New HHP Web Site! Deas-Guyz


New HHP Web Site! Deas-Guyz
Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Inside Plantation Living ▼
POA Board Report
President’s Report……………
General Manager’s Report..
POA Information
Hilton Head Plantation Clubs
Artists Club …….……..……….
Avid Gardeners……...……….
Big Wheels…….……………….
Bocce Club………………………
Bridge Winners……………….
Cheers by the Sound……….
Craft Workshop…..………….
Dance Club..…………….…….
Dog Club………………….…….
Farmers Club…………....…….
Fishing Club……………...…….
Green Thumbers.…...……….
Happy Times Society………..
Island Hoppers………………..
Newcomers Club..…….……..
Sassy Stampers……………….
Tennis Social Club.…………..
Women’s Club..……...……….
Yacht Club……………….……..
Recreation Activities
4th of July – HHP Day….……
“Buddy Holly Story”………….
Concert – Deas-Guyz……....
Concert – Headliners………..
Health & Fitness Programs.
KIDS KAMP………………….….
“Operation: Overseas”……..
Pool Rules……………….……..
Stroke Awareness Talk……..
Tai Chi………………………..….
Feature Articles
Lowcountry Nature……..…..
Volume 22/Issue 6 – June 15, 2008
New HHP Web Site!
Try out your new Web site at: We’ve
been working on it for the last few months and now it’s ready for you!
It’s attractive and easy to navigate throughout the pages. In the long
run, the new software format will save the POA resources because now
Staff has the capability to make changes to the site without the
utilization of an outside vendor. Updates can be made in a more
expedient manner which will further the use of the POA's Web site as
the first source for information about the Hilton Head Plantation
Enjoy your new Web site and please give us your feedback. We’d love
to hear how you like it!
Thurs. June 19
See page 19
Visit Hilton Head Plantation’s website at
Page 2 – June 2008
POA Board Report
Hilton Head
Property Owners’ Association
7 Surrey Lane – PO Box 21940
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Tel. (843) 681-8800 Fax 681-8801
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Board of Directors
Jim Collett
Vice President
Dick Sell
Tom Hoppin
Werner Sicvol
Paul Kopelcheck
Tom Kuczkowski
Bill Moss
Galen Smith
Mary Ann Strayer
Board of Directors Hotline Ext. 8
POA Staff
POA Service Center
(843) 681-8800
General Manager
Peter Kristian
Ext. 233
Asst. Gen. Mgr. / Administration
Todd Lindstrom
Ext. 239
Activities / Recreation
Amanda English
Ext. 226
Denise McAllister
Ext. 244
Community Relations / ARB
Dick Wirth
Ext. 231
Maintenance – John Ehlers
Ext. 227
Security Director – Art Benoit
Tennis Pro – Keith Ferda
Important Phone Numbers
POA Service Center
(843) 681-8800
Ext. 236
Covenant Enforcement
Ext. 242
Maintenance Shop
Ext. 241
Tennis Hotline
Ext. 300
Vehicle Decals
Ext. 223
Dolphin Head Building
Plantation House
Spring Lake Pavilion
Spring Lake Pool Information
Spring Lake Tennis
Dispatch (24 Hrs.)
Pass Line (24 Hrs.)
Security Office
Fire & Ambulance
Security (24 Hrs.)
Dial 911
President’s Report______________
On occasion, residents approach a Board member
or the POA’s General Manager, Peter Kristian, and
say, “I didn’t know the POA was planning to do
that” or “I didn’t know you provided that service.”
At that point, the Board member or Peter will likely
explain the various ways the POA has communicated over the last two or three months regarding
certain projects or services. We welcome these opportunities.
Here are some of the ways the Board communicates with residents:
1) Plantation Living, 2) marquees at the gates, 3) POA Web site, 4) Email Services program, and
5) Bi-monthly Coffees with Peter. The Board also seeks resident
input via the Board of Directors’ Hotline (681-8800 ext. 8),
comment cards, and community surveys.
Communications is very important in any organization or
community. The Board and Staff are continually trying to improve
how the POA communicates with you.
Plantation Living continues to be the primary medium the POA
uses to provide information to our residents. Coffees with Peter
are great because of the face-to-face dialogue with Peter, Board
members, and Staff members on a wide range of topics.
Two communications venues that are becoming more popular with
residents are the Email Services (safety alerts, etc.) and HHP’s Web
site We are always striving to
improve navigation and usability of these systems to make your
lives easier and keep you informed.
The POA’s Web site is in the process of being totally redesigned
and will be rolled out on June 16. Please take a look. I also want
to encourage all residents to sign up for our Email Services. An
easy self-enrollment form can be found after clicking the
appropriate button on the left-hand navigation bar of the new site.
Both Email Alerts and the Web site are excellent tools because they
can be so timely. As soon as information becomes available, it can
be quickly emailed and posted to our Web site.
Communication needs to be two-way. The Board and Peter are
always open to resident questions and comments. Please take
advantage of one or all of the different opportunities offered to
learn and dialogue about what is happening in our wonderful
Jim Collett
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
POA Information
June 2008 – Page 3
General Manager’s Report
equivalent of burning nearly 200 pounds of coal over the
life of the bulb.
Man of the Year
As you may be aware, our Board President Jim Collett
was named “Man of the Year” by the Presbyterian
Churches of Hilton Head. A story about Jim was
published in the May edition of Hilton Head Monthly
magazine. Please join me in congratulating Jim on his
many contributions, not only to Hilton Head Plantation
but the greater Hilton Head Island community.
New Homeowners’ Orientation
New to our lovely community? Have a question about the
operation or amenities of the Plantation? The POA will
present a New Homeowners’ Orientation on June 17,
7:00 PM, at the Plantation House. If you’ve moved
into the Plantation in the past six months, please plan on
attending this very informative session. Several of the
POA’s Department Heads will be on hand to talk about the
many benefits of living in Hilton Head Plantation. We will
cover everything from Recreation to Covenants.
Refreshments will be served and a multitude of great door
prizes will be raffled off!
July 26th Coffee
Our next Coffee with Peter is scheduled for Saturday,
July 26, 10:00 AM at the Plantation House. Our special
guest will be Mayor Tom Peeples who will speak about
the Town’s present initiatives. He will be available for
questions. For those who are new to our lovely
Plantation, this is a great opportunity to get up-to-speed
and ask any questions you may have about the POA’s
Landscape Contract
After almost two decades of excellent service by Ocean
Woods Landscaping, the POA Board voted to change
landscape contractors. The Board’s decision was strictly
economics, and not based on performance issues. We
thank Ocean Woods for their many years of faithful
service. A two-year contract, with a one-year option,
was awarded to Palmetto Coastal. The change will take
place on January 1, 2009.
Farewell to Amanda & Congrats to Chrissy
I am pleased to announce that Chrissy Fly, HHP's Asst.
Activities Director, has been promoted to Director of
Activities effective June 15. Chrissy has a long,
distinguished career with HHP and brings experience,
knowledge, enthusiasm, and especially customer service,
to the table. Amanda English, our outgoing Director of
Activities, has accepted a position as Recreation
Specialist with the City of Omaha, Nebraska. This
position will be closer to family for both Amanda and her
husband, John. Amanda made numerous contributions
to the Plantation's Activities Department and her
enthusiasm, warmth, and positive attitude will be
missed. We wish her well in her new endeavors.
Going Green
Have you switched at least one of your incandescent light
bulbs to a compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb? According to
officials at Palmetto Electric, one CFL bulb will save you an
average of $30 over the life of the bulb. Most CFLs last
6-10 times longer than an incandescent bulb. To further
entice you to make the switch, one CFL bulb will save the
Hurricane Season
Hurricane season is here, so please check out the
Hurricane Preparedness information on our Web site You can find this
valuable information under the Security button on the
main page of the site and also under Documents. Hard
copies of the HHP Hurricane Preparedness Guide are
available at the POA Service Center. Several updates have
been made to the Guide this year including the new
voluntary Right-of-Entry Agreement so please secure
an updated copy of this important document.
