12:00 – 3:00 PM at the Plantation
The Apfels are looking for someone
to help with their tennis social on
September 16. If you are fairly new
to the Club and have never hosted a
party, give them a call.
Welcome to our new members, Jim
DeVoe and William Crabtree.
--Sally Price
Curtain Calls__________
Formed in September 1995, Curtain
Calls has become an informal
entertainment group created for
stage readings of significant plays,
from the classics to the offbeat, offBroadway shows. Membership falls
into three categories:
Actors/Actresses—Those members
interested in reading.
Producers/Directors—those willing
to select and direct. Usually one
rehearsal is required.
Audience—Those who enjoy being
entertained. All members assist in
hospitality to set up chairs and
tables, and bring their own drinks, a
hearty hors d’oeuvres to share and
a dollar for tableware and set-ups.
The next meeting will be at 5:30 PM
on Sunday, October 15 at the
Plantation House. For further
information, call Ginny Heidrick at
-- Grace Nealy
The Spring Lake Late Bloomers, Sr. 3.0
Women’s team, made it to the SC Senior
State Championship matches in mid-May.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 12 – July 2006
HHP Women’s Club______
The HHP Women’s Club will begin
the 2006-2007 season with a Salad
Luncheon on Tuesday, August 8,
11:30 AM at the Plantation House.
Space is limited to 130 women, so
make your reservation early.
Reservations may be made by e-mail
to: or by
calling Carol Rommel (342-4870) or
Sue Donham (681-4990). Please be
sure to give both your first and last
names when you respond. If you
find that after making a reservation
you are unable to come, please
cancel your reservation so that
someone on the waiting list may
Members whose surnames begin with
A-L are asked to bring salads and
those whose surnames begin with MZ are asked to bring desserts. Please
mark your dishes with an address
label and remember to bring serving
Just prior to the luncheon, members
will be able to sign up to join activity
groups such as the Book and Bridge
groups, the Island Hoppers, Green
Thumbers, Out-to-Lunch Bunch, and
Culinary Cut-Ups. They will also be
able to sign-up for Mah Jongg and
Bridge lessons. All activity fees must
be paid at this time. You must be a
current, paid member of the HHPWC
to join the activity groups.
Bonnie Haroff is teaching a new
session of bridge lessons on bidding
starting on Monday, September 11.
It will run for 8 sessions on
Mondays and Thursdays from 1:00
to 3:00 PM at the Plantation House.
The book for the course is Audrey
Grant’s “Bidding”, the Club Series.
Any member who wishes to enroll in
the course may call Bonnie Haroff at
681-9251 or e-mail her at:
The HHPWC meets on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month from August
to May. Membership is open to
women residents and property
HHP Clubs
owners of HHP. In order to join,
send a $10.00 check made payable
to the HHPWC to Carol Rommel at
51 Hickory Forest Drive, HHI, SC
29926. Please include your address,
spouse’s name, e-mail address, and
phone number with your check.
-- Lois Wilkinson
Bocce Club_____________
The HHP Bocce League has
scheduled a “Sign Up Day” for their
League play, which will begin in late
September. The Sign Up Day will
be Saturday, September 9 from
10:00 AM—2:00 PM at the
Spring Lake Bocce Courts. In
the event of rain, the sign up will be
in the Spring Lake Pavilion.
You can sign up a team with a team
name and an assigned captain, or
you may sign up as an individual
and you will be assigned to a team.
Both men and women of the
Plantation are welcome to join and
skill level is not important. In fact,
a lot of luck is associated with the
game of Bocce so skill is not critical.
The Avid Gardeners____
After winter's clean up, spring's
planning and planting, we can
now enjoy the results and fruits of
our labors. We’ve learned what
specimens returned and which
new ones became established.
But now comes the "grunt" work—
maintenance, controlling weeds,
and fighting the insects and fungi.
At our June meeting, David Voll,
Better Garden Tools of Bluffton,
demonstrated some new designs
in garden tools. Of special
interest to the attendees were the
ratchet pruners and clippers.
There will be no meetings in July
and August. Join us in September
for our interesting and educational
programs held the 3rd Friday of
the month at 9:30 AM at the
Spring Lake Pavilion. Contact Pat
Rapp at 342-7474 for information.
