PositioN E - the Lummi Nation!
PositioN E - the Lummi Nation!
Squol October 2012 Quol 2012 LIBC ELECTION PUBLICATION Current Positions that are up for 2012 Election are: Position E (On) Currently held by: Clifford Cultee Position F (On) Position G (On/Off) Currently held by: Currently held by: Cheryl Kinley-Sanders Levi Jefferson 2012 Lummi Indian Business Council Candidates POSITION E Clifford Cultee* Sheri-Lee A. Williams Harlan James Jr. Toni Jefferson *Incumbent POSITION F Cheryl Kinley-Sanders* Henry Cagey Primary Elections purpose is to reduce the number of candidates, with two (2) highest score going to General Election In the case of Position F – with only two candidates. Position F - will only appear on the General Election Ballot. CERTIFYING COMMITTEE MEMBERS POSITION G Levi Jefferson* Johnny D. Felix Gordon Adams Tom Edwards Julie R. Finkbonner Title 29 The Certifying Committee is clarified into Lummi Code of Law, Title 29, Chapter 29.01.040 – Certifying Committee Per, Lummi Nation Constitution and By laws, Article III, Sec. 3–d, Qualifications: General Council, (duty of the General Council) “Appoints a committee to certify all elections to the business council” The Challenge Review Board is not a No person shall serve on the Election Challenge Constitution duty of the General Council Review Board who is a candidate or directly re- or Certifying Committee. At the Special General Council Meeting held on October 1st, appointed certifiers. Those appointed shall not be members of the Election Committee, Certifying Committee or current members of the Lummi Indian Business Council. lated to any LIBC Candidate. “Directly related” is defined as: son, daughter, husband, wife, mother, father, sister, or brother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, or a step- or in-law of any of the above relations. These relations include those related by adoption. Must be present to be nominated for this position. Certifying Committee Appointed by General Council Christine Julius Irene Thomas Vernell Lane Kathy Ballew Lummi Squol Quol 2616 Kwina Road Bellingham, WA 98226 360-384-2393 Alternates this year: Bobbi Joe Tally Keith Tom But the code does say that the challenge review board will be appointed at the same meeting as the certifiers. VOTE Primary Election: October 20, 2012 General Election: November 3, 2012 squol quol O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Silver Reef Casino Pavilion Candidate Forum & Debates Go to www.facebook.com/LummiCommunications or www.facebook.com/2012LummiElections for more details! Primary Election Forum - Monday, October 15, 5PM Lummi Nation General Election Debates - Saturdday, October 27, noon 2 Do you have a question you want asked of the candidates? Email AJ Barse ajb@lummi-nsn.gov or come in and drop your written questions off at Lummi Communications For up to the minute coverage of the 2012 Lummi Elections LIKE www.facebook.com/2012LummiElections Special Edition SQUOL c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Position E (On) Clifford Cultee Position E that you only get out of life what you put into it and never be afraid to ask for help or guidance. I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Chief Tsi’lxw and Aunt Fran for their guidance over the last two years. You were always there to guide me to a clear understanding of working for the community. I have learned what it means to work as a unified team using the strengths of others to reach goals. It has been an honor to work side by side with Candy W, Cheryl KS, Levi J, Bernie T, Darryl H, Jeremiah J, Steven T, Merle J, Tim B II, and Leroy D. The diversity of knowledge at the table allowed us to make sound decisions for our community and the future of our tribal members. It was amazing to witness the different angles that we approached important issues, and when there was a mistake that took place we owned it and made every effort to right the wrongs and learn from them. It is a blessing to have the Journey to Wellness as our number one priority the last two years. I believe in the words, spoken by our elders, about the importance of healing ourselves so we can overcome the trauma that has happened to our families over the generations. In order to move forward we must learn to forgive one another and believe we all do the best we can. I hope we can encourage one another to join The Journey to Wellness efforts and strive to live a balanced life and continue to do our best to help the community become stronger one day at a time. Please, don’t let drugs and alcohol steal your dreams. I know times are tough and to make ends meet in this tough economy with the high costs of living, high unemployment, crime, and the social issues that plague communities across the Nation. We are the largest fishing tribe on the west coast and we are preserving and protecting our Schelangen, it would be a priority for me to see that our fishers achieve premium prices for their catch. There are a lot of untapped markets and opportunity for processing and value added which means a few jobs would be created if the right plans and support is in place. “Develop a job for every Lummi” can happen if the right strategies are followed with training, diversification, higher education, and hard work. Eco-tourism is also an untapped market for members to utilize their expertise and knowledge of the landscape and waterways. I would also like to see the reef net technique come alive again to bring back our traditional ways while teaching the youth how to catch, preserve, and cook the fish along with learning the Lummi language. This is who we are, Our Way of Life. There has been a lot of growth in our educational system, soon the new head start will be going up, the Lummi Nation School has been doing a good job keeping our kids on track, and the northwest Indian College has been growing rapidly, all working so that our members achieve their full human potential. Education, dedication, and hard work are the key to success. I also want to thank all the CBC’s and departments for their hard work in bringing forward the necessary concerns and solutions and listening to the general Council on how to improve the services to the people. Over the past two years we had many good GC meetings that are more productive when we can talk face to face and respect everyone’s concerns in a meaningful way. In closing, I would like to ask for your support in the upcoming tribal elections in position E; I am a hard worker, good listener, family man, and most importantly a team player and I will do my best. God bless, and may your days be filled with happiness. Thank you sincerely, Che leah ten Clifford Cultee 2012 I would like to formally introduce myself; my traditional name is Che leah ten, second name Swe tan. My English name is Clifford Aaron Cultee of the Lummi Nation. My parents are Jean Cultee and the Late Clifford Alan Cultee. My grandparents are the late Francis and Mary Kinley and the late Kitsap Cultee Sr. and Bernadine Murray (Celestine); my great grandparents are Chief Norbert James Sr. and Clara James, and George and May Kinley. My wonderful wife is Cindy Cultee, I have a marvelous daughter Kaitlyn Ann Cultee, and amazing stepdaughters Mariah and Tana Dodd. My sister is Tammy Cultee and niece Amanda Cultee Johnson. I also have a sister that lives in California, Dawn Marie Cultee. My father and mother in-laws are Ralph and Madeline Jefferson. I am excited to announce my candidacy for re-election to the Lummi Indian Business Council in position E. Over the past three years through working together we have been able to give back to the people, strengthen relations with local, state, and federal governments, and continue to build relationships with other tribal nations. There are many important issues facing the Lummi Nation and I am committed to work collaboratively to build a safe and prosperous future for all Lummi people. Three years ago in November I can recall the swearing in ceremony, “I am as honored today, as that first evening, to represent the Lummi people”, and I will be able to take that with me wherever this journey takes me. Our tribe is growing very fast and we must be willing to grow and adapt to the changing times while remembering where we come from, utilizing the teachings of our Ancestors, Elders, and practicing our Schelangen. Learning to work hard at an early age on fishing boats has taught me Special Edition 3 QUOL Lummi Indian Business Council O squol quol O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Lummi Indian Business Council Position E (ON) Sheri-Lee A. Williams Position E Continued Historically, Lummi peoMy Experience: 9 Years ple have been well-known My skills can be help- as a respected Lummi Counleaders within the Puget ful. We must continue seekSound Tribes for centuries, ing more funds to improve cil Woman; 20 Years Tribal Accountant; elected Treasurer of LIBC & Lummi Commercial Company Board during 2002,2003,2010; appointed to our Water & Sewer District Policy Board; Instrumental creating our LIBC Capital Projects Group for our Economic Development; In 2010, I supervised the set-up of tribal Audits Past due many were up to 2 & 5 & 8 years late, some had no financial records to audit; All tribal funds, budgets of Revenue and Expenses were updated & reported