We learned several valuable lessons from past hurricane
seasons, the most critical being: Do not expect or
depend on the State or Federal government to do
everything for you immediately following a
hurricane. These government agencies should be
focused on the most needy and vulnerable in our
community. If we are the unfortunate victims of a
hurricane, those who are able will need to be as
self-sufficient as possible for as long as possible.
That means proper preparation — adequate food, clothing,
and medical supplies for you and your family. Please read
over the Guide and prepare accordingly. A Hurricane
Preparedness seminar is scheduled for Tuesday,
July 8, 7:00 PM at the Plantation House. Beaufort
County’s Director of Emergency Management William Winn
will be making this very informative presentation.
Please jot down this toll-free number that has been set
up for HHP residents. Keep it with your hurricane
evacuation kit. 1-877-264-5267. Via this number,
we will dispense hurricane evacuation and reentry
information. Being prepared is key, so please take a few
moments to review the information available on our Web
site to help secure your household.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
(cont’d. on page 4)
Page 4 – June 2008
General Manager’s Report
(cont’d. from page 3)
Right-of-Entry Agreement
Last year, Philips & Jordan (HHP’s post hurricane
disaster contractor) approached gated communities in
the area with a program to assist residents with securing
the safety and possible clean up of their property.
Philips & Jordan will (if the POA has your signed Rightof-Entry Agreement) go onto your private property as
soon as practical to remove dangerous situations such
as limbs on your roof, hanging branches, and leaning
trees. They will also place a blue tarp over your roof if
the roof has been penetrated to try and prevent further
water damage. Requirements may vary from one
insurance company to another, so please call your
company and ask if they have any requirements before
the securing/clean up of your property can commence.
A Right-of-Entry Agreement can be found at: under the Documents
section. A copy can also be obtained at the POA Service
Center, 7 Surrey Lane. A $2000 deposit made payable
to HHPPOA must accompany your completed
Agreement. These funds will be placed in an interestbearing account (2.5%) and can be accessed by the
POA to pay for invoiced services for your property due to
a natural disaster. This program is totally
voluntary; participation is not required. If you sell
your home or choose to no longer participate in the
program, all unexpended funds with appropriate interest
will be refunded.
Mailbox Maintenance
It’s time to take a critical look at something we all go to
every day — our mailbox. Mailboxes are the personal
property and responsibility of each property owner to
maintain. The POA provides a full scope of repair
services. Please call the POA Service Center at 681-8800
Ext. 0 and ask the Receptionist for details and prices. If
you wish to personally maintain your mailbox, the POA
will provide the appropriate paint free of charge. There
are two types of paint involved in the process: one for
the post and another for the mailbox. The POA has both
types of paint. Bring a container(s) with lid(s) for the
paint (usually a pint-sized container will do).
The appearance of our mailboxes has a tremendous
impact on the streetscape of our neighborhoods. The
next time you are out getting the mail, take a good look
at your box and see if it needs painting, new lettering,
repairs, or just a good cleaning. In some cases, just a
quick application of a bleach-based cleaning product and
POA Information
a quick rinse with your hose will return the mailbox to its
original condition.
Property owners are not obligated to use the POA for
mailbox repairs. However, if you do use an outside
contractor or do the work yourself, please review the
HHP Rules & Regulations for proper installation (see:
Several property owners asked me to remind folks that
we live in close proximity to an array of wonderful
wildlife. However, many of the animals that call the
Plantation home should be observed from a distance and
left alone — especially alligators. Please do not feed the
alligators or taunt them with rocks, sticks, etc. Once an
alligator associates humans with food they lose their
fear. Be mindful when fishing that an alligator may
follow your “catch” into shore in an attempt to get a
meal. Keep your pets on a leash and do not walk them
close to lagoon banks where alligators have been
sighted. Be careful when retrieving a golf ball next to a
lagoon. Golf balls resemble one of an alligator’s favorite
foods: “eggs”.
The Stonegate sign is next for renovations.
Automated Lane
The automated lane at the Cypress Gate is operational.
Residents can obtain a Bar Code for their qualifying
personal vehicles at a cost of $5.00 per vehicle. This is
a one-time charge for the life of the Bar Code, which is
normally 3 to 5 years. Please refer to the May edition of
Plantation Living for further details, or the POA’s Web
This year’s resurfacing project has been completed. Seal
coating is tentatively scheduled for June.
Mosquito Control
In cooperation with Beaufort County, the POA has been
provided with 780 Altosid Briquettes. These briquettes
are a biological mosquito control and will be placed in all
of the Plantation’s catch basins. This method prevents
mosquito larvae from developing into adults. This will
augment the Plantation’s weekly spraying program and
the aerial application of mosquito control by Beaufort
Stay Safe
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Peter Kristian
POA Information
Security – Storm Surge Safety Tips
Minimize the distance you must travel to reach
a safe location; the further you drive, the
higher the likelihood of encountering traffic
congestion and other problems on the
Select the nearest possible evacuation
destination, preferably within your local area,
and map out your route. Do not get on the
road without a planned route or a place to go.
Choose the home of the closest friend or
relative outside a designated evacuation zone
and discuss your plan with them before
hurricane season.
If you live in an evacuation zone and are
ordered to evacuate by state or local officials,
do so as quickly as possible. Do not wait or
delay your departure. To do so will only
increase your chances of being stuck in traffic,
or even worse, not being able to get out at all.
Expect traffic congestion and delays during
evacuations. Expect and plan for significantly
longer travel times than normal to reach your
family's intended destination.
The Lowcountry’s population has nearly
quadrupled in the last 10 years, but the number
of roadways has essentially stayed the same.
Therefore, evacuating the County may take
2-3 times longer than in years past. To be on
the safe side, PLEASE LEAVE EARLY.
Art Benoit, Director of Security
Your interactions with
of the Security Department
may be recorded.
June 2008 – Page 5
Please be sure to
update your Photo ID
and House Guest cards
at the POA Service
New Homeowners’ Reception
Tues. June 17
Plantation House
7:00 PM
Volunteers Needed for
4th of July Celebration
“Hilton Head Plantation Day”
What makes this day special is the diversity of
activities. We literally have something for
everyone! To make that all happen in a
seamless manner takes volunteers. If you
would be willing to give an hour or two of your
time on July 4, please call Chrissy Fly now at
681-8800 ext. 226. We need folks to judge the
parade, staff the games, etc. Any time you can
give is much appreciated.
Hurricane Preparedness
Meeting with
William Winn
Beaufort Co. Emergency
Management Dir.
Tues. July 8
Plantation House
7:00 PM
The 2008 HHP Hurricane Preparedness
Guide can be found on our Web site: under
Security and also Documents/Forms.
You may obtain a hard copy at the POA
Service Center, 7 Surrey Lane.
The 2008 HHP Hurricane Evacuation
Information is inserted in this issue of
Plantation Living for your reference.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 6 – June 2008
POA Information
“Harry Heron,” the Covenants Bird:
Ask your Covenant Questions
This month’s exciting topic – Summer’s Hot Issues
Memorial Day has been
celebrated, graduations
have occurred, schools
are closed, and it’s time
to officially start summer! The season is exploding
with activities energized by a less hectic schedule
and an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors (well, I’m
always outdoors…but this is for you humans).
Parking of Vehicles: Remember all (4) tires are
off the road surface. All guests entering HHP must
have a guest pass called in by the HOST. Your
guest is allowed to visit only the listed residence
stated on the pass.