--Midge Kennedy
Once sign up is complete, league
play will be on Tuesday afternoons
with two teams competing in each
match on each of our two Bocce
courts. So put September 9 on your
calendars and come on out. If you
have any questions, contact Jack
Powers at 682-2827.
--Jack Powers
Dance Club____________
We resume again in September.
Keep dancing in the summer!
-- Karen Anderson 682-3107
Movie Club____________
No movies in July or August.
The next Movie Club meeting will be
September 16. The movie will be
“Cinderalla Man.” Any questions?
Call Jean Costello 342-2224.
Culinary Cut-Ups_______
The new Committee Chairs of
Culinary Cut-Ups want to thank
Lois McCue and Jeanne
Andreano for a quality year of
fun and informative programs. Put
us on your schedule for a new
year of culinary exploration. We’ll
see you at the August luncheon of
the HHPWC.
--Barbara Kline 681-5643
--Pat Mastrovito 681-7655
--Pamela Hess 689-2261
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
July 2006 – Page 13
Craft Workshop________
Here is a picture of one of the
Christmas Village houses.
In recent columns we’ve given
detailed information about the
beautiful Christmas Village, which
will be drawn for at our Annual
Show and Sale on Saturday,
October 14, at Christ Lutheran
Church at 819 William Hilton
Parkway. Tickets will be $10, or 3
for $25. If you would like to buy
tickets, or have any questions,
please call Charlotte Ward at 6818407.
We welcome you to join us as
we continue to make interesting
new items for our upcoming sale.
We need more people to share in
our fun and fellowship. No special
skills required. We try to have
projects that are easily mastered.
For those of you who already have
your own craft specialties, we are
always open to new ideas. Many
of our members sit and chat at our
meetings as they do all kinds of
handwork, while others pursue
their own talents. We will be
meeting at the Plantation House
(starting June 8) thru July 28, and
return to the Spring Lake Pavilion
on August 10. Our meetings are
the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the
month, from 9:30 AM to 12 noon,
at which time a light lunch is
served. Come check us out and
join us. It’s a wonderful way to
make new friends. Please call
Jean Costello if you have any
Dollhouse furniture and
wallpaper - Do you have any you
could donate? Long-term
planning! A very generous HHP
couple donated a lovely large
dollhouse to us, complete with
table. It needs interior decoration
and furniture. If you have any
dollhouse furniture, wallpaper,
curtains or drapes that you no
longer need, would you consider
donating them to us as we launch
into this project for our 2007
Annual Sale? Please call Jean
Costello at 342-2224.
-- Charlotte Ward
Cheers by the Sound_____
Come greet dear friends and make
new ones at Dolphin Head
Recreation Area. Bring an hors
d’oeuvre for eight, a serving utensil,
your favorite beverage, paper plates,
cups, and napkins.
4th Tuesday of the Month
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec
No reservations are necessary – just
show up. For information, call
Margita Rockstroh 682-3171.
Yacht Club___________
Thus far, 2006, the 24th year in
existence for the HHP Yacht Club,
has proven to be a wonderful year
for Club participation. Members
have turned out in record numbers
for just about every event, and in
most cases have set attendance
records. If you are a member,
take advantage of what the Club
has to offer, and come out and
join other members during this
fun-filled year. Keep track of
upcoming events and important
information on the Club Web site
The May 26 ”Cruise Around the
Island” was well attended, with
five sailboats making the 5-hour
trip. The group was seen breezing
down Calibogue Sound enjoying
the day. Several members were
hoping for a similar trip in the
future for power boaters.
On June 10, with slight swells, fair
breezes, and a hot sun, some 22
boats with approximately 100
members aboard, met in Port
Royal Sound, and then paraded
down Skull Creek for the Annual
Blessing of the Fleet. That
evening, a feast of roast pulled
pork, chicken, gallons of barbeque
sauce, and all the fixings, was
enjoyed by an energetic and
sunburned group of over 120
The rest of the summer’s events
includes the Bay Pointe Picnic and
cruise on July 17. This will be
followed on August 17 by the
Cruise to the Town of Port Royal
for lunch at the famous Dockside
Restaurant. Don’t miss this lunch
cruise – the food, particularly the
seafood, is always great! The next
regular meeting will be September
21 at the Plantation House, and
our “Cruise Around the World” will
be stopping in the Caribbean.