monthly, systems improvements were implemented. We evaluated & maximized return on new investments, Acquired fishermen retirement funds to be centralized & invested. We completed the 2008 & 2009 Indirect Administrative LIBC Budgets that were 2 years late. We controlled our debt limits and set reserve savings amounts. The result was LIBC had audits to bring to the Bank and establish a high credit score. It helped obtain LIBC loans, and advancement in our Economic Development Plans. Our Accountability leads to rewriting codes and Constitutionby LIBC assignment to our Attorneys and GM. As libc treasurer, we managed in 2002/03 construction of the tribal school. Also saved our Federal funding, we had letters of proposed defunding LIBC on file. We did tribal finance improvements of 2002 debts. I wrote policy to Harlan James Jr. Position E and we have confidently changed how tribes do business on the National level, protecting our Treaty Rights. We need to teach our next generation of our past Elder values. I want to support the Local issues facing our Nation in our best interest. Re-elect sheri Williams Position E My Lummi name is: Qua’La’Si’Ah I would like to thank my fellow Tribal Members for the 9 years I served on the Council. Remembering those years- I was able to accomplish countless goals and objectives that improved our tribal stature, bringing forth our ability to be accountable and in compliance with the laws. Our Tribal “credit score rating” became respectfully up to date under my team leadership. Lummi Nation My team work abilities had brought together unity by having an open door policy, granting any tribal members an answer to their questions, or finding the answer for them. 4 I have always worked hard to attain the “best for all’ of our Tribal Membership. We all want our Tribal Government Policies enforced that are respectful, honest and accountable to the entire Tribe. Teamwork together, faith and trust in one another and truths, facts and honesty to our people are what I believe creates a good work environment to achieve weekly goals. Please, consider my experience, management skills and already “earned recognition” in the National Circuit of meetings where tribes are recognized, listened to, and we bring home more funds for our Tribe. We are a unique tribe with schools/college, utility district, police, courts, medical/dental facility, aquaculture, hatcheries, planning development, housing, social services, elder care, plus economic development enterprises and growth. I want our own people educated to manage our future. Lummi Nation screaming lets make a change for our future generations. We scream lets create jobs by investing the federal performing arts grant into specialized programs such as music, motion pictures and an art hall. This would supply the need for local talent that can teach our youth something new; not I’m Harlan James a spoke person on behalf ofthe only creating jobs but giving our Education, Scholarships, Internship jobs, teaching our life skills and Culture; support and fund healthy activities improving family relationships; promote social services coordination toward that path of unity. Each individual must succeed with their choice for higher education in jobs they are interested and talented in. We must improve Policy support for Elders Including support for our Realty staff to help Elders settle their lands. My continued leadership will include representing our Tribal People. We are the largest fishing fleet, and speak nationally; right along with Billy Frank, for funds needed to rebuild and repair our hatcheries’ and streams (jobs). Respect our fishermen, their retirement funds in the bank and seek disaster funds like the others receive. Our River is changing; we need to modify the safety access. Our health care is about to change with Obama Care; a new law allows us to bill the VA to reimburse our Veteran patient expenses. We have tribal members unpaid medical bills, where are the answers? Also the IRS and taxes are pushing us into a corner again; our Treaty says “no taxes”. We’ve been there before and we won. the gift of encouragement to parents suffered and fought for the freedom we have toexpress their talents. day. The freedom of our sovAlong with the many art- ereign nation of Lummi is a ists on this reservation it will must. Let every member, not allow them to gain employ- just tribal council and their ment. The elders need jobs in families, take pride in being teaching our traditions to the from Lummi by allowing future leaders ofthe Lummi them to have security in a per Nation. Let’s help the elders capita check. Yet due to the help us. We need to have our drug use on this reservation own grocery stores, restau- just maybe if the tribe gave rants, and banking not just a little funding encouragethe casino; providing jobs for ment, besides the once month the builders and permanent breakfast, our peoples faith jobs within the facilities. We would rise and some might are Lummi Indian business try to live again. I am strong council we need more busi- believer in natural medicines nesses. What about security and with the medicinal mariin a per capita check? Feel- juana revenue at 3 billion ing like you are apart of the dollar a year industry and all tribe in just you being from the people who depend on your parents whose parents, marijuana in there daily lives Special Edition pay Tribal members Water/ sewer services. LIBC had appointed me to represent us on the National level with many federal agencies. My 9 years of travel have included: Seeking funds for tribal programs and treaty obligations. Give speeches before the WA. DC Congressmen, all to benefit our tribal people and programs. My Family Grandfather, Felix Solomon had 4 sisters whose married names are Anna Ballew, Mary Revey, Margaret Wilson-Casimir, and Josephine Shultz, they were born in the late 1800’s to Maryann Charles-Solomon. My relatives Anna & Mary lived on the lands on West Haxton Way; Felix & Margaret & Josephine lived on East Lummi Shore. Now our family is to seven generations later, connecting our roots deeply into our beautiful Salish territory, rich with our Lummi Culture. My Mother, Mary Plaster was on the Council, as well as Jim, and father Alex Kamkoff, Dean & Felix. My daughter is Carlene, my Son Dean, grandson Joseph Phair of Univ./Philadelphia and Dino Williams/Blackhawk #21, & Caleb –WolfPack#9 and Ms. Jordan. A Vote for me is your voice to be heard, and you will in return be given full reports of accomplishments. will no longer be denied in boundaries ofthe Lummi Nation. Let’s exercise our sovereignty and produce more money for our health with out the federal government. Let’s take care of our people. It only takes one person to make a difference! So let’s build this empire together it all starts with your vote. SQUOL Lummi Indian Business Council Position E (ON) Toni Jefferson Toni Jefferson “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” -Woodrow T. Wilson Who am I I am the daughter of Becky Jefferson and Ronald Finkbonner; granddaughter of the late Leonard and Marian Jefferson and Sam and Mildred Finkbonner. I have spent most of my adult life here at Lummi learning about our history, values and Schelangen. What do I stand for PPACT - Protection of sovereignty, Prosperity, Accountability, Communication, Transformation 2012 Protecting our sovereignty and our Sche Lang en will OCT be a number one priority for me. Our tribal values are a lot different than western values; as a member of council, I will work to educate outsiders of our values and advocate to develop systems and process that support Lummi values. Promoting prosperity as defined by the individual tribal member whether that be entrepreneurship, education, trade field, etc, however the member defines it. Some goals will include lowering barriers to entry and creating additional support services. Strive for accountability through clear communication and transparency which is so important in establishing trust. Progress reports need to be presented often because not all of the progress will be visible to everyone. The people need to be a part of the progress. Time needs to be spent to have those heart to heart discussions with the community about the direction Lummi is going in and if it’s working. The people need to be c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Continued Position E the driver of the direction. We will focus on increasing communication and the different ways of communicating to ensure accountability and transparency to the general council. at all levels. I have worked hard to understand our inner workings of our tribe as well as outside governments. I feel I have a strong base to successfully advocate for the Lummi community needs. Transformation, we have grown substantially in the • Seattle University, Execupast ten years, the informal tive Leadership Masters of way of operating will no lonBusiness Administration ger work for us. We need to grow the way we do business • We s t e r n Wa s h i n g t o n University, Bachelors in with the advancing technolBusiness administration, ogy while staying true to our majoring in Management traditional values. We need Information Systems and to manage change by alignminoring in Accounting. ing people and services to make the