Since you’ll be spending more time outside, let me
reiterate some very important Plantation Rules.
firearms or fireworks is subject to confiscation and
possible fine(s) for non-compliance.
(That’s what they pay me for…it’s a great job for a
smart heron!) You don’t want to get “busted” for
not complying with the Rules, do you? (Ooh, that
reminds me of when my leg was busted after an
accident caused by an aggressive driver – that was
certainly no fun…)
Top Issues for Compliance:
The Juvenile Curfew: That’s right, HHP has
a curfew for all teenagers 17 years and under.
Teens must comply and be off the Plantation’s
roadways, leisure paths, and other common
properties after midnight. (I’m snug in my nest
before that late hour. I think they should be, too.)
All residents and their friends must be inside a
residence and be mindful of the Noise and
Parking policies. Non-compliance may result in
one of those pesky feather-ruffling fines being
levied against you for non-compliance.
The Leash Law: All pets are required to be
leashed when off their property. This includes
both cats and dogs. (C’mon folks…if I were a
domesticated heron I’d have to wear a leash, too,
and respect the laws. My leash would have a lot of
“bling” on it to be sure. I’d be so stylish!) In
addition, any pet found wandering (trespassing
on private and/or common property) might be cited
and fined for non-compliance. Failure to clean up
after one of my canine friends may subject its poor
human owner to possible fines. (Don’t end up in
Fireworks are prohibited. (Thank God
because they scare the tail feathers off of me, AND
cause a major migraine!) Use or display of any
Remember to read and comply with the
Rules posted on signs: All Recreational Areas
(Pool) and other Facilities are posted with signs
listing the designated hours of operation, use, and
I have listed the most frequently cited violations
and situations that need compliance for all
residents to be able enjoy the lazy days of summer.
I know I’ll be lazy since I’ll be on vacation visiting a
“foreign land” where the air is clean, the
temperature is much cooler, and the days are a bit
However, I’m always in touch if you need some
advice. Remember: The Heron Always Flies.
Be safe and smart. We’ll catch up in the fall.
Please send your questions to Harry Heron at: or call 843-681-8800
extension 242.
Please respect our wildlife neighbors.
Remember, they were here first.
Do not approach alligators, do not feed
them, and watch your pets around
alligator habitats.
the doghouse, heh heh…)
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Lowcountry Nature
June 2008 – Page 7
Lowcountry Nature: The Painted Bunting
(Eastern subspecies) Passerina ciris___________
Early this spring, two POA Fishing Club members — Joann Persico
and Pam Schofield — were discussing their bird wish list (all other
rational topics of interest had apparently been covered). They
wondered how they could observe a Painted Bunting, a famously
elusive visitor to Hilton Head Island. Unbeknownst to most
transplants, including yours truly, HHI is part of the very limited
coastal habitat of the Eastern population of the Painted Bunting.
boundaries by singing from a high
perch, often hidden among the
uppermost foliage of a tree. Their
song is high-pitched, thin, and
sweet, consisting of short phrases of
variable pitch while their call is a soft
rising chirp.
Even though my own Painted Bunting sighting résumé is limited to
photographs (and one cheesy stuffed toy), I imagine that my
friends’ interest was directed toward the spectacular male, one of
the continent’s most “gaudily” colorful birds.
Currently, the largest populations
are on sea and barrier islands (HHI)
as well as the adjacent mainland
with large coastal rivers. The area is
roughly defined as east of US 17 to
the coast, from North Carolina
through Florida. The critical defined
habitat is maritime scrub-shrub open
brush lands mixed in a scattered
woodland setting. The Painted
Bunting needs hedges, thickets, and
wooded areas with brush to live and
Males have a bright blue
head and nape, shiny
bronze-green back,
brilliant red rump, throat,
chest, flanks, belly, and
under tail coverts. Its eye
ring is red, and wings and
tail are dark gray.
The female plumage features a bright
olive-green crown, nape, and back with
yellow-green throat, chest, and belly. The
head may exhibit some blue feathers. It
takes two years for a male to become
brilliantly colored, but even then, if not
seen fairly close-up and in good light, it
appears dark in color. Unless they are at
a feeder, younger males and all females
are even more difficult to spot in their
camouflage green plumage.
Painted Buntings belong to the New World Finch family with a
seed-cracking short bill. During the fall and winter they forage on
the ground and brush for dry seeds but in their breeding season
they seek spiders, insects, and insect larvae (including harvesting
insects from the captivity of spider webs).
Male Painted Buntings, who may have more than one mate, are
highly territorial and aggressive towards each other. Fights
between males — including pecking, beating with wings, and
grappling — sometimes result in death. Males declare their
Breeding Bird Survey data from
1966-2000 shows a significant
population decline of 2.7% annually
for the Painted Bunting across its
North American breeding range.
Although the exact cause is not
known, experts feel that the loss of
habitat, Brown-headed Cowbird
parasitism, and capture for bird
trade sales are all-important
contributors to the problem. Please
help protect this shy, flashy dresser
by planting maritime shrubs and
maintaining a feeder with an
“appropriately disgusting” (to us!)
menu of bugs, larvae, and spiders.
April and May sightings: Marianne
Currie on Bayley Point Lane, Jack
Colcolough at Whooping Crane
Conservancy, Pinckney Island, Webb
Management Area, and the Tidepoint
--Mary Jane and Bob Major
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 8 – June 2008
Plantation Golfing
Plantation Golfing________________________________
by Gary Hooper
Dolphin Head Golf Club
The 2008 Rally for the Cure Tournament had over 150 participants for golf, lunch, awards, and a raffle. The
Scramble Tournament Champions were Ethel Clarke, Christina Conlon, Graham Mills, and Jock McLean. Over $5,000
was raised for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure of Cancer.
The 2008 Married Couples’ Championship
was a Combined Couples’ Net Score Stableford.
Winning the Low Gross was Pat/Clarke Rieck.
Low Net Winners were Alex/Graham Mills.
Second Low Net (Tie): Trudy/Kirk Eaton &
Rita/Dieter Meuderscheid;
Fourth Low Net: Connie/Gary Hooper
Country Club of Hilton Head
The 2008 Ryder Cup was a 3-day,
2-man, Scramble, Alternate Shot, and
Better Ball format. The Overall
Tournament Champions were:
George Anderson/Gary Hooper.
Overall Runnerup: Clarke Rieck/John
Martin. Flight Champions: (1)
Rieck/Martin; (2) Dan Friebely/Tom
Davis; (3) Anderson/Hooper;
(4) Ken Dusome/Jack McGuire
The 2008 “Challenge to Victory” Tournament
had equal numbers (26) of men and women
participating. This was a match play event
with two-person teams from each of the
Men’s & Ladies’ Teams playing each other.
The 2006 tournament ended in a tie. The
Ladies’ won in 2007. The Men were
victorious in 2008. The event raised over
$1,300 for the American Cancer Society.
