Dynamic Area Lighting
Dynamic Area Lighting
F r a u n h o f e r R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t i o n f o r O r g a n i c s , M at e r i a l s a n d E l e c t r o n i c D e v i c e s CO M EDD 1 1 This OLED design was Dynamic Area Lighting developed within project PAFTO – 14461 / 2514 funded by Saxon Government (SAB). The organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is dynamic lighting effects can be realized and the first ever real area light source, only two the possibilities are unlimited. millimeters thin and optional transparent. The light emitting area offers lots of design With its TABOLA® DISCO Fraunhofer opportunities. Grids as graphics, multiple COMEDD shows the largest monolithic colors on one substrate, independent seg- dynamic area lighting module available ments and lots more. worldwide with 72 independent segments Fraunhofer Research Institution for on a 320 mm diameter substrate. Lighting Organics, Materials and Electronic Fraunhofer COMEDD provides first OLED designers and manufacturers can use Devices COMEDD designs with multiple independent OLED Fraunhofer COMEDD’s OLED design experi- segments on one glass substrate to ences and OLED pilot production flexibility Maria-Reiche-Str. 2 customers. We call it monolithic dynamic on Gen2 glass substrates to realize their 01109 Dresden area lighting. own OLED design within short time. Contact Every segment on a dynamic OLED has Please contact us for consulting on OLED Ines Schedwill its own anode and a shared cathode. In design! Phone +49 351 8823-238 combination with intelligent control a lot of ines.schedwill@comedd.fraunhofer.de www.comedd.fraunhofer.de www.tabola.eu ISO 9001:2008 erti RA C fica tio Quality Management n K DE We are certified ce rtified dynamic-e Voluntary participation in regular monitoring according to ISO 9001:2008 Dynamic OLEDs 1 TABOLA DISCO The infrastructure of Fraunhofer COMEDD TABOLA LEAF consists of several process lines, which have TA B O L A been implemented in a 900 m² class 10 clean room. OLEDs are manufactured on OLED LIGHT TABLET a pilot line on Gen2 substrates (370 × 470 mm²). Dimensions (W × H × D) [mm³] ø 320 × 1.9 Number of active segments 75 × 76 × 1.9 72 (24 × 3) 4 Typ. voltage [V] 8.9 8.9 opment and pilot production especially for Typ. current flow [mA per segment] 20 23 the following fields of application: 3500 3500 90 90 Typ. color temp. (integrating sphere) [K] Typ. CRI Fraunhofer COMEDD offers research, devel- OLED Lighting and Signage 1 All OLED samples are research samples. Any changes in favor of technical progress are reserved. OLED-on-CMOS integration Organic Solar Cells Light Glass Substrate Cover Glass ITO Anode Substrate Metal Passivation Cathode Organic Stack (up to 20 layers) Encapsulation Schematic diagram of an OLED. 400 500 600 700 Wavelength [nm] 800 Emission spectrum of a white OLED (CRI >90). Customized OLED with signage.