most of Lummi’s • Northwest Indian College, return on investment; any Direct Transfer and all kinds of investments, My school work at Senot just money. attle University focused half What are my personal on leadership development values and managing change within My personal values are, an organization or commubeing genuine, ethical and nity. The other half focused transparent. All my decisions on business skills. I chose will be to ask the following Seattle University because it question and that tells me if I was a Jesuit school and held am staying true to my values: the mission of “educating the “Am I proud talking about whole person, for a just and my decisions?” If I’m not humane world.” This was then more than likely it’s not very important to me because the right decision and I need it meant looking at more than to correct it or do something just the bottom line when it comes to business decisions. about it. I learned how to look at other What is my education resources than just money, such as the environment, the I feel my education has community, and the individprovided me with skills needual stakeholders. I felt this ed to represent Lummi Nation Special Edition kind of teaching was more in line with Lummi values than other traditional western programs. What kind of experience do I have to make me qualified to run for Council I have mostly worked in the casino industry approximately 20 years. I started out in coat check at the old casino down by the ferry dock. My Commissions/Boards experience includes: Education, Planning, Gaming, Lummi Nation Service Organization, and Lummi Community Development Financial Institution In 2006-2007 I had the honor of serving Council Administration. This was a huge learning experience. I was able to see the big picture of how we interact with outside governments (federal, state and local). I learned the importance of our sovereignty and how leaders must act to preserve and protect it in everything they do. My grandparents Marian and Leonard Jefferson always encouraged their children and grandchildren get their education, return to serve our people 1st and foremost. That is what I am here to offer. Hy’shqe. 5 QUOL O Lummi Nation squol quol 6 Registered Voter’s List Finkbonner, Betty Elaine Finkbonner, Bradley Owen Finkbonner, Brenda Denise Finkbonner, Bridgett Rae Adams - Decoteau, Georgina Dee Cagey, Mona Lee Cagey, Raymond Manuel Finkbonner, Charles Darvine Adams Jr., Gordon Oliver Cagey, Virginia Lee Finkbonner, Coreen Lee Adams Sr., Ronald Lester Cagey, Wendy Janine Finkbonner, Dennis Charles Adams, Alannah Elizabeth Cagey, Yvonne Marie Finkbonner, Gerald Lee Adams, Charlotte Lee Ann Cano -Martin, Shasta Little Star Finkbonner, Jana Marie Adams, Dionne Marie Cano, Shilo Lee Finkbonner, Janice Hazel Adams, Garnet James Cantera, Robert John Finkbonner, Jeannie Marie Adams, Gordon Oliver Canute Jr., Albert Gabriel Finkbonner, Jeffrey Brian Adams, Joseph Arthur Canute, Amelia Fiona Finkbonner, Joan Marie Adams, Kayla Marion Cardoza, Mary Louise Finkbonner, Julie Rae Adams, Matthew Abraham Carter, Chrystal Marie Finkbonner, Kevin Charles Adams, Perry Melvin Case, Marjorie Marlene Finkbonner, Michael Joseph Adams, Rudy Stewart Casimir, Carlene Mary Finkbonner, Miranda Jo Adams, Thomas Scott Casimir, Charlene Janice Finkbonner, Nikki Jo Adams, Vera Ellen Casimir, Paul A Finkbonner, Paul L. Alaniz, Virginia Winifred Casimir, Riley Timothy Finkbonner, Raydean Colleen Aleck, Bobby Nicoale Casimir-Tobey, Melanie Lou Finkbonner, Richard A. Alexander, Charene Tiffane Castaneda, Charles Jonathan Finkbonner, Robert Charles Alexander, Elissa Charlene Castaneda, Evelyn Rose Finkbonner, Robert Landon Alexander, Francis William Charles Chance, Cheryl Ann Alvarez, Luann Marie Finkbonner, Roy Martin Charles Sr., George Anthony Antiste, Sharon Grace Finkbonner, Sandra Lee Charles Sr., Ray Antonio, Victory Hillaire Finkbonner, Tracy Onawa Jean Charles, Adrianne Clare Armstrong, Jolene Marie Finkbonner, William John Charles, Clifford A. Badilla, Marie Jean Finkbonner, William Roswell Charles, Gordon James Ballew II, Timothy James Fitzgibbon, Sunshine Helena Charles, Kathleen Joyce Ballew III, Richard David Francis, Brent Scott Chrisman, Ada Catherine Ballew Jr., Richard David Francis, Theodore Kelly Christianson, Nanette Edith Ballew Sr., John Glen Galler, Anthony Terrance Cisneros, Merena Lynn Ballew Sr., Matthew David Gambler, Alvira E. Cladoosby, Denae Valentine Ballew Sr., Paul Luke Gaona, Angela Lee Greene Cline, Lee James Ballew Sr., Timothy James Gaona, Bricenguy Greene Conway, Theresa Mary Ballew, Alissa Sadie Gaona, Dolly Ann Cook, Lisa Ann Ballew, Casimir Gerard Garcia Sr., Ernest Clifford Cooke, Allen Richard Ballew, Cathy Ann Garcia, Howard Cooke, Felicia Dee Ballew, Cesarita Gensaw, Ernestine Marie Cooke, Janice Christine Ballew, Edith Rena George IV, Robert Warren Cooke, Nicholas Daniel Ballew, Jacqueline Marie George Jr., Donald Aaron Cooke, Patricia Ann Ballew, James Daniel George Sr., Markus Allen Cooke, Sandra Nan Ballew, Janet Marie George Sr., Travis Allen Cooke, Virginia Marie Ballew, Leanne Renee George, Alexis Cherelle Cooper Jr., Jerry Allen Ballew, Leonard Ira George, Arlene E. Cooper, Cheyanne Ross Ballew, Marie Lynn George, Brian Christopher Cooper, Ginny Lee Tysa Ballew, Mary Donna George, Farah Katherine Cooper, Justin Rob Ballew, Patricia Ann George, James Lee Cordero, Tess Nanett Ballew, Randall James George, James Ronald M. Coss Jr., Dennis Arthur Ballew, Richard Jacob George, Judith Ann Coss, Kymberlie Ann Ballew, Tomasina Ann George, Kenny Davis Coss, Sharon Elizabeth Ballew, Waylon Joseph George, Lalaneya Lynn Crumbley, Victoria Lynn Ballew, Wayne Gerrard George, Linda Louise Cultee III, Kitsap Solomon Ballew, Wayne Randall George, Marilyn Rose Cultee Jr., Christopher Paul Barnes, Cideahzia Maranda George, Marsha Seraphine Cultee Jr., Clifford Aaron Bell Jr., Stephen Daniel George, Michael Alan Cultee Jr., Loren Eric Bell, Angela Karen George, Michelle Alice Cultee Sr., Christopher Paul Bellefeuille, Josephine Ann George, Mira Valerie Cultee Sr., Kevin Matthew Bennett, Josephine Ellen George, Patrick George Cultee Sr., Loren Eric Benson, Janice Kay George, Renalynn Evangeline Cultee Sr., Nathan Allen Berger, Gilbert James George, Russell Steven Cultee, Alaysha Rose Bergerson, Julia Darlene George, Troy Lee Cultee, Alvin Francis Bergerson, Shawn Jewell Gilland, Wilma Joyce Cultee, Anna Marie Bewley, Gideon Thomas Greene II, John Nathan Cultee, Cara Natalie Bewley, Kenneth Wayne Greene Sr., John Nathan Cultee, Christine Mary Blanchard, Ariel Margaret Greene, Casie Rae Cultee, Cindy Lou Bland, Carmen Jean Greene, George Ray Cultee, Donna Mae Bland, Rosalynn Irene Greene, Joel William Cultee, Elizabeth Ann Bob Sr., Clarence Allen Greene, Kyle Little Eagle Cultee, Jean Francine Bob Sr., Nicky Joe Greene, Lindsey Janae Cultee, Susan Deanne Bob, Christopher Lee Greene, Maureen Marie Cultee, Tamara Jean Bob, Colette Renae Greene, Muriel Geraldine Cultee, Tashina Marie Bob, Colin Russell Greene, Richard Michael Cultee-Johnson, Amanda Jean Bob, Darcy Lynn Angelina Cultee-Rosser, Stephen Robert Guerrero, George Marcell Bob, Diana Rae Hall, Joanne Lee Davis III, Robert Rae Bob, James Herbert Hall, Raynette Alice Davis, Jason Michael Bob, Jeffrey Arnold Hall, Roberta Anne Davis, Joy Lynn Elizabeth Bob, Mable Raeann Harper, Edna Dorothy Deardorff Jr., Leroy Valentino Bob, Melissa Holly Deardorff Sr., Leroy Valentino Harwood, Nickiala Roselle Bob, Nanette Marie Hawk, Niki Jo Deardorff, Jessie Louise Bob, Ralph Brandon Hayward, Bernadette Mae Deardorff, Tracy Renae Bob, Ralph Franklin Hayward, Nathan Joseph Decoteau, Anthony Charles Bob, Roger Timothy Helgath, Donna Marie Decoteau, Jerome Martin Bob, Shirley Ann Hight, Natalia Ellen Delgado, Linda Louise Bob, Theresa Mae Hillaire - Warbus, Ethel Dianne Dennis III, Robert Levi Bob, Timothy Joseph Hillaire Sr., Edward Daniel Dennis Jr., Robert Levi Bob, Wesley Douglas Hillaire Sr., Joseph Eric Dennis, Angela Rose Boome, Ruby Louise Hillaire, Albert Bruce Dennis, Lorayne Leann Borsey, Emily Annie Hillaire, Anthony Derek Dennis, Lyn Doraine Boure, Amanda Rayann Hillaire, Carla Rae Dennis, Marlin N. Boure, Clarissa Marie Hillaire, Clyde Andrew Diggs, Ravon Harold Boxberger, Winona Cecelia Hillaire, Darrell Steven Diggs, Tiffany Renee Brady, Sarah Michelle Hillaire, David James Dillon, Regina Ann Brewer, Ernest Lee Hillaire, Deborah Marie Dixon, Diana Jones Brionez, Laurie Ann Hillaire, Edward Antone Dodd, Mariah Jamie Brockie Jr., Travis Conely Hillaire, Elden David Eckenberg, Linda Sue Brockie, Jason Darnell Hillaire, Georgianna Irene Edwards Jr., Darrel Leo Allen Brockie, Lila Ann Hillaire, Gilbert Justin Bunton Jr., Robert Christopher Edwards Jr., Thomas Hillaire, Henry A. Bunton Sr., Robert Christopher Edwards Sr., Darrel Leo Allen Hillaire, Henry Patrick Edwards, Bonnie Sue Bunton, Audrey Marie Hillaire, Hilary Franchesca Edwards, Dale Eugene Bunton, Jack Arthur Cagey Hillaire, Irene Evelyn Edwards, Douglas Ralph Bunton, Shirley A. Hillaire, James R. Edwards, Dwayne C. Bunton, Wildena Lorraine Hillaire, Kateri Lee Edwards, Janice L. Bura, Sandra Marie Hillaire, Kendall Mark Edwards, Leanna Therese Butler, Teresa Marie Hillaire, Kimberly Renee Cadiente Sr., Richard Ludivico Edwards, Leo Brian