Oyster Reef Golf Club
The Oyster Reef Ladies won First Place
in the 2007-2008 Par 6 tournament. This
tournament is played at six different clubs:
Callawassie, Dataw, Fripp Island, Lady’s
Island, Sun City, and Oyster Reef. Each
Club sends a team of ten ladies and the
matches are played at the different
courses. Congratulations to all of the
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
June 2008 – Page 9
Bridge Winners________
PH Ladies Bridge
May 9 – Winners
1. Dolores Kanski
2. Gloria Campeau
3. Olive Faust/Maxine Polhill
May 23 – Winners
1. Hettie Collins
2. Maxine Polhill
3. Billie Hodges
4. Dolores Kanski
PH – 2nd & 4th Friday – 10:30 AM
Call Sue Creighton 682-2886 or
Ethel Clarke 689-2566
PH Informal Bridge
May 27 – Winners
1. Syd Hodges
2. Gloria Campeau
3. Joan Harnishfeger
4. Ellen Winston
PH – 4th Tuesday – 7:00 PM
Call Joan Harnishfeger 681-7229
or Rita Philippon 681-6635
PH Slammers
May 14 – Winners
1. Syd Hodges
2. Norm Wolff
3. Rita Philippon
4. Mary Priestman
PH – 2nd Wednesday – 7:00 PM
Call Norita Hopkins 681-3067
PH Team Bridge
*No Team Bridge in May
PH – 1st Tuesday – 7:00 PM
Call Barb/Don Edwards 689-3311
SL Ladies Bridge
May 6 – Winners
1. Terry Cavo
2. Dorothy Feind
3. Kathy Lowenstein
May 20 – Winners
1. Sigrid Peters
2. Jeanne Napier
3. Gloria Campeau
4. Dorothy Feind
SL – 1st & 3rd Tuesday – 10:00 AM
Call Jeanne Napier 681-1866 or
Sigrid Peters 689-9350
SL Ladies Duplicate Bridge
May 28 – No play
SL – 4th Wednesday – 10:00 AM
Call Flo Thompson 689-2279 or
Barbara Ruehling 681-8270
We will meet
June 18 at 6:00 PM for our annual
cookout (at the Spring Lake
Pavilion instead of the Plantation
House). Bring only what you want
to drink (other than soda, which,
along with all the food, will be
supplied by the Cub). This will be
our last meeting until September
Kid’s Kamp is underway. Please
consider volunteering to help the
kids fish on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00 AM.
We had a great sunset cruise on
May 18 with 37 members in
attendance. While it was a bit
windy, the weather was warm and
the food was plentiful. If you
haven’t attended one of these
cruises, plan to sign up for the
next one when it’s announced in
the fall.
We had expected to stock our
ponds on May 15 with largemouth
bass and bream. Unfortunately,
the supplier, Arkansas Pond
Stockers showed up in Bluffton
without any largemouths. We
were able to purchase only
coppernose bream and put 500 of
those in a few lagoons. The Pond
Stockers are planning to return to
Bluffton in June and we will try
again at that time.
This supplier is becoming less
reliable every year and the Fishing
Club Board is investigating other
options. Some upstate suppliers
are available, but in many cases
we’d have to travel a considerable
distance to pick up the fish and
would have to rely on the
Mariculture Center’s willingness to
loan us their aerated tank.
Because of the weight of the water
and tank, we’ll be limited as to
what we can transport.
Several members of the Club
participated in the annual flyfishing trip to Eastern Tennessee.
The number of fish caught was
down a bit from past years but
that was made up for by the
increased size of the fish caught
(and released). The flies used are
tied onto hooks, which are only
about 3/16 inches long. Landing a
16-inch rainbow trout in swiftly
moving water with that small of a
hook leads to many fish being lost.
Thanks to Don Kowtko for
organizing these trips every year,
and thanks to Evie Kowtko for
escorting non-fishing wives
through the Tennessee and North
Carolina countryside.
For information about the Fishing
Club, call Dave Morse at 682-2356.
For information about fishing in
the Plantation, call Gary Turner at
--Earle Nirmaier
Happy Times Society___
The Happy Times Society is a
social group for all HHP residents.
Happy Times Society meets each
month (except July, August,
November, and December) at
Dolphin Head for light
Date: 4th Sun. of the month
Time: 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area
Each person/couple attending is
asked to bring an hors d’oeuvre
for eight and their own liquid
refreshment. Ice will be supplied.
For information, call Dottie
Distelheim at 342-6828.
--Galen Smith
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 10 – June 2008
Farmers Club_________
June may be the most productive
month of all, especially as far as
the market sales go. Corn and
tomatoes are luscious. Blackberries, blueberries, and all types
of tomatoes are irresistible, and
the flowers just continue to get
better. Ann Watson is teaching me
more about blossoms this year,
and we have new ones to sell from
part of Mac’s old plot. All of his
trees that were moved to the
orchard are doing well (but his
lilies and my car still miss the
shade of the fig trees).
This is the new tomato era. The
excitement of finally seeing red on
the vines and tenderly picking
them, only to discover rabbit bites
and blossom end rot, is discouraging. Throw out any rotten ones,
far away from your plot, and wash
your hands and clippers. I encourage you to make large batches of
tomato sauce, Bloody Mary mix, or
tomato soup and freeze in plastic
baggies. Yum.
Asparagus can still be cut until the
middle of the month. Don’t forget
to fertilize it again to help the
roots get stronger for next year’s
crop. Keep it and the rest of your
garden weeded and mulched for
the summer. If you don’t plan to
use part of your plot, cover it with
black plastic weighted down with
something that does not stand
out. No white plastic jugs, please.
For those of us who already are
losing the fight with crabgrass, go
directly to the store, buy a herbicide, and follow the directions.
This is a garden, not an eyesore.
There are no suppers in July and
August, so enjoy your picnics on
the beach. For help in maintenance, call John Nowacek at
689-5053. Any questions, call or
email me at
--Diane Middleton
Master Gardener
HHP Clubs
Newcomers Club________
Our End-of-Year Celebration on
May 20 was a huge success. Many
thanks to Ellie Linscott, our outgoing
President for making the arrangements for this event at the Dolphin
Head Golf Club. Also, a special
thanks to Chef Mark Fortin for
providing a delicious meal.
On Wednesday, June 18 the new
Board members will meet to begin
planning next year's schedule of
programs and events. The meeting
will be held at our new Board
President, Bob Montgomery's home
at 6:30 PM. We are looking forward
to yet another year of fun-filled
activities whereby Newcomers can
meet their neighbors and become
part of this great community we call
Hilton Head Plantation.
If any Newcomer is interested in
volunteering their services, please
contact Bob Montgomery at
682-4838 or email:
REMINDER: There will be no social
events during the months of June,
July, and August.
Plantation Living is our Club's way of
communicating with the Newcomers
membership, so watch for information in upcoming columns for news
of events. If you have recently
moved here, please let us know so
we can add you to our email and
phone list.
We want to wish everyone a happy
and healthy summer. See you in
--Sandy Stern
Island Hoppers_________
Attention all Island Hoppers! This
is just a reminder that the Island
Hoppers’ End-of-the-Year picnic
will be held on Thursday, June 26
at the Plantation House. The
French Bakery will again cater it.
We’ll be giving you a peek into
what is being planned for next
year’s trips, so do come. You may
join Island Hoppers for next year
at the luncheon if you have not
already done so by return mail
with your reservation.
For all those who may be
interested in joining Island
Hoppers for the 2008-09 season,
please mail a $12 check to Barbara
Clark, 6 Oyster Shell Lane, Hilton
Head Island, SC 29926. Please
remember that you must be a
member of the Hilton Head
Plantation Women's Club before
you can belong to the Island
For any questions, please call one
of us:
--Nancy Graham 689-2631
--Shirley Mitchum 681-6746
** New Time,
New Location **
Woodcarvers have many projects
in the works – birds, figures,
bas-relief, etc. Come spend some
time with us. Experience is not a
factor; we learn from one
Days: Mondays
Time: 12 Noon – 2:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area
Contact Jim Gorddard 689-3273
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
June 2008 – Page 11
Artists’ Association_____
The HHP Artists’
generally meets
monthly (except
between October and April each
year. We also have the opportunity to exhibit works of art at the
Plantation House throughout the
year, with new exhibits starting
approximately every six weeks.
On Mondays and Tuesdays we
usually have artists painting
upstairs at the Plantation House
from 10:30 AM until 4:00 PM.