For HHP residents interested in
becoming boating or social
members, contact Barbara
Nowacek at 689-5053 or
-- Ron Li (
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 14 – July 2006
Farmers Club__________
Many of you have asked about our
new section down at the end of the
loop, which has been planted with
several trees. These are very
special varieties of citrus, which
were researched and procured by
Bob Manne. They are all fairly cold
hardy, partly because they have
been grafted onto particular root
stock, and also because each one is
known to be able to withstand
temperatures lower than our normal
winters bring. Planted last
December, the young trees had an
easy first season and did not go into
hibernation at all. Since then, all of
them have put on new growth, and
12 of the 16 now have small fruits.
Bob said the Farmers Club
sponsored the project, covering the
cost of the trees, the irrigation, and
the fertilizer, which must be applied
monthly. He has agreed to
maintain the grove, and he set up
the irrigation and hauled in and
spread the mulch. The fruit will
ripen in late fall, and will be sold at
the dinners during early winter. He
keeps elaborate records of each
tree on his computer, carefully
noting the condition and dates of
budding, flowering, and fruit set, as
well as how much water and
fertilizer is applied.
In this same area, you will also see
five banana trees, which were
donated by Art Schultz. They are
expected to bear fruit before the
first frost. It is interesting to note
that the 34th leaf produced by the
banana tree will become a bunch of
bananas. Bob Manne is probably
counting them, so we’ll see.
Among the citrus there are two
types of lemon, a key lime and a
Bearss Lime, and several others
such as a Pineapple Orange and a
Changchou Kumquat. It will be fun
to sample these when they become
available - at the dinners only,
please. One of the major growers
HHP Clubs
in the Beaufort area is Ned Rahn,
who spoke to us last winter. He is
an excellent graftor, and has done a
lot of work with citrus here in
coastal South Carolina where they
do better than they would 20 miles
In the rest of the farm, this has
been a banner year for tomatoes,
corn, blueberries, and lots of other
produce and flowers. Please keep
your area clean and weed-free
during hot weather. Your neighbors
will appreciate it. Thank you for
your participation in the market
sales, which ended the first of July.
If you have questions, please email
me at
-- Diane Middleton
“Sassy Stampers” Club_
The "Sassy Stampers" meet on the
1st Monday of each month at
Dolphin Head Pavilion at 7:00 PM.
All levels of expertise are welcome.
We share stamping techniques and
innovative ideas and try to
demonstrate interesting new
products. We are planning field
trips to the stamping stores in
We have stamp swaps and occasionally schedule "creative time" to
work on our projects in a group
setting. E-mails are sent each
month detailing the upcoming
meeting. It's a fun group of ladies
and we have all made new
stamping friends...If you are
interested, and we hope you are,
please call Gail Phillips - 681-8262
or 422-2042.
-- Gail Phillips
Island Hoppers________
In mid-June Island Hoppers sent
out the flyer for our first trip of the
new season to the women who
have already paid their dues for
2006-2007. Our first trip is an
overnight to Atlanta, September 78. We’re going to the Yellow Daisy
Festival at Stone Mountain, the play
"Menopause, the Musical", and to
the Aquarium. We’ll stay at the
Crowne Plaza in Buckhead and
dinner will be at one of Atlanta's
finest restaurants, Pano and Paul's.
On the way home, we’ll stop in
Macon for dinner at Willows on
Fifth. The total cost for this trip is
$245. If anyone is interested in
going or receiving more
information, please contact Nancy
Graham (689-2631) or Shirley
Mitchum (681-6746). You must be
a member of the HHP Women's
Club in order to join the Island
Our entire program for the
upcoming year will be available at
the August 8 HHP Women's Club
Annual Salad Luncheon. Come, join
the fun, and learn about Island
Hoppers. For more information
about the luncheon, please see the
column in this issue from the HHP
Women's Club.