Hillaire, Marcus Dale Egawa, Frederick Thomas Cadiente, Lois Marie Hillaire, Maria Eloise Egawa, Marie Yukie Cadiente, Nicole Lee Hillaire, Mary Christine Elzey, Shawnee Jo Cagey III, Samuel Joseph Hillaire, Pauline Rose Estes, Galen L. Cagey Jr., Samuel Michael Hillaire, Penny Carol Fast Horse, Anne Celeste Cagey, Alec Henry Hillaire, Priscilla Deeann Feliciano Jr., Vincent John Cagey, Amber Dawn Hillaire, Rodney Boyd Feliciano, Darius Vincent P. Cagey, Autumn Rae Hillaire, Terrance Arthur Feliciano, Leilani Frances Cagey, Beverly Ann Hillaire, Terrance Joseph Felix Jr., Alfonso Cagey, Christine Ann Hillaire-Landsem, Marcelle Felix, Johnny Dave Cagey, Clarence Joseph Teresa Felix, Juan Valentino Cagey, Clarence Monty Hillaire-Lumbert, Breeanna C. Felix, Karly Brianna Cagey, Clint Billy Jack Holmes, Jan Marie Felix-Cooke, Joleen Medel Cagey, Curtis Martin Hootchew, Geraldine Patricia Fields, Anne G. Cagey, Elida Beverly Finkbonner Jr., Lawrence Frank Horne Sr., Louis Donald Cagey, George Merle Horne, Cynthia Gae Finkbonner Jr., Ronald Frank Cagey, Georgia Ray Horne, Vickie Lorraine Finkbonner Sr., Lawrence Cagey, Henry Matthew Hoskin, Sherry Louise Frank Cagey, Hillary Agnes Hoskins, Elias Finkbonner Sr., Ronald Frank Cagey, Jaylyned Joseph Kutch Hottowe, Judith Ann Finkbonner, Amy Christine Cagey, Linda Rose Howard, Daphne Lanore Finkbonner, Arnold Frederick Cagey, Mary Helen Howell, Arthur F. Finkbonner, Becki Marie Cagey, Mary Samantha Humphreys III, Arthur William Finkbonner, Bernard Ryan Special Edition Humphreys, Althea Amonda Humphreys, Amanda Eunice Humphreys, Annie Loretta Humphreys, Charlene May Humphreys, Kathleen Gay Ides, Hamen Perry Ides, Mr. Maxine E. Jack, Crystal Renee Jackson, James Duane Jackson, Jonas Leo Jackson, Patricia Simone Jackson, Raini Shontae James III, David Frank James Jr., Armour Joseph James Jr., David Frank James Jr., Reynold Carl James Jr., Warren Francis James Sr., Armour Joseph James Sr., David Frank James Sr., Lonnie Jess James Sr., Norbert Steven James Sr., Patrick Nathan James Sr., Peter Joseph James Sr., Reynold Carl James, Aaron Jay James, Albert George James, Amalia Ladean James, Amy Ruth James, Ariel Libby James, Besalynn Mary James, Betty Marie James, Brad Peter James, Brian Harold James, Caleb Saul James, Colleen Mary James, Cordelia Anne Irene Rosemary James, Daryl Antony James, David Allen James, Elisia Ann James, Frances Gladys James, Garfield Robert James, Gary Gene James, Gayle Ellen James, Genevieve Anastacia James, Gerald Ivan James, Harlan Clark James, Harlan Phillup James, Harold Leroy James, Iris Adreen James, Iris Ann James, Jewell Praying Wolf James, Johnee Janel James, Josepheus Jade James, Josephine Adeline James, Kaleen Cassandra M. James, Lisa Muriel James, Marion Denise James, Marjorie Ann James, Matthew Robert James, Michael Ray James, Michelle Lynette James, Nathan Daniel James, Pamela Elaine James, Ramona Elena James, Raphael Paul James, Raymond Vern James, Regina Cherie James, Samantha Irene James, Samantha Kristine James, Sarah Renee James, Sheri Catherine James, Sybil Louise James, Tessa Marie James, Thelma Mae James, Thomas Todd James, Walter Dana James, William Arthur Jameson Jr., Vincent Jameson Sr., Vincent Jameson, Crystal Ann Jansen Sr., Errol Conroy Jansen, Mark Dellane Jefferson III, David Hugh Jefferson III, Ernest Joseph Jefferson III, Francis L Jefferson III, Ralph Charles Jefferson IV, David Hugh Jefferson Jr., Alexander Andrew Jefferson Jr., Delfred Mark Jefferson Jr., Ernest Joseph Jefferson Jr., Leonard Patrick Jefferson Jr., Ralph Charles Jefferson Jr., William David Jefferson Sr., Alexander Andrew Jefferson Sr., Boyd Matthew Jefferson Sr., Levi Leslie Jefferson Sr., Merle Benidict Jefferson Sr., Ralph Charles Jefferson Sr., Raymond Francis Jefferson, Alan Patrick Jefferson, Alexandra Ann Jefferson, Alice Lewis Jefferson, Alissa Ranay Jefferson, Allen Gerald Jefferson, Alma Louise Jefferson, Andrea Rose Jefferson, Angela Amelia Jefferson, Angela Candace Jefferson, Angelo James Jefferson, Anna Rose Jefferson, Benadict James Jefferson, Candy Louise Jefferson, Charles William Jefferson, Coreena Ann Jefferson, Daniel Lee Jefferson, Daria Mary Rose Jefferson, Dena Marie Jefferson, Denise Jaqueline Jefferson, Doris Ann Jefferson, Erin Lillian Jefferson, Eva Terece Jefferson, Evelyn Darlene Jefferson, Felix James Jefferson, Gail Marie Jefferson, Gale Gabriel Jefferson, Gale Raynard Jefferson, Gerald Michael Jefferson, Issac George Jefferson, James Carleton Jefferson, Janet Kathleen Jefferson, Jennifer Lynn Jefferson, John Alexander Jefferson, Juanita Irene Jefferson, Julie Ann Jefferson, Justina Mae Jefferson, Karyl Susan Jefferson, Kelly Ann Jefferson, Kendra Kayla Angelina Jefferson, Kristina Marie Jefferson, Lynette Marie Jefferson, Meriah Jean Jefferson, Michael Delfred Jefferson, Michael Steven Jefferson, Michelle Marie Jefferson, Nicole Deanne Jefferson, Phillip Adam Spencer Jefferson, Rebecca Anne Jefferson, Richard Prather Jefferson, Rita Nicolassa Jefferson, Rob Douglas Jefferson, Robert Earl Jefferson, Royrey Daniels Jefferson, Sally Anne Jefferson, Samantha Anne Jefferson, Sandra Rose Jefferson, Sheila Ann Jefferson, Stacie Gaye Jefferson, Teresa May Jefferson, Toni Renee Jefferson, Veda Ann Jefferson, Velda Rose Jefferson, Verna May Jefferson, Vicky Lynn Jefferson, William Toby Jefferson-Ayosa, Adrian Gabriel Jefferson-Ayosa, Tabitha Jeanne Jefferson-Greene, Bonnie Jean Jeffries, Cora Delphine Jeffries, James Owen Jeffries, Nathaniel Owen Jimmie, Jordie Scott Jimmy, Antonia Venissa Marie Joe, Laurie Elouise John Jr., Ernest Francis John, Juanita Marie John, Patricia Laurel John, William Lloyd Johnnie, Al Scott Johnson Jr., Joseph Johnson Sr., Verne Aloysius Johnson Sr., Vernon Victor Johnson, Andrea Karen Johnson, Anita Louise Johnson, Ardellina R. Johnson, Charles Joseph Johnson, Cheryl Marie Johnson, David Matthew Johnson, David Michael Johnson, Howard Steven Johnson, Janelle Jacqueline Johnson, Jodean Marie Johnson, Kanem Jeremy Johnson, Kent Duane Johnson, Marianne Vivian Johnson, Mary Helen Johnson, Mary Jane Johnson, Richard Dennis Johnson, Robert Dewey Johnson, Rosemarie Ann Johnson, Sean Dewey Johnson, Sharon A. Johnson, Todd Joseph Johnson, Victor Lee Jojola, Idelle Anne Jojola, Juliene Crystal Jones Jr., William Earl Jones Sr., Lance Daniel Jones Sr., William Earl Jones, Clyde August Jones, Darren Lee Jones, Edward Lee Jones, Guy Everett Jones, Josephine Julia Jones, Julianne Irene Jones, Merisa Karleen Jones, Rosanna Alane Jones, Threasa Marie Jones-Phair, Ginger Allison Joy, Nadine Marie Juarez, Barbara Arlene Jules, Dillon Marice Julius, Aaron Scott Julius, Allen Paul Julius, Anthony Haynes Julius, Christine Mary Julius, Christopher Blayne Lee Julius, Gail Louise Julius, Gary Richard Julius, Haynes Rodney Julius, James Michael Julius, Jeremiah Jay Julius, Kacia Anne Julius, Karen Agnes Julius, Marcia Dee Julius, Misty Kathleen Julius, Shelli Leann Julius, Tamera Jeneen Julius, Tami Teresa Julius, Tawny Iesha Julius, Taylor Anthony Julius, Teresa Ellen Julius, Victoria Jean Kamkoff, Alexander Felix Kamkoff, Charles Henry Kamkoff, Christian Alexander Kamkoff, Daniel Andrew Kamkoff, Edward Douglas Kamkoff, Edward Romaka Kamkoff, Jamie Lee Rose Kamkoff, Vela Kathleen Kamkoff, Wylie J. Kamkoff-James, Josephine L. Kawakone, Tahnee Raven Kelly, Gordon James Kelly, Juanita Dawn Kelly, Kendra Anna Kelly, Kevin Alvin Kiely, Ada Marie Kinley Jr., Randolph James Kinley Sr., Randolph James Kinley Sr., Richard Allen Kinley, Billie Jean Kinley, Cindy Marie Kinley, Eleanor Donna Lee Kinley, Jeri Anna Kinley, Karlie Jai Elizabeth Kinley, Kristin Leanna Kinley, Larry George Kinley, Lloyd Levine Kinley, Maureen R. Kinley, Nicole Lynn Kinley, Rebecca Rose Kinley, Scott Levene Kinley, Sharon Rose Kinley, Sherri Lynn Kinley, Steven Norbert Kinley, Thomas Dwight Kinley-Bob, Tyler Nickolas Kinley-Sanders, Sheena Marie Kopplin Jr., Christopher Allen Kopplin, Misty Lee Kurtz, John Paul Kurtz, Mellisa Florence Laclair Jr., Wilfred Ernest Laclair Sr., Edward Charles Laclair Sr., Joseph L Laclair Sr., Raymond Francis Laclair Sr., Wilfred Ernest Laclair, Angeline Sylvia Laclair, Bernard W. Laclair, Coreen Renea Laclair, Cyril James Laclair, Cyril Thais Laclair, Dee Anna Fey Laclair, Helena Ivy Ann Laclair, Henry Marcel Laclair, Jeannette Naylene Laclair, Kassandra Mae Laclair, Katina May Jo Laclair, Marcella Jean Laclair, Phillip Lavander Laclair, Richard Kenneth Laclair, Smokey Charles Laclair, Vanessa Martine Laclair, Wilbert Paul Laclair, William Francis Laclair, William Patrick Laclair-Lane, Trena Bernadette Lambert, Stephanie Anne Landsem, Shelby Anne Lane III, Arthur Christopher Lane III, Ernest Oscar Lane Jr., Ernest Oscar Lane Jr., George Francis Lane Jr., Vernon Adrian Lane Sr., Brian Luke Eric Lane Sr., Carl David Lane Sr., George Francis Lane Sr., William Adam Lane Sr., Zachary Joe Lane, Alfred Matthew Lane, Alyssa Irenee Lane, Angelina Christina Lane, Anjanette Rose Lane, Carol Ann Lane, Chantelle Vanessa Lane, Crystal Lee Lane, Darlene Velma Lane, Doreen Mae Lane, Elaine Marie Lane, Fredrick Francis Lane, Geneva Stephanie Lane, Glen Henry Lane, Jack Harold Lane, James Martin Lane, Janet Ann Lane, Jeffery Frank Lane, Jonathan Michael Lane, Kyralee Lynn Lane, Laverne Theresa Lane, Levi Christopher