This year we are starting an
informal critique of artwork at
1:00 PM on Mondays. If you are
interested in painting with other
artists, having your work critiqued,
or just being around a great group
of talented people, we’d love to
have you join us! The exact dates
of our meetings and schedule for
change of art exhibits can be
found on our website at
Our next scheduled meeting will
be in October. Have a great
If you have any questions or are
interested in joining our group,
please call our membership
chairwoman, Evy Grouse, at
--Camille Avore
Green Thumbers_______
The tour at Seabrook Farm, with
Diane Middleton as our knowledgeable guide, was a wonderful ending
to our meetings for this season.
Diane taught us you can grow
anything in Hilton Head. Who can
resist perfect strawberries right off
the vine or delicious snap peas?
Vidalia onions were drying in the
sun to reach perfection. Maybe
that’s where we learned the
pleasures of sunbathing! Roses,
larkspur, and the gardeners’
whimsical touches surprised us at
every turn. The Saturday morning
market held at the Farm Stand
(May-June) always tempts us with
the bounty of the dedicated
farmers. Turn at the beautifully
restored red wagon (surrey) on
Surrey Lane (before the POA
Service Center) to discover this
neighborhood gem.
The new Green Thumbers team is
planning a fun-filled, interesting
agenda for the next season. We
look forward to meeting you at the
Women’s Club Luncheon on
Tuesday, August 12. You may join
the Green Thumbers now by
sending a $10 check to Linda Gleva,
8 Palm View Drive, HHI, SC, 29926,
phone: 342-6104. You must be a
member of the Women’s Club to
join the Green Thumbers.
Wishing you a wonderful summer!
If you have any question, please
call us.
--Kathleen Manning 342-6120
--Eleanor Moore 681-8880
Dance Club____________
Great for all ages!!! Terrific
Exercise! Easy and Fun!! Learn to
Waltz, Foxtrot, Swing, Cha-Cha,
Tango, Meringue, Samba, etc.
Dancing on your list of activities
should help you stay younger and
healthier. Who can say? Even
your eyesight may be healthier
with dancing. Staying active can
help save your eyesight say
University of Wisconsin experts.
The Hilton Head Plantation Dance
Club normally meets the 1st and 3rd
Wednesdays of each month from
6:15 to 7:30 PM in the Plantation
House. Come and join us; no
reservations are required. May 21
was our last meeting for this
summer. We will have NO classes
in JUNE, JULY, or AUG. and will
resume on SEPT. 3.
There is a nominal charge of $5.00
per person to cover expenses. We
have a certified dance instructor
who starts with the basics and
teaches all levels of competency.
The Waltz (for example) is done in
three-four time, or three beats to
the bar. Imagine counting 1-2-3,
1-2-3, 1-2-3 very rapidly, with a
weight change on every step, and
your feet have to move to that
To obtain more information, please
call Charlie & Joan Forton at
681-4761, or Karen & Francis
Anderson at 682-3107.
--Dave Whitfield
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 12 – June 2008
Tennis Social Club_____
Congratulations to the members
of two Spring Lake USTA teams
who made it to the State playoffs.
The teams played here on the
Island May 9-12 in front of a
hometown crowd!
HHP Clubs
The Avid Gardeners_____
Though plantings will continue,
dedication of the General Howard
Davis Whooping Crane Island will
be the focus of our June 20
meeting. We are honored to have
his son, Howard Davis, as one of
our speakers. Invitations have
been extended to all those involved
with the development of this
The 3.5 Senior Women’s team —
“The Roaring Racquets” —
went 2-2. Members are:
Andrea Myers, Bonnie Totman,
Anita Loeser, Jeanette Mulder,
Carol Myers, Lenore Gleason,
Mary Ellen Arboe, Stephanie
Rathan, Jeanne Greco, Pat
Kenworthy, Jennifer Hiatt, Eunice
Moore, and Pauline Caplan.
Following refreshments and our
monthly business meeting in the
Spring Lake Pavilion at 9:30 AM, we
will walk as a group to the Island
Garden. All HHP residents are
invited to join us in this dedication.
The 4.5 Senior Men’s team —
“The Aces” — had a 1-3 finish.
Members are: Keith Whitlow,
John Brittis, Benjamin Hale, Mark
Sheaffer, Eddie Goodsen, Guenter
Bergmann, Steven Brady,
Gregory Gorrell, and William
Similar to Patrick Daugherty’s
natural twig and branch sculpture
at Palmetto Dunes (but on a smaller
scale), Maggie Engstrum, natural
land artist, will help us create a
Land Art composed of vines, twigs,
and moss. Conditions permitting, it
should last for several months.
Congratulations to all!!
--Sandy Harris
If you have an overabundance of
shade plants, especially ground
covers, and would like to share,
please contact Annemarie Kinsky at
Bunco meets the 3rd Monday of the
month, 7:00 PM at Dolphin Head.
Please bring $5.00 in singles. It’s
lots of fun and there are cash
prizes. Not all members are able to
play each month, so chances of
playing are almost guaranteed.
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area
--Carol Katz 681-8288
At a State Meeting of Garden Clubs
in Charleston on May 2, the Avid
Gardeners were awarded the
following: State Awards — 1st
Places, $25 each: Environmental;
Butterfly Gardens; Youth Children's
Garden; Publication (TAG Talk); 3rd
Place: President’s Report.
So. Atlantic Region (SAR) — 1st
Places, $25 each: Environmental;
Butterfly Gardens
National Recognition — Butterfly
Gardens; Youth Children's Gardens;
Publication (TAG Talk)
Our next meeting will be
September 19 in the Spring Lake
Pavilion at 9:30 AM. All HHP
residents are welcome. For further
information, please contact Sally
Price @ 681-4577.
--Midge Kennedy
“Sassy Stampers” Club__
The "Sassy
Stampers" meet
on the 1st Monday
of each month at
Dolphin Head
Pavilion at 7 PM.
All levels of expertise are welcome.
We share stamping techniques and
innovative ideas and try to
demonstrate interesting new
products. We are planning field
trips to the stamping stores in
Beaufort. We have stamp swaps
and occasionally schedule "creative
time" to work on our projects in a
group setting. Emails are sent
each month detailing the upcoming
meeting. It's a fun group of ladies
and we have all made new
stamping friends. If you are
interested, and we hope you are,
please call me at 681-8262 or
--Gail Phillips
Big Wheels Club_______
The Big Wheels Bicycle Club is a
wonderful way to get out in the
fresh air, get some exercise, and
socialize with friends. We meet on
the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every
month. The 1st Thursday we bike
to Dolphin Head, bring a brown
bag lunch, and meet at 11:30 AM 1:00 PM. At that time, we decide
what restaurant we will meet at
for the 3rd Thursday. After lunch
we have a planned bike ride for
those who want to ride.
Contact Joan Henry 689-5649
Kathleen Krizner
Gerrie McDonell
Ann Hakala
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
HHP Clubs
June 2008 – Page 13
HHP Women’s Club_____
A very special thank you to Shirley
Mitchum for serving as Club
President this year and for her
many years of service in other
positions. The Club presented
Shirley with a Waterford vase in
recognition of her efforts.
The HHP Women’s Club (HHPWC)
was formed in 1986 for women
residents and property owners of
Hilton Head Plantation to enjoy
fellowship with one another. The
Club continues to grow and meet
the needs of its members through
monthly meetings and interest
groups. All of our activities are
highlighted in the Club section on
the HHP Web site at:
Meetings are held on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM
from September to April at the
Plantation House. The new Club
year, under the direction of
President Sharon Horton, will begin
with a salad luncheon on
August 12.
