Thuse News - South Parkersburg United Methodist Church
Thuse News - South Parkersburg United Methodist Church
October 2014 Sr. Pastor: The Rev. James Plyburn • 1813 Rayon Drive • Parkersburg, WV 26101 Church Office: 304-428-1195 • Pastor Jim’s Cell Phone: 304-360-3969; Parsonage: 304-360-3969 Church e-mail address: • website: Thuse News To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known South Parkersburg United Methodist Church Newsletter Pastor’s Message Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. October is here already and several special worship services are planned for this month. This Sunday, October 5th, we are celebrating a special Holy Communion as the first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday. Christians around the world are encouraged to celebrate Holy Communion as a part of their worship on this day. In many places, Christians from various denominations come together on this day to jointly celebrate Holy Communion, setting aside our differences and focusing on that main thing we have in common, that we are all part of the Body of Christ. As a part of this Sunday’s morning worship service we will be dedicating the Prayer and Memory Garden, located at the north-east corner of the Sanctuary, that was planned and built by Justin Bosley as his Eagle Scout Project. Members of the congregation were invited to purchase a brick in memory or in honor of a loved one. More than 150 bricks were purchased and engraved with the names of those remembered or honored. This project turned out beautifully and will be a lasting asset to the church grounds. This Sunday evening, October 5th, we will gather at the picnic shelter behind the Lubeck Fire Department at 5:00 P.M. for our annual church picnic. Hot dogs and drinks will be provided. You are asked to bring a covered-dish salad, vegetable or dessert, along with lounge chairs, and join the fun at the picnic. There will be special activities for all ages and a vesper service around the campfire. Don’t miss it! On Sunday, October 12th, we will be celebrating Children’s Sabbath, a worship service focusing on the needs of children in our community. We will also recognize “Undie Sunday” on October 12th. This is a mission project of the United Methodist Women. You are encouraged to purchase new packages of underwear for children, youth, and adults, as well as packages of socks. Please bring them to morning worship where they will be collected during the service. Sunday, October 19th, will be a very special Sunday as I have invited a special friend, Rev. David Erenrich, a retired pastor and former District Superintendent in the West Virginia Annual Conference, to preach at both the morning and evening services that day. Special music is also being planned, so plan to be in attendance that Sunday. David and his wife, Janice, now reside in Hagerstown, Maryland, and are looking forward to spending time with us in Parkersburg. Janice’s father, Rev. Art Backus, is also a retired pastor who served First UMC, Parkersburg, many years ago. Please extend a warm welcome to the Erenriches and invite your family and friends to join us that Sunday! Wednesday, October 29th, will be our annual Charge Conference at Trinity United Methodist Church. Our time of fellowship begins with a covered-dish meal at 5:30 P.M., followed by the Charge Conference business and worship service in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to attend. This will take the place of our Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. There will also be NO SPARK that evening. As you can see, October will be a busy, but a blessed month. May God continue to pour out His Blessings upon you and your family, in the name of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessings and Prayers, Pastor Jim His Name is Jesus We have started practicing for this years Christmas Cantata, “His Name is Jesus”. And would you believe it, we have a book and a seat just for you. Anyone can “make a joyful noise” and join us. You may find that you really enjoy singing in the choir and keep on singing. We have a great time and fellowship while we practice. Practice is on Sunday evenings at 5:30. If there is no church service that night, then practice is also canceled. The first part of practice will be on the cantata, then we will practice on music for Sunday Morning. We sing on the first and third Sundays of the month and practice at 9:15 in the choir/video room in the basement on the morning that we sing. Hope to see you there! - 1 - Meet Your Church Family… Jim, Donnette, Cody and Devon The Van Allen family have attended SPUMC since 1997 when we moved to the Parkersburg area. Jim and Donnette were married right before we moved to Parkersburg, so have spent our whole married life here! Since we have been here, we were also blessed with our 2 sons – Cody (age 13) and Devon (age 11)! Both of our boys were baptized here at SPUMC and, when they wanted to rededicate their baptisms after attending a tweens retreat, our whole family had a baptism rededication together here. SPUMC holds a special place in our lives! Jim and Donnette are both engineers at DuPont. After July 1, 2015, part of DuPont is spinning off to form a separate company and Jim will be part of the new company. Jim works as a Control Systems Engineer supporting Telomers, part of the Teflon® business. Donnette is an area manager for Delrin® polymers division. We moved to Parkersburg for work at DuPont. Jim is originally from North Tonawanda, NY (suburb of Buffalo) and Donnette is from St. Petersburg, FL, although, after 17 years, we have been here long enough that this is “home” for us now! Cody and Devon are now both in middle school. (It is hard to believe how quickly they are growing up!!) Cody is an 8th grader and Devon is a 6th grader at Hamilton Middle School. (Yes – we are “North