Lane, Marcelline Anne Lane, Mary Teresa Lane, Michael Sean Lane, Michella Shaneen Lane, Miles Francis Lane, Patrick Dana Lane, Patrick Henry Lane, Patrisha Darlene Lane, Randolph Jon Lane, Raymond John Lane, Regina Carol Lane, Solomon Reynold Lane, Steven Francis Lane, Tanesha Marie Lane, Tatiana Christina Lane, Theresa Louise Lane, Tiana Rose Lane, Vernell Patricia Lane-Black, Deidre Rose Lane-Jefferson, Steven Corey Lane-Oneill, Liana Allison Lane-Pierre, Ayla Joy Lane-Sutton, Cleo Rose Lawrence III, Frank Louis Lawrence Jr., Julian Anthony Lawrence Jr., Mark Steven Lawrence Sr., Issac Solomon Lawrence Sr., Mark Steven Lawrence Sr., Paul Victor Lawrence, Carl Michel Lawrence, Charles Peter Lawrence, Colin Quin-seenum Ryan Lawrence, Crayton Santana Lawrence, Elizabeth Frances Lawrence, George Peter Lawrence, Israel Lyle Lawrence, John Wayne Lawrence, Lillian Rose Lawrence, Lucas Alex Lawrence, Mari Page Lawrence, Michael James Lawrence, Sean Michael Lawrence, Theresa Ann Lawrence, Tina Marie Lawrence, Wilfred Alex Leach, Dr. Robert Ryan Legarde, Bernard Amos Perez, Sharon Ruth Leighton, Heather Honey Perkins, Natasha Marie Little, Marlene Rose Kiya Perkins, Vesta Elizabeth Little, Osceola Lawrence Perkins, Violet Gail Long, Kenneth Apiani Peters, Brian Christopher Long, Ralph Alexander Peters, Carolyn Marie Loureiro, David A. Peters, Loreen Ann Loyd, Bradley Ryan Peters, Makalie June Lucero, Lori Ann Peters, Michael A. Lumbert, Brandon Earl Peters, Richard Frederick Mahle, Krista Jo Angeline Peters, Shayna Michelle Mamac, Meagan Florence Peterson, Gwendolyn Marie Marois Jr., James Ray Phair Jr., Joseph Levi Marois, Debbie Jo Phair Sr., Joseph Levi Marois, Kristina Marie Phair Sr., Mark Stephen Marois, Merena Louise Ellen Phair Sr., Ronald Clarence Francel Phair, Adam James Marois, Thomas Edward Phair, Alta Georgia Marquez, Antonio Evan R. Phair, Ardith Marie Marquez, Dorotea Darrell Lee Phair, Bobbi Jean Marquez, Lillian Charlene Phair, Celina Rose Martin III, Francis Henry Phair, Christopher John Martin Jr., Jay Ruduloph Phair, Cynthia Sue Martin Sr., Wendell Noel Phair, Diana Renee Martin, Akesha Mary Phair, Elaina Angel Martin, Carmen Mary Phair, Gail Alice Martin, Christopher Anthony Phair, Gordon Scott Martin, Constance Gayle Phair, Gordon Stuart Martin, Emmeline Rose Phair, Jessica Lee Martin, Erica Shawneen Phair, Johanna Taci Martin, Garrick Shawn Phair, Joshua Logan Martin, Germaine Little Eagle Phair, Lisa Robin Martin, Hope Ann Phair, Lorna Margaret Martin, Janine Della Phair, Marvin Lee Martin, Josephine A. Phair, Marya Lynn Martin, Manda Emilie Phair, Michael Lee Martin, Marcell Henry Phair, Patricia May Martin, Margaret A. Phair, Rachel Joy Martin, Melissa Rose Phair, Terry Leon Martin, Shane Little Cloud Phair, Valerie Joy Martin, Stephanie Renay Phare, Darrell Wayne Matthiesen, Ashley Ann Phare, Richard James McBride, Cheryl Ann Phare, Sheryl Monica Marie McCluskey, Isabelle Evelynn Pierre, Brian Lee McCluskey, Russell Charles Pierre, Bruce Steven Mcdonald, Ramona Lisa Pierre, Kathy Ann McDougal, Marilyn L. Placid, Martina McLean, Milton Neal Plaster, James Gale Messer, William John Plaster, Lee Allen Miller, Charles Anchena Cheanna Plaster, Marina C. Miller, Charles Dale Leo Plaster, Michael Dale Miller, Kenneth Ran Plaster, Norbert Paul Miller, Regina Romnay Point, Adam Christopher Miller, Shontae Christine Point, Andrea Dorreen Mireau, Phillip Kenneth Point, Deanna Crystal Mireau, Teresa Point, Ernestine Ann Misanes Jr., Gerald Walter Point, Evlyn Rose Misanes Jr., Vincent Leroy Point, Flavian Syril Misanes Sr., Vincent Leroy Point, Verna Marie Misanes, Gertrude Elizabeth Porter, Laura Marie Misanes, Inauncio Henry Powell, Veronica Ursula Misanes, Miranda Faith Priest, Chad Barrett Misanes, Shadrach Issac Priest, Lawrence William Mitchell Jr., Robert Steven Priest, Rena Marie Mitchell, Cassandra Kay Rabang, Felicia Rose Mitchell, Muriel Dora Rabang, Teresa Ray Stinta Mohr, Becky Lynn Ramos, Marie Elaine Montenegro, Connie Dee Redlightning, Inez May Moore, Stacey Lynn Revey III, Valentino Emanuel Morganroth, Henry Lee Revey Jr., Dennis Leroy Morganroth, Marilyn Revey Jr., Valentino E. Morganroth, Mary Fran Revey Jr., William Casimir Morris Jr., Raphael James Revey Sr., Andre Reginald Morris Jr., Robert Joseph Revey Sr., Dennis Leroy Morris Jr., Ronald Patrick Revey Sr., George Jay Morris Sr., Raphael James Revey Sr., William Casimir Morris Sr., Robert Joseph Revey, Brandon Andre Morris, Brandon Ray Revey, Carol Mavis Morris, Cheri Rose Revey, Christie Sue Morris, Frank Dion Revey, Christopher Avery Morris, Marcus Randall Revey, Christopher Ross Morris, Mary Angeline Revey, Farren Michelle Morris, Ramona Revey, James Christopher Morris, Rayanne Carolyn Revey, Jason James Morris, Talin Lee Revey, Jaysonha Jaid Moss, Mae Revey, Jean Alice Muniz, Renee Elaine Revey, Jean Ernestine A. Nau, Marie Annette Revey, Johnny Melvin Neil, Mary Michelle Revey, Leslye Renee Neil, Terri Jeane Revey, Lisa Marie Nevins, Tricia Laureen Revey, Mackenzie Mildred Nickolsen, Herbert Oscar Revey, Mary Ann Irene Noland Jr., Ronald Lee Revey, Monica Ann Noland Sr., Al Norman Revey, Rosalee Arlene Noland Sr., Ronald Lee Revey, Rosalee Marie Noland, Maxine Arlene Revey, Ryan Thomas Noland, Shyla Elizabeth Reyes Jr., Anthony Dean Noland, Tamera Christine Richan, Mellanie Eve Noland-James, Audrey Adeline Ridley, Daral Gay Norcross, Carol Ann Ridley, Daralee Mary A. Oldham, Martin Sean Ridley, Maria Kay Oliver, Steven Neal Ridley, Richard Patrick Olsen Sr., Darren Ray Roberts, Barbara Marie Olsen, April Irene Robertson II, Glen Jon Olsen, Dale Lee Robinson Sr., Eric Jon Olsen, Darlene Ann Rodriguez, Alesha Mary Olsen, Haley Nicole Rodriguez, Katrina Rose Olsen, Lola Lee Rodriguez, Stephanie Sue Olsen, Loretta E. Rosario, Brenton Charles Olsen, Tara Leigh Rosario, Patricia Ann Olsen, Thomas James Rosario, Rita Marie Olsen, Tracy Marie Rosario, Terri Lynn Oreiro, David William Cagey Russell, Carey Lloyd Ostrand, Vanessa Catharine Sampson, Raphael Paul Owings, Irenee Jo Vonn Sanchez, Charles Levi Owings, Malcolm Craig Sanders, Cheryl Lynn Owings, Maria Cristina Sanders, Darrel Lee Owings, Ramona D. Sanders, Karl Francis Pantalia, Joseph Alan Sanders, Leah Renee Pantalia, Ryan James Sanders, Mitchell Francis Pantalia, Timothy Jon Santana, Lisa Michelle Parker, Betty Jean Scarborough Jr., James Herbert Parsons, Carol Laura Scarborough, Bethany Shane Paul, Eugene Elmer Scarborough, Darryl George Paul, Johnny Edwin Scarborough, Jamee Precious Paul, Linda Joy Scarborough, Kim Dorothy Paul, Priscilla Belle Scarborough, Mary Ernestine Paull, Robert Martin Scarborough, Tyson Lee Perez, Jennifer Marie Schaeffer, Patrick Aaron Perez, Merrilee Sharon Schnackenberg, Colby Alan Special Edition Schumacher, Hazel D. Scott Jr., James Scott Jr., Paul David Scott Jr., Ralph Richard Scott Sr., James Scott Sr., Ralph Richard Scott, Angel Renae Scott, Barbara Elaine Scott, Cameron Charles Scott, Celestina Elizabeth Scott, Charles Albert Scott, Karen E. Scott, Rosalie Irene Simmonds Jr., Ward Christopher Simmonds Sr., Ward Christopher Simmonds, Roman Gabriel Simmonds, Ursula Dawn Simmonds, Veronica Ann Smith, Janice Jane Smith, Nicole Dee Smith-Jefferson, Tanya Marie Solomon Jr., Charles Luke Solomon Jr., Dewey Nicholas Solomon Jr., Felix Michael Solomon Jr., Glen Rudy Solomon Jr., John Lewis Solomon Jr., Michael William Solomon Sr., Dewey Nicholas Solomon Sr., James Anthony Solomon Sr., Michael William Solomon Sr., Steven Sidney Solomon Sr., Victor Dean Solomon, Amy N. Solomon, April Marie Solomon, Bobbie Sue Solomon, Brad Lee Solomon, Brandy Cyrene Solomon, Brenda Caron Solomon, Bridgette Arlene Solomon, Candace Cyrene Solomon, Carrie Ann Solomon, Charlotte Adelle Solomon, Cheryl Ann Solomon, Christina Dawn Solomon, Crystal Nadine Marie Solomon, Cutrina Faith Solomon, Elizabeth Elaine Solomon, Felicia Joy Solomon, Grant Lewis Solomon, Heidi Rose Solomon, Jacqueline Rose Solomon, James Clarence Solomon, Janet Holly Solomon, Jeffery Allen Solomon, Jeni Lee Solomon, Jennifer Rose Solomon, Karen Lynn Solomon, Karla Nadine Anne Solomon, Kathleen Vera Solomon, Kirk L. Solomon, Laura Ann Rose Solomon, Laura Lee Solomon, Leo Felix Solomon, Leon Jarvis Solomon, Loralee M. Solomon, Mary Anne Solomon, Melanie Elizabeth Solomon, Mitchell Scott Solomon, Patricia R. Solomon, Ralph W. Solomon, Raphael Joseph Solomon, Richard Stephen Solomon, Rosalie Esther Solomon, Ruth Virginia Solomon, Sharon Grace Solomon, Stanley Jay Solomon, Theodore Scott Solomon, Timothy Allen Solomon, Timothy Justin Solomon, Tina Joann Solomon, Toby William Solomon, Tonya Marie Solomon, Tyrone Anthony Solomon, William Boyd Solomon, Wilma Vera Spencer, Lucille Marilyn Splockton, Christina Cesarita Stremler, Maxine Faye Sturgeon Jr., Kyle Ronald Sturgeon Jr., William B. Sturgeon, Janelle Ellen Sutton, Donald Clinton Tait, Candice Joyce Taldo, Star Lynn Tally, Bobbie Joe Christine Tally, Robert Joseph C. Tally, Vontella Clara Tapuro Jr., Roque A Taylor, Carmen Estelle Taylor, Justina Marie Taylor-Oliver, Teresa N. Thomas Jr., George Reynold Thomas, Aaron Martin Thomas, Belle Jean Thomas, Bernard P. Thomas, Danielle Marie Thomas, Irene Mercedes Thomas, Julie Marie Thomas, Monica Marie Thomas, Randall Benjamin Thomas, Sarah Ashley Thomas-Miller, Yvonne M. Toby