To participate in the interest groups
and Club activities, you must be a
member. To join the Club, send
$15 dues to Membership
Chairperson Iris Addonisio at 17
Purple Martin Lane. Make your
check payable to HHPWC and
include your name, address,
spouse’s name, e-mail address, and
telephone number. For additional
information, call Iris at 342-6883 or
HHPWC members with hold a Bake
Sale at the Plantation House during
the 4th of July celebration. If you
are able to assist that day and/or
wish to provide baked goods,
please indicate your interest by
--Lois Wilkinson
Bocce Club___________
Our Spring Bocce League
concluded with the playoffs on
May 17. At the end of an exciting
day of competition, here are the
winners: Jack Lopez and Bill
Moore, the Rollin Cannolis as the
winning champions. The runnersup team is the Beachcombers:
Janet and David Hodges. I
overheard one opponent saying
that Janet’s “roll and hook” is
unbeatable! The competition was
After the playoffs, we attended
our Spring Awards Pizza Party at
the Plantation House. This was
well attended by over 50 Bocce
members and guests. President
Jack Powers started the meeting
and Jack Lopez presented the
awards. Powers announced that
an organizational meeting would
be scheduled for August when
new officers will be elected (date
TBA). Powers received a standing
ovation for his leadership for the
past three years.
The Fall Bocce League is
scheduled for September.
This year, 70 HHP residents
participated in 27 teams!
Don’t forget to take your guests
and friends to use the courts
during the summer!
--Maryjean Herberger
League Champions!
Jack Lopez (left) and
Bill Moore — the "Rollin Cannolis"
Runners-up: Janet and
David Hodges —
the "Beachcombers"
Cheers by the Sound____
Come and greet dear friends and
make new ones at Dolphin Head
Recreation Area. Bring an hors
d’oeuvre for eight, a serving
utensil, your favorite beverage,
paper plates, cups, and napkins.
4th Tuesday of month
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Place: Dolphin Head Rec Area
No reservations are necessary –
just show up. For information, call
Margita Rockstroh 682-3171.
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Page 14 – June 2008
Dog Club_____________
The Dog Club will be taking a
short break for the summer and
our next meeting will be on
September 9. We’ve had some
very interesting speakers and Dogs
of the Month this past year and I
hope that everyone is enjoying our
meetings. Newcomers are always
welcome and you don’t have to
have a dog to be a member of the
Dog Club.
We will be scheduling new
speakers and Dogs of the Month
over the summer and I will be
emailing members with news and
updates. Also, if you would like to
schedule a speaker, Dog of the
Month, or would like more
information about the Dog Club,
please give me a call at 342-7804
or drop an email to
Remember, when you are out and
about, please pick up after your
dogs and keep them on a leash.
Let’s keep our Plantation looking
Quote of the month: Animals are
such agreeable friends – they ask
no questions, they pass no
criticisms. ~ George Eliot
I hope that everyone has a great
--Jeanne Daly 342-7804
HHP Clubs
Craft Workshop________
While most people will be basking
in the beautiful summer sunshine,
many of our members will be
thinking of the crisp Fall weather
and Winter snows to help conjure
up the atmosphere in which to
create new and exciting
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and
Christmas items for our Annual
Show and Sale to be held
Saturday, October 11, from 10 AM
to 2 PM at Christ Lutheran Church,
829 William Hilton Parkway
(between markers 8 and 9) for the
benefit of Hospice Care of the
The challenge to come up with
original, unique items is an
ongoing one for us. We
experiment constantly which
results in wonderful and
interesting items. Some of our
items will be one-of-a-kind; others,
perhaps 2 or 3 of a kind. Those
who arrive when the doors first
open have the best choice.
However, there is also the
opportunity to custom order some
of the items that will be for sale.
The decision as to which items will
be available for custom orders is
usually not made until closer to the
time the show opens.
Some of you have heard this all
before, but the reason for the
repetition is to acquaint our new
residents with who and what we
are, and that we would love to
welcome them as members of our
group. More information will come
in our next column when I’ll have
the dates of when we resume our
meetings and also more
information about our Sale.
If you have any questions, please
call Elaine Maher, our president, at
Pretty Paloma is staying
cool this summer!
Have a wonderful summer!
--Charlotte Ward 681-8407
Yacht Club___________
The Club has been busy! From
April 30-May 4 we had a trip on
the water to points North. Five
powerboats and one sailboat spent
the night at Bohicket Marina on
Seabrook Island. The next day,
they ran 100 miles to Georgetown,
then headed back South to
Charleston. Excellent weather
enhanced the good times.
Cocktails and good eats, too!
An evening of elegance was enjoyed
at the May 6 Commodore’s Ball. We
kicked off our Docksiders and
donned tuxedoes and gowns at The
Country Club of Hilton Head.
Thanks to Maury Tepper, we had
the Headliners for our band and a
record setting 154 attendees.
Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner,
dancing, the Headliners, Country
Club of Hilton Head, and a
fun-loving membership — what a
winning combination!
With a day in between to recover
and rest up, our Annual Fishing
Contest was held on May 8. We
had 11 boats and 32 anglers. Tom
Tomfohrde, aboard his boat Dixie,
was the winner with the largest
Cobia at 44 inches. Tom also
contributed a smaller live Cobia to
DNR’s breeding program. They
are out there and will pull right up
to your boat to scoop the fish into
their onboard tank.
June 18-22 is our cruise South to
St. Simon’s Island, Jekyll Island,
and Fernandina, FL. That’s always
a fun trip, so don’t miss out.
Next month, read about our
May 29 Captain Woody’s luncheon
and the June 7 Blessing of the
Fleet and Pig Roast.
For membership information, call
Barbara Nowacek at 689-5053 or
e-mail her at
--“Nancy D” Correll
Plantation Living, a Newsletter for Residents of Hilton Head Plantation
Annual Hilton Head Plantation Day
Come ONE – Come ALL!
To HHP’s Annual
Community Celebration
Friday, July 4th
12 to 3 PM
Plantation House
Ticket sales until July 3 at
POA Service Center:
$1 – 2 tickets
$15 – 33 tickets
$5 – 11 tickets $20 – 44 tickets
$10 – 22 tickets $25 – 55 tickets
On-site tickets ($.50 each) will
also be available for games,
contests, food, & carnival treats.
Don’t miss HHP’s very own Old-Fashioned
Hometown Independence Day Celebration!
Volunteers Needed!
Call Chrissy Fly at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Annual Hilton Head Plantation Day
Schedule of Events
11:30 AM – 12 noon
12 – 12:30 PM
Parade Registration
Patriotic Parade
The Patriotic Parade will begin in the parking lot
of the Plantation House with Uncle Sam in the
lead. Award categories include: “Most
Patriotically Decorated” bikes, carriages,
strollers, children, couples, and animals.
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Pool Games
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Carnival, Games,
Prizes, Puppet Show, Bake Sale &
Musical Entertainment & games by DJ
“Honest Ray Williams.”
Win prizes at the indoor and outdoor
carnival games featuring the Moonwalk, the
Dunk Tank, and the Shooting Gallery.
Participate in the youth/adult contest &
games – watermelon and pie eating contests,
pie throwing, and more.
Enjoy pizza, hot dogs, chips, ice cold
drinks, fresh popcorn, cotton candy, and cool
Sno-cones as you mingle through the Midway.
Delight the children with Yostie’s
Enchanting Puppet Factory.
# of Tickets per Game
Children’s Games
Various Eating Contests
Skeet Ball
Gold Fish Game
Pie Throwing Contest
Face Painting
Dunk Tank
Food Items
# of Tickets per item
Potato Chips
Ice Cold Drinks
Cotton Candy
Hot Dogs
Pizza Slice
** 50 cents per ticket **
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Recreation Activities
June 2008 – Page 17
KIDS KAMP 2008_________________________________
Established in 1987, Kids Kamp has grown to accommodate more than 300 of our Plantation’s children each
summer. Based at the Spring Lake Recreation Area, our expansive Kamp grounds provide a safe and
comfortable environment where Kampers can play, learn, and grow together.