-- Nancy Graham
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Recreation Activities
July 2006 – Page 15
Music & Sunset
HHP’s July Concert
Back by popular demand…
The Headliners
…with your favorite music
from the 50s, 60s & 70s.
Date: Wednesday, July 26
Rain Date: Sunday, July 30
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Place: Plantation House Parking Lot
Cost: FREE!!!
Pizza, Popcorn, Soda & Water
Will be available for purchase
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
Page 16 – July 2006
Recreation Activities
KIDS KAMP 2006_________________________________
Established in 1987, Kids Kamp has grown to accommodate more than
300 of our Plantation’s children each summer. Based at the Spring
Lake Recreation Area, our expansive Kamp grounds provide a safe and
comfortable environment where Kampers can play, learn, and grow
Children are grouped according to age and grade. Each group’s
Counselor Team plans the daily activities according to a weekly theme
and the group’s ability. Previous Kid Kamp themes include Around the
World Week, Mystery Week, It’s Showtime Week, Tropical Island
Week, Olympic Week, and Holiday Week. On Wacky Wednesdays, all
Kids Kampers and staff show off their creativity by dressing according to the theme. On Fridays, the entire
Kids Kamp comes together for a special event to wrap up the week with an exciting theme activity. Regularly
scheduled activities include swimming, arts & crafts, performing arts, field games, and fishing. Cooking,
music, and nature are also incorporated into group schedules. Counselor to Kamper ratio = 1:10.
KIDS KAMP Registration
You may register your child at the POA Service Center for the entire camp (8 weeks) or for one or more
weeks. Pre-Registration is during March. See special fees below.
Week 6: July 17 - July 21
Week 7: July 24 - July 28
Week 8: July 31 - August 4
Time / Days:
Non-Refundable Deposit:
Age/ Grade
1 Child:
2 Children: $150
3 Children: $220
4 Children: $290
5+ Children: $360
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM; Monday – Friday
POA Service Center
Full Session - $50 per child;
Weekly - $25 per child
Available at the POA Service Center
Children who will enter Kindergarten in the Fall 2006 or who are five years old
by November 1, 2006, to children who will enter 8th grade in the Fall 2006.
Must be a child or grandchild of a HHP property owner or resident.
Week 4
KIDS KAMP Refund Policy
The non-refundable deposit will be deducted from all
refunds, regardless of when the deposit, partial, or full
payment occurs, because this deposit assures a space for
your child, thus excluding another child. A full refund,
less the non-refundable deposit, will be processed within
30 days if the child is withdrawn prior to the start of Kids
Kamp. Once Kids Kamp begins, the refund will be
prorated based on the child’s attendance at Kids Kamp.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
Recreation Activities
July 2006 – Page 17
HHP’s Health & Fitness Programs
Time /
Minimum #s
Moderate: 6-7 PM
Gentle: 7:15-8:15 PM
(10 Minimum)
5:30-6:30 PM
(10 Minimum)
2006 Fees
Hatha Yoga
Nivia Weitzner
No class Sept. 4
New session:
Sept. 18-Nov. 20
Total Fitness
Beverly Perfect
Mon. – All Weights
Wed. – Circuit Training
Nordic Walking
Beverly Perfect
Water Aerobics
July 18
July 21
July 26
Kids Movie Night
Teen Night Karaoke Night
Headliners Concert
Lap Swimming_________
The times for Lap Swimming at Spring Lake Pool are:
Cathryn Swain
Upcoming Events_______
5:30 PM
$5.50 – 1 class
$50 – 10 classes
$80 – 20 classes
7:15 - 8:00 AM &
No AM Lap Swim
7:15 - 8:00 PM
7:15 - 8:00 PM
Piano Needed____________
The piano at the Plantation House
is no longer playable and needs to
be replaced. If anyone is interested
in donating a piano, please contact:
Arlene Reisner, 681-8800, ext. 226.
8:15 – 9:15 AM
$4.50 – 1 class
$40 – 10 classes
$70 – 20 classes
$88.50 – 30
Family Connection____
The Activities Department is putting together a new
league of volunteers called the Family Connection. The
volunteers need to be energetic mothers, fathers, and
grandparents that would be willing to assist in our kids
nights and family socials. Hopefully, with the new
Family Connection, we can gather information to form
sport groups, car pools, and other unique
opportunities. This will be a great new experience to
help out in your community and pull families together.