Jr., Verle Anthony Toby Sr., Jermaine Lee Toby Sr., Verle Anthony Toby, Albert Kevin Toby, Anthony Rene Toby, Ashley Sharmel Toby, Carlene Anne Toby, Carolee Toby, Cyrus Jordan Toby, Jerome Nicolas Toby, Latisha Nicole Toby, Lisa Rae Toby, Louella Ann Toby, Lucetta M. Toby, Nicholas William Toby, Stephaine Dawn Toby, Steven Mark Toby, Taliah Marie c t o b e r 2 0 1 Toby, Verla Joy Toby, Viola Mary Toby-Revey, Loretta Marie Tom Jr., Keith Jeffery Tom Sr., Jerome Albert Tom, Carol Mavis Tom, Dr. Randy Robert Tom, Dustin Clayton Tom, Karen Kay Tom, Laura Rose Tom, Lawrence Tom, Lexie Jean Tom, Lorita Louise Tom, Melvina Mae Tom, Peter Lawrence Tom, Ralph Richard Tom, Reatha Alexandrea Tom, Regina Dawn Tom, Tammy Jo Tom, Thomas Peter Tommy, Joyce Topaum, Patricia Ann Torres, Gerald Lavar Torres, Julie Ann Tso, Lena Anne Tso, Samuel Nakai Turner, Gloria Rose Urbanec, La Belle Veronica Vargas, Doreen Eve Veale, Carol Ann Victor Jr., Frederick Ambrose Victor, Peter Wall, Joyce Elaine Warbus Jr., Floyd Thomas Warbus, Cynthia Lena Warbus, Josephine Susan Warbus, Judy R. Warbus, Kalvin George Warbus, Kelly Jean Warbus, Kristina Renee Warbus, Laudine Marie Warbus, Robert Arthur Warbus, Rose Andrea Ware, Esther Janice Washington Jr., Charles Edward Washington Jr., Robert Francis Washington Jr., Vendean James Washington Sr., Charles Edward Washington Sr., Robert Francis Washington, Alphonso Dean Washington, Antone Bennett Washington, Autumn Rose Washington, Bernalyn Ann Washington, Daniel Robert Washington, Danita V. Washington, Dwane Micheal Washington, Ernestine Frances Washington, Geraldine Gail Washington, Gloria Jean Washington, Ivan Louis Washington, Joseph Edward Washington, Lucas Washington, Marcelene Ann Washington, Marlisa Anne Washington, Sharlaine Marie Washington-Mamac, Victoria Lee Weeks Jr., Donald Monte Weeks, Dawnelle Florence Wesley, John Clarence Wilbur, Elizabeth Eleanor Wilbur, Joseph Allen Wilbur, Levi William Y. Wilbur, Loreen Joan Wilbur, Nadine Clara Wilbur, Raymond James Wilkinson, Cyrus August Willard III, Alfred Earl Willard, Emily Jane Willett, Lucy Rose Williams, Carlene Deanne Williams, Christian Lawrence Williams, Crysta Ann Williams, Dalenna Crystal Williams, Dean Alexander Sea Ku U Se Williams, Dean Larry Williams, George Thomas Williams, Jared Ryan Williams, Justin David Williams, Karen Louise Williams, Laura Virginia Williams, Lorraine May Williams, Michael Darren Williams, Natalie Marie Williams, Sheri- Lee Anne Williams, Shirley Louise Williams, Stephanie Gail Wilson Jr., Gordon Robert Wilson Jr., Robin Kent Wilson Sr., Gordon Robert Wilson Sr., Robin Kent Wilson, Althea Dawn Wilson, Brent James Wilson, Candice Ann Wilson, Charles Russell Wilson, Chelcee Ann Wilson, Cynthia Marie Wilson, Dana Gordon Wilson, Derek Christian Wilson, Dylan Christopher Wilson, Helen Marie Wilson, James Henry Wilson, Michael Lawrence Wilson, Norton Anthony Wilson, Sara Jean Louise Wilson, Setrina Little Fawn Wolf, Sharon Lee Wolfblack, Alsie Rose Wright, Candace Hazel Wright, Gerald Allan Wright, Kayleen Ann Wright, Shilo Marie Yniguez, Romaka Lorenzo York, Jacob Paul Scott Young, Clara Rose Young, Kaare Anthony Zollner, Hannah Jamal Zollner, Justin Michael Zuni, Raynell Elizabeth 2 7 QUOL 2012 SQUOL O squol quol O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Lummi Indian Business Council Position F (ON) Cheryl Kinley-Sanders Position F LIBC and Budget Committee have been instrumental in getting our financial house in order by assisting with Title 28 draft revisions (work accomplished by OMB staff and Title 28 Work Group), Analyses to assist with tracking of budgets with the uncertain economy during the federal budget cuts to take Mission: To Preserve, place in 2013. Promote, & Protect Our Sche We have held the line by Lang en disciplined saving and unCheryl Sanders, Tak-Wil- needed spending; we have Tsa Position “F” money $$ in the bank and a goal to continue saving while I want to thank the Lumincluding the GC of these mi Nation for giving me the plans. The Budget Commithonor to serve you as Treatee understands their responsurer and the LIBC for all sibility as the Investment their support these past 2 Committee per Title 28 and years. It’s been a great learnwill move forward in making ing opportunity and I am so investments a priority. proud of our accomplishments! At this time, I ask for We had many accomyour support on Position F as plishments… the ones that a Council Member for Lum- I am most proud are: mi Nation. • 2011 and 2010 Audit was During my tenure as cleaned up, and we only Treasurer, our fiscal responhad 1 finding for 2011. sibility of the Nation was brought to a higher level. We • OMB/GM working on implementing Performanceassisted in educating Budget Based budgeting. Committee and LIBC of their fiscal responsibility. We ac- • Plan to pay off 30 million complished this by reviewing loan within 5 years, and financial trends through Treawe just now finished paysurer’s Reports, forecasting/ ing off the old casino! projected revenues, and securing our finances for long • Only hiring 2 consultants, 1st was for the LIBC Audit term financial planning per (a requirement), and 2nd resolution#2011-172. The for Financial Planning members in recovery. with Sovereign Finance. LCC; building our capacAs many of you are al- ity while being transparent to ready aware, I am very pas- our members. LCC we must sionate about health care. I diversify our economy, we have been a nurse for 25+ need to look at opportunities years, and I participate on that will be sustainable. The behalf of LIBC at NPAIHB. only way to do this is long I am also currently the Vice- term master planning and Chair of the American In- investing in successful busidian Health Commission ness. We need to understand and have been a member for the impact of every decision over 3 years. Health Reform and clearly identify the chalis coming, and we are busy lenges, from the beginning preparing for 2014! This is and review annually, to make an urgent issue… Lummi adjustments if necessary. has an opportunity to change our health care delivery sys- Infrastructure; we need to tem to provide quality care have master plan, updated anand access for all our mem- nually to address the changbers. VA, direct care, long- ing environment around us. term care, Medicaid expan- Housing; need to have more sion, opiate treatment, and opportunity to provide housprevention must all come ing for middle income famitogether for our Journey to lies, need to think as investWellness for our People! ment in our future. Other areas of initiatives that were addressed and are on-going are as follows: CBC coordinator; assessing and evaluating current organization structure to see if it meets the needs to the comExclusive Jurisdiction munication to our members. of our children is essential; No on COAL, enough said. we need clear direction with administration, courts, and Taxation; support the efforts. families. Support exclusive We need to continue to fight jurisdiction of our children the IRS on taxation. They by amending Title 8 and will continue to challenge us Grandparents Committee, at all levels and we must supour people must have a say port the untied front to win the taxation issues. when dealing with CPS. Jobs for every Lummi; Elder Care; supporting and educated Lummis to take improving services and care over positions they are quali- for our elders. fied for or a succession plan Youth; we support youth in place to honor Tribal em- with increasing budgets to ployment. Also, jobs for our provide transportation, back Lummi Nation Henry Cagey 8 Salem, Oregon. I was also one of the first students at the Northwest Indian College. I have 16 years of experience on the Lummi Indian Business Council, 12 of those which I have served as Tribal Chairman. I have also worked for Lummi Nation in numerous positions from Maintenance, Vocational Rehab, TERO Director, Lummi Law & Order and various other jobs. The reason I am runMy Dear Friends and ning for Council is I believe Relatives: it is time we set a clear direcFor those of you that tion for our tribe to develop would like to know a little some goals for employment more about me and my fam- for our tribal workforce. Our ily, I have been married 29 people deserve meaningful years to my wife, Yvonne. and sustainable employment. We have three children and I believe in better paying jobs two grandsons. I am a U.S. that will support a family and Navy Veteran. I attended household. Chemawa Indian School in We need to invest more into our natural resources to bring back our salmon and shellfish to sustain our fishing lifestyles. We must protect our treaty rights against any threats or intrusion. We further must exercise our sovereignty to expand our treaty rights. I support our Elders in their needs and we must recognize and understand all the sacrifices they have made for their families. We must have a plan to deal with all elders services for housing, health, recreation, employment and nutrition. Our youth need support for higher education for those students that wish to continue on to improve their lives. We should be able to support our students for full scholarships and well-paying jobs. Special Edition pack lunches, LNS field and FSD transportation extra bus run, basic needs. All the employees