Children are grouped according to age and grade. Each group’s Counselor Team plans the daily activities
according to a weekly theme and the group’s ability. Previous Kids Kamp themes included Around the World,
Mystery Week, It’s Showtime Week, Tropical Island Week, Olympic Week, and Holiday Week. On Wacky
Wednesdays, all Kids Kampers and Staff show off their creativity by dressing according to the theme. On
Fridays, the entire Kids Kamp comes together for a special event to wrap up the week with an exciting theme
activity. Regularly scheduled activities include swimming, arts & crafts, performing arts, field games, and
fishing. Cooking, music, and nature are also incorporated into group schedules.
Counselor to Kamper ratio = 1:10.
Kids Kamp Registration
Registration has begun at the POA Service Center for the entire Kamp (8 weeks) or for one or more weeks.
Time / Days:
Non-Refundable Deposit:
Age / Grade Req.
As of April 1
June 16 – June 20
June 23 – June 27
June 30 – July 3 (no Kamp 7/4)
July 7 – July 11
July 14 – July 18
July 21 – July 25
July 28 – August 1
August 4 – August 8
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM; Monday – Friday
Began April 1 at the POA Service Center
Full Session - $50 per child; Weekly - $25 per child
Now available at the POA Service Center or Plantation House.
Children who will enter Kindergarten in the Fall of 2008 or who are five years old
by November 1, 2008, to children who will enter 8th grade in the Fall 2008.
Must be a child or grandchild of a HHP property owner or resident.
Full Season
1 Child:
2 Children:
3 Children:
4 Children:
5+ Children:
1 Child:
2 Children:
3 Children:
4 Children:
5+ Children:
Week #3
Kids Kamp Cookie Social
The Activities Department and the Kids Kamp Staff are hosting a Cookie Social for the new and returning Kids Kampers
and their families. This is a great opportunity to meet the new and returning Staff for Kids Kamp 2008! Refreshments
will be available, so stop by and spend a few minutes with us. We’ll be there to answer any questions you might have
about the Kamp Program. Look forward to seeing you there!!!
Date: Sunday, June 15
Time: 1:30 – 3:30 PM
Place: Spring Lake Pavilion
Fee: FREE!
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Page 18 – June 2008
Recreation Activities
Hatha Yoga
Susan Dorsey
Moderate: 6-7 PM
Beginner: 7:15-8:15 PM
Beverly Perfect
9:10 – 10:10 AM
Suzette Springer
8:30 – 9:30 AM
$5.50 = 1 ticket
Total Fitness
Beverly Perfect
Mon. & Wed.
5:30 - 6:30 PM
$50 = 10 tickets
Beverly Perfect
Mary Bartha
Mon. Fri.
Beverly Perfect
Tues. & Thurs.
2008 Fees
$90 = 20 tickets
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Began June 2
5:30 – 6:30 PM
Began June 3
$127.50 =
30 tickets
$160 = 40 tickets
You may use the “Universal” ticket at any of the classes located on the matrix.
All other classes NOT on the matrix must be prepaid.
* 2007 Fitness tickets are no longer honored.
New Fitness Tickets Needed for New Quarter!
Don’t forget to purchase your NEW universal fitness tickets for the months May 1 – August. These
tickets will be good for the following classes throughout the four-month span:
Water Aerobics
Deep-End Water
Total Fitness
Hatha Yoga
PM and 7:15 - 8:15 PM
Just a reminder: Tickets from 2007 are NOT accepted. Tickets from the previous quarter
(January – April 30) will NOT be accepted. You MUST purchase tickets for May – August if you
want to attend any of the above-listed classes.
1 Ticket
10 Tickets
20 Tickets
30 Tickets
40 Tickets
Just a Reminder:
In order to be registered for a class/activity, you MUST PRE-REGISTER AND PAY IN ADVANCE.
Phone registrations do NOT confirm your participation in a class or activity.
We have certain class size requirements, and those MUST be met before the FIRST DAY OF CLASS.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Recreation Activities
Deep End Water Aerobics
Are you ready to get wet this summer? The Activities
Department will be offering an EVENING Deep-End
Water Aerobics Class. Deep-End Aerobics is a nonimpact aquatic class with water resistance for overall
conditioning using vertical positioning. Jogging and
specific exercises will strengthen the back and
abdominal muscles for a total body workout. This class
will be a wonderful way to strengthen and tone your
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuesday, June 3
Spring Lake Pool – Deep-end
5:30 – 6:30 PM
1 Ticket - $5.50 30 Tickets - $127.50
10 Tickets - $50 40 Tickets - $160
20 Tickets - $90
Water Aerobic tickets from 2007 are no longer
valid or exchangeable. Remember, the Universal
Ticket has 4-month increments. Please purchase
tickets from the POA Service Center or from the
Plantation House for the summer quarter – May
through August. For details, call Chrissy at 681-8800
ext. 226.
June 2008 – Page 19
Outdoor Summer Concert
The Activities Department is proud to present another
exciting outdoor concert for the whole family! We
would like to welcome back the fabulous Deas-Guyz!
They specialize in a mix of Old Motown, Rhythm &
Blues, Pop, Rock, Reggae, and dance beats.
Deas-Guyz formed in 2000 with each of the seven
guys bringing a unique feature to the band. They play
all over the Island — at the Jazz Club, Wild Wings
Café, as well as at weddings, charitable events, and
other special events. You will be amazed at the wide
range of musical talent they bring to the Island. This
is truly a night you won’t want to miss!
Thursday, June 19
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Plantation House Parking Lot
Rain date:
Thursday, June 26
Bring your family and friends, food, drinks, chairs, and
dancing shoes for a night to remember!
Stroke Awareness Talk___
The Activities Department will be offering a Stroke
Awareness Talk presented by Life Line Screening on
Wednesday, August 13, 11:00 AM at the Plantation
House. Learn how to assess your own health risk
factors and identify the warning signs of strokes and
vascular disease. Also find out how to help reduce
your stroke risk and discover the facts about
This workshop will empower individuals who are
interested in being proactive about maintaining a
healthy and rewarding lifestyle. Workshop packets will
be provided to each participant so please sign up in
Wednesday, August 13
11:00 AM
Plantation House
Christy Soliman, Health Service
Coordinator for Life Line Screening
Scheduling Office - Chrissy Fly
681-8800 ext. 226
We’ll miss you.
Amanda English has
been the POA’s Director
of Activities for the past
year. She and her
husband, John, will be
moving to Omaha,
Nebraska. We wish
them the best of luck!
Our new Director of
Activities is Chrissy Fly.
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Page 20 – June 2008
Recreation Activities
Teen Game Night_______
The Activities Department has teamed up with
Best Buy® in Bluffton to bring you the ultimate
night in video gaming. So, teens – Mark your
calendars for Wednesday, August 6!!
With the help of Best Buy®, we will offer a variety
of video game stations that teens can play,
including: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and the
XBOX 360.
This is a FREE event but there will be LIMITED
SPOTS so sign up early. The game night will be
held at the Plantation House from 7:00-9:00 PM,
and we will be selling refreshments.
Wednesday, August 6
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Plantation House
13 - 18 years old
FREE (Bring $$ if you would like
to purchase any snacks!)
* Because we have limited spots, YOU MUST
For questions, call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Hope to see you there!!
“Operation: Overseas”
Support Our Troops________
Our Activities Department is teaming up with the
National Bank of SC to provide a gift drive to support
our local troops. During Week #3 of Kids Kamp, we
would like to invite any HHP resident who may be
interested in making a donation to please stop by
the Plantation House on Thursday, July 3 or
Friday, July 4. Suggested items include:
Batteries (all sizes)
Hard Candy
Prepaid Phone Cards
Feminine Products
Hand & Foot Warmers
Powdered Drinks
Ready to Eat Tuna/
Chicken Salad Kits
We also encourage anyone making a donation to help
offset the cost of shipping by adding an extra $4 or $5
with their donation. Every pound adds close to $1 in
shipping. We hope you take advantage of this great
opportunity to show your support and patriotism!