enders”, so they will eventually be Big Reds, but don’t hold that against us!) They both enjoy school and sing in the school choir, as well as play in band. Cody plays clarinet, sings in the Hamilton Singers Ensemble group and the Boys Ensemble for the Smoot Theater. Cody was selected to attend the WV Governor’s School for Math and Science last summer. Devon plays drums in the school band and plays football for the North Parkersburg Ramblers. Devon also loves basketball and will be trying out for the Hamilton Middle team later this year. Cody and Devon are both active members and student leaders for Boy Scouts in Troop 6 at 7th Street United Methodist Church. Between all of their activities, sports, music, church, and homework, we stay VERY busy and, as Donnette’s mom says, we keep the roads hot!! As far as church activities, we are very involved here. Cody and Devon grew up active in the children’s programs here and now participate in Youth, Sunday School, sometimes help with the Nursery, and will eventually join the Adoration Singers (after football season…). Jim is a member of the Pastor Relations Committee. Donnette helps teach Children’s Church and children’s Sunday School, recently joined the Trustees, and also plans to rejoin Adoration Singers with the boys post football. We will also participate in the Christmas Cantata. Thank you all for accepting us into the church family here! We have been truly blessed with so many friends and extended/adopted family here! We love you! CALLING ALL SASSY SENIORS, AND ANYONE WHO LOVES PUMPKIN! “THE GREATEST FREE SHOW ON EARTH” Plan now to join the fun and caravan to Circleville Ohio on Friday October 17th for the 108th Annual Circleville Pumpkin Show. This is Ohio’s oldest and largest festival. There is everything pumpkin: Displays of pumpkins, arts and crafts, canned goods, art show, baked goods. Entertainment, concerts, rides, games, a parade every day. Pumpkin Delicacies, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin fudge, pumpkin burgers, pumpkin pizza, pumpkin chili and more -- and featuring the worlds largest pumpkin pie. Contact Phyllis Bradley if you are interested in spending a day with everything pumpkin. Phone: 740-315-5155 e-mail: Or just give a holler at church -2- LONG-TERM PRAYER LIST NURSING HOMES: THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY: WILLOWS: Owel & Willa Spencer (both in room 209—phone 304-480-3071 WYNGATE SENIOR LIVING: Mary Potts, Dorothy Gates, Irene King THE HERITAGE (Assisted Living) : ST. MARYS, WV: Betty Deem CEDAR GROVE: 110 Nicolette Road (26104) Betty Hardman (Room 51) Joseph Harris (Navy, Ed & Linda’s son) 1250 Auwai Drive Wahiawa – HI 96786 Matthew McEndree (US Air ForcePat Tucker’s family) Afghanistan (no address yet) HOMEBOUND: Jack & Gerry Branch, Gearold & Thelma Mathess, Iris Smith, Jean Stephens, Wilma Thompson, Wanda Buckley, Maxine Custer, Kathleen Allman PTL = Praise The Lord… Sgt. Joshua Pritchard will be coming home from New River on October 03, 2014. We are so blessed to say that he is coming home and that he was kept safe during his 5 years in the USMC. God is Good. He will be going to college in January to further his education in his field. New Prayer Garden Completed! Thanks, Justin! Backpack Blessings Update First of all, a big thank you for all the new volunteers (and the regular ones, too) who have agreed to shop, fill bags and deliver them! Also, a big thank you to Foodland for providing a shopping cart for us to keep in the church basement for you to bring in your purchases and for us to move these items easily to the CFC. We are now providing a weekend snack bag to 54 students from Fairplains, Martin and Gihon elementary schools! Each bag costs approximately $4.93 each week -- for a total of $266.22 each week! This ministry has grown tremendously since we began last year. The sad thing is that there are many children who do not get enough to eat when school is not in session. We are providing a much needed ministry. Our committee is continually exploring new ideas, especially how to fund this ministry. If anybody in our congregation has had any training on how to write grants or if you know someone who has that knowledge, please let us know. In the meantime, we thank all of you for your generosity and your prayers! We couldn’t do this without you! -3- Sam Church Council Meeting Highlights – Tuesday, September 16, 2014 The Church Council met on Tuesday, September 16, 2014. Pastor Jim opened the meeting with prayer. Jan Barnes chaired the meeting. Some highlights from the meeting are as follows: Brent Wilhelm – Finance Committee: Apportionments are up-to-date through August. The Outreach Ministry has a positive balance of $5,288.99. Attention is still needed on repayment of the remaining balance of $7,795.27 borrowed from our Gen. Operating Fund to pay for the parsonage porch project. We are down $4,668.40 YTD in our General Operating Fund (expenses vs. revenue). Recommendation has been made to designate our Thanksgiving (Cash Day) Offering toward repayment to our General Operating Fund. The Finance Committee recommends to the Lay Leadership Committee that a “Chairperson of the Ministry Group (Work Area) on Missions” be named. The 2015 budget is now being drafted. Jennifer Plyburn – Christian Ed & Youth Ministry: Jennifer reported that she could use volunteers to assist with SPARK on Wed. evenings. 5th Quarter is going well. All are invited to visit to Sweet Apple Farm Oct. 19. Youth will be having fundraisers to obtain funds for their trip to “Youth 2015 in Orlando” in June of next year. Kathryn Miller – SPRC Chairperson: The SPRC committee recommended certain salary increases, which were unanimously approved. Janet Myers – Finance Chairperson: Emphasized the need to focus on repayment of funds borrowed from our General Operating fund. We have been receiving generous giving to our new ministries, but have not had follow-through on completion of some former projects. Rick Deem – Trustee report: The walk-in garage door and van radio that were damaged and/or stolen during recent breakins to the garage have been replaced. There will be a Work Day on Oct. 18 to trim shrubs, do some painting, etc. There are also a few items that need taken care of at the parsonage. Since we have recently had three break-ins at the garage/ church, the Trustees recommend a security system be installed. An anonymous donor will pay $1,000 for the system. The church would be responsible for a $35-40/month monitoring fee. Cathi Wermter made a motion we proceed with the installation. Brent Wilhelm seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Cathi Wermter – Outreach Ministries (BackYard & BackPack): New $17 box fans were distributed to all the back yard friends. They were also given wading pools and bicycles for the children. Other needs have been met, such as small co-pays for medicine. As of this meeting, Back Pack Ministries is serving 21 children in local elementary schools. Pastor Jim –UMM/UMW sponsored a food handling class – 65 people were in attendance (included many persons from other churches). The Lay Leadership Committee is working on nominations for 2015. A special church council meeting will be held on Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. to approve new officers and the budget for 2015. This must be done prior to Charge Conference on Oct. 29. Checking Account Balances after First Eight Months of 2014: Pays ALL operating expenses, such as, salaries for pastor and staff, insurance on all properties and pastor; utilities at church, CFC and parsonage; apportionments; General Operating Fund 15,951.97 worship materials, Sunday school and children’s ministries and VBS; office, van, choirs, DVD’s, cleaning and CFC supplies; missionary, food pantry and local mission ministries. Improvement (Building) -7,171.16 Pays for improvements and upgrades on existing property. Repayment of the $ Fund (in the red) 7,795.27 loan balance will leave a positive balance in this fund of $ 624.11. SPUMC Outreach Fund 5,288.99 Pays for Back Pack and Back Yard ministries. Memorial Fund 1,653.80 Used for memorial projects (in memory of or in honor of someone) If you would like further details on any financial reports, see Brent Wilhelm, Treasurer. Thank you. Kroger Rewards Update Good news on Kroger rewards for our scout troop #17. We no longer need to load money on a gift card for them to get the rebates. All that is needed is to follow the instructions in the attached e-mail, making sure to note our organization #83580. Then, after getting that number registered through your own Kroger Plus card, all purchases will automatically give our scouts the 5% rebate. Thanks for your participation !! This is an easy way to give the scouts much needed funds and it doesn’t cost us anything except the few minutes it take to register on-line !! Any of your friends and family can register also. The more people that register, the more funds for our scouts !! There are scouts that get to participate in special training and camping events that would otherwise be without the necessary funds to do so - all because of you taking the time to -4register !! THANKS !!! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION & YOUTH MINISTRY NOTES FROM JENNIFER… SPARK – The children are having a great time on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 P.M. They are learning The Lord’s Prayer and have been making a prayer book. They visited the new Prayer Garden – an Eagle Scout project by Justin Bosley – and gathered for a time of prayer there. All children ages 4 years old through 5th grade are invited to participate! The younger elementary children (preschool and Kindergarten – 2nd grade) will be providing special music during worship on Sunday, October 12th. Sheila Mays will be rehearsing with them during Children’s Worship on Sunday, October 5th and during SPARK on Wednesday, October 8th. Please make a special effort to have your children here for these rehearsals and at church to sing on the 12th! SPARK FAMILIES and YOUTH GROUP are invited to share in an afternoon of fun at Sweetapple Farm in Vincent, Ohio, on Sunday, October 19th immediately following Sunday School. We have a shelter with fire-pit reserved (12:30 – 2:30 P.M.) and a hayride ($4/person) is scheduled for 2:30 P.M. There are other activities available including a corn maze ($4/person), make your own scarecrow, and pumpkin decorating. Concessions are available there, or you may bring your own lunch. Please sign-up in the Gathering Area or contact Jennifer Plyburn, if you plan to participate. Sweetapple Farm requires payment made by the group leader upon arrival. Family and friends are invited to join us! Everyone welcome! YOUTH GROUP – Our youth group meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. Once a month, they are meeting with other combined parish youth groups. Our next combined event is Sunday, October 19th at Sweetapple Farm in Vincent, Ohio. We will leave immediately following Sunday School and meet the other groups there. (There will be NO youth group that evening.) We have two more 5th Quarter events…Friday, October 17th and Friday, October 31st…following Parkersburg South High School HOME football games! The high school students that are attending are really enjoying a great time of good food, fellowship, and fun! Donations of individual cans of pop, water, chips, and cookies are greatly appreciated! Thanks! TRUNK OR TREAT is scheduled for Thursday, October 30th from 6:00 – 8:00 P.M. on the church parking lot. Please plan to bring your vehicle (decorated, if possible!) and lots of candy! All vehicles should be parked and ready to begin by 5:30 P.M. Come join in the fun! -5-