If you are interested, please call Amanda at 681-8090
or e-mail at We would love to have
more events, but need your help to make them
happen! Please call now so we can get the ball rolling!
POA Cleaning Week_____
The Annual Cleaning of the Plantation House, Spring
Lake Pavilion, and Dolphin Head Rec buildings will be
held during the week of August 21-25 from 8:30 AM to
4:30 PM. All clubs and activities are cancelled for that
week during those hours. The Scheduling Office will
remain open.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
Page 18 – July 2006
Workout the Westin Way!
Join the Westin Resort Health Club during
the months of July, August or September
2006 and receive a special summer rate!
$65 for an individual or $110 for a
Husband/Wife, monthly membership.
The Westin Resort Health Club is a fully equipped,
state-of-the-art Health Club with a spectacular view
of the ocean, the grand courtyard, and indoor pool.
A knowledgeable staff provides individualized
instruction, massage therapy, and a variety of classes.
Your monthly membership includes an orientation with
a certified trainer, use of the strength training and
cardiovascular equipment, all fitness classes, use of all
three pools, Jacuzzi, steam room and sauna, shower
facilities, and miles of beaches.
Recreation Activities
Creative Quilting________
The Activities Department is pleased to offer our
fabulous quilting class starting Tuesday, September 5 at
Dolphin Head. This is for anyone with basic hand
sewing skills. A four (4) block, appliqué, medallion-type
quilt that measures 60” square will be taught in class.
A supply list and picture of the finished product are
available at the Plantation House. A minimum of 7
participants is needed to start this 10-week class, so
sign up now!
Tuesday, September 5 – November 14
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Dolphin Head
Patricia Rice
If interested, sign up at the
Plantation House or if you have
any questions, please call
Amanda at 681-8090.
(843) 681-4000 * Port Royal Plantation *
Hilton Head, SC
Health Club Direct Line: (843) 681-1040
HHP 7-Night Eastern
Caribbean Cruise________
December 9-16, 2006
Port of Miami
“Voyager of the Seas”
Nassau, Bahamas; Charlotte Amalie,
St. Thomas; San Juan, Puerto Rico;
Labadee, Hispaniola
Join the HHP “Plantation Cruisers.” Space may still be
available to be with our group, but the discounted prices
we had until April 20 are not all available. Contact
Yvonne, Beaufort Travel & Cruise, 843-521-2500, Email: - or Arlene Reisner, Director of
Activities, 843-681-8800, ext. 226 or Email:
Teen/Pre-Teen Karaoke__
The Kids Kamp counselors and the Activities
Department are hanging out with the teens and preteens for an evening extravaganza! Food, dancing,
games, prizes, and all the works for a jammin’ night!
DJ Alan Palchak will rock the house with dance
competition, games, and tons of karaoke fun!
So….mark your calendars and tell your friends to join us
at the “PH” for an evening of fun and games!
Friday, July 21
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
$5.00 per person
Plantation House
Wednesday, June 14
12 to 16 yrs.
Parents: POA staff will provide supervision. Teens &
pre-teens must be picked up no later than 9 PM.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
Recreation Activities
July 2006 – Page 19
HHP Sunset Cruise — Enjoying an evening on the water…
Plantation residents loved it!
Who was steering this boat?
Dolphin watching!
Ah, the glorious sunset!
Romantic Newlyweds!
Amanda & John English
Beautiful evening & great snacks!
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
Page 20 – July 2006
Spring Lake Pool Rules___
Since lifeguards are not on duty during all hours that the
pool is open, swimmers assume responsibility for their
own safety and that of their families. The pool is
equipped with a self-locking gate, an emergency
telephone, and a first aid kit at the Guard Office. Report
problems to Security, 681-2477 or 681-2459. DHEC
inspects both pools, unannounced, to check for fecal
contamination and other violations. If DHEC finds any
contamination, they will shut down the pool
Spring Lake Pool Regulations
1. HHP property owners, their family members, guests, and
tenants with leases of at least nine months may use SL
2. SL Pool users must present their validated Photo ID Card
to the pool staff.