Drop-off Dates/Times:
2:00-4:00 PM Thursday, July 3
12:00-3:00 PM Friday, July 4
For questions, call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Coastal Window Worx Seminar_____________________
Hurricane season is upon us and the Activities Department would like to invite you to attend the Coastal
Window Worx Seminar presented by Coastal Applied Systems, LLC, and 3M™. 3M Coastal Window Worx
knows that COMFORT and SECURITY for your home and family are high priorities. 3M will be
demonstrating their Safety and Energy System for glass and protection from severe weather. Their Sun
Control and Storm and Safety Window Film Technology will offer you an array of protection from damaging
UV rays, heat, glare, hurricane winds, and severe weather. Come join us and allow the Window Film
Specialists to share with you the features and benefits of 3M innovation. If interested in attending, please
contact Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Thursday, July 24
10:00 – 11:00 AM
**Breakfast will be available
Plantation House
Coastal Applied Systems L.L.C. & 3M™
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Recreation Activities
New Early Morning Pilates
A SECOND Pilates class has been added — Thursdays
at 7:00 AM! This class is NEW so you MUST sign up
per session in order to attend. Fitness tickets will NOT
be accepted. Suzette Springer, Certified Pilates
Instructor, will be teaching this class. All levels –
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
June 26 – Aug. 7 (7 weeks)
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Plantation House
Suzette Springer
A minimum of 10 people
is needed to start this class.
If interested, please sign up
with Chrissy at
681-8800 ext. 226.
Tai Chi Class___________
As a soft martial art, Tai Chi
exercises your body, mind, and
spirit. The movements massage
your internal organs and create
an awareness of correct
movement as well as weight
transfer, thus improving posture
and balance. Both relaxing and energizing, Tai Chi is
recommended for arthritis, high blood pressure,
Parkinson’s Disease, and overall health and well-being.
Please note – The location has changed for this
upcoming summer session. Come join the Tai Chi
Class on Mondays at 2:00 PM at the Plantation House.
Classes will run for six weeks, and the cost is $40 per
participant. Beginners welcome!
July 21 – August 25 (6 weeks)
Mondays 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Plantation House
(Class will be held at Spring Lake Pavilion
on 8/18 and 8/25)
$40 per participant
Instructor: Molly Carrington
To register, contact Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
We need a minimum of 12 participants
to start this class so sign up TODAY!
June 2008 – Page 21
“Buddy Holly Story”_____
Tickets are available for the production of “The Buddy
Holly Story.” Celebrate the life, legend, and music of
one of the great rockers of all time. Buddy Holly
skyrocketed to stardom in the late ‘50s with hits like
“That’ll Be the Day”, “Peggy Sue”, and “Oh Boy.” But
the phenomenal career of this charismatic
singer/songwriter, known for his horned-rimmed
glasses and vocal hiccup, ended on February 3, 1959,
when the plane he and fellow rockers Ritchie Valens
and the Big Bopper were flying in crashed. Touted as
the world’s most successful rock musical, you don’t
know what you’ve been a-missin’ till you see this
rockin’ jukebox show. Oh boy!
Saturday, July 26
8:00 PM
$39 per person
Wednesday, July 16
Pay by check (made payable to The Arts Center) or by
calling with a Visa or MasterCard. Only patrons with
disabilities will receive seating preferences. There are
no exchanges or refunds, and there are limited
Questions: Contact Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Back by popular demand…
The Headliners
with your favorite music from the 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s.
This concert is one of the most popular and wellattended events of the summer. You won’t want to
miss it!!
Tuesday, July 15
Rain date: Wednesday, July 16
7:00 PM
Plantation House Parking Lot
Pizza, Popcorn, Soda & Water will be available for
purchase. Bring your family and friends, food, drinks,
chairs, bug spray, and dancing shoes for a night to
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.
Page 22 – June 2008
Spring Lake Pool Rules____
Since lifeguards are not on duty during all hours that the
pool is open, swimmers assume responsibility for their
own safety and that of their families. The pool is
equipped with a self-locking gate, an emergency
telephone, and a first aid kit at the Guard Office. Report
problems to Security, 681-2477 or 681-2459. DHEC
inspects both pools, unannounced, to check for fecal
contamination and other violations. If DHEC finds any
contamination, they will shut down the pool immediately.
Spring Lake Pool Regulations
1. HHP property owners, their family members, guests, and
tenants with leases of at least nine months may use SL
2. SL Pool users must present their validated Photo ID Card
to the pool staff.
3. Property owners with validated Photo ID Cards may bring
four (4) guests to the pool. Guests, 17 years or older, with
a validated HHP Guest Card may bring two (2) guests.
Children age 16 years or younger are prohibited from
bringing guests to the pool.
4. SL Pool users and their guests must adhere to a proper
code of conduct and follow instructions from the lifeguards.
Appropriate conduct and rules include, but are not limited
to, the following:
Lifeguard approval of all floatation devices
Using earphones with audio equipment
Placing trash in receptacles
Smoking in designated area only and disposal of butts
in receptacles
Wearing swimwear at all times
Using kickboards in the shallow end only
Showering prior to entering the pool
5. When lifeguards ARE on duty, children under 13
must be accompanied by parent/guardian. When
NO lifeguards are on duty, children under 16 must
be accompanied by parent or guardian (17 or
6. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to insure
that children under age three (3) and not pottytrained use the Baby Pool. Violators will be asked to
either move to the Baby Pool or leave the facility.
Children, not potty-trained, and using the Baby Pool must
wear secure-fitting, waterproof swim diapers at all times.
None of the following are allowed in the pool area:
Solo swimming, animals or pets, glass containers, spitting,
blowing nose, diaper changing on deck, bikes,
skateboards, skates, diving in shallow area (3-7 feet),
communicable diseases, open lesions, wounds, diarrhea,
nausea, skin, eye, ear or respiratory infections, running,
boisterous/rough play, alcohol or drug use, rings, body
floats, rafts, and other such devices.
8. Spring Lake Pool may not be used for personal profit or
commercial purposes.
9. Lifeguards have the authority to expel violators. They may
also create and enforce other safety rules, as necessary.
Recreation Activities
Water Aerobics is Back!
Kick off the summer right with Hilton Head
Plantation’s Water Aerobics! Our Water Aerobics
class will not only keep you cool, but also benefit
your body! Our skilled Land Aerobics instructor,
Beverly Perfect, along with Mary Bartha, will be
conducting a cardiovascular and strengthening
Water Aerobics classes on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays! Water Aerobics is one way you can
burn calories and build muscle without breaking a
sweat! So, get your bathing suits out of storage
and take advantage of this amazing class!
Monday – Wednesday – Friday
Monday, June 2
Spring Lake Pool
8:30 – 9:30 AM
1 Ticket - $5.50
10 Tickets - $50.00
20 Tickets - $90.00
30 Tickets - $127.50
40 Tickets - $160.00
Our Water Aerobic tickets from 2007 are no
longer valid or exchangeable. Remember, the
Universal Ticket has 4-month increments.
Therefore, each time you purchase tickets you
must use them during the four months the ticket is
valid. The Universal Tickets must be used during
the 2008 quarters and cannot be traded or
refunded at any time. The following are the
4-month increments for 2008:
January – April
May – August
September – December
Due to the tremendous size of the Water Aerobic
class, we will conduct a morning Deep-End Water
Aerobics class starting in August after the Kids
Kamp Program has ended. Keep checking the Pool
Bulletin Board and Plantation Living for new
Sign up for POA Activities at the Scheduling Office in the Plantation House.
Questions? Call Chrissy at 681-8800 ext. 226.