within my policy staff are Lummi Tribal members, with the exception of the CFO. The CFO is aware of Lummi Preference and is mentoring a Tribal member with a succession plan to take over his position in 3-5 years. Again, I want to emphasize this work is being done by our own Lummis and not by consultants! I want to thank my policy staff for their dedicated hours to giving back to the community… I am so grateful for you all! Also, a BIG thank you to the OMB/ Finance staff for being a service to our community. We appreciate your cooperation on the last minute requests. On a personal note, I am proud to say I have been sober for 4 years and believe we have to walk our talk if we want our people to live healthy lives… that is my personal choice! I want to thank my family for supporting my choice to serve my people, it hasn’t been easy for them and I love them for standing by my side! I would humbly appreciate the community’s continued support for Position F on the Council. I’m very excited about our future and know we, the Lummi Nation, will be successful for years to come. I want to wish each and every candidate the best of luck! Position F We also must be aware that there are a lot of threats to our tribal sovereignty and treaty rights that happen in Washington, D.C. One of the main ones is the IRS General Welfare Doctrine. We must stop this effort by the IRS attacks all Indian people. This is a long term fight and we will need support from I have spent many years the Lummi Nation and other traveling back to Washington, tribes for this campaign. D.C. to represent the Lummi I would like to close in Nation. We must continue to have a presence in WA. D.C. letting you know that I have This 2013 election is impor- over 25 years’ experience in tant to the Lummi people in serving the Lummi Nation. advocating a Government to I have advocated for many Government relationship with projects for the Lummi NaUnited States. I have been tion. I would like your supable to bring a lot of financial port and vote for November support to the Lummi Nation, 3rd election. I have also for example the Fishermen’s had an open door policy and retraining, roads money, de- willing to listen to our peovelopment money, education ple. money, housing money. Sincerely, Henry Cagey Economic development: We must invest in creating meaningful employment for our tribe. With over 5,000 tribal members we must be creating at least another 100-200 jobs in the next five years. In technology careers, manufacturing careers, health careers, small business development. SQUOL c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Lummi Indian Business Council Position G (on/off) Johnny D. Felix Position G Hi, my, name is Johnny Felix and I am running for Lummi Indian Business Council, Position G. I would really appreciate Your Vote! My parents are Melvina Tom and Alfonso Felix Sr. My grandparents on my mother’s side are the late Francis (Phair) Tom and Clarence Tom Sr. On my father’s side my grandparents are Janie (Garcia) Felix and the late Ysmael Felix Sr. I was born and raised here on the Lummi Reservation. I currently reside on the reservation with my wife Melissa whom I have been with for 21 years. Together we have 4 children, Kaitlyn, Mariana, Beau, and Carmyn. I attended the Ferndale school district and graduated in 1991 with honors and a 3.4 GPA from Ferndale High School. I excelled in sports including football, basketball, track, and pulled canoe on the Lady Rose. Briefly I attended college and took courses in auto-cad with a dream to become an architect. In the summer of 1994, I decided to become a part-time fisherman while working the graveyard shift at the casino as a blackjack dealer and crabbing during the day. I began with only a 16 foot boat, hand-pulling 50 pots with my only brother Alfonso Felix Jr. (Fud). I have been a full-time fisherman for 17 years and now own a fleet of 12 boats which currently employ 14 tribal members. I have served our Lummi Natural Resource fish commission for 8 years. I am the General Manager and co-owner of KMB Seafoods along with my wife Melissa (John) Felix. The seafood plant contracts many tribal members as well as members of this community. It continues to offer many job opportunities to our community members. Our buying operation has continued to expand and is supported by our Lummi Nation fisherman as well as other regional tribes and state fisherman. I am looking forward to serving on our Lummi Council to address issues in our community such as Economic Development, to continue to create more jobs for our people. I would like to help generate and support new and existing small business owners. Second, I want to be more involved in supporting our battle with our drug and alcohol epidemic. I feel strongly, like many, about this because I know what it’s like as a child growing up in a family with drugs and alcohol. This is why I chose not to use drugs and alcohol Gordon Adams 2012 My name is Gordon Adams; son of the late Jim and Violet Adams. I have lived in Lummi my whole life. I have raised 3 kids as a single parent, owned and operated a purse seiner for over twenty years; I am the former ViceChairman of the Lummi Indian Business Coun- OCT cil. Over the years the work I have done as a councilman for the Lummi Nation has contributed in forming the Economic Development Task force, which helped bring Lummi the Silver Reef Casino. Being a Tribal Councilman allowed me to have a say in the Dislocated Fisherman’s grant project, which helps those affected by the disaster. I was one of the original board members of the Lummi Commercial Company (LCC). As the Special Edition throughout my life. Finally, I would like to see our health care system to continue to develop into a system that accommodates our growing nation. I know there are other issues that are equally important that need to be addressed and I believe with unity in our tribal council we can move forward with these changes. I would like to thank my family and friends for all of their support. In this short amount of time I already have learned a great deal from certain individuals in the community who have shared their kind and encouraging words with me. To all other LlBC candidates I would like to say good luck in the upcoming elections. Respectfully, Johnny Dave Felix Position G former Vice-Chairman of LIBC, I was also a member of the Community Mobilization against Drugs (CMAD). I have addressed Tribal Member issues as a councilman and will continue to be for our people. My goal, if elected again, is to continue to find new ways to put our Lummi Tribal Members to work in regular employment. In 2000 we started the Jobs Now program, which helped those beginning in the work force and gave them an opportunity to learn the skills needed to get regular employment. In 2002 I started Project Cleanup, which helped employ tribal members and clean up the reservation. Now in 2012 I am the Project Manager for the Lummi Community Improvement Project, which helps those tribal members that are unemployed or underemployed get the experience they need to get and keep a job. 9 QUOL O squol quol O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Lummi Indian Business Council Position G Levi Jefferson Position C Continued To Our Commu- term, with your support. nity, Our Tribe has accomThank you for plished a lot these past three letting me be your years. We’re in another sucrepresentative on cessful phase of casino exthe Council these pansion, we’ve purchased past three years. key property next to I-5, Of my many we’re underway with a much years of serving needed Tribal administration on Council, this building, and we’ve broken recent term has ground on a new Headstart for been the most the education of our youth. rewarding. I am Our Tribe donated $1 working hard for million to the NWIC Capital our people and am Campaign and we’ll be lookrunning to contining to do more to help with ue working hard the education of our adults. through another Tom Edwards For us to grow as a nation, to make informed decisions that affect us all, education is vital. Education is one aspect that will continue to make us a leader of other tribes, stronger, and an even more successful Lummi Nation. There is much more that still needs to be done and I’m ready to continue serving you. Being on Council and doing the job right means giving 100% of yourself, being away from home, and not letting anything distract from serving our people. I will continue asking the hard questions, getting down to the answers to make effective decisions, and dedicating 100% of my time to fulfilling the needs of our Lummi Nation. Position G Lummi Nation I Tom Edwards I request your help, support and for votes in the upcoming elections. During my employment at Lummi Natural Resources. My job duties included Spawner Surveying for the Chinook salmon, Water Temperature Surveying, and Wetland Surveying. Activities included retrieval of injured Lummi eagles. These are just a few duties I did at Natural Resources. 