3. Property owners with validated Photo ID Cards may bring
four (4) guests to the pool. Guests, 17 years or older,
with a validated HHP Guest Card may bring two (2)
guests. Children age 16 years or younger are prohibited
from bringing guests to the pool.
4. SL Pool users and their guests must adhere to a proper
code of conduct and follow instructions from the
lifeguards. Appropriate conduct and rules include, but are
not limited to, the following:
Lifeguard approval of all floatation devices
Using earphones with audio equipment
Placing trash in receptacles
Smoking in designated area only and disposal of butts
in receptacles
Wearing swimwear at all times
Using kickboards in the shallow end only
Showering prior to entering the pool
5. When lifeguards ARE on duty, children under 13
must be accompanied by parent/guardian. When
NO lifeguards are on duty, children under 16 must
be accompanied by parent or guardian (17 or
6. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to insure
that children under age four (4) and not pottytrained use the Baby Pool. Violators will be asked to
either move to the Baby Pool or leave the facility.
Children, not potty-trained, and using the Baby Pool must
wear secure-fitting, waterproof swim diapers at all times.
None of the following are allowed in the pool area:
Solo swimming, animals or pets, glass containers, spitting,
blowing nose, diaper changing on deck, bikes,
skateboards, skates, diving in shallow area (3-7 feet),
communicable diseases, open lesions, wounds, diarrhea,
nausea, skin, eye, ear or respiratory infections, running,
boisterous/rough play, alcohol or drug use, rings, body
floats, rafts, and other such devices.
8. Spring Lake Pool may not be used for personal profit or
commercial purposes.
9. Lifeguards have the authority to expel violators. They
may also create and enforce other safety rules, as
Recreation Activities
Attention all kids! This is YOUR
NIGHT! The Activities Department is pleased to host a kid’s
movie for all ages on Friday,
August 18, at the Plantation
House. This is a FREE event, and
refreshments will be provided.
We will be showing the Universal
(rated G - 83 min.). This feature
version of the old "Our Gang"
comedy series follows Alfalfa and
the rest of the group as they compete in a go-kart race.
The gang threatens to expel Alfalfa from the club for,
horror of horrors, falling for a girl! Your family will love
this hilarious romance between a girl and boy and… his
Friday, August 18
7:00 PM
Plantation House
Children should bring a sleeping bag or blanket, and
parents are encouraged to stay with them. It should
be tons of fun, so come out and join us. Also, please
let us know you are coming so we will have enough
refreshments. Call Amanda at 681-8090!
Plantation Living is a monthly newsletter,
published by the Hilton Head Plantation Property
Owners’ Association. Deadline for news and ads
is the 15th of the month preceding the
publication issue.
Submit electronically, if possible:
• Via email:
• Via fax: 843/ 681-8801, or
• Drop off at: the POA Service
For information about newsletter articles or
about newsletter or web advertising, please
contact Denise McAllister at 681-8800 ext. 244.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Amanda at 681-8090.
July 2006– Page 21
Where are the 3 P’s?
“Playful Plantation Pooches”
Our HHP pooches explore different areas of the Plantation
every month. If you guess the exact location of where the
pups are, and yours is the first email to arrive at:, you’ll win a prize! Deadline is:
July 24. Please include your full name, property address,
and phone number with your email.
Last month’s winner was Terry Kinard who will receive a gift
from Tail Waggers at Coligny Plaza. Terry identified last
month’s specific location as the sandbox (sailboat)
at Dolphin Head Rec area. Other participants included:
Julie Burroughs and “Sponge Bob.”
“Hey girls, where are we this time? Gee, this
feels like a monumental moment.”
KIDS KAMP Summer Fun!
Let’s go swimming!
Sack races!
How ‘bout a 3-legged race?
Great Counselors!
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 22 – July 2006
Deas Guyz Concert — Cool Music, Dancing, Fun, Oh My!
Wild and crazy girls
having fun!
HH Town Manager, Steve Riley, and
his son, Paul, enjoyed the festivities. Paul is
in the military and just headed back to Iraq.
Smooth dancers!
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation