quol squol 2 0 12 - the Lummi Nation!
quol squol 2 0 12 - the Lummi Nation!
2 0 12 QUOL Bash SQUOL 1 Squol Quol Education Safely Share the Road with School Buses By: David Silvey According to the American School Bus Council, school buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles in avoiding crashes and preventing injury. Today, as compared to years ago, school buses are built with safety in mind. In fact, a study by the U.S. Department of Transportation states that children are safer riding the bus to and from school than being driven in a car by an adult. When you are sharing the road with school buses, follow these tips. ·, , , , Yellow and Red Flashing Lights – School buses have yellow lights to warn drivers they will be making a stop and red flashing lights and an extendable stop sign to tell drivers to stop. Yellow does not mean go faster, it means slow down. Be aware of your sur- • Railroad Crossings – In most states it is roundings and always come required that school to a complete stop. Do not buses stop at all railcontinue driving until the way crossings. Be lights have turned off and alert when a crossthe sign is pulled in. ing is ahead and a • Passing a School Bus school bus nearby – It is illegal to pass so that you can stop a school bus on the as well. right side of the road • Divided Highways because you cannot – You must always be aware of where stop for flashing the bus needs to stop red lights; however, to load or unload. most states do not Always wait for the require drivers to bus to move to the stop when on the right lane or stay a opposite side of a safe distance behind divided highway. it. Additionally, it is Use extreme cauillegal in all 50 states tion if you are in this to pass a school bus situation as passenthat is stopped to gers may be trying load or unload chilto cross in that area, dren. It is vital that especially if there is you stop your vehicle a crosswalk. at least 10 feet away from the school bus • Buses Need Turning to allow for riders to Space – Just like enter and exit safely. trucks, buses have a wide turning radius. Remember to provide them with ample turning space so they can maneuver easily on the road. • Watch for Children Waiting for the Bus – As the driver, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the road and on children waiting for the bus. Come to a complete stop at all stop lights and stop signs, drive slowly near bus stops and watch for children crossing the road. • Slow Down – Use caution if you are driving in residential areas and school zones. Fines for speeding in an area can be hefty. • Allow for Extra Time During Your Com- mute – School bus drivers have to follow the same speed limit rules as every other driver; however, they make frequent stops which can delay traffic. Know the bus routes in your community and allow ample travel time when school is in session. About the author: David Silvey is a Vice President at AlliedBarton Security Services, www.alliedbarton. com, the industry’s premier provider of highly trained security personnel to many industries including higher education, commercial real estate, healthcare, residential communities, chemical/petrochemical, government, manufacturing and distribution, financial institutions and shopping centers. Lummi nation Gathering of Native Americans ~ NWIC 2 SQUOL QUOL Education 2 0 12 JOM School Supplies Giveaway and Carnival 3 Squol Quol Education NWIC expands construction trades program to meet local need Submitted by NWIC Faced with an increasing number of local construction projects, Northwest Indian College (NWIC) and the Lummi Nation’s Tribal Employment Rights Organization (TERO) have teamed up to provide the community with more opportunities for advancement in the construction trades. While NWIC has had a construction trades program on the books for the past two decades, the program has been offered in a limited capacity for periodic classes in recent years, said Fran Dodson, director of workforce development at NWIC. That’s in part because the college was without an adequate facility to accommodate the programs. Lummi nation On Aug. 28, 2012, that changed – that’s when TERO signed an agreement stating the organization would partner with NWIC to rent a 7,500-square-foot facility at 1460 Slater Road. According to the agreement, TERO will pay to rent the facility and NWIC will pay all other costs, such as utilities, instruction and instructional and 4 sion at NWIC and of the be fully educated in their Silver Reef Casino, Hotel trade, Dodson said. NWIC will continue to and Spa; sidewalk, road “The arrangement behold classes in the Slater and sewer and water contween NWIC and TERO Road facility until the col- tracts. will provide people with lege is ready to build its own workforce education Connie Martin, train- the opportunity to increase building. ing coordinator for TERO, their skill levels so they can said she is also pleased with pursue good jobs that pay In recent years, the the arrangement because more than living wages,” need has increased for cer- it means Lummi Tribal Dodson said. “We are traintified construction workers members will be trained ing people for careers, not for Lummi Nation projects, and certified to work at just entry level jobs.” Dodson said, and NWIC Lummi Nation construcThe partnership also and TERO want to give tion worksites. allows a unique opportucommunity members the opportunity to meet that “This year the Lummi nity to reach a particularly need. Nation has been the larg- under-represented demoest construction employer graphic among tribal col“Because of the econ- in Whatcom County, with leges: Native males, NWIC omy, construction trades two major constructions President Justin Guillory jobs in the greater county projects: the Silver Reef said. are on the decline, but here Expansion and the new “I see this partnership at Lummi they are flourish- administration building,” ing,” Dodson said. “At the Martin said. “We all want as opening another door same time, we have a pool skilled and certified tribal through which we can proof local residents who need laborers on the work sites vide training opportunities to tribal members that will jobs and in order to get of the Lummi Nation.” lead to successful employgood jobs they need training. We know, and TERO Martin also supports ment,” Guillory said. “It is knows, this is the right time the agreement because our hope that by expanding to take this kind of action to NWIC will continue to workforce education opporhelp this community.” add programs based on tunities we might be able to the types of jobs available reach a demographic that One estimate puts the in the community – that might not otherwise conamount of money being means workers will be able sider going to college.” pumped into Lummi con- to return for additional Workforce education is struction projects at ap- certifications as the need one goal laid out in NWIC’s proximately $70 million. arises, she said. strategic plan, Guillory said, That includes: construction of the new 120,000-squareThe programs offered and so the construction foot Tribal Administration will take students all the trades program certainly Center and the new Lummi way to the Journeyman aligns with the college’s Head Start building; expan- level, meaning they would institutional priorities. student materials. “Our goal is to expand our workforce education programming for the community to be able to learn specific trades or skills that lead to employment,” Guillory said. “The arrangement with TERO is a wonderful example of how TERO and NWIC can to work together to accomplish this goal. I want to thank the TERO staff and Fran Dodson, in particular, for their diligence in bringing this to fruition.” A variety of industrial safety certification classes are already being held in the facility, including Forklift Driver, Boom Life and Scissor Lift, Refinery Safety Overview (RSO), Industrial First Aid, and Flagging. Construction crafts classes – including carpentry, ground work, and interior and exterior construction crafts – will start being held there after Oct. 1, 2012, which will give program instructors time to become certified by the National Center for Construction Education and Research, a national organization for standardized training and skills assessments with industry-recognized credentials. SQUOL QUOL Education 2 0 12 A look at Community Improvement Project 5 Squol Quol Education SEPT SEPTEMBER 2012 SEPTEMBER 3 SLaborMDay, T No School W T 4 S 7 8 9 10 16 17 11 12 13 OCTOBER 2012 18 19 20 7 24 25 26 27 28 NOVEMBER 2012 29 12 F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 Gr. K-6 Early Release, Report Card Prep 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7 Gr. K-12 Early Release 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 12 15 15 16-21 S M T W T F S 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17-31 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 22-23 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OCTOBER S M T W T F 30 1 2 3 4 5 22-23 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17-31 21 22 23 24 25 26 DECEMBER 2012 29 30 31 27 Gr. K-12 Early Release, Conferences Thanksgiving Break, No School 28 1 Gr. K-12 Early Release 2 Winter Break, No School 16 F S 2 3 5 Early 6 Release 7 8 9 16 4Gr. K-12 13 Day, 14No School 15 16 21 11M.L. 12 King, Jr. 10 School Resumes 18 19 FEBRUARY 20 21 2013 22 23 21 1 26 Break 27 28 No 29School 30 1 25Semester Day, 14 15 16 17 15 Mid-Winter Break/Inclement Weather Make-up Day 21 22 23 24 18 DECEMBER President's Day, No School 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 SGr. K-12 M Early T Release W T F 8 2Gr. K-6 Conf. Prep 3 Early 4 Release, 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 23Gr. K-12 24 Early 25 Release 26 27 8 27 28 F 5 12 Memorial Day, No School W T F S 27 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5 Gr. K-12 Early Release 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 8 FHS Graduation 27 28 29 30 31 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gr. K-6 Early Release, Report Card Prep 20 21 27 28 22 23 24 JUNE 2013 29 30 31 25 FEBR Semester Br 15 MA Gr. K-12 Ear Gr. K-12 Ear 1-5 25 M AP Spring Break 31 4 T 18 M.L. King, Jr 24 S 11 M 11 Gr. K-12 Ear 17 12 6Gr. K-12 7 Early 8 Release 9 10 S 4 School Resu 10 20 Ear 8 19Gr. K-12 27 Da 27 26Memorial 8 31 Winter Break 3 29 1MAY 2013 2 3 30 JANUARY M JAN 6 Ear 24 5Gr. K-12 Spring Break,JANUARY No School 24 SGr. K-12 M Early T Release W T Winter Break S S APRIL 2013 1-5 Gr. K-12 Ear 29Early 20 28Gr. K-6 21-22 21-22 16Gr. K-12 Conferences 17 Early 18 Release, 19 20 21 22 4 25 DECE Thanksgiving 14 1 1 3 School Board Adopted April 28, 2011 S 10 Early 11 Release, 12 13 14 15 20 9Gr. K-6 Conferences 2 18 24 Gr. K-12 Ear 8 21Gr. K-6 22Early S F 17 27 7Gr. K-12 8 Ear 20 T 11 Gr. K-6 Early 18 31President's D 1 13 W 4 10 15 SMid-Winter M Bre 19 T Veteran's Da 3 24 12 M M Gr. K-12 Ear 17 11 S Gr. K-6 Early S Gr. K-6 Early Release, Conferences 18 DECEMBER Lummi nation 16-21 7 MARCH 2013 6 S Veteran's Day Observed, No School NOVEMBER JANUARY 2013 S M T W T 1 Winter Break, No School 1 2 NOVEMBER Gr. K-12 Early Release Gr. K-12 Ear NOV 2 T 28 24 15 W OCTOBER First Day of S Gr. K-12 Ear 22 T 23 5 26 14 M 24 Teacher Wor 21 S 1 Labor Day, N 4 OCT Scho 1 5 2First Day 3 of4School 5 6 26 Gr. K-12 Early Release SEPTEMBER F Teacher Work Day 3 26 18 Gr. K-12 Early Release, Last School Day School Board Adopted April 28, 2011 19-21 Inclement Weather Make-Up Days 13 M Gr. K-6 Earl JU 5 8 18 19-21 S M Gr. K-12 Ear FHS Gradua 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 Gr. K-12 Ear Inclement W 30 SQUOL QUOL Community Updates Jamming with the Commod Squad The ladies having a good laugh making jam at Commods. Commods new worker Dewey Solomon. Tanesha and George Lane making Elaines homemade yeast rolls. George, Jessie Felix, Tyrone Solomon and Patty Chance. 2 0 12 Patty, Christine, Annah and Verna Having a great time making jam. Julie Jefferson and Amy Reily making jam. Poon-Jab and Lummi Princess Tanesha Lane making the dough. Enrollments Vela Julius making jam. Connie Martin- enjoying the bread and jam. 7 Lummi nation Squol Quol 8 SQUOL QUOL Native Vote 2012 LIBC ELECTIONS GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING Appointment of Certifying Committee for the 2012 LIBC Election Monday, October 1st, 2012 Questions Vela K. Kamkoff 360-384-2237 Tamera Julius 360-384-2363 Christine Cultee 360-384-2206 Silver Reef Casino, Pavillion 5:00 p.m. Dinner provided • Election Office is located in the HR Building, both office spaces located in the main hallway. • Primary Election voter registration is available until October 5, 2012 and General Election voter registration is available until October 24, 2012. • Some names were removed from the voter’s list for not voting in three (3) consecutive years or the voter moved out of Whatcom County. Positions open for the 2012 LIBC elections are: Position E (On) Position F (On) Position G (On/Off) Clifford Cultee Cheryl Kinley-Sanders Levi Jefferson Petitions for candidacy become available on September 10, 2012 • Pick up Petition for Candidacy at the Election Office located in the HR building during regular working hours, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. • Only registered voters may sign a petition. Petition return deadline SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 at 4:30 P.M. Dates to be aware of: September 10, 2012 Candidate Petitions available ( 2nd Monday ) September 15, 2012 Voters list posted at least 30 days prior to an election September 28, 2012 Candidate Petitioning deadline ( 4th Friday ) October 5, 2012 Voter registration closed for Primary Election October 20th, 2012 LIBC Primary Elections October 23th, 2012 Certification of Primary Election Results October 23st, 2012 Voter Registration closed (for General) November 3, 2012 General Election November 6th, 2012 Certification of the 2012 General Election Primary election: Saturday October 20, 2012 General election: Saturday November 3, 2012 Election Committee for the 2012 LIBC Elections are as follows: Theresa Lawrence Loreen Wilbur Donna Cultee Teresa Butler, Chair Adrian Jefferson–Ayosa Rosalynn Bland, Vice-Chair Lummi Indian Business Council General Council Meeting 2 0 12 Monday October 1, 2012 5:00PM ~ SRC Pavilion ~ Dinner 9 Squol Quol Native Vote Lummi Nation’s voter’s list Lummi nation If you are not on this list stop by the election office to register to vote in Lummi Nation tribal elections. Adams, Alannah Elizabeth Adams, Charlotte Lee Ann Adams, Dionne Marie Adams, Garnet James Adams, Gordon Oliver Adams Jr., Gordon Oliver Adams, Joseph Arthur Adams, Kayla Marion Adams, Matthew Abraham Adams, Perry Melvin Adams Sr., Ronald Lester Adams, Rudy Stewart Adams, Thomas Scott Adams, Vera Ellen Adams - Decoteau, Georgina Dee Alaniz, Virginia Winifred Aleck, Bobby Nicoale Alexander, Charene Tiffane Alexander, Francis William Alvarez, Luann Marie Antiste, Sharon Grace Antonio, Victory Hillaire Armstrong, Jolene Marie Badilla, Marie Jean Ballew, Aletha Mary Ballew, Alissa Sadie Ballew, Casimir Gerard Ballew, Cathy Ann Ballew, Cesarita Ballew, Edith Rena Ballew, Jacqueline Marie Ballew, James Daniel Ballew, Janet Marie Ballew Sr., John Glen Ballew, Leanne Renee Ballew, Leonard Ira Ballew, Marie Lynn Ballew, Mary Donna Ballew Sr., Matthew David Ballew Sr., Paul Luke Ballew, Randall James Ballew Jr., Richard David Ballew III, Richard David Ballew, Richard Jacob Ballew II, Timothy James Ballew Sr., Timothy James Ballew, Tomasina Ann Ballew, Waylon Joseph Ballew, Wayne Gerrard Ballew, Wayne Randall Barnes, Cideahzia Maranda Bell, Angela Karen Bell Jr., Stephen Daniel Bellefeuille, Josephine Ann Bennett, Josephine Ellen Benson, Janice Kay Berger, Gilbert James Bergerson, Julia Darlene Bewley, Gideon Thomas Bewley, Kenneth Wayne Bland, Carmen Jean Bland, Rosalynn Irene Bob, Christopher Lee Bob Sr., Clarence Allen Bob, Colette Renae Bob, Colin Russell Bob, Darcy Lynn Angelina Bob, Diana Rae Bob, Frank Eugene Bob, James Herbert Bob, Jeffrey Arnold Bob, Melissa Holly Bob, Mable Raeann Bob, Nanette Marie Bob Sr., Nicky Joe Bob, Ralph Brandon Bob, Ralph Franklin Bob, Roger Timothy Bob, Shirley Ann Bob, Theresa Mae Bob, Timothy Joseph Bob, Wesley Douglas Boome, Ruby Louise Borsey, Emily Annie Boure, Amanda Rayann Boure, Clarissa Marie Boxberger, Winona Cecelia Brady, Sarah Michelle Brewer, Ernest Lee Brionez, Laurie Ann Brockie, Jason Darnell Brockie, Lila Ann Brockie Jr., Travis Conely Bunton, Audrey Marie Bunton, Jack Arthur Cagey Bunton Sr., Robert Christopher Bunton Jr., Robert Christopher Bunton, Shirley A. Bunton, Wildena Lorraine Bura, Sandra Marie Butler, Teresa Marie Cadiente, Lois Marie Cadiente, Nicole Lee Cadiente Sr., Richard Ludivico Cagey, Alec Henry Cagey, Amber Dawn Cagey, Autumn Rae Cagey, Beverly Ann Cagey, Braelynn Maxine Cagey, Christine Ann Cagey, Clarence Joseph Cagey, Clarence Monty Cagey, Clint Billy Jack Cagey, Curtis Martin Cagey, Elida Beverly Cagey, George Merle Cagey, Georgia Ray Cagey, Henry Matthew Cagey, Jaylyned Joseph Kutch Cagey, Linda Rose Cagey, Mary Helen Cagey, Mary Samantha 10 Cagey, Mona Lee Cagey, Raymond Manuel Cagey III Samuel Joseph Cagey Jr., Samuel Michael Cagey, Virginia Lee Cagey, Wendy Janine Cagey, Yvonne Marie Cano, Shilo Lee Cano -Martin, Shasta Little Star Cantera, Robert John Canute Jr., Albert Gabriel Canute, Amelia Fiona Cardoza, Mary Louise Carter, Chrystal Marie Case, Marjorie Marlene Casimir, Carlene Mary Casimir, Charlene Janice Casimir, Paul A. Casimir, Riley Timothy Casimir-Tobey, Melanie Lou Castaneda, Charles Jonathan Castaneda, Evelyn Rose Chance, Cheryl Ann Charles, Adrianne Clare Charles, Clifford A. Charles Sr., George Anthony Charles, Gordon James Charles, Kathleen Joyce Charles Sr., Ray Chrisman, Ada Catherine Christianson, Nanette Edith Cisneros, Merena Lynn Cladoosby, Denae Valentine Conway, Theresa Mary Cook, Lisa Ann Cooke, Janice Christine Cooke, Nicholas Daniel Cooke, Patricia Ann Cooke, Sandra Nan Cooke, Virginia Marie Cooper, Ginny Lee Tysa Cooper Jr., Jerry Allen Cooper, Justin Rob Cordero, Tess Nanett Coss, Kymberlie Ann Coss, Sharon Elizabeth Cultee, Alaysha Rose Cultee, Alvin Francis Cultee, Anna Marie Cultee, Cara Natalie Cultee, Christine Mary Cultee Jr., Christopher Paul Cultee Sr., Christopher Paul Cultee, Cindy Lou Cultee Jr., Clifford Aaron Cultee, Donna Mae Cultee, Elizabeth Ann Cultee, Jean Francine Cultee Sr., Kevin Matthew Cultee III, Kitsap Solomon Cultee Jr., Loren Eric Cultee Sr., Loren Eric Cultee Sr., Nathan Allen Cultee, Susan Deanne Cultee, Tamara Jean Cultee, Tashina Marie Cultee-Johnson, Amanda Jean Cultee-Rosser, Stephen Robert Davis, Jason Michael Davis, Joy Lynn Elizabeth Davis III, Robert Rae Deardorff, Jessie Louise Deardorff Jr., Leroy Valentino Deardorff Sr., Leroy Valentino Deardorff, Tracy Renae Decoteau, Anthony Charles Delgado, Linda Louise Dennis, Angela Rose Dennis, Lorayne Leann Dennis, Lyn Doraine Dennis, Marlin N. Dennis III, Robert Levi Dennis Jr., Robert Levi Diggs, Tiffany Renee Dillon, Regina Ann Dodd, Mariah Jamie Eckenberg, Linda Sue Edwards, Bonnie Sue Edwards, Dale Eugene Edwards Jr., Darrel Leo Allen Edwards Sr., Darrel Leo Allen Edwards, Douglas Ralph Edwards, Dwayne C. Edwards, Janice L. Edwards, Leanna Therese Edwards, Leo Brian Edwards Jr., Thomas Egawa, Frederick Thomas Egawa, Marie Yukie Elzey, Shawnee Jo Estes, Galen L. Feliciano, Leilani Frances Feliciano Jr., Vincent John Felix, Johnny Dave Felix-Cooke, Joleen Medel Fields, Anne G. Finkbonner, Amy Christine Finkbonner, Arnold Frederick Finkbonner, Becki Marie Finkbonner, Bernard Ryan Finkbonner, Betty Elaine Finkbonner, Brenda Denise Finkbonner, Bridgett Rae Finkbonner, Charles Darvine Finkbonner, Coreen Lee Finkbonner, Dennis Charles Finkbonner, Gerald Lee Finkbonner, Jana Marie Finkbonner, Janice Hazel Finkbonner, Jeannie Marie Finkbonner, Jeffrey Brian Finkbonner, Joan Marie Finkbonner, Julie Rae Finkbonner Jr., Lawrence Frank Finkbonner Sr., Lawrence Frank Finkbonner, Michael Joseph Finkbonner, Miranda Jo Finkbonner, Nikki Jo Finkbonner, Paul L. Finkbonner, Raydean Colleen Finkbonner, Richard A. Finkbonner, Robert Charles Finkbonner, Robert Landon Charles Finkbonner, Robin Randell J. Finkbonner Jr., Ronald Frank Finkbonner Sr., Ronald Frank Finkbonner, Roy Martin Finkbonner, Sandra Lee Finkbonner, Tracy Onawa Jean Finkbonner, William John Finkbonner, William Roswell Fitzgibbon, Sunshine Helena Francis, Theodore Kelly Galler, Anthony Terrance Gambler, Alvira E. Gaona, Angela Lee Greene Gaona, Bricenguy Greene Gaona, Dolly Ann Garcia Sr., Ernest Clifford Garcia, Howard Gensaw, Ernestine Marie George, Alexis Cherelle George, Arlene E. George, Brian Christopher George Jr., Donald Aaron George, Farah Katherine George, James Lee George, James Ronald M. George, Judith Ann George, Kenny Davis George, Lalaneya Lynn George, Linda Louise George, Marilyn Rose George Sr., Markus Allen George, Marsha Seraphine George, Michael Alan George, Michelle Alice George, Mira Valerie George, Patrick George George, Renalynn Evangeline George IV, Robert Warren George, Russell Steven George Sr., Travis Allen George, Troy Lee Gilland, Wilma Joyce Green, Leanne Margaret Greene, Casie Rae Greene, George Ray Greene, Joel William Greene II, John Nathan Greene Sr., John Nathan Greene, Kyle Little Eagle Greene, Lindsey Janae Greene, Maureen Marie Greene, Muriel Geraldine Greene, Richard Michael Guerrero, George Marcell Hall, Joanne Lee Hall, Raynette Alice Hall, Roberta Anne Harper, Edna Dorothy Hawk, Niki Jo Hayward, Bernadette Mae Hayward, Nathan Joseph Hillaire, Albert Bruce Hillaire, Anthony Derek Hillaire, Carla Rae Hillaire, Clyde Andrew Hillaire, Darrell Steven Hillaire, David James Hillaire, Deborah Marie Hillaire, Edward Antone Hillaire Sr., Edward Daniel Hillaire, Elden David Hillaire, Georgianna Irene Hillaire, Gilbert Justin Hillaire, Henry A. Hillaire, Henry Patrick Hillaire, Hilary Franchesca Hillaire, Irene Evelyn Hillaire, James R. Hillaire, Jessica Fay Hillaire Sr., Joseph Eric Hillaire, Kateri Lee Hillaire, Kendall Mark Hillaire, Kimberly Renee Hillaire, Marcus Dale Hillaire, Maria Eloise Hillaire, Mary Christine Hillaire, Pauline Rose Hillaire, Penny Carol Hillaire, Priscilla Deeann Hillaire, Rodney Boyd Hillaire, Terrance Arthur Hillaire, Terrance Joseph Hillaire-Warbus, Ethel Dianne Hillaire-Landsem, Marcelle Teresa Hillaire-Lumbert, Breeanna C. Holmes, Jan Marie Hootchew, Geraldine Patricia Horne, Cynthia Gae Horne Sr., Louis Donald Horne, Vickie Lorraine Hoskins, Elias Hottowe, Judith Ann Howell, Arthur F. Howell, Diana F. Humphreys, Althea Amonda Humphreys, Amanda Eunice Humphreys, Annie Loretta Humphreys, III Arthur William Humphreys, Charlene May Humphreys, Kathleen Gay Ides, Hamen Perry Ides, Maxine E. Jack, Crystal Renee Jackson, James Duane Jackson, Jonas Leo Jackson, Patricia Simone Jackson, Raini Shontae James, Aaron Jay James, Albert George James, Amalia Ladean James, Amy Ruth James, Ariel Libby James Jr., Armour Joseph James Sr., Armour Joseph James, Besalynn Mary James, Betty Marie James, Brad Peter James, Brian Harold James, Caleb Saul James, Colleen Mary James, Cordelia Anne Irene Rosemary James, Daryl Antony James, David Allen James III, David Frank James Sr., David Frank James Jr., David Frank James, Elisia Ann James, Frances Gladys James, Garfield Robert James, Gary Gene James, Gayle Ellen James, Genevieve Anastacia James, Gerald Ivan James, Harlan Clark James, Harold Leroy James, Iris Adreen James, Iris Ann James Jr., Jeffrey Joel James, Jewell Praying Wolf James, Johnee Janel James, Josepheus Jade James, Josephine Adeline James, Kaleen Cassandra M. James, Krysta Rose James, Lisa Muriel James Sr., Lonnie Jess James, Marion Denise James, Marjorie Ann James, Matthew Robert James, Michael Ray James, Michelle Lynette James, Nathan Daniel James Sr., Norbert Steven James, Pamela Elaine James, Patricia Ann James Sr., Peter Joseph James, Ramona Elena James, Raphael Paul James, Raymond Vern James, Regina Cherie James Jr., Reynold Carl James Sr., Reynold Carl James, Samantha Kristine James, Sarah Renee James, Sheri Catherine James, Sybil Louise James, Tessa Marie James, Thelma Mae James, Thomas Todd James, Walter Dana James Jr., Warren Francis James, William Arthur Jameson, Crystal Ann Jameson Jr., Vincent Jameson Sr., Vincent Jansen Sr., Errol Conroy Jansen, Mark Dellane Jefferson, Alan Patrick Jefferson Sr., Alexander Andrew Jefferson Jr., Alexander Andrew Jefferson, Alexandra Ann Jefferson, Alice Lewis Jefferson, Alissa Ranay Jefferson, Allen Gerald Jefferson, Alma Louise Jefferson, Andrea Rose Jefferson, Angela Candace Jefferson, Angelo James Jefferson, Anna Rose Jefferson, Benadict James Jefferson Sr., Boyd Matthew Jefferson, Candy Louise Jefferson, Charles William Jefferson, Coreena Ann Jefferson, Daniel Lee Jefferson, Daria Mary Rose Jefferson IV, David Hugh Jefferson III, David Hugh Jefferson Jr., Delfred Mark Jefferson, Denise Jaqueline Jefferson, Doris Ann Jefferson, Erin Lillian Jefferson Jr., Ernest Joseph Jefferson III, Ernest Joseph Jefferson, Eva Terece Jefferson, Evelyn Darlene Jefferson, Felix James Jefferson III, Francis L Jefferson, Gail Marie Jefferson, Gale Gabriel Jefferson, Gale Raynard Jefferson, Gerald Michael Jefferson, Issac George Jefferson, James Carleton Jefferson, Janet Kathleen Jefferson, Jennifer Lynn Jefferson, John Alexander Jefferson, Juanita Irene Jefferson, Julie Ann Jefferson, Justina Mae Jefferson, Karyl Susan Jefferson, Kelli Roxann Jefferson, Kelly Ann Jefferson, Kendra Kayla Angelina Jefferson, Kristina Marie Jefferson Jr., Leonard Patrick Jefferson Sr., Levi Leslie Jefferson, Lynette Marie Jefferson, Meriah Jean Jefferson Sr., Merle Benidict Jefferson, Michael Delfred Jefferson, Michael Steven Jefferson, Michelle Marie Jefferson, Nicole Deanne Jefferson III Ralph Charles Jefferson Jr., Ralph Charles Jefferson Sr., Ralph Charles Jefferson Sr., Raymond Francis Jefferson, Rebecca Anne Jefferson, Rita Nicolassa Jefferson, Rob Douglas Jefferson, Robert Earl Jefferson, Royrey Daniels Jefferson, Sally Anne Jefferson, Samantha Anne Jefferson, Sandra Rose Jefferson, Stacie Gaye Jefferson, Tanya Marie Jefferson, Teresa May Jefferson, Toni Renee Jefferson, Veda Ann Jefferson, Velda Rose Jefferson, Verna May Jefferson, Vicky Lynn Jefferson Jr., William David Jefferson, William Toby Jefferson-Ayosa, Adrian Gabriel Jefferson-Ayosa, Tabitha Jeanne Jefferson-Greene, Bonnie Jean Jeffries, Cora Delphine Jeffries, James Owen Jeffries, Nathaniel Owen Jimmie, Jordie Scott Jimmy, Antonia Venissa Marie Joe, Laurie Elouise John Jr., Ernest Francis John, Juanita Marie John, Patricia Laurel John, Salina Marie John, William Lloyd Johnnie, Al Scott Johnson, Andrea Karen Johnson, Anita Louise Johnson, Ardellina R. Johnson, Charles Joseph Johnson, Cheryl Marie Johnson, David Matthew Johnson, David Michael Johnson, Howard Steven Johnson, Janelle Jacqueline Johnson, Jodean Marie Johnson Jr., Joseph Johnson, Kanem Jeremy Johnson, Kent Duane Johnson, Marianne Vivian Johnson, Mary Jane Johnson, Richard Dennis Johnson, Robert Dewey Johnson, Rosemarie Ann Johnson, Sean Dewey Johnson, Sharon A. Johnson, Todd Joseph Johnson Sr., Verne Aloysius Johnson Sr., Vernon Victor Johnson, Victor Lee Jojola, Idelle Anne Jojola, Juliene Crystal Jones, Clyde August Jones, Darren Lee Jones, Edward Lee Jones, Guy Everett Jones, Josephine Julia Jones, Julianne Irene Jones Sr., Lance Daniel Jones, Merisa Karleen Jones, Rosanna Alane Jones, Threasa Marie Jones Jr., William Earl Jones Sr., William Earl Jones-Phair, Ginger Allison Joy, Nadine Marie Juarez, Barbara Arlene Jules, Dillon Marice Julius, Aaron Scott Julius, Anthony Haynes Julius, Christine Mary Julius, Christopher Blayne Lee Julius, Gail Louise Julius, Gary Richard Julius, Haynes Rodney Julius, James Michael Julius, Jeremiah Jay Julius, Kacia Anne Julius, Marcia Dee Julius, Misty Kathleen Julius, Shelli Leann Julius, Tamera Jeneen Julius, Tami Teresa Julius, Tawny Iesha Julius, Taylor Anthony Julius, Teresa Ellen Julius, Victoria Jean Kamkoff, Alexander Felix Kamkoff, Charles Henry Kamkoff, Christian Alexander Kamkoff, Daniel Andrew Kamkoff, Edward Douglas Kamkoff, Edward Romaka Kamkoff, Jamie Lee Rose Kamkoff, Vela Kathleen Kamkoff, Wylie J. Kamkoff-James, Josephine L. Kawakone, Tahnee Raven Kelly, Gordon James Kelly, Juanita Dawn Kelly, Kendra Anna Kelly, Kevin Alvin Kelly, Mary Ann Kiely, Ada Marie Kinley, Billie Jean Kinley, Cindy Marie Kinley, Eleanor Donna Lee Kinley, Jeri Anna Kinley, Karlie Jai Elizabeth Kinley, Kristin Leanna Kinley, Larry George Kinley, Lloyd Levine Kinley, Maureen R. Kinley, Nicole Lynn Kinley Jr., Randolph James Kinley Sr., Randolph James Kinley, Rebecca Rose Kinley Sr., Richard Allen Kinley, Scott Levene Kinley, Sharon Rose Kinley, Sherri Lynn Kinley, Steven Norbert Kinley, Thomas Dwight Kinley-Bob, Tyler Nickolas Kinley-Sanders, Sheena Marie Kopplin Jr., Christopher Allen Kopplin, Misty Lee Kurtz, John Paul Kurtz, Mellisa Florence Laclair, Angeline Sylvia Laclair, Bernard W. Laclair, Coreen Renea Laclair, Cyril James Laclair, Cyril Thais Laclair, Dee Anna Fey Laclair Sr., Edward Charles Laclair, Helena Ivy Ann Laclair, Henry Marcel Laclair, Jeannette Naylene Laclair Sr., Joseph L Laclair, Kassandra Mae Laclair, Marcella Jean Laclair, Phillip Lavander Laclair Sr., Raymond Francis Laclair, Richard Kenneth Laclair, Smokey Charles Laclair, Vanessa Martine Laclair, Wilbert Paul Laclair Jr., Wilfred Ernest Laclair Sr., Wilfred Ernest Laclair, William Francis Laclair, William Patrick Laclair-Lane, Trena Bernadette Lambert, Stephanie Anne Landsem, Shelby Anne Lane, Alfred Matthew Lane, Alyssa Irenee Lane, Angelina Christina Lane, Anjanette Rose Lane III, Arthur Christopher Lane Sr., Carl David Lane, Carol Ann Lane, Chantelle Vanessa Lane, Crystal Lee Lane, Darlene Velma Lane, Doreen Mae Lane, Elaine Marie Lane III, Ernest Oscar Lane Jr., Ernest Oscar Lane, Fredrick Francis Lane, Geneva Stephanie Lane Jr., George Francis Lane Sr., George Francis Lane, Glen Henry Lane, Jack Harold Lane, James Martin Lane, Janet Ann Lane, Jeffery Frank Lane, Joanna Marie Lane, Jonathan Michael Lane, Kyralee Lynn Lane, Laverne Theresa Lane, Levi Christopher Lane, Marcelline Anne Lane, Mary Teresa Lane, Michael Sean Lane, Michella Shaneen Lane, Miles Francis Lane, Patrick Dana Lane, Patrick Henry Lane, Patrisha Darlene Lane, Randolph Jon Lane, Raymond John Lane, Regina Carol Lane, Solomon Reynold Lane, Steven Francis Lane, Tanesha Marie Lane, Theresa Louise Lane, Tiana Rose Lane, Vernell Patricia Lane Jr., Vernon Adrian Lane Sr., William Adam Lane Sr., Zachary Joe Lane-Black, Deidre Rose Lane-Jefferson, Steven Corey Lane-Oneill, Liana Allison Lane-Pierre, Ayla Joy Lane-Sutton, Cleo Rose Lawrence, Carl Michel Lawrence, Charles Peter Lawrence, Colin Quin-seenum Ryan Lawrence, Crayton Santana Lawrence, Elizabeth Frances Lawrence III, Frank Louis Lawrence, George Peter Lawrence, Israel Lyle Lawrence Sr., Issac Solomon Lawrence, Jeannette Joyce Lawrence, John Wayne Lawrence Jr., Julian Anthony Lawrence, Lillian Rose Lawrence, Lucas Alex Lawrence, Mari Page Lawrence Sr., Mark Steven Lawrence Jr., Mark Steven Lawrence, Michael James Lawrence Sr., Paul Victor Lawrence, Sean Michael Lawrence, Theresa Ann Lawrence, Tina Marie Lawrence, Wilfred Alex Leach, Robert Ryan Legarde, Bernard Amos Leighton, Heather Honey Long, Kenneth Apiani Long, Ralph Alexander Loureiro, David A. Loyd, Bradley Ryan Lucero, Lori Ann Lumbert, Brandon Earl Mahle, Krista Jo Angeline Mamac, Meagan Florence Marois, Debbie Jo Marois Jr., James Ray Marois, Kristina Marie Marois, Merena Louise Ellen Francel Marois, Thomas Edward Marquez, Antonio Evan R. Marquez, Dorotea Darrell Lee Marquez, Lillian Charlene Martin, Akesha Mary Martin, Carmen Mary Martin, Constance Gayle Martin, Emmeline Rose Martin, Erica Shawneen Martin III, Francis Henry Martin, Garrick Shawn Martin, Germaine Little Eagle Martin, Hope Ann Martin, Janine Della Martin Jr., Jay Ruduloph Martin, Josephine A. Martin, Manda Emilie Martin, Marcell Henry Martin, Margaret A. Martin, Melissa Rose Martin, Shane Little Cloud Martin, Stephanie Renay Martin Sr., Wendell Noel Matthiesen, Ashley Ann McCluskey, Isabelle Evelynn McCluskey, Russell Charles Mcdonald, Ramona Lisa McDougal, Marilyn L. McLean, Milton Neal Messer, William John Miller, Charles Anchena Cheanna Miller, Charles Dale Leo Miller, Kenneth Ran Miller, Shontae Christine Mireau, Phillip Kenneth Mireau, Teresa Misanes Jr., Gerald Walter Misanes, Gertrude Elizabeth Misanes, Inauncio Henry Misanes, Miranda Faith Misanes Sr., Vincent Leroy Misanes Jr., Vincent Leroy Mitchell, Cassandra Kay Mitchell, Muriel Dora Mitchell Jr., Robert Steven Mohr, Becky Lynn Montenegro, Connie Dee Moore, Stacey Lynn Morganroth, Henry Lee Morganroth, Marilyn Morganroth, Mary Fran Morris, Cheri Rose Morris, Frank Dion Morris, Mary Angeline Morris, Ramona Morris Sr., Raphael James Morris Jr., Raphael James Morris, Rayanne Carolyn Morris Jr., Robert Joseph Morris Sr., Robert Joseph Morris Jr., Ronald Patrick Morris, Talin Lee Morris III, Thomas James Moss, Mae Muniz, Renee Elaine Nau, Marie Annette Neil, Mary Michelle Neil, Terri Jeane Nevins, Tricia Laureen Nickolsen, Herbert Oscar Noland Sr., Al Norman Noland, Maxine Arlene Noland Jr., Ronald Lee Noland Sr., Ronald Lee Noland, Tamera Christine Noland-James, Audrey Adeline Norcross, Carol Ann Oldham, Martin Sean Oliver, Steven Neal Olsen, April Irene Olsen, Dale Lee Olsen, Darlene Ann Olsen Sr., Darren Ray Olsen, Haley Nicole Olsen, Lola Lee Olsen, Loretta E. Olsen, Tara Leigh Olsen, Thomas James Olsen, Tracy Marie Olsen, Troy Herman Oreiro, David William Cagey Ostrand, Vanessa Catharine Owings, Irenee Jo Vonn Owings, Malcolm Craig Owings, Maria Cristina Owings, Ramona D. Pantalia, Joseph Alan Pantalia, Ryan James Pantalia, Timothy Jon Parker, Betty Jean Parsons, Carol Laura Paul, Eugene Elmer Paul, Johnny Edwin Paul, Linda Joy Paul, Priscilla Belle Paull, Robert Martin Perez, Jennifer Marie Perez, Merrilee Sharon Perez, Sharon Ruth Perkins, Natasha Marie Perkins, Vesta Elizabeth Perkins, Violet Gail Peters, Brian Christopher Peters, Carolyn Marie Peters, Loreen Ann Peters, Makalie June Peters, Michael A. Peters, Richard Frederick Peters, Shayna Michelle Peterson, Gwendolyn Marie Phair, Adam James Phair, Alta Georgia Phair, Ardith Marie Phair, Bobbi Jean Phair, Celina Rose Phair, Christopher John Phair, Crystal Gayle Phair, Cynthia Sue Phair, Diana Renee Phair, Elaina Angel Phair, Gail Alice Phair, Gordon Scott Phair, Gordon Stuart Phair, Jessica Lee Phair, Johanna Taci Phair Sr., Joseph Levi Phair Jr., Joseph Levi Phair, Joshua Logan Phair, Lisa Robin Phair, Lorna Margaret Phair Sr., Mark Stephen Phair, Marvin Lee Phair, Marya Lynn Phair, Michael Lee Phair, Patricia May Phair, Rachel Joy Phair Sr., Ronald Clarence Phair, Terry Leon Phair, Valerie Joy Phare, Darrell Wayne Phare, Richard James Phare, Sheryl Monica Marie Pierre, Brian Lee Pierre, Bruce Steven Pierre, Kathy Ann Placid, Martina Plaster, James Gale Plaster, Lee Allen Plaster, Marina C. Plaster, Michael Dale Plaster, Norbert Paul Point, Adam Christopher Point, Andrea Dorreen Point, Deanna Crystal Point, Ernestine Ann Point, Evlyn Rose Point, Flavian Syril Point, Verna Marie Porter, Laura Marie Priest, Chad Barrett Priest, Lawrence William Priest, Rena Marie Rabang, Felicia Rose Rabang, Teresa Ray Stinta Ramos, Marie Elaine Redlightning, Inez May Revey Sr., Andre Reginald Revey, Brandon Andre Revey, Carol Mavis Revey, Christopher Avery Revey, Christopher Ross Revey Sr., Dennis Leroy Revey Jr., ,Dennis Leroy Revey, Farren Michelle Revey Sr., George Jay Revey, James Christopher Revey, Jason James Revey, Jaysonha Jaid Revey, Jean Alice Revey, Jean Ernestine A. Revey, Johnny Melvin Revey, Leslye Renee Revey, Lisa Marie Revey, Mackenzie Mildred Revey, Mary Ann Irene Revey, Monica Ann Revey, Rosalee Arlene Revey, Rosalee Marie Revey, Ryan Thomas Revey Jr., Valentino E. Revey III, Valentino Emanuel Revey Sr., William Casimir Richan, Mellanie Eve Ridley, Daral Gay Ridley, Daralee Mary A. Ridley, Maria Kay Ridley, Richard Patrick Roberts, Barbara Marie Roberts, Sharon Marie Rodriguez, Alesha Mary Rodriguez, Katrina Rose Rosario, Brenton Charles Rosario, Patricia Ann Rosario, Rita Marie Rosario, Terri Lynn Russell, Carey Lloyd Sampson, Raphael Paul Sanchez, Charles Levi Sanders, Cheryl Lynn Sanders, Darrel Lee Sanders, Karl Francis Sanders, Leah Renee Sanders, Mitchell Francis Santana, Lisa Michelle Scarborough, Bethany Shane Scarborough, Darryl George Scarborough, Kim Dorothy Scarborough, Mary Ernestine Scarborough, Tyson Lee Schaeffer, Patrick Aaron Schnackenberg, Colby Alan Schumacher, Hazel D. Native Vote Scott, Angel Renae Scott, Barbara Elaine Scott, Cameron Charles Scott, Celestina Elizabeth Scott, Charles Albert Scott Jr., James Scott Sr., James Scott, Karen E. Scott Jr., Paul David Scott Sr., Ralph Richard Scott Jr., Ralph Richard Scott, Rosalie Irene Shanburn, Misty Dawn Simmonds, Roman Gabriel Simmonds, Ursula Dawn Simmonds, Veronica Ann Simmonds Sr., Ward Christopher Simmonds Jr., Ward Christopher Smith, Janice Jane Smith, Nicole Dee Solomon, Amy N. Solomon, April Marie Solomon, Bobbie Sue Solomon, Brad Lee Solomon, Brandy Cyrene Solomon, Brenda Caron Solomon, Bridgette Arlene Solomon, Candace Cyrene Solomon, Carrie Ann Solomon Jr., Charles Luke Solomon, Charlotte Adelle Solomon, Cheryl Ann Solomon, Christina Dawn Solomon, Crystal Nadine Marie Solomon, Cutrina Faith Solomon Sr., Dewey Nicholas Solomon, Elizabeth Elaine Solomon, Felicia Joy Solomon Jr., Felix Michael Solomon Jr., Glen Rudy Solomon, Grant Lewis Solomon, Heidi Rose Solomon, Jacqueline Rose Solomon Sr., James Anthony Solomon, James Clarence Solomon, Janet Holly Solomon, Jazelle Elizabeth Mae Solomon, Jeffery Allen Solomon, Jeni Lee Solomon, Jennifer Rose Solomon Jr. John Lewis Solomon, Karen Lynn Solomon, Karla Nadine Anne Solomon, Kathleen Vera Solomon, Kirk L. Solomon, Laura Ann Rose Solomon, Laura Lee Solomon, Leo Felix Solomon, Leon Jarvis Solomon, Loralee M. Solomon, Mary Anne Solomon, Melanie Elizabeth Solomon Sr., Michael William Solomon Jr., Michael William Solomon, Mitchell Scott Solomon, Patricia R. Solomon, Ralph W. Solomon, Raphael Joseph Solomon, Richard Stephen Solomon, Rosalie Esther Solomon, Ruth Virginia Solomon, Sharon Grace Solomon Sr., Steven Sidney Solomon, Theodore Scott Solomon, Timothy Allen Solomon, Timothy Justin Solomon, Tina Joann Solomon, Toby William Solomon, Tonya Marie Solomon, Tyrone Anthony Solomon Sr., Victor Dean Solomon, William Boyd Solomon, Wilma Vera Spencer, Lucille Marilyn Splockton, Christina Cesarita Stremler, Maxine Faye Sturgeon, Janelle Ellen Sturgeon Jr., Kyle Ronald Sturgeon Jr., William B. Sutton, Donald Clinton Tait, Candice Joyce Tait, Karen Marie Taldo, Star Lynn Tally, Bobbie Joe Christine Tally, Robert Joseph C. Tally, Vontella Clara Tapuro Jr., Roque A Taylor, Carmen Estelle Taylor, Justina Marie Taylor-Oliver, Teresa N. Thomas, Aaron Martin Thomas, Belle Jean Thomas, Bernard P. Thomas, Danielle Marie Thomas Jr., George Reynold Thomas, Irene Mercedes Thomas, Julie Marie Thomas, Monica Marie Thomas, Randall Benjamin Thomas, Sarah Ashley Thomas-Miller, Yvonne M. Toby, Albert Kevin Toby, Anthony Rene Toby, Ashley Sharmel Toby, Carlene Anne Toby, Carolee Toby, Cyrus Jordan Toby Sr., Jermaine Lee Toby, Jerome Nicolas Toby, Latisha Nicole Toby, Lisa Rae Toby, Louella Ann Toby, Lucetta M. Toby, Nicholas William Toby, Stephaine Dawn Toby, Steven Mark Toby, Taliah Marie Toby, Verla Joy Toby Jr., Verle Anthony Toby Sr., Verle Anthony Toby, Viola Mary Toby-Revey, Loretta Marie Toler, Cheryl Dora Tom, Carol Mavis Tom, Dustin Clayton Tom Sr., Jerome Albert Tom, Karen Kay Tom Jr., Keith Jeffery Tom, Laura Rose Tom, Lawrence Tom, Lexie Jean Tom, Lorita Louise Tom, Peter Lawrence Tom, Ralph Richard Tom, Randy Robert Tom, Reatha Alexandrea Tom, Regina Dawn Tom, Tammy Jo Tom, Thomas Peter Tommy, Joyce Topaum, Patricia Ann Torres, Gerald Lavar Torres, Julie Ann Tso, Lena Anne Tso, Samuel Nakai Turner, Gloria Rose Urbanec, La Belle Veronica Vargas, Doreen Eve Veale, Carol Ann Victor Jr., Frederick Ambrose Victor, Peter Wall, Joyce Elaine Warbus, Cynthia Lena Warbus Jr., Floyd Thomas Warbus, Josephine Susan Warbus, Judy R. Warbus, Kalvin George Warbus, Kelly Jean Warbus, Kristina Renee Warbus, Laudine Marie Warbus, Robert Arthur Warbus, Rose Andrea Ward, Chad Eli Ware, Esther Janice Washington, Alphonso Dean Washington, Antone Bennett Washington, Autumn Rose Washington, Bernalyn Ann Washington Jr., Charles Edward Washington Sr., Charles Edward Washington, Danita V. Washington, Ernestine Frances Washington, Geraldine Gail Washington, Gloria Jean Washington, Ivan Louis Washington, Joseph Edward Washington, Lucas Washington, Marcelene Ann Washington, Marlisa Anne Washington Sr., Robert Francis Washington Jr., Robert Francis Washington, Sharlaine Marie Washington Jr., Vendean James Washington-Mamac, Victoria Lee Weeks, Dawnelle Florence Weeks Jr., Donald Monte Wesley, John Clarence Wilbur, Joseph Allen Wilbur, Loreen Joan Wilbur, Nadine Clara Wilbur, Raymond James Wilkinson, Cyrus August Willard III, Alfred Earl Willard, Emily Jane Willett, Lucy Rose Williams, Carlene Deanne Williams, Christian Lawrence Williams, Dalenna Crystal Williams, Dean Alexander Sea Ku U Se Williams, Dean Larry Williams, George Thomas Williams, Karen Louise Williams, Laura Virginia Williams, Lorraine May Williams, Michael Darren Williams, Natalie Marie Williams, Sheri- Lee Anne Williams, Shirley Louise Williams, Stephanie Gail Wilson, Althea Dawn Wilson, Brent James Wilson, Candice Ann Wilson, Charles Russell Wilson, Cynthia Marie Wilson, Dana Gordon Wilson, Dylan Christopher Wilson Sr., Gordon Robert Wilson Jr., Gordon Robert Wilson, Helen Marie Wilson, James Henry Wilson, Michael Lawrence Wilson, Norton Anthony Wilson Sr., Robin Kent Wilson, Sara Jean Louise Wilson, Setrina Little Fawn Wolf, Sharon Lee Wolfblack, Alsie Rose Wright, Candace Hazel Wright, Shilo Marie Yniguez, Romaka Lorenzo York, Jacob Paul Scott Young, Clara Rose Young, Clarissa Isabell Zollner, Hannah Jamal Zollner, Justin Michael Zuni, Raynell Elizabeth 11 QUOL 2 0 12 SQUOL Law & Order Lummi nation Squol Quol 12 All are innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law SQUOL Opinions & Perspectives Bob’s Garage“Think like a race driver, part three” cyclists, pedestrians, or a parked vehicle on the shoulder just beyond the crest of the hill, you’re going to be very busy very suddenly. Of course the usual response is: “What about driving on a flat stretch where I can see plenty far ahead?” Photograph by Joyce Menard My response to that response is that it’s a bad By Bob Aiken habit. You are reinforcing that bad habit by continu I’m lucky in that I ally practicing it, and one don’t have to use the larger, day it’ll bite you. Better more crowded thoroughinstead to practice staying fares on my commute becentered up in the lane. It’s tween home and work. The not hard to do. Two tricks fact that I’m surrounded by that make this task easy countryside that features come to mind: First, use much in the way of natuthe passenger side mirror ral beauty and little in the to see if you can spot the way of traffic makes that fog line of the lane behind commute much more reyou. If you can’t, you’re laxing and enjoyable than on top of it. Second, once if I had to drive in town or you’ve figured out that all on the interstate. It does, of you car is left of the fog though, allow me to pay line, see where said fog closer attention to errors line intersects the hood of in driving technique that your car or bottom of your I’m engaging in as well as windshield frame. those of drivers that I come in contact with. There is much more involved here than just One that I see a lot is learning to stay in the this business of straddling center of the lane. This is the fog line with the car. practicing the basic skills Not only is it sloppy drivof car control, and gaining, but it’s dangerous if ing a greater awareness of you’re doing it while apwhere your car is on the proaching a hill. If there are road. In a sudden emer- due to conditions such gency, these are skills that as temperature, weather, blowing sand, fluids on the you may need. track, etc. There is a direct conThe driver’s job is to nection to racing here. Remember, auto racing is delay braking into the turn much more than tearing as long as possible, to turn around a track at outra- into the corner as smoothly geous speeds. Skills that as possible, and exit at the you or I practice on the highest speed he can. That roads are expanded on in means at some point in the racing – especially road curve, the driver will have racing. As Paul Petersen the car right at the edge of detailed in his book on the pavement (or maybe high performance driving, even just on the grass) on races aren’t won in the the inside of the turn. That turns. They are won on the point is referred to as the straights. The importance “apex” of the turn. For each of learning how to corner corner the correct apex is well is more involved in different. During the race, losing as little speed as changing track conditions, possible from the straight traffic, and the setups of section you are leaving to each individual car will enter the turn and finding cause the correct apex to the straightest exit out of change for each turn. The the turn so that you can driver that does well will accelerate as quickly as have been hitting the apexpossible to top speed on the es throughout the course straight section coming up. accurately and consistently. The drivers who are better To miss an apex by as little at this than other drivers as a foot is considered to be in the race will be leading an egregious error. the race. This is not magic. Each car has different handling characteristics. Each corner requires a different path through to help the driver achieve the lowest lap times possible. The road surface itself changes So what does this have to do with just tooling down a pleasant country lane? Well how about that little old lady in the Buick backing out onto the road just ahead? She’s just seen you, nails the brakes, blocking two thirds of the road, and you don’t have room to stop. The good news is that you have a third of the lane left as well as some grass to roll on before the ground drops away into a deep ditch with a culvert just a bit further ahead. So, can you get past her? Will your car fit? Hitting the culvert in the ditch will send you to the emergency room. Hitting the Buick even with your brakes locked will still pop the little old lady’s head out the window and onto the road. Here’s the steering wheel and here are the pedals. You figure it out. Keep it between the ditches and the shiny side up. September’s tip of the month: Okay, cold weather’s going to be here in a month or so. It’s a good time to check the fluids in the car, see if the battery needs replacing, and make sure your stash of emergency supplies is stocked and complete. Storytime begins in September at Lummi Library Submitted by NWIC 2 0 12 On Sept. 18, the Lummi Library will begin hosting storytime for young children. The free gatherings will take place on Tuesdays at 1p.m. and last about 30 minutes. Children and those who care for them are invited to listen to stories and sing songs. “Feel like Clive Cussler for adventure, Patricia Cornwell for mystery, Danielle Steele for romance? Check out our basement shelves for a surprise.” And those who have a valid library card from either Bellingham Public Library or Whatcom County Library can request that books from those libraries be delivered to Lummi for check out and return, McBeth said. “We have a cozy and colorful children’s corner, and have recently added to our collection of children’s “Check us out,” she books,” Valerie McBeth, said. “We may have more to Lummi Library director, said. “Come join Marty offer than you realize.” and Randall for fun with The Lummi Library is stories.” located on Northwest IndiThe library has also an College’s main campus added to its collection of at 2522 Kwina Road, and is open Monday through DVDs, McBeth said. Thursday from 8 a.m. to 7 “Less well known is p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to a collection of fiction by 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 popular authors,” she said. a.m. to 6 p.m. 13 QUOL NOTE: The following editorial(s), in no way directly reflect the opinions of Lummi Indian Business Council, it’s members or its staff, unless otherwise noted. Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please send them to: Lummi Squol Quol Editor, 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 email: squolquol@lummi-nsn.gov Squol Quol Notices IN THE TRIBAL COURT FOR THE LUMMI NATION, No. 2011 CVNP 2705 NOTICE ATTN: Jeannie Marie Ketchersid, Mason Moa, John Barrowman, & any person claiming to be the father of the following children: Kanin Ketchersid (DOB 8/8/2001); John Barrowman (Age 3). YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: that a Petition for Non-Parental Custody has been filed in the Lummi Tribal Court (Case No. 2011 CVNP 2705). You must respond to this summons and the petition by (1) contacting the Clerk of Court and stating that you will appear in court to respond orally on the record; or (2) filing a written response with the court, and serving the petitioner as shown. Your written response must state if you oppose the petition and the reasons for your opposition. If you do not take either action within 21 days after the date this summons was served on you, the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, without further notice to you, enter an order granting custody as requested in the petition. IN THE TRIBAL COURT FOR THE LUMMI NATION, No. 2012 CVNP 2935 NOTICE ATTN: John Ed Davis-Monar & any person claiming to be the father of the following children: Kaidence Davis (9-29-2002). Lummi nation YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 14 That a Petition for Non-Parental Custody has been filed in the Lummi Tribal Court (Case No. 2012 CVNP 2935). You must respond to this summons and the petition by (1) contacting the Clerk of Court and stating that you will appear in court to respond orally on the record; or (2) filing a written response with the court, and serving the petitioner as shown. Your written response must state if you oppose the petition and the reasons for your opposition. If you do not take either action within 21 days after the date this summons was served on you, the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, without further notice to you, enter an order granting custody as requested in the petition. LEGAL NOTICES Summons by Publication Pursuant to the Lummi Code of Laws 3.03.040: In the Tribal Court of the Lummi Nation In Re the Guardianship of T.F. Lummi Nation, et al, vs. Dakota Boome, et al, Respondents. Case Number: 2010 CVGD 2278 GUARDIANSHIP A lawsuit has been filed against you in the above-mentioned Court by the Lummi Nation establishing guardianship of a minor child in which you are named as the father. In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must answer the complaint by stating your defense in writing and filing it with the Court and serving it by mail or in person upon the Lummi Nation at the address below. If you fail to do this within thirty (30) days after the date of the publication of this Summons, or by SEPTEMBER 27, 2012, a default judgment may be entered against you. A default judgment would establish the petitioners as guardian(s) of the minor child This matter is next set for hearing at the Lummi Tribal Courthouse, located at 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226, on SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. If you are economically unable to hire an attorney, you can obtain one at no cost by calling (360) 384-2355. PUBLIC NOTICE To: Brenton C. Rosario A Protection Order has been filed against you in Lummi Tribal Court, Cause No. 2012 CVPD 3100. You are hereby commanded to appear and show cause why the temporary order should not be made effective for one year or more and why the Court should not order the relief requested by the Petitioner or other relief which may include payment of costs and treatment. FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING MAY RESULT IN THE COURT GRANTING SUCH RELIEF. The next hearing date is September 17 2012 at 10:00am. Attention All Fundraising Community Groups!!! If your group/ club/family is Fundraising for social, educational, cultural,or civic purposes that benefit members of the Lummi community apply NOW for Community Contributions. Applications are available at on a link at lummigatewaycenter.com or via email at stephaniet@ lummi-nsn.gov or we will make them available at Council Operation front desk. Call LNSO& Ventures @ 384-2331 for more information. APPLICATIONS DUE BY SEPTEMBER 30 (or following business day). SQUOL Lummi Transit Schedule 2 0 12 Donations Accepted! Please donate recyclable bags to Commodity Foods Food Bank Program to be used by clients! 15 QUOL Community Updates Squol Quol Community Updates 2012 Paddle to Squaxin Island By Tabitha Jefferson, Squol Quol Staff July 18, 2012, The Cedar Rose Canoe family set off from the Lummi reservation along side the Hileqw-Lhani “Happy Lady”. Making a quick stop at Lummi Island deep water bay to have some lunch, and a introduction to get to know each-other. We were off to our first stop Samish. Where we were greeted and welcomed to come ashore. With every stop there was an exchange of culture. The third day of our Journey to Squaxin Island was one of the longest pulls we had to endure. With the weather not in our favor, we fought waves and some open water. We really came together by singing songs and encouraging each other to keep going. One of the biggest jokes we have on the canoe is that the next destination is just around the next corner. Lummi nation Suquamish was the stop were all the canoes were going to be merging. It was an amazing site to see cones for miles from all directions. One thing we would do when we got in to shore would be to find a Starbucks. As we were pulling in to Suquamish someone on the canoe yelled out “there is Starbucks!” A chant started Starbucks Starbucks. It was one of the funniest moments on the canoe. 16 Some of the most memorable moments at camp would be Uncle Smitty singing bone games songs with us and watching the smiles on all kid’s faces. One day, while setting up camp, someone looked up in to the sky and yelled “look there is a tent flying by way up in the air!” One more thing I enjoyed was the late night check-in meetings. Where we got to get to know each other a little bit more. On July 29, 2012, we landed at Squaxin Island. There was a soft landing where all the canoes met and had a chance to eat lunch. After lunch all the canoes were color coded with colored ribbons to come ashore together. It was in overwhelming site to see. We had made it to our destination, through all of the mental and physical pain. The week to follow would be a long exchange of culture songs and dance. It takes a family to go on the canoe journey, to set up the camp and to pull together on the water. I would like to thank everyone who help out at all the stops. I would like to thank Levi Jefferson for allowing us to use his canoe he had just made prior to the canoe journey, and Dan Jefferson for being the safety boat. Also, I would like to thank Uncle Smitty and Auntie Lutie Hillaire, who traveled and camped with us the entire way. SQUOL Lummi Elders: Seniors in Action by LTHC Preventive Care Nurse, Anneke Zwick. If you have any questions you may contact her by calling (360384-0464 Extension 2528. By: Diana Dixon Seniors in action (the best way to describe our beautiful Lummi Elders) are busy as ever traveling about. They went to Upper Skagit to an Honor the Elders function. The theme was “Fiesta Time”. They had a bull-fighting contest. Caz (Casimir Ballew) romped around in good “bull fighting fashion, pawing the ground with his moves and using his index fingers for horns. He made a very good bull, chasing the matador around. It would be remiss not to mention the shop-til-youdrop trip to Burlington. There is nothing better than to revel through the thrift stores. However, we did stop at a quaint pastry shop to indulge ourselves in scrumptious, absolutely mouthwatering, delectable sweetness. only thing better than that is a buttery batch of fry bread. Summer is going by so quickly. Seems like yesterday we were enjoying spring flowers. Now, Indian sumer is just around the corner. Won’t be long and the leaves will change colors. Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. 2 0 12 As the seasons change so does our daily routine. Children going back to school, hunters getting ready for the first deer hunt and the days getting shorter. Incident;y, Pacific Standard time begins November 4, 2012 at 2:00 a.m.. be sure to set your clocks back. Remember it’s “Spring forward” forward for daylight saving time and “Fall back” for standard time. It’s also time to change batteries in your smoke detectors. Seniors Beware: Incidents of computer hacking and scams hit several of our folks in recent weeks. For instance, a senior couple’s Therapeutic Massage for Elders. Janet Kingsley, LMP, and owner of Feather Stone Touch in Bellingham, had been on staff at Little Bear Creek providing massage for elders since April of 2008. You will have very likely experienced her shoulder massages at the monthly Second Tuesday elder’s luncheons at the Silver Reef. If you haven’t email account was hacked experienced that shoulder into and a bogus email was massage, it is highly recsent. The fraudulent email ommended that you do. indicated the couple was Our very own masstranded in Spain. The sage therapist is available perpetrator went on to every Tuesday at Little say they had been robbed Bear Creek. Each week she of all valuables. With out works with our Elders onefunds to check out of their hotel, they were ostensi- on-one in her little alcove bly stranded. It was fur- and massaging shoulders ther indicated that funds around the table for the was needed to assist our Diabetic Support Group as Lummi couple get home. well as for the lunch time the email was filled with crowd. desperation that was inJanet’s gentle approach deed touching. However, to therapeutic massage is the couple was at home in to assist in supporting and Lummi. They never trav- relieving aches and pains eled to Spain. It was an in- caused by stress, tension, tentional deception to get and the normal aging promoney under fraudulent cess. She can work very circumstances. so, please locally for a specific area watch out for such scams or generally for relief of on your email and social stress. network accounts. A lot of The Elders of Lummi people are getting hacked. Please, never give finan- Nation are fortunate to cial assistance to anyone have such a wonderful unless you investigate the service provided to them authenticity of the request. by the Tribe. There is no Never give your credit card cost to the Elders for this or financial information service. Janet’s hours are over the phone or ti am every Tuesday from 8:30 email account. Make sure a.m. to 2:30 p.m. One-onof the truthfulness. When one sessions last anywhere in doubt, Call the police. from 5 to 20 minutes. You may phone Janet at Little Counseling is offered Bear Creek (360)758-3500 at Little Bear Creek ev- to schedule time for your ery Wednesday either by individual appointment or walk in or by appointment just show up at lunch time (preferably by appoint- for a bite to eat with your ment). Debbie Pobst, En- community of Elders and a ergy practitioner offers an gentle shoulder massage. energy field approach to Flu shots are available physical , emotional, menat LTHC beginning Octotal, and spiritual healing. All sessions are private and ber first and available at confidential. If you have Little Bear Creek, time and questions or would like dates to be determined. to make an appointment, It is so important to get please call Little Bear vaccinated against the flu Creek at (360)758-3500 or virus. According to the by email to Debbie Pobst at CDC, Center for Disease Control, during the course diam@nwi.net. of the flu season, 90% of T o e n a i l T r i m m i n g deaths occur to persons Clinic at Little Bear is the over the age of 65. Let’s b second Wednesday of ev- safe and healthy. Get our ery month. No appoint- shots as soon as the vaccine ment is necessary. The becomes available. next foot clinic is sepThe 2013 Lummi Eltember 12th. Come get your toe nails trimmed ders Annual Dinner is tentatively scheduled for the fist Friday after July Fourth on which case it could be July 5, 2013. A meeting to determine the best approach for organizing the dinner, giveaway and raffle will be announced in the near future. We are counting on more collaboration from LIBC, tribal entities and individuals. In other words, a joint effort to make the event more than just a success. That is to say, we can do better. Currently, we are in the early planning stages and need support from the community. We’ll send a memo with time and date of the planning meeting. Our elders are our greatest asset. Let’s do them proud. *Travel Schedule for September is as follows: Function • Black Jack Silver Reef; Sept. 4th, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. • Shopping - Bellingham, Sept. 5th, Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. • Swinomish Bingo; Sept. 6th, Thursday, 6:45 p.m. • Luncheon Silver Reef, Sept. 11th, Tuesday, 10:45 p.m. • Black Jack Silver Reef, Sept. 11th, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. • Food Bank, Sept. 14th, Friday, 1:00 p.m. • Black Jack Silver Reef, Sept. 18th, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. • P u y a l l u p E l d e r s Luncheon, Sept. 20th, Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Depart Puyallup, Sept. 21st, Friday, 1:30 p.m. Community Breakfast, Sept. 30th, Sunday, 9:30 a.m., Silver Reef Food Bank, Sept. 31st, Friday, 1:00 p.m. *Subject to change Puyallup Elder Luncheon scheduled for September 20th & 21st. Buses leaving Little Bear Creek at 9:30 a.m. with 15 minute rest stops along the way. hotel rooms are booked at the Royal Coach Inn across the street from the Emerald Queen Casino. The busses are scheduled to leave Puyallup Elder Day Celebration right after lunch. This is a one night trip. Any questions or concerns, please contact Casimir “Caz” Ballew, Transportation Supervisor; Little Bear Creek (360)758-3500. To reiterate, the travel policy indicates no alcohol or street drugs are permissible on trips and will not be tolerated. Consumption will result in disciplinary action which may include restriction/exclusion from future travel activities. All elder travelers must attend the activities of the trip. The Elders luncheon at Silver Reef Casino is strictly for Elders 55 years and up. Non-elders are attending these luncheons which is not permissible. A $6.00 charge is payable at the door. Accordingly, those person(s) will have their punch in the Pavilion. Not in the main dining area. Children are not permitted at the buffet tables; including beverage and desert bar. It’s a special time for Elders to break bread and visit with each other. The community breakfast at the Silver Reef is the last Sunday of each month in which persons of all ages are happily welcome to attend. Seniors traveled to Albany, New York attending the Kateri Tekakwitha Conference. Each year, St. Catholic COmmunity Church and L.I.B.C. sponsors members of the Catholic Community ti the conference held by indigenous people across the nation. Elders attending the conference: Ernestine Gensaw, Cathy Ballew, Wilma Olsen, Jack and Beverly Cagey and the Joachim Mass is Sunday at 8:30 a.m.. Bus leaves Little Bear Creek at 7:45 a.m.. If you need transportation to Mass, please contact Emily Willard at (360)758-3500 or leave a message where you need to be picked up. Lummi Elders express their condolences to the Pinkham family of Yakima for their loss. Joe Jay Pinkham will always be remembered across Indian Country. He was a warrior ‘til the end; having fought for treaty rights for his people and in Korea, while serving his country in the Marine Corps. Our deepest sympathy, love and prayers. 17 QUOL Community Updates Squol Quol DearEditor Re: MMA Fighting on the Reservation To Whom It May Concern: My name is Josepheus James, Lummi Nation concerned member of the tribal people, organization, L.I.B.C., General Council member. I’ve also been an Amateur A.A.U. and U.S.A. Boxing Coach and Fighter. Trained and coached under supervision of my father, Armour J. James Sr.; who in his day, was Far East Champion Boxer and Lummi Nation Boxing Coach for many years. I recently witnessed the Amateur M.M.A. matches here in Lummi and it was not appropriate for our people who want to fight. It takes many years and hard training to be an experienced fighter, even in amateur fighting. I did not see this at the M.M.A. fights. NOTE: The following letter(s), in no way directly reflect the opinions of Lummi Indian Business Council, it’s members or its staff, unless otherwise noted. Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please send them to: Lummi Squol Quol Editor, 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 email: squolquol@lummi-nsn.gov Respect My Dear Relations For many years now, I have heard complaints from people of all ages about “respect”, and the lack of it. I became curious and decided to do some investigating; looking into the problem as it seemed to be getting more prevalent. I discussed and questioned many folks, mostly young, some mid-aged. These are some of the many startling answers to the questions: Who do you respect and why? Who do you not respect and why? • “I don’t know who to respect, I keep hearing about it. I guess I respect my grandma; she doesn’t seem to come around because my folks drink.” • “I don’t respect anyone, maybe soldiers, but no one else. Everyone else lies.” What I noticed at the fights is that it’s not apart if an association. In amateur boxing there are rules and regulations to go by in order to protect all fighters, coaches, and clubs. A Doctor is required to be ringside at all events in case of serious injury and/ or death. There’s personal protective gear to wear. A fighter is required to wear all protective gear. I don’t see why this shouldn’t be the same in amateur M.M.A fighting. This fighting and events needs more rules and regulations to protect our youth and our people. Yes, people like to go and see a good fight, but it must be more regulated and at a standard pace with our youth. A set of principles and laws to help; not hurt. This is what I saw at the event held out in the Gymnasiums with our kids being put into a cage and not even knowing what they’re doing. • “I don’t respect my folks, they fight, they drink and use drugs It really does take just one hit to ruin someone’s life; we don’t want that for our youth. They need several years of dedication and hard disciplined training to even climb into that ring or cage match. • “I respect my folks, they try their best to make our home safe I am only writing this in concern for our youth, our people, and our nation. The Lummi Nation is already losing a lot of our people to alcohol and addiction. We don’t want to lose anyone because of them wanting to climb into that ring or cage. We want them to learn good teachings and discipline for life, not violence. There’s appropriate ways to bring up a fighter, a boxer, a kid. We need them to be good upstanding citizens in our nation with the skills to be successful in whatever they want to pursue. grandchildren because she doesn’t like their mom? I wouldn’t give her respect, she doesn’t deserve it.” all the time. We never have any food bank and they sell most of the food stamps. I wish I was in foster-care, so I would have clothes and food and not get made fun of.” (This answer was given more times than I care to think about.) • “We are supposed to respect our elders, how can we? My grandma spent time in jail for drunk driving by the school and giving booze to kids. The other kids make fun of me because of it, and she wants respect? NO!” • “Get this, my auntie was in jail and yelling at the other inmates that they should give her respect, because she was an Elder. They still talk about it and laugh at her, calling her a fool.” and happy. They both work, times are hard, but they are happy with each other.” • “How about a grandma who doesn’t recognize some of her My dear relations, I just couldn’t go in. I have so many more comments and most are very similar to these. It hurt my hear and soul to hear all of this, we must change it. Whatever it takes. How can we hold our heads up as a tribe and expect respect from others if we do not have it among ourselves?? Hy’shque Si’am Josepheus James Lummi nation Happy 80th Birthday Armour Joe James 18 QUOL DearEditor SQUOL NOTE: The following letter(s), in no way directly reflect the opinions of Lummi Indian Business Council, it’s members or its staff, unless otherwise noted. Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please send them to: Lummi Squol Quol Editor, 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 email: squolquol@lummi-nsn.gov Conference 9th Annual Tribal Public Health Emergency Preparedness August 14th & 15th, 2012 - Conference hosted by - Squaxin Island Tribe - Little Creek Casino Resort, Shelton, Washington. Attended by: Anita Johnson (Bop) and Pilar Gauthier Anita Johnson, Lummi community member: Became Certs Member 2012. Upon my graduation from College I worked for the Tribe. I had fourteen programs under me, including eleven secretaries. I am proud to say that one of forty-four keynote speakers at this conference was one of my former secretaries. Marilyn Garcia has been chairman for the American indian health Commission of Washington for 10 years. Marilyn has been on the Upper Skagit Tribal Council for twenty-three years as well. I hope you read this Marilyn. I’m so proud of you, as i know the struggles we all face to get on the ladder. My hands are up to you, Special Lady. Pilar Gauthier, Menominee Indian, Wisconsin: Pilar is my friend. I met her when she started volunteering for the Elders a few months ago. Pilar has been trying to volunteer for the Youth Academy, except a lady told her she had to get a packet, bring it to another program and then to H.R.. She would love to volunteer for the youth and the Elders. Pilar is a student at Western Washington University. She is in her second year of the Master Degree in Mental Health. Her plan is to go on for her Doctorate. Of all Pilars accomplishments, she has done with her husband also attending college and both of them working. Plus, they have two children to take care of. She’s a hard worker. Good Luck Pilar! This was a very informative conference. The forty-four speakers were from the Indian Health Commission, Homeland Security, Federal Emergency MAnagement Agency (F.E.M.A.)., and other Washington D.C. programs. There was only one of the speakers that gave his apologies when he had to leave; he was one of the main people from F.E.M.A.. The gentleman had gotten some important calls from Cle Elum, just as he was called on stage; so his job came first. Now, we know what kind of guy is out front. His name is Richard Flores, Special Advisor for Indian Tribal Affairs for F.E.M.A. Also in attendance were Niqually Tribal Members, Ken Choke, Brother Jeff, and Hanford McCloud. They are all a part of the Emergency Management for their tribe. These men not only talked Canoe Journey safety issues, they also discussed a training program they did at the Arlee Montana Reservation. There was so much information to share at the conference that the big guys had to stay an extra four days afterwards to meet with the tribal leaders and health representatives from every state and other leaders from Washington D.C.. This was such a rewarding conference, the leader of the conference expressed that every is department invited to the next meeting and she’d be happy to put on a conference with an individual tribe. Any interest for one here at Lummi? Barbara Finkbonner might be able to put together a meeting to discuss such a possibility. Please contact Barbara Finkbonner to be put on the list of interested programs. The program held at the Silver Reef Casino was totally awesome, and can be larger. We have a large community, we need all departments involved. At this conference, every department was included. Get involved. This is our community. Special Thanks, Babara Finkbonner: 2 0 12 Thank you Barbara for helping Lilac and I (Bop) with funding from the Homeland Security Conference for our hotel room. Our hands go up to you! “Thank you Babara.” Pilar Gauthier: Thank you Pilar for being there for me. You helped me with respect and any helpful need as in luggage, bringing food to me, and even helped me with my purse at times. You were a wonderful companion. To top it all off, you rented a beautiful van for our trip to make sure of comfort and reliability. You never made me walk to this vehicle, you made sure that I waited while you brought the car to me. My hands go up to you! Thank you Pilar. 19 Squol Quol DearEditor NOTE: The following letter(s), in no way directly reflect the opinions of Lummi Indian Business Council, it’s members or its staff, unless otherwise noted. Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please send them to: Lummi Squol Quol Editor, 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 email: squolquol@lummi-nsn.gov Victor Hugo Johnson Jr. a.k.a. Turtle’s (deceased) family history. To My (Late) Father/Daddy “Kitsap Solomon Cultee Jr.” I Love you my Father I am and have been thinking about you on this Day and many days that have passed by, I always wondered how my life would have been with you here with me and my Sister and 6 Brothers? Father: Victor H. Johnson Sr. - Superintendant of schools. Mother: Amelia (Ballew) Johnson - Housewife. Stepbrother: Vendean Johnson - Engieer, Army Veteran, Attended officers school, Alemeda Ca. Merchant Marine, traveled the world, Retires at Shell Refinery Anacortas, Wash. Sister-in-law: Mrs. Vendean Johnson, formally Gloria Kettles. Turtle (Victor Jr.) - Chemical Engineer, Army Mess. Sargent in Korean War, Merchant Marine, traveled the world, worked Diamond Alkali as Chemical Engineer. Turtle’s wife, Anita L. Johnson (Julius) - Turtle had me go to Western W.U., and had made arrangements for me to go to college in Chicago. Sister: Vivian Oneroad (Johnson) - Haskell Graduate, became a head Accountant in Portland, Or.. Brother-in-law: Cornilious Oneroad a.k.a. Corky - Haskell Graduate and worked for Portland harbor. Brother: Verne A. Johnson Sr. I want to say to you Daddy that you gave me the “Best” family I could have EVER wanted and say that every day that I live is because of you and My Beautiful Mother “Gladys Marie Cultee” and I am and always have been the Happiest Youngest Sister ALL My Life , and You N My Mother are the Best for giving this to me and I just wish that my life would have been with you !! Dad I love You and even though I didn’t get to see and play with you as most fathers get with their children , I look at my Brother and they are the Father that step up to the plate to make this happen for me and I just wanted you to know that my brothers and one Sister Julie are the ones who made it possible to live on and I love each and everyone of them for this !!! Dad I am going to end this now and I want you always to know that I am and always will think of you everyday of my life and on Sister-in-law: Mary Jane John- your special day ~ August 06~ son (Lawrence) - Housewife. Daddy I love and wish I could have known you but the memoCompanion: Verne Jr. a.k.a. ries all the family shares with me , makes me feel as I always have Sonny was always Turtle’s buddy. know you !!! They went duck hunting, gathering Dad I want to say “Happy Happy Birthday” Love from Your seafood, garage sales, and gave daughter (Pumpkin) Christine Mary Cultee. everything away. They enjoyed that, they never left their names, and would laugh when they got recognized. Sonny traveled with us. he walked the beach with Turtle, did yard work and got wood for folks with Turtle. They just liked each others company. Retired from Intelco. Lummi nation Namesake: Verne loved my husband so much. He named his son after him, his name is Victor H. Johnson a.k.a Turtle. Turtle II, I have a special plea for you, the Johnson family are wonderful people. Please stop in to visit, make it a habit if you don’t go there. Your grandfather had an 8 foot picture painted of his dad. Stop in to see the painting. The painting is huge. Have your picture taken by it. Theres family members that bring salmon for your uncle to bar-b-que on special occasions like birthdays. Out of all the people listed here, I am the youngest one, and I’m old. You need to visit your family, you will find that the door has always been open. There are a lot of stories about how you have carried this name well. To completely honor this name, go visit your family. You come from a wonderful family. 20 --Anita L. Johnson “BOP” Thank you The summer youth program were amazing. Thank you and your staff for going above and beyond or like Buzz Light-year would say “To infinity and beyond”. Vera, would like to thank you and your staff for the additional support you gave her grandson Kendrick. She is listing the skills and experiences he acquired this year. Rose added she noticed all the help and support community elders received from the “Summer Program”. Rose said, “my 86 year old father in-law is really grateful” the summer youth, cleaned his yard I just wanted to let you how your program impacted our little program and staff. Thank you for a job well done. Carmen Fitzgibbon, MA NOTE: The following letter(s), in no way directly reflect the opinions of Lummi Indian Business Council, it’s members or its staff, unless otherwise noted. Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please send them to: Lummi Squol Quol Editor, 2616 Kwina Road, Bellingham, WA 98226 email: squolquol@lummi-nsn.gov Thank you! Thank you to the Community Improvement Employees!!! The Haxton Way Pedestrian Path. Looks awesome!! --From your Planning staff friends. Thank you Lummi Nation Thank you Lummi Nation for sharing the Stommish Grounds and all the surrounding beauty August 24, 2012 to the local Bellingham Community Service Office staff. Special thank you to David Jefferson of the Lummi Veteran’s office for getting the keys for the facility to us, even though we know you were on vacation. We enjoyed the sunshine, the fresh salt air and fun during our offsite Team Building/Cultural Diversity/Employee Recognition event. Many Hy’shqes, DSHS administration and staff. Raymond Warren Wilbur Jr. Sr. 1894 Capoeman Celestine 2 0 12 *This is an edited version of the family tree appearing in the June 2012 issue of the Squol Quol. 21 QUOL DearEditor SQUOL Squol Quol Announcements The Announcements section is dedicated for community members to express their positive thoughts. These comments are the views of the submitter and not of the Squol Quol or LIBC . Please keep submissions in a positive light. It is “Back To School” time already!!~ The summer has come and gone and we enjoyed every day of it! I think our children have all had a great experience of one kind or another and learned a bit along the way as well! It is a great chapter in our book of life. So here we are entering fall with some pretty terrific celebrations to plan and attend! “Bill and Twee’s Gang” join together in wishing the following family members, extended family members and friends a very Happy Birthday! 3 Lynette Jefferson “The Best” 3 Amiyah Fitzgibbon “Princess Amiyah” 7 King Solomon~ “Eddy” 8 Suzi Thomas “Baguzi” 9 Melissa Solomon “Mottsi” Sept. 28th ~ Wishing my Husband Leo 9 Grandma and Grandpa’s anniversary, Solomon Happy Anniversary. We met 17 Dancing to Sweet Caroline in Heaven! years ago and married 3 months later. You 10 Reatha Tom (Annie’s bestest friend!) are my best friend and I Love you with all 11 Amy James “Family’s Baby Girl” my heart. I still get excited when I know you Happy Birthday to my Grandma Ruth. We 15 Darrell Miller “Mo Babe” are going to be home from work soon as if love you with all our hearts. Love Tysa, 17 Sabrena Mike “Brena Brena” we were Newly Weds, because it feels like Ernesto, Shayla, & Cheyanne. 17 Dineen Mike “Da9!” yesterday when we took that big step to 17 Marlie Jo James-Miller “Happy First HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYSA, May all your Marriage. Looking forward to what the future birthday precious baby girl! Love all of your wishes come true. Love, Mama D. has to bring us as we continue to make our southern Lummi family!” own memories together. Your wife:, Vanessa Lea Scott! Hi my love……just wanted to tell 19 Theresa Chavez “Drates” Solomon you….I love you and I give God all praise 25 Jamie Johnson “Jamie Jamie” for Him blessing me with you and our kids. 28 Bernie Thomas “Uncs” Happy birthday to Christine Cagey (9/12), I’m proud, I’m honored, I’m in love and will 28 Alizabeth Solomon “World” and belated birthdays to Noah Cagey (8/12) be happy for the rest of my life. We have From all of us here in Northern Lummi and and Yvonne Cagey (8/24). You all are a daily traveled down such a long bumpy road to across to Southern Lummi Happy Birthday reminder of how powerful faith and love are. get here. If I had to go thru my life again I to YOU! Get out and waaaalk! Make a wish! Couldn’t love you more! – Amber Dawn. wud not change one thing if I knew that I was 3 Cheers to each of you! Miss you Momma to be ur husband. When you came into my and Daddy (Bill and Twee)! Love each of life, it was hard to breathe only because you you only everyday! 333 all the time! and well wud take my breath away, ur love was so ok....one RRRAAAWWW to you as well! overwhelming and so great that I knew God ROR!, Now where’s the cake!?! had sent you to be with me as my soulmate. Happy Birthday 9/4 Britney JeffersonI pray that people have an oppurtunity to be Solomon blessed with a love that can take their breath away and make their heart happy. When Happy Birthday Denise James I told you when we first meet, that I knew where love was, now do you believe me. As Happy Birthday Bobby Aleck 9/27 God as my only witness needed--- I will love you for eternity Lea, Love ur husband, Jw scott Happy 19th Birthday to my Beautiful niece Jessica. You have made me proud over the years, and I am so glad to be apart of your life. You have turned in to a strong young woman and have a great life ahead of you. I love you. Love Auntie Tysa, Shayla, & Cheyanne Happy Birthday to Christine Cagey on September 12th! Love you so much, you matured into a beautiful young lady and wonderful Mommy! Congrats to our future Grandson that is due on September 25th! Happy Birthday for our beautiful Nieces: Kelsey LaClair, Essie Cagey and Autumn Cagey! Happy Birthday to my cousin Becki Finkbonner!mLove all of you, Henry & Yvonne Cagey! p.s. Kelsey: Whoo hoo Vegas! Joni, Wishing you a Happy Birthday! Love you, Adrian and Family. September 4th is a great day for two special people! Happy Anniversary mom and stepdad (Bob and Mary Ann Kelly), you guys are great and we all love you. Have fun! FL Happy Anniversary to Merle & Phuong Jefferson! Wishing you many more years of happiness! Love, Snoop, Julie, Edna, Aubryana, Patricia, Loren III, Alice, and Merle III Lummi nation Happy Anniversary to Uncle Willie & Auntie Josie! Love, Snoop & Julie & family Tanesha Lane Wishing you the best of luck and much Success with your move, school, sports, and work. You are very special to so many keep your goals in sight and remember nothing is impossible. Much Love, Snoop, Julie, Edna, Aubryana, Patricia, Loren III, Alice, and Merle III Happy 12th Birthday to my nephew Emanuel We love you and miss you (9/12) Love Auntie Tysa, Shayla, & Cheyanne. 22 Happy Birthday Auntie Elaine! Love Snoop, Julie, Edna, Aubryana, Patricia, Loren III, Alice, amd Merle III Happy Anniversary Julie and Snoopy! I hope your day is filled with all the joy and happiness possible. Love you both so much! Love, Mom Happy Birthday, Shannon Harper!! Hope you have a great day! Love, Mom Edna Congratulations!!! To Mr. and Mrs. James Marois Jr. We are so happy for you both! Wishing you many years of happiness! Love, Dad, Mom, and Elizabeth SQUOL Sept. 1st, Happy Birhday to my Baby Girl Aerial Whitney, I’m so proud and happy that you have made a change in your life for the better. Don’t give up on your dreams or self my Baby. Love Mom and Zak and baby sis LaDenna. Sept. 3rd, Hapy Birthday to an amazing son, Zak Lane Jr. Love Dad, Mom and baby sis LaDenna. Sept. 19th, Happy Birthday son Jeff Lane. You make us proud to be your parents son. Hope all you hopes and dreams come true. Love Mom and Dad. Sept. 17th, Happy Birthday sis. Ernestine Point. Love George and Elaine. Sept. 17th, Happy Birthday to Aunt Ernestine Point. Love Zak, Gina and kids. Sept. 11th, Happy Birthday LaDenna Lane. You are growing faster than a weed baby, and you’re smarter than a whiz kid and you are only turning 4. We love you. Love Grandma Elaine and Grandpa George. September 5th, Andrea Jefferson, Wishing you Happy! Love you Adrian and Family Sept. 7th, Happy Birthday nef Cheyanne Gould. We love and miss you so much. Love Uncle Zak, Gina and LaDenna. Sept. 3rd, Happy Birthday Grandson Zak Jr. Love you lots, love Grandma Elaine and Grandpa George. 2 0 12 Sept. 7th, happy Birthday Grandson Cheyanne Gould, OMG you are growing so fast it’s getting hard to keep p with you. We miss and love you so very much, can’t wait to see you Grandson. Love Grandma Elaine and Grandpa George. Sept. 10, Happy Birthday Reatha Tom. Love Tab & Amber. Sept. 19th, happy Birthday Bro Jeff Lane. Love Bro Zak, Gina and LaDenna. 9/10 Happy 1st Anniversary to the love of my life, Corey Washington! I can’t believe it has already been one year since our beautiful wedding day! 1 year married, 9 years together overall and going strong! I love you so much and am very thankful to have you as a husband and father to our kids. 9/14 Happy 10th Birthday to our son, Alvis! Finally double digits! We are so proud of the young man that you are growing in to! We love you so much! 9/1 Happy 25th Birthday to our brother, Matty Thompson Jr.. We love you so much and are always here for you no matter what! 9/16 Happy Birthday to our mom, Syndee Thompson! We love you mom! We hope your day is wonderful, like you! Love always, Marlisa, Corey, Alvis & Baylee 23 QUOL Announcements The Announcements section is dedicated for community members to express their positive thoughts. These comments are the views of the submitter and not of the Squol Quol or LIBC . Please keep submissions in a positive light. Squol Quol Announcements The Announcements section is dedicated for community members to express their positive thoughts. These comments are the views of the submitter and not of the Squol Quol or LIBC . Please keep submissions in a positive light. Happy Birthday Janet Ballew “Babe” September 29. Happy Birthday Grandma D; Doris Jefferson “Butterball” September 9th. September 4th is a great day for two special people! Happy Anniversary mom and stepdad (Bob and Mary Ann Kelly), you guys are great and we all love you. Have fun! FL O my word, my brother Landry is getting up there! Happy Birthday on September 22nd, and may all your wishes come true. I’m happy for you acquiring fishing gear, it’s nothing but learning from here on out. Good Luck! FL Happy 8th Birthday to Lilliana Raven, the best daughter and big sister in the world. You have made me laugh every day since you were born, and I love your sharp wit and compassion. We love you to the moon and back!! Love, Mom, Dad and baby Chetan Happy Birthday Cynthia, We all love you from the bottom of our hearts. We are blessed to celebrate another birthday with you and have you in our lives for another Happy Birthday to our dear mother Laureen special day. Your big heart and brilliant Lawrence, Sept. 14th. We all love you very mind and sunshine smile touches us so much. From all your kids. much everyday our hands are up to Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma. Love us all, John September 22, 2012. Happy birthday W, Lea, Justice, James, Paris, Crayton, grandma Cheryl you are the best grandma Iziah and Major Steelo. around you spoiled us from day one. We are lucky to have a grandma like you. Love your grandsons Landon John and Evin Reed. Congratulations to Robert Pell for Lummi nation September 6th ~ Happy Birthday Margeret. From Germaine & Matthew lane, Dad Scott and Mom Sue. 24 five years of service in the planning department. Thank you for your many contributions and your hard work! Happy Belated Birthday !!! To my son whom I am so proud of ,we have been thru so much together within these first 16 years and many more to come ! We have had good time bad time and sad times! What would life be if there were no trials though ,but we always walk away with a Smile on our face and also with the Love we know we got !! I want to say to you my son that I love you “More than I Can Ever Say” we never leave one another with out saying I Love You and I want you to know that we will always and forever have this in our heart and not just by words !!! I am so proud of you Roger Warren keep up the Awesome work you are doing and lead that life as you have been and always keep your head up my son !!! Happy “16”th Birthday !! I look forward to many more years to be added on to that number !!!! I love You with ALL my Heart son !!! Sorry message so late but as they say better late then never !!! Hope we made your Special Day just as special as you are my son !!! Love Your One And ONLY Mother : Christine Mary Cultee Happy birthday to Karen Tom “Auntie K” September 5th Kimmy Tom September 9th Brian Ballew September 11th. Love always Candy and KaTina and Mann We’d like to wish my brother Carl Lawrence a Happy 50th Birthday! We Love you, Sara, Jose & Gabriella Lira
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