10 Education is one Lummi’s primary goals and one of my personal goals from many years on the NWIC Board. It is rewarding to see the college continuing to grow, to see more of our people attaining the certificates and degrees necessary to obtain higher wages and provide for our Lummi families in this changing world. Special Edition I also participated in Historic Preservation, and a U.S. Ambassador for the Western Hemisphere. I studied at Washington University, and the University of Washington. In closing I thank you for your support in the 2012 elections. I hope to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather Isadore Tom. He was also an honored counsel man for Lummi Nation SQUOL c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Position G Julie R. Finkbonner Position G Continued Good Day My Lummi People, First of all I want to give thanks to the Creator for allowing me this opportunity to address my people with the utmost respect and in the best interest of the Lummi Nation. My name is Julie Rae Finkbonner and my Indian name is Tza ho leat sa and I am running for the LIBC Position ‘G’. My parents are Robert L.C. Finkbonner (Me nul e wes) and Della (Cooper) Finkbooner (Sal tal yea Whichtalum), business owners of Finkbonner Shellfish. My siblings are: Bernie Finkbonner (Tulluck) and Raydean; Robin Finkbonner (Sadalkanim) and Robin; Angel Finkbonner-Scott (Tosswextanaut) and Ralph Scott Jr. 2012 Please let this notice come before you as my notification to inform the Lummi community, that I have decided to take another challenging, but positive step forward in my life by submitting my name for a LIBC position in order to serve my community. Throughout various parts of my career within the tribe, I am honored to say it’s been a pleasure to witness prosperity, growth and success with the LIBC and Nation for the past 15+ years. Today, I OCT am currently employed with the LIBC in the capacity of the Human Resources Employee Relations Manager. I am also pursuing my higher education at the NWIC. Now that I’ve grown and accomplished some internal goals within the administrative operations of LIBC, I feel it is now time for me to share and be of service to my people and community through positive leadership. My training/ education and experiences are in Business, Accounting/Finance, Management, Court/Probation, Advocacy, Social Services, Gaming Operations and Gaming Regulatory as Commission Chair of 5 years. I am also a life time Commercial Fisherwoman/ Harvester and have managed and operated our family Seafood Company, Finkbonner Shellfish, for many years, learning business ethics and standards from my father and mother who are my mentors. I believe my knowledge and experiences will be beneficial for our future endeavors if selected to serve on the LIBC. Although, our Nation has many needs which are all very important, it is apparent to the people that the LIBC continues to be unified and collectively focused on all issues and services for the best interest of the people. Success for our people as a whole revolves around our “Journey to Wellness” and how we promote healthy living. If selected for a council seat my position will be to advocate, collaborate, and assist in: • Promoting “Jobs for all Lummis” through mentorship, job shadowing and implementation of 2-5 year replacement plans for supervisory, management and executive positions held by non-tribal people and/or visitors. cestors and we must always continue to stand united and to fight, preserve and protect our “Schelangen”. We are a sovereign nation and a selfgoverning tribe and what we do today is all for the next generations to come, It’s all for our children’s children. Grandparents: • Focus on alternative resources to provide better services to our people “caught up in the court system” with a goal in mind to break the negative cycles consuming some of our families. In closing, I want to wish all the candidates the best of luck this 2012 LIBC Election Season! I especially want to give my gratitude to incumbent, Levi Jefferson who currently occupies the LIBC Position ‘G’, for all his dedication, contributions and hard work during his term in office. I also want to thank Cliff Cultee and Cheryl Sanders for their dedicated services and efforts. I want to thank my parents, family, friends and supporters for the encouragement and confidence you have given me during this election process. Without my parents positive up bring and cultural beliefs where would I be? I raise my hands high to them for being my parents and my successors. Regardless if I attain a seat on the LIBC or not, my work and dedication to my people will carry on. I will continue to advocate for what is in the best interest of our people. Why? Because I am proud to be Lummi and I love my people. Daniel Cooper Sr. – Nooksack Tribe • Indian Child Welfare – Getting sole jurisdiction over our children; liberating them from the state agencies and court systems. • Health Care Improvements (chemical treatment, medical, dental etc.) focusing on the upcoming annual forum. • Continue to advocate for the ongoing needs and improvements for the Youth, Veterans and Elders programs. • Continue securing our Natural Resources and protecting our fishing rights by claiming our U&A and supporting “No Coal” at Cherry Point. Harry Finkbonner (Me nul e wes) Eva Better Solomon (Ke loom mit) Both Lummi Grandparents: Doreen (Thomas) Cooper –Squamish Reserve, BC Canada Great grandparents: Henry Robert Finkbonner (Lummi) & Rose Ann Gutherie, AND Damien Solomon & Edith Lane (Jones) (Both Lummi) Great grandparents: Harry Cooper Whitchtalum(Nooksack) & Josie (Sah bal laugh) Skagit AND Sampson Thomas (Vancouver BC) & Susie Rose George (Squamish Reserve) Great-great grandparents: Charles Christian Finkbonner & Tsealaught (Lummi), AND James Gutherie & E i maut (Lummi), AND August Solomon & Susan Warbus Sam, • P r o m o t i n g p o s i t i v e I appreciate your support, AND August Lane & Elizachange, to be solution orientated and to give “Vote for Julie, position G!” beth Adams back to the people. Your vote and support Great-great grandparents: will not go unnoticed! Much I know I may not have John Whitchtalum & Cecelia the all the answers to all the love and many blessings. (Sal tal yea) questions, but I am willing to Hey sxw qe, research, listen, represent and Great-great-great grandparTza ho leat sa to be a voice for the benefit ents: Julie Finkbonner of the people. Always keeping one thought in mind, that Tza ho leat sa’s Ancestral William Adams & Annie Washington Adams (Lal every day will be the right Chart/Family Tree: time to protect what is ours Father: Me nul e wes (Lum- bough) when it comes to our treaty mi) ** Please note I apolorights, constitution, culture, gize for any errors in advance language and society. We are Mother: Sal tal yea (Nook- if noticed and/or identified. who we are today because of sack) This is only a brief summary our Veterans, Elders, and Anof my ancestry. ~JF Special Edition 11 QUOL Lummi Indian Business Council O squol quol O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 Primary and General Election Schedule 2012 PRIMARY ELECTION SCHEDULE October 20th, 2012 Polls Open: 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m, Council Chambers October 10, 2012 to October 19, 2012 Absentee Ballots Available: 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. You may register at the Enrollment Office weekdays from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Voters Lists is available in the September Squol Quol, Squol Quol Special Edition and will be posted at the Lummi Clinic, LIBC, Employment Training Center, and at the Enrollment Office. 2012 GENERAL ELECTION SCHEDULE November 3rd, 2012 Polls Open: 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., Council Chambers October 24th, 2012 DEADLINE for Voter Registration for the General Election until 4:30 p.m. You may register at the Enrollment Office during the weekday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. October 25, 2012 - November 2, 2012 Absentee Ballots Available 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Certification of the General Election will be at LIBC’s Regular Scheduled Meeting ELECTION STAFF AND COMMITTEE ENROLLMENT OFFICE Vela K. Kamkoff 360-384-2237 Tamera Julius 360-384-2363 Christine Cultee 360-384-2206 Election Committee Officers Teresa Butler, Chairperson Rosalyn Bland, Vice Chairperson Election Committee Theresa Lawrence Loreen Wilbur Donna Cultee Adrian Jefferson-Ayosa Carla Hillaire Title 29, Chapter 29.05.020 Section (i) (concerning Absentee Ballot, home visit regulation). It says: Lummi Nation “ If an eligible voter is sick or shutin and unable to get to the polls on election day, one member of the Election /Enrollment Committee and one member of the General Council Certifying Committee shall go to the voter’s residence at the voter’s request on Monday through Friday, during the week preceding the election” 12 HOME VISITS Home visits are available for those homebound, in a nursing home, or in the hospital. One Election Committee Member Certifying Committee Christine Julius Irene Thomas Vernell Lane Cathy Ballew Alternates this year: Bobbi Joe Tally Keith Tom and one Certifying Committee Vela, 360-384-2237 Member will come to you with a Tamera, 3600-384-2363 ballot. Christine 360-384-2206 Call and set up an appointment. REGISTER TO VOTE For the General Election by October 24, 2012 VOTE Primary Election: October 20, 2012 General Election: November 3